wERisEToGeThEr aLLONewiThGOd

So how DOES one prove a
HeRcULeS’ oF soUL mY LamP iSreaL
if one lived on a Wrong Planet for years
with only scientists.. nerds.. geeks and the like
for fActs.. well.. tRuth.. is ..the Inner UniVerse of HUman
bEinG is woefully measured by the racket of scientific method
that does serve furry
balls up of observable
stuff.. but haha.. give a
human some LSD or let them
ecstatically dance over half A
marathon on just one Sunday and see
how you measure a HeRcULeS’ oF soUL
mY LamP iSreaL in 7 days.. WeLL.. Lord kNows
as wE KNows or at lEAst as Stephen Hawking and
others suggest the entire F iN UniVerse was created
from nothing by the Force of Gravity in a point so small
that for all practical intents and purposes there was no
time before that point and at that point too.. that’s kinda
deep but i sTilL staY thEre is no time noW and it’s more or less
a product of cLocks and distance and space.. and even
Einstein was fully vetted that the whole shebang was
relative in at least some distance and space
in E=MC2.. per smAll creation of
imagination in EinSTein’s
relatively small but
aging brain..
yes.. it’s true..
they studied
Einstein’s brain..
and it never aged much
perhaps that happens to
the body too.. if you F iN Use iT
instead of stagnation in human hell
on this PlaneT EARTh that could otherwise
be Heaven now.. anyway.. no LSD required
for me to fly hiGh in creation activity.. jUst give
me a dance.. an ecstatic one now with electronic super
high emotional music and sure.. give me a little motivation..
like lovely young women videotaping me and smiling from ear
to ear.. so-called ‘big red-neck’ ‘men’ snickering from a far.. not
realizing i can do so many FucKinG things with my seNses.. FeeLinGs
and bRain all at one now.. when i am hyper-focused with what some
name as Kundalini Rising.. the Chi.. the QI.. the Ki.. and the Holy
Spirit real.. you’ve heard.. haven’t you.. that higher power of God
that can move metaphorical mountains and a half a ton or so 33
times when you get to be 56 on a very difficult parallel
leg press machine with yA arms raised
in the air like a ballerina.. and sure…
the other inspirations are legion
ranging from ‘all’ my friends..
A C Q U A I N T A N C E S..
to the one’s i most
definitely chagrin..
and when a young lady
suggests to her friend that’s
gonna be my husband just ’cause
of how i move my body when i dance..
and then has the nerve to tell me to my
face.. albeit.. likely fueled with some drinks
at Old Seville.. of course it inspires me and
iF you are any kind of male creature.. thaT is
healthy and totally heterosexual like me..
sure.. you will be inspiRed too..
as that’s the way God likes
it in males all naturally
and of course females
too.. when they are not
all uptight with cultural and
religious rules that say.. that you
are dirty little girls and there IS A double
standard and all of that.. anyway.. tHeRe is
both an art and science of creativity.. THAT WORKS..
i share that with the listening audience.. as Jesus
F. in Christ.. co-creating with God as Nature sAMe
in the FloW iN ZonE and sure sharing it Now with
the entire world are for free BEST.. as sure.. they
randomly come across it in literal numbers of up to
thousands per day as my stats for
several Blogs do say.. including
800 on just one blog
the other day…
too.. i AM here
to inspire others.. been
to hell.. the real place and
cAMe back.. on that day.. i made
a personal convenant with God on beach and
Nature sAMe to do everything and anything
i would have to do beyond the ‘norm’ of cultural
and religious so-called dogma.. and of course.. within aLL
the limits of local.. state.. and federal laws same.. and while
it doesn’t take God/Nature any time to make time as time doesn’t exist
either now.. or at the beginning of time.. as aLL tHeRe is as now..
in any concrete form.. it did take me 7 days to create the last
two pARts IN MacroVerse of Ocean whole moving on TO
4 million words.. as a small percentage of that
in 41,650 words total between both posts
as highlighted here.. in my now way..
writing a 689th Macro-Verse
with this rather long
Micro-Verse here..
and that is significant..
just for empirical analysis
of my case-study creative potential
longitudinally as measured in words eTc..
Now over what humans define as time noW..
in clock and day fashion.. and sure.. the
Earth Moving around the Sun as such NoW in
consistent motion aS well.. iN 7 days..
41,650 words.. close to 500 photos
including the restricted link
‘appendages’ as such..
over 10 youtube videos..
and Jesus F. iN Christ..
somewhere around
10 or so other links
that links around 100K
or so other MacroVerse
words.. a trip to a Forest/River to get some
great Nature pics.. various stores and malls
to tell a tale in photo way that synchs somehow
with all those words too.. in continuing Ocean Poem
Poetry Story fashion as now goeS on.. yes.. miles of Dance
on Tuesday after this round of writing started on last Monday
then.. along with that Forest trip.. three intense work-out trips..
a marathon of Dance at old Seville Quarter with photos at all these
places and yes well over a marathon of dance this
weekend as well between a new Star Trek
Movie ‘Beyond’ for extra inspiration too..
and so many miles at the mall after an
additional Singing event i participated
in as i always do at church now from back
pew too.. with some snaps of the literature
of so-called bible there now2.. anyway.. it was
a full 7 day event… as there is never a place
where i truly rest my head noW iN working for God
and Nature sAMe to give and share all with others
for free.. in fACt.. i dreAM more wRitinG in poetic way
when i sleep.. and when i wake the Ocean does
most definitely continue to gRow WRiTing..
so sure.. the scientist of me..
must have his say.. along
with all the other
pARts of
pray.. sure..
my first two Novel
efforts took almost
twice as long and
Lord knowS noW.. the
third one with 338,630
words took a ’15/’16 trip to
all the dVerse prompts
and liNks for an entire
year then2.. and yes..
all positive intentions
and actions are positive
pray.. or call it placebo or
call it a ham and green
eggs sandwich.. i do not
care what form you say
iN what works for you..
i FucKinG
get the JOB
dONe.. and verily
alWays God says to
me in God’s way..
even if
God must
hold my
to say
this heRe..
sMiLes.. bottom liNex2..
Life is epic or not.. your F iN Choice..
in aRt and or Science both.. PLAY LiFE NOW..
i for one
And will this ever end with
the unlimited inspiration i find
in every corner of the world now..
in nature and technology too.. let’s
just say
no.. no
no.. NoW..
yes.. i play..
More more MORE NOW2..:)
It’s hard to see in the photo but
the nice old gentleman heRe in the
back relaxing on a Sunday afternoon
has his hand to his mouth thinking OMG..
i think thaT Mercury dude has done sprouted
some lighTENining Wings out his head
or something.. either that or its
all smoke and mirrors.. hehe..
but sure as they say about
Hermes.. Mercury..
Thoth etc.. per
keeper same..
and somenows fleet
of foot on terrestrial land..
as sure.. yA gotta Travel liGht
to geT
SHoWn.. out..
haha.. i’ve been so
deep in words.. i didn’t
catch the lightning head
WinG effects.. ’till a few minutes
ago after scanning by this photo
several nows in the last day.. hehe..;)
Gentile.. Jew.. Servant or Free.. Woman or man no more..
Lord it’s taken a couple of thousand years for so-called older
Christian white males to wrap that around tHeRe head.. per the
Woman or man no more for equal opportunities like
so-called gnostic Mary Magdalene got before
the patriarchs added the prostitute
cloth to her Apostle
white robe..
and humble
sandals as such..
but certainly when Cory
Booker.. an African American
Senator at age 47 from New Jersey
spouts the slogan we will rise together..
no less than an optimistic Obama or MLK
Jr… too.. in truly this golden old rule of new
all toGeThEr trUe and gets a standing ovation
from the crowd per se.. hmm.. looks like there
just might be a Democratic administration of woman
for at least 4 more years.. and at age 47 plenty of
room for another 8 year term for a super charismatic
black man again.. yes.. we’ve come a long way baby
in so many more ways than one.. Trump would like
to take us back to the dark ages of rule of man
old.. in cigar smoking Catholic back wholes
same as sin.. in Constantine sewers of
way back when.. but go girl will have
nothing of that in these new days..
anyway.. it’s always been a battle
of the sexes from day one
human and now..
a disintegration
of the village and family
of social roles strong.. and
insanity in this new nomadic..
nuclear to single person home..
makes life rife for strife.. no matter
what comes next.. grin and bear it
super epic is what i WiLL say.. but
i am a baby boomer who has lived
it different and lives it different again..
now.. rarely any more front to front slow dances
of the ’80’s club.. disco 2001 in that decade where
no one dances without asking someone to dance first
then.. now it’s packs of girls and booties that dance freely
with other girl’s booties and strange men’s fronts.. butt is there
any emotional attachment that the front to front face brought
way back when.. very little.. and what that spells as statistics
do show.. is dropping fertility rates.. and lowering teenage
rates of pregnancies.. specifically now as facts do show..
it is a new experiment to us.. but in Nature’s eyes..
Nature in Nature’s bigger eyes says there
is enough of you now.. so
shut the
up and
try something
different as the world
turns now.. this IS A great
day and age.. for a person who
can create their own social role like
me.. with sure.. a strong libido and open
mindedness for change true too.. but for
a closed minded person.. of the old patriarchal
ways that are dying a slow death.. even in some
middle eastern countries now too.. as sociologists
suggest they too.. by the year 2050 will have similar
free minority.. including women’s rights like we have now..
Free trumps it all even what some folks call the nasty act now..
And whatever works in Nature’s eYes for total balance
WiLL get that job done.. no matter
how uncomfortable iT makes
the angry old men who are
sitting at the mall
with their
Hillary frowns
now.. as i come up to them
with my now muscular 27 inch
thighs and 45 inch man’s got muscular
ballet dancing butt.. and like Marilyn Monroe
in he man style hehe.. i could fucking dancing
naked in a tutu.. colored pink and i would still
rate more of a man with the women than them..
and sure the pink tutu would be hilarious for
a hairy man like me.. but never the less..
a 48 inch chest balances out my
Marilyn man shiny sun sHoWn
my way around
the mall like a rogue
full back now.. with
baby’s got butt.. hehe..
i blow tHeir minds every
where they/i go.. and they are too
fucking scared to mutter one word
about the strange of me to me.. as
my body language spells Lion from
head to toe.. as i walk gracefully like
My African American friends do2.. on the
Savannah for WiLD.. fly like a cat angel on land fur free..
But on a more somber note.. three degrees.. a certain
intellectual poise when questioned by management
store authorities.. as i mingle with them as i go..
retired government white worker you know and
all of that.. dressed casually but the
shades do say designer and
very expensive for sure..
the Ninja has
a certain
no different
than Bruce
Lee i suppose..
not everyone can get
away with what i do.. and
seriously just a couple of decades
when the odd of life was not the new
black then.. in my little patriarchal town
then.. it’s bigger now.. and seriously at
the local Walmart store.. while i may be way
out of the box with my exercise routine.. culture
is no longer vanilla at all now.. no.. there are way more
differences among individual cultures than i’ve ever seen
before and it is only accelerating as folks become whatever
the fuck they wanna be.. and sure humans are social animals
where the majority are comfortable with secure and clear social
roles.. it’s a very difficult challenge for those folks to adopt now..
as someone
definitely has moved
the cheese.. and i am
the area icon for the
cheese that
just a field
mouse i’ll be..
carrying a new cheese
they have yet to try in my style FReED..
life is thrilling with the kind of middle age
white male privilege i have.. but much
harder for other folks still.. and
i still have empathy for them..
as Lord knows i have
been in the worse
place of all..
where i had
no executive control
of my own FucKinG miNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG act then..
Perspective.. Perspective.. it’s all
about perspective.. the other shoes
are often so so.. different in world view now..:)
Okay.. hmm.. as this
689th MacroVerse gets
to revving.. i check out the
new dVerse prompt about
the Dog heat days of the Constellation
Sirius.. and speaking of why so serious
the prompt is one of those Haibuns
with short Haiku at the end that i do
Fredbun and Fredku style
my way.. like
Fredfu at the
gym as
all new
and creative
as floW iN ZonE..
yes.. one with God2..
in sacred and holy way..
sure.. in moving.. connecting
and creating as individual now..
anySay.. the prompter asks for
only nonfiction after they just
gave the example of a myth
about the Dog Star
Sirius.. oh.. so
Serious and then
says they want it
formal Haiku.. keep
the original totally out now
please.. haha.. like the prompter
is gonna kNow WTF is fictional
or non-fictional in a poet’s head
all the way across buMfuCk Egypt
in another land or so.. as such as that..
ugh.. so.. so glad i don’t link.. but considering
only 9 have with a prompt as restrictive as this..
i can blow that one by in less than an hour now..
and perhaps another fresher freer prompt will
come on Tuesday Afternoon.. matters not
though as i make it all fresh baby
in this
way now..
with Fredku
and Fredfu..2…;)
Summer Heat
politics blow uP..
TRump dreams
sweet of
taLL WAlls..
Booker bLasts
iT aLL.. wITh
wE RisE toGetheR All..:)
i didn’t see Hillary
anywhere but
Bill was
from ear
to eYes..
2 for 1
male and female..
with a side of Caine..
a sugar deal.. thAT..;)
oH Lordy.. the heat used
to be oppressive when
i only visited it occasionally
outside.. get used to it like i did
back in the day in Archaeology all day
long digging and digging some more..
and it IS A piece of cake
for those who
do not sit
on their
butT all
day in front
of screen of scream..
just drink plenty of water
and replace your electrolytes..
and get in the shade.. and move
around.. in the sun as that makes
a breeze.. as a rotisserie human
is less likely to get burned…
Human Strong..
Human Weak..
Use It or lose..
iT bottom 4th line..;)
SMIles.. to
use another
woman’s phrase..
it used to be an
old wive’s tale that
stress would kill.. it does
kill.. not just with this interesting
and somewhat frightening disorder
of Woman’s Broken Heart syndrome
in cardiomyopathy way.. but also auto-
immune disorders.. including Fibromyalgia..
respiratory problems that are of course
pArt and parcel of heARt problems
too.. and i dealt with Dysautonomia
for 66 full months.. from constant
fight or flight stress for two years
at work before 19 total
stress associated
illnesses came
very close
to killing me then..
anyway.. in that
condition the nervous
system would not properly
control the autonomic function
of blood pressure and heart rate
together in synch.. ugh.. faint from
just eating a meal.. blood not getting
to the head in heat.. all the environment
was oppressive then.. and body ice cold
in Winter too.. anyway.. i fully recovered
like an Olympic Athlete at age 56 now..
Stress kills
like literal acid
on the brain in
stress hormone way..
And sure i am a little high
as the doctor’s say..
after escaping
hell in stress
way then..;)
Oh goodness.. had no idea
that the water of Lake
Tahoe plummets under
neath the surface
in the summer
in the high thirties
there.. ugh.. clear
water springs freeze
most people here..
but it’s nothing
like that.. very
interesting.. thanks
for sharing… i kinda
like moisture and don’t
wanna get too dried out…
Desert dreAMns
Gulf Myst Breeze..:)
INterestingly.. perHaps A SinG
of a glass half full human
as compared to
the opposite too..
as experiencing
the death of Loved
ones can sink some
folks down.. but in
my case it only
of life thaT as
sweeter now..
perhaps.. we all
are a little too sanitizeD..
not only from germs
but literal
in the
of real that
comeS in too..
DArk DeATh
BRinG taste oF liGht..:)
Reminds me that a Desert
without water is only
foR Cactus hUmans too..
Peace/Love in
New world way..:)
SMiLes.. i never had an air conditioner
in a car until i was 26 years old..
didn’t have a heater either..
nor central air or heating…
But my Father
did where he lived..
Uptown on the East side..
200 miles away..
He took
AC when he
left when i was three..
Hmm.. and we didn’t
have a TV until i was 7 years
old.. considering i didn’t speak
until i was four years old.. if i had
a TV.. i might have never learned
until much older still.. use it or lose
it.. heat
or cold..
speak or mute..:)
SMiLes.. a struggle
in the heat of life..
can certainly make
the water of
life taste
alivE noW..
Water sPeaks
when thirsty HOT..:)
SMiLes.. my friEnd..
i too live in the Florida
sub-tropic sugar beach and river/creek/golden
stream way with quartz beach too..
and wherever there is water
and breeze there is
relief of heat too…
note to self..
Been spEnding
too much
noW inside..;)
Charlie P. responds with..
and i quote..
‘Glad you enjoyed my humble offering.
Get outside more… AC more dangerous than ISIS…
our Secretary of State says so… Perhaps he was
traumatized by a Motel 6 room unit as a young lad. Peace!’
And i say..
Ha! Thanks.. Friend.. Rarely
Watch the news.. Will have
To Google that one.. For
Me.. i miss the Beach.. Have
Been in the Forest more lately in my
backyard.. Weather doesn’t ever bother me much..
i wear shorts in 18 degree weather.. in fact..
haven’t worn pants in 40 months.. And i dance
in the rain and everywhere i go.. Not much
bothers me at all.. SMiLesx2..:)
And then i do the
research as said..
and say..
Ok.. i ‘snoped’ that and
That’s a conservative
News created myth..
He said the environmental
Treaty to reduce HFC’s was
Equally important in Saving the
earth species aLL.. But anyway.. The
most dangerous threat was an epic fail
by the Bush administration.. Over 100K
innocent deaths that has more or less fire
started all this additional crap in the Middle
East that has been going on since about the 7th Century..
Politics is a circus that i understand more than is fun..
Have a nice day.. Hard to fight greedy status and power
hungry driven people.. Trump is just another dArk trumpet
word for Bush.. Constantine.. Muhammad.. Catholic
Crusade cohorts and all the rest.. oh yeah..
and those folks in the Constantine/Catholic
Roman Empire who killed off the
oldest gnostic
to mint the coin of
tHeir freshly manufactured
soldier God they made out
of a humble Yogi-like dude
way back BEfore then.. i am
more than a Bush.. etc.. with
a sword.. i have Pen
iS great with Now
iNk spRead words
noW.. to
sET thE-
record straight
with a record edit..
to the tune so far
overall of close
to 12 million
words total
day of
and sure the longest
single ever long
form poem
4 million
words of all of that…
anyWay.. the highway
IS A lonG ONE but my foot steps
and words ARE F iN Super Epic REALnoW..;)
WeLL that was/is..
easy breezy warm
and cool..
i’ll bees..
and butterfly sigh..
with alligator lizard
purple rain hiGh..
with real faLLinG
moon child
shine eYes..:)
Okay back to dVerse Poetry Pub
at 9:46 am
on 7262016..
and let’s
see what
the heat
bRingS noW..
yes.. 6 more
lInks.. shouldn’t
take much more than
36 minutes to streAM
thaT out in poetic floW iN
ZoNE noW..;)
And then i’ll have
to choose a new SonG
i thInk i alREady kNOW
After-noon deliGht sounds
like a great Dog Day
as that is
what i used to listen
to those long hot Summer
S W E E T S I X T E E N me..
’76 FREEDOM Beach Bikini days..
AFTER noon delight speLLs peace
for humankind.. as Lord knows
when the beach is full of Bikinis..
the males are full of bliss and
no WEAR to
be FucKinG
found in lightly
beating women..
or such real
dArk FucK as thaT..
ugh.. freeDom rings
in Bikinis warm and True..
and Peace and Harmony too..
as the giggle wiggle of
fertile hips
A SonG
of Bonobo
Human True..
in Christ like
Naked human potential
from head to toe LOVe
as the temple oF God sings
in hips and eyes THAT DO NOT
if you don’t believe
me trade ‘your’ desert
all covered up with swords
for my clothed to naked beach
with red filled cheeks from head
to toe of blissful God given Heaven
here in
all is pure and Virgin
where nothing is hidden
and taboo and evil created
by prophets of dark subjugation..
EVIL control.. lightly beating and
raping little
girls with
in tow..
the truth hurts
when it’s a lie
oh so bad between
the thighs of small
innocent little girls
you clothed fools without
a God dam God bRain free..
how do i turn this into a smile..
i dance naked with God’s sun real
for free.. and the fertile hips of God
do sing a cheek song of twerKinG liFe real
on the life floor
in SAnds
and SuN of
from head to toe of
wE.. oKaY
i’ll sMiLE noW
and iF you visit me
i’ll moon you too with
STARS oF God Sun below aS well..;)
Okay.. obviously i am inspired here more than
dVerse.. i was witness to a Facebook of discussion
among 230 commenters of Pakistan origin discuss the
honor killing of #QandeelBaloch and while there are
those who support Quandeel Baloch other
older patriachs suggest she should have
been legally put to death in support
of deadly Sharia law.. as is done
in other Muslim
for any
of what they say
goes on a whim of
real evil eyes.. and
up to this point.. before..
Families of victims exchange clemency for
killers for blood money.. and if you Don’t
FucKinG think the crusade of one woman
for greater naked freedoms cannot
make a difference a bill that
was stalled before this
woman’s honor killing
murder is now
to pass
to protect women
legally in the future
from this evil way of life..
as linked clearly above in CNN way..
okay.. the afternoon delight is the unchaining
of woman to be free children of God again.. a
reality that is coming to liGht globAlly noW
finally slowly
but surely
as Free God
iN wE wiLL ultimately
Fight and Win for the Free..:)
SMiLes my friend.. Kim.. i too
am enjoying a subtropic
low thunder storm two
day respite from
Florida Panhandle
Summer heat.. watching
my lush jungle forest of a back
yard.. sparkle with drops of diamonds
on each leaF.. wet and green is as beautiful
as mixed clouds and storms and sun will bRing
my FriEnd.. and although the window in my
room next to this 27 inch iMac Desktop
work horse screAM.. shines kinda briGht..
my 24 inch bedroom long and narrow
window provides
a view to a
God just
my bedroom
freer E-scape..
Beauty of the
Rain sun
drips glisten Life..:)
Side note heRe.. weLL.. aS oNe
of my Facebook Friends who just
happens to be a woman said.. poetry (NOT mINe
AFAIK) can make her wanna pull her panties down
for easy just being free.. i say
my heARt
SinG in the
Vagal nerve that
folks name too as
Kundalini Serpent that
runs from Brain to gut..
that’s enough for me as it
IS A feeling that can go on
for hours.. and sure as we
tantric masters kNow the
other feeling can
go on for
too when
F R E Ely
as mastery not only
over emotional regulation
and sensory integration but
combined with mastery over sexual
intelligence and all of this toGeThER
which is the greatest higher power of
God toGeTheR that works to free uS
wHOle and inspire the greATtest
rayS of Sun wE to share
with the rest of
our species
i could tale
ya more but
this is PG land
for now.. and sure
i could show you more
and that too is more and
the power to fully exercise
thaT intelligence is innate..
instinctual and intuitive and will
never fully be explained but perhaps
a SonG of Music like Afternoon DeliGht
ending here may BrinG a little hint of
the ecstasy and bliss when emotional..
sensory and sexual powers come into
one explosive continuing way of
being that never stops only
flows like a river of heaven
all now.. anyway..
hehe.. i wonder
if my face
will read
this he heR..
Haha.. Life is
for mE..;)
Hmm.. WeLL noW i’LL
have to pick anotHeR
SonG i thiNk After
Noon deliGht
has dOne
and treAT anD iS
finished for noW..
so Now back to dVerse
and the regularly scheduLEd
poetry program foR NoW..:)
SMiLes.. my friEnd..
here in the super
hot and humid
Panhandle Summer
on the River nights
even more humid
without a window breeze..
@6.. i listened to the frogs SinG
tHeir swamp SonG and turned
the pillow over and over looking
for a cooler side for a head way
too large in girth for lower latitude
ways of being.. yes.. bigger heads
retain heat in Northern Latitudes..
my head was made for icicles
and snow..
AC brought
so much more
clarity to even think..
but nah.. the heat doesn’t
bother me any more or cold..
even in the height of the Summer
hot or 18 degree temperatures of mid-
Winter North Florida cold.. i suppose
i am no longer domesticated..
the Neanderthal
in me
no longer howls
at A moon so far from
WiLd and Free in comfort
oF aLL of what Nature BrinGS
in challenge noW.. and it must be
possible at much older ages.. as now
at 56.. i aM more comfortable in temperature
extremes than ever before.. but the thing is
i tRain for life like a wild animal now.. and
wild has its privilege when
the call of the
wild for
is once
again set
free.. no matter
age.. but it does take
work.. grueling work..
and ha.. haven’t seen too
many Indian folks like the ones
so out of shape they must use carts
to move.. @superwalmart at what they find is an old
age early for them heRe noW thaT is still 16 for me at 56..
CAll of the
Wild cures
heat and cold
when heard.. practiced.. for REAL noW..
in neuroplastic and epigenetic human
potential now from head to toe real2
Considering that humans
can only live 4 days without
water.. surprisingly some stayed
there and never left..
sMiLes.. proof
of the conservative
nature of humans
as opposed
to the nomadic
more liberal now
water seeking
nature of others..
oh.. the cave
can be
and full
of strife and violence too..
hot as hell in so many ways…
Hmm.. i’LL take hot..
but i’LL keep all the
rivers.. streams.. bays..
emerald green gulf all teaming
with something to eat.. and fertile
grounds.. wHeRe a person can even
survive without AC and Heat.. and
Electricity all together too.. so alive..
T H R i V i N G and R A V iNG hUman..
WiTh alWays plenty oF water to drink.. so..
Some humans
go wHeRe heaven
is and others choose
to stay in hell of what
they were raised in or
tHeiR juSt is no desire to move on
to more heaven like pastures.. sTiLL noW…
Human nurture.. nature..
Beach or Desert.. noW..
choice of relative free will..
and societies pressures to
never ever
So sure.. i can thank
my nomadic immigrating
ADHD-like Wild-eyed ancestors
for Dropping mE off in heaven now..
wHeRe a person can literAlly survive
even without
oh.. the freedom..
oh.. the Joy.. when
Humans live wHERe
Sorry that sure was
long but in heaven tHeRe
is no time.. no limits and
no expectations my friEnd..
haha.. sure oNline tHeRe
is alWays a deFriending
option.. a delete button
and moderation way too..
and sure the off button
works nicest and best
in totally ignoring way..
as some of us still rain free..
and others of us rain a little dryer sTill.. hot or
cOld.. such is life in the landScape sTill of human now2..:)
sMiLes.. my FriEnd..
i suppose break-ups
are always warmer heARted
in the Summer than in the
cold Love
stone WinTer..
hmm.. thiNking
F E E L in G
back to the only one
thaT really hurt.. iT was in
the Summer.. and i suppose it
was an inoculation of sorts.. as
the break-ups after that are more
like Summer than that Winter
in Summer
way way
in ’79..
for inspiring
that bitter sweet
Summer Winter..
Memory of so Long
ago that can seem sTiLL likE NoW..
as i remember the Song After the
Love was Gone playing on the dance
Floor when she said.. sorry.. can’t
do this anymore
had no
idea it was
coming either..
oh.. First.. Love..
Summer Winter SonG..
of After the Love is Gone..:)
SuN.. Giver oF liFe..
Earth BRinGeR
of HomE…
of LiFe
oh.. so DArk..
so drY.. so wEt..
so cOld and hoT..
of Love GrowS
on in BaLAnCinG
LiGht ways BriGht
Act sAMe aS planEts
rEVolve aRouNd SuN
as dUSt
iN LiFe..
STar dUst
We comE
Star dUSt
wE JoY
or desPair..
StAR dusT wE
Go aNd coMe
bacK aGaiN..
iN A gRand CirclE WheeL
oF All ThAt iS noW aka GOD2..:)
ReSpite of water
gRowS in hottest
Summer of human
woes.. goes
we in youth
as SpiRit
oF heARt
And SoUL
Ocean sprayS
oF River liFE FloW iN
noW Of ZonE In LoVinG liFe MorE..
SummeR SonG
oF YoutH reBorn..:)
So true in cOldest..
hottest hUman
life clouds
float free
WitH no
from anyone
else but Nature real..
i suppose
clouds Free
kNow TruTh
liGht uP hiGh..
aS skY
in so low way..:)
And that’s all for
now folks as for
it’s now for
sand Dance
and sun
the rain
yeah.. and i’M
getting a haircut
as i continue to
blend with
priSon sTiLL
juSt a little bit..
once named hell and
now mill town STiLL
in somewhat sTiLL short form..
oh yeah.. and New Jerusalem too..
once holding the record of the most
churches per square mile.. in the
the USA where Freedom sTiLL
rules in the GreaTesT
Nation sTiLL
no matter
tools WiLL
say from masks
of Division sTiLL..
haha.. God Wins
iN and as Free
iF yoU SeeK iN God noW liNe
way the free way Sings SonG noW..:)
“It takes a very long time to become young.”
~~ Pablo Picasso ~~
“Poetry and Hums aren’t things which you get,
they’re things which get you.
And all you can do is go where they can find you.”
~~ Winnie-the-Pooh, ~~
~~ Pooh’s Little Instruction Book,
inspired by A. A. Milne ~~
i say..
Out of the mouths
sTiLL of Older Babe’s..
And younger one’s too..
“Baa-ram-ewe! Baa-ram-ewe!
To your breed,
your fleece,
your clan be true!
Sheep be true! Baa-ram-ewe!”
And the farmer
Hoggett Priest/Pastor/Cleric says..
“That’ll do Pig..
That’ll do Pig…”
From the movie
And now i say..
As a young man..
oh.. humm.. let’S noW
say i’m 16 years old then..
and i cannot sleep at night..
as school.. it sings a song of
books.. there IS A SonG inside
just waiting to come out.. and at
school all is prescribed from what
society believes will make a young
man fit in and grow culture more the
way ‘it is supposed to be’.. but there is
a deeper voice that others already feel
and translate in deeper ways of lyrics and
music.. it’s come home.. it’s found me.. the
Animals of Pink Floyd.. want to gently hold my
hand and take me somewhere else.. some where
far away.. somewhere where only instinct and intuition
exists.. a free floWinG in ZonE.. another dimension that
someone else alReady lives.. a lesson yet to be heard.. a
spark oF Y i.. yet to be tOld.. a mE not ever to be Sold but
a pArt of mE that WiLL be lost for decades after that.. oh.. the books..
oh.. the school.. the Straight A’s.. oh the rules.. the labyrinth of Sunday
school.. the clock.. the hands.. the numbers 1:11 that come as digital
cLock Faces of tomorrow comes.. VCR’s.. CD players that lose the
analog of Animals along the way.. the echo somewhere of Jack
London and the wolf dog me and the fainTest call of the
Wild somewhere that eventually WiLL come back
and be me.. oh.. the beauty to be among
Pink Floyd’s animals again..
to see beyond Farmer
Hoggett and
Babe to be
the Wolf and
Red Riding Hood
uncovered and truly
sane.. innate.. instinctual
intuitive free and finally to
see.. oh.. society.. oh.. culture..
oh.. religion.. what big teeth you have
Grandma.. no longer will you domesticate
me.. you can have the harvest you have sown..
enjoy your fear as it grows as you sow this hell
of your own.. for i shall fly as the pig on the Wing..
and you shall see me free but you will never feel
what i do.. as free has no color of stone.. free within
that howls heArt.. SpiRit soUL.. now free aLiVe
allone and
never falls a
gain.. A farmer’s
call-free that sings
the song within free that
never follows or leads.. free
that sings the midnight song allone..
on the WinG..
i AM FReED..;)
PigS on thE
WinG thrivE
And ReaD
It could
Be contagious..;)
Neverland of NOW.. more poetic
Facebook Algorithm Memories
from a year ago.. in Macro
Verse ways..:)
Garden Spring Incredible Hulk
Public Martial Arts and Ballet
Free Style Dancer..
sure.. a
Jack of
a few trades..
a Lantern.. and
out of the Box too..
way.. way.. out of the BOX..;)
And yes.. these Dance partners..
and Martial Arts contestants
are incredibly awesome..
onLY reaL difference is
i AM
hehe.. among
other stuff.. haha..
so.. okay.. picture this..
if you can.. considering i am
providing the picture.. hehex2..
me in a package just like this..
as an action hero in a toy store
and sTiLL better ReAL iN a reaLITy
now.. i mean
seriouSly.. how long
does A world have to
wait NoW for someone
to juST
F iN GeT
thE JoB dOnE
iN ReaL F iN LiFe..
oKay.. superhero
And now the midnight is approaching
at 11:56 pm.. soon to be
7272016.. one
more dVerse
prompt link
to go
on heat..
and after that
drought or deluge..
rain or dry.. the duality
of moist or parched.. oh
the Summer variety of Weather
challenges as life goeS oN.. hot
or cold.. wet or bone dry..
but what’s
lives alive
when free
and un
by.. so many
lies of those
who wish to keep
us chained to before..
before.. before.. so cOld
and chained wheRe even noW
young may feel old.. truth
bE tOld iS aLL relative when
Heaven.. nah.. not the luke
warm heaven.. the real deal
IS A red hot god dam real.. now..
yes.. at hand now.. and never ending
now… the distance.. the separation..
from being with God noW iN Heaven..
yes.. the purgatory and hell thAt iS
Sown by those who are never
even heRe..
as they
be enjoying
the inheritance and
gift of God’s hiGher power
oh so free.. as free is bliss
when unchained by
who have
lost tHEiR
waY iN..
of Gift of Heaven
NoW.. anyWay tHeRe
iS sTiLL plenty of thaT
PiNk FloyD Album named
Animals to go.. and i’M juSt
getting stARted for more Art noW..
12:01 AM.. yeS..
sMiLes.. amazing the
prison at least some humans
have put themselves in on
straight lined sidewalks
that only lead
to repetitive
stress injuries
by walking one
way.. as a species
evolved to forage in
360 degrees of
the entire
and not just one
with blinders on straight
ahead.. anyway.. life curveS..
yes.. liFe thRows curve bALLs..
and sAdly people
to bend..
oh.. the bending..
oh.. the beauty.. of sidewalks
broken into fields as meadows
that no knOW borders of liFE iN noW..
Sidewalks pLay
a curse
of hop
death in
moVinG.. ConnEcTinG
CreAtinG more than noW beFore
neatLY cuRbed iNside boX roadS liFe..:)
It’s reAlly tough
being an empath
as not only does one
hear the crackle of the
grass beneath..
one feels
the grass
as well
aT aLL..
and oh Lord..
thE Bliss of retirement
but feelinG those rainy
days and Mondays of the
live in heLL.
oh yeah.. most
all 7 billion of them
around the world.. after
midnight.. the FeeLinGs get
quieter on the weekdays heRe..
of soUl..
IS A worst
DrY oF aLL..
and sAdly the parched notes
are even somber dead in church
but i out sing it and out dance
it and out word it on the Internet2
ha… and that’s why i write/dance.. so.. so
much aS it takes that much to numb the pain
of the rest of the world iN dArkness
to BRinG thE
sAMe amount
oF life to erase
the death as liFe
thaT lives and circles
the globe in dArk.. alas
tHere IS A hoPe.. as teAM liGht
iS GroWinG briGhter from dimmer liGht..:)
Love.. a creature oF liGht that kNows
no home.. Love a BeinG.. a way of LIFe
that kNows no exclusions.. tolerates..
understands.. and accepts all that
one cannot change.. Fear
the rest.. doubt the
same.. Hate can
be a part of THAT..
Love rules all of THaT..
When true.. when Hurricane
never ever turning dry.. WitH
alWays cAlm eYes of Center BaLanCinG
in MoVinG.. ConNecTinG CreaTiNG HeaRt..
as SpiRit ExpresSinG.. miNd and BoDy soUL..
never alone
alWays allone
when trUly REaL.
as liGht and TruTh..:)
Once upon a noW..
a grey day..
a dArk
aS heLL..
iN dArk aBodE
noW a connEctor
onlinE.. A tranSporter comE
reaL.. beAM mE anyWHeRe
ScoTTy.. mY soUL iS uPloadED
foR ReaL..
neVer drOught
oF anything wheN
words and electronica
becomes a
in a new
age of
Deluge of Holy and Sacred
in Art and Creativity oF LiFe..
eat.. drink.. and bE merry..
yeS.. i do thiS too..
ah.. one
step further..
doing the sAme
WitH dArk aS
weLL aS liGht..
and ‘tween of hues
of grey and sHades
of bLack and white…
bRinG soLace.. bRinG
JoY.. BRinG BliSS.. iNside..
ouTsiDe.. aBovE.. so beLow
and aLL Around.. liFE LonG
scHooL of Happiness means
incReAsing aLL as wHoly
and saCred to mE..
anYThing.. less
is less
than i can bE
noW is reAL..
i take fuLL
as aLL beCoMes..
ArT and creAtiOn acTivity
WitH zero exclusions in anything
but heaven now.. oh.. the human BeinG..
ah.. the poTenTiaL when finALLy realiZed..
anD aLLwayS
gRoWinG OceaN
wHole moRe
ReaL noW..:)
SMiLes.. the day
i danceD Free noW
and never stopped
iS the Day the
and never
WiLL.. ah.. the MooN
revolves around the Earth..
the Earth around the Sun..
and the Sun wiTh MilkY
way around a
and my words
revolve around a dance
in MoVinG ConNecTinG
CreAting thAT neVer
stops as art
and science
ArT.. and
sure that’s my
middle name.. too..
hehe.. as humor fueLs
iT even more as JOkErs
kNOw no StoP to LiFe noW..:)
WeLL.. Leaving out
all the pre-game
E-mail fiasco’s.. i AM
pleasantly and even excitingly
pleased aT the outcome of the
Democratic Convention.. it
sure beats
a Vampire
of Zombies
who are divisive
as the brain who
refuses to be eaten..
yeah.. like the devil
eating itself
iN front oF liGht..
Hope wins..
Love wins..
it does
at leAst
on the individual
level in a sTiLL free
country noW.. the rest
oF it i’LL leave uP to the
rule makers after i vote..
and what comes may WiLL
no use to spiLLeD miLk
when honey iS
a tAble
iN way..:)
Wow.. all this dry
weather i’Ve been
heAring about has
totAlly missed the
Panhandle of Florida
wHere grass nearly gRows
to roof.. and Ocean sWells aT
cLouds aBove in tropical
low.. rains drops
keep fueLinG
mY poEtry
as the dARk
iS liGht to mE
rain as sAMe as
Rays of Art.. noW Sun..:)
when aLL
pArts of the
blog are interconnected
and interdependent in tHeir
relationship with each oTher
thaT becomes a deluge of
ocean poem no matter
how smALL or Large..
Ocean iS
bigger than
yOurs now
that you have
sHown mE
and i beT
my waist
and weight
is Bigger too..
but hey.. my
chest is 48
my butt
is 45
are real aS weLL..
even iF ugh.. eXtremEly
and dis
i love
heR.. don’T
yA juSt loVe
Ah.. water is liFE
Rain is blood
are rivers
that FloW
a Ocean uS..
ain’t afraid oF Rain..
but oh ought the
as D
to F..
A the
as Blood to BRain..:)
Lord kNows it’s a deluge hEar..
in the Panhandle oF Florida
but listening
to all these
dry poems
is maKinG me
a bit thirsty for
rain water..
oh god
i feel so
blessed by
Rain.. a gift
of Poetry that
reigns the rein
of FeeLinG
way oF SanG..:)
iF A muse were
a Monsoon to me..
it would be all the rain
from sky to ground the
gRound of gRains of
sAnd the sAme
and less and
more as
sTorm and Sun..
oh.. the muse A
endless muse
no neWs
oF dArk
but liGht
as fuse
HeARt of Human
has a pore
for pours
oF Love
as NaTure
as eYes
of Feet
and Mother
sand do SinG
the skeYes
oF Y i
as We
uS mE
yOu aLL..:)
1:37 aM and
nite nite for noW
sleep tight thE
bed bugs don’t
Hi.. my friEnd Hank.. thanks so much
for taking the time and effort to come
by and offer these kind words
of appreciation
for the images
i offer on my blogs..
and yes.. not all broad
band access and computers
are created equally but as advancements
come one day soon.. hehe.. technology will
finally catch up to me.. and it is close.. too.. wHeRe
i live.. but of course not without cost.. as
iMac desktop workhorse computers
are not cheap.. nor is 40 MBs
Broad Band access for
most folks even iF
it is available for
them.. but
a far cry
from what would
be bEyond impossible
for what i do now.. back
then… haha.. with a 14.4K
modem and a Pentium
whatever in Quantex
make that cost
me FriGGinG
four thousand
dollars back @’95
then with dinosaur
CRT monitor to weight
my desk down in just 21 inch
size then compared to 27 inches
all in one of iMac that comes in now
at under 2K dollars.. that is every bit
as fast as it was three years when i took it
out of the box.. and the great thing about iMacs
as i swear i could sell them.. probably.. if there was
any money market for my remaining work skills.. hehe..
the technology is still the same i5 Intel bRain core..
that powers this computer the same thaT it
did three years ago then.. i7 is coming
soon.. but this one gets the job
done now continuing.. truly
the iMac is a blessing to
me.. as it is an art
and productive
compared to bloated
Microsoft stuff that plays
complex video games and all
that stuff that simply bores me
now vs.. directing.. producing.. writing..
photographing.. video taping.. choosing
my own music score.. do iT all pLay now WitH
a super iMac and iPhone.. like literAlly no one
may be taking advantage of what art.. science
and technology holding hands in transhuman
way of uploading one’s soUL online like
mE now.. here’s the thing.. i’ve always
dONe this for the joy of L.I.B.E.R.T.Y.
noW.. LiFe Is Better Everywhere RE-
CReATioN TaKEs You.. and i Will
add Now now now.. NOWYESNOW..
PEOPLE make me giggle as they worry
about form over essence.. they worry about
what the reading audience will or will not like..
whether the audience has the potential to understand
or even patience to get through one paragraph or 3 or 4
photos of what i do.. well.. it’s true for those without the technology
to view.. it’s so hard to do.. and for those with not yet reached potential
in physical.. emotional.. existential.. and so many other types of poetic
and artistic dancing intelligences beyond what culture has developed as
a structured strictly side-walked versions of standard IQ in the last
several centuries that does make the potential for all this
infrastructure to do art in an individual way hOlding
hands with others that has never been done
before.. no.. of course.. i don’t expect them
to be able to fully understand what i
am doing here.. but if everyone
who stepped out oF the
cave stepped back
in because
they were
afraid the
others were not
ready to come out..
we all would still be living
in caves.. and still be living close
to our origin in Africa.. instead of
living on lovely beaches.. rivers.. streams
and forests.. in real paradise of bikinis too..
where my nomadic ancestors dropped me
off to explore real heaven now.. this is the
new Atlantis my friend.. the one that
John Dee and Sir Francis Bacon
intuited in early
occult and
mystery school
ways along with
the stArt of free
masons in England
in old school ways back
in 1717 as the Masons will
celebrate 300 years of existence
next year.. and our capital that is
designed in ways here in Washington
DC.. that reflect the mystery schools of
ancient Egypt as preserved by these great
men of old too.. who led the way to colonize
13 places of U.S. to escape the dark ages of
ignorant so-called religious monarchy rule
away from the Democracy of God as
multi-verse Humans we
in God’s UniVerse beYond
wHole as Free away from
lies of those who expanded
the so-called Holy Roman
Constantine and Catholic
Roman Empire and other one
same in status.. and monarchy
power hungry drive of Muhammad
same and his Islam empire too.. separation
of church and state has allowed God to reign
free with reins of we who rain upon the Earth
a co-creation art with God that lives in uS aLL
OF GOD FREE AS WE CAN BE.. thaT liberty statue
in the harbor of new york NEW YORK.. is juSt a symbol
of ISiS the Goddess of Nature with God one and sAMe
bRinGinG a balance of masculine and feminine in human
free in yin and yang once more again in matriarchal Mother
Nature way.. no longer must people worship men like Jesus
and Muhammad same as last of anything or only of anything
else other than God speaks as free always as the meek and
last of first will inherit the earth now.. when SinGinG the cAll
of the bEast of we fur and flesh and blood and vein of rivers
same no less than stars and neuron same interconnecting
space and bRain and God as we all toGeTheR above..
so below.. inside outside.. all around now..
heRe’s the thing my friend i AM thE
ultiMate Free MaSon perHaps
as i am a son of Mother GoD
Nature free that
hOlds no tie
to any organization
as priSoNer of system..
in any shape form or fasHion
otheR than giving caesar his
due of c0in for local.. state and
federal laws conforMed for the
infrastructure of palette and paint
i do need to accomplish my give and
share free of art.. with the still relatively
small costs for me as financially independent
in machine and broad band access alike..
there arE no limits or expectations
for me my friend..
as i AM one
WiTh God and
need no rulers
but God iN and as
me.. inside.. outside.. above..
so below and all around i say
once more.. and as i continue a BaLanCinG
acT of Super Epic Art floW iN zonE oF NoW..
and i can thank all of my ancestors as a ‘little
help’.. by my FriEnds that is juSt FucKinG
awEsoME as the hUman dreAM of Nirvana
and HeaVen saME iN New Jerusalem Freer..
in Israel Isreal USA new Atlantis sAMe iS
here for those who heARt a heRe thaT iS
iSReaL noW my fRiEnd.. of the initiates
who never gAve uP and thRive so wE
aLive ‘wERisEToGeThEr aLLONewiThGOD’
and thanks my friEnd.. mY.. Macro Verse
Wave titles have been a little short latELy..
i thiNk the inspirAtiOns of thiS week for NuM
BeR 689 deserve a little more comprehensive
title for what’s going down for
ReaL aCross the Globe today
for those who never
BaLL as reAL
LivE aTlaSes
WiLL never
shRug thE JOB..
iN covenant wITh
God #iSReaL
thrivE wE
aLIVE So BriGht
iN TruTh anD LiGht..
i LL uMi N aT i oF GOD FREE!..:)
Hmm.. that last
one was juSt
a ‘little’ deep..
noW i’LL go both
deep and liGhter
with a little more
hELp from
mY FriEnd
in her
school way
of being2..;)
you are
in cool essence
with no
Ha! would be so
embarrassing iF this
wasn’t you.. but hehe..
no one can copyright
and Shawna2..;)
And too clarify here
as i continue to poetically
comment in word play for all
of what Shawna has to say as
she starts a new blog with a new
name all the days she writes.. after
a season here or a season there in this
day or that week what ever suits her fancy
now.. she never uses the same name but oh
my God her style is like a finger print
and retina
okay back
to poetically
commenting in
word play2 now..
oh so
Not sure.. but
i Am imagining
some gynecologist
interaction here
in forcept
and Christ
i Love heR
too.. sHe
iS so swEeT
and smARt so2..
WiTh preTTy tWins3..;)
heRE coMes
thE MeAt aX
Zedd rhymes
witH reAlly
for longer
longer lonGer
finGeR poEmED fUn..;)
iN Paris
i’m sEEinG Disney
MagicK noW heRe
iN Harry Potter
wayS.. anD sUre
thATwas IS A
kooL pOem2..
iN delUge
As ReiNs
oF ReiGn2..;)
Okay.. it’S sTiLL
Sunny outside.. the
daily Florida Panhandle
Rains have not yET comE..
so NoW for SaNd and SuN DanCE noW..
WiTh moRe to CoMe bacK aGaiN sooN i’M suRe2..;)
11:06 am..
So i’ll repeat
this poetic thOught
here again iN deluge
more instead of droUght
of heARt i livedevil bEfore
in real hell then..
SMiLes.. i never had an air conditioner
in a car until i was 26 years old..
didn’t have a heater either..
nor central air or heating…
But my Father
did where he lived..
Uptown on the East side..
200 miles away..
He took
AC when he
left when i was three..
Hmm.. and we didn’t
have a TV until i was 7 years
old.. considering i didn’t speak
until i was four years old.. if i had
a TV.. i might have never learned
until much older still.. use it or lose
it.. heat
or cold..
speak or mute..:)
And dVerse Blogger FriEnd
Bodhirose replies she didn’t have
AC in her home but she did have
it in her family cars growing up
and she says she’s sorry
about my Dad taking
the AC away.. which
of course is just a
figure of speech as
he took the means to
buy AC away.. he didn’t
actually pull one off a trailer
or anything like that hehe.. as
our little trailer on Davis highway
in P’Cola didn’t have one but he
did marry a woman with enough
money in a state job to go along
with his Beverage Department
ATF one to get some AC
in car and home too..
way way.. back
then in ’63..
anyway i
respond to
my FriEnd
by saying..
My FriEnd..
He left
The Love that
sTiLL is mY
NoW i2..
A gift
And now i say..
as incredible as it may
be for some folks to believe
when they see me dancing in front
of 100’s of folks solo at Old Seville and
everywhere else i go.. doing it in front of
‘big’ macho Marines at the gym.. as graceful
and powerful as butterfly ape same when i leg
press close to half a ton on yes.. a very difficult
parallel leg press machine with arms raised in air
like a ballerina too.. 33 times now.. double of what
i did in reps in what my 14 rep YouTube video
does prove in empirical way back in early ’15
of course.. as i document
the meaSured
way of
my human
as i make
these gains
as i continue to
grow older yet.. at age
56.. FeeLinG incredibly
younger in every way of
any now before in life
as this heaven
to grow
iRiSE as
such in evolution
orange.. which is just
another word for the new
black of the new age of
human transhuman with
technology potential
in uploading one’s
soUl forevermore
now.. or however
long servers
serve the
ouT for
NoW relatively
forever in human
terms of existence
on this plaNet now..
anyway.. i AM so dAm
gLad i inherited Love over
the AC that my dad earned
with his new wife then who he
married twice.. who would be two
of three step-mothers for me.. and of
course the more folks who come into
your life to love the more and better for
that.. i never knew you weren’t supposed to
love anyone less as my mother didn’t teach
us to be racist.. xenophobic.. homophobic
no limitations no expectations for US..
or any of that devil stuff way back then..
and sure i disagree strongly with
the Islam/Christian religions as
they are actually practiced but i
Love my Muslim friends as
bestie Rafiah girl
friend too..
no less
than anyone
else including my
mother who is against
much of the same stuff
that my Islam friends are too..
in fundamentalist Christian way
too.. funny how my mother didn’t
get all fundamentalist religious until
older age.. but ha.. that is what happens
to most folks when their libido is no longer
used and or practiced and that paRt of liFE
basically falls off as lose it or use it applies to
all human stuff now and forevermore now in
terms of all existence in creation now..
moving.. connecting.. creating
more now.. or just
dUst and
in many potential
ways now of less than
human poTenTial beFore..
i use it and that’s why i am
happier then ever before.. and
that my friends is existential intelligence
101.. FucKinG uSe iT or Lose it Period
end and potential beginning never ending
alWays sTarTing Story noW much
GreATer than beFore..
okay.. so sure..
whenever my
Father visited us
twice a year and drove
up in what would be his
shiny white Ford LTD with
ice cold AC.. while he cooly and
fearlessly smoked his Marlboro cigarette
with his James Bond.. you know the real
man first one with hand/arm all hairy like a bear
a real macho man then.. law
enforcement dude packing
heat on hip..
i was certainly
impressed as i was
a little autistic boy who
could not speak until age
4.. i could only look at awe at
my father in my fragile little worm like
body so androgynous and blonde..
with long eyelashes and pretty
green to blue eyes still
way back then..
i so wanted
to be like
dear old
dad who never
really said much at
all but still i was in awe
of James Bond.. Wild Wild
West Dad.. and 6 million dollar
man all wrapped up in my real man
idol of a Dad.. and i never heard the stories
about his bar room brawls with moonshine
criminals way back then.. breaking chairs
across his back.. and him coming
home to my mom without
anything to say..
as law enforcement
will FucKinG do that too
the strongest and kindest
of man too.. nah.. my uncle
told me about that after my father
died.. and so many more law enforcement
hero stories of him way back then.. and then..
when i got older and finally found out why my life
was so difficult after i got diagnosed on the Autism
Spectrum as my sister did too.. in middle age close
to 50 years old.. me at 47.. we both realized my father
had Asperger’s syndrome too.. and he probably felt a lot
inside that he could not get out in reciprocal social communication
too.. and sure.. this Autism Spectrum phenotype thingy.. is broad in the general
population as broad as some scientists suggest is 10 to 15 percent
of the general population and mostly a male disorder identified
as well too.. and hidden greater among females too..
it was very hard growing up on this spectrum..
having such great empathy and Loving
eYes but having such a hard time
in communicating those feelings
to others in socially
appropriate non
verbal language
and vocal voice same
so hard.. then.. i’Ve adapted
through decades of trial and error
experiences in over literally 100k perhaps
200+K human interactions both in real life working
at a Military Bowling Center.. and online too..
i’Ve learned a lot about all of what it means
to be a human being.. and what lacks
and what gives as well in human
nature and the rest of nature
too.. sadly.. my father
lived for the goal
of money
in all he did..
dreamed of always
having more than his
step brother the rich vacuum
selling dude in the millions of dollars
home on Shalimar Point on the Emerald
Gulf Coast of Destin still.. after he retired he
bought up to 500 dollars of lottery tickets a
week in hopes of achieving this worldly
materialistic goal.. but it kept him..
going.. it kept him going.
after 46 years of all
he knew of what
to do with
law enforcement
when he retired at
age 69 and traded silver..
and sold Nascar stuff.. etc..
at the Tallahassee Flea Market
for 12 more years until he dropped
dead in his home.. and never had to
do it anyway but his way.. on his way
down hill with dementia too.. i miss my
father.. but i never really knew him and that
is truly much sadder than growing up without
LTD AC.. but he was never physically mean
to us.. never a hand to even discipline
from him.. never really an angry verbal
one.. sarcastic ones at times..
taling me i was too smart
to work at a Bowling
Center for two
decades almost
then.. close to
minimun wage back
then.. also taling me
when my child was fixin’
to die to raise him like a man
as he used to tale me to get into
the military it will make you a man too..
would have been nice if he had stayed
around to help.. but he had dollar signs in
his eyes as programmed by the 50’s ideal
of the post World War II.. Patriarchal
American dream.. with
Gender roles
and society
roles set in stone..
not that that was a bad
thing.. as that is what
social animals will try
to do for law and
order and such
in insanely
large groups
of homo sapiens
sapiens spread..
anyway.. money was my
dad’s thing and as i have spoken
to this before.. when i got really sick
and couldn’t work he was terrified he might
have to offer some support.. so i alleviated his
fears with some good news that surprised the
FucK out of him.. i had already saved nearly
10 times more money than he had to his
name back then.. approaching half
a million dollars little old
Bowling alley
me from
start way
back when.. as
eventually i was promoted
for my computer skills up.. up
up and away to 8 times as much
as i made when i first started out..
and you can’t possibly know the challenge
of having Autism in the Asperger’s form until
you actually experience it like i did my entire life..
as when the stress came.. it was like a cat in
a cage in a lightening storm of feelings and
sensory experiences beyond what
most folks could imagine
as you cannot block
any of it out..
well.. i finally
learned about stimming
and i turned that into a profession
in vocation-like dance.. to survive..
and i finAlly got it all together like
a finally tuned super sports car
now in MinD anD BoDy BaLanCinG
Act now.. finding more of my human
poTenTiaL in so many ways my father
could not fathom in his life then.. and finding
that fearless way of his being becoming my
own father finally in fearless way now..
anyway.. when my father asked
me.. son.. exclaimingly so.. how
did you save all that money..
i just said..
dad i never
spent it.. as i kept
my cars for 15 years.. only
married one wife who was poor
with mostly humble tastes.. low
maintenance as they say.. for the
most part.. but haha.. i was still
more frugal then she was as she
grew up without the level of feeling
and filling up love that i did in my youth
for sure.. and stuff feels/fills the spot of that
no less than other behavioral and substance
addictions will.. but here’s the deal relatively
speaking i AM insanely rich for one reason
and one reason only and that
my friEnds is the gift
of my Mother’s
Love.. as i was
filled up with
feeling LOVE with
bright eYeS sMiLes
thaT is real.. i need no
material stuff from Walmart
to fill up a garage of more stuff
reflecting a less than hercules soul
now.. i have it all.. i have and am Love
same as may Mom who lives off of the
minimum amount that social security pays
just fine.. and who even refuses the supplement
as she does not need money.. she is love too.. doesn’t
need stuff.. wrote poetry.. creates.. enjoys love for
the moment of love and no thing else..
oh the riches of Love
the inner stuff
the outer stuff of
giving free oh the
treasure folks like me
and my mother and sister
have the greatest potential
of human being now from God
and nature same that is the real
all organic natural inheritance of Love..
i cannot give my mother to the other
lost children of the world..
but i can give what
she gave to
me in millions
and millions
of FucKinG
words oF Love..
and sure i WiLL
leave that too..
in a much different
way than my father did then..
oh the win.. oh the way oF Love
FTW.. people have told me before..
in places online you must get paid
for what you do.. no one can possibly
be that altruistic.. well they haven’t met
my mother and they have never seen
all the love that lives
behind my
the love
that gives
the love that
shares the love
that now fearlessly
shares and never ever FucKinG
Gives up.. yes.. the new black
iN Love
of NoW as
Being HuMan..
Love inspires me
ALong lines
of Love.. the
EN name test
thingy on Facebook
algorithmicAlly analyzes
my Facebook Profile and
says i am most like
my Facebook Friend
Himali.. a Management
Accountant in a new firm
now who lives in the United
Emirates of Arabia..
originally from India
and i say..
i am just
another hairy
ape on the outside
but on the inside.. sure..;)
And Himali says..
A beautiful soul..:)
And i say..
Yes.. HiMaLi
And now i say..
it’s nice to have friends
from India.. from Pakistan.. etc..
all dark haired and dark eyed girls too..
indigenous eyes that still speak an innocent
voice of God Free.. me so pleased to be a friend to them..:)
And yes.. of course
all my American
pretty girl
too like
Shawna pooh too.. etc..
Leah.. Cortney.. Chelsea..
and many others too..
and a few males like
gigoid and others2.. who
have somehow kept a heARt2..
but those are the ones who have
really stuck with me and reached
out to me.. and make me feel i reAlly
even with
a fully developed soUL..
as huManiTy wHole..
and yes i Am more
than an imitation
gAMe.. Am i
haha.. an
And along some
similar lines of Love
Facebook Friend Rafiah
shares a request on any
Herbal remedies for acne
and pimples
and i say..
Getting Older..
And truly it does get better
with age in so many human ways..
Some folks i knew from the Wrong Planet
were terrified of reaching age 50.. but little
do they know/feel.. it is experience of life they lack
now that can lead to much greater happiness later
in all the dArks and liGhts of Now.. including
pimples and acne too.. hehe..
yeah.. i say heheR.. as
sure tHeRe
is much
stuff to worry
about in life than
that and i’M pretty
sure Rafiah is asking
in assistance for probably
her older younger sister..
as dear friend Rafiah
is approaching
23 herself..
and likely
past the acne
and pimple stage same..
anyway.. live and learn.. trial
and error and do it again.. through
dArk and liGht first Loves.. heartbreaks
deflowered virgins in both male and female
first time ways oF all in how that comes and gives
and receives.. and does.. Life is alWays changing
as dARk and liGht and all those hues and
shades of other ways
too.. Live and LEarn
and most importantly
use it baby use it
to make
as greater
than ever bEfore..
other than that.. don’t
worry be happy acne and
pimples ain’t killed one directly
yet.. and most young folks deal
with that most to appreciate not dealing
with it
at age
84 and
older too..
oh.. the grace of
Age and mostly
experience noW2..
iN P E R S P E C T i V E moRE..:)
Rafiah responds to my comment
on her Facebook Status post..
per her inquiry about a
herbal cure for acne
and pimples
when i say
the cure
is getting
older and she says..
Yeah, right. Wearing and
tearing here and there.
tongue emoticon
wink emoticion..
And i return
on her page
Rafiah is
Because she
And additionally
i intimate..
Oh by the
Way… Love
The way our
Two short
Join here..
It is almost
Like we are
Holding words
As i hold
My hand
And then Rafiah
on my copy of this
post on my Facebook page says..
Sometimes I also think I am past the acne phase,
and then suddenly some pimple pop out here and there. Lol
And i Lovingly respond..
Lot of love to you2.. My Friend
Rafiah.. At any rate.. i thought it
was cute that you were brave enough
to ask for advice from your friends on
Facebook and yes.. Long.. Long.. Long
ago in a distant world.. Last century.. i
too had one of these pimples or two
pop up here and there so..
Yes.. i can relate to the
errant and feared
pimple way way
before my first
Real Date..;)
And in
way i say..
PS.. i love looking
At your artful
Hand avatar
ever now and
then when it comes
back to visit me.. With wInks2..:)
And now i say here.. it was really
hard for me to criticize the religion
of Islam like i did with my friend Rafiah
when she was defending Islam Sharia Law as
i do know how much her culture and religion
all does mean to her.. as this applies to
most all cultures no matter how
different and someways
harmful the rules
may be to innocent
folks.. but it wasn’t
until later this week
that i found out it was
actually a defense against
Newt Gingrich and when Sharia
Law is discussed among many Muslim
folks over here it is softer and not one
that chops off thieves hands and such as that..
including honor killings.. as depending
on the Interpretation.. it can just mean
God’s Law.. but here is the problem..
while in historical fact.. Islam
at the historical point of
that religion’s development
offered some improvements in
the live’s of slaves.. including
women.. it did not clearly condemn
the practice of slavery as well as the
horrifying practice of having sex with wive’s
of recently defeated and killed husband’s in war..
that is rape.. bottom line.. only a REAL fool would believe
that a woman whose husband was killed by another man
would have sex willingly with that man.. even after
a FucKinG period of mourning.. anyway.. perhaps
the mourning period was an improvement of
doing it in even more harsh ways but
never the less the entire
act was not condemned
totally along
with slavery
in general
so we have
an imperfect way
of thinking in terms
of human freedom that has
been used as centuries for continuing
justification for slavery of other people
including forced dowries of little 12 year old
girls and some nows less in age.. for institutionalized
marriage as practical rape when not consensual.. and we
still have men raping little girls when at war of
opposing men who are their fathers and women
who are wives of men similar defeated when
at so-called holy war..
and this is no Different
than the Christian bible
as where Jesus said turn the
other cheek those words are
contradicted in the same
book by the literal
words that
i bring a sword..
well.. sure after that
many folks who opposed
Christianity over the
spread of that were slaughtered
along the way in the name of both
Jesus’ words and God the same.. no
different than what the Islam Kuran
has been used to justify the same slaughter
of human beings.. and no we are still not innocent
as we amputate part of a little boy’s penis to still
set the little boy apart from the rest of nature no
different then they did way back then.. to make us feel
better than the other animals same.. somehow.. in status
way.. no different really than female genital mutilation
that they still do in some Muslim countries too.. to add
to their own flavor of what they feel is the Sharia or
Law of God.. oh yeah.. and over here there is Capital
punishment still but as science shows some folks
are born without empathy and actually
receive pleasure organically
by harming other folks..
so.. shouldn’t they
at least deserve
to live in prison
under constant supervision..
sure in a humane world they do..
and then there are the mistakes.. that
go along with that no different in the judicial
system than women who are stoned unjustly for adultery
that should never be punished at all as it is just human
nature to stray when things are not working out.. go to
greener pastures as it were and still is.. as God
given nature to advance the species
as alive and thriving
and not in
and suffering..
oh yeah.. and in the
church when a little baby
is at peace and sleeping they
pour water over the head and put oil in the babies
hair and as far as the baby knows the baby is in mortal
potential drowning danger all innately and instinctually
without the ability to speak in church.. they call this
Baptism.. the baby feels it as sudden and unexpected
torture.. no matter how small we big people
think that hurts in terms of crying..
the big people do it to make
them happy.. but the
little person
cries in
well the
Lord.. you kNow/FeeL
the big Lord the God
of all of Nature hears all
these cries of pain.. in the
empathy and compassion of those who
actually hear and feel these cries of
pain.. misery and suffering.. other folks
laugh.. and think it’s funny.. well no.. in
church i have the real jesus eyes that pierce
the walls of injustice and demand change.. in whatever
way i can make that happen.. i do not bring a sword
but yes i will bring words of authority..
and the pen is big and passion filled
enough to be read by close to 900 views
in one day in the last night count of just
one of my 7 blogs in yesterday status evidence..
yes.. the authority of God given human
empathy.. compassion and
Love that must
be fearless
and tough hope
too.. that must
be brave enough to
speak out even if they
risk losing a dear friend
over dissension.. well.. Rafiah
is not just a dear friend.. she
is a real earth angel.. and i am
happy to hear from her today..
and i suppose i should offer
a little bit of apology
too.. as i for
one perhaps
judged too
not realizing
the full injustice
of what Newt Gingrich
was suggesting in questioning
the religious beliefs of others
without church and state separation
that is as much against our constitution
as blocking immigration that was and still
is the purpose of making this country as a
place of refuge for all folks around the world
including those Muslim folks who wanted to escape
a so-called God’s law named Sharia that do barbaric
acts of cutting off hands and killing people for their
disbelief.. if folks do that here.. they go to prison..
as we have separation of church and state and the
requirement for living here free by
law and punishable by prison
and fines as well..
is just not
doing it..
bottom line..
we rise together
we fall harming
each other.. we rise
even higher when we take
the time to understand our
differences.. focus on what
unifies to rise even higher and higher..
as LoVe will do when free in the good old U.S. of A..
American.. Mexican.. and Muslim same.. Trump will fail
because as far as i am concerned he is not even an
where it
the heARt
of Freedom for
all around the World
in a true spirit of a country
under the God of what masons described
who yes definitely were instrumental in
founding this country with words of wisdom..
as a Supreme Force that has no one religion..
but all
but all
of what
God gives
we all who rise..
with Love.. the highest
power of all human now..
as child
And now insame
of lines of more..
and deeper too..
i move on to explore
some more gigoid say..
with more words and stuff to come..
There IS A real problem
in the world identified
by me and elders
back into
the early
2000’s and
that is where has oral
tradition gone.. sure we have
acronyms of text.. twitter verses..
links and shares and stuff like that
but what about the truly introspective
stuff that takes more than 140 characters
to relate.. a goldfish attention span
of what science says now
is a human way
of looking
at stuff..
anyway.. it’s very hard
for some folks to imagine that
the way of communication in older..
much older days was dance and singing
same in Emotional Free verse poetic lyric
way as emotions glue the dance and song
to be repeated flow iN zonE for hourS on
end with Emotional Force that Drive
toGetHeRNess.. oh.. when young..
Jesus F in Christ even in my
40’s.. i reveled in the art
of watching other
folks story tale..
in poetic
heARt like
my 94 year old
great Aunt Jettie and
even talking heads on news
shows had me way beat then..
i wondered if i could ever share a
coherent moving emotional paragraph
of voice.. like my much younger social
reciprocating friends did so easy way back
then in the oral tradition of homo sapiens
sapiens.. moVinG.. connEcTinG. and
CreaTinG real all innately.. instinctually
intuitively with heARt of SonG of
SpiRit as SinG of BaLanCinG
oF miNd and BoDy wHolE
SoUl so real.. gatheRings
down town.. wHere
everyone mingled
and discussed the
stuff of social life.. and
politics.. existential
and stuFF
like thaT.. for whatever
it was they did back then..
oh.. the oratory skills of my elders
brought one into the environment of
reproduction of where they were before..
sea stories too.. of old Retired Navy folks
at Bowling Center Work for me too..
in the 80’s of retired
World War II dudes
sTiLL back
then.. Vietnam..
Korea.. etc.. too..
And haha.. my Uncle..
a Vacuum Cleaner Salesman..
if he could make his million off of that
he could dam sure spout a hyperbole sale..
or buy as it were too.. i’M sure in his life too..
Text has replaced what once was life..
Words are cool as they stay
so much longer than
the human
do they..
or do they not..
it depends
on the
individual.. i guess..
as WRiTing rules the
world now..
over the
of yesternows
for ReaL in EYes
of human connection true
and light for Loving liFE too..;)
“There is nothing in a caterpillar
that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly.”
~~ Buckminster Fuller ~~
“If you have a skeleton in your closet, take it out and dance with it.”
~~ Carolyn MacKenzie ~~
And finAlly i say.. these quotes are so trUe..
as Butterfly Skeletons do fly
free when they
come out
priSonS in
BonE conFininG ways..:)
And now back to dVerse
with another Summer
Dog Day Heat
poem and
more deluge
and drought to come
as i keep my garden gRowinG
as well or not so well for MoRe..
at 3:13 pm..
Dog days kNow
often better than
about Dog..
Dog days
feeL often
more than hUman..;)
A mix of storm.. deluge
and Summer as often
finds the sub-tropic of
the Panhandle of Florida here..
and haha.. i tried a new style of
moon walk dancing in creek way
several weeks ago..
Refreshing it was..
and ha.. had my
smartphone in my
hand no water proof
there and thank goodness
for smartphone
iphone 6s..
StreAM Moonwalk
Smart phone sAMe..:)
Fossil Records of
Drought and
Deluge same
in Nautilus
are paltry
built.. what
comes in wet
or dry leaves a foot
print in sand
or Stone.
and haha..
noW as rains refuse to
dry up on webs that never fALL..
in server
draw noW
and pAint
in Nautilus
sheLL hALL..;)
*stately or
not are
as gOld
sAMe foR noW..;)
Oh.. water and dry..
what a blessing or nigh..
streAms.. creeks.. rivers..
bays.. gulfs.. seas.. ocean
wHole.. drift.. breeze.. winds
gale.. storms thunderous hoard
of pouRinG water
thE eyes
of wind chime
eyes that kNow
no respite of
gull wings
soar.. humans
cower at sign
of more.. birds
fly higher as Seagull
eYes KnoW no fear of change..:)
Hi.. rhythaephua..
i.. thOught i’d
pass wiTh
a comment
to juSt
say hi2…
Hope the drOught
ends and deluge of creativity stays..
in rain or reins of reign whatever comes..:)
Desert drOught
sand of low
humans of high
MounTain top distant
of God.. UniVerse hiGher
with Telescope in tow
God seems
more than
man high
last or
only low..:)
SMiLes.. so many floWers
colorful and trUe
coloR BrightEst
for liGht
oF aLL..
as above.. so
below and all
around inside
outside too..
hUmans sAMe
who fiGht to LivE
Flower colorfuL oF aLL
iN Summer hoT True WintEr
ColD and SpRinG iN Rise
iN deluGe
Well my friEnd Lynn..
close to the end but
no quiet tHere
aloud in
style hEar
with food food
food.. working
Farmer style
and hehe..
tHere IS
A SonG for
tHat too..
you miGht
enjoy and more
fuLLy reLate too too..
hehe.. happy farmer’s day
friEnd as i live just a few miles
soUth of country side nice and pretty
working toGether as a family on the family
fArm.. and yes it ain’t easy makin’ a liVinG
doing that
nice to see
you @fArmer’s
God bless
you and your corn
or whatever else too..;)
Oh.. Lord.. i can relate..
thEre was/IS A day as store
grew taller from baby Walmart
to mama Walmart
to Super-NoW
Daddy Walmart
three bears of Walmart
over stocked to top of
ceiling more..
ugh.. i could
not get the deTails
out of the wHole
D E L U G E.. i
photo store then..
and now i don’t even
notice it as the wife noW
shops.. i stick the ear buds
in.. i dance and hardly remember
any stock aT all except for the stuff
that catches my eYe in artistic meaning
for what
as photo
art and
a prompt arT
Walmart iS in
few detaLes
i catch and
for long
for long
at home..
away from S. W.
stock floors taLL..;)
Love iS
thE God
that works
when sOught
when fOUnd
as practice
oF liFE as LoVe..
and never less than LoVE liFe
100% hope.. faith.. and BeLief
as Love Lives as HUman eYes..
greAtest poWer oF God We aS LoVeNOW..:)
All done @4:08 pm..
for NOW.
neXt juST
for fUN2..:)
Ah.. Freedom.. Freedom of Speech.. Freedom
of Expression.. 1st Amendment rights that
keep us free.. from head to toe.. from
A to Z PLUS.. from all the religions
in one home.. for free..
and all orientations
of humans
in one Lovely
house of America
for Free.. toGetHer..
sUre.. wE rise.. as unified
Force.. divided we fall as
separated Energy and
EmoTioNs saMe.. man
it was reAlly good to sTiLL
hear America is great by President
Obama with a little half glass full than
devil play like last week.. no rulers here..
self Government.. no autocracy.. no man
or she who will do it all.. we as a country
WiLL Be Unified for free.. or divided as
Force with no anchor of compassion..
hope and optimism true.. oh.. so
inspirational.. as naked
dreams are without
fear.. without doubt..
without hate
as we rise
without clothes
of those who would
and will like to separate
us in fear and hate same..
anyway.. tHere is room to sTiLL
pLay in many ways in this country
for free without being afraid of one
another and turning to dArk of Stone
without liGht of Sun as HeARt of SpiRit
iN MiNd and BoDy soUl MOVinG ahead
below.. above.. so below inside.. outside
like i love to say all around.. connecting
and creating aLL toGeTher wE rise aS oNE..
anyway.. just another 2yR Ago review of a MacroVerse
Facebook Algorithm memory here as weLL.. lET Freedom RinG..:)
Symbols they vary through history
and prehistory same.. through
alphabet.. through numbers..
through sculpture.. through
painting through all metaphor
same to express existential
intelligence in all ways that comes..
haha.. i ain’t afraid of a little symbol
for pan of we Nature all one unified as
yin and yang.. masculine and feminine
balance.. all the rest of dualities come
toGetHer for unity one togEthEr WitH
GoD of nature wHole both dARk and
liGht.. ‘tween spectrum of hues as
i say and sHades.. beyond bLack
and White to grey of colors sAMe..
ha!.. don’t be afraid of symbols
embrace essence instead..
pictures never hurt
anyone if you
be bold
don’t be sold
and bOught as sLave..:)
Ah.. vineyards
in deserts without
wine or water same
cLaws to get uP as
wiLd cat sAMe..
Fire out
oF ashes..
Phoenix rises
uP no different
than vines reaching
across desert to
noW reach
Free aGaiN..:)
So anyway.. a short
chat with my Pacific
Islander gym attendant
friend.. Vida tonight.. in a talk
about the business of poEtry and
money to be made.. and when 4 million
words come here in ocean poem way..
haha.. at only a penny per word that
could be 40K.. hehe.. but i told my
friend.. this is the SonG oF mY soUL
and i ain’t gonna sell my soUL
even IF anyone ever wanted
to purchase something
as complex
and convoluted
as my soUL haha..
so.. have you seen
the crowds around
the poEtry section
at Barnes and Nobles..
WeLL.. they are non-existent
for the great reason that one can
find the great.. ones.. already online
for free.. why break a good way to get
a word out anyWay for free.. poetry just
gains dust on bookshelves at bookstoreS noW
as anyone can write it and read it for free today
and that’s the way art should be free and artists
should be celebrated by culture enough to do what
they do to help others rise up for free.. where folks like
Katy Perry don’t have to sell their soul to the Devil of Record
companies to be bought and sold.. anyway.. Youtube
and other Google and Word press Avenues for blogs
is changing that now.. where everyone can lift
everyone uP.. JuSt
for FREE..
Art for sale
ruins it in all ways
that comes in.. in my
opinion.. no one owns
ART as that is gift from GoD4FREE..;)
ThE KarmiC
eYe iS bacK
And iT FeeLs
VeTted taLkinG..;)
Love to you
my Friend and
better yet
i love you my friend..
it’s not hard for me to say that
but it was for many years and even
so much harder to either feel or give..
as empty words without the substance
of what Love is in its oxytocin beauty
radiating emotional sunshine and
altruism same..
oh.. the dark
night of the soul
i feel it from you as you
know and feel i’ve been there
too.. suicidal for 2 years.. where
i was a only one holding the decision
to live or die with all that pain..
from head to toe and
to heArt
no spiRit
no soUl
a piece
in the wind
with no feeling
or senses.. just
nothing at all..
so sure.. i know there
are no easy answers.. the only
one that worked for me was years
of isolation and separation from all
of humanity real then.. of course
a woman’s lot is often one that
prevents that as you say from
carrying others..
from children
to husband same..
the battle field of life
the war for survival
the miracle of
is truly
a growing
way for many
folks as your story
here is one i’Ve heard
often from friends that are
girls in my life.. as the woman’s
life in general always seems harder
as caregiver.. worker.. and do it all
yourself being one and same.. now..
where village used to share the duties
and love from birth was given in unifying
force instead of strife.. discord.. fear and
all related to hate.. so sure.. i have no
solutions but to say i Love you.. i alWays
WiLL be here.. and you will aLways be
welcome in my life ‘tween days..
‘tween months.. ‘tween years..
perhaps even lives the sAme
as Infinity beyond IS A
really long now..
i am here
for you
my friend
and as i’ve shared
with other friends who
have drifted away while i am
strong enough to stay now and
never go away.. thank you for being
a friend.. i am here to be one.. as i am
filled up with love over flowing to give..
again.. i kNow/FeeL the other place.. have
found those ways in DancE
And SonG to keep
iT groWinG now..
i wish and hope
the sAMe for you..
dear friend Leah..
a miracle cAMe true
for me so if i can do magic
i will the same come real for you..
So i love
you again..
and am
and tHeRe
is no love too
smaLL in letter to give..:)
Ah.. the eXplorers..
those who move..
those who connect..
those who must create
to stimulate a miNd and BoDy
BaLanCinG SoUl.. or stagnate into past
star dust so far so far a long ago.. and sure..
Now there is Pokemon go that fulfills all three
explorer needs in at least some ways to move
where 150 or so young folks congregate in down
town Milton like never before for a common meaning
common purpose.. common ritual to move
connect and create anew in social
connections like humans
do no less or more
than religion
true in
holy and
sacred way of
moving.. connecting
and creating anew like
explorer human beings will
do.. but alas as science even is starting
to show.. around 20 percent of humans are
born cautious and sitting and not really interested
in going anywhere new.. anchors as it were and is
for the common way to sit instead of group think
way to go.. and there are the super sitters..
let’s just call them conspiracy theorists
who think everyone is out
to make a change they
do not like..
and then
there are
the super explorers
who will try it all new and
leave the cave ways of being far
bEyond riSinG.. where group think of Pokemon
now is far far too boring to excite them as it is
too limiting for a mind and body super rover
that must explore even beyond Pokemon
of limits to find anew in yes.. once
again.. group think social
animal normal way..
yes.. Pokemon is
extremely normal social
human primate motivated
ways to go.. and that is what
the Pokemon go.. marketers
knew from the get go.. who understood
and understand the human untapped market
to actually get back in nature and touch a little
more than screen alone.. yes.. real FaceTime in
3 dimensional Nature down town one as folks
Will do to get together and rise beyond
4 to 5 inch screams of screen
alone unto something
a little bigger
like a Chinese
Fire ball rocket
dissolving across the sky..
or a Delta Aquarid meteor shower
that sounds like a F in Water filter..
on my Thursday coming 120th dance
week night at good old Seville Quarter
tonight.. with all the cool college age folks
to see a shooting star come a little on Thursday
and Friday in WiLd eYes Dance before the bigger
Perseid Meteor Shower comes on August 12th and
13th.. to spray a little more liGht across the sky then..
meanwhile i’ll do what comes neXt.. and celebrate my
own version of Holy and Sacred Thursday R and R it’s
not really a break from serving the God oF Nature but
never the less.. it is always exciting new and fun in
eat.. drink.. and be merry in totally sober and
ecstatic joy.. in all the ways that can and will
come again.. and again.. back again..
for joy of life.. joy of life..
in a place that can
be a star full
of sKeYes
with you and
i and we and me
as instruments of
the greaTest fearless
gift that can and will
come back aGaiN as
God’s Love as Human
alWays forevermore
now and
GoD aSonE..
anyway.. be back
with more fun dance
photos as always and
forever now to add to
this 689th wE Macro
Verse.. in Ocean poem
way wHole as God’s eYes
of Human will alWAys do
AnyWayS.. HEaT
iWaVe continUes..
yeS.. WitH A GrooToNline..
and if you are a member oF isREAL
noW.. Guardians oF tHe Galaxy yoU
WiLL understand thaT metaphor and
do iT.. yeS…
wE arE Groot..
GrOUp and Root sAMe..
noW oNE..;)
Once again..
More fun photos
in Rave of Dance
from Old Seville Quarter
coming in around the meteor
shower hour of 3 am on Friday
7292016.. brightly shining
with moon child
and likely
very tired
other sTuFF
too.. but Love
Those wayS iT STiLL CoMes..
StanDinG AliVE iN TrUtH and liGhT noW..:)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.