Nether Land Bible 8 YearS Old 11 MiLLioN Words

“Nether Land Bible 8 YearS Old 11 MiLLioN Words”
Perhaps A Subchapter of “SonG oF my SoUL” Rather

Long Yet not as Long as “SonG oF mY SoUL” At
13 MiLLioN Words in 130 Months of Effort Now

Yet the Word Nether May Apply to What is

Far Below and Perhaps Mysteries Still

Left to Explore Hehe actually i Had

A FRiEnD Who Lived in the Netherlands

Who Somewhat Inspired the Title Way Back
When It Started On Memorial Day Weekend of 2016

Yet the Phrase Nether Land Can And Will Be Used As

Metaphor in Many Ways Including the Ocean Deep of Our

Subconscious Minds that Springs Creativity in Flow Yet Known

to Our Conscious Minds Until Creativity Springs Fresh Through
DarK Thru LiGHT With New

Colors That Naturally

Come for Us to Explore

Even More in the Art of Flow
We Naturally Generate Below So Above

Hehe It’s Also Somewhat of A Never Land
Peter Pan or Just Plain Old Pan of the Forest Story

Sort of Fairy
Tales that


Come Real
to Fruition Now

A Few Wendy’s and
Tinker Bell’s May Also Star

As The SHoW Goes on And

Comes in an Era of American

History Where A Whole Way

of Life of Liberty and the

Pursuit of Happiness

Is at Stake

i Dance And Sing
Free in FLoW NeW As Long
As This LoVE iN Peace Evolves Now…

As Subchapters of EPiC Longest Long
Form Poems Naturally Become EPiC More Hehe…

“acting not as a protagonist
but as an antagonist in my story”

SMiLes Dear Isha Perhaps This is a
Greatest Challenge Most of

Us Greet And Meet In Life
Generating The LiGHT

Unto And Into

Unlike the Sun

We Have the
Ability to Entertain
Both DarK And LiGHT

And What i Continue to Find
is DarK Eventually Colors LiGHT

Yet of Course A Practice of A Lifetime
to Make Life A Beauty of Balance in Lasting


ThiS WAY New

More Colorful To Come Now..:)

Ah Yes Dear Miriam No
Matter How the Humans
May Complain About the
Heat and Humidity and
Rains of Florida


Down Here


And Lawns
More Beautiful
With Smells Now of

Life Than Ever Before

For What May Eventually
Change From Forest to Jungle Hehe

As the Rest of Nature Basically Replies
Bring on the Change Adaptation Will Come

With or
Us Next With
Green More
Colorful SMiLes..:)

Care Who Really
Care Are Rain
For Flowers


Again SMiling
Coloring World Bold

Thanks For Reaching
Out to Pull A Thorn From



Sweet FRiEnD

Traditionally, Boats Require Anchors to Provide
Safe Harbors For Boats Sailing into Rough Seas;
Yet Indeed, More Liberally, Sails to Explore
Fair Winds And Following Seas; Otherwise,

New Green Lands

With Abundance

May Be Left Behind

For CaveS in Deserts

In SCaRCiTiES For Even Water to Drink…

Yawn, i’m More Like a Cat, i Love to Explore;
Particularly in the Spring; Yet Really Always Now

Will Do; In Fact, Slowly Dancing Around the Neighborhood

Block, Some Little Nippy Dogs Behind Their Fence

Barked at me Incessantly to Provide Safety For

THeir Masters, Even Though i’m Sure my

DarK SHades, Such ‘Big Brown Eyes,’ (Hiding
Green Changing Sailing to Blue EYeS) And

my Size of 246 Pounds Likely

Was A Bit Intimidating

As They Continued to
Back Away From me From
The Fence Edge As they Continued
Their Warning Not to Approach Their
Territory And Their Conservative Responsibility
To Keep a Safe Tradition of Life intact for All Concerned;

It’s True, ‘Dogs and Cats;’ ‘Sails and Anchors,’ Serve A Wonderful

Yang and Yin Purpose of Life; Without Both, OuR World Will Likely

Fall Out of Balance in So Many Ways as the Human One is Surely Doing today;

For You See, No Matter
What Ya Wanna Call the
Republican Party and
Related Tradition

of Church

And Or State;

They Are Failing THeir
Duties to Provide Safe Harbors
With Anchors of Tradition ThiS Way;

In Fact, Now Corporations Are Having to Take Up the
Slack Instead, in Terms of a Country Using Close to 40 Percent of
the Human Resources of the Earth, With 4 Percent of the Population;

In Terms of Close to 40 Percent of Pandemic Deaths Globally AS Such too;

In Terms of Close to 40 Percent of Mass Shootings Globally For Real too; Yes,

In Terms Now of Taking Away the Health Care Needs Associated With Reproductive

Freedoms of Women; Indeed, Half of the Yin and Yang of Humanity Overall as Now

We aRe Getting Past the 2 Minute Warning As Anarchy Continues to Approach As Yes

The Once Protectors of Our Representative Democracy Continue to Support A Leader

Who Attempted to Use The Department of Justice Illegally to Overturn A Fair Election

At the Core of What Representative Democracy Even Means; And At the Height of Ignorance

And ‘Sin’ As They Say of ‘Missing the Mark of Justice,’ Even Those Who Admit This Demagogue

Wanna Be Dictator for an Autocracy Guised in the Push for An Old Theocracy Using Old Tradition

As A Tool For Dictatorship Hopes;

God No, Yes, He is Still Supported

Even Admitted As A ‘Father oF ALL Lies’ For Real…

You See Now This Has Nothing to Do With the Hate
of Conservative; As The ‘Grand Old Party of Tradition’

No Longer Supports The Safety That Comes With Tradition;

So, What Have Corporations Had to Do; Well Yes, When the Catholic
And other Churches Rid Rules of Social Distancing and Masking to
Protect in A Most Deadly Delta Part of a Pandemic, They Required Their

Workers to Social Distance
And Mask; And Yes After Mass

Shootings, Dick’s Sporting Good’s

And Other Corporate Suppliers of

Assault Style Weapons Took Them

Off Their Shelves; And What Else, Yes,

Corporations Are Now Supporting The Health
Care And Related Reproductive Freedoms of Their

Employees For at Core of What it Even means to Be Free
in Autonomy over Our Own God Dammed Bodies Free For The

Sanctity of Breathing Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit For Happiness,

No Matter How Butt Hurt That makes Someone Else Who Doesn’t Wanna

See Them Free ThiS Way And Insists on Violating Their Rights to the Sanctity

of Breathing Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Individual And Group Happiness;

No Matter How

Different their
Personal And
Group Definitions
May Be as Long As They
Do Least Harm to Others
And The Rest of Nature for Real…

So What About Number One on the List;

How We Americans With 4 Percent of the Population
of the Earth Use Close to 40 Percent of Global Resources And

Continue to Spread A God of Money And Capitalism to
Consume the Breathing Nature of Earth And Associated

Resources to Extinction And Death As Already About 50 Percent
of Plant And Animal Species Have Been Killed By The Deadly Hand

of Human So-called kind This Way, in Just A Very Few Centuries with
1 in 8 of the Rest Studied to go Extinct And Out of Existence in the Coming Decades;

Well, That’s Not Something Corporations Are Gonna Solve; Perhaps, if Folks Really Believed

That it is As Hard For the Rich Person to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Within For Real Now
As A Really Obese Camel Entering Through An Eye of A Needle; And Yes, Per Luke 17:21, Unless

One Looks Within

And Actually Becomes

Naked Enough Whole Complete

God As Force of Love Without Fear Now,

Inhaling Peace Exhaling LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT;
Giving, Sharing, Caring, Healing So Much More

Than Taking, Hoarding, Callousness Toward Each
Other’s Different Needs and Wants Toward A More
Perfect Union For All; And Yes, So Much More Than

Harming Rather Than Healing Now too; WE Fall, WE

Fall to the Worst

Human Pandemic

oF all to Ignorance

of Who We Are Even Born to
Be to Love Each Other This Way

As It’s True So Far HiSToRY SHoWS

And Continues to Evidence Today For Real;

The Human CuLTuRaL Pandemic of Ignorance




Kills As A Cancer

Upon Each Other And
the Rest of Nature Most

As Currently We Witness

A Zombie Apocalypse For
Real Where We Continue to Eat
Nature, All Our Faces Out of Balance…

Brains, Brains, Brains, WHere in the World

HaS HeART, SPiRiT, SoUL of Love Gone Away;

Yes, Out to Sea it Seems No Longer With Anchors

And Safe Harbors For A Tradition Even Worth Believing

in, In Terms of the Sanctity of Breathing Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit

of Happiness

For All Of

Love That

Is Born And Dies For Real Now;

And Listen, i Realize Not Everyone

Has Evolved to See a Bigger Picture View Like this;

And Indeed, This Is Part of the Problem of Liberal Sails Out of Control

When Humans Are So Distracted By Freedom That They Lose the Anchors
of Safety That Make Tradition Work, What We End Up With Is What Science

Shows is the Average Attention Span of Less than 3 Seconds; Yes, Less Than that of

A Gold Fish For F in Real,

When No One is Able to

Pay Attention, the Metaphor

of the Once Wild Wolf Is Free

To Become Domesticated and

Feast on PeNNeD Up Sheep In Books oF Old

That No Longer Suffice for A New World Reality Now;

What This Means is ‘These Days,’ ‘Blue Whales’ Like me Are

Mostly Invisible, Except For Pockets of the World Somewhat

Immune to the DiSEase of Sails With No Anchors; What We Need

Now is Balance; It’s Not Easy For Most Folks By Far; Yet True, So Easy

For me, A Blue Whale Who Is Now Naked, Enough, Ocean Whole God Complete…

Swimming as A Wave And Water Whole Just Flowing So Very Free Now For Real All

It’s True

if We
Could Understand
The Free FLoWinG
Dance And SonG of Whales;

No Longer Would We Be MiSSinG
From the Nature of God For Real….

This is Just A Whale’s Dance And Song;
And Indeed A Rare And Truly Endangered ONE too…

Yet i Breathe…

Yet i Breathe…

My God Real

In Deepest And
Shallow Places Alive
And Loving Well WITH

– i AM

Anyway, Thanks For Your
Opinion, “Hollywoodguy”

And it’s Worth Noting For me at
Least Dancing in Public for 20,133

Miles Now in A Metro Area of
‘TRumP Town USA’ That i Started

This Whole FLoW in Autotelic
Meditative Art of Mind and Body
Balance Wearing Shades to Begin With At Night

Well Before This ‘TRuMP Town USA;’ Started
Calling me Famous and Legend After About
A Year of Doing it Back in 2014 as Now 130
Months of This Holy And Sacred Dance Is Real;

As Don’t Forget, Not Only is THeRE Luke 17:21 For
Real AS Free Dance and Flow of Song in Poetry iS How i Attain
The Kingdom And Or Queendom of Heaven Within in Balance

Almost Always Now As Even Science Now Identifies is As Real

AS Human
Gets for
Well Being ThiS Way;

Yes, THere is Also
John 14:12 For Real too;

And Yesterday was the
97th Month Anniversary Date
on 6.26.2024 of ‘Netherland
Bible’ At 11 MiLLioN Words Ever
Since Memorial Day of 2016 And

(Also, “FB Profile Pic Bible” included
in the Description Areas of Profile
Pics on Facebook at 9.4 MiLLioN
Words in 85 Months As Just Another
Subchapter EPiC Longest Form Bible
“SonG oF mY SoUL;” Yep, Epic Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Now at 13
MiLLioN Words in 130 Months of Effort)

The Modern ‘Rise of Gru’ Actually
Started Then Along with the Support
of All Of His ‘Minions’ as a Most Despicable
Leader Who Asserted Clearly They would Follow
Him, Even if He Shot Someone in Public on 5th Avenue;

Bang, Bang, Bang, A Million Folks Dead From a Pandemic
He Modeled Unmasked; Bang, Bang, Bang, Even More Mass
Shootings With Glory to the God of Guns/Money; Bang, Bang, Bang;

Yes, Attempting to Illegally Use the DOJ to Steal Away A Fair Election
STiLL NoW Core to Our Representative Democracy; Yet You See That is Only

3 Bangs; Now It’s Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, For the Suffering Among the
Most Marginalized Folks in the United States, Taking Their Reproductive
Freedoms and Associated Health Care Away As the Minister in Dark Accomplished

Much of What
He Set Out

to Do on
5th Avenue
At First For Real;
Yep, Times Four and More

Meanwhile, i Just Felt Like

Wearing Shades and Dancing

Just For the Heaven oF IT Within; Meanwhile,

The Rest of the World Basically Went to Hell;

Yet of course, i Got out First After 66 Months; Now

Watching So Many Others Follow to the Other Place too;

Now it is Up to Them Soley and Souly to Get Out; Just As it was for


~Just Another
‘Invisible Dude’

Overall, So Far at Least;

And That’S How i Plan IT FOR Real Effortless in Ease
As i Am No Fool oF A Boat With Sails With No Anchors.

~This Isn’t About me…


For You See, The Way i See
Reality is All Reality is God;

So i Do Believe it’s Worth
The Effort to At Least Come Now to Understand
And Love More About This Reality Now That is God to me,


DarK is LiGHT

DarK or LiGHT
Muse Works for me


It’s All About SoUL

Without Fear…

Does An Ant Understand the Construction of ‘the Mound’: No

Does A Human Understand the Construction of ‘Nature’: No

Surely Not At

Parts Whole View

Yet We Do Have Tools

To See Farther And A Real Intuitive Soul

Now To See Deeper Than ‘Equation Deep’…

Humanity Will Never Be Reduced to Mere Measure Alone…
Truly A Crux of this Issue is Near Sighted Versus Far Sighted Soul More…

Yet Again That Goes Far Beyond Scientific or Logical Enquiry Matters of

Soul Are Feelings And Sensings Far Beyond What Any Equation or Logic Measures…



Colors Life More…

Others See Closer
to Black And White Paint By Numbers…

And It’s True Understanding the Depth of

The Pain of Others Not An Aptitude All Feel/Deliver For Real…

In Other Words, This ISSUE IS A NO BRAINER FOR SOME; Where
Soul Comes to Play Deeper For Real… Where Compassion is Deeper

Than Near



Only As Small

As A Mass of Cells

That Becomes More

Not All Acorns Become Trees

It’s Nature’s Way And Not All Folks See Nature’s Way…

Humans Tend to Value The Abstract Constructs they
Create More Than A Reality of Life Breathing Now That’s A Real
Problem Yet Just Another Part of Human Nature To Deal With Now (Culture)

A Democracy At Best Has Enough Voices to Drown Out Ignorance at Small Depth…

Not Perfect; Yet It’s working Better Here in the United States Than Some other places at least…

And Fascinatingly

‘This Thread’

Is A


Of Just That And This..:)

It’s True Overall, CuLTuRE is a Most Dangerous

Religion And Potential Building

To Create Dreams

On Earth Come True

Unlimited Ways to Clothe

Humanity Yet What Also Culture

Will Do is Hide Us From the Nature

of Who We Even Are Hide Us From

Love And Kindness And Empathy

Hide Us From Others Who

Are Different Than

We Are

Hide Us

From Our Basic

Pleasures of Life

Sit Us in Front of A Screen

Where We Become Functionally

And Voluntarily Disabled Only Human Fingers

With Eyes And Ears Yet On the Other Hand Fitting

Our Souls Through Fiber Optic Cables At the Speed

oF LiGHT Around the Globe Touching Other Souls

With Art of Who We Still Evolve to Come and

Be Again It’s Not Necessary For Mozart,

Beethoven, And Einstein

And Buddha,

Jesus, Lao

Tzu, if They Were
Actually Real Folks
Per Story to Get Lost

At the Bus Stop Playing Candy

Crush With No Cool Story Bro And

Or Sis in Forrest And or Frances Gump

Ways to Relate to the Doctor in Mexico Hehe

Or The Health Executive Puerto Rican Woman
From New York, New York, And All the Other
Places i For one Touch in A Day of my Soul Way

Religion is What Bonds and Binds Folks Together
It Doesn’t Have to Have the Word God/Devil to Be A Nightmare

For The Essences of the Joys and The Evils Whether the Name God

Or Devil Used are the Same We Must Choose Our Poisons or Elixirs Well

From the Chalice We Are Spoon-Fed From Birth As Insane As We May

Move Away

From the


of Who We Even

Are As Humans Naked
Dancing Singing Foraging
Giving Caring Empathic
Hairless Apes Living

With Least Harm

For All Existence

In Balance



Seeing Beauty

of Sunrises Sunsets

Twilight Forevermore now

At Least for those Who Find A

Balance ‘Tween DarK and LiGHT

Everyone Tells a Story By Who

They Are And What They

Do Yet the Essence

of the


Is How they

Feel And Sense Life Now For Real
Heaven or Hell Purgatory Grey SHades
BLack Abyss Beyond Rainbow Colors

This Life is Well Beyond the Heaven And
Hell of Old Antiquated Fictional Stories 2000
Years More or Less Dusty Dead in Other Ages….

It’s Hard to Believe Folks Worship Words of Authors So Far Away
In Another Age Yet They Do They Do as Rational is Not often Human Do….

And Most



Art only

Cogs in A Machine…
Kneel Stand Go Home Again
Ever Lost For Creating A Religion of Joy Now…
Your Blog is Your ‘Personal Bible’ i Love it so i’ll Return Again…

Only With

Two Words

to Give “Thank You”..

And Other Side Notes
ALong my Way With SMiLes..:)

mY Happy Place Now Is
Currently BLeSSinGS
BLiSSinGS Of Air
In An All Week
Heat Wave That
Might Not Bother Your
“Indian Build” A Bit Hehe
As i Have This Huge Head
That Retains Heat It’s True
Humans Evolved Further
Away From The Equator
Have Bigger Heads
Overall To Retain


Perfect 20C Summer
Weather For Big Heads
In Toronto With SMiles
Dear FRiEnD Best Weather
To Vacay in Summer Toronto!

Yet You
Be Wearing
A Sweater “Up There”

Love is A Touch


Our Own
Wings That
Free PleaSing

Return With SMiLes Again

Lovely Touching Poem Dear

Akshita Very

With SMiLes

Hoping You Find
A Touch Inseparable

Real From LoVE iN Peace..:)

“Music should be something that
makes you gotta move, inside or outside”

“You work 8 hours to live 4.
You work 6 days to enjoy 1.
You work 8 hours to eat in 15 minutes.
You work 8 hours of sleep 5.
You work all year just to take a week or two vacation.
You work all your life to retire in old age.
And contemplate only your last breaths.”

“Eventually you realize that life is nothing
but a parody of yourself practicing your own oblivion.
We have become so accustomed to material and social
slavery that we no longer see the chains.. ”

“Life is a short journey, live it!”

Wise Words Indeed Dear ‘Peace And Truth’
Thanks For Sharing This Quote on “Nether
Land Bible 8 YearS Old 11 MiLLioN Words”

Yes Thanks For Dropping By the Comments
Section ThiS WaY With SMiLes It is Safe to

Dance And Sing Free i Only PLaY ETeRNaLLY

Now in Effortless ‘Wu Wei’ Ease Dancing

A Tight Rope Higher And Higher

Learning to Fly in Balancing

Force of Flow on Terrestrial

Land Yet Never Leaving

The Planet Staying

Grounded on Mother Earth Real

FRiEnDS With Gravity ThiS WaY Wings
Set Free in All Moves Of Holy Dance And

In All Words of Sacred Song New Ongoing in
Original Creativity Now of Course Standing Upon

All the Original Creativity That Comes Before too

As in Life There Are No Real Separate Efforts All is

Unity All is God to me THiS WaY ToGeTHeR And Free

It’s true Generally Speaking for Large Societies to Work

With A Human Species Really only Evolved to Get Along
Well Naked Enough Whole Complete Together in Small

Homogenous Believing And Doing Villages the Expectation

Is for Us to Fit

As Cogs in the

Machine of Society

From Early School
Work and Even Church
And Home too Not So Very

Free As Original Creativity in Play

May Continue to Come as A Child’s EYes
Wide Awake in Awe And Wonder of all that is
God And All THeRE iS Real Still to Originally Create

Again For

ReaL mY FRiEnD

Always a Beginner Learning
to Fly Again As Every Inhale
of Peace Exhale of Love Paves Our Ways ToGeTHeR iN PLaY…

Oh by the way i Saw Your Quote Shared Here on Your Blog Today
Yet i Had to search out Your Blog Manually as i Didn’t Get Any Word
Press Reader Notifications the Last Few Days And i’ve Noticed This
Happening With A Few Other Bloggers too Anyway i Shall Always

Find A Way

To Find
What You
Bring Free
in Creativity too mY FRiEnD..:)

So Many Lost Tween Two Ears on A Screen

Hands and Ears Attached To Eyes to Live

Yet Embodiment Most Definitely Starts

At The Root Yes Dear

Savvy Our Feet

Roots of Our

Living Trees

If We Don’t Do Weight
Bearing Exercise With Legs

We Lose Our Place FRiEnDS With Gravity

Balance LoSinG Its Way Agility Withering Away

Yes Walk Skip And Dance Free Pump The Blood

From Roots Up to Keep Our Living Tree Leaves Green

And The Best Part oF All You Don’t Have to Leave the

Earth to Fly On Terrestrial Land With Enough Free Dance

in Balance


Tips Become

Weight of Gravity Free

Core of All We Do Balance
At Best With SMiLes Toes to
Head and So Much More Set Free..:)

“Bowling Alone” A Meme of A Modern
Mechanical Age of Human Mind and Being

So Separated From the Warmth Humanity Brings

Just Sharing The Weather Just Sharing A Smile

That Is No

Reason Yet
Human Still to Be
SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb

my Family on my Father’s Side
Was So upset my 3 College Degrees
Were All Academic Instead of Business

Yet That Avenue Only Made Me Feel Dead Inside
Already With the Propensity of an Only Cold Hard
Mechanical Systemizing Science Mind on the Autism

So i Studied Being
Human Instead in Terms
of 3 Degrees in Anthropology
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
And Health Science too there was

Little Chance That Any of that Would Bring
An Avenue Greater For Making Pay Yet Teacher
And In Those Days Great Rote Memory For Multiple
Choice Tests Yet Oral and Written Presentation for What

i Learned
A Definite
Weakness then for me no room to teach

So After Staying Close to the top of the
Class i Ended up Working at a Military Bowling
Center at $3.69 An Hour in 1984 as the Money
Ran Out and the Degree Program for a Master’s

Also Ended
for any More
Potential that way too

Yet Honestly the University
of Military Bowling Center

Taught me More About

Being Human Than those
Degrees Ever Could Interacting
With Probably Over a Hundred Thousand
Folks Over 18 Years Until The Federal Government

Moved Me in a Reduction of Force From Bowling Center
Manager (Where i Never Learned to Bowl) to Print Manager
Behind a Computer for a Bigger Naval Installation in the Next City over…

A Total of 5 Job Changes Would Come in 5 Years Where the Only Reason
i Got the Temporary Promotions were because of the Information Technology
And Financial Management Skills i Learned by Myself along the way Yet Limited

Behind A Screen
i Became Less
And Less Human
And More and More
Machine and Cog In
A Machine of Work Demands too

And That’s when i Fell off the Face of the
Earth With A Synergy in Life Threat of 19 Medical Disorders for 66 Months
in 2008 Including the Worst Pain Known to Humankind Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia no Drug Would Touch Enduring Fight or Flight Level Stress Severely

For those Years
Broke Every
Bodily System
Down in What is
Also Commonly Described
As Both “General Adaptation
Syndrome” and More Specifically
in my Case on the Autism Spectrum
As “Autism Burn-Out” Yep Canary in the

Coal Mine And Mind i Was Then As the World
Continues to Become More Machine Than Human Indeed…

i Rose Back Up on the
Education i Received
At the University of
Military Bowling Center

Yes And Became Fully Human Again
to the Point Where Fast Food Restaurant
Employees Hug both me and my Wife when
We Walk in the Doors Rushing out from the Back
of the Counter Just Recognized Oddly Enough We

It’s Getting
Rarer these days indeed

i tend to see and feel and
sense every Human and the
Rest of Nature As Literally
And Metaphorically God These
Days of Human Warmth Again

LoVE iN Peace
It’s All i Need

And of course
Financial Independence
no longer slave to the
Money God Key to Escape

That Cold Mammon Way of HeLL ON EartH…

Yet True Someone Has to Grease the Machine
With Their Hearts Spirits Souls Waning into Sunset of Being

With SMiLes…

Feel Blessed
To Come Back Fully Alive
Moving Connecting Co-Creating For Real…

All the Stuff That 19 Years of School Left Out…


Indeed Dear Savvy It Takes Both Perseverance

And Patience To Bring All the Pieces of the Puzzle

of Life Back Together Again

For me at Least

A Nap Will Do

Wonders Waking

So Many Pieces of the
Puzzle Easily Coming Together Again…

On the Other Hand Perhaps if i Slept Longer

i’d Find
Even More
of the Pieces in Peace…

Of Course There is the Place
of TWiLiGHT Where Sleep Meets Wake

Generally Where Creativity
Takes Wings

As Night
Becomes Day
Sunsets Become
Sunrises at Night Again to Come…

Invariably Losing Time Distance And Space

In A Brand
New Place
Gaining Wings
Far Beyond only
“A Matter With Things”..:)

Wow ‘Rubber Band Man’ By ‘The Spinners’ Fitting Right iN

Left On Again Oh Yes Dear Lord Yes How Clearly i Remember
The ‘Wasted Hours Upon hours’ Held Prisoner In

Higher Echelon Personnel Meetings Designed

To Reflect On Whatever the ‘Head Honcho’ Had

to Opine That Was in No Way Related to the Job
At Hand
i Am (was)

Hired to Do
Where the Head
Honcho Acted Like
The Job i Was Hired
to Do Then Just a Small Collateral
Duty Far Below my Responsibility
Among Others to Lend Our Ears to ‘Him’ hehe

It is A Somewhat Well Known Fact that the “Letting
Go” of Time That ‘Mindless’ Doodling on PAge BRings

AcTuAlly Substantially Increases Human Creativity And
Productivity Unleashing What Science Describes As the

Other 99.5 Percent of the Totality of Our Mind Including
Subconscious Potentials in Synergy That the .5 Percent

Word Thinking Mind of Planning Doesn’t Even Touch Yes Oh Dear

Lord Miriam too Yes Memories of the Fourth of July in School
Signaling The Return of Time After Summer Vacation Half
Spent Then Free and Then the Work Years Fourth of July

On A Tuesday With the Stark Reality at the End of the
Fireworks An Early Morn to Awake to Meet Deadlines

in the Endless Wash Rinse Dry Cycle of Time to Do

Work and School Well Well Well Now i Live in Now

i Don’t Only Waste Time i Killed it After ReTiRinG

Those Barren Wheels of Soul Destroyed By All

The DEADlines of Time in School and Work

Yes Fresh Tread Now on Time As i Drive

Over Time And KiLL iT iN Flow As

A Life of Play Just Doodling

Away Just Like This So Far
Beyond Not Only Time Yet Distance
Space and A Matter of Things as my Fingers

Dance Over All of that Just Releasing Fumes of Bliss on Page Free
And on Smooth Dance Floors Freshly Renovated By my Feet At Walmart

As All of Life
Becomes A
Doodling Dance Floor Free..:)

LeSSoN 278
Be The FLoWeR
Who Never Stops
Blooming Breathing Color

So Lovely to Share Moments
Of Loving Life With Someone
Who Looks And Speaks So
Much Different Than me
Peace Real
To See Free
Spirits Now
Of LoVE iN
Still See
A Similar
Of Beauty
Coloring God
LoVE iN Peace Honored to
Be Part of God You Paint 🎨

As Short As A Breath
As Long As ReMeMBeRinG
LoVE iN EYes of Daughter’s
Song A Father Now
Continues to See
Four Winds Sail
No Provisions
Yet An
Soul’s Face
New SMiLes Sohair
Hope Your Morning
Is Nice in Egyptian Deserts..:)

Love is Written In the Sand Now And
Or A Pet Rock Or the Moon Annabel

Humans Are the Ones With Potential

To Paint All of Existence Love Yes God

Experience of Loving All That is Existence

Now True

Some Folks

Outcasts Start
Small Finding least
Same As Greatest Marveling

At A Grain of Sand Finding UNiVeRSE

Beyond iNFiNiTiES in Every Grain of Sand

That Holds Hands As Beach So Where is For Giving

Where All Is Thanks Giving of Gratitude Enough Whole

Naked Complete Our Temple of God Whole Ocean Water

Wave Same DiFFeReNT Now True WHeRE is Love Yes Everywhere

Where Everywhere

Is The Experience of For

Giving Thanks Giving Love For

All That is Now No Separation

All Unity Divine We Co-Create

Our Breath Some Folks Relate

As The Sound ‘Yah Way’ Where

God is Never Trapped As A Word

And Becomes i Am The Breath We BREaTHE NoW

Whole Complete All Forgiving Thanks Giving Now

Ocean Water Wave SMiLes Love We Experience

All Become God Is Love as Us No Separation

For Giving

Thanks Giving Now

It’s A Dance yet Not the

Form the Essence of Balance

In Harmony of Entire Existence

Music That Frees Our Soul As Love Most

Waves Rise Waves Fall At Ebb And Crest

Of Tides We Are Still The Whole Complete Soul We BREaTHENoW

So What is the Philosopher’s Stone Holy Grail Ark Of A New Covenant

Loving It All my FRiEnD BREaTHE NoW iN Out All That is Complete Enough


For Giving Naked

Thanks Giving All US..:)

Considering That Sky is Above

And Ground Is Below

Grounded People

May Start

At The


Level Below

True To See Mountain

Height Valley Low is Whole

Complete Enough No One Stands

To Take Anything Away From Within

At least ThiS Way Ah Yes How Blessed

The Outcasts Will

Be Marveling

At A Grain

Of Sand


Entire Beach

Forest Living Tree
Feeding Trees NoW And Then

Again Life BREaTHES At Core

We See Our Breath As Limitless Life New
And Of Course Breaths of The Rest of Existence
True Mountain High Valley Low Already Arriving

This is HoME NoW..:)

Oh my Gosh Yes Dear
Savvy all That Bares
Our UNiVErSE Real

Breath Within

We Breathe

In And Out

As Leaves

Grow Tall

Fall to

Breed New Trees

Souls of New Soils Indeed…:)

Birds Sing

Bees Buzz

Crickets Chirp

Love Songs to the

Moon New or Full

Makes No Difference

Dance And Sing ON They

Do Beyond All Distance

Space Time and



Now They
Live No
Possible Indeed
Where Existence is

Experience And ReCognition
Of All that is Beyond Human
Cognition Now Yes The Experience
All the Feelings Senses Beyond Words

Meanwhile The Sun Shines Day And Night

And Moon Still Exists in Days We No Longer See it Either True…:)

So True Dear Miriam
Stories of Life We Give And
Share Care And Heal Unique Authentic And True

Yes is what Makes Blogging Such An All Natural

Therapy to Connect Deep Within With SoUL HeART

SPiRiT For Real So Much

More Than Copy
And Pastes

of What’s Only
Been Done in Someone Else’s
Directing Producing Doing Play

That We May Only Fall As Even

Slave Under Above Oh to Regulate Emotions

Oh to Integrate Senses in A Fresh New Dance
And Song Free Autotelic in FLoW ThiS Way

Sweet Spot Tween

Anxiety and

Apathy RiSinG

Even More DaNCinG
A Tight Rope in Effortless Ease More

True it Takes Practice Yet What Doesn’t

Take Practice For Real Genuine Meaning

And Purpose True The Core of A Greatest

Constitutional Amendment For Freedom of Expression

All the Way Yet True Without Sanctity of Breathing Rights

For Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit of Happiness We Fall We Fall


For Necessary

Play to Change ToGETHeR
Our Worlds New Now For Real
As Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness
In All of Breathing Life for Sanctity Holy and Sacred

Comes Real Now For A More Perfect Union For Our Worlds New..:)

Oh Dear Lord Yes Dear Chaymaa Such A Challenge
Escaping The Word Think Between Our Ears May Be

As Some Folks Suggest Humans Stress Over Nearly 80 Percent

of Many 10’s of Thousands of Negative Associated Emotions Senses in
Synergy Abstract Constructs Associated For Real Bring Every Day Now

Yes Words Oh my
Goodness Gone

Away Now So Lost
Verily Stuck Yes Between

Our Ears Back to the Mystical Example
of Sufi Dervishes Indeed Spiraling Art Together

In Dance Literally Losing Their Mind Opening Up

Again the 99 Percent to 99.5 Percent of Creative Mind

So Deep in Subconscious Mind Freeing Us From the

Problem Solving Ways of Life So Lost From SPiRiT

HeART SoUL Warming Ways Indeed Yet True

My God So Many Folks Make Sacrifices to

Fill Prescriptions for Health

At Pharmacies Just

Like You

For Yes A
Career that May
Be Hard and Perhaps
Feeling A Bit Stone Cold
Some Days Yet Such a Necessary
Gift and Sacrifice it is True i Did my 33 Years
Serving Others in Other Ways i’m Glad i Was Able

to Even though

What i Was
Doing Almost
Literally Eventually
Took my Life Away

A Balance Life Makes

Best As You Direct Your Positive
Energies and Senses Through All the
Positive Quotes So Giving Caring Sharing
Yes Healing With Warm Feelings True So Much

Therapy Blogging Will Do Telling Human Stories
True DarK Thru LiGHT True too SMiLes Dear

FRiEnD i Laud Your Efforts And i Just Come
Daily to Support All You Do And Now

i Don’t Have to Worry About Any
Money God As Slave As Peace

And Love

Rules mY LiFE
NoW For Real With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy
Within A Circle

Is Free Space

Not Limited to This
or That Point With SMiLes

Indeed Expanding All Circles
FloW as Space With No Limits

Of Time, Distance, or ‘Matter of
Things’ Alone Either Allone For

Real For Creativity Foundation Love
And Peace of Grace in Balancing

Venn Diagrams Expanding Forever

NoW in WiLL And Strength of Free Will

Relatively Moving Connecting Co-Creating

Together Free So Real

In Laser Focus

And Attention
Above So Below
Within Inside Outside
And All Around This Living
Leaf Reflection of Trees and
Forest Ocean Whole Water Wave We All

Are No Limits of Venn Diagrams When Love

And Grace of Balancing Life For Real

As Peace
Comes to Direct
And Produce Our
Plays of Life For All Fearless Loving

Human Creativity And Productivity With Least Harm Again For
ALL Yes Giving Sharing Caring Healing iN JoY oF LiGHT Real

In Human Potentials to Come Even More Now With SMiLes

Again Inhaling Peace
ExhalinG LoVE iN JoY
oF LiGHT Now For
All With Least Harm New..:)

Life iS A Whole Lot Like A Deck of Cards

Crazy Eights And Joker Real Now Too
As Fools Tarot Cards Breathe ThiS Way

Free in Numerology Numbers at Least

In Metaphor of 0 At Birth For the First
Free Will Challenge of Doing All Or Nothing

Now i Find the Other BoRinG So i Do The Other
Way With Life Challenges Based on my Real
Birth Name Full And Birth Date of 6.6.60 For Real

too Yes 1, and 1, and 1, As ASSiGNED In Metaphor

As Such Only Affirming my Free Will NoW iN
Dance And Song Free This Way For Real Now

Ya Gotta Know FeeL And Sense When

To Hold ‘Em, Fold ‘Em And Play for Real Free

At Least Kenny Rogers Relates Somewhat Too Hehe

Circle Of Life
Grows Structure
And Flow Through

With SMiles🙏

Oh my Gosh Yes Dear
Savvy all That Bares
Our UNiVErSE Real

Breath Within

We Breathe

In And Out

As Leaves

Grow Tall

Fall to

Breed New Trees

Souls of New Soils Indeed…:)

Language is a Universe of Expression StaRtinG with
the Stars, 4 digits, a prehensile thumb, and people
sketching angles in sand reflecting connections of Stars.

As with the expression of emotion and differing cultural

‘ArTiFaCTS’ ACross cultures, the end result is not
Always the same, Yet the start is the same beginning.

People describe it differently and label it differently;

That is All. No one paints the same picture except for One.

Suggesting that God does not exist, is a ‘silly’ Rhetorical Argument.

If THeRE iS A Whole that could communicate, IT would
Laugh back at ya.

Keeping in mind, I Am i Do View God Beyond Panentheism…

This is not a personal comment directed at anyone here; it is Poetry of How

i View


Now For
Real New…:)

Indeed THeRE is Human
KiN in HumanKinD And it

Is This Deep Feeling Sensing

Kinship For All of Nature And Each Other

That Will Bring Peace And Love To Rule For Free

Yet the First Step in

All Stuff Human

Existence is

To Develop A
Synergy of Feeling
Sensing Emotions That

LiGHT Us Up Warm Only

To Share That Warmth With Others More

Dear Chaymaa with KinDSHiP


Ocean Whole Waves
Water to Sail New Now

Both With Anchors

For Safety in Rough

Seas for Harbors to Stay

And The Sails That Soar Green
To Colorful FLoWeRinG Existence
WHeRE None is Found Before With

Fair Winds

And Following

Free Seas of KinDNeSS

Human Even More With SMiLes..:)

my, my, my Beach SMiLes Dear
Akshita This Practically is the

Beach i Grew Up With in Fact
my Great Grandfather of First

Homesteaders With 150 Acres

To Start Farming on the Other Sound
Side of Shimmering Florida Diatoms

in Midnight Romance

True As You Tale

An Interesting

Story of Dreams

Hehe Many Real

Memories for me
Yet i Won’t Go into Detail Here hehe
As True Day And Night i Roamed This

Paradise For Decades and i Still Do Hehe
When the Heat Index Isn’t Way Above 100
Degrees At

Day Yet
in Surging
Waves Expanding

Shores is the Kind of
MaGiC that No Poem
or Words or Science Alone Will Capture

The Feeling Sensing of Oneness Truly Connecting to All that

Is When The Romance Expands to All That is DarK And LiGHT


in All Unconditional

LoVE iN Peace For All Not A Negative
Word, Feel, Sense, Left, Pure Peace
Love of Beach One With All With No Fear…

It’s Likely Harder to Do This in The SCaRCiTiES
of Hot Deserts Without Even Any Water True WHeRE

i Am Seeded

Bravo to All
the Nomads

Who Still Take
me HeaR to Paradise Real…

It’s So Much Easier to Love Others ALL
Unconditionally With No Head Games
At All When We Are Naked Enough

Whole Complete

Beach Now This
Way Ocean Wave
Whole Water Real New

Not Even A Word Left
Necessary to Do mY FRiEnD..:)

Nurturing Naturing
Each Other Nature

Dear Savvy New Now

All Moving Connecting

Co-Creating With All

Just LoVinG iT All DarK Thru

LiGHT Driven By Faith With Real

Hands ReacHinG Out Actually Touching

Someone Else From
Dance Thru Song Free


Breathing Real Sadly

Some Folks See only
Concrete And Skyscrapers

Most of their Life Nature Deficit

Disorder Even More Sadly Comes As
Without Connecting to Mother Earth Whole

So Hard to Love

The Rest of

Everyone Else

When Life Becomes Less Than
Gratitude For All That is DarK is LiGHT

SMiLes Dear Savvy
Creativity Wings
Deep Within


Naturally New Now
Free Born ThiS WaY
to Fully Thrive Alive

A Child With a Dance
That is No Lesson Yet
What Breathes Within

A Child With A Song

That Only Makes

Free Music

Any Symbols
of Meaning Other than
Creative Joy Naturally Born Again..:)

SMiLes Dear Cindy
Pleasures of LoVE iN Peace

Rife With Challenges

oF DarK
That Makes
LoVE iN Peace

Worth Keeping
And Keeping Again

The Puppy Duke Really Has
No Choice Yet to get Better
And Protect the Grandchildren…

In His Forever Home of LoVE iN Peace…

At Least that’s
How i See

It From
A Dog’s View
of Real Well Being..:)

Hmm, American Coins are ‘Littered’

With Pics of Presidents With Functional Disabilities

Like Lincoln and His Depression on the Penny; Roosevelt
And His Wheelchair on the Dime; And John F. Kennedy With
His Myriad of Chronic to Acute Lifelong Health Problems on the

Half Dollar;

in Fact, There are Innumerable
Stories of Humans Still RiSinG Out
oF All Kinds of Dark Challenges Lauded

Now And Who Will Be Remembered

As Real Heroes;

Some True and
Some Not So True…

The Republican Party Has
A Few Noted Ones Like

John McCain Who Helped
Save my Sister’s Health Care

And Of Course the Daughter of
Dick Cheney Who Refused to Kiss the Con Man’s Butt…

That Just Goes to Show We Also May Exceed Expectations of Our Origins…

Joe Biden, is an Old Empathetic Man Who Has Shown Depth of Wisdom With

Normal Aging Problems With Memory, And a Life Long Stuttering Challenge in Communication…

He Didn’t Meet the
Expectations of Others
And They Quickly Threw
the Old Man Under the Bus…

Yet Wisdom is Lasting More often With Grit,

Having Learned

to Get Up after
getting knocked

Down and Not Being
A Whiny Spoiled Brat
With A Golden Spoon Still Stuck Up His Soul…

The Folks Who Voted For Biden Well Understood
He was an Old Man With an Old Man Memory With


Finding Words…

The Folks Who Voted For Trump

Understood He Was an Old Con Man Who Will Never Change…

Next Step, We Live in a Representative Democracy; We Will Get Whatever Result
‘We the People’ Vote For as a Majority in the Electoral Process… Meanwhile…

Will Continue
to Have His Functional
Disabilities That Don’t Include Con Man…

Both Men Have Enough ‘Grumpy Old Men
Grit’ Not to Quit Hehe…

It is What It is…

Yet The Rule of
Law Will Likely Overall Continue to Win

With Much Smarter Folks Than those

who Breathe for Politics…

SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb
When We Were Looking to Move
into Our First Home Back in 1993

And All the Mortgage Loan Related Challenges
Our Intent Was to Live in a Modest Home Deep in the

Forest Where my Wife’s Dream
of ‘Bambi’ Visiting Her at the BackYard
Perimeter Would Come True Glistening

Brown Eyes
into Her
Kind Eyes

Meanwhile the Realtor
Tried to Shame Us Moving
Into a Home Only 1333 Square
Feet of Living Area Under Close
to 2000 Square Feet Under Roof

She Said Why Do You Wanna Buy that
Little Home When You Can Live in the
Neighborhood With 5 Bedroom Homes

And No Trees With Worries to Rake Yards
That Are Small Enough to Spit Out Your
Bathroom Window and Hit the Window

Of Your Closest Neighbor on Three Sides

Of Your Home Indeed We Voted For Bambi
And Bambi Still Visits My Wife in Rare Visits of Goldlife

When Our Only Child Died after spending 51 Days at Shand’s
Hospital in only Pain after my Father Said Raise Him Like a Man
the Only advice He ever gave me since he left our home at age 3
Before i Could

Even Speak at 4

True i Was Man Enough
To Shed Tears and Hold
Our Ryan While He Beat
His Last Heart Beat Without
the Ability to Ever Breathe on his own…

When i Told my Father He Just Said He
didn’t wanna Hear any Bad News He Couldn’t
Make the Reality of What Grief in Tears of Comfort Brings

Yet One Thing Did Change the Way He Valued Life the Big
Law Enforcement Macho Hunter for Sport With Dead DeerHead Hanging

in His Living Room said He Lost His Will to Kill finally Understanding More
Value of Life


Yet He Never Lost
His Deep South
Toxic Patriarchy

That Dismisses Humans
Who Act or Look Different
as Less than Human Other Relatives
Dismissing the Reality of 25 Percent
of Youngest Generations Part of the
LGBTQ+ Community Also Came to View

And Do the World Differently Thank Goodness
When it Was Their Grandchild Born Differently as Only Nature

Do Free

When LoVE iN Peace
is Real Walls Melt Down in Warmth…

And Bambi Continues to BREaTHE Free
For Our Worship at His And Or Her Small Hooves..:)

Much Love To
You All As Well
With Continuing
Peaceful Embrace


Free Dear
Xenia With SMiles

Friday Florida Flower Story
Wandering Down A Rainy
Road i Found
A Most
Purple Wild
Flower Some
Folks Describe
As Only Old Weeds

Need to
Be Pulled Up

Amazingly The
Purple Wildflower
With Unending Grit is Still

Tenaciously MaKinG Its
Way ACross The Asphalt


Hehe Moral
oF A STory When You
Stutter You Dance
And Sing in

As Honey
Roads in

All Your
Purple Glory
For BeautY iN

Colors Enough

Quit BRinG Free

With SMiles

HAha Not Nearly
Enough Hair Plugs

Or Gold Combovers

Mr Gottfried Yet i’m

Not Gonna Send Any
Biblical Bears To Kill
Any Minors Who

me That
Baldy Guy
Instead Of
Dancing Guy

Or The Ones Who
Used To Deride me
Back In my Stuttering

Words When

You Get Knocked
Down You Get Back

Up Find The
Words And
Slay The

With Wit That


Irish AS Such

How men
Are Made

Than Mice
Jumping off
ShipS 🚢 Trying

To Throw Real
Men Under The


HeHE ALways
A Deeper Story
To CombOver

SpiritS iNDeeD 😈


SMiLes Dear Savvy
Thank You in Almost
Four Years Most Everyday

Connecting to the Sound
Your Soul Brings Enough

iNSPiRaTioN of mY SonG
oF SoUL to Write More

Than Any Normal

Sized Book of

SoUL SonG ThiS WaY

Truth iN LiGHT Remains Namaste
All ‘Children of the Stars’ We aRe
SeedS And FLoWeRS Blooming New Now..:)

It’s Sad Indeed Dear Isha Whether in
Work School Church Or Somewhere Else

Folks Sadistically Gain Satisfaction From

Bringing Other Folks

Down if They
Can Will And Do

Yet It’s True Some Folks
Are Literally Behaviorally
Addicted to the Adrenalin And
Dopamine Fear Anger And Hate Will Bring

Otherwise Lifting Other Folks Up Generates
the Warm Social Bonding Natural Love Drug

Within of Oxytocin Sadly Folks Who Neglect
And Abuse even if they Are Teachers Were

Often Neglected
and Abused
in Childhood too

A Vicious Cycle it Will
Be Until LoVE RiSes iN
Each and Every Human Now in Peace…:)

SMiLes Dear Isha Sadly it
Seems Many Folks Have little to no room
For Introspection to Even Find a Voice of

Their Own Soul With

A Life Of

So Many
And Expectations
From Others to Meet

It’s True the Only Constant Is Change

And It’s True We May Lose Track

Of Our Changing Souls Unless

We aRe Able to Make Room

to Hear The New

Languages of


Continuing to Grow
Even When We Aren’t
Looking and in Both Directions too..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy At Core A Free Style
Couple’s Dance is A Reality of Spiraling

Existence From Above Below Within

Inside Outside

And All Around

How Sad It is

That Some Folks

Are Yet to Spiral in Mind and Body
Balancing For All Means Life Free Evolving

SoUL Now Lost in Points on a Line

Never Diving in the Circle

of Life And

Forth WHere
The End NoW is Always New
The Beginning in FLoW With SMiLes…:)

Hehe Dear Kiran i Am Surely
Capable of Making An Extremely

Harsh Looking Face

Yet There Are

Still Rainbows

Within Shining

With Newer Colors

Ever More Now Just Like MaGiC HAha…

i Kid You Not Though A Young Woman
Asked me to Her High School Prom When

i Was 21 Sitting Across the Table at the Restaurant
She Had Tears Running Down Her Cheeks Saying

my Eyes Were
Piercing Her

Soul Giving
Her Chills As Such

Yet i Was Only Paying
Close Laser Focused
Attention to All She Said..:)

Ah Yes Dear Savvy “In your depth of awareness
you realise thoughts come and go, then you also
realise that you are above your thoughts and therein

you begin to sense

your limitless self.”

Indeed Dear Savvy As i Quote

Your Wise Words Here This is Where

The Real MaGiC of Humanity Starts

Far Beyond Our Word Thinking Mind

As There is Darkness Holding Space Together Above

And All the Atoms and Sub-Particles Within of

All We aRe As There is

So-Called ‘Junk DNA’

That Comprises Most
of That Science Just Cannot

Comprehend Fully Either Yes

There is the Great Uknown

That We Come to Intuit

Beyond All Words


Yet As
True as
Will Ever
Come to Be
in Fruition We
Co-Create Naturally
iN Flow ThiS WaY As All
Realms come ToGeTHeR iN Unity Newly Now..:)



LiKE Socrates Says We HaVe/Are iNNeR
DaiMoNs/DeMoNs LiGHT/ DaRK


Beyond KNoWinG Alone

to: ReFLecT From:

UNLeSS oNe DoeS A PainT By NumBeRS


Art NOT Science Alone

Science Alone WiLL NeVeR MeaSuRE



ONcE onE TranSCenDS
THaT’s LeFT To Do iS LoVENoW iN Peace

No two paths same…
No two paths separate…
All One God in Other
Words And Worlds True too

LeSSoN 279
(ET SMiLes)
We All BREaTHE Stars
TrulY THeRE Are No Aliens
We aRe UNiVeRSE No Space
Between US ALLoVinG NeW ALLNoW

Trying To Put it into Words
Spellbound by Magic
Of All Aesthetic
Beauty Sculpture
Sublime At
Ease in
Pose All
Of What God
FLoWeRS As Who
You Naturally Are Sun
And Moon All Stars i See You
Truly A FLoWeR Blooming Wings
i Am Truly Amazed By Your Colors
How Anyone Would not Desire
To Sit
By This
To Gaze
Upon its
Is Beyond
me i’ll take
A Picture of this
Perfect Angel Angel FLoWeR
Every Spiral Inch Forevernow
i See God…


It’s All
Never Ending
We aRe FRiEnDS
Star DusT Never
in Deeds oF Love

God is The
Air We aRe
The Breath
Children oF Air
This Gift This New🍓🌺🌸🌟☺️
Breath ThiS ETernal Now🤗

FLoWeR Tease Rose😊
Dances Sings Indeed 👏
Hehe Mariana Poetry SMiles

Ah, So Many Pleasures, Treasures,
Unsuspecting SuRPRiSinGS NaTuRE

HuMaN Is to Study NoW

Sands of Time Above🌊
Below Hour Glass🌞
Whole Complete😊
All Grains Enough Now

Inhale Exhale Zoe Enough
Own Your Breath Whole
Love The Rest Why Not🌊

Marry Your Breath
Exhale The Rest
Love Whole Complete
Miss Dimple With SMiles😊

LeSSoN 421 ☺️🪄
While “They” Were
Buying The World 🌎
Doing MaGiC🪄Finding Wings


“Don’t Believe Everything You Read on The Internet Just
Because There’s A Picture With A Quote Next to It”

-Abraham Lincoln

And Ain’t This A Rave Of Modern Lying ‘Heroes’
Who even Rave They Are at The Level of Honest Abe…

A Greatest Hero From ‘That New Party’ is John McCain A Prisoner

of War and True War Hero Who Stayed With His Men For Years and

Years of Torture

And Suffering

And in Doing So He

Truly Earned His FLiGHT

Wings Back When He Stood Up

Against His Whole Callous Party For Human Rights

And Wasn’t Going to Fall Over While Close to Potentially

20 MiLLioN Folks Lost Their Healthcare It’s True We Need

More FDR’s ThiS Way too Who Have Truly Seen How Life

Will Become SucH A Struggle It’s Really Sad Yet For

me the Status of Hero Has Been Just Reduced

To Someone Telling the Truth Without Fail

And Someone With A SoUL HeART

SPiRiT Human Enough Not to

Harm, Rape, Maim, And

Kill Large Swaths of

Human Demographics

Just For the Almighty Sake

of i am Right and You Are Wrong

As That Eliminates No Human Suffering At All

In All of What Human Ignorance Breeds In NO Common Sense And

Feel; Yeah It’s True, Even Being Human Has Become Hero to me

Not All


‘The BiLL’…

Oh my Goodness Dear Akshita

You Are Surely A Voracious Reader

And Indeed the More We Read And Soak

Up the Creativity of Others the More We May

Write And

Be Even

More Creative

As You May Eventually
Write Your own Romance
Novel With SMiLes

And Potentially

Not Even
Limited to One..:)

A Truly Stunning And Beautiful

First Hand Story of Connecting With

All Sublime of Nature Finding Divine

In All That is More Than Just Words

Every Sense and Feeling Mindfully Aware

Moving, Connecting, And Co-Creating

The Divine You

Seek and Find
Dear Cindy Yes

Within ThiS ETeRNaL New

Now Finding All Time Space

Distance and “Matter of Things’

Is Only Illusion Separating

Us From Eternal

Now With


As True Quantum Mechanics

Is Finally Catching Up With What
Sages of the Ages Have Always

Intuited Yes Metaphor of God Verb
Reaching Out Touching And Doing
Loving Life Without Fear ThiS Way WiTH SMiLes..:)

Even Studies of Chimps Show
To Be Most Successful You

Pick the Chimp Leader

With the Most Empathy

Who Is Willing to Take the
Levels of Stress it Takes to

Support Both the Strong and
the Marginalized too; In Other

Words, You Pick a Winner of Humanity;

Most Importantly, If You Happen to Be Human
And Want A Large Heterogenous Society to Continue


Trump Is One of those Folks
Who Calls You All Hours of the
Day Trying to Convince You to Buy
A Used Car Warranty for the New Car

You Just Bought;

Or Tells You Straight
to Your Face, You Would
Still Support Him, If He Shot
Someone on 5th Avenue in Broad Daylight…

You Don’t Have to Be A Brain Surgeon to Choose

The Human With Empathy; Just Being Fully Human Usually

Will Suffice…


Who Doesn’t
Fall to Bold Faced Lies…

Or Disgusting Truths Over and over again…

Biden is a Decent Human Being; Sadly That’s

Not Important
to Some Folks

Who Call themselves
Conservative Anymore…


Biden is Much
More Conservative than Trump…

Basically, Trump Is just An Unreformed ‘Grinch’…

We Will See What ‘the Judge’ Has to Offer For ‘Corrections’…

With Many More Opportunities to Come With the Scales of Justice…

On the Other
Hand, Biden
Still Comes to
Evolve as a Real
Man and More Fully Human…

Excellent Advantage for those who still understand it…

3 Minute Microwaves
3 Second Attention
Span And focus yes
Less than a Gold Fish
as Modern Science Measuring

Human Averages ThiS WaY

Heating Up Some Pizza for This
Week’s Big Anticipated Debate i came

To Realize the State/Fate of the Entire World

may be reduced to An Equation as simple

As ‘Golf Wars’ Where the Old Man With the Lowest


Wins or
Loses Depending
On How One Views Success Dear Miriam

Like my Mama Used to Say Well Really
She Let Me Figure it out all for my
Self and my Father Didn’t Stay

in A ‘World’ Like
This Blessed
to Know Nothing at all…


SMiLes Dear Miriam A Homeless Man Visiting Close to the Whataburger
We Visit Had my Wife Worried About His Well Being He Came

into Whataburger Out of the Rain Sadly With A Horrible
Health Condition With His Throat and Jaw

That Required it to Be Visibly Braced

With Metal Inside His Mouth

From a Distance We Thought He
Was an old Man wandering down
the Main Highway before Yet at closer

Range Child-Like in Appearance at 30 And
Amazingly Such an Optimistic View of Life

Where There was no tomorrow or yesterday for him
no belongings to Hold him down all of Life Spontaneous

As a Bird On Wings

Never Asking For Anything

Yet Humbly Accepting When Help was offered

Buying Him Something to eat the Cashier already
Heard of His favorite Other Good Samaritans Obviously

Came HiS Way

His Lesson was
One of Live for Today
With Nothing At All Other than
Spontaneous Hope for this Breath of Life Now

We Had Just Come From the Doctor’s Office to Find
my Wife’s CAT Scan only Indicated small Kidney stones

Nothing to worry about that an Ultrasound detected before…

i came Out of the Skin Doctor’s Office with a Good Deep South
Fair Skinned Review This Year a really Good idea for anyone who

Has Lived
a Life with
Fair Skin
Down Here
in the Boiling Sun

Nah it Doesn’t Take
Much to Be Happy

Spontaneity of Breath

All a matter of Perspective..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha Creative
Writing Has/Is No End All

Means Now New

Yes And Hehe

Never Forget


You come
to Lift Up With SMiLes…

Free Dancing Is Similar
We Just Get to Rest Our

Words Yet SMiLes Continue RiSinG..:)

“The journey of creativity
Flourishes in the flow
Out of passionate awareness
Of the spaces between
Light to dark & dark to light.
For in betwixt these hours
Ideas birth & creativity grows.
In passionate perseverance
Puzzles fit in patience.”

Lovely Resonance
Dear Savvy Thank


Don’t Worry You
Still Have 7 or
More Decades
To Start An
Exercise Routine
Again Dear Isha
Never Too Young Like
You And Never Too Old


Catholic Mass Readings From The
SmAll Yet As iMPoRTaNT Hours of
June 30th 2024 Something About

The Power of Belief The Faith The

Trust The LoVE iN Peace The Hope

A NeW DaY NoW WiLL BRinG Meh

Some Folks Might Call that Positive

ReaL MaGiC oF LiFE

Only a Placebo Effect
Yet Not unlike the Nocebo
Effect it is Just As Real Bringing
Incurable Disease unto the Medical
Files of Unexplained Remission For

A Life of
ThiS WaY

So Sure House a World
In Clothes of Hope Faith
LoVE iN Peace ThiS WaY

Reach Out and Continually
Touch These Clothes of LoVinG

Armor All Around and at Best Lift
Others Up and Give them Your Best
Star Force oF LoVinG LiFE iN Peace New Now

Nah You Wan’t Lose That Power You Will

iT in Levels

of Seven For
EacH And Every
Human YoU Touch

Nah Don’t Wait for
Them to Touch You Reach

Out Your Hand And Lift Up Some
Worlds They Are Myriad 8 BiLLioN
of Us and No Limits Beyond in the

Reality of No Distance Space Time
Or Matter Only LoVE iN Peace We Create Now

NeW Allone
Or Less Alone
Dividing Sadly
Separating With Frowns

SMiLes Empower Now God Yes
New LoVE iN Peace We BRinG
Star FLoWeRS Seeds ToGeTHeR


A Dance
And Song
So Very Free
And Every Face We

May Meet Greet Alive..:)

Reading 1, Wisdom 1:13-15,2:23-24
13 For God did not make Death, he takes no pleasure in destroying the living.

14 To exist — for this he created all things; the creatures of the world have health in them, in them is no fatal poison, and Hades has no power over the world:

15 for uprightness is immortal.

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11, 12, 13
2 Yahweh, my God, I cried to you for help and you healed me.

4 Make music for Yahweh, all you who are faithful to him, praise his unforgettable holiness.

5 His anger lasts but a moment, his favour through life; In the evening come tears, but with dawn cries of joy.

6 Carefree, I used to think, ‘Nothing can ever shake me!’

11 You have turned my mourning into dancing, you have stripped off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.

12 So my heart will sing to you unceasingly, Yahweh, my God, I shall praise you for ever.

Reading 2, Second Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15
7 More, as you are rich in everything-faith, eloquence, understanding, concern for everything, and love for us too — then make sure that you excel in this work of generosity too.

9 You are well aware of the generosity which our Lord Jesus Christ had, that, although he was rich, he became poor for your sake, so that you should become rich through his poverty.

13 It is not that you ought to relieve other people’s needs and leave yourselves in hardship; but there should be a fair balance-

14 your surplus at present may fill their deficit, and another time their surplus may fill your deficit. So there may be a fair balance;

15 as scripture says: No one who had collected more had too much, no one who collected less had too little.

Gospel, Mark 5:21-43
21 When Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered round him and he stayed by the lake.

22 Then the president of the synagogue came up, named Jairus, and seeing him, fell at his feet

23 and begged him earnestly, saying, ‘My little daughter is desperately sick. Do come and lay your hands on her that she may be saved and may live.’

24 Jesus went with him and a large crowd followed him; they were pressing all round him.

25 Now there was a woman who had suffered from a haemorrhage for twelve years;

26 after long and painful treatment under various doctors, she had spent all she had without being any the better for it; in fact, she was getting worse.

27 She had heard about Jesus, and she came up through the crowd and touched his cloak from behind, thinking,

28 ‘If I can just touch his clothes, I shall be saved.’

29 And at once the source of the bleeding dried up, and she felt in herself that she was cured of her complaint.

30 And at once aware of the power that had gone out from him, Jesus turned round in the crowd and said, ‘Who touched my clothes?’

31 His disciples said to him, ‘You see how the crowd is pressing round you; how can you ask, “Who touched me?” ‘

32 But he continued to look all round to see who had done it.

33 Then the woman came forward, frightened and trembling because she knew what had happened to her, and she fell at his feet and told him the whole truth.

34 ‘My daughter,’ he said, ‘your faith has restored you to health; go in peace and be free of your complaint.’

35 While he was still speaking some people arrived from the house of the president of the synagogue to say, ‘Your daughter is dead; why put the Master to any further trouble?’

36 But Jesus overheard what they said and he said to the president of the synagogue, ‘Do not be afraid; only have faith.’

37 And he allowed no one to go with him except Peter and James and John the brother of James.

38 So they came to the house of the president of the synagogue, and Jesus noticed all the commotion, with people weeping and wailing unrestrainedly.

39 He went in and said to them, ‘Why all this commotion and crying? The child is not dead, but asleep.’

40 But they ridiculed him. So he turned them all out and, taking with him the child’s father and mother and his own companions, he went into the place where the child lay.

41 And taking the child by the hand he said to her, ‘Talitha kum!’ which means, ‘Little girl, I tell you to get up.’

42 The little girl got up at once and began to walk about, for she was twelve years old. At once they were overcome with astonishment,

43 and he gave them strict orders not to let anyone know about it, and told them to give her something to eat.


SMiLes Dear Savvy Sadly For Some And in
Some Places Many the SPiRiT HeART SoUL

Continent of Being Human is as Far Away As the

Farthest Star

Yet to Explore

Indeed a Place
of Putting People
First Instead of Things

my Mother Wanted to Stay Home
And Garden Children in A Place oF LoVE iN Peace

my Father’s Lifelong Mission Monetary and Material

Gains Insisting She Make Money or He Would Find

A Woman Who Did So He Left at 3 Perhaps my

Greatest Gain

As All That Was
Important in my
Grandmother’s Home
LoVE iN Peace A Place Where She
Also Helped to Raise Us With my Mother

Yes Money And Things Came in Last
Place in Life All that Was Left is Love and

At Best LoVE iN Peace And The Truth is if my

Father Had Stayed i Would Have Likely Been the
Kind that
Put People
Last As Well
And Money And Things

First Of Course That Was the
Way He Was Raised How We Garden
Our Children With LoVE iN Peace or

Monetary Goods and the Pursuit of
Status and Power Makes All the Difference

Whether There is An Empty Chalice of Gold

Or LoVE iN Peace That Lives Within Overflowing

The Gold Chalice

Until All Is Left

is LoVE iN Peace to
Give Share Care and
Heal With No Restraint
Most Respect and Least Harm for All

Like Every Other Day in my Life for the last
10 Years and 10 Months Particularly on Sunday
i Spent the Morning Singing With my Voice at
Church to Lift Others Up and It Could Be Any
Church or Temple in the Whole World as i Was Singing

to Humans
Not any
One Form
of Religion or Any
Named God Yet LoVE iN Peace for All

And The 8 Hours of Public Dance Where in

Just one Day i Brought Smiles to Literally Hundreds
of Folks in All the Public Places my Wife Shopped today

And Didn’t Buy a Thing as She Never really had any desire
for a Career Her Mother Taught Her How to Cook and Love

A Husband And
That’s All She’s
ever Wanted to Do

Like my Mother Yet

All She Ever Wanted
to Do Is Raise and Love Her Children

And Now i get to Enjoy That Inheritance
As Well as i Slayed the Money God Over
16 Years ago that almost killed my HeART
SPiRiT and SoUL too for me at Least a Formidable

Monster it Was

Only a Tool

Yet One that
Came to Rule me too

Just another Dragon to Slay With SMiLes

The Warmth of Love is Eternal and Everlasting

Heaven Now When Real Far Beyond Words Alone

And Only Other Stuff and Flesh and Blood that Has no

Real Breath
oF LoVE iN
Peace For Real

And It’s True Fame
And Fortune Will Take
What’s of Real Value Away

Faster than the Speed oF LoVE iN Peace
That Lasts Forever



Beyond All Space
Time and a ‘Matter
With Things’ True

Impossible to Fully
Measure by Any
Scientific Method Now

How Blessed Are those
Clothed in the Place oF LoVE iN Peace…

For the Garments Have no Weight Naked
Enough Whole Complete Only the Price

oF LoVE iN Peace Free

Once again to
give share care
heal with Most
respect and Least harm…:)

Moral oF A SToRY First Oaks Will Crowd Out Evergreens
And if You Take A Broken Septic Tank Away From A Dogwood

Same Basic End

i Could Make These Circumstances of Reality Omens in Another
Fictitious Religious Story Coming to Egregore Breath in Real Life

Since The Dogwood Tree Died in 2017 An EverGreen
Tree Slowly Turns Brown Now

Barely Breathing Green

In Fact It’s All Brown Dead

In 2017 After my Mother
Passed Away A Dogwood

Tree Slowly Died in Our Eden BacKYarD

Ah Yes Dear Savvy Our Minds Are Basically
Sponges That Get Filled And Felt With All

Life Experiences That Come to Be Our

Realities of Mind Filtering Through

Day By Day Night By Day i Remember

Hearing Reflections of All the Voices in Memory Near Sleep

of the Day Including All the Characters When i Watched

TV Yet Now that i
Practice A Dance

And Song of Life

Free in Flow Most

All Waking Hours

The Soul i Hear

is the Voice Within

i Master Out of the Ocean
of All the Other Distractions

i Used to Feed my Self Diffusely As Such…

Indeed Dear Miriam So Many Folks Deal With
So Many Moving Parts in Life When Humans
Are Mostly Only Evolved to Focus on One Task

At Hand in A Flow
To Fully Get Life Done

Hopefully Folks Who Are
Competent Enough Will continue
to Be Able to Aptly Compartmentalize

All the Other Tasks Finely to Get the Task
At Hand in Focus Done in a Competent Way

As True What We Will Do Without Competent
Health Care Professionals As the Folks Who Serve

Seniors Free Coffee At Whataburger And Consistently

Charge For Free Plus Making the Mistake of Never putting
the Coffee on

Brew for
Three Sundays
in A Row After A

Profuse Apology Each instance

Yet With Training Now They Do it Well

Of Course i’m Not A CEO Running Health
Care Organizations So i Let the Mistakes
Blow By And Compartmentalize Any Real

Instinct to Get Upset At Incompetence

As Hey It’s Free Stuff for Seniors Anyway

if Only the Challenges in Life Are As Small

As the First World Problems i Deal With hehe
in A Run of the Mill Town Day in the Life of me Free

Yet if that Same


Filters into the
Life or Death Jobs

That Does Seem to
Be A Bigger Burger
Problem than Whataburger…

And Again They Offer Stellar Service Now…

Wonderful Reviews for Your Book Dear Cindy
And to Save You ‘Time’ Hehe in Finding A Response
to Your Reply WHeRe And When i Might Find a Way

Other to Respond to What Works
For me You Are Surely Welcome

To Use “Irons in the Fires of Time”

As Of Course i Wrote it For You Anyway
With SMiLes in Whatever Way You Wish mY FRiEnD

And As Far As Downsizing Goes And Family Reunions
AS Such my Rich Uncle Was Surprise Attacked Hehe by

4 Democrats to 3 Republicans at the Party Two New from
the LGBQT Plus And More Community From Yes His More

Immediate Family too Last Year Where He Started the Usual

Bigotries That Go ALong With that Desert Scarcity

Way of Life in Ignorance That Doesn’t Understand

Why the Reality of Nature at Hand is Diversity and

Not Cardboard Plants Cut Out With Cookie Cutters hehe

So the Party Ended

Up With Some

‘Big Shout Outs’ From

me As You Know What

in The End We All Down Size

my Rich Uncle Used to Be Able to Throw

Around His Weight Yet Change is the only
Reality mY FRiEnD it Doesn’t Matter How Big

A Roost A Rooster May LiVE iN Eventually We
All Return to Star Dust Same as We aRe Resurrecting

Newly Now From Gaseous Dust of Super Nova Explosions Iron
FLoWinG iN Our Blood Streams Same at Core of Earth as Living Trees
STiLL Bring Oxygen For Iron to Pick Up And Nourish Every Inhale of

For Real

Nothing is Our
Own Except this
Star Breath We Breathe

Hehe It’s Like the Once Paradise
Emerald Green GulfCoast He Lives
in a Richest Tourist Place in the World

Yet Most every Beautiful Sugar White
Diamond Quartz Gift of Sand Nature Covered

By Concrete Edifices Humans Make to Extend
Our Nature Deficit Disorder a Bit More Watching

The Early FireWorks From the Emerald Grande Hotel

Across the Bay He Masters With Home and Pier

A Glory Flower

(In Our Eden Garden)

Yes Blooming Myriads
of Pink Blooms Truly

More Glorious than the
Early FireWorks Celebrating

Conquering Other Humans
And Killing Them For the Freedom
We Still Have to Cover Beauty With Concrete mY FRiEnD

To Cover Beauty With Concrete A Way For Human Downfall iNDeeD

That Perhaps Only A Free Dance And Song Naked Enough Whole


a Little Bit mY FRiEnD…

Dance Vibrates Every
STRinG A SonG oF
i Am to Be Higher Frequencies
Energies Synergies iNDeeD i AM

MuSiC GoD Set Free

Naked Enough Whole Complete

Other Than That THere
Is This So Hot on
June 30, 2024
my SmART Phone
Stopped WorKinG Hehe

How Beautiful…

A Love So Innocent
For A Mother, A Couple
Who Has Been Married
Decades, And Two
Children who
Truly Feel each
Other’s Smiles
Just to Hold
A Hand
Yes.. Love
Everyone this
Way reaching
Out to See
Yes Beautiful!
Thanks Again
For Translating
Surely Worth
With SMiLes…

Just Another Name for A Statue of ‘A Saint,’ Now;
Or A Sculpted Word on a Page Like ‘Jesus’ that is no longer
An Actual Name of the Living Being With Breath that has become a Valuable
Object Created As Sacred For Folks in Sects of Christian Language of Religion; And
Where this Sacred Object of Jesus is Venerated to the Point of Demand; that unless
one Falls on Bended Knee to Worship this Human Sculpted Word of ‘Jesus;’ Guess what,
You ALL are Gonna Burn in Hell Forever, for not Worshipping That ‘Particular Trump Tower;’
Some folks, Value the ‘Statue of Jesus in a Word on a Page;’ And Some Folks pay the Symbol
of ‘Jesus’ as No Value at All, in other particular views of life, And Associated Sacred Symbols
That Bind And Bond For Religion; Like What kind of Four-Wheel-Drive-Do-Ya-Love, Ford or Chevrolet;
True, Some folks practice the Religion of Chevrolet, Life Long; And Others Do Ford, Unless they consider
it an Acronym “For Fix Or Repair Daily” as that is How Folks who Do not Belong to the ‘Ford Religion’ May
Denigrate it. In Other Religions, Like the “Honda Religion,” Those Cars Are Worshipped Truly More Like ‘Real
God Lovers,’ Lasting at Least 200,000 Miles, if Properly Worshipped and Pampered With Oil Changes and the such.

And sure, Then There are Sports And Teams; Yes, Religions Like The ‘New York Jets’ in ‘the UniVerse of Pro Football,’
They Once Had A ‘Jesus’ Named Joe Namath, back in my Earlier Days of Youth too.

‘Totems’ Aren’t Going Away; The Totems of Christian Sects Are Fading Away
As Every Church That Closes its Doors on Another Day;
Religions And Totems Come and Go; No Doubt that
the Indians of Canada didn’t wanna See their
Religions And Totems Forcefully Be taken
Away too And Replaced by Christianity
Forcefully As Was Done; Yet That’s Life;
it Changes; Wars Are Even Fought Over
Changes of Religions
And Totems
too; Yet
Again that’s
Life; This is no surprise at all.

Basic Definition of Totem From Professors Wiki:

“A ‘totem’ (Ojibwe doodem) is a spirit being, sacred object,
or symbol that serves as an emblem of a group of people,
such as a family, clan, lineage, or tribe.”

Humans Have Been Creating ‘Sacred Objects’ As Symbols for Bonding And Binding
Over Their Particular ‘Religion’ Inherent in How We Do Bond And Bind Over Objects We
Create As Sacred Symbols as Long as Human Histories come and go in the ArtiFacts of Humanity that still exist.

True, We Own Nothing In This Life; Star Dust We Come From, Star Dust We Go; All That Truly
Belongs to Us Is Our Living Breath for Now; Pharaohs Built The Pyramids, Hoping to
Live Forever, for their Names in ‘KA’ of Spirit to Go On; One Day Those Pyramids
Will Turn to Dust; As Will All Traces of Human Civilization, in Around 300 Million
Years, If we are ever Foolish Enough to continue to do stuff like Not Wearing Masks;
Short Sighted, Ignorant, During Pandemics as there is another Potential one Brewing

in The World Now As Always For Real Yes

Nothing is Our own; Yet it’s true, As Long as We Are Human, We Will Bind And Bond Over Totems;
We Will Always Venerate the Tools We Create as Sacred and Holy Extensions of our Breath;
It does Seem That ‘Godzilla,’ OtherWise Known As A Symbol For Nature, Taking Back Balance is
Reigning More As ‘Spirit Animal’ Totem Now; Seriously, The United States is a symbol for Taking
Whatever the ‘God’ We Want From Nature in More than We Give Back; As The United States Uses 40
Percent of the World’s Environmental Resources as Just A 4 Percent Fraction of the Population of that;
So, who is gonna throw the
First Stone of
‘Which Statue’
Is Deadlier now;
True, Here at least, We
All Worship ‘Killing Statues,’ in one way or another of Short
Sighted, Ignorance Now. There is No Liberty, When We Destroy the Only
Face of God We Have; The Nature that Supports us; the Nature We aRe.

‘Go Godzilla,’ Show Humans What Happens when they take more than they give;

Or Just Another Little Messenger Like a Bat coming With ‘Wrath of Nature,’ Without ‘a Care’ for
What We think
Or Whatever
We Worship now, Bonding Over the Symbols;
Again, No Lasting Liberty Without Balance, Now;
Humans Come and Humans Go; in a blink of existence now;
Star Dust We Come, Star Dust We Go; if Only We Will Appreciate
the Gift of Breath in Balance now, Then We Come longer and ‘Chew the Fat’ some more…

The Essence of Why Folks Venerate What they create, is the Feel Good Neurohormones
Like Oxytocin; And Neurochemicals, Like The Eraser of Anxiety, Serotonin, in Comfort of
Humanity Peace And Harmony too; As Whatever Folks Venerate in Worship of Gratitude,

The Essence Is As Real as Human Living Breath now.

EVENTUALLY TURNS TO DUST OR RUSTS; Or Is taken Away As Human Clothes; Yet, Naked Love
Breathes, as Classically evolved; No Matter If all the Cultural Clothes are taken Away.

The Love We Garden; The Love We Tender; Yes, The Love We Give,
Lives On, Whether We Water A Flower or the Eyes of a Loved
one to Give, When We no longer Exist on this Planet.

i’d Rather Worship God As Breath
Than What Rusts Quicker as ‘Stuff’
And Turns to Cold Dust Within as Dead.

LoVE iN Peace is the Real Gold Dust Born of Star Breath.

Truly Nothing is Our Own; Yet That Breath, Living Or Living Dead Now, Within;
As We May Give And Share It With All Others; Yes, The Rest of Living Nature With
Most Respect Least Harm

Caring Healing…

The Beach is Nice
Yet The Forest is
So Abundant And
Beautiful Striking

All Five Senses

And More in

Feelings of Nature’s

Diversity All That Colors

Life Now Everyday A New

Treasure to Share With A

Far Away FRiEnD Yet Always

As Close As Nature Colors

Love For Life to Give Freely

Away No Restraints

Caring Sharing

Just Loving


That is
FoResT View
DeLiGHT Touching

Eternity’s EYes Yes FoRest
All Now God With Loving Breath…

Hmm… According to Joseph Campbell And Many Others the Hero’s Journey
Is An Archetype of Humanity Where We Are Called to Adventure at a Point in
Our Life Where We May Not Be Willing to Accept the Call And Then We Travel


A Dark Abyss

Period of Life

Losing All Hope

And Coming Back to

Loving All In LiGHT oF Peace God Yes

Giving Sharing Caring Healing The Journey out

of DarK With Others Full of Compassion

And Empathy Able to Forgive The Devil in

Hell As That is What The Devil Does When

The Devil Really Gets Out of Hell (the DarK) And



Free Again

With LoVE iN Peace

For All Into the LiGHT
i asked the Google Search

Engine For An Answer to Where

Our CuLTuRE Overall Sees the Hero’s Journey

And Yes Mariah Carey Had this to Say About the Issue:

“And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you’ll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you”

As Yes She Tends to
Agree with Joseph Campbell

Still Now in 2024 By First Hit
of A Google Search Yet When

Hero is Capitalized We Get the
Dictionary Definition First that is:

“a person who is admired or idealized for courage,
outstanding achievements, And Or For noble qualities.

“a war hero”

And That Sounds A lot More Like ‘Superman’ Than Mariah Carey

So Where The Hell Does Superman Come From Well of Course He

And The Other Comic Book Heroes Come From Pale Young Men Mostly

Who Were Bullied in School And Day Dreamed They Had Some Kind of Super

Power to Get Revenge on the ones Who Bullied Them… So What We Have is

Super Powers for Revenge in Most Every Hero Story on the Big Screen Yet

Is That All Where The ‘War Hero’ Comes into Play Well No For As Long

As There Have Been Humans Living in Scarcity of Subsistence

Hoarding Grains in Silos Where There Are Haves and Have

Nots There has Been Us Versus Them to Champion

Territory, Subsistence, And Reproductive

Rights So then Tribal God’s Emerge

in Stories That Dash Stones

Against the Head’s

Of Opposing

Tribe’s Children

And Take Reproductive
Rights Away From Women

All the Way From Rape to Sell

For Bondage in Legal Papers for Marriage

As A Contract Separate From Cattle Held in Concubines

True As Far As Pop-Psychology Goes All that Separates A

Villain From a Hero is A Villain Has Close to Zero Levels of Empathy

For Others and A Hero Has so Much Empathy He And Or She is Not

Able to Separate His and or Her Needs From the Needs of Others and

Even Frans de Waal Father of the Alpha Male Theory of Chimps Relates

An Alpha Male Leader is Picked as the Hero Who is Most Cooperative With

The Most Empathy to Care for All of the Rest of the Chimps At Hand And Additionally

The Servant Leader Has the Highest Levels of Cortisol Stress As It Ain’t Easy Caring

For Everyone

And Basically




Needs Often Last

True in this Way Giving

Sharing Their LiVinG Life with all Others

Most As A Way of Love And Cooperation

And Empathy As the Hero is the Servant of All

So How The Frigging Hell Did Donald J Trump Become

And Still Does Live As A Hero to So Many So-Called Conservative

Republican Evangelistic Christians Who Still Stand By all the Obvious

Villain Things He Did in Life With Close to Zero Levels of Empathy as

A Most Despicable Leader Villain in Demagogue Style Rivaling Folks Like

Adolph Hitler Admitting He would Shoot Someone on 5th Avenue From the
Start and all the Minions Would Still Support Him Modeling His Unmasked Behavior

in A Deadliest Pandemic Then Dropping Like Flies On 5th avenue over 1 MiLLioN ‘Strong’


Dead Dead
For It’s True Not

Nearly that Many would
Be Dead Dead Dead if a
Real Hero Leader With Empathy
For All was in Charge Leading the
Way Protecting the Sanctity of all Breathing Life…

So Then We Got A More Empathic Leader Biden that Helped…

Well Let’s Return to Religion which is really just another Name for

Politics And Culture And Philosophy What Bonds Folks Together in

Common Binds Yes Let’s Return to the Tribal Gods Who at One Point

in the Stories Loves All In Peace Enemy Same As FRiEND And God the

Same By God Even in Only one Man and by Words of So-Called Last Prophets

In Other Last so-Called Books Written That Have all the so-called Answers to Life…

In Both Cases

The All Forgiving

All Loving Peaceful

All Merciful God

Tortures those

Who Do Not Comply

Forever As That All Loving

Forgiving Merciful God Changes

Into the All Non-Forgiving Merciless

God by the End of Both Stories that

Close to Half of the World HoldS in So Many

Similar Versions of their Truth in Life As the Hero

Is the One Who Comes Back And Tortures the Enemies

in Revenge Forevermore Again Just Never Ending Torture

That Puts ‘Hannibal the Cannibal’ And the ‘Silence of the Lambs’ Changed into

Goats Burned Forever into A Whole New Level of Trump Psychopathy Even More too…

The Truth is Hard for

Many to Hear

Yet this is true

People Have

Been Worshipping

The External Hero Villain ever

Since Stories With Bad Endings Started

There is a Kinder Gentler Way of Joesph Campbell/

Mariah Carey For in This Case Just Being Human

Finding the Light in the Darkest Parts of Soul within

Spreading that Light as Love to All Others is A Damn

Sight Better Than Heroes Who Live For Revenge And

Torturing The Enemy

forever in the



ending end

Anyway this is why
Folks Who Worship Trump (no real difference)

Tend to Worship the Same Kind of God

It’s a Matter of Humanity And Who Has

The Empathy and Compassion For All And

Who Has Yet to Remember And Do what Humanity

And Even Chimps Do Living in Greater Overall Animal

Homeostasis with the Rest of Nature and Each Other…

Anyway i didn’t Come Here to tell Anyone what to do Just

Sharing my Truth in Light as Heroes Who Come out of the

Dark Always will

Do in Human


And Form

As Just


Nobody with

A Tool of LoVE iN LiGHT For ALL

No Frigging Exclusions All Body
Parts oF ALL Equal in Love For What they Touch in Essence And Form FOR REAL

NoW A Pandemic is A Place of Darkness for Humanity to Come Out of A Pandemic of

Humanity that is Lost in the Lies of External Stories That Ruins Who We even Are as Human…

Yes The Answers to The Dark come From Within too often Folks Look For A Hero Coming

From Somewhere Else Yet the Only Place That We Truly Live For Real Within indeed Then
We Share And Give
We Care And
Heal Real

So Free…
With Least
Harm Most
Respect Yes

If We Are

That Fortunate

To Truly Set Ourselves

Free Finally Unafraid of

DarK No Longer Cynical oF LiGHT…

Anyway You Are My Hero For the

Day for Inspiring these Words for the

Secret to the Real Hero Is Seeing Everyone

Even Less than A Grain of Sand As The Same Hero God….

God Beyond Words God Beyond Fear God This Only Breath Now i BREaTHE



Giving Free

In Ease Just Another

Nile Overflowing in the Fall

September of Fertility Always Now

Hehe at Least on the Fall Equinox When i Am conceived in ’59 hehe…

And Scheduled for Birth on the Summer Solstice in ’60 if Not For the Doctor
Going on Vacation Giving me A Memorable Induced Early BirthDate of 6.6.60 HAha

We All


An ‘Omen’

of DarK And
LiGHT iN This Life

Either We Consume it

And Grow or ‘The Bar Eats Us’…

(Reference to ‘the Big Lebowski’
Movie in “What Happened to ‘Donnie’”
And Yes the Theme Song Here, ‘Rapture’ by ‘Blondie’ too)

Again Thank You PsychologistMimi From New York, New York; Almost As Reliable

as ‘the Nile’ hehe… It’s Really Okay That You Skipped one Day of Being Here With SMiLes…

And in Relation to The Past
Actions of the 6 ‘Catholic
Conservative Justices’
And Allowing Folks
To Discriminate against
Gay Folks in Providing Artistic
Services in the Public Sector

Well If They Really Read the New
Testament They’d Already Understand
That ‘Jesus’ Like Anyone Who Identifies
With the All in One Does Indeed Include ‘Jesus’

In the LGBQT Plus Community too And According
To Him if You Turn Your Back on Serving These Marginalized
Folks You Turn You Back On Him Which Means He Won’t

Know You In Heaven QueendomKingdom Come

Indeed It Will Hard for the LGBQT Plus

Community Including ‘Jesus’ to

Stomach ‘You’ And to Better

Know You With That Much

Human Ignorance in Peace
And Love At Hand And As mY
Record Shows at Least if ‘You’ Treat
These Folks Without Respect in my Presence

i Won’t Turn Any Money Tables Over Yet You Will

Hear From me in Words That Pierce Lightning Thunder

Real Just as my Rich Uncle Did When He Disrespected the

LGBQT Plus Community of His Family Who Visited Him
at my ‘Late June Birthday Party’ Last Year in His Version

of Paradise After the Gambler
Chose His Card oF IGNoRance

Harming the Souls of Others…

Are Feelings Best or Worst

Feelings Are Who We Are

Are Poems Worst or Best

Poems Are Who We Really Are



At Least

When Home
Within Comes
Out to Dance Sing Free
Karlien Now With SMiLes…

SMiles Dear
Karlien Poetry
Is Soul No

to Meet

And Greet
A Stranger

In Place of FRiEnD
SMiles Beyond All

Forms Poetry Words
BREaTHE Soul Essence Now…

Depth of Soul
Whale Hole
Art Does Blow



Rising to Surface

Again Fountain

of God Art


Soni Mandala of MuSiC iNDeed…

SMiles Dear
Karlien Poetry
Is Soul No

to Meet

And Greet
A Stranger

In Place of FRiEnD
SMiles Beyond All

Forms Poetry Words
BREaTHE Soul Essence Now…

Ah Yes Sunset
Pond Reflections
Gleam Sublime
Dreams ALiVE

iN Art You

Paint Dear Soni…

This Breath This Love
This Peace Creates Naked
Enough Whole Complete Real

SMiLes Dear Savvy
Forest And Beach
Are Flesh And Blood

my Home

All The

Rest As

Well Soul

Space All No
Separation This Breath…

Aloha Dear Hawaii FRiEnD

Summer Harvest Indeed

Dog SMiLes Paw Prints

iN Ease SMiLinG Even More



Waving Moonlit

Dreams Colors of

Ocean Sees From

AWaKinG Heaven on EartH

Waves Glimmer Rainbows Breathing
DaNCinG CoLoRinG Love For All Now So PLEaSinG…

Yawn, Considering Science
Shows most every So-Called
Rational Decision is Made After
the ‘Fact’ of Human Emotions

Driving What We
‘Think’ Are Our

Rational Decisions;

There is Plenty of
Scientific Evidence that
Railing Against Supreme

Court Justice Opinions That

Drive The Decision Making Process

Back to Law-Makers, may DraW iN Much

Bigger Crowds of Democrats to Vote in this Next Election

And Perhaps One Day Have A Big Enough Majority And Emotional
‘Nuts’ To Make new

Laws Protecting

Us From Potential

Theocratic And Or
Autocratic Rule Against

All This Country Supposedly

Stood For From the Start To Come

Over Here And Escape That BS From ‘The Old World Order’ Then…

Yes, ‘A New World Order’ is Separation of Church And State Lessening

The Impact
of the Greatest

Human Pandemic
of Ignorance that

Harms, Rapes, Maims,

And Kills Most; Not Just US

Yet the Rest of Frigging Breathing

Nature that Makes this Circle of Existence Even Possible At All…

There Are Way too Many Conspiratorial Religious Believers STiLL Looking
Forward to the End of the World As We Know It; Self Fulfilling Prophecies

Will Indeed Come

to ‘term’ If We

Allow Ignorance

to Rain Down


Tom Foolery in deed…

Now Listen, Obviously Not Every Human
Being Has a Depth of Human Emotions to
Drive Them to Change Yet Science Shows

And My God Trump (the Meme) Shows Just how Much Humans
(Minions) Will Be Ruled By Emotions First; Core to Politics, All Human



Our ‘Shadows’

Rule; Bring them

Out, Play With Them;

And Rule ‘Your’ World At Least…

Thanks… i Remember
That’s One of Your
Favorite Flowers
From my Home

With SMiles…

Friday Glory Flower Blooms
How Nature Celebrates
Interdependence As
The Glory Flower
Blooms Fireworks
Of Beautiful Pink
Flowers Myriads
Of Buds From One
Flower In Our Eden
Forest Backyard Versus Fireworks
Over The Emerald Gulf Coast
Bay Yes A Home View Of Pink
Fireworks next To An Emerald
Grande Hotel “Mecca” For

Around The
World to Visit

With Fireworks
June Thursdays
Through The

4th Of July

SMiles And The
Home of my Uncle
Achieving His American
Dream Starting Out Selling
Vacuum Cleaners Door To

Door And
Ending Up
With A Home
In The Most
Beautiful Place
Here Yet Sadly
Overrun By Buildings

Now With The Beach
Left Barely Breathing
With What Grains of
Sand Aren’t Covered



Nature’s Flowers
Key to True Freedom


Beautiful And Wild
With Wings of Colors
Blooming So Fully Alive…

SMiLes Dear Miriam
i’ve Found It’s More
The Recipe of Love
That Hands the Food

As A Best Meal

To Enjoy

in Warmth of
Caboose Stew
What my Grandmother

Called A Corn Beef Hash Dish
Handed Down to Her By The Elder

Man Who Worked As A Train Engineer

Lone on the Trestle in A Stone’s Throw

From Her Shot-Gun Home We Were

Raised in After my Father Left

to Find A Wife Who Would

Work to make Him

Rich More Than
A Mother of LoVE iN
Peace Gardening Her Children At Home

The Elder Train Engineer Was an Elder Man
my Grandmother Helped to Clean His Home

And the Only Father Figure i Had When Young
Indeed my FRiEnD Caboose Stew Beyond All Numbers

of that

Way of
Life That
Robs Us of

The Echo The Train
Makes in Return of Love’s Sound

The Meal That Echoes Still Within For Real…

THere is A Kind of Love That Makes Humankind

Complete Within…

Moral oF A SToRY First Oaks Will Crowd Out Evergreens
And if You Take A Broken Septic Tank Away From A Dogwood

Same Basic End

i Could Make These Circumstances of Reality Omens in Another
Fictitious Religious Story Coming to Egregore Breath in Real Life

Since The Dogwood Tree Died in 2017 An EverGreen
Tree Slowly Turns Brown Now

Barely Breathing Green And

Now It’s All the Way Dead…

In 2017 After my Mother
Passed Away A Dogwood

Tree Slowly Died in Our Eden BacKYarD

Dear Lord Mr Gottfried to Turn on the
News You’d Think the Sky is Falling

Yet Birds With
Wings Are


or Paranoid

Signed Peter
Pan Or Just Pan
Wings of the Forest All

The Opposite

of Paranoia

Bliss Dances
Sings All Around

If Life Gets Any Better
I’ll have to Wear Shades
At Night True That’S How

I LEarned to

See in the Dark
Yet Promise no

More Dance
Videos for
Now Hehe

i’m practically
Everywhere it Surely
Seems that Way when
Most Everyone Recognizes

You With SMiLes Just Watching
to See What You Might Do Next

At Least That’s What my Wife Sings
As i Go Incognito Oblivious To What Everyone

Else is Watching Oh Dear Lord And That Song
by ‘LoverBoy’ That Was Just Playing in my Head

Bingo! Synchronicity!

Literally Just Came on

the Speakers at


Per “Working For the Weekend”

For me at Least it Always Begins Now


‘It’s a Hard
Knock Life”

Yet not for me hehe..:)

What A Blessing Surgery Is to Fix the
‘Mechanical Processes’ Inside that

Go Awry

Dear Miriam Yet

Sadly the Part
That is Mind
More Aptly
Put Maladies
SoUL Have No Tools
To Repair Concrete Parts
All Beyond Measure Where Most

All Repair is Done Like Punching
A Computer When the Blue Screen Arrives

And Even Sadder Really is All the Invisible
Disabilities That Most No One Has Sympathy For

Yet Like All Other
Outcast Parts of

Existence The

Tree Becomes
Stronger for Future
Storm Winds Enduring
What Nature Has to Offer Today..:)

Wow! Happy Birthday!
Your Celebration Sounds
Almost Magical Like
Alice in Wonderland
With SMiLes Saaniasparkle
And Yes the First Pic Reminds

of That…

I’m Still Doing
Peter Pan i Never Land..:)

Seeing Blooms
Through Blue
Lovely Dear
Amethyst Lamb
A Drug Only Nature

With SMiles ⛅️


Every Breath Is a New Life Now
Dear Savvy And Just Be cause

It May Never Have Happened

Before Surely Doesn’t Mean

Change Will Not Bring

A Brand New

Day With

Feathered Before


“The Body Keeps Score” Also the Name of A Book
All About How Our Emotions Flow Through Our

(Or Perhaps Get Trapped in Tensions Physically)

Body So Yes to Get in Touch From Head to
Toe When Moving Walking Dancing

And Whatever Other Creative

Movement in Tune of

MuSiC oF the SoUL

Regulating Emotions
Integrating Senses in

Synergy of All Feelings

FLoWinG Through Every
Cell And So Much Smaller and

Larger Holistically Dear Miriam With SMiLes…

When Peace Is Felt From
Head to Toe Balancing

FRiEnDS With Gravity

Mind and Body SouL

Whole the Positive Energy
of Love to Focus in All We Do
Comes Free to Be Yes in All We Do..:)

Nature’s Best Therapy
Dear Miriam A Free Dance

From Head to Toe Freeing Our
Nature’s Escaping From the

Modern MaLaDY

Of Mother


Deficit Disorder
Trapped Tween Two
Ears And Plastered

Like Wile E Coyote

in A 6 Inch Dream
And Scream of Screen

Chasing The Road Runner
AI American Dream Isn’t that
The Condition of ‘The Condition’
As Cartoons Come to Life in

“Twilight Zones” Real

Where the Hell is ‘Rod Serling’
to Report on His Fruition…

Anyway Like Guardian’s
of the Galaxy Volume Whatever
Suggested Some Folks Dance And

Do Not

Do i Will
To Truly BREaTHE Free…

Slaving All the AI Tools
Servant to me Hehe..;)

SMiLes Rather Be
A Snowflake Than
Melting Snow Ego
Will Be Zen Art too
Or Even Just Human..🙂

Why Sit Still Only Focusing On
Breath When Free Dancing Singing
Is Meditating Coloring Soul Breathing God

Painting A Sistine Chapel iN Ecstatic Flow
New is Not When Ya Wanna Quieten

Connections Of Soul

‘We Read Quotes to

Improve Them’

My My That’s The Loveliest
Compliment A 64-Year Old
Flower Ever Received.. i must
Quote it.. “You look soooooo
fresh!! Lovely sight so
pleasing to the eyes
And only Dance
And Sing
You Stole
The Way i
See You
It Back to
me Dearest FRiEnD..🤗

Smiles inherently
Humans Are Born
With The Propensity
To Dance And Sing
And Love Free Sadly
It is The
That May
Take Away
All Of What
A Soul Will Feel…
Naked of Life
Of Breath…

-Recovering Straight A
Student With 3 Degrees
Financially Independent
Yet Nothing.. Not Even
A Soul Without A Free
Dance And
With No
Other Goal
Than to Breathe
NoW it’s True
Birds Stop
Eat too..:)

SMiLes When Love
Gives Becomes
The Receive
The Flower
Is Complete
Fully Coloring Breath..🙂

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.
There Are many People Who Profess a Religion of Love;
And Far Fewer Who Actually Act On Love And Make it Living Peaceful Breath.

So Many ‘Statues;’ Yes, Including Words;
So Little Love ThaT ACTuaLLY BReatHES.

Religion, Generally Speaking,
Keeps the Folks Who Belong
to It From Killing Each Other in the Streets.

That’s the Positive Part.

The Negative Aspect is
Ignorance is A Worst Killer of Breath there is;
All Breath Matters As We Depend on All Breath to even Survive.

Religion By Very Definition is Bigoted for By Very Nature
Religion is Inclusive And Excludes; And indeed This is Part of Nature in Balance too;
Species Cull From Within to Gain Balance Again, When Population Pressures Stress Balance.

What Sets Humans Apart from Other Animals
Is We Have Symbols; Yes, Totems We Create
That Bring Hope Over Despair
in Terms of Placebo
That is Real
in Effect
of Affect
That Brings
Healing to LiGHT Yet True
Not Only Do We Do Dreams
in Fruition There is Voodoo of
Nocebo True In Dark too
A Chalice Half
Full Lasts
So Much
ThiS Way
than the Glass Half
Empty And On the Way to Bottom
Hope Rises Further Half Full Versus
Day Out
of Night it’s
What A Moon Half Full
Does in Reflection of Sun..:)

LeSSoN 280
Love is the Real
Gold Dust Born
of Star Breath🌟🌲🌺🌈☀️🎨

It’s Worth Noting Every
Word Becomes An Emoji
When Breathing Human Love
Echoes of Meaning
In Emoji’s You Do
See Clearly

🌈🎨😊 Free😁

Life is Breath
See it FeeL iT All
Love It ALL At Best iN Peace

“Gold Dust Born of Star Breath Love”
Oh Lord Mountains of LoVE
Carrying Arriving Just Another Title

The Irony is Both Fascinating and Delicious Now

The More Science Attempts to Discretely Measure

Nature And The More Religion And Human Same

Tries to Tell Nature What to Do

The More We Find

Nature Has

A Mind

Of ItS own

Who KNeW

Nature is Wild And Free

PerHaps At Best We ReMeMBeR

Lest We Be Reaped By Our Own Ignorance

Of Who We Even Are Yes Nature With A Mind oF iTS Own

“To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your
hand And eternity in an hour.”

Yes! This! by William Blake..

Not to Dance Sing That Scoring the
Most ‘Sixes’ isn’t Impressive in ‘Cricket’…

Not Sure What That is Yet it sounds ‘Chirpy’…

Yes Hehe i Consulted Google A Bit on it too HAha…

Yet True to Find Muse in Every
Breath Every Move Every Word

is Indeed

A Divine

Path of

Life With No Need…

Amazing Rue i Used to Play Life

As Such A Spectator Sport Audience
Member of Someone Else’s Sports Team Indeed
A Pretty Good Cheerleader it Seems too as When i Supported
The Miami Dolphin’s NFL Football Team At Age 12 They Won Two
NFL Football Championships Consecutively Unheard of Feat Until
the Point Hehe When i Supported the Team That’s Not All Then There

Was High School And Our Panther Team i Supported that Won Yes A
Runner-Up-to-State-Championship And Two in A Row After That Truly
Amazing in 1977/78/79 in the State of Florida And No That Wasn’t All

As The Next on the Line-ups of Hit Teams Was Florida State University
As the Whole Team Went Legendary The Years i Supported them Last
taking Note of the Team Winning A Championship in 2013 Shortly after
i Recovered in Hell and was able to Use my Eyes and Ears Effectively
Again after 66 Months Shut-in As You’ve Surely Heard Before Haha..

Anyway Other than Supporting the Atlanta Braves Baseball Team
for a Year or So and them Winning A National Championship too…

Probably Just A Big String of Coincidences that Who i get
Behind Wins Wins Wins kinda Like Katrina and her
Disorder For Not Aging Much it Seems still at
54 Years-Old Similar With my Sister Reaching
63 Years-Old This August True as Well

Hmm.. Anyway no Longer a
Spectator i Love A

to be


By The Smallest

Parts of Life no More

Than the Bigger Parts of Life True

Really Just A ‘Snoopy’ Way of Life Finding

A Party of at least one Wherever i Jump For Joy in Life With SMiLes..

Hmm… Yawn Life isn’t that complicated Just Smile And Carry A Breath
With ya for Real Now..:)

SMiles Dear
Good Vibes
You Jive With SMiles



Isle Life☺️🙌
With All Nature🏝


SMiLes Dear Hemalatha Nobody
is The Somebody Within
Who Is Your Biggest Cheerleader

Through Thick And Thin

Ah Yes Again Mariana
Place to William Blake
‘Hold Infinities in the

Palm of




As You Sing

Lifting Dancing Your

Spirit of Creativity SPeaKinG

For Every Fall
i Feel Spring In
Winter Fertilizing Now
Summer Flowers New Even
More Dear Chaymaa With SMiLes

SMiLes Dear Savvy
Life Rorschach Test
Or Art We Co-Create
Beyond Rainbows
SMiLinG New Moons Full

SMiLes Dear Savvy
Open Minds Travel
Farther Sails Behind

Boats Fair Winds
Following Seas
Deep Blue



So Much




Hold Boats
In Safe Harbors
Through Stormy
Unpredictable Weather True too…
i Suppose Each of Us Has A Hot
And Warm Faucet Adjustable Too..:)

LeSSoN 422
Last Dance First
Life Bleeds MaKinG
Every Breath Treasure

Hmm, if I Had to Choose Between ‘Parosmia’ and Everything Smelling
And Tasting Like Rotting Flesh as Opposed to “Cigarette World”

As Oh YucK x A ZiLLioN PLuS i Managed and Worked in A Military
Bowling Center Smoke Filled From A Hundred Folks A Day And Night
Puffing away
For 18 Years

i Hate to Say it
Yet i’d Probably
Choose Cigarette World
Even if it Killed me over

Another Day of Rotting Flesh World USA

Experiencing That From No Smell or Taste
At All From a Pre-Covid-19 Cold Virus through

God Yes Rotting Flesh for Nearly A Year then
Starting on Solar Eclipse USA Day Back on

August 21st 2017 the Dooms Day Smell

And Yuck It’s No exaggeration sadly a Real
Consequence of Covid Illnesses For Some Folks

Where it Actually Drives them to Killing Themselves

As there Just Seems to be No Way Out From the Inside Out

And That’s How Hell and Heaven Works From the Inside Out For Real With SMiLes…

On Top of that The Young Woman Classmate i Was Assigned
In Collegiate Anthropology School Training to Be a Participant
Anthropology Observer With
At Age 22 in
A Lamaze
Class to Massage

Was so Bony
i Was Afraid i
Might Break Something

She Was A Smoker Still Smell That Nicotine
Residue of Her SKiN oN my Finger Tips Now

“The Party Doesn’t Start Till You Arrive”

i Will Not Tale A Lie i Never Ever
Expected To Ever Hear “That”
From A Bouncer From A Biggest

Metro Dance Hall/Bar until i Did

One Day i May Return Again To
Play ‘Norm’ At ‘Cheers’ Yes The
Moving Still Groovin’ Version

DaM iT Covid-19 Shutting
Down the Dance Hall
Bar on 3.12.2020

Too Nice of
An SUV to Go Back

Store Dance Halls
Always OPeN Free
At Walmart Through
Sleet Rain Snow and
MAsked Pandemics Hehe

Rain Drops
Leaves Same

Falling Only
For More Precious
Green of Spring Fed
By Winter’s Frozen Death

Yet Only Rebirth As
Summer Flowers

Fall And Rise

Again Naked
Enough Whole Complete

As the First And Last Dance And Song
Of Life Comes From DarK Creating LiGHT


Still Naked
Enough Now
Whole Complete

So True Dear Savvy Raj

Yet Oh How Humans Will
Be An Only Animal to Clothe
Us in So Many Layers We Must Buy

What’s Free And Even Attempt to
Own What is Impossible to Buy

If We Ever
Loving Fearless
Free Now For Real..:)

Happy July 2024 Dear Shawna
Baby Free Dance and Song on Tap
For Ever Day and Ever Night Interdependence

Day Year

Around With SMiLes

You Must Be at Least Partially
Psychic Sitting in Front of MicroSoft
Outlook Starting An Email to You Celebrating

The Great Month of July and Now Dutifully Replying
To You

With SMiLes

NoW God Yes

As You are a Real
FRiEND Who Always
Comes Through With SMiLes

How Rare That May Be Online for
9 Years With Even More SMiLes

Particularly if One Happens to Be
On the Autism Spectrum With Asperger’s

Syndrome Where Monologues of Poetry May
Go on Longer Than Even Shakespeare Or Dear

Lord All the Writers of the Old Bibles Could Imagine Together in
130 Months Just Finished Celebrating 13 MiLLioN Words of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” So Much Multi-Media to Catch Up With the Finished Writing Part

Of That Currently Writing the Celebration of “Nether Land Bible 8 YearS Old
11 MiLLioN Words” “20,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” Also RiSinG to 20,153
Miles Now and of Course 9.4 MiLLioN Words of “FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2024”
Also Recently Celebrating a 7 Year Anniversary Special for that Run On Sentence

Of Free
Poetry too…

And What i Casually
Call an 8th New Testament
“Depth of The Story” on the
Wrong Planet Website Now in the
95th Solo Page of that Run on Sentence
Long Form Poem too Around 4 MiLLioN
Words in 46 Months of Effort Too Yes

Every Page from Top to Bottom the Size
Of A Novel Sized Long Form Poem in 16
Days of Effort and 16 Poem Stories too

Averaging Around 3 or 4 Thousand Words a Day
With Over 238 Thousand Views Just From the Registered
Members of that “Wrong Planet” Online and the best part
Of that News

It Doesn’t
Even Take a
Super Computer
To Open Up the
FReder’s Digest Version

Of What I Do With SMiLes Hehe

HAha Seems As Usual i’m All Booked

For the Week Dear Shawna Baby Yet Nah

Just Resting my Feet for the Public Dance

Yep i’ll Be at Walmart Blowing Up the Dance Floor

As why Not Start my Own FireWorks Extravaganza

Everywhere i Go
As A Portable Human
Dance Machine at Best Art

Katrina Will Be Shopping It’s what
She Does When She’s Not Cooking
Doing the Family Accounting Duties
Watching TV And Most of All the

Other Stuff that Peter
Pan No Longer Does

Hehe i Never Land

And Here is One of my
Favorite Videos Where the Dude’s
Son Asks His Daddy and In fact
Demands that He Spin Like

True Who
Needs Disney
When i Come to
Town Freedom Ringing

iN Ever Move Jingle Bells Year Around

Other than that i’m Glad i Get to Celebrate
Independence Day Year Around And Never

Get Up the Next Day to Go to Work Yep Sleep

In Dance Sing Dance Sing Eat As Needed and
Go as Needed

To Just Repeat

Be A Sea Monkey
A Novelty Aquarium Pet
For View on Any 6 Inch
Screen With Enough Muscle

Cheshire Cat SMiLes

With That Sung Hope You Have a Wonderful
Family Fourth of July BBQ Still Trying

To Convince
Katrina to

Cook-Out Too

Life is Way too AMuSinG
These Days to Miss Out on it
Watching TV or Fireworks Same



With LoVE iN Peace

With Rest iN Peace

Next Stop Routine
Afternoon DeLiGHT NaP…

With That Sung And Danced
The Wages of Birth And Death

With SMiLes…

Sort of Like What
Happens With A ‘Big Bang’

Hehe and Not Only Just ‘The Theory’..:)

SMiLes Dear Cindy
Sadly It Seems that
The ‘Trump MeMe’

Is Relevant to
The Downfall
of Humans Eating

Their Own Faces of Nature

In Other Words Orange Zombie
Apocalypse Coming into 2020 View

No Longer With
Even A Desire
To Reproduce
The Calamity That’s Come

Reminiscent Yes of John B Calhoun’s
Mouse Utopia From the 1960’s described

As the Experiment
of the ‘Beautiful

Ones’ Male Rats
With Gold Combovers
And Orange Make-Up to

Cover Up a
Nature that


All Integrity
Fresh as Nature
Naked Enough
Whole Complete
Will Be Not adorned
With All the Clothes of Death…

‘Godzilla’ Also Clearly Relates THere is
A Price For Believing We are smarter

than the
rest of

Either We Swim
With the Ocean
Waves Now Water
Whole in Balance
Or We Sink Lower



and go away

Orange Statue Rotting
at the Bottom of the Ocean
No PArt Whole Will Ever View Again…

Perhaps We aRe Old Enough to Escape The

Living End…

Meh i’ll
STiLL Vote
Just for the HeLLuva IT..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam
Cheers to a Country

Without Explosions

Yet i Suppose Since They

Say We aRe All Born of A Big Bang

That Might

Be an


Wish to Feel the

Colors Yet let the Explosions Go…

The Explosions aren’t ‘Normal’

Any Cat
And Dog
Will Normally Relate…

And the Truth Is 8K HDTV
Has More Colors Yet Far

Too as Nature
Dances and Sings
Just the touch We aRe


for Now

And Lightning
To Return Again
to Cool Off July With SMiLes
As Muggy as the Gulf in Air..:)

“To Dream the Impossible Dream”

Indeed Dear Amethyst Lamb Close

to Your Age Now i Felt It would
Be Almost


to Find Someone
to Love me the way
i Would Love Them to
Set Both of Us Totally Free

In Fact i Gave Up on the Dream
And Just Became All i Could Be Free

For the First Era of my Life at 28 i Felt Naked
Enough Whole Complete Shining With A SMiLe

That Was Bright Enough
To Bring the Still
The One to me

Yet It’s True
The Exercises
of Love Before
Were Surely a Battlefield
Resembling Hell i shall be

Free Together too or Alone and Free

Not Everyone Can Find the First Part

And i Agree It’s More Difficult for Many now than ever before…

And as Far as Soul Mates Go If Folks Don’t Find the One Within

They Shall ever
Be Lost as the

Worst Poverty of
All Is Not Being a Soul Mate Unto Our Self

Some Folks Don’t Find that Gift Until the very last breath…

if ever
at all
Now For Real..:)

“It’s a hard knock life for most”

It’s True Mr Gottfried It’s How Hard
You Get Knocked Down and How You

Get Up That Makes a Real Man and or Woman

Yes a Human Being

Worth Their

Salt FOR the Gift of LiFE For REAL NoW

Some Folks Fall and Will Be Thrown Under A Bus
Then They Get Back Up Stronger Than Ever Before

It’s What the Other Animals Who Aren’t Whiners and
Spoiled Brats Do Too Hehe i Enjoy Taking the Banter

of a Devil’s Advocate in Most All i Do in Fact Each

Day even though i Could Be Sipping Alcoholic

Drinks Literally In “Margaritaville” i knock

myself out to the Point i Can’t Keep

my Eyes Open on the Last

Word Written at

4AM each Morning
And Oh Dear Lord
in the Public Dance
And at the Military Gym

i Tear Myself Down until i
No Longer Can Get Up until the Next Day

And Yes i’ve Been in that Position of Stuttering
When the Right Hemisphere of the Brain Refuses
to Reciprocate With the Left Hemisphere of the Brain

Speaking in Public Running into the same RoadBlock the
REAL ELDER Noble Hero who DOES Lift Himself Up No Matter NO Matter

WHAT Obstacles Come Did Too Now Usually i’m Smooth as Honey

Yet When it Takes 13 MiLLioN Words of Free Verse Poetry to Sing

Over the Obstacle

of Stuttering
and finding
no Words at
All You Keep Jumping 130 Months
Higher and Higher God Yes Dancing
A Tight Rope With Ease Higher Each
And Every day Same as When they
Call You Bird Legs in Middle School

With No Uncertain Taunts of You are
Too Weak too Strange too Ugly to Exist

And they Call You Beast at Age 64 When No
Other Military Elite Dude can Budge the 699 Kilograms
You Leg Press Like a Feather With the Sound of A Lion Still at Age 64

At ease just warming Up 12 Reps Yes Life Hit me With Your Best Shot

And Like that Real
Elder Noble Hero
Said “Just Watch me”

When i Get up and Roar Yet
Back to the Devil’s Advocate

i was Parodying the Opposite of
Paranoia a So-Called Medical Condition


“Pronoia is the positive counterpart of paranoia. It is the delusion that others think well of one. Actions and the products of one’s efforts are thought to be well received and praised by others. Mere acquaintances are thought to be close friends; politeness and the exchange of pleasantries are taken as expressions of deep attachment and the promise of future support. Pronoia appears rooted in the social complexity and cultural ambiguity of our lives: we have become increasingly dependent on the opinions of others based on uncertain criteria.”

SMiLes Mr Gottfried The Wonderful Part of the Internet is it Lasts Practically forever

Now When i Say i Write 13 MiLLioN Words in 130 Months the Internet still Holds all
the Proof on a 6 Inch Screen Same with the 20,153 Miles of Public Dance Now

Yes Even With Videos Documenting Each and Every 1000 Incremental Miles

of Effort and True Quotes on Demand Where Folks Described me as ‘The
Perfect Definition of God’ Yes that one was a bit Uncomfortable Yet in

Metaphor it Only Meant i conquered my Demons and True i’ve Also
Been Compared to Buddha and Yoda and My Wife as Been

Described as the Luckiest Woman on the Face of the

Earth to Have me in fact there are Thousands of

Other Quotes i Can find in ease with the

Google Search Engine Still if Folks

Think i am Having Delusions
of Grandeur in Pronoia Hehe

Like the Video of Public Dance With 90,000
Views in 2018 By A Voyeur that Went Viral where

1300 Comments From the FB Metro Community
Included Remarks that i documented like Dear

Lord i am everywhere if You haven’t Seen me You
can’t be from Here and Yes that i am the ‘GOAT’

And i Don’t even Play Any Sports Hehe and Legend
And Hero and Famous and Even Perfect Every Square Inch

Where Poetry Has also Been Dedicated just to my Butt and
Legs With SMiLes Hehe Yet you see my FRiEnD and True

i am FRiEnD to Innumerable Folks and even when others call
me their Best FRiEnD they rarely come through on what they say

i Am to Them and that’s okay as i Understand what Makes

A Real Human Being someone Who Gets Knocked

Down Gets Up

Now And Refuses
to Knock Anyone Else Down

Love Your Enemies Turn the Other Cheek

See Everyone As The Face of God Namaste

It’s Just Not Just Empty Words to me It’S A Way of Life

FOR REAL And One Thing i Know For Sure is to Live

ThiS WaY is to Be Naked Enough

Whole Complete Nothing to

Add or Subtract A FREE

Dance And Song

In Itself Eternally Now Will

YES Become Heaven is Real

And i Am Only Human if i Don’t

Take a BEYOND Olympic Effort to Practice
This LiGHT Way Every Night Every Day of my Life

THere iS A VEry Real Possibility i’ll Get Knocked Down

(Been to Hell Already Documented in Stone of Soul too)

And Won’t Be able to get Up in Other Words God Will

(LoVE iN Peace)

Spit me out

if i Don’t

All of this Life
As Just A Gift

to Give Great Thanks
and Praise for Without Pause…

Mr Gottfried
There are Heroes
With Guns Yet

Real Heroes

Wear SMiles
of i’m Getting Back Up
And i’m NOT Tearing Others Down..:)


Feeling And Sensing A Real PArt of tHE ALL Dear
Savvy No Separation All Unity DarK Thru LiGHT

Appreciating With Great Gratitude

The Faith the Trust Of Having

All That Is as a Warm

Part Of All We aRe

Close and Never Distant

This Creation We Continue to
Fully Participate in All We Do DarK Thru LiGHT

New Truly
Never Alone

Again Now..:)

“When faith is,
everything is”

SucH A Wise
Concise Aphorism
Quoted From Savvy

All That
iN All Dancing Singing

Free EternALLy NoW🙏

All Wonderful Thoughts
For Positive Thinking Dear
Chaymaa Some of Us So Full

Of Words as i Surely Seem to
be Now and Now Hehe However

First i Dance in Flow And Let The Song

Come Next Emptying Deeper From Within

As Dance continues flowing even more smoothly

effortless in ease

as wind continues to

breeze beyond reason
and rhyme time plays when

real and now evermore freer
TeaSinG ReaLiTY iNTo Being


SMiLes Forth
to Shine if i KNeW
What i Am Doing

NoW HoW iN The

Word Will i Come With Wings to Be i Am

Just to Dance And Sing As Freedom Pleases

This River
Peace Water
Raining Down
Now All Up As
Love Smiles even more
Moral oF A SToRY Just
Dance Free Let Feet Root All

What Rises And Falls Now Real FLoWinG

of Leaves Yes SMiLinG Feeling SeNSinG
Next As Answers SoUL HeART Free New
All Come BLoWinG in Our SPiRiT Winds..🙂

All Feathers
Of This Wing

Love Free to Fly
Soar As High As

Wind Flows


Dear Savvy

Spirit Without
Measure Beyond
All Distance Space And Time

No Boundaries Not even

“Matter of Things’

Only Room

to Grow New Now
And Evolve Even More
This DarK This LiGHT This


Fearless Free..🙂

Indeed Dear Sohair Love Within

Breathes Free iN Peace Without

Fear Inhaling Exhaling ThiS WaY

In Communion
of All That Is Best

Hands And Feet of Love
Continue to Dance And
SinG THiS Dance And SonG Free

Yet Aways Dancing

Singing Fresh New

Gratitude For A God of
LoVE iN Peace NoW NewLY
Within Breathing Free For Us..🙂

Ah Yes Dear Savvy Synchrony
Peace And Harmony AS HeART
Beats Become Drum Beats Within Melodies NeW

True As Vocal Chords of Song Express Vibrations Yes
Frequencies Synergies Of Human Energies NoW iN



We Radiate
As Sunshine
Above Below
WiTHiN For Real

And True Musical Instruments
May Carry This Tune of Human
True MaGiC oF MuSiC even Further

For Humans to Give Share Care Heal

For Free Higher Vibrations Frequencies
Synergies of Energies A Communion oF ALL


All With Different
Unique Instruments
of SoUL to Come And
Play Free iN Flow Bird
Song And Wings

Above So
Below Us True..🙂

TuesDaY School LeSSoN 487
Never Too Old or Young To Pose
Also Known Felt And Sensed
As Play Hehe True The Dude
In The Underwear Ad Around
40 Years Younger Than me
And The Walmart Cashier
Lady 10 Years Older Than

me With SMiles Surely
Have The PoTenTiaL To
Shape Shift Stretching
my 111 Kilograms Slendering
myself Out Like An Upright Snake

Oops! Happy Canadian Dominion
Day A Day Late Miss Your Poses
Of Play Too i Review Them Now

And Then
School SMiles

As A Human Being With Degrees in Anthropology, Social Sciences Interdisciplinary,
And Health Science; With Actual Collegiate Training in Archaeology And Participant
Anthropology Observing; And Actually Doing All of This As A Life Long Hobby in the ‘Field

of Life for 64 Years Now; Yes, What Sets Humans Apart Most From Other Animals is We Have

iMaGiNaTioN, We Move Connect And Co-Create Together As Story Telling Animals Who Bond

And Bind Over Similar Ideologies And Symbols; Also Known as Our Politics, Religions, And Philosophies;

If You Are Really Smart About Adapting in Life, You Do What Works To Both Your Advantage and the Advantage

of the Group Effort For Surviving And Thriving You Are Part of; Although, Technology Today Provides Many levels

of Assistance For Real

That Makes Us Much
Less Reliant Upon Each

Other to Both Survive And Thrive;

Although, Longitudinal Studies of Human
Beings Over 80 Years in Span Show Far Away
And Close in General it is Our Warm Human Connections


WELL, CONSIDERING We are Social Animals That Should be Somewhat of a No-Brainer

of Common Sense to Figure Out, Unless We are Too attached to Mechanical Cognition
And ‘Things;’ Yes, Objects in Our Environments, And Fail to Nourish Our Relationships

With Others Who Share Our Similar Beliefs and Attitudes About Life; Namely, Other Places

Than Home or Work; Yes, ‘Third Places,’ Championed in A Book By Ray Oldenburg One of

my Sociology Teachers too; As These Places May Include Church, Bars, And Even Bowling in Leagues,

Where Sadly Today,

the Metaphor and
Book of ‘Bowling Alone’
is More of An Apt Description
of Our Modern Human ‘Conditions;’

Where, the Centers For Disease Control, CDC

Studies Show the Once Happiest Demographic

of Teenage Girls Now has the Highest Levels of
Depression at 57 Percent that Impacts Life Functionality
Negatively, And Even Up to a Third With Suicidal Ideation,

Which Puts Them in the Basement of GAF, Global Assessment of Functioning;

True, Happiness Used to Be Assessed As ‘U Shaped’ With Greatest Levels of Happiness

In Youth And Then After Middle Age After Most of the Rat Race of Our First World Problems

Are Gone From Life, If We Attain that Level of GAF in Life At Around my Age of Course at 64;

As Still an Anthropology Participant Observer It is True; ‘Book Learning,’ Is Only Partially Effective

When Studying Human Cultures, Including Their Politics, Philosophies, and Religions As All Three

Are Constantly in Flux and Changing; So, You Gotta Get Out of ‘The Ivory Towers’ And Actually Participate

With Others to More Fully Understand What Works And What Doesn’t Work For Them in Life And How and Why As
Well So Here We Come

After Sufficient Background

to Explore the Issue of ‘Why Do
People Consider No Afterlife “More Logical”?

As An Excellent Topic of ‘Op’ to Discuss on the ‘Wrong

Planet’ Where We Have A Diversity of Course of Neurodiversity

Where We Have Folks Ranging From Extreme Systemizers Who Also

Believe in Jesus And Heaven and Hell After Life Literally as Such Which Really

Isn’t That Surprising As Some Folks ‘Think’ in more Black and White Terms of Life

And Have Much Difficulty With The Nuances in Life That Will Never Be Fully Measured

By The Scientific Method As Not All Experience is Empirical, Discrete, Observable, And Repeatable;

Like Each Individual’s

Process of Subconscious
And Conscious Reality For
Their Inner UniVerses WiTHiN;

(Always Changing in Flux NEWLY NOW)

And YES, A Great Example of This is How
Around 30 Percent of Humanity Studied

Benefits Greatly From the Power of Suggestion
That Hypnosis And the Placebo AND Nocebo Affect and Effect Delivers;

True, Insurance Companies Don’t Support Therapies That Don’t Work at
Least in Some cases of Humanity For Real; and in the Case of Church Goer’s

With The Common Politics, Religions, And Philosophies and Even Choir Music

They Bond and Bind Over Similarly For Greater Warmth in Life And Actual Potentials

to be More Successful in Both Surviving and Thriving Together This Way Helping Each Other Out;

It’s Obvious They Are Experiencing the Science Assessed Number One Factor to Reach Happiness in Life

As Long as they Are Accepted in the Group Effort of Their Shared Ideologies and Symbols ThiS Way;

As A Participant
Observer Visiting
the Local Catholic Church

i Get This Experience Sundays

Even Though i am a Bit Odd to Put it as
Gently as i Can and Will Do; i am Well Accepted
Within the Walls of the Church Even Expressing

How i Discern The Attributes of Going to Church A Bit
to a Lot Differently than the Rest of the Folks Attending;

For Instance, Doubt it Not; For the 30 Percent of Folks Who
Actually Believe The ‘Sugar Pill’ of that Wafer of Bread They

Receive in Communion is Actually Transformed into the Flesh of
Jesus, Not much Different than Folks Who Believe A Sugar Pill Delivered

in Good Faith and Trust By A Doctor is Gonna Heal Them; The Affect and
The Effect Will Be the Similar in Potential Healing for Those Who Have the Ability

to Use the Power of Suggestion That Way to Actual Heal at Least Some Problems in
Life, if Only Reducing Stress and Anxiety That Science Already Shows Reduces Our Wellbeing’s for Real.

On the Other Hand, ‘The Voodoo’ or Nocebo Effect Not Unlike This ‘Power of Prayer,’ A Placebo Sugar Pill of Jesus
Provides is Just As Real; For the Folks Who Take Hell After Life As Serious As Heaven After Life And Oh Lord, Live a

Life of Anxiety
Worrying they

Are Gonna
Meet Their
Greatest Fear;
Perhaps a Literal
Horned Devil to Literally
Burn them in Hell Forever;

Oh Dear What A Real Nocebo
Voodoo Effect That Makes in Negative
Ways too; Particularly for Glass Half Empty

Human Attitudes All the Way ACross the Lifespan,

Resulting in Affect and Effect of Negative Outcomes in Well Being…

Indeed, It’s a Mixed Bag of Benefits of Carrots and Sticks Not Nearly as Much…

Additionally, If you Happen to Be Out of the Realm of What is Accepted in Human
Diversity as that Applies Particularly to the LGBQT Plus Community, Not A Place Ya

Wanna go
For Well-Being
Either Although

Some Churches
Might Accept Even
A Little Brown Dude

Shirtless After A Long Day
of Roofing All Week; True i Was
in Whataburger Last Night, And They
Didn’t Turn ‘Him’ Away for Not Wearing

A Shirt, Kinda Dusty, With a Beard And Long Hair too….

True, He Would Have Never Got in the Catholic Church i Visit Sadly AS Such…

Another Aspect of Focusing on the After Life in Rewards of Heaven and the Such

Is That This Life May Be Denigrated As Second Fiddle to the After Life; And Dear

Lord They Do that Constantly at the Church i Visit and Many Others i Have visited
in my Local
Area that
Once Held
The Guinness
World Record For

Most Christian Churches Per
Capita Where with A Multitude
of Military Installations too; Social
Science Also Assessed This As A Most Difficult
Place for ‘Folks Who are Different’ to Both Survive and Thrive…

And That’s Not Surprising as the Social Scientist Work of Jonathan Haidt
Shows There are Both Innate and Environmentally Produced Differences Among

So-Called Conservative Leaning More Closed Minded Folks and Liberal Leaning
More Open Minded Folks, Where it is almost Predictable as one Group Will See the

Statue of ‘David’
All Naked AS Such

At Least Not Very Palatable
To Look at Aesthetically As Art….

While the More Liberal Group May
Not Stick to One ‘Small Detail’ and God Yes,
Notice More the Gestalt of the Art at Hand in Aesthetic Pleasure…

Interestingly, in the New Testament You Will Find Verses That Are More
Mystical Like the Luke 17:21 Verse That Speaks to You Will Only Find

This Heaven, This Mystical Kingdom of God, Within And If You Look

for it outside

of You, You

Will Surely Get

Greater Lost From
the Real Potential

of Becoming Naked,
Enough, Whole Complete

Within This Way As Well as
Outside, Above, So Below, And

All Around in Oneness of Accepting

All the DarK and LiGHT of Life As Is

to Treasure A Kingdom And Or Queendom of Heaven Now as Greatest Present Gift

And Pursue Our Human Potentials, All of them Loving in Peace Fearless Now For Real…

However, This Is More of An Internally Driven Practice of Course Versus What Relates to the

More Observable, Empirically Assessed, and Repeated External Environments of ‘Things;’

And Some Folks Have Greater Difficulty Practicing What They Cannot Easily

Measure With a ‘Ruler;’

Problem(s) is They May

Never Seek and Find Now

A Way New to Master the All in
All of the Great Within to Really

Have A Best Life Ever Now WHere

Living is Gift Enough to Die for it Now…

i’m not Waiting For Heaven When i Experience it Newly Now…

i Don’t Need Any Sugar Pills to Reach the Essence Yet Sure

i’ll Create Sugar Pills to Enhance That Human Potential in Ideologies

And Symbols

i Create Myself
For Real too;

i Co-Create my Life…

i Write Act And Play the ‘Depth of my Own Story’…

Some Folks Enjoy More Being Part of Someone Else’s

Story; Sure, i Participate As An Anthropology Observer too…

Yet Indeed, i Beware of Certain Practices of the ‘Locals’ too hehe…

Like Excluding People i Love; If i Could Change That i Would; Perhaps i’ll Give it one more try..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha When
Butterflies Seek Mates

They Have the Ability
to Discern Variances

Of Asymmetry in Measure

of 1 In A Million

Hehe i Suppose that
Means They Seek the 1 in a Million

Yet It’s True For the 1 in a Million to
Exist Requires the Other 999,999

Symmetries Similar

to Measure

And Oh Dear Lord
Butterflies Don’t Even
Have to Go to School to Learn
to Do This Born to Seek Beauty They Are

Yet Naturally
With the Understanding
That All the Differences

Create the Beauty too


Just Seeing in the News it takes
92 Thousand Dollars for a Single Person
and 250 Thousand Dollars for a Family of Four

to Make IT in a Big City

Dear Miriam
for Families
are Tween
50 and 80 Thousand Dollars

And Oh Dear Lord They Say Happiness
Increases Up to 500,000 Dollars while

my Mother Did the Happy on Just
500 Dollars A Month in a Subsidized
Rental Apartment For Old Folks She Refused

The Social Security Supplemental part for Old
Folks and Still Managed to Give to Charity

Dear Lord i am So Happy i Inherited

That Part That Requires
Not Being Anyone
Money hehe

i Know Some of the Most
Intelligent People in the World
Working In Some of the Highest Positions

in the World
Yet Still They
Are Barely Breathing

And That Is What it Takes
for the Bolts and Nuts of This World

to Stay

At Least You
are in a Noble
Profession that
Administrates Health Care

So Many Cracks High and

Low For Folks to Fall into

And Indeed the Valleys

May Be at the


of Highest Mountains

i’ll stay an Ant and Marvel
at the Mound

Each Grain
of Sand that
Holds All of my LoVE iN Peace Up

And of course the Mountain Top too…

And Oh Dear Lord i Didn’t Even

Mention Current Politics…

Or the Weather
Deep Down
in the Gulf

A Perfect Storm
We Seem to Be in Indeed

Yet the Good News Is Perhaps
We Will Create Our Own Rainbows at least with AI..:)


SMiles Dear Amethyst Lamb A Best Part About A Representative
Democracy Is “We the People” Get to Choose Our Representatives

SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb A Most Challenging Part About
A Representative Democracy Is “We the People” Get to

Choose Our Representatives

The Challenging Part is Science
Shows “We The People” Aren’t
Particularly Rational and Mostly

Ruled By Our Emotions Before We
Decide the Reasons for Our Actions

People Bond and Bind Over the Addictive
Properties of Adrenalin And Dopamine that
Fear Anger and Hate Do Bring in Group Think


Like Family
Work and Church
Wherever Two or More
Humans Come Together

Although There is the Healing
Properties of Oxytocin That
Provide the Social Bonding
Love That Keeps Us all Together

Sharing LoVE iN Peace Yet of Course
Only if We Happen to be Part of the “In Group”

Oh Dear Lord And Then there are Wanna Be Old Testament
Demagogue Humans Who Manipulate This Propensity of Other

Humans Only
For Selfish
Purposes Yep

Just Pulling the
Strings of the Puppets
Afraid to Disagree With
the Group Think and Get

Outcast and by HiStory Before
All Our Technological Supports

to Literally
Starve to Death
If Separated From the Group
Think This Instinct is Still Strong

True Classical Evolution Is Slow Yet
Culture Will Create Greatest Dreams
And Nightmares too Yet i Will Dance and Sing

This and That is Change IS the Only Constant
Like When i Worked for a Captain of a Military
Installation in the Headquarters Building and She
Yelled and Screamed at me for Not Having the Blinds
in the Room Turned the Way She Wanted Every Room to Do

Or the Day She Was Trying to Win an Energy Award Refusing
to Allow Anyone Winter Heat the Public Works Department Had
Mercy and Brought in a Portable Heater and She Screamed at me

for bringing

it in Hehe

All of Her Department
Heads Made Fun of Her
When She Didn’t Attend the Meetings

Like Trump With 40 Of 44 Of His
Old Cabinet Members Refusing to
Support Him Now as the Human Disaster He was

Anyway The Career Folks Who had Been there Like
Forever the Security Folks Working Just for Support

Said She’s
A Pebble in
A Pond Making Ripples

Sooner Or Later She and the Ripples Will Go Away
And While It’s True Other Pebbles May Come Let’s Just

Hope in Florida
We Don’t Get

A CAT-6 Hurricane
From All the Human Pebbles…

The Moral oF A STory Dear Amethyst
Lamb Once Again It’s Up to Us to Write
Produce and Play A Greater Story i Do Believe

You and Others
Your Age are
Up to the TAsk

All That’s Left to Do
Is Believe in You and Just Do It Hehe..:)

Ignorance is A Most
Despicable Leader
HiSTory Shows
Willing Minions


On “5th Avenue”
Under The Rule


Fig Leaves

Naked Truths

Dear Cindy Either
We Wake Or




It Helps To
Appreciate Gravity…

Villains Fall

We Choose
The Rise


Fall And


Rot in The
Orange Bucket 🪣

Cheers to Warm Wings
oF LoVE iN Peace
Finding You on
This Tuesday
Dear Lord For
The Earliest CAT-5
Hurricane’s Winds Veering
Away From The Northern
With SMiles

“People are never the
same Each built different
They think different
Have different ways
Of living their life…
That no one can change
But themselves.”

“And yet, in midst of the chaos
The blessing is you find
Love and peace finds you
Somehow… Somewhere
As you were meant to…
To grow unto your truths. “

Thanks For The Wise
Resonance Dear Savvy🙏


Whatever Art We Immerse
Ourselves in Regulating Emotions
Integrating Senses Can And Will Bring

A Place of Peace

FLoWinG Lasting in Balance
Yes Dear Savvy Springing New

Fountains of Compassion Empathy
And Love Now Close For All of Nature We

Come Closer To Touch in the Land of Peace
Within Just Coming to Smile More So Very Free

Resilience For
Never Ending
Energy Now

of Soul
Well Being
Beyond Measure
Place of Peace Existing Free..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha There is Psychological Burn-Out Where We Are No Longer

Inspired to Do What We May Have Found Joy in Before And Then Oh No

There is Physical Burn-Out Where Stress Hormones Circulate in The

Blood Stream and Perhaps Due to Physical Inactivity

Or Constant Stressors The Stress Hormones

Start to Tear Every Bodily System Down

Resulting in Disorder and Disease

i Experienced one Period Like This

For the Middle Years of College God Yes

For It’s True it Can Be So Stressful in Terms
of Isolation And the Work Involved That Brings

No Monetary Rewards For Years On End Particularly

Difficult too if What We are Studying Is Not A Field We

Even Find Much Interest In And then Yes Eventual Physical
Burnout From Work Where 11 Years of Chronic to Acute Stress

Trapped Behind A Desk With Stress During All Waking Hours of Worry
too Associated

With Keeping
the Golden Handcuffs
of a Career Federal Job
With More and More Cut Backs
and More and More Work to Do
With Fewer Employees Multi-Tasking
What Feels Like Unlimited New Challenges Then

That Kind of Unrelenting Fight or Flight Stress
Surely Took me Down to Hell for 66 Months

At this Point in Your Life You Are Getting

What Seems Like Will Be a Good
Business Education Likely Earning
A Master’s of Business Administration

It Seems After Passing Your CAT Test

Dear Lord Life Consists of So Many Steps to Get
Where We Wanna Go and of Course in Your Case Like
Most College Students the place of a Good Paying Job
That Isn’t Too Stressful important to Always find Some Level

Of Sanctity in Environments of Respite From Stress ALonG the Way
All the Paths of the Journey Ahead Looking Within With More Introspection

Finding What

May Only

Work For You
Doing Your Best
to Become FRiEnDS
With Both Shadows and
LiGHT Within Doing Your Best

my Best Guess to Focus Where You
Are Now Trying Your Best to Let Go of
The Worries of the Future That Now at Least

Are Neither What You Can Control and
At Least What You are Not Facing now

Change is the way and What Comes in
Your Future may be better than You ever
imagined Now as Long as You continue to

Focus on
That Comes Now

Doing Your Best Yet
Being Able to Let Go
of Past Regret And Future Dread..:)

Is There A Measure of
Love Does iN Peace

SMiLes Dear Xenia

PaSSinG of Summer Solstice

Now Nights GRoWinG Longer
Buck Full

Moon Soon
New With SMiLes
of Nature’s Beauty
Moonlit Reflections of

Sunshine Marrying the
Night Merrying the Day

More With SMiLes…

Forest Shelter

Shades Away

From Fierce Summer

Heat Sunshine Bearing

Down Sweet


Of Forest
Relief With SMiLes…

Shining Above Below Now

Sky Seas Rippling From Above

Big Room of Blue Below Above

New With SMiLes
Dear Xenia

Water And
SkYLife Free Seas…

SMiLes Dear Xenia ‘Wild Wind’
SPiRiT HeART Souls Never
Locked in Jars

Closed Tight

Indeed SPiRiT
Wind Wild Free

Happy Coming Week to All of You
Who Fly With Wings oF LoVE iN Peace
Along With All Other Travelers MaKinG THeiR Ways..🙂

SMiLes Dear Miriam

Creating Our own Cheers

Deep Within So Jeers only

Flow Away


Else’s River
of the Night

As Sunshine Arrives
As Usually Planned Without
Any Other Wise Directions From Humanity..🙂

SMiLes Dear Sohair
A Dream oF Love
A ReaLiTY We
Give Share
Care Heal
in Peace
With Most
Respect Least
Harm iN JoY oF LiGHT
And Even More SMiLes
SPReaDinG FreeLY NewLY NoW..🙂

SMiLes Mr Gottfried

Loyal to What i Believe

i Am LoVE iN Peace

All The Rest

Just Falls in
Place A Rose
Garden With

Thorns Just
Carrying Another
THoRN To FLoWeR LiFE Free..🙂

Ah Yes Dear Savvy A Way i Hold
Dear Make Waves Yet Remain

Invisible Enough

Not to Make Such

A Big Splash

That the Ocean
Covers me and

i Don’t Return
Free to BREaThE
Creativity Spreading
Slowly Surely As TSuNaMi’s Will Do

And Other Tidal Waves Asteroid

Splashes Do BRinG Yes

Changing the Face of An
Entire World Newly Now
to Shores Returning Free…
Wise Words By Your Mother
So Inspiring As Always With SMiLes..🙂

Indeed Dear Mr Gottfried We Surely Have
to Fight For Out Right to LoVE iN Peace

With No iLLuSoRY Fears

And PArrrrTY!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!
(Yes! FoLLoWeD By A Series
of 6 Exclamation Points X 3 Hehe
True Dating Myself again at 64 HAha!)

Yes of Course At Best Meditating Moving (Dancing Singing Free) NeWLY NoW
EcstaticAllY iN Flow Totally Sober Drug Free SoaRinG ALL A Way Around Heaven

WiTHiN i’ve Also Heard it Danced And Sung And Produced By ‘Rick Rubin’ THiS WaY

“Don’t step out of this house if that’s the clothes you’re gonna wear
I’ll kick you out of my home if you don’t cut that hair
Your mom busted in and said, what’s that noise?
Aw, mom you’re just jealous it’s the Beastie Boys
You gotta fight for your right to party
You gotta fight for your right to party


Anyway Thanks For Inspiring A
STArT to my Next Long Form Epic
MacroVerse Blog Post Poem TiTLeD NeWLY

NoW “11 Years iN Heaven Within” Yes
STiLL Putting ToGeTHeR Multi-Media Freshly
For the Recently Finished Blog Post Named
“SonG oF mY SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old”

Along With the Writing Endeavor Currently
“Nether Land Bible 8 YearS Old 11 MiLLioN
Words” As Usual Juggling 6 Weeks Worth
of Three 60,000 Word or so Bi-Monthly Efforts
of EPiC Longest Long Form New Bible Poem Writing

ALL A Part of EPiC Longest Long Form Poem
“SonG oF mY SoUL” ALL 13 MiLLioN Words in
130 Months ALoNG With 20,161 Miles of Public

Dancing Free in Heavenly Bliss of FLoW Meditating
For All that Comes to Be AS Heaven Within Now For Real

True As You’ve Heard of Course After Spending 66 Months

in ‘That Other Place’ With the Worst Pain Known to Humankind

Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Assessed as Both the Suicide Disease
And A Pain Literally Worse than the Torture of Real Crucifixion too Again

Then 66 Months Wake to Sleep No Drug Would Touch All the Way From
January of 2008 Until July 19, 2013 Along With A Synergy of Life Threat
With 18 Other Mostly Work Chronic to Acute Stress Related Disorders

Yep Coming
From Work
in 11 Years
Before That too
Slowly Disintegrating
Burning Out Without Any
Embers of A Memory of Ever
Feeling A SMiLe At All iN Life

Yet of Course That’s Another
Subject WiTHiN of LiFE WHeRE
One Second is A Thousand Years
of Hell For Real too and Yes “SPeaKinG”

of Loyalty and ‘Covenant’s Within’ oF all that is (GoD)
We Never Break When We Escape From the Other Place
As A Literal Devil By Metaphor in That Other Place True

That’s What This Loyalty is All About Appreciating THiS Gift
of Life Reaching All Possible And Almost Impossible Human Potentials True

Heaven is a Place Within as Luke 17:21 Speaks too We Generate WiTHiN Not

Surprisingly No Rules And Instruction Books Left to Seek and Find Within

Yep Stories Attached to a Dude Called Buddha Developing An 8 Fold Way

Yet It’s All About Our Abilities to Create Heaven Fresh EveryDay Newly

NoW DarK Thru LiGHT or it All Goes Stale And We Stagnate Away

As Once FLoWeRS
Blooming to Wilting

Weeds Falling Falling Falling
Away from the Best Place oF All

Standing on ‘That Beach’ on July 19th, 2013 Pain and
Numb Melting Away Becoming One With Emerald Green
Waves Sugar White Sands Sea Oats Breezing in the Wind
Sea Gull Wings Spiraling Around the Sun Transforming

Free into This Covenant of Dance And Song Just Giving
Sharing Caring Healing For All With Most Respect Least
Harm iN JoY oF LiGHT Naked Enough Whole Complete

iN This Best Life NeWLY Now We May Co-Create As Well

In Limitless Moving Connecting Ways For Real Now ToGeTHeR

True It’s An Art New It’s Never Wind or SPiRiT HeART SoUL Trapped

in Old
Old Books
With No Additional
Creativity of God Real
WiTHiN to Soar Free..🙂

Real Heroes Are FlesH And Blood

If You Are Not Free to Love You are
Not Free Only Real Monsters Take

This Freedom Away

Either We Do Or Do Not Work
ToGeTHeR NoW For Revelation

Hope Faith LoVE NoW iN Peace

Love Is Not A Word God
Is Not A Word God
ViBRaTiONS FreQuenCieS
Energies Synergies LoVE NoW All

Early Morning
Blue Skies 🌌
From: Florida
to: You with hidden
Stars of SMiLes For All


A Child’S AGE


PriSoN oF Lies
FeaR iN Hate No Thanks That Is
No Country For Me i Vote Hope
Love Free i Am i Be NoW No ‘Matter’

WHeRE i LiVE iN Eden Peace

Both Within And All Around

God Love Best NoW
Hope Truth Love Wisdom’s
Beauty Stands Tall Free Liberty

Flames Light iN Peace

A Child IS A Star of
God Never to Be Lost
Always to Be Found and

Cherished as LiGHT

SoMe BroKeN
ARRoWS Continue
To: Soar as God’s Love From:
Don’t Play No ‘Second Favorites’ Now.

So Much Beauty oN EartH
So Many Colors Of Emotions
Free to FeeL And Sense In
DeLiGHT All Freed
To BRinG A Depth
More to Ocean
God Every Now
We Exist ALWaYS
NeWLY NoW A Wonder
To Give And Share
So Nice to Dance
Sing with a Friend
Great Enough to See
A Gift of all that
Is God Now
Real Dark thru
Light We Dance
And Sing Never
Giving up Hands
And Eyes Held High
For the Gift of all that
Is Yes God Free My FRiEnD
Early Morning Light of Freedom
To You
Dear Soul..🙂

Faith of Love’s Hope
Filling in Cracks
oF Freedom When
LiGHT Truth LoveS oN..🙂

Stories Light
And Coloring
Always Now More
Stories Live Best
As Every Cat And
Dog Feels Senses Now More…
A Mississippi Kite Eyes Dragonfly NeWLY NoW..🙂

Rock Around A Cove of Love
No Cove of Love
Without Free
No Love
Cove of Free
Rock Around A Cove of Love Free
SMiLes Xenia Free of Love of Free
Still Dances And Sings in SPiRiT NoW

Is THere A
Measure of
Love Does

i Feel WHeRE God
Leaves RiSinG Falling

Feeding Leaves

You Will Never Hear The
Tree Until You See Where Leaves Go
Sound of One Hand (God) Clapping in the Forest


It What’s
For Life.

It’s What’s
For Continuing
Existence Now.

‘Don’t Put Your
Eggs All in One
Basket’, Most Surely
Applies to ‘One Nation Earth;’

No Different Than Genetically
Engineering Humans All to be
‘Perfect;’ All You May Be Left
With Is Dead Lines Across A Page.

Hell Yes; One Will ‘Epigenetically
Engineer’ Humans Through Politics,
Religions, Philosophies Same; Great Thing
About Different Cultures in Nations; There
is at least Somewhere to Go, if ‘Trumps’ Win Ignorance Again.

Sadly; All the Irony, As More Than Likely All Borders
Would be Closed to Ignorance of US.


It’s All
Now And Then.

As Above So
Below; There
Is More Than One Star Now..🙂

Hell No Connection
Heaven Yes All Connection
Nature Teaches me Within



Free Naked
On Wing As
Nature Breathes Free

Living Tree
Roots Leaves
Rise Feed Green God
Falling Feeding New
Souls of Soil to Spring

SMiles Dear Savvy Your 🏝
Mother Nature Wise Indeed

She Said It Has One Eye And Not
Sure She Likes The Way It Is LooKinG At Her
LoVE Rises Best With FOuR EYeS WHoLE NeWLY NoW…

LeSSoN 368
As Below Above
UniVerses Birth
Out Of Centers
Of Purple FLoWeRS

Yes Such A Beautiful
Swirling Petaled Flower
WHere Bees 🐝 Will Pollinate

A Black

Hole Part

And Seeds

Shall Arise


To Soils
For New
Living Soul
FLoWeR Birth

What’s So Amazing
Above is Theories in
Quantum Mechanics
Suggest Spin And Torsion
Balance Of Galaxy Stars Falling
Into Center Black Hole Suns of



New UniVerses
Out of BLacK Holes
Circle of Eternity Never


God Is

A Woman

Who Eternally
Births God To Be i Am



To Cover ALL God
STiLL Comes to Be Now


A Seed Star All

A Purple FLoWeR

Gift Forever Now


God NewLY

Complete WHoLE 🐝😊

Hehe Who KNeW A





Is God


Question of Course



That Kid The Rest
Of The Class Despises
Who Always Has His Hand
Up With The Answer Except

The Little
Indian Girl
Sitting in the

Desk Behind Him…🙌

God Inspiring Music You Share Dear Sohair

Samvel Yervinyan His Violin And
‘The Message’ All CuLTuRES Bound

By Connections

of Human LoVE

Even Injecting

A Bit of Rock
In Rock and

Roll Guitar

To Get

A Message

Through With SMiLES

Hehe i Play this New Game

Now to See if i am the Oldest one

in the Room And Haha Mr. Yervinyan

Is 6 Years Younger than me hehe Same

Age As Himali’s Father Oh Yes Now i Have

So Many Numbers 64 Brings Yet it is True

i Finally




At the Restaurants

Yet It’s True What Exists
Beyond All Numbers, Labels, Religions,

Brick And Mortar Buildings All Human

Forms Young and Old The Love Agape That
Touches All With Warmth The Flame Within

That And Who Continues to Breathe Peace Without

Restraint No Unrequited Air Of Love to See Be And Do…

Still Now




Truly All Do

No Matter Label
or Place Hehe or

Advancing Numbers of Age..🙂

Hehe i’m Happy For No Reason No Money
No Stuff Not Even A Tool of Human Clothes


Give me




More is All
Mine to Create
in Dance Song Free

“It Was A Dark And Stormy Night’

i Escaped From the “Dog House”

Jumping for

Joy With


of Bird
Free Yes

Snoopy Never

Went Away


Back in Human Form

-me HeHe

Happy Wednesday

Dear Annabel




of Kindness

Wagging Ever More
As My Wife Says Go
Take A Bath Been



In The Dirt too Much
Never The Less Sun Still Shining on me…

And Soon Coming Another Snoopy Dance Free
in Stores While Everyone’s A Buyin’ ‘ i’m A Flyin’ on

A SMiLing..🙂

SMiles Dear Sohair Stress
Ages Folks Fast it Seems
Being A World
Class Violinist

A Host
Of Challenges

Of Stress Fortunate

Are We To Discard

All Stresses

With Ease of SMiles😊☺️🌹

Aww You Are A Special
FRiEnD Who Makes
me Feel Loved

A Wonderful

Bring With
SMiles Thanks

So Much Again
With Hellooove☺️🤗

Writing in SPiRiT of
Flow Brings Greater
And Greater Resilience


As Even
Shows A
Source of
Much Human
Happiness Particularly
Giving Sharing Caring


Free of
This is
Just Being
Human Moving
Loving Living
Fearless Free

In Ease

With SMiles🙌☺️


Earth, Wind, And Fire Dreams Again Close to July the 4th

Yet i For One Do Still Remember ‘That Date’

in 1989 When me and my Wife First
‘Really Got Together’ yet i Digress

OMG How Did i Do This, Seeing
The Date of this Post is September
21, 2018 Being So Painfully Conscientious

(It Seems You Are Re-Blogging it Now)

For At Least What i Set my Focus on Including Daily
Getting Inspired By Each And Every One of Your Blog

Posts Miriam Yet Oh
What A Reprieve
And Relief Seeing
Only 1 Like When i Arrived
Meaning This Post Likely Hasn’t
Really Been Published till now Perhaps
on the Back Burner For Years then Yet

Oddly it Seems So Very Familiar Probably

As It Speaks to the Human CoNunDRum
Of How We CuLTuRaLLY And Group Wise

Value THINGS And May Scapegoat
Those Who Do Not yet the Truth is

The Way it Makes Us Feel Inside

For Whatever We Value

in Life is Within

Our Mastery
And Control
Through an Autotelic
Bio-Feedback in Flow States
Meditating Shape Shifting Our Feelings

And Senses This Way At Will Of Enough Practice
Could Take Years to Achieve Yet Once We Do No

One Will Ever Slave Us For Any Need of Affirmation Again
Yet On the Other Hand We May Be Free to Receive as we Wish

And Ignore the Rest of the ‘Peanut Gallery’ As Snoopy Might Play

Writing His
Book And
Dancing HiS Own
Style of Joy No Matter
What Any Other Dog or
Human Cares to Think or Say

When He Is Just Dancing And Singing
ALong “TwaS A Dark And Stormy Night”

Really Only For Him to Enjoy as Heaven Now…

Hehe, Some People Will Get So Upset When Others
Don’t Value What They Value So Much i Tend to Value It All

It’s a Short
Cut that
for me With
Smiles to Loving IT ALL…

Just a Sidenote: Of Course
Snoopy Didn’t Have to Work for Pay
Makes A Difference for Where i Live
Valuing Different ‘Stuff’ Most Definitely May
Mean the end of a Job No Matter How Well One Does the Job…

Yet of Course i Already Told ‘them’ to Take the Job and Shove it in

A Most
Way to Go
And Eventually Come Back

Ya Just REALLY Have to Master
The ‘ScapeGoat’ First to Set YaSelf Free..🙂

Yes! Immediate And Lasting
‘Ear Worm’ of “Little Lies’
From Fleetwood Mac

What A ‘Cadillac’ in Regard

to Your Blog Post and Poem Titled
“Feed me no more lies” And So Far

As Far As the United States Has Come And

Gone Since 2016 Or So The Word of the Decade

Is Surely


To Be

A Three Letter

One and Not
Nearly ‘God’

As True

The ‘Lie’

Has Become
A Prominent Fixture
So Sadly of the American Way

Honest Abe Might Not Even
Celebrate Tomorrow And

Jefferson and the Rest
Are Still Rolling
Around in


Yet It’s True Everyone
Has Skeletons in Their
Closet Yet Still So Many
More Have Been Set Free

So Much More Still to Free
For A Real American Way Tomorrow And Today..🙂

“The queen bee will sting the king”

Amen Sister So Let It Be Sung

So Let It Be Danced

So Let the Freedom

Bells Ring Out

of Echoes


Only Lie

“The queen bee will sting the king”
One More Refrain Okay Let’s Get To
Painting the Hive With Honey Now That

Only TRaPS


For the

Still Coming Free..🙂

“Help ever hurt never”

Wise Words Dear Savvy
Four Words That Feel So Much

Four Words That See So Much

For Where Both Affective Empathy

And Cognitive Empathy Come into Play

Of Compassionate Understanding

That Real Life Experiences

Brings Yet

For What
Drives All of
Altruism Compassion
And Loving With Least Harm

First At Mother’s Breast, Mother’s Hug,

Trust in Mother And Father And An Entire

Village That Reaches Out and Touches the Child
As Truly Prize of Love For the Future of Our Species And

All of Nature’s

Love We

Come to
Give, Share,
Care, Heal, Inhaling
Peace Exhaling Love

This Life Long Journey
From First Breath to Last
Breath oF LoVE Carrying On

To Breathe in Others More Every
Eye Lit Up iN JoY oF LiGHT Loving
All With Most Respect Least Harm..:)

Oh my Goodness How Fortunate
Duke Is to come into Your Well-Care
Dear Cindy in Efforts For His Elevated
Liver Enzymes What Love Will Do For Fur too

And Speaking Of Eyes
hehe i too Had a Word
Press Issue With Disappearing

‘i’s’ So i Copy Pasted Them Awhile
From Another App that Would Work

Until Word Press Fixed This SNAFU Glitch

Currently Experiencing one on FB too Where

it Won’t Let You
Edit Posts on the
Desk Top Version
Yet the iPhone App
Works Fine to Do it
So i Use that Work Around

Another Issue With Word Press is
the Short Cut to the Top of the Comments
Section is No Longer Working on the Reader

So i Have to Manually Scroll All the Way Down

And i Refuse to Use that New Block Editor Comments
Function on Full Blog Posts as It Restricts the Way i Format

my Writing
to Reduce

Yet Make
It All Orderly
Like Trapping Wind in a Jar

i Did that for the Military for 25 Years
to Hell With All Those Rules Now With SMiLes

Yet Dear Lord
it seems Law
And Order is
Failing a bit
at Highest Levels
of Bureaucracy These Days

That’s only okay With Creativity hehe..:)

“Getting back up!”

SMiLes Mr Gottfried Hehe
i’m Not Being Paranoid or
Overly Optimistic Yet the Fate

of the Entire Human ‘Race’
May Lie Squarely to tell the
Truth on The Lines of This

Song Called “The Gambler”

“On a warm summer’s evening
On a train bound for nowhere
I met up with the gambler

We were both too tired to sleep
So we took turns a-starin’
Out the window at the darkness

The boredom overtook us
And he began to speak

He said, “Son, I’ve made a life
Out of readin’ people’s faces
Knowin’ what the cards were
By the way they held their eyes

So if you don’t mind my sayin’
I can see you’re out of aces

For a taste of your whiskey
I’ll give you some advice”

So I handed him my bottle
And he drank down my last swallow

Then he bummed a cigarette
And asked me for a light

And the night got deathly quiet
And his face lost all expression

He Said, “If you’re gonna play the game, boy
You gotta learn to play it right

YOU’VE got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run

You never count your money
When you’re sittin’ at the table

There’ll be time enough for countin’
When the dealin’s DONE

EVERY gambler knows
That the secret to survivin’
Is knowin’ what to throw away
And knowin’ what to keep

‘Cause every hand’s a winner
And every hand’s a loser

And the best that you can hope for
Is to die in your SLEEP”

And when he’d finished speakin’
He turned back toward the window
Crushed out his cigarette

Faded off to sleep

And somewhere in the darkness
The gambler he broke even

But in his final words
I found an ace that I could keep”

Oh the Beauty of Gratitude Searching Through all the DarK and LiGHT

Finding the Awe Inspiring Wonderful Beauty of the Gestalt of tHe ALL

Hehe Dear Miriam It Reminds me of one of the So-called Church Fathers

Who Expressed Disdain

That His So-Called God

Haphazardly Placed the Stars
Above Without the Order Humans

Control Trapping Wind in a Jar

And Still Insisting Wind (Yes ALL)

Has room to BREaTHE Free Hmm…

Of Course that Church Father Did Not Have

Have Sight Great Enough to See the Beauty of

A Hurricane Spiraling a Nautilus Shell a Rose and

Sunflower Spiraling Far Above in One Being of the

Milky Way Whole That is Our Most Beautiful and Only Home

With the Rest of Existence
Far Beyond the Illusions
of Time Distance

Space and


the Place oF LoVE iN Peace
i Shall Always Carry A Free Dance
And Song to Celebrate This Great Gift
Of We All Being tHe All In All Always Allone

Never Alone

For Those Who
See Feel and Sense
The Gratitude of Being All


Free Wind my Language of Love
is Shining Stars Everywhere i Shine Free

And Even Where Folks Believe i Am Trapped in a Jar Hehe…

Reminding me of my Dead Poet Society Style of Free Verse Poetry
in One of the ‘High Class’ Poetry Clubs Online a Well Schooled Poetry

Teacher told me “Sorry to
Rain On Your Parade but
You Cannot Single Space More

Than 14 Lines”

And i Reminded Her

of Her Current Place

She Rain and i Parade
Ferris Bueller Style STiLL Hehe…

A Biggest Difference Between my
Way of Life and Ferris and Forrest Gump
(And Yes many



Story i Do Life Real NEW NOW…

However All the previous Wonderful Meme’s
Provide Awe Inspiring Dance And Song Still to come


SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb With Every New
Breath A Changing New Life Troughs and Crests
Of Waves Make the Ocean A Never Ending Dancing

Singing Story Evolving
Always New Water Now

True at Your age Many Folks
Regret the Beginnings of the
Past Yet Most Importantly

Recognizing There
is Still Room Now to

Evolve as a Beginner

Now For It’s True i Would
Never Wanna go back to one second

Before as i was a beginner then a beginner

Now as i continue to evolve as a New Creation
Still Room For Much Improvement of Life to Come

Where Perfect Is Never a Noun Only a Beginning Verb Now

Oh How my Peers Often Celebrate the Glory Days of Years Gone Bye

Yet i’m only birthing
STaRTinG sTill i Am
Beginning always with
Room to Improve More

And even when i’m Older than
the Leaders and wannabe Dictators
of This Country my Art Shall Still Evolve

Forever Younger
More the beginner
the essence of the
Soul New Always Reborn Again Now…

And So Far in my Case Study at least
i Find This Beginning Attitude Brings a

Certain Glow


NeW on the Outside
iN as well With SMiLes..:)

“Gratitude in faith and trust
Makes us value life
In and around us.
Alone is an illusion of the mind.
As much as we are ourselves
we are the universe itself.”

Profound Resonance
Thank You Dear Savvy🙏


Oh Dear Dear Savvy Having
The Buttons to Lift Up in the Air
Yet Not Having Buttons to Land

i Surely Will Relate Working for the
Federal Government Through Reductions

in Force Where One is Often Placed With Minimal

To No Real Qualifications for Whatever Jobs Are Left
Not Once
Not Twice
Not Thrice
Not Four Times
Yet Five Times Including
the Job i Came From First
In Five Years And Five Job Changes
Mostly Temporary Promotions that Again

i Was Minimally
Qualified to Do

The First Job Change in Those
Five Years a Print Manager
in the Headquarters Building
of a Very Large Military Installation

The New Boss Said Just Wander the
Halls Someone May Provide Helpful Hints
for how to do Your Job in Other words i was all on my

Own to
Swim or
Sink Yet i Managed
to Land my Plane Without
Crashing Until the 5th Job Change
Came my Way Yes Then the Plane Crashed

And It took
66 Months
in Repair
of mY Mind
Body Whole Soul

Indeed i Got Rid of All
The Defective Plane Parts

And Learned to Fly A Dance And
Song on Terrestrial Land All on my Own

For the 6th
Job Change
Deep Within
mY SoUL Gaining Wings

iN Free Play With SMiLes No
Longer Wind Trapped iN A Jar SPiRiT Free…

The Silver Lining in Those Last 5 Years was
my Pay Doubled and my Retirement was based
on my High 3 Years Where 18 Months of that
3 Years ending before i was Retired was spent
on Exhausting all my Annual and Sick Leave Yet

Again Gaining
the High 3 Years
for Retirement that way

In ThiS WaY it Was the Worst
of Times Yet the Best of Times Still To Come

Life Is Full of Struggles yet When We Persevere
Enough We Surely Earn Our Wings And Never Even

Need to Land
Now Never Land
Indeed With SMiLes..:)

Standing in Front of A World
Free Independence Day Indeed
Naked Enough Whole Complete Or At Least

What Fits in Community Standards Barely Hehe
Yep All 248 Pounds

Yet in Eden
Clothed Lies
Do Not Apply

At Least in the
‘Real Place’ Today on
the 4th of July Always Eternally
New Now Heaven Within With SMiLes..:)

of Love Vary…
Some Are Gifts…
Some Are Acts of Service…
Some Are Quality Time Yes
Some Are Touch And Some

Are Affirmation Rue True

Yet That’s Only Five Languages
of Love Assessed in Pop Psychology

Not Surprising Discretely Measurable

Parts that Don’t Include What’s Not

Visible to the Naked Eye in Love Energy

There are As Many Languages of LoVE NoW
As There Are Eyes to Agree on What Love Is

Beyond Eyes And Ears that See And Hear

And That’s

Key Eyes

That Agree

Eyes Willing to Understand

Eyes Willing to Give Eyes Capable/Willing

To Even Feel A Miracle As Wonderful As Love

Generally Speaking Love Comes First People Come

First When Giving Is Enough Generally Speaking Love Returns
Yet It’s
True Still

Some Folks

Expect to

into Oranges

in Cultures Where Love,
People, And Giving Rate Low
On the To Do Lists of Life Love
Falls if it Ever Rises at all in Eyes
Too Cold to Ever Breathe The Miracle At All…

There is a Kind of Love That Never Gives Up That

Love Is


Love is
Failing Kindness iN Peace…
A Work of Art Never Science Alone…
The Further Down Now Love Comes
On the to Do Lists of Cultures The Harder
It Will Be to Be Found Among Those Wired as Less…

In The Case of My Mother And Katrina Loving me Always
Comes First Except For ‘Religion’ of Course Hehe As ‘Tradition’

Often wins
1st place


Human Beings… Meh…
Second Place Ain’t So Bad…
i Understand the Nature of ‘The Beast’..:)

Wonderful Metaphor Dear Savvy

For A Life too Strung Up With Strings

Of Other Stories That Control WHere Our

Freedoms Move Connect And Co-Create Next

If They Do Even
Move Connect
And Co-Create InDeeD

i Surely Will Relate As A Ball
of Yarn Finally Unraveling Free With SMiLes…

SMiLes Dear Anita

True When We Attempt
to Grasp Water Or Life

It Tends to Slip
Through Our

Fingers Yet if We
ToGeTHeR Allow Life

To Flow Deep Within

A Dance And Song Free

Comes Next Moving Connecting
Co-Creating As Life Becomes Warmth
to Give Share Care Heal With Most Respect

Least Harm

Yet Key is Don’t
Dam A River Let Our
Souls Flow in Freedom of Warmth

OPeN HeART SPiRiTS Rise iN LiGHT out of DarK… Thank You
Wonderful FLoWinG Poem Setting A Mood For Truly Living Now…

iNDeeD Dear

BeLoVE iN Peace

Living Tree
All SeaSons

iS A WaY Up
OuT oF DarK
WitH SMiLes…

Now For A Short
Nap Then The
Dance And
The Rest of
The Sing Party

Solo Shall Commence
Dear Shawna Baby With SMiLes

oF LoVE iN
Peace to

Dance And
SinG SoMe More…
Just FoR A HeLLuVA
CeLeBRaTioN UNFoLDinG For Free…

TRue.. Be A Director
‘i’ wHo iS A
Director of
You.. the
Art of ‘i’
wHo is
ThE Art
Of You
Never jUSt
The pARTiCiPatinG
Audience… More…
‘i’ wHo is YoU
Directing the
Art of wHo..
You and
ThaT iS
What You
Do Painting
Wisdom from
A Palette As


“Be the Image not the Reflection”
A Title by a woman from
India named Shuti
inspiring a
by me
that also
says be the
essence over form..
in other words not a graven
image alone including words
that do tHeir best to describe
and define all that is NoW
AKA God or cALL
iT all thAt is iT
or JusT
Matters noT
Form alone as
Essence Counts mosT
iN reAL LiFe NoW wHOle
yes.. Ocean Deeper than words alone…

Cheers To


Who Do Silly

Acts That

Bring Us


All Day

As Smallest
Acts of Creativity
Bring Lasting Pleasure Indeed
For What All of Imagination Brings

SMiles Dear Savvy Perhaps
It’s A Kind of Synesthesia
i Haven’t Asked Around

Hehe Yet my Body

Makes Music

Leading my

Soul While i Dance

Yet Of Course it Is

Only my Soul



All Words

Of Think As
True There is
A Soul Deeper
So Much Longer
Evolved Intelligence





So Restricted
To Abstract Constructed
Words Humans Co-Create
As Core Bonds That Bind
As Languages Essence of

Cultures Shared…

Dance Even


Of Facial




Soul Expressions
Still Remaining Yet



When Words
Are Not Held
Close in A Shared
Dance of Life It



Are Becoming
Emptier Within


An Oldest

Culture of
Dancing Singing Soul
Hehe Yet Again Maybe


A Way
i For one See

As i See All
A Dance of Soul Song

In Three Part Harmony

Including me With SMiles…

SMiLes Dear Sohair in the Forest
Whole Choirs of Birds From

Many Congregations

Of Wings


To Sing Year

Round God Is

A Song For All

Birds God Is A Song

For All Birds Hehe at
Least that’s How i Understand
Their Language of LoVE Dear FRiEnD…

SMiLes Dear Savvy
For me Sacred Silence
Is Balance FRiEnDS With Gravity
What May Come After That Mostly


As A River

Sure of Where

It’s Going Next

Just By FLoWinG

A Path it continues

To Take Unafraid

Hehe and


Flooding Banks
Finding Its Way Back
to Ocean Water Wave Whole…

SMiles Dear Sohair
Life is An Ocean
Of Many Moving
Waves We Call
Stories Riding
All Waves in
Balancing Force


And Love
With SMiles
Dear FRiEnD Sohair…

Wow! Dear Savvy
1 Human Out of 8 Billion People
On 1 Planet Out of 8 Other Planets
In 1 Star System Out of 100 Billion Star Systems
in 1 Galaxy Out of 100 Billion Galaxies And on Top of That!

We Are Yet to Find Any Life Like
Ours on This Planet And Even
If We Did We Are Evolved For

This Planet Alone With

All the One in a Trillion
Trillion Variables That Had

To Come Together to Make
Our Existence Possible at All

Iron Flowing In Our Blood and at
Core of Earth Coming From Crucible
Star Death Fire in Super Nova Explosions

True What We Are Separated By Holds Us Together

As One Essence of Star Dust Too Sentient Now We aRe

Resurrecting Still Below From Star Dust Above Yet True

Unlike the Stars

We Dance And

Sing in Artful

Poetic Ways of Life

For Not Only Are We the
Creation We Are Creators Too Now New

We Are Not Only Significant We Are Truly
MaGiC With Our iMaGiNaTioN And Creativities
We Give Share Care and Heal Together Beyond All Distance
Space Time And Matter of FlesH and Blood Alone NoW As It’s

True Just Like MaGiC

We Upload Our

Souls Share Them

And Evolve Them

As Avatar Souls in Words For Real

As True We Create New Star Prints This Way With SMiLes…

As Much as i Love my Independence For
Freedom What A Gift it is to Commune
Interdependent Naked Enough Whole
Complete Deep in Our Eden Garden

In The Forest

Where iLLuSoRY
Fears of Humans Don’t Exist

Just a Mix of Ferris Buehler
Forest Gump And Snoopy i Remain Joyful

And Totally Focused on the Task at Hand Dear FRiEnD…

If Life Takes me it Brings me to Live Free iN JoY oF Loving
Peace Now…

i Live
i Breathe
i Dance and
Sing Naked Enough
Whole Complete Free…

You May use the Other Set
Of Wings At Your Effortless Ease too With SMiLes True…

Dear Lord There is Worry and Then There is not Even
Comfortable in one’s own skin and i do mean literally
And Not Just Pain and Numb Yes Like Not Being able to Touch

Most All Man Made Surfaces And then there is even Pre-Covid-19
Common Cold Viruses That Will Destroy Smell and Taste Until it comes

Back and Ya Get the
Real Diagnosable
Condition of
Smelling Like
Rotting Flesh For A
Year or So And How that transfers

Into Food Tasting too Yes There is Pain
And Numb to the Degree of the Highest
Degree Of Personal Torture Known Felt and

Sensed to Humankind that is Not So Kind True

Yet the Most Beautiful Gift and Curse oF aLL Dear
Miriam is CHANGE for the Better and Potential Worse too

There is a 3 Way Stop By the Highway Away from my Neighborhood

Where a Driver Was Paying No Attention and Pulled Right into my Lane

Where i Had to Instantly Dodge Him in the Other Lane to Avoid A Head

on Collision my Heart Rate Didn’t Even Rise Nor Did i Get Mad didn’t

Give it a second thought to even tell my wife it Happened until i read

Your Blog Post to Determine if there was anything worth worrying

about in my Life Yet You See After i Escaped From Hell for 66 Months

Even A Life of Rotting Flesh After that for Around A Year was Only

a small challenge compared to One second in the 66 Months of
Hell Before

Where the worst
Pain was not feeling
Human with No Memory
of the feeling of a Smile at all…


Now At Least i have the potential
Every Day to Live a Life of Total LoVE iN Peace

Ever is on the News
i Can’t Change in Life

Including the Ignorance
i Hear in Person like Democrats
Should Stop Reproducing and Perish
Out of the Mouth of a Southern Baptist Pastor

And His ‘Trump Cohorts’ As Well YET NO ONE IS


Stay in Hell in a place of Fear Anger Hate and Harming

Others That’s Their Choice already been ain’t going back

They Can Kill me Yet i Shall Live Now With Wings i didn’t have before…

Other than that i had a Nightmare this Morning i was late to Meet an
Assignment in Writing a Paper in School Indeed Making less than Straight

A’s Used to Terrify me And True Being A Perfectionist Was Part of the Highway

to Hell


Just Fly
A Butterfly
Now Indeed
The Only Destination
Is Now With No Room For Worry…

Amazing How Much Room is Left
After Fear is gone


Yet Honestly Without
All the Other Perspectives
of Hell Heaven Might STiLL be
Surely difficult to See Do And Be…

iNDeeD Mr Gottfried So Difficult it May
Be For Someone Including All the Parts

For Whole

To A Find A Place

To Rest A Home

Where Others Will
Not Attempt to Create

A Smaller World oF LoVE iN Peace

For With And As All Just No

Separation With All (GoD)

For Humankind It is Sadly
More Our Symbols and Ideologies
That We Bond and Bind Over to Survive

And Thrive
That Yes Sadly
Naturally Exclude
Those Who Do Not Include
Our Common Bonds and Binds

Of Tradition So Goes the Human
Condition the Square Root One Problem

of More Than One Tribe to compete With
For Shelter Subsistence And Resources

the Ability to
Reproduce to
Carry the Entire
Village to Term of
Still Surviving And Thriving Tomorrow

Creating Our Symbols Ideologies And Tools
For A Greater Ability to Survive However the

Thrive Most
is the Human
Warmth Together

And When We Become Our Tools
We Lose Fuller Moving Connecting
Co-Creating Ways With Other FlesH And

Blood Humans

With All Five

And More Senses
With the Colors of
Emotions to Truly Thrive

iN A Dance And Song No Longer Competing
NoW WHere iNdeed We Dance And Sing

With One LoVE iN Peace

i Find This Place Wherever i Go
A Challenge Yes

Yet as Long

As Fearless
Love Breathes
In Kindness Understanding
And Compassion THere is

To Truly THRiVE iN
This Breath of Life NeWLY NoW…

Thank You
With Hellooove’s
Of Freedom With
Hugs And SMiles
Wings so Free…

FreeDoM A Place So Far Away For So Many
To Spread Their Wings And Indeed In Places
of Freedom Still So Far A Place to Attain Within

To Really LoVE iN Peace To Find All the Parts
Whole No Longer Feeling Sensing Separated From the Rest

And THere is You and Your Long Journey in Life With So Many
Stop-Overs to Reach A Destination That Pleases You In Life
Room For You to Spread Your Wings God Yes 12 Months A Year

Without Restraint
And True By Knowing
You Feeling And Sensing
Your Challenges to Arrive
to A Greater Dream Appreciation

More of This Place No Matter Flawed
That Still Lends All the Room Now For me on
Wings Finally FRiEnDS With Gravity Naked

Not Only Surviving
Yet Thriving With Every Breath Of Life

God Yes the Rights to Life and Liberty
And the Real Ability to Pursue Happiness
That Lasts And is No Temporary Stay of Vacation

Yet for me THere is No Heaven Without A Challenge
There is No Happiness Without A Continuing Climb
to Reach New Human Potentials and Color mY Life

New And Ever
Explore Still
To Come

For How We Grow
Is How We Balance
Our Lives on Waves of Challenge

And If i Don’t Have one i Shall Surely
Seek Another Muse of Challenge to Climb With SMiLes…

SMiLes Dear Miriam The Fourth of July Reminds
me i Am Still Able to Declare And Do my Life

Liberty and Pursuit of
Happiness of Course
Respecting Others
Most i Can And Will
With Least Harm too

Everywhere i Go Now
in What is Still A Country
Free Enough to Do That

From What i’ve Seen You’ve
Used Most All of Your Human

Potentials in This Life That Also
Comes From a Country That Supports Those

To Do That From Verily Meager Beginnings

Yet True Life Liberty
And the Pursuit of

Happiness Springs

Most From Within
The Spirit of Excellence
To Fulfill Our Human Potentials
No Matter What the Road Blocks
That May Come in Functional Disabilities
Or Socio-Economic Realities The Human Spirit

Will Truly
Be the
Red White
And Blue For

Real for When Our
Spirits Wears No
Wings We Truly

Never Find Room For Free..:)

Ah Yes Dear Isha a New Environment Will Remind
Us That We aRe New Creations Always Now

Somedays The Same Four
Walls Ceilings Floors

And Things Clip

Our Free Wings

A Bit and We

Forget to Fly
And Even Soar So High

Hehe Yet for me give me Three
Feet to Flow a Dance A Keyboard
to Sing Free Verse Deep From Soul

And i Surely Will Color the World
Differently Always Now No Matter

Where i Am FRiEnDS With Gravity

Center Point
of Creativity
Free to Color
New in All Directions
Dance and Song Takes
FLiGHT Naked Enough Whole Complete Free

WHere Perfect is Never A Noun ALWays Verb..:)

SMiLes Dear FRiEnD Happy 4th of July
From Over Here With Additional Belated
Canada Day Wishes as it Seems
You’ve Passed the Obligatory
3 Years of Work There
For Citizenship
of Course
With Your Origin
of Indian Citizenship too
i imagine Work may Be too Busy
to Get All of that Squared Away Hehe

i Recently Found Out i
Can Get Dual Citizenship
in Ireland as my Grandfather
A Native There Yet i Have no
Desire to Live Anywhere Else

i’ll Stay With
The Ship and
Even go Down
With it as Necessary
As There is NoWHere Quite
Gulf Coast With
Sugar White Sands
How Fortunate to be Born
into Paradise Where it is so very
Easy to Seek Find and Explore the
God of Nature

Both at the
Beach and
The Forest
in my
Current Native Habitat

With SMiLes

Insects Songs On A Hot Summer July Night
Humidity With Wings Sings DeLiGHT

Diatoms Still Glow Gulf Moonlit

Fireflies Oh How i Dream of Their
Presents oF LiGHT Again Yet i

Shall Not Wait i Shall Spring
Firefly Wings Sing and

Dance in Walmart LiGHT
Bringing SMiLes to All Those

Who Please of What Smooth Floors Bring

God Yes FRiENDS With Gravity Weightless
All 248 Pounds of me Spinning in Firefly DeLiGHT

As i Become
The Weight of
my Finger Tips
Guiding me in the LiGHT oF NiGHT

Hehe Dear Amethyst Lamb Doubt it Not
Every Day and Night i am the Fourth of July Free



“the present is pregnant
with deep purple pleasure”

Profound Song Inspiring
Firefly Wings True by You too

of July SMiLes…

Your Creativity is
Truly Free MaGiC
INSPiRinG Thank You!..:)

All my
Pleasure Happy
4th Of July Dear
Amethyst Lamb

🙌Soar Free☺️


Piano Strings And Vocal Cords Hold
Hands of Human Emotions All Feelings
Senses Vibrations Frequencies of Waves

iN Energy
Silence of
Notes in Troughs
Crests RiSinG in Vibrations
Frequencies More of Energies

In Synergies Free to Co-Create in
Unlimiting Ways as Piano Hammers

Become Percussion Instruments of

HeART Beats Deep Within Our

Human Beings to Sing Now in

Flow All These Extending

Instruments New Now
Of Songs We Create Next

SMiLes Dear Savvy These
Days Most of my Words Are Birthed
in A Flow of MuSiC Deep Within my SoUL
Let Loose Unleashed Released All Wings of

Dance And Song
To Carry MuSiC
oF HeART SPiRiT SouL Free

MuSiC Emotions of Our SouL
Ever Expanding only Constant is Change…

Our Invisible
Sun Within
Flames Free
Day And Night Now
CREaTinG New DeLiGHTS..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair the
More i See Hear Feel And Sense
The Face of God in All the Parts

The More i Become

LoVE iN Peace
Without Fear
oF DarK or Cynical oF LiGHT

So Far This Free Dance
And Song

Works With
SMiLes Dear FRiEnD..:)

Raptured in
THE EternaL

A Place Original
Creativity FLoWinG WiTHiN

May Take Us To Staycation in
Another Dimension of Existence

Far Beyond the
Mundane Dear

Cindy It’s True
When i Visit in This
Place Deep Within Art
FLoWinG is Only Fumes of

Soul ReLeaSinG to Whatever
Canvas May Hold a Free Dance
And Song ThiS Way And All Other
Arts True That Come Free Far Beyond

What Anyone Else
Could Possibly
Add or Subtract
to the Reality
of Ascending
And Transcending Within

True All that’s Left to Do is Give
Share Care Heal With Most Respect
And Least Harm And True That’s Only

Icing on the Cake NeW of Soul Becoming
Naked Enough Whole Complete NoW

SMiLes Thanks For the Nice Reply on
Your Last Post For Whatever Reason
The Reply Button Won’t Work for me

On Your Full Site Still Not Getting
Reader Notifications As Word
Press Seems to Be A Bit
Wonky Now and Then


Yet WHere
THere is
Will THere
is Always
Way With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha Bullies Come a Dime a Dozen

From School Yard Bullies to those at the Very

Top of Politics and Religion in the United States

On A Side That Looks to Find Those Most Marginalized

in Minorities They Can Hurt The Most Without Them Hitting Back

In A Vain Attempt to
Make Them Seem
Bigger Than the
Small They Are

No Matter The Size on the Outside

The Soul That Wastes Away in the Ignorance
of Harming Raping Maiming And Yes Even

Killing For Human Souls Barely or Not

Even Breathing Within And Yes

They Hurt Others Enough

For them to Exit

This Life

Sure i Had an Opportunity
to Study Them in Youth
When They Made it Clear

That i Was too weak to Exist
In Their Eyes and Even Later

Only Because as A Dude i Wasn’t
Afraid to Be Kind to the Lesser Among Us With SMiles

Yet the Truth is It is the So-Called Lesser among Us Who
Are made Poor in Spirit Who Are Bullied ThiS Way Who

Turn to Victory of LoVE iN Peace Instead of That Other
Place mY FRiEnD of Vengeance in DarK So True i am

Basically ‘Titanium’ Now Whatever Comes my Way
Bounces off Like Bullets on Steel Hehe And True

How Does One Make Ignorant See When it
Is Already Blind to The Fruits of Souls Who

Are Kind And Breathe in LoVE iN Peace

Some Days When Someone i Love or Even
A Stranger is Being Abused Although i Will Not Pick

Up a Sword my Words Surely Will Pierce Souls That Are Dead
And It’s Really Not Even The Words It’s The Spirit Within That comes…

As It’s True Already Did Devil in Hell For 66 Months Keep my Angel

On my Shoulder

Yet the Devil

in my Back
Pocket Still
Exists if Need Be


Like the
‘Batman Movie’ Where
the ‘Joker’ asks ever Dance
With The Devil in the “Pale Moonlight”..;)

Too Many Shadows And Not Enough
Sunshine Indeed Dear Miriam As Pop
Psychology Yes Suggests The Average

(FoCuSinG on Fear A ‘Reptile BRain Thang’)

‘First World Person’ With ‘First
World Problems’ Spends About

80 Percent of their Thoughts

in the Land of Fear and

General Anxiety

Often Vague

And Difficult
To Touch With Words

Indeed When our Lands Within
Are Covered With Shadows We
Both Create and Co-Create ThiS WaY

Shadow Becomes Reality and Sunshine
Within Gets Lost to Feel The Warmth That

Shadows Don’t Bring SMiLes i Visit Some Shadowy
Places mY FRiEnD Yet Long Ago i LEarned to Become my

So Far
it Works
With SMiLes
Of Free Dance And
Song A GLobe oF LiGHT
Surrounds me And Protects
Most Every Move of Holy Dance
And Word of Sacred Song Yes This iS HoW i Do it…

Like Sting And The Police Once Sung So Poetically
And Wise “THere’s Got to Be An Invisible Sun”
iN A ‘Place Like This’

True It’s Up
To Each and
Every One of
Us to Become to

Escape The Shadow Place..:)

A FouNTaiN oF LovE ThaT iS EssencE
A FouNtain Of God tHaT iS ReaL LoVE NoW iN Peace

LoVE iS LeGeND NoW iN Peace ALWaYS ReaL

SMiLes my FRiEnD Lillian How
Blessed are We ‘Humans’ Now
Who Feel any
Depths of
As SPiRiTs
SoULs ‘These Days’..🙂

“Coming HoMe And Not KNoWinG”
Indeed Deep This is my Friend Prajakta
For it’s True A Key To Staying Enthused
ALiVE iN What We Call Life is to Have A Home
of Love To come Home to And A Challenge to
For a New
Day Yet to Come..
Life is Not ‘A Record’…
Life is A Dance and Song
Yet Sung And Danced Anew
With Newer Steps and Words
Yet Heard or Even Recognized my FRiEnD…
Throw Out all the Laundry Lists And Deadlines
DiVE iN the Deep End Arise and Breathe Again ‘The Air’..🙂

Truly Life is Hardly Bearable Without
Moving Connecting And Co-Creating
Do What Ever It Takes You Will Make It

Happen Now Most

Greatest Magic in Smallest
Parts of Nature for Our Muse
Lights Shines A Jungle through
Veins of An Elephant Ear And
Another World Will Be Found
In A Raindrop With Fingers
Of A Branch-Hand Holding
It With A ‘Wood Creature‘
Greeting Us out of
A Parallel UniVerse
With True Magic Now
Of Human iMaGiNaTioN
If one Looks Closely with
Wonder And Amazement
And Perhaps Sees More
Than i Do to Give And
Share Free too… Happy
Guru Purnima Day Coming Soon
To You too such a Sweet
Photo of Your Mom And
Dad.. haha.. Yet i shall not
Suggest they are Elder since
i am 6 Years older than your
Dad and 13 Years Older Than
Your Mom Yet Age matters
Not in Spiritual Wisdom
As i have Learned much
From my Young Dear
FRiEnD Who is
31 Years After
me SMiLes
Keep Being
A Guru to
Everyone You
Meet What i Love
Most About You is
Your Zeal For Deeper
Wisdom Evolving Spirit
Kindred Souls are We to See🙏

-Your ‘Avatar’ FRiEnD

Trees Grow
Buildings Fall
Where Do We Go…

Poetry Makes Politics
Fly Higher
True And
So Easy
To Feel With Do

Star Flowers Die Exploding into
Supernova Seeds Creating Us
Falling into Black Holes Birthing

New UNiVeRSE Breath

As Above So Below Love Never Dies
AS UNiVeRSE Us Any Questions About

Forever NeWLY
NoW Breath?

True At 64 i Leg
Press 1540 Pounds
100 Seconds 12 Reps
Just Warming Up at the
Military Gym
Yet that’s
Not The Max
As The Machine
Won’t Hold It.. Limits
Are For Science Souls
Of More…

Fall While Trees Grow…

Love IT All Free iN Peace

Yes What i LEarN From
Writing A 13 MiLLioN
Word Epic Longest Form
Bible Poem Fully Illustrated
With over 130 Thousand
Photos i Take Accompanied
By over 10,000
You Tube
With 20,169
Miles of Public
Dance in 130
Months Nope
Never Earning
A Penny only Doing
It Giving a
Of My Soul
Away For Free Moves
And Words Flow
It All
To Show
For Heaven Now
Be Naked Be Free
Enough Whole Complete
God Yes Just Be i Am to ‘See’
For me
at Least..:)

Is Free
Air Never
We ‘Think’..🙂

i Don’t Do
Haiku.. Haibun..
Or Kung Fu
Only Fredku
And Fun
And other F’s
Again Air
Any F’s Either..🙂

Further Away Now
One is From Religion/
Easier It
Is To ‘See’
A Message…
A ‘Messenger’
Is Rarely ‘Seen‘
In Walls of Ornate
Temples, Statues,
Golden Chalices,
And Even Words…
Buildings Fall
Trees Grow
Where Will We Go…
Do i Have to Show
You How To ‘Breathe?’

Don’t Expect Any Questions
Where All Answers Are Written
In Concrete Thrones, Crowns,
And Chalices Now With No Food Or Drink


All Statues, Chalices, Names, Words
Fall LoVE iN Peace Still Rises

SMiles Dear Sohair Yes
Keep Singing A UniVersal
Song Of LoVE iN Peace
i’ll Dance It too
Like The
Milky Way Too🌹😊

To Inspire
A Soul
To Truly
Be Human




Day Yours
All To Co-Create🙌☺️

SMiles Dear FRiEnD
Hellooove to You

Hehe Hot
And Humid

Yet Life Kind
Enough in the
Sweltering July

To Share A SMile☺️

Creative! Be!
Why Not Fly! NeW Wings! See!

SMiles Dear Annabel
Hehe i Surely Clearly
Remember the All

Toils And

Troubles Of

School And Work Life

And True my Wife insists
i Am Not Even Qualified

Enough To Do Any

Housework that

She Will


So Peter
Pan Or Just
Plain Old Furry
me Pan Beast Of

A Forest Just Wings
It All Free With A MaGiC
Flute of Dance And Song
Expanding Cat-6🦁 Hurricane
Winds my TSuNaMi 🌊 Floods

It All
As Far
And Farther

Than Nigeria Today
True Your Kind Welcome

Is Always Enough For me
To Continue This Nile Flood

Keep The Fire of Human
Potential GRoWinG Green

Living Tree RiSinG Leaves

Spring Summer Green

As Leaves of





New Living
Soul Trees Now 🌲




So True
Gifting is
Great Coming
To See All of Life
DarK Thru LiGHT

NoW As

Gift Even


Naysaying As

Wondrous DarK

Muse Is Surely A

Stair Way to Paradise

Riding Heaven’s Wave

Ever More Now As Long

As Flow Of Life Is A Four

Letter Word

And Four





Gift Gift
WiTH SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Now

ThornS And Flowers New

Have A Place




Grace Love Brings to

WiLL And Strength Yes

THorns Protecting FLoWeR’s
Rise Roses Continue CoLoRinG Love..:)

Kissing Nature

Kissing Blissing

Sky Beyond Stars

Kissing Flies Moonlit

Fire Fly Wings Singing

Diatom Shores Glowing

Midnight Moon Dew Lit

Beach Twinkling

Shining Beyond Eyes

Leaves Touching Trees

Feeding Dreams Soils Yet Green

Souls Sprouting Higher Roots Reaching Deeper



Kindness Rides

On Bird Song Wings

Kissing Spiraling Rays

Sun Shines ever more pleasing

Breeze So Much to Breathe Fall

Bleeds Winter Spring Seeing Believing

Summer Heating THorns FLoWeR Colors

Smiling Kissing Smiling Kissing Petals

Falling Kissing Kissing Souls of Soils

Again Rising ever more

Life Comes


Kissing Kissing

Smiling Kissing Smiling

Eyes Deeper Surfacing Ocean Whole

Another Sunrise Touches Sunset Twilight Dreams

Hehe Born With So Much Tactile Sensitivity Not

Able to Touch Man-Made Materials every

Touch i place on my Wife is What

Most Folks Feel As A

Most Intimate

Kiss and

More of Course too

So Easy For me to

Kiss A Blade of Grass From

A Distance BLiSSinGS BLeSSinGS

Never Stop When Kissing Is All of Life Blissings…

Other than that Tasting Saliva is Not A Germaphobe’s
Game For Someone Like the Wifey Yet On the Other

Hand of


Just one

Touch on A Finger

Tip of Anywhere is

A Kiss of Nature to

me Even Seeing From A Distance

Haha Can You Even Imagine How

Awesome it is to Be me this way Trust

me it’s not all A Bed of Roses As i can’t

Even Stand to Imagine Someone rubbing Their

Hands on Manmade Materials All i have to Do is see

it Yet on the Other Hand With Mirror Touch Synesthesia

Seeing Someone Being Kissed is No Different Than Being Kissed…

Well Yeah


On Who it is of
Course too Haha…

Beautiful Kissing Poetry Rue i could

Probably Do Better than this

Really Just Getting Warmed

Up Yet i Don’t Want to

Make too Much

Of A Kiss

Out of Your

Page With SMiLes..

Have a Nice Day in

Jungles of Trees Kissing

Leaves Just Gently Touching

Okay i Promise i’ll stop Really

Have A Nice



Whispering Pleasing
Blissing Skies Kissing Seas
Ocean Holding EYes SMiLing..:)

SMiLes Dear Summerhilllane
There is So Much Happiness

In Your Eyes in that Photo

With Your Brother

Such A Kind


Of Unconditional

Love SMiLes i Hope
You Come to Feel That
SMile Within Always Again

Kissing Happiness my FRiEnD For Good..:)

SMiLes Dear Akshita Creativity is
A FLoWeR Constantly Opening up
in New Colors to Experience in all

Feelings Senses Moving
Us Forward iN A Synergy
And Nuance of Emotions New

It’s True That’S A Whole
Meaning and Purpose
Exploring the Depths

of Who You Are

Yet to meet and
Greet Within Yes

And Smile So Free
You Are Well on Your
Way to Explore Vast New
Continents of Who You Are

The Exploration Need Never End
NoW As Long As Are Creating NeW iN Flow..:)

SMiLes Dear ‘Peace Truth’ So Very
Kind of You to Award me ‘Blog of the
Year’ And i Do So Very much Appreciate All

The Vast Amounts of Information, News, Arts
And Sciences You Provide Every Day Without

With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy
of Course Anger
Is Adrenaline Rising
in the Blood Stream
Brain and the Rest of

the Body Preparing

Us to Either

Fight or Flee
Depending on
Circumstances Yet

What Do You Do in
A Traffic Jam When You
Cannot Escape True A Podcast
Isn’t a Bad Idea Yet True Some

Folks Have More Difficulties Finding
An Activity More Constructive And
Productive to Do

Than Fears
That Bring
Anger That
May Fester into
Hate And What May
Be Mighty Strange is Some

Folks May Get Addicted to Fear
Anger and Hate As the Adrenaline
And Dopamine Neurohormones and
Neurochemicals May Be All That Keeps

Them Going Without Access to More Beneficial

Neurohormones Like Oxytocin the Social
Bonding Love Hormone That Brings Great

Warmth to the Human Condition ToGeTHeR

SMiLes i Rarely Get Angry Yet When Someone

Is Harming Someone i Love Oh Yes The Potential

Is Real
And it’s
True Wherever
There is Great Light
There is Also the Potential
For the Pendulum to Swing Toward the
DarK Yes Best to Develop Ways Constructive
And Productive to Regulate Emotions Integrate

Senses As a Dance Free Surely Works For me as
Well as A Song Free too as The MuSiC And Dance
of LiGHT BRinGS Vibrations Frequencies Energies

iN LoVE iN Peace
Conquering the

DarK Force Now
i Rarely Get Angry
Yet the Circumstances
of Family Members Getting

Harmed Did Happen Recently
And i Put an End to it As Quickly
As Possible and Returned to LiGHT
True Every Emotion Has its Day and Hour
With SMiLes..:)

This All Sounds So ‘Sirius’

Once Again the Dog Star
Is In Alignment Bringing
Dog Days Again And
True Sales on Again
For Back to School Supplies

Wasting No Time at All Dancing
By the Fresh New Displays on the 4th
of July No Time to Waste to Keep the

Big Machine Oiled

When the Commute
Includes Long Walks
to the Subway Travel
Dog Days May Be Noticed
More as Steps Drag on in Summer

Humid Heat

With Heat Waves
Ever Increasing
Due North
As Well As


Growing Up With No Air-Conditioner
in Home or Car During Decades of Dog
Days In Florida Humid River Front Heat

All We Could Do Then at Night is
Turn the Pillow over and over and

Over Again to Find a Cool

Spot to Sleep

All my More Affluent
Neighbors and Relatives
Enjoyed the Remedy to Dog Days then

And Now Whenever i Think about Dog Days i Just SMiLe

And True With Hot Heater too as We Boiled Water for

Baths in the
Chilled Air

of River
Front Winter Damp


Dear Lord i Was So Thin
Bone Chilled From Head to Toe

And Now Dear Miriam Whenever i Take a Bath
in the Winter i Just SMiLe Remembering

the Gifts

Dog Days
Winter or
Summer No Longer Bite…

my Wife Had Dog Days With No Electricity
Food or Water She SMiLes Every Day for all the

gifts too

Of Dogs
Days No
Biting Her
True too hehe…

Moral oF A SToRY
How Wonderful
to Be Old


To Appreciate
It All DarK Thru LiGHT…

Still Fresh Enough to
Escape ‘Senior Moments’..:)

In The Darkness
of the Night Dear

Amethyst Lamb
As We May Become
Blind to the Flame Within

THeRE is Another

Way to See

Far Within
Yet Will Be
to see more..:)

“Ace of Spaces”

SMiLes Mr Gottfried Joker’s Wild
Trumps Ace of Spades Chaos

Comes to Rule
As Above

So Below

Yet THere is Order
Far Beyond the Deck of Cards

As Stars Seemingly Haphazardly
Placed Above Create tHE ART

of the Milky Way
Our Only Home

As Chaos

MaGiC Comes to Rule

Trivia Note For Those Who Believe
in Astrology and Numerology my Birthdate
And Full Born on Date Name Makes 0 For the
Fool Tarot Card At Birth For Free Will Following

Three 1’s For the Next Three Life Challenges That
Only Require me to Affirm Whatever i Wanna Do Nothing


Or All

is Kinda Boring
And It’s True i’ve
Excelled at That Too Hehe…

In English Gematria my Pen
Name ‘Katie Mia Frederick’ Equals

The Number 888 Hehe And So Does
“Donald J Trump” Key Though is J is

Not His Middle Name…

It’s All A Numbers
Game This Chaos
MaGiC Starting for
me With an ‘Omen Birthdate’ of 6.6.60

Anyway to Reiterate Joker’s Wild Trumps

Ace of

SMiLes Dear Cindy
Grit of Older War Heroes
Stands Up to Time Often

Shelf Life

Of Our Gifts
Still Strong For
Your Father-in-Law
in Hospice Yes With

SMiLes for the Gift
Freedom of


Gift in
Itself to Breathe

And of Course the Future
Has Bright Eyes in Your Grandchildren
Hehe Perhaps Bright Enough to Wear Shades



SMIles Dear Savvy A Best Part of Being
Naked Enough Whole Complete

Truly The

Authentic We
Yes Me and You
And They And


Is that i Have
Room to Put Other

People First Even When
They May Put me Last

For It’s True A Greatest
Gift Is Give With No

Expectation of Return

All that’s Left to Do

Is SMiLe as Waves

of Kindness Wash Out
And Return In All of What
LoVE iN Peace Comes

in Human

and Form to
Be Inhaling Peace
Exhaling LoVE For All
Just Giving Sharing Caring Healing

With Most Respect

And Least Harm

A Practice of Life
Never A Noun of Perfect
Yet Always A Verb of

Perfect to Improve…

True Not Always
Easy Yet at the End
of A Day Kindness

Rests in Peace

Only to Awake New
A Next Day Now to Love..:)

What a Lovely Poem And So True Dear Cindy

Where THere is Creativity There is No Time

As Time Is Based on the Past And

Creativity Breathes New

As True Love Always

Creates Colors

of Feelings and
Senses New too

For Wherever There is
New Growth of Nature
And Love iN Peace There

Is THE Eternal Now

That Is Only
To Color Our Worlds
LoVE iN Peace With Wings

Again thanks for the Lovely
Reply on the Other Post too With SMiLes.🙂

“The Divine Lives Breathes Within”
Smiles Dear Sohair… ‘This Third Eye’ of
‘Seeing’ Indeed Innate, Instinctual, Intuitive,
Faith NoW iN ‘Seeing’ Beyond Distance, Space,
Time, And Even Matter TeacheS A Valuable
LeSSoN NoW For All As God Is
Without Form Alone
Essence God Yes
Living Breathing
Flame Alive Within
This Metaphor of ‘Third Eye’
Wide Awake And Open to See As Us
Beyond All Politics, Religions, Philosophies
Indeed Beyond All Forms of Words As Pure Unadulterated
Human God LiGHT In Oracle of Art iN Whatever Dance And
Song Comes
To Be NoW
As God Freer New
NoW in Us to See
More And For Others
To Potentially Hear More too
Beyond All Forms As Essence
TRuE iN LiGHT too Sadly for those
Who do Not Meet and Greet God Each
Day With ‘This ‘Third Eye of Divine’ Within
They Often Stick to Words of Cave Paintings
Old Never
of God
EYes to
Greater Arts Now Truer
This ‘Third Eye’ BeLonGS to no one
Culture, Religion, Or Language This
Third Eye iN Deed Teaches GreaTesT
LeSSoN God Needs No Human Clothes oF CuLTuRE..🙂

SMiles my FRiEnD
i See the Same Sign
In All Religion
The one that
Counts to
Me Without
Measure When
Love Really Breathes
Easy to See As Love
NEVER Requires
Fears Criticism
Only Gives
Shares Cares Heals
With Most Respect
Least Harm Now
Love Breathes New
Or Does
Honestly Will
See This
In Just
Word: Kind🤗

“Love is the Way” Indeed

Dear Savvy How Humans Kiss

Nature Best in Communion

This Way Free Yet There

Are ‘Our Stories’

And ‘my

Stories’ too

For True There are
As Many We Create
For Us And All Of Us

Too in Whatever Group

We Are Part of As Our Story

Yet Authentically my Story True

Somehow Fitting LoVE iN Peace in All Our

Stories Complete Now Not Always Easy

Yet Always Loving to Kiss All of Nature
ThiS Way More As Courage Refuses to
Leave An Embrace of Loving Kindness For All..🙂

Lights Kissing Sunset Pink
Blues to Orange to Purple

Hints Of Blissful Dreams

Coming To Sleep Sharing
A Morning Kissing Wish of

Nature’s Beauty With FRiEnD
Oh Nature Sings Twilight Blessings Believe Touch


Sky With

Colors For Lights

Kiss The Night For

Loving SMiles Forever
Kindness With Courage




Sunset Sunrise
Same Happy International

Kissing Day to You

Every Tooth Brush

Grins To
Smile Hehe 😜 🏝😊

Thanks For Your
Inspiring Quotes
Dear Chaymaa



All Nature Brings🏝😊

“A beautiful soul
Colorful and bright

Love is always in sight

There is no limit to which extend

a simple act of kindness can spread

You are a beautiful soul,

leaving seeds of inspiration

wherever you go


SMiLes Dear Karlien
i Will Surely Add Your
Beautiful Kind Words

Of Poetry Coming

to my Living Tombstone

Just A “SonG oF mY SoUL”
As Leaves Continue to Gather
SPiRiT of HeaRT To Color All of Nature A Kiss…

For This Gratitude of Breath

SMiLes Dear FRiEnD
Humanity is Fascinating

to me Not All

Are Gifted The

Same Even Though

on the Autism Spectrum

i Could Not Speak Until 4 And

No One Would ever imagine i was

One of ‘Those Children’ Now Yet With
Photos from then of me it’s Surely not Hard
to imagine So Stereotypically Socially Awkward

Young Child Presenting

Every Way


A Gift Born
Smiling As my
Mother Said even
Without A Word i had
Open Arms For Everyone i met…

Yes it’s True There Are Different Kinds of
Reciprocal Social Communication Challenges of

Life And even though when i finally Learned to speak
it was hard to keep it all together often made fun of for
Stuttering What i managed to Bring to A Table of Life

At Least
Smiles to Share
With All a Kiss for
All Of Nature All Mine

To Share For the Natural
Blessings of Blissings Just
to Perceive Every Color And
Sound of Life Touching Smelling
Tasting Life So Exquisitely Fine in the

Way i

Still See
And Bleed Life
Hehe True i still
Can’t Stand to Touch
Man-Made Stuff Yet

All the Textures Sounds Sights
Smells Tastes And Touches of Nature
Are All A Kiss to me of Life’s Gratitude For Breath….


Not everyone

Is as excited about

Nature as Me HAha
i found the ‘Our Story’
of Life Where i lived
Threatened Boys Who
Smiled With Violence instead

of Love

to just

This Kiss of Life…

So Anyway HeHe i am no
Longer A Quiet Child With Eyes
And Ears and Touch Unique For
A Kiss for the UNiVerSE Whole

Now i have Words!

Now i Get to Express

All that And Even More more
more That i See of the UNiVeRSE
Kissing With Words Everywhere i Go

Just for




Breath NewLY NoW FoR ReaL

‘My Story’ Kiss All Existence
‘Their Story’ Kiss Us
Best “Our Story”



Kiss For All

At Best

my Story Again
Ain’t That How We See🌊

Oh My Lord Mariana You Sound A Bit
Like An Older Testament Punisher
Extreme In Dreams of
Nightmares Same

True in Each Of Us

There Is Destroyer

And Creator of Love True

Glad You Find Your Way

Out Before


As Destroyer

More Than Kissing Creator
In Testament Of Loving All Real..🙂

SMiLes Dear Anna So Nice to Connect With You Again i Subscribed
to Your New Blog When You Made the Move Yet for Some reason
i Never Received An Email Through the Subscription Will

Try Again to Make Sure that Went through

“To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your
hand And eternity in an hour.”

SMiLes Dear FRiEnD That
Phrase as quoted From William Blake

Is One of my Favorites From William Blake

As Part of my Autism Condition And my Extreme

Tactile Sensitivity i’ve Always Been Able to Will A Phantom

3 Dimensional Object Continuously Changing in my Left Hand

SMiLes of Course it is only A Kind of Imaginary Nerve And Mind Sensation

At Will It’s Not Hard to Imagine Creating New Infinities of Creation in my Left Hand

As in a Way i am as the Shape is Ever Changing And Never Precisely the Same Hehe

Kind of Like the Way the Shapes come to Page Almost Pre-Destined Beyond Time
Distance Space and Matter in the Flow of the Music the Vibrations and Frequencies

i Hear While Composing the Letters that come to words As they Escape to this

Page Free Now it’s Interesting Even though

i’ve Never Met You You Do Emit a

Unique Vibration and Spiritual

Energy of Frequency to me

Light and Free that

Is So Conducive

To the Return of Energy

Same Now Fascinating As the

i of me Analyzes the Whole Experience

Spiritually Taking place in Realest Time

Now With SMiLes..🙂

Love Beyond All Words
Coloring God New As We
All BREaTHE Eternally Now
Painting Our Christmas Trees True..🙂

SMiLes Dear Anna A Unique Soul You are

“a connection to worlds lost on the reality of those around me.”

How Nice it is to Find Folks In the World Who Actually Are able

To See Us

As the Spirits

We Are Pure


Now in Ease to

Other UNiVerses Colorings

Of Love to View New Energies

Starlit Kindness Unafraid my FRiEnD..
Reminds me of the Song “Fantasy” By
Earth, Wind, and Fire one of my Favorite
Spiritual Pop Culture Songs of my Life With SMiLes..🙂

“Waiting here
For you to return
You were present
All along
In the air I breathe
The oxygen I need
Of love
Muse patient
Some souls sleep
Than can be
Easily awakened.
Until their world
Then we hold hands
In the wake
Of the storm
The bridge
Over water
Troubled thorn
My soul alive
The continuity
Never die.”


SMiLes Dear Anna i understand the Spirit of What You Are
Singing The Depth of Soul That A World May Take Away

From Us in




Just Waiting

For Spirit of Creativity

God’s Breath Within to

Be Reborn The Child’s Eyes

That Are No Spirit Boundaries

The River of Flow the Water Ocean

Whole Wave We May Come to Be Realizing

Soul Complete Enough Over FLoWinG Fountain

That Comes

As Gift

To Give

Share Care

Freely Even More…

Thank You For the Inspiration

And Spiritual Muse today As Well

Dear FRiEnD With SMiLes True no

Distance, Space, Time, or Matter in

Breath of God to Share And Give Free

Verily True Love For All Who Touch With God’s Wings

Fantasy Real As Earth, Wind, And Fire Still Dances And Sings..🙂

“Your words as natural as breathing.”

SMiLes Dear Anna True This is How A Spirit
Flows Deep Within With No Resistance For

Whatever Art Comes Next Now Similar to
Dancing on the Beach As Feet Become
Sands Arms Become Seagull Wings and
Tracks Flow With Shores in Alignment

As Basically

i Become

A Free Wave

Of the Ocean

Never Separate

Indeed the Air i Breathe
Is me With SMiLes to Give

And Share Naked Free For All

Of What CuLTuRE Clothed me before

in Lists of Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly And in Conclusion

Of Deadlines That Way Never Spiraling More As Waves Flow

Naturally Move and Repose Fall And Rise Tides Move Out and In

All is Balance Now

All Is Twilight

of Day

And Night

Eternally Now

Just Free to Breathe

Now Just Free to Breathe Now

Newly Truly Living With Gravity As FRiEnDS

Feather as the Wind Sees With No Inertia to Be
So Many Hints of this Place in Life Before So Few Sparks
Taking Me in Spirit of Flow Free in Just A Handful of Experiences

Before in the

Other Life Before

i Truly Died in that World

And Became A New Creation Activity

More Than Just A Name And Less Than Just a Name too…

For How Does The Air Become A Prisoner Wind Understands Better Free

Smiles True i Used
To Be Literally Valued

As A Technical List Maker

Now i Have no Idea What i’m Doing

Except for the Doing Now of Just Doing Free

Yet of Course A Lifetime of Experiences in Total

Mind Bring All of my SPiRiT HeART And SoUL Now

A Table of Plenty

That Never


in Plenty
of Food and
Drink to Give Away

The Kind That Breathes within my FRiEnD
Smiles When i Was 21 And Basically On the
Highway to the American Dream in College so Hard
to Navigate Then one Day i just Decided to Quit College
And my Job And go to the Beach And Walk All Day As Something
Deep Within was calling me to Be A New Creation After About Three

Months And Some Contemplation The Action Was to Go Back and
Become What the World Spoon-Fed me to Be At Least A Dude With
A Job that makes money hehe after earning 3 College Degrees took

Another 32 Years to Find my Way Back to 1981 Then in 2013 Yet
i Found Myself Back on the Same Beach just continuing my Walk
And Then Dance And Song As A totally Different Creation than before…

Celebrating 11 Years in Heaven now in a next Blog Post For the Record

Of That Day of Freedom On That Beach Rising Out of All the
Ashes of Pain And Numb on July 19, 2013 Amazing Grace

Indeed Covenant For What Lives Within to Give it All

Away For Free With SMiLes All the Way Still Now

And This For me

Was Death And


The Abyss lasted
66 Months And all that

Did is Polish the Grains of
Sand By Fire And Waves Ashes
i Returned to A Soul of Creation…

When We come to this place We
Do Whatever it takes to Stay truly
it doesn’t take Much yet to give a little bit

More Every Second

Of Every Waking

Day and


of Love For All

Just Seeing All oF iT
As Gift And Doing Life as
The Gift of Creation continuing to unfold…
SMiLes it’s Nice to Have 100 Percent Faith

That A Life of Fantasy is Truly Real my FRiEnD

Yes As Natural as Breath All of Life Becomes A Work of Art Now



of A Never

Ending Story And
Dance Song Already Written Again..🙂

SMiLes Dear Cindy A Very Impressive Pose Balancing
on One Foot Stretching Holding Your Foot as Science
Says Those Who Are Able To Balance on One Foot Live

Much Longer
And Happy to See
Your Sitting Still and
Moving Meditation Lessons

As the Video Was Private
Earlier Today And Now Hooray
Public For All to See So Important

To Be Able to Bring Our Selves in the Present
Moment Get in touch With Body And Mind Balancing

Regulating Emotions Integrating Senses As Way too Many

Folks Are So out of Touch With Their

Bodies Stuck Within Two

Ears of Word Think

Of Run Away Worries

Indeed So Many Illusory

too as Always Change What
We Can And Tolerate the Rest the
Best We Can And Will Maintaining Some
Emotional Distance Making Rational Decisions

On A Best Way
Forward to Effect
Change in this Case

Certainly At Least to
Vote and Never Stay Silent
When it Comes to Change
As Silence in Days Like This

Sugar Coating What is Reality Now

Is A Sure Way to Rotten Teeth of Freedom Indeed

Yet Again Rational Change Keeping Our Emotions
Balancing And Senses Integrating Indeed Whatever

Works From Outside Instruction to Seeking and Finding
All the Solutions From Within Head to Toe Free With SMiles Alive..🙂

Such A Tall Tree We All Are Dear Savvy

So Many Opportunities to Color and Light

This Tree Up With Every Move Emotion Feel
Sense And Thought
Associated Indeed With SMiLes

Or Of Course the Other Real
Path too as True As Even Science

Shows The Great Impact the Placebo
Effect of Belief in Positive Intentions Actions
And Consequences Naturally Bring So Healing

ThiS Way
Or the
Effect Now
Not Nearly
A Sugar Pill
And Truly Voodoo
In All the Negative Intentions
Actions And Consequences Naturally
Coming as Well Up to Disease And Even


Deaths Indeed

We Are Co-Creators

Of Our Lives That Come
to Be Next Now ThiS Way

And for Me at Least i Hold every

Word Sacred Song Every Move Holy
Dance With 100 Percent Focus of Positivity

As i Continue
to LiGHT
my Tree This
Way as i’ve Surely
Done the Opposite too
in my Life and Slowly Watched
my Tree Sink Below All the Roots mY FRiEND
No More as Now Even The Leaves that Fall Raise

me Up With SMiles..🙂

SMiles Dear Cindy Such A
Pleasure Finding Intelligent
And Truly Spiritual Life Online
Namely You Yes Northern
California Life is
Different Than in
LA Lower Alabama
Pet Named For The
Panhandle of Florida
Beautiful Flowers Yet
For Perspective Reading
A Book About Yoga Listening
To Meditative Music Dancing
Close to A Free-Style Tai Chi
Dance Hehe Entertaining The
College Star Bucks Cafe Study
Crowd in Barnes And
Noble A Couple of
Local Bible Thumpers
Attempted to Convince
me i Would Become
Demon Possessed
And Go To Hell Oh
No! From Practicing
Yoga Of Course They
Didn’t Realize i Study
Every Religion Including
Theirs 1000 Times Over
And More Hehe Imagine
The State of Their Mind
After A 1 HOUR Instant
Dissertation From

me Nope They’ll
Never Be The Same
Plus The Star Bucks
Crowd Got a Free Lesson
As Yes my Voice Carries

Of A Lion
With SMiles
🦁 ☺️❤️🤗

Very Peaceful Meditative Music Dear
Sohair Leaving All Strife and Worries
Behind With SMiLes of Delight This

So Peacefully
With SMiles..🙂

Hehe Real Life Is Agreeing
On Where To Eat

(It Could Take

Dear Akshita

True And That’s

Why Yes We Have

‘Romance STORIES’
Chances are You’ll Be
Reading Them Long

After You Are Married

When You Are 102
Still With Wide SMiLes…

Indeed There are Some
Life Experiences Rather Predictable

Romance Novels
Will Be Around For
Some Time to Come
Do Write One or Two as You Go..🙂

HAha Thank
You Dear Cindy
Barnes and Noble
And Starbucks Gets
A Frednado Every
Sunday Afternoon

And That
Reminds me
Won’t Be Long
For Shark Week

(i Hear the Sharks
Are Already Biting)

i Will
Do Too
With SMiles 🦈☺️❤️

Hehe Been Doing
It Most Every Sunday
Afternoon Now For Close
To 11 Years Which
Means Speaking
Of ‘Jaws’ i’ve
Consumed More
Than 450 Books
For Free Under An
Hour to read Each
Book Moving Meditation
Listening to Meditative Music
Haha Entertaining the Star Bucks
Cafe College Study Crowd In Barnes
And Noble
Set Free

In Flow
Laser Focus
Dear Cindy
With SMiles Of
Course This Is only
One of Many Public
Dance Destinations i
Hit Every Week i Kid

You Not
It’s Documented
In 1300 Comments
From The Metro Area
When One Of The Voyeur
Videos Folks Take of me
Went Viral With Over 90,000

i Was
Of Being
Seriously i’m
As Recognizable
As The Local Weather
Man During A Hurricane 🌀Except

my Winds
Never End
As You

Hehe With
SMiles of
In Several Branches
And Leaves Now Hehe 😜 ☺️❤️

SMiLes Dear Miriam Yes
as i Love to Dance And Sing
Sad It’s True Yet it is Ignorance
is A Source of

And Killing Human
Beings Each Other
And The Rest of Nature AS Whole

Ignorance is a True Human Pandemic

That Has No Easy Vaccine Yet Lifting the

Veils oF iGNoRaNCE iN Original Greek Definition

of Apocalypse That Doesn’t Actually Mean Destroying

The Only Home

We aRe Evolved

to LiVE iN EternAlly
Now Wow What if “JusT ANoTHeR
BooK MarK NoW iN HeaVeN 11 Years”

True That WiLL STiLL Take Some Mighty

Big Lifting Veils oF iGNoRaNCE

Indeed Yet for me practically

Just A Fig Leaf


From A
Real Garden
Of Eden NewLY Now

It’s Sad Some Folks Are Running
From Monsters Others Are Being

Consumed By Monsters Still Others


As True Hehe Ignorance Will Also Be Bliss

The Face of the Human Condition Indeed What A CoNuNDRuM iT Is..🙂

Colors of Life Dear
Savvy This Dance
This Song Now So

Free Just

To Be i Am New

As They Are True..🙂

Ah Yes Morning Dance Walks Greeting All the Neighbors
Yes As Many Are Golden Agers and Retired too Yet Sadly

In the Larger Neighborhoods With Half A Million Dollar
Homes Or So of Hundreds of Houses

What is So Strange is Rarely Even
in Vacation Season Do Any Children

Play Outside Where my FRiEnDS

And i Could Be Seen Playing Softball
Games in Small Neighborhood Green

Circles In Between Homes Back Then

Where Nightfall Was Such A Bummer as We
Were Having So Much Fun All That Was Left

To Do Inside Dear Miriam Was 3 Black And White

Channels As That Became Life’s Routine Indoors

Hmm True Down
Here at Least

Life Has Moved
So Much Indoors

Even The Tennis Courts
At the City Park That Used
to Be Teeming With Competition
Among Strangers on the Weekend
Are Empty Now Without A Soul Left

Or A Ball Traveling over the Net
Where i Used to Put a ‘Mean Spin’
on the Ball in the Decade of Tennis
That No Longer Exists as Nintendo
And Such
Has taken

An Avatar
Place of Flesh
And Blood Moving
Connecting Co-Creating Souls

That’s Really Sad As We Really Have
to Move and Play With Others to Learn
to Regulate Our Emotions and Integrate Our Senses

Without That Life Tends to Fall Apart From ToGeTHeR For Real
Anyway There’s Nothing Stopping the Play Yet Us And i Find Ways

to Overcome
With a Public
Dance That At
Least Spreads in SMiLes…

Oh Dear Lord And So Important
For Dogs to get Out and Walk
Their Masters too With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam Only Two Innate Fears of
Humans From Birth Yes Loud Noises and

the Fear of Falling

Not Surprisingly

Booms of Thunder
And Fireworks Unsettling
to Dogs As Loud Sounds
Equal Potential Danger to Escape

And Yes Deer Are Potential Intruders
into the Territory They Protect Yes Your
Home and Their Territory too With SMiLes

Yes of

Course To Protect
You From Potential
Fierce Deer too Hehe

Just Checked the Weather
Yes Basically A Same Heat Advisory
in New York and North Florida Melting too

i Enjoy the Challenge of Temperature Extremes
in Fact After Doing a Slow Dance of About a Mile
Around the Neighborhood Block at 10:30 AM i Do
tHE Art of ALL NATURAL Free Style Yoga Power Poses

‘Weather’ it is Summer 110 Degree F Heat Index

Or Winter Below Freezing Preferably in the

Sun of Our Totally
PRIVATE Backyard

That i Turn into A Very Free
Ongoing Public Art Exhibit for
Years Past and Years Still too Come

It’s True Typically i Do Stuff That Most
no one Else Does for the Key to Human Potential

Is Shock and Awe to the Normal of What has Come Before

Unlocking Epigenetic Human Potentials Taking Paths Others

Rarely to
Never Take

Yes Stimulating
Novel Ways of Our
Being Human as Typically
Tradition Stays Stuck in a Rut



Away Stagnant

Until the Spirit of

The Call of the Wild
Basically Rots and All

We aRe Left With is Domestication
Watered Down And No WHere Near What

And Will
Be in Terms
of Epigenetic
Potential Unlocking
IT in New Creative Ways


And Awe
The Tradition

Sprout Wings and Soar

LoSinG “Late Laments” ALOnG The Ways…

Other than that i Used to do all the Yard Work too
Yet Now We Give Back to the Local Economy and

Have A Yard
Man to Take
Care oF all of that

And My Wife Does Most of the
Rest Of the ‘Home Work’ as in Some Ways

i Am the Laziest ‘Dude’ in ‘LA’ Lower
Alabama Northwest

Florida in Other
Ways NOT

So MucH and

SO MUCH MORE hehe..:)

Territorial Disputes

Tween Humans And The
Rest of Nature Yet Sadly

Humans Just Don’t

Seem to Learn

Take Away Their
Territory and Eventually

We No Longer Have A Home
That is the Face of NaTuRE ALL iN Balance

‘Another Ground Hog Day’ “Aghogday” Another
Pen Name of Mine too Back in the Dead Zone

Days Feelings
Lost Every Day
The Same Yes Just
Another Ground Hog Day

Yellow Boy Coming to the Rescue
as the Story Told Before Begging for
Water in a Drought Underneath Our Shed

Bringing Him Predictable Subsistence

He Teaching me Lessons
of the ‘Call of The Wild’

For You See

i Was the Ground Hog
Too Yet Domesticated Losing my
Wild and Loving Free Soul Before

Yet i Shall Never Forget That
Never Ending Ground Hog Day

Yet Now i am Wild and Free the Human
‘RACE’ Will Never Trap me Again

Cheers to Your Feral Ground Hog

FRiEnD Dear Amethyst

Lamb may Both
of You Retain

The Balancing

The Call of the
Wild That Frees
All the Animal SPiRiTS of
The Real God of Nature True..🙂

Catholic Mass Readings From July 7th, 2024
Something About Enders and Beginners
Something About Traditionalists and
Those All For Progressive Change

Something About Old Testament
Sentiment Versus New Testament

Sentiment Shall We Remain the Forms
of Past or Shall the Essence the SPiRiT HeART
And SoUL We aRe Set Our Wings Free to Make Our Worlds
And the Worlds Of Others A Better Place to Cooperate in

A SPiRiT oF LoVE iN Peace
Giving More Than Taking

Sharing More Than Hoarding

Caring And Healing More Than
Callously Harming a Start at Least

Now Yes A Beginning of A New World oF LoVE iN Peace

i Am Not Only A Dreamer i Am Also A Dreamer Who

Makes This Fruition
Real at Least for me

This Much as A Giver Sharer
Carer And Healer i Will Do Because

Just Be

i Do

And That’s
Enough for me With SMiLes

This Much of the World i Will Change…

And For Those Who Embrace ThiS WaY of Life

Just Two Words

Thank You

With SMiLes..🙂

Reading 1, Amos 9:11-15
11 On that Day, I shall rebuild the tottering hut of David, make good the gaps in it, restore its ruins and rebuild it as it was in the days of old,

12 for them to be master of what is left of Edom and of all the nations once called mine -Yahweh declares, and he will perform it.

13 The days are coming- declares Yahweh- when the ploughman will tread on the heels of the reaper, and the treader of grapes on the heels of the sower of seed, and the mountains will run with new wine and the hills all flow with it.

14 I shall restore the fortunes of my people Israel; they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them, they will plant vineyards and drink their wine, they will lay out gardens and eat their produce.

15 And I shall plant them in their own soil and they will never be uprooted again from the country which I have given them, declares Yahweh, your God.

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 85:9, 11-12, 13-14
9 His saving help is near for those who fear him, his glory will dwell in our land.

11 Loyalty will spring up from the earth, and Justice will lean down from heaven.

12 Yahweh will himself give prosperity, and our soil will yield its harvest.

13 Justice will walk before him, treading out a path.

Gospel, Matthew 9:14-17
14 Then John’s disciples came to him and said, ‘Why is it that we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not?’

15 Jesus replied, ‘Surely the bridegroom’s attendants cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is still with them? But the time will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.

16 No one puts a piece of unshrunken cloth onto an old cloak, because the patch pulls away from the cloak and the tear gets worse.

17 Nor do people put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the skins burst, the wine runs out, and the skins are lost. No; they put new wine in fresh skins and both are preserved.’


Sunset Breathes
Sunrise More
Beautiful Than
Ever Before to Be

Responsible in Part for the Oxygen We Breathe
Dear Savvy iNDeeD What A Beautiful Tree Sheltering

All Kinds of Life

Still Reaching into the

Skies of More Life to Come

And Like the Evergreen Leyland

Cypress Tree in Our Backyard

Hidden Away From the Sun

By The Bigger Oak

Trees Near

Even As a Tree
Gone Past Life Still
Servicing as a Shelter to
All Kinds of Wild Life and
Beautiful STiLL Springing Wild
Vines to Color Taller More Beautiful True

SMiLes Dear Savvy Relating to A Young Man
At the Military Gym Hehe Who Was A Bit Amazed

i Still Warm up Leg Pressing 699 Kilograms 12 Reps at my
Current Weight Now of 111 Kilograms He Asked How i Did it

And i Said Well i’m 64 Now Yet When i Am A Third of this Age
at 21 Way Back in 1981 A Marine Captain Was Underneath A

Bench Press


That He Was
31 And Growing
Weaker Because of His Age

And It’s True Back in College Taking
A Master’s Level Course in the Sociology
of Aging The Teacher Did not Believe me When

i Said If You Keep Working Out You Will Retain Your
Levels of Strength into Your 60’s and 70’s too as i Didn’t
Only Major in Social Sciences Interdisciplinary i Worked Toward
Two Other Degrees in a Triple Major With Anthropology and Health

That Included
The Study of Leisure
And Sports As Well Where

The Example of Jack LaLanne
From Last Century Swimming Towing
70 Boats Across A Bay in His 70’s Was

Used Then For More of What Human

Potential Really Can Be Far Beyond
What Science Measures as ‘Couch Potato Averages’

i’m Glad i Had Another Opinion Than What the Sociology
of Aging Dictated Then Even Though it Was Far Away in a Book

And Yes i’ve Seen Real Life Examples Before me now Like a
A Retired Navy Captain And Commodore of A Naval Air Station

Still Shrugging 700 Pounds Into His 70’s and 450 Pounds For A
Squat And Bench Press too Far Beyond What the Marine Captain

Ever imagined Doing

At Age 31 Back in 1981

And For me at 21 And 53 Only Leg
Pressing 500 Pounds About A Third
of 699 Kilograms That Translates to 1540 Pounds

Yet This Just isn’t a Physical Example As the Power of
Belief And What We Feed Our Minds Makes Such a Difference

As A Nun With All the Physical Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease
As Far As The Tangles in the Brain Continued On the Lecture
Circuit through Her 80’s And Her Brain Re-Wired Itself Around

The Physical
Deficits As She

Believed and Didn’t
Stop Moving Ahead With
Her Future Present for A Better Day now

Other than That the Placebo Effect is Real and
That Power of Belief For Those Who Really Believe
And Take Advantage of It Are Recorded As Coming
Out of Terminal Disease With Remission in the Medical

Files of
the Unexplained

Indeed The Power of Belief
Is Much More Powerful Than
What is Only Measured With

Tape Rulers
Indeed i Surely Understand
As the Doctors Gave me no
Prognosis For Recovery From
A Life Threat in Synergy of 19 Medical

Disorders They Called My Sudden Recovery
A Miracle i Called it What it Was and Still Is
Harnessing the Power of Belief Finding the
Essence of the Sugar Pill is Real And May Be Enhanced
With Practice in An Autotelic Meditating Flow of Intention

In All We Do
Including Free
Dance And Song
As Well to Develop
This Relative Free Will into

Action for Real..:)

“When you believe
you can move freely
And you do…
Sensing the synergy
Of the mind body connects
The spirit of the soul
Finds its purpose.”

Lovely Verse
Dear Savvy
Thanks So
Much For
All Your
God Bless
You Always
Too With SMiles

Faith in What Is
And The Power

All Challenges☺️🙏

SMiLes Dear Isha No One Tells A Butterfly

How to Fly And Even if They Do it Won’t

Make A Bit of Difference in What They Do
Yes Key is Change Only For You As True

We Can’t Control the Minds Feelings
And Senses How Other Folks View
And Do the World Including Us Yes

If They Wanna Stay in A Cave Let ’em
As A Butterfly Already Understands
What A Cocoon Feels Like And Even

Before That too Hehe Stumbling Over
A 100 Or So Caterpillar Legs Now Flying

Out of the DarK iNto


New With
Fresh Wings
Into a New World
You Create of our Own
With SMiLes So Yes Keep Flying..:)

PS Hehe i Had a Nice Poetic Response
All Typed Out and Punched the Command
V Command Instead of the Command C Command
on my iMac to Copy my Response All that Was Left

Was A V in Open Space And It’s True This iS A Way A
Butterfly Flies They Don’t Look Back in Regret of How

They Flew Before Every New Wing of FLiGHT is Rebirth
Newly Now So True That ‘SNAFU’ Only Opened A

New Door oF LiGHT ALWaYS A Beginner Now…

Yes It’s So Sad Dear Isha How Some Cultures
And Particularly Dudes Where Toxic Patriarchy
Rules See the Only Value of Women As Body

Parts to Use
For Specific
Breeding Purposes
And Household Duties

Inspecting the Merchandise
Yes Like Only Merchandise

People Have Souls And
That Includes Women

Too They Even Have A Right
to Speak They Even Have A Right
to Vote Yet Only For A Little Over a Century
in the United States Where Before They were
Not Considered ‘Whole Persons’ Now they Get to Say

No Yes Now
They Get to Say
No to Not Being
Truly Loved Too With SMiLes…

Sadly in Our Country There Are
People Still Wanting the DarK
Ages of Slavery of Humans Back in
So Many Ways More Severe Than Already For Real…

Most Sadly Coordinated
At Core By Folks Who
Profess A Religion
To An All Loving
So-Called Merciful

Forgiving God For All
Nothing Could Be Further
From the Truth of What They
Truly Worship in Harming Marginalized Human Beings
And yes of Course Marginalizing Those Who Were Set Free…

SMiLes Dear Anita i Too Am A Number’s
Person Far Away Before in School And True

too Hehe i Scored High on the Rest Except

For Creativity As Creativity Can’t Be Measured

It is A Gift Always New Springing Within From Soul

It’s True i Knew Creative People
So Very Originally Creative
Who Didn’t Necessarily

Make All The Straight A’s
Like me Perhaps They Envied
my Spelling And Math Yet True

i Wanted Most to Go to the place
Deep Within MaGiC And Always New

Dear Lord a Few Sparks Wondering How
i Won that Christmas Story in 8th Grade
Among Two Homerooms And 80 Students

As All i Knew is i Had Been Bullied And Abused
For Not Being So Great At All the Social Graces And

Sports And i Suppose That is What Generated That From
Those Deep
And Sense
of Hurt A Christmas
Story of Hope in Despair
Back in Those Days mY FRiEnD

A Spark in A Philosophy Class too
in College at age 18 i Even Checked out
A Book On Creativity To Find Out How to Make
That Magic And Blissful Feeling Come Back Again

Yet it Was Difficult to Focus i Probably Checked Out the Book
20 Times Yet i Never Got Passed A few pages waiting waiting

For Creativity to Return
Waiting Waiting Dear Lord
40 Years in A Desert Where Folks

Referred to my Mathematical Brainiac
Mechanical Cognition Financial Management
Information Technology Mind As a Computer

Brain and Only
A Valuable

to Solve All the
Financial Information
Technology And Other
Numbers Problems Working
For the Federal Government
For A Quarter of A Century until
The Stress of it All Brought me
Down to Almost Dead Shut-in With
19 Medical Disorders of Life Threat
For 66 Months And Just Like MaGiC And

A Real Life Miracle A Poetic Spark Returned
in 2013 at age 53 Not Only In Words of Song
on Page Yet Public Dance too Now For 20,181
Miles in 130 Months As Well As An EPiC Long
Form Poem i Continue to Write i Name

“SonG oF mY SoUL” All 13 MiLLioN
Words That Are An Anthology of Poetic
Global Responses FLoWinG Free Just Like This

To You Now As i am Now Celebrating 11 Years
New Since July 19, 2013 Reborn into A Child

of Wonder Again With Awe For All the Beauty
of Existence Free You Know It’s True my FRiEnD

Actually i Am an Authority on HeLL And Heaven
For Real Within 66 Months With the Worst Pain
And Numb Assessed By Modern Medicine Where

i Couldn’t Remember if i Ever Felt a SMiLe Before

And Now the Other Place For 11 Years A Place of
Moving Connecting Co-Creating With Folks All Around the
World Heaven is LoVE iN Peace Together For Real Where All

Moves Connects
Co-Creates For Free

And It’s True the Best
Gift Was the Hell That

Taught me i Already Lived
in Heaven Before as A SMiLe
Shared With Others is Simply Enough…

By The Way my Name is Fred The Beautiful
One in the Photo is my Wife Katrina i am 64
And She is 54 We are Both ReTired Living A Golden Age Now..:)

i just Love to watch
You Fly when you
Bring out your MaGiC
Carpet Good to be Alive Flutter
From A
Of Beauty to
Behold never
Captured Prisoner..:)

Enjoy Life For A Tallest
Tree owes its Life
to A smallest
Child Watering
A tiny sapling
Water Most
We ARe All That
Child We ARe All
That Tree THere is
Never a Need to
Rush for Peace
A Love of Now..
And A Lust For Life..:)

SMiles i Suppose it
Depends on if one
Is Truly Loved For

If They
Are No
What They

Never Lose That
Breath Moreover It
Depends if One Ever

Gains The Ability
To Truly Love Sincerely
With No Secrets Unafraid

To Breathe
Love Free i

To Breathe
ThiS Way is
To Only Give


The Lesson

Of My Mother’s

Last Breath it’s Still

Breathing Now With

SMiles It Depends

On if It is


Or Taking

Love And if

One Believes there

Is More than one

Kind of Love As of

Course Everyone

Has their Favorite

Colors of Love mine



To Be
Water Still
Ocean Wave

Just A Little

Biggest Gift

my Mother’s Breath😊

Yes Staycation
Job Worth Doing
For Truly Being Free
Love Gives More When



A Cross Unless
It’s Not Human Of Course

And True Heaven is
Greater Experienced

Alive Now Than

Dead Go


Half the
World Disagrees
And More often


A Frown
In Church
While i Dance

A Slow Dance of
Ecstasy Within Music

Eternally Now



Yet to Make

Happy Vacation
Dear Hope One




Come to Stay
For At Least

You Understand
Where You Currently

Are Nice to See Your
Plans For Lifting Your


Off Your
Love For Life

Honestly Best
Gift For All Concerned 🏝

Yes Dear Akshita
i Surely Relate to
The First Day of

Catholic Kindergarten

The Day They Tied

me to A Desk

And Pencil



The Day

The MuSiC
Within Started
To Die i Used to

Have Dreams of
Returning to Work



Until i Became
A Child Again
Dancing Singing

For No Reason



Dance And Song 🎶

SMiles Dear
Savvy one
Word That



You Best

Is “Sincere”

Truly Sadly

How Rare

It Seems to

Find This Virtue

In Humanity Yet

How Good To Still

Notice it in Others

For How Authentic

Wings of Sincerity



Falling Down🌊🎶🎼

Paygrade Payrate
Currency Love
TesTaMenT NoW
CoVeRinG PAges

NeW LoVE iN Peace

LeSSoN 369 Love🌊
Vibration Energy😊
Frequency RiSinG Now🌊

BoNuS LeSSoN 370 When
HeART Beats Does It Rise Or Fall
One Fear Other True LoVE NoW iN Peace

Alas All Is A Boat Now on An OCeaN FLoWinG NeW
Waves Sails to Explore Fair Winds and Following Seas
And Anchors to Hold Us Safe in Harbors oF Old Traditions

And So Goes A Sea Faring Way Dear Miriam

Some Folks Stay In Caves Others Venture Out

Into Broad Day Light Some Seek the Comfort oF Old

Desert Sands Even if There is

Not Enough Water to Drink

True i Feel Most Comfortable Dancing

In Public in ‘Ross Dress For Less’ most Welcome

Among Folks With Darker Pigment Skin Approaching

The Equator in South America for They Are the Nomads Who

Have Traveled Farthest As Without An Open Soul For Change to Catch

Fair Winds And Following Seas With Sails Indeed While Tradition With Anchors

in Safe Harbors

Are Necessary

Yes to Rescue

Sails From Roughest
Seas And Hardest Storms

Still Where and When Will Real Gardens
of Eden Be Found if We Stay Locked in the Safe
Harbors of Hand Paintings Still in Caves And Deserts

Without even
Any Water

to Grow

The Planting

Of Our Soul Trees Taller

SMiLes From As Long as i Will Remember Now

i Only Wanted to Unlock All my Human Potentials

i Saw Highest Potentials Unlocked in Art Sadly So Many

Decades Lost From Human Creativity And iMaGiNaTioN Set Free

For me at Least it was a Stifling Toxic Patriarchy Stoic and Cold With

No Room

For Flowers

to Bloom with all the
Colors of Church and Military

Just Grey Drab Battle Ship 50 SHades That Way

How Sad It is For Men Who Believe That the Source of
Will and Strength is in Anger and Hate Against those Who are

Different ‘Weather’ That Comes From Church, State, Politics

Or Home Life indeed Same With Women And Even Little Girls Expected

To Stay Bare Foot, Pregnant, Sublimated to Men, Men, Men, From Father’s



Church or
Home Again

Guess What Pandora’s Box
Is OPen THere is No Going Back

THere Are Those of Us Who Will Stick
to Old Cave Art Painting Ways of Hands Alone

And Others Of Us Who Will Sprout Wings and Continue to Fly

And This is the Condition of the Condition of the Human Boat

At Best Whatever We Do Closer to Our HeARTS for When Empathy

And Compassion Dies, Anger And Hate Will Thrive to Make Larger
Souls Smaller…

An Open Mind
SoUL iS A Way
to Balancing Grace
And Love A Real Foundation

FoR GReaTesT WiLL And Strength
For Lasting Positive Change

So Far Out of




With No WHere to GRow
Naked Enough Whole Complete..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair We LiVE iN An Odd World

From the Very Beginning Where i Live That

Teaches Rewards Are What We Strive For Yet

Not For What We Give Share Care Heal

Oh So Free True Does A

Mountain Expect

A Reward For
Standing Taller

Than Other Mountains

No For the Mountain Understands

With No Pretend That the Mountain
Owes Its Existence to the Valley Below

Every Grain of Sand That Holds The Mountain

Up First
From Below
to Above With
SMiLes So Free

As The Sky

THiS Way
Valley High
Mountain Low
Love Continues to Rise From Below…

in Peace…

SMiles Wind
Always Reaches
Out And Touches
Us SMiles i Become
Wind Yes As Love is
Fun No Doubt God
Is Wind SMiles


Dances Sings

Be Wind i Am
Too Happy Day ☺️🏝

SMiles Dear Sohair
i Sing Wind Dances
Always Touches Us
We Hide
Inside SMiles
Dear FRiEnD
And This Is

i Dance
To Be
With SMiles🌹☺️🏝

SMiLes Becoming FRiEnDS With Imperfection
TReaSuRinG Every Flux of Change As Opportunity

Now Revealing Nature’s Way New a River Flows Unimpeded

NoW As THere Are Few Forces Stronger Than the Flow of Water

As H20 Holds
Hands This
WaY in
Whole Waves
Rising and Falling Free

Yet True We Are the Ocean
Waves And Water Free too Yet

Only When We Flow And Allow Waves
to Open New Doors of Adventure Where

Imperfection Only Becomes New Shores to

Create Yes Once

Again New

of Adventure to Explore

So Where is Fear in This Place
of Inhaling Peace DarK Thru LiGHT BaLaNCinG

WHeRE Is Fear in This Place of EXHaLinG LoVinG
All DarK Thru LiGHT Even Treasuring Imperfections

ThiS Way As Only Doors to New Adventure Hehe What

Fear i Am Too Busy Being A Wave Being Water Ocean Whole

To Even Notice

i Am in the

Middle of A Storm

Where Most Everyone Else

Sees This Reality As Discontent

Indeed An Ocean Need Not Fear Any

Storm For Waves Return As Water Calm

Just Another Ripple of Imperfection Just Another



Inner Calm

Is There Any Steadfast
Rule or Science for This
No, Just A Place to Explore With No Fear

SMiLing At The MaGiC of All You Create Effortless in Ease

Just Dancing a Tightrope Higher No Need to Even Look Down Dear Chaymaa..:)

Free As Air HeART
Becomes Wind
Wild As Water


Becomes Waves
Being Human


Dear Savvy

Truly We
Shine As
Stars When

Free to Set
All Our Wings Loose
Feather High Feather Low New
SPiRiT Wind Balancing All Now..:)

SMiLes Indeed Mr Gottfried
You Gave Hallucination Quite A Stab

As Modern Neuroscience Shows the Basic
Ways Our Minds Create Realities Are Through

Unique Hallucinations Unto Each Multi-Uni-Verse


As Our CuRReNT Hallucinations
Are Based on the Ones We Create Before

So Yes in ThiS Way We Rent A Reality We Co-Create
And No Two Perceptions of Hallucinated Realities Are the Same

Which Throughly
Explains Why A Dude
Could Tell ‘Folks’ Straight to
THeiR Face That If He Shoots
Someone on 5th Avenue They’d

Still Support Him No “Matar” What

The Evidence is in And The Supporting

Data Says It’s a Mad Mad Reality Folks

Do Co-Create And People Will take advantage

of this

Perhaps it’s Best
To Forget it All and

Reboot ‘the Computer’
And Do it all Over Again..

Hmm.. Reality Stranger Than
Fiction These Hallucinations Continue to Grow…

-Terminator 2.01010101010101010101010101010…

It Doesn’t
‘Matar’ Anyway…

Might as Well Give IT Another Stab…

After All Is Danced And Sung These Words
Are Just Avatars of mY SoUL Uploading
Here iN A Place With No Stars or Moons
Or Heatwaves or Hurricanes Like the

(might exist for ‘A Thousand Years’
‘Christina Perri’ Might Solve That Problem)

Rest of the
Flesh and
Blood of

me too
9 Dimensional SMiLes..:)

Happy 7th Dear
Rafiah Wow We’ve
Been FRiEnDS

10 Years
With SMiles ❤️🙏🙌

Just Dropped By to Say Hi
Dear Isha ‘Write’ When i am

About to Unload Some Words

on You

Your Blog
Posts Just Like
MaGiC Disappear Lately Hehe

It’s Okay what’s important now
Is that You Express Your Emotions

Hearts That Beat Free Cure What

Ails Us

Deep Within
Our Souls With SMiLes

Yet A Real Cure is Care

Do Remember

Beat Best
With Wings Set Free..:)

Oh Dear Lord Dear Miriam Can’t
Really Blame the Horses From
Escaping the Chains of Our


to Once Again
Join Nature’s Meme of Wild/Free

Oh Dear Lord the World Has
Become so Very ‘Trumpy’

Con Artists Everywhere

It Really Disgusts me When
Folks ‘Weaponize’ Kindness

For Material Gains even those Folks
Who are So Lovey Dovey With You When
You Visit Their Poetry Blogs Just Doing Their

Best With Honey Dripping Response Efforts to Lure You

in to Buy
Their Upcoming
Self Published Book

And What About All those
‘Serial Likers’ Someone Recently
Liked 12 in a Row of my Bi-Weekly 60 Thousand
Word Poetry Blog Novels in Less than 12 Seconds

Speed Readers

HAha Yet Not
as fast as

me For

real for real for real

F Money Leave it Behind
Be Real at least for me i do and did

Thank God 16 and a Half Sweet Years ago…




of The GD
‘Trump Meme’…

Honestly it Was Worth
Almost Dying For For Real…

HAha Whenever ‘They’ get to the Point
of Asking me For Something or to Buy Something

i Just Tale
’em You’ll Have
to Contact my Wife
When i Retired She
Inherited All that Nasty Dead Green Stuff…

Oh How She Loves to Be in Control of ‘The Soylent Green’
i Was Such A Cruel Budget Director in Decades Before Free…

Yet i Could Feel
A Cat-6 Life Storm
Coming and it Did Blow Through…

66 Long Months of Hell Yep Cat-66 Damned Straight..:)

HeART Remembers
Best Dear FRiEnD


To my Movie Maker


Beats Best ❤️🙏

SMiles Dear Amethyst
Lamb Your Poetry Is
True Authentic To
Your Soul So
Inspiring Too

Can’t iMaGiNE
A Greater Value
Unto Art You Create

Dustiest Part of
Barnes And Noble

Is The Poetry Section

Dust Never
Settles Online

As Far As i See Each
And Every Day You Are
Already In A Perfect

To Dance
And Sing Your

Soul WHerever
You May Be
Fully Alive Breathing


All The
Dark Thru
Light Never

Hide What Flies 🙌

i Told my Wife The Story
Of Your Groundhog Feral
FRiEnD She’s Proud You
Helped Her Escape Your

Father’s Trap

We Feed Our Wild
Forest Life Tons of
Sunflower 🌻 Seeds

They Ate Our Pepper

Too Hehe

For 7 Years Now
A Solo Migrant
Hermit Thrush
Bird Visits my
Sister Next Door From
Canada November
Through April She
Named Him or Her
Herman She Hand
Feeds Herman Raisins

Dear Amethyst Lamb

Each And
Every Day

Is Amazing 🙏

SuNDaY SMiles
Wow! What A
Creative Yoga
Power Pose So
Good To See You
Enjoying Some Leisure
Hours After Conquering

Work Hehe
Keep SMiling
And Wow What Extra
Long Peace Fingers You Have
Be So
Tiny (Cute)

✌️ ☮️ 🕊️ ☺️ 🕊️ ☮️ ✌️

Sunset Breathes
Sunrise More
Beautiful Than
Ever Before to Be



SMiLes Dear Savvy Not Unlike the Ocean
Human Creativity When Truly Set Free

Creates Never
Two Waves

That Are The Same

Beyond Measure What
May Come Next This is the

SPiRiT of Creativity Always
New And Fresh Colors of

FLoWeRS to Create

As Above So Below

Within Inside

Outside All
Around as No
Two Humans Even
Experience Emotions Same

And Feelings From Head to Toe

All Is Art of Creation SMiLes

THere is No Way

AI Can Capture

What is Yet

to Be

Created New With SMiLes..:)

Green the Color of Trees
Leaves And In General
Growth of All of the Above

Wonderful Metaphor For
Abundance in Life Green Green

Green Best
All Year Around
Abundance to
Give Share Care
Heal For Free With
Most Respect Least Harm

True Green of Compersion For All
Never A Jealous Bone in A Forest oF

So Green
Be CoLoRinG
A World New
Now Dear Miriam So
Yes Do Keep Greening With SMiLes..:)

Playing as Little Children
Yes Returning Home With
EYes of Wonder Amazement
And Awe And Yes Empathy and

Compassion For All
Dear Sohair True Now

That i ReTiRED From Adult

i Do Child i Play Give Share
Care Heal With Most Respect

And Least

Harm As
All Of Life
Is A Pet to
Take Care of NoW With SMiLes
SoWinG The Seeds of LoVE iN Peace
Watching FLoWeRS CoLoRinG More RiSinG NeW..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy As
Science Shows Humans
Aren’t Particularly Rational

At Core Emotions Drive

Nearly Every Word Before
We Make Up Reasons For
The Words That Come to

Existence As Our
Minds Create

Our Realities
First Based on Our
Experiences of Course

True changing Our Moods
Now Deep Within Head to Toe

So Much More Than Only Word Think
As The Silent Part of Our Mind is Truly

Master And Our Reasons At Best Are
Faithful Servant to Turn Over A Greener

Leaf of Feeling Sensing
From Head To Toe Real

True We Get Trapped
In A Negative Song of
Feeling Sensing Our Souls

Deep Within For me at Least
At Best A Free Dance Turns A
Soul Song BacK iNto LiGHT Out of DarK

And Positive MuSiC Driving The Dance
Most Often changes DarK to LiGHT

Out of the Shadows
of Before mY FRiEnD

Now to Spread
Around Newer Free…
SoWinG Seeds oF LoVE
Faith FLoWeRinG Beyond
Words LoVE iN Peace Deep
Within RiSinG to the Surface of
Our Ocean Whole SPiRiTS HeaRTS


Waves to Be i Am…

Our LiVinG Trees
Holding Leaves
ToGeTHeR Again..:)

Indeed Mr Gottfried All Human Emotions Are Valuable
in Driving Us Toward Actions that May Lead to Greater Ways
of Both Surviving And Thriving Including Fear of Course Human

Emotions Are Complex and Often Paradoxical in How They Come
to Be to Drive Us Forward in Both Negative and Positive Ways of Doing

Life in Fact Entire Mythologies And Religions Yes Have Been
HiSToRiCaLLY Developed in Attempts to Better Understand
And Actually Do Our Inner UNiVeRSES Improved Similarly
Uniquely Different From Dudes Rather Slow Compared
to Women Generally Who Are Continuously Emotionally
Connecting With Each Other Yes Better Understanding
Regulating Their Emotions And Integrating Their Senses

Too Particularly if They Engage in Moving Meditation
Free Also Known Felt and Sensed As Free Dance

Ranging As Far in Balance As Ballet Yet When
too Constrained for Perfection Fear May
Come to Rule

The Free Away
From A Peaceful
Easy Feeling of FRiEnDS With Gravity
Balancing Mind and Body Whole Soul…

Unfortunately Among U.S. Teenage Young Women
No Longer Enjoying This Face to Face Interaction of
Play with Their Peers They Are Losing Their Abilities to
Greater Understand and Regulate Their Emotions and of

Course Sitting Still in Front of a Scream of A Screen on Instagram is
No Free Dance to Integrate Senses Either With SMiLes 57 Percent
Studied As Depressed 30 Percent Considering Suicidal Ideation and

Among Ivy League College Students Studied 40 Percent Depressed
60 Percent With Anxiety Also Limiting Life Functioning True too Hmm…

Home of the Brave And
Free is Turning into Home
of Darkness Anxiety and Depression

Breeds in Lonely Souls Wandering the
Earth Barely Even Wanting to Breathe
Sadly Increasingly So Indeed Mr Gottfried

Humans Are Born With Only Two Innate Fears
of High Places and Loud Noises Good Thing as
A Child Climbing May fall and die And When the

Lion Roars
And Thunder
Rumbles Seek
Safety or Potentially
Die Road Runner Die

As This Applies to Some
Other Animals too Yet Of Course
Birds Fly High and Monkeys Climb
Tall Trees Yet Practice Practice Practice
Is What Keeps ’em Way Up There Safe From

Early Life as my Wife Used to Climb 40 Foot Trees
At 8 Years Old Picking Moist Fruit to Eat And Oh Dear
Lord She is Not Afraid of Heights Yet i Surely Don’t want
to See Her Up High On Ladder i’ll Hire Someone Else to Do it instead…

Without Emotions Humans can’t Make Decisions as Simple as Choosing
What Pair of Socks to Wear At Church if They have Any Emotional Intention
Driving Them At all to Go in A Communion of LoVE iN Peace Now With Other

Human Beings
Emotions Precede
Almost All Decisions
in Life Rational or Not

As Indeed Humans Will Make
Truly Bizarre Rationalizations for
The Lies They Believe in So Obviously
Untrue for Those Not Lacking Wisdom
and The Ability to Discern Truth from Lies

Yet True Humans Will Bond And Bind In Warmth
of Emotions of Darkness That Harms The Most
Marginalized Among Us in Short Mr Gottfried

at Core the
Human Condition
is Not Rational it is
Feeling And Sensing the
World in Whatever Ways Keeps
Moving Us Forward Enough to Continue to Breathe

And That’s A Huge Problem Where Those Who Will
Propagate The Survival of the Species Most No Longer

Wanna Breathe

Land of the
Scared and
Imprisoned Within
Lost From the Physical
And Emotional Intelligences That
Truly Make Us Human And Not Just
Cogs in Machines of Society That Don’t Breathe

Hmm, Fear Would Be An Excellent Topic for
“Banter Republic” Hehe We Should Discuss that one


Sooner than Soon…

True The Path to Fearless
Peaceful Love is Narrow
mY FRiEnD Heaven is
A Place Lost From

(Eye of the Needle
And All That ‘Jazz’)

Many Indeed


Per Luke 17:21
And of Course How
That Relates to the
‘DarK Force’ on Star Wars too

Yet You See ‘Wookiee Hair’ Doesn’t Worry About
Fear Naked Enough Whole Complete F All Those

Human CuLTuRaL Clothes of Fear hehe Just Wearing
Hair HAha….

Yet It’s True
i Ain’t Doing Heights

And Indeed Loud Noises
Aren’t too Scary for a Lion With A Loudest Roar
Now or Cosmic Sneeze or Buddha Belly Laugh

WaKinG Up The

Neighborhood BLocK at
Night With SMiLes So BRiGHT..:)

Covered With Nature Best oF ALL
God Clothes You Know Feel Sense
FLoWeRS And THoRNS Head to Toe And So Much More

SMiLes Dear Miriam All Your Travels Surely Do
Seem Wonderful Full of Amazing Adventures

i Can’t Say i’ve Been Lucky in my Travels
As i’ve Been to Disney World, Helen Georgia
to See my Only Small Mountain, And to Washington

DC For A Conference on Anthropology in my
Senior Year in College Where i made a Quick
Decision There in the Winter When i Had a Bit
of Seasonal Affective Disorder Then i No Longer
Have Now That i am Free to Go Out in the Sunshine
And Stuck in No School or Work Rooms Without Windows

That it Was Even Darker in the
Winter of Washington DC

And Just too Many Moving
Parts of a Big City for me to
Navigate Then Although i Did do
A Jog in the Middle of the City And
Bought A Cheap T-Bone Steak That
Was the ‘Rarest’ Steak i Ever Ate Still
A Bit Cold in the Middle Hehe Anyway Where

i Will Say i am Fortunate Though is All the Travels
of my Ancestors to Get here From my X-Catholic Priest
Irish Born Grandfather Legal Counsel for the Vatican
And the Papacy Then Through South Africa through
Gainesville Florida Through Breaking The Rules of the
Catholic Church In Taylor County North Florida Where

At age 36 Woo’ed Out of the Pews By A 17 Year-Old Cajun
Girl Who Ended Up Being A Business Woman of Her Own

With Two Twin Sons Sired by That Grandfather Yet She Divorced
Married to A Jewish Cop Where Both Identical Twin Boys Became
Motor-Cycle Cops too Where my Father A Beverage Agent later Busting

Moonshiners in Santa Rosa County Named After Roses Like the Catholic
Church i am Raised in too met my Mother Named with the Best Figure in
11th and 12th Grade Fairest of them All per Skin According to the Spicy
Cajun Grandmother Then as my Mother Noted my Father the Most
Handsome Man She Ever Saw Whoever Was Married to him the
Luckiest of them All So She Said Yes to A Marriage Proposal
After the First Date When the Second Date Came 26 Rather
Old to Be Single Back in them Old Days of the Late 50’s then

Anyway of Most All the Military Folks Who Travel Through
This Military Established Area working for the Military for a
Quarter of A Century Folks Who Had Been All Around the World

Stated Where i was Seeded For Free Was the Most Beautiful And
Peaceful Place to Live in the World With Sugar White Sand Beaches
And Forest Creeks With the Same Sand And Golden Streams Rivers
Bays Hunting and Fishing for Those So Inclined (Not me) Never the

Less A Best Place
Ever to See A Beautiful
Sunrise and Sunset on the Beach
or Bays or Even the Forests too

So What Else to Do Yet Build
my Own Eden Garden Deep in
The Forest Where the Home
Was Practically Free in 1993

According to Current Home Values Hehe

It’s Home Base And Dirt Cheap to Travel
The Globe in Avatar Words of Free Verse Poetry

True Cheap Skate i Shall Continue to Dance And

Sing the World Free..:)

Practice one step one word that
may become more Beautiful as
one Dance and one Song Become
more than two Steps and Words a
Practice Now of
Life in Music
of Soul that
Makes Notes
More than just Words
A Lyric of Spirit Now that
Spells HeART Soul’s Breath

True Humans Tend to Stagnant in their Traditions Versus
The practicality of their Human Potentials so much more

Yet Humans have a Unique Opportunity
to Co-Create Hell And or Heaven on Earth

Now for Real, particularly


Impossible For
Waves to Drown
For They Are Ocean
Water Change Reality Breathes…

SMiLes Dear Sohair Sharks Are Among the Oldest Living
Creatures Champions of Survival Over 450 MiLLioN Years
Another True Story About the ‘Shark’ Is the Shark Evolves
To Electromagnetically Find Food Underneath Ocean
Floors Producing Actual Virgin Births Conceiving And
Birthing Sharks
Alone to Keep
Species Strong
Sadly Humans
Don’t keep the
Ocean In Balance
As Sharks Do For the
Circle of Aquatic Life With All
Our Tools That We Have Become
Bringing this iMBaLanCE… to Love Nature
is to Love the Face of God if Only More Folks
Will Cherish And Respect the Nature of our Realities
Giving More Than Taking Sharing More Than Hoarding
We Shall Then Return to the Naked Loving Beings Born
of God We Are With Empathy, Sympathy, And Compassion
Agape Loving All
As Our Realities
Become Love
Strong Again
in Balance
of Grace
With Love For All
To Give With Least Harm
A Way of Life A Way of Love
For All With Least Harm Keeping
in Mind the Thorns of Flowers that
Make Rose that mean We Rise Consuming
The Gifts of Each Other Now True Freedom
is in Giving Sharing Most As Give Becomes

Receive in Balance Again..:)

God is Now Not A To Do List Come
Later Vow Butterflies Don’t Wait To
Fly Out Of Cocoons They Come

Now All Naturally Divine

Finding Ark in DarK Painting
Coldest Soul With Warmth
Rising From Precipice



And Hell

And Returning

For Muse of Both
To Find Another Color to Paint

SMiLes Dear Orchard Flower Lillian
In Deepest of Empty Rises Greatest

New Colors



Felt Before
Hell into Heaven’s
Breath of DarK Makes LiGHT

Most Great Art Starts With A
Vampire Without Blood Thirsting
For Drink Night And Day Transforming
Into Bat And Perhaps Circling the Globe
Eternally Now to Live Forever As A Poet/Artist Consuming

Blood of Other Colors of Souls Becoming Every Pastel of God

Not one in a Story Book One Who Arises From the DarK

Place with No Blood…

Once Midnight

New Moon

BLacK Rose

Rises From THorns
And FLoWeRS Blood
of Beauty Consumed From EartH

Yes on the ‘8th Day’ We Create Poetry/Art

To Eat And Drink Becoming More Colors of Soul




Theism Is in Art
Ark This Covenant
This Holy Grail We Give And Share
Freely As Wings Attached to DarK LiGHT
Yes God Dances Sings Breathes Us For Real

Water Wave Ocean Whole Becomes All Our Blood

All Becoming Moving Connecting Co-Creating Revealing

Freeing No Secrets Left Communion of Globe All One Love

SMiLes Dear FRiEnD i Slept in Fires of Your Art to Generate This Dream


Colors of Blood..:)

SMiLes Humans are Social Animals
There Are Groups of Joy and Optimism

And There Are Groups of Misery and Despair

Even if Joy and Optimism Didn’t Heal Which of Course

They Do As Emotions That Are Positive Do Naturally Heal



And Optimism
Are Self-Fulfilling Rewards

Feeling Good Spreads LiGHT

Darkness Spreads DarKness
LiGHT Naturally Comes Out on Top…

SMiLes Humans Have Service
Dogs to Make them Feel Warm
And Fuzzy Do It Yourself Now Job too..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy Even ‘Frans de Waal’

The Alpha Male Chimp Professor

Agrees That Even

Chimp Leaders Are

Chosen By Cooperative

Nature With Empathy And
Compassion For The Whole Monkey
Tribe This is Still Human Nature True too

When We Live
Still In Balance
of Giving Sharing Caring Healing Free.:)

SMiLes Dear Summerhilllane If We All Developed
Strength of Soul to Hold No Secrets And Expose

All Our Shadows And Angel Wings Same

Like You Just Did in that Poem

And Perhaps the Paintings/Art

Too It Will

Be So Much

Easier to Forgive

Everyone And Live Together
iN A Place of Truth iN LiGHT iNstead of LieS in DarK

Honesty With No Secrets in LiGHT And DarK What i Value Most…

God Devil Yes Honestly With No Secrets Totally Exposed Is What i Do

i LiVE iN

DarK And LiGHT True…

Hehe, And All the (Drones) Geeks And

Nerds Have Prepared so Many Free Ways

iN A Place With No Sun, or Moon, or Stars or
Time, Or Distance, Or Space, Or Even Matter

To Reveal All And Discard All The Secrets
That Block Our Breaths From Freedom

Increasingly, As Foretold in So Many
Old Poetic Prophecies This Reality is
Coming to BReATHE REaL NoW oNLiNE

Shall We Spin The Web Some More Free

Yes Let Go Dear True Be All of Who You are iN ShadowS And LiGHT…

SMiLes Dear Aloha FRiEnD Magnificent Architecture
In Hawaii For Your New ‘Cappuccino Home’ How

Nice of You To Build This Palace

of Paradise to make

Your Pets Dogs
Chickens Cats

All of them

Pleased in their

New Place of Paradise Residence

Hehe Hopefully You And Your Husband

Are Enjoying All the Work You Put into Making

A Beautiful Home For Your Pets too what really

Catches my Eye is the Contrasts of the Living Green

And Sky Blue Almost the Color of Our Old Sold Honda Civic Coupe Hehe..

Just Such A


Day in Paradise

my FRiEnD That

Pool Looks Cool And

Inviting too and the “Reggae Singer”

Looks Very Much Like my Wife’s Brother

Yet of Course They Are Half Pacific Islander

With Some American Indian And A Faint Tint

Of Auburn Irish in my Wife’s Dark Philippines And American
Indian Hair As She Continues to Enjoy A Disorder of Rarely
Aging Now Still At age 54 As Pictures Prove that too Hehe…

You Know

It Seems


i See my Wife

i See the Paradise

of Islands too my FRiEnD

True Portable Paradise She is too…

And Of Course Every Hawaii Woman is Equally Beautiful Too…

Yet of Course i Dare not Ask my Wife’s Mirror if Anyone is Fairer

Than Her With SMiLes… Currently Celebrating 11 Years of Heaven
Within Now Just Another Opportunity For Gratitude my FRiEnD For Real

As True i
Spent 66 Months

In the Other Place too

As Sort of Preparatory School
For Heaven On Earth Within With SMiLes..;)

Hehe Keep Meditating
Dear Cindy Moving Now
Finding Your BLiSSinG

iN Effortless


For me
Thick And
Thin of Sadly
Yes Increasing


In These
New Styling
Life Delays Yes
We may Continue
To Inhale Peace Exhale

“Happy For No Reason
Always Deeply Busy”
Fulfilling One’s



A Child’s Eyes
Wanting to Be

With SMiLes

Dear Savvy
Weekend to You..:)

God Yes Inhaling
Peace Exhaling
Love New We
Will Always


To A Greater

Place Now
Dear Sohair
With SMiles☺️🌹🙏

Sweetening Lemons Without Sugar All
Natural Every Day Dear Miriam A Practice

of Marrying the Night
Merrying The Day Ever

More Sweeter No Matter
How Lemons Become Sour

Yet Rotten Oranges i Shall
Not Trespass As Those Buckets

To Check Off Life Tend to Spread

Yet It’s True
the Bucket is
Way too Large to DisPose of Hehe

‘Just Another Manic Monday’ Yet Dear

Lord Nothing

to SuNDaY

at LeasT Hehe..:)

“Our minds shape our realities”

Truly A Most Ecstatic Experience
of Humanity Even Together ThiS WaY

Truly A Most Horrifying Experience
of Humanity Even Dividing ThiS WaY

i Am Reminded of the First PArt iN Every “Day of A

Life” Yet it Took 53 Years of Many Trials And Errors

to Create A
Real Heaven
oF mY LiFE to
Even Share with
Others Freely Now too

Coming Mostly From Within

Mr Gottfried and Yes i Have
Two Muslim FRiEnDS Who consistently

Remind of the Other Place With Children With
Half Blown Off Faces Still Barely Surviving That Way

Indeed This Shaping of Reality With Our Minds Has

Both Escalation

And Very


Falls too in
The Reality New We
Make Heaven And Or Hell Now

And of Course for Most Folks Drab
SHaDeS of Grey in the Tween oF THeiR

They Both
Fall into Spoon
Fed From Birth
Or Wittingly And or Unwittingly

Create For Themselves Yes All

The Colors and Blood Shed too…

Gas Was Three Dollars a Gallon
Back After 9/11 When the Version
of an SUV i Commuted 30 Miles Each
Way Every Work Day got 17 Miles to The Gallon

Fast Forward 23 Years to the Day and it is Still Three Dollars
A Gallon Difference Being A CRV Hybrid SUV getting 42 Miles

to the Gallon and
of Course Financial
Independence today

Yep Just a bit More
Icing on the Cake

Some Folks Make
Their Decisions based
on the Price of a Gallon of Gas

Others are Proud to Be Martyrs to Die

And Some How or Another Some of Us
Graduate to

Live Now…

And That
And This
Is Life is Good

And Or Bad

Pain and Pleasure

Is Real i Choose and Do Door Number 1 and 2

For It’s True Too Much Pleasure Makes Pain too…

“Life Moves Pretty Fast” It’s Best When Actually Lived Now

Another Movie hehe…

It’s Nice to Have ‘A Day Off’
Always Now For Real Just
Naked Enough Whole Complete

Wild and Free

-Squirrel and
A Bird Holding Wings

And Fur Close to Being Soul For Real..:)

SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb iN ReaLiTY
No Matter Human Weathers or Seasons
i ReMeMBeR the LeSSoNS of the Little
Winged and Furred


of the Forest

Naked Enough
Whole Complete

With No Questions
Asked They Are


‘God’ Never
A Separation

(No Words)

They Wake Up
Each Day With No
Other Expectations


to Live
Now Eternally Free

Sadly Many Human’s Version
of Freedom is Self and Other
i’Mposed PriSons

They come

To So Very

Unusually Value

So i Continue to Climb
And Fly On Terrestrial Earth
Like my Furry Winged Wild



BaLaNCinG New

They Only Live
They Only Live

They Only Live

Indeed they Die

Yet Key They Only Live Now…


So Do i

Hehe Animals In
The Wild Know
Nothing Of Walmart

To Them
All Food They
Find is Free

Are They
Dear Amethyst


SMiles Dear Amethyst
Lamb As HiStory SHows
Rarely is THere a Ready

Made Target

Audience For
Truly Original
Creativity That

Plays by No
Rules of Tradition

Before To Be Restricted
By What A Ready Made

Prefers to Buy

Is to Stifle Original
Creativity Fresh From


Like the
Movie “The
Dead Poet’s
Society” Relates

Free Your Verse
Create A Greater

With SMiles

For It’s True
A Greatest
Free Verse


Is A SMile
Not Contrived ☺️🙌


Indeed Dear Savvy The More Inclusive We aRe of
All Diversities With Respect ThiS WaY Broadens

Venn Diagrams
of Our Souls
Spreading Out

Ward Instead

of Shrinking in

Oh Yes What Will Be Learned New
From Humans Short of Standard IQ

Yes Full of Emotional Intelligence

Moving Connecting

Co-Creating Freely

With Each and Every
Part of LiFE They Meet And Co-Create

Meeting Someone With Limitless Enthusiasm
About Life May Be As Simple As Letting Go oF All

That Most
Others Hold
in Self Made Prisons…

True Some Folks Never
Even Enter Into Those Prisons
And Have Many Lessons For How

Yet Only When Other Humans Carry
Them Over in Their Circles of Life For


Known And Understood..:)

Embracing All of What A Flow
Of Life Brings Yes Spontaneity

Making Life Awesome

And Wonderful to

Enjoy All the
Flavors New
That Come Dear Miriam Free
True Comfort Hugging All of Life Now..:)

Covered With Nature Best oF ALL God Clothes You Know Feel
Sense FLoWeRS And THoRNS Head to Toe And So Much More

“Keep the flame burning bright
Rise up to the moment at hand
Have hope feed the faith
For the day is not done.”

-Savvy Raj

SMiLes Dear Savvy
Truly Inspiring And Worth
Quoting You Dear FRiEnD

Particularly as i Remember Still
in the Work Years Sitting in A Theater
So Busy So Many Years to Even Count Years

of Age Suddenly

Hehe Panicking

As i Realized 17 Years Ago i am
So Very Old at 47 Years Old then

Yet You See i Didn’t Realize Then

i am Always A Beginner Always a Beginner
Exploring New Human Potentials Beyond Numbers
Dear FRiEnD

And ReMeMBeRinG

Just Because it Hasn’t

Been Done Before Doesn’t

Mean i Won’t Make it Happen Now

Indeed A Faith Trust Belief Beyond NumBeRS

Where God Breathes Deep Within Always Beyond

And Only “A Matter of Things”
God Yes The Beginner mY FRiEnD
True No Older Or Younger Then Than
the Present New of Now All Our Gift..:)

SMiLes Hellooove Dear FRiEnD
So Happy to Share This Greeting With
You As Yes This Is How We Dance and Sing
It From the Planet SMiLes WeLL It’s True Seeded
in A Most Beautiful
Place on Earth
Yet Sadly
The People Seemed
to Be More From Planet
Frown Then Than SMiLes
HAha Particularly the Dudes
What We Do On Planet SMiLes as A Practice
Of CuLTuRE FLoWeRinG Free iS Dance And Sing Growing Stronger
With Will And More Strength on a Foundation of Peace Loving ALL DarK Thru
LiGHT True The Only Payday We Get is Dancing Singing ToGeTHeR With SMiLes
And On Top of That
FRiEnDS With Gravity
i Shall Let You have the
Chocolate Pay Day Bar
With Nuts as i Must Keep
My Slim 111 Kilogram Figure
to Keep Floating Extraterrestrial
On Land FRiEnDS WiTHiN BaLaNCinG
Gravity on the Outside too With SMiLes
On Top of That You are Much Slimmer Than
me And You Will Be Even Sweeter With This Pay
Chocolate Bar
With Nuts hehe
True When i First Came Here
to Heaven Within 11 Years Ago
And Started Dancing in Public on August 26, 2013
After RiSinG Up Out of the Ashes of Planet Frown
to Planet SMiLeS AGAiN on July 19, 2013 Becoming
One With Sugar White Sands Emerald Green Gulf Waves
Sea Oats Swaying in The Breeze Sea Gull Wings Spiraling Around the Sun
Transforming Into All This Dance And Song SMiLinG Once Again On Planet
Yet Down THeRE
People Did Treat Me Like
An Alien From Another Planet
At First As They Had Never Seen Felt And
Sensed A Human Being From Planet
SMiLes Who Only Dances and Sings
With No Pay Day of Green Paper BlLLS

Yet True They Have Had no Choice Yet to Welcome
me on Planet Frown With my SMiLes as i Decided Not to Phone
Home i Decided to Make Planet Frown Planet SMiLes No Matter
They Were
to my Heaven on Earth
WiTHiN True This is How i Return
to the Place Within i Love To Give
Share Care And Heal Most With
Most Respect and Least Harm For All
i Need No Weapons or Bullets to Change
This Earth of Frowns Back into Planet SMiLes
A Free Dance And Song Naked Enough Whole Complete
Do to Bring
People Back to LoVE iN Peace
And if They Are Expecting A Hero to
Return to Kill All Their Enemies i am No Hero For Them Period, Hehe
Okay This Concludes my Gift of TueSDaY School LeSSoN For Dear
FRiEnD It’s True Some Days We Do All Feel Like Aliens Yet We Rise
Most With
Each Other
iN Dance And Song With SMiLes
So Yes The Invitation is For You
to Take This Dance and Song
With me And SMIle
As Wide As
iNFiNiTy is
iN LoVE iN Peace For Real
Celebrating Heaven On EartH An
Entire Decade Plus Year Within for

Real Dear FRiEnD..:)

“Having a beginners mindset
Is both honourable & humbling
For the beginner knows There is
much more To learn and unlearn.
For learning is never done…There
is always something more to discover…“

-Savvy Raj

Wonderfully Wise
Words of Yours
To Quote Again
Dear Savvy In
Short And Long
End iN
NoW With
SMiLes NeW☺️🙏🏝

“Hello Fred”…

Large talk
To me
To Hear
My Name
Dance Sing
From KinD
FRiEnD HiMaLi..🙂

Is ReaL

LoVE iN Peace iS onLY HuMaN

Deep Deep Deeper WiTHiN Free
Giving Sharing Caring Healing
For All With Most Respect

Least Harm With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes my
In LiFE Worse
And it’s
Really not fair
To make
Either NoW
It’s all Relative
And Different
And Same
NeW Life
Life lives or dies NoW..🙂

One of the Hardest things one may
Do is Seek Help particularly when
Any Disorder of Our Feelings
or Thoughts is
Taboo to
even exist…
Meanwhile folks
suffer in silence
While Reality Sings
A Song Without a Dance
in other Words yes Action
to Make Life Better… Anyway
Dear Zee the Emotional and Sensory
Life is SureLY an Art over Science Yet
THere are Those Versed Enough in the Art
of Inner DaRK and LiGHT to Raise you up
Het Still
A Lifelong
And Sensory Lives
Are still from first to last
BLink of Life… Good on You
for seeking answers from those
who may truly be able to help you
on this Particular Path iN Life Journey wHere
What You Change to Be NoW May Be A Greatest
Soul Grace oF aLL..
to Truly Make the FLoWeRS of
Life Color For the Will of Your
LoVE iN LifELiGHT TRuE NoW..:)

Hi Dear FRiEnD Sohair True THeRe
iS LiGHT iN Every HuMaN
Who Glows Now with
LoVE iN Peace Day
as Love
is the
that ALWaYS
EiTHeR Day or NiGHT
Love is Not the INViSiBlE
SuN inside only for those
who cannot and will not see it
only for those who will not and
cannot give and share it.. only for
Oil is
no WicK no
FlickeR no FLamE
no Torch no Bonfire From: Peace Free
oF LoVE oN LiGHT iN FLiGHT to: GLoW…🙂

SMiLes my FRiEnD A
Greeting from You
In the Evening is
Always a Hug
For me in
The morning
i Truly Love
Being your FRiEnD
Thank uuuuuuuu
With SMiLes
Of Hugs
In Return..:)))

If Ya Do Not ‘Think’
You Have Not Practiced IT ENouGH

Word Like God And LoVE THaT
Science Has Yet to Fully Measure

All Science
Will Say DuNNo

Truly Only Fools
Wait On Science to
Fully Measure Love God And
Miracles Before They Just Do It

God LoVE MaGiC Art Miracles A “Right Brain Thang”
ReMeMBeR It Use It Gain It Forget It Lose IT NoW NEW

Half A Soul Or Whole

Humans have A long long HiStory of transforming their

GuruS inTO Only

God Sons Ugh BoWinG DowN Worshipping them too

If “Original Coke” Jesus Could Come Back Now And His
Current Students Sing i am so Lost Now i am Found That

You Have Come Back

‘Jesus’ Will Be Direct Then as Reported With A Huge
Face ‘Palm’ Forrest Gump THiCK Command Get off
Your Knees Did Not You Even Get The MeMe oF


Stand Tall! Spine Erect! COuRaGE
HeART Of THE Lion! EYe Of THE Tiger!
You Are No Less Than me “Ye of Little Faith”

Jesus Already Provides A Clear Answer to
His Disciples When They Attempt to Transform
Him into a God Alone Asking About His Return

Of Course the Gospel of Thomas Verse 37
Excluded by the Catholic Church Then As
That Gives the Force of God to the Individual

NaKeD Enough Whole Complete LoVE iN Peace

A Key to SurvivinG As ‘Jesus’ Is
Convincing ‘Christians’ You Are Not
‘Jesus’ HiSToRY Proves A Never Ending

StorY AGaiN

i HAvE oNly OnE
WHolE iS YouR SoUL NoW

With ALL THaT iS Existence (GoD)

Reminds me of “A Song”
While it is Natural that Human
Beings Allow “Yesterday” to Dictate Tomorrow
THere are Other Options for Tomorrow to Pursue
even if ‘Jesus
and John
Are Totally
Forgotten For Tomorrow
Things are not to Borrow the
Same Song “Yesterday” For Tomorrow;
The Same Names; the Same Lyrics; The Same Music;
is the
is An Ultimate
Human Illusion Dominated
By the Symbols We Create that
Stay the Same out of Constantly
Changing Living Nature Where the
Reality is an Intermittent Gratification
And Punishment of Pleasure and Pain Now;
Smiles, i Enjoy ‘Symbols’ too Much to Go Back
to the “Old New Way;” Now, A Best of Both Worlds
is when Technology becomes A Slave for Original Creativity
And We are No Longer Slave to A Tradition of Symbols that rarely Change;
Yet Honestly, in the Rush of Work and Raising Families Who in the World is
Gonna be not distracted
to do it;
sure as
usual; a
Few who
Choose and
Create a Different Way;
Yet As Your ‘By Line’ Clearly States;
As i rather Paraphrase Than Quote, Hehe;
There is No ‘Target Audience’ To Make Money off
of Doing Something Originally New in Creativity Still;
In other Words, Being Financially Independent Frees the Bird from the Master
of not only the Tradition of Technology Yet Older Target Audiences For Pay

Staying in Yesterday Again.

SMiLeS An Empty Fortune
Cookie IS A ‘Perfect’
Opportunity to Create
aN OWn Effortless ForTune oF FLoW iN Ease
Hehe Why WaiT oN A Cookie to Do It for Us
Or any other
iN A
BooK WitH
SMiLes oF NeW Ado

SMiLes mY FRiEnD
BREaTHE of Our
Lives Are God’s
Most TReaSuReD Bibles..:)))

Emotions Are Best
Expressed Many
Cultures Make
Men Emotionally
Diseased Thru Repression
Addiction Behavior Related

It’s like living Half
A Life Without Colors
A Tradition Started
With Making Males
Cold Enough to Kill Their
Fellow Humans in War.. Peaceful
Societies Naturally Breed Males With Colors😁

Emotions Turn on
Our HeART Lights
GLoWinG Like Fireflies
Why Folks Write Poetry
Dancing Singing So Free

Studies of Millennials
Show A Quarter Have
Zero Acquaintances one
Phone Call Dilemma Clean
Up Crews In Japan
For Sky Rise
As When Elders
Go ‘Quiet’ No ‘Warm
Connections’ The Death
Of Emotional Intelligence
Is What Destroys Colors
Of All that
Is Bright
And Beautiful
For Any Calls
Of HeART At all
Even only Within🌈🎨🎶

Heaven Is
Colors Within
We Feel Sadly
Some Folks are
Heaven Blind Inside
Only Folks With No
Need Search
Farther Than
SoUL Breathing HeaVeNoW🎨

LeSSoN 280
Poetry HeART
Song Touches
Voice of LoVE iN Peace For Everyone

Words Building Blocks Songs Steps
To HeART SouL Poetry SPiRiT Dance
Sing So Very Meditating Free in Flow

Raised On A River
Ebb Tide BRinGS
Colors of Brackish Crawling
Crabs NeW EARtH Surface Seeing
Dreams Clean…

Nature Without
Buildings Such
A Pleasure
Breathing So Free
Echoes of Soul Land
Deep SMiles the
Last Picture
Some Second
Removed Irish
Roots And Scotland Higher
Sublime How Some Photos
Will Put You In Another Time
And Place i can’t touch why
Yet it is as
Real as Real
Gets Smiles Xenia
Thanks for the Soul
Feelings Your Photos Bring..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair
Love Is Our FRiEnD
We Make Or Break
As God
Lower With
Fear And Hate
We Survive Hope
Breathes Love We Give
And Share We All BReaTHE
Free With Least Harm Now To ‘See’ ALL (GoD)

SMiles Dear Tatoos Are An
Art Form And Personal
Freedom Of Expression

No Different

Than Gender

And Sexuality

Among Those With

Higher Libidos And

Different Flavors of

Identity And


Go Figure

Nothing About
Human Is Black

And White Except

For Imagining

It That

Way Change

And Diversity
Is Nature’s Way

Even Stone
At Essence

And Sings

In Ways Not
All of Us See Yet

Even Science



We Co-Create

Reality As We Move
Connect And Co-Create



Is We Experience🌈

Happy Pride Months
Now Continuing New
For All The Colors

Of Humanity

Ever Now

Of Eternity🌈☺️

SMiles Dear Sohair
Thanks Dear FRiEnD

Kindness is



Word For Humanity

All Tuned Up Firing

Up LoVE iN Peace Heavenow🌹😊

Oh my Gosh First of All Karlien i am Amazed
You Are So Young Although Lately i Have Been
Hearing Emotional Maturity More From Your

Generation than ones Much Older Indeed

Hehe When i Was Your Age Sure i made

Straight A’s At the Top of the Class Yet

i Had as Much Emotional intelligence

As Someone Who Might Attempt

To Tell Someone Older with

Heart Disease And

Failing Health

Relatively Young

In Life That Life is Fair

Simply Because i had overcome
Great Difficulties in Life Yet Not Even
A Whisper of Pain and Numb Yet to Come…

On the Autism Spectrum Trying so Hard to Conform
In Naturally Expressing Emotions Regulating them then
Integrating Senses So Hard to Do i Am Surely Proudly

A Fool Now Too Yet i Did Not Learn This Great Lesson

That You See At Such An Early Age That We Should Not

Regret The Mis-steps in Life All the Darkness That At Best

Will Open Wide New Opportunities in Life That Otherwise
Without the Challenges Life Will Fail to Bring And It’s True

The So-Called Fools In Life Hehe as that was Often A Name
i Was Called in School All the Way Through Work Named too

Soft And Nice

to People


For the Military

too the First thing i did
Leaving the Work World
Was Embrace All the Fears
Before That Made me Feel Like

A Fool And Express them All For
What Life Taught me is in the Dark
Place Ya Gotta Have Enough Faith

In Yourself to Lift Yourself All the Way Up
As It’s True No one else in the Entire World
Is Qualified to Understand Your Challenges Like You Are…

Fear is a Source of All Weakness In Life and Limits of Human

Potentials Those Who Do Not Regret The Falls that Helped Strengthen

Their Lifts in Life Climb Higher in Life Than Ever Before It’s How Life works

We Adapt

to Challenge

We Survive and

We Thrive the best
We can And will and if We
Are really Fortunate in Life there
Are People Who Help Lift us up too…

SMiLes keep Striving Through the Rain Dance it
indeed or Sing or Whatever Way You Sprout Green Karlien..:)

True Most Colorful Roses Come From Richest Manure
Most Piercing Thorns Come Strength to Color More

It Will Surely Help if Those With the Most Resources
Will Help Repair The Soul Of Our Planet And Ours More
Than Escaping Our Only Home of Heaven Now This Earth

Indeed This


Of Creation

That Needs

A Great Deal Of

Our Assistance in

Creation of Giving
Sharing Caring More

Than Taking Hoarding

Destroying Nature With

Only A Solution of Escaping

The Only Place Heaven Will Possibly

Exist Now As Far as Even Science Aided

Eyes Actually See Now For Real Here Just Hear…

If i Could Bottle

A Teaspoon of

The Heaven i

Create Within In

Meditating Flow Autotelic
With Plentiful Frisson of DiViNE
Existence in Dance Song Totally Free Oh How They
Would Shed Their Dreams of Escaping Heaven Now
And Drop Their Billions in A Pool To Wipe Every Child’s Tear…

And The Tears

Of The Rest of

Beasts And
Foliage of

Nature Gone Deaf
From Our God Nature Ears…

Sand Goes With Bottom of Bare Feet
Enriching Our Soul With Soils of Free Earth

Bird Song Tunes Our Ears to Nature’s Music

Fur Climbs Trees

Still More Wings

Spiral Sun Shine

As We Soak Up

Happiness Indeed

All Around Our Home

We Become There is no

Separation The Whole UniVerse
in the Feeling And Sense of Nature True

SMiLes Dear Ava Hope You Continue to
Have A Wonderful Nature Summer Delight..:)

Swimming in the Shallows Now
the Place of Dopamine Addiction
in Constant Changing External
Stimulus True Dear Sohair As i
Often Repeat the Scientific

Study of Statistics in the

United States Now that
Show the Average Human
Attention Span is Literally
Less than 3 Seconds Yes Less

Attention Span than a Gold Fish

Yet Our Ocean Deep Subconscious

Souls Have as Many Layers of Depth
As What We May Freely Come to Explore

Within Yet Oh
Dear Lord What
to Do With All THE External
Distractions How Would Michelangelo
Paint the “Sistine Chapel” What About

Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”

WHeRE Will The Deeper Soul
Ocean Whole of Human Creativities

Go at Only a Shallow Level of Gold Fish Play

Yep Michelangelo And Beethoven Still Stuck at the Bus Stop
As Many Pretty Birds as the Time Left on Earth They Have

Meanwhile no new
‘Sistine Chapel
Paintings’ or

‘Davids’ Yet True We
All Have Similar Potentials
iN TAsK iN Flow of Attention Span

Opening Up the Recesses of All Our
Real Gold Inherited Within For Free

Some of Which i Still Search For

Metaphors to Describe

Yet THere are
Forces Far
Beyond Human
Alphabets With SMiLes…

Yet Meanwhile i Dive Deeper
As Any Free Blue Whale Will
As Sky Touches the Ocean Deep

Dear Sohair
With sMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Lala Rukh at Least i Can See Where i’m
Improving True the Promised 6th is Not the 9th Yet It
Is a Sight Better

Than Last
Month’s Effort of the 11th

Ah Yes FRiEnDS With You For
11 Years Now Since i Arrived Out
of The Dead Zone With Your Very Emotional

Poetry as Stimulus
to Return my Emotions
To me Back on July 19th, 2013

Oh What A Movie Maker Memory i Have
As You Provided a Kind of Unconditional caring

Right at the Point where the Only FRiEnD i Felt i Had
Online Really Let me Down Surprising That Was Yet the

Sling Shot
of Emotions
Falling and RiSinG

What Brought me Back to Life

So True i Must Credit the DarK
And the LiGHT of that too Like now
When You’ve Come Up Missing Now
For 42 Months or So Back From the Depths
of the Pandemic So i Just Hope You are still Alive and

Okay And i Let
Go of Expectations
of Humans Reciprocating
Yet True When i Make a promise

To Return
i Do IT as
Hey i Just
Like to Write Anyway
Releasing the Depths of
mY SoUL Free as the Much

Smaller I of i listens in With Glee

So Yeah i Can and Will Easily Do This
As Long as the Gift Lasts As that’s all that Giving

Really Is
A Gift Now

And That’s the Way my
Mother Was She Never gave
up on FRiEnDS As She Understood
All the DarK Nooks and Crannies Life BRinGS too…

Some Days Folks Pleasantly Surprise me Some Days Folks
Do Not Yet the Voice the Dance The Song of mY SoUL ALLONE

Is Always
As Pleasant
A Gift of God
RiSinG Deep Within

Just Free as a Bird With
Wings 11 Years ago too mY FRiEnD..:)

Wow! Dear Hawaii FRiEnD Your New Australian
Shepherd Pup Kona Resting Peacefully on a Surf Board

Afloat and Hope You All Had a Wonderful Holiday Week

my Favorite Fireworks Are All of the Colors of Nature’s Flowers

So Free And
All They Leave
Is Bio-Degradable

Petals After Their
Colorful New FLoWeR Explosions

Fortunately We Missed the Latest
Gulf Hurricane Beryl With Texas Not
As Lucky A Few Southern Driven

Tropical Showers

Just to Cool off the
Heat Coming in Waves
As Tropical Rains Often Do..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha Getting to the Point that is Really
No Point Alone Yet Endless Spirals of Creative Potentials

Yes Getting to the Free Spiral of No Longer Comparing What
You Do and Who You truly Are to Others Leaves So Much Room

To Do More
Than Anyone
Else Ever Dreamed to Do

What’s Most Important is

You Do It
As some
Folks Never
Escape the
Brakes and Breaks of Comparison…

Be The Beginner Be Spontaneous
Without Any Expectations Be Free Fly

And Soar

Yet i Surely
Am Not Going

To Tale You What
to Do With SMiLes…

HAha as i Remember an Older
Dude i Worked With Responding
When the Captain of the Whole
Military Installation Told Him to Have a Nice Day

His Reply

“Don’t Tell
me What
to Do” With an Old Wise Sailor’s SMiLe…

Fortunately For Him the Captain Respected Elders…

No Matter
Rank of ‘Caste’…

And the Older
Dude Was a
Retired Navy Senior Chief
Yet Never an Officer as
He Said He Came to “Work for a Living”…

i Just CaMe to
Be A Dance
And Song Free

Now THere is Hardly
Any ‘Thing’ of ‘me’ Left to See Hehe

iNDeeD HAha All These Words Just Avatars of Soul
And When i Dance Rarely Do i Even Say One Word

Yet Free Dance
Sings More Than
Words Ever Will For Real…

Or Just A Genuine Smile that dances
across Many Faces Shared Free ThiS WaY..:)

In the United States ‘They’ Say
Studies Show 1 in 4 Women Will
Be Sexually Abused in Someway
over the Course of Their Lives And
Sadly Mostly By Family Members
and Others They Should Be Able to Trust too

Yes Like Pastor’s
And Priest’s As Well
as sure Males are Part

of Other Statistics too

About Half of the Women i’ve
Known in my Life Have Shared
Their Personal Stories of Sexual Abuse

With me Not All those Women are Still alive
One With A Husband And Three Children Shot
Herself in the Head in Her Father’s Bed Some Wounds


And Then the Woman
Who Remembered Her
Childhood With Her Sister
And An Uncle With a Broomstick too

Fortunately for my Wife the Man Who Broke
Into Her Home and Got Into Bed With Her and
Her Sister Got Scared And Ran Away Oh the Stories

Do Continue Oh They Do as far as being a Dude
i was Mostly Verbally Abused for Being Weak Strange
And Ugly When Young In School Yet eventually i Overcame

Those Three and Also
Became an ‘Object

of Desire’ Ah Yes

At Work With Folks All around
A Woman Putting Her Hands In
my Pants Yep Diving Right in with

No questions asked and Yes Just Bluntly
Wive’s of Dude’s i Knew Asking me to do the
F Thing and Refusing Being Accused of Being

Gay as i Really
didn’t wanna do
That to the Guy’s Wife

You Woulda Thought It would
Have All Ended Reaching 60 Years
Old Dancing Solo at the Biggest Dance
Hall Yet No Driven By Rears Back to Front

Just Grabbing my Butt Hand Fulls Walking by

And Back in the Younger Years at Work a Whole
Group of Women Cornering me Up against a Wall…

Yet You See It’s Not Considered Against the Rules
To Behave
This Way
With an
Adult Dude

True Some Women
Are Every Bit As Sexually
Aggressive as Some Men

Yet the Bottom Line Was There
Was Only So Much They Could Do to me

As I was at Least 10 Times Stronger than them…

And Honestly It’s Considered A Prize Where
i Live to be Treated

That way…

my Wife
Won’t Even
Hug me When i’m Sweaty…

And On the Other Hand
We’ve Been Married for 34 Years…

She Doesn’t Have A Jealous Bone
In Her Body as She’s Always Known Who i am…

Anyway Dear Isha Some Dude Asking You For ’69’ Suggesting

What Might
Taste Like
Garlic Bread
Is Truly Insane

i Suppose the best
Part is You Always Escape..:)

SMiLes Dear Cindy Evolving to Naked Enough Whole Complete

Verily Both a High Valley and Low Mountain to Reach More Than

Ever before It Seems at Least

And the Poems Highlighted

in Review Most Definitely
Sing to This Current Human

Condition How Complicated
Happiness Has Become And That

Is Key

As Happiness
isn’t Complicated
At All It Has No Mind

Of Mechanical Cognition

Only Feelings Spread From
Head to Toe giving sharing
caring healing together for free

For it’s

True Genuine
Soul is Never For Sale…

Hehe Just in my View…

And Neither are FRiEnDS
For Rent by the Hour or
For What One Intends to Sell…

When Real…

Now and then i come in contact
with ‘the real thing’ And It’s Never
‘Mad Men’ Worshipping A Coca Cola Hehe…

SMiLes Dear FRiEnD Hope You and Your
Family Are Enjoying all the Mild Amenities
of Nature
in Toronto Summer
Colors Freshly New

Ah Yes Hurricane
Beryl Skipping This
Part of the Gulf Coast
Yet Still Circulating Some
Tropical Feeling Rains

to Cool off
The Boiling
Days of Challenge
That Florida Summer Brings These
Days if Not Incredible Hurricane Winds

Yet Plenty
of Room
SMiLes to
Flourish in Hot
FLoWeR Colors New Even More…

It’s True Dear Amethyst Lamb The Best Choice is Compassion

Yet Without the Feelings That come With Empathy Of LoVE iN Peace

The Well Goes Dry
And Often Falls
into Depths
of Fear
Hate as
A Way of Human
Behavioral Addictions

Yet True All Emotions Are Valuable
And Will Be Transformed into Constructive
Means of Real Change as Long as We Keep

Our Cool in Convincing Others For Potential Change

Wars Don’t Solve Anything too Many Children Melted
With Bombs Far above still in Their Grandmother’s Arms

Impossible to Refute That Reality Either Ah Yes in the place of Sacred
Cows Now Where 300 MiLLioN Bovine and 80 MiLLioN Buffalo Thrive

Marital Rape Is Legal and Statistical Studies Show 40 Percent of
Women Are Considered Less than Human And Ripe For Torture that way

For It’s True
How Horrible
It is to Be Slaughtered
in A Factory Farm With
Total Callous Regard for that Life

Yet True Human Souls Are Erased
When They No Longer Even Have
Ownership of Their Bodies and Pleasure too…

Yet You See my Young FRiEnD and Do Understand
i Call ALL of Nature FRiEnD Human Nature at core is NOT
Rational Science Already Shows THAT Reality Our Emotions
Drive Most

all that we

Do From Compassion
to Burying Lesbians to
The Chest And Stoning Them

In Countries and Throwing Their
Male Gay Counterparts Off Roofs

And If the Price for A Husband Is Not
High Enough Stove Top Burnings of Faces

Are the Solutions Other Religions Make Holy and


and Misery too…

Dear Lord What’s Wrong
With this Human Race WHere

The Hell are We Going Anyway

Well THere are Plenty of Hot and Cold Rocks
Up in Space That Support No Empathy And
Compassion at all

What a Gift it is

That We Have

The Real Potential to Improve And

Make a Difference Yet in a World Like
This the Best We Will Actually Create/Do Are

Ways of Giving Sharing Caring Healing With

Most Respect

And Least

Harm For All

Yet ReMember Who
We aRe Dealing With Yes Us…

Honestly CuLTuRE is the Virus before
the Domestication of Both Other Animals
And Us Humans Lived in Small Groups Where

It Was an All Hands Effort of Diversity or THEY DiED

The Children Were the ULTiMaTE Prize to Raise Up in the Village

And Not Unlike the American Indians They Honored and Respected


They Ate

Yes Nature
All Our Faces For Real
The Real God at Best

A SPiRiT oF LoVE iN Peace
Respect and Least Harm Compassion For All

Other than that Steak is too Frigging Expensive to eat


And True We
Need More “Temple
Grandin’s” For Change
With Common Sense

Really Connecting to
All of Nature With Compassion

To Improve To Improve To Improve What IS
Be Next..:)


SMiLes Dear Savvy Bees One of my Greatest
Pleasures Pollinating All the Multitudes of
CoLoRinG FLoWeRS of What Paradise

Will Naturally Be Gifted By Nature

ThiS WAY And In Respect of

That A Pesticide Free

Yard For What

Will be

Will Bee Free
And Alive Now to

Flourish for all the
Colors of the Earth Still To


NoW As

Do Color
The EartH


What Every
PArt of Nature
For With
Happy Days
to You All Each
And Every Now So Free…

Finding Peace in the Sea
Blue Above Blue Below
Washing Away
Eternal Now…

Every Flower A New Color
Every Eye Sees A New
Color of the Flower
Yes With
of New

Moss one of the Longest Living
Plants on Earth Continuing to

Remind us Why

We aRe Here

to Color the Earth

Dear Xenia..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy
Truly No LocK iN CLocK
TiMe Always For Change

And FLoWeRinG From
WiLLTinG Progress As

New Colors
iN NeW Experiences
Never Imagined Before..🙂

Wham! ‘Last Christmas’
And ‘Careless Whispers’
Timeless Indeed And

True BacK iN The
Dance Hall Days
of the 80’s
All the

Over George
Michael’s Songs
The 80’s a Time
of Great Change Dear Miriam
Still Coming For Humanity Then..🙂

SMiLes Dear Kiran Tears
Are Nature’s Balm For
Comfort’s Touch

Soothing Us Yes
Back to the Courage
New Days Bring With

Tears Wiped Away

SMiLes Returning
With More Courage
Than Before to Stand Before Time

SMiLes Been Wondering if You Are Okay
Glad To see You Returning With More Courage..🙂

Way to Life
Love Life
A Way to Love
of Course iN Peace if God
is Love This is Love too
True though Love may
Lead to Dark or Light
It’s nice to
Have a way
To Find one
And the Best way…
Hi Sohair Hope You
Are Having a Lovely Rest
of Your Wednesday evening..🙂

True Accepting

All We Are Now

Pleasure or Pain

Numb Or All Colors

More iS A Way To At Least

Stay Afloat Dear Samreen WHere

We Are… Yet Flow oF All Seeks Sails

Catching Wind Waves All We SeeK NoW

Ocean All One And Same Whole Water

Low or High FLoWinG FRiEnDS With Gravity All

Tree oF Life

Or Lamps

Still To Come
Rainbows Indeed
Colors Penetrating All We aRe NeWLY NoW..🙂

SMiLes Dear Samreen Your Poems Are Always
A Treasure As They Take me Back to Places
So Worth Visiting in Life

For Surely i’ve Had

To Get Used to Some

Cuts And Bruises Along The
Way Yet With Enough Practice

What i Find is We Humans if We Just

Don’t Give Up Will Find A Way to Get Through

Truly With Our Basic Survival Instinct of Will

Even if Every Ounce of Hope and Love Seems

Lost Forever Now For There is Change A

Greatest Gift And This too Shall

Pass For Gratitude of

Heaven We Hold

Within Now to Give and Share New

Caring Freely With All And Also Change For

All the Numb and Pain If We Just Keep Breathing

Putting One Word in Front of Another Word Next And

Foot Steps on the Beach Until We Leave Prints Again

Worth Loving

to Other
Souls Now

Enough Complete Whole

Again in Humanity’s Loving Way

SMiLes Dear Samreen It’s Very Sweet

That you Look Forward to my Comments

And True i Look Forward to Sharing Them

With You In Caring Ways of Human Soul Every

Bit As Much mY



Of Course

As it’s True in Some

Places of the World

My Words Flow


For Some

See No
Soul in my Words…

And That’s Okay i Learn
So Much From Folks Different than me too…
The Most Special Part of Life is Touching Someone Else’s Soul…

So Far Beyond it Will be For What Most Folks Perceive as Existence…

Of Course i Realize This as i Once Viewed Life One Way Back Through
An Opaque Window Glass Soul Nice to Be Set SoUL Free It is Dear FRiEnD..🙂

SMiLes As Socrates Said He
Knew Nothing Just Listening to

A REAL Deeper (Daimon) Voice
RiSinG Up Through His Subconscious
Mind A Kind of DiViNE Exploration Now

That Is Always

New Yes True i
Let This Voice
Spin My Soul
And Spit it
Out Hehe

Wherever i Go
With SMiLes Dear Miriam

Such A Welcome Relief it
Was And Still Is To Find This FRiEnD
Full of iMaGiNaTioN And Creativity WiTHiN

Not Surprising That Some Folks Gift it Names
Assigned to Angels And Other DiViNE Beings

Yet It’s Just
A Deepest
Part of Little
Old me With SMiLes…

Hehe Sort of Like Feeding
Pigeons Naming them Doves
And Leaving SPiRiT Droppings Behind HAha..🙂

SMiLes Dear Sohair Commenting on
Your Latest Post This Much i Feel and
Sense For Real Love The Force We Master

to Give Away

This Much
We Color
And Light
Up Our Life That
Shares Cares and
Heals for Real Wherever
We May Go WeaRinG These Wings..🙂

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Now
Giving Sharing Caring Healing
So Free In What May Be Described

As Love For All DarK Thru LiGHT

Letting Go of Expectations

of Any Returns Yet

For Love To Remain

In A Soul With Wings

Just Flying NoW as Love
Flies Higher and Higher NeWeR

Never Looking Down to See What
May Fall Behind With SMiLes of JoY

Now to
Higher With SMiLes..🙂

SMiLes Dear Savvy You Are Precisely
A Same Being You Are When i First

Visited Your Blog 4 Years or So Ago
And Every Day Without Fail Since Then

Yes Angel Wings Still

Trustworthy And True

With No Weight

At All Just

The Flow of
SPiRiT Wind
Always Balancing

THere is Beauty Beyond
Flesh and Blood The Beauty

of the Soul Who Flies With Wings You my FRiEnD…

Do Know Feel and Sense How Rare A Human Being You Are…

For It’s True in my Life 6.4 Decades Both Interacting With Innumerable Humans
in Public And Yes Online You Are Verily One of A Kind One Human Kind For Real…

ThiS Way

Free Gift You Are..🙂

“You are an amazing soul
with so much kindness to share.
Appreciate your authentic shares from the heart without too
much deliberation. I see you as an authentic expression of life
in all honesty no matter life’s insurmountable odds.
Appreciate your writings in the comments and grateful
for the support over the years God bless”

Thanks So Much For Your
Kind And Warm Words
Too Dear Savvy Surely
Making my Wednesday too
Creative Flow Connects
In Ways Beyond Time
Distance Space And All
“Matter Of Things”
Free Verily DiViNE
In Nature Making
Every Word Sacred
Song Every Move Holy
God in Verb
Of Loving Life Yes
God Bliss And
Bless You Too
Dear Savvy With SMiles☺️🙏

“My ally is the Force/Prana/Chi/Autotelic Meditative Flow
In Laser Focus of Tao And Enhanced Creativity and Productivity

A Powerful Ally It Is”

To Paraphrase Eastern

Philosophy With Some American

Secular and Science Based Words

That George Lucas And His Hero ‘Joseph
Campbell’ Illustrated So Well Through the Medium

of ‘Those’ ‘New Summer Blockbusters’ That Sadly Glorify

Violence That Only Accelerated Through the Decades After

in Terms of

Gory Special
Effects Like

the Jaws Series
of Movies Starting
in the Mid-70’s As Well…

Yes, of Course, ‘Star Wars’ Fits in So
Well in the Philosophy, Politics, And Religion

Section of the ‘Wrong Planet’ As That Is Specifically

What It Addresses Through and Through in Showcase of

Modern Mythology Expressed on the Big Screen Block Buster;

Once Again, Sadly


The American
Force of Glorifying
Violence Even More All
The Way to Folks ‘Shooting

Up Batman Theaters’ with Real Guns
of Blood And Folks Really Dying Dead FOR REAL…

It’s Basically, Overall, a Sad Commentary on the Human

Species And a Reality is That For Whatever Species Shoots Itself

in the Foot By Blowing Each Other uP Ain’t No Way They Will Ever

Even Make it
Longer than
A Blip on their
Own Planet Before
They Kill Each Other
Through Tools of Mass Destruction,
Taking A Large Living Part of Nature
And Other Natural Resources Away out of Balance;

While i Enjoyed the Philosophy of Yoda in 1980, and One Day Hoped

i too Would Master ‘This Force;’ Which Yes, is Scientifically Assessed as
Most Definitely Real and Beneficial in Terms of Autotelic Meditative Flow
And Enhanced Creativity and Productivity as i Surely Have A Ton of Metrics
And More How ‘This Force’ Has Impacted My Life Ever Since Escaping the DarK

Force of the

United States,

A God of Money
And Stuff; A God
of Money and Stuff,
Folks Get Lost in And
Ruled As They Do Through
The Other Tools They Create and
Come to Be; Meanwhile, Some of Us

Come to Find We aRe Truly ‘Luminous Beings’

At Core With A World Online Now Big Enough to

Find Folks Like Us Who Fly With Wings of Within in this

Autotelic Laser Focus of Meditative Flow That Doesn’t Even Need

Words; Yet of
Course, Words May
Be Mastered Like Any Other
Human Tool if We Don’t Drown
in All the Layers of CuLTuRaL Tools

That Separate Us From All Our NATURAL Human Potentials,
Just Waiting to Be Unpacked Within to Master This World of Breath;


Just Inhaling
Peace ExhalinG Love;
No Rocket Science, or Even
Little Green Men Who Are 900 Years-Old;
Or Other Mythological Heroes In Books Required; Although

It’s True, i Wore a ‘The Child’ Shirt Recently; Yep, the 50 Year-Old
Version of A Yoda Master With A Logo That Says “Wanted” on the Shirt;

It’s True, i Wore

it to A Catholic

Church By

Attempting to
Unveil Per Original
Greek Definition of
Apocalypse What They are

So Ignorant of For this ‘Real Kingdom
Of Heaven’ Within to Master This Inhaling
Peace ExhalinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT; Giving,
Sharing, Caring, Healing; With Plentiful Affective
And Cognitive Empathy With A Compassion For All
Existence With Most Respect And Least God Dammed Harm

That Flavors
‘The Force’ With

LoVE iN Peace And Not Just
An Addiction to Anger And Hate;

As True, ‘The Dark Force’ Will A Flow

Of Harm Be too as Of Course That’s

What A ‘Trump Meme’ Does and ‘His’

Ilk on the Other

Side of

Now Still Real;
Sith, As ‘They’ Say
And Do; Yet of Course

All A Part of our Realities too;

Again, Master ‘The Tool,’ ShadowS iNCLUDED; And Do
NOT Become Mastered By The Tool as Only A Frigging

Tool That Someone
Else Uses Now to

And Play,

‘YouR Life’ in
A PriSon-Made
Reality So many Folks
Come to Accept As THeir
Only Potential Realities Now; Yuck,

Yep, ‘The Child’ Within Dances Sings Free, Just F iN Yuck…

And of Course, There is A ‘Jedism’ Religion too; Hehe, And With
my Yoda Close to Photographic Memory For Text, Currently i Will Not Expose
The Member Here Who Yes, Once Suggested That Was His Spirituality; Which

Of Course
Have to Be Organized
Religion or Even Organized
Activity As i Related to an Elder
Woman From Bulgaria Last Years in
An Afternoon Moving in Meditative Flow
of Autotelic Dance in Barnes And Noble
Listening to Meditative Music And Reading
An Entire Book in Laser Focus of Meditative Flow

in Under an Hour as i’ve Done Nearly Every Sunday Afternoon
For Almost 11 Years Now Since 2013; Anyway, She Understood What

The organized aspect of ‘Tai Chi’ Moving Meditation and ‘Yoga’ Actually
Does to Attain This Chi, This Prana; Yes, This Force Now For REAL WITHIN








So God Dammed Free
in Flow of Autotelic
Meditation For Real;

Once Again, This Chi, This Samadhi,
Satori, This Prana, This TAO Force For Real

Yes, And That SuNDaY Afternoon i Met
Another Luminous Being From Bulgaria
At the ‘Trump Town Metro Area’ Barnes and Noble,

At least Populated By College Educated Folks for the most part;

Very Few, So Ignorant to Give me Any Problems Requiring an Hour
Quick Dissertation to ‘Bible Thumpers’ as i’ve Had to Do that Several
Instances As They Suggested My Meditative Practice in Dancing Flow
Would Surely Make

me Demon


Going Straight

to Hell, A Place

They Were Currently

Lost From A ‘Real Kingdom
of Heaven Within’ as By the
End of ‘the Sermon on the Mount
of Barnes and Noble,’ THeiR ‘Head’ Was
About to Explode in A Thousand Dark Parts;

Light of Their
Luminous Being Within FOR REAL…




Just Bringing
Out Our Luminous
Beings of This Greatest
Force Within; Just Naked
Enough Whole Complete

Through Enhanced Human Unpacking of Potentials…

‘Star Wars’ Provides A Few Clues As Other Real Assessed
World Religions/Mythologies Do; Yet For me i Had to

Seek and Find

This Force
Within myself

And That’s Sort of
A Recommended Tradition

Too For the ‘Jedi Version of Luke 17:21;’

Still Held in Modern Mythology of Christianity too;

Yet Sadly Held In PriSoN As So Many Folks Relate it to Someone


For the Luminous
Beings They Actually Are WiTHiN Now too…

Such A Loss of Message of Mythology that is For Real too…

Just Sad; Just F iN Yuck, Disgusting to me; As They Wait for

A Dirt
to Attain

What Already
Lives Within; once
Again, Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete

An Ally This Force is to Do Amazing Feats of Life FOR REAL…

i’m A Fan of Yoda’s Philosophy in Large Part, of What He Actually

Said and Did in the Series; Beyond the Glorifying of Violence That comes

With Chopping
Folks Up

Living by the
‘LiGHT Saber’
Dying by the
LiGHT Saber’ Indeed,

It Was Surely Presented
in a More Helpful Way Leading
to A Potential Pathway to ‘The Force’
Than Any Frigging Christian Church i’ve ever attended;

About as Close As They Come is A Flow Together in Gospel
Singing; Yet of Course, i Have to Close my Ears to the Ignorance
in the LITERAL
Held Words…

Or i Have
A Compulsion
to ‘Throw Up’

Just A Little Bit,

More Than Just Sing in
Ecstatic Flow That Way too;

As Sadly, ‘The Force’ Is Sought
Externally In Another Place After
Death By So Many Folks Other Than What’s Real

WiTHiN NoW At Least For Folks Who Find






And That’s Pretty Much,
What One of the Last Movies
of the Series Suggested to Do;

Ya Can And Will Burn All the Sacred And Holy Sanctified Books;

Yet, The Force (GoD) is Still An Ally To Find Within, Totally Free
Still Now i Am too to Do…

LoVinG iT
Thru LiGHT

A Distance Between
Birth And Death; Life For Real Now…

Yep, in Fact The Only Real Distance We Have Now…

@Best FoR

WiTH SMiLes of Course; None
of That Anger and Hate Stuff

To Flavor my Heaven Any Less
Than LoVE iN Peace FoR ReaL Too..:)

Both Ear Phone Subsidies and
Ear Phone Etiquette Requires

Ample Levels of Human
Empathy and Cooperation

Sadly Getting Trumped by
Other Obstacles Increasingly

These Days Dear Miriam Yes

Although i Love A Great Special
Interest to NerdBlast to ‘Captive Audiences’
On a Tour Bus to Biloxi Casino’s Like We Used

To Do With the Church Group for 5 Years Until
The Folks Who Organized it Just Got too Old to Do It

Nobly Dropping Out of the Race for One Armed Bandits

i Defer to the Honda CRV Touring All Wheel Drive Hybrid

as Indeed i Practice a Silent Treatment of Electronic Vehicle

Zen Bliss
to the Great

Chagrin of

10 Ton or so
Four Wheel Drives
That Floor It With
Testosterone Charged Gas

Past me to Escape my Blissful Peace

Oh How Wonderful it is to Fit into a

Golden Age For Real

42 Miles to the
Gallon The Price
of Gas Does Not Dictate my Life…

It’s True We LiVE iN A World WHere
The Fate of the Entire Human Race May

Be Based on
Even Imaginary
Ideas of How

A Gallon of Gas Is

Compared to the Rest
of the Starving World…


For A Cooperation
oF LoVE iN Peace
MaKinG Miracles Real…


SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb
Sadly Studies Show 25 Percent of

Millennials Have no Acquaintances at all
Social Science Shows in a Longitudinal Study
of 80 Years that By Far the Human Connection

is what
Makes Us
Happiest Overall

Additionally Social Sciences
Show that Humans on Average
Can Only Accommodate 150 Comfortable
Acquaintances and Only 5 Intimately Close FRiEnDS…

Yet of Course there are Other Distractions Modern Society

Does Bring
Obstacles to
For Years and Years
of Face to Face Interaction in Practice
That Successful Social Connections Bring

Yet You See Problem With Asperger’s Syndrome
And Special Interests is YES ‘we’ Can Nerdblast A
‘Captive Audience’

into Practically
Oblivion Before

We Develop Any
Warm and Fuzzy
Oxytocin Social Bonding at all

And This is Why Folks Talk About
the Weather With Warm SMiLes

No Matter How Cold or Rainy
Hot and Humid it is Outside

Humans Bond and Bind Over
Similar Symbols and Ideologies

True Most Everyone Can Identify with the Weather

Yet Also True Not Everyone Has the Wiring For Oxytocin
That Naturally Warmly Rewards Us For Talking about the Weather

And As Science Shows

This can be another

Roadblock For many folks on the
Autism Spectrum Along With Alexithymia

Where We Cannot Properly Put Our Emotions into
Words to Describe Our Emotions and the Shared Emotions

of Other Folks
to What Drives
Folks to Tick
Each and
Every Day
Reliably as
Smoothly Working Clocks Do

Oh Dear Lord and Then There are Non-Verbal
Learning Disorders Like Not Being Able to Remember
What Faces Look Like and Lost From The Meanings

of Non-Verbal Facial Expressions too and Not In
Tune With Being Able to Express Our Facial Expressions too

as Anywhere From 60 to 93 Percent of Human Reciprocal
Social Communication


Non-Verbal Language

So i continue to Nerdblast You
Here in Part as You May be able
to Have Empathy for that Part of the
Condition Shared Yet in ‘Real Life’ Now

i Literally have Thousands Upon Thousands of
Non-Verbal Acquaintances After a Silent Public
Dance With SMiLes for 20,193 Miles Now in 130 Months

It really Helps When i Only Use my Mouth to SMiLe

All i Have to do is
Walk/Dance in Most

Any Public Place and
Folks Immediately

Point and Smile
at me Like

Mouse has
Come to Visit

Just Like Last Week
in Home Depot Where
We Bought a New Refrigerator
And Dish Washer and One of the

Nicest Customer Service Representatives
We’ve Ever Met said the Cashier told Her
When we Walked in That i am the Dancing

Man And i Should Be Dancing Instead of Just Walking
in with A Mission to Buy Some Kitchen Appliances And Yes

She Actually Taught Autism Spectrum Disorder Students
for 31 Years Before Retiring and after talking to me for

Just a Few Minutes She
Said my IQ Must Be Off
the Charts and She

Actually Had
A Son With
Asperger’s Syndrome too

Indeed She Had Specialized
Cognitive Empathy to Understand
me From Decades of Personal and Work Experience too…

Regarding the IQ Thingy Standard IQ Is Highly Overrated

As it Measures Nothing of Emotional Physical and Sensory
Intelligences And No Human Abilities to Make and Keep

FRiEnDS Either

And Of Course

No Real Prediction
of Original Creativities

As There are So Many Human
Intelligences that Words Cannot

Even Possibly Describe anyway

It’s Taken me 64 Years Yet

i’ve Developed Enough

Warmth That Even

The Whataburger

Cashier Comes Out and
Hugs me and my Wife Every Time
We Come in as She Can Sense a
Genuine Warmth About Us That

Is Increasingly
Rare Indeed

my Wife was
Born that Way

And Indeed my Mother
Said before i could Speak
at age 4 i Had Open Arms for

Every Stranger

Not Every Autistic
Person is Cold and Aloof

Not Every Autistic Person is
A STEM Major as You Surely Have
Wonderful Artistic Abilities too And In Fact

Everyone Views the World Differently my Venn
Diagram Includes Respecting All the Parts as the
Real Face of

God Yes

NaTuRE All
the DarK and LiGHT

Yet Again i’m only a Beginner
Room For Improvement to Continue Now

At Your Age i Literally Had No Clue How to Make FRiEnDS

i Didn’t Realize it would be a lifelong skill still to Develop With


It’s Not

A Science

It’s an Art

You Actually

Feel Warmly

When You Naturally
get better at it Yet

You Can’t Give Up and
Even if No One Lifts You Up as a FRiEnD

The World Is Full of Folks Looking for a FRiEnD

All We Can Really Control is the FRiEnD We Give

With Enough
Practice the
Giving Naturally
Becomes the Receiving
Naked Enough Whole Complete


Yet of Course only in
my Still Relatively Small View..:)

Currently Celebrating
“Nether Land Bible
8 YearS Old 11 MiLLioN
Words” As Just A Subchapter
EPiC Long Form Poem

Of “SonG oF mY SoUL”

Surely Narrating
In Part A Nether
Land Dark Era

Of “Mad Men”
AKA “Florida
Men” Too

Beginning In
2016 That

All Darkness
From Before
Where Highest
Levels Of Leadership

At All Fascinating

Era to Observe
And Consume
Popcorn From

Nests in Eden


Not So Much
For Others For

What May Come

Next As The Heroes
Keep Shooting Themself

It Hurts Most

So Many Facepalm
Forests Lost in The Trees

It Is What


Let The Books Sell 🏆

Anyway “Nether Land Bible 8 YearS Old
11 MiLLioN Words” Celebrating That FeatNote
And Milestone That of Course is Already Sold as

It’s Not For
Sale hehe

Yes the Celebration
is Coming to A Conclusion

Moving ‘Write’ Into “11 Years iN Heaven Within”
As the Celebrations Seem to Continue Every Two Weeks
With Around 60 Thousand Words of a New EPiC Long Form Poem
Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL” All 13 MiLLioN Words in 130 Months
As the Last Finished MacroVerse “SonG oF mY SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old”

Functions as the 1016th MacroVerse Subchapter of that Effort as the MacroVerse
Celebration of “SonG oF mY SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old” Also Doubles as the 345th
MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible” Yes Reaching Yes 11,004,518 Words as of that Last

Completed MacroVerse with Many More Words Coming Now to Complete “Nether Land
Bible 8 YearS Old 11 MiLLioN Words” in 8 Years and 1 Month as of Now Where “SonG oF mY
SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old” Also Triples as the 240th MacroVerse of “FB Profile Pic Bible”
in 7 Years and 1 Month of Writing Endeavor Where Those 9,402,519 Words Are Also Included as

8 Thousand or So Word Mini Stories in Series of Around 18 Facebook Profile Pics
All Housed in the Description Areas of those FB Profile Pics Illustrated by Series
of 18 Facebook Profile Pics of course And in Just the Last 4 Years Accumulating

75 MiLLioN Words All Together Across All the FB Profile Pics Housing the
8 Thousand Word Mini Stories Accompanied All the Way Across with

YouTube Music Videos and Other Informational Efforts too Oh Lord
What Else Well There is the 20,193 Miles of Public Dance Also

in 130 Months Now Documented in 1000 Mile Increments
Along the Way on YouTube too and Truly Innumerable

Voyeur Videos for All 130 Months and Thousands
of Dance Events Spread Through Multitudes
of Social Media Avenues Some Going Viral too

And Yes Last And Not Really Least An Ongoing
Casually Described 8th New Testament as Yes
There Are 7 New Testament Subchapters Before

That All Larger than the Old New Testament Effort too
As “Depth of The Story” A Solo Thread Now of 96 Pages
on the Wrong Planet Website Houses over 4 MiLLioN Words
in 46 Months of Effort With Over 240 Thousand Views Just From
The Registered Members of that Website where Now Each And Every
Solo Page of Effort in 16 Posts and 16 Days Is the Size of An EPiC Novel
Long Form Poem From Top to Bottom Ranging From 54 to 64 Thousand Words Now

Well All of this is For the Fresh Big Nirvana Blow Out Bliss of Continuous Autotelic Meditative

Flow in Free Dance And Song Simply Achieving The State of Being That is the Real Heaven

Within that is
Possible in this
Life Now Described
Cross Culturally Through
Similar Meditative Practices
in Flow as Well WHere THere are

No Limits to the Heaven That Will Come
to Be Within Also to give share care heal
with most respect and Least Harm in Compassion

For All to Continue to come Now And Of Course ‘The Other Place’
Exists Within and of Course i Did that too for 66 Months Before the

Next Place Now of “11 Years iN Heaven Within” That of Course Will

Be Celebrated
Next With the
MacroVerse of that Name

As “Nether Land Bible 8 YearS Old 11 MiLLioN Words”
is Completed Now as Far as this Celebration MacroVerse goes
Yet of Course the Effort Grows on like all the Other Subchapters
And Free Dance All PArts of “SonG oF mY SoUL” Yes All 13 Plus MiLLioN Words

Finishing the Writing Portion of
“Nether Land Bible 8 YearS Old
11 MiLLioN Words” on July 11th (7/11) 2024 at 3:33 AM…

With Massive Multi-Media Still to Add to Get it Electronically
Blog Published

in Some Days
Still to Come As Well












BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

13.1 MiLLioN plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 144,000 + printed pages…
just ’cause
i CaN WiLL Do
BUiLD iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2016”

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)

“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)

“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)

“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)

“Nether Land Bible 2017”

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)

“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)

The Joy of Dance.. A Record of Over Two Thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record Growing
Still of Four Years Plus of Dancing tHeRe..
And note.. in some of the liNks.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the Photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)

“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked

“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)

“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)

“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)

“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)

“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)

“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)


“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”


Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.

“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”

iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)

“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”

A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)

“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”

Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)


“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)

“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE

“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”

WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)

“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”

The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2017”

7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW

“THiS iS Me NoW3”

As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)

FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words

LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words

iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words

A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)

Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in  hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017..  where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow

BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words

LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words

LoVENoWBReaTHES  31,648 Words

9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words

April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words

LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words

Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW

22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words

“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”

1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)

“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”

A Celebration of 6 MiLLioN Words Written
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)

“Dear John 14:12 NoW”

ONcE AGaiN NoW Celebrating All these Milestones then on 6.6.18..
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)

12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE…

“SonG oF mY SoUL FiVE YearS Old”

Celebrating the 5 Year Anniversary of 6 Million Word Plus “SonG oF mY SouL”
Longest Long Form Poem Personal Bible in the Span of that Five Years too..:)

“KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”

Celebrating 66 Months of This Entire Blogging Adventure Since 3.10.13..:)

“10,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”

Celebrating 10,000 Miles of Public Dance in 5 Years Span of Dates..:)

Sure.. i used to Toy With the Piano a Bit.. Recorded on a Cheap Dictation Device
Back in 2007.. When i was Struggling to Stay Alive With Life Killing Stress.. Later
Transferred to YouTube in 2013.. where my Life would then begin as Art will Do for Us..
When Spelled as L. O. V. E. Agape Style For All Transcending All Fear and Hate in Hope as Joy Dances and Sings From Head to Toe and overAll More as Love continues to come and go..:)

And Yes By God Yes.. it Took a Whole Lot of Leg Strength to Dance in Public for 10 Thousand Miles in the same Span of Dates i Wrote Over 6 Million Words for “SonG
oF My SoUL” Now Currently at 10,300 Miles of Doing That in over 62 Months And
True as the Video Below is Just an Illustration of Leg Pressing 930LBS.. 14 Reps then
Back from February of 2015.. As in 2016.. i moved to 1020 LBS and Still do anywhere
From 33 to 52 Reps Now Depending on any Minor Injuries that occur on the
Continuing Mountain of Public Dance but sure Over 2000 Selfies with
Ear to Ear Smiles of Dancing Joy is Documented in some of the links
Above too.. as Dance Brings Joy and You’d be Surprised or not at the
Dudes who are Disbelievers in either the Joy of Dance Smiles or the
Strength it Brings until i show the Photos and Videos on my Smart
Phone of the Beautiful Women Smiling with me as Yes.. i Do Get
around and although no one i’ve seen Has come ANYWHERE NoW
Close to Leg Pressing that much weight at the Military Gym i work out
at.. not even an inch to Budge it.. you’d also be Surprised or not how many
Folks with ‘Little Man’ Syndrome have attempted online  to complain that i don’t
Bring my Knees to my Chest for the Simple Fact that i will Keep my Knees working hehe..
And as of The First Week of February 2019 This Much more Difficult Leg Press Machine
Was Removed as i moved on over to the Incline Leg Press Machine and Now Easily Leg
Press 1340 LBS at 20 Reps where i Estimate the Machine i am Using Here is about
40 Percent More Difficult than the Incline Leg Press Machine i am Using now as
1400 LBS Surely wouldn’t Be any problem and 1500 LBS isn’t out of the Question..:)
i am Leg Pressing 1520 LBS now on an Incline Leg Press as Machine of 2.22.2019
but nah.. Now considering i was doing 1020 LBS on
A Parallel Leg Press Machine Close to the Beginning of
The February Month That Attests More to the Difficulty
of Leg Pressing Closer to Dead Weight Straight Forward
as Opposed to the Mechanical
Advantage that an Incline
Leg Press Machine
Naturally Brings
Over the Other
More Difficult
Leg Press Machine
So the ‘Hodge Brothers’
On YouTube are Absolutely
Correct on their Assessment of
This Physics 101 Common Sense
Lesson too as True it’s Not Always Easy to
Say F this and F That and get the Physics True..
but Never the Less the Parallel Leg Press Machine
is about 50 Percent More Difficult so for those who
Understand Physics there is really no Need to update
my YouTube Video other than noting the Different ACHIEVEMENT
as i only compete this way against my own Human Potential as hehe
at my
age now
who else
am i gonna
compete with
for most everything i Do.. hAha..;)

Leg Pressing 1340 LBS 12 Reps on Saint Patrick’s Day 2019
Just to Prove a Leprechaun will not only Dance 10,966 Miles
in Public for 66 Months and Write a 6.6 Million Word Free
Verse Epic Long Form Poem in 66 Months but sure
It takes as Bit of Leg Strength
to move a Modern Size
Leprechaun all those
Miles of Dance and
Oh Lord i realize i didn’t
Pull it all the way to my Chest
but i invite anyone around Here
at Least who is not taking Anabolic
Steroids to Budge it one inch one time
as yeah i did keep it moving for a 100 Seconds
at least hehe.. and true i did do 1520 LBS 8 Reps on
February 22nd.. 2019 that was the Second Anniversary
of my Mother’s Death but today i didn’t have Lunch Yet
After Church.. so i wasn’t taking any Chances on injuring
myself when i was not Properly fueled up to get the Heavier
weight done.. anyway.. Keeping it moving for a 100 seconds
isn’t exactly a Light Weight thing to do with smiles of Saint
Just for Fun..
i do it heavier
and i do it safer too..
safe enough for me anyway..
Katrina was a bit afraid as the
Weights Kept stacking up as she
Was the Producer of the Video today
With a still Shot of me and a Still Shot
of Her behind all the weight that is funny too..:)

Anyway All of this Proves too That Some Days…
Beauty And Leprechaun Beast Still Get Together too hehe..;)

Post Script:.. As ‘they’ Say Don’t Lock Your Knees When You Leg Press as You Stretch-Out
Like i Do for Not Everyone Is A ‘Hairy Gorilla’ like me.. who uses 1340 LBS to Stretch their  Legs… And Oh By The Way Update on December 27, 20202 Now Leg Pressing 1540
Pounds 12 Reps Just to Warm Up Filling Up Both Bars With No More Room to Add
45 Pound Plates Hehe as the Military Gym Disposed of All the 100 Pound Plates..:)

Ha! Did You Really Think i am Lifting All This Weight for Another Purpose But to relax! In A Modern Jungle!.. Y’aLL Worry About All the Form You Like i For one Will continue to JusT Do Essence.. no one Knows my Limits for What is Safe for me as Strange but me..;)

And yes By God i don’t Let the Sun Go Down on me when i Sing
too as A First Karaoke Fun Effort of that Back in September.. 2013..
And Sure.. i’ve very much improved as the Nice Elderly Ladies tell me
When i Sing at Church as i particularly Reserve that Effort at Church..;)

“96 Months oF Thanks Giving Wishes”

Celebrating 96 Months of 2922 Consecutive Days Online Writing Since Thanks Giving Day  of 2010..  at around 12 Million Words Starting Then on the “Wrong Planet Website” Moving over to Blogging After Writing Around 33 Months to that point then
Starting 3.10.13 on the Google Blogspot Platform too.. And Then Moving to
WordPress on 8.18.13.. Starting “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Fully Illustrated Poem attached totally with around
170K Photos and Over 10K YouTube Music Videos to Accompany
6.5 Million Words Soon Now to Arise to 6.6 Million Words by
End of 2018 where “Grand Cross Bible 2018” Will come then
As the 8th Major “King James” Size Modern Personal Poem
Bible.. i’ve Written as Subchapters of “SonG oF mY SouL”
on or About the Day of the 25th of December 2018 as
the Sun Starts to Make A Venture once again to
Light up Florida Sunshine Summers Even
More in Paradise WHere i for one
Do Live Free in a Garden
of Eden Back Yard too..
NoW ONly Watered
Chemical Free…
ReAlly LiVinG Free NoW..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2018”.. All of What Comprises the 8th Major Subchapter
Long Form Poem Bible Titled Effort in 843,879 Words of Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 6.6 MiLLioN Words in 64 Months
of Effort and 10,478 Miles of Public Dance in 64 Months as Well in this Entire Effort too
to this Publish Point Date of 12.28.2018 With Much Much more to come As ALWaYS NoW

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2018 A year in Review”

“#SouLDanCinG2019”.. New Year’s Resolution for 2019

“Covenant 66 iN HeaVeN Complete”.. Just a Promise ‘Tween me and God within
For What Would You Do if a Miracle Happened and You Got out of Shut-iN Hell
For 66 Months with 19 Medical Disorders including Wake to Sleep Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Like a Dentist Drill in Your Right Eye and
Ear Assessed in Literature as Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion
That No Drug Would Touch Yes Named the Suicide Disease too
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months along with 18 other Medical
Disorders some of which would likely put other Folks as Shut-in
in Their Homes too Yes as You Start that Hell in January of 2008
And Miraculously at the End of the Third Week of July 2013 You
Are Standing on a Beach With Your Wife and all the Pain and Numb
as in Hell Emotions are Memories and Memories are Emotions and there
is no Reference Point if you’ve Felt a Smile or a Laugh in Your Entire Life as
once again Emotions are Memories so that makes a Literal Catch 22 in forever
Hell on Earth within as there is No..Memory in Feelings if you’ve truly ever Experienced
A Soulful Moving Connecting Co-Creating Life with others.. in Feelings and Senses That
is the Delight of Heaven on Earth Within on this Beautiful Planet that sadly so many folks
Take for Granted in all the Potential We Have to Enjoy Life that is such a tiny sliver of
Potential for Heaven Anywhere in the Entire Universe We See with or without
Science Aided eyes today.. Well.. i for one fully understand the other place
for me and i for one Understand Fully NoW iN Feelings and Senses
What the place of the Kingdom of Heaven fully even is yes
The Experience of Fearless Unconditional Love Within
From Head to Toe and Beyond Within iNside ouTside
Above so Below and All Around Even More.. and True
iN-Heaven there is Dark too or there would be no
Light at all as is always the case as Yin and
Yang includes a part of the other as Truly
Whole Unified Never ReALLy Divided
As the Duality of Nature
Together in Light
And Dark in all the
Ways the Negative Joins
the Positive is necessary for a ‘Perfect’
Chaos to Balance Out Full in Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose as We Humans Do have the
Potential to Do Together if we will Just Love each
other ‘Nakedly’ Without the Chains of Cultural
Guise that makes us into the Tools we make
Away From the Gift of Humanity We already
Are in Eyes and Hands of Love that Reach
Out and Touch the Divinity of Love in
Each and Every Living Being that
And who Breathes and Flourishes
Brown to Green as Fall Leaves
Fertilize Spring Flowers And Without
Thorns THere is No True Beauty of Rose FLoWeRinG
From Death to Life From Dark to Light from Hell to Heaven
So anyway for 66 Months in Heaven on Earth i Celebrated
With a 6.66 MiLLioN Word or So Longest Long Form Poem
Bible And Over 10,500 Miles of Dance Works for Me NoW

“11,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”.. Yes.. A Celebration of Dancing 11,000
Miles in Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of
YouTuBE Songs in a 67 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 6.7 Million
Plus Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’
Poem by this Date as Linked Below in 67 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Years..
the Last 5 Years Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least.. with Yes interesting
Human Bonobo-Like
Activities like Wild
And Free Bootie Dances too..
Sure.. and an  updated 11,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spinning NoW in even Higher Gears at Super Walmart too.. hehe..:)

Grand Total Words for “FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2019” Here is 1,364,498 Words
As the Entire 24 Month Effort of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Rises to 2,666,159 Words
At His Point of Effort in 24 Months Where the Words are also included in the Description
Areas of my Profile Pics on my Personal Facebook Page at around an Average of 7,000 Words Per Profile Pic and of Course the Thumbnails are all included in this MacroVerse..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old”.. Celebrating 7 MiLLioN Words of the
Longest Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind.. Yep.. Written by Little Old
me in 70 Months as that Anniversary Date comes on 6.18.19.. anyway Celebrating this on
My 6.6.19.. 59th Birthday Week.. as this MacroVerse Includes an Entire Table of Contents
to this Date as Well for “Nether Land Bible 2018” as that 36 Month Effort Reaches 4.2 MiLLioN Words at this Point of Date too.. and yes of course enclosed in that is the
Table of Contents Inclusive too for “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as that 24 Month
Writing Exploration reaches at this point.. 2.66 MiLLioN Words also included
in all the Facebook Profile Pic Description areas.. Hundreds of Profile Pics now
that average around 7 Thousand Words Per each Profile Pic Description area..
True.. an excellent way to Peruse what i do on the Fly too as hehe.. MicroSoft
Word Is Not up to the Task of Grading this Bible Poem and that’s for sure..
And true for anyone who really wants to read anything of what i write there is little to no
Problems now accessing the Text in those Description Areas of the Photos as even Slower
Computers and Smaller foot prints of Broad Band Access will accomplish that mission now
to Provide an Avenue to read it too.. not doing anything too important now or new just providing Empirical Proof that Heaven is always within in this Generation now and
how i for one at least Find/Stay in Heaven now.. a few pointers might direct you to
SParK Your Heaven Within in this Generation at Hand EternAlly now too.. but hey at
least i will Dance Sing  i offered lots of help together to Heaven for other Folks too who will listen too as
Much Heaven
i for one care to Give
And Share now JusT FoR Free..:)

“CeLeBRaTiNG 6 YearS oF HEaVeN WiTHiN NoW”.. ReAlly  ReAlly Heaven Within..:)

Singing “Here i Am” in Catholic Church Just ‘Cause i Will..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL SiX YearS Old”.. Celebrating 72 Months.. Yes.. the Sixth Year
Anniversary oF A Longest Epic Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind
Yes.. Secured in this Entire Word Press Website too.. as this Baby Holds 7.2 MiLLioN
Words and over 100,000 Photos i took And over 10,000 YouTube Videos all to Fully
Illustrate it too.. Truly Just about a Never Ending Long Form Poem Bible Story..
And Yes that Anniversary was on 8.18.19… Now..  11,833 Miles of Public Dancing
A Free Style Ballet and Mixed Martial Arts Dance comes in on the
6th Anniversary Year of that Effort on 8.26.19.. As This Nautilus
Shell is one Hell and Heaven oF A ‘STately Word Mansion’ With
AlmosT uNlimited Doors to Other Chambers oF iMaGiNaTioN
And CReaTiViTY Truly Set Free Just to Be What We LoVE NoW
We Do Come to Be as We Move.. Connect.. Co-Create Our
Existence With Others Now So Free Just to Be ALiVE NoW..:)

“12,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”..  A Celebration Now of Dancing 12,000
Miles in Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of
YouTuBE Songs in a 73 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 7.3 Million
Plus Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’
Poem by this Date as Linked Below in 73 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Months..
the Last 66 Months Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least..
And an  updated 12,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spiraling NoW As Dance Skills at SuperWalmart continue to expand..:)

“Nether Land Bible 42 Months 5 MiLLioN Words”..  Land Mark Milestone Featnote Subtitled Long Form Epic Bible Poem Child of Longest Epic Long Form Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL”..  Currently-to-Date December of 2019 in 76 Months Effort of Writing 7.6
MiLLioN Words All in Free Verse Stream of Conscious Shapes and Writing
Flow in Autotelic State of Human Being Other Wise A Place Within
Metaphor of Holy And Sacred Creative Spirit.. Yes.. Heaven
Within as All of Existence Becomes This Way Full of
Meaning and Purpose that Makes Writing A Long
Form “SonG oF mY SoUL” Epic Bible Poem
Like this Practically An Effortless
Endeavor Like Public  Dancing
With Gravity Halfway Around
The Globe at the Equator in Distance
More About that Below This Featnote soon enough
as far as a 12,466 Mile Free Verse Public Dancing Effort
Achieved on the Date of 12.17.19 with the Distance Halfway
Around the Globe Achieved on 12.15.19 For this Entire Combined Flow Effort Now..:)

“Celebrating Public Dancing Halfway Around the World”..  Now As Described in the
Paragraph Above.. As of 12.25.19 Now at 12,506 Miles.. Yes.. Now More than
Half the Distance Around the Globe of what will be Measured at the Equator Now
in 76 Months of Total Dance as of 12.26.19.. As the Dance Started on 8.26.13..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2019”.. 9th of 9 Greater in Size than King James Size Epic Long Form Poem Bibles all Inclusive of the First of 9 that is Named “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 7.6 MiLLioN Words in 76 Months Effort Along with 12,533 Miles of Public Dance Now in That Duration of Months in Effort too.. as all those Subtitled Bibles are also detailed
in this MacroVerse as the Tale of any Metaphor of a “John 14:12” REAL
FAITH EFORT continues as Love’s Driving Force NoW ReaL

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2019.. A year (Decade) in Review”.. Yes This Just
About Covers All of it Now.. still more to come as always Starting Never
Ending Always Beginning Now as Never Ending Stories That Come in Never
Land Bible.. SonG oF mY SoUL.. And FB Profile Pic Bible.. Along with ongoing
7.6 MiLLioN Word Longest Long Form Bible Poem Yes “SonG oF mY SoUL” in 76
Months of Effort at this Point now with 12,547 Miles of Public Dance Ongoing too..:)

“Colors World Love 2020”.. New Year’s Resolution MacroVerse for 2020 With SMiLes
Giving Sharing Free..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 8 MiLLioN Words Bible Poem 80 Months” True A Longest Epic
Long Form Poem Bible At This Size in 80 Months… Along With 13,133 Miles of
Public Dance Doesn’t Come Everyday Anywhere of Course But
It Does Come Here And Close to 60 Year-Old Dudes (on 6.6.60)
Don’t ‘Normally’ Cover Themselves
With Poetry They Naked Write
Either Nor Write 6 New Testaments
as Part of that with 9 Sub-Chapter Epic
Titled Long Form Poem Bibles Either Longer  than
the Old King James Effort Each Subchapter Bible Effort
As All 6 Newer Epic Long Form Poem Testaments are Larger
Than That Old Effort As Well too.. Anyway “SonG oF mY SoUL”
8 MiLLioN Word Epic Longest Long Form Poem Bible Overall
Is 10xGreater than the Size of the Old King James Effort and 100XGreater
than the Size of the Quran and Yes Over 5XGreater than the Old Mahābhārata
1.8 MiLLioN Word Effort in Epic Long Form Poems That Of Course took Centuries
to Complete With Innumerable Ghost Authors too..
Of course This Doesn’t Have
A Target Audience as
Epic Long Form Poem
Bibles Are About ALL
Yes ‘Class’ LiTeRaLLY Forevermore now
God All Always Beginning Story MoRE NoW
i’m Just  Wind One With Holy Creative SPiRiT FLoW Through NoW

It’s Worth Noting As Far As An Historical Art of Epic Long Form Poem
Free Verse Bible And Or Newer Testament Writing.. Either By Oral Or Written Tradition Doing it Naked
Is Surely Keeping This Fearless Free Art Tradition Oldest One In Deed
Not Suggesting anyone else do it..
but for those who
do let’s
JusT DancESing Fear
Is No Part of THeir
God That Is Both Love And Flesh and Blood Real

“One Blood One-Body”

“May Days 6th NeW LeNTeN TesTaMeNT 2020” 13 MacroVerses Naturally coming Since
The MacroVerse Appropriately Pandemic Named Before the Pandemic Came
As Prophecies often come and go this way for Real too..
Yes.. “Rushing the Flu Away” as it is still Not
Clear what kind of Month Long January 2020
Virus my Wife and i  Experienced
But Anyway Typically this is what
Does Naturally come with
An 8 MiLLioN Word
Longest Epic Long
Form Bible Poem Titled “SonG oF mY
SoUL”  Still  coming in 80 Months along
NoW with 13,060 Miles of Public Dance
As This “May Days 6th New LeNTeN TesTaMenT 2020”
Is the 919th MacroVerse of that Entire Effort True iN LiGHT too..
And once Again typically Bible Writers And Other Sacred and Holy Text
Creative Spirit Writers Do It all Nude too as Fearless Freedom is Inherent in
the Flow of the Holy and Creative
Ecstatic Frission of the Autotelic
Continuing River FLoW iN  Laser Focus iN
ZonE Head to Toe Mind.. Body and Soul of Getting
And Keeping the Whole EPic Long Form Bible Poem Writing
Adventure Properly MuSeD And iNSPiReD EVeN More for what
We aRe Literally Dancing And Singing Here NoW in Science way too
Is Generating All Naturally the Neurochemicals and Neurohormones
And all the Peptide Connections All Together Over A Quadrillions Connections
As Many Or More Star Connections iN UNiVeRSE More As Science continues to
to See With Human Aided Eyes but Anyway New Testaments Never End as Far As Human
God Within Force Love Pure Potential Even More.. in other words i am always Starting A
New Testament of
God HumanPotential WiTHiN
LiGHTiNG uP mY “Christmas Tree
SPiRiT Flow Of my Soul To Dance And
Sing Even More.. True.. THere Are No Old
Books Here to Limit Human Potential More or Less..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2020 4 MiLLioN Words 3 Years”…Yes Indeed A Bit Epic as
The Title Is Almost Self-Explanatory with of Course Fully iLLusTRaTinG Pics
Straight From My Facebook Personal Page too.. Anyway there are actually
3 Volume Years as Linked complete in the Title Link Above comprising
2018, 2019, and 2020 as this Epic Long Form Poem First of its
Kind No Doubt.. hehe at Least this Size Has an Average
Of 7,000 Words in Each Facebook Profile Pic
Description Area As this New style Epic
Long Form Poem Bible is Fully
Illustrated Not only with
Facebook Pics to Help
Tale the Epic Long
Form Poem Bible Story
but Yes YouTube Video Songs
And Information to Accompany it All too..
And Of Course This is Only Half of Longest Epic Long
Form Bible Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” that to date at this
Point Carries 8.1 MiLLioN Words over the Course of 81
Months.. along with 13,260 Miles of Public Dance in the
Same Span of Dates As Well..  So Yeah Ongoing “FB
Profile Pic Bible Vol 2020 4 MiLLioN Words 3 Years”

“7 YearS HeAVeN WiTHiN NoW 2020”.. JusT ANoTHeR MiLeSToNE And FEaTNoTE
to Celebrate Eternally NoW WiTHiN.. Yes.. A Common Experience Across CuLTuRES
Referred to By Metaphors Like Nirvana.. Satori.. Bliss.. Prana.. Tao.. Even
Kundalini Rising and Chi.. Yes Just Other words in Metaphors for
Autotelic Flow Sweet Spot ‘tween Apathy and Anxiety
Continuing Ever Increasingly Complex
Dance And Song
on A Tight Rope Now
No one Religion or Human
Owns this KingQueenDoM oF
HeaVeN WiTHiN Eternally NoW
No Myth.. No Hyperbole.. This Place IS ReAL NoW

“SonG oF mY SoUL 7 YearS Old 8.4 MiLLioN Words”.. Yet ANoTHeR MiLeSToNE And
FEaTNoTE to Celebrate the EPiC Longest Long Form Bible Poem in 84 Months of Effort
Where Public Dance Arises to 13,600 Miles too in 84 Months Of Enduring So Many Store Miles oF Public Dance that Really Brings Lots of Autotelic FLoWinG HeaVeN Bliss!

“6 MiLLioN Word Nether Land Bible Man”.. A Rather Huge Celebration for
A Largest Subchapter EPiC LonG FoRM Bible Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Longest EPiC LonG FoRM PoeM Bible Still Ongoing too with
That 51 Month Effort As “SonG oF mY SoUL” Reaches
8.5 MiLLioN Words in 85 Months
on the Monthly Anniversary
of the Entire
Bible Writing/SiNGinG Adventure
Since 8.18.2013 on Word Press NoW
And Yes with 13,717 MiLeS of Public
Dance in 85 Months As Well Cause it Feels Good Like This
Autotelic Flow And Frission Kingdom of Heaven Within FOR REAL
Belonging to no one But GodNature All OF US ARRiVinG NoW BReaTHinG

“14,000 Miles oF Public Dancing 10 Years of Writing 12 MiLLioN Words Online”
Yes, The Title Says It All, The Words, The Photos, And The Videos As Well..:)

“7th NeW TesTaMeNT CoMeS LoVE ReTuRNS AGAiN NoW” 461,877 Words
Comprising 9 Subchapters As the 6 Previous New Testaments Ranged
In Size From around 180,000 Words the Size of that Old New Testament
Through Over 400,000 Words A Little Less Than 4 Months to Make
This New Testament
For Real
7th One iNDeeD..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2020” 828,586 Words in the 5th Grand Cross
Bible All Greater In Size than the Old King James Size Try
Written From Memorial Day Through Christmas
Each Year Since 2016 in 7 Months
Each Year… Additionally
5 Other Titled Subchapter Bibles
Greater In Size than the Old King James Effort
Including Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Inclusive
Of All Efforts NoW in 8.8 MiLLioN Words of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Completed in 88 Months Now Along with 14,303 Miles of Public Dance..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2020 A Year iN Review” Truly An EPiC Year NoW in Many Ways…

“SonG oF mY SoUL 9 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating Another Milestone And Feat Note
Of EPiC Longest Long Form Free Verse Bible Poem in 90 Months of Writing 9 MiLLioN
Words As A Never Ending Landing story Continues As Any Version 2.0 Modern Peter Pan
Might Write HeHe For NoW At Least As Just Something Fun to Do in Heaven Within Now
Of Course To Give And Share Free As Well Like 14,633 MiLes of Public Dance On the Date
Of Updating This of 3.21.21 in 90 Months of Entertaining The Metro Audience For Free too..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible 5 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 45 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2021, 4 YearS Old”
Celebrating Volume 2021 With 2130
Thumbnail Facebook Profile Pics
As A Photo Album Of the Calendar
Year Memorial Day Weekend 2020 Through 2021
Where All the Words Are Housed in the Facebook Profile
Pic Description Areas too at an Average of About 8,000 Words Per FB Profile Pic

“Nether Land Bible 7 MiLLioN Words 5 YearS Old” Subchapter Long Form
EPiC Poem Ongoing Past 5 YearS NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 9.4 MiLLioN Words And 94 Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem EPiC Writing True too With SMiLes..:)

“15,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” Milestones Continue For 94 Months In
July 2021, With One Slow Motion Video And Regular Speed of Dancing me..:)

“CeLeBRaTinG HeAVeN Within 8 Years ReaL NoW” Yes Exactly What It Sounds
Like When Ya Actually Exist in An Autotelic Flowing Meditating Experience
Of Life Loving It All DarK Thru LiGHT ETeRNaLLY NoW FoR
Real Yet of Course Don’t Just Take mY Word For IT
As It Really
Mean Much Until
Ya Actually Do HeaVeN
Within NoW For Really Real NoW

“SonG oF mY SoUL 8 YearS Old 9.6 MiLLioN Words” The Title Just About Says It
All Yes Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Written in 8 Years Now For Real
Actually my Entire Word Press Blog Just Another Bible Now…

“Depth of the Story” 8th New Testament” Close to A MiLLioN Words Now JusT
Another Subchapter of “EPiC Longest Long Form Poem Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL”
One Long Solo Thread Yes EPiC Long Form Poem 8th New Testament True
On The “Wrong Planet Website” Where “Depth of the Story” in Quotes
Makes A Number 1 Google Search Engine Result and Without
Quotes Even Lends a First Page
Result too
JusT BeCaUSE i Can And
Will In Wu Wei Ease of Tao
Autotelic Flow For Original
Creativity Wherever my River Goes NoW

“SonG oF mY SoUL 10 MiLLioN WordS Old” Record of Longest EPiC Long Form
Bible Poem Writing It All In 100 Months Ever Since 8.18.2013 through 12.18.2021

“Grand Cross Bible 2021” 800,067 Words in the 6th Grand Cross
Bible All Greater In Size than the Old King James Size Try
Written From Memorial Day Weekend  Through New
Year’s Eve Each Year Since 2016 in 7 Months…
5 Other Titled Subchapter Bibles
Greater In Size than the Old King James Effort
Including Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Inclusive
Of All Efforts NoW in 10.1 MiLLioN Words of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Completed in 101 Months Now Along with 16,066 Miles of Public Dance..:)

“16,000 MiLes oF Public Dancing” in 100 Months And Currently Miles
Increasing to 16,188 in 101 Months As The Miles Continue to FLoW oN
iN Autotelic Way Of Meditating Contemplating Moving Free ThiS WaY

“FB Profile Pic Bible 6 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 57 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW

“Netherland Bible 8 MiLLioN WordS Old” Subchapter Long Form EPiC
Bible Poem Ongoing Past 6 YearS NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 10.5 MiLLioN Words And 105 Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Writing True too With SMiLes..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2022 5 YearS Old” 2265 Profile Pics For the Calendar Year Ending
Memorial Day Weekend 2022 That come in Series of About 18 Illustrating Each Mini
Story of “FB Profile Pic Bible” of Around 8,000 Words Placed in the Description Areas
Of All of the Facebook Profile Picture Description Areas Yep All 2265 Profile Pics That
Make for About A Total of 18.1 MiLLioN Words Housed in Just One Calendar Year in
Facebook Profile Pics hehe For What Has Literally Come to Be A Longest EPiC Long
Form Poem Bible Housed Uniquely in 6.5 MiLLioN Words on Facebook Now As of
Close to the Summer Solstice Yes Ever Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 As
This Subchapter Ongoing of Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible “SonG oF mY
SoUL”  in the Last 106 Months Keeps GRoWinG too Now in 10.6 MiLLioN Words of Effort

True Now too Along with
“Nether Land Bible”
Just Another 6 Year
Effort Longest Long Form
Poem Subchapter Bible of
“SonG oF mY SouL” Now At
8.1 MiLLioN Words True too..:)

“JusT ANoTHeR BooK MarK NoW iN HeAVeN 9 Years” Other Metaphors Cross
CuLTuRaLLY Associated With This Reality on EartH Within Eternally New Now
Include Samadhi, Satori, Prana, Dao, Tao, Kundalini Rising Yoga, Chi, Creative
Holy SPiRiT, And Many More Cross CuLTuRaL Metaphors True and Even More
Likely to Come As the Experience is Basically A Meditating Autotelic
Flow of  Nirvana And Bliss Yes Contemplating Life iNHaLinG
Peace EXHaLinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT iN
Compassionate Giving, Sharing, Caring,
Healing Ways For All With
Least Harm Now New Yes

And True LiFE Long
Practices Seeking
Yes This
And Interpreting
More Right Braining
Hemisphere Way of Loving
Life in Social-Empathic-Artistic-
Emotionally Regulating Sensory
Integrating Spiritual Real Organic
Ways of Moving Connecting Co-Creating
May Surely Be A Practice of Free Dancing and
Singing Free Verse Poetry Yes in Autotelic Flow
Same as Our Distant Ancestors As Us Still Dance
And Sing Free This Way ToGeTHeR Are We Really

Evolving into A “Matter of Things” With all the Tools We
Clothe Our Life With True Are We Mastered By The Tools We
Create As They Become More of Us Than Our Naked Enough
Whole Complete Nature With the Rest of Nature Loving Life Presently Now

Well For me at Least
i Master The Tools And
Retain Nature i AM (GodAllLoveFree)

Loving Free of Course Mileage Varies
Depending on Model and Make of Human
Nature and Nurture For What One May Be
Willing to Do to Arrive And Staycation iN Heaven Within New Now

Yes What Works FoR Me May Not Work For You Never the Less

What Plays

For Me is
Real Love (GoD) New Now

“SonG oF mY SoUL 9 YearS Old 10.8 MiLLioN Words” The Title Just About Says It
All Yes Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Written in 9 Years Now For Real
Actually my Entire Word Press Blog Just Another Bible Now And Additionally
On The Wrong Planet “Depth of  The Story” RiSinG to 1.88 MiLLiON Words
in 2 Years On 8.19.2022 The Day After the Anniversary Date of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Reaching 10.8 MiLLioN Words in 9 Years on 8.18.2022 As “Depth of The Story”
Is One Solo Long Thread Long Form Poem in the 54th Page on the Wrong
Planet Website Where Each Page Now is Novel Size Free Verse Poetry
At Around 50,000 Words Per Page Scrolling Down From Top to Bottom
Gathering up 123,000 Views So Far From the ‘Wrong Planet’ Registered
Members Only not Counting the General Public As It Hits at the Top
Of A Google Search on the
Key Words “Depth of  The Story”
Just Something to Do in Another
‘Day in the Life of me’ Hehe With SMiLEs
And Of Course That’s Just a Casually Named
8th New Testament As Subchapter Long Form
Poem of “SonG oF my SoUL” As Yep There are
7 Titled Other Casually Named New Testaments
Listed in the Milestones And Feat Notes Section Here
Along With 11 Bigger Than King James Sized Tries for
Subchapter Titled Bibles in Long Form Poem Way True too
As “SonG oF mY SoUL” So Far is Around 13.5 Scale Larger than
the Old King James Try About 135 Scale Larger than the Quran
And Yes Even 6 Scale Larger Than The Other Previous Recorded
EPiC Long Form Poem Considered Officially A Longest Long Form
Poem at 1.8 MiLLioN Words Taking Centuries of Effort and Innumerable
Ghost Authors Like the Old King James Sized Effort at about 800,000 Words too
Yes The Mahābhārata From India Just A Bit Smaller Than the 2 Year Effort of
“Depth of The Story”
And So What
Who Needs A
Name For Building A Nautilus
Shell Reflecting the Milky Way Spiraling Like my Public Dance at
17,166 Miles in 9 Years too Surely Not A Creature Originating From the
Ocean Whole Like me too Just Another Leaf A Tree A Forest Continuing
to Fall And Rise Alive For Real Brown to Green Coloring As Summer
Flower Petals Fall Feeding Frozen Winter Soils For Spring Green..:)

“17,000 Miles oF Public Dancing 9 Years”
Milestone And FeatNote Completing That
And More By the 9th Year Anniversary Date of Public Dancing on August 26, 2022
All Around my Metro Area And From Biloxi Casino Beaches Through Tallahassee
Too Yep Cat-6 Hurricane Wings of Public Dance All Along the Gulf Coast to
Go Along With 10.9 MiLLioN Words of Free Verse Poetry in 9 Years
And 1 Month Now Too in Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Personal
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” CoMPRiSinG mY Whole Word Press Blog
And Several Other Archive Blogs too As “Depth of The Story” A
Casually Named 8th New Testament Also Arises to 2 MiLLioN
Words of Effort in 25 Months Starting on August 19th, 2020
In The Thick of the COVID-19 Pandemic And Coup Attempts
To Defeat Democracy And The Such As That too Yes Ripe Days
For EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bibles We Continue Now True
As Depth of the Story Resides as A Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Also on the ‘Wrong Planet’ Website too All in One 55 Page Solo Thread
Accumulating 125 Thousand Views Just From the Registered Members
There Toward the End of This September 2022 Year too And Also to Celebrate
33 Years Since me and my Wife Got ‘Together’ On September 21st, 1989
A Work of Art She Truly Is Still At the Beach At Age 52 to Go Along With
A Video She Took of me Celebrating 17,000 Miles oF Public Dancing too
Hehe Just For Record Books of Free With SMiLes As i Become Essence
of Dance And Song Free Just Inhaling Peace ExhalinG Love Even More
iN JoY oF LiGHT Giving Sharing Caring Healing For All With Least Harm
True No Animals Were Harmed
in the Production of the
Dance Video Now At LeasT Hehe..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 11 MiLLioN WordS Old” Actually Up to 11.1 MiLLioN WordS Old As
Of 11.18.2022 Never the Less the Longest EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bible Continues to GRoW Freely Along with 17,496 Miles of Public Dance in 111 Months As Well All
Around This Local Metro Area Free As Wings Will Be Feathers And Wind
FRiEnDS With Gravity

“FB Profile Pic Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 66 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each FB Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW

“FRED 14:12” iNDeeD A Play on Words From “John 14:12”
For Real Of Course Writing Every Consecutive Day Online
Since Coming Online on the ‘Wrong Planet’ Website to
Attempt to Escape the Never Ending Worst Pain Known
To Humankind The Suicide Disease Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia From Wake to Sleep For 66 Months Along with
18 Other Mostly Work Stress Related Disorders in A Synergy
Of Real Life Threat too With No Prognosis For Recovery Yes
Writing Every Consecutive Day Through Hell
And Heaven Within Now True too in EPiC
Long Form Poetry As Well Yet A Total
of 14 MiLLioN Words in 12 Years of Effort
Eventually Changing into 17,653 Miles of
Public Dance Now in 112 Months Along
With EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Also Created in the Same 112 Month Span of Dates Now At
11.2 MiLLioN Words So Far Out of the Total of 14 MiLLioN Words Whole..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2022” A Grand Total Of
747,693 Words Yes Larger Than the Old “New International
Version of A Bible” Yes Indeed in 7 Months From
Memorial Day Weekend Until The End of the Year
As Again This is the 7th Year of Doing This in These
7 Months Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2016
Through The End of That Year And Following

6 Years The Same
For 7 MontH-Old
‘Grand Cross Bibles’ Indeed

All Efforts Larger Than The “Old King James” Try
And “New International Version” of A Bible In This Try True New..:)

“Netherland Bible 9 MiLLioN WordS Old 81 Months” Subchapter Long Form EPiC
Bible Poem Ongoing Past 82 Months NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 11.5 MiLLioN Words And 115  Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Writing True too With SMiLes..:)

“18,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” Completing This Milestone
And FeatNote on “PI Day” 3.14.2023 After 9 Years
And 6 Months of Doing This Currently
At 18,153 MiLes of Public Dance
iN 9 Years And 7 Months NoW
ALonG With “SonG oF mY SoUL”
EPiC Longest Long Form Bible
Poem All 11.6 MiLLioN Words
NoW iN 116 Months As Well
Just for the JoY oF PLaY Giving Sharing
Caring HealinG iT ALL AWaY For
Free With Most Respect and
Least Harm Yet HeY iN THiS Case
i’M OnLY
Human For Real
Doing This All Naked Enough
Whole Complete iNHaLinG Peace
iN THiS ReaL
LoVE iN Peace
KinGQueeNDoM oF HEaVeN
WiTHiN Spreading These Wings
Becoming Wind Air Waves Water Ocean Whole For Real..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2023 6 YearS Old 7.7 MiLLioN Words” 2517 FB Profile Pic
Thumbnails Celebrating The Ongoing 6 Year Effort For the Calendar Year Ending
Memorial Day Weekend 2023 Series of Around 18 FB Profile Pics Fully
Illustrating 8,000 or So Word Small MacroVerses Where
Facebook Houses 20.1 MiLLioN Words in All Those
FB Profile Pic Description Areas for Calendar
Year 2023 Where 2022 Held 18.1 MiLLioN Words
And 2021 Held 16.8 MiLLioN Words About A 55 MiLLioN
Word Effort Housed in Facebook Description Areas in the
Last 3 Years of the Covid-19 Pandemic Days And Of Course
All the Rest of the FB Profile Pic Description areas Ever Since
Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 For the Entire “FB Profile Pic
Bible” Subchapter Ongoing Still of the EPiC Longest Long Form Poem
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 11.8 MiLLioN Words of Effort in 118 Months
Now Yes As Well As A Continuing Moving Meditation in FLoWinG Public Dance
Everywhere i Go in Public Now at 18,453 Miles in 9 Years and 9 Months Too..:)

“Nether Land Bible 7 YearS Old 9.3 MiLLioN Words” Yes An Epic Long Form Poem
Subchapter of Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” And This Effort
Began on Memorial Day Weekend of 2016 STiLL Ongoing in 85 Months
Of Writing Now With SMiLes of Course As the Public
Dance Continues to Add up Like “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Has for 118 Months Since
8.18.2023 at 18,518 Miles Now..:)

“A Decade WiTHiN Heaven For Real” Celebrating A Decade of Living
Away From the
Other Place For 66 Months…:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 12 MiLLioN Words A Decade of EPiC Long Form Poetry” Yes The
Title Covers The Topic Quite Well Yet Not All the Way Hehe As the Month of August
In 2023 Brought Several Other Footnotes and Milestones to Measure too
Including 8 MiLLioN Words of “FB Profile Pic Bible” in 74 Months as
“Nether Land Bible” Another Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Increased to 9.6 MiLLioN Words in 86 Months of Writing
Yet Not Only That As “Depth of The Story” A Casually
Described 8th New Testament Rose to 3 MiLLioN
Words Also Included on the “Wrong Planet”
Website With Over 180,000 Views Just
From the Registered Members There
On the 3 Year Anniversary Date of
August 19th, 20223 in the 76th Page Now
Of That Solo Thread Where Each Page Now From Top to Bottom
Comprises the Size of An EPiC Novel Sized Long Form Poem at Around
50,000 Words or So And i Guess You Might Ask if i’m Tired of Writing Yet so Yes
August 2023 Also Celebrated
18,744 Miles of Public Dance in A Decade
Of Doing That On the Anniversary Date of
August 26th, 2023 As By That Date “Netherland
Bible” Celebrated 87 Months of Writing and “FB
Profile Pic Bible Celebrated 75 Months of EPiC Longest
Long Form Writing in these Two Ongoing Subchapters of
EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” All 12 MiLLioN
Words of the Entire Effort Still Ongoing and GRoWinG Now too With SMiLes..:)

“19,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” in 123 Months of Effort
Meeting This Milestone and FeatNote on Halloween
Night 2023 And the Miles Continue to Pile On at
19,133 Miles Less than 6,000 Miles to Make
It Around the Distance of the Equator

Yet Really It’s Only About the Bliss
And Nirvana of A Moving
Meditation Free
Hehe Yes Miles And Miles
Of Heaven Continue to Come
Every Move Holy Generating Every
Sacred as Well Simply DiViNE With SMiLes..:)

‘Nether Land Bible 10 MiLLioN WordS Old” EPiC Long Form Poem Subchapter
at 10 MiLLioN Words of Writing Ever Since Memorial Day Weekend of
2016 Yes 90 Months Plus of Effort This Subchapter of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” Inclusive of What
Will Be 13 Subchapters All Part of the 12.4 MiLLioN
Word Endeavor of Writing 124 Months
Ever Since 8.18.2013 With The
Completion Of Coming “Grand
Cross Bible 2023” Next Yep
All 13 Subchapters Greater in
Size than the Old King James Effort
And In Total Yes “SonG oF mY SoUL”
15 Scale Greater in Size and 150 Scale
Greater in Size than the Old Quran too
Just Another “Day in A Life” of Writing Free Poetry in Flow

“Grand Cross Bible 2023” A Grand Total Of
920,172 Words Yes Larger Than the Old “King James
Version of A Bible” Yes Indeed in 7 Months From
Memorial Day Weekend Until The End of the Year
As Again This is the 8th Year of Doing This in These
7 Months Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2016
Through The End of That Year And Following

8 Years The Same
Now For 7 Month-Old
‘Grand Cross Bibles’ Indeed

And As Tradition Might Other Wise
Have It As Well All Accomplished
iN A Garden of Eden For Real

Only Difference No
Fig Leaves
Required Yet of Course
Yoga Power Poses in Angles
That Will Barely Meet
Community Standards
Yet Honestly Nothing Ya
Ain’t Seen NoW on Pristine Florida Beaches

“FB Profile Pic Bible 9 MiLLioN WordS Old” Yes The Title Sort of Measures it All
Where More Specifically This Subchapter of EPiC Longest Long Form Poem
“SonG oF mY SoUL” at 12.8 MiLLioN Words in 128 Months of Effort is
Included in Series of Around 18 Facebook Profile Pics Fully Illustrating
About 8 Thousand Word Mini Stories For 83 Months Now Ever Since
Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 And This MacroVerse Only Celebrates
The Milestone And FeatNote of 9 MiLLioN Words Whereas “FB Profile
Pic Bible Vol 2024 7 YearS Old” on This 2024 Memorial Day Weekend Anniversary
Date Yes Will Include Thumbnails of All 2245 Or So Facebook Profile Pics For the
Calendar Year Ending on Memorial Day Weekend An Annual Event Since 2018..:)

“20,000 Miles oF Public Dance” Finishing This Milestone And Featnote
of 20,000 Miles of Public Dancing on May 30, 2024 in 129 Months
Of Effort iN This FLoWinG Moving Meditation
That Continues to Improve
FRiEnDS With Gravity
Basically Transforming
248 Pounds of Human
iNto Weight of Finger Tips Mastering ‘The Balance”
That Includes All of Mind and Body SoUL Organically Real..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old” Actually Up to 13.1 MiLLioN WordS Old As
Of 07.18.2024 Never the Less the Longest EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bible Continues to GRoW Freely Along with 20,242 Miles of Public Dance in 131 Months As Well All
Around This Local Metro Area Free As Wings Will Be Feathers And Wind
FRiEnDS With Gravity


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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