A SCenT oF Continuing FreedomS NoW

A SCenT oF Continuing FreedomS NoW

SMiLes Dear Anita First Of All Nice
to See You Back After Some Weeks

Away From WordPress Secondly

Putting People First
Hoping to Read Over the
7 Thousand or So Words
i Wrote Today in a Fast Food
Place Before i Commenced my

Public Dance Tonight Yet a Wanderer
of a Human Being Sat Down Beside
Us That We Had Bought a Meal

For Before Putting People
First an Oldest Human

Tradition Indeed

Yet WHere is

Room For This
Tradition When Folks
Are So Distracted in So
Many Other Directions They
Often Lose Their Place of Putting

People First Even Second Even Third
And So oN And So Forth True too Without

As Frowns
Then Come
More aS A WaY oF Life

A Best Part of A Golden Age
Away From MaKinG Pay is Focus

On Only a Couple of TAsks Either
Free Dance or Song Naturally

Putting People First as

That is What

Our Deepest

Freest iN

A SCenT oF
Freedom Now Does

As i Commenced the Public
Dance People Continued to Come First

Eventually i Competed A Free Dance and
Now It’s Approaching 3 AM and i’m Still

Putting People First

As True i Could
Other Wise

Get Lonely
Playing the

Piano Solo

With Notes That
Do Not Connect
Humanity in a Free
Dance And Song For Real…

Yet True Long ago Life Taught
me the Most Important Lesson oF All

For Happiness Yes Putting People First
Where Most Every Stranger Becomes FRiEnD

Then the
Again in Our
Life For Real Within…

Galvanizing Our MuLTiUNiVeRSES

THiS WaY RiSinG Together more than falling away..:)

Sadly It Seems ‘Certain Segments’ Of the Population

Are Afraid of ‘Unidentified Flying Objects’ They

Aren’t Used to Seeing In Modern Politics

And True ‘Religions’ oF iT All

That Bonds and Binds

Humans DarK

Thru LiGHT

Dear Miriam

To the Point that
Folks Even Attempt
to ‘Crucify’ Laughs

A SCenT oF Continuing

FreedomS NoW NeW

Yet True THere Are Still
Parts of the Demographics
That Enjoy a Light HeARTeD

Laugh Still For No Other Reason Now
Than the Feeling of Free Released ThiS WaY..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha the Way We Experience Our
Emotions in Synergy Of All Our Feelings and

Senses Drives Most All We Continue to Do

Finding A SCeNT oF Continuing Freedom Now

For True We aRe Living Trees With Leaves We

Continue to Green From Tops of Our Trees

To Roots Deeper Within

Every New Move
We Make Rewires
All the Lights of Our
Tree in New Colors as Long
As We Continue to Move Forward Now

True the Moves May Be Very Small and Corrective
Too Yet As Long As Travel in a More Constructive

Way of Moves Our Journey Will Naturally Become
Brighter For Every Move We Color New Roots

As Above
So Below So Free…

As Life Becomes Open
Source For Constructive Change..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy Indeed
Empathy is What Makes

Tick With A
Real HeART Beat

Creating Cooperation
in Collaboration Yes
With Faith that

Trust in

Brings With SMiLes

Galvanizing Humanity

A SCeNT oF Continuing Freedom Now..:)

LoVE iN Peace is The
Diamond that
Shines through Dust
From Where
We aRe
Born 🌟
✨ Stars
LoVE iN Peace🎶

Clear As Day i See

Her Standing Dancing
Singing Free Within

Stars Sprinkle


She Is

Wrapping Her

Body Galaxies Spiraling

Warming Snow Flake HeART

Dropping Tears Star Light Breathes

Just Happy


Shining Colors
More Above Below to Be i Am…

SMiLes Jade Thanks Now For

Forest Green Star Lit Poetry…🙂

A Side Show of The Roman Empire

To Bond And Bind Minions Together

For Despicable Leader Rule; All Thru

The Use of Faux Made Up Carrots And

Sticks; Of Course, Ridiculously Creating Them

After Death; Not Much Different Than A ‘Shady Lot’

Used Car Sales Person’s Guarantee On A Note Pad;

Scribbling It On A Desk Behind Their Backs;


Fool’s Gold For

Charlatan’s Taking

From Minions, Feeding The Bait, Hook, Line,

And Sinker Swallowing IT All In One Lifetime Now…

Thing Is, When ‘Religious Ignorance’ Separates From

‘Caring State,’ Eventually Fool’s Gold Isn’t the Forced

Value on ‘The Masses’ It Once Was;

And Of Course This Is
Happening Now

As All

Studies of
American CuLTuRE Do SHow;

As Even 70 Percent of Catholics

Do not Believe A Pagan Magic Trick

Zombie Cult Of Turning A 2,000 Year Old Dead

Corpse into A Flesh and Blood Bread And Wine Man to Literally Eat…

Yet The Placebo effect is Real And That Works For Some

No Doubt A Large Portion of the 30 Percent Who Still

Believe IT Remain Unvaccinated As Well As Minions Tend
to Flock Together Around Most Despicable Conspiracy Theories Still…

As Long as

Some Despicable

Authority Generates

The Conspiracy They
Kneel Before And Still Worship Now
AS IGNoRaNCE Continues to Harm,
Rape, Maim, And Kill; Despicable
Leaders And Minions Hand-in-Hand Make;

As Long As The State Provides Adequate
Safety Nets for Survival; The Lies Will Die With
Progressive Nature of Actual Empathy And
Compassion For All Humans And Nature True…

It’s Getting Hard Enough to
Find A Republican Leader

Capable of Telling

The Truth;


Or Later


Truth Will
Rule More Important

Than Continuing Snake
Oil Sales, Thousands of YearS Old…

Perhaps, Good News That Love Is Real
Will Come to Eventually Rain A Reign
For Real That’s True As Long As Those
Who LiVE iN Socio-Economic-Soul-SCaRCiTY
Get Lifted Out of ‘The Pit’ For Real in Greater

Abundance of Balance For All To BREaTHE LoVE FReeR iN Peace…

As Scholarly Motivated Folks Do
Most Definitely Understand the
Nature of the Human Beast too…

Same Thing That Motivates
Bonobos to LiVE iN Peace

And Harmony As Love
Does In Bonobo Essence
When Not Threatened By
‘Invaders’ In Threat of
Removing Subsistence;

The Nature of Altruism
That Includes Offspring Who
Are Loved in a Mammalian Way
of Nurturing From Birth Developing
Wiring of Mirror Neurons That Feel the
Pain And Pleasure of Others Bonding with

The Neurohormone Oxytocin; Otherwise known
As Natural Love As Even Flesh and Blood Healthy

Dogs and

Cats Do Living

In Naturally Loving

Environments This way…

REALLY Sorry, If You Don’t LiVE iN
An All Natural Loving Environment

Like A Naked Bonobo Tribe; Yet Honestly,

Humans Should Be Able to Do Better if they Are Healthy And Well Living In Balance…

No Doubt That ‘A Jesus’ Who Lovingly Accepts Everyone These Days, Would Likely Ever

Be Fully Accepted

in Any



Clothed Church,

Ignorant of Naked LoVE iN Peace For All;
All Warm And Furry For Us Without
Bald Ape Bodies too; IN OTHER WORDS me too…

iN A World Where All The Quotes Seem to Be Shared
By Someone Else Always Refreshing to See

People Creating Their

Own Unique


Of Life to
Add A Verse
to the Entire

Humanity For A New
Wave Of Our Ocean Whole…

SMiLes my Favorite Here is Acknowledging
That Words Are Not All There is to Our

Thinking Minds…

So Much Deeper

We Move And


So Much Dance to
Do More to Inspire Songs
Within to Surface Our Ocean

A New Wave to Ride Free Giving
Sharing Caring All the Way Ocean Whole

Keep Creating Dear Ava Always Be You my FRiEnD..🙂

Hmmmm i Will admit
Hehe Yes Some Days
i Show My ‘Butt’ A Little

Bit For A World
Truly Gone Most
Definitely More Insane
Than Naked


Dear Miriam
With SMiLes
of Course Full Moon Style

i Don’t Exactly Stick my Tongue
Out Yet So Many Creative Ways to
Express in Response to True Contrived

Insanity Yes

The Kind
Of Lies That
Have Become
Truth Yes Surely
Deserve An ‘Adequate’ Response…

You Do Seem Like a Bit of A ‘Straight
Shooter’ Picturing You Sticking Out Your


Would Surely
Be A Kodak Moment Hehe..😉

SMiLes Dear Savvy Deep Deep
Deep Deeper Within Subconscious
Minds the More than 99.5 Percent That

Is So Far Beyond Planned Word Think

A Kind of Intelligence That Connects
Beyond Time Distance And Space And

Even Matter A Kind of Intelligence

That Is Truly Beyond Rationality

Yet In Essence Order

Of Chaos When

Art Becomes Truly
Magic Arising Spontaneously
As Every Breath ThiS Way Becomes
A Brand New Reality of Creativity True

SMiLes i Intuit This Higher Force of Human
Energy Most Often When i Am in A Highest
State of Autotelic Ascending Transcending Flow

Whether that Comes From Free Dance or Free Song
Or Any Other Activity That Ascends and Transcends this

Way Beyond All
So-Called Reality
That May Be Measured
Linearly And Empirically
So As Only Matter Within
A Realm of Time, Distance, And Space…

It’s Truly Difficult to Put This Experience in
Words While it Happens Even in Free Verse Poetry
Hehe That’s Why i Avoid too Much Thinking and Let

The Real
On itS own
As Streams Become
Rivers Become Bays Become
Gulfs And Oceans All Around Our Globe


Pass Go Collect 200 Dollars

True Monopoly Was Fun As A Child
Playing it With Family and FRiEnDS

BacK iN The Days Dear Miriam Before Wired Up
Life Including Wireless Breathless Connections Hehe

Yes It’s True That’s All There Was to it Just The
Game Just The Present Moment of Playing With
Others Warmly And Usually Winning too Getting All

That Rent From Park Place and Boardwalk Hotels Yes

Dear Lord As Much
as i Loved Playing

That Game Then

i Surely Am Glad i Don’t
Have to Pass Go Anymore
to Collect 200 Dollars to Go More

And More And More Just Never Ending
Wash and Rinse And Dry Cycle of the Monopoly

World i No Longer Play A Part in Anymore At All With SMiLes

No Longer Cog or Machine Thank God i’ve Come to BE A Real Human Being..🙂

Ah Yes Tao Related As Wu Wei Effortless Ease

Dear Savvy Yes Letting Go of The Control of

What Must Come to be As Goal Going With

The Flow Deep Down With Intentions

Feelings and Senses in Synergies

of Emotions Far Beyond

Only Words The Will

of Faith Volition of

Breath Freeing Soul
Creativity iMaGiNaTioN’s
SPiRiT on Wings RiSinG From
Our Ocean SoULS So Very Deep

The Breath of Creativity Comes Totally Free
All the Happiness in Every Inhaling Breath of
Peace Exhaling LoVE For the Present Moment

of Total and Complete Faith Where All of Existence

Is True MaGiC More Real Than Real is Ever Before…

Yet It’s True Without a Lifelong Practice of Actually

Achieving This State of Being All in All True All

May Be lost From Understanding What’s

Possible Without The Practice

All the Years to Make

This Experience

Within of

Humanity Actually Real..🙂

A SuNDaY WaY ☺️🙏
Every WaY ALWaYS
NeW NoW i Dance
And Sing Free
“Let’s Get
Yet Sadly Some
STiLL Seem “Left
Behind” So What Else Left
Is THeRE To Do “Come
What May” This Is No
Video Game i Am Real
This Changing Dance
And Song Free No

Or End Happy
TueSDaY Dear
FRiEnD With
Of Hope Believe
ContinuinG LoVE AGAiN

For You to BREaTHE
Yes This Real LiVinG

LoVE iN Peace

This Heaven
No Matter
Hell iN Hellooove Hehe

“Everything Free Is Paid For By Someone Who Works”

Hehe Not Really, The US Government is 34 Trillion Dollars in Debt;
And the Rest of the Folks With Loans too Providing all the ‘Free Stuff’…

Chances are the Government Loan will Never Be Paid Back And Lots
Of Other Folks Will Go into Bankruptcy for their Free Stuff too…

And on Top of that the Government Regularly Provides
Social Welfare to Bail Out Banks And Such As That too…

Yes Like Large Cooperation too Just For Free Give Aways…

All Part of that 34 Trillion Dollars in Debt too Hmm…

i’m Fiscally Conservative, i Don’t Sell My Soul to the

Devil of Debt That Way Hehe…

And Not Only That i’ll Never Have
to Earn Another Penny, Which Means
Life is Just A Free Place to Give Share
Care and Heal Liberally Everywhere i Go to Dance And Sing Free…

Here’S A Deal, ‘When in Rome’ You Blend in; You Take Advantage
Of the System You Are in, Set Yourself Free With Wings Even if it Almost

Burns And Kills
You Back in the
Working Days For Pay
33 Years like me too…

Life is Challenge Yet It’s
Not True That Everything Free is
Paid for By Someone Who Works for Pay;

Like The Best Realities of Life, LoVE iN Peace Free;

The Place of Freedom the ‘Almighty Dollar’ Slays Most…

Yeah, Yeah, Capitalism With A Social Welfare State Mixed
in With the Free Market May Be the Best System We Currently

Have on Earth For Economic Success and Freedoms Yet Once Again

With the Highest Rates For Depression And Teenage Suicidal Ideation
Ever Among Young Women; And THE FACT that a Once Twice And Soon to
Be Thrice Sentenced President And Most Despicable Leader is
the Republican Nominee again

(Among the So-Called Champions;
Conservatives For Law and Order)

For the Highest Office in the Land Again

Is God Dammed Great Evidence That Capitalism
And The Rest of Our System in the United States
is Failing Within; And Many Other Places in the World too…

40 Percent of the General Population Barely Making Ends meet

Week to Week
Day to Day in
Pay Still


Maybe Artificial

(In the Short Term Perhaps Kamala’s Charisma)

Intelligence Will Save Our Asses in the Long Run;

And Maybe The System As Is Will Last the Rest of my Life;

The Savior oF iT All Dam Sure Won’t Be Just One Character (Old Testament
Trump) From A Fictional Book; Perhaps Unless Pigs Fly With Angelic Wings HAha…

i’m Really Happy, ‘the System’
Worked for me Yet i’m Not
Gonna Bury my Head in the
Sand And Suggest It’s actually Working Well…

in the Long
Run For God Dammed Sure…

It is Getting Rather Warm Outside FOR REAL…

Yet A SCenT oF Continuing Freedom Now

CHaoS MaGiC EYes of God
CoMe to See Free WiTHiN RiSinG
DaNCinG SinGinG HiGHeR WinD oF

“S The wisdom of Solomon;
H The strength of Hercules;
A The stamina of Atlas;
Z The power of Zeus;
A The courage of Achilles;
M The speed of Mercury.”

-Gomer Pyle, et. al.

LoVE iN Peace is The
Diamond God Yes that
Shines through Dust
From WHere
We aRe
Born 🌟
✨ Stars

Best Thing About Living A Forest
For A Back Yard With A Garden of
Eden Naturally Growing Its Best Potential
Without Any CuLTuRaL Additives is i don’t
Even Have to Shave, Brush my Teeth, Or Put
My Pants on to Just Walk Out the Back Door into
Heaven’s Breath
Yes God’s
Face Nature
LiVinG Temple
Above So Below All Around
God Yes Within.. Inside Outside..
Above So Below All Around Spiraling
Never Ending Wisdom of Beauty’s Love
Just For This Breath oF Existence Now
Every Grain of Sand Holding iNFiNiTiES
Eternally Now To Bathe To See Yes FoReST
Bliss Green FLoWeRinG i have No Idea What
Your ‘Avatar Form’
Is Now Yet Yes
i Surely Wish You
Will Feel This Essence
i Intuit You Have Before
Way i Feel About ALL OTHeR
Humans too Just One Breath
of FreeDoM ETeRNaLLy NoW
FoResT/Beach Doesn’t Care About Short or Tall
Split Ends or Smooth Starts Chipped Nails or Crosses
And That’s
Enough Eternally Now
We LiVE HoW Hard that
Will Be To ‘See’ So Free i AM NoW
When i Moved into my Modest Forest
Home in 1993 Before that the Real Estate
Person Tried to Shame me for Moving Into
A Neighborhood of only A 1333 Square Foot Living Space
Home She Said You Don’t Wanna Live in that ‘Little Neighborhood’
Do You.. Granted We had to Eat Pork And Beans And Chop up
10 Cent A Pound Leg Quarters to Save the Down Payment for
Our 60,000 Dollar Home So there was no Way i was gonna Move
Up to the ‘Jefferson’s East Side’ Yet then i wasn’t Looking for Brick
And Mortar
Yes Already
Seeing Heaven
Out of the Apartments
Crowded together Never
Green or FLoWeRinG Colors
of HeAVeN to Feel And Sense
As ‘Autotelic’ Flow of ‘DiViNE Meditating FRiSSoN’
From Head to Toe No These Forms Words for Sacred
Essence in Holy Feelings And Senses Within Ever Changing
In More Blissful Ways of ‘Seeing’ A World Eternally Now’ Don’t
Really Count For These Feelings And Senses Now Within Are No Different Than
40,000 Years
Ago So Far Away ToGeTHeR
Separated From NDD Nature
Deficit Disorder NoW in All Human
Clothes And Other Tools DiViDinG NoW
From GDD Nature or God Makes No Difference
Breath of
Naked and
Free Within to
See And Feel With
Never Ending Senses NoW
How WiLL Anyone Possibly
Take Anyone THeRE With JusT
Edifice of More Brick And Mortar Symbols
i Try i Cry for i Feel Your Pain and or Numb Been to other Side
of Heaven For Decades VeRSuS Forever Now 11 Years and 4 Days..
Ideal To
Be i AM
Clothes/Tools MasKinG A WaY
‘CaCoPHoNY’ iN DeeD mY FRiEnD…
It Is Worth Noting THere Is No Toilet
Paper Until 200 Years Ago Improvements Come And Go
Always A Balance Mastering Clothes/Other Tools or Suffocating Now


in Peace

Breathe Out Love

My Cat Yellow Boy Taught
me All of This i Deserve to Exist
i have a Lump in my Throat And
Tears This is Breathing my FRiEnD…

Thanks for
Your Poem
Thanks for the
Inspiration You too Help me Breathe…

Zoom Zoom Zoom Been Liking You
Lately A Lot Yet Not Leaving Many
Love Love Love Fumes Behind
Nice People Who
Are Kind Always
Add to Soul Soul Soul
Love So Truly i Never Leave
You Behind Behind Behind
As Kindness Always Breathes
More Within When Love Breathes Breathes Breathes
Some More And Spreads Some More Fumes Fumes Fumes
HAha Least i Will Do
After You are Nice
Enough to Swing
By Now And
Like Like Like
Like 4 of my EPiC Novel Longest Long Form
Size Poems Poems Poems Poems Long
Hehe Long Enough to Inspire Another
one FRiEnD
SMiLES SMiLES Yeka From The
Beautiful Philippine Islands Where
My Wife’s Beauty Beauty Beauty Comes From Those
Islands True True True too As This Love Bug Number 53 All the Way through
64 Years Now is Full of Love Gas Gas Gas to Leave Fumes More Behind too..😉

Order Is From Fear
Beauty is for
Unfettered Potential

SMiles The Best Gift
i See Are Loved Ones
Who Never Give Up

On Us

No Matter
What How

Rare Unconditional
Love How Healing

How Life Saving

How Life Giving

When Staying


To Always
Give Share Care Heal Free For All

With Most Respect Least Harm

Honestly All i Wanted
To Do Is Be Human

i Suppose

It is We Who
Have to Achieve
It Who See Being

Human is Heaven
Thanks Best Wishes
To Your Son On The

Spectrum Love Is Real😊

It’s Safe to Dance
Sing my Savior Was
A Feral Cat Whining
Under Our Shed
For Survival
In A Drought
My Drought

Was Missing

Love And The

Call Of The Wild…

i Fed Him He Changed
From A Feral Killer in

The Wild

To A Lap Cat

Of LoVE iN Turn

He Taught me

The Call

Of The


LoVE Returned

To me As It


For The
Kitten Of Him

i Have Great Respect

For Wild Loving



Aloha FRiEnD

LeSSoN 373 i Am The Full
Moon Ever Since The Sun
Started Shining on me i Return

By ‘The Way,’ You

Have A Very Interesting
Blog; Very Inspiring And
Always Creativity Provoking.

i Never Realized

You Had Over
Until A New WordPress
Feature in The Reader

The Statistic
At The Top of
Your Website.

Honestly, the
Fact That i Am
Usually The Only
One Commenting

Says A Lot




Of Modern



It’s me Who
Is Not Really Gone ‘Mad’…

Could Explain “The Trump”


Of Social
Affect What
Will A Nation
Of Button


And Screen
Leaches Like

me Become… Hmm…

Pay me No Mind…

-Florida Man 👨

Some Americans

BelieVE iN A Same ‘Capitalistic

Competitive Christian God’ That ‘Trump’ BelieveS in
Still; And Those Like ‘Him’ With Little Human Empathy

For Others Different Than They Are With Little Compassion,
Not Even As

Much as A
Literal Dog;

It’s No Wonder

Trump Didn’t Like Dogs

As True Dogs Are More Loving

Than Any Entity of Reality Torturing

What is Created Forever for Revenge on Enemies…

i Think The Question That Should Be Asked is, Will

Christians Ever Create A Real All Loving Merciful Forgiving

God That Has Honor And Integrity And Doesn’t Go Back on Their

Word When the Going

Gets Tough

And Other

Folks Get Rough
And Mean too; Instead,

They BeLiEVE iN A ‘Trademark God’
of LoWeST Common Denominators;

All the Colors of Trump As Far as i am

Concerned, ‘the Big Lie’ Is Already Established in ‘That Book’

From the Get Go of



Only Wishing to
Spread Faux Carrots
And Sticks For Faux News
to Subjugate, Master, And

Control The Masses Through
Life; at Core of Course Through Control
of Reproductive Freedoms Against Pleasures…

Putting People to
Shame in Fear;
Same Old Damming

Way Group Think
Bonding Over Dark Most Always Does…

HeHe, Trump BelieveS in A Theism of ‘HEism’…

Nothing Much New Since Humans Started Hoarding Grains
in Silos Creating CuLTuRES oF Have’s and Have Not’s For Buy and Sell…

A Theism
Of Real

Love With

Honor and

Integrity With

Truth in Life to Boot…

For Individual And Group
Rights to Life, Liberty, And
The Pursuit of Happiness, A Real
Cool Idea; Yet The ‘Group Right’

Part oF iT

Is Always

A Potential of
A Real ‘SH8T SH8W’
Now Hitting ‘The Fans’
Who Support the ‘CR8P’ Shared…

Yawn… Glad i LiVE iN A Forest Free
As LonG As This Peace of Eden Lasts for me

Of Course too;

Or ‘Trinity’, ‘Trina’,
‘Katrina’, Whatever
Ya Wanna Call ‘Her’ Now…

It Kinda S88KS, ‘the Pandemic’
Shut Down the “Xion Rave Dance”…

Yet, Hey, i Got A Good 6 Years in Before
The Dance Hall Ended By COVID-19, Dead, Cold…

Yet, It’s Still ALWaYS Free Dance in Public Stores
As Ya Ain’t Gonna Shut The ‘Holy Walmart Dollar Down’…

Ya Know ‘That 6 Pointed Star’ in Walmart; That’s A Symbol
of the ‘God’ Exercised Most in the Modern Christian Religion…

Meanwhile, Not
Much ‘Really’


i Continue
to Move and
Repose; Dance
And Sing Free Like the
Rest of Real Naked Nature,
Unadulterated, By Human SH8T SH8W ‘Matrix’ CR8P…

Be Back Later…

Got A Few

More ‘Calls’ to make..😉

Ironically Death of
‘Time’ For Humans
First Sadly Now ‘Machine




oF So


And Addiction
Away from Natural
Loving Humankind Set Free



For All
That’s Loving Real..🙂

“Faith And Trust
in Synchrony
Meeting Belief”

SMiLes Dear Savvy

What i Am Sure of Most

Is i Will Attain This Aim Within
In Action For All i Do Yet True


iN A World

That Doesn’t

Allow Some Days Even

Minutes For Introspection,

Contemplation, Meditation, ToGeTHeR
Play, For the Joy of Loving Life Being Free

For So Many Folks Parts

As Cogs in A Machine

Someone Else owns

As i too Lived

For So


Decades ‘Fore

i Surely Will (At Least Do my Best) Not Expect Those
Folks to Match The Within With the Outside of Life…

For It’s Honestly True One Must Develop A Within First…

SMiLes… i Remember So Busy At School, Work For So Many Decades

A Hurricane Coming Through in 2004, All the Power Going Out Left

to My Own Device of Soul For A Week Then Within With Nothing Much

Of Value Innate

Left At All…

All Stolen


Blind of

Soul’s Thief

All Externally

Tool of Machine

Of Others i had Come
to Be; Not Even Truly Fully Human Then…

For Many Folks, it Starts Young; Quiet Hands
And Feet, Downloading Data Becoming Machine…

And For me in the Sixties That Was Even Before
TV Until 7 Years-Old And Surely no Other Screens Attached to…

Without That Reference

Point Life

Is So Very


For Humans Now

For Children With Days
For Soul Building Within;
To iMaGiNE, To Create, SeeKinG
Finding Within Soul Far From Lone Blank Slate..🙂

SMiLes Dear Jane Not Nearly The Monument to What Has to Be Done
Versus Struggles of My Ancestors For Sure As When i note i’ve Danced
in Public 20,266 Miles for the Last 130 Months to Muse A Greater
Autotelic Flow in Moving Meditation For Creativity

To Explode

As Honey

Makes A
River What it Does in Ease…

That’s Only An Average of 150 Miles
A Month Just A Bit Over 5 Miles A Day

Whereas my Maternal Grandmother Worked
7 Days A Week Single Divorced Mother As A Waitress
12 Hours A Day For Close to A Decade Walking to Work
Each Day Worn Out in Her 50’s Fortunately My Mother Who

Carried A Similar

Load Able to

Help Her ease into
Social Security Age
As We Did for my Mother too…

Not to Lie Dealing With The Suicide
Disease Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
From Wake to Sleep No Drug Would Touch
With A Synergy of 18 Other Life Threatening
Disorders Wasn’t That Easy For 66 Months as
A Shut-In in my Bedroom Yet My Mother, My Grandmother

Nor Anyone Else

i Know Has

Tasted the

Flavor of Heaven
on Earth i Verily Have
for the Last 11 Years i will only

Credit Those Who Came Before
And Those Who Still Do For Preparing a Way…

What Else Could Even ‘Jesus’ Do Returning This
Way If He Could Be Real Except for Saying Thank You…
For me at Least DarK Thru LiGHT i’ve Learned By Experience
It’s All One Play to Do… “Strikes And Gutter-balls, Ups and Downs” It is
Waves High Waves Low Night And Day Kiss DarK And LiGHT to Create


And Make
Believe Now Exists..🙂

Clear As Day i See

Her Standing Dancing
Singing Free Within

Stars Sprinkle


She Is

Wrapping Her

Body Galaxies Spiraling

Warming Snow Flake HeART

Dropping Tears Star Light Breathes

Just Happy


Shining Colors
More Above Below to Be i Am…

SMiLes Chaymaa The Other Day Every Poet i Came
Across Writing About Kindness Today So Far it is Hope
Three In A Row Truly Hope is An Emotion More Than Words

Truly Faith That is Fully Present With Love to Give Share
Care Heal Free Is Naked Whole




Not Even

Needing Hope
As All Becomes
Faith Love to Give
Even More Sharing

Caring Healing iN FLiGHT of Humanity Seeing

True Though When All Feels Whole Complete

Naked And Enough As Faith With Love’s Wings i Always

Hope Others Will Find Their Way to Evermore Faith And Love to Give


SMiLES of Course… Yes
True Hope Is So Precious
For A Standard So Low Now
It Seems for A World At Hand
So Far Away Machine More Than Humanity Now..🙂

SMiLes Dear Savvy Some Words Are ShellS oN
Beach Just Forms Once Within Living Essence
Other Words True Are Seeds Often Called Poetry
Holding Essence

Hope Faith



As Seeds


Sapling Trees

Eventually Sheltering

Other Homes Falling

Leaves Once Feeding

Trees Hope Fertilizing

New Seed Trees of Faith

Feeding Love To Spread Ever More
Evergreen Higher Brown Leaves Green Leaves

All Holding


Of Faith

Love Springing
Hope For All NoW..🙂

Hehe i’ve Been Good
At Window Shopping
And Not Buying my
Wife Not so
Much Yet
Hey Someone
Has to Buy The
Groceries so We
Will Eat HAha Thanks
Akshita For Writing So


We Humans Give Share Care
And Heal With Unique Truths
At Best We
Enjoy the
Best of
All These
Truths Through
Discerning And

Unique Eyes😊🏝

Yawn, “Ignorance” is the “State” of the Human Condition;

It’s True, We aRe Born With Pitiful Hearing; Compared to
Dogs, We aRe Practically Deaf in Comparison; And Sight, Who
Are We Kidding, We Surely Are Not Born With Eagle Eyes; Yep,

What About Smell, Ask A Cat or A Dog About Taste Too; Yet Not So
Much Among Being Humans; Let’s Not Forget Shark Week on the Discovery Channel;
For It’s True, i’m Really Excited About this As Sharks Are Really One of A Kind Fish;
They’ve Been Around Longer Than Trees; Yes, 450 MiLLioN Years; They Are Known to

Asexually Produce
Where Virgin Births
Are Surely Not Just Frigging Myths;

Not Only That as Far as Senses Go, They
Have the Greatest Ability to Sense Electromagnetic
Fields Emitted By All Living Creatures MOST; Surely This

Makes Prey Easier to Capture When Covered By the Sands on the Bottom of the Ocean
Or Smaller Bodies of Water of Course; It’s True Though, i’ve Been Told Folks Can Feel
my Positive Energy Whenever i Enter A Room; Hehe, Literally Before i Even Dance or Smile;

It’s True, Some Humans Emit More Positive Energy than Other Humans, They Really Do; And It’s Also

True, The Health of A Representative Democracy May Be Measured By Who ‘We The People Commune to Do’;

It’s Not ‘Rocket Science,’

Donald Trump Was Elected
President in 2016; It’s Not Rocket
Science, Even Those Who Have Supported
Him Closest Have Admitted He Did His Best
to Overturn A Fair Election for His Own Selfish Desires for Power and Status
In 2020; It’s Not Rocket Science, Even After That Effort to Overturn our Representative
Democracy for the Peaceful Transfer of Power For What The Heart Beats of Representative
Democracies Empirically Measure to Actually Carry On and Survive; Yes, Even After That Most
of the Folks In His Political Party Still
Support the Him again; Not

Only That Several
Polls Have shown
Winning the Election
Against the Opposing
Party Yet Slipping TG A Bit Now;

Verdict: The United States is A Very
Sick Representative Democracy; And Not

Only That the Head Clown Is Still in Many
Ways In Charge of the Show; Is It Any Surprise
He Sprayed On Orange Paint For His Skin And
Put Instant Blonde in His White Hair then and Still Now;

Is it Any Surprise He Buried His X-Wife In a Gold Casket; Well

Other than Humans Hoarding Their Dead in Gold Caskets
Rather Than Feeding Worms Like the Rest of Wild-Life
Now Among Other Scavengers For the Balance of Life

On Earth to Continue Now;

The Problem at Core Really
is the ‘Pandemic Potentials’
of Human CuLTuRES to Create
Nightmares on Earth; For Instance,

We’ve Done Away With Two-Thirds of
Wild-Life on Earth in the Last 50 Years;
And in the Coming Decades Science Suggests
We Will Eliminate 1 in 8 of all the Plant and Animal
Species on Earth Then; Yes,
AGAINST the Fine Balance

of the Circle of Life

On Earth Through

Nature that Makes

Our Lives Possible at All;

Yet You See, THere is A Bigger
Problem than the Fact That Our Conscious
Word Thinking Minds Only Make Up About
.5 Percent of What Our Entire Minds From Head
to Toe Do For Our Basic Survival on a Day to Day Basis Now;

In Short, We Are Mostly Very Distracted; In Fact, Science Shows
Human Beings on Average Have an Attention Span of Less than
that of a Gold Fish; Yep, Less than 3 Frigging Seconds; Which Means

For Most Folks, Even If they wanna read this In-depth smaller and larger
Picture of the Human Story, They are Unlikely to Make it Much Deeper than

A Twitter Breath of what the Measure of Human Attention Spans Have Come to Be,
So Distracted Now;

Yawn, in Fact, i am
the Opposite From that;

in Gold Fish Measure; i am
A Blue Whale, Far too Big for
Most folks to Notice; Yet You

See, Whales Like Sharks Travel Far
And In Fact When it Comes to Orcas

Even Great White Sharks Are Not Always
At the Apex of Beings With Jaws and Teeth far
As Predators Roam the Globe; It’s Sad to Say;

(Sort of Like Rampage Killing Sprees Among
Those Who are Responsible for That Crime)

Yes, The Being Who is the Weakest When Naked
Who Is Never Enough Whole Complete; Yep Donald

J Trump As A Leader

is Among the Most Dangerous

Predators on Earth as He Can And
Will And Does Still Convince Ignorant

Humans That He Is ‘Their Savior on Earth;’

And Not Only That As Far As Group Think Goes,

He Couldn’t Even Exist as A Threat If it Was Not for A
Core of Church Think That Believes Donald J Trump Was
Sent By A God to Save Them From Being ‘Left Behind;’ Seeing

‘A Father oF All Lies’
For ReaL ON EartH
As Their ‘Real


And The Circus Continues;

Yet It’s True, Some of Us Are
Truly Naked, Enough, Whole
Complete to LiVE iN Nature ThiS Way
in Balance And True On Slivers of Silver Instead

of Gold

We Still
Make this
Paradise Upon
EartH Our Now Naked
Inherited Accord For Real;

Yet Again, We Are Not
A Once Chief Advisor to
Trump Who Has to Wear Three
Layers of Shirts and A Jacket to

‘Feel Somewhat

Like a Man;’
And THere Lies

A Truth of the Issue;

Layers of Clothes, All the Tools
We Co-Create and Actually Become;

Instead of Being Embodied Naked, Enough,
Whole, Complete With the Rest of Nature in Balance;

Listen, If ‘You’ Haven’t Heard, ‘the World is on Fire;’ and

Nature is Still Sending

Out A Red Alert

That it is Close

to Our Turn Next

As Nature is Our Face;

And When We Over-consume
Nature, Eventually ‘the Zombie
Apocalypse’ Becomes a Self-Fulfilling

Prophecy As We See Humans Barely Alive Shuffling ‘Bye’
Already ‘Left Behind’ For What They Could Be If Only Just

Fully Human…

This is the
Karma of
Nature; It is
Simply Action
And Consequence;

Go Out of Balance and
Pay the Other-side of ‘the Pendulum’…

Meanwhile, Sadly As A Whole, “Donald
J Trump” Is A Microcosm of the Destruction
of the World As

Some of

Us Still Feel,
Sense, And Know
IT Now As Paradise Real
Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete US.

The Problems aRE ALL Encompassing;
Consequences Are Becoming MoRE ALL

We aRe iN This
Clown SHoW ToGeTHeR,
Whether We Like It or Not;
EVeNTuALLY We All Reap

What We Sow;

Hehe, If We
LiVE Long

Enough to See
The End As All Will For Real;

Meh, All that Really Counts is
What We Do Now in the Beginning;

i’ve Got That Part Figured Out and It is Enough for me now.
Tomorrow, July 24th, Teaches me a Lesson Today is Gift Enough
to Make the Most of Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete as my Only
Child Who Wasn’t Born With Even the Ability to Breathe Lasted 51 Days
Only In Pain With Never A Smile as i Held Him and Listened to the Only

Peace His Life
Held the Last
HeART Beat on
July 24, 1997

That Spelled
A BLeSSinG of
Death Out of Only
Misery and Suffering
Of A Life Without Even A Breath of HiS Own;

Since Then, Even though i’ve Suffered A Worst
Pain Known to Humankind for 66 Months Shut-in
With No Relief From Any Drug From Wake to Sleep;

At Least Even though i
Couldn’t Remember What

A Smile felt Like; At Least
i Was Able to Feel it Once in my Life then

By Logical Memory With No Feeling All Alone then…

Honestly, Life is All About Perspective; Some of the
Poorest in Terms of Material Goods Are the Happiest

And Others

Like Trump;

Yes, LiVE iN
For Real And Do THeiR
God Damndest Not to Leave
Anyone Behind

Away From Real

And so Far the
Ruse is Still Working

Just Like ‘Their’
‘Book’ Predicted Oh
The Delicious Irony

If Only It Was’t So Sad
‘The Tragi-Comedy of
The Circus’ Might Be Worth A Laugh…

SMiLes, in the Name of my Son Ryan,
i’ll Just Giggle

a Little

Bit Just
to Feel Good
For What He
Never Had;

That Much
i Promised Him i Would Do,
Enjoy All The Gifts He Never Had…

Do We Lift Others Up or Drag Them Down;
Indeed Up is a Kinder place to me; i See WHere
‘The Locals’ Really Live; i Pity Them and Am Kind

As i Can And Will be to Them…

It’s Actually A Very Peaceful

Place As They

Are Usually
to WHeRE They LiVE NoW…

Yet Sadly They Can’t See They’ve Been ‘Left Behind’…

All i Can And Will Do is Lend Them my EYes, Best i Can and Will Do..🙂

SMiLes Dear Doc
Yes! How Kind of You
to Tell All Your Followers

i Love You!


i Love You!
Too Enjoy Yes
Your Saturday Evening Bath
Heck even Make it A Bubble
Bath Why Not Go All Out Yes

Surely Something a Doctor
During The Week A Heart
Specialist And Surgeon
Might Do to


Hehe, Anyway i Must
Go Out into the Wild
of Public Stores While
my Wife Shops Now to
Dance For No Reason Other
Than Autotelic Joy Of Meditating
Free Verse Dance As Song Comes
Free in Poetry

TRuE iN Flow

too And Yes
Perhaps to
Create SMiLes
For Several Hundred
Folks As It’s True It’s Not
Every Day ‘Lucy in the Sky
With Diamonds’ Comes in
Male Form in the ‘Deep Deeper
South States’ of the Old/New USA

To Do A Free Dance Now Practically New
Dancing On Water Floating on Terrestrial Land
FRiEnDS With Gravity Planets
Orbiting Stars God Yes ‘Lucy
In the Sky With Diamonds’ For Real Hehe
‘Moon Dancing’ too On Smoothly
Recently Renovated Walmart Dance Floors

(It’s Almost Like ‘Fonzie’ Yes!
Jumping A Shark Every Night!
YeS Even Before Shark Week!

Comes Again on the
Discovery Channel
Oh ‘Happy Days’
Again Indeed)

Hehe Anyway Enjoy Your
Bubble Bath in Sweet Mexico…

And Don’t
Forget i Love
You! too With SMiLes..🙂

Hmmmm i Will admit
Hehe Yes Some Days
i Show My ‘Butt’ A Little

Bit For A World
Truly Gone Most
Definitely More Insane
Than Naked


Dear Miriam
With SMiLes
of Course Full Moon Style

i Don’t Exactly Stick my Tongue
Out Yet So Many Creative Ways to
Express in Response to True Contrived

Insanity Yes

The Kind
Of Lies That
Have Become
Truth Yes Surely
Deserve An ‘Adequate’ Response…

You Do Seem Like a Bit of A ‘Straight
Shooter’ Picturing You Sticking Out Your


Would Surely
Be A Kodak Moment Hehe..😉

SMiLes Dear Savvy Deep Deep
Deep Deeper Within Subconscious
Minds the More than 99.5 Percent That

Is So Far Beyond Planned Word Think

A Kind of Intelligence That Connects
Beyond Time Distance And Space And

Even Matter A Kind of Intelligence

That Is Truly Beyond Rationality

Yet In Essence Order

Of Chaos When

Art Becomes Truly
Magic Arising Spontaneously
As Every Breath ThiS Way Becomes
A Brand New Reality of Creativity True

SMiLes i Intuit This Higher Force of Human
Energy Most Often When i Am in A Highest
State of Autotelic Ascending Transcending Flow

Whether that Comes From Free Dance or Free Song
Or Any Other Activity That Ascends and Transcends this

Way Beyond All
So-Called Reality
That May Be Measured
Linearly And Empirically
So As Only Matter Within
A Realm of Time, Distance, And Space…

It’s Truly Difficult to Put This Experience in
Words While it Happens Even in Free Verse Poetry
Hehe That’s Why i Avoid too Much Thinking and Let

The Real
On itS own
Meditating Freely
As Streams Become
Rivers Become Bays Become
Gulfs And Oceans All Around Our Globe


“Upholding the wishes of the dead”

Ah Yes Mr Gottfried THere Was Once A Most
Famous Character in A Story Who Related An

Direction Beyond
Tradition to “Let the

Dead Bury Their Own”
Like Working on ‘Saturday Sabbath’

When Every Day is Holy and Sacred
New Whatever Comes Next Eternally Now Real

Like the Kingdom of Heaven is Within Looking Above
The Birds Precede Us in A SCeNT oF Freedom Continuing Now

ThiS WaY As If We Restrict Our View to Below The Fish of the

Ocean Will Precede Us too

Ascending Far Out of the

Deep to Bring the
Shallows All

Us Deeper
Within Indeed
Finding Heaven Now For Real

Wisdom BLeSSinGS BLiSSinGS

Beyond All Tools We Call Words

And Etcetera Etcetera A.I. Etcetera Too

This Flame

This LoVE iN Peace New

For Real For Real For Really Real Now

Let The Past Sleep Let The Future Forget


Over the


Of HoPE’ NoW

Creating ReaLiTY NeW..:)

SMiLes And Helloove’s Again my Dear
Young Indian FRiEnD Indeed A Beautiful

Day It is As A Half Indian
Woman Daughter
of Indian

For the Highest
Political Office in America

Yet i Know Feel and Sense You
And All of the Hard Working Competence
of the Culture

You Come
From So Disciplined True

Indeed Fresh Waves of Air Clearing
A SCenT oF Freedom Continuing Now

For The Potential
Of Creating A More
Perfect Union Where
Life Liberty And the Pursuit of

iS A WaY oF LiFE
For All With Most
Respect and Least Harm

Far More Than Only Empty Platitudes

Other than that of Course ‘The Contract’ Continues

to All You Do…

SMiLes… THAT Brightens
An Already Bright Day..:)

‘A SCenT oF Continuing Freedom’ i FeeL iT iN The
Air It Seems You Are Somewhat of an Empath

So Perhaps The Air Waves
Are Clearing a Bit For You

Too Dear Amethyst Lamb

WHere Hope Replaces Fear

WHere Positive Energy Replaces

Apathy Where Moving Connecting

And Co-Creating Dances And Sings

A Brand New Day For You and me and Them

And Us
Who Feel
And Sense

And See Our Ways
Out of Darkest Caves

iNto ThE LiGHT of Rainbow Colors

New and So Very True WHere Faith
Hope LoVE iN Peace All Becomes FRiEnDS

With Gravity

Peace BeLieVE

Balancing Now

Our Ways New

i am not the only
one Bringing This
Dream to Fruition With SMiLes..:)





A Time Beyond Time A Space Beyond Space
A Distance Beyond Distance Dear Sohair

Yes Far Beyond
Only a Matter

of Things

Giving Sharing
Caring Healing

More Than Taking
Hoarding Callously
Harming A Way of Life

Building Others Up A Way
of Life of Feeling And Sensing

Far Beyond the Material of Life

A Place of Naked Enough Whole

Complete Where Altruistically

The Giving

Greater Than
The Receiving

Really Nothing Else Left to
Do Yet Share Care and Heal more

Where Heaven Begins and Never Ends
Now at Least



450 BiLLioN Years and Still
Counting With Real Virgin
Births in Tow For Some

Species and Just
About the Best

Abilities to Sense
Food and Yes Eat It
From Underneath the Ocean Floor

Hehe Sharks Don’t
Need Any More
Cocaine Ingestion

For a Party For THeir

Party Is Life

Dear Miriam

And With or
Without Our Vices

They Already Have
A Greatest Charisma
For Survival Big Teeth
Big Jaws and a Great Sound Track

To Win Their Campaign Upcoming too..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy All Great Paths You Present
To Create An Environment for Team Building

Success Starts and Ends and Begins With



Yet of Course
Genuine Authentic

And Not Just a Baring of the Teeth

Indeed There is Charisma That Sadly
Supports More DarK and Charisma

That Lightens up A Team

To Get the Almost

to Near and

Yes Real

i’MPoSSiBLE Done

Yes Hehe i’m Possible
They Are Possible Us
Them And We aRe Possible too

Importantly You..:)

Greetings From Sunny
WeDNeSDaY Morning Now
And Already Steamy
Florida to Your Still
Pleasant Spring
Like Weather in
Toronto Breezes

Dirty Rains From Saharan
Global Dust Storms Here Yet

Today i Come With
Two Fictional Yet
Uplifting Mascots
In Prayer of Greetings

In Hopes of Lifting A
SMile For You Dear
FRiEnD True i Am
No Mascot i Am

Real Yet Still i Gift
You With The Never
Aging Child Baby Yoda

And Mickey Mouse too
They Are Kind Yet A Bit

Mischievous Like You
When You Are Super

And me
HeHE ALmost
Always NoW As
Class Clown Most

Yet my SMiles
Are Real too

For You

SMiLes in A Barnes and Noble Way Doing the
Usual Almost 11 Year Routine Yes Every Sunday
Afternoon Reading A Book Miriam For Free While
Moving Meditating Yes Dancing Free in Autotelic
Flow Listening to Meditative Music As Well and Sure

The Least i Can And Will
Do Considering i’ve Read
Over 450 Books For Free in
These Dance Years Close to 11

At Barnes and Noble Yes i Do Naturally
Entertain the Starbucks Crowd As True

That Just So Happens to Be A Largest
Free Dance Hall Space Allowing Me to

Be FRiEnDS with Gravity Floating on
Terrestrial Earth ThiS Way Anyway a Nice

Lady Who Just so Happens to Be A Psychologist
From Connecticut Her Name Was Star And Her Nice
FRiEnD Ivana from Bulgaria Could Understand the Essence

of My Dance
From Farther Away
Than the Local Crowd
Hehe Who Told me i Was
Going to Surely Get Demon
Possessed by Reading A Book On Yoga

As If Balancing With All Of Nature That Way is A
Sin Hehe

It’s not really
Funny Yet It’s Truly Sad

When Folks Aren’t Just Willing

to Lose their Minds and Set the Rest of
The 99.5 Percent or So of Our Subconscious
Minds Free to Surface to Mindful Awareness From

Head to Toe More Anyway When Star Asked if i Was Doing
TAI CHI i Basically Explained No Lessons For What i Do All
Intuitive Movement as Body Talks This Way in Body Language

For Real

In Fact i Lost
my Mind i lose
my Mind Most Always
in Flow Wherever And Whatever
i Do ThiS Way True THere is No Need to
‘Think’ At all at Least Not in Words And then
They Naturally Flow As Song of Poetry Free
Like Socrates Suggested As Far As A Metaphor
of ‘Daemon’ He Knew New Nothing And Neither Do i

In Word
in This
Bliss And
Nirvana FLoWinG Free

A Place Beyond Promises
And All Words A Place of Pure
Faith And Love Where even Hope
Need Not Roam As the Belief is All in
This Gift Present Eternally Now For Real

SMiLes Mr Gottfried,

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

-Steve Jobs

“Don’t Be Afraid to Jump

in The Deep End” Hehe

-me too

True i Am Still
A Very Peculiar Human
With SMiLes A Best Part

Is i’m Always Happy Now

Even When i’m Sad HAha…

And A Best Part oF all if no
One At All Now Commented
On Your Blog i’d Still Be Here (i am)

As That is Also What i Do Best Return…

Other Than That i Lost Count on Best Parts…

It’s Just Much Easier to LoVE iT All DarK Thru LiGHT

True in the Place oF LoVE iN Peace THere is No Getting Lost
Just Finding…


Rather Do Weed
Blooming Than Wheat
Yet Only A Metaphor of
Course FLoWeRinG NeW..🙂

A RiSinG Rose
The Color of our
Blood at Best The

Beauty oF LoVE iN Peace

Color oF Rose LoVE
iN Peace ThaT iS NoW
mY SouL The Blood NeW
oF LoVE The Beauty of the WoR(L)D iN Peace

Romancing LifE A Tradition of Art Now A PaSSinG Fancy
Why Even Touch A Cow When Milk Falls ‘Out oF A Sky’…

WinD iNViSiBLE SPiRiT Cools Fires of Distress Challenge New
For Love Greater Than Milk Falling From NiGHT Sky Stars Free

Endless Colors Brush Becomes Wind CanvaS OPeN We aRe NoW
MasterPiece Painting NeW HeARTS Exhale SPiRiT Evolves Soul

Why is Grace of Balance iN Every Move We Make Most Important
too Balancing Every Move Removes Fear Makes Room For Love

Balancing Every Move With Gravity Regulates Emotions
Integrates Senses Makes More Room For Love too

True THere are Two Jesus Dudes in A
New Testament Torturing Enemies Jesus

And Loving Enemies Jesus

‘Loving Jesus’ GreaTesT Super
Power Is Loving Forgiveness

‘Hating Jesus’ GreaTesT Super Power
Is Torturing Souls Forever in ‘Revelation’
Written by Some Dude He Never Met

Human 101 Dictates
We Remember
Bad Stuff First
So We Don’t Get
Hurt.. oh Lord How
Folks take Advantage to
Subjugate And Control
Others With this Miss
Giving that only takes
Away From our Content
So Know ‘This Beast’
And Generate one’s
Own Light otherwise
Fear in Misery and
Suffering become
Wed Life-Long…
FLoWeRS Shut-
Out Soul-Static
By Simply Coloring
Life.. Humans Do
Have Potential
Not to

Forest Without Water
Desert Human Without
FLoWeR No Colors Either
Paint A Forest
Be A Beach

Flow Effortless Doing
Dancing A Tight Rope
With Ease Laser Focus
Sweet Spot ‘Tween Anxiety
And Apathy Evolving to ‘Autotelic
Flow’ Where the Bio-Feedback of the
Practice of Whatever Creates the Flow
in Art of Dance or Song as Metaphor for
Yes Whatever Brings this Flow Allows Us
to Relative Free Will Emotional Regulation
And Integration of Senses that Really Makes
Religious Words Like Prana, Nirvana, Kundalini
Rising, Satori, As Flow Is The Essence of Tao too
By God Yes All Natural Kingdom of Heaven Within
As the Riches
Are Mastering
Our Own Soul Selves
Chalice over FLoWinG
To Give and Share With All
Others Most With SPiRiT oF SoUL NoW
HeART LoVinG Without iLLuSoRY Fears
As We Regulate and Integrate all the
Appropriate Material Reductionist
Parts of the Human Soup of Soul
Like Serotonin, Dopamine,
Oxytocin, Adrenaline
Stress Hormones
And Endorphins
Too Hehe All
in Synergy of
Heaven Within now
Masterfully Increasing
Levels of Laser Focus and
Long Term and Short Term
Working Memory of Cognitive
Functioning too as Art And Reason
of Soul Hold Hands in MiND and Body Balancing True

Effort Becomes Bliss of Non-Doing Increasingly Complex Activity
In Moving Meditation of Whatever Practice of Heaven We Are Doing In Life…

In the ‘This Place’.. THere ain’t much (No) pain as You are Your own
Pharmacy SMiLeS WiTHiN…

SMiLes Vrunda
Seek And Stay
NoW True WiTHiN As
Much As You Will Naturally Do too..🙂

Perhaps one Day Soon and Sooner
Science And Religion (Politics) Will Hold
Hands And See ‘They’ All iN Practice
Seek And Find ‘Worshipping’ Now
iN A
Heaven within
to Can And Will Do Now..
Perhaps.. We Can And Will Even Transform
Ascend Transcend ‘God’ into Verb of FLoWeRinG
CoLoRinG HeaVeN WiTHIN NoW LoVinG iT All DarK Thru


Friendship Is A Verb Who Always Lifts Up
Whenever Down Comes to Visit Anchors
in Safe Harbor Sails of Freedom
FriendShip Indeed iS A Visitor
Who Never Goes Away
Just Caring that is
What Friends
Do Friend is
Love A Wave With
Ups And Downs Yet
Shores Ever More Expanding
For Giving Thanks Giving Friend
Is Always Starting Never Ending
You Are A Very Kind Person may
Your Friends Always Lift You Up in
Sunshine Warmth… Smiles.. i tried
to Respond Poetically Now Yet Your
Words are more Lovely than mine..🙂

SMiles At This Point
ITs Changed into
A Story that

The Story Was

Built HiStorically For

Empires to Subjugate,
Master, Control, Oppress
Expand, Destroy

And Conquer

A System
oF Lies

The Older
Texts Are
Not Much

Than Any
Other Appeal
For A Life of
One With Naked
Nature Away From
What Divides Us As
Humans And Binds


All The CuLTuRaL
Tools We Become

SMiles Jane Most
Everything i Need
To Feel And Sense

Is Built
In As the
Nature i Am

Humans DisGuise
That With Many
Tools to Compete


Others Ironically
Now Technology
Allows Us To More



Out of
Our Life
Unless Technology
Becomes A “CuLTuRaL
Constructed GoD”




And Masters
Us too A Balance
It Is Life is The Story

We Write, Direct,
Play, And Act

Key is


Our Own

Story Or Like So
Many Are Mastered
By A Story oF iGNoRaNCE

Like Worshipping
The After Life More
Than Life And An All
Loving Forgiving Merciful
God That Tortures Enemies


There Are “Greater”
“Silence of The Lambs

Stories” Yet
Some Still
Follow Great
Ignorance in


oF LiGHT….

Placebo Effect
Is Real Wafers of
Bread May Be Effectively

Used As Sugar

Pills As Stories

May Be

Used Effectively
The Same By Symbols

Too Doubt The Power
Of Belief As Essence
Of Human Nature

And Fall
To Another
Folly of the
Overall Human Story

SMiles Dear Jane
i Use the Tools of


Proven That
Work The Effective


Are Just
Plain Awesome
With SMiles my FRiEnD

At Core
An Autotelic
Meditative Flow

Keeps Me IN

Real Heaven

Within Now

Still Lots of
Clues This
Is Real


Old Poetry
Too In Essence
Of The Meditative
FLoWinG Autotelic

For Real




Just Fumes 🌟 💫

Just Gaseous Star Dust🌈🏝☺️

Being Nature One With God Same
Different Some Artists Relate

Others Do Not

Hehe Depends in
Which “Believer”

You Ask
Dear Jane
A Franciscan
Monk Richard


And So
Called Saint
Francis Relate

Sister Moon

And Brother


And Stars
And Galaxies
And Beyond


As Essence of
All That is Vibration

Frequency And Energy

With No
Words And
Surely No





Of Words

On A Beach Alone
Without Essence of Breath
Vibrations Frequencies





Of All That
Is Relates Nature

In Words of The Gospel
Of Thomas Strip Off
All The Clothes

With Naked

No Shame
Tread on All
Man Mades Clothes

(Finding Living
One Within Now)

Including Words of
Course The Oldest

Of Culture


Of All That is…

Stories Vary Dear
Jane Nature Remains


Of Dance And
Song Move Repose




Ask ‘Tesla’
And Not the Car
Or Just The Vehicle
The Vessel The Shell 🐚

Indeed The



Of Our
Spiraling Milky
Way As The



Leaves Behind

A Song of “The Dance”

“And the nautilus sings to the
spiral arms of the galaxies
that spin on the axis
of the universe
in the eternal darkness
of the ceaseless sea of time.

Forever and forever


SMiLes Dear
Jane Born on


Three Similar
Nautilus Shell
Symbols Also

Embossed on
3 Degrees Still
On My Desk As
“Build Thee More
Stately Mansions”
By Oliver Wendell
Holmes The Motto
And Logo Of The

Of West Florida
Although Its Changed
Now to A Bloody Sword
Bearing Argonaut


The University
Acquired A New
National Champion
Football Team As
Just Another


Tribal Religion
Bearing Swords
For Lifelong


Brain Injuries

To Play Football



School Buildings

Hmm… The Prostitution

Never Ends Yet A

Prayer Of


6’s Still Begins
Only A Mark

Of Another



Nature’s Beasts…

Amen Amen

i Dance
Furry Free

The Beast
i AM Not

to Be

i Am Now 🌟
Again This Just
Fumes Gaseous


Left As Shell 🐚

HeaLeD Feet Dancing On
Land Terrestrial Starring

Balance is Key to Moving
Pyramids 1 In A Billion More
Parts of Matter Versus Anti-Matter

Creating All Of Existence We Understand Now

A Free
SPiRiT Now

Moving in Balance

Otherwise HeHE All 250 Pounds
of my Body Anchored on Land

Sails Move me in Balance “SaiL oN LoVE”

Dear Jane As LonG As Meditation Moves
me in Flow i Am Wings Without A Body

Within Inside



Of Less

Than One

Finger my FRiEnD
iN MiND And BoDY Balance
Whole SoUL SPiRiT HeART Enough Complete
As Is JusT A Free Tree Of Life Spreading Roots
Vines Same Above So Below All Around Now…

It’s A Same Way i Still Leg Press 12 Reps 1540
Pounds at 64 Years-Old With My Arms Raised
To The Sky i Simply Empty mY UNiVeRSE At FeaT oF Ease…

Hehe Can You imagine How Hilarious it is to See A 64 Year-Old
Dude Warming Up With Free Style Ballet in Front of Everyone
in A Military Gym Before Doing That Dead Pan Face Laughing Hilarious Within



Just DanCinG
Away From the
Whole FeaT ALWaYS
Like it is Nothing At All…

Precisely A Way A Whole UNiVeRSE
Starts According to Stephen HawKinG
And Some Quantum Mechanics Physicists
Suggesting New UNiVeRSES Are Born Out of
BLacK HoleS in Balance of Spin And Torsion of Stars…

TRuE Dear Jane THeRE May Be More to This Dance Than Meets Most EYeS…
Yet THiS oNLY oF A SToRY A SonG Approximating A Dance For Real NoW..🙂

Just to ‘Think’ i Am ‘The Dude’
Serving Out Shoes At A Bowling
Alley For Almost 2 Decades Having
Poetic SoULeD Discussions With All These


Super Intelligent
And Artistic Folks

All Around A Globe Now

It’s True THere is No Middle

Man, Church, State To Control
Human Potentials Now Free For
All Based On Merit of SoUL EXPReSSinG



Now What i Find
Is Women Are Head
And Shoulders And Feet

Above Most Dudes When
It Comes to Real SPiRiTuAL
SoUL Intelligences Now Through HeART
Any Surprises Through Centuries of Toxic


Discounting the
Energies of Emotions
And Feelings That Move
Us At All iN A Word NO to little spirit…

“Man with Stars on his heels
Tripping the Light fantastic
Across the Universe”


Hehe Currently
Dancing Naked
In The Forest

(my Backyard)

Dear Jane

With My
Fence Birds Squirrels
Bees All Trees Still


All i
Do i Disgust

Folks With
my Public Dance
In Trump/Jesus
Town USA i Identify
As 16


i Get Away
With it As
A 64 Year-Old
Who Might Hit
A Home Run on
The First Baptist
Softball Team
(If i Ever Played)

Or An Undercover
Security Dude In
Walmart to Catch
A Thief As True



Theories Are

Circulated About
me Too Yawn Naked
Dance With Nature


Favorite iNdeed🐝🎶

It’s Thundering



i’ll Retire

To The

Desk Top
Computer Again



i Get ‘Thunderstruck’

Again With What

Comes Before That🏝

SMiLes Dear Jane Your Words
‘Prophetic’ As i Turned
Up the ‘Dogs’ Song
off of ‘Pink Floyd’s
“Animals” Album
Back From the 70’s

When i Barely

Slept At Night

Kept Awake by
Psychedelic Music
Bringing That Extending
Human Conscious Realm
To Expressions of MuSiC
And Lyrics For ‘The Consumer’

To Relate Yes All Sober Within Four
Saintly Walls With A Ceiling too Until
The Music and Lyrics of ‘the Floyd’ Takes

Ya Beyond
All confining
Limits of Before…

Anyway The ‘Sheep’ Song
So Apt For ‘Minions’ and the
‘Pigs’ Song So Apt for the
‘Despicable’ Leaders As
The Whole Show Based
on Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’

Comes to

Play in my

Now too Oh God Yes

Of Course Prophecies
Are Only Self-Fulfilling
Recurring Individual and
Group Human Archetypes

Story Exists First Then Written
Down Instance After Instance the
Waves Still Play Ocean Whole For All to

See And

Be And

Play again…

With Understanding
of Human And Nature
Comes Freedom From the
Chains People Put themselves in
From Group Think Truly An Outcast
Has An Advantage Escaping the Animal Farm Now..;)

SMiles Dear Cindy
What A Picture


Our Child
Explore Now


Thank You
With SMiles☺️🙏❤️🤗

Seeing Through The Awe And Wonder of A Child’s
Exploring Eyes Always New Environment Now

Feeling All the Gratitude An Elder Life

Brings for Years of DarK Thru LiGHT

Mountains Climbed

Still Climbing

LoVE iN Peace Freedom Dances Sings

At Best Yes Dear Cindy With SMiLes

Ah Yes When Child and Elder Eyes
Union Within Golden Age Forever Now More





SMiLes Dear Savvy A Never Ending Perfecting of Practice
FRiEnDS With Gravity Always Balancing A Dance And Song

Of Life iN Peace

Will Bring Coloring

Pure Water of Love

Springing Best From

What Comes Yes This

Peace Only Perfecting
FRiEnDS With Gravity More

EacH And Every Day Now Yet No One Suggested

Then That i Start This Endeavor New Other Than When

Yes The Dance Itself New at Core Intuitively Still Teaches

me These Lessons Beyond All Words Forevermorenow


Grows LiGHTeR

iN Balancing ThiS WaY
Toe to Head Beyond Even More

The HeART Breathes Fresher the

Soul Grows Younger Far Beyond

Numbers As The Weight of

The World Basically

Becomes Nothing

As All Becomes Ours
to Master in Balance Now
Yet Again Far Beyond Only
Word Think With SMiLes Although

i Do my Best To Cover This Evolving Reality New With Words..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam The First Place
i Look For Truths is Nature Beyond

Human as Human is the Only

Species Capable of Lying

‘Go Figure’ As Carl Sagan
Related Through the Novel
And Yes The Movie ‘Contact’

Humans are an “Interesting Mix
Capable of Both Great Dreams
And Horrible Nightmares too”

Bringing These Co-Creating
Realities to Fruition Through
All the Tools We Create Use
And Wear Namely Words as

Of Course Words Never Actually Fully
Capture the Essence of Reality For True

What is a ‘Tree’ Really
Yet a Three Letter


of An Ever Changing
Reality Far Beyond 3 Letters

Indeed Words Birthing Cultures
Where Obvious Lies Become

‘Gospel Truth’

Where the

Least Common
Sense is Used to

Co-Create a Reality

That Harms Others Severely

Only for the Case of the Story Co-Created

True in Fruition CuLTuRE is a Place Where Anything
Goes that Humans iMaGiNE and Put into Fruition of

What Words Whether True or False Build as Rules



So What’s A Solution
As Neuroscience Suggests
We Basically Hallucinate Our
Realities Based on What We
Basically Hallucinate Before

in Constructing Our Realities This
Way Often Far Beyond What We Name ‘Think…

Ah Yes When in Rome Blend in Enough to Survive

Enough in the Background Invisible to Write Direct
Produce and Act Our Own Plays of Life “A SCenT oF

Continuing FreedomS NoW” Yes Cornerstones of

Our Own


Now For Real
Spoon Fed CuLTuRaL
Lies From Birth Just
Regurgitating all of

That And Beginning Again
No Longer Slave to Stories oF Lies..:)

All my Pleasure
Dear Savvy
iNDeeD The
“We” That
We May
And Separate True☺️🙏

Getting Hotter And Or Cooler iN Eden
Depends on How Ya FeeL And Sense IT

Thanks Dear
Savvy All
Inspired By Yours


SMiLes Dear Savvy Never Missing A Dance Date Through Many Minor to Rather Major Injuries
Along the Dance Path of Almost 11 Years Now Come August 26, 2024 Through All the 20,288
Miles of Dance Events Free in Public Perhaps Last Year Was a Greatest Challenge in That Through

All These Years i Never Injured A Hip Surely A Requirement

For Dancing Legs Knees and Feet With SMiLes

Barely able to Walk Limping into the Store

True More Than Likely in the Pain And

Spasm Cycle That Usually Comes Even

With Minor Injuries as It Surely Wasn’t

Too Major As Hehe i Strained it Doing A Calf
Raise in the Gym Compensating For a Slightly
Twisted Knee That is Healed Now Completely

Through All These Years Developing Emotional
Regulation and Sensory Integration of FLoWinG
Meditating Free Dance That is Often Labeled By

Others As Tai Chi Although i Surely Go Much Faster
Than That Usually Through Moves All i Had to Do to

Remove the Limitations of Apparently What Was the Pain Cycle
of Spasms Then is Turn on Positive Music Through my Earbuds

And Move Slowly Until All the Pain Melted Away And In Appreciation

of that Gift of Healing Having one of the Smoothest Balancing FRiEnDS

With Gravity
Free Dance

Moving Experience
Decade Yet to Date

For me at Least It’s Not So Much
Cognitive Control As It is the Feed
Back of A Body In Tune With Mind

to Lead the Way Back to Healing And Free…

And Before i Started Dancing i Experienced All
Types of Somatic Difficulties of Being Trapped
Between Two Ears of Mechanical Cognition Above

Now my Body Sings A Dance of Healing Naturally With SMiLes…

Poetry of Soul Relating Grief
is Among the Greatest Poetry

As It Dances Sings All of

The Human Potential

Still To Love With

SMiLes Dear

Miriam What
Will Never Be
Lost is What Is
Always Found Before…

ArT IS A Place
We Exercise


Here’s A Key to All Success in Life Every
Move and Word in Flow of Dance And
Song Heaven is Real Within Now Doing

This Balance Newly Now Oh God Yes

Harnessing Gravity With Balance

Pyramids of Loving Mind

Moving Matter LoVinG

Dance And Sing iN Peace

It Is Our Bodies That Move Our
Mind First New When We Do Not Move
And Sing in Balance of Flow With Gravity

We Die Faster Now

Keep Shining
You Brighten
Cloudy Days…

Make Every Experience
Of Life A Poetry Prompt
For Delight Shadows And
Sunshine Same Soul Glows

Dance Dance Dance
Sing Sing Sing Love
Love Love All i Do
iN Peace Love To Y’all Too
Safe Dreams Dreams
Yes Dream Fruition Dance

Sing Sing Sing…

Thanks for the Sunshine
From the Philippines
Dear Yeka Tropical
Weather In Florida…
Dance And
Song Shines
Bright Within
Loving Smiles
Give Share Freely
Air Breathes Kindness…

You are Very
Talented not many
Folks are Brave enough
To express Erotic Art it’s
Nice to View All Free Art
Breathing You…

Breath of A Lilly
Opening Gold
For Honeycomb
Delight Sunflowers
Spiral Galaxy Life
Lovely to
See Imelda’s
Words of Poetry
On the dVerse Trail
Again Bright Spot Hear…

Ego is Zen
Art too
At Best
FLoWinG in
Kindness RiSinG
In Shine
For All
No Art
Of War
Love Breathes
iN Human Peace Best…

Sight of Flowers
Smell of Breathing
Sunshine Gold Within
Loving HeART Beats Hear…

There are Conspiracy
Theories And
THere is Truth
THere Is Love
THere Is Peace
And Yes There Is
None Truth Will
Dance and Sing
Out of Shadows
When LoVE iN Peace
Is Faux News…

mY Pleasure
The Globe is
Too Small
Now not
To Spread Joy…

SMiles mY FRiEnD
There Are People
And There Are
Human Kind
You are
One of
Few i Find
And Never Forget
For i Do Remember Both
And Kind
With SMiLes…

SMiLes Dear Jane

By Putting Humankind
Above Beyond
Rest of


We Humans
Piss On Nature
Through Our



Through Our




Too the Other
Animals Only


To Exist
Naked Enough
With Nature in Balance
And They Shall Inherit


Brings… Existence…

Baby Yoda’s Super Power
Is “The Force” AKA Faith
The Power Of Belief

In Focus Of Flow

Unity With

All of

In Balance
Unafraid AKA “Chi”

Whereas That Leaves
Bugs Bunny With His

Super Power ‘Wit’ What The
Trickster Uses To Outsmart
‘Enemies’ Without Ever Raising
A Fist Or Sword Sending Them To



They Enjoy
It Like Heaven
All The Way on



YeS A Devil’s
Advocate too

Endless Rabbit
Holes to Explore
Perhaps Never Escaping

Anyway Happy ThursDay to You…

TRuE Rue Key is Becoming
Essence More than
Worshipping A Shell…

SHells Sit Still On Beaches
Becoming Fossilized

Yet Love

Breathes Now for
Real Best Giving
Sharing Caring Freely With



As NiGHT Kisses DaY
DarK Becomes LiGHT

iN BaLaNCinG ForcE oF ALL

“Love is Written in the Stone”
Key Per Earth, Wind, And Fire Is Be

More Than Stone…


Be Water
Be Air

And Of Course, Have A Nice THuRSDaY…
Hehe, Yet i’ll Surely Never Tell You What

You Must Do Now…

i Understand Some Folks
Are Still Awaiting The

Great Orange Pumpkin’s

Return in November

Before that

It Was

Someone Else…

Before That Someone Else…

Some Folks Are Still Waiting on ‘Godot’ too…

For me at Least
i PainT A New


On my Christmas
Evergreen Tree Always Now

Yet i Never Root it i Always Fly
On Terrestrial Land Floating as
WaLKinG on Water is Way too Boring Surfing

Or Flying Into Outer Space When i Already Exercise

‘The All’…



With Gravity
FoR ReaL NoW…

Oh My Lord to Focus on One
Task The Discipline

Of What

All Of The
Animal Kingdom
With Teeth And
Canine’s As Evolved

Always Do to Survive
Capturing Prey Escaping
Predator Where an iPhone
Distraction May Surely Lead

to A Vehicular Crash…

Indeed Discipline of
Focus on One Task
Spells Survival

In Balance

Of Flow

Every Step A Lion
Gracefully Walks
FRiEnD’S With Gravity
That Some Might Propose
Is Effete Conserves A Calorie
That May Mean The Difference
Between Eventual Life or Death
in Days of Drought on the Savannah Still…

Considering Now that Science Shows the
Average Human Being Force Fed An Information
Age By Their Own Volition In Instant Gratification

Has Yes A Literal Attention Span of Less than A
Gold Fish… Oh No! Just 3 Seconds… No Escaping
Predator or Capturing Prey That Way With Only



Balance in Flow
On One Task to Survive
Becoming An All Natural Expert in
Every Step of Grace to Survive in Balance

FRiEnDS With Gravity Becoming the
All in All in Peace of Existence Best
Yoga Unity With SMiLes Dear Savvy

Every Step

Holy Dance

Every Word Sacred Song…

My Wife Does All The Walmart Shopping
Don’t Have to Deal with Prey or Predator…

Just Dance

Then Sing

Then Eat Sleep

Now i Repeat With SMiLes
Always A New Path to GroW on
TasK iN Flow of Focus In Balance Now



Step Word
Now For Real…

Hehe Dear Doc Try This One on For Size…
i’m Not About to Repent to Any Dude

Who Says i Have to Forgive

My Enemies Loving Them
No Different Than All
of Nature And me

Turning All My

Other Cheeks

As He Turns
A Possessed
Head Around


Around Again

And Tortures Them
Forever As A Despicable
Leader No Different Than Trump

Of Course If He Had Mythical Abilities too…

On the Other Hands i Use Real Negative
DarKeR Emotion For Poetic Muse And Always
Drop it Off At The ‘Cleaners’ For Ever Lasting Bliss On Earth

Honestly Can’t

‘They’ Come

Up With

A Better Story

With At Least More

Than ‘Trump Integrity and Honor…’
Oh Wait! He’s One of ‘Their Saints’ Already….

No Surprise

What the

Comes Again…

It Doesn’t Matter
Which One Comes
First The Nature of ‘The Beast’ Remains…

Oh Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Cock-A-Doodle-Do

Can You Imagine How i Spin Around the
Heads of the ‘Profession’ When i Create my Web…

It’s a
Just A
Holy And
Sacred Real
Blast Just Truth
iN LiGHT Preceding Thunder For Real…

SMiLes Just A Coincidence of Course as Usual Hehe Dear Sohair
Yet The Christian Specific Way of Prayer Discussed in the Catholic
Mass Readings All around the Roman Catholic Way Today Yes All Around

The World yet my Method

Of Prayer is Truly Gratitude

Beyond All Words of Planning

for me it is to Become Lost From
my Thinking Reasoning Mind IN Flow

Where Most Every Move Becomes Holy Dance

And Every Word of Song Sacred is Generating

Still From An Energy of That Free FLoWinG Dance

So Soul Deep Meditating Again Beyond All Words of Planning
Yes Now mY FRiEnD SPiRiT HeART Naked Enough Whole So Verily

Complete Oh Yes

As It’s New True hehe

i Never Really KNoW
What i Will Say/Sing Until
Words BREaTHE Song TaKinG FLiGHT

Springing From Within mY FRiEnd From
Still a Deeper Place to Explore With Every

Dance and
Song Free A

New Prayer
ThiS Way
of SMiLes
Just Loving All
THiS Gift of LiFE
DarK Thru LiGHT
Yet Just one View my
FRiEnD From A ‘Story of my Life’…

SMiLes Dear Savvy Oh What
A Beautiful Story it Will Be If All

Our Stories Are Anchoring By
Balancing Grace FRiEndS With

Gravity With Always DiViNE LoVE iN Peace
GoD YeS Within Remaining Real iN Peace to Lift All

Others Up With Most Respect Least Harm of Course

True Leader
Ship And Or
Followers Without

Grace Balancing
Peace Inhaling
Love Exhaling

Empathy And Compassion

STiLL NoW Doesn’t Feel Quite
As Alive Loving Now All that is

Most Respect
God Yes Least Harm…

Oh Yes Indeed Dear
Sohair Everyone May

Have Their Own

Unique Way
Of Prayer SMiles

Hehe This Is Why
God Never Gets

Bored If We Visit
The World As You
Surely Do We Find

God Makes

Us ThiS Way
To Never Get

Bored Therefore
Literally 45,000
Plus ‘Sects’ Of ‘Christianity’

(And Illiterate JeSuS Never
Recorded A Word in His Life
Even If He Actually Wrote
“DiViNE Free Verse SPiRiT
Poetry” Most Everyone Will
View it Differently They

Surely Do
Even The
Words in A Book
He Never Wrote
Again Do The Math
45,000 Plus Denominations
Of Christianity And A Different
View of “JeSuS” And
Or God For Every

Pair of Eyes
In Every
Pew or We
May Look Away
Ignorant of This

Reality And Lie to
Ourselves And Suggest

THere Is only One View
Of ‘Religion’ Oh Lord

Face Palm Human
Thick Forests With

Different Human
TREE EYes Leaves)

And For Metaphor
Hehe Every YouTube
Channel And Blog in

The World With
A Different View

Indeed my
Escaping The

Diversity of
Nature as Every
Breath We Take

Is A Brand New
Birthdate For All
Of Us Together



In Change
At Best With SMiles…

Hehe on The other
hand it only takes
$27.40 A Day To Save

Dollars A Year;

5 Miles A Day to Public
or Walk 150 Miles A Month;

3,333 Words A Day to Write
100,000 Words of Free Verse

Poetry A Month;

Indeed Dear Ashley
Do The Math Everyday
And Eventually Now

Only Play…

Listen See This Is What i Do Seek And Find
World Voices In A Synergy of my God Poem
“SonG oF mY SoUL” Yep 13.1 MiLLioN Words
Long in 131 Months of Effort Best Part of All

Never For Sale

For Clarity To

Never End Always
Begin mY God Is

Yes ReAlly Love

to Do i Am iN Peace

“Hoist the flag!”

Hehe Mr. Gottfried A True
New Pirate of Dance And Song

Veers Away From Hoisting Flags
As That Only Gives Aims Now to Haters
Loving Misery Best Friends With Discontent

For This Kind of Pirate’s Flag is Inherent iN THeir PLaY

Hehe As True After All the Money That’s Left is STill GRoWinG

Mold More in Always Solvent Financial Institutions More Than
JusT ‘Soylent Green’ Only to Eat

All that’s Left And
Right To Do

is Let

YouR Play
Flag SWaY

In All We Do
Dance And Song for me
Yet The Options Are Truly
Limitless When Set Free True Chaos
MaGiC Naked Enough Whole Complete
ThiS Way Citizens of the MuLTiUNiVeRSE oF PLaY…

SMiLes Dear Isha As Waves Play Upon the Ocean
RiSinG And Falling Naturally Such is the Nature

Of All Existence to me
iNDeeD DiViNE Play

To Become the Wave
The Water Ocean Whole

Is to Sway The Dance of Life
Falling and RiSinG Still Okay

With SMiLes After Sadness Grief
And Tears of Waves RiSinG Again BRinG

Sweet Relief Ah Yes A Divine Play of Riding
Those Waves Becoming FRiEnDS With Gravity

Understanding Deeper Than the Ocean That All
Is Change All Is Play All Is Dance And Song Free to

Do Again As
Unique Yet Still Moving
Connecting Co-Creating Come to Be
With SMiLes Wider Than iNFiNiTY

STiLL to Dream…

Mastering The Tools Of
Technology Yet Keeping
my Life Based Organic
Essence Well In Play

All Fear
ThiS Way
Leaving Living
Tree LoVE iN Peace
Plenty of Room For
Roots Deeper Spreading

Vines All Around A Globe
As Technology Avatar Life
PaSSinG Free Dance With
SonG Of Poetry Naturally

As Waves
Fall And Rise
With SMiles of LoVE iN
Peace Key Muse Of Un-

LoVE iN Peace
With You Too
Dear FRiEnD

With THurSDaYY
SMiles True Blooming…

Getting Hotter And Or Cooler iN Eden
Depends on How Ya FeeL And Sense IT

Ah Yes Dear Anita “Durga Maa”
Goddess Protecting HumanKind From
Evil Often Portrayed as Fierce Warrior

Riding A Lion Hehe
in the United

States We

Currently Have
“Kamala Harris’

My Sister Sent me a Graphic
of Her Riding A Shark With a Huge
Fierce Manic Grin With EverReady Battery

Attached to the Back of the Shark Chasing

‘THE Meme’

of the “Orange

Evil one”

HAha Down
The Beach Her
Supreme Confidence

And Her Prey the ‘Evil one’
Running Away no Escaping

Best Wishes on What i’m Sure
Will Be Your Fourth Best Selling
Amazon Indian Book in What Seems

Like Less than a Year True Though

What is Time
When iN

Free Flow
True i Lose
IT Without NuMBeRS iN PLaY

And Gain THE Eternal NoW
NeW iN Joy And Gratitude With SMiLes

Interesting Seeing the Similarities Tween Most
All of the Mythologies Across India in the Many
States of Differences there and Also Seeing Similarities

in Mythologies

Cross Culturally

Globally Wide

Indeed Humans Are
Born Innate With These
Potential Archetypes and

Memes to Flower and Wilt too

Constant Change Yet Patterns Remain..😊🌹🫡

“Create new realities”

iNDeeD Without ‘Choice’

Change is the Only Reality

Mr Gottfried

Always New
We See

iT OR Not…

True Whether
We Create It NeW OR NoT…
Tradition Fades What the Past Does

Does Not..:)




“Reaching Out to Be There” iNDeed Dear Savvy
The World Is too Small Now to Have an Excuse

Not to Interconnect in ‘Interbeing’ Ways With

Each Other And the Rest of Nature

More And More in All the

New Ways Technology

Brings in Avenues

Real and True too

With SMiLes

Yet Of Course Both Online
And Offline in the Blue Room
Of Sky and Stars in Day and Night

Also the Place Where Sun and Moon
Are Brothers and Sisters of Ours in

Day And

NiGHT too

Truly No Limits
in Every New Metaphor
We Co-Create to Express Essence More

oF LiGHT..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy We May
Learn More At the Bottom
of Our Waves Than The

Pinnacle of the Top

As That is What
The Bottom May
Naturally Come to Be

THere is Always Healing in Humanity
When The Soul is Clothed Full of Kindness to Give Away Free…

For In All Our EYeS ThiS LiGHT of Giving Sharing Caring
Healing May


So Very Free

With Most Respect
And Least Harm For
All A Continuing Practice
oF Coloring Our LiVinG Trees New…

“I need to roam. I need to wander.
I need to wonder and embrace
A dark blue sky whetever it might be.”

Nothing to Add Tonight

Except i Agree

Dear Miriam

With SMiLes…

“iN YouR EYeS”…

SMiles… Rather
Be Your Cream
Than Try to Be
Your Coffee
Hi FRiEnD…
Surely i’ll
Find Some
More Cream
On Another
Day For All YouR Coffee…

Nurture Virtue
Glue of A Mother
That Keeps Love
Caring this
Way What
A Village and
Globe Depend
On Breathing Easier…

LoVE iN Peace
God Yes Living Faith…

Your Poetry is inspiring
i Encourage You to
Always Keep in
Touch With
Your Soul
This Way
As This is
What Poetry
Is Soul Breath
Keep Breathing
Kind SPiRiT HeART…

“How to Live And Die”
Surely One Way Living
Dear Savvy Loving All of
What Life Brings Our Best

DarK Thru LiGHT

Life Naturally





From Fall
Thru Spring Again…

LeSSoN 374 May ‘The Force’
Be With You Always NoW Day
Dreaming Nice Night And Day

And Seed
So are


Ear plugs…
Even better
Buds Flowering
With SonG Newly Now Dancing

FeeLS ThE DancE Of GoD’S

FeeLS ThE DancE Of GoD’S WiND New

Sharing REAL Heaven WiTHiNoW Can/Will Be
A GREaTesT TesT oF “JoB” Out of Hell iNTo

HeaVeN For ReaL..

Meh.. i Cry…

i Do…

No Try

Please Note:
Not Selling Or Buying Any Thing
Just Giving Heaven Away For Free

Dream Now
Or Nightmare
F R U i T i o N
Still Coming to
Nature’s Theater So


So Long

For Now…

Thanks Dear Doc
Some Folks Bring
SwordS iNstead

Of Peace…

Yet Not

Unlike “The
Child” And




Is Trickster Wit…
It Was Almost Like
A Prophecy When
The Nun’s Awarded
me A Certificate

For Wittiest

Boy In

Grade Blessed
Sacrament Private
Catholic School i
Didn’t Have Google to
Check The Metaphor
Def. Then on The Autism


Yet I Didn’t

Have To Even

Try to Be Whatever

It Meant Smart or
Funny i Just Play A LoVE iN Peace Fool…

SMiLes Dear ‘Peace And Truth’ ‘Those’ Are Surely Kind Words
You Bring And i Do Believe You Mean them Sincerely i’m Guessing
The ‘Secret Grace’ Has Something to Do With “Roman’s 10:9” And Or “John 3:16”

From the Christian Bible i’m GueSSing too as Yes i Kinda Know it Just About
Verbatim as i’ve Read It More Than the Stars in the Sky Will Ever Be Seen

By ‘Normal’
Mortals Hehe…

Yet You See Innumerable Ghost
Authors Wrote the Bible Jesus Was
Illiterate and Never Recorded A Word in His Life

Yet You See Innumerable Scribes Copied And Made Both
Mistakes in Changes And Intentional Changes too Before the
King James Version Was Put into Print in the 16th Century And

True a Version in Print in the 15th Century too and Yes of Course
No Verse Numbers Until the 14th Century too So Many Centuries

Indeed in The Tween For So Many changes Both Mistakes and Intentional

Indeed From Ghost Authors to Scribes to Editors to the Same Organizational
Kinda Folks in the Roman Empire Catholic

Church Who May Be Trusted
As Far As They May Be With
An Altar Boy and Many More

In the Most Selfish, Psychopathic,
And Evil Ways of Harming Yes those
Most Vulnerable the Children Indeed

Shall i Trust the Safe Keeping of Love
To So Many Changes and Mistakes For So
Many Evils Done to Others Over Centuries Like
Folks Like My Wife Who Has Epilepsy And Others

Like Her Through the Centuries Who Were Burned At the
Stake for Being A So-Called Demon Possessed And Others Who Had Much
More Peaceful Loving Religions in Balance with Nature Who Were Crucified
in So Many Way as Heretics From the Beginning to the American Indians And More

Who Danced With Nature Naked Free and Never Burned it Down As Yes So-called
God Believing Christians Who still believe They Dominate The Earth to Be Owned
Killing Off Two-Thirds of Wildlife in the Last 50 Years and What is Determined By
Science to Potentially Be the Extinction of 1 in 8 ANIMAL AND PLANT SPECIES
in the Coming Decades Potentially Disturbing the Whole Circle of Life Where

We May Be
Next on the List We
Also Consume to Death
As A Species You Know What
Historically and Presently So Much
of So-Called Christianity as it is Practiced
at Least in my Country Leaves A Bad Taste in my
Mouth From the Most Marginalized Among us Being
Tossed Aside As Trash to the Continuing Ignorance
That Harms, Rapes, Maims, And Kills All of Nature Most

Yet You See my FRiEnD

LoVE INCaRNaTE iN Peace and So
Are Many Others too Yet Sadly Least
Often i Find them in Christian So-called
Churches It’s True i Don’t Miss A Sunday

For i for one Will Find a Communion of LoVE iN Peace
Even in the Darkest Pews oF ALL It’s Easy God Yes It’s
Human Nature As Born No Different than An Innocent



Before i Could Speak at 4 With Open
Arms to Every Stranger It’s True it Doesn’t

Bother me one way or the Other If So-Called Jesus

Ever Uttered A Word that is Written about Him in a Book

And i Understand Why Folks Who Were Not Loved By A
Mother Like Mine or Someone Else See the Story of Jesus

As Their Savior of
my FRiEnD my Mother Already
Gave me that Gift the Local Christians
Only Spit on me for Smiling With Love
And Having Long Hair For It’s True Even
‘Paul’ Said it was a Disgrace For Dudes to Have Long Hair

Yet of Course Leonardo Da Vinci As Eccentric as He was in
An Age of Toxic Patriarchy Too Likely Painted Jesus How He Looked
It’s One Way For Ages to Bow Down to an Image of A Human Being Long Gone

There are Some Nuggets of LoVE iN the Bible Indeed Yet if You Want Confusion
That May Be used to Justify Human Harm, Rape, Maiming, And Killing Look no

Farther than
in Psalms to Dash
a Stone Against the
Head of A Child In an Opposing Tribe

Smiles Dear FRiEnD ‘They’ Tried to Do
that With the Child of me Yet Indeed the
Christian Religion Miserably Failed Making

Me Us
Them For Love

Again i Shall

i Repeat i am LoVE iN Peace
For All it is a Careful Effortless
Practice i Do Making Every Move
Holy Dance Every Word Sacred Song

This DiViNE LiGHT Comes From Within

And At Least Luke 17:21 Has that Correct
Along with John 14:12 That Says that LoVE iN Peace
Will Always Be Improved Beyond What Any Teacher
Brings New Now

Hehe of course
including me Yes

for i Understand
A Grain of Sand that
Holds up A Mountain of
Love i am Is No Less Integral than i AM…

Again, i Realize You are Likely Sincere in
Your Attempt to Probably Save me or Whatever

Yet Again, Love is Real And So Am i Nothing Now
to Subtract or Add Naked Enough Whole Complete
And Again the Gospel of Thomas Verse 37 in what
Was related As so-called Secret Teachings From the
Beginning of So-Called Christianity Relates the Similar
As Luke 17:21 Among Most Other Truly Peaceful Loving
Compassionate Religions That Live According to Faith of

Love For Real

i Will Never Belong
to Any Religion as i Have
Yet to find one That and Who
Accepts All of Nature Loving it Without exception…

And While there May be No WHere to Rest my Head
This Way NoW in So-called Club/Organizations that way

LoVE iN Essence is Beyond All Measure of Infinity and
Real What Inhales me as Peace What Exhales As Love
For All that is Nature and Real iN JoY oF LiGHT Giving
For All
With Most
Respect Least Harm

Other than that if You
Have Any Other Secrets

Do Share if You Really Do
Understand Something i Do Not
i Surely Always Welcome New mY FRiEnD…

Ah Yes Dear Chaymaa
Thanks So Much For Sharing
‘This Post’ From Two Years Ago

True We aRe Waves Who Rise and
Fall We aRe Oceans Who Fall From

Sky Raining

We aRe Water

Indeed Who Flows
Through Our Veins
Salt of Oceans Including

Iron Streaming and at Core of
Earth From Super Nova Explosions

Crucible Fire of Star Deaths Resurrecting

Still As Us Sentient Star Dust Indeed As

We Shall Return

Again This


Oh Waves
Ocean Water We aRe
Even More We aRe Stars

Capable of LoVE iN Peace

A Word Truly

Defining God

Among So Many

Hot and Cold Rocks

Both Above and Below

mY FRiEnD…

SMiLes Dear
FRiEnD A Grain
Of Sand in an Hour
Glass i Neither Fall

Or Rise Particularly

When A Song of

Your Soul

Is No
To Bring

Dear Savvy With SMiLes
Time Beyond Time Indeed
This Present Gift Now All New
Weathers All SeASoNS SPiRiT Free…

LeSSoN 424 Too Much
Order Makes Stale Stories

Indeed Dear
Of Our Lives
New Are Meaning
And Purpose Fresh
Always ReNeWinG Our

And ToGeTHeR
ThiS Way Our Human
Nature That Bonds And
Binds Strongest Over

Roses With
THorns Ever Changing

Colors New Now

At Best With
SMiLes For All
With Most Respect
And Least Harm iN Peace

Here Hehe i Mix Love With “Shark
SMiles” Always Conscientious
And Competent Yes To Protect
Your Soul Welfare Best i Can

And Will
Far Away
And as Close
As i Will Come
As True FRiEnD
To Your Soul Also
Arriving Back to This
Future Present As Just
Another Armed Soldier


A Birth of
A Child A
New ‘Yoda
Story’ Fresh
And Ever Changing
Again Protector of A
“Depth of The Story”

And Real
With Shark
SMiles too Hehe

True Don’t Need to
Carry Any Guns Or
Bullets A SMile Like
This Will Ward Off Most

Of Love’s
Story For Real

And if i Have to I Will
Remove my SHades

And Give ‘Them’
A ‘Fredeye’
Protector oF Love…

“Strength of unity
is in the Grace
of balance.”

-Savvy Raj

Worth Keeping
my FRiEnD Thanks
For Your Beautiful

With SMiles…

Oh Beauty of the Funny
Bone Laughter Rarely Falls

Unless One Smiles And is
Spit Upon Oh What A Joy

Those With

No Funny Bones

Now i Rise Unimpeded
With No Saliva Exchanged Hehe
Nope i Didn’t Take “the Other Joker’s”


After A
Laugh AS Such
Yet Yep Not Everyone
Overcomes The Spit Indeed…

Fortunately i Never Got A Punch Line,


Yes Humor
Will Be QuiET
Strange Dear Miriam

Still Turning on my heART


Ah Yes Spirit Emotions Bring

In All Teaching Glue of Memories

Touch Of Human Still

Instead of Just
Another Part

of A Machine
Oiling Student Parts
to Also Become Part of
Society’s Machine i Felt
A Song of A Soul Listening

To Her Teaching What touches
Us And Stays Most When Real

With Smiles
Dear Ruchi
A Very Nice
For Your Teacher
And What She Relays
That Will Always Stay With You

Yes It is True We ReMeMBeR When

A Human
Fully Comes

Into Our Rooms…

When i Am So Tired LooKinG For Real
Soul In Others i Find Soul Giving Again

“I am the beginning, middle, and end of creation.”

-Wisdom Attributed to “Shree Krishna” From the Bhagavad Gita in Connection
And Reported Conversation With Arjuna All A Part of the EPiC Long Form

Poem From India Named the “Mahābhārata” All 1.8 MiLLioN Words or

So Yet What More Wisdom Is There Than the Words

“I am the beginning, middle, and end of creation.”

For It is True Now is All That Exists And Ever Will

-me and others too

A Key Teaching of Both Krishna And Words Attributed
to the Christian Cultural Icon Jesus is That All Parts

Are Equal to The Whole Now No Part Less

Integral to the Whole No Real

Duality Yet The Play

of The Divine

Is All Parts

Playing As ‘The DiViNE Whole…’
SMiLes Dear Isha Yes WHerever
Whenever And Always Newly Now WHere And When
We Ever Seek Wisdom of Truth From DarK To LiGHT NoW

Newly We Again are in the ‘Divine Play of Krishna And Arjuna’

As ‘i Am’ aRE ALL

The DiViNE Parts of the

Play That Create The DiViNE Whole

EPiC Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY
SoUL” All 13.1 MiLLioN Words in 131
Months Almost a Decade Now is Just
A Play of What i Dance and Sing Eternally Now New too…

And Really Through All Human And Other Existence EXPReSSinG


What We

All Do in All
The Arts of
Existence in

Moving Connecting
Co-Creating Eternally Newly NoW iN Change DiViNE Whole Yes

For Balancing The Force of LoVE iN Peace Best as Far As i For one ‘See’

Yet of Course Yes my Poem Never Ends NoW Evolving ThiS WaY NeW

iN Change…

“Light the fires”

SMiLes Mr. Gottfried the
Peculiar Pirate of the Human
Species is Surely Doing Their
Best Already to Set the Nature

of Who We all Are on Fire

Soul of Nature is Balance
Reality Of Nature is Change

If We Don’t Exercise Balance in
The Importance of Human Capital
More Than the Tools We Create And the

Rest of the Usually Naked Enough Whole Complete
Parts of Nature in Delicate Balance That Even Makes

Breathing Possible
For Us As Human
Beings Relying

on Trees Well After
Shark Species Born of
Oceans Nearly Half A Billion Years Ago

True Oxygen Required For the Iron in Our Real
Blood Streams To Pick Up Born of Super Nova
Star Death Crucible Fire Explosions Resurrecting

From Gaseous Star Dust Yes Iron FLoWinG in Our Blood Streams
And at Core of Our Only Mother Earth We Are Adapted to As Well

To Actually Both Survive and Thrive in the Living Green And Flowers
That Color Our World With Life Blooms And The Beauty That Drives us to

Actually Thrive
With SMiLes Yes

We’ve Set the World on Fire
Bleaching the Great Coral Reefs
Dead of the Florida Keys with Caribbean
Temps Close to 100 Degrees F While Threatening
The Process that Warms the Gulf Stream to Prevent
Europe From Being Covered By New Icy Sheaths of

Nature’s Change in Response of ‘Modernity’

From Human Ignorant Efforts to Harm Rape
Maim and Kill the Balance of Nature At Hand

Yet that Only Results in the Reality of Change
The Reality of Nature Indeed the Karma Real

of Actions And Consequences Always Next

For Indeed We Shall Reap What We Sow

Like the Rest of the Seed of Existence Still Dying And GRoWinG With SMiles…

Captain Hooks Fade Away Yet Nature Shall Have the First/Last Seed/Flower

With or Without the Human Species As ‘Godzilla’ Relates Our Own Folly

iN A Kind of Piracy
That is the Worst
Pandemic oF All

The Blindness of
Human Nature From
‘Seeing’ ‘THe All’ (AKA ReaLGoD)…

THere is Always Healing in Humanity
When The Soul is Clothed Full of Kindness to Give Away Free…

For In All Our EYeS ThiS LiGHT of Giving Sharing Caring
Healing May


So Very Free

With Most Respect
And Least Harm For
All A Continuing Practice
oF Coloring Our LiVinG Trees New…

i’m Reminded of the ‘The Great Dictator’ ‘Skit’ With Charlie Chaplin,

Substituting For Hitler in Play With Different Verses to Relate,

With the Feeling of His Charisma Making the Difference Well over

The Reality of Any ‘Real Facts;’

Yet What Happens When

You Get Someone Versed

With ‘The Facts that Really Help Folks’

And Someone Equally Gifted With Charisma

That is Not Something that Will Be Faked; Although,

Either Used for Positive or More Nefarious Promises of

‘This, That, and ‘The Other Thing’

As Promised in Similar Skit

From ‘Gilligan’s Island’…

Oh, ‘The Audacity of Hope;’

Yep That ‘Obama Feeling is
Coming Back’ To Those Who Still
Feel A Future That Will Be Better About Life;

And Compared to What, And Compared to What;

Yes, a Poorly Vetted Republican Vice Presidential Pick

Who Dares Mess with the ‘Reputation’ of the ‘Head Cat Lady’ Taylor Swift

in Effect A ‘Female Jesus’ For the Younger, Particularly Younger Lady Crowd

With Yes,
Also A Particular

Love For Cats,

With No Real
Rush to Get Married With Children;

And Then, There of Course is the Ludicrous
Suggestion that Married Folks With Children
Deserve The Weight of More Than One Vote Per Person

And that America Needs a Real ‘Caesar’ Like Trump in Authoritarian

Way After Already Dissing Him as An ‘American Hitler’ And an ‘Idiot’ Before That;

And Let’s Not Forget that Senate Majority Leader McConnell Then Admitted That Trump
in Practice Incited An

To Thwart

The Selection
Of President in
Our Representative Democracy;

True, for even Temporarily Growing
A Spine, He Still Got Boo’s From The
Minions of That Most Despicable Leader

For At Least Temporarily Telling the Truth…

Dear Lord A Truly Comprehensive List Could

Far Surpass the 8600 or So Words Limited to the

Comments Section on the Wrong Planet, Or Facebook,

And WordPress too; True, Hehe Not Everyone finds Those Kind of Limits

or Transfer of All the Details in DarK and LiGHT Yet We’ve Already Got one

Person Who Served as an Attorney General of California to Prosecute The Details

And Big Picture

Of This Case; And
Potentially Another
For An actual Well Vetted Vice Presidential

Candidate on the Democratic Side too For Real;

For You See There is Honor, And Integrity/Truth, And

Character, And Charisma; Yet Most Importantly, There
is Competence

for the Long

Run, And the

Longer Ways

Home That Actually Last…

“They’ve” Already Sent ‘the Clowns’ in…

Now is the Moment to Actually Get to Work…

Not me,
i’m Only HeaR
to Play hehe Yet

i’ll Swim Deeper iNDeeD..:)

Ah Yes The Sun and The Rain Falls the Same on the Metaphor

of the ‘Saint’ or the ‘Sinner’ However What May Be Different

Is How the Heat of the Sun And The Wet of the Rain is

Dear Isha

By Either


or Cherishing the

Life Giving Benefits of Both

And as far As Other Folks Go Who
Don’t Return the Love We Unconditionally Give

iMaGiNE How Strong the Shoulders Become of Someone Who
Walks on the Shoulder of the Road Waving At Everyone in Cars

Who Come Their Way
With Perhaps One in
A Thousand in Reply

It Is No Different

Than the Human

Soul or Trees That
Endure Lonely Storm Winds

That Only Become Stronger

As Always the Last FRiEnDS

Standing No Matter Season or Weather

Yes Sunshine or Rain Same Life Giving For Those Who Give

Four Seasons
And More

For What
Color is the Wind

Yes What We Paint With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha i’ve Been
Weight Lifting Since i was 12 Yes
Dear Lord 52 Years Ago Continuously except
for that one 10 Month Period at 18 When my Girl Friend then a

First Love Said

Basically She
Owned me
And There
Would Be No
Room For me to
Visit A Gym at Home or Away

It’s True Love Will Be Possessive
When Not Free too Yet This much i Feel Sense For

Sure Love is A Muscle that Must Be Exercised

to Become Stronger ACross a Full Life Span To

Never Wither Away For True i’ve Neglected my

Soul For Years And Replaced It All With the

Mechanical Cognition of School/Work and

i Paid Dearly With A Cold

Within Yes

Soul Lost
From Warmth of HeART

SPiRiT Falling No WHeRE to
Rise Then And Begin Again

The More We Lift Others up
With a Source of Love That is

Unconditional and Real RiSinG

The More Our Souls Sprout Wings

And We Only Soar to Lift Others Up More…

Yet It’s More than
Poetic Words It’s
A Flicker A Flame
A Bonfire A Forest
Fire “Saint Elmo’s Fire”

Within Never Going Out
Again Always RiSinG Higher to See


For It’s True Those
Who Fail to Put People
First and Even Ghost them
Through The Colder of Their Souls

May One Day Find Them Self A Ghost
Wandering the Earth Having no Clue How

the Living
Dead in a Real
Place called Hell Down Here…

A Truth is Only They May Come
To Value An Unconditional Love and
Put People First Heaven Or HeLL ON EartH Their’s

or Break…

Yet True Most Folks
Live in the In between
A Kind of Purgatory

That is Lost


And Just Not
Warm to the Touch…

Yet Again An Art to Souly Create..:)

Friday Florida Flower Story

Oh How Flowers May Drown in Too Much
Rain Yellow Blooms Wilting Over in Hanging
Holes to Drain

Yet Indeed too Much Instant Gratification
Does the Same to Humans As Well

A Most Colorful
Bloom May
After Enduring Droughts
With Hints of Coming Rain

As Oaks Stand Firmer Enduring
Winds of Powerful Storms

Of Course Roots Grow
Deeper As

Droughts Insist
We All Become
Stronger to Endure the Storms of Life

It’s True Even in Heaven On Earth if Storms Do Not
Come i Create my Own Olympic Challenges


With Blood
Sweat and

Happy Tears
With SMiLes…

It’s Truly an Olympic Challenge
To Transform Words into a Hug

Yet True
i Still
Love A Challenge…

SMiLes Dear Miriam God Yes

A Benefit of Seeing in the DArK

Appreciating ThE LiGHT

Seeing More Than


With SMiLes…

This Tree of Life..:)




Now Constantly Changes
into A New Creation That
We All Participate in NeW
ThiS WaY


Dear Savvy
Yet Also True
To Get Lost in the Past
Rife With Regret or to

Fall Deep into Fears Over Futures

Is A Highway Far Away For Reaching Free
So Many More Years of Our Human Potentials

In FAct iN Change For Every Breath We Take

iNHaLinG Peace
ExhaLinG LoVE

Our Guiding Star
Breathes Within ThiS WaY

Up to Us to Wake Up

Moving Connecting



Our Realities

This Too Shall PaSS AWaY
Yet LoVE iN Peace Endures

Or Tomorrownow
Unfolding Now Yes
NeW Is Always Change

Our Essence For Real

It Seems At Best



LoVE iN JoY oF NoW..:)

iNDeed Dear Sohair THeRE is A ‘Be’

Beyond All Material Reductionism

In Fact Beyond All Words

For Description

Yet This Be


Always ours

to Uncover New

As Wisdom Breathes Free

A SCenT oF Continuing FreedomS NoW

True God

Is Free Will

It’s Up to Us
To Catch Up to
Be i Am Best We Can

And Will


SMiLes Dear Isha Key Always Room to Improve

Ah Yes A Thousand and More Shoes Worn

Including All the Bare-Foot Varieties

too for me With SMiLes True

Yes Still Unlimiting

Rooms to i’MProve

So Many More Mysteries

To Uncover So Many More Dancing
Shoes And Bare Feet Coming to Travel Next

With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes True i Got to Party With All the Sorority Girls From my Alma Mater
University of West Florida Until Covid-19 Shut-Down College Night Dancing

For the 6 Years i Participated Most Every Thursday Night

Yet Actually Earning my 3 Degrees in the Early 80’s HAha

What i Remember Most About Those University

Years is the Long Commute in my

’70 Maverick Accumulating

A Quarter of A Million Miles
Yes 250,000 Miles on the Trips

There in the Next City Over All through University

No Air Conditioner or Heater and Even With 3 Part
Time Jobs With a Full School Load All i Could Afford

To Eat was Peanut Butter Sandwiches Every Every Every

Day Then Isn’t it Amazing What A Human Being Can Go

Through Just to get 3 Documents Called Degrees that

Would Only Lead Someone on the Autism Spectrum

Close to the Top of Their Class with a Job Making

$3.69 an Hour getting a foot in the Door
at the very Lowest Possible level

in Federal Government

Employment True

i Could Do Multiple Choice
Tests and Ace them With Savant
Like Rote Memory Yet That’s all i Had
the Output was Really Out of ‘The Question’

And in Junior College i Couldn’t Even Afford
to Order Fries With my Well Heeled Friends in
Their Trans Ams Financed By Their Families With Two Parents

Yet my Grandmother on the River Front Made me Breakfast at Lunch

And Now Haha

i Can Afford All
the Fries in the World

Yet i Understand they are
Basically Garbage to Eat So

They Come No Where Close to my Stomach

Anyway All Those Peanut Butter Days Make me

Appreciate every little thing now and the best part of All

is Still Living Like i’m Hungry as Flowers Bloom Best After Droughts

With SMiLes..:)

Ah Yes Memories of Dinosaurs and Tigers
Back When Gas Was 19 Cents A Gallon

Ah Yes Sinclair Full Service Gas Stations
With Each Fill-Up A Collector’s Item of Plastic

Dinosaurs Including T-Rex my Favorite Too
And Then the Esso ‘Tiger in the Tank’ A Familiar

Mascot Along With the Sinclair Brontosaurus too

Such Nostalgic Memories
of that 181 Mile Stretch
of Highway 90 Before the
Days of Interstate 10 in Route
to Visit my Father Twice a Year

Way Back in the Beatle’s 60’s

in the Days of 19 Cent a Gallon Gas
A White Ford Falcon And that Night

Of Lightening Strikes Constant For An
Hour on the Stretch Home Cars then Just

Didn’t Really
Insulate You
Much From

Danger Not
Even a Seat Belt then

And Now They Almost
Drive Themselves Generating
Their Own Energy And Even Talk
Back in a Multitude of Soothing

Artificial Intelligence Voices Yes
Like “Night Rider’s” Trans Am ‘Kitt’

Anyway my Mother Driving Assured
Us We Would Safely Arrive Home

It Just Seemed Like the End of
The World That Night True

It Always Comes New the

Next Day And Every Breath

And Every Penny More For Gas

Until Even Gas Goes Extinct

Yet the Dinosaurs We

Will Always Remember
Them and Tigers too

Dear Miriam

at least i
will for
Now With SMiLes…

Perhaps The Strangest Part of
All is i Feel Younger Now Than i Did at 7

For What is Old Yet How the Soul Breathes Now…

no longer afraid

no longer afraid

So comfortable in This World New Now..:)

Do Twice As
If you
God is LoVE iN Peace
And More than
What had Been
In Covers
Of Books
Left in Old Dust

Indeed Beautiful
Goddess of Nature Yes!
Butt WHere
i LiVE iN
‘Trump Town’
Florida A Beautiful
Nude Female Sculpted
In Sand May
Be Named
Evil in ‘Dirt’
Yet Greater
Than Any
Without A
Naked Soul of Love
Thanks For Sharing🖼

SMiLes Victoria So Nice to See Your Poetry
And Your Presence on WordPress again, Hehe
As Before i Wrote Poetry i Did Information
Technology Support Along with

Many Other

Hats Working

For the Government

The Link Below That Should
Be Private and Only For You

Should Take You Back to the
Classic Editing Page You are

Used to For the Button That

Says New Post Just

Click on the


Editor Option
And Voila You
Are Back Where
You Last Left-Off on Word Press…

It appears That WordPress is Attempting
to Make More Money By Making it Harder
to Write Longer Posts Yet Hehe There’s
Always A Work-Around Thank Goodness

As my Once 6,000 Word Poems Each
Week Are Now Averaging 60,000 Words
Bi-Weekly Just A Free Retirement Hobby
As my Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Is at 13.1 MiLLioN Words in 131 Months along with
20,296 Miles of Public Dance in that Span of Months too…

True Information Tech Support

Was Really Easy As My Autistic

Tendencies Do Travel A Very

Limited Systemizing

Mind of

Life too
Oh Lord So Nice
To Break Out of the Computer Box…

Anyway This Worked for the Last Person
i Helped So it Should Work for you too my FRiEnD…
Basically it should work for anyone on Word Press
Just Put the Site Name Where i’ve Inserted Yours here


“live2write2day” With SMiLes..:)

Such Lovely Wisdom Shared
From Your Mother Dear Savvy

Space Between Notes of A Song

Or Words of A Poem Freely

With Wings Holding

Hands With


SMiLing Eternal
Echoes Always Beginning

A New Dance And Song Together

With Forever Now to Always Create New

Never Ending
Stories of Life New
Always Beginning Now..:)

Ah Yes Dear “Peace Truth”

Although i Am Born With Three
Sixes on my Driver’s License Still
Hehe In How We Do Dates in the United

States Printed As 6.6.60 It’s Also True

For Every Inhale of Peace Exhale of Love
iN JoY oF LiGHT Giving Sharing Caring

Healing For All With Most Respect Least

Harm i Am Reborn New

Now Into God is LoVE iN Peace

Every Breath ThiS Way

Leaves of Trees FoRest
Whole Greening Above So
Below Fertilizing Soils As New Souls of Love Free iN Peace
These Roots Below This Vine Above We Who LiVE As Love..:)

Back To School my Way 🌳
Saving So Many Trees
Technology Does By
Fully Illustrating All
i Do Electronically
Rather Than Killing
14 Trees and Boxing
Up Over 144,000 Pages
Of Paper In A Back To School
Writing Spree of Poetry All
13.1 MiLLioN Words in 131
Months And Over 130,000
Photos i took fully illustrating
It All Plus Around 10,000 Songs
From You Tube That Won’t Fit
On Any Page Hehe Well This

Is Really
All Pretty
Boring To Hear

Yet Even Katrina
Agrees What’s Really
Pretty in Pink is You
Still Dressed up In Your
Barbie Vibes So Sweet

Hehe as Usual i Fell into
Your Mesmerizing Ebony
EYes And it Was A Bit of
A Challenge to Escape…

In Wonderland
All That’s Missing
In Your Disney FB
Profile Pic Is Your
Prince As Always
Best Wishes to
All Your Dreamy
Hopes Fulfilling With SMiles
Mesmerizing Ebony EYes Barbie

SMiles “The
Bug’s” Big
Eyes Are
Dear Cindy
With SMiles
FireFlys At
Best We
Shall LiGHT
The World
With Calming Fires☺️❤️🙏

What A Wonderful Post on the Value of Kindness in
All the Giving, Sharing, Caring, Healing We May Do

With Most Respect
And Least Harm

Like The Indian
Philosophy Goes
See The LiGHT Of the
All In All In Every Part of

Nature and Respond in Kind ‘Namaste’
Yes Albeit Without Any Castes of Course

Even More Basically Love Like A Mother
Unconditionally For A New Born Child
As A Father May Protect The Same

Humanity’s Gift Innate and Real

Ah the Foundation of Success Yes
Divine Grace in Loving Balance
of Peace Springing True Will

And Strength for A Best
Life Now to Give, Share,
Care, Heal in Ways of

Kindness iNHaLinG
Peace EXHaLinG LoVE

More For All Again With
SMiLes of Most Respect Least Harm..:)

“Desert Vines THorns Or Rose”…

Challenge Makes Beauty
When one Never Gives Up

When Life Grows Dark And
Still in Every Tunnel A Train
Finds Next Hogwarts Kiss
Thorns Flowers Rise Rose

Colors of Summer…
Happy Saturday to
You too Dear FRiEnD
LeSSoN 287
Separation We Intend
Union We Breathe
Does The Angel on
My Shirt Fall or Rise
Depends On How Far
Away From the Gift of
Nature (God) That is ours
To See Loving Within when
i see Your Eyes When i see
Your SMiles Your Words
And Courage
i Breathe Dear
FRiEnD in A World
Of Humans That
Otherwise may
Be Suffocating in Deed
Yet Because they Don’t
See A Real God Of LoVE iN Peace


i Keep Dancing
i Keep Singing
And No Matter, Time,
Distance, Or Space, Yes
my Angel Within Keeps
RiSinG Only Clothed With
God only Essence of LoVE iN Peace


It Doesn’t Matter
WHeRE We aRe As
Long As Breath NoW
Is LoVE iN Peace Nature




SMiLes Bridge to
Sky And Ocean
Nature Breathes🌟

Do Twice As
If you
God is LoVE iN Peace
And More than
What Has Been
In Covers
Of Books
Left in Old Dust

Rise Rose

‘They’ Offered me A


i Return “Hell No”

SMiles Dear Sohair Even Science
Shows Free Dance Regulates
Emotions Integrates Senses
Naturally Arises Sing
Positive Dance in Light..🙂

How Similar The Nautilus
Spirals A UniVerse

Sunflowers Galaxies


From Below

Sub particles

Of Nuclear Energy

And Beyond Yet Even

More Elegant Than
Mathematics It

Is Never

Restricted to
Mathematics Alone

Each Spiral is Uniquely

Golden As Living Creatures

Create The UniVerse They Now

Weave Like All The Metaphors

That Relate God Uniquely

Yes All the Art We


Our Breath

Our Shells Now of
God We Leave Behind
True to Who We Uniquely
Are Not Binding Others




Of Our Love

As Even God Is Free…

i Used to Know A lot About Algebra

And i’ll Admit i Know Very Little About

Mangoes Yet i Will Relate to Big
Rains, Humidity, and Heat

Oh What i Really

Appreciate is



Tags As Detailed

As “Value-Wise Mangos”

Oh My God There is Nothing

You Leave Out of Your Works
of Science and Art Systemizing
Coloring Masterpieces Touching

So Many Colors of Soul Just So Much
Fun So Inspiring i Wish You Were my Best
FRiEnD in Kindergarten No Doubt i Would

Have Become

An Artist


Of a Cog in
A Machine Oh Dear
Mango Such A Wonderful Fruit
So Precious Just A Gem Somedays in Empty Space…

Thanks for
Out to Play..:)

“To love oneself is the
beginning of a



-Oscar Wilde

Oh My Lord i Just Heard That
Quote in “The Nutty Professor”
“Old Black Magic” YouTube Song Scene
With “The Nutty Professor” Jerry Lewis

Playing His Alter Ego Buddy Love

More of the Mr. Hyde

Version of Dr. Jekyll too

Where the Wonderful Oscar
Wilde Quote Was Used By A
Woman He Was Hitting on as

Pejorative Rather Than Life Long

Aim to Live Life Solo Or Together True
Whole Complete Just Enough As Is As

It’s True There is

More Unlimited to
Give, Share, Care,
Heal Freely Greater ThiS Way

For An Empty Ego

More Often



To Fill Up What

Is Never Filled Up Within

By Free Agency of Loving iN Peace

Just For The Sake Of Loving This Breath…

It’s Funny How Some Philosophers Attempt
to Discard Parts of Humanity That Even Allow
Us to Survive As Social Apes At All… Leave no Part



or LiGHT


More 3 DiMeNSioNaL
Than One Dimensional Now…

Ah YeS iNdeed Full Theatre of Zen Ego True..:)

“Every Writing Leaves A Soul Print”

So Wise Indeed Dear Savvy This

Quote You Bring i used to

Comment in Poetic


on An International

dVerse Poetry Trail for
A Few Years Just for Fun

True What they Were Looking

For Is Criticism of Objective

Graded Points of the

Science of Their
Poetry like


Chemicals in A Test Tube
For me though Truly i Saw Each
Poem as A Unique Soul Print of Existence

All A Treasured Gem of Each Unique Pair of God
Eyes Namaste As ‘They’ Say WHere You Are From

If We Look For God In Each Other God Does Come
Revealed in All Human Breathes too From Creation

to Sadly

too True Some

Folks Got Very

Offended that
Their Poetry Inspired
Soul Prints From me IN Response

i’ve Never Seen Life As A Competition

That Way as It’s True Some Folks Even Wrote
Entire Blog Posts Suggesting i Was Trying to Upstage
the Soul Prints of Others When Their Soul Was Only


me to
Dance And
Sing on Page…

Not Speaking until 4

Having No Creativity to
Speak of and Do Really until 53…

Not Even Able to Really Write by Pen As True

From Young On It Looks Like Chicken Scratch of a Doctor

My Hands By Pen Just can’t keep Up with my Mind

And True Not Even my Voice my FRiEnD

It’s True What A Gift This Keyboard

Is It allows Me to Dance

My Soul in Words

As Every Dance

Step Every Beat

of Each Letter on

Keyboard is A Note

A Dance Step A Song

i Hear Coming From Within Free…

True i am No longer ‘me’ Just A Free Dance And Song on Page…

Just Enjoying the Song FLoWinG Within Just Happy to Dance it Share it For Free…

Like Snoopy Just Jumping For Joy Cause it Feels Good to Escape Gravity And Become FRiEnDS With Gravity too..:)

Hehe Rue
At Your
Age Yes
We Will

Keep That

Secret Just
A Cog in A

Machine till

53 So Blessed
An Artist All



Stop Dear Rue😊🌈

Rue Thank
You Breathe
Breathe Out Love
With SMiLes Of Course😃

SMiLes Dear Savvy From the First Visit Here
From Over Four Years Ago And Every Day Your

Soul Words Inspire my Soul Words

Without Fail It’s Nice to Be

On A Similar Wave

Length of the

Colors of Dance

And Song With Another

Human Rare Indeed my FRiEnD

And Much Appreciated Each And Every Soul Day…

There Is Never A Heavy Feeling Here Only Air Only Spirit Wind Free..:)

Every Day SouL FRiEnDS You Will
Always Count On Who Naturally Lift
You Up As It is Not In Their Spirit To

Bring Folks Down…

FRiEnD of Nature You Surely
Are Dear Hawaii FRiEnD if Only

More Folks Will Spend THeir Lives
Taking Care of Birds Who Need Healing

Perhaps We All Will
Sprout Wings This

Way and Fly Anew
in Grace of Balance With
Nature Again mY FRiEnD

Becoming FRiEnDS With Nature
THiS WaY Never Alone All The FRiEnDS in the

World With Fur and Wings SMiLinG Life With us Free

In A Land So Often Devoid of Kindness For Nature Indeed

Your Care
Brought a
Tear to my
Eye For What
Might Be if the
World is Truly Love AS Human Real
Indeed Dear FRiEnD Humans Like You..:)

Such Lovely Wisdom Shared
From Your Mother Dear Savvy

Space Between Notes of A Song

Or Words of A Poem Freely

With Wings Holding

Hands With


SMiLing Eternal
Echoes Always Beginning

A New Dance And Song Together

With Forever Now to Always Create New

Never Ending
Stories of Life New
Always Beginning Now..:)

Ah Yes Dear Yamini Marriage

An Adventure WHere Two Live
As Separate Yet One and True a

Microcosm For Embracing The Rest of

Reality ThiS Way

Holy and Sacred
Matrimony Marrying
Nights Merrying Days

As Kali and Shiva
May Continue Their
Holy And Sacred Dance
of Reality True DarK is LiGHT

Night is Day Marriage Separate
Yet Together Free Again to Smile So Warm
Congratulations Dear FRiEnD In Close to 35

Years my Wife Continues to Make a True Home

of Love
With me

And of Course
Mostly i Offer Support…

For All Practical Intents
And Purposes Our Marriage
is Rather Traditional ThiS Way

Her Only Real Aim and Goal in
Life is Still to Provide a Home of LoVE iN Peace

HAha and Now the only Kid She Has is me With
SMiLes Deep Down What Many Dudes Dream of Indeed..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam
Always Pleasant to Hear
Good News and the Good News

For the Day it Seems at Least Climate
Healing Dollars, ACA Subsidies, and

Reduced Prices for Medicare Drug

Plans Are Coming into

View As Politics

Manages to Make
Some Agreement at
Least to Help Folks
Who Really Need Help Some More

While Finally Helping to Provide a Way
For those Who Make A Whole Lot to Pave

A Way For More Folks to Gain the Help They Need

Nice to See
the ‘Little
Guy and
Or Gal’
Get A
Lift Up By
Society As Whole THiS WaY..:)

Marry The Night Dear
Savvy Merry The Day
As Shiva Might Dance
And Sing With Kali ThiS Way

When All Becomes Gratitude
For DarK Thru LiGHT NiGHT iS Day

And Moon Is Sun
Reflecting Our LoVE

iN PeaceFor All That iS LiGHT

Fearing No Dark Cynical of No LiGHT
DarK iS LiGHT All Becomes Hope Faith

And Love For
Believing Life
Is All A Breath
Of Miracles Now
Forevermore Inhaling NeW
Peace Exhaling LoVE ETeRNaLLY
NoW iN JoY oF LiGHT At Best Giving
Sharing Caring Healing With Least Harm for All

Leaves Becoming Roots of Trees LiFE LiGHTS FoResT

All Of
Us Greening
All SeASonS
ThiS WaY With
Newer Summer FLoWeRinG
Colors WiTHiN YeaR ‘RounD NoW..:)


Yes Gentile Jew Servant or Free Woman And
Or Man No More Can’t Ya See Past All ‘The
Clothes’ ARRiVE iN LoVE iN Peace And Stay

What A Beautiful Poem And Truth About
Our Furry FRiEnDS Who Understand

How to Both Live and Give

A Life Fully Dedicated

to LoVE iN Peace

As They Truly
Become a Home of Free

Best of All Their Unconditional
Love Matters Not What Our Age Nationality
Color Creed Size Shape Sexual Orientation

Or Other Difference or Even Disability may Be

The LoVE iN Peace Is Constant With a Paw Outreached

A Purr A Wag of a Tail and EYes Shining the Same As Love

Does in all

Small And
Larger iN LoVE iN Peace

Have A Day of Warmth Always Now
With Your FRiEnDS of LoVE iN Peace New
Dear Amethyst Lamb With SMiLes So Pure..:)

SMiLes Dear Yeka
Thank Goodness
All Are Welcome

At the Table of
The ‘Lord’ LoVE iN Peace

Within No One Will Steal That
Away From You Or Them With SMiLes…

Shedding all the
Clothes All the
Human Tools

All the Idol Words

All That’s Left
And Right of me
iNHaLinG Peace EXHaLinG LoVE A Free Dance Song

No One Will Ever Take That Breath Away From me

Now With SMiLes…

Indeed This is What Makes
One Body One Bread One Wine

One LoVE iN Peace Naked Enough
Whole Complete For All Nothing Left

to Add or

LoVE iN Peace
Really Does Exist

iN And
As me too..:)

Dear ‘Lord’ When Will
‘You’ Ever Understand
The ‘Message Of The
Good News’ Everyone

Is Welcome At “The

Of The


At Least
By A Real ‘Jesus’

Sadly “They” Still
Treat “The Least”



Indeed i Hear
It From “The Altar”

Still Treating Humans
As Less Than Human

Now Do You Understand?

Hmm 3:33 AM And This Means A Few
Words From the Wee Hours For The
Catholic Mass Readings on July 28th, 2024

As This Relates to What i Woke Up to on the Day
Before Yep What They Used to Call the Sabbath
on Saturday July 27, 2024 Until the J Dude Said

Basically NO Day is Holier than Any Other Day
Sacred Giving Sharing Caring Healing for All

With Most Respect Least
Harm Yep Loving Enemies
Same as Neighbors And God
All that is Even Turning the Other

Cheek Yep Not Getting too Butthurt
Over Those Who Do Not View Reality Like You

True A Testicle Might Come Loose in a Wardrobe
Mistake of another Take of A Communion of Folks
Around A Table Of Plenty Diversity All Inclusive AS Such

Ya Know When You Chum Around With Ladies of the Night
And Tax Collectors of Numbers in the Day And Such and Such As

That All Integral
And Whole No

Grain of Sand

More Important Now

Than Any Other Grain

of Sand Potentially

Holding Up Mountains
of Human LoVE iN Peace

to Give Share Care Heal Even More
With Most Respect and Least Harm For All

Well Well Well Some Folks Are Innately and Environmentally

Produced in Nature and Nurture as More Conservative and Averse
To Change that Others Who Are More Open Minded ThiS WaY Such is

The Condition of
The Human Condition

True We Human Boats Need
Both Anchors to Survive Storms
in Safe Harbors and Sails to Find New
Gardens of Edens out of Deserts When

Fair Seas and Following Winds Do Come Free

And for me at Least i Can and Will Go Both Ways

Depending on the Needs of ‘Be’ in the ReaLiTY of Change

Some folks are More Rigid to Extremely Rigid and Averse to Change

A Common Litmus Test is ‘The Statue of David’ Some Folks See Aesthetic

Beauty Other Folks View the Work of Art Disgusted Over one Tiny Detailed Part

Hey The Chaos of the Garbage Dump of Gehenna Was A Big Fear Back in Those

Desert Dirt Days in the Middle
East and Still are in Some Places

Seeking Extreme Order to

Quell the Anxiety of

Feeling Out of Control

In The Chaos of Life

Yep Living in SCaRCiTiES
in Desert Life WHeRe Even
the Most Basic of Life Giving
Water is Precious and Lost to Drink

Those Who LiVE iN Abundance Also Risk
The Numbness That May Come With a Life
of Instant Gratification too This Life This Nature
This Reality of God All That is Is All About Balance Indeed

At Best A Balance
iNHaLinG Peace

True With A Foundation
oF LoVE iN Balancing Grace of Peace

As Greatest Will and Strength Naturally Rise

From Animal Homeostasis iN Well Being ThiS WaY

Obviously the J Dude Was Liberal as Essence of Any

New Testament Over Older Testament of Tradition Naturally Is

Yet of Course There are Older Testament and Newer Testament Kinda Folks

By Nature and

Nurture So We
Still Have Both
Parts of that Human Book

Some Folks Restrict The J Dude
And Them too More Conservative
And Rigid Closed Minded ThiS WaY

And Other Folks Like Leonardo Da Vinci

Depicted A More Androgynous Looking Jesus
Dude All Fair With Long Hair With Beard too Keeping
A Mix of Masculine and Feminine True Yes the Folks in France

Took the Diversity and Cultural Language in Metaphor of Art Expression
A Bit Further Yet the Essence of Nature is Diversity and God Doesn’t Even

Have to Wear
Clothes in

Human Form

Either Drunk

As a Priest or Sober As
Pan of the Eden Forest Frolicking
With Nature of Furry and Winged FRiEnDS

MoraL oF A STory Classical Evolution is Slow is Slow

Is Slow Which Means We Might As Well Get Used to It

There are Gonna Be Both Old and New Testament Kinda Folks For

A While
Longer HeheR…

Even Dancing Extra
Terrestrial Floating on Land With SMiLes…

Hehe It’s True Not Everyone Can And Will Be me or You…

Real and Present Danger Though if You Get too Competent Folks

Tend to Try to Indoctrinate You into Becoming the Next ‘Big Boss’…

It Already Happened to me i Escaped to ‘Eden’ i Will Never Go Back to ‘That Other Place’..:)

Reading 1, Second Kings 4:42-44
42 A man came from Baal-Shalishah, bringing the man of God bread from the first-fruits, twenty barley loaves and fresh grain still in the husk. ‘Give it to the company to eat,’ Elisha said.

43 But his servant replied, ‘How can I serve this to a hundred men?’ ‘Give it to the company to eat,’ he insisted, ‘for Yahweh says this, “They will eat and have some left over.” ‘

44 He served them; they ate and had some left over, as Yahweh had said.

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18
10 All your creatures shall thank you, Yahweh, and your faithful shall bless you.

11 They shall speak of the glory of your kingship and tell of your might,

15 All look to you in hope and you feed them with the food of the season.

16 And, with generous hand, you satisfy the desires of every living creature.

17 Upright in all that he does, Yahweh acts only in faithful love.

18 He is close to all who call upon him, all who call on him from the heart.

Reading 2, Ephesians 4:1-6
1 I, the prisoner in the Lord, urge you therefore to lead a life worthy of the vocation to which you were called.

2 With all humility and gentleness, and with patience, support each other in love.

3 Take every care to preserve the unity of the Spirit by the peace that binds you together.

4 There is one Body, one Spirit, just as one hope is the goal of your calling by God.

5 There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism,

6 and one God and Father of all, over all, through all and within all.

Gospel, John 6:1-15
1 After this, Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee — or of Tiberias-

2 and a large crowd followed him, impressed by the signs he had done in curing the sick.

3 Jesus climbed the hillside and sat down there with his disciples.

4 The time of the Jewish Passover was near.

5 Looking up, Jesus saw the crowds approaching and said to Philip, ‘Where can we buy some bread for these people to eat?’

6 He said this only to put Philip to the test; he himself knew exactly what he was going to do.

7 Philip answered, ‘Two hundred denarii would not buy enough to give them a little piece each.’

8 One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said,

9 ‘Here is a small boy with five barley loaves and two fish; but what is that among so many?’

10 Jesus said to them, ‘Make the people sit down.’ There was plenty of grass there, and as many as five thousand men sat down.

11 Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were sitting there; he then did the same with the fish, distributing as much as they wanted.

12 When they had eaten enough he said to the disciples, ‘Pick up the pieces left over, so that nothing is wasted.’

13 So they picked them up and filled twelve large baskets with scraps left over from the meal of five barley loaves.

14 Seeing the sign that he had done, the people said, ‘This is indeed the prophet who is to come into the world.’

15 Jesus, as he realised they were about to come and take him by force and make him king, fled back to the hills alone.




SMiLes Dear Savvy i Rather
Be in the Background Bringing

SMiLes in Dance Without Words

No Confusion

When SMiLes
Are Genuine And True

A Song Will Never Equal
One Move of Dance Free and True

That Reaches Out And Touches Non-Verbal Soul


i’ll Leave the Competition
All To Others i Already
Worked That Game

Now THeRE’S Only Room For Play..:)

More Than Once Folks Have Asked
me Why i Dance in Public For 20,313
Miles Now in 131 Months Purely i Respond

Specifically For No Reason Other Than

To Fly On Terrestrial Land Floating As Such

Seriously i Ask

Wouldn’t You
Be A Bird With
Wings if You
Set Yourself
Free Without Reasons too

Sadly No Is The Answer for
Most if There is Not A Reward
Greater Than Free FLiGHT on Land

iNDeeD We LiVE iN A World of Many
‘Things’ That Never Take FLiGHT oF Free


“Seasons crying no despair
Alligator lizards in the air

Wishin’ on a falling star
Watchin’ for the early train

Sorry Boy but I’ve been hit by
Purple rain
Aw, come on Joe, you can always
Change your name
Thanks a lot son, just the same”

Words to
That Affect
Dear Miriam
At Least Oh
God Yes FaLLinG
RiSinG Purple PoSE Rain..:)

Oh Dear Two Posts
Yes in One Day i Had
To Check to Make Sure
i Haven’t Fallen into one of
Those UFO New Fangled

Worm Holes WITH
Alligator Lizards
Flying in The Air

Dear Miriam With
SMiLes Hey it’s True
If my Father Was Named
After the Man Who Saved
my Grandmother Back at Wakulla
Springs Yes When Johnny Weissmuller
Also Known As Tarzan Filming A Movie
At That Location Yep Diving In A Hero

Then Saving
my Grandmother
Who Couldn’t Swim
And Fell in By Accident

Oh Dear Lord i Could have
Been “Tarzan’s Son” Or Even
Tarzan As my Father Named
me After His Name Anyway hehe

Yep Her Eventual X-Husband The
Irish Born X-Catholic Priest Who As far as i
Understand at Least Was No X Man Alone Hehe

Yet With His Own Wiki Bio Page Noted Author From
Last Century Starting as Counsel to the Papacy at the
Vatican Uncovering A Connection With the Catholic
Church Writing A Book About ‘Behind The Dictators’
THiS WaY Last Century too i Suppose Another Claim
to Fame For Him Dining With Einstein in the Socialist
Circles of New York New York True my Father Born in Flushing New York

Perhaps that’s
Why i’ve been
Noted to Talk
Just About as
Fast Where my Mind Most
Always Goes Faster than my Mouth

Though Probably Not Faster Than the
Speed oF LiGHT LoVE iN PeACE Stays Forever Now

New Anyway my ‘Real Name’ Sounds Way too
Formal Like i had to Become Someone

Nope Rather
Be NoBody
With Free
Wings And SMiLes…

Hehe Avatar Style no
Pandemic Infections
Possible in this Place in the

Future NoW True..:)

iNDeeD Dear Savvy
First Door Opening

Blooming From Spring
WiTHiN HeART Beats

Percussion of Soul Free
Piano Hammers Extending

Vocal Chords of HeART Beats

Tickling Ebony and Ivory Keys

Free ThiS WaY A Farther Reach
of Strings Intermingling True

As All the Instruments

The PArts of Our


Come to
Be One Play
Separate And Whole NeWLY
JusT No DiViSioN iN Unity Now
As Always Wonderful Wisdom
Share By Your Mother Anjana With SMiLes..:)

Florida FLoWeR Story🌸
In The EYes Of The
Beholder The Color
Of Life Red The Blood
The Beauty oF A Rose
Captures Our EYes First
Yet Looking Deeper in The
Forest One May Notice The
Pink Crepe Myrtle Flowers
Reaching Far Up From The
Other Trees Extreme Heat
Rain Its Summer Month July
Hottest Month On Record To


In Pink Not
Only Here Yet
Several Other
Spots in The
Place i Gardened
As Eden only Respite
During Decades Of
Cog in The Machine
Of MaKinG Pay Decades
For The Crepe Myrtle To

Rise Up
And Bloom
In EYes of
The Beholder
Beauty Out

Ashes True

With SMiles

“We’re no higher animals”

Indeed Wise Words Dear Mr Gottfried
The Domination of the Rest of Nature

Is Largely A CuLTuRaLLY Derived Tribal Religion
in SCaRCiTiES Yes Ideologies Based On

Dominion of What is Viewed
As Inferior to the ‘Tribe And
Or Religion at Hand’ in

Once Again Desert,
Snowy, And Other

Areas of SCaRCiTiES

Where Humans Fight
For Limited Resources
Never Feeling Like They
Are Abundant Naked Enough
Whole Complete Integral Yet
No More Important Than All the
Rest of the Parts of the All in All of All ThaT iS

Nature For What We Might Respect With A Term Like God

Acknowledging We Humans Are Very Limited in What We
See of Reality Versus The Animals Whose Views May Be Far

More Expanded Than Ours And of Course As Common Sense
And Science Shows Yes They Do Have Many Abilities that Humans

Can’t Even
Dream of
Having Now

As True We Can’t
See With Souls They Breathe
Or Even The Smallest of Sub-Particles

That Combine in Quantum Ways Same and Different True

Its Not Too Surprising to me that Those Who Marginalize
Folks Who Are Different the Most And Those Who Are Racist

Trying to Create An Illusion of Superiority Based on Geographically
Evolving Different Traits For Survival Yes Like Melanin of Skin as Such

Also Engage in the Insidious Behavior That is ‘Speciesism’ in An Attempt

To Justify The Domination and Slavery of the Rest of Nature as Beneficial

To the Entire World of Existence While The Frigging World is Catching

On Fire Perhaps RiSinG One Day to ‘Oceans That Boil Away’ The

Rest of the

LoWest Species

of Animal oF All

The Animal Who

Does Not Understand

That Balance Means Survival

That This is an All Hands Effort

Far Beyond Human Hands Alone

Any Date i Want Reality i Just Turn

‘The Human TV’ off and Look to The Reality

Of Eden in my Backyard God Yes Same Heaven
As always Changing Becoming More Beautiful
Even in the Hottest July Ever Recorded in History Nature

Will adapt

And Continue

To Survive and
Thrive With or Without
The Ignorance of the Species With ‘No Eyes’
Obviously The Species Blind to the Nature of


And Change
Change And

Balance Karma For Real…

We Shall Continue to Reap What We Sow

Money And Things We Cannot Eat As We
Are Only Seeds and Flowers Blooming or


SMiLes Dear Maria Those Who Find
Home No Longer Reach For Stars
As We aRe The Stars Only in

A Different Form Our

Home The Same

Place oF ALL

RiSinG or Falling

Waves We Balance or Fall
WiTHIN At Best With SMiLes For All..:)

‘Founding Fathers’ Once Again Hold
THeir Heads High On Mt Rushmore

Perhaps One Day Sooner Than Soon

Breakfast with
the Sopranos
On the News
‘You can’t make this Shut up’

SMiLes Dear Sohair… i See God As Christmas
Trees With All Living Points oF LiGHT LoVE iN Peace Existence
NoW All Lights of Christmas Trees… Even NoW At Church
Priests will Look At me Strange
When i Dance And
Sing It’s
So Simple
God is LoVE iN Peace
God Is really really ReALLY
LoVE iN Peace i’m not kidding
God IS LoVE iN Peace if We Just
Believe NeWLY NoW and Do LoVE iN Peace
With Most Respect Least Harm For ALL Others We Are Doing
God YeS As Verb and Not Just an Idol Word or a Statue
With No Living Spirit WiTHiN of LoVE iN Peace to Give
Share Care Heal
Yet of course
it’s easy
for me
to see
that this
Spirit this Flame
Does Not Burn Within
Them As God Is LoVE iN Peace
When i Dance And Sing This to them
Yes i Wonder How i might LiGHT that
Flame in them too so they too will Really
See God is LoVE iN Peace Within to Give Share Care
Heal Free For ALL WiTH Most Respect Doing Least Harm to
All as God As LoVE iN Peace True Yet of course without the Flame Burning Within
The Poetry
is Just
in Dance
And Song
And the Feeling
of God Within LoVE iN Peace
Is Just No WHere to Be NeWLY
Found NoW for them to ‘See’ WiTHiN
So They See Love as Mush and whatever
they decide as Right or Wrong as Love and
Even Try to Make Lies into Truth to Prove THeir Point
Yet TRue THere is an
Entire Globe
A Christmas
Tree of Points
With God Is LoVE iN Peace
Yes NoW Within Just Waiting
As Flicker as Flame NeW Yes
To Be Lit Up in Colors More Each
Day so WHerever i Go Dear Sohair i find
This Twin Flame of Love For This FRiEnD
LoVE iN Peace iS SPIRiT HeART The SoUL
oF LoVE iN Peace Yes God that Breathes me into
LoVE iN Peace
As Nope THeRE
is No Separation
Never ever When God is LoVE iN Peace
Within Yes indeed my Twin Flame for All…
Hehe For me it is a Forest Fire
With All The Christmas Trees
Ready for
New Colors
of Love to Feel, See,
Give, Share, Care, Heal For Free
And No i LiVE No ParT NoW oF LoVE iN Peace
Vacant to be mY HoMe YeS mY FiRE (GoD) IS

LoVE iN Peace..:)

Thanks Dear i write
‘Free Verse Nude
Poetry’ too 6 Volumes
iN Adult Appropriate
Art Avenues God Yes
For The Meditative
Tantric Experience
Of Autotelic Flow
As It Is An Oldest
Most Traditional
Poetic And
Physical Way
For Sacred Holy
Meditation as Even
Muslim Sufi Poets
Will attest to lose
All Time, Distance,
Space, And Matter
Truly Achieving
Flow ThiS Way
YeS Escaping
NoW iN Union
All that
Is (God) With
No Fear Open
SoUL All that’s
Left to Do
With All
Loving All
Once The
Fruits of
Into Love Above
Hehe it Would be
Impossible to
Explain this to
‘The Pope’
Yet i am
Quite Sure
You Have
To ‘See’ ‘God’
ThiS Way Freer too..:)

SMiLes i look
Within Now For
Knowing, Feeling,
Sensing Truth
iN Light
i study
Other Opinions
Yet i Find my
Own Not Unlike
Dance or Song
Sex Will Also Be
Divine Meditation
In Flow Agape Love
In Deed Romantic
Love Tends to be
Love is
All Compersion
Joy For the Joy
Others Feel
The Way
Of an
Romance indeed
Often Turns
Into more
Love as
At core
It’s about
Securing A
Mate and Sure
Of Genes
Smiles as
We Grow
Older at
Of owning
Others For Truly
Love Never Owns
Or Demands Worship
Just another Virtue
Of God
Is LoVE iN Peace
That i
Find impossible
To explain to Jealousy
And Ownership
For what
Be owned
LoVE iN Peace When
God Really is
Only Giving
For All With Smiles
My Friend Pleasure
Is okay and Part
Of Love when
Given Shared
Freely With
Most Respect
Least Harm
Yes i visit
Church each
Sunday Yet
The Buildings
Including Words
Of others never
Free LoVE iN Peace
Within me God Yes Naked
Enough Whole Complete NeW
Free NoW oF All Human
CuLTuRaL Clothes as
Even the Gospel
Of Thomas
In Verse 37..:)

SMiLes You are Welcome
About Above So Below
The Nautilus
Creates A Shell
That Mirrors the
PHI Golden Spiral
Of The Milky Way
Same As A Sunflower
And Below Subatomic
Particles in Spiraling
Flow indeed Breath
Of Poetry
On A Page
In Free Dance
And Song in
Words Now
How Beautiful
It is to exist Water
Waves Ocean Whole
In AToneMenT
YeS In UniSoN
This Way
As God
Whole in
All that is Us
The Masonic Lodge
Repeats A Same Phrase
As Above So Below that
Indeed Is Also
Found originally
From the Gospel
Of Thomas
In the
Dead Sea
Scrolls before
Anyone had
The opportunity
To edit It Out Yet of
Course anyone with
Eyes and Ears to See
Will Find this Golden
Spiral PHI Pattern
In Flow
In All
We aRe aLL
Part of A Naked
Free Work of Art
God That We Only Hide
With Cultural Clothes
And Other Tools
We Make
That We
NoW As
Away From
Naked Breath
Of God Born NeW
Breathing Free
Yes Below as Above
Within inside outside
And All Around LoVE iN Peace

Thanks it’s nice
To come across
Open Human
Souls Still
In Love’s
Truth of Freedom
This is A nice Place
To Visit i appreciate you🕊😁

“We live in this world and there is an invisible rope of energy
that connects us all.. When we give.. Share and help we give
power to that rope to be stronger and it will be more stronger
with the source (God).. No harm is there with that flame..

Only light shining and guiding.”

Smiles Dear Sohair The Energy
of LoVE iN Peace A Most Powerful
Human Moving Connecting Co-Creating
Force of
All Surely
Breathes in Your
Words Yes indeed
to me this is True Religion LoVE iN Peace NeWLY NoW..:)

When You Are Truly Loved You Eventually Thrive
Yes Exceptions Apply Alone The Path Of How

Wind Blows

TRuE iN BeTween




Oldest Human

StorY iNdeed

How WE ARise

From: Cocoons Sprouting
to: Butterfly Wings Free

Truly Then

Only A Matter

Of Flying Far Enough
Touching Wings With
Butterflies Freer ‘Seeing’ Bee

YeS A DarKNeSS Of A Human
Pandemic Continues Extending Potentials

TRuE iN DarK

False iN LiGHT

Change All We Guarantee…

i Asked For The GREaTesT

Gift As ALWaYS
God Provides

And Is


All That Is

Change Now


LoVE Best i Can And

Will NoW To ReTuRN

A Favor

of Change
SMiLes Dear
Savvy Keep
Root and


Below to SMiLe..:)

My my Dear Rue You Sound Somewhat Like A 17 Year-Old Girl

In this Fictional Poem Reminds me of “I’m in You” At 17 Years-Old
too in 1977… Peter Frampton Celebrating Emotions Kind of Rare Where

i am From Then to Hear that From A Dude And True Greatest Live

Album Till An Album By Garth Brooks Surpassed it in 1998… i had
no Idea Garth Brooks is the Second Highest Selling Album Artist
Behind the Beatles Until Just Now Anyway Back to Emotions

How All i Longed For Then is Love From A Girl

In A Sea of Straight A’s

A Love Deep Inside

of me Never to

Go Away

i guess as ‘they’ Dance
And Sing ‘Soul Mate’

Yet True What i See
Now is Love is Enough to
Breathe Beside Us And The

Soul Mate is the Breath of Love
Most That Gives Shares Cares Heals Freely
NewLY NoW To All A Soul Sees as FRiEnD of Love

With Most Respect Least Harm iN JoY oF LiGHT

God Yes FoR ALL iNdeed Breathing the Peace of the Universe
And Exhaling That Peace As Stars of LoVE iN LiGHT For All…

It’s Kinda

Nice as

No Matter
What One is Never

WHAT Love is Always All Forgiving
And Merciful For All Love Meets and Greets in Life…

My Gosh Truly A Myth Read in Stories That Becomes Reality of Breath…
As Love Typically Evolves This Way From Stories to Reality of HuMaN Soul


It Can
And Will

And Just Does
All Naturally As
Dead Seeds Become
Colorful FLoWeRS to Be i AM..:)

B I N G O!
Thanks For Helping to Bring This to my Attention,
Katie Mia Frederick in English Gematria equals: 888:

Again, Considering my Numerology
Report For the Four Challenges of
Life Based on my Actual Birth

Name And Birthdate Is 0,1,1,1,
For Free Will At Birth For the Fool
Zero Tarot Number 0, And Three
Consecutive 1’s, Just For Affirming
Free Will Doing All or Doing Nothing ACross A Life Span,

Not At All Surprising Now That The Pen Name i Selected

Reborn As Such At Age 53 Equals 888 In English Gematria…

Yes, Indeed MaGiC At Work Beyond Rhyme And Reason, Just Meaning And Purpose

As The Essence of

Existence is

Just That

As Our Whole

Human Mind Perceives in Flow
of Autotelic Bliss All Connections Naturally Now;

Depending on Vehicle And Vessel of Being Human
Evolving In Just One Lifetime Now By Nature And Nurture too..:)

my my
Been A While
Since i’ve Heard

From my Dear FRiEnD
So Shy And Quiet She
Is When it Comes to

Yet Never the
Less Even When
She is Low i Feel

In my HeART STill
sHe aLways Cares
As TrulY iN SPiRiT

Is All
About Soul

i Miss You Yet
You are Never

Within Most

With SMiLes
😇 😇 😇☺️😇😇😇

SMiles Dear Cindy
i Feel That You Are
A Stellar Example
Of A Human Being
Who is Conscientious
And Competent in

Best Ways
Of Putting
People First
i Write on Many
Blogs And Other
Platforms Yet
WordPress is
The only Medium
That Will Possibly Hold
An Entire 13.1 MiLLioN
Word Long Form Poem
EPiC Fully Illustrated As
Such With
The Process
In Tow Always
In The Comments
Section Now Too
That is Only
An Anthology
Of Poetic Letters
Inspired By Folks
Like You Around
The Globe only
Copy And Pasted
For The Record on
WordPress i Never
Set out to Do it

Of Reward
Now Other
Than Actually
Doing it And Again
Every Letter is A Soul
Felt Connection With
Other Human

Like You

It is my
In Life indeed A
Very Large Human

mY FRiEnD With SMiles

Hellooove to
You As Well
Dear FRiEnD Hope
Your Spirit is Lifted
A Bit
With SMiles

Ah Yes SaaniaSparkle

It is the New Both in DarK
of Challenge And LiGHT oF JoY

That Keeps A Balance of DarK


For Creativity

More in All We Do
A Key is Fearing No
DarK Cynical of No LiGHT

Yet of Course It is the No
Fear Part With The Yes Believing

That Makes Every Little Thing

Turn Out

At Least With SMiLes..:)

So True Dear Yam
We May Be Naked
Enough Whole Complete

Who We Truly Are And Allow

Others to Color Their Life Even
With SHaDeS Of Grey And Oh

Lord Even BLacK
Abyss Nights
And Days

Of Souls
Months and
Years too Just
Not Moving Up Or Down

Perhaps Only Looking Forward to Death
Where Life Becomes More Regret And A
in Misery
And Suffering True

i Enjoy Circling the Globe
Each Day Hehe Fitting All
my 250 American Pounds
Through This Fiber Optic Cable

Transforming into these Avatars of Words

And Coming to Find That People Are Different
And Alike In Every Part of the Globe i Visit So far Indeed

SPiRiT Winds This
Way With HeART SoULS

All Evolving With Every Breath
of Moving Connecting Co-Creativity
Now Truly Impossible if We aRe All

of Each
Other With SMiLes
DiVeRSITY, Change,
And Balance, Laws of

Nature to Work With
Instead of Against Us Dear Yam For Real..:)

SMiles Dear Yam
As Always Thanks
So Much For The
Song of
For When
We Sing This
Way We Set

my FRiEnD
All Unique
Indeed With
SMiles Connecting 😊🙌

Oh my i’m So Out of Touch With TV
i Did the Cliff Notes on Wiki For ‘Pretty
Little Liars’ With No Idea my Wife Watched

All 7 Seasons of 1 Hour Shows Equaling
A Month’s Work-Week of 160 Hours Total

Hmm.. Guess it Just
Goes to Show i’m
A Numbers Guy
And Not only
A Word Guy

True i Used to
BE A TV Guy too

Always An Audience Member Then
Other than that i Get Along With All
my Neighbors And Two Of them in One
Day in My Usual Dance Around the Neighborhood
Block In the Morning and Night Exclaimed That 90
Percent of the Neighbors were Not Nice Hehe i Tend

to Blend in
Dear Miriam
Yes Wherever
i Go As a Lizard
With Colors to Adapt
Yet Yes of Course With

No Insurance to Sell HAha…

It’s True It’s Almost Impossible
To Watch Any Kind of Commercial
TV And Miss A Geico Ad With That Cute Lizard..:)

Oh Yes Dear Savvy
What A Wise Lesson
You Share Earning it All

To LEarn

Rich is Only
Giving it All
Away to Love For Free
i Will Surely Relate as i’ve
Been Financially Independent
Since Age 47 Yet as Poor as A Soul

Below A
Grain of
Sand Just
Waiting for
Love to Life me
Up at age 53 Reborn As Love Again
It’s True A Gift like that We Give Away

To Stay
Free on
Wings Of Love..:)

Ah Yes Mr Gottfried “Hidden Treasures”

Truly THeRE Are No limits When it Comes

To Human Being iMaGiNaTioN CREaTiViTY

Souls Fully Regulating Feelings

Emotions HeARTFeeLinGS

Integrating Senses

SPiRiT Feelings

Filling Toe to Head

And So Much More

LoVE iN Peace Spreading
All Around A World ThiS WaY

Each of Us Potential FLiCKeR FLaME
BoNFiRE Forest Fire “Saint Elmo’s Fire”

For Real

With SMiLes

Even Transforming
THE Mundane to Treasures
Holy And Sacred Never Felt


Ah Yes
When All
Comes to Be DiViNE

Treasures Evermore to Co-Create…

iNDeeD What Are ‘They’ Waiting For

When Heaven Now Within All Around
Is All Our Potentials To iMaGiNE Co-CREaTE NeW..:)

Dear Lord It’s Sad Enough That You Can’t
Seem to Even Tolerate Folks Who Look And
Act Differently Than You Hmm… Ever Heard

Of “Turn the Other Cheek and
Love Your Enemy” And The End

Of Matthew Where “He” Foreshadows
What Happens to Folks Who Treat

Others Less Than ‘Jesus’…

(Something about Goats and Sheep)

Have you Even Read the Story?

And What About the Catholic Church’s
Moral Authority… Hmm, my Grandfather
Wrote A Book Called “Behind The Dictators”

Yes ‘The Story’ Continues…

Anyway, i continue to Forgive
IT Enough to Visit Every Sunday
Yet I Rarely Get there until After Writing my

Own Homily… Gotta
Love that Statue of
Liberty Still Standing in French ‘Drag’…

Oh By the Way… the Reason I Exist a French
Cajun 17 Year-Old Girl Woo’ing my Irish Born X-Catholic
Grandfather Priest Out of the Pews… Gotta Love

The Rules Breakers Who Bring Life into Being…

Sort of Like ‘God With Free Will”

No Longer Wind…

Trapped in a Dusty Book..:)

Kudos to ‘Dogpool’ No Doubt He
Needed Any Weapons to Please
An Audience With SMiLes Dear

Miriam Also As Usual Synchronicity
Listening to ‘Like A Prayer’ By Madonna

Public Dancing on Saturday Night Yet it Just

Didn’t Fit into What
i was Writing until
Now Hehe the Most

Amazing Part is i Showed
my Wife the Trailer and She
Entertained the Possibility of

Both of Us Seeing the Movie

Which is More Rare Than A Blue Moon

Yet She Saw A Skit With the Two Stars
on TV She Really Enjoyed Yesterday Separately too


Yep Indeed
Like a Prayer it is
True not likely We
Will Find the Hours in a

Day to See it…

Except for a Miracle…

Currently All BOOKED..:)

SMiles Dear FRiEnD
Hope You Are
Enjoying WonderFull
Good Vibrations on
This SuNDaY
Currently Invading The
Metro Area With A
TSuNaMi Of
Free Dance All That
Will Be Left Behind Is
A Trail of Sweat And
SMiles Hehe
☺️☺️☺️ 🕺 ☺️☺️☺️

Ah Yes Dear Isha Our
Word Thinking Minds
Only Comprising Around
.5 Percent of What Makes

Us Totally Tick
A Vast Museum
Of Relics And Treasures

To Both Celebrate And
Abhor Yet Letting Go

Allowing The Other
99.5 Percent To

And Explore

A New World
Of Existence


Still to
Unfold With

SMiLes ReMeMBeRinG
Our Innate Unadulterating

Ocean Wave 🌊

Above Below☺️💫🌈

Ah Yes That’s What
i Meant Dear Sohair
The Will That Makes
Miracles Real Beyond
Our Word Thinking

i Experience
These Miracles
As a “Normal”

Occurrence in
That Flow in Fact
Even The Doctor’s
Called my Recovery
From All The Pain and

Numb A Real Miracle
As There was No

A Happy Life
With SMiles☺️🙏🌹




This Is Life THorNS FLoWeRS

Still Born Without Clothes

SMiLes Dear Savvy True All Humans

Have Amazing ‘Epigenetic Potentials’

With Appropriate Environmental Challenges We
May change
the Face
Of Our


in Even Extreme
Ways of Difference

And True There is Both
Positive And Negative Epigenetic

Change too As Basically If We Don’t

Expose Ourselves to Environmental Challenges

We Don’t
Reap the

Potential Benefits
That Epigenetic Change
Brings Unpacking Our DNA Potentials

And What’s Really Amazing About Some
of Our Technological Developments is they
May Be Used For Extreme Environmental Challenges

To also

For Instance Even Without
Many Tools of Technology
One May Balance A Dance

Where So Little Energy is Exerted
As FRiEnDS With Gravity Using Our
Body Weight in Balance of Moving Us

That Hehe i Can Dance for 8 Solid Hours
And Basically Never Get Out of Breath or Energy

As i allow
my Body
Weight to
Carry me Through
in Balance yes All
250 American Pounds Hehe

(Yet It’s taken 20,313 Miles of
Practice in 131 Months to Do It)

Additionally at 64 i continue to Get
Stronger as the Military Gym Purchased
More Advanced Weight Lifting Equipment

And i Increased My Strength in Some Exercises

By Almost
Double in the
Last 7 Months…

Yet i’ve Already Had
FRiEnDS Who Accomplished
Feats Like that in their Seventies

So i Understand the Potential Is Real

Sadly Some Folks Base Their Life on

Couch Potato Averages of a Sedentary

And Never
Come Close
to Reaching Human Potentials..

Self Fulfilling Non-Actions Indeed…

Of Course There Are Many Other Areas
too Many to Count Including Mechanical Cognition
Activities as Well as Original Creativity in Basically New

Never Ending Flow



Unlimiting Ways
Limits of Before May Be Removed..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam

As Elton John Once

Noted “Bennie And the

Jets Are Both Weird


It’s Worth
Noting There
Are Different
Kinds of Weird
And Wonderful too TG…

Oh the Condition of the
Condition If We Didn’t Laugh
We’d Cry Tears For Joy So Yes

Both Hehe..:)

SMiLes i Haven’t Been to A Wedding Since
i Got Married Over 34 Years ago

Particularly Lately as i Haven’t

Worn Long Pants Since 2013

Don’t Even Own a Pair

i Surely Wouldn’t Fit in any

Formal Wedding in Fact i wore
Shorts to my Father’s Funeral
When i Gave the Eulogy It Made

His Well-Suited Rich Brother my Uncle
Mad i Did it Casual Yet That’s the Same
Way my Father Spent His Retirement Years too

Other than that
Thanks So Much
For Sharing the

Billy Joel Song “We Didn’t
Start the Fire” It’s Just the Song
i Was Trying to Remember For
What i Am Currently Writing today

Have a nice Week Dear Pooja and Do
Note: i Call Everyone Dear It’s Just a Habit

A Golden
Age one Indeed

Yes my FRiEnD Only
Ever A Beginner in The
Present Moment Which
Basically Means For all
Practical Intents and

(i Call Everyone
FRiEnD too Just
Another Practice)

Purposes We

Live Forever
Now and

Even Young
For Those Who
Understand the
Mysteries of Free Souls
NeW iNHaLinG Peace EXHaLinG LoVE iN JoY NoW..:)

Hmm ‘The Bridge Between Married
Children and Their Parents in the

Digital Age’ Wasn’t Much of A Gulf

For Us As Most of Our Marriage

Dear Anita

We Were

Married With
Cats They Basically
Just Stayed Close to
Laps and Purred No Fancy

Emoji’s or Less than 3 Second
One Liners for Limited Attention Spans

Literally Hours on End Clinging to the

Warmth And Love of Human Laps

Mostly my Wife as i Danced

too Much For them

to Hold on

To Sitting on my Lap

As Usual my Wife Took Care
of the Feeding the Litter Boxes
And Such As That In Fact Hehe

i Never
A Diaper HAha…

Yet as the Insanity of Politics
Go i’d Like Some Ignorant Politician
Tell me face to face i Don’t Deserve the

Same Rights For My Vote to Count Just

(I’d take off my Shades and Give ’em the ‘Fredeye’)

Because We Didn’t Have Any Living Children

Left And
Only Loving
Lap Top Cats

At Least Cats Have Integrity
They Tale No Stories of Lies

Just Purr and Purr Consistently Content…😊🌹🙏

Currently We Have an Empty Nest in Other Words No Cats..:)

SMiles Dear Anita In
The United States
Politics Is Stranger
Than Any Fiction

In Fact
Some Folks
Describe it
As Just

Weird Hehe

And Accordingly
The Religion Tends
To Be Fast on The
Draw to “Stone”

To Comprehend
It Is What Is A Reflection

Of The Overall
Human one🙃 😂

Another Made-Up Story Circulating on FB Years
(A New Pastor Who Dressed Up as a Homeless Jesus)
Ago Yet For Those Who Have Been Outcast This
Way in Life the Message Still Rings True Be Part of the

Group Look Act and Do Alike or

Get Cast Out Yet on the Other Hand

Continue To Reach Out To Those Who

Reject Others Until They Do Different

With Patience LoVE iN Peace in Kindness

Tears Down

Barriers of

Difference Indeed…

Yet Without A Loving Forgiving
Patience of Humanity All Tends to Get Lost…

Love is the Human
Connecting Force
That Makes Us

Truly Humanity
With SPiRiT HeaRT
SoUL Wings to Take

Us All Higher in Warm
Comfort of What Makes

Grief and Death All Worth
Living LoVE iN Peace Now

This Living

Tree New All
The Leaves Yes
oF LoVe iN Peace
STiLL Holding Hands
Real Dear Savvy With SMiLes
Moving Connecting Co-Creating

With Smiles..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam in Someways
As Long As We Are Playing an

Instrument of Soul We aRe

Never Truly Alone As

The FRiEnD Within

Comes to Dance
And Sing And Spread
Other Arts Deep Within

Free Escaping New Breath of Creativity…🙂

Romance Stormy Summer
Nights Within Fall of Spring
Winter’s Hope
Summer’s Breath
Burns Alive Desire
Reaching Out Touching
Hands of His or Hers as Theirs
Together Never Separating EYes of Love
On Fire
Forever Wide
EternAlly Now For Real…
SMiLes Dear Lillian What A Gift
Love Blossoms out to be When
Romantic Fires Union A Love Ever
More to Be All Trust Never FearS AGAiN
Romance Letting go
of bought and sold
When No Longer
Owner Ships
of other
Storms of
Summer Eyes…
Smiles Lillian Art at Best is Reproductive
Yes Creative For instance imagine how many
Children Elton John Songs inspire/sire along a way
of His Career no matter laying a Reproductive Finger
on Couples He helps Journey their Way Firing Romance
of Foreplay for Success in mold of Relationships old and
Fires in
Breathing New Love
in other Words Thanks
for inspiring me to create
Words Reflecting a Love that
my Wife and i Share.. it’s true
she won’t understand A Word of
it as Metaphor is verily not her Forte…
on the other hand i will copy and Paste
it for someone else some other Day for their Love to Flower..
i don’t understand MaKinG Money For Art above and beyond
Basic Subsistence Yet what i do understand IS A Force of Love Art Creates…
Fuel for
Life my
We Paint
as Brush
Master Peace
Winds Never EnDinG STaRTinG

NeWLY NoW..🙂

SMiles Love is surely a Powerful
Force My FRiEnD particularly when
it comes in Peace and Harmony of Balance
Never Ending
ThiS Way
Smiles to
Give and Share
for Free Cheers to
Love Cheers to Love
That Truly Smiles with No
Restraint smiles my FRiEnD some
Days more of a Challenge than others
Yet What i do know feel and sense is in
the Longest of Runs that is Life Love Wins
in Balance
And Harmony
From Eyes that and
Who Give and Share
Over Take and Hoard
And General Ownership of God and Love
Love Enjoys Freedom Love Breathes Light Free..🙂

Considering Nothing Is As Boring
As Nothing God Creates All That Is
As GreaTesT Poetry Prompt Unto Itself

No Separation All Poem

Meh.. God Rest His Soul Stephen
Hawking Basically Theorized This
too Just Used a Metaphor of Gravity for ‘Poem’

Cosmic Sneeze

Existence Breeze God Ease


WiND FLoWS Free For Those

Who ‘See’ IT NoW

‘Iconoclasm’: Trump has Destroyed
the ‘Statue’ of what Christianity And
Republicans ‘Used’ to stand For in Terms
of Ideals And Truth Yet Since he ‘Literally’
didn’t Tear Down Any Statues His Followers
Can’t see It: ‘Ironiclasm,’
‘Predicticlasm,’ For
It Reveals the
Beatitudes and
Real Conservatism
Were Never Really
Dear And Worth Keeping
As Ideals, And Principles of Core
Truth; Indeed, Revelation occurs:

The Wicked Witch of the
West is Melting And ‘They’
Have No Clue ThiS ain’t
Kansas Anymore: Point of
No Return, Dust in the


It Requires ‘Soul’
To understand
This ‘Word Salad’
And that’s Ironic too…

It only gets to

Just Another
Long Tradition
From: the Other Side..😉

LeSSoN 288
Wise Toad Finds Bliss
(And Bugs) in Moonlit
Dew Clover Smiling at Rest
Naturally in Flow Nature’s Heaven

Shadow of A FRiEnD Above Guiding ‘Him’ Away
From ‘Road Kill’…

Hehe This Is what
Princes Are For…

Which Brings
Me to Make
A Princess
EacH and
Every Day
Effortless Rigorous
Work With Wise Toad

Key is to Write
Your Own Story
And Find Yourself
Directing Producing
And Actually Acting
It Your Play With or Without 👏
Applause in Flow of Course🎶
As Song Dances
Again Free
Eternally Now
Of Course Living
Heaven We Create Within
Free Breathing
Loving Life For Real😁🎶

SunFlower Offerings for
Birds and Squirrels
Laid Down Freely
At Their Beaks
And Paws
And Such

It’s What
We Do in
‘Our Naked Garden
of Eden’ me and ‘Eve’ hehe..😉

Weaving A Way
Through Woods
Free Dog Nose..
Flight in Balance
Dog Paws Ground
Forest One Free..
Water Flows
of Life
Dog Sees
Hears Tastes
Touches Smells Be Free

SMiLes Dear Xenia
Thanks for Helping
me Cover A Meaning
of Life in One Dog’s Breath ‘fore Noon..🙂

Soul Feel We



Some Rise

Sunset Sunrise

TWiLiGHT Forevernownew LoVE iN Peace

Florida i Realize You Can’t Help You Are
Shaped Like A Gun Yet Please Do Not
Shoot Yourself With ‘5th Avenue Ignorance’

mY God Florida You Are Named After
FLoWeRS LoVE RoSE RiSinG Instead

of Dead THorns FaLLinG…

Oh What Synchronicity BRings
Hehe Dear USA Writes i Just

Wrote In Another Place Online

Quoting The ‘White Queen’

And ‘Alice in Wonderland’

About the Perception

Of Time is There

Tomorrow Or Yesterday

Never Those Days To-day

to Have ‘J’am’ Yes Love Only Now

Humans Give Share Care Heal Freely Now

i For One Believe Beyond, Space, Time,


And Matters

Of Only Things

Your Opening

to Love For Life

Will Grow Even 6 Times

Greater than Now FOR REAL

Hehe Now All You

Have to Do

Is See

As Old Young

As me… i’ll Check
Back When You are
64 my FRiEnD About 40
Years From NoW i’ll onLY

Be 104 Still Dancing NoW in
‘Boogie Wonderland’ For Real…

Why oh Why oh Why Same Reason
i Leg Press 3 Times More Than i Did at
Age 21 At Age 64 Still All 1540 Pounds
12 Reps Just Warming Up At the Military Gym

My Wife Never Really Ages Much iN LoVE iN Peace

i Still

i Still Believe

i Dance Sing i Believe…

SMiLes Dear THeRe is

Real MaGiC iN Life Always

Fueled By LoVE iN Peace Within No Distance
Space, Matter, or Time God Yes Just LoVE Now

Inhaling Peace

Exhaling Love

New And You

Know What Most

Folks i have told this

to Have Only Scoffed at me…

Even the Teacher the Masters Level Professor in
Sociology of Aging in The Class in UNiVersity
Then When My Only Expectation Was to

Retain my

Strength at
60 And Beyond

Hehe All that i Was
Missing then is Enough
Love Within Inhaling Peace
Exhaling Love to Become Three

Times Stronger

And Beyond

iNFiNiTY of Loving

LoVE iN Peace Beyond Words

Just This Breath Free my FRiEnD…
FRiEnDS With Gravity Nothing At

All Holding LoVE DowN…

Truly Freeing Yourself

In Love Within

Is Truly

Freeing Others

For Their Love to Find
SMiLes Congrats Hemalatha

On Your Upcoming Performance

Keep Writing Within Expressing Without Planning




Than Breathing Love Free..🙂

Walk A Mile With mY SMiLE NoW

True THere’s ALWaYS Another

Mile To Dance

And Sing



Even Masked
One Human Made




Still Now

Within Still
Moving Generating
Dancing Singing Free
Loving This Breath Now

i Must (i DO) Wonder if We All
Must Wear Masks As A Necessity
To Protect Life For The Rest of this


If Just



WHere i Exist

Will Develop What

It Takes to Replace

Eyes Behind SHades

And Smiles Behind MAsks

A Return to



When What Lives

Within Breathes Free
For All to See and Be…
Spiraling Free as the

Rest of Our

UNiVeRSE Dances

Sings Loving Free Enough to
Still Exist Survive AND THRiVE ALiVE..🙂

Now What
We Always
Do Yesterday

And Tomorrow

Flavored With

Love Now

Yes Best


Year Round Now

Dear Savvy FRiEnD..🙂

Aloha Dear Hawaii FRiEND

Rocks of Life Solid As Love

Blue and Green



Life All in Abundance

Of Wellness in Health


SoULS Free Pets And Nature

Bring From



of Heavenly

Hawaii Paradise my

FRiEnD Again Not UnLike

Alice And Wonderland i Write

My Free Verse Poetry in Reverse

Again Today You Are Again Last As

First on Top of the Beauty of This Paradise

You So Reliably Bring At Ease Green As Blue

Solid As Love’s

Rock For All

This EarTH

This Paradise

This HeAVeNoW

Above So Below All Around You Always
Remind me NoW WHeRE i Staycation
For Real No Matter How DarK ATTempts

To Creep Within my Paradise Colors Now With
YeS EVeRlasting ChessHire Cat SMiLES on Course..🙂

Trust me or Not, No Worries of Mine;

True, After Responding Now Poetically

to Thousands of Poem And Poets

Around the World Reading Same

True One Interpretation

Of Poetry



One Interpretation

of Poetry AS Heroes Have

Been RiSinG From the Living

Dead As LonG As Humans Continue to
BREaTHE Similar Archetypes of Existence Now…



Bringing Light to the Rest of the Village Grown
DarK in Traditions of Human Ignorance

That Naturally Exclude

Any New Meanings

And Purposes

Of Life to Give Share

Free Caring For Greater

Human Potentials FOR REAL

Still To BREaTHE NOW God Yep

Reality is a bit

More Plausible

to Swallow and

Spit Out Than

Myths of the Truly Dead…

Yet True A “Sugar Pill Fictional
Dead Hero” Also BRings Some
Placebo Relief Healing In Belief Now For
Whatever Color Ya Paint And Flavor them Next…

Yet True Any Form

Of Poem Will Do

Or Other Art


Much Deeper

Essence Within

To Feel and Sense

Even Deeper Greater Change
To Come Even More Now For Real…

Meh, Limit Yourself to the Same Old Stories As You Wish…

Hehe, Oh Lord Dear ‘USA Writes,’ First Love So Long
So Long Ago for me Let me Count All the Years
Yes Ever Since 1978 My God That’s 46 Years

Around Twice Your age Now Away

From First Love Then

Hehe Almost As Long

As the Meaning Of Life

As of 46 Years Coming

Up in September of 2024
Year Yes i still Remember
The Anniversary of that Date

Of First Love Asking me then to
Dance At Her High School Dance

Yes i Was 18 And She Was only 15

Such A Beautiful Cuban American Wonder

Such A Difference in Emotional Maturity

She Had So Much More Than me And Yes

Experience In Loving Per Say And Do True…

My My It’s Been 45 Years Since First Love Went
Away Around This Day Back in 1979 On The Dance
Floor And Almost Like ‘Earth, Wind, And Fire’ Were Playing
The Song “After The Love Is Gone” For Our Very Last Dance

When Out of Nowhere

She Just Said

i Am Leaving

i Am Going

Away Like A Corpse

Of Love i had no Idea That
Was Coming Then For Real…
Totally Crushed Indeed No More Crush

And True it Wasn’t Until i Earned the Truth

That The Distance of Love Is Always Within

Until i Came to Truly Love Again…

That Took From Age 19 to 53

Where Even A Flower

or my Wife


Next to me in
Bed Held No Beauty Of

Love At All Finding the LeSSoN

of Hell For 66 Months Then Ages 47 to 53

Distance Equal oF Love Is Always Within my FRiEnD

And Honestly It’s No Different Than God Whatever

Name Ya Wanna Use for Loving The All in All For Real

It’s THorns It’s Flowers Green And Wilting Brown It’s Rose RiSinG

FLoWeRinG More
Colorful Now



Only To

Live Within to
Give, Share, Care, Heal

Freely With Least Harm
For All Now For Real iN
JoY oF DarK Thru LiGHT

Hehe, You Once Said How

Lucky my Wife Was And How

i Seemed too Good To Be True…

SMiLes mY FRiEnD the





FRoM: iNHaLinG
Peace to: EXHaLinG LoVE For ALL..🙂

The Distance of Love

Is Always Within

Such A Hard


Of Cold
Dead Living
Bones i Earned

Then Laying Next to
A Most A Most Beautiful
Loving FLoWeR on the Planet

Earth my Wife Of Course With SMiLes…

The Distance of Love Is Always Within Now

How A Beautiful FLoWeR Laying Next to Us

Or A Flower

of Spring

We Will

Not Feel As

Beauty TeacheS iNdeed…

True Some Folks Will Make

An All Loving Servant Leader

Into A Selfish Trump King

True The Distance

Of Love is Always

Within For We

See How

This Lesson

Is Earned And

Learned All Around Us
Now Unmasked to See And

Hopefully For ‘Them’ To Still Breathe…

For True ‘They’ are Us too Only Disguised

By The Distance of Love Is Always Within

SMiLes Dear Lillian Orchard FLoWeR Your

Poetry is DarK Real And BLacK Rose Rare

For It is From the Darkness That We Find

The RiSinG Rose Red Blood And

Thorns Whole LeSSoN

Earned The Distance

of Love Is Always

Within Oh



Lovers Bleed too… Rose

Lost From THorn’s FLoWeR

Yet To Be RiSeN RoSE Distance From Love Whole..🙂

Life is Emotionally Connecting
Feeling Sensing New
to other Humans and
Yes THE REst of Nature
Moving Co-Creating
And balancing
Mind And Body
Balancing Always Now
NeW Meanings of Life SoUL…

It’s True Dear
Miriam i Have
Nothing to Hide

With Belts too…

Or Sidewalks…

Just Butterflies
Free Dancing in
Meadows Singing

With SMiLes…

Oh Yes What
A Free Breeze
A Feather in A ‘Forrest
Gump’ Land We Still Do

Be i Am Just LoVinG
iT All DarK Thru LiGHT

When Not
Story True..🙂

TyPicAlly Closer One
Gets to Truth Farther
Away From GRoUPTHiNK

SMiLes Dear Cindy
Lovely Poem Dancing
Singing Without Lessons

A Next
To Wings Free Now
Always New With SMiLes..🙂

MaKinG LoVE ReaL”

In A Sense and Feel Dear
Yamini of Following ‘Your Dreams’
And Truly Coming to Self-Actualize

Who One is With Enough Balancing Faith in Grace
of Love For Life to Develop Will And Strength to

Actually Believe In Yourself
And Do Who You Truly Are

A Spark A Flame A Torch A
Bonfire “Saint Elmo’s” Fire”

Both A Myth For Sailors Lost
At Sea to Find Land For Home

And Even A Movie by that Name
And A Song As Well mY FRiEnD

Yet Perhaps Even Better in Illustration
A Movie Named “The Dead Poet’s Society”

Where Culture And Family Will Dictate In Mold
Who Someone Must Be No Matter How Much Spiraling
Essence Doesn’t Fit In Square Holes of Form Pre-Determined

By Others ThiS Way For in that Movie about a Poetry Teacher the
First Lesson of Poetry is to Rip Out All the Rules That Judge What

Is Rated As Good Or Bad Poetry From Before So the Essence

Within of Creativity May Spring Forth MaKinG Another Creation

Now of Humanity Not Preformed From Before my FRiEnD

Indeed It’s Difficult to Rise Above All the

Expectations that May Come From
Family, Culture, And Even
Closest FRiEnDS

And Lovers
As Close
As Spouses too

Yet What is the other
Option Waiting For A Life
Better After Death It’s True

Some Folks Follow the Rules

And Never Even Fully Live Free
Naked Enough Whole Complete New Now

As A Bird Leaves A Nest And Finds ItS own
Wings mY FRiEnD It Surely Isn’t Easy Until the

Day One Stands On Their Own Feet to Soar Higher

Than Ever Before Touching the Feather of the Wind Free

For What Greater Sin Is THere Than to Never Even Become


i Am to
“Live my
Dreams Free Now”
MaKinG LoVE ReaL”..🙂

Ah Yes Dear ‘Peace & Truth’ To Dance
in The Rain and Fire Same As Long
As We Generate Sunshine Within

As Song of Poetry Does For Real
Too Generating So Much Emotion
Even Passion As Practice to
Regulate And Experience
Many New Colors of
Emotions And
Many New
Colors of Senses
In Synergy of All Feelings
And Senses That Emotions Create

Head to Toe Embodying Mind and
Body Whole Balancing Soul For Real

And Yes the Poetry You Share is Very
Moving And Even Therapeutic ThiS Way
Giving, Sharing, Caring, Healing Free For All

Those Who Enjoy What You Do New Now With SMiLes..🙂

SMiLes Dear Sohair
Peace And Love

Puts Out All the
Fires With SMiles

Particularly Coldest
Ones of SoUL mY FRiEnD..🙂

Shalom to You As
Well Dear ‘Peace
And Truth’ With SMiLes

All Wonderful Quotes on Patience
Dear Chaymaa A Force of Peace

Within That Comes Most Often When
One is Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete

Without Even Any of the Layers of Tools

Culture Clothes Us Away From Nature

Most Everywhere We Go
in Life Oh The Beauty

of Generating Our
Own Happiness
Within Free Yes

By Desires We
Believe We Cannot
Fulfill WHere THE Eternal

Now is Once Again Inhaling
Peace Exhaling Love For All
We Do All That’s Left is Patience

Doing Life Best Now Always New

That Even
For Real
No Waiting
Room For Heaven Within
At Best to Give, Share, Care,
Heal For All With Most Respect

Least Harm Again Now..🙂

Opening Our Arms
to Different Souls

Indeed Dear Savvy
Travel of Our Spirits

No Matter WHere We aRe

Finding Humanity in All the


We Paint
Of Every
Separate and Whole..🙂

SMiLes Dear Sohair How Wonderful it is to meet

Truly Kind People in the World Who Unconditionally

Treat Every Human That Way Making Ya Wonder How They

Get That Way When Darkness Seems to Stick to Others Just

Unable to Get Out

of A Dark Web of Life

Seen Both Places

It Surely is More

Like Heaven

in A Place

of Kindness For All
It’s A Gift That Generates Within
It’s One to Keep in a Practice of
Giving Sharing Caring Healing
For All With Most Respect Least Harm

For it is in the DarK That We LEarn Most
to Appreciate The Gift of Radiating LiGHT Most

Truly It’s Not Always Easy Yet The Reward Is
Always Inherent in the Giving With SMiLes

THiS WAY It Never Runs Out As Long As
The Blood of Kindness Continues to Flow

Deep Within With SMiLes Even More For All
And True There Are Unlimited Ways to Light
The World Up For Others And Always Creative

Other Ones Still To Come to BREaTHE ANeW With SMiLes..🙂

SMiLes Dear Savvy While The Whole
World Seemed to Be 100 Percent in
Focus on Shopping For the New School

Year and Back to Work too i Danced Through It
All Didn’t Buy A Thing and Only Left SMiLEs Behind

Meanwhile my Wife Bought Some Long Dresses As
The Cashiers Chatted With Her Suggesting She Would

Look Beautiful in Them
Indeed There Are So Many

Parts of Existence to Have Gratitude
For It Is Just Wonderful To Enjoy Life

The Way It Is Always Parts to Return
to The Whole When There is Plenty

Of Room in Our
Homes of Soul

To Continue to
Return ThiS Way

Water Wave Ocean
Whole Nothing to Really
Subtract or Add Just Waves

Returning Water to the Ocean Whole

With Now Just Another New Gratitude List to Relate..🙂

This Is Life THorNS FLoWeRS
Born Without Clothes

SMiLes Dear Miranda
(Note: i Call Everyone
Dear Just a Habit hehe)

Loved the Twist of
Reality Glitches at the

End of Your Haunted Castle
Poetry With Blue Moon

Blood Red Bats

And Particularly

The Purple Flowing
Swirling Mote Around the
Haunted Castle Hehe all

That’s Missing

Is Tie Died Psychedelic
Alligator Lizards With SMiLes…

i Bet You Could Paint That Addition too


Two General Ways of Viewing
And Doing the World Dear

Amethyst Lamb one Way

of Not Knowing Always

Playing Being the Beginner Now New

Another Way of Knowledge Skills

And Abilities Learned and Held as

Crystalized Intelligence Where Life Becomes

More Literal and Rigid Fearing More the Chaos

Of What Naturally Springs New in Change

Yet of Course
When Play Becomes
Work Becomes Goals

Becomes More Than
What the Present

Brings of


of Original Creativity

Particularly When Buy and
Sell in Goals Replaces Free With

Wings With No Particular Target Audience

to Slave to There Again are Two Ways and Many

More to Seek Find and Do Oh to Wear Wings as A Beginner

Each Day
A Play
i Enjoy Most

Yet Not to Take Away
From How Others View
And Do Life too as Hey

We Do Need A Roof Over
Our Heads Yes Shelter
And Subsistence

to Eat and


And Breathe too

And No Not Easy to
Break Those Chains
These Days Either Obviously For All to See and Breathe

Anyway my View is to Continue to Do Come What May

i Continue Breathing in Play Best ThiS Way With No Concern

of Goals


Results More

Often i am

More Satisfied

Doing Life ThiS WaY
Compared to the More
Ordered and Robotic Ways
of Life in the Working World
Hehe Particularly Working for
the Federal Government for One

Long Quarter
of A Century then

Ah Yes Change
A Greatest Gift…
in Essence All

Beginners ThiS WaY..:)

SMiLes Dear “Peace And Truth”
Joy That You Found Us Again too

As True Hehe my 13.1 MiLLioN Word
“SonG oF mY SoUL” in 131 Months of Effort

May Be Hard

To Open and

Consume as Well

A Buffet It is Always

Free Yet the Line Waiting

to Get in by the Limits
of Technology


Some Days
Now Still Indeed..🙂

Ah Yes Dear Peace And Truth to Quote You Here:

“Imagine waking up every morning with an exciting
sense of anticipation for the day ahead, ready to

embrace every opportunity that comes your way.”

Always A Beginner i Am Dear FRiEnD ThiS WaY And

So Nice to See You Come my Way This Day

in Florida From Your Far Away Yet

Still Close Place in Australia

With SMiLes Oh the Problems
With Technology that Come and

Go Particularly When We Do More
Than Most Others Do as i’ve Had
Problems getting the Likes to Load

on Your Site Yet Today Successful Before
coming here as Your Poetry Titled “Beautiful”

Is Surely Beautiful With SMiLes Deep MuSinGS

of Introspection

of Soul With
Wings as

Free Poetry
Free SPiRiTinG


NaturAlly Does ThiS WaY With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair, Quote From the Art Director of the Discussed Olympic Event Scene below:

“Paris 2024 artistic director Thomas Jolly was left baffled by the negative reactions to the show and said the scene had not been inspired by The Last Supper and depicted a pagan feast linked to the gods of Olympus in order to celebrate diversity and pay tribute to feasting and French gastronomy.”

The Last Supper By DaVinci, Included 13 Participants With No Halo Over Jesus; and Ironically
Included A Very Effeminate Looking ‘John’ As Well as a Long Haired Jesus Rather Effeminate

(The Depiction of the Pagan Feast With Halo Over the Overweight Woman had 17 Participants

Just Like the Original Pagan Painting too that was Oddly Associated with a Rape Attempt too…)

In Appearance as Well. Leonardo DaVinci, Was Noted as Having a Penchant For Painting Very
Androgynous Looking Males in His Entire Painting Career…

Many Scholars Also Suggest Leonardo
Was of Homosexual Orientation, Also
A Humanist, and Not A Practicing Christian;

Although, Used for His Talents to Paint Iconic
Representations of Christianity That Included

His Style of Course too; And there Have even been
Suggestions that Leonard Painted Jesus More to Represent

His Style of Wearing His Hair Long With A Beard too. In the Christian
Bible, Paul Who Is Recognized as One of the Few Real Historical Figures

Who Actually Spread the Religion Through his Writings, Honored Those Who
Stayed Celibate and Unmarried Most Yet He Wasn’t Against Marriage for those who

Couldn’t Control Their ‘Urges’…

He Also Reported Long Hair For Males Was
Against the Culture That Jesus actually Lived in…

Interestingly, Many Artists Weren’t/Aren’t Married
Either as There are Obviously Many More Hours
in the Day to Focus on Art When one is not involved

in the Rigors of a Successful Marriage and Successful

Raising of a Family Filled With Children Yet of Course Reproduction

Is a Natural Part of Human Nature… Some Folks are More Inclined than

Others to Practice it… And Around the World as is Always the Case Among Social
Animals Enduring Great Stress, the Reproductive Activities Are Naturally Reduced as

We Do See, Particularly Happening in Technological Societies Drifting away from Humanity
And More Towards ‘Things,’ Where a ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ of Cold Humanity This Way, Sort of Like

The ‘Living Dead’
is Yes Somewhat
of an Apt Metaphor
Of Reality too These Days…

As Far As the Leonardo DaVinci Painting
of the “Last Supper” There have Been Many
Many Parodies of it Across History and continuing Now

Yet again, According to the Director of the Art, This Art
Project Depicted A Pagan Feast of the ‘Gods’ Having Nothing

to Do

Interestingly, in the Christian
Bible it Warns About casting the
First Stone And False Witness Against Neighbors…

Yet of Course, You’ve Only Repeated the False Information
Many Folks Have Found in the Media as We Recognize Media Rushes

to Sell Articles Based on ‘Click Bait’ often before the Facts are realized…

Anyway Human Cultures And Associated Arts Are Fascinating to me

And The French Culture is Most Definitely on the ‘Leading Edge’ of
Liberal Representations


i’ve Seen the ‘Last
Supper’ By DaVinci Enough
to Realize that wasn’t What
the Art Depiction was all about;

Also Recognizing that through the
Ages Folks Associated With Christianity
Have Had a Lot of ‘Androgynous Heartburn’

Over How
‘the Last Supper’

As Obviously He Wasn’t
There to See it; And That’s the

Great Part of Still Having the Director
of this Art Presentation to Actually
Explain the Art He Directed for the

Event to Clear Up the
Obvious Misunderstandings..🙂

Note: Patience is a Worthwhile Virtue
When it Comes to Gathering All The Facts
of ‘the Matter’ Before “First Stones Are thrown”
And Or “Witness Against Neighbors are Provided”…

It seems for those ‘Big Enough to do it’ Another Apology is
warranted now…

Hmm Just
When ‘We’

IT Was

Safe Enough
to Get Back in The Water

Just Another Monday TSuNaMi HAha…

This Is Life THorNS FLoWeRS
Still Born Without Clothes




SMiLes Dear Savvy For me at least
Contentment is The FLoWeR
iN Flow That Never Stops

Coloring my World New

Always in the Sweet
Spot Tween Apathy

And Anxiety

Indeed Having Enough
Is Staying Totally Engaging
Dancing A Tight Rope Higher

And Higher
In Effortless

Ease Now of
Potential More

Totally Engaging

Toe to Head

And So

Much More..:)

“Knives Up Or Down in The Dishwasher?”

Oh Dear Lord Dear Miriam ‘Mission Impossible’
Finding Anything Out About the ‘Top Secret’

Inner Workings of the Kitchen Yet With Some

Interrogation i Found that the Unwritten

Guidelines of the Kitchen Require

No Knives at All to Enter

The Recently Purchased
New Dishwasher Hehe the
Last one was 30 Years Old
Sounded Like a Freight Train
And Leaked From the Seal Yet

There was No Way to Keep that
Hidden So We Have a New One

To Keep the Top Secrets of the Kitchen

me at
Least Hehe…

There is an Overall
Fear in Metaphor that
If i Boil Water i Will Burn it HAha…

Yet in Essence Even When i Lose i Win hehe…

It’s like An Employee i Once Supervised Often
Lamented Whenever i Fell in IT i Rose Up Smelling Like

Instead of THorNS…

Anyway the Kitchen in my
Home Is Basically ‘Beneath the
Planet of the Apes’ For me Radioactive Indeed..:)

You are Very Welcome
Dear Isha only A Gift
And Honor To Spread
LoVE iN Peace
With Particularly
Room Enough in
Life to Garden the

A Miracle
It Is With
Enough Practice
We Become Essence

With SMiles

A Light House
Beacon Bright

A Miracle
This Life
Will Breathe

The Receiving
All iN The Giving
☺️🌈❤️🙏 🌊

It’s True The Giver Always Has the

Most Power of Joy When The

Receiving is the


of the Giving…

Meh, What Being on the
Bottom of The Totem Pole Means

Meek Inheriting the Earth Serving

Out Rental Shoes At A Bowling Center

For Close to 2 Decades Yes At the Bottom

of the Ladder Teaches Best After

Being Near the Top of the

Class At School

Through 3 Degrees
The Rest of my Life Before

The View From the Bottom is Always Up…

Some Days Folks Understand How Beautiful
This View Truly Is Free Most Days They Don’t

Yet What Do Ya Expect in a Land of Owning Happiness…
i’ll Always Remember The Lesson Coming Back to Haunt
me Suddenly Getting Vaulted in 3 Promotions to the Top of
The Class of the Military Installation Face to Face with A
First Woman Captain of the Station Seeking Admiral

No Matter Who

Falls In Her Wake…

While everyone was melting

A Man Called Walker Intellectually

Challenged as Janitor Was the only

One Retaining A Smile in an Entire
Administration Building Run by A
Similar ‘Trump Tyrant’ And then

i Realized How i was Correct

Before the

Meek Do

Inherit the EartH

of Joy the Other World

Is Basically Self-Inflicted Hell…

The XO Said, i just Don’t Understand

Why That Guy Is Always Jovial With

A Smile Well Wishing All He Meets

i’m Quite Sure

That XO Still


Meet Everyone

On the Street

With A Jovial Smile

Perhaps He’ll never

Get to Heaven ‘Walker’ Never Left
Still Working There Now With A Smile After 33 Years…

Here’s a Little Secret Happiness Has Little to Do With Standard IQ…

i Visit A Place Everyday Where Informal Polls Assess IQ’s of 140 to 160…

i’ve Never Seen a More Frowny Dull Place So i Visit Every Day As ‘Walker’…

Same Reason i Go To Church Every Sunday As ‘Walker’ too Many Places indeed..



My Own ‘Walker Style’..

Generally Speaking Folks
Ignored ‘Walker’ Like He Wasn’t
Even in the Building We Always Shared
‘A Secret Smile’….

Such An Angel

That Old


American Man

Several Years Younger than me…

It’s Funny What We See As Disability in Life

Versus ‘Normal’ Aha Funny As in HAha Not
Really Humorous…

“Waves of water
Rising and falling
In highs and lows
Giving and receiving
Returning to the center.
Finding its own way
Back home.
All is well around
When all is well within..”

-Savvy Raj

SMiles Dear Savvy Thanks
For Keeping The Ocean
Waves Water Dancing
Singing Together Free☺️🙏

Dear Lord Dear Miriam i Surely Will Relate to Much of my
Work Life Being A Draining Experience of Spirit to the Point

With my Face Numb in Purgatory on Earth Yes Before i Even
Got Close to All Pain and Numb For 66 Months Yet It is True

Phrases Like Heaven Within are Only Empty Shells Until
One Finds a Practice of Existence That Works For Samadhi,
Satori, Prana, Kundalini RiSinG Yoga All the Terms That Relate

To Life As A Flow of Energy in Synergy of Emotions Regulating
Senses Integrating in A Real Head to Toe Bio-Feedback So Healing

When a Meditative Activity Allows One A Relative Free Will to Release
All Tensions and in my Case at Least A Body Both Keeps A Record Of Life

Traumas And Also Provides Feedback to Yes Erase Any New Tensions That

Come into Slow Down Play That Naturally
Slays Fear Yet We LiVE iN A Word THiNKinG
World That May Trap Our Intuitions From RiSinG

To Heal Us As Our Body ‘Speaks’ to Us ThiS Way Without
Words of Course Getting in Touch With All the Parts That
We Might Refer to As A Harmonious Integral Whole Yet HeaR’s

A Challenging Part of 11 Years Practicing a Meditative Free
FLoW iN Wu Wei Ease of Public Dancing 20,313 Miles in 131 Months ALonG
Ascending Transcending Free Song of Long Form Poetry Measuring 13.1 MiLLioN Words

in that Span of Dates Yet my Proficiency in Achieving Vitality in Life Over the
The Other Potentials of Getting Drained Away out of Balance Continues to

Evolve Counter-Factually to What Most Folks Might Consider Aging
at 64 Years-Old Indeed It’s Difficult to Measure The Best Part Within
Yet the Productivity including Strength Increases in Leg Pressing
1540 Pounds 12 Reps Just Warming Up Now Versus 500 Pounds
at age 53 and 21 Pretty Much Proves It Ain’t all in my Head

Hehe Yes as the Fictional Yoda Character And Thousands of
Years Old East Indian Philosophy and Quantum Mechanics

Relates as Well We Are Not Just This Crude Matter

We Are Beings oF LiGHT With Darkness the

Expanse of What Holds The Stars Above

Below Within of US Where Perhaps

MuLTi-Uni-Verses LiVE iN the Star
Systems in the Place of What We Describe

Our Thumbnails Indeed all i’m Really Suggesting

is More Is Possible Than i Ever iMaGiNeD Before and

It’s No Thing i Plan in Advance As the Steve Miller Band
Relates ‘Time Keeps Slipping into the Future’ And The Future

is Only
Now For
Now At Least

As Change is the
Only Real Reality
TG as i’d Hate to Be Stuck in ‘Second Gear’

THere is A Kind of Faith An Intuition Always New And Secure
Far Beyond Words That Rises Within to Bring Dreams SiLent to Fruition..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha Far Above THeRE IS A Bird
Flying Air Lending You Its Free Wings to Share

SMiLes Dear Isha Far Below THeRE iS A Fish Yes
Swimming Water Lending You Its Free Fins to Share

SMiLes Dear Isha Far Above And Far Below Nature Plays

Flying the Air And Swimming the Water All Away Indeed

Never Separate From Either Water or Air Above or Below

With SMiLes We May Come to Be With Fins and Wings of

Wonder And Exploration

A First Step Always
To Fly And Swim A

Second Step Always

To Be Free Air and Water

For The Currents of Water
Below Air Above to Carry You
in A Flow of No WHere Else Yet Now

Yet You See This Is Only Child’s Play of Nature

Humans Are The Only Ones Who Do Adulting With
Accumulated Tools That Master Us Becoming What We Are

More Than
Free Air
And Water

It’s Not Surprising
That Your Nature is
Rebelling And True This
Is A Huge Reality Why So
Many Folks in the NeWesT
‘Tool Culture’ Are Relating
Similar Sentiments to Your Challenges

We Are Not Evolved For This Bottom Lines
Otherwise We Would Be Able to Better Adapt…

It’s ‘A Current Reality’ So All i Can Really Offer is Support
As i Am Fortunate to Be Separated Almost Entirely From ‘That Reality’..:)

A SCenT Of Continuing
FreedomS NoW

SonG oF LiFE

CoLoRs oF Ocean

Breeze WHoLE

Deep Web oF EArThLY DeSiRE
one Harmony one Peace one
BiG BanG LoVE STiLL For All to Repeat


Freedom IS a greatest Gift…

But IT is not a Christmas Gift…

Freedom cannot be stored…

Freedom cannot be shared…
Something same..
ONLY done beFORE..!

Freedom IS doing something
True FREEdom!
IS standing UP!
common heard!

Doing something NEW..!

Changing a World a FLOWER!

Instead of withered seeds..

only tendered for fire…

When withered seeds…

Become FiRE!







The Message of Jesus
is “Love One Another”

Same Religion

Our Ancestors

Practiced Before
Written Words Same


Bonobos Practice
With No
Word For Religion

At All
Sad Humans
Have Become So
Lost As The Tools Now

They Create

That A Song
By The Beatles
Is Required To
Imagine Who
We aRe Even


Born To
Be Smiles

Bishop Barron

You Are A Very
Complicated Man

And So

Am i

Both The
Beatles And
Jesus Had A

Simple Message
By Story, Poetry
And Song

When We
Inhale Peace

And Exhale Love
The Spirit Together

All Naturally

We aRe Naked Enough
Whole And Complete

Science Agrees

Sadly The Church Lost
In A Labyrinth




Stone of
LoVE iN Peace Having
To Imagine the

Gift All
Born Within

A Child’s Smile
And Open Arms




We aRe NoW
The Human Kind iN Peace

Hehe, my FRiEnD, iNdeed, i Sadly or Happily Have

Good or Bad News For You; Before i Started my Own

Naturally Intuiting Style of Public Dance, So Introverted

Before, So Naturally Uncomfortable in my Own Skin, Indeed,

Very Introverted to the Point i could Hardly Leave my Bedroom Shut-in…

My Therapist Had A Lifelong

Goal of Therapy

For me to

Enter A Whataburger

For 15 Minutes Then, Now True,

i Started A Free Verse Poetry Practice
First as Gift That comes As Naturally
Then as it Does Now, in the Summer of 2013…

A Public Dance Came Next in Public on August 26th,

Of 2013, as i can’t Say That the Dance Alone is What

Caused Me to Become a Blooming Dam Social Flower

Now Rating 100 Percent in Extraversion/Open Minded, Close to
Zero Percent before in ‘Real Flesh And Blood Life’ Then; Yet True,

A Keyboard And Fingers Makes a Song A Dance too; Just have

8 Feet More to Dance with hehe; It’s true Like Playing the Piano

Dancing With Foot Fingers too; Yet in this Case, the Piano Keys Sing

As Letters too; All of it Extending the Capabilities of Extraversion

Of Vocal Chords Alone;

As True the Flesh

Of Organic Emotions

Transforming Transfiguring

Into Symbols Printing From 10 Fingers Dancing

As Feat of Feet on All 10 Fingers Now Again in Song…

i Can And Will Still Switch Hit Back to Extreme Introversion

in Terms of Being Inside This Keyboard And Screen; Yet it’s Also
True, Very Rarely, Do i Ever Not Write to A Live Audience Online;

Whereas, When i Did Dance

A ‘Real Piano;’ i Often Did

It Electronically With

Headphones Alone;

i’ve Become A Very Connecting
Dude Indeed; And Yes, i Do Have
An Actual Literal Prescription From A
Psychiatrist For Dance as Moving Meditation
to Regulate Emotions and Integrate Senses Losing

So Much Fear and Naturally Becoming Better At All Non-Verbal

Communication as that is Precisely what Dance is the First Human

And Other Animal Still All Natural Extraverted Communication With Others…

It Works…


Don’t Give

Out Prescriptions

As Jokes; and If Anyone

Ever Gives Me a Problem

In Management of Stores;

It’s My Wheel Chair Baby

That For me at Least Makes

My Form of Autism Only Great

For the Perseverance in Laser Focus

And Special Interests i Still Thrive At Now Dancing
And Singing Free Verse in ‘Hyperthymic’ Way Every way i Go…

True i am Diagnosed

With A ‘Happy Disease’,

These Days at Least WHeRE

For me Heaven iS A Disorder…

And Capitalism For Stuff to Buy is God…

As the Doctor Doesn’t Mind Relating It’s Good

to be me; Yet Not So Good for Folks Who Aren’t
Quite Ready for Freddy Heaven, In Other Words,

i’m No ‘Good’ For This World; Yet i’m Pretty Sure
The ‘Good Doctor’ Wouldn’t Mind Changing places Behind His Desk…

At Least for
A Quick
Ride Now

Where iFly..

Yes, It’s Possible to

Change From a Introverted Caterpillar
to A Social Butterfly; You May Ask Anyone

Who Knew the ‘Before Fred,’ It Really Happened…

Oh yeah, And Documented More Than Fully on this Site…

Being Introverted Is Okay; Almost Every Woman i know is,

It Does Appear though that Overall, Being An Extraverted
Dude Is Better for the Overall ‘Woman Scene;’ Something About the ‘Fearless’ For sure…

Yeah, i Have Videos of me Public Dancing At First Where i Look Like i am doing it foolishly
On Purpose to Be Funny; Truth is, i Was a Horrible, Uncoordinated Dancer in all i Moved in
Life Before, Assessed aS A Dizzy Fly Lost in Space; How, i Ever Became Noted As A Famous Metro
Area Free Style Folk Legend Living Dancer is As Miraculous As Staying in Whataburger, At First,
For 15 Minutes…

Ever Since then

My Doctor’s Have

Been Taking


Notes on
my Continuing
Butterfly Path; Hehe…

There’s Nothing Really

‘Voodoo’ About it Just

Adjusting in Epigenetic Way

With Environmental Struggle;

What Helped Most is After Enduring

All that Worse than Crucifixion Torture Pain and Numb..

i Just Didn’t Care Any More About Conforming or what

Anyone Else Thought of me; That Fearless is Key to All i Do Still…

It’s Not Really Different Than Going Out into the Forest Sitting Under
A Tree, Or A Desert, Or A Beach for 40 Days or so; Or Shut-in in A
Bedroom With the Worst Pain and Numb for 66 Months; Ya Shed All
Leaves And Grow A New Living Tree; Phoenix Rising out of Ashes; Reborn;

All that Jazz FOR REAL NoW..:)

Prisoners of Books, Tests, Classes, Schools, Countries

Now Truly So Many Folks Praying to Leave Where They

Are In Life in Terms of Work, Car Loans, Big Mortgages

Too and So Much Credit

Card Debt With




CliMaTE Change

EVeR Increasing
DiSEaSED and The

Bizarrely Rich Seek

To Take Extreme


Dollar Fair



Space Just to

See How ‘The Other’ Side
Lives It’s Cold And Without

Air It’s Dark And Only Reflects

This Blue And Green Heaven Now

SMiLes Dear Annabel i Pray You Find

This Paradise Lost too Keep Your Chin Up

ALWaYS SMiLe And Naturally Rise and Fly


Is Still

Better Than

Empty Space

With No Smiles

Even If Behind a Mask

This Lamp This Living Tree

We LiGHT uP CoLoRinG

CHRiSTMaS Tree within

New Year Round Never

Taking Us Down Now For Real..:)

A Toast to Green And Blue

Cheers To Ground And Sky

A Drink Of Water So Pleasing

Rain From



This Breath

to Love Now

SMiLes Dear

Savvy A Wonderful
Life This World Is Now…
All DarK Thru LiGHT Colors More..:)

Thanks Dear
Savvy Love
For All SMiles See😊🙏

‘Living Life


Dear Savvy

Even Thru
DarK Thru


Thru Every
Flame Life BRinGS🙏😊

Opening Our Arms
to Different Souls

Indeed Dear Savvy
Travel of Our Spirits

No Matter WHere We aRe

Finding Humanity in All the


We Paint
Of Every
Separate and Whole..:)

Always A Pleasure
Dear Hawaii and
Paradise Soul
Person With
SMiles Water
With Just A Little
Bit of Fruit Juice
At Breakfast

For me Now
So i Won’t
Get too

A Beautiful
Day Your Norm
Dear Aloha FRiEnD😊🏝🤗🌈

As Per What i ‘Sing,’ For Every Set of Eyes
A Different View As ‘You,’ Just One Set of Eyes;

And i, and
Others, See
it Completely
Different Than You…

Never the Less that
Doesn’t Negate ‘Your’

View or Mine of Course… hehe…

And Most Folks Won’t Go to the Trouble
of Looking for A ‘Site,’ Unless It’s Linked; Some THING
About the Modern Attention Span of Human Beings

(Yep, Less than 3 Seconds, Less than a Gold Fish
For Real As Assessed By Science Now on ‘Average’)

Where of Course, Most Folks Do Not Click on the
Link, so ‘You’ better provide Some view for a chance of views

(Or Do Not Look back through pages to the beginning of a Thread
On the ‘Net’ Of Course As that makes ‘Modern Common Sense’ too)

At all, in Many Cases, Yet Not all of Course

That Also relates to
failing to see
that other
Folks View



There are many Venn
Diagrams of Life;

Typically Mine
Subsumes Most
Others Hehe FOR REAL WITH SMiLes…

And why… i Listen to every one, excluding no one
from my Venn Diagram Experiences, WORLD WIDE;

OF LIFE; more than Just one ‘Internet site,’ Or One Nation, Or One
Religion, or One Church, or one ‘Work Place,’ or ‘Place of ‘Play’ Indeed With SMiLes…

This ‘Wrong Planet Internet Site’ is Fairly Cosmopolitan; Not too ‘Bad’ of A place to ‘Use’ for
‘Muse’ this way…

Yet of Course, in Many Cases, it is Very Restricted to Left Brain Processes of Thinking as
Iain McGilchrist, Well Known and Respected Scholar of the Mind/Literature/Philosophy/
Religion As Scientist of ‘Left and Right Mind’, Suggests As Well in Current Books, Like

‘The Matter With Things’

As Generally Human Beings in Western Civilizations are
‘More’ Restricted to Less than Half of Human Potentials
ThiS Way By the ‘Things’ We Feed Our Minds in Abstract
Constructs without Colors of Essence More in Meaning;

And to Be Clear, i Am Speaking to my Opinion, not Directed

at any one individual

Here or TheRE..;)

-Blue Whale Mixed With Great White
~In Other Words, Neither Afraid of the
‘Ocean Deep’ or Shadows of Jaws With Big Teeth..;)

All human words are lies as only idols God Yes
And metaphors for essence of Truth and Light..

THerefore we know nothing yet we must guess
to live LoVE iN Peace and learn an approximation of Truth

iN DarK And LiGHT as we move on as life newly now…

Yeah.. I feel that has no Thing to do with what
you are talking about… yet ‘everything’ tales
me to say that.. Smiles and happy now FRiEnD…

SMiLes Dear Pooja Yes Defense Mechanism sounds a Bit
Cold for Art as Artists Have Used This Gift to Regulate

Their Emotions and Integrate
Their Senses Particularly
in Moving Arts of Dance

As Long as HumanKind Has
Existed And Of Course The Other
Animals Do it Without Words Perhaps

A Bird’s Song With
SMiLes Or A Lion’s Roar

Before Supper Next

Generating Emotions

For Basic Survival and
All the Feelings And Senses
We Come to Generate Soulfully As

Becomes Art too
Colorfully New With SMiLes..:)

“Becoming Art Colorfully New With SMiLes”

Thanks Again For Inspiring my 6 Word Story for the Day..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha How Encouraging

A Touch of Honesty A Tidal Wave

of Truth Unafraid to Touch

Deepest Recesses

of Vulnerabilities

Expressing them
Genuinely Sincerely
Freely to Build on A New

Future Now Stronger in Will Than Ever Before

Yet True WiLL and Strength Endure Longest

When Perching

Upon Tallest

Roots oF LoVE iN Peace
Just Branching Out With SMiLes For All…

One Day You Will Come to A Place of
No Work for Grade or Pay At Best

The River the Flow A Currency
oF LoVE GRoWinG iN Peace

All in the

With SMiLes..:)

Hehe Dear Sohair Being
Married to the Same one Woman For
Over 34 Years is Surely A HUGE PART

Why We are Financially

Independent now

True i Know a lot of
Folks Who Have Been
Married Much More than Once

(Including my Father Four Times
Still Leaving Us with a Mortgage on
His Home Dying at Age 81 in 2014)

With Many Sets of Children They Are
Still Responsible for Legally Supporting

And Sadly Many Who Leave Their Families
And Never Meet that Legal Requirement Supporting

(They Often Live in Trailers Toward the End of
Their Life With Huge Payments for Big
Four Wheel Drives Sitting in the

Front of the
Rented Trailers)

Children too
Hehe And See i Haven’t
Even Got to the part about Polygamy
That is Acceptable in Some Cultures and Religions

Our Modern Technological Societies The Way They are
So Expensive to Live in Now Has Convinced Many Folks Not

to Get Married
At All and If they

Do They Just Don’t
Have Children as they
Can’t Even Afford the Rent on A Small Apartment
And Surely Must Both Work to Survive Yet of Course

There is the Small Percent Who Thrive With Enough Money
to Support it All even Potentially Three or Four Wives and Other
Helping Members Raising Many Many Children Simultaneously too…


What A Super
Stressful Life
Folks May and Do
Put Their Selves
Into Without the
Discipline in Down Sizing Somewhat hehe…

Not Likely Many Of those Men With Many Wives
Have Real Emotional Connections… chances are it is
All Just Socio-Economic And They Are Only Useful to

Have Children
And Raise them
Far Removed from
Any Human Element
of Close Emotional Connections

And Chances are the Wive’s Are
Closer this way with each other

than With the Polygamous Husband

So in this way they may Forgo Any

Actual Love From

a Husband…

However i Haven’t
Studied it Close up
And Personal THANK GOD Hehe..

One Woman is a Handful and Heartfull


to Actual
Live With hehe..:)

SMiLes Bishop Barron as A Participant Anthropology
Observer For 64 Years Now i Find You as a Public Figure
Representing the Modern Catholic Church as an Interesting

Case Study…

As A Free Verse Epic Long Form Poem Writer Still Working
on the “SonG oF mY SoUL” All 13.1 MiLLioN Words Now
for 131 Months

i Find You For Several Years
NoW as a Perennial Free Dark and Light
Muse for Free Verse Poetry Albeit Sadly

Mostly DarK
in Terms of Unusually
High Verbal Intelligence
Lacking What My Wife With Only
A High School Education Terms Basically

As Common Sense…

All the Stuff School and
Standard IQ Fails to Measure…

My Wife often Says She Fails to Understand
Why Folks With Such Advanced Degrees Can’t
See that
Priests And Politicians
Are of The Same Ilk Who
Will make Faustian Deals with
Metaphorical Devils to Become

Famous on
Fox News…

SMiLes Bob
The “Old God’s” Are Still Giggling on ‘Mount Olympus’

Meanwhile Folks Are Watching Your Failures of Basic Humanity

And Singing, “People Like Him are the Reason i Don’t go to Church”
That’s REALLY Sad as a Communion of LoVE iN a
“Third Place”
Even a Church,
Is Such a Valuable
Potential Commodity for Human Overall Well Being…

i’m Disappointed in You Yet Life is All About LoVE iN Peace

to me so as
Usual i Forgive You
As Surely Hehe You Will Inspire More Words..:)

SMiles Dear Sweet
Chox FRiEnD
Is An Olympic

Do Through
Crests The Same
As Troughs Wave

Water Of
LoVE iN Peace

Ocean Play
With SMiles…

Happy Tuessdayy!

Is For Others…


Dear Miranda
You’ve Captured
iN A Werewolf How

my Wife Describes
The Full Moon
Light Shining

On my
As She
To The Moon


Big Teeth

You Bare

It’s Really Scary


Boo 👻!

How Sweet “The Age
Of Weddings”

How Precious

“The Age of Funerals”

Amazing What once
Seemed Most Negative

As Most
Positive TheNoW 🧘‍♂️🌈

A Greatest Gift No
Matter New Or Old


With SMiles☺️🙌

SMiles Dear Amethyst
Lamb Grains Of Sand
In Hour Glass Remain


Still Room
To Become
And Do All
Grains Of
And Begin Again

For TheNoW ⌛️


Other than that
Dear Lord Sleep Finally Now

Ah Yes Putting the Night to Rest Today..:)




SMiLes Dear Anita Putting People

First is What Makes Us Human

And Kindness

Is the Way

to Open and
Keep All Relationships

Ours to

Deep WiTHiN
FLYiN With Wings..:)

SMiLes Dear Cindy for the Majority of Being
We Consist of Water That Flows Blood Streams


Bodies of Water that Move

Yet Sadly Humans Have Become

More Their Symbols and Tools

Than Water That Flows

Freely That

Dances ThiS WaY

Towards Peace yes FRiEnDS
With Gravity as Water Seeks to Naturally Be

Indeed Dear Cindy Water Brings Many Lessons
For Us to See And More Importantly Dance to Be

FRiEnDS With
Gravity Sets
Both Water
And Us Free

So Much Less

SMiLes Dear Miriam A Best Part of a Chaotic Multi-Culture
Where Eccentricities Become the Norm is

You (i) Can Practically Get Away

With Public Dancing

20,323 Miles

In 131 Months

And Become
Nothing More than
Just Another Part of
the Eccentric Norm

True it Also Gives me
Amazing Patience to Listen
To all the Stories The Wild of
Multi-Eccentricities Brings

And True Hehe it’s

Most Always

More Give
Than Take

Just The Nature
of the Free Dancing Beast..:)

Ah Yes Narratives to Describe Our Multi-Uni-Verses Within

Mythology Measuring in Archetypes What Empirical

Science Simply Doesn’t Have the Tools to Do

Most All Religions Give it A Shot and

Hinduism Provides Some of the

Most Colorful Views

of the Human Condition

Ever Changing as Narratives
Naturally Change too With SMiLes Dear Pooja

Many Folks Fear What They Can’t Measure and Control

So Of Course
in Many Myths
We Find Women Who
Typically Express Deeper
Emotion as Mysteries Left to Uncover

On the Other Hand in Other Mythologies

It’s Mostly All About ‘Masculine Energy’

Oh Dear How Boring it Would

Be to Only Be A

‘Son of
Man’ With SMiLes…

And Of Course Many Cultures/Religions
Miss Out on More Than Half of Life That Way…

It’s Seems at Core that Some Religions Only

Exist to Motivate

Dudes to

Be Willing
to Die For War

Others Try to Escape That Reality True…

At Least Hinduism Gives Views of Goddesses too…

Yes Your
Review Interesting too..:)

Stars Above Connecting
Through Darkness Now
Stars Below All Sub Particles

Spiraling Connecting

Within Darkness New

DarKness Connects LiGHT

As DarK And LiGHT Naturally

Continue to Dance And

Sing ThiS WaY

Yes in the
Cosmic Dance
Out of Chaos MaGiC

Dear Savvy With SMiLes

SmAll Consists of ALL

Without All We aRe

Left With is

S and M With SMiLes
Not UNLiKE Art And smART

UNiVERSE Above Below

Within Inside

All Around

As Least
Is Also Most…

No Longer Fearing
DarK or Cynical oF LiGHT..:)

TRuE A Bit MoRE EFForT to
iN A SonG A FReE DancE WiTHiN HEaVeN
Clear For Those Who See Spirit Wind

Hehe Dear Miriam It’s More AMuSinG

To Hear Other People Describe me After

Over a Decade of Public Dance Still
Coming for An Anniversary Date on

August 26, 2024 True About Mid-Way

in December of 2018 Yes About 5.3 Years
Into the Endeavor A Video Voyeur’s Facebook
Video they Took of me Went Viral With About 90,000 Views

And Then After Being Notified of it By Several Folks Who Were
in That Peer Group of Viewers Much Different Than Who i Am Associated

With Sparingly With Pen Names online i Got to Be A Fly on the Wall With
The Metro Area and 1300 Comments Assessing my Humanity in Public Dance

True the Views Varied
Some Concerned i might
Soon Be going ‘Postal’ And
Yes Not Just Doing a Friendly
Rampage Dance Then in a State
Shaped Like a Gun in the Panhandle
Barrel of it Yes a Place of ‘Florida Men’
Like Gaetz, DeSaTaNiS, And TRuMP Quite
Honestly Coloring the Entire State like a ‘Turd’
Just No Way to Put Lipstick on it And Make THAT Beautiful Hehe

For Bullies (Little Men) Who Only Pick on the Marginalized Among Us
Yet Not Really Realizing How Powerful Mickey Mouse And Better Days

Of Humans With
Real Compassion
Empathy And Love
With A HeART Beat Are
Spelling Humanity in Peace

Anyway in Someways i’m not Just
A ‘Fictional Mickey Mouse’ Where i Go
i Bring Joy And No Matter What the Price
of the ‘Peanuts’ Gallery Coming in Comments

i Do me Uniquely in A Way No Body Does ‘They’
And That’s Okay with me as the Assessments
Went on more Favorably like i’m Fighting Cancer

“G.O.A.T.” And Not Just a Lamb Famous Legend You
Name it At Least Out of All those People No One Said

(one of my favorites when the Group Think found out
The Expanse of my Dance Travel Map as far as Biloxi
And the Casinos and Beaches There Where folks recognized
me from Pensacola True Some Said i Am Everywhere and if
You Haven’t Seen me You Just Can’t Be From Here Icon oF iT All HAha)

i Actually Did Anything to Harm Anyone Yet true some
Folks Are Afraid of Dancing Humans For No Other Reason

Than the Joy of Life It’s Probably Better if i Keep my Mouth
Shut and Don’t Describe Who i Really Am That Tends to Bring Fredaches

as where i Live
Folks Talk Rather Slow

For Now The Dance is Enough
if they wanna Catch up wth the
Other Stuff God Speed to them Hehe…

Recollecting A Few Others A Young Woman from
Lowe’s Said The Girls in Her School Traded Videos of
me Dancing And One at Home Depot Said they discussed
me in a Facebook Group Another Young Woman Said That

She and Her FRiEnDS Danced to Videos of me Dancing With
Tears in Her Eyes Saying it Helped Them Make it Through Some
Tough Years in School as it Gave them Hope to See Someone Not

Worried about
What Other

Folks Thought
of them Not even
One Little Bit and Yes

As Far Back as 2014 when
The General Public Was asking
me did i Know How Famous i was
After Just Doing it a Year and even
Naming me Legend at the Novice level
of Public Dance A Group of Contractors
Installing a New Door For Us Recently
Said They dressed up in Colorful Shirts
And Shades and Shorts at Halloween And

Treating as me in 2014

Hehe i Suppose there
is No Greater Success in

Life Than When Folks Dress

Up Like You For Halloween
Not Likely Anyone Will Be
Writing a 13.1 MiLLioN Word
EPiC Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL”
in A Decade Any Day Soon Yet That’s Okay i Don’t Mind

Being An
And An Only

One As Long
As i Am No Longer
A ‘Lonely Andrew Gold Boy’

Without a Soul Just A Wandering
Ghost Not Realizing They are DeaD ON EartH
For 66 Months It’s True Life Can And Will Get Better

It’s A Matter
of Change


What Counts the Most
To Us Is What We Gift
Others May Kindness
And Beauty With
Courage of
Love’s Wisdom
To Fight Injustice
And Harm Always
Find You in Light
RiSinG Dancing
Above Dark
Jump for
TRuE A Bit MoRE EFForT to
iN A SonG A FReE DancE WiTHiN HEaVeN
Clear For Those

Who See

Spirit Wind

First Dance
Next Song
Breathing Flow
Steps Make Words 🎶Sing

Become the
Colors of
As You SMiLE
Colors of Sunshine
More Always Feeling
Sensing Knowing Warmth
That You are Loved And
Cared for too iN Deepest
Depths Whole of Ocean Soul
🌊 🎶🕊🤗😊😁❣️LiGHT See Bringing
A SMiLe to
Face Favorite
Hobby For Nine
Years of SMiLes
This Gift of You
Brings to me too SMiLes
Of Warmth connecting
Nice so far away
Yet Close Always
In Warming HeART

Thanks Savvy
Kind Artistic
Soul From Far Away Lands 🙂🎶

Treasure Old FRiEnDS As New FRiEnDS
Treasure New FRiEnDS As Old FRiEnDS

LeSSoN 289

This is what
Drew me to
You the Way
i See You

How Visually True

Dear Savvy


IS A Stamp Eternally Now

to Heaven With SMiles

Accompanying Letters

Flavored Pure With Love..:)

We Can’t Eliminate The Effect of Environment

On Animal Behavior; Our Feral Cat Chose My

Wife’s Lap Over the Rest of Nature;

Honestly, i Didn’t

Blame Him…

i Think It’s Kind of

Sad Your Cat Feels Compelled

To Escape; Perhaps A Psychotherapist

For Cats Might Help; Sadly, My Wife’s
Lap Is Not Available for Rent, It’s True

Every Loving Creature Gravitates toward

Her; Those Not Capable of Love; The Actual Energy,
Giving, Sharing, Caring Free From Within FOR REAL,

Not So Much…

It’s Funny, Not Really Funny,

For Some Folks Love

Is Like


to A Vampire…

Or A Stake in HeART…

SMiLes Dear Sohair Not Unlike the Neurons
In Our Nose if they Go Bad by the Hand

Of A Deadly Virus in Pandemic
Way As What i Experienced

In a Virus Before

Damaging Those
Neurons Losing
Smell for 6 Months
Returning in 2017 on
The Actual Solar Eclipse
Day of 8.21.2017 Then as
A Rotting Flesh Doomsday
Smell and Taste for Everything in Life

A Tongue Is Similarly Only A Tool With
A Soul To Direct All the Flavors of Speech
Song And Dancing Words Of Love Through Hate True…

Yes There is Cooperation Over Competition With Love
Wings And Yes There is Toxic-Cooperation Where no
Competition Is Allowed Where Ignorance Harms, Maims,

Rapes, Kills

With the Human

Species Even Potentially

Erased For Those With Tongues

Too Cowardly To Challenge Ignorance

Proudly Standing That Does Not Allow

A Threat to The Almighty Sovereignty

Of Ignorance That Still Harms, Rapes,

Maims, and Kills… True There Are

Weak and Timid Tongues

And Noble


Tongues Not Afraid

To Swim Against the

Tide of Ignorance mY FRiEnD

It’s What Nature Does Wave High or Low

Day And Night Dark and Light True or False
it is what it is now


At Best Truly
Empathic, Compassionate, Giving, Sharing, Caring Free
Healing Merciful All Forgiving Love For All Considered At Best..:)


SMiles Dear Sohair The
Days Are Great For
Some And Sadly

DarK For

Others Always
Important To
Care About

The DarK
To Make
For All Never
Ending Really
Yes Stay Blessed
Dear FRiEnD For

LiGHT Days🌹😊🙏

i Suppose First You May Define What Reality

Is As Neuroscience Once Again Shows It’s What

We Basically Hallucinate Reality Co-Creating With

Our Mind Based On What We Basically Hallucinate Before

Co-Creating that With Our Mind True too; The Great Scene

Of Life About this is We Do Have the Ability to Co-Create Our

Realities, Where Reality that Our Minds Co-Create May Seem Cold And

Uncaring When Science Shows We Already Are Humanifest of What Science

Shows the Reality Of the UNiVeRSE Is Namely Human As Just Another Face of

Nature AKA God

All The Same

For Metaphor

True too; There is

No Doubt that Some Folks

Generate A Reality That You Describe As

Cold And Unfeeling; Yet That is no Part of the
Reality My Mind Co-Creates Now as By Relative Free Will

i Personally Develop A Real Bio-Feedback Through Flowing Contemplative

Meditative Autotelic Practices Nearly Every Waking Hour NoW As i Actually

Get to Co-Create My Reality As Wonderful as i Make it Real Eternally Now…

i Am surely

Not the

Only One;

Science Has Been
Studying Human Heaven
Within For Many Years Now…

It’s Real And Far From What You’ve Described

Here as When One Masters the All in All Within

There is No Need to Own Anything As Anything

Is the Everything You Already Have Making All LiGHT

Thru DarK Holy And Sacred Meaning And Purpose Finding

The Same God in Sub-Particles Spiraling in the Same Dance

You Find Yourself Doing While Random Folks In the General Public

Ask For Your Autograph Just Seeing You Live in Heaven For Free; Yet

of Course

This is my
Reality that

i Co-Create; Yours is Good
Enough for You; Yet Would Never
Meet my Personal Practice of Reality now;

However, In My Younger Older Years of Soul

i Surely Can And Will Relate to A Similar Case Study for me…

What i Experience in this Kingdom of Heaven Within is indeed
Cross Cultural And Scientifically Proven to Be Real; The More ‘Tao’
Mystical Version of Jesus in Left-Overs of the Old King James Effort,
And The Gospel of Thomas, And Lao Tzu Basically Describe A Contemplative
Flowing Autotelic Meditation of Being All In All With No Separation; Yes Baby

It’s Far Beyond

Words It’s What You

Feel and Sense of Life

FRiEnDS With Gravity All In All

Ya Never Thought Even Existed At all;

Not Unlike the Experience of HeLL ON EartH too;

Not Everyone Gets to Go; Yet Never the Less it is
the Reality for Some…

Yes True Now Dear
Miriam It’s Never
Good to Hold an
‘Axe’ Inside
As It TEnds
to Cut A

From the

Inside Out

True Better to

Cut Wood Split

In Two and to Find

All the Peace Inhaling

Exhaling Love Again For

oF All
Negative Stress
Tween Two Cords of
Wood Whole Again Such
A Living Tree Roots So Deep…

Hehe Martial Arts Works For
me Particularly Dancing With
A Gym Towel in the Military

Gym When my 250 Pounds
Becomes the Weight of the Towel

Indeed Then i ‘Snatch The Pebble From

Master’s Hand’
As ‘Grasshopper’
No Longer Grasping
After Peace And Love Free

In Another PRiSon So Far Away from HoMe..:)

“Truth of it all
Love is the way
For all of us.”

-Savvy Raj

Another Quote
of Wisdom From
Dear Savvy Worth Keeping
And Doing Forevernowmore

With SMiLes..:)

Ah Yes Dear Yam
Split-In-Two For All
Traditions of CuLTuRaL
Those Who Are
Marginalized From
The Bottom of The Top

It is Sad my FRiEnD When
Free Will Soul Damaged

THiS Way Any Real
Man And Or Woman
Will Protect Everyone

Yes All the Marginalized
Folks From Being Spit-In-Two

Like This As Love When Real is

mY FRiEnD..:)

‘SPiRiT oF Radio’
More Than A
Literal Phrase For Real

SMiLes Dear Soul FRiEnD
Happy Day to You On the
Other Side of the World

With SMiLes

Dear ‘Peace And Truth’
True It’S A VEry Early WeDNeSDaY iN Florida
Yet Still Sleep Awaits for me With SMiLes

Hehe and i am Not One To Split the World

In Two
With SMiLes or
Even my Mind/Soul

New Now..:)

LeSSoN 425
Do Something Silly
Everyday to Help Someone
Smile for No Reason Yet Joy Free

This is Your Invitation Now to Go on
A Canoe Trip With Bigfoot If You Aren’t Afraid Hehe

Other than that You Know Dear FRiEnD As You May
Feel and Sense it Back in the Dead Zone for 66 Months

Every Two Weeks or So When i Had to Take Katrina
to Walmart Late at Night Parking in Front of A Privacy
Fence to the Side of the Place So No Car Lights Would
Turn up The Knife in my Right Eye and Ear All Hours Awake

Then i Dreamed of Being Human Again So Lost From Humanity
Then And Just Think, Feel, And Sense How Much my Life Has

Changed Out of
Hell Into Heaven From
A Place THere is No Memory of
A Smile i Surely Never Judge You
When You Are Down yet Sure as Your
FRiEnD i Wish We Could Exchange Pleasantries


Yet i Realize
The me i am today
Is not the me i Am In Yesteryears…

As i Surely don’t Expect Anyone Else
to be me now With SMiLes Yes Yet It’s

True it’s A Huge Difference Sitting in
Front of that Dark Fence Through Hot
and Humid Summer Nights in that Car
With at Least the Windows Rolled Down

Just Biding Time Forever it Seemed in Pain and Numb

And Again After Dancing Now in Public for 20,323 Miles
in 131 Months Almost Every Place i Walk Into Lights Up

With SMiLes As They Recognize i am the Dude Who Brings

Joy In the Room For No Reason Yet A Free Dance to Really Live

So i Sing
Again to You mY FRiEnD
Helloooove With SMiles

SMiles Dear
Yam Wish You
Always Respected
For All You Are as
Dear Young
FRiEnD From
Pakistan With SMiles😊

26 Letters
Wonder What
More Intelligent
Beings Might Tell

Us With 52 Letters

Perhaps They Have

None NoW And


There Are No
These Hot And Cold

Rocks to Tell me What
Color FLoWeRS God


Except All
One Gem Stone
Blue And Green 🌏


Aww Yes
Dear Miriam
Rainbows With


Tap Tap Tap

And Your Back

Home In Paradise

Real Home Sweet Home
of Rainbows
Singing Within

SMiLes it’s True i Used
to Long For Rainbows too

Until i Created A Pot of Gold
Within With Leaves of Living

Tree Yet of
Course No
Illegal Substances HAha
Yet On Course This Rainbow
Comes in Many Colors NeW As WeLL..:)

Happy Eve of 81 Dear Shawna Baby
Yes 8 Standing 1 iNFiNiTY TAll One

Of my Favorite Days Are Numbers
The First of August Indeed Yet

Of Course Unless One is
Born ‘Hyperlexic’ They

Might Not Get the Same
E-LateMent Out of Symbols

Or Creating New Ones With SMiLes Hehe

Yep If it Was Not
For People like
You and me

And Words
And Even Numbers
Might Not Even Exist

Ah Yes Other Traits of Hyperlexia
Include Exceptional Auditory and
Visual Memory And Extreme Sensitivities

Too Like Not Being Able to Touch Human Made



What Else oh Dear Lord
For me Extreme Affective Empathy
Feeling the Pain and Pleasure of Others

Yet Hehe Katrina
And Others Have
Suggested that

In ‘Handy’ HAha

Yet How Do You Escape
A Whole Store of the Misery
And Suffering Of Others Yes You (i) Dance!

And Generate YOuR Own LiGHT out oF DArK

Living SMiLes

To Spread ACross
The Landscape Creating LiGHT

Anyway i Don’t Let my ‘Functional
Differences’ Hold me Back i Just Accelerate

In Hyperplace

And Blast Off More

BasicAlly A Fire Extinguisher
Covering A World That Way With SMiLes…

Anyway i Just Love Numbers 8 and 1 Even though
i’m Not Much into Numerology or English Gematria

It Was So Exciting to Find my Four Life Challenges By
my Born on Date Full Name and 6.6.60 Birthdate Makes

0 At Birth
For the Tarot
Fool Card for
Free Will FoLLoWeD

By Three 1’s For the Last
3 Life Challenges That i Only

Have to Affirm What i wanna Do Which Could
Be Nothing or Everything True i Tend
To Put Things Off too my Father’s Senior
Class Quote “Don’t Do Today What You Can Do Tommorrow”

On the Other Hand His Identical Twin Ted Was More into Shakespeare
“I Dare Do All that May Become a man; Who Dares do More is None.”

Considering They Were Identical Twins it Just Seems to me We All Have

Unlimited Human Potentials

Some of Use more than

Others so True

i Do Nothing
And Everything too

Why Leave Any PArt oF WHoLE Out Hehe

Okay And in English Gematria That Online Calculator
Says “Katie Mia Frederick” my Pen Name Equals the Series

Of Numbers of 888

So i Have Three 1’s
Three 8’s And Three
6’s For Birthdate too

Perhaps i Should Play
Bingo Yet i Rather Play for a Real Living Now Hehe…

Doing my Best to Electronically Publish another 66 Thousand
Word Bi-Weekly Long Form EPiC Poem Titled “11 Years iN Heaven
Within” While Currently Writing “A SCeNT oF Continuing FreedomS NoW”
Drafting That too in the Comments Section of “Nether Land Bible 8 YearS old
11 MiLLioN Words” Yes still Juggling around 180 Thousand or So Words of Three

Efforts Every 6 Weeks

Dear Lord the Outerbands
Of my Cat6 Hurricane of Creativity
Have Stabilized at this Level of Effort for 4 Years Now

Yet True Even though i Am Predictably Putting Off
Publishing the Last Written Effort Singing to You

i’m Still a Few Days Ahead of Publishing
it Two Weeks Since that Last Published Effort

So Yes i Am Now Putting Things Off to Do them
Sooner too Hehe

And All With SMiLes..:)

Affective Empathy Wants
To Heal The Whole World
Compassion Understands Limits

A Best Part of Living
iN A Cave Is Seeing

IN the DArK
When We
Get Out

Lamb With SMiLes..:)

Ah Yes Dear Miranda The Base of the Pyramid

Our Root We Cannot Neglect as Of Course

Without the Stability of the Root Leaves

Do Not Branch Out Green

And Fall to the

Ground Fertilizing
New Soul Soils For Other
Living Human Trees and Pyramids Whole

Yet of Course if one is Not ‘Hyperlexic’
Associated With Autism and ADHD

One May Not Appreciate Symbols

As Much ThiS WaY Yet on the

Other Hand Others May

Not Be Able to
Provide A


For LoVE iN Peace
in Symbols to Potentially
Mutually and Consensually Relate


Hehe Believe me or not
Reading 20 Times Faster
than the Average Human Being
Typing Around 130 words Per Minute
When Properly Focused With Almost
‘Photographic’ Memory For Visual

And Other
Feeling and
Sensory Inputs

May Present Some Road
Blocks Hehe For Successful
Reciprocal Social Communication

Oh Dear Lord i must Practice my ‘6 Word Stories’
more hehe and i Didn’t Even Mention my Fascination

With Numbers

-‘The Accountant’

Numbers, Words, Letters,
And Other Symbols Such
Reliable FRiEnDS They come to

Within at
Least With SMiLes..:)




SPiRiT Free For ALL
HeART Dances Sings
SoUL Breathes LoVE iN Peace

Hehe Dear Shawna Baby Walmart Has Been Advertising Fall Since the
4th of July and Tonight on 8.1 They Started Advertising Halloween Yet

The Sauna is Always Ready
For me on my Morning

Slow Dance Walks

Around the

Block Stripping The
T-Shirt and Such Away

So Very Very Very Sweaty

From my Very Hairy Dog
Day’s Body Hehe Finishing
The Sauna Experience in the
Privacy of my Backyard Free Slowly Drying Off Lounging

Around the Home Still Dancing Singing

On This Digital Keyboard Free As Dance

And Sauna Commences Again in

Store FLoWinG FLYiN Dance

Spreading Hilarious

SMiLes in Feedback

Every Move Next

Then i ask my Self
“Does Anybody Really Know
What Time It is” and Thenow
Katrina Reminds me It’s Time to Go

And Continue A Free Dance SonG HeaR NoW
With SMiLes

Hey Wendy!

THeRE and

HeaR It’s

All A Peter
And Pan Way of Life

There are No Hands
Of Time in my Never

Land Within Hehe

i Felt A Fall Breeze Standing
Next to the Walmart Advertisement
For Free I Didn’t Buy a GD Thing Just

USinG the
Muse For
Heaven Free

Generating my Own
Seasons and Weathers New Within
WHeREVeR i Fly on Terrestrial Land Now…

Hehe i Only Weigh 101 Pounds More than
You Dear Lord Light as A Feather Floating

On Terrestrial

Land at

250 All American
Made Pounds Never Felt

Lighter in SoUL or Any Younger Now
Oh What A Miracle to Experience An Extra
Long Shelf


With LoVE iN
Peace to You
Dear Shawna Baby

Cat SMiLes Again…

It’s True Some Numbers
And Letters Used to Rub me the

Wrong Way too Yet i Transformed

Them All ACross the Years With New

Special Sacred Holy and DiViNE Meanings

EacH and Every One With the Rest of Nature

Until All


BeCaME and
God Free Sacred Holy DiViNE
NoW Ever CoLoRinG NeW With SMiLes…

ThiS WaY IT Never Gets Boring iN Heavenow..:)

SMiLes Wonderful Story
of Pushing People

Up Instead

of Down

Dear Savvy
With SMiLes

Such A Low Down
Way of Competition

Life Will Be Reduced to

Ah the BLeSSinGS And BLiSSinGS

Of All Hands Efforts Shipmates All

RoWinG the Boat Ahead Finding

“Saint Elmo’s
Fire” to Be Real

Not in the Distance

Yet Every Human HeART
on Fire to Lift each Other Up

ALL ONE SoUL How BLiSSinG Life is to Seek
ThiS WaY Yes and Find it EveryWHeRE We Go

Essence New Now of Faith Love Hope Lifting Up

A TSuNaMi Spreading EveryWHeRE We LiGHT NoW


Hehe Dear Pooja
Time Will Be A Bad
Habit So Full of Deadlines
Lines too i Gave
That Up After the
Work for Pay Yet

It Took me
66 Months

To Fully Let Go
of the PRiSoN
of CLoCK Hands

And Wing my Way
Around the CLocK Free
in Flow of Creativity’s SPiRiT Wind

Ah Yes 11 Years Now WHere Time
Only Exists When my Wife Reminds

me of
A Very
Date Like

Hehe Getting
my Hair Cut
Every Four Weeks

Or Let’s Go Shopping NoW
While i Dance The Whole
Way Then Sing Free Eat
Naps Here and THere

Surfing Time
in Balance

Yes Dancing
Singing in

Effortless Ease

Perhaps One Day i Won’t
Wake Up Yet Meanwhile
Just KiLLinG TiME ALonG the Way…

Walmart Was Already Advertising
For Halloween Tonight 3 Months in

Advance Yet Every Breath iNHaLinG

Peace Exhaling LoVE

Timeless Ageless New

Now Beyond All Distance
Space and Life Reducing
to Only ‘A Matter of Things’
Hehe Like CLoCK Hands With SMiLes..:)

How Sweet A Sweet Spot Will
Be Dear Isha Understanding

Enough to Be LoVE iN Peace

Yet Way Too Much

to Learn And

Do to Ever


Bored Again
True Though So
Many ‘Results’ in
Essence at Least Will
Be Always Generating Within

As Soon as We Get in Touch
With Our MaGiC Brush Paint


Free to Be
With SMiLes..:)

Ah Yes The Scuffles of Humanity
Dear Miriam Usually Reduced to

Whether Folks Are Addicted

to NeuroChemicals And


Associated With

Anger and Hate

Or the Other Place

oF LoVE iN Peace

Such a Joy With Warmth

Reaching Out to Lift Folks Up


And One May
Be Merciless
Hating Warm

Paws With Claws Retracting ThiS WaY

Oh A Life of Purrs to Just Get ALong

Instead of Peeing on
This or That

Lewbowski Rug’

With SMiLes

And A Bit of Bugs
Bunny Wit Sprinkled
in With Donald Duck
Saracam And A Tasmanian



The Positive
Aspects if
Any Hehe

iN A

“Space Jam”

As The




iN ‘The Other
Far Weirder Side Now’ Hehe..:)

SMiLes Dear Cindy So Many Parts of Life
To Extend in Terms of ‘Shelf Life’ As Long

As We find Our Own Unique Ways to Keep

All the Ingredients That Make Life Worth

Living Fresh

Sadly Though

It’s Not What

A ‘Cog iN A Machine’

Is Cut Out to Do too Busy

Fitting in the Machine to
Make Room For Humanity

Fresh and New as i Always Love
to Dance And Sing Treat Old FRiEnDS
Like New FRiEnDS Treat Old FRiEndS

Like New FRiEndS Meet No Strangers

Make Room

For LoVE iN


to Continue
to be a FRiEnD
iN Peace For All
just giving sharing
caring healing a bit
More Spirit Wind as

The Freshest Parts of Life Worth Living Whole
Wonderful Poetry Dear Cindy Exploring the

Most When
Whole and
Yes So Very Fresh..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy Wonderful Poem
Making Room For Nature to Move Us
Connect Us Co-Create Us Re-Create Us

And Generate
A New View
of Life

Ever Changing
Breath of SPiRiT

Wind We to Become
As One SpiRiT HeART

SoUL of Life Evolving
Even More Toward LoVE iN Peace..:)

SMiLes Dear Xenia Nature
ALWaYS FindS A WaY Up to

Us to Become Part

Of That Free SPiRiT
Wind Set Free iN Balance
FRiEnDS With Gravity Every
Tide In and Out Wave Low And High

Wonderful Rest of the Week of Scotland


Cool to
You With
Summer FLoWeRS
Abundant ALWaYS…

A Community
of Dogs With
Humans Complete
With LoVE iN Peace


iN All
Set Free And Warm…

Sea And Sky
Blues As Our
Moods Still
Height As Trough…

Every Paw Print
A New World
To Explore
Dear Xenia
Always Fresh
SPiRiT Wind New..:)

SMiLes Dear Lillian
Truly it may not
Be until We Feel
Death of
Soul Fully That
We Appreciate All
Thru LiGHT
No SouL
And Sing too
So True In LiGHT❤️

When All Steps Words
And Images Become
Water River Flowing
Ocean Whole
Dream Play
Beyond Think
Or Know Just
Easier Said Than Done
More Complexly
And Fear
Dream Always
Coming True
In Play ‘Seeing’ Now🌊
In Other Words Don’t
Wait to Be Dream
Do Dream

Chasing Dreams Now
Butterfly Wings Dance
And Sing Your Parents
Never Die in
Of Loving
Is Still Real 🦋
Love Breathes❣️🙏

It’s A Lifelong Challenge
Yet Love That only
Seeks LoVE iN Peace
Light Leaves
The Dark

Dark Without
Light Entering
Sadly Dark Stays
Dark Light Your
Lamp So Strong
The Dark
Dark Will
Erase All
Light Without
Fearless LoVE iN Peace to see
🙏🎶🌊 Be A Light House
A Beacon for Dark
To See 💡
You already
Do this With SMiLes☺️

ThursDaY School LeSSoN 375
A FRiEnD Is Someone Who
Catches You RiSinG to:
Or Falling From:



You See If i Don’t
Do This i’m Not
Who You Say i Am

All i Would Be Is
An Angel With No Wings…

i’ll Fly Away
The Day

You Find
Your Protector… And Wings…

SMiLes Dear Savvy This is
Likely my Last Dance And

Song Lasting Eternally New Now
Yet i Fell Asleep 5 Minutes Before

Click Click Click
Rainbows of “Oz”
Color Truly Within

Beginning Ever Now
Yes This HoMe Away
At HoMe Called LoVE iN


The Balance of my Life
What Grounds me to the

Stars Above

Essence More
Than ‘This Crude Matter’
We aRe iN Balance Always
Worth celebrating Within New Now..:)

SMiles Dear Cindy The Great Work You Do Bringing
Awareness to Moving Meditation is So Valuable in How

That Brings Balance to Mind and Body Soul Whole

As Emotions Flow From Head to Toe and

Our ‘Word Thinking’ and Even Conscious

Experience of Life Constitutes .5 Percent

or Less of Our Entire

Mind Body Soul Being of Life

Yes When it Comes to Giving
My Philosophy Is and Science

Even Agrees When We Give Altruistically

Without Any Expectation of Return It’s A Win-
Win For Both the Receiver and Us as If We Can

And Will Practice Life This Way Giving, Sharing, Caring,
And Healing In No Expect of Return the Giving Becomes
Greater Than the Actual Receiving For the Giver Indeed so in

That Way
Meek and
THiS Way
of Altruism
Surely Do Inherit
A Real Kingdom oF LoVE iN Peace Within So Real

When It Comes to Thanks to Others for their
Gifts in Life i Also Do that Reciprocation as a
Never Ending Practice of Life Yet Out of Love Not Out

of Duty in Any Form
of Book or Such


As The More
We Give the
More Love We Keep The
More We Give Free my FRiEnD
the Video is Set to Private for now

Yet i Will Check Back Later to See if
it is Public as i Always Enjoy Your views/lessons
on Moving Meditation Whatever Form You Teach

What i Do Know, Feel, And Sense is This is a Practice
of FRiEnDS With Gravity Fortunately Never Truly Fully

Mastered a best
Part of Existence
is Change and Always
A Potential to Evolve And Grow More mY FRiEnD…

SMiLes For me at Least Every Move and Word Only
A Beginning

For A

Me HAha

It Will Only
‘slight’ me Personally
if someone called me
A Master of Any Thing in Life…

Only A Continuing Student of Existence i Am

How Boring that Will Be to me at least Hehe

Bound in A Book A Cover With No WHere to Wing Free..:)

SMiLes Dear ‘Peace And Truth’ How
Sweet of You to Identify my Wife and
me As Angels With Two HeARTS Indeed

How Kind You Are to Visit
Hehe A Bi-Monthly Poem
The Size of A 60 Thousand Word
Novel This Way Regularly Wishing
A Good Night on An Other Side of


And True i Do Still Look Forward to
Reading Your Poetry on the Reader
Even More Than Once A Day as You
Share Poetry Related to Spirituality, Love,
And Even Touch Parts of Human Sensuality

Even Some Parts
Not So Secure
And Whole
in Flesh
And Blood
Kisses as Such
With SMiLes True Touching
All Parts of the Human Experience

You Do And In Doing So You Touch
The Readers This Way too In Whatever
Memories of Life Experiences They Do too

So Yes
Thank You

Dear FRiEnD on the
Other Side of the World Whole..:)

Oh Time Oh Time
Oh Months Seasons
Days Oh Life Oh Life

WHere Do You Go

Of Course Yes Now

Yes Now YeS Eternally

NoW Only Place We Do
Life Yet ReMeMBeRinG Past

Memories And Prognosticating

Future Best With Hope of Course
Or Just Faith in
Now As Now

Naturally Comes
To Be Beyond All
Distance Space And Time

Like Today! SMiLes Standing Tall
8 Infinity 1 Whole For A First Day of August

Separate Yet Whole For All of August True
First Day
Of Infinity
Always BeGiNNiNG
Never Ending For
Now At Least


Keep Shining
Always A New Sun/Star Within..:)

All great Quotes for Success
in the Preparation For the Day

Dear Chaymaa Indeed

SMiLes to me at least

Every Now is a New Adventure

A Prompt for All that is Reality to

Create A
New Dance
And Song For
Free Yes mY FRiEnD
In Partnership With Creation For Real

Best oF All FRiEnDS With

Gravity Inhaling
Peace Exhaling
Love aS A Way

of Loving Life Always
DarK Thru LiGHT With
New Colors LiGHTiNG Up

my Tree of Life Leaves Still
RiSing Green Falling to Soils
of Souls Greening New Forests As

Well With
Now With SMiLes..:)

Thank You Dear
Cindy So Happy
To Find Someone
On Word Press With
Such Amazing Skills
In Teaching And Doing
Moving Meditation
To See
Your Video
Up Public
And Ready
To Watch
Now With

SMiles Dear Isha Your
Creativity Genuinely
Expresses Depths
Of Your Soul Dark
Through Light so

Real in my
View No Creativity

Than That


True You
Have A
Creative SMile Too🙏☺️❤️

Being iN A Flow
of Constant

A-Causally Fits Together Free

When Dreams Come to Fruition
iN “DiViNE
TiMinG” Indeed
Dear Amethyst
Lamb With SMiLes

The More We Become ‘The Flow’
The More the Mind of All Is Ours

As All PArts Whole

As All of Life Becomes
A Symphony of MuSiC

All Playing Our
PArTS as

Comes to
Dance Sing Free We…

iN A Play We all Co-Create..:)

Darkest Days Months and Even Years of BLaCK Abyss

Particularly at the Zenith When All the Pain And Numb
Came On As Hell
From Head

To Toe

And the parts
Impossible to
Measure of


Within Dear Isha

The First 35 Days of
The Most Extreme Pain and
Numb With 18 Other Life Threats
of Mostly Work-Stress Related Medical Disorders

i Had a Work-Out
Room Yep a Home
Gym and in that 35 Days
With only 1 Hour of Shallow Daily
Sleep Afforded by an Alpha Blocker
Prescribed As Dysautonomia then Was
Making It Where my Blood Pressure and
Heart Beat So Out of Synch Struggled to even

Get Blood
to My Head

Gasping for
Breath Every


i attempted
to drift into sleep
only escape from
all the Pain and numb

i Dragged my Half Dead Carcass

into the Work-Out Room a Dream of Death
Even Doused With Flames Burning Forever


to Life’s

Reality then
the Last 5 Days of
40 Nothing Worked for
Sleep Yet i Still dragged

my Corpse in that Room

Just Lifting Any Feather to Escape

Oh How the dream of death seemed
like Heaven Then oh the Blessing of Death

Life Can Be my Only Child Already Taught that
Lesson Last Heart Beat of Pain in my Arms as Well…

Yet as my Mother
Suggested Why Not You
When i Said Why Me and as

She also Professed This too Shall Pass

Yet Impossible to See with no Hope Faith
Love or Even the Memory of Ever Feeling a Smile then

Just Pain
and Numb
Just Pain
And Numb

A Thousand
Years of HeLL IN One
Second i Used to Sit in A Chair
too and Just Chew the Arms of
my Glasses That Were too Painful to See Through

Seconds Days Months Years Never Knowing if i Could make

it to the Next Second

Yet Finally my Mother’s

Words Came True and True

i Didn’t Go Back in that Work-out

Room For Years until the Pandemic Came
And the Military Gym Closed Now the Other

Room is
Gone Forever
Now Change Indeed

Dear Isha Greatest
Curse and Gift Indeed

Where Tears in Hell are
Indeed A Sign of Heaven below within

Where Yes the Warmth of Kindness Breathes again

for me
of the Whole For Real…:)

SPiRiT Free For ALL
HeART Dances Sings
SoUL Breathes LoVE iN Peace

Hehe Dear
Isha Note
i Didn’t
Mention A
Word About Mind
Until Now Yes Reading
Your Words Barely Awake

i Reached for one Finger and
Jotted Those Words Down in
A Facebook Status As Original

Creativity Only Births Once and
Then Births Differently Again With SMiLes

i Rather Use
10 Fingers on
an iMac When
Fully Dancing
Songs of SoUL

True i am Limited
to Only Two Feet
On Terrestrial Land
This Keyboard Allows

10 Feet of Fingers to Both Dance
And Sing Free in Focus of Flow

Attention Span Seemingly

Never Ending Now New

With Wings Free

Ah Yes
Yet Back at
Your Age and
Much Older in the Working

World Such an Apt Metaphor
Of A Mind of Ping Pong Balls
Bouncing Back and Forth

Thoughts Never

Truly Under

Flow Escaping
So Much More Focused NoW

Spreading NeW as SPiRiT Wind Free

iN Effortless Ease Naturally Does Just
Free to be i Am


Yet Again it Took
me 53 Years to even come
Close to This A SCeNT oF
Continuing FreedomS NoW…:)

Tree of Life
Leaves of
Grass We All Are

Fed By Trees
of Life Indeed



Lovely Poem
Spiral of Life

LoVE iN Peace

Returning Compassion
Below Above With SMiLes..:)

Love One Another
All Less MiSSinG


LoVE iN War


LoVE iN Peace…

Sadly So Many
Folks Proclaiming

Still Choose
A Tribal God
That Excludes

In Most All They

Do Also With The
Hubris Of Instructing

Do in A
Tiny 800 K
Word Book

Of These

Games SPiRiT

Free Indeed Bob

SPiRiT Free For ALL
HeART Dances Sings
SoUL Breathes LoVE iN Peace

SMiles Dear Pooja
Western Religions

Talk About It

Eastern Religions
More Apt provide

Ways Of Achieving
Balance Springing Peace

And Real
Of LoVE iN Peace

For All Parts
Of Nature Whole


The Way indeed

Moving Meditation
my Favorite to Attain

A Free Dance
Bringing Flow
And Amazing
Focus And Attention

All of
What Was
MiSSinG From

Life Before 🙌🌈

Note: Free Verse
Poetry is Moving

Meditation True too

SPiRiT Free For ALL
HeART Dances Sings
SoUL Breathes LoVE iN Peace




How Fortunate to Be Born in These
Days Dear Savvy With So Many

Mysteries to Uncover

And So Many Resources

Truly Unlimited To Find Out

Only There Are Multiple Other
Mysteries to Uncover With Other

Unlimited Resources Always Expanding True

Hehe it’s Safe
to Dance and
Sing i’m Never
Bored And Fortunately

IN Flow i Rarely Move into
Any Territory of Life spelling
Anxiety too Ah Yes Sweet Spot

To Explore Life Continues a
Staycation of Always Change

More Eternal
A Brand
New Day Now
of Human Potentials to Uncover..:)

Wow Lady’s Bible Study on Friday
Morning How Dedicated You are
In Your Duties as Southern Baptist

Pastor’s Wife Dear Shawna Baby

Yet Perhaps You Aren’t Leading the
Group and Just Studying Katrina was actually

Invited to Go to a Gospel Singing at a Church
Three Times the Size We Visit Dear Lord It’s Mega Church

Size Ya
See on
TV Hehe

And Yes There are quite
A Few Others in this
Locality Some Even
Bigger than that Anyway

This Nice South Korean Lady Who
Volunteers Her Efforts to Play Piano
For the Church Took Katrina There and

They Even Had an Ice Cream Social After the Event

As You Know i Love
To Sing No Matter
What the Songs
Are as Usually
i Can Pick Them
Up if i Never Heard them
Before Almost a Psychic Ability hehe…

Yet oh Lord i Wanted to Post that Blog
Post as Dear Lord Even Though i Don’t Have

To Do Any of this
i’ve Always Pursued

Human Potentials

No Matter What the
Reward Might be since Young

So i Finally Got it Done on the
8.1 And Back to Catching up on
The Next One i’m Getting Close to
Finish Writing as the 180,000 Words
Every Six Weeks Trend Continues

For No Other Reason

Yet the do of the do
No Different than
The Dance and

All the Rest of
mY LiFE NoW With SMiLes
So Many Opportunities Today

That Never Existed Before as Long
As We Master the Tools We Have

And ‘The Stairway to Heaven’

On Earth Doesn’t Get

BLocked By

All the
Distractions With SMiLes
Like When Modern Mozart’s
Beethoven’s Michelangelo’s
And the Such Don’t Have A ‘Forrest
Gump Story’ to Share With ‘The Nurse’

At the Bus Stop as they Spent Their Entire
Life Playing Candy Crush and Downloading

Endless Varieties of Pretty Birds Online

As ThiS Way
‘She’ Indeed
May Bar
The Stair
Way to Heaven on Earth No Steps Up
Available to even Paint a Sistine Chapel New…

Hehe As Always in All Stuff Life Use it or Lose
It Applies And With Moderation We Tend to Last Longer too..:)

Avenues For Creativity Dear Pooja So Many
Do Exist Today For People of All Ages to

Expand Their Human Potentials

Particularly With Opportunities

to Connect and Co-Create With
Other Humans All Around the Globe

To Seek and Find We Have Not Only

Differences Yet Similarities That Connect

Us No Matter
The Cultural
Ways of Being and Labels
Assigned Basically Spoon-Fed From Birth

Wonderful this Young Woman Had These Avenues
Available in Her Formative Years of School Hehe

There Was Surely Nothing Like This For Us in the
60’s, 70’s, and 80’s the World Started to Open Up in the 90’s

There Really Is a Lot to Be Thankful for Now
Yet Always Important Not to Be Mastered
By the Tools Particularly not to Be

Replaced by the Tools
And Being that We
Are Social Animals
Room Still to Put People
First and Commune with the Rest of Nature too…

Hehe Back in the 80’s in the Early Days of Computer
Labs and Engineering Classes there were literally Signs
Posted on the Classroom Doors Not to Forget to Go Out and Do Human too…

To Avoid
A Machine

Nice to See a Warm
Podcast and Your
Competent Efforts
to Connect to Your
Fellow Human Beings
Globally ThiS WaY it Surely
Grows Our Organic Souls Larger With SMiLes…

Hehe Yes While Making Money is a Reality to
Have Subsistence and Shelter in Life Creating

A Deeper Soul
Of Colors is
Truly What
Makes Each
Move and Word
New of Life Worth Living Now..:)

What Flows From Free Souls
Dance And Song Creating

Moving Connecting


Sacred Free Dear

Savvy With SMiLes

Truly A Holy And Divine

Meditating Way Ascending

Transcending All Plans of Before

Always Giving Sharing Caring Healing

With No Separation of Water Waves Ocean Whole

Our Living
Trees Our
Roots and
Branches All
Leaves of Our FoResT Home…

KeY oF Free Soul Unafraid
To Wear YouR Birthday Suit

Night Gives Fresh Breath to Morning Do…
Morning Do To Breathe What Gift A Night Brings
Meh.. Scars
Make Lion
Kings of
Bleed and
Heal too
The Gift
The Light Remains
The Love The Dance Sings…

Love Love Love

Love Neither Requires Worship
Or Fears Criticism Love Is Complete
Romantic Love Verily Is Not Always
Agape Love As Agape Love Does
Not Include the Jealousy
And Anxiety that may
Come with Romantic
Love That Surely
Will Not Fill
The Empty Soul
Up Alone With Low Self
Esteem; Sadly, Some Folks
Find Romance And Even Together
Find Themselves Just As Empty Again
After The Romance Neurochemistry
And BioChemistry Fades all away;
Again, Love is A Search For
Harmony And Peace
Within As Love
is the Gravity
That Just
For Giving Thanks
Giving Always Now As Light…

Manna From Heaven
Loving This Wild Free
Breath Eternally Now
Glad To See Bishop Barron
You Recognize That Dog Finds
The Kingdom of Heaven On
Earth As Luke Suggests
Yes This Manna
RiSinG From
Heaven Within

Sad Though

You Don’t Seem
To See The Boring

Parts of

Reality A

Dog And Human
Both Experience

Apparently You
Haven’t Felt
Call of God’s Wild

Wolf Feels

Howling At

Full Moon


Sister Sun
Same Other

Than That



Way Home
Wild Loving
Breath Free

To Organized
Deceit Of Human
Clothes As There
Is No Lake of Fire

In The Kingdom

Of Wolf Where

God Eternally


Is So Verily
Wild Loving
Free With



Moon’s SMiles

All Star Children

Free Wings Bees

In FLight Like me

Absorbing Now
Manna’s Reality
This Gift Loving



Nature BE NeW

Dear Savvy With SMiles…

Hehe Imagine A Life
With No To Do Lists



It’s Easy If

Ya Just Dance

And Sing And

The “Higher Ups”

Pay Ya


To Love Life
One Another

Devoid Of


That Are
Of Gravity


Peace Exhaling

Love Yawn Just

Another Always

Beginning View SMiLing
Zoe Through Shallows


Mud Puddle


Love Is All That’s
Worth Living The
Only Important


i Have




A Mother

Inherits For
Breath Earth’s Peace

‘Bright Side of Life’ Indeed…
70 Years Not Nearly Enough…

To Add More

Candles oF LiGHT..
No Different Now Than
A 7 Year-Old Child, Really…

Rock of Tables
Plenty to Eat Atop
SMiLes Bring Dog
So Real
Waggling Tales
Nature Loving ALL A Wind


SPiRiT Breeze…

Moss Attached to Rock
True Mushrooms
Grow Older

Most of
LifeKind too

Rocks Provide Life
EartH Swells With
Green And Blue Pride…

BreaK iN LiFE NoW
CLouds SPRinG LoVE
Dog EYeS FeeLinG


GiVinG Water New
Dreams Rain BRinGS…

Taste of Starlight

Dog Days Stars

Above Resurrecting
Below Wagging Sirius

Tales of Super Nova Explosions

Returning Gaseous Star Dust Alive

Star Seeds

Different Same
Love Above
Below Now

For Real…

Sand Lands to
Grass Lands Now

Ocean Front Properties Mountains

SCaMPeRinG ACross Globing Free
Dogs Domesticating Wild Wolves
SaiL oN LoVE NoW

Free Wind

PRiSoNS Beyond
Below Stars Above…

No Separating
Dog Winds Now

From All off Wolf’s
Existence Reborn



Ocean Frees
After Life Giving Rains…

Crofting Earth

Providing Life
Returning Green

From Isle of Man
To Scotland Highlands

More So Many Tables of
Plenty Golden Harvesting SMiLes

Xenia Dog Days Leaving Soon

Yet Always


Wagging New
Tales BRinG Always
Beginning New Enjoying
Warmth Embracing Cold Coming…

Hehe Yes Will
Borrow Some
Scotland Highland
Cool Breezes From
You With SMiles For
You All To Enjoy The
Same Dear Xenia With


SMiLes Dear Peace And
Truth indeed DarKNeSS

LiGHTS Up All New Rooms
For Evolving Improvement

in Just One Lifetime Newly

Now However All of Life
Challenges May Come True

Yes As Long as We Survive Them
With SMiLes Of Even Thriving Joy Now True

Better Yet A Hand
to Lift Others Up
After We Find a Way
Up That Actually Works

With SMiLes Finding Our
Way out of DarK Yes This is Life

We May Do the Best We Can And Will
With All the Potentials We Find Anew With SMiLes…

Thanks So Much For Dropping By “A Decade WiTHiN
Heaven For Real” True Just Starting A New Decade With SMiLes…

SMiLes Dear Anita Really It’s More Than An Empty
Nest It’s A Village That’s Not There to Raise a Child

Anymore the Distance of Humanity From Each

Other is Hurting the Younger Generations

With A Loss of the Warmth of Community

Perhaps More Than Any Money, Stuff, or

Skills Of What to Do as That Becomes More Valuable

Than What is far Away and Not Even Understood to Be Missing

i’m Glad i Stayed in the Same

Old Smaller Home Town it took

Longer Then to Find A Way

to All the Goods of Stuff
And Money Life Brings Yet
Indeed for me at least the Journey
Was Much Warmer in What Could Have Been Frozen for me
Yet of Course Different Strokes For Different Souls Some Just

A Heart
Beat it Seems….

August is the month turning the windmill toward October. Fall is so nice.”

How Poetic And Soothing Crisp And Cool Hehe Dear Shawna Baby Unless
October Doesn’t

Come Until January

Like the Winter of 2017

With Dog Wood Blooms in Early
February When my Mother Passed Away That Year

Don’t Wanna Spoil the September Celebration Yet
With Affective Seasonal Disorder All The Way through
School And Work Stuck in Those Work Caves With No

Windows too The Setting of the Afternoon Sun Sooner
Always Tinted Fall With A Bit of Melancholy Then Yet

No More! No More! No More! As The Day is
As Long As Play in Sunshine As I Will To Do

Year Around Now Never An Issue

With Seasonal Affective Disorder

(The Whole Winter Was a Brain Fog)

Again With Brightly Lit Screens too Hehe

Oh Gosh Living Without Central Airconditioning

In A Home or AC or Heat in A Car Until 26 Years (Not Even Buying
A First Color TV Until 1985 too on my First Lowe’s Credit Card at 25)

Old Surely Made Cool Crisp October Breezes A Dreamy Relief then

Until my Legs Froze Driving to School and Work In January Then Haha No more

Long Pants Now Since 2013 It’s Warm And Cool When Ya Control The Seasons and

Weather Within….

Indeed the Competency oF iT Ain’t my Job; Last Year off the Phone
With A So-Called Legal Specialist From the Office of Personnel
Management Who was Supposedly Working For 4 Months to Get

my Retirement Pay Corrected to Include the First 8 Years and 5 Months
of Service As Apparently They Had Lost the Paperwork That Credited me
For That Service. Finding the Paperwork and Sending it to them wasn’t

Enough as Then He Said Someone Took Over His Cases And He Didn’t
Forward That Information to Them And Of Course This All Started When

They Failed to Tag my File For What Was Supposed to be 100 Percent of my
Retirement Pay at 62, 26 Months Ago And it Took 8 Months to Get

That Corrected And
Dear Lord When i Started
The Disability Retirement Way
Back Officially in 2009 i Had to

Send them the Federal Law that
Said i Was Entitled to the Benefit

As They Had No Clue it Existed
in my Particular Circumstance That

Was Complicated as i switched From
Non-Appropriated to Appropriated
Funds in a Portability Act Law That
Credited the Service Many Decades Ago…

Anyway, Dear Miriam, so i Found myself Being the Legal Specialist
Then With A Dentist Drill in my Right Eye and Ear With The Suicide
Disease Some How Compiling Over 100 pages of Medical Documentation
in That Pain to be approved on a First Try by Myself Living Dead on Earth

For Social Security Disability too It’s True i Was through with Living Yet
i Wanted to Make Sure my Wife Would Be taken Care of as i Saw No way
Out of death then and there was no Prognosis for Recovery Either; i Suppose

The Lesson is We Better
Learn to Advocate For Our
Selves as it is So God Dam Easy
to Slip Through The Cracks if We
Aren’t More Competent Than Everyone Else Who is Supposed
to Be Competently Doing Their Job as my Boss Always Said in Justification
of my Work-Load Like it was a Medal of Honor That 10 Percent of
Employees Get 90 Percent of All the Work Done. i Suppose that’s

How folks
Stay in a Job
By Saying No
to the Whole Dam Tsunami…

Yet i Will Say This For Sure, There is A Tsunami
of Folks Who Don’t Get the Help They Need as
They Aren’t More Competent than the Ones

Responsible For Doing Their Job…

It’s True, i Had to be Patient Yet
i Didn’t Quit till they Got it All Correct…

True They Got to Pay me Backpay

Ever Since 2009 Automatic Savings

Account all those Years Hehe

And Honestly if Artificial
Intelligence Can Actually
Help People By Competently
Getting The Job Done More Power to the Machine…

As Perhaps “The Machine” Will Soon Work Efficiently
Enough to Make Making Money Totally Obsolete Hehe

at Least that’s
What the Owner
of X Elon Musk Thinks

Speaking of Questionable
Competence Again!

Key Mr Gottfried
Marry Your Dream
First Only Get Used Once

So Much
ThiS WaY iNDeeD

mY Father Was Married
4 Times Twice to the Same
Woman Buying a New Car
Every Three Years Still With
A Mortgage When He Dropped

Dead Buying 500 Dollars of Lottery
Tickets into Retirement For the Last
11 Years of His Life EVERY WEEK Until 81 Even at

75 He Couldn’t Figure Out How Permanently
Disabled 47 Me Already Saved More Than Six Times

His Green
Mold Bucks
in the Bank
Enough to Last me
Years with or without
Any Federal Civil Service
Early Retirement Golden Parachute

True Kept Most of my Cars Used 15 or So
Years True Still the Same Used First Bought
Home PAID OFF for 30 Years Worth Four times More

Than the Asking Price Now God Yes And Key Again Marry
The Same Dream At The Beginning of the End With SMiLes

Does the Fact We Don’t Have Any Living Children Count

Yes Indeed and Many Folks in Modernity are Ending Their

in the
Hot Sands Now…

Before it Gets BOiLinG Frog Legs

Yet i’m an Optimist Every Little
Thing is Gonna Be Alright as
Long as i Exist and Manage my Own Life…

That Much i Control Naked Enough Whole Complete

for now
at Least With SMiLes…

Looking Around at All the Hot and
Cold Rocks in Night Skies With No
FLoWeRS Dear Lord What Fortune
to Be Born into this Tiny Sliver of an Opportunity

For Heaven on Earth

Both Through
HeLL And Heaven on Earth
For Real Happy August 1st (A Day Late)
8 Infinity Standing Tall All 1 Force oF LoVE iN Peace…

KeY oF Free Soul Unafraid
To Wear YouR Birthday Suit

What Flows From Free Souls
Dance And Song Creating

Moving Connecting


Sacred Free Dear

Savvy With SMiLes

Truly A Holy And Divine

Meditating Way Ascending

Transcending All Plans of Before

Always Giving Sharing Caring Healing

With No Separation of Water Waves Ocean Whole

Our Living
Trees Our
Roots and
Branches All
Leaves of Our FoResT Home…

Friday Florida Flower Story
Flowers Are Good FRiEnDS
THeir Colors Never
Let Us Down
Wilt We
Feed Them
And Their Colors
Return Again With SMiLes
🌸 🌺 🌷 ☺️🌻 💐 🌹

SMiLes Dear Miranda There aren’t too Many
Folks Who Can Paint Their Soul Into a Painting

Yet You Surely Provide A Deeper Perhaps Deepest

Spirit View With an Honest Genuine Heart

Neither Fearing

The Blacks or
Pinks of Life

In All of What
Darkness and Colors Bring

Walt Disney Proved Long Ago What
The REAL MaGiC oF iMaGiNaTioN Will
Do to Create Brand New Realities for

Fresh Views to Understand
Others including the
Rest of Nature as

As Close as

We Come

to Understanding
Us the Deeper Parts of

Let Loose to BREaTHE Free DarK thru LiGHT

As A Most Loathed Vermin the Lowly Mouse Who
Still Shares A Common Rodent Ancestor With Us
75 MiLLioN Years Yet Always Competing for Our Subsistence

The Diseases

We Bring by

Ruling Wildlife
Out of Their Homes So Free

Ah Yes What MaGiC iMaGiNaTioN
Creativity Brings the Creature We
Experiment on to Breathe Longer

Becomes a Most Beloved

Mascot For


of All

True As ‘the Beauty
And the Beast’ Also Clearly
Relates Children Can Will And Do Feel and
Sense Love is Much Deeper than Skin Deep…

Our Lesson to ReMember And Be Once Again Free…

And Then there is ‘Ben’ and the Song ‘Ben’ by Michael
Jackson Back in the Early 70’s as i Entered Puberty then
As an Outcast Spit on For Being Autistic Viewed Androgynous

As an Ugly
Girl Boy then

It’s True i Was Spit
on for Daring to Be
A Boy and Smiling
Threatened in the Middle School
Halls and the City Park to Be Harmed

As Boys Were not allowed to Smile in the
Locality With the Most Christian Churches
Per Capita by Record Book of Guinness for Real then

Yes the Onward Marching Solider Christian Boys the Same
Old Scam Take the Empathy Away and Die for no reason Yet


to Pull the
Trigger and
Take Another Innocent Life

Nah i Didn’t Speak until 4
i Still had Problems Finding
Words to Speak in my 40’s Yet

i Continued to Wear A SMiLe

No One Would Steal my Soul Forever then

Back to ‘Ben’ as Michael Jackson Playing the
Role of Ben in that Song Finds His Only True FRiEnD



Just Like Him
the Lowly Mouse

Who Indeed is as
Much of Us As We aRe of them

Of Course the Theatrical Production
of it Ended Up Violent as All Imperial
Led Rome’s Begin and End again too

All that’s Saving Us

For Real Now

Is Micky

Mouse in All that
Metaphor Brings
For a New Day

of Colors More

Than What Only Bleeds…

Other than that Your Poem reminds
me of my Earlier Decades of Life Yes
And Struggles With Seasonal Affective Disorder

When Clouds and Sunsets Would Indeed Dampen
my Moods till i Felt like i Was Slowly Suffocating in the Dark…

SMiLes no longer going to school or work in caves all day i Taste

The Sunshine
as i Please

And Regulate
my Emotions and
Integrate my Senses

With Every Free Move
of Dance and Word of
Soul Felt Song in FLoW

Heaven only Begins and

And i am Still Just a Little

Beginner Mouse Starting a New Life
in this MaGiC KinGQueeNDoM For ReaL Now

Ah the Power of iMaGiNaTioN and Creativity

Yes New Oceans
DarK Thru LiGHT
Deeper Now
Souls to
More Colors of Life..:)

SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb
Visited By Doe’s and Fawn’s
At the Perimeter of Our
Back Yard View into

The Forest they Meet
Eyes through the Picture
Window of Our Home With My

Wife and Intuitively Understand
They’ve Come to A Safe Place Indeed

As The Humming
Birds Fly Back with
me Feasting on Nectar
Before Their Trip All the Way
Across the Gulf of Mexico the

Rest of Nature Never Lies there

is Always


In Survive
And A Place
of Rest iN Thrive
Indeed Forest For Rest
A Peaceful Place for Human and Other
SPiRiTS HeARTS SoULS to Dance and


Free with
no Human Lies..:)

HAha Dear Pooja Yes!
Celebrating Halloween
Year ‘Round With A
Different Culturally
Memed T-Shirt
New Coloring
my Christmas
Tree Within

Now This
iS HoW
i CReaTe
TiMe Hehe
☺️🙌🌈 🎉⏳

Always A Pleasure
To Lift A SMile
Dear Miranda☺️🙌🌈

Wishing You
A Colorful
Too Dear Pooja☺️🌈

The Giving
Becomes The
Receiving When
We Lift
Up We
Float An
Inch Above
With SMiles
Of Joy Dear Savvy
🎈 ☺️🙏 🌈




Ah Yes Dear Savvy Dreams A Greatest
Source of Wisdom Surfacing Deep in the
Much Greater Place Beyond Measure of

Our Subconscious
Parts of Mind Body
And Soul Surfacing to Our Awareness

The Place Between Wake and Sleep Often
Finding it at Night and in the Afternoon

In Synch With Coming Naps

A ‘Dreamtime Place’ Both

in the Transition to Sleep
And The Transition Away

From Sleep too Where So Many
Ascending Transcending Feelings Senses
And Associated Metaphors in Words May Naturally Spring

in Flow
For Whatever
Medium Human
Art EXPReSSinG Creates

i Find a Similar Place in ‘TWiLiGHT’
of Human Expanding “DreamTime”
Awareness Surfacing With Hours of
Ecstatic Public Dancing Meditative Moves

Really Another Dimension of Human Potential
Arises Waves Coming Going Increasing Creativity

New Levels
of Human Awareness
Far Beyond Any Measure Alone..:)

Oh Goodness Dear Pooja a Wrist and Hand
Injury Will Not Be a Writer’s Best FRiEnD Best
Wishes for Immediate Healing and Like Others in the

Comments Section
You’ve Got me Curious
About Your Resident Lizard

Who Keeps the Mosquito Population
Down as if i Remember Correctly You

Live in Kenya
So i’m Thinking
That Might Be Some
Huge Exotic Lizard
i’ve Never Seen Before

Hehe Hissing and Yelling Contests
Back and Forth With the Lizard Late
At Night Sounds a bit Comedic Like a Cartoon

Yet i’m Sure
It’s Rather
In Real Life Anyway
Once Again Do Heal Fast With SMiLes..:)

Oh Dear Lord Swatting
Flies in China Causing
Bacterial Infections Losing

Eyes Hopefully
That Rather
Rare Bacterial
Infection Stays
Away from Our Area

Dear Miriam Yes

It’s Mostly Pesky Gnats
Down Here in Florida When
The Rain Goes Away Looking for Moisture

Sweat on
Human Bodies

Just Got Back Virtually
From Kenya Where There
Was a Story About a Hissing
Resident Lizard Normally Catching
Mosquitos in Natural Pest Control

Yet Making
it Difficult
For Folks to
Sleep With All
the Nocturnal HiSSinG

It Seems Some Days Humans
Believe They Master Nature Yet
She Always Stays Awake Night and
Day With Unexpected Surprises Like

A Hurricane
Visiting Florida
in a Couple of Days too

Anyway my Earth Bubble
Feels Rather Safe Tonight With SMiLes..:)

KeY oF Free Soul Unafraid
To Wear YouR Birthday Suit

(In Other Words Discarding CuLTuRaL Lies)

What Flows From Free Souls
Dance And Song Creating

Moving Connecting


Sacred Free Dear

Savvy With SMiLes

Truly A Holy And Divine

Meditating Way Ascending

Transcending All Plans of Before

Always Giving Sharing Caring Healing

With No Separation of Water Waves Ocean Whole

Our Living
Trees Our
Roots and
Branches All
Leaves of Our FoResT Home..🙂

Saturday Free Banana Story

It Seems Like a Dream A Monkey Might Be Having an Abundance of Bananas
Piled Up High At A Place Like Walmart Where Loyal Humans Keep Piling them
Up Loaded off of Huge Trucks That Come From Almost Everywhere Hehe
Wow! Only 69 Cents A Pound
Only Working an Hour for
13 Dollars at the new Florida
Minimum Wage You Could Practically
Buy 20 Pounds of Bananas to Feed A Whole
Tribe of Monkeys For One Day’s Banana Supply!

True Then All the Monkeys Could Just Relax and Do Their
Own Thing Yet Perhaps They Would Stop Interacting With
Each Other And Climbing Trees Together Like They Did Every Day
In the Search For Bananas Far into the Jungles in Great Banana Adventures

Every Day
They Might Even
Get Lonely And Not Understand
Why Yet it is True They Will Always
Have An Unlimited Supply of Bananas to Feast

On Each Day With Just One Monkey Working One
Hour Somewhere to Get All the Bananas to eat

i’m Really A Failure At This Banana Game All i
Have is a Story to Share With You That is
No Banana at All To Eat Yet You Know
Feel and Sense What i Believe Life
Is More Than Just Bananas to
Eat Yet It’s True i Eat One
Walmart Banana Every
Day For Breakfast
Walmart Sells Flowers too
Yet They Are Free to Enjoy in my
Eden Garden Yard Yet There Are No Bananas
At All So i Shall Use the Tool of Walmart too

Yet i Will Do my Best to Be a Dancing Singing Monkey too

And if i Have to i Will Become an Avatar Monkey Upload Myself
Online Until i Find Other Avatar Monkeys to Dance And Sing With Free..🙂

iNDeeD Dear Sohair Place oF LoVE iS
ALWaYS WiTHiN Best iN Peace Giving
Sharing Caring Healing Freely
THiS LoVE iN Peace
Energy Most
For All
As Sun FRiEnDS With Moon..🙂

SeeKinG SainT ELmo’s FiRENoW
DoN’T JusT FinD A SpARK Do EntiRe


MoraL oF A LonGeR
WaiT FoR SomEonE
ELsE To WRitE iT JusT Do IT

Harboring Safe
Landings Dancing
On Air Flying on Water
Only Walking Yesternow

SMiLes Xenia I recollect
you telling me that Before
And that’s what i meant
By Shadow comes out to
Play Nature Balances
i for one don’t
Believe in
‘God Monsters’
Under my Bed
i Sleep like A
Child Who is
Loved This Way..🙂

SMiles All
THorns Protecting
Desert Rose FLoWeRS

SMiLes Sohair.. How are You my Friend..
i am living i Breathe i Dance i Sing Now
Other than Love i find Many Humans a Bit
Strange Never the Less i Breathe i Dance i Sing
And i
too with Smiles..
How Boring Life
Will Be
out Strange my Friend..
i Enjoy Different not everyone does..
i find that Strange Yet Interesting still..🙂

How Cruel It is to Teach a Child
Hell When Heaven Lives in the
Same Place Within No Lies Loom
Life Dances Sings Breathes Free

FLaMe oF Life
FLaMe oF Free
FLaMe No FeaR iN Peace

SMiLes Dear Friend Sohair True all of God is Diversity
Otherwise there will be Nothing instead of Everything
Surely as Wise as God is God Will Find that Boring And Dark Enough
to Big Bang Light And Create All that is Now With Smiles true though
i visit Church yet i find God Free More in a Dance Hall Now Where
There are few to no Fears expressed for Differences in Humanity
As that is One place where everyone is welcome to express
Their Souls totally Free without Harming others of course..
Tradition and Order
Soothes Fear of
‘the Unknown’
Yet my Faith Now
is Complete i Trust
God So i do not Fear
the Unknown of God my Friend…
God Gives me no Reason to Fear so i do not…
God tells me Within Dance And Sing Please God
This Way with no Fear.. until God Tells me Different Within
Now i Will continue to Dance And Sing Just For Free to Love
Of course
Not Everyone
Lives as Heaven
Does so i understand
How Different Hell is from Heaven
too Within my FRiEnD Yet what BLiSSinG
And BLeSSinG Heaven is to Dance And Sing Free Now..🙂

Haha Love the
Frog Emoticon
Face they are
So Sweet just
Like Nessie
Even Snakes
And Especially
Dragons Who Are Real


Stormy Seas Bring Anchors
In Safe Harbors Fair Winds
And Following Seas Favor Sails
Boats Survive And Thrive With
Both Others Lacking Slowly Sinking
Or Dry
In Dock
Still other
Yachts only
Used once a
Year For ‘Went
To the Garden Party’…
I’ll have to YouTube
The Song i Will either
Listen to it or ‘Just Do It’…


Happy Creative Joyful
Productive Work Week
With Fresh Butterfly
Wings Fluttering
SMiLes Fresh
Out of
‘The Tomb’
Hehe Hellooove
For What are Humans
Without Colorful Wings
Of LoVE iN A Beautiful
Beach Within Yet Only
Bones Without Sails
To Bring Their Whole
Boats Safe Anchors
In Distant Horizon
Breaking Morning
Harbors Coloring Life
New Butterfly Wings
Dance And Sing to
FRiEnDS With
Open Eyes
And Ears
Soul For Free
🦋 🦋🦋☀️🦋🦋🦋

“Wow, your playful use of words and imagery is enrapturing.
Thank you for the pleasurable consonance of ‘ecstatic autotelic’
and image of being a dancing library alone.”

SMiLes in Returns thanks
For the Flowing Poetic
Stellar Kind Compliment
Poetry Speaks
To Souls Now
All Human
All that’s Left
Is ‘Naked Dance’
‘Free Verse Nude Poetry’
‘And Song’ As Wisdom’s
Truth is Always a Practice
oF LiGHT out
Of DarK
And A New
Dance And Song
Is Essence of
Do Life
In A Way
LoVE iN A Do
WHere Copyright
Souls Never Worry
As Art Retains
Labels SPiRiTS
LiGHT of Beauty’s
CouRaGE Wisdom
Life for
The Present
Dance And Song
Now Giving Sharing
SMiLes Totally Free☀️😊

You are Sweetest Thanks
For Always Touching me
Coloring Flowers of Soul

Indeed We aRe aLL Water
Waves Of Ocean
Whole When We
See Reflections
Of This Through
Eyes of Our
Is Replaced
By Namaste
at Best
A ‘Fred’
My Aim Dear Savva☺️
Your Soul Sings This
Ocean Dancing
Waves by the
Way my
Miles are
Done in
Public Where
i live sadly
No one Else
Of Miles i
Am A Small
Boat only one
Waves in Wake🌊
A Treasure
Your Wave🙏

Water Moment We
Hold Water Gift
Now We Never
Own Letting Go
Water Freedom
Just Be i Am
Water Flows
So Do We At Best
Smiles Savvy Keep
Dancing Flowing Singing
WaVeS OceaN WHoLE NoW..🙂

Thanks Dear Sohair
May Your Day
In Your
Ears Of Love
To Hear and
Always See
Breath of Life
With SMiLes
Dear FRiEnD

SMiles Dear Xenia From
The First Day i Visited
You All Your Words



MaGiC oF Poetry😊🙏

Breath Unique😊🌏

Stars Above FLoWeRS
Seeds Humans All




Below Above

Now Best Wild
Loving Free Sees🎶🎼😊

Living Breathes
Living Seeds DarK

Miracle Enough

This Our

Living Seed

EartH Egg Breathes🌏
SMiles Xenia Together

We See🪴☺️🏝

SMiles “Turn The Other
Cheek” Is Another one
Of All The Metaphors
In Poetry That
Are Never
To Be Taken
Literally True
Though Evil
People Will Use
It Never The Less

To Make
You Suffer
Abuse Not
Much Different
Than Threatening
To Torture You Forever

If You
Mess up
Bad Always
Amused How
Folks Cherry Pick
Poetry to Serve Personal


To Subjugate
Master And Control

Others i Serve Only the
God Of Nature Within

i Don’t
Even Have
To Think About
Striking Back As
With Martial Arts
And Up To 1540
Leg Pressing
Pounds of


One Kick

And The Offender
Is Dead And That’s
Why i Don’t Get in


And No
One Messes
With The Guy
Who Fights Naked

The Crazy
Eye Anyway Hehe😜

Art Is Expression
Of HeART Science
Is The Bones


Blood Sadly
Western Civilization



To Be Bones

SMiLes Stay East
In HeART Hemalatha🪴

SMiLes i Don’t Care What You Look

Like Your Poetry Reflects

Your Soul

And It


Very Nice
With SMiLes Dear Akshita..🙂

Love Is Never Giving Up on A FRiEnD Now
And Finding Relief When They Finally Respond

They Are Okay…


i Have Love
Around me 24/7
How Blessed i am
To Give Forever Relief
to Others my FRiEnD

Yet This iS How



Love Spreads
As The Gift it is
Naturally Receiving Giving

So WHeRE Does my LoVE iN Peace Come

From It’s Mostly From the Love i am
Given 24/7 Of Course True How Will
i Not Dedicate The Source of this LoVE iN Peace
to my Wife…

It’s Really Easy


God When Love

Breathes Beside You

It’s Really Easy to Give

God Away As Love To All Others

When Love Breathes Within From

Truly Being Loved This Way For You

See It Is Ignorance That

Refuses to Give
Credit Now

From Where

LoVE iN Peace Comes From
Most A Mother A Wife
A Sister A Daughter All
Women Indeed Most Where

Nature of Love is Birthed And Gardened

Same Woman is GREATeST Relief Still Birthing God LoVE iN Peace Now

My FRiEnd Rafiah Reported 50 Percent of Women Are Abused
By Their Husband and 90 Percent are Verbally Abused There is

Something Wrong

With that Picture

in Pakistan

Dear Sohair

Meanwhile i Take Photos
Adoring my Lovely Wife at
The Beach in Her Bikini While Onlookers
Immigrants Beautiful From Mexico Now

See that

Love Still

Lives in this

Country and is

Real in Adoring Women
In Every Age of Love my FRiEnD

And All They Return is A Gift of A Warm
Genuine Sincere Loving Smile With Nothing to Hide…

‘They’ Shall Judge Our God Love By How We Treat Our Women… Indeed…

And Those With Disabilities And Those Who Are Different From the

‘Norm’ As



is The
Relief LoVE iN Peace

Is The God When

Real And Loving All..🙂

Ah Yes Loving Thoughts So Powerful in Belief
Birthing Loving Actions For All In Dance And

Song Oh Giving



Love to Breathe

Dancing Singing

More Dear Savvy to Last..🙂

“Twin Souls Angels Happily Hugging Peacefully in HeART oF LoVE”
And You my FRiEnD ‘Peace And Truth’ Are Surely Human
SPiRiT SoUL And HeART-Felt Deep As the Poetry You

Share Continues to
Express So Many
Deeper Parts of Our
Human Conditions SoUL Real

How Kind You Are Dropping By Words
Like These That Up-Lift SPiRiT HeART

of SoUL
So Sweet
Indeed my FRiEnD

You Are Verily A God
Sent Angel With Wings
of FRiEnDSHiP too Much

Appreciated And So Valuable Indeed

mY FRiEnD..🙂

Can’t See
Or Won’t see
As Of Course
There is More than
of Ignorance too
Dear Miriam With SMiLes..🙂

Ah Yes Dear Cindy ‘MargaritaVille’ Just Wasting
Away on the Beach in Paradise Hehe Yet ‘TRuE’ Hehe

In Other World News ‘They’ Couldn’t Find Any Artists
to Repaint the Sistine Chapel As They Couldn’t Break
Away From 15 Second Videos For Any Longer TIK TOK ‘Attention


So They Hired A Contractor
to Wall Paper The Ceiling
And Are Still Waiting
On Him to Get Out
of Isolation for the
8th Wave of Covid-19

And While that’s Just A Story
in Someways It’s True As the Federal
Government Was Still 14 Months Behind
in Giving me 100 Percent of my Retirement Pay
Then too As they Owed
me Even More Back Pay too
A Home Remodeling
Project That Seems to
Never End in Getting Fixed
For Your Conundrum Here

They Just Did Another
Bank Account Service in Accumulating
Money Like Mold as It Was Basically Just Icing
Green on Paradise Cake When ‘The Ship Came in’

Hehe, my Father Use to Always Tell Us He Was gonna
Pay For Our College Educations and Such as That When ‘The
Ship Came in’ Yet of Course He Missed my College Graduation And Yes my

Wedding too
on the Other
Hand His Ashes
Still Sit on Top of Our
Book Case as He Didn’t
Take Care of His Affairs For
Enough Money Then to Get Him
in the Casket He Wanted to Be

(“Cat’s in the Cradle” And All that Jazz too)

in Next to His Fourth Marriage of Course
Anyway This is MiniFReDwood Enough Already

Hehe Wishing
You Sailing in
Fair Winds and
Following Seas
in A Life of Tai-Chi
And The Such of Course

And Sure Choose Your
Favorite Mantra Like ‘Not Again’
‘Not Again’ And ‘Not Again, Again,’ Hehe…

Wishing You Competent People at Your Side Always mY FRiEnD..🙂

Oh Goodness Dear Akshita
Sylvia Plath And Her Stairway
into the Darkest Recesses

of Depression

in Mirror Ways

Yes Done that
Been THere too

Oh Lordy Dear Akshita
Charles Bukowski And His

Stone Heart Trying to Escape
it Yet Shooting Himself in the Soul
And Spirit As such Yep Been THere

And Done That too

And Finally Quite on Topic For Our
Modern Days As William Blake Speaks

of Plague and As Far As the So-called
‘Four Horsemen,’ He Surely Could Relate
With His Obsession With Christianity Yes

Pestilence In terms Of Pandemic, War In
Terms of Ukraine And Russia, etc, And the Still
Coming Famine Predicted By Many Experts NoW

In Poorer Countries Resulting in Many More Deaths As ‘They’

Dance And Sing Poet’s
Are A Mixed Breed of
DarK And LiGHT Mood
Disorders Often Come into

Play with a Touch of Van Gogh
Madness in the Precipice of Hell
And Heaven on Earth of Mental Illness

That May Bring Forth Amazing Works of
Original Art One of A Kind Never Repeated again…

Yep Escaped That and Most of my Poetry is About Heaven
Instead of Hell Now

Rather A Rare
Breed oF LiGHT

i Am When it Comes
to Poetry online indeed THiS
Free Verse Way of LiGHTiNG my

Life Up
in Colors
Even More
For Close to
11 Years Now

True i Slayed All
The Demons They Remain
Behind me and i Don’t Look
Back Even Though i’m not Afraid of

Being Changed
Into A Pillar of
Salt Again with
A Stone heART
SPiRiT SoUL of
the LiVInG Dead For
ReaL ON EartH Within
to Tread WHere Neither Hope

Or Fear; Or Faith

Or Love Even Exists Within; YeS, HeLL ON EartH

Wow What Inspirations of Muse in Poetry You Bring

WitH SMiLes..:)

“Creating memories that last all eternity” Mr Gottfried

Ah Yes Treasures of Old the Pharaoh’s Huge Pyramids

With Pictographs Created By Artisans to Engrave The ‘Ka’

The Spirit of Their Soul Lasting in ‘The Stone’

Yet True Those Who Bow

to those Edifices

Truly Only

Bow to ‘The Ka’ Yes the

of The Actual Artisans Who
Put Their Souls into the Art

It’s No Different Than So-called
Sacred and Holy Text Written By
Ghost Authors Scribes and Other Unnamed
Editors Through the Ages Attributed to Famous

Pen Names
And Books

Attributed to
Even God’s As Such

Yet True When Those Books
Are Raised to the Heavens in
Holy Sacred Divine Worship

It is only the Souls of Those

Who Actually Wrote the Words

Who are Being Worshipped Not Unlike

Da Vinci Who Was Suggested to put HiS Way
of Appearance into a Last Supper Ever Lasting

With Just another One of His ‘Fair Friends’ standing close…

Not Much
Has changed
With ‘That Church’

If Humans Could Just
Tell The Truth of Who They
Are at Least They Would Be More at Peace Now

Hehe Other than that Speaking of ‘Mona Lisa’s in Male
Form Much More Ancient in Being than Da Vinci Surely Ever Dreamed

Ah Yes the Super Man Power Pose and All Its Derivatives One Work of Yoga Art
i Often Participate in Allowing the Big Boss the Wife to Judge Recently

in my Donald Duck, Wile E Coyote, Bugs Bunny, Tasmanian Devil, And
Sylvester the Cat Space Jam Public Dancing Super Hero T-Shirt Hehe

Celebrating 20,333 Miles of Doing that as Always in 131 Months Now

i Ignore the Hose

Yet It’s True Superman
And Batman Wear Man
Panties AND Hose as

Community Standards

Dictate They Do it



Yet it’s a Fact Power Poses
Increase Testosterone Decrease
the Cortisol Stress Hormone And

Increase the Likelyhood One Will
Dare Do a Feat Like Public Dance hehe

Anyway my Wife Rated my ‘Male Mona Lisa’

A Ten plus

What Else
Does a 64 Year
Old Dude Have
to Do to Please a Wife

That Much HAha i Leave to the iMagination…

It’s Really About the Full Package All the Way from
Head to



Wow it Took me 6 Days
to Return only Meaning
i Will Be Seeing You Sooner
Than Soon a Bit Later Again hehe..:)

SMiLes Dear Cindy A Great Annual Celebration of Writing Your

Book and Such Beautiful Fruition it Seems that the

Grandchildren Held off till the Finish of

Your Book And the Goings on

Related to that Endeavor

of Your Life As the
Current One Surely
Looks Life Consuming
in a Great Way With SMiLes too…

Hehe as The
‘Weird’ Have
Related Lately

You Are Surely More
Than Just A ‘Cat Lady’ hehe

Yes You Have Dogs Grandchildren

And Have Even Written a Book Much

Better Than ‘The Other Fool’


to Rule the World HAha

Meh For me Catman Batman
Superman It’s All of the Same Ilk hehe



Just A Bunch of Dudes
in Power Poses Wearing
Man Panties and Hose

As Community
Standards Don’t

Allow A Full Manly Power Pose…

Just Picture Vance and Trump in THAT For a Big Laugh..:)

SMiLes Dear Hemalatha one Who Brings Such
Deep Meaning to Words of Free Verse First of

All Congratulations Making it to 22 Years Old

Tomorrow the 4th of August
Secondly What i Believe

That Humans Need Most
in giving sharing caring healing

Is LoVE iN Peace With Each Other
And A Life With No Illusory Fears

That We aRe Not Enough Somehow
to Fit in With the Expectations Weighed

Upon Us From Others and Ourselves too that
Are Heavier than We Can Reasonably in HeART
Felt Ways Do Maintaining A Peace of Balance

WHere Love Springs Newly Now
in Greatest WiLL And Strength
in Naturally Putting
People First and

Lifting Them Up
of Course
Us With SMiLes

Making the Most of our Human
Potentials Yet Keeping Peace
Inhaling With Love Exhaling ALong

of Breath

iN JoY

As Always
With SMiLes

Notice Hehe How i Didn’t
Mention Any Thing About
Material Goods or Money So Far

True That Can Become More of an
Obstacle Than What LoVE iN Peace

Naturally Springs

Yet a Reality Now
And Yes A Source

of Many Fears Yes
Both Illusory and Real…

Such is Life All the LiGHT
And Dark MaKinG What is is…

Somehow It’s Easier to WithStand
With Humans Lifting Each Other Up…

Anyway as far as Numbers Go i Wouldn’t Worry too
Much as Long as You Keep Regenerating in taking
Care of Your Physical Mental And Emotional Well Being in Soul

i’m 64 and never felt Happier, Healthier, Stronger, More Creative

More Loving

And Loved

Than this

Moment Now

As Far As i Feel and
Sense This Reality Now Will

Only Bloom More Note i Didn’t
Mention Anything about Stuff
or Money till These Last Lines

Indeed THere is Enough

WHere the Rest


Blooms Easy Key

Don’t Get Trapped
too Much in Things
And Money Focus Most
On What Makes A Soul Bloom

True That’s All Up to You With SMiLes too..:)

Sorry For Your Loss
Such Bitter Sweet
Pet Memories
i Relate to as
Well in Comings
And Goings in Life

A Most Important Part
Dear Amethyst Lamb
to Keep Warm Love GRoWinG..:)

SMiLes Səbunə “Forest Gump” Such A Wonderful
Work of Fictional Art on the Big Screen

That Shows the Most Important Kinds of

Intelligence Are Not What is Taught in School

Or Measured by Standard IQ Namely

Emotional Intelligence

And The Ability

to Maintain
Focus Without
Distraction With SMiLes

To Practice One’s Craft Without
Distraction to Put People First and
The Rest of Nature Simply Being Human Now…

Exploring All Human

Potentials More

iN Balance
A Place of
LoVE iN Peace
DWelling Together All..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha
Thru all the DarK
And LiGHT It is Never

Really Necessary

To Delete Any
of Your Soul
For it All Makes
Who You Are Now
And Who You Will Come to Be Next

And True Even Though Exercise Has
Gone Temporarily Away Here You Are Writing
Still With Therapy for Your Soul in Regulating

Emotions That Writing Does Bring Now For
Future New LoVE iN Peace Generating Greatest

Will and Strength
For A Greatest
Law of Nature
is Balance
For All of
What Moves
And Sings Or
Even Just Walks
And Talks With SMiLes

All the DarK Abyss to SHaDeS
of Grey Beyond Rainbow Colors
That Humanity in All Its Diversity
iNcluding You and me and Us and Them

And i
too With
SMiLes BRingS

Conquering Life’s
Disorders With Emotional
Regulation and Sensory Integration

Is a Lot Like Driving A New Hybrid Vehicle
Moving in Peace Generating More Electricity
Head to Toe to Move Freely in the Future Now


Back in 2008
in the Dead Zone
in One of my First
Psychiatry Visits in

An Attempt to Come Back
From the Living Dead With
All the Chronic to Acute Fight
or Flight Stress that Work Life
Continuously Brought for 11 Years
Through Reductions in Force and
Such as that Trying to Survive With
The Golden Handcuffs For Lifelong
Retirement Benefits Including Health
And Life Insurance too So Very Important then
Before ‘Obama Care’ as my Wife With Epilepsy Wouldn’t

Likely Have Been
Able to get Covered
On Anything Other
than a Work
Plan then

True it Felt like Do or Die
Every Day of Work Just to Survive…

And True i Did Almost Die Trying to Stay
(As A Medical Record Then of 19 Stress
Related Disorders in Life Threat Showed)
Yet Fortunately Being Able to Retire Early
to Continue to Breathe Anyway my Psychiatrist

Said Fred You Need to Use Something Other Than
The Adrenaline that Fear Brings to Motivate You to Live and Breathe

Yet at that Point Even the Fight or Flight Response Was Dead and all i Was in Pain and

Numb Was Truly the living Dead He Said Use Your Emotions that i No Longer Had Realizing

19 Years of School 3 Degrees and 33 Years of Work Retiring at a High Level then of Federal
Government Retirement Pay And i Was Basically A Challenged Human Being With So Little

of the Most
of Intelligences
Emotional Intelligence
We Come to Regulate in Feelings
And Integrate In Senses Intuitively Real

Each and Every Moment of the Day it’s
What Humans Naturally Do Together

Yet i Was Mostly Outcast that
Way Through my Life Seen

As Rather Odd in so Many
Ways on the Autism
Spectrum and
Such as that

Even Worse i was Raised
By the Local ‘Trump Meme of
Being’ Even back then that Being
Kind And Expressing Pro-Social Emotions
Was Not Being Any Kind of Man Yet The Truth

Is Less
Than Human
When We Don’t So

Back to Hybrid Car Driving
It’s Really Basically A Meditative
Way of Driving So Smooth Maximizing
Energy Reserves Still to Come And Then even

Though i am Obeying Speed limits it Really Makes
The Big Four Wheel Drive ‘Trump Voters’ Angry as
They Blast Their Engines Past me as if they are Angry

Just to Be
Alive in this
Present Moment

Like There is Somewhere
Else to Go Where Life is Better

It’s True i Finally Developed the
Most Important KIND of Intelligence

And When They Ask me as i Peacefully
Dance at the Military Gym Loading Up the
Leg Press Machine with 1540 Pounds Just to
Warm Up With 12 Reps How in the World i Do it Still

At Age 64

i Simply


LoVE iN Peace
Is the Greatest
Foundation for

WiLL And Strength

iN This Balancing

source of Most weakness
and failures in Life too for real

Simply Because It Brings
me Unlimited Reserves of
Energy to Expend When Need be

In Other Words i’m Intelligent Enough Now
Not to Stomp on the Gas Everywhere i Go

And Then Complain About the Price of Gas hehe

Indeed in all Ways
Metaphor of Peace
in Balance the Price

of Gas Every Breath
is More Precious in Balance

It’s What the Rest of the Animal Kingdom Does to Survive
A Lion May Be called Effete for His Graceful Stroll across the

Savannah Conserving Every Precious Calorie to Survive Potential
Droughts When The Antelopes Die Not Available to Eat Yet Also Too

We All Know

What Comes

After the Roar With SMiLes

And Just Before the Roar Complete Peace

Stillness in Focus of the Prey and Potential

Predator on the Horizon Particularly if We are Not

A Lion hehe Yet there is Still the Potential of Other Lion Predators

Like the Oncoming

Vehicle if We

Happen to
Be Texting
Before the BOOM!

i Have a Car Insurance
App that Doesn’t Let
me touch my Phone TG Hehe

As Yes to Master the Tools Rather
Than Being Mastered by Them or Replaced By Them

in a Fast moving World With Almost Impossible Expectations
to Fulfill Generated By Others and Self in a World Where We Are

Often Neglected and
or Socially Abused
By Strangers Peers
FRiEnDS and Even

Closest Relatives

too It’s Practically

A Miracle We Even Survive

Yet It’s What We Do We Take the

Next Move We Take the Next Breath
We Take the Next Word And Eventually

at Best
the Dance
And Song

And Life

Becomes Our Own

To Play We Sprout Wings

And Fly

to Our Dreams

The Most i Can really
Do For You Dear FRiEnD
Across the World in India Is Share my Experiences With

You Hoping One Day You Will Be Much Happier than me…

And Do More
than i Ever Dreamed…

Yet Do Note Hehe
i’m Still Dreaming…

Never Stop Dreaming

Never Stop Moving

Never Stop Singing

Making All the Breaths
Worth All the Effort All
ALong All Paths DarK Thru LiGHT…

Okay Before i Go Let’s Take A Walk across
Our Emerald Green Gulf Beaches With Sugar
White Sands And Sea Oats Swaying in the Breeze

With Pure
White Sea Gull
Wings Spiraling

Around the Sun my Wife
Will Go too She is So Sweet
She Will Look Like Your Sister
And Be Old Enough to be Your
Mother at 54 and Nah it Won’t
Seem Like i am 64 Just Our way of life

Now For All these Years in LoVE iN Peace

Anyway We Shall Walk All Together Some Miles

Down the Beach

And For Now at
Least Then Now

It Will Be Like
You Never Had
A Problem in Your
Life the Salt Air Will

Become Your Breath

the Sea Gull Wings

Shall Give You

Flight in


Sands of LoVE iN Peace

indeed We Shall Walk
This Way Whenever You Like…

Best Part of All it Costs Zero Money or Things

As Hehe It’s Practically Free Driving THere in Peace

iN A
Vehicle HAha…

Moral oF A STory
Become a Hybrid
Vehicle and Now at
Best Become the Beach…

Of Course Just in my View With SMiLes..:)

Oh Dear Lord the 5 O’Clock Hour is Arriving True Hehe it’s
Almost Getting off Time in the Wee Hours of August 4th, 2024
to Go To Sleep Yet Not Until i Relate a Few Words About the Catholic

Mass Readings
Scheduled for
This Day Yes

As Hey This
Is ALL Just a Hobby for
me Free Verse EPiC Long Form Poetry
Connecting to the World the Whole Globe

More Than Just a
Tiny Patch

of Dirt in the Middle
East More

Than One Guru Where
Folks Attempt to Stuff What
They Call God All the Way Down His Throat

As If the Big Bang Wasn’t Already Stuffed into
A Small Place From The Beginning to Expand ever More

Now Until Perhaps ‘God’ Gets Bored And wants to Do it all Over
Again Spreading Out the Whole into All the PaRTS of WHole Never

Ending New
Story Now

of the Seed
The Flower
The Trees the
Roots the Branches
The Leaves the Penis
And Vagina And Such All

Big Bang Again Hehe With SMiLes

Yet of Course Some Folks Believe They Own
God and May Trap Wind in Books and Scientific
Methods and Still Expect Wind to Blow Free as Spirit Will

Beyond All
Measure of

Humanity at Least

As Our Views Are Limited
By Who We aRe aLL PArts of the
Whole as Well So What is this Manna

So What is This Bread of Life Is It Enough
To Eat And Drink and Be Satisfied Now Well No

Life Goes On

Waves Trough
And Crest As
Ocean Whole Water

Drops Freely From Day
And Night Skies Same

This Much i Understand A Hug
And SMiLe Giving Sharing Caring
Healing By Two Humans And More

Pets and the Such

Trees and Other

Loved Ones too

Is Surely Enough To Wake
Up and Dance And Sing And Continue

to Just Do as An Adventure of LoVE iN Peace

New Now Yet You See This is only my Big Bang View

Others Rather Limit How Love Spreads How Folks Get to Love

And How Folks Get to Love Life in Their Views Different True

Not me i Am

HeaR to LoVE iN Peace

And in my Travels as Avatar
Around the World Each Day Pleasantly

Surprised That i am Not the Only one

Even Dancing in Walmart Late at Night too

It’s all A Dance

And Song Flavored

By LoVE iN Peace

For Those of Us

Who Big Bang


Yet No One Has to
LiVE iN Heaven ThiS WaY Now

As All the PArTS Whole of God Are Free

Even to Do Donald J Trump and the Such of that Hehe…

i Don’t Try to Control the Ocean i Am Only A Wave and Water

Yes i am
the Ocean True

And That’s Enough for me

With SMiLes Continuing to Spread..:)

Reading 1, Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15
2 And the whole community of Israelites began complaining about Moses and Aaron in the desert

3 and said to them, ‘Why did we not die at Yahweh’s hand in Egypt, where we used to sit round the flesh pots and could eat to our heart’s content! As it is, you have led us into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death!’

4 Yahweh then said to Moses, ‘Look, I shall rain down bread for you from the heavens. Each day the people must go out and collect their ration for the day; I propose to test them in this way to see whether they will follow my law or not.

12 ‘I have heard the Israelites’ complaints. Speak to them as follows, “At twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will have bread to your heart’s content, and then you will know that I am Yahweh your God.” ‘

13 That evening, quails flew in and covered the camp, and next morning there was a layer of dew all round the camp.

14 When the layer of dew lifted, there on the surface of the desert was something fine and granular, as fine as hoarfrost on the ground.

15 As soon as the Israelites saw this, they said to one another, ‘What is that ?’ not knowing what it was. ‘That’, Moses told them, ‘is the food which Yahweh has given you to eat.

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54
3 What we have heard and know, what our ancestors have told us

4 we shall not conceal from their descendants, but will tell to a generation still to come: the praises of Yahweh, his power, the wonderful deeds he has done.

23 Even so he gave orders to the skies above, he opened the sluice-gates of heaven;

24 he rained down manna to feed them, he gave them the wheat of heaven;

25 mere mortals ate the bread of the Mighty, he sent them as much food as they could want.

54 He brought them to his holy land, the hill-country won by his right hand;

Reading 2, Ephesians 4:17, 20-24
17 So this I say to you and attest to you in the Lord, do not go on living the empty-headed life that the gentiles live.

20 Now that is hardly the way you have learnt Christ,

21 unless you failed to hear him properly when you were taught what the truth is in Jesus.

22 You were to put aside your old self, which belongs to your old way of life and is corrupted by following illusory desires.

23 Your mind was to be renewed in spirit

24 so that you could put on the New Man that has been created on God’s principles, in the uprightness and holiness of the truth.

Gospel, John 6:24-35
24 When the people saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they got into those boats and crossed to Capernaum to look for Jesus.

25 When they found him on the other side, they said to him, ‘Rabbi, when did you come here?’

26 Jesus answered: In all truth I tell you, you are looking for me not because you have seen the signs but because you had all the bread you wanted to eat.

27 Do not work for food that goes bad, but work for food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of man will give you, for on him the Father, God himself, has set his seal.

28 Then they said to him, ‘What must we do if we are to carry out God’s work?’

29 Jesus gave them this answer, ‘This is carrying out God’s work: you must believe in the one he has sent.’

30 So they said, ‘What sign will you yourself do, the sight of which will make us believe in you? What work will you do?

31 Our fathers ate manna in the desert; as scripture says: He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’

32 Jesus answered them: In all truth I tell you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, it is my Father who gives you the bread from heaven, the true bread;

33 for the bread of God is the bread which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.

34 ‘Sir,’ they said, ‘give us that bread always.’

35 Jesus answered them: I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever hunger; no one who believes in me will ever thirst.




Purple Topped Source
of Nectar Bees
Far FLoWeR Close
Dear Xenia Happy
Week to You mY FRiEnD
And All You LoVE With SMiLes…
SPiRiT Wings Free oF NaTuRE ALL the Buzz…
A SCenT oF
FreedomS NoW…

What a Delight
A Fish Van Close
to Your Home
Smoked Hot Salmon
From the Sea With SMiLes…

White Feathered Flowers
of Pear Blossoms
Always A Beauty
With the Taste of Fruit…

SMiLes Congrats Dear
Xenia On Getting
Your Collaborative
Tanka Sequence of
Poetry Published
Always A Wonderful
Celebration of Nature You Create…

How Wonderful A Cause Donating Proceeds
From Your Books to Prevent Cruelty to
Animals Dear Xenia With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy LoVE Eternal True and New

Now Spreading in Ways We’ll Never Be Able to

Measure Other than SPiRiT Wings of

HeART And SoUL That Continue

New Shores of Ocean Whole

Water Waves as Rain Drops

Of LoVE iN Peace We Give Share
Care and Heal Away Free iN Peace
With Most Respect and Least Harm

iN JoY
Does Create
New Shores of
Being in Balance

We’ll Never Measure
Yet Everlasting More
in Change for the Better

Yet It’s True LoVE iN Peace
Is Only a Practice An Art Ever Changing
ACRoSS Our Lifespans as those of Us Who

Have Faced Dark that Any Metaphorical Demon
Would Fear to Tread to Get Lost Understand Where

The Human
Soul Can
And Will Go

So How Will We Turn
Our Backs On Those
Who Reach Out For Others
To Fill Their Emptiness Within

It Depends on How Deep We’ve Traveled
in the BLaCK Abyss if Far Enough True We

Will Never Raise Ourselves Above Another Now

As We Have
Seen WHeRE
the Human Soul
Goes Both High and Low

Yet for Those of us Who Do Understand
The Sharing of that Numb and Pain With
Others Will Be Practically The Same Yet

Compassion Understands These Human Limits

To Survive to
give share care
heal another day For Real…

Reminding me of a Homeless Man
Who Just Wanted to Talk in a Restaurant
With Us Such a Long Day and even a longer
Night of Write Last Night till 7 AM This Morning

And HeaR i Go Again as i Was Attempting to Catch
up on my Laptop in the Restaurant After A Day’s Long

Public Dance
to Bring
to Others

Yet i Couldn’t Turn Him
Away as i Do Feel WHere
The Human Soul Will Go

i met him where he was at

and there was no Help that
he Wanted From Us All i Can Do

is Lend an Ear A HeART A SPiRiT
A SouL when he comes to Our Table of Plenty again…

Amazingly he is still far Removed From the Most Troubled Souls i ‘See’…

i Understand
Where i come from still…

Reminding me too so Late to
the Church We Visit This Morning
No Where to Sit yet in the Back Seats
With those too disabled to Sit in Pews

Since the Pandemic Most Everyone is Stil
Afraid to Hold Hands in what they Name as
‘The Lord’s Prayer’ Yet Indeed During the Prayer

to the Left
And the Right
of me Both

of the Crippled

People Reached out for my Hand

First Instance someone has done that since before the Pandemic

For It’s true They understand A Most Important Part of all the Human

Touch That
Will Excel
No Matter
What Physical
Disabilities We May Possess

The Homeless Man gifted similarly Real
no Matter His Emptiness EYes of Humanity for Others..:)

“Sky above, earth below, and fire within,
A journey of life, with a prayer in hope
To meet the mornings, the awaiting purpose of life.
With the spirit afire in my beating heart.”

-Savvy Raj

What Beautiful Verse Dear Savvy

If Not For Almost 11 Years of Public
Moving Meditating Dance in Flow And
Poetry FLoWinG From Soul A Same Truly

Magical And Creative Way i Might Not Be Able

To Relate Well to the Depth of Your Metaphors

To Relate Such JoY iN “SPiRiT Ablaze” Yet

It’s True it Beats in Every Cell And So

Much More in my Body Through

Mind And Even More Beyond

All Measure of Distance
Space Time and A

Matter of Things True

“SPiRiT Ablaze” It is

Far Beyond And Away

From Who i Am Before i

BeCaME A Free Dance And Song

With SMiLes What Beauty to See Hear

So Much DarK and LiGHT iN JusT one LiFE

All the Sharps and Flats my FRiEnD All the Shadows

And Sunshine That Make Reality Come to Be in Ever Change

of the
NiGHT and DaY…

iN my Life i’ve Had FRiEnDS Who Dealt
With Shadows in Life Yet Fortunately in

Closest Relationships Family and Spouse

It Was Only me Who Went to the Place That

is So Very Difficult to Understand in the Dark

For Those Who Have Never Visited That Place

Of Course i Know What
It’s Like And The Scariest
Thought is if Someone Who
i Love So Much Goes to A Place
That i Know Only They Will Be Able to

Return From Deep Within i Am Extremely
Fortunate to Be Alive The Reach of the Dark

Indeed Has
A Grasp that
Just Won’t Let Go

Almost A Miracle
And Yes A Real Miracle
It Will Take to Escape to LiGHT

Dear Miriam Prayers For Life And Death…

iNDeeD Doctor my EYes to Be Able to Feel

The Pain of Others too…

To Generate YouR OwN

RisE GreeN LeaveS iNTuiTioN


Sees Beauty

tHe PLaY


Smiles Back
Sunshine to You…

Cheers to Looking at
You Kiddo.. Little Sister..
Sweet Vampire.. Secret
Student.. Little Flame..
Poetry Muse.. My
My So Many
Pet Names
Has Yet it
Never Fails
i Never Get Tired
Of Looking at You
It’s Still The Feeling
Of The First Day i Met
You and While i always
Love to Make my FRiEnD
Feel Best it’s True for over
34 Years Each And Every
Day i Wake up next to
The Same Woman
Who Looks like
She Always
Does The
Young Woman
i Met over 34 Years
Ago the Difference
In Age of me and
My Little Adopted
Sister Lakshmi
31 Years
Have You
Heard of
The Observer
Effect in Quantum
Mechanics OMG if
i view someone as
Forever Young each
And Every Day it
Seems they Never
Age My God some
Days it Seems Like
You are Younger
Than Ever Before
What Eyes See of
Pure Unadulterated
Love Eyes of What
A Forever Child Sees

Just LoVE iN Peace

To You
My Pet Named
FRiEnD Hehe With
SMiLes of HeLLooove…

All My Pleasure
For Flesh of Art
In HeART Over

Bones in Science
60 Percent Art
In smART too

Thank You

Thanks For Letting me
SMile A Fortnight on
Your Cloudy Days

Hehe i Remember
That Night You
Asked if You
Could Stay
A Fortnight

With Us
For Studies
In The U.S. And
i had to Google
It Quick to Find
Out That Meant Two
Weeks And i Thought
You Must Have Been
Very Comfortable With Us
Anyway Whenever i See

That Cartoon
Reminds me Of
You And i SMile
Glad You Achieved Your Goal
And Yes You Stay With me


As i Am
Your Well Wisher
Through Fortnight Clouds…

Storm Clouds”

At Least
One World Within
From A Current
Zombie Apocalypse
Pandemic Still Generating



Lost From
Sunshine SMiles…

SMiles Dear Savvy
Intelligence Is
Clouds Wisdom
Is Sunshine

With SMiles…

Here’s A Little Secret
That Should Be

Obvious Now
“Incels” Wrote
The Bible Became
Priests And Popes
And Still Spend


Time on

Reddit As
Losers Complaining

About Women…

Note: On The
Other Hand
There Are


Of Women
In My


i Use A




All Myths iN Peace

Love Not Afraid
To Be Equally





One Plant One
One Star
One Dance
SonG LoVE iN Peace
In General Dudes
Hate me… Go Figure…

Adored And Protected Now

Admired And Cared For in Return

This Seems to Be The Giving Returns

That Work For Many Relationships Between

Women And Men Dear FRiEnD Sohair Yet Surely

All Virtues Practiced Are Welcome

And Truly Forgiveness

Is one of the Tops

to Keep LoVE iN Peace

Breathing As Lord Knows
Feels Senses Humans Are Surely
Not Perfect For There Are Days That
We May Not Be Able to Find Any Rational
Explanation For What We Feel And Sense About

Life When Life Just Seems to Happen Not The Way
We Might Have Imagined Before… Leaving Room For
Forgiveness With Mercy Does Work Both Ways mY FRiEnD

And For Folks to Test Our Patience of Forgiveness Gives Us An
Opportunity to Grow Stronger in Love To Give And Enjoy Receiving

Now As Well Loving Life Practice And True The Caring and Nurturing
Katrina Provides Is Very Much Like A Mother Too… And True There are
Some Women More Naturally Nurturing As That Applies to Men too..


And Weaknesses
Indeed Dear Sohair i
Will Imagine that Your
Husband as A Specialist
Doctor Appreciated All the
Nurturing Care You Provided
So He could Keep His Job at the Top
of His Responsibilities to Help Others As

Well So In This Way You Were Mother to All
of His Patients in Clinician Way too With SMiLes…

Love’s Reach Goes Far Indeed my FRiEnD With More Smiles.. Now…

SMiLes Dear Summerhilllane AS Human
Beings We Tend to Habituate to

The Same Whether it is

Good or Bad

We Tend to Respond

To Intermittent Gratification

Most Part of the Nature of our Beast

Indeed Some Seek the Ups and Downs

Of Roller Coasters To Feel Life Most Intensely

Others Are Satisfied With More Placid Lakes of Same…

Yet Still Others

Seek Storm


to Rise Highest

After Lowest Peak
of Waves It’s Just the
Way it is Nothing too Personal

Just the Way It is Some Folks More
Suited to Placid Lakes Others Marching

to the Top of the Roller Coaster Patiently
Waiting to Drop to the Bottom And Rise

Highest to the Top Again…

SMiLes True For me at
Least Peace is a Metaphor

For What every Mystical
Essence of World Religions

Seek This Balancing Mind and
Body Soul Head to Toe and So Much

More Inhaling Every

Breath THiS Way

Well SPRinG

Of Love For
All That Is As
Existence DarK
BeCoMinG EXHaLinG LoVE Birthed By This

Peaceful Balance of all Existence mY FRiEnD

SMiLes Again,

Thank You, Thank
You Very Much Indeed…

LeSSoN 427
Our Differences Make
Us Whole As The World
Turns And You Go Dark
You Shall Always Rely
on me To Return to

You Up
Dear Moon
With SMiles
As Ice Melts
On Himalayan
Mountain Tops

And You Return As
A Mirror to Shine Light

on me

Other Than
That “For” Honor
Of YouR Favorite Number

LeSSoN 427

Is Life How We
Touch Others
Or How We

Buy Or
Sell Now

Yes Of


Helps Yet
The Thought
Of Selling my
Soul Or Copyrighting
The Finger Prints Of
My Soul Song And
Soul Dance Same

Just A Thought
About it Makes

me Wanna Weep
And Gnash My

Teeth Yet Verily
i Already Made
That Sacrifice
Of 33 Years of
My Life to The
Great American
God Of Buy And

Sell Then Before
i Freed The God
Of me To Give

And Totally
Free What Love
Naturally Does

Breathing Free

Sadly Our Culture
Revolves Around
Book Sells Of Souls

Indeed For
Bibles That
Love The



Them Forever

The Enemy

Is Ignorance
That Harms
Rapes Maims
Kills Buys


Humans Souls
Listen i Understand
The Challenge


i Am To
Be Free


Copyright Life…
Thanks For The
Inspiration Dear
i Take All Muse
DarK Thru LiGHT in Stride…

SMiLes Dear Yamini,
Your Son, Perhaps A Cat
Gazing Into Your Eyes From Door-Step,
Yes A Husband too; Or Even

The Sun Above
Lighting the
Reflections of
Day in Night With SMiLes

Yet What Do All These HaVE iN
Common Yes LiGHT That Makes

Sunshine Within Free to Give and
Share Care and Even Heal What GLoWinG

LoVE Does
For All With
Most Respect
Least Harm iN Peace

As This Sunshine
Everlasting Does Return

With SMiLes mY FRiEnD
No Matter Weather Outside
Or Within Shining For All To Come Again…

Among A Garden of SuNFLoWeRS SMiLinG…

“Settling Down” Indeed
Mr Gottfried If i Had
Stayed with some of

The Previous ‘Options’

My World Would Have
Been A Place Without Colors

Some Days Are Best When Someone
Else Just


Settle for
You or in that
Case me Hehe

Some Days A Rainbow
Comes After A Hurricane

And Opens up A Perfect
Enough Door to No Longer

Bar the Stairway to Heaven

Just Paraphrasing a Mix of Led
Zeppelin Katy Perry and the Real
DaVinci in that Last Supper Pic

Short Brown and Not any More
Noticeable than a Mexican Roofer

The Best Blessing After A Hurricane

For Real Down HeaR With SMiLes

Roofs High and Low

Life is MaGiC
ThiS WaY

When Fate
Runs Away
And Heaven
is the PRiZE NoW..:)

What A Pleasant
Sunday Afternoon
Light Tropical Rains
On The Outskirts Of
Tropical Storm Debbie
Soon to Be Hurricane
Sweeping Some Of
The Moisture
Out Of
The Air This
Week Yet Even
More Pleasant
Weather For You
Do Enjoy With SMiles

With Great
Blue Praise
Dear Cindy Kindred
Spirit of Cats With

SMiles 🇺🇸

Thank You Dear
Hemalatha Your
Free Verse Poetry
Always Inspiring
In Unique Original
Creativity Such
A Pleasure to Visit☺️🙌🌈

SMiles i Respect Your
Views About Not Eating
Meat And Dairy Dear
Amethyst Lamb And

i Hope The Meat And
Dairy Industry Will
Come To Be More
Humane in Treating
Animals For Domestic
Consumption Yet The

Truth is Now There are
Two Animals That Kill
Other Animals
For Sport To
Exercise Their
Killing Skills To
Survive With Enough
Calories to Do It In the
Wild Yes Cats And
Humans When i Was
Little And Our Indoor
Outdoor Cat Predator
Killed A Bird And my

Sister Cried
Innately i
Understood It
Was The Cat’s Nature

i Explained It To my
Sister And Said Please

Don’t Cry Yet She Had
A Right To How She
Feels No Matter

The Cruel Reality

Of Nature And That
Is Whether It Is Animal
Dairy Or Plant We Consume Other
Species And
If Desperate
Enough Sadly
Even Our Own

This is Fact Yet Truly
i Wish No Part of
Nature Has to

Suffer And Die
Yet The Truth is
There is Not Much
Worse Punishment
In The Wild Than Getting

Eaten Alive
For That Would
Be An Alternate
For Domesticated
Animals Released

Back In The
Wild Yet You
See i Believe
The Greatest
Sin was not only
Domesticating Animals
Yet Ourselves Too Losing

Our Places
Out Of The
Circle Of Life
Hoarding Our
Dead in Metal

Boxes taking food
Away From Worms
That Feed The Savannah

That Feeds
The Antelope
That Feeds The

Lion It’s True They
Kill for Sport To

Too Yet
i Agree With
Nature or Not

Nature Rules

We Live Out Of
Balance The Meek

As Always That
Live in Balance

Are More Likely
To Inherit The Earth

It Doesn’t Matter
Whether i Like it

This is The Reality

So Far

So of Course
i Respect Your
View And Way Of Life

And my Sister is a Record
Breaking Bird Nerd for

Our County
Who Keeps
Her Cats in

Yes in Part
To Save The
Birds She Loves

Much too🙂

And SPeaKinG Yes SeeKinG
FinDinG Yes Dancing Singing Free
All Of That Above Below Yep “A SCeNT

oF Continuing FreedomS NoW”

Like Continuing to Be Free to Find
The SPiRiT THe ART Yes The Art of
All That is The SoUL Of Nature Free

In Essence
of Nature Whole

What i Could Never
Find Complete in Any
Brick and Mortar Housing

That Attempted And Still
Attempts to Hold Wind

Prisoner in a Jar as

small as a 3 letter

Word as Idol

For Essence
And Expect Essence to BREaTHE Free

It’s True i Enjoy a Communion oF LoVE iN Peace
With Other Humans in Any Place We Meet Together

Whether that be a Church or A So Called ‘Bawdy Dance Hall’

Before i Found
Words More


Deeper Essence
of my HeART OPeN
iN SPiRiT Unleashing
Releasing So Free This Now

New Yes mY

SouL SoaRinG Higher
With Wings Dancing
FLOaTinG iN Balance

on Terrestrial

Land ThiS WaY

JusT OPeNinG

Up More Avenues

To Color Heaven NeW WiTHIN NoW
As the Dance And Song of me Set Free

Yes this Concludes the MacroVerse

“A SCenT oF Continuing FreedomS NoW”

With A Quick Tale of the Tape Just Another

PArT of mY FiRE WorK SoUL Whole as

The Previous Completed MacroVerse
Yep Aptly Titled “11 YearS iN Heaven
Within” Makes for the 1018th MacroVerse

oF EPiC Longest Long Form Poem

“SonG oF mY SoUL” Over
13.1 MiLLioN Words Now

in 131 Months of Effort

As “11 YearS iN Heaven
Within” Also Doubles as

The 347th MacroVerse of
“Nether Land Bible” as that
Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Rises to 11,134,572 Words in 98 Months

As “11 YearS iN Heaven Within” Also Triples
As the 242nd MacroVerse of “FB Profile Pic Bible”
RiSinG to 9,532,573 Words in 86 Months of Writing

Where Those Words Are Also Included in Around Series
of About 18 Facebook Profile Pics Fully iLLusTRaTinG
Around 8,000 Word Mini Poetic Stories included in the
Description Areas of Each Series of FB Profile Pics

Yes All the Way Since Memorial Day Weekend of
2017 For that Rather Large Subchapter of

“SonG oF mY SoUL” Additionally a
Casually Described 8th New
Testament Subchapter

Also Aptly

Titled “Depth oF The Story”
Around 4.1 MiLLioN Words Now
in 47 Months of Writing Adventure

in A 98 Page Solo Thread on the “Wrong
Planet Website” Where Each Page Now

Is Tween Around 54 to 66 Thousand
Novel Size Free Verse Poetic Words

From Top to Bottom in Series
of 16 Posts Covering

16 Days As

The Beat Goes On
With Close to
244 Thousand
Views Just from the
Registered Members
of that Website Now

As Yes A FiRE WorK iN PLaY
of SoUL Continues to FLicKeR

TSuNaMi Its Way All Around the
Globe Basically An Anthology of
Poetic Responses to Folks All Around
The World Yes iN Continuing Autotelic
Meditative Flow As Does Public Dancing

Now Also for 131 Months Covering 20,344 MiLes
All Around my Metro Area Spreading SMiLes in That

Activity Yes
The Distance

Around the Globe As Well

As Yes This Concludes The Writing
Portion of “A SCenT oF Continuing
FreedomS NoW” on August 5th, 2024
At 4:53 AM And As Usual Some Coming
Days to Get All the Multi-Media Collected
Together to Electronically Publish the Massive

Complete Blog
Version Post
of All of What
i Do Spread in

A Myriad of Other
Avenues Around the World For Free

Yep Just a little ReTiReMeNT Hobby All THaT is NoW NeW
A Covenant of Heaven Within However Ya Title ReaLiTY NoW

As the Next MacroVerse Effort of “SonG oF mY SoUL” Still

Coming Yes Just Another

Little Celebration of

“SonG oF mY SoUL 11 YearS Old”

As That Annual Celebration of the
Birth of “SonG oF mY SoUL” on Word

Press Comes Soon Enough on 8.18.2024
Reaching 13.2 MiLLioN Words For Real Yep

15 Scale Larger Than that Old King James Try
Yet i am No Fool i Realize i Can’t Trap Wind in a Jar

And Still

By Will


IT Free to be Wind..:)













BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

13.1 MiLLioN plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 144,000 + printed pages…
just ’cause
i CaN WiLL Do
BUiLD iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


“Grand Cross Bible 2016”

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)


“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


“Nether Land Bible 2017”

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)











The Joy of Dance.. A Record of Over Two Thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record Growing
Still of Four Years Plus of Dancing tHeRe..
And note.. in some of the liNks.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the Photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)


“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked



“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)


“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)



“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)


“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)


“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)


“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)




“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”



Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.


“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”

iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)


“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”

A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)


“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”

Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)



“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)


“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE


“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”

WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)


“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”

The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)


“Grand Cross Bible 2017”

7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)


“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW


“THiS iS Me NoW3”

As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)


FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words


LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words


iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words

A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)

Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in  hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017..  where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow


BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words


LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words


LoVENoWBReaTHES  31,648 Words


9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words


April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words


LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words

Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW


22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words


“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”

1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)


“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”

A Celebration of 6 MiLLioN Words Written
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)

“Dear John 14:12 NoW”


ONcE AGaiN NoW Celebrating All these Milestones then on 6.6.18..
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)

12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE…

“SonG oF mY SoUL FiVE YearS Old”

Celebrating the 5 Year Anniversary of 6 Million Word Plus “SonG oF mY SouL”
Longest Long Form Poem Personal Bible in the Span of that Five Years too..:)


“KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”

Celebrating 66 Months of This Entire Blogging Adventure Since 3.10.13..:)


“10,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”

Celebrating 10,000 Miles of Public Dance in 5 Years Span of Dates..:)

Sure.. i used to Toy With the Piano a Bit.. Recorded on a Cheap Dictation Device
Back in 2007.. When i was Struggling to Stay Alive With Life Killing Stress.. Later
Transferred to YouTube in 2013.. where my Life would then begin as Art will Do for Us..
When Spelled as L. O. V. E. Agape Style For All Transcending All Fear and Hate in Hope as Joy Dances and Sings From Head to Toe and overAll More as Love continues to come and go..:)

And Yes By God Yes.. it Took a Whole Lot of Leg Strength to Dance in Public for 10 Thousand Miles in the same Span of Dates i Wrote Over 6 Million Words for “SonG
oF My SoUL” Now Currently at 10,300 Miles of Doing That in over 62 Months And
True as the Video Below is Just an Illustration of Leg Pressing 930LBS.. 14 Reps then
Back from February of 2015.. As in 2016.. i moved to 1020 LBS and Still do anywhere
From 33 to 52 Reps Now Depending on any Minor Injuries that occur on the
Continuing Mountain of Public Dance but sure Over 2000 Selfies with
Ear to Ear Smiles of Dancing Joy is Documented in some of the links
Above too.. as Dance Brings Joy and You’d be Surprised or not at the
Dudes who are Disbelievers in either the Joy of Dance Smiles or the
Strength it Brings until i show the Photos and Videos on my Smart
Phone of the Beautiful Women Smiling with me as Yes.. i Do Get
around and although no one i’ve seen Has come ANYWHERE NoW
Close to Leg Pressing that much weight at the Military Gym i work out
at.. not even an inch to Budge it.. you’d also be Surprised or not how many
Folks with ‘Little Man’ Syndrome have attempted online  to complain that i don’t
Bring my Knees to my Chest for the Simple Fact that i will Keep my Knees working hehe..
And as of The First Week of February 2019 This Much more Difficult Leg Press Machine
Was Removed as i moved on over to the Incline Leg Press Machine and Now Easily Leg
Press 1340 LBS at 20 Reps where i Estimate the Machine i am Using Here is about
40 Percent More Difficult than the Incline Leg Press Machine i am Using now as
1400 LBS Surely wouldn’t Be any problem and 1500 LBS isn’t out of the Question..:)
i am Leg Pressing 1520 LBS now on an Incline Leg Press as Machine of 2.22.2019
but nah.. Now considering i was doing 1020 LBS on
A Parallel Leg Press Machine Close to the Beginning of
The February Month That Attests More to the Difficulty
of Leg Pressing Closer to Dead Weight Straight Forward
as Opposed to the Mechanical
Advantage that an Incline
Leg Press Machine
Naturally Brings
Over the Other
More Difficult
Leg Press Machine
So the ‘Hodge Brothers’
On YouTube are Absolutely
Correct on their Assessment of
This Physics 101 Common Sense
Lesson too as True it’s Not Always Easy to
Say F this and F That and get the Physics True..
but Never the Less the Parallel Leg Press Machine
is about 50 Percent More Difficult so for those who
Understand Physics there is really no Need to update
my YouTube Video other than noting the Different ACHIEVEMENT
as i only compete this way against my own Human Potential as hehe
at my
age now
who else
am i gonna
compete with
for most everything i Do.. hAha..;)

Leg Pressing 1340 LBS 12 Reps on Saint Patrick’s Day 2019
Just to Prove a Leprechaun will not only Dance 10,966 Miles
in Public for 66 Months and Write a 6.6 Million Word Free
Verse Epic Long Form Poem in 66 Months but sure
It takes as Bit of Leg Strength
to move a Modern Size
Leprechaun all those
Miles of Dance and
Oh Lord i realize i didn’t
Pull it all the way to my Chest
but i invite anyone around Here
at Least who is not taking Anabolic
Steroids to Budge it one inch one time
as yeah i did keep it moving for a 100 Seconds
at least hehe.. and true i did do 1520 LBS 8 Reps on
February 22nd.. 2019 that was the Second Anniversary
of my Mother’s Death but today i didn’t have Lunch Yet
After Church.. so i wasn’t taking any Chances on injuring
myself when i was not Properly fueled up to get the Heavier
weight done.. anyway.. Keeping it moving for a 100 seconds
isn’t exactly a Light Weight thing to do with smiles of Saint
Just for Fun..
i do it heavier
and i do it safer too..
safe enough for me anyway..
Katrina was a bit afraid as the
Weights Kept stacking up as she
Was the Producer of the Video today
With a still Shot of me and a Still Shot
of Her behind all the weight that is funny too..:)

Anyway All of this Proves too That Some Days…
Beauty And Leprechaun Beast Still Get Together too hehe..;)

Post Script:.. As ‘they’ Say Don’t Lock Your Knees When You Leg Press as You Stretch-Out
Like i Do for Not Everyone Is A ‘Hairy Gorilla’ like me.. who uses 1340 LBS to Stretch their  Legs… And Oh By The Way Update on December 27, 20202 Now Leg Pressing 1540
Pounds 12 Reps Just to Warm Up Filling Up Both Bars With No More Room to Add
45 Pound Plates Hehe as the Military Gym Disposed of All the 100 Pound Plates..:)

Ha! Did You Really Think i am Lifting All This Weight for Another Purpose But to relax! In A Modern Jungle!.. Y’aLL Worry About All the Form You Like i For one Will continue to JusT Do Essence.. no one Knows my Limits for What is Safe for me as Strange but me..;)

And yes By God i don’t Let the Sun Go Down on me when i Sing
too as A First Karaoke Fun Effort of that Back in September.. 2013..
And Sure.. i’ve very much improved as the Nice Elderly Ladies tell me
When i Sing at Church as i particularly Reserve that Effort at Church..;)

“96 Months oF Thanks Giving Wishes”

Celebrating 96 Months of 2922 Consecutive Days Online Writing Since Thanks Giving Day  of 2010..  at around 12 Million Words Starting Then on the “Wrong Planet Website” Moving over to Blogging After Writing Around 33 Months to that point then
Starting 3.10.13 on the Google Blogspot Platform too.. And Then Moving to
WordPress on 8.18.13.. Starting “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Fully Illustrated Poem attached totally with around
170K Photos and Over 10K YouTube Music Videos to Accompany
6.5 Million Words Soon Now to Arise to 6.6 Million Words by
End of 2018 where “Grand Cross Bible 2018” Will come then
As the 8th Major “King James” Size Modern Personal Poem
Bible.. i’ve Written as Subchapters of “SonG oF mY SouL”
on or About the Day of the 25th of December 2018 as
the Sun Starts to Make A Venture once again to
Light up Florida Sunshine Summers Even
More in Paradise WHere i for one
Do Live Free in a Garden
of Eden Back Yard too..
NoW ONly Watered
Chemical Free…
ReAlly LiVinG Free NoW..:)


“Grand Cross Bible 2018”.. All of What Comprises the 8th Major Subchapter
Long Form Poem Bible Titled Effort in 843,879 Words of Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 6.6 MiLLioN Words in 64 Months
of Effort and 10,478 Miles of Public Dance in 64 Months as Well in this Entire Effort too
to this Publish Point Date of 12.28.2018 With Much Much more to come As ALWaYS NoW


“KATiE MiA FredericK 2018 A year in Review”


“#SouLDanCinG2019”.. New Year’s Resolution for 2019


“Covenant 66 iN HeaVeN Complete”.. Just a Promise ‘Tween me and God within
For What Would You Do if a Miracle Happened and You Got out of Shut-iN Hell
For 66 Months with 19 Medical Disorders including Wake to Sleep Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Like a Dentist Drill in Your Right Eye and
Ear Assessed in Literature as Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion
That No Drug Would Touch Yes Named the Suicide Disease too
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months along with 18 other Medical
Disorders some of which would likely put other Folks as Shut-in
in Their Homes too Yes as You Start that Hell in January of 2008
And Miraculously at the End of the Third Week of July 2013 You
Are Standing on a Beach With Your Wife and all the Pain and Numb
as in Hell Emotions are Memories and Memories are Emotions and there
is no Reference Point if you’ve Felt a Smile or a Laugh in Your Entire Life as
once again Emotions are Memories so that makes a Literal Catch 22 in forever
Hell on Earth within as there is No..Memory in Feelings if you’ve truly ever Experienced
A Soulful Moving Connecting Co-Creating Life with others.. in Feelings and Senses That
is the Delight of Heaven on Earth Within on this Beautiful Planet that sadly so many folks
Take for Granted in all the Potential We Have to Enjoy Life that is such a tiny sliver of
Potential for Heaven Anywhere in the Entire Universe We See with or without
Science Aided eyes today.. Well.. i for one fully understand the other place
for me and i for one Understand Fully NoW iN Feelings and Senses
What the place of the Kingdom of Heaven fully even is yes
The Experience of Fearless Unconditional Love Within
From Head to Toe and Beyond Within iNside ouTside
Above so Below and All Around Even More.. and True
iN-Heaven there is Dark too or there would be no
Light at all as is always the case as Yin and
Yang includes a part of the other as Truly
Whole Unified Never ReALLy Divided
As the Duality of Nature
Together in Light
And Dark in all the
Ways the Negative Joins
the Positive is necessary for a ‘Perfect’
Chaos to Balance Out Full in Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose as We Humans Do have the
Potential to Do Together if we will Just Love each
other ‘Nakedly’ Without the Chains of Cultural
Guise that makes us into the Tools we make
Away From the Gift of Humanity We already
Are in Eyes and Hands of Love that Reach
Out and Touch the Divinity of Love in
Each and Every Living Being that
And who Breathes and Flourishes
Brown to Green as Fall Leaves
Fertilize Spring Flowers And Without
Thorns THere is No True Beauty of Rose FLoWeRinG
From Death to Life From Dark to Light from Hell to Heaven
So anyway for 66 Months in Heaven on Earth i Celebrated
With a 6.66 MiLLioN Word or So Longest Long Form Poem
Bible And Over 10,500 Miles of Dance Works for Me NoW


“11,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”.. Yes.. A Celebration of Dancing 11,000
Miles in Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of
YouTuBE Songs in a 67 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 6.7 Million
Plus Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’
Poem by this Date as Linked Below in 67 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Years..
the Last 5 Years Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least.. with Yes interesting
Human Bonobo-Like
Activities like Wild
And Free Bootie Dances too..
Sure.. and an  updated 11,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spinning NoW in even Higher Gears at Super Walmart too.. hehe..:)


Grand Total Words for “FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2019” Here is 1,364,498 Words
As the Entire 24 Month Effort of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Rises to 2,666,159 Words
At His Point of Effort in 24 Months Where the Words are also included in the Description
Areas of my Profile Pics on my Personal Facebook Page at around an Average of 7,000 Words Per Profile Pic and of Course the Thumbnails are all included in this MacroVerse..:)


“SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old”.. Celebrating 7 MiLLioN Words of the
Longest Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind.. Yep.. Written by Little Old
me in 70 Months as that Anniversary Date comes on 6.18.19.. anyway Celebrating this on
My 6.6.19.. 59th Birthday Week.. as this MacroVerse Includes an Entire Table of Contents
to this Date as Well for “Nether Land Bible 2018” as that 36 Month Effort Reaches 4.2 MiLLioN Words at this Point of Date too.. and yes of course enclosed in that is the
Table of Contents Inclusive too for “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as that 24 Month
Writing Exploration reaches at this point.. 2.66 MiLLioN Words also included
in all the Facebook Profile Pic Description areas.. Hundreds of Profile Pics now
that average around 7 Thousand Words Per each Profile Pic Description area..
True.. an excellent way to Peruse what i do on the Fly too as hehe.. MicroSoft
Word Is Not up to the Task of Grading this Bible Poem and that’s for sure..
And true for anyone who really wants to read anything of what i write there is little to no
Problems now accessing the Text in those Description Areas of the Photos as even Slower
Computers and Smaller foot prints of Broad Band Access will accomplish that mission now
to Provide an Avenue to read it too.. not doing anything too important now or new just providing Empirical Proof that Heaven is always within in this Generation now and
how i for one at least Find/Stay in Heaven now.. a few pointers might direct you to
SParK Your Heaven Within in this Generation at Hand EternAlly now too.. but hey at
least i will Dance Sing  i offered lots of help together to Heaven for other Folks too who will listen too as
Much Heaven
i for one care to Give
And Share now JusT FoR Free..:)


“CeLeBRaTiNG 6 YearS oF HEaVeN WiTHiN NoW”.. ReAlly  ReAlly Heaven Within..:)


Singing “Here i Am” in Catholic Church Just ‘Cause i Will..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL SiX YearS Old”.. Celebrating 72 Months.. Yes.. the Sixth Year
Anniversary oF A Longest Epic Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind
Yes.. Secured in this Entire Word Press Website too.. as this Baby Holds 7.2 MiLLioN
Words and over 100,000 Photos i took And over 10,000 YouTube Videos all to Fully
Illustrate it too.. Truly Just about a Never Ending Long Form Poem Bible Story..
And Yes that Anniversary was on 8.18.19… Now..  11,833 Miles of Public Dancing
A Free Style Ballet and Mixed Martial Arts Dance comes in on the
6th Anniversary Year of that Effort on 8.26.19.. As This Nautilus
Shell is one Hell and Heaven oF A ‘STately Word Mansion’ With
AlmosT uNlimited Doors to Other Chambers oF iMaGiNaTioN
And CReaTiViTY Truly Set Free Just to Be What We LoVE NoW
We Do Come to Be as We Move.. Connect.. Co-Create Our
Existence With Others Now So Free Just to Be ALiVE NoW..:)


“12,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”..  A Celebration Now of Dancing 12,000
Miles in Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of
YouTuBE Songs in a 73 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 7.3 Million
Plus Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’
Poem by this Date as Linked Below in 73 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Months..
the Last 66 Months Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least..
And an  updated 12,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spiraling NoW As Dance Skills at SuperWalmart continue to expand..:)


“Nether Land Bible 42 Months 5 MiLLioN Words”..  Land Mark Milestone Featnote Subtitled Long Form Epic Bible Poem Child of Longest Epic Long Form Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL”..  Currently-to-Date December of 2019 in 76 Months Effort of Writing 7.6
MiLLioN Words All in Free Verse Stream of Conscious Shapes and Writing
Flow in Autotelic State of Human Being Other Wise A Place Within
Metaphor of Holy And Sacred Creative Spirit.. Yes.. Heaven
Within as All of Existence Becomes This Way Full of
Meaning and Purpose that Makes Writing A Long
Form “SonG oF mY SoUL” Epic Bible Poem
Like this Practically An Effortless
Endeavor Like Public  Dancing
With Gravity Halfway Around
The Globe at the Equator in Distance
More About that Below This Featnote soon enough
as far as a 12,466 Mile Free Verse Public Dancing Effort
Achieved on the Date of 12.17.19 with the Distance Halfway
Around the Globe Achieved on 12.15.19 For this Entire Combined Flow Effort Now..:)


“Celebrating Public Dancing Halfway Around the World”..  Now As Described in the
Paragraph Above.. As of 12.25.19 Now at 12,506 Miles.. Yes.. Now More than
Half the Distance Around the Globe of what will be Measured at the Equator Now
in 76 Months of Total Dance as of 12.26.19.. As the Dance Started on 8.26.13..:)


“Grand Cross Bible 2019”.. 9th of 9 Greater in Size than King James Size Epic Long Form Poem Bibles all Inclusive of the First of 9 that is Named “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 7.6 MiLLioN Words in 76 Months Effort Along with 12,533 Miles of Public Dance Now in That Duration of Months in Effort too.. as all those Subtitled Bibles are also detailed
in this MacroVerse as the Tale of any Metaphor of a “John 14:12” REAL
FAITH EFORT continues as Love’s Driving Force NoW ReaL


“KATiE MiA FredericK 2019.. A year (Decade) in Review”.. Yes This Just
About Covers All of it Now.. still more to come as always Starting Never
Ending Always Beginning Now as Never Ending Stories That Come in Never
Land Bible.. SonG oF mY SoUL.. And FB Profile Pic Bible.. Along with ongoing
7.6 MiLLioN Word Longest Long Form Bible Poem Yes “SonG oF mY SoUL” in 76
Months of Effort at this Point now with 12,547 Miles of Public Dance Ongoing too..:)


“Colors World Love 2020”.. New Year’s Resolution MacroVerse for 2020 With SMiLes
Giving Sharing Free..:)






“SonG oF mY SoUL 8 MiLLioN Words Bible Poem 80 Months” True A Longest Epic
Long Form Poem Bible At This Size in 80 Months… Along With 13,133 Miles of
Public Dance Doesn’t Come Everyday Anywhere of Course But
It Does Come Here And Close to 60 Year-Old Dudes (on 6.6.60)
Don’t ‘Normally’ Cover Themselves
With Poetry They Naked Write
Either Nor Write 6 New Testaments
as Part of that with 9 Sub-Chapter Epic
Titled Long Form Poem Bibles Either Longer  than
the Old King James Effort Each Subchapter Bible Effort
As All 6 Newer Epic Long Form Poem Testaments are Larger
Than That Old Effort As Well too.. Anyway “SonG oF mY SoUL”
8 MiLLioN Word Epic Longest Long Form Poem Bible Overall
Is 10xGreater than the Size of the Old King James Effort and 100XGreater
than the Size of the Quran and Yes Over 5XGreater than the Old Mahābhārata
1.8 MiLLioN Word Effort in Epic Long Form Poems That Of Course took Centuries
to Complete With Innumerable Ghost Authors too..
Of course This Doesn’t Have
A Target Audience as
Epic Long Form Poem
Bibles Are About ALL
Yes ‘Class’ LiTeRaLLY Forevermore now
God All Always Beginning Story MoRE NoW
i’m Just  Wind One With Holy Creative SPiRiT FLoW Through NoW

It’s Worth Noting As Far As An Historical Art of Epic Long Form Poem
Free Verse Bible And Or Newer Testament Writing.. Either By Oral Or Written Tradition Doing it Naked
Is Surely Keeping This Fearless Free Art Tradition Oldest One In Deed
Not Suggesting anyone else do it..
but for those who
do let’s
JusT DancESing Fear
Is No Part of THeir
God That Is Both Love And Flesh and Blood Real

“One Blood One-Body”


“May Days 6th NeW LeNTeN TesTaMeNT 2020” 13 MacroVerses Naturally coming Since
The MacroVerse Appropriately Pandemic Named Before the Pandemic Came
As Prophecies often come and go this way for Real too..
Yes.. “Rushing the Flu Away” as it is still Not
Clear what kind of Month Long January 2020
Virus my Wife and i  Experienced
But Anyway Typically this is what
Does Naturally come with
An 8 MiLLioN Word
Longest Epic Long
Form Bible Poem Titled “SonG oF mY
SoUL”  Still  coming in 80 Months along
NoW with 13,060 Miles of Public Dance
As This “May Days 6th New LeNTeN TesTaMenT 2020”
Is the 919th MacroVerse of that Entire Effort True iN LiGHT too..
And once Again typically Bible Writers And Other Sacred and Holy Text
Creative Spirit Writers Do It all Nude too as Fearless Freedom is Inherent in
the Flow of the Holy and Creative
Ecstatic Frission of the Autotelic
Continuing River FLoW iN  Laser Focus iN
ZonE Head to Toe Mind.. Body and Soul of Getting
And Keeping the Whole EPic Long Form Bible Poem Writing
Adventure Properly MuSeD And iNSPiReD EVeN More for what
We aRe Literally Dancing And Singing Here NoW in Science way too
Is Generating All Naturally the Neurochemicals and Neurohormones
And all the Peptide Connections All Together Over A Quadrillions Connections
As Many Or More Star Connections iN UNiVeRSE More As Science continues to
to See With Human Aided Eyes but Anyway New Testaments Never End as Far As Human
God Within Force Love Pure Potential Even More.. in other words i am always Starting A
New Testament of
God HumanPotential WiTHiN
LiGHTiNG uP mY “Christmas Tree
SPiRiT Flow Of my Soul To Dance And
Sing Even More.. True.. THere Are No Old
Books Here to Limit Human Potential More or Less..:)


“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2020 4 MiLLioN Words 3 Years”…Yes Indeed A Bit Epic as
The Title Is Almost Self-Explanatory with of Course Fully iLLusTRaTinG Pics
Straight From My Facebook Personal Page too.. Anyway there are actually
3 Volume Years as Linked complete in the Title Link Above comprising
2018, 2019, and 2020 as this Epic Long Form Poem First of its
Kind No Doubt.. hehe at Least this Size Has an Average
Of 7,000 Words in Each Facebook Profile Pic
Description Area As this New style Epic
Long Form Poem Bible is Fully
Illustrated Not only with
Facebook Pics to Help
Tale the Epic Long
Form Poem Bible Story
but Yes YouTube Video Songs
And Information to Accompany it All too..
And Of Course This is Only Half of Longest Epic Long
Form Bible Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” that to date at this
Point Carries 8.1 MiLLioN Words over the Course of 81
Months.. along with 13,260 Miles of Public Dance in the
Same Span of Dates As Well..  So Yeah Ongoing “FB
Profile Pic Bible Vol 2020 4 MiLLioN Words 3 Years”


“7 YearS HeAVeN WiTHiN NoW 2020”.. JusT ANoTHeR MiLeSToNE And FEaTNoTE
to Celebrate Eternally NoW WiTHiN.. Yes.. A Common Experience Across CuLTuRES
Referred to By Metaphors Like Nirvana.. Satori.. Bliss.. Prana.. Tao.. Even
Kundalini Rising and Chi.. Yes Just Other words in Metaphors for
Autotelic Flow Sweet Spot ‘tween Apathy and Anxiety
Continuing Ever Increasingly Complex
Dance And Song
on A Tight Rope Now
No one Religion or Human
Owns this KingQueenDoM oF
HeaVeN WiTHiN Eternally NoW
No Myth.. No Hyperbole.. This Place IS ReAL NoW


“SonG oF mY SoUL 7 YearS Old 8.4 MiLLioN Words”.. Yet ANoTHeR MiLeSToNE And
FEaTNoTE to Celebrate the EPiC Longest Long Form Bible Poem in 84 Months of Effort
Where Public Dance Arises to 13,600 Miles too in 84 Months Of Enduring So Many Store Miles oF Public Dance that Really Brings Lots of Autotelic FLoWinG HeaVeN Bliss!


“6 MiLLioN Word Nether Land Bible Man”.. A Rather Huge Celebration for
A Largest Subchapter EPiC LonG FoRM Bible Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Longest EPiC LonG FoRM PoeM Bible Still Ongoing too with
That 51 Month Effort As “SonG oF mY SoUL” Reaches
8.5 MiLLioN Words in 85 Months
on the Monthly Anniversary
of the Entire
Bible Writing/SiNGinG Adventure
Since 8.18.2013 on Word Press NoW
And Yes with 13,717 MiLeS of Public
Dance in 85 Months As Well Cause it Feels Good Like This
Autotelic Flow And Frission Kingdom of Heaven Within FOR REAL
Belonging to no one But GodNature All OF US ARRiVinG NoW BReaTHinG


“14,000 Miles oF Public Dancing 10 Years of Writing 12 MiLLioN Words Online”
Yes, The Title Says It All, The Words, The Photos, And The Videos As Well..:)


“7th NeW TesTaMeNT CoMeS LoVE ReTuRNS AGAiN NoW” 461,877 Words
Comprising 9 Subchapters As the 6 Previous New Testaments Ranged
In Size From around 180,000 Words the Size of that Old New Testament
Through Over 400,000 Words A Little Less Than 4 Months to Make
This New Testament
For Real
7th One iNDeeD..:)


“Grand Cross Bible 2020” 828,586 Words in the 5th Grand Cross
Bible All Greater In Size than the Old King James Size Try
Written From Memorial Day Through Christmas
Each Year Since 2016 in 7 Months
Each Year… Additionally
5 Other Titled Subchapter Bibles
Greater In Size than the Old King James Effort
Including Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Inclusive
Of All Efforts NoW in 8.8 MiLLioN Words of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Completed in 88 Months Now Along with 14,303 Miles of Public Dance..:)


“KATiE MiA FredericK 2020 A Year iN Review” Truly An EPiC Year NoW in Many Ways…


“SonG oF mY SoUL 9 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating Another Milestone And Feat Note
Of EPiC Longest Long Form Free Verse Bible Poem in 90 Months of Writing 9 MiLLioN
Words As A Never Ending Landing story Continues As Any Version 2.0 Modern Peter Pan
Might Write HeHe For NoW At Least As Just Something Fun to Do in Heaven Within Now
Of Course To Give And Share Free As Well Like 14,633 MiLes of Public Dance On the Date
Of Updating This of 3.21.21 in 90 Months of Entertaining The Metro Audience For Free too..:)


“FB Profile Pic Bible 5 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 45 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW


“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2021, 4 YearS Old”
Celebrating Volume 2021 With 2130
Thumbnail Facebook Profile Pics
As A Photo Album Of the Calendar
Year Memorial Day Weekend 2020 Through 2021
Where All the Words Are Housed in the Facebook Profile
Pic Description Areas too at an Average of About 8,000 Words Per FB Profile Pic


“Nether Land Bible 7 MiLLioN Words 5 YearS Old” Subchapter Long Form
EPiC Poem Ongoing Past 5 YearS NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 9.4 MiLLioN Words And 94 Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem EPiC Writing True too With SMiLes..:)


“15,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” Milestones Continue For 94 Months In
July 2021, With One Slow Motion Video And Regular Speed of Dancing me..:)


“CeLeBRaTinG HeAVeN Within 8 Years ReaL NoW” Yes Exactly What It Sounds
Like When Ya Actually Exist in An Autotelic Flowing Meditating Experience
Of Life Loving It All DarK Thru LiGHT ETeRNaLLY NoW FoR
Real Yet of Course Don’t Just Take mY Word For IT
As It Really
Mean Much Until
Ya Actually Do HeaVeN
Within NoW For Really Real NoW


“SonG oF mY SoUL 8 YearS Old 9.6 MiLLioN Words” The Title Just About Says It
All Yes Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Written in 8 Years Now For Real
Actually my Entire Word Press Blog Just Another Bible Now…


“Depth of the Story” 8th New Testament” Close to A MiLLioN Words Now JusT
Another Subchapter of “EPiC Longest Long Form Poem Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL”
One Long Solo Thread Yes EPiC Long Form Poem 8th New Testament True
On The “Wrong Planet Website” Where “Depth of the Story” in Quotes
Makes A Number 1 Google Search Engine Result and Without
Quotes Even Lends a First Page
Result too
JusT BeCaUSE i Can And
Will In Wu Wei Ease of Tao
Autotelic Flow For Original
Creativity Wherever my River Goes NoW


“SonG oF mY SoUL 10 MiLLioN WordS Old” Record of Longest EPiC Long Form
Bible Poem Writing It All In 100 Months Ever Since 8.18.2013 through 12.18.2021


“Grand Cross Bible 2021” 800,067 Words in the 6th Grand Cross
Bible All Greater In Size than the Old King James Size Try
Written From Memorial Day Weekend  Through New
Year’s Eve Each Year Since 2016 in 7 Months…
5 Other Titled Subchapter Bibles
Greater In Size than the Old King James Effort
Including Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Inclusive
Of All Efforts NoW in 10.1 MiLLioN Words of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Completed in 101 Months Now Along with 16,066 Miles of Public Dance..:)


“16,000 MiLes oF Public Dancing” in 100 Months And Currently Miles
Increasing to 16,188 in 101 Months As The Miles Continue to FLoW oN
iN Autotelic Way Of Meditating Contemplating Moving Free ThiS WaY


“FB Profile Pic Bible 6 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 57 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW


“Netherland Bible 8 MiLLioN WordS Old” Subchapter Long Form EPiC
Bible Poem Ongoing Past 6 YearS NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 10.5 MiLLioN Words And 105 Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Writing True too With SMiLes..:)


“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2022 5 YearS Old” 2265 Profile Pics For the Calendar Year Ending
Memorial Day Weekend 2022 That come in Series of About 18 Illustrating Each Mini
Story of “FB Profile Pic Bible” of Around 8,000 Words Placed in the Description Areas
Of All of the Facebook Profile Picture Description Areas Yep All 2265 Profile Pics That
Make for About A Total of 18.1 MiLLioN Words Housed in Just One Calendar Year in
Facebook Profile Pics hehe For What Has Literally Come to Be A Longest EPiC Long
Form Poem Bible Housed Uniquely in 6.5 MiLLioN Words on Facebook Now As of
Close to the Summer Solstice Yes Ever Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 As
This Subchapter Ongoing of Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible “SonG oF mY
SoUL”  in the Last 106 Months Keeps GRoWinG too Now in 10.6 MiLLioN Words of Effort

True Now too Along with
“Nether Land Bible”
Just Another 6 Year
Effort Longest Long Form
Poem Subchapter Bible of
“SonG oF mY SouL” Now At
8.1 MiLLioN Words True too..:)


“JusT ANoTHeR BooK MarK NoW iN HeAVeN 9 Years” Other Metaphors Cross
CuLTuRaLLY Associated With This Reality on EartH Within Eternally New Now
Include Samadhi, Satori, Prana, Dao, Tao, Kundalini Rising Yoga, Chi, Creative
Holy SPiRiT, And Many More Cross CuLTuRaL Metaphors True and Even More
Likely to Come As the Experience is Basically A Meditating Autotelic
Flow of  Nirvana And Bliss Yes Contemplating Life iNHaLinG
Peace EXHaLinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT iN
Compassionate Giving, Sharing, Caring,
Healing Ways For All With
Least Harm Now New Yes

And True LiFE Long
Practices Seeking
Yes This
And Interpreting
More Right Braining
Hemisphere Way of Loving
Life in Social-Empathic-Artistic-
Emotionally Regulating Sensory
Integrating Spiritual Real Organic
Ways of Moving Connecting Co-Creating
May Surely Be A Practice of Free Dancing and
Singing Free Verse Poetry Yes in Autotelic Flow
Same as Our Distant Ancestors As Us Still Dance
And Sing Free This Way ToGeTHeR Are We Really

Evolving into A “Matter of Things” With all the Tools We
Clothe Our Life With True Are We Mastered By The Tools We
Create As They Become More of Us Than Our Naked Enough
Whole Complete Nature With the Rest of Nature Loving Life Presently Now

Well For me at Least
i Master The Tools And
Retain Nature i AM (GodAllLoveFree)

Loving Free of Course Mileage Varies
Depending on Model and Make of Human
Nature and Nurture For What One May Be
Willing to Do to Arrive And Staycation iN Heaven Within New Now

Yes What Works FoR Me May Not Work For You Never the Less

What Plays

For Me is
Real Love (GoD) New Now


“SonG oF mY SoUL 9 YearS Old 10.8 MiLLioN Words” The Title Just About Says It
All Yes Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Written in 9 Years Now For Real
Actually my Entire Word Press Blog Just Another Bible Now And Additionally
On The Wrong Planet “Depth of  The Story” RiSinG to 1.88 MiLLiON Words
in 2 Years On 8.19.2022 The Day After the Anniversary Date of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Reaching 10.8 MiLLioN Words in 9 Years on 8.18.2022 As “Depth of The Story”
Is One Solo Long Thread Long Form Poem in the 54th Page on the Wrong
Planet Website Where Each Page Now is Novel Size Free Verse Poetry
At Around 50,000 Words Per Page Scrolling Down From Top to Bottom
Gathering up 123,000 Views So Far From the ‘Wrong Planet’ Registered
Members Only not Counting the General Public As It Hits at the Top
Of A Google Search on the
Key Words “Depth of  The Story”
Just Something to Do in Another
‘Day in the Life of me’ Hehe With SMiLEs
And Of Course That’s Just a Casually Named
8th New Testament As Subchapter Long Form
Poem of “SonG oF my SoUL” As Yep There are
7 Titled Other Casually Named New Testaments
Listed in the Milestones And Feat Notes Section Here
Along With 11 Bigger Than King James Sized Tries for
Subchapter Titled Bibles in Long Form Poem Way True too
As “SonG oF mY SoUL” So Far is Around 13.5 Scale Larger than
the Old King James Try About 135 Scale Larger than the Quran
And Yes Even 6 Scale Larger Than The Other Previous Recorded
EPiC Long Form Poem Considered Officially A Longest Long Form
Poem at 1.8 MiLLioN Words Taking Centuries of Effort and Innumerable
Ghost Authors Like the Old King James Sized Effort at about 800,000 Words too
Yes The Mahābhārata From India Just A Bit Smaller Than the 2 Year Effort of
“Depth of The Story”
And So What
Who Needs A
Name For Building A Nautilus
Shell Reflecting the Milky Way Spiraling Like my Public Dance at
17,166 Miles in 9 Years too Surely Not A Creature Originating From the
Ocean Whole Like me too Just Another Leaf A Tree A Forest Continuing
to Fall And Rise Alive For Real Brown to Green Coloring As Summer
Flower Petals Fall Feeding Frozen Winter Soils For Spring Green..:)


“17,000 Miles oF Public Dancing 9 Years”
Milestone And FeatNote Completing That
And More By the 9th Year Anniversary Date of Public Dancing on August 26, 2022
All Around my Metro Area And From Biloxi Casino Beaches Through Tallahassee
Too Yep Cat-6 Hurricane Wings of Public Dance All Along the Gulf Coast to
Go Along With 10.9 MiLLioN Words of Free Verse Poetry in 9 Years
And 1 Month Now Too in Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Personal
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” CoMPRiSinG mY Whole Word Press Blog
And Several Other Archive Blogs too As “Depth of The Story” A
Casually Named 8th New Testament Also Arises to 2 MiLLioN
Words of Effort in 25 Months Starting on August 19th, 2020
In The Thick of the COVID-19 Pandemic And Coup Attempts
To Defeat Democracy And The Such As That too Yes Ripe Days
For EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bibles We Continue Now True
As Depth of the Story Resides as A Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Also on the ‘Wrong Planet’ Website too All in One 55 Page Solo Thread
Accumulating 125 Thousand Views Just From the Registered Members
There Toward the End of This September 2022 Year too And Also to Celebrate
33 Years Since me and my Wife Got ‘Together’ On September 21st, 1989
A Work of Art She Truly Is Still At the Beach At Age 52 to Go Along With
A Video She Took of me Celebrating 17,000 Miles oF Public Dancing too
Hehe Just For Record Books of Free With SMiLes As i Become Essence
of Dance And Song Free Just Inhaling Peace ExhalinG Love Even More
iN JoY oF LiGHT Giving Sharing Caring Healing For All With Least Harm
True No Animals Were Harmed
in the Production of the
Dance Video Now At LeasT Hehe..:)


“SonG oF mY SoUL 11 MiLLioN WordS Old” Actually Up to 11.1 MiLLioN WordS Old As
Of 11.18.2022 Never the Less the Longest EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bible Continues to GRoW Freely Along with 17,496 Miles of Public Dance in 111 Months As Well All
Around This Local Metro Area Free As Wings Will Be Feathers And Wind
FRiEnDS With Gravity


“FB Profile Pic Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 66 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each FB Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW


“FRED 14:12” iNDeeD A Play on Words From “John 14:12”
For Real Of Course Writing Every Consecutive Day Online
Since Coming Online on the ‘Wrong Planet’ Website to
Attempt to Escape the Never Ending Worst Pain Known
To Humankind The Suicide Disease Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia From Wake to Sleep For 66 Months Along with
18 Other Mostly Work Stress Related Disorders in A Synergy
Of Real Life Threat too With No Prognosis For Recovery Yes
Writing Every Consecutive Day Through Hell
And Heaven Within Now True too in EPiC
Long Form Poetry As Well Yet A Total
of 14 MiLLioN Words in 12 Years of Effort
Eventually Changing into 17,653 Miles of
Public Dance Now in 112 Months Along
With EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Also Created in the Same 112 Month Span of Dates Now At
11.2 MiLLioN Words So Far Out of the Total of 14 MiLLioN Words Whole..:)


“Grand Cross Bible 2022” A Grand Total Of
747,693 Words Yes Larger Than the Old “New International
Version of A Bible” Yes Indeed in 7 Months From
Memorial Day Weekend Until The End of the Year
As Again This is the 7th Year of Doing This in These
7 Months Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2016
Through The End of That Year And Following

6 Years The Same
For 7 MontH-Old
‘Grand Cross Bibles’ Indeed

All Efforts Larger Than The “Old King James” Try
And “New International Version” of A Bible In This Try True New..:)


“Netherland Bible 9 MiLLioN WordS Old 81 Months” Subchapter Long Form EPiC
Bible Poem Ongoing Past 82 Months NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 11.5 MiLLioN Words And 115  Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Writing True too With SMiLes..:)


“18,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” Completing This Milestone
And FeatNote on “PI Day” 3.14.2023 After 9 Years
And 6 Months of Doing This Currently
At 18,153 MiLes of Public Dance
iN 9 Years And 7 Months NoW
ALonG With “SonG oF mY SoUL”
EPiC Longest Long Form Bible
Poem All 11.6 MiLLioN Words
NoW iN 116 Months As Well
Just for the JoY oF PLaY Giving Sharing
Caring HealinG iT ALL AWaY For
Free With Most Respect and
Least Harm Yet HeY iN THiS Case
i’M OnLY
Human For Real
Doing This All Naked Enough
Whole Complete iNHaLinG Peace
iN THiS ReaL
LoVE iN Peace
KinGQueeNDoM oF HEaVeN
WiTHiN Spreading These Wings
Becoming Wind Air Waves Water Ocean Whole For Real..:)


“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2023 6 YearS Old 7.7 MiLLioN Words” 2517 FB Profile Pic
Thumbnails Celebrating The Ongoing 6 Year Effort For the Calendar Year Ending
Memorial Day Weekend 2023 Series of Around 18 FB Profile Pics Fully
Illustrating 8,000 or So Word Small MacroVerses Where
Facebook Houses 20.1 MiLLioN Words in All Those
FB Profile Pic Description Areas for Calendar
Year 2023 Where 2022 Held 18.1 MiLLioN Words
And 2021 Held 16.8 MiLLioN Words About A 55 MiLLioN
Word Effort Housed in Facebook Description Areas in the
Last 3 Years of the Covid-19 Pandemic Days And Of Course
All the Rest of the FB Profile Pic Description areas Ever Since
Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 For the Entire “FB Profile Pic
Bible” Subchapter Ongoing Still of the EPiC Longest Long Form Poem
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 11.8 MiLLioN Words of Effort in 118 Months
Now Yes As Well As A Continuing Moving Meditation in FLoWinG Public Dance
Everywhere i Go in Public Now at 18,453 Miles in 9 Years and 9 Months Too..:)


“Nether Land Bible 7 YearS Old 9.3 MiLLioN Words” Yes An Epic Long Form Poem
Subchapter of Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” And This Effort
Began on Memorial Day Weekend of 2016 STiLL Ongoing in 85 Months
Of Writing Now With SMiLes of Course As the Public
Dance Continues to Add up Like “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Has for 118 Months Since
8.18.2023 at 18,518 Miles Now..:)


“A Decade WiTHiN Heaven For Real” Celebrating A Decade of Living
Away From the
Other Place For 66 Months…:)


“SonG oF mY SoUL 12 MiLLioN Words A Decade of EPiC Long Form Poetry” Yes The
Title Covers The Topic Quite Well Yet Not All the Way Hehe As the Month of August
In 2023 Brought Several Other Footnotes and Milestones to Measure too
Including 8 MiLLioN Words of “FB Profile Pic Bible” in 74 Months as
“Nether Land Bible” Another Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Increased to 9.6 MiLLioN Words in 86 Months of Writing
Yet Not Only That As “Depth of The Story” A Casually
Described 8th New Testament Rose to 3 MiLLioN
Words Also Included on the “Wrong Planet”
Website With Over 180,000 Views Just
From the Registered Members There
On the 3 Year Anniversary Date of
August 19th, 20223 in the 76th Page Now
Of That Solo Thread Where Each Page Now From Top to Bottom
Comprises the Size of An EPiC Novel Sized Long Form Poem at Around
50,000 Words or So And i Guess You Might Ask if i’m Tired of Writing Yet so Yes
August 2023 Also Celebrated
18,744 Miles of Public Dance in A Decade
Of Doing That On the Anniversary Date of
August 26th, 2023 As By That Date “Netherland
Bible” Celebrated 87 Months of Writing and “FB
Profile Pic Bible Celebrated 75 Months of EPiC Longest
Long Form Writing in these Two Ongoing Subchapters of
EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” All 12 MiLLioN
Words of the Entire Effort Still Ongoing and GRoWinG Now too With SMiLes..:)


“19,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” in 123 Months of Effort
Meeting This Milestone and FeatNote on Halloween
Night 2023 And the Miles Continue to Pile On at
19,133 Miles Less than 6,000 Miles to Make
It Around the Distance of the Equator

Yet Really It’s Only About the Bliss
And Nirvana of A Moving
Meditation Free
Hehe Yes Miles And Miles
Of Heaven Continue to Come
Every Move Holy Generating Every
Sacred as Well Simply DiViNE With SMiLes..:)


‘Nether Land Bible 10 MiLLioN WordS Old” EPiC Long Form Poem Subchapter
at 10 MiLLioN Words of Writing Ever Since Memorial Day Weekend of
2016 Yes 90 Months Plus of Effort This Subchapter of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” Inclusive of What
Will Be 13 Subchapters All Part of the 12.4 MiLLioN
Word Endeavor of Writing 124 Months
Ever Since 8.18.2013 With The
Completion Of Coming “Grand
Cross Bible 2023” Next Yep
All 13 Subchapters Greater in
Size than the Old King James Effort
And In Total Yes “SonG oF mY SoUL”
15 Scale Greater in Size and 150 Scale
Greater in Size than the Old Quran too
Just Another “Day in A Life” of Writing Free Poetry in Flow


“Grand Cross Bible 2023” A Grand Total Of
920,172 Words Yes Larger Than the Old “King James
Version of A Bible” Yes Indeed in 7 Months From
Memorial Day Weekend Until The End of the Year
As Again This is the 8th Year of Doing This in These
7 Months Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2016
Through The End of That Year And Following

8 Years The Same
Now For 7 Month-Old
‘Grand Cross Bibles’ Indeed

And As Tradition Might Other Wise
Have It As Well All Accomplished
iN A Garden of Eden For Real

Only Difference No
Fig Leaves
Required Yet of Course
Yoga Power Poses in Angles
That Will Barely Meet
Community Standards
Yet Honestly Nothing Ya
Ain’t Seen NoW on Pristine Florida Beaches


“FB Profile Pic Bible 9 MiLLioN WordS Old” Yes The Title Sort of Measures it All
Where More Specifically This Subchapter of EPiC Longest Long Form Poem
“SonG oF mY SoUL” at 12.8 MiLLioN Words in 128 Months of Effort is
Included in Series of Around 18 Facebook Profile Pics Fully Illustrating
About 8 Thousand Word Mini Stories For 83 Months Now Ever Since
Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 And This MacroVerse Only Celebrates
The Milestone And FeatNote of 9 MiLLioN Words Whereas “FB Profile
Pic Bible Vol 2024 7 YearS Old” on This 2024 Memorial Day Weekend Anniversary
Date Yes Will Include Thumbnails of All 2245 Or So Facebook Profile Pics For the
Calendar Year Ending on Memorial Day Weekend An Annual Event Since 2018..:)



“20,000 Miles oF Public Dance” Finishing This Milestone And Featnote
of 20,000 Miles of Public Dancing on May 30, 2024 in 129 Months
Of Effort iN This FLoWinG Moving Meditation
That Continues to Improve
FRiEnDS With Gravity
Basically Transforming
248 Pounds of Human
iNto Weight of Finger Tips Mastering ‘The Balance”
That Includes All of Mind and Body SoUL Organically Real..:)


“SonG oF mY SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old” Actually Up to 13.1 MiLLioN WordS Old As
Of 07.18.2024 Never the Less the Longest EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bible Continues to GRoW Freely Along with 20,242 Miles of Public Dance in 131 Months As Well All
Around This Local Metro Area Free As Wings Will Be Feathers And Wind
FRiEnDS With Gravity


“Nether Land Bible 8 YearS Old 11 MiLLioN Words” Largest Subchapter
of EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Encompassing All 13.1 MiLLioN Words of The Entire
Long Form Poem Effort as “Nether Land Bible” Now
Increases to 8.1 MiLLioN Words Along with
20,323 Miles of Public Dance in 131 Months
Same Distance in Months Required to
“SonG oF mY SoUL”
So far Now at Least With SMiLes..:)


“11 Years iN Heaven Within” Basically Naked Enough Whole
Complete Nothing to Add or Subtract to in the Flow of
The Gift of Life Just For Giving Thanks Giving Yes
Giving Sharing Caring Healing For All With
Most Respect Least Harm iNHaLinG
Peace EXHaLinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT

As A Continuing Practice Yes

Art of Life And Of Course

To Celebrate All the BLiSSinGS
Yes BLeSSinGS oF LiFE Each And
Every Now ThiS WaY As LoVE iN
Becomes Real on EartH Now

No Myth The Real Life NeW iN JoY ALL


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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