Depth of The Story 4 YearS Old 4.2 MiLLioN Words

“Depth of The Story 4 YearS Old
4.2 MiLLioN Words” From the Depths
of the STaRT of the Pandemic in 2020

On the “Wrong Planet” Website A Place
Where NeuroDiversity Freely Expresses

Out of the Cave Ways of Being Hehe and
Of Course Inside of The Cave Ways of
Being too Such is the Human Condition

iN All Places it Works and Or Plays Yes

98 Solo Thread Pages Now With Close
to an EPiC Novel Sized Long For Poem
On Each Page Now Around 60 Thousand
Words in 16 Days All Part of Just Another

DaY iN A Life of Little Old me too Now

to the Necessity of Keeping Freedom
Alive Finding Ourselves Back in the

Chase Replacing ‘Project 2025’
With ‘The Miracle of Democracy’

Breathing Still in 2025 Alive

Yet of Course This iN Part is
What EPiC Long Form Poetry
Does Narrating a Story of the
World From Different Points of

Views Just Loading Up A Loaf
of Bread Each Day With Many

Different Varieties of Slices

Promise oF A Restful Night
Bright Eyed Bushy Tailed

Morning Bunnies Jump

For Life At Night As Well

Yes Dear Savvy Promise of the
“Colour Orange” Sunset For Repose

For Moving
Again the Spiral
of Nature continues
the Dance and Song Free

True Hehe in the United States
At Least This Helps BRing Back the

‘Colour Orange’

To Creativity


of Destructing

Yes Let’s Bring the
Colour Orange Back to Life

Perhaps this is a ‘Political Ad’ For
Change Or Just ‘The Audacity of Hope’

Again Now
With SMiLes
Believing Faith New
BRinGinG LoVE iN Peace

Orange Alive!.:)

Ah Yes Dear Cindy
Waves Comprised
of Troughs and

Crests One
The Other

No Wave At All

How Blessed We
Waves Are To Exist
Water Above Water Below
Ocean Whole Above Within the Same

True For
All the Colors
Free Rain Brings…

Never Really A “Beast
of Burden” Puppies And
Adult Dogs Do Play For Life

Even Territorial Cats On the Prowl

Cats True
This is Life..:)

The Believe The Faith The Hope
All the Colors of Emotions Yes
All Feelings and Senses that

Drive Us Forward for


iN Peace of


Of Our Living Trees Springing New
RiSinG Green Yet Falling Spreading
Brown Leaves of Wisdom True Now

Yet Nocebo

Is as Real As Placebo

To Deny the Power of Belief
Is to Extinguish Emotions Yes
Feelings and Senses That Drive Us Forward

Or Set Us Back into the Realm of Dis Ease in Negativity

To Avoid/Ignore the Moves that Make a Dance of Life
Real or Words That Make A Song of Life Come True

Is to Basically
Miss Bringing
All the Potential
Dreams to Fruition

True THere is Mind Over
Matter As Humans Who Just
iMaGINE Exercising Their Arm
in a Cast Are Measured With Strength
Increases in Both Function and Size

Whereas the ‘Control Group’ Just
Basically Withers Away a bit


Yet That’s the
Tip of the Iceberg

Only A REAL Fool Doesn’t
Take Full Advantage of Belief
Hope Faith And LoVE iN Peace and
All Human Emotions Feelings And
Senses Yes in Positive Synergy of Flow Do BRing

A Life Long Art to Practice and Create Newly Now

Or to Miss Out on What

Other wise

Dear Miriam

Might Have
Been if We
Didn’t Just
Materially Reduce
Existence into Things
We Only Objectively Measure

Or Basically Make Life One Big

Negative Conspiracy Theory

Down into
The Bowels

Of Darkness Even More…

i Will Rise Just Be Cause i Do…

iN Other Words ‘i Just Do It’ Now

With Never A Worry About Selling Shoes hehe..:)

“Feel sorry for the
wife sometimes 🤣

Hehe Mr Gottfried
The Best Marriages
Are Seasoned in
Heaven and Hell
And Heaven Again

It’s The iNbetween
That is Most Challenging

Yes The Flow Tween Apathy

And Anxiety the Sweet Spot oF

iN Peace
For Real
Of Course Keeping
SoUL Yes my Wife Reviews
All the Words i Create on the
Watered Down Version of
What i Do on the

(my Sister too)

‘Wrong Planet’
“Depth of The Story”
Solo Thread Entering into
the 99th Page All 4.2 MiLLioN
Words in Four Years Now
True the Longer Version
On The Blog Practically
Takes a Super Computer
to Open and Consume hehe

Just Bite Size PaRTS oN The
Wrong Planet Each

Day and NiGHT

Somewhere Tween
3,000 and 7,000 Words
or So i Tend to Come Through

Yes Daily in Effortless Ease of
FLoWinG Dance And Song Free

And in Real Life on the Dancing Trail
Metro-Wise i Give A Forest Gump Condensed
FReaDeRS Digest Version God Yes by Song
of Voice Just Today After Another

Monologue to an Unsuspecting
Victim For All of What i BRinG

(A New Employee at The
Military Gym Trapped
Behind the Counter)

i Sang See What
i Just Did i

Gumped You’

And Then i Sang
The Only REAL Difference
Tween Forest Gump and
me When i Public Dance
20,404 Miles and Write 13.2 MilLioN Words
Of Free Verse Long Form EPiC Poetry in 132 Months
While Enjoying Heaven Within oN EARtH God Yes

For 133
Now is

i Am Not Fiction hehe

True my Wife is Not the
Only One Gifted With Fredaches hAha…

People Tend to Enjoy my Company it Seems
More When i Keep my Mouth Shut AND JUST DANCE

it’s what You (me) Do in

This Life You

Adapt and
Thrive or

And Or

You Bug the
Hell Out of And Heaven
into Other Folks NoW For Free..:)

Hehe Dear Jane
“They” See my
Monkey Circus
Tricks Of Public Dance
All 20,404 Miles iN 11 Years

Yet Yes i’ve Developed
A “SonG oF mY SoUL”
iNViSiBLE For ‘Folks
With Pitchforks’ to

“See And
Hear” Far
“Organs of
Eyes And Ears”

Moral oF A STory
May ‘They’ Be Careful
For What They Wish
For Most AS Humans

The Stories
They Tale iN
Fruition STiLL to come



Yesterday i Celebrated
A 13.2 MiLLioN Word EPiC
Longest Form Poem iN 11 Years
“They” Didn’t

“See Or Hear”

Today i Celebrate on
8.19.2024 A 4.2 MiLLioN
Word EPiC Long Form
Poem in 4 Years Titled
“Depth of The Story”
Subchapter of “SonG
oF mY SoUL” For Real
On The “Wrong Planet”
In 98 Solo Pages of One
“Thread” Close to the Top
Of A Google Search Yet Nope

Still iNViSiBLE to
“Them” They’ll Never
See What’s Not For “Sale”

iNDeeD Hehe Oldest

Tradition Almost

To Only Play

This Is

With SMiles

And Dear Jane
And So Many Other
Lovely Poets Globally

Part oF iT All
iNViSiBLE to


The Yes
Less Real🎯

“Mango T Jesus”
King of “The Casino
People” Yet The House
Rules “Those On Fixed
Incomes” i Don’t iMaGinE

It’s Real
iN Do Newly
Now However

For Now Today

Dear Jane Yes!

i Might Do One
Advil For A Bit
Of Sciatica Before
i Public Dance Shelf
Life Not Bad For 64 Years

Yet Oh
Dear Lord
Only Human

Is Real Too Hehe
No Heaven Without
The Spice of A Little


Old SaMe
Old Yin With Yang

Through The Rains ☔️

SMiLes Dear Isha Fears Are What Darken
Our Leaves on Our Living Trees Yet How

Magical it Can And Will Be to Be Human
As We Have iMaGiNaTioNS CREaTiViTiES

Yes Dreams to Add New Colors oF LiGHT

We Feel and Sense on Our LiVinG Trees

And Yes Give Share Care Heal ToGeTHeR

For All With Most Respect and Least Harm

iNHaLinG Peace EXHaLinG LoVE Naked Enough

Whole Complete With Untitled SMiLes and Hugs That

Don’t Even Include
Any Words of Free

Verse Poetry Hehe

As What We Desire Most

May STiLL Come to Fruition

If We Believe Enough to Do the

Karma to Bring the Real Effects of

The Actions of All We Do iN Change For the Best

Yet ‘See’ The ‘Thing’ Is It is the Feelings Senses The

SPiRiT Yes the Emotions That Drive Us From Within First
So Dance And Sing Whatever Art You Do To Color the LiGHT
Within Anew of Your LiVinG Tree mY FRiEnD THeRE Are No

Limits No Specific Instructions or Guidelines to Do Only You Yes!
As You Find The Wings to Life You Love Most to Your Soul Desire New

It Is Truly All Vague my FRiEnD Yet This is A Greatest Gift As

The Mystery is all Yours to Uncover Free in Change For All

The Waves RiSinG FaLLinG LoWeR or Higher Of Your Life


Your Wings
And Fly Yes
of Course
First So You
Do Not Fall
Too Far Below to Rise..:)

SMiLes And Hugs

No Inertia
Only Stream
Within Peace
FoResT SPiRiT Wings 🦅

Clouds More🎶

SMiLes Dear Savvy
All True Silence is
A Dance of Life
in Balance
i Am
Through this
Eternal Breathing
LoVinG Now For Real🙏🌊

SMiLes.. Compersion… Opposite
of Jealousy.. Joy for Evolving Others
Reaching all their Potentials in Life
And So True to Become Our
Own Best Friend Lays
Down Builds Up
A Solid
to Immerse one’s
Self In Joy For All Great
Experiences that Happen
in Life Both Outside Us and
Within Us Joy of Loving It All Evolving
Resilient In Dark as Light is Not Missed
Even Dim
iN Darkness…

Humans Are Funny
This Little Multicolored
Flower Immigrates And

Is So Successful

They Call It
Invasive As
It Upsets The
Order They Believe

Nature Should Have
Anyway i Really Enjoy

All Colors of This Flower😊

Keep Writing
To Your Soul


Within Namaste
Creativity Makes🌈🙏

AMeN aS Endings STaRTinG

”Intellectualism is a common
cover up for fear of direct experience.”
-Carl Jung

(When i Listen to Jordan Peterson TALK)

”There is more wisdom in your body than in
your deepest philosophy.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche

(When i Listen to Psychotherapists
Limiting Emotions And Intelligence
To Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

Totally Forgetting A Naked Dance

Forever NoW iN Bliss
in Balancing Sand
And Sun Us

Temple of
The Nature Within
As Essence Will Spring
Loving It All At Best WHere
Every Leaf Is Every Tree Is Every

Leaf Is Us Is ALL

Greatest Wish
For You To Be
All of You Nice
Lines From Wisdom
You Share Cindy


For A

Beautiful Now
To Be Who They
Truly Uniquely Spring
ToGeTHeR With SMiLes..:)

Peace With
Gravity All Of
Nature Thrives

Inhaling Now
Exhaling Breath


Greater Loving
ALL Meditating

FLoWeRS Breed
Seed Sees Free


Life Breathes…

Dog Trust
Where Caring
Donations Bring
To Humans…

Fall Leaves
Till Green
Nature Lives
We DReAM Colors…

River Swims Fish
Fish River Swims
All Swims
All Flows
iN Balance
Low High Smiling
Valley Mountains…

PebbleS At
Beach Sea
Breeze WaveS…

Tides Out Inviting
Paw Prints
Ocean Bottom…

Fields of Grass
Sprouting Waves
Winds Brings Rippling

Nature’s HeART Green Bleeds
SMiLES Xenia Covered
In Life



ReaLiTY Dances
Sings Waves


Nature Plays
Free With Us

Yes Resonating


CoMes Seeing
Dear Savvy WiTH SMiLes..:)

Why Wait!
DIY! Now!

Inhale Peace
Exhale Love!



Now Within Voila!

Transformation Complete!
Enough! Whole! Yet ONLY FOR




This Works…
Yet Rhetorical
Question of COuRSE…

Basically, It’s All Worthless
Now If You Don’t Do It Yourself…

This Might As Well Be Word
Salad, i Readily Admit For You,

If You Cannot And Will Not Do it
On Your Own,

The Rest of

All That Is

Is Basically Nothing in ‘Degree’…


SMiles Dear
Xenia Stay
Blessed Tales
Wagging Love
Comfort’s Home 🏝☺️

Once Again Untitled SMiLes And Hugs Just to Give Away Free

SMiLes Dear Cindy Not too Long Ago i Heard Someone Say
If Not For Humans There will Only Be Atoms Changing

SMiLes Dear Cindy It’s True Without Humans There
Will Still Be Wolves Howling At the Moon With

Warmth Of Meeting Up And Greeting
Wolf FRiEnDS Again What’s Really

Special în Life No Matter Injuries
Or Scars is Love Survives Also

Starting A First Step of A New
Poem Every Word of the Way

Never Coming to the End Until i Begin

Each Word Again mY FRiEnD A Life STaRTinG


SMiLes Dear FRiEnD
Every Picture You Share
is Worth A Thousand More
Words of Poetry Yet Hehe i Won’t

FReDWood You Today With Kind SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam i Haven’t Thought Much About
Columbia South America in my Life Yet What’s Great

About Interacting With Folks Around the Globe is
Sharing New Interests And Broadening New Horizons

Hehe At Least As Far As One May Stretch A Smart Phone
or Desk Top Screen And Of Course There is No Limit With

iMaGiNaTioN and Co-Creativities Every Word of Song and
Step of Dance

A New World to

Explore OH NO relating
to One of Your Previous
Posts the First Thing
Advertised About
Is Violent
Crime and
Many Homicides

Yet Never the Less Mother Nature
Will ByPass Human Inclinations DarK Thru
LiGHT Leaving the Gnats and Hives Behind

To Find Paradise
Wherever it Comes
to Be Within With SMiLes…

Gnats Are Pesky Critters They Usually
Come in Dry Weather Here Yet We Are
Still in A Monsoonal Pattern of Rains most
Every Day to Cool Off Climate Change too

As Even More
Rain Changes
Our Climates True

SMiLes A Greatest LeSSoN
of mY Life is To Create my Own
Weather, Seasons, and Geography


Never the Less
May South American
Dreams Remain Soothing to You..:)

Ah Yes Dear Chaymaa i’ve Spent So Much of my Life
Towing A Perfectionist Line Always Conforming And Fitting

In Feeling Like All of Life Is A Must Do Or Die Until

A Day After Enduring HeLL ON EartH For 66
Months With All that Pain and Numb Ranging
From the Worst Pain Known to Humankind

Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia through
18 Other Medical Disorders Shut-In
in my Bedroom WHeRE No Drug
Would Touch The Pain And

Numb For Relief
Dear Lord i Felt
Like Such A Fool
Living In A Perfectionist
World When A Life Spent
Without Pain and Numb is Such

A Dream Come to Fruition New Now For Real
Heaven Within i Never Worry About What Step
of DAnce or Word Of Song Comes Next i Am No Longer

A Dam Blocking A River Now i Am The Streams The Rivers The
Bays The Gulfs The Seas The Oceans Whole With Waves What i HaVE iN

Common With All of that
Dear FRiEnD Is Now i Am
Water and Air Surf And Wind

Now i am Nature i Just Spiral And Flow…

The Most Amazing Part of All Is Now When
i Don’t Think About What i Do it Comes Out More

Perfect As
A Practice
Of Life As Art
Than Ever Before

Yet It’s Still Like So What…

That Was Then This Move of Dance
Word of SonG iS A Whole New Creation STaRTinG NoW..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair
Stars Shine As They
Require No Light
From Any

Other Source

Yet to Spread
To the Rest Of LiFE

JusT LiVinG A Way oF LiGHT

WHeRE Giving is The SaMe
As Receiving As Brightest

So Below
When Humans
Sunshine Within mY FRiEnD..:)

SMiLes Dear ‘USA Writes’
If We Were All the Same
God Will Surely Get

Bored and Perhaps
Decide Not Even to Survive

True First DarK Then LiGHT

Then US
With SMiLes
Each and Every
Unique Eye of God

What A Treasure it is to
Find Another Pair of God’s
Eyes Wherever i Go With SMiLes

Particularly Someone As Kind As You

SMiLes Dear ‘USA Writes’
It Always Amuses me When
Folks Try to Capture Wind in A Jar

For Their Own Devices Sort Of
Like Folks Who Attempt to
Capture Someone
Else’s HeART

Or Demand that
Someone Else Loves

Them As If Wind May
Be Told How to Blow in A Jar With SMiLes

If Part oF ALL is Wild and Free mY FRiEnD
It is Surely God

How Will Human
Ever Hold God
in A Jar

True This
Is Indeed How
Wind Becomes An Idol in A Jar
Or Love The Same Way Distant From God..:)

Hehe It’s True Dear ‘USA Writes’
If You Love Yourself Enough

No One Can or Will
Unlike or Unlove

Your LiFE

With SMiLes…:)

Oh Dear Lord Dear ‘USA Writes’
This is So True, “The Idea to Get
Something is to not to want it anymore!”

Yet There May Be Even A More DeLiGHTFuL Way

As i Will Share Another Quote By ‘William Blake’ Now

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in
a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an HouR.”

Oh Dear Lord Dear ‘USA Writes’ Truly This is A Secret Of
Heaven On Earth Within New NoW It’s True We May Have

A New Home
And A New
Car And A New
Love Every Day
When We Rise iN LoVE
As A Grain of Sand Holding
Up A Mountain of Human LoVE iN Peace

Loving Every Part of Existence DarK Thru LiGHT

As Just One Petal of A FLoWeR Properly Loved by

Humans For All of God The FLoWeR Truly Is THoRNS New
As Well For Roses STiLL RiSinG Now From Wilting Seasons

Before mY FRiEnD God Yes
What A Celebration A Rose
Is What A Miracle A Grain of
Sand Is Holding Up A Mountain
of Human Love The You You Come to


Loving Life
More and
More Every
Day Forevernow

And It’s True Hehe Not One
to Tell Other Folks What to Do

Hehe if You Don’t Wanna Do IT i’LL
ToW A SPiRaLinG Wave of Heaven For Everyone With SMiLes…

It’s Always Nice to See You On Word Press No Matter
How Many Days, Months, or Years may Pass a True
FRiEnD is

NoW With SMiLes
Touching Human (GoD) SoUL For Real..:)

FRiEnD NoW CLuE LoVE ReAL iN Peace

Hehe THere’s
Still Literally
Just No Escape For me
To Your
Be A Better
FRiEnD to Others
SaMe With SMiLes Dear Savvy..🙂

SMiles Hemalatha
You Deserve All
Applause For

A Poem

So Delightful
All my Pleasure to Read
my Wish is For Someone

To Find
You And
Love You This Way
Making Your Art


For You
With SMiles🙌😊🏝

So Happy To Hear
From You Dear FRiEnD
Thanks For A Surprise of
Purple Flowers 💐 i’ve Never
Seen And Yes Beautiful Raindrops
Centered On Falling Toronto Leaves
Back At
me Once
Again Hearing
From You Always
Brings me Great
Joy With SMiles

Ah Yes Dear
Doc Hummingbirds
So Magical Swarming
Around Our
FLoWeRS too🌈☺️🏝

i SMile For Schrödinger’s
Cheshire Cat When i
iMaGinE That Cat
To Be SMiLinG
Alive No
Human’s Think
Just Purring Dear Jane
With Untitled SMiles And Hugs

Filled With Dark Solidified Volcanic Lava

Tranquility Sea on the Moon So Calming and

Peaceful And Even Lifeless For Ages Since

Volcanic Trouble On the Surface of

The Bright Lit Rock in the Sky

Move and Repose Currently

In an Environment of Never Ending

Rest Tranquility Sea Oh Come to me

For Now Tranquility
Sea on the Moon It is
Dear Miriam With SMiLes

True i Did Put a Novel Sized
EPiC Free Verse Poem Together
Not All Is Lost in Tranquility Sea

As i Continue To Rise Even Sitting
Still Let the Fingers Do the Dancing Butt

Shall Rest

In Tranquility
Sea on a Super Sturgeon
Blue Full Moon
Still Coming With SMiLes..:)

SMiLing Through The Pain SMiLinG Through

The Rain Yet of Course i Dance First

And The Song


of SMiLes
Again Dear Savvy

On This August Day
19th Soon To Be 20th Again..:)

Thanks Dear
Pooja Indeed
Birds Such
Majestic Creatures
With Wisdom Of Wings☺️🙌

Thanks So Much Dear Maranda for Visiting
“A SCenT oF Continuing FreedomS NoW” Before
i Started Writing Really Anything of Substance
At All at age 50 and Getting a Poetic Spark of

Creativity at age 53 Writing was Just Not
Something i Was Either Interested in or
Good at Doing Yes i Enjoyed Photography

More! The Visual Arts Were Always More
Interesting to me i Couldn’t Really

Understand Why Folks Liked to Do
E-Mail So Much when it First Came

Out i Much Rather Do Face to Face
Interaction Even When i Didn’t Speak

MucH A SMiLe So Warm to Be Shared With
SMiLinG EYes True Yet With Effective Loss

of Use in Both Eyes and Ears With that Suicide Disease
in my Right Eye and Ear of Dentist Drill Like Pain Type Two
Trigeminal Neuralgia No Drug Would Touch for 66 Months Along
With 18 Other Work Stress Related Disorders in Synergy of Life Threat

With the Screen Turned Down all the Way in Brightness and
STiLL A Mountain of Pain Each Word Writing Then Starting on
ThanksGiving Day of 2010 as i Had Spent the Previous 33 Months

Mostly in my Bedroom DarK Stuck in my Head of Pain and Numb i Could No
Longer Communicate With SMiLes And SMiling Eyes Even With Prescription

SHades the Pain Even More Severe So About Two Inches from a Very Dark Screen
i Attempted to Regain the Emotions of my Soul Through Words And Finally After

33 More Months The Words Became Organic in Essence for me to Actually Feel to Come

Back to Life Again
Hehe Now i’m Able
To Feel and Touch the
Emotions of Others in Real Life
Face to Face Still Wearing The
Shades and Thank Goodness Now
Without A Pandemic Mask to

Truly Share Warm SMiLes

Yes the Human Touch of
Warmth the Most Beautiful
PArt of Life Whether that Comes

From SMiLes SMiLinG EYes Words or
Totally a Non-Verbal Dance New to Adapt

To Challenges and Do Our Best to Be Human
it Seems Some of Us More Challenged Than Others

Yet i’ve
Come to
The Curses As
Much As the Gifts

As Many Folks Do Conquering
the DarK And MaKinG THeiR Way Back to LiGHT

And THerefore All These Hundreds of Pics and
Other Multi-Media in One Blog Post and Dear Lord

A TSuNaMi of Words From Top to the Bottom of the
Comments Section WHere i am Drafting my Next Poetic
MacroVerse of Around 60 Thousand or So Bi-Weekly Words

For Now Only About 120 Thousand Words From Top to Bottom
in this One Blog Post Yet By When i Get the Last Written
EPiC Long Form Poem MacroVerse Published Titled “SonG oF mY
SoUL 11 YearS Old” Yes There Could Be As Many as 180 Thousand
Words From Top to Bottom of This One Blog Post Now As i Begin

Writing “Depth oF The Story 4 YearS Old 4.2 MiLLioN Words” That
is A Titled Solo Thread Also on the ‘Wrong Planet Website’ for
NeuroDiverse Folks Where i First Started Writing Online on That
ThanksGiving Day 2010 Doing Whatever i Could From Wake to Sleep

To Escape the Suicide Disease Somewhat at Least Then Hehe anyway
That Solo Thread is Close to A First Google Word Search on the Titled

Name as Well as Yes 4.2 MiLLioN Words Approximately in 4 Years of Effort with 246 Thousand Views Kind of Amazing
As Almost No One Replies Ever Since August 19th, 2020 in the Beginning of the Depths of the Pandemic Then Hehe
Yes it Took 7 Whole Years Since i Recovered From the Suicide Disease in 2013 to Get Permission to Write it Then

On the ‘Wrong Planet’ As Yes Then the World Found Themselves Very Much Shut-in Their Homes Faced With Their
Own Souls to Introspect With More Hours of the Day Then So Many Folks Around the World

Escaped on WordPress in Poetic Expressions too There May Never Be Such a Creative Era
of Humanity Until the Next Shut-In Event for Humanity Comes Yes Hehe Let’s Hope not too

Anyway i Captured The Heat of That Creativity in 98 Pages of Solo Thread Where Now From
Top to Bottom of the Latest Completed Novel Sized EPiC Long Form Page 98 There Are

68 Thousand Words

The Longest So
Far To Come from
Top to Bottom For
Real in Just 16 Days
Yes An Anthology of
Poetic Responses Still
From Folks All around the World With SMiLes

Moral oF A STory LiGHT Not Only Comes From DarK iS LiGHT

As i StArt the 99th Page in PArT With All These Words Inspired in PArt by

You Hehe So In Other
Words Two Simple


Thank You…

Hehe Without Art
iN SMart and Art in heART
All that’s Left is S and Me And He

For Me Hehe…
HAhA As i continue
to ‘Flex the Muscles’ oF mY ‘Hyperlexia’

NeuroDiversity Colors the World New This is
Really Just A Celebration of Human NeuroDiversity With SMiLes…

True i Try Not to Create too Many Waves in the Other Threads on
The ‘Wrong Planet’ Yet Again Reading Around 20 Times Faster than
The Average Human An Autistic Splinter Skill Again With Almost Photographic

Memory For Text Close to 14 Years Reading on the Wrong Planet and
All Around the Globe i Have a Real Think and Artistic Tank of Free

Swimming All
Around my
Being Just Waiting
to Surface Again And BREaTHE Free
iN However Expressions of Art coME Next!..:)

Aww How Cute!!😺

Ah Yes Dear
Maranda Dragons
Are Not Really Evil

They Are
Who Master Fire☺️🙌 🔥

SMiLes Dear Isha as i’ve Related Before to You and
Many Others Before As Well and Still to Come hehe

“THeRE is No One You’er Than You”

Quoting the Very Wise Poet

Dr Seuss Who Mastered

Brevity Somewhat

Unlike me Hehe

Life is Basically “Green
Ham And Spam (Eggs)” It’s Up to Us

To Create What’s New and Uniquely
Tasty to Us Hehe to Also View and Do

This is the Way i Look at the Whole Play

God Explodes WHoLE and Makes All These PArts

Yes And Then After A While Does it All Over

Again Just
Like Us

For A
New Surprise of Life(s)

Key Always Be A Beginner
The Reality After All is Danced
And Sung And Done Again Every

Breath is
A Beginning
At Best With
A HeART Beat
oF LoVE iN Peace in Balance
Just INHaLinG Peace EXHaLinG LoVE NeW

At Least..:)


Ah Yes DiViNiTY iN The Darkness
Whether it is the Space Between
Notes of Music Or The Darkness

That Holds The StarS Above
And The Stars Below Within

Together in the Darkness
By Scale As Far As the DarK

Reaches Above
Below Within

Dear Savvy

The Stillness
Yes The Soundless
The Place of Space

That Makes All DiViNiTY
Of DiVeRSITY Real and
Ever changing More the

Difference Tween Existing
With Dark and Not Existing
At All Without the Space and

Place of DarK

As Silence
Creates Music
And Lyrics Whole..:)

Imprisoning Death While Living
Embracing Love Continuing Dying

SMiLes Dear Pooja This is Wisdom
i Gained From Your Short Story About

‘The Grim Reaper’
Hehe i was thinking it
Might Have Been a True
Story until the 200 Year Old Man

Entered The Scenes Yet it Surely
Reminded me of the Deafening Sound

After my Mother’s Last Breath Only

New Rooms For Her Love to Carry on
Within me
When Love
The Soul
Continues to Fly

iNDeeD The Wisdom of Wings..:)

Yes Place For SMiles
Beyond All Distance
Space Time

And A

Of Things
iNDeeD Dear
Savvy iNHaLinG
Peace EXHaLinG Love

SMiLes of
Kindness Within

Giving Comes Free☺️🙏

Still MuSinG Windfalls
The Best Riches of Life Are Loved Ones
FRiEnDS Family And Strangers Yet to Be Loved
True Without Riches of Good Health Life is Not
Colored Nearly As Delightful Either So What

Good is Money
True Moving to Somewhere
That You Truly Wanna Live
As A Place That Allows You to
Be Free As You Wanna Be It’s Harder
For me to Relate As Although Where i Live
may Be Challenging for that i’ve Overcome All
The Obstacles
in my Way
Made the
Obstacles my FRiEnDS too Hehe

(Yes of Course Food and Etc too)

It’s All A Living Tree mY FRiEnD Leaves
Green RiSinG Turning Darker Falling to
Fertilize New Forests to Flourish in Again

True Harder in the Snow the Desert The Rocky
Mountains Without Fertile Soils Never the Less

Humans Will Find A Way As Long as the LiGHT Shines Within
With That Said Thank You For Being a FRiEnD Sticking Around
9 Years for me
to Bend Your Ears hehe
Happy TuesDaY Dear FRiEnD..:)

ALWaYS Hope For
Of Change
Dear Sohair


With SMiles☺️🌹🏝

May We All
Dance And
Sing Together
Even In Different

Dear Sohair

Always Room
For Another
Poem Dear
Sohair Other
Animals Need

No Words
And Hugs

A Way of Giving
A Way Of Seeing
A Way to BReaTHE Each
Day Loving Living indeed
Thank You!
Savvy Joy

Build A “Field of Dreams” And “He” Will Come Yes This
Means You Woman And Or Man LoVE ReaL NeW NoW

Coming In Glory to Judge The Living And
The Dead Nope Catholic Empire You Missed

A WHoLE MeaninG

Coming As Glory FLoWeR LiVinG Dead Then

DarK Thru LiGHT SeeN uNSeeN NeWLY
Holy Sacred All Altar Essence All Be i Am

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa 12 Years
Ago About A Year Before i Escaped
Pain and Numb of Hell Within Then For
66 Months A Place Totally Disconnected

From Peace And Love And For Those Who
Truly Believe God Is Love A Place Disconnecting

From Love is A Place of Hell Within Just As A Place
Within Connecting With Love For All Giving Sharing
Caring Healing With Least Harm is Heaven Within

ThiS Way Radiating
To All For Free With SMILes

Anyway 11 Years Ago i Went to
‘The Other Place’ In A Complete Turn-Around Yes
Phoenix RiSing From Ashes “Typical Isaiah 53-Like
Story” And “Archetypal Story of the Joseph Campbell
Hero” And Oldest Still LiVinG Human Story Out of the

DarK iNTo
LiGHT Where
Love Becomes
Compassion For
All Out of Living Death mY FRiEnD

True Sort of Like the “Beauty and the Beast Story” too
Where the Most Masculine Aloof Silent Dude Yes Marries
The Fairest of Them All With Wings of Love A Child is Born

The Aloof Fearless Father Barren of Love That Lasts Leaves

And Then A Son And Or Daughter Of Love is Raised Yet Without

A Fearless Father Living in the Home That Son And or Daughter

Must Become Their Fearless Father Within to Complement the Love Yes

The Gift
Gave to them
Most in Peace
of Loving Grace mY FRiEnD
And This is my Story For DaYNight

SMiLes Dear Miriam How Inspiring
A Story You Tale of A Mother Who
Passes Away And Scraps of Memories

TaLinG A Story of Love For Her Daughters
PeRuSinG Her Belongings After Death And The

Same Occurring When my Mother PaSSinG Away
Going through Her Things Then in 2017 We Find a

Letter Addressed to me
on my 33rd Birthday on
June 6, 1993 My Goodness

A Letter Delivered After Her
Death to me Among Her Things
24 Years Later From the Date She Wrote it to me…

And Interestingly Enough It Was Like A Prophecy that Came True

Although if i Had Received it on that Date It Would Have Been Hard

For me to
Believe Still
Passing Out
Rental Shoes
At A Military Bowling
Center With Smiles Then

Yet It’s True No i’ve Never
Achieved More in Life Than
A Shared Smile or Tears So i
Do me THiS Way Still With No Shame..:)

Ah As Synchronicity Will Have it Again
i Just Came From Writing A Line that
Sings The Greatest Achievement of

my Life
For Crown
WeaRinG A
SMile Sharing
And Tears the

Same Indeed Being
Human What A Gift
to Touch Dear Savvy For Real

THiS HeAVeN To Give Away DarK Thru


This Love
That Smiles
And Sheds Tears
of Comfort For Real
This Living Tree RiSinG
Green Leaves Falling For
Comfort of Soils Turning

Green For Summer FLoWeRS And
THoRNS RiSinG NoW From FaLLinG



Roses New
Through SPRinG..:)

It’s A Religion to me Always
Visiting mY Dear FRiEnD
All These Years Now on

Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday too

Yet That is What Religion is Bonding and Binding Over A Tradition
of Unconditional Loving in Peace at Best Being the One Standing


By Your Side
As True FRiEnDS
Will ALWaYS Do Through

Thick and Thin As Others Have
Done For them Yes Like my Mother

in my Days Months and Years of HeLL ON EartH
So Frozen Cold And Dead Within Where Actually Any
Contact With Flesh And Blood Humans Was Excruciatingly

As the Nerves
of my SoUL Were
Raw to Any Touch
Outside or Within for Real

Just All Pain and Numb Let me
Escape in the Arms of Love One Day to Give

What Was Given Freely To me Not By Any Bookstore
God Yet the Arms of A Mother’s Love True and Unconditional

So Real

Oh if only
All Of Us
One Day
Will Come
Again or Even
For the First Day
To Love Others ThiS WaY

It Is Only a Gift of Practice
That Will Also Fade Away

As Foot Prints Do on the Beach
As Waves Wash Them Away Yet

No Only if We Quit Moving Ahead
Always More Footprints to Give to

the Beach


So Free
With SMiLes
Of Living Trees

PArt Two of Tiny Sweet Memories
Things in Dreams that make me Happy

Dear Isha Somedays Lost on the Reader
Hehe Yet Always to Be Found in the E-Mail
Subscription Realm Remembering Back in my

Middle School Days
So Outcast and Alone

Yet i Had this Special
Ability to Lucidly Control my
Dreams Just me and my Dark Haired Dreamy
Girl Friend Safe in Love And Trust in A Cave

With A Stream That Brought even More Fresh
Water of Love to Us Never Ending Never Aging

LoVE iN the Place

Escaping Outcast

Never Reduced to

Only PArTS Alive
So Fresh Always Whole

It’s True i Also Have this
Uncanny Ability to Bring Dreams to Fruition…

And So Do You All You Have to
Do is Continue to Believe…

Other than That
Such AN OCD’er
in the Way of Fear
of Making Less than
Straight A’s Hehe i Still
Have Shivering Dreams at this
Late Stage of School Missing


For a Test
Left Unprepared
To Answer Any Question

Oh the Beauty of Letting Go
Dreamy Lovers Never Let us Down


It’s Never
Weird to Feel
Love No Matter How
Love Comes For Real

At Least in Peaceful Ways…

Or Even in A Dream Yes!
That Feels Even MoRE ReaL..:)

With an Orange Glow
Fire in the Falling Forest
Leaves Soon to Turn Brown

As the Witch of the North
East West And

South Soon

To Touch the
Earth and Melt
Away As Any
Wicked Witch
of the West Eventually Does
Yes Dear Maranda THE EartH
Will Shiver Yet EvenTuAlly Thee
Witch of the West Will Be Shaking

iN THeir
Shoe Boots

Yep With an
Orange Witch Jump Suit!

Ah Yes Dear Amethyst Lamb
Just More Evidence Your Life
At Least in PArt oF WHoLE Is

All Yours
to Co-Create Freer
Each And Every Day

As Troughs of Waves
Bring Crests Alive

As Bases of


Make The Wisdom EYes
Up Top Possible With SMiLes…

Letting Go Realizing You Don’t
Achieve All of Your Life in One Day

Yet of Course Only Really in my

Verse View too..:)

Thank You
Dear Savvy
As Always For
Your Inspiring
Yes Hopeful Words☺️🙏

“Music exists in silence as much as in sound.
Such is the power of stillness in the movements

and the movements in the stillness.”

Beautiful Resonance
Dear Savvy Thank You
With Peaceful Harmony ☺️🙏


Do Live
To 201 With
SMiles to Make

It All Come
True With



A Dead
Give Away
Dear Pooja
Keeps Bones SMiling💀

Foot Prints Dancing
Finger Prints Singing

When Writing Becomes

Songs of YouR Soul Set

Free to Fly Smile

And Cry Tears


Now With
Even More
SMiLes Set Free New…

SMiLes Dear Isha i Surely used to do the Run Away Train

of Thoughts too True Mostly Worries too Then i Started

Dancing Free And Not Unlike Your Words Here

The Words Turned into A Song and Living

Tree of my Soul Leaves Still Falling

Green And Yes i’m Still

RiSinG Green

too Hehe

Shelf Life Fresh
Withstanding of
Course Still Dancing
Singing Free With SMiLes

Keep Singing From Your Soul

Your Dance And Song Will Set You Freer With SMiLes…

Integrate Your Shadow As Carl Jung Jesus
Recommends Become Human NO FEAR LoVE iN Peace
Unconditionally Free With Most Respect Least Harm For ALL


As Dark Becomes
Light As Nite Becomes
Lite As Day Becomes Human Now

Books Inspire
Writing Fires
Dancing Singing Lives

YeS oF CourSE
ReaLiTy RiVeR WaVE
OCeaN WaTeR CHanGE Winds

Why Be Earth
Why Be Water
Why Be Wind
When We aRe Stars…

Sitting Under A Tree It All Hit
me Branches Above Roots
Below THere i Am Entire
Living Tree iN A Leaf
Thanks For the Leaf
‘Savvy’ So Much Easier
to See Turning A Mirror
of my iPhone Around
Why Be Earth
Why Be Water
Why Be Wind
When We aRe Stars…
Been Giving ‘JeSuS’ too
Much Attention Lately Credit
‘Buddha’ and ‘Aleister Crowley’
For Some of the Real Truths that
Are Scientifically Assessed True NoW
They Spoke in Poetry of Soul Then too
No Matter What other Gifts Then they
Brought that Were (Are) Considered Dark too…
Yes Credit ‘Savvy’ And ‘Yamini’ From India too
Credit Every Muse in LiFE DarK Thru LiGHT For At
Sure, Let’s CaLL iT ‘The Force’ And Give ‘Star Wars’ And
‘Yoda’ by ‘Stephen Spielberg’ Credit too
Or Just CaLL iT ‘Tao’ in ‘Autotelic Flow’
Related By ‘Lao Tzu’ too; And
True, Although We aRe
Stars We Will Do
‘Wu Wei’
As ‘Bruce Lee’ too
As God Yes Verily This is
What ‘i am’ Now True too
JusT ParT of the “Depth of ‘The Story’”
NoW As LonG As THere’s
Breath THere’s LoVE NoW
No Equal But One For Love
First Breath
NoW ‘Till
Last BLiNK
Truly Living
‘SeeinG’ LoVE NoW iN Peace
Credit Ruehla From India too…
SMiLes Sohair From
Egypt… We All Rise
And Fall At Best We
All Lift Each
Other Up
And Insure
No One Not
Even Less than
A Grain of Sand
Falls Behind in God
EYes of Love For Real
How i Will Improve on
This Love only one Way
Love More
And then i
Will Surely
See More
of God
Outside and
All Around As God
Is This Love We BReaTHE iNDeeD…

As LonG As THere’s

Breath THere’s LoVE NoW iN Peace
No Equal YeT One For Love
First Breath
NoW ‘Till
Last BLiNK
Truly Living
‘SeeinG’ LoVE iN Peace NeW…

WHere Love Speaks
Connects Sees
Without Eyes
And Ears
Good one too
Love’s Wisdom
Love’s Beauty
Truth iN LiGHT
All Ways LiVinG NeWLY NoW…

SMiLes Dear Karlien Inquisitive As Always
Full of Wonder Waves of Yours Will Continue

To ‘FeeL’ Your Brand New Ocean

So True Vowels Are Souls
of Words And It’s

True Even in the Old
Bible Vowels Were Not
Even Added into the Written
Part Until the 10th Century of
the Common Era Now Imagine

A World Without Vowels How Cold
And Dead That Will Be With Words
Clipped Without Air to Escape Our Mouths

Resonating, Yes Frequencies, Vibrations, Synergies of Energies

Of Our Emotions to Give, Share, Care, Heal So Freely Without

Restraint Vocal Chords Extending to Piano Strings too And
Heart Beat Vibrations With Those Frequencies As Percussion

Of Hammers

Hit Strings



As Well

Our Emotions
Extending Now

With All Musical Instruments
That Further Create Frequencies
Vibrations Synergies of Energies

Of Our Emotions, Feelings, Senses

So Much More “SonG oF mY SoUL”

True Energy Comes From Release
Of Vowels in SonG As Words Become


Human Soul
ReLeASinG Ease

Touching Energizing
Force LiGHTiNG Up

Other Souls in Resonance
of Frequencies, Vibrations
Synergies of Energies As Each

Human Being Part of An Entire
Orchestra Playing Our Symphonies
of Human Dances And Songs For True

Non Verbal Language of Dance Expresses

Emotions Through Our Bodies That Other Folks

Feel Through Mirror Neurons Attaching Emotional

Contagion of Dance And Song As Empathy For Others


Our Soul

Song SPiRiT
oF HeART ReLEaSinG Even More

Ah Yes Most All in Existence Is All in All

A Fractal of All That Is Existence One May

Find All That Is This Way in One Letter

Or One Number And All the

Holy And Sacred

Feeling Sensing

Meaning and Purpose

We Truly Feel and Sense of Life New

More Meaning Means More Depth of

Emotional Sensory Colors To Feel and
Sense Even More Driving All Purpose

We Act Upon ToGeTHeR Next Moving,
Connecting, Co-Creating ToGeTHeR

Inhaling Peace Exhaling Love

In All the Strings And

Beats Frequencies


As Energy

Becomes the
Synergy of All We Do Now

Some Folks Call This Loving

All That Is And True Other Folks

Name it the Act of God Without So

Many Consonants Holding A Vowel of

God Prisoner Between Between G And D

For True Dancing Singing God That Way With Those

Three Letters Literally Traps God On the Roof Of Our Mouth

Surely GoD
WiLL Love

To Exhale

As Love Too

My FRiEnD i Use

The Pen Name KATiE MiA FredericK

As my Born Name Is Too Stiff And Trapped

In Consonants Allowing Vowels to Breathe

So i Borrowed my Wife’s Very Divine

Feminine Vowel FeeLeD Name

First Katie for Katrina And

Second Her Middle

Name Mia Where

Katrina Means
Pure and Mia

Means Family or Close to God
A Derivative of Michael As Such
And Of Course Frederick And Arthur
My First and Middle Names Are More Kingly

Hehe Than Queenly Key is Balance So FredericK
Still Comes in Last For Masculine Balance Someone
Shared the English Gematria Calculator For my Writing

Pen Name

And the


Value Comes

Out to Be 888

Sure Three 8’s

Standing Tall as

Infinity Symbol

A Real


of Fortune

If i Personally

Create This Meaning

And Purpose for me…

my Life Challenges with

Official Numerology Report
For my Full Born on Name Returns

With 0 For Free Will At Birth And Three
1’s For the Next 3 Life Challenges that

Only Mean to Affirm What Free Will Does

Either All or Nothing; Hehe, Obviously Nothing

Is Way too Boring So i am Doing ‘The Other Thing’

On Your Website So Inspired By Your Open Minded

Open SouLeD Post Stay SeeKinG Stay FiNDinG my


The World

Is Still Your

Oyster to Open

And Shine Pearl of Your Soul…

Other than that my Mama Always

Called me Freddy And Your Last Name

Kruger Sort of makes the Sound When

i Growl Guttural And Deep Giving Me

More Strength And Will Divinely

Masculine Still at 64 Leg

Pressing Up to

1540 Pounds

12 Reps Yes


After i Warm Up

With a Mostly Ballet

Mix of Free Dance With

Some Martial Arts Mixed

In Big Mistake Hehe to

Confuse my




Of Love

With Weakness

Yet It’s True “Katie

Mia” Comes First Before

“FredericK” Love Exhaling

Grace Inhaling Peace in Balance

Foundation Divine Feminine For

Almost Limitless Energy of WiLL And Strength

Most Dudes Don’t Understand the Source

Of All Strength

And Will

Is Inhaling

Peace Exhaling

Love First It’s Very

Simple Fear is A Source

oF All Weakness And Inhaling

Peace and Exhaling Love is one

Place Fear Has No Place to Exist…

Other than That i Never Trap God

Or Love on the Roof of my Mouth

Or Top of my Teeth True

i Dance God/Love


As the



Trap Love

And God Too Much
With No Free Exhale
in Free Will Escaping Breath…

SMiLes my Favorite Part
Through Your Eyes Seeing
The Love Of Your Dog’s

Eyes Through Your

Eyes As You

Say Worth

More than the
View of A 10,000 Dollar
A Night Suite in Paradise
Hawaii Dear Aloha FRiEnD

When i Was So Sick For 66 Months
The Best Part Was my Allergies to Cats
Went Away First Days Ever Those 10 Years
Having Cats Inside to Learn Love From mY FRiEnD…

For me at Least

Every Contact

of Paws

And Purrs

Paradise Indeed
mY FRiEnD Same
Potentials Humans
Have Even More if We Just
Loose Ourselves Away from
All the Tools We Create We Become…

Inhale Peace

Exhale Love

Really Just

LiVE iN Heaven Within iN Peace
Giving, Sharing, Caring, Healing
Free No Restraints…

SMiLes Dear Savvy

It’s Worth Living Dead

Living Again In Peace

And Love

mY FRiEnD…

Much Love, Joy, And Abundance to You
As Well Dear FRiEnD Karlien

Always Inspiring to

Come Here


Kindness of Course…

Oh Yeah And Would i Go Through

Hell Again For 66 Months With The

Worst Pain Known to Humankind

With Not Even the Memory

Of A Smile Left

In All Pain and

Numb From

Wake to Sleep

You Bet Just to
Meet Nice Folks

Like You On the Planet

Earth Even if Very Few

Recognize my Existence at All
One Thank You of Kindness is Enough

to Come Back From Hell And Return to Heaven Now…

For Heaven

Exists No
WHere Else

Yet Kindness

Among Strangers

Who Are FRiEnDS…

Dear FRiEnD
With Rays


SMilinG NoW…

Precious Paw Prints So
Tiny And Unique Dancing
Patterns on Boardwalk
to Shed

They Seem
Going Nowhere

Seeing If Someone’s
Home to let Them In

Hehe Shed Long Abandoned
Hired Help Does the Lawn

All Wildlife
Welcome in
Hotel Shed

No one

In These

With Love…

Sunshine Blogger Award Again Wonderful
Dear Sohair i’ll Answer The Questions Now

And Of Course They Will Be included in the New
Blog Post About “Depth of The Story” i Am Writing Now too…

What is your most unique funny experience you have ever had?

Hehe, It Never Ends Let me See if i Will
Still Come to the One Punch Line Now

Those Who Limit SPiRiT MUSiC MaGiC
Gain Very Little SoUL iN HeART BeaTS oF LiFE NoW

Lakshmi Still Leads The Band From the Very Front
Yet It’s True Some Days She is Blonde Too And All Women in The World Now

Born Again Out of the Living Funeral Grounds i Am Absorbing Souls
All Around The Globe NoW iN This Tireless Endeavor of Spirit Now

Don’t Tell Anyone It’s A Secret Yet i’m Really ‘The Stone Bust’
SoaKinG Up The ‘Lonely HeARTS Club’ on ‘the Album Cover’ HAha

This is Why i Am Voted Wittiest Child In Second Grade Catholic
Blessed Sacrament School By The Nuns in Tallahassee Then HeHE

i Tried to Hide ‘The Fact’ At 7 Years-Old
With A Superman CoSTuME On
Halloween in 1967 When The Sgt.
Pepper’s Album Cover ReLEaseD

YeaH It’s True i Looked Like Herman
Munster When i Am 7 Years-Old
People Think i’m JoKinG When

i Say i’m Really Fredenstein Hehe…

Anyway Looking At That Photo From Second Grade
It’s A Lot Easier to Believe i Am Autistic Then Than Now
Without A Smoke As A 64-Year-Old ‘Marlboro Man’ Hehe…

What type of Smart Phone do you enjoy using?

Hehe, My Every Breath Before it Reaches The Keyboard

Of my Fancy Dancy Singy Camera Extending BRaiNY iPhone 15 Pro Max…

Which do you like running or just walking?

There is No Run or Walk Only Dance For me With SMiLes!

What is your favourite food during the summer?

Whatever Katrina Makes it is my Favorite And
Whatever She Wears or Does She is
Always As Beautiful As the

First Day i Met Here And i NEVER

What is your favourite summer movie?

The Katrina And Fred Reality Show, HAha…
That Sohair Has Starred in For Almost 9 Years too!

If you could go any where in the world. Where would that be?

Right Here Now as An Avatar Fitting All 250 Pounds Or So
of my SoUL Through This Fiber Optic Cable in Egypt With Sohair!

What kind of animals do you like as pets?

All Animals Are My Brothers And Or Sisters
They Master me With Their Wild Free Love!

What is your favourite activity during the summer?

Whatever i Am Doing Now! Visiting Sohair Always Fun!

Where do get your motivation to keep writing your blog?

There is No Life Yet Motivation More! Now! Eternally So For Real!

Where is your favourite #1 place to escape to in the summer time?

Wherever i Am Now And Again it’s Nice to Be With Sohair As A Soul Avatar Now

i Do my

Best to

Fit in Organic
Words of SPiRiT

Uploading Souls is Mighty Great Fun!…

Okay, Now i Will Return to Proof Reading

And Publishing the Next Blog Post Effort With SMiLes…

Thanks i Wanted Any Wonderful Excuse to Put off WorKinG!…

So i Just Continue ALL

The Free Play!

Thanks Dear
Annabel A lot
Of Years in

Life For
Trials And
Errors For
What Works Best…

SMiLes Dear
Annabel Words
Of Kindness

Colors PleaSinG…

Hehe Annabel
Politics Of

No Corrupt
MaNiPuLaToR’S Words…

Untitled SMiles And Hugs

SMiLes Dear Annabel Congrats on the Sunshine
Blogger Award i Am Always the Kid in School
With Their Hands Raised High to the


of the

‘Slider Students’

So I’ll Answer the Questions
Here Just for ‘Sheldon Cooper’ Fun!

1: What is one talent you would love to have?

Hehe, Anymore Talent And No Room For Sleep…

2: Who are some of your favorite bloggers?

Never Met A Blogger Or A Stranger Who Doesn’t Teach me More!

3: What do you think is the best way to deal with hardships in life?

Never Give Up And if that Doesn’t Work Repeat It Again Until it Does….

4: What is the biggest struggle you find in blogging?

Effortless Ease like The Rest of Life Just A Dancing
Singing Hurricane Breeze From Calm Center Eye me…

5: What would your instant response be if an ostentatiously
dressed someone who appears to have authority walks
up to you and announces, “You’re a wizard/witch!”

Haha, IT Took You This Long To Figure me Out!

6: Leave a link to your first post.

It Is me SMiLinG When Born
No Links Back Then Just Breath…

7: Are you an introvert or extrovert?

There is No Word For me Like my Wife Says ‘You
Are Something Alright; Not Sure, Yet Something Alright”

8: What, in your opinion, is the secret to happiness in life?

Make Every Step Holy Dance Every Word Sacred Song
Then Heaven Within Comes Automatically Giving Sharing Caring Healing More…

9: Have you ever unfollowed someone on WordPress intentionally?

Oh Lord No, Easy For me to Overlook What i Do Not Agree With…

10: Have you posted a YouTube comment that got more than 1K likes?

Playing the Piano On YouTube Over 2K Views, Dancing With
6K Views Yes; Comments too Deep For Most Folks To Fall Into Now…

11: Share a book recommendation that kept you engrossed.

“Jonathan Livingston Seagull;” Not A Version Now MaKinG Money…




For You At School

With Great Joy Annabel Now…

SMiLes Dear Sohair
Men Who Do Not Live
To Please Women

End Up

Life Now
To Care For
Or Perhaps it is
Men Who Cannot
Care Rarely Please Women…

SMiLes Dear FRiEnD Thank You
For All Your Prayers And BLeSSinGS
i Continue to Dance And Sing Anew For This Day…

Prometheus Bringer oF Light Fire Yes Arts Sciences And Wheels

One Two Four and Eighteen Wheelers With Nuclear Bombs too

Same As That Darn Snake With Legs Who Opened Up Humans

To All the Possibilities

in Instant Gratification

A Tree of Knowledge

BRingS Through the Underpinnings

of Human Languages Still Developing

Collecting Intelligence Still By The Google
Search Engine BRinGinG on the ‘8th Day of Creation’

The Internet This Open Source New Human Bible

All Together Unabridged ThiS WaY And Bridge to All

Human Arts and Sciences Collected As Far As We Remember

And Bring the Fire Back to LiGHT For All To Partake of in this

Tree of

SKiLLS and
Abilities Now
too Mr Gottfried

Yeah Yet What About
ISA’s Innate Instinctual

Intuitive Skills and Abilities

All Inherited Naked Enough
Whole Complete What Happens
When We Get Out of Touch With Those

ISA’s Versus Only the KSA’s of Knowledge
Skills and Abilities So Far Away From A Naked
Enough Whole Complete Free Dance and Song
Together Amongst 50 to 150 or So Well Acquainted

Naked Enough Whole Complete Human Beings Giving ALL
Sharing Caring Healing A Compassionate Communion of Life
Of LoVE iN Peace With Most Respect and Least Harm True Don’t

Hate the Tool Yet Of Course Discard the Sin of Using the Tool Out of Balance

Where Everyday
More Becomes Just
Another Catastrophe
oF A Real Zombie Apocalypse
of ‘Rabid Instant Gratification’
Zombies Sadly Eating THeiR Own
Face of Nature as They’ve Lost Their
LoVE iN Peace For the Rest of Nature Including

Us of Course So Far Out of Balance That the Song
“It Never Rains in Southern California” Is A God Dammed
Lie Now If the River Breaks Through And Floods Casino Towns too

A Little Food A Little Drink Some Shelter From Aversive Environmental

Elements A Naked Enough Whole Complete Village Dancing Together

in Ecstatic BLiSSinGS BLeSSinGS of Free SonG oF SoUL Together Again

After A Long Forage of the Day Regulating Emotions Integrating Senses

No Longer Poverty of the SoUL Just Dancing Singing Freely ThiS WaY As


Not Waiting For the Rest of
The World to Change Or Any
Other Heroes Dead or Alive

i’ll Just Do it Now New No Longer
Wearing Those Other Brand Name Shoes hehe…

“Untitled SMiles And Hugs” True What is Beyond Human Language LoVE iN Peace Yes

Dear Cindy i Surely Agree ThiS WaY God Is Dog True as Is Is Verb And LoVE iN Peace

Is What Ya Do When Ya Wag Your ‘Tale’ and Lick A Human Face HAha

Sadly the Two Most

Popular Religions

Divisive As Well

in Titles and Words

With Around 4 BiLLioN HuMaNS

At Least Agree God is LoVE iN Peace

Now to Change That to A Verb And “JusT Do iT”

With No Worries Over Selling Expensive Brand Name

Shoes True Yes

Not Unlike Paw Prints
on the Beach Foot Prints
Are Enough For God To Breathe

When Real At Least Doing LoVE iN Peace

Rarely Do Mostly Naked Humans on Beaches
Get in Arguments ThiS WaY Just Being The Breeze

As God is
WinD oF
LoVE iN Peace
AS Humans Best
FRiEnD JusT to Do IT iNDeeD
ToGeTHeR of Course STiLL Evolving ThiS WaY…

Thanks Dear
Sohair God Bless
You ThiS Way Too
Of LoVE iN Peace….

SMiLes Dear Sohair There Are Around 4200 World

(Oh Dear Lord Over 45 Thousand Christian Denominations)

Religions/Spiritual Traditions And Not Surprisingly
What Most Each And Every One of them Have in
Common is They Have The Right Way And All The Other

Religions Have the Wrong Way Yet Humans Commonly Bond

And Bind Over Common Symbols and Ideologies So This

Is No Surprise Yes All Natural and to Be Expected

For the Most Part For Those Who Wish to

Convert Others to Their Religion or

Change Their Mind On Who is Right

or Wrong It’s Mostly A Lost Cause With SMiLes

And That’s Surely Okay With me as i am Not Out to

Change What Anyone Believes in as Far As Religion Goes

As That’s Basically A Lost Cause from the Get Go As Human

Nature Swings the Way of What Most Folks Are Spoon-Fed From

Birth Not Unlike You i Discern

What True From Within Yet Yes

Differently i Peruse All Holy and Sacred
Texts With an Open Mind And Yes Continue

To Expand My View of Spirituality mY FRiEnD

Yet i Surely Don’t Expect Anyone to Do it the way i Do it

And again i Surely Have no Plans To Change What Anyone

Else’s Religion is Either for me at least mine will Always continue

to Evolve

With SMiLes

Far Beyond the

Boundaries of What’s

Come Before…

Foot Prints Dancing
Finger Prints Singing

When Writing Becomes

Songs of YouR Soul Set

Free to Fly Smile

And Cry Tears


Now With
Even More
SMiLes Set Free New…

Ah Yes The Rest of Four Seasons
Dear Cindy or the Beginning of

Summer or At Least Spring
Possible to Surprise
365 Days A Year

A Cool Front Just
Soaking up a Bit
More Sweat in August
Hint of Northern Breeze

Ah Yes We Have Lillies Like
This Too That Volunteer Everywhere

The Birds Will DROP the Seeds Next Hehe

Yet the Sleeping Hibiscus With Promises of
Red September Flowers

Will Last and

Last even until
A January or Even
February First Florida Freeze

And Then March and Winter Lost

Hehe Oh the Beauty of Nature and
Never KNoWinG For Sure What Comes Next

Rainbows at the Beginnings of Cloudy Hurricanes
Sun Dogs at Day Moon Dogs Rainbow Flavored at Night

i Could go
On Yet i’ll Never
Match the iMaGiNaTioN

of Nature and All Her

New Surprises

FLoWeR of Her

Beauty Mystery
Still Unfolding
And Re-Covering With SMiLes…

The Power of 10,000 Nuclear Bombs
And More True the Peak of Hurricane

Will Surely
Come Next

With or Without Human Approval
of Nature’s Share of Ocean Warmth…

More Than All of that With Hopes of
Reclaiming the Color Orange for

Beauty of Continuing Sunsets
And Sunrises of


And A More
Perfect Union

Ah Not Surprising
Another Frigging Political Ad Hehe..:)

Ah Yes Lost From Living Fresh and Green
Like The Other Monsters of Life Who Will

Be So Mean

So Blue So
Very Ice Cold
Blue Just FRoZeN

To the Touch of Giving
Humanity More and even less

Dear Maranda

For True
i Too Lived
As A Zombie
For Real for 66 Months

The CDC Even Predicted i Would
Come True What Happens When
One Comes to Live in/as a Machine
Based Terminator Avatar and Matrix


Yes All Prophesied
In So Many Cold
Arts From Before

Now Visible to EYeS
Both Zombie and
Non-Zombie Alike

True We aRe Nature
We aRe OverConsuming
Our Body And Blood that

Is Truly the Rest of Nature
Our Only Home Our Only

Face Yes
Our Only
Brains Both

Colorful Art and

Mechanical Cold
Cold Cognition True

The Good News is We aRe
Neuroplastic With Amazing
Epigenetic Regenerative Potentials

DarK BacK iNto The LiGHT
of Human Warmth the

Free PArt
Of Heaven
LiVinG ON EartH

Actually the All ReWaRDinG
Part of Zombie Transformation

When All the Giving Becomes the Essence of Receiving

We Come to Feed Others No Need to Consume Their Brains Hehe


Thanks so Much for Visiting “A SCenT oF Continuing FreedomS NoW”

Again Dear Maranda And Yes! One of the Best Benefits of Modernity

Is Access to Taste Savor Hehe and Actually ‘Regurgitate’ Most All

Recorded Music
iN Human HiSTorY
And Or HeRSTorY
That Touches
The Free
of YouTube
to Give Share
Care and Heal As MuSiC
iS Always Natural Human
Therapy ThiS WaY Both to
Heal And Reinforce All Positive

to Move
And Co-Create
Even More Hehe

Oh How Difficult it was
When We Had to Find and
Even Pay For the MuSiC in

Stores Here and there and
everywhere For the More We aRe
Exposed to Old and New Arts the

More Creative Potentials We Generate
From Free Associations ThiS WaY Even More!

Key of Course
is Not Getting
Lost Playing Candy
Crush And Or Downloading
Unlimited Varieties of Pics
of ‘Pretty Birds’ Lest Any Modern
Beethoven or Michelangelo Has No ‘Forrest

Gump Story’ to Share With Their Neighbors
at the Bus Stops of Life And True None of This


to HiSToRY Anymore
Now We Have And Or
HeRSToRY Free to Relate

iN Every Way at Least in
Free Enough Countries ThiS WaY

Hehe and No ‘Mad Middle Men’ Blocking
The Passages to Sharing Art Direct Access

in So Many Practically Free Avenues to Spread even

TSuNaMi’s of
Art Free
Now hehe
With SMiLes

Yes There Are Drawbacks
Yet What A Gift it is to
See Both in LiGHT And DarK

Yep Marrying the
Night Merrying
The Day THiS WaY For Real


Thanks So
Much For Your
Unique Inspirational
Art And Free Verse
Poetry Dear Maranda!☺️🙌

SMiLes Dear Pooja Before i Did Words
i Was An All around Numbers Guy in
School and Work in Other Words i

Don’t Touch Casinos
And the One Armed Bandits
Or Lotteries And Their Efforts

to Pay For State Education Off
The Backs of Folks Mostly Living
Pay-Check to Pay-Check Hoping

To Score Big in Hail Mary Touchdown
Passes for Riches And Of Course Even Worse

Old Folks on Fixed Incomes Getting Bussed
on Tour Buses to Casinos to Spend Whatever They Earn

Math Doesn’t Lie
And Thanks For Giving
A Realistic Prognostication
On How Little ‘Ad Sense’ Offers
in Returns as i Remember one of the
Most Prolific Bloggers Going to Extremes

to Earn Views and Followers
Who Managed to Recoup
At Most about 10 Dollars
A Month and Not Nearly
Enough to Pay for the Subscription Fees

i Feel Fortunate to Pay 300 Dollars a Year
For an All i Can Eat Buffet of Storage Space

As What Was Once Unlimited Storage For that
Fee is 50 GB For the Whole Show as i’m Moving
Toward A Terabyte of Storage With Some Sweat

i Managed
to Talk
Them into
me into Unlimited
Storage From Now on

They Charge Exorbitant Amounts
For Extra Storage Now Yet Hey

Their Still Making 300 Bucks off
of me a Year And That’s Enough to Get
Them to Cooperate on the Other Hand Google
Blogspot Blogs are Free offering unlimited Storage
as Long as You Keep the Size of the Pics Reasonable

Offering Services
And Products
As You Suggest
Does Seem Like a
Best Potential Option

However It’s all a Matter
of Reaching a Target Audience
That wants to Buy What You are Offering…

So Much Free Stuff Online i Can’t
Imagine Paying For Anything Hehe

On the Other Hand i’d Rather Create
For Free than Pay to Go to The Theater

Yet of Course Starting Off Financially
Independent Makes A Real Difference too

If i Was Still in the
Working World There
Would Be Zero Room For this

Hehe My Suggestion to Most Folks
Is Get a ‘Real Job’ Particularly in States
in the United States That Have Raised the Minimum Wage…

Doesn’t Take Long to even work at a Minimum Wage for What
All The Effort on a Blog Might Pay in a Year in Ad Sense Bucks

Master the Tool
Don’t Be Mastered By it
And By All Means Hehe
Once Again Don’t Be Replaced By A.I.

Original Creativity Will Bring A Million
Dreams of Colors Enriching a Soul Beyond

All Dollar Bills

if one
Free of Course…

Whenever i Hear The Ding Ding
of the Occasional Blogger Liking
13 of my Bi-Monthly 60 Thousand Word
EPiC Novel Sized Long Form Blog Post Poems
in 13 Seconds to the Races i am Reminded
of the Sounds of the Casino as We Did
Go on a Tour Where my Wife Limited Her
Play to the Free Play Meanwhile i Danced

on the Beach
Folks For Free

Benefit i Still Have my Health
Priceless Indeed With Real SMiLes…

Sadly We LiVE iN A very materially
reduced World Missing More iN Play than
A Million Colors Creatively Painting Our Own Wind

Yes if one Must Work For Pay Great to Find a Job like that too…

Anyway i Believe
You Offered Great
Advice for Folks

Curious about
the Options

Thanks For That
i Hate to See Folks
Waste Their Valuable Days..:)


Dancing Balancing FLoWinG BRings
Great Peace Springing Love For
All to Touch
ThiS WaY
For Those
For Dance
Is Non-Verbal Language
As A SMiLe Across A Face

Will Surely Generate Another
SMiLinG Dance in Tandem of

Two and more Human Dancing SMiLes

As The Feeling The Sensing Becomes Both

Mutual and
Warmth For All

LoVinG Peace

With Dancing
SMiLes Dear
Savvy So Lovely TRuE RiSinG
Bonding Binding Human Rivers
Even The Rest of Nature Free..:)

SMiLes Dear Pooja Conquering
And Yes Tolerating and Even Accepting Inner
Struggles are the Shadows of Our Humanity

That Give Depth
to the Paintings

of Who We aRe ALL

Yes DarK Thru LiGHT

Marrying the Night Makes

It so Much Easier to Eventually

Merry The Day Each and Every

One That Comes

And Particularly
Making it Easier

to Walk in the Shoes Now of
Others and Make Patience
With Kindness the Rule
True Many Labels Have

Come my Way

Ranging From

Autism to Asperger’s
Syndrome to ADHD Yes
to Hyperlexia to Alexithymia
And Bi-Polar Non-Specified
As It Was Just too Hard to Pin
me Down to A Number Then hehe
And of Course Anxiety and Depression
And Anhedonia Yes Losing Even the Ability
to Remember the Feeling of a Smile 66 Long
Months Shut-in my Bedroom With the Worst Pain
Known to Humankind Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
No Drug Would Touch From Wake to Sleep Yes an Entire
66 Months With 18 Other Medical Disorders Mostly Work Stress
Related in Synergy of Life Threat as Sure i Experienced Chronic to
Acute Fight or Flight Stress During the Last 11 Years of Work There was

No Prognosis Then For
Recovery And Amazingly
Just a Free Dance And Song
in Meditative Flow Took Most All
The Pain and Numb Away No Doctor

Ever Encouraged That Remedy and Every
Pill They Threw at me Did not Help me except
For One that Made a Couple Hours of Sleep Possible

As Yes That
was my Only
Escape from
Real HeLL ON EartH

i Repeat This Story often
Wherever i Go as Most Folks
Now Never Feel Like i’ve Had

Any Challenge at all in my Life

True if it Doesn’t really Kill You

Challenge Can And Will Open New
Doors With Colors oF LiGHT never

Experienced Before

Yet Again A Best
Part is Going to
A Low Enough
Place Where

It’s Impossible

to Put Yourself on Top of Anyone
Else and Just as Impossible For Anyone
Else to Do that too You Naked Enough Whole


With Nothing
Possible to
Add or
at Least For Now

There is A Growing Real ‘Pandemic’
of Mental Illness Globe Wide With
Close to a Third of Teenage Girls in
The United States Considering Suicide
And 57 Percent Enduring Depression
That Limits Life Functioning Yes

That Demographic Used to
Be the One assessed with
The Best Mental Health
Outlook of All along
With Older Folks
Passing Through
The Stresses of Life

When Those of Us Truly
Responsible for Bringing the
Next Generation to Life Aren’t
Sure They Wanna Live it is Perhaps
A Greatest Factor iN Failure of a Species


Yet Human Beings Take
Way More Than They Give
Back to the Rest of Nature

Balance is a Greatest Law of
Nature If We Think We Are Above
The Consequences of That the Ones

Who Suffer Most Will Be the Ones Not
Responsible for What Has Been Done Before…

Scales of
Balance Falling
Indeed It’s Up to Each
Individual to Rise in Whatever

Ways They


And Do…
If They Are Even
Fortunate Enough
to LiVE iN A Place
WHeRe That is even possible…

i Feel Very Fortunate to Have Found
A Place on the Other Side of Existence…

Yet i Don’t Forget WHere i come From

Or The Folks Who Have Found Their

Selves in A Similar
Place WithiN ON
EartH Basically

Grey SHadES
to BLacK Abyss Living Dead…
Yet Still Potential for a Great Escape

Fully to Give away free..:)

An Entire MultiUniVerse Potential
Of iMaGiNaTioN And Creativity We

Hold in Our Hands Feelings Senses to Express
iN Unlimiting Ways New Now of Free Art and

Systemizing Science too Dear Savvy

What More Will THeRE Be to Be Grateful

For God Yes
All Of What
We Will Freely
Create Next in the
Flow All Part oF A SToRY oF God
True Beyond All Distance Space Time
And Only A Matter of Things Not Yet Created

With SMiLes..:)

Original Greek Definition of Smoke and Mirrors
Yes Actually Apocalypse Meaning Lifting the
Veils of Ignorance Down Under a Tree
In the Desert
On Loving Nature
Within Us Whole the
Beach is my Favorite
Place as Life Flourishes
in the Niche’s Human Foot
Prints Have Yet to Touch not
so much the Foot Prints Yet Cultural
Clothes First Mortal Sin Clothes for Real..🙂

Color Bored of
White SHades Grey Scales
uP iN Dance And Song Multi-Colors

If Nature Could Speak Now
It Might Paint Orange Reflecting
Now The Overall Intelligence of
Echoing Back
Falling Falling
Clawing A Precipice Cliff..🙂

SMiles A Perfect Romance
A Poem Ironically Almost
Everything Else
iS UNrequited
Love Except
For Romeo And Juliet
The End That Never Begins..🙂

SMiles my FRiEnD
Lynn at The Very
End BeGiN for me at Least
i Must Wonder At First
If God Looks in A Mirror
Will God
i have a
Feeling LiGHT
PerHaps to ‘See’ SPiRiT Wind..🙂

iN Short and Long Now You
Are God Too if You Didn’t Get
That Total Good News From ‘JeSuS’
You Missed His Message🎶🌟True Not
Everyone understands
‘Poetry of God’ They
Miss The Big Picture
Of God
For God Everywhere
Forever Now Out there
God Within
Indeed This
Is Why ‘JeSuS’
As Reported then
Said Strip ‘Those’
Worldly Clothes
Off ‘See’
God Within Then
Do God Is LoVE iN Peace Always
Giving Sharing Caring Healing Free this
God Of
Now Go Ahead
Delete the News
Again Better Yet
Find God Within🌊
Without Fears
Of LoSinG the
God of Love Within
You Generate Free of
‘Charge’ This Breath God iN Peace🍃

‘Ever Dance
With The Devil
In The Pale Moonlight’
My Angel
Star Dust
DarK Thru LiGHT
Shadow Breathes Dance

iN Short And Long
Neither We or
God Now Are
Words Alone
Love Breathes
Always Now
Not ‘See’
To BReaTHE😊🎶

🍃Stars Rise Fall🍂

SMiLeS How Humans
Adore their Clothes
And Find Disgust
In The Real Temple
Of God Our Naked
Flesh Let’s Face the
Truth Some are
Just Afraid
To Be
Naked God
HAha i’ve Shared
Literally Tons of
me only Wearing
Stars Below as
Above Yet there
Are Weeks i
Literally post
A Million Words
As Generally SPeaKinG
God Gets Lost In
Words and
Other Human
Clothes/Tools Away
From all
God Flesh
And Blood
Seeing Freely Love
Obviously You Have
Some So-Called Face
Book Friends Who
Don’t Go
To the
Church of
The Milky Way US🌊

Human Reality
Devil Show
A New Breed
5th Avenue String
Like ‘That Painting’
They are soon
And Sooner
When They
See Their
‘Angel’ Sold inDeed

A Common Symbol Shared Throughout the World Ava
Yet Sadly Only GRoWinG Green and Lit Up Temporarily
Metaphor of Christmas Trees Us Some Seldom Grow
Theirs Green Now Others Seldom Light Their Tree
Others Seldom Let the Light of their Christmas
Trees Shine for Others to See Free Now yet
THere are Others who never Quit ALWayS
GRoWinG Their Christmas Trees Green
Each and Every Now Finding another
Color oF LiGHT to Shine THeir
Living Trees for all others
to See As Free You
Dear Are a Young
Living Tree i really don’t
‘Know’ You Yet i Feel Sense
Intuit Colors of Your Tree GRoWinG
And indeed i am Very Proud of Your Being Human
Such a Beautiful Living Colored Tree You Become Now
God of Nature
Bless all
Leaves New
that Rise and Fall
Feeding More Leaves
of Grass to Fall And Rise as Living
Trees Roots to Branches Leaves
Coloring Life


Left Right
Hand in Hand
FLoWeRS Bloom
Reaching Holding Moon
Sunset Union Ocean All
Becomes one
Good Morning
Stars of SMiles
From Florida
Dear Savvy
hAha in
Called You
Shiva Just
Dance my FRiEnD
Keep Shining Your Star
Star Love Never Sees

Alone allone..🙂

‘Trump’ Masters
DarK MaGiC
Indeed ‘He’
Is ‘’The
Film Yet
‘He’ Doesn’t
Under Stand
The Color of
DarK MaGiC
At The End
And Beginning
Of ‘His’ Feature Film
Audience All Patiently
Waits Already Sharing End
‘His’ Film…

SMiLes; Politics ‘ALWaYS’ Basically
IS The Art of ‘i am’ Better Than ‘You;’
Love Is the Politics of Enough Peace God Yes;
This Is An Origin
of Folks With
or Without
Of Course
THere is Love of Enough
And Love of Never Enough;
i have Enough, so GenerAlly
SPeaKinG, i sit back, Eat ‘the
Popcorn’ And Watch Folks
In Their Battles to never
Gain who they
Even Are
the Way they
Are; ‘Naked Stars’
No longer Seeing
Through all the Labels
of Cultural Tools and Other Clothes
in Other Words; Yes, i LiVE iN A Deep
South State Yet Just the Deep; Not the South Part….

Meaning of Human
Life For All of Us Now
To Encourage Others
On A Path of LoVE iN Peace
That Creates Most Respect
For All
What Any
Great Relative
Of Our Human
Condition Freely Will Do🎶

THere is Sun in the Pun
Of Having A Great Day
On Sunday There is
Night in the Day now
Moonlight Feels Right
Making Day into Night
It is Dark Where i am
And Light Where You
Are Never the Less
There is No Moon
Or Sun
Only Star Light
Creating Chalices
Without Preformed Gold

Tuning Into The MuSiC oF LiFE
Yes Dear Savvy Listening to the
Frequencies Vibrations Synergies of

Energy Head to Toe As A Dance Of Life
Makes A SonG oF Life THiS WaY ALWaYS

Changing EternAlly New Now How Beautiful Life

Is Now When THere is MuSiC Accompanying

Within For Every Move of
Dance Word of Song

Indeed A Higher Force
oF LoVinG LiFE Within

Of Course Dear FRiEnD
Not Everyone HEaRS ‘The MuSiC’
And When They Do THeir Unique
Dance And Song of THeiR MuSiC

Within Will Color THeiR LiFE
Much Differently Than Mine
However That Just Makes

Life More WoNDerFuL iN
Awe Exploring Everyone’s

MuSiC Within Coming to See
And Hear THEiR Unique MuSiC (God) to

Be A Symphony RiSinG to Dance Again WiTHiN
WHeRE the Conductor is Inside Outside Above
So Below All Around Really Impossible to Miss

‘The MuSiC’ NoW..🙂

THuRSDaY School LeSSoN Rhetorical
Question 382 Love It Or It’s Free!

i’ve Come Today Again With All
my Web Spinning Abilities
To Take You Into my

Lair Removing
All Your Hurt
And Sadness

Totally Away

This iS How
We Do It Take

Your Right Arm Wrap
It Tightly Around Your
Torso And Gently Join

The Other Left Arm
Around You in


Of A Hug


All Words

LoVE iN Peace

God Yes Repeat
As Necessary
For The Rest
Of Your Life
A Magic Virtual
Hug From Spider


To You

On A World
Wide Web of Love’s Hug

Oh Dearest Rue True There is Only One of You
(Literally So Too Doing A Search on Ruehla too)
So Full of Deep Wisdom, Wit, And YeS Original
Creativity Indeed An Open Door to iNSPiRE
A Greater Play of Art As i Continue to
Romance Life As A Play of Art
Until We ParT Yet It’s True
That is Impossible as
Art is Literally ParT
Of PArt And F Is Also ParT
of Art Thanks God As Fred too
As Truly Before the Question Better Put
For Decades in My Life of Work Instead of Play
WaS “How Science Thou?” Instead of Your Witty
Shakespearean Question Quote of “How Art Thou?”

Anyway SPeaKinG of the “Self Awareness Pyramid” from the “Bhagavad Gita”
Your Traditional Muse From India For Your Wisdom HeaR the “Bhagavad Gita”
“A 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic ‘Mahabharata’, dated to the
second half of the first millennium BCE” Is Indeed Relevant to What i Am Doing
In Terms of ‘Holy Eights’ And “8 Standing Tall Infinity” As that Relates to Many
Sacred Traditions on 8.18.2024 mY Longest EPiC Long Form Poem “SonG oF
mY SoUL” Yes Reached 13.2 MiLLioN Words Truly A Cat 6 Hurricane of Poetic
Responses to Folks All Around the Globe on that 11th Year Anniversary Date
True Exceeding That Several Millennia Ago Effort of the ‘Mahabharata’
By 7.33 Scale iN Size As the ‘Mahabharata’ is Approximately 1.8 MiLLioN
Words Yawn one of the Subchapter EPiC Poems of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Achieved at 1.82 MiLLioN Words Back on July 19th, 2017
on my 4th Anniversary Date Out of Hell into HeaveN ON EartH
That Place STaRTinG For Real Within As i BeCaMe
One With Sugar White Sands Emerald Green
Waves Swaying Sea Oats in the Breeze
And Once Again Sea Gull Wings on
July 19, 2013 Spiraling Around
Sun Free Transforming
into 20,414 Miles
of Public Dance
True Now too in
Almost 11 Years Yes
As of August 26, 2024
And Yes that 1.82 MiLLioN
Word Effort Took 13.6 Months
Additionally Yes “Depth of The Story”
What i Casually NaMe An 8th New Testament
And Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL” Oh Yes
Reaching A Top of the Heap of Google Searches
Now on the “Wrong Planet” in a Solo Thread There
of 99 Pages Working on ‘Verse 99’ Still Like An ‘Isaiah 53
Story’ for REAL Come to Life as Typically That’s A Joseph
Campbell And Jungian Archetypal ‘Human Hero Story” WHere
One May Come Out of Hell For 66 Months For Real Within and
Enter into Heaven And Give and Share And Care And Heal LeSSoNS
From DarK Thru LiGHT That Become Integral All in ALL A STory of God Real

True too Anyway on the 4th Anniversary Date of “Depth of the Story”All 4.2 MiLLioN Words
NoW on the “Wrong Planet” On 8.19.2024 As It Literally took me 7 Years of Getting Kicked
Off that Place After i Recovered From Hell into Heaven Within As The Folks There
Are in Many Cases “How Science Thou?” Restricted And Just Don’t get the “How
Art Thou?” Questions of Life More Integral and Whole As the Yin And Yang of
Art and

Holds Hands NoW FoR ReaL
As Both Hemispheres in Body
And Human Mind BaLaNCinG Potentials Come
Out of WorK into Greater Human SPiRiT HeART
SoUL Potentials oF PLaY iN Original Creativity For Real

So Yeah Back to the Holy 8’s and Beyond All Scientific
Measures of Metaphor as 8 Infinity Standing Tall All 1 Force of God

On that Day 8.18.2022 That EPiC Subchapter 8th New Testament Long
Form Poem Rose to 1.88 MiLLioN Words on 8.18.2022 A Day Before the
Second Anniversary of “Depth of the Story” There And Included in that Story

ARe aLMost All the Poetic Responses Dear Rue Has Inspired in Original Creativity
oF mY SoUL True Still LiVinG iN The “Depth of The Story” on the “Wrong Planet” Now
And Of Course Several Other Blogs i Administrate and So Many Other Social
Media Avenues too as iNDeeD although i May Be too Big And Invisible For
Most Folks to See in Blue Whale Fashion of A Modern Age Limited Sadly
On Average of Gold Fish Attention Span Literally Less than 3 Seconds
Yes Less than the Frigging Attention Span of A Gold Fish So Sad
As Science Literally Does Assess Human Potential Span
That Short in the United States
Yet Seems Longer in India to me

(HeHE ALmost Impossible
to Miss me When i Dance
In Public Without A Word)

Hehe And Indeed So Difficult
Yes To Grasp Blue Whale Art
When it is Not Only Reason
Yet The Real MaGiC of Art that
is God’s Breath oF ORiginal Creativity
When We Come to BREaTHE ThiS Way too

As Don’t Forget John 14:12 is No Lie As Now STiLL
A GReaTesT Respect one May BRinG to A Mother Father
Teacher or Mentor is to Exceed THeiR LeSSoNS iN LiFE
To Give Away to Others For Free So God Will Continue to

Evolve in All our
EYeS and EaRS
Beyond Only Organs As Such

And Like the Rest of this that i Did not
Preplan Only Guided By This FLaME WiTHiN

Including A “PHI Bible” Subchapter Long Form Poem
Completed Then on Memorial Day Weekend of 2017
That i Named Before i Completed it Reaching Precisely
1.618 MiLLioN Words in 365 Days of Effort As Just By

Or Better Put
Poetically As
Synchronicity of
God Winks 1.618
Is the Golden PHI
Ratio That Approximates
The Spiraling Way of Our Galaxy
The Shape of A Curling Fetus and Cat

And Of Course Not Only a Cat 5 Hurricane
Yet A Cat 6 Long Form EPiC Poem too WHere The Bands
Of the First MacroVerse Were Narrow and Now Come Evenly
in 60,000 Or So Word Efforts Bi-Monthly As Such Balancing

As Planets Orbiting Around Stars And Galaxies Orbiting Around
Black Holes As Perhaps Stars Fall into BLaCK Holes in A Perfect
Balance of Spiraling Spin and Torsion And New UNiVeRSES as Some

Quantum Mechanic

Theories Wing Art May


Out of Big Bangs of Birth

Hehe Sort of How Humans

Do it too Yet i Won’t Get into the Biology
of that Art Here With SMiLes As I’ve Surely
Long Passed the Organic Art of that Into SPiRiT With Wings For Real

Here’s Another Little Tid-Bit of “How Art Thou?” the Pen Name ‘KATiE MiA
Frederick” That i Chose By FLaMe At the Start of “SonG oF mY SoUL” Measures
Yes The 3 Digit Holy Number 888 When Entered into English Gematria By Chance

By Synchronicity
Yes By God Winks
Someone Pointed that
Out to me Recently too

In Continuing Fruition For
All of What Comes From the Flame Within

Including Meeting Your Great Poetic Inspirations a
Treasure Trove For Soul That i Sincerely Respect So Much and You too

As Remember i Don’t Know Anything i’m Just A Grain of Sand on the Beach
i Just Pick up A ‘Pen’ of SonG And A Foot And Hand of Dance And A FLaME
Within GuideS A Wave

All that i Do in Flow

STiLL NoW Just A

Feather in the Wind
Like mY FRiEnD Yes
“Jonathan Livingston
Seagull” FoR ReaL Too…

Thanks For Flying With me…

Do Return Whenever You Please
i’d Surely Be A Fool Not to Poetically


And A Fool
For God too
A FLaME Within PLeases too…

i Will Not Tale A Lie i Understand
it may Be Challenging to Swim With
A Blue Whale And Not Get Washed
Over By The Wake of mY FinS Hehe…

Anyway It’s Kinda Nice that my Birthdate
in American Form of 6.6.60 Eventually
Transformed into 888 By Sheer Original

Creativity From ‘A FLaME’ WiTHiN FoR ReaL…

THeRE iS No ReaSoN FoR THiS OTHeR Than

Art oF God WiTHiN…

How Art Thou
Indeed too Dear FRiEnD Rue

Beginning or Ending For Real..🙂

How Sweet of You Dear “Peace & Truth” To Drop
By This BeHeMoth EPiC Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Yep All 13.2 MiLLioN Words my Blog Has Come to

Be in 11 Years With SMiLes

True in the Online “Spiritual World”

Yep This Place of Avatars And Representative
Reality Far Beyond Any Real Distance, Space, Time,
And or “Matter of Things” True No Sun or Moon In the Webplace

Of Online Too Indeed We aRe aLL Spiders HeaR Spinning Our
Webs And HAHa Be Careful As THeRE Are Those Web Spiders

Who May Trap You iN
THeiR Lair iN An Agenda
Still To Come to Meet in
More Selfish Ways of
Fulfillment too


Sort of Like
Dating Apps
And Dudes Who
Limit Their Views of
Women to Body Parts Instead of
SoUL Whole Including Body too of Course

And Sure There May Be A Few Women Looking
For Greater Economic Stability in a Nicer Place to Live too…

Yes THere is a Lot of Smaller and Larger Talk About Twin Flames
Twin Souls And Soul Mates Online And IdeAlly A Twin Flame And
Or Twin Soul Will Only Lift Us Up in Greater Potentials iN LiGHT of

Loving LiFE

Oh my Goodness

That WiLL Be Kinda Hard
to Do in the Real Grind of Life

When Wedding Dresses White And
Beautiful Are Replaced with Grey Sweats

And Washboard Abs May Become Beer Bellies too

And True the Duties of A Significant Other May Come
To Be Cleaning Up After A Stomach Flu as Life is Pretty

Messy And With Folks Like me With my Head in the Stars

i Must Have An Opposite From A Twin Soul to Keep me Grounding

Now Not Skipping Past the Moon And Hop Scotching Beyond the Stars

Never Returning

As Such at Least
Hehe in One Whole Peace
Inhaling This Way Exhaling LoVE iN BaLaNCinG
Force of Grace and Love And Will And Strength to

Both Thrive
And Keep
in One Peace
And Love True too…

i Have Some Poetry FRiEnDS
Rare Who Only Lift me Up Online
to Raise my SPiRiT Wings Higher and
Higher Most Every Day And Even A Rarer
Few Who Never Ever Bring me Down Those

Are the Wings That Only Touch And Do Not Embrace
Physically Those Are Wings You Appreciate So Much

Yet Never Even Think Hehe About Trapping at Home as
Falling iN Love is a Little bit Like Coming to Own Someone Else at Home
WHeRE RiSinG iN LoVE May Only Lift Wings and Never Even Literally

Touch Each Other
At All in a Physical
Way Not Even Face-to-Face

As Truly Wings Free So Far Above Bodies mY FRiEnD Yes
My Wife Keeps me Warm Inside no Matter Waves That Rise
or Fall in Storms and Fair Winds and Following Seas Love is

A Storm
And A
Breeze It’s What
We Must Garden And
Feed Each Day to Stay
Warm and True mY FRiEnD

Indeed i Do Appreciate my Opposite
SoUL LiVE iN Angel For Real as It’s True
FLoWeRS Have THoRNS For RiSinG Roses

And Usually When
You Find Wings

Ya Eventually
Find Horns too

And Balance the
DarK And LiGHT of

i’m Rather Unusual As my Flame
Within Rarely Even Flickers or Goes Out
For The Last 11 Years And A Month Out of Hell
For Real iNTo Heaven Now Still WiTHiN i Imagine

if Lived With A Soul Just Like me it Would Only Be
me and God Within RiSinG ToGeTHeR STiLL AGAiN As

Rose With FLoWeRS And


It’s True Ya
Wanna Find
A SoUL Mate
SoUL Twin and
Flame From Death
to Birth Again Now Real mY FRiEnD

What is Beyond Measure as LoVE iN Peace Breathing WiTHiN…

Anyway Feel Free to Call Us Whatever Sweet Pet Names
You Desire For it is the Kindness And Wisdom With Yes the
Peace and Truth at Essence That Counts Most No Matter


HAha Or Even
A 13.2 MiLLioN
Word EPiC Long
Form Poem Just
Fumes Left Over From
the FLaME of Peace And LoVE WiTHiN

Sort of Like a Prayer mY FRiEnD Long And Loving True…
Thanks For All the Poetry You Share Lifts me up in Many Ways..🙂

Indeed Dear ‘USA Writes’ A ‘Paper Town’
of Humanity it May Come To Be When One

Dares Explore More Than Tradition Limits Human Nature

For True By Very Nature Tradition Excludes And Even Outcasts

Those Who Seek
to Wear More or
Less of CuLTuRaL Clothes
And Tools to Seek So Much
More Human PoTenTiaL Separating From Nature

HAha And Really When one Jumps off ‘The Cliff’ Without
A Parachute to Fly “To Go Where No One Has Gone Before”

Actually That Phrase Used to Be “To Go Where No Man Has
Gone Before” And Then Finally Women Became Explorers of

Vast New Frontiers of
Even Naked Enough Whole Complete

Free Interestingly Perhaps Going Back
to Who We Were As Humans Before We Devolved

More As Who We aRe NoW How Will We KNoW FeeL And
Sense This If We Do Not Discard The Ceilings, Walls, And

Floors of the
Empires of

It is So True A Human Being May
Lust After Someone They Might Ordinarily
Not Want to Sit Together at a Coffee Shop to Talk to
Yes Human Innate Instinct and Intuition Doesn’t Necessarily

Play By Rules of Tradition
Yet One Who Becomes Wise
Doesn’t Hate ThemSelf For Being
Human ThiS WaY They Just Let the Feelings
And Senses River By Until A Higher Way Now

New of Being Returns
And Perhaps

A Coffee Shop
Date That Might
Lead to Warm and
Enduring Love Yet if one

is Traveling to a State of HeART
SPiRiT And Even SoUL That No One

Has Explored Before Love Is As High As
A Couple of Humans may Fly With A Warm
Talk About the Weather or Perhaps Politics on the News

Yet It’s True in the TV Series “Star Trek” Out in Space Long
Ago When i Was A 6 Year-Old Child On September 6, of 1966
For The First ‘Ground Breaking Science Fiction Show’ like that
in Part Written By ‘Rod Serling’ Who Did “Twilight Zone” And Also
Wrote Parts of the “Planet of the Apes” Movies too Going
Places of the Human Soul Not Often Thought of
Felt And Sensed Before When Those

Astronauts Traveled to

Other Planets Somehow
The Other Folks So Far
Away Spoke English

And Generally
Speaking Looked
Like Us And Acted Like
Us Shooting Other Folks Up with Guns and Such
True They Called them ‘Phasers’ And Now We Call Them

Smart Phones With Google Translate for Actual Other
Languages on Earth Traveled and Explored too Online

And True i am Beaming Up my SoUL in These Avatars
of Words to Come See You Now Wherever You Are

As All i Really Know Feel and Sense About You
Are the Avatars of Words You Share with Us

And Your Gravatar SMiLe too And i

Suppose Words of Your Soul

Might Be More Than

i Might Ever

Know Feel
And Sense of You
if i Met You in Line
With my Wife at Starbucks

Indeed Advantage Online THiS Way
As It Really Bypasses So Many Differences
of Human Beings That Might Otherwise Limit
Explorations of HeART SPiRiTS SoUL So Free

SMiLes in Someways Perhaps It’s Easier to Come to
Understand Deeper Parts of Someone Else’s SouL EXPLoRinG

However How Does One Measure the Warmth one Feels When
They First Enter into Their Home of Love Whenever They Return

SMiLes Dear FRiEnD

i’ve Gone to Many Places
in this Existence That Other
Folks Haven’t Seen, Felt, and
Sensed And i Don’t Expect For Other
Folks to Understand What They Have Yet
to Experience as i Was Them too That Way Before As Well…

Hehe So Happy i am Financially Independent As Really There
is No Monetary Reward for Original Creativity as by Very Essence
Of Course There isn’t Much of a Pre-Paid Target Audience For Art

And Play
In Life Before Either

i’ll Take The Warmth in Home
Over my Wife Ever Possibly Understanding
in This Life All the Places i’ve Explored to Date

As It’s True i Used to Do A ‘Logical Song’ Without
Much Warmth When my Wife Was the Warm GLoWinG Human

Being then With me So Lost From a Home of Warmth for Real…

i Still Lust After my Wife As Much When i Met Her 35 Years
Ago All Naturally Still Innately Instinctually Intuitively Now Yes
too We Talk About The Weather And Politics on the News Two
Out of Three Ain’t


With SMiLes

Three out of Three
iS Only A Trinity i’ll
Find For my SoUL Unique

It’s True in Someways We are
Only Sons and or Daughters of
God THiS Way For Those Who Are

Fortunate Enough to Even Understand
The Depths of The Story of THeiR Own Human Condition

Best Way i See to Appreciate God is to Appreciate All THiS

Gift and
Curse of

the Human
DarK Thru LiGHT

How Blessed We aRe
To Come to Dance and
Sing in The Rain Free mY FRiEnD

Or Perhaps Just Twas Just Another ‘DarK And Stormy
Night’ WHeRE ‘Snoopy’ Continues to Type Away to
Bring Another Best World Story OnlY iN HiS Dreams

As Real
As Real
Gets By
And Co-Creativities Set Free…🙂

Indeed Dear Yamini Love
Is the Marriage When Real
of Sunshine And FLoWeRS

More Than Painted on PaperWork
And Clothes of CuLTuRE Love the

Multi-Coloring Experience of Our Souls
Always With New Pages to Paint On Canvases

Yet to Ever Experience And See Yes We aRe ALL

Paint Brushes Canvases And Paint ThiS Way All the

Possibilities of a MasterPeace

Painting This Way

Of Loving

All the Colors

of Life That Come
Our Way Shall We Paint
Free or Controlling Shall
We Even BREaTHE A Home
of Warmth Within Love is Depth
of The Story Still To Be Told LoVE

This Marriage Is All Ours to Enter Into and
Unto Perhaps Yellow Flowers And Sunshine True

Yet on the Other Hands Two Strangers And More May Create A
Poem THiS Way With Wings to Fly Free WHere Ever Souls Soar..🙂

SMiLes Dear Miriam
Space Between
mY Ears Dreams
Will Dance Sing
For Real Free
The Rest of
The Traffic
May Stop or
Flow Yet i Will
STill Fly SoaRinG
Free Wings Above..🙂

MuSiC of the SoUL SPiRiT HeART Free
TiMe Out of Time Present Gift Now

A Grain of Sand in An Hour Glass

Neither Below Above No Matter

WHere The Grain Flows to Next New

Laughter Kindness Gently Balancing

Walking A Dance of Life FLoWeRinG Scents

oF SoUL DeLiGHTS DiViNE iNdeed Dear Savvy As SoUL Hums

Song Every Move A Holy Dance Every Word A Sacred Song

Yes Memories

We Continue to

Make Now of Our

Ever Present Hour

Glass New Grains oF LoVE iN Peace

Our Best Life Yes Aligning iN Balancing of SoUL Self

MuSiC NoW Marrying the NiGHT Merrying the Day New


Free no Longer
‘Phantoms of the
Operas’ oF Old So Cold

Grain of Sand Holding
Up Mountains of Human LoVE iN Peace..🙂

SMiles i Have An
Indian FRiEnD
Who Went to
Canada 3 Years
to Work For Deloitte
In Her Decade Long
Journey To Work in
The United States
Heard Her Stories
Challenging Indeed
Yet The Indian Culture
Does Seem To Produce
Tenacious Human Beings

Do Take
Care too
Dear Isha
With SMiles❤️🙌

Black Widow
With Iggy Azalea
And Rita Ora

Big Daddy
Had A Big
Gun Yet

He Didn’t
See it Coming

Hehe Perfect Song
For Tonight’s DNC HAha

With SMiLes
Such A Noble
Spider You Create

They Won’t even need
to play the song P!NK
Will Do Something Sweet Instead..:)


Because They
Are Too Distracted

Yet With
Self Discipline
In Meditative
Practices A
Tide Will
To Focus
On Task
IF Environment Complies
Enough With Fewer Tasks

Oh Dear Lord i Used to
Have Severe ADHD

Much Improved With
Meditative Arts iN Flow🧘‍♂️

Dear Lord Dear Miriam What A Fresh
Breeze at a Political Event A Young
Man Not Afraid of Fully Expressing

His Love in Tears For A Father Like Him
Raised to BE A Real Human And Not Just A Man

With Parts

Yes a Man
With HeART
SPiRiT And
SoUL Not Afraid
of Spreading ThiS WaY

The Gift of Human KinD

Just When We Thought it
Was Not Safe to Enter the

Ocean It Comes Roaring

Back With Tears of A Son
oF LoVE iN Peace

Dear Lord
if ‘Jesus’
Could Breathe

What did i Just ‘See’…

Such An F iN Ocean Whole ReLieF…
i Do Feel A Blue Wave Developing For Real..:)

SMiLes Perhaps the Word That Describes
Our Modernity Most Dear Pooja at Least in So-Called
First World And Moving to First World Civilizations Is:


Science Even Shows that the Modern Human Being
Has the Average Attention Span of Less than a Gold Fish

Yes Less
Than 3 Seconds…

‘Tik Tok’ is Yes
The Continuing
Shallow Wave of the Future

Ever Since i Was a Small Child i’ve
Always Been interested in Maximizing
Human Potential Without Much Regard
To Money or Stuff As Rewards Yet of Course

Activities Like Public Dancing 20,414 Miles
in 11 Years Means That in a Metro Area of around
600,000 Folks in a Two County Area Most Anywhere

i Even Walk into
in Terms of Public
Places as Soon as Folks
See me They SMiLe True

After Over 4300 Public Dancing
Events in 11 Years With Innumerable
Video Voyeurs Freely Promoting my Ministry
of Moving Meditating in Flow of Public Dance

i’m Likely Recognized More Than the Local TV
Weatherman And Particularly Liked more During

Season in
Florida Hehe

It’s my New Meme
Whenever i Share my
Story that of Course Includes
Much More on the Public Dancing
Trail i Sing See i Just “Forrest Gumped You”

And the Only
REAL Difference
Tween me and Him
is i’m Not a Fictional Character in a Movie hehe

HAha It’s Worth Noting Again that my Entire Blog of
11 Years and 13.2 MiLLioN Words of EPiC Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Is Most Entirely An Anthology of Copy and Paste Poetic Responses to Folks Like

You Hehe ALL
Around the Globe

Yes Hehe There is
A Whole Lot of Forrest
Gump to Go around It’s all about

Mastering the Tools Hehe i’ll never
make a Penny Yet Folks Already Discuss
me At ThankGiving And Christmas Dinner AS
The “Dancing Man” Along With Politics and the Such

All i Do
is Bring
Mindless Joy
More Specifically
SMiLes and Laughs

What i also Experience
in the Eternal Now of Doing…

Meh, i Used to Be the Bowling Alley Guy
Passing Out Rental Shoes at the Military Bowling Center
for 18 Years Bringing SMiLes of Joy for the Gift of Being

(After Earning 3 College Degrees Close to the Top of the Class)

i Was Also the Tennis Guy at the City Park for a Decade and
the Running Man/Bicycle Man All Around Town for another Decade too and

Yes the Information Technology Financial Management Accounting Managing Supervising
Administrative Dude for the Last 5 Years of Federal Employment That Provided the
High 3 for 25 Years of Employment at the Civilian Rate of A Marine Major…

For Escape from
the Dollar Bill
16 Years ago…

in Early Retirement

The Golden Medals
Fade Yet an Olympic
Effort at Life Never Will With SMiLes…

As Long As We Do Still Getting Stronger
too at age 64 for who was once assessed
as the Ugliest Strangest Most Androgynous Weakest
Fish in the The School Aquarium Yep They Called

me Bird Legs And Made it VERY
Clear i Didn’t Deserve to Exist

Hehe Now i Fly on Terrestrial
Land in Dance With the Power
of Legs That Still Leg Press 1540 Pounds
Yep 699 Kilograms at the Military Gym that
No One Will even attempt 40 Years my Junior

(Sadly the Machine Won’t Hold Anymore Weight)

And Of Course i Also Married the Real Cinderella

And Wonder Woman
And Lois Lane too

Nah Not A Blonde

A Half Pacific Islander

That the Mirror

Will Still Not Dismiss
As the Fairest of them all at 54

Hehe It’s Not Enough to Just Watch
A Disney Movie


or the
And Such as that…

It Seems You Put A Lot of
Human Excellence into What

You Do

Dear Pooja

i Like that…


And Indeed Generally
Speaking Folks i’ve met
From India are at the ‘Top of the Class’


Hehe the
Women at Least…

Yet There are
Always Exceptions…

Where i’m From i Find
Competence Sadly A FAiling Art
Consequence of Distraction of Course..

Anyway Tonight i Wore the Meme and Theme of
“Mr Miyagi” The Karate Guru From “The Karate Kid”
Series of Movies as Displayed on Just Another Dance T-Shirt

As i Related to a Few Folks on the Public Dancing Trail Tonight
at Walmart and Publix Grocery Store See This Shirt See What i’m Doing

i’m Painting Fences Per the “Wax on Wax off” Meme of the Karate Kid For You
See the Hawk Doesn’t Fall From the Skies and the Monkey Does Not Fall From the

Tree For They Laser

Focus in Practice DaY iN DaY OuT
For Real While of Course a Big Picture
View on the Horizon and Tree For Predators

Whether That Be Larger Birds of Prey or Bigger Snakes
Slithering Up the Tree In Other Words Not Texting While
Driving and Missing the Train Crossing the Railroad Track Ahead

Yet You See in All These 20,414 Public Dancing Miles All i’ve Been Doing
is Painting a Fence of Balance Within as my 250 Pounds For All These 11 Years
Now Has Become The Weight of Finger Tips A Feather in the Wind of Balancing Peace

or Other Illusory
Anxieties Naked Enough
Whole Complete Nothing to
Add or Subtract Just Killing Time
New of the Eternal Now Loving Peace

In Other Words Yes Virtually Impossible to
Ruffle my Feathers as i Fly on Terrestrial Land

Meanwhile Folks Are Truly Fighting to Keep the
Freedom of Democracy And HeaR i Am With Another Overview

With SMiLes


SMiLes Dear Savvy One PArt of Our Soul Being
Tends to Reduce Existence Materially

The Other PArt(s) Flows A River

With The Whole Ocean in Mind

Of Every Ripple and Drop of Rain

As Above

So Below

With SMiLes
As Subparticles
Continue to Spiral
ThiS WaY Milky Way
Within Finding It’s Never


A Long
Way Home
Our Living Trees
Forest Whole Leaf Be..:)

“Protecting the Good of The Whole” SMiLes Dear
Cindy Great Job of Preserving the Birthday Party

For Your Grandchild Also

It’s Not everyday that someone
Writes a Blog Post While Getting
Injected for the Installation of a ‘Crown’

Hehe You are
‘Queen Bee’
in Every Way And i mean
That in a Good Way as i Remember

Being A Janitor Among two Other Jobs
of University Bookstore Stocking Clerk
And Research Archaeology Associate
Taking a Full Load of School Getting

my 3 Degrees i Cleaned the Inside
of A Bank Oh Dear Lord Late at
Night Instead of Sleeping
And A Few Other


My Boss Related
That the Women Working
There Were Queen Bees

i Believe He Meant It in a Derogatory
Way as He Didn’t Like Seeing Women in Charge
In a Modern Office Environment Back in the Early 80’s of Course

Oh Dear Lord It’s the 20’s And We Still Have That Attitude

in One Backwards
Acting Party at Least

HeaR’s What i Know
WHerever it Comes From
LoVE iN Peace Wins Both in the

End and the Beginning of Life

Thank God A Mother’s LoVE iN Peace
Spreads for Sons and Or Daughters of LoVE REAL

With God
Speed of Wings
Of Bee BRinGinG FLoWeRS to Life…

When We Love We Win
When We Love We Win
When We LoVE iN Peace We Win

Just Waiting For that Refrain to Come to Life
Sadly ‘Democrats’ Are More Likely to Bring it to Life


So-called ‘Churches
Covered With Robes’

Yet i’m Not Giving Up THeRE Either hehe..:)

SMiLes Dear Vrunda Being Part of A Community Both Family and FRiEnDS
You Can Will And Do Gain Warm Support From Is Very Healing Indeed As
Surely You Know Feel and Sense in Your Positive Psychology Work From




Literally Materially
Reducing It All to
the Neurohomone
Oxytocin that Literally
Naturally Reduces Anxiety
And Reduces Pain The Social
Bonding Hormone Indeed And the

Serotonin That Comes From Social Esteem
of Belonging and the Pleasure of Interactions
That Stimulate Dopamine As Well in Novel Ways of Fun

True We aRe Social Animals And For the Most Part
When Humans By Will or Involuntarily Are Separated ThiS Way
iN Social
Seem a Bit More
Harsh Without All the
Social Support Which of Course

With the Struggles That You Are Having
in a New City and New Country With New Work

In Gaining this Connection is surely Not Limited to
Your Life as i’m Sure You Understand in Your Field As Well

As Studies Do Show
Humans Are More
Isolated than
ever before
in Your Demographic
For Sure as a Young Adult

And Really this is Affecting Effecting and
Infecting Many Demographics ThiS WaY

As Ample Metaphor as Social Isolation is
A Factor Related to Potential Disorder and Disease

Yes It’s True if We Live Long Enough We Eventually
Must Become Our Own Father Mother FRiEnDS and Lover

As Those Folks Come Missing in Life However It’s Really

Not a Natural Part of How Humans Are Evolved to Be as
Being Part of a Close Knit Village was always Integral to Basic Survival

And Surely
Thriving too

And It’s true Classic
Evolution is Very Slow
We Still Have the Same
Basic Needs With Technology
Replacing Many of the Warm Connections

Yet Sadly The Healing and Reduction of Pain

May Be

Most in Life
As We Become More
The Tools We Use Yes
Becoming Mastered by them
Yes Like Watching Net-Flix All Night

Long Instead of Moving Connecting
Co-Creating in Flesh and Blood and Even

For Those Humans Who Have Family and Friends
At Work and School There Is Still A Need for a Communion
A Village of Extended Humans to Provide That Human Healing

Perhaps A Place of Worship

Hehe or Even Bowling in Leagues

Or Any Other Communal Activity
Where New Moving Connections Co-Creating

Come to Healing in Human Warmth Face to Face

Sadly though With All the Distractions Many Folks

Are Putting This Off and Putting This Off Until

it No Longer Even Seems Like an Option in Life
As A Shut-in in my Bedroom So Very Ill For 66 Months
Without the Ability to Get Out and Commune With Other Humans

Even too Painful
to Commune with
Wife and Family

i Understand the
Value of that All too Well
And When i Got Better that’s
Part of the Reason Beyond the
Online Poetic Responses to Folks Around the Globe

That i Became A Public Dancer As All 20,420 Miles now
in 11 Years is Literally Scattered With Thousands of Warm
Human Face to Face Interactions Even When Totally Non-Verbal

The Same Warmth
That Brings Reductions
Of Anxiety And Pain in Life

It’s All a Matter of Seeking and Finding
A Way That Works for You Yet Truly there

is No Replacing A Real Human Moving

Connecting Co-Creating Communion

Of Life Making the Way Home Not Seem So Very Long..:)

Eternal Bliss

Place Between

Time Distance Space
And A Matter of Things

Now Accepting
NoW As The Very
Best Place With SMiLes
Vines And Roots Continue
to Spread Above So Below

Dear Savvy

Soul to


Soul FLoWinG NeW

Destination Home NoW..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha “What Happens

In Corsica Stays In Corsica” Yet the

Secret is to Bring Back the Story of ‘The Play’

Far Away From Just A Cog in a Machine An Actor

or Actress Ya Never Really Wanted to Be Yet Life

Becomes That

Way Until You

Find Your Way Back

To the Freedom of the

Child Who Plays Within With SMiLes

“Tamasha” How Wonderful A World it is

Where A Quick Search on Wiki and A YouTube

Trailer Will Share A Similar Experience Around the World

Yet Truly And Sadly So Many Folks Spend Life in a Prison

And The Child

Of Play Within

Dies Without Even

Ever A Chance of coming back…

Yet Some Take the Chance And
Are Reborn ThiS WaY For Real

iN Play
of the
EYes Changing
New Colorful And Real..:)

“Hey everybody, don’t you feel that there’s something, but you know
in a moment it is gone.
I live for the day when I can hear people saying that they know and
they care for everyone
But I feel like I’ve been here for the whole of my life, never knowing

Been away from home for such a long time,
And got to know this town,
But I don’t seem to matter much to anyone, who’s around
Is there anybody around?

Every night I walk around the city,
Seems like I’ll never know,
The feeling of being together when I go.

It’s a long way.
It’s a long, long, long way there,
I’m gonna keep on tryin’,
I’m gonna keep on tryin’, yeah,
I’m gonna keep on tryin’,
I’m gonna keep on tryin’, ah!”

It’s True Dear Miriam Some Days

The Only Person Who Knows You is
Your Dog

i Don’t Have
A Dog These Days…

Not Even A Pony in ‘The Show’…

That Bit of MaGiC When A Song
Plays in the Background of Your
Soul Inspired Some How By only
A Word or Two And Then That’s All

It Takes to Find it Again in Modern
Technology On


So Soul
Going NoWHeRE

Yet NoW in the Deep of ‘The Song’..:)

Dance anew Dance
Sing anew Song
from passing
Color Flesh Brew
Verse A Blanket more
ALWay New Note
Dance Step
from never
land story ‘fore
beyond infinity word..🙂

Pain No Escaping
Only Sleep Only
In Dreams Do We
In Dreams
Reality now
We Co-Create
Pain ERaSinG
Enough to Never
Take Again New Peace
iNHaLinG LoVE Exhaling…

SMiLes Dear Yamini Romantic
Love of Youth Now May Be
Painful Yet Love Enduring is
Raging Waves Understanding
They Are Ocean
Whole And Have
To Look Forward
To When Your Wave
Becomes As Old
As The Ocean
like me..

Moonology Scientists
Measure Moon
Artists Paint
Moon With



Felt Before
As i Am Still Painting You Then
Through More Than 72 Full
Moons Through 70 Months
Always Now Still Never
Giving Up No Matter



Of New
Full Moon
Quiet Just As
Beautiful in Sublime Arts

Hehe Hope my Paint

Brush Tickles You

Now And Then

As Full


Blush Smiling too

Whatever It Takes to
Keep Your Lights on i Do

🌚 🌙 🌝 🤗🌝🌙🌚

True Reflecting me on You
How Sun Hugs Colors Moon

SMiLes Hemalatha Sculpture Is Language
of Soul as We Sculpt Letters For Words
To Transform Feelings Senses

Of Our Existential

Intelligences into
Symbols More Now

How Lovely The Meaning
And Purpose Holy Sacred
Art Brings From Your CuLTuRE

To Those Not Initiated Into Your
Ways of LiFE For It’s True Sculptures
of Human In Nature Reflect All Stars




As Well my FRiEnD
MooNLiGHT DRaWinG Souls..:)

THiS LiFE HouSinG DanCinG SinGinG NoW iPLaY

SMiLes Work Never CeaSinG
Greater When We Cooperate
For Common PuRPoSinGS

iN MeaNinGS NoW

Yes Great Work

Dear Soni With Your


Partner Science or

Art Reason

Or Dream

Time is



Our Schedule NoNE Effortless Ease Yet
DoinG More River FLoWinG Ocean WHoLE…:)

Hehe Dear FRiEnD SMiLes

Sohair Your Poem Reminded
me of the BLeSSinG of My

B L i S S iN G ReaL

(Boogie Wonderland)

Life Now Yet of Course

Deeper Meaning

Reading the Wiki

Movie ‘Cliff Notes’

of “You Before me”…
About A Man Paralyzed
Wishing to End His Life

And Allow His Loved Ones
To Flourish in Their Abundant
Perceived Freer Potentials of Life…

The Worst Place i Can And Will Still iMaGiNE

iN This Life With Tears Still Streaming Down my

Face is the Day The Only Part of Existence i Could
Connect At all Without Great Pain A Cat Went Missing
And i Worried So Much my Only Connection With Existence

Would Not Come Back Meanwhile Planning Insistently

Every Day For 2 Years A Suicide Escape From the

Suicide Disease the Worst Pain Known to

Humankind Literally Assessed

As Worse Than Crucifixion
(Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia No Drug
Would Touch for me)

Then From Wake to

Sleep Yes God Yes

Where The Only
Possible Escape
Is Sleep Yet Only
Nightmares Without
Even Any Dreams for Respite
of Never Ending Pain And Numb…

Understanding Logically How Blessed i Was
to Be Loved Still Yet Only Feeling Pain Next
to Any Human In Life From Head to Toe even more

And There Was No Explanation Why… Anyway the Cat

Came Back and i Stayed And Although i Left A Metal Chain
in A Bicycle Basket to End my Life Through All 66 Months of
the Pain And Numb Without even A Memory if i ever Felt a Smile

in my Entire Life That Day i Picked out a Road my Wife Never Named
Before and A Tree Into the Forest off That Road Where My Life Would
Serve A Final Meaning And Purpose to Feed Vultures Where No Human

Would Find my Remains And as i have related the Story to You Before…
Her Dream She Related Naming that Road the Next Morning in the Spring
of that Year 2010 Saying She Had the Strangest Dream With Her Granny
Who Was Deceased Hanging Christmas Ornaments on A Tree in the Forest

Off that Road…

Yes it was

Message to Stay
And True i Do Believe

i MaDE A Difference in
The Decision to LiVE mY FRiEnD

Where THere Are No Emotions, No Feelings
of Hope, Faith, Or Feelings of LoVE iN Life
No Matter How Much We are Loved to Stay

There Are Messages Beyond That Come That
Defy All Rules of Before Beyond All Belief my FRiEnD God’s Breath

YeS RiSinG iN Falling Humans Who Make it to The Other Side Again…

i Try to Be That Breath to Others Who Cannot See Through That Window of Hope

As i Still Couldn’t Then Yet i Understood Others Were Better Connected Than me

And Yes


The Real

Meaning of

‘You Before me’

WHere We Don’t
Give Up And Stay For Others too…
Sadly A Man in the Movie took No Way Out…

Love Is More Than What We Take in Life Love
Without Form…

This Essence



This Will Still Breathing…
This Dream i Didn’t Have
That Still Comes True for me now…

*Big Oops

“me before you”

Meaning of
the ‘Original Movie’…

We Serve Others Greater Living…

“Between the then and the yet to come”

SMiLes Dear Savvy How Life Flows Beyond

What We Call CLocK Land in One Direction

What i Come to Find

When We LiVE

Dream TiME NoW

iN FLoW oF Creativity

All Measure Falls Away

Even Terms As Small


No Boundaries

What So Ever

Now Whole

Yet Meaning

Of Life Where

All of Life Becomes

Purpose With No Rhyme

or Reason Necessary the

Ocean Understands WHere

The River Flows From Now
SaMe Water Dear FRiEnD SaMe
Wave Same Ocean All One Water We aRe…

It’s Just So Amazing How i Will Visit Totally

Unrelated Folks Around the Globe And

Like A Symphony Of Orchestras

THeRE iS A Conductor oF

All That


in All OF All

The MuSiC oF BeFoRE NoW

Synergies Energies Vibrations Frequencies

All These Humans With A Similar Dance And
Song We Play Beyond All Distance, Space,
TiMe, Matter
or Form…




Whole All
Connecting Waves
Water Ocean Whole..:)

Spaces ‘tween Creation
of Crests And Troughs
Of Waves Making
Ocean Whole
PLaY Dear
Savvy Yes Space
Tween Patterns
of Notes in MuSiC
True too And For me
At Least When my FLoWinG
Waves of Creativity Trough

i Take A Nap And Then The
Crest of An Entire Wave of
Creativity Naturally Comes Fresh Again

From Ocean of my Subconscious Mind
Even More
i Sleep With SMiLes..:)

Thanks Dear
Savvy For
The SonG
Of mY SoUL

Again So Kind of You ‘Peace & Truth” to Wish Us A Good Night
From Your Side of the World Without Any Sunshine
Yet True The Sunshine of Kindness Within Need Not

Run Out Now And
We Humans May
Even Color Our Christmas
Trees Left Up Year-Round
With Newer Colors of Kindness
LiGHTiNG Up And Wiring Our Humanity

More For the
of Kindness

For It is The LoVE WiTHiN
For Real That LiGHTS Up
Our Humanity oF LoVE iN
Truly This Kingdom and
Or Queendom Within
to Give, Share, Care, And
Heal For All With Least Harm
Inhaling Peace ExhalinG LoVE iN
JoY oF LiGHT HeaVeN ReaL NoW

Indeed Life is Not
Only Good Yet A Great
Once Again For ALL With Least Harm

SMiLes A Memory From Working At A Military
Bowling Center For 18 Years For The Federal Government
Then the Navy More Specifically Eventually Managing the Place
Yet Always Close With the Customers Still Renting Out Rental Shoes

And Listening to All THeiR
Stories of Life As Then i Was
A Human of Few Words Yet Always
EYeS And SMiLes of Kindness For All With Least Harm

It’s Also True That is A Period of 23 Years When i Visited
No Churches in our Local Area And Not Even the Nature of the Beach

Yet in the Military Bowling Center i Worked
We Entertained Big Local Church Groups
With the Recreation of Social Bowling Then

And Some of the Leaders of the Church Group
Remarked to me that i was A Greatest Example
of Christianity and Jesus they ever met Yet i Wondered

How Low the Bar Must Have Been Set
Within Even Their Churches as All i Did is Do
me Patient and Kind With Peace And Love For Real

Indeed a Gift my Mother Bred

And Gardened as me

A Gift i Continue
to Give As Kindness
And Fearless Love IS A
Greatest Gift i Understand
to Just Give ‘JeSuS AWaY’ For free..:)

Nah, i Wont Back Down
From Partying Like
Heaven Really
Exists Now

Either Dear
Miriam Newly

i’ll Stand my Ground
Reaching Stars Real

With Wings Free

As Of Course

IT Does if the
Party and the
After Party Is New Now..:)

True Dear Miriam

Real Power Comes

From A Huge

Comfort Zone


When It’s Naked
Enough Whole Complete

It’s Like This Yes Imagine
Trump Not Dressed on Stage Hehe

Or Better Yet HAha Don’t With SMiLes

As The Gambling Continues Now For His

True Weigh-in With His Next Mug Shot

No Doubt His

True Height

Wouldn’t Match
His Paper-work either…

These Are the ‘Big’ Questions of our Days..:)

SMiLes Dear Cindy Wonderful Review of Your Book And

Very Soulful Account In Poetry of Your Father’s Challenges

Moving on to Assisted Living And Indeed Losing Much of

His Living Independence too Fortunately Both my

Father and Mother Were Able to Stay

at Home Through the End and

Dear Lord my Cousins

Still Taking Care of a Mother
at Her Home With Alzheimer’s Disease
at Nearly 91 Years-Old Doing the Care at Home for
Nearly a Decade With Their Father (my Father’s Identical Twin)
in the Same Condition in their Home Until Recently at 88 Years of age too…

Passing Away At Home Last Year…

My Father Dropping Dead
in His Home at 81 Before
The Ravages of that Disease

Bringing Total
Infirmity to Him…

My Mother Beating my
Sister at 82 in Scrabble
Days Before Her Death
Undiagnosed Stage 4 Breast
to Bone to Bleeding Brain Cancer

All She took Was a Bayer Aspirin
Now and Then For Two Years During All that Pain

Just Explaining it Away as Arthritis A Mind A Valuable
Gift to Exercise Life-Long i’m Surely Not Gonna Drift Away
Like So Many Retired Folks Do Eyes Glued to FauX News and the Such

A Retirement
Hobby For
So Many
Where i Live Indeed..:)

Indeed Dear Savvy Compassion
Is The Fire Within Driving Us to

Understand Tolerate and Even

Accept the Vast Differences Now

Changing Among Human Beings

Both Intra And Extra-Cultural Too

However in the Average Grind of Life

It Will Be Very Difficult For Folks to Move

Out of the Groove Their Record Player Continues to Play

And That Too

of Course is
Part of the
Play of Compassion
Bringing Understanding

Bringing Love That is True iN Peace
Spreading No Longer Re-coiling to Strike-Out..:)

What A Smile OMG Yes Perfect Curls
With Happy Eyes And Yes A Great

Summer Flowered Top Purchase

From the First Work of Your RiSinG

With SMiLes..:)

As Long As Humans Breathe
A Mother’s Love Does Exist

SMiLes Dear
Miriam it’s
Good to
Feel and

Really Real
And Celebrate the Gift..:)

Oh Goodness Dear Maranda As Science Shows
The Power of Voodoo is Real Also Technically

Termed as the Nocebo Effect

Yet it Will Only Work if one Believes
The Pin Cushion Doll in Harmful Intent Will

Come to Pain’s Fruition

Yet THere is Good News
The Placebo Effect of Belief Works True

Instead of Pain the Placebo May
Bring Healing and Pleasure

Depending on How Much
One Will Believe and How

Ornate A Sugar Pill You
May Design or Others May
Deliver So Sweet With Loving Kindness

Somewhere THere is a Butterfly Doll
With Only Butterflies Fluttering Good

Wishes For You

Hehe Trust
Me It’s True With SMiLes…

-The Mothman hAha

Friday Florida Flower Story
Such A Brisk Cool Ending August Breeze
Such Clear Azure Blue Skies
A Hint of Fall
Far Away of
Summer Heat
Relief Back in the
Days Hehe of No
Air Conditioning in Florida
Enjoying a Slow
Dance Walk
in Nature
So Embalming
Cool Northern Breezes
Hehe i Don’t Believe
i Noticed Any
at All
Trapped by
the Blue Skies
of Northern Winds of Course
It Is Perfect Room Temperature
in Toronto
As Usual
in August Fall Bliss

Other than that it is very Green With
Dry Flowers Thirsting For Rain to
Colors Back
of Summer Free

Yet THere is Always
A Golden Cool Breeze to Feel
Hehe if only in Front of
An Air Conditoning Vent


SMiLes Dear Savvy
Considering Now
Is All We Have New

i Always Make Now
The Only Time of mY LiFE


More Specifically
Creating Every Move
Holy Dance Creating
Every Word Sacred Song
Letting Go OPeN HeART

So Very Deep Within to
Be my Guiding LiGHT


NoW Free
Yes With SMiLeS AGAiN..:)

“Navigating the Sweet Spot Between Childhood and Adulthood’

Hehe InDeeD i’Ve Arrived and AM Staying

in the ‘Sweet Spot Now’

The Rest of my
Breathing LiFE
Dear Miriam With SMiLes

And Nah i Was in No Rush to
Leave HoME ALways WelcoMe THere

WaY Even NoW as i make my Home EverYWHere i Go
Just Affirming
WHeRE i AM NeW..:)

SMiLes Dear Pooja i Enjoyed the Interview
And Particularly Could Relate to the Points
of Dancing Like No One Is Watching Hehe

Even Solo in Front of a Thousand Folks at
A Festival Yes In Other Words Feeling no

Need to Conform to Dance Lessons or
Even Commas For Writing HAha Do it
A Way That is Free For You Feeling Free

To Break Traditions Like Males Should Be
More Valuable Than Females and Females
Should Be Subservient And Child Bearing and

Marriage Should Be A Requirement For Everyone
Hehe in the United States 47 Percent of the General

Population Under 50 Plans on Staying Single While Ignorant Politicians

Suggest Their Contributions to Society Are Somewhat Less Worthwhile

Even Though Their
Religions Contradict
Them By Suggesting
Single is the Way to Go
For Those More Spiritually Inclined

Hehe Yes More Folks Are Becoming ‘Monks’ ThiS WaY
With Many More Hours to Focus Attention Span on Improving
The World Around them For It Is True It Is Possible to Impact
The World in Creating Progress Far More Than Having Children Alone

Hehe Like Elton John and Even All the Romances And Children He Has
Helped to Inspire Staying Fully Clothed in Song Deep From SPiRiT HEaRT SoUL

And Additionally i Related to How Creativity Exploded During the Pandemic As Folks
Turned Toward Introspection Expressing Creativity Generated From the DarK Challenge

of Being Shut-in
Using Wonderful
Online Avenues to
Express Themselves
in Moving Connecting
Co-Creating Artful Ways With
Other Folks All around the World

Yes An Amazing Era to Be Alive in
Despite All the Horrid Consequences
of the Pandemic too Yet Wow So Much Creativity!

Hehe And Some Of us Haven’t even slowed down With SMiLes..:)

So Nice To See Your
Star RiSinG Dear
Isha And It’s
Not Just me
my Wife And Sister
Assessed You The
Same Way Just From

Pic With

iNdeed Imran the Tree Lives
In Both The Seed and the Leaf
What More Do i Need to Understand

The Part is the Whole
And The Whole is the Part

Not Even Any Words For i Have
EYes That HeaR With SMiLes mY FRiEnD

Nice to See You Back on
WordPress Not too Long

Ago Sohair Spoke Fondly
of You Relating How She

Missed Your Presence

on WordPress

Best Wishes

To All Leafs and
Seeds That Are Trees
And Leafs And Seeds With SMiLes..🙂

Never Better
Now For This
Gift Of Life New
Prayer Imran For Your
Best Life too With SMiles☺️🙏

Indeed Love of the Raging
Wave Transforming to
Ocean Whole Genuine
Forever Love is Always
Warm Yes Even More
Enticing than
The Lust
Of Young
Newborn Raging Waves
Of Romance As This
Love is As Deep as
Trust as Faith
Never Jealousy
Only Taking Delight
In The Joy Springing
From a Smile oF Light
SMiles Have A Beautiful
Day Yamini keep Smiling😁

SMiLes Dear Sohair to Fly is to Believe
to Stay Up is to Love All As Faith
Becomes Essence of Love
Seeing Hearing More
With Intuition
iN Positive
Than Eyes
And Ears Alone
For Miracles Are Real
But for those who Fly
With Belief And Stay Up
With Love as Essence of Faith
Where All of the Journey
Each Path We Color as
Miracles of Faith
Holding Love
As Belief
Radiating Light
Coloring Life More Real…🙂

SMiles If Only HeARTS
Will See As Clearly As
A Camera Catches Small

A Violet Magnolia

i Am Surprised my
Camera Can See This

Wish i Had one to See
Why You Hurt And Are

So Upset These Days
To Try to Help Yet True

You Are
With Silent Pain 😿

SMiles Dear Rue Writing
EPiC Long Form Poetry
One Has To Be Now A
Rather Intense Social
Critic To Do It Yet Like
You Working As A

Flight Attendant
And me With So Many
Thousands of Folks in

Service For

Decades Face to
Face Very Rarely
Am i Not Able to

Create A
Rapport As
That is my
Born And
Bred Nature
Smiling Nice

Sadly Where
i Come From
Folks Find That
Threatening Yet

Ultimately Wins


Hehe With the
Patience of “Job”

Of Course

A Stranger
Not Even Below

A Grain of Sand
Others Who Have
The Ability to See

me Commonly
Say Both me

And Katrina
Are The Nicest

People They
Ever met hehe
Albeit Rather

And Strange

Like The
Or “Adam’s
Family” With

Of Course
Katrina is

The “Normal
One” On All
The “TV Shows”😜

SMiLes Dear Sohair i’ll Give You A RunDown Yes Literally
Run Down On All the Disabilities in DiSEaSE That took
my SoUL Away For 66 Months Shut-in In HeLL ON Earth

For 66 Months

One Hard Part Was

They Were All Invisible
Disabilities and DiSEases
That No One Could See Externally

To Provide Much Sympathy for Hell

Looking at my Form Still Assessed
As Healthy Enough by Just Looking

At me in Any Room Folks Still Complimenting
me How Fit i Looked on the Outside Not Able to

See Within
me Dear

Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia is a Form of
‘Trigeminal Neuralgia’ That
You Can Search on that Always
is Present in this Worst Pain Known
to Humankind named the Suicide Disease
that in my Case no Drug Would Touch And was

Similar to Dentist
Drill-Like Pain then
in my Right Eye And
Ear All 66 Months Yes
From Wake to Sleep at
at the Beginning of that Challenge
At the Height of the Pain i had Insomnia
Life Threatening Insomnia too Where i could
only Sleep one Hour of Card Board Shallow Sleep
With the Help of An Alpha Blocker to Slow my Heart
Rate Down Enough to Fall off to Sleep the First 35 Days of
40 Days Where the Last 5 i could Not Sleep no Matter What

It was so bad

i sought a Bridge
to Jump off of Yet
Too Weak to Get Out
of the Car Miraculously
my Sister Found me At the
Bottom of that Bridge in the
Spring of 2008 in Her Car Picked
me up Yet i still wanted to Escape
and do anything even walk in Front of
A Car Driving by to Get Out of the Hell of the Pain….

She took me Speeding on a Road and said she would
Kill Us both as she didn’t Wanna Live without A Brother
i Said Soundly No And Eventually Agreed to Go to the Hospital

And They Put me Down to Sleep With 4 Milligrams of Ativan then…

my Heart Couldn’t Properly Synch with my Blood Pressure With Dysautonomia
As my Autonomic Nervous System Was No Longer Doing that Job Effectively

All of this Related to 11 Years of Chronic to the Last 2 Years of Acute
Fight or Flight Intense Stress All Work Related Then my FRiEnD From
1996 through 2007 Just Total General Adaptation Syndrome Failure then…

i Suffered With Sjogren’s Syndrome Auto-Immune Disease First Attacking
The Nerves of my Feet Where Touching Anything As Early As 2006 Was
Extreme Pain; Even Touching the Floor While Sitting Down Just All Foot
Pain Then and The Doctor’s Couldn’t Figure out Why at that Point Until
my Eyes Quit Making Tears in 2008 And i Got Diagnosed With that

Eventually too…

Took Two Years to
Get Diagnosed with
The Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia and Before that
Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia
Pain All Over From Head to To Toe Too…

Spinal Stenosis And Severe Degenerative Arthritis
in my Spine; Associated Coat Hanger Pain Around the
Shoulders And Neck with the Dysautonomia too; And

Oh Lord Finally Diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum;
With Alexithymia Where i couldn’t Express Emotions
With Words And On Top of that i Lost my Emotions
too, Even A Memory of if i Had Ever Smiled Before

Just no Reference
Point Out

Of Pain
And Numb Then…

Yes, Anhedonia, Feeling
No Pleasure; Yes, Severest
Anxiety And Depression

Yet Eventually When
All Hope Left There
Was Not Even

Room For

Fear to Live Within

It’s Worth Noting That i Left
Fear Behind When the more Positive
Emotions Were Reborn in me on July 19, 2013
in Miraculous Recovery on A Beach One With
Sea Oats Swaying in Breeze, Sugar White Sands,
Emerald Green Waves,

Sea Gull


me Around
Sunshine True

There Was Other Minor
Stuff Like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
And When i Came Out of Hell Dancing
On Clouds in Balance Diagnosed With
Bi-Polar Not Specified as They had Never

Seen Someone As
Happy As me

For Just

Breathing my
FRiEnD Just Breathing
Without Pain And Numb

True i Still Have A Heavenly
Disorder in the Eyes of Some

Others Yet Life is Good

And i am Surely

No Longer


Now Yet i Still
Welcome All Challenges

As Hell Brought me the
Gift of Heaven Most Inhaling
Peace Exhaling Love Eternally Now Free
Giving, Sharing, Caring, Healing With No Restraints Now…

Yeah, i had some other Issues like A Deviated Septum
So Bad that the ENT asked me After performing a
Cat Scan How in the World i BReATHE The Answer

Is Love

Now my



Whole iN Peace

And Complete

If That’S A Disorder

i Surely Want NO CURE…

i Just Talked to A Bishop Who
Couldn’t Seem to Understand that
Inhaling Peace Exhaling Love is a
Greatest Prayer Eternally Now i don’t

Mind if he Visits

And He’s Welcome

to Make HiS Own Stay

iN Heaven Within NoW For Real
too Yet It’s True i can’t Make Anyone

Go to Heaven

Or Hell

For that

Matter of SPiRiT
HeART SoUL Numb Either

It’s an Inside Job Only the
Carpenter Who Is Us Will Build my FRiEnD…
With A Little to A Whole Lot of Help From
The SPiRiT Within God More Than Words


That Much

i Don’t Even Need
to Know in Words

Just The Feeling

Just the Sense

Just the

God Within
Inhaling Peace
Exhaling Love Even More Now For Real..🙂

SMiLes Dear Savvy Indeed
Thoughts Are The Furniture

Of Our Minds As
We May Move

Furniture Around
In Our External Living
Rooms to Create More Positive
Feelings For Change The Same

Is Surely Applicable

to Our


Home of Mind True
Yet Even More So As
Vowels Are The Breath of

Emotions Feelings Senses

That Come ALiVE iN Emoting

Words Figuratively SPeaKinG So
Much Deeper Feeling Sensing All
Emotions of Life More Than Just

Labels for
This or
Kind of
Tree or Bird
my FRiEnD

Yet True Neuroscience
Shows Our Emotions Feelings
Senses Come First And Our Words
Are Guideposts Associated With Same

So True Change A SonG oF OuR SoUL to

More of A Positive Song And the Furniture

Is Greater Arranged For More Positive Thoughts

Associated With Emotions Feelings Senses Same…

Some Folks Suggest That Humans Are Assessed With
80 Percent Negative Leaning Feeling Sensing Emoting Thoughts

Every Day Ranging Up Toward 60,000 Words in One Day As Thoughts

And True to Change This Takes Great Introspection And Contemplation

Yes in Meditative Mindful Awareness in Flow to Regulate Emotions and
Integrate Senses Greater In Positive Ways to Birth More Positive Thoughts

As Thoughts Become Emotions Feelings Senses Driving More Positive Action New As Well

Thing is As
It Was For
me too in A
Everyday World
Cogs of Other Folks
Machines Who Run Us
As Well Oiled Parts of the
Systems Other Folks Create
To Fit in to Keep the Big Machine
of CuLTuRE And Society WorKinG Now…

The Basics of Introspection That Bring
Contemplating Meditation in Flow of
Greater Mindful Awareness May

Only Be Found in Places

As Small on


To Work

If that Includes

Country Roads and
Not Just Congested City Traffic

my FRiEnD A Great Poverty of Knowing

Oneself this Brings And So Much Anxiety

Depression And Overall Stress That Leads

to Unhappy Lives Lacking Meaning And Purpose

We Orchestrate And Create Within Somehow Escaping All the Distractions

mY FRiEnD of Course Why Folks Blog too Early in the Morning Before The Rat Race Never Ends Again…

When i Worked i Had Very Little Control of my Thoughts And Truly A Severe Deficit in Regulating
Emotions Integrating Senses Same Now A Dance of Meditation Comes First in Flow Then A Song

The Same

Master of
What Breathes

Within Now

As Words

Flow in A River
oF LiGHT Away

From Darker Oceans ‘Fore…
Dancing Singing My Way To
A Whole Life Complete Enough Now…🙂

No Longer Pushing
Gravity Dear Savvy
iNDeeD FLoWinG
With Gravity
With Gravity
Effortless Ease
Of Non-Knowing
Feeling Sensing Ever
More Potentials Opening..🙂

SMiLes Dear Ruehla i Remember
Years Ago You Had Some Issues
With An Employer You Were Doing
Some Copy Writing For Then a New

More Stable Company After That Best
Wishes to You and that Left Brain Detail

Thinking And Doing Mind i Recently
With SMiLes

Indeed Hopefully Your
Customers Have More
Attention Span than the
Folks i Interact With in the
United States Indeed You Provide
Detailed And Very Comprehensive


That i Surely Can
And Will Appreciate

Yet Again It is Well Beyond
A Grasp of Most Folks i Interact With

And For me At Least With Hardly Any
Tied Down Day-to-Day Responsibilities
i’m Actually Held Accountable For i Rather

Deal Face-To-Face in Every Human Interaction
When Possible Even Chit Chatting With the Cashiers
in Walmart Rather than the Machine Cashiers Indeed

Lord Knows When We used to Visit the Casino’s in Biloxi
Just to do the Free Play as i Danced The Beaches and

Boardwalks Free They Were Changing
Over the Bar Tenders to
Automated Oh Lord

As ‘Ted Danson’ Real

And ‘Cheers’ Go Extinct
With A Machine Made

Human Race to

Some Thing
Other than
Inhaling Peace
Exhaling LoVE iN
Hand-in-Hand And Not Separated

So far Out

of the Human
Touch of Moving Connecting
Co-Creating Giving Sharing
Caring Healing For Real

When Four Eyes Meet
or Perhaps Eight

If Both
Are Too
Near Sighted
or Far Sighted
to See Each Other hehe…
Anyway Yep Whatever CuLTuRE
Offers Left of the Human Condition
Ya gotta Make a Living to Eat and Drink

Survive and
True Perhaps
Have Enough Space
For Some Thriving Using
Electronic Signatures And
the Such to Expedite Other
Processes of Breathing Hehe With SMiLes..🙂

Ah to Lose our Minds in the Passion
And Flow of What We aRe Doing
True Unrequited Love A Greatest

Muse for Works of Art The
Longing to Go Back to A Place
Where One Loses THeir Mind Now

Dear California Dreaming Poet Cindy
With Such an Inspiring Published Poem

Enveloped in the Passion of Feelings
And Senses So Deep in Every Energy

Of Ever Cell of Being Also True Some Folks
May Only Find it Once in A Romance of Life

Whether That is Human-to-Human, Scaling
A Cliff With Bare Hands And No Safety Harness

Or Going into Fox Holes With Fellow Grunts
Bleeding Out All the Mind Literally Just Trying
to Stay Alive
When All

Parts of the
Group Effort
Become One
For Any Chance of
Survival And Suddenly
Now is Forever And THere
Is No WHere Else to Go Yet Ascending Transcending
NoW iN Focus And Attention Span True to Be in Flow New

mY God Yes It’s A Powerful Draw This Romance of Life in Flow
When We Lose Our Minds And Now Becomes Forever Now Real

i Have A FRiEnD A Former Commodore of a Navy Station and Once
Vital Tool At the Pentagon too Who Said if He Could He’d Go Back

to the Fox Holes
of Vietnam When
He Was Fresh and
Just Enlisted If He Could

Just to Experience A Romance of FLoWinG Life in War

mY Suggestion of Course is 13.2 MiLLioN Words EPiC FLoWinG
of Free Verse Poetry and 20,420 Miles of Public FLoWinG
Dancing in 11 Years Yet It’s True the NuMBeRS Never

Really Matter
Far Beyond
A ‘Matter of Things’
This Essence of Flow Within
This Romance of Loving Living That
Never Ends or Begins ALWaYS STaRTinG NeWLY NoW
Never FiNiSHinG Never Bloody Or Even Messy As Yes
These Days i Never Fall Down Dancing Anymore Hehe

On the Other Hands i’ll Stop Now Before the Fumes of
my Affair of Loving Life Become A FReDWood Size Response

iN SonG




‘The Flow’..🙂

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa
It’s So Much Easier to
Find Heaven WithiN ON EartH

If One Understands Struggle
And Adversaries of Life Are

Gonna Be the Pepper that
Makes the Salt of Heaven Real

For It’s True Without the Stress
of Challenge For Trees Suffering

No Droughts
Roots Grow
More Shallow
Than Deep Feeling
Senses For Greater
Resources of Water Below

Of Course the Price to Pay
is They Easily Topple Over When
Cat 6 Hurricanes and the Such Hehe Come to Play..🙂

i’ve Danced And Sung it Often
YeT i’LL Do it Again A Best
Gift A Boy And Or Girl
With HaVE iN This
LiFE Is A Mother
Of Love From
A Birthday
of Love
That Never
Ends Now For Real
Dear Miriam With SMiLes..🙂

Indeed Dear Sohair Even Science
Shows Our Feelings and Senses in
Synergy Yes Our Emotions Precede

Most All Decisions in Life We
Believe to Be Rational Yet

Still Driven By Our
Emotions More First

Particularly When it Comes
to Feelings and Senses of Love

Of Course A Most Powerful Driving
Force That Bonds and Binds A Species

to Continue
to Survive and
Thrive Key in mY LiFE
Understanding i Generate
mY Own Emotions and Senses
And It is Up to me to Find Meditating
Ways of Dance And Song to Regulate Emotions
And Integrate Senses to Master The SHaDES of
Grey Through BLacK Abyss Through Continuing Colors

of Life New
That Make
Life Feel
Both Joy
And Peaceful

For me at Least it took 53 Years to ARRiVE iN
A Balance of Wisdom Peace and LoVE iNDeed…
Hehe Shall THeRE ALWaYS Be Challenges Yep as Long

As i Do the Human Being Condition Dance And Song Free Now…🙂

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa
i Don’t Chase
i Float
iN Breeze
ALLoWinG Free
Wind to Carry me

SMiLes As Synchronicity Will Have it Again
And Again When Every Next Step Fits in As

Another Verse
of A Whole Poem
Free my Last Words

Before i Come Here
Are i Don’t Chase Life

i Float As SPiRiT Wind
Carries me in A Free

Breeze That
Feels And
Senses No
Boundaries of
iMaGiNaTioN And
Creativity Set Free Dear Savvy..🙂

SMiLes Dear Kiran There Are Stepping Stones in Life to Walk ALL OveR
And Then THere Are FLoWerS to Appreciate For All Colors They BRinG

About All We Have

Is Finding And
The Colors


Do BRinG

Seek And
Find With SMiLes..🙂

SMiLes Dear Sohair A GreaTesT
Treasure of Losing Effective Use of
Most All Feelings And Senses In Life

Is Appreciating Them And

Practicing Them Returning to Life

As Life’s Most Precious Treasures Yes
Reminding me of Losing my Taste and
Smell From A Common Cold Back in the
Late Winter to Spring of 2017 And Then

The Smell Returning on What i Called
Doomsday Smell Day the Day A Solar

Eclipse Traversed the United States
on August 21st 2017 It’s a Condition That

Is Sadly Real And Often Leads To Folks Committing
Suicide as All Smells And Tastes Like Rotting Flesh

And All Of Life Becomes The Smell and Taste of Death

Doomsday Smell and Taste Day Indeed Yet All my Life

i Haven’t Been Able to Touch Most Human Made Stuff

With Extreme Tactile Sensitivity And i had Already Lost

Effective Use of Eyes to See in Colors in Pictures and Ears
to Hear Any Music At All From the Pain Disorder That Put

A Dentist Drill in my Right Eye And Ear From Wake to Sleep
66 Months No Drug Would Touch Yet Again that Type Two

Trigeminal Neuralgia Still Wasn’t The Worst Pain Known

to Humankind to me Called The Suicide Disease For Real

Also Assessed As Worse than the Torture of Real Crucifixion too

It Was the Loss of
the Memory of ever
Feeling A Smile ever
As i’ve Often Shared This
Story With You Yet What A Gift

As Even Though The Doomsday Death
Smell and Taste Day Came And Lasted Close
to A Year until my Smell Started Returning More
Normal Again i Could Still Feel The Feel of A Smile

All the Way through the Doomsday Smell and Taste Year

And For me at Least It Was Still Heaven on Earth as i Had

the Perspective of Real Hell A Numb So Numb A Thousand

Years Lasts A Second All is Time In Hell Yet in Heaven on Earth

The Grain of Sand
in the Hour Glass
Neither Falls or Rises mY

FRiEnD Yes LoVE iN Peace Balancing

Remains And So Does Heaven WiTHiN….

That Perspective Removes So Much Fear in Peace
Indeed And Chases All Melancholy Away WHere Yes

Always And Forever Is Still A SMiLE oF LoVE iN Peace WiTHIN..🙂

SMiLes Dear Miriam
A Best Gift A Young

Man May Come to

Have is A Mother

Who Puts Him

Above All Others With SMiLes…

Except For His Other Brothers And

Sisters of Course Yet the Only Child

Prize With SMiLes..🙂

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Surely in Cairo
in Egypt Where Friday Is the Only Day

Off of the Work Week A Treasure

Is That One Day of the Week

To Cherish Hehe Yet

Then The Challenge

When You Retire Financially
Independent and Never Having
to Make Another Penny is Creating

Challenges In Life Great Enough to

Appreciate All the Breaths of Repose

After A Continual Moving Connecting
Co-Creating Dance And Song of Life

On The Other Hand One May

Sit Go Stagnant Stale

And So Far
Away From
A Good Friday
Treasure Every Day Now..🙂

SMiLes Dear Savvy Seed Leaf
Tree Never Separate

Ocean Whole

Water Wave

Never Separating

We May All Breathe

iN Unity NoW As

All Becomes

Flow And

A Wu Wei


Essence of Non
Doing Yet All Doing in Ease
Of Our Only Present Gift of NoW..🙂

SMiles Dear Savvy
Yes We aRe All
A Way Of Nature
A Way
Of Balancing
Peace Springing
Love For All With SMiles☺️🙏

Same Here Dear Pooja
With The Mental Pills
Numbing Yes Rates
Of Anxiety Depression
And Suicidal Ideation
Are At Highest Rates

Notably Loneliness Too

Yes A Natural Remedy
For Anxiety And Even
Pain Is The Warmth
That The Social


Oxytocin Brings

iN A Place of
LoVE iN Peace
Is Gentle Rain


Making Fear
And Pain


Healer it is i’m
Sure The Welcoming
Kindness You Bring
Here Helps Heal

Them Comes to Be
All NaturAlly With SMiles

Stress And Loneliness
Surely Modern Culprits

In Fast Paced Lives
Dominated By Mechanical
Cognition Materially Reducing

To Things

Science Shows
Being In That State
Of Being Naturally
Withers Away Social
Empathic Spiritual
Emotional Artistic


Where Putting
People First
Will Bring

Back More
Of Our Full
Humanity As A
Natural Human Practice

Of Life Yes
Curing Root
Causes As Possible☺️🙌

Catholic Mass Reading From the Small
Yet Yikes! Ever Growing Hours of August 25, 2024
Approaching the 5 AM Hour Now Oh Dear Hopefully
i Won’t Be Late to Church Writing This Advanced Homily AS Such Hehe

Anyways SomeThing About “You’re A Lebowski, i’m A Lebowski,” And Having
A “Rug That Really Ties The Room Together” Sure Sort of Like ‘The Father and
i am one’ or As Carl Sagan Phrases it ‘We aRe The Cosmos Unto Itself Made of
Star Stuff AS SucH’ Yes All of Us Dude’s and or Dudette’s Let’s Not Get Caught

Up in Particular
Labels Too Much
As When We Name
Stuff We Tend to Focus
on the Form of the Name
We Co-Create in Abstract
Constructs More Than the
Essence of Reality as We
STarT Floating Around
In Words in Our
Head Instead
of Just
Being a
Free ParT oF
Nature Whole Yep
God if You can Fit all
that is in 3 Letters AS Such

Eternally Now New AS Such too

Yes, Yes, Yes, When We Start Worshipping
The Form More Than Essence We Will Get All

Pissed Off When Someone Pees on Our Particular
Cultural and or Religious Or Even Sports Themed Rug

Also Getting Pissed
If Anyone Disses our
Favorite Quarter Back
And Or Religious Team AS Such

Ah Yes How Much Effort the ‘Cohen
Brothers’ Made to Spread Some Really
Good News in The Cult Favorite Movie “The Big Lebowski”

Some Days It Helps When Simple Metaphors Explain

What is Plain
As the Nose
On Our Face

Or Parts Below
That Make Us Happen

In Other Words God or Whatever

It is Is What it is and It Will Even Be Joyfully
Refreshingly Loving iN Peace If We Just Inhale

Peace Exhale LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT Giving
Sharing Caring Healing With Most Respect

Least Harm For All With A Real Communal

Compassion About Life Altogether Free ThiS WaY

Yet Don’t Take My Words
For It Or Do For They Are Free

Or Don’t and Create Your Own

It’s True Change is the Only

Constant and Now

Is All We Get


Make it More
Colorful or Less
Colorful Deep or
Shallow A BLacK Abyss
of Hell Thru All the SHaDeS
of Gray of Purgatory on EartH

Yet Again THeRE iS ALWaYS

A Potential of Being Reborn

or First Born Back

Into New

Within Heaven Real God Yes Now
to FLoWeR And SPReaD Free Hehe..:)

Reading 1, Joshua 24:1-2
1 Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel together at Shechem; he then summoned all the elders of Israel, its leaders, judges and officials, and they presented themselves in God’s presence.

2 Joshua then said to all the people: ‘Yahweh, the God of Israel, says this, “From time immemorial, your ancestors, Terah, father of Abraham and Nahor, lived beyond the River, and served other gods.

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 34:2-3, 16-17, 18-19, 20-21, 22-23
2 I will praise Yahweh from my heart; let the humble hear and rejoice.

3 Proclaim with me the greatness of Yahweh, let us acclaim his name together.

16 But Yahweh’s face is set against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth.

17 They cry in anguish and Yahweh hears, and rescues them from all their troubles.

18 Yahweh is near to the broken-hearted, he helps those whose spirit is crushed.

19 Though hardships without number beset the upright, Yahweh brings rescue from them all.

20 Yahweh takes care of all their bones, not one of them will be broken.

21 But to the wicked evil brings death, those who hate the upright will pay the penalty.

22 Yahweh ransoms the lives of those who serve him, and there will be no penalty for those who take refuge in him.

Reading 2, Ephesians 5:21-32
21 Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.

22 Wives should be subject to their husbands as to the Lord,

23 since, as Christ is head of the Church and saves the whole body, so is a husband the head of his wife;

24 and as the Church is subject to Christ, so should wives be to their husbands, in everything.

25 Husbands should love their wives, just as Christ loved the Church and sacrificed himself for her

26 to make her holy by washing her in cleansing water with a form of words,

27 so that when he took the Church to himself she would be glorious, with no speck or wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and faultless.

28 In the same way, husbands must love their wives as they love their own bodies; for a man to love his wife is for him to love himself.

29 A man never hates his own body, but he feeds it and looks after it; and that is the way Christ treats the Church,

30 because we are parts of his Body.

31 This is why a man leaves his father and mother and becomes attached to his wife, and the two become one flesh.

32 This mystery has great significance, but I am applying it to Christ and the Church.

Gospel, John 6:60-69
60 After hearing it, many of his followers said, ‘This is intolerable language. How could anyone accept it?’

61 Jesus was aware that his followers were complaining about it and said, ‘Does this disturb you?

62 What if you should see the Son of man ascend to where he was before?

63 ‘It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh has nothing to offer. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.

64 ‘But there are some of you who do not believe.’ For Jesus knew from the outset who did not believe and who was to betray him.

65 He went on, ‘This is why I told you that no one could come to me except by the gift of the Father.’

66 After this, many of his disciples went away and accompanied him no more.

67 Then Jesus said to the Twelve, ‘What about you, do you want to go away too?’

68 Simon Peter answered, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the message of eternal life,

69 and we believe; we have come to know that you are the Holy One of God.’


Riding the Wave of Life in Balance
Sweet Spot in Flow Tween Apathy
And Anxiety Dear Savvy Increasing

Human Potentials Incrementally in Flow
Tiny Moves Make the Whole Dance And Song

of Life Integral
And Whole
Even More

With SMiLes Dear Savvy

i Am Reminded of All the Struggles
i Had With Repetitive Movement Injuries
With my Hip/Leg a Year Ago Where my Public
Dance Then Was Literally Slowed to A Grind

Over the Course of the Year The Military
Bought Much Improved Gym Machines
Bio-Mechanically Speaking Than What
Was Available for Use the Last 16 Years

In Doing So New the Repetitive Moving Injuries
Have Practically Dissipated to Almost no Problem at All

The New Challenges of the New Gym Machines Have
Increased my Strength Empirically Speaking Anywhere
From 40 to 60 Percent in Weight Lifted For Specific Body Parts

Since the Advent of the New Machines Since Last December Yes

‘They’ Told me in a Master’s Level Class For the ‘Sociology of Aging’

That i Was Overzealous to Suggest i Could Retain my 22 Year-Old
Strength into my 60’s and 70’s Yet You See They Had Never Heard
of the Case Study of Jack LaLanne Swimming Then Towing 70 Boats

Across A Bay At age 70 As Actually Previously He Helped Develop the
First ‘Universal Weight Machine’ Last Century And in His Exercise Programs

on TV Then He Motivated A Country to Exercise Where So-called ‘Elite’
‘White Collared Type Workers’ Thought it Was ‘Low Brow’ to Exercise in

Life Nothing Could Be Further From the Truth Regenerating A Real Fountain
of Youth As Meditation Does in All Forms and Essences of Meditation As Well

Anyway Hehe in the Leg Pressing Arena i Actually am 3 Times Stronger than
age 22 at age 64 Now Empirically Speaking Moving From 500 Pounds to 1540
Pounds Now 12 Reps Just Warming Up HAha Only Limited Now By the Weight Bar

As it Will
Hold No
More 45 Pound
Weight Plates With SMiLes

Use it or Lose it in Constant Adaptation
to Environmental Change/Challenge is What Makes
Human Neuroplastic and Epigenetic Potential New Now

Come True
in Positive Ways

Indeed Becoming a
Wave Ocean Water Whole
Integral to Being Even More With SMiLes

LiVinG Trees
Leaves We aRe ALL..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha All the Points You
Relate About Your Life Here Surely
Sound Like Classic Symptoms of
Chronic Depression All Too Common

Now In School Age and Transition into
Young Adulthood Wishing You the

Best to Overcome This And A Good
Therapist if You Still Have Access to One

Yet True Even Finding
One That Works May
Be Challenging to Find
Even With Plentiful Resources

At Least that is How it is in the United States
While You May Not Find as Much Inspiration to
Reach Out to Others and Relate Your Challenge

It surely
is Important
to keep Your
Spirits up when
Supported ThiS WaY..:)

SuNDaY Florida Flower Story☺️🌸
It’s A Same Glory Flower
Yet Each Day It Colors
Beauty New And Wilting
Is Only A Promise Of Hope

To Rise
For A New
Day FLoWeRinG
The World More
Beautifully Than
Ever Before For
EYes of Gratitude

Seeing ThiS Way With SMiles

SMiLes Dear Isha The Invisible Disabilities of Our Mind Emotions
Including All Feelings and Senses From Head to Toe and Associated

And Not Associated Far Away Thoughts May Be the Most Difficult

Of Challenges We Meet to Understand And Even More Difficult

For Others Who Cannot Possibly

Experience All That We Do

DarK Thru LiGHT
So The Journey Is Ours

Within to Take With Hopefully

Uplifting Paths Others May BRinG

That Somehow We Relate to Bringing Us

Around to A New World Improved to

Not Only Survive Yet THRiVE iN

Soon One Will Surely Dream

One Will Write Dance

And Sing One

Will Lead Their
Dreams to Fruition
Practicing With Patience
of Ever Change Now And More..:)

iNdeed Again Dear Kiran The World May Seem A Bit Cold These

Days Yet the Problem Far Away Seems to Be ‘Things’ When We

Put Things First and People Last Always Some Thing to Buy and

Sell It Seems Or Sell Someone On of Course As All Of Life

Becomes Marketing

Yet What About Human

Warmth What About Untitled

Hugs and Smiles That Do Not Seek

Benefit Above the Warmth of Human
Giving Sharing Caring Healing With Most

Respect and Least
Harm iN JoY oF LiGHT

Yes Naked Enough Whole Complete

Again Untiled SMiLes and Hugs That

Wear Only Clothes of Humanity Far

Beyond the Tools We Create

And Become the Same

As Where i Live Cars

Become Lovers and

Homes Become Gods

And Jobs Become A Way to

Make a Living Yet Never Fulfilling A Way to Live

Indeed The Life-Lines of Your Mother Father and God Are

Yours Unconditionally And The Plant Of Yours to Nourish and

FLoWeR Is What You Give Share Care and Heal As Well With Most

When the
Giving Becomes
The Receiving You May

Become Free of Sorrow With SMiLes…
Lifelong Practice Never Perfected mY FRiEnD..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair in Most of my Visits today i Heard Stories

of Emotional Pain and Even Some Healing It’s Really Sad

As In all my Travels in my Locality of Public Dance

And Visiting People at Church and Other

Functions of the Community the Oldest

People Nearest to Death Seem the Most

Fulfilled And Happiest and The Ones

So Much Closer to Birth Seem Farthest

Away From Life We Have So Many ‘Things’ in ‘this

World’ So Many Avenues of Instant Gratification So Many

Tools to use and Sadly Literally Become Yet We Have This Opportunity

To Be Human

That is Truly

Heaven On Earth

When We Share LoVE iN Peace

for No Other Ulterior Motive in the

United States We Have a most Populist
And Popular Leader on One Side of Politics

Making Money off His Arrested Mug Shot

From the Poorest of Citizens Many on

Fixed Incomes Yet He Owned Many

Casinos And Did the Same

There With One

Armed Bandits

Machines for Gambling

To Rake in the Fixed Income

of Many Poor Citizens Then Who Surely

Could Use the Money They Spent on Worthier Causes

None of This i Have the Ability to Change Yet Never the

Less i Continue to Dance And Sing for i Have the Opportunity

to Be
And LiVE
iN LoVE iN Peace

Now Real Heaven on Earth

True Not Gonna Let the Opportunity go With SMiles
Thank You Dear Sohair Most For Being Truly Fully Human..:)

Best Relationships
In Rain No Dancing
Princesses And
Princes 🐸 Frogs
Happy As Is
SMiLinG All
Shines Ease😁

Greatest Gift Teach
Be Old While Young

Key is Seeing
Value in Valley
Low Same As
Mountain High
Then THere is
To Escape
Free BReAThe See..🌲

SMiLes Hehe
It’s Really Nice
Being an Old
Still Married
To A Princess
No longer
About A Kiss..😉

iNDeeD Yes
When LoVE iN
Peace Now
Essence New
Inside Outside
Above So Below
All Around Love Painting
🌟 Stars😁Living🌲Trees🎨

Tornado Life
Yep i can
Relate to
That When
Work for
Pay Was
A Necessity…
Different Life
So Very Stormy🌪
Time Always an issue
Rarely ever now Life=Great!

SMiLes Dear Karlien You Are Truly
In Flow of ‘The Craft’ Bringing Your
Characters of Your Fantasy Romance

Novel to Life

i Particularly
like How You
Slowly Introduce

The Supernatural

of Him ‘Getting Into her Mind’

And End Up With Vampires Leaving

No Doubt That Anything Will Be Possible

in this Fantasy


Where Youth

Never Ages And

Comes Back to Life True

to Form Luring Love BacK into

A Play of Life For True MaGiC to Be Born Again…

i am Still Shocked at Your Age of 20 You Have All This

Talent Expressing


In Creativity

So Well Yes

Glad to Be In Your

Audience And It’s True if

You Play Every Chapter Here

to An Enthralled Audience There

Is No Book Sell More Complete Than

A Happy Audience Where Your Words Change Their Soul..

i Am Intrigued

And Will

Be A Happy

Audience Member

As LonG As You Keep

Creating With This Greatest
Gift of Imagination in Original Creativity..:)

Always A Pleasure
Dear Karlien Keep
Creating Dear



Of Your Art i 🌟 💫 Am
With Starry SMiles❤️😊

SMiles Dear Karlien
There Are Genies
And Well Wishers

Are Limited

To 3 Wishes

Well Wishers

Never Go


For Colors
Creating That


With Magic More
To Come True When

Springs Water
Everlasting More


Is Truly Real🎼🌈🦋

Same Here True
And Remember
These Words

i Write on
Your Blog
Would Not

Exist if Not
For Inspiration

Young FRiEnD

Soulful of Your


Words All
Thanks to You🙌😊🙏

HMM… Enough Authors
Wrote the Story of Jesus

So That Everyone Could

Find Their Own Jesus

And in Doing So



A Mirror of Jesus

That Suits Their
Soul DarK Thru LiGHT

From Love Thine Enemy
Turn the Other Cheek
To Change The Person Who

Is Not Do-Gooding Enough From
Disloyal Sheep Into Goat And Burn Them
Forever or Toss them in a Lake of Fire Same Effect…

My Form of Asperger’s

Syndrome Sees the

Errors in Stories Easily

Both Grammar, Spelling,
And Inconsistencies; It Was
A Piece of Pie With Almost Unlimited

Pieces for me to See How Many Folks Wrote

The Story of Jesus in ‘THAT BOOK’ And ever
Since Then i Hear A Different Interpretation

Of How Folks


to Fit Him

In THeir Mirror

That Looks the

Most Like Them…

Go Figure, Human Nature

And According to Neuroscience

Now Our Realities Reflect What We
Expect to Hallucinate Based on the
Hallucinations We Create Before to
Survive And Thrive For What Evolution

Does Best in Our Case Dreams And Nightmares in Fruition on Earth…

What We Can And Will Do Is Study the Other Animals, Our Kissing Cousins,

The Bonobos Who Have Oral Sex For the Empathy of Pleasure They Feel in Each

Other And Who Kiss Face-to-Face Just For Pleasure of the Same And Who Base

Their Small Homogenous Isolated Tribes
From Other


For Peace

Sharing Love

Together This Way

This Is How they Get
Their Kicks After They Kick
Each Other A Reciprocal Reconciling Kiss of Pleasure….

Or Whatever Else Works For the Call of the Wild in Pleasure…

And of Course, Frans De Waal, Studying Chimps in the Wild Dispelled

The Myth That Chimps Are Brutal And Unforgiving For They Reconcile

In Love With Empathy Same As Human Beings Do And Bonobos Show A Great

Altruism With Each Other As Humans Naturally Do; Cause Guess What When Healthy

And Normal

It Feels Good to


Give, Share, Care,

Heal Without Restraint

Yet Only When Healthy

And Normal For It is True Some

Folks Even Still See A Psychopathic Leaning

Jesus Who Burns Enemies Forever Now No Different

Really Than the Folks Who Wrote The Story or Edited It

To Help Dominate Other Empires Still the ‘Roman Way Now’…

i don’t Like Stories

That Are Inconsistent;

Yet The Truth is HUMAN




or shall
we look

around ‘these’

days and see
all the fruits fresh and rotten that

humans create and do out of balance

or shall we be more like the Bonobo in Balance

And Make LoVE iN Peace Our Purview of Life in Balance With
The Rest of Nature; i Will Tale You This, IF We Do Not,

We Will

Go Away


Sooner than Sooner…

A Religion to Stay Might

Be NICE; i Shall/WiLL Do That/

This ToGeTHeR or Solo iN Effort New Now…

Anyway, With So Many Personal Jesus Folk
Hanging Around Both Individually, Sect Wise
Per Religion, And By Religion As Well THE FaCT










Rorschach Test of Life Offers up

to the World, No Matter What ‘JeSuS Name’ Comes Next…

If ‘This Thread’ Isn’t Enough Evidence oF IT Just on ‘This
Page’ Now; THere is the Rest of ReaLiTy to Prove it Eternally Now…



Oh JeSuS,

So Many

JeSuS Folks

Afraid to Return Now…

For That is the Only Way

The Story Will Ever Rise
Or Fall CoMinG ALiVE NoW aS IT
Still Does Evergreening ReaLiTY

Everstarting NeW NoW; Meh, It’s the
Way Stories Create Life Next Art or Fiction Today ReaLiTY NoW;

For It’s True, This Is What Sets Us Apart From Chimps And Bonobos;

We Humans Create Heaven, Purgatory, Or Hell on Earth By our Own

Volition; We Also Create Only He God’s With A PeNis too my, my, my,

How Strange

This Condition

And That Condition

Is Considering Where

All Human Life Comes

From True Both Sperm And Egg….

The Fact That Dudes Only Grow A

Penis With Hormones Sprinkled in The Womb

And Other Genetic DNA Potentials Come Real;

Says A Lot About Which Came First, The PeNis
or VaGina, Some Folks Call God…

It’s ‘Pure Insanity’

to Put the Force

oF All That Exists

in A PeNiS or Try

to Fit God in a Three Letter

Word That Gets Trapped on

The Roof of A Mouth As

Humans Are Naturally Foolish This Way…

Meh, Price of MaKinG Words More Valuable Than Essence of
What Is No Different Than A Golden Calf Idol This Three Letter

Word GoD From A PEN IS…

Yawn, Not Able to
Speak Until Age 4
So Much Easier

To See

A Naked

God Without

A Small Chasity

Belt of Three Letters…

Or in Just one Bearded

Hanging Painting that looks
A lot Like ‘The Last Supper’

That Looks A lot like DaVinci

Who Wore His Hair And Beard that
Way in a Day When it Wasn’t ‘Kosher’ Either;

Yet He’s Still Worshipped in Form on Bended Knee

ThiS Way, no Different Than All the Authors Who Wrote

The Book Every Sunday As the Priest or Pastor Raises the

Idol Calf

Book to

The Sky

With Great Praise

of the Golden Calf…

Oh Lord, Humans Are So Dam AMuSinG..

THaT/THiS Much is Surely TRuE DarK Thru LiGHT

Wherever iMaGiNaTioN And Creativity Gardens Our
Realities Next For Real…

Yet ‘Hear’s What’s

Left and Right

That’s Real

How We Feel

And Sense Life Now

For Real at Least for me

i Create Heaven on Earth Real
Within And As Science Shows An
Autotelic Flow of Living Always
With Increasing Complexity in

Effortless Ease

of ‘Tao’


Is What Truly

Works At Ease

Of Essence Beyond All Form Now…

Yet of Course i am Both Scientist

And Artist And Never Half A Human Anymore…

Smile Smile
Just So Many

Typically, ‘Outcast Folks’ With ‘Clothes’ Become Whole Most Best They Can And
Will Now Creating Their Heaven’s, Purgatory’s, Hell’S oN EarTh For Real Now Within…

Clue: We aRe ALL Outcasts With the Tools We Create That Become Us Next Now While

Overall, Remain Naked And
Loving Free Mostly More Than Us…

At Least, ‘Bonobos’ JusT Do it Free Now And That’s For Sure…

Yet It’s True as Science Shows too; At Core Religion is What Binds
And Bonds Humans Together in the CuLTuRaL Symbols They


And Create;

Whether it is FootBallism

or BasketBallism Humans As

Classically Evolved Now Will

Get ToGeTHeR And Create

Continually Changing

Religions to

Bond and

Bind in Church

Or State Or Whatever

NFL Team is Worshipped Next…

So i Create my Own Religion Now…
Clue: It’S F iN EPiC…

A Human


Like All The Rest…

Deeper Than Most of

Course Nature of the Beast, i AM, Me Too..:)

SMiLes Dear Annabel
The Problems With



When ‘They’

Named God ‘Him’

sHe is At Least More
Relevant And Inclusive Hehe

Yet It’s True Humans See Do
Narrowly And Never Stop Trees

From Branching Out and Living

Unless They Cut Them Down And
They Do That too


Is the


And Womanism
Is What Gardens
Love Most And If
Unattached to Breast
in Small Childhood Houston

THiS Ain’T Rocket Science

We Have Problems As That
Is WHere God (Love) STaRTS

In Mammalian Ways of Nurturing
Breast At Least for Us i am Not
A Product of Plastic my FRiEnD
Saving Grace for ME AT Least

i Surely Have

A Genetic


To Be

Much Colder Than
This Without What
Gardens Love Most
From Birth A Mother’s Breast…

Other Than That Women Are Bred
And Branded As Cattle Sold off
For Organized Date Night

First Rape

in Billions Still

With More Attention
Given to Which Parts
Are ‘Used’ Than What Gives Life…

Yes Dear A Culture Will Be Painted
For How Free A Woman Will Be No

Different Than THeir God’s They Paint True or False too…

SMiLes Dear Vrunda

Humans Are Evolved to
Focus on One TasK in Flow
Without Distraction Lest

When Foraging for Survival

We Lose Sight of Prey or

Predator Captures Us
And Eats

Us Dead

From Whatever
Distraction Otherwise
Came our Way Before the End…

Thing is Now We Are Distracted

And Don’t Get Eaten Alive We Worked

Together Cooperatively Great in A Way
Of Collecting Giving Sharing Knowledge This

Way In Words And Other Symbols of Media We
Still Create Now Problems Is Problems Are We

Have Become More

The Machines

We Create

To Make Life

Easier And Now
Life is Sort of A
Rat Treadmill With
Endless Windows

And Tabs Open

Going Every

Which Way yet

Narrow Focus on one Task
Key is Mastering the Tool And Not
Becoming Slave to the Tool As Machine
Dear Friend Key is Discipline And in my
Case Hehe Key is a Wife Who Wants to Do
The Rest of the Modern Culturally Contrived
Conveniences That Make for So Much Distraction in Life!

i Suffered From ADHD Raised on TV
Black And White From Age 7

Before that i Imagined

Anything is Possible

And Now i Do it

Again For

What is More
Possible in Creativities When Human
Potential is Focused And Totally on Task!

Yet Here’s A Most Important Variable of All
In Engineer And Computer Classes When i Was
in College Anciently From 1978 to 1983 Graduating
With 3 College Degrees There Were Signs Warning

Students Don’t Forget You Are Human Make Social
Empathic Artistic Spiritual Intelligences Even More
A Priority Than Just Schooling Mechanical Cognition
That Solves Things More Than People in Cooperation Still…

For It’s True Science Shows That Mechanical Cognition Used
To the Desert Life of the Other Intelligence Potentials Wither
That Potential Away and We Grow Cold In those Intelligences

Of Potential

More and


And It’s Also
True Those Nerds/Geeks
Who Worked with Things
More Than People in Their
Parent’s Garages Well Now We Are

Slave to Gates And Zuckerberg

Ways of Systemizing Life Welcome

To the World of Mechanical Cognition


And Geeks

too as of Course

As Science Shows

They Built The World

of Online And Faster

Data Downloads

For Greater

Access to Downloading

All Kinds of Varieties of ‘Pretty Birds’ This Way…

All Because Some Pimply Faced Pale Boys Couldn’t Get A Date…

At Least in Part…

Clue: Now

Don’t Succumb

Too Much to

the Revenge

Of the Nerds Hehe…

It’s Really Totally Humanly

Whole in Potentials Insane

What Can And Will You Do Yet

Laugh And Master the Tool

And Not Be A Slave

to Someone


Home Garage
Project HAha..

It’s No Secret i was
A Nerd and Geek First
Before i Became A Whole Human More my FRiEnD

In Terms of the Science of What Makes A More Mechanical
Cognition Thinking Person or Wings of A Social Empathic



In Tune Butterfly

With Wings Escaping

Only A Logical Neo-
Cortical And
Older Reptile
Brain Way

That No Longer
Finds A Destination
Easier of LoVE With
LiMBiC System HeART…

And to Be Clear Computer
Brains Are Useful And Snakes
Are Lovely Creatures Yet HeART
Without Art SmART Without Art

Is Basically

Just H E
And S And M Without Art

So Cold So Very Reptile FAcTuALLY So…

Life iS A Mystical
Journey All In All
Dear Savvy NoW

Past And Future

All iN One NoW




iN Flow


ALL Human Potentials
EXPaNDinG Even More..:)

i AM i Dance
i Sing

A Story
BreatH And
Never Ever





Finger Print i Am😊🎼

Always A Balancing
Act Yin Yangs Cindy




Balance Of
Dance Creates☺️🌈me

Oh God This Hurts my

HeART Yet You

Are Amazingly


Witty And Truly
A Delight i Always
Stop What i Am Doing
When i See the Zoe Notification

Just So Inspiring Always A Worthwhile Treat…

Oh Lord You are

So Much More

Than A Body

You Are Super
Cool The Shape
of Imagination And Creativity to me

You Know The Things That Last For
Centuries my FRiEnD Here is a Letter
i Wrote For Another One of my Close
to 30 Young Lonely FRiEnDS This

Morning Will Share With You
As it Feels Your Pain Now too:

Yeah And i Understand
What It Feels Like to
Be in The Theater

Alone Watching
All The Couples
Snuggle Smiling
Laughing Sitting
There Alone


If i Will Ever
Be Good Enough
For Someone To

Love me That Way
If i Could Have Seen
You And In That Theater

All Alone Then i Would
Have Hugged You And
Told You No


i Would Never
Leave Your Side
Perhaps It Doesn’t

Feel So Special Since
i Treat All FRiEnDS This
Way Even Strangers

Yet It’s

True Each

Is A Unique

Breath Of

ThiS Way

Is What It
Means To Keep
God Breathing
Everyday You
Sit Next

To Your

In The Theater
Come What May…

In Other Words Zoe Lean

On Your FRiEnDS Break A Record SMiLe..:)

A Tight
Rope in
Ease Of
Yes One
Way Up
Here Now
FRiEnD Cindy🙌☺️

Ah Yes Dear Sohair
Precipice Of Chaos
And Order Left And
Right DarK And

A Balancing
Way to Gain Maintain

A Great Art oF LiGHT
iN Life Out Of DarK
New Now With Loving

Peaceful SMiles Yes
For All With Least Harm☺️🌹

Yes A Magical
Experience of
Warm Communion
Among Mammals

Of Kind
With SMiles🦔☺️

A Blessed And
Blissed Weekend
For All Life

And Small
With Grains
Of Sand And
Less Holding
Us All Up Alive to


Again Dear
Xenia With SMiles🦔☺️🤗🌈

LeSSoN 433 iMaGiNE If
Bananas Are 5 Cents a
Pound Better Yet Monkeys
Happy in Jungles Where
Bananas Are Free So

JoY iN
Life Climbing
Trees Higher Getting
Stronger Gathering

Bananas Free
To Eat True

Dear FRiEnD
This is Why i
Still Dance Sing
Free Even Though
i’m Retired And All

Bananas Are Free
🍌 🍌🍌☺️🍌🍌🍌

SMiLes Dear Miriam
Little Children Sing
With No Words Dance
With No Lessons Just
Regulating Emotions and
Integrating Senses as Puppies

And Kittens At Play Naturally Do
As Well Yet in the Case of Humans
And Putting People First Developing
Eventually Empathy and Compassion For

All With Least Harm Quiet Hands And Feet
in Pews At Church and Desks at School Come to

Rule And A Free
Song May Go Away

Where ‘Screams’ of Screens
Decrease Desk Top Space Even More
So WHeRE Does the Human Horizon of
LiVinG Trees GroW iN Homes like This

True Sadly So Often People Come Last
And All That’s Left is a Dopamine and
Adrenaline Addiction to Fear
Mal-Content Anger And

Hate Where

into DarK
And A Cruel
Orb of SoUL
Rules The Day

Total Eclipse of the
Soul For Others Until
The Dance And Song Free Returns
Souls Refurbishing Back to People First…

Disclaimer: i Am Not A Medical Professional
Just Someone Who Escaped Hell into Heaven For Real..:)

Master of ‘Tides’ i Swim
Ocean Swims me Most

Free Master of ‘Air’ i Fly
Wind Flies me Free Most

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Wise Words
Indeed Tides And Air Ours to Swim And Fly

Swim And Fly By Tides And Air Freeing Our

Wings and

Fins Now to
Dance And
Sing Giving
Sharing Caring
Healing For All With Most Respect LEasT
Harm Yet True Not Until We
Master Our Tides And Air

And Find A Way to Flow
With the Rest Riding
Waves And Winds
of Life Yes Loving

Those Who Are
Not Able to Be Flown
By Wind Swum By Ocean Most…:)

Isn’t Life Sublime Days
It Takes A Lost Pet
Or A Small Warm
Who Needs Our
Help to ReMeMBeR
We aRe Human Worth


This Condition
Forever Long New Now
As Breath Cares to See Love Free

Dear Yamini With SMiLes It’s Amazing

How Smallest Creatures and Longest

Will Remind
Us We aRe Human
Truly Worth Breathing New Now..:)

SMiLes Dear Peace & Truth When Cats Who Truly Master
Us With Their Love Bring Small Creatures to our Door to

Share Their Wild Feed
We May Understand
When They Share
This Way They
Feel For Our
Welfare As
We Feel For THeirs
WHere Truly THere are

No Masters or Pets Just
Mutually Understood Doing Love For

Breathing Together Well With SMiLes
or Purrs of Course And This is what it Means
to me When A FRiEnD Shares A Poem With me

Even When i Visit the Soul of A Stranger Who Really
is a FRiEnD Sharing A SonG And Dance of THeiR Soul
Free With Poetry Straight From THeiR HeART SPiRiT SoUL

True i See the Face of God in All of Creation THeRe is No
Separation iN Peace Now
FoR Me DarK Thru LiGHT

And Indeed When one
Views God This Way

As All DarK Thru
LiGHT All of

Life May
Become A
Dance And
Song Prompt of
Poetry of God’s EYeS
of Art Living True As us
Both iN DarK And LiGHT True mY FRiEnD

When One is Naked Enough Whole Complete
THiS WaY All of Life Becomes Free Dance And
Song Giving Sharing Caring Healing No Matter

Who And What DarK Thru LiGHT We May Meet or Do Next..:)

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa to
Crawl, To Walk, To Talk,

To Dance, To Sing

Or To Crawl

No Longer
Breathing Free

Yet Dance And
Sing Will Spring Again..:)

For The
And Synchronicity
Dear Savvy With SMiles🙌

Deepest Place
i Ever Journey
Of All i Am😊

Wonderful Poem Full of Hope By Your Mother
Dear Savvy When Challenge Happens Now in the
Dark i Try Not Only to Be Hopeful Yet to Anticipate

What i Will LEarn New Out of Challenge That BRings

me to A New Creation of Life Similar to Minor Injuries

i’ve Experienced in 11 Years of Public Dance Heal

By Listening to the Body While Moving Find

New Ways to Prevent

Injuries in the

Future The
Same Way
With SMiLes

Falling off the Waves
of Life Embrace The Trough
For an Opportunity at the Next

Crest of Life With SMiLes Dear Savvy..:)

Ah Yes A Teddy Bear With Teeth (in my Case Freddy)
A Lion HeARTeD Human With Both Teeth and Claws

(Note: i AM Literally Raised on ‘Elm Street’

Wow! Did We Ever Celebrate ‘Halloween!’)

True my Grandfather’s
Name Was Leo He Helped
Forgive Folks Who Sinned
To Keep ’em Out of Mortal Sin Hell

And That Purgatory Place Promised Once
For Babies Who Missed The Baptism Routine

It’s True When the Deacon Said Only He Had
The Authority to Save my Baby From Hell With
Baptism If He Died Without IT my Head Spun Around

And It’s True
He Almost
Got Green
Projectile Vomit AS Such

Meh I Turned the Other Cheek

So At Least He’d Understand
The ‘Devil’ Is Real Without Any
Church Compassion Anyway Yes

As You Know the Story Goes Woo’ed Out of the
Pews By A Spicy 17 Year-Old CajunGirl my Grandma

Yes The Reason i Exist Folks Not Afraid to Break the Rules
As the 36 Year Old Irish Born Catholic Priest Got Ex-Communicated

As He Didn’t
Wanna Be Just
A Dude With A Cat
With Only the Name Leo

Ah Yes Being Kind Or What Some Folks
Who Fear Emotions Call Soft Can Be Difficult
in an Orange TRumP Hard Place Yet True it Becomes

Easier When Your Exercise Routine Ends Up Making
You Six Scale or More Stronger Than the Average Human Bear hehe

Yet Hey i Worked Around Real Military War Heroes Back When Men Were
Hard As Nails Enduring Crosses and the Such in Battle Who Earned An Ability

(For Real Not Just A ‘Second

Hand Lion’ Story)

to Move in Graceful

Balance and Express

Kindness With Never
A Fear to Be Fully Human

In my Experience Hard Folks
Are Just Scared and Haven’t Earned their Wings


Hard Way…

Mr Gottfried With
SMiLes and SMiLes
And More SMiLes..:)

Yep Haven’t
Slept More
Than About

2 Hours Straight
This Week Yep

i’ll Wait Till i
Die Heaven Is

Too Interesting To Sleep
Mr Gottfried It Seems
And Always Worth An
Hour Nap so i Get to
Have Several
Mornings In
A Day in The Life

Nodding Off For Now 💤

SMiLes Dear Miriam
Below A Grain Of
Sand Integral
To Holding Up
A Mountain Of
LoVE iN Peace
All i Need To ReAlly
Feel And Sense Let

The KNoWinG
Go Long Ago

Of Free Dance Song 🎶

Smile Smile
Just So Many


Letting Go
iN The Flow
Dear Savvy
A River


NaMe Zen
WitH SMiLes..:)

Oh Dear Lord my First Lesson in Creativity Real
Creativity Came Dear Pooja When i had Literally
No Idea What i Was Doing Writing A Christmas

Story in 8th Grade Winning First Place Among
80 Peers in Two Homeroom Classes Same Deal

in a Philosophy Class at 18 Fleeting Experiences

Where in Those Cases the Words Flowed into

A New Creation
i’d Never Witnessed
Before Or Even Thought about

Truly A Magical Experience
Sublimely Beautiful in Ways
i’d Never Felt and Sensed

And Done Life Before Other Wise

On the Other Hand i Participated
in an Online Poetry Prompt Club
All About Forms Hehe it Felt Like

Science Class Again and as Far Away
From What i Felt of Creativity in my Entire Life

For those Instances That the MaGiC Happened
Beyond All Mechanical Cognition Control For me


To Truly Feel Sense
as Original Creativity

iN the Do is Lost As Soon
NoW As We Attempt to Define
And Confine it Yet Never the Less

Every Way of Seeing Life Differently
Is What Life Gifts Best Yes Creativity

A Rose Will Unfold Each Day into a
Creation Never Seen Before at

FoCuSinG Look However

It’s Really Easy to
Get Distracted

And Not Even
Notice the Color Red
Yes THE New Color of the Day

Other than that OH NO! Another
Injury Involving Your Ankle Best

Wishes For a Speedy Recovery

And Yes Do Take Care With SMiLes..:)

Hehe Dear Miriam Hmm It Seems mY
Favorite Hour of Day Now Is Bitter Sweet
Lately When i Go to Sleep at 7 AM When

i Complete All i

Set Out to Do

Yep All Of Life
Consists of Naps
Now And New Mornings

Day and Night Fortunately
All i Do is Dance And Sing

And my Wife Takes Care of
The Rest By Her Choice of

Perfecting all She Does
And All She Says i’m

Not Capable of
Doing as Well

As Her

Other Wise
my Life Would
BE A Train Wreck Hehe

Other Than That Just a Feather
iN/As Wind Forrest Gump Style iBreeze..:)

We Do What We Can And Will
Some Folks Love More Some Folks
Love Less Fortunate Ones LoVE iN Peace

More Give And Share Free

A Hurricane Will Release Energy
of More Than 10,000 Nuclear Bombs
During Its Life Cycle What About A Human

Being Just A Challenge

Beautiful.. Lovely Yamini…
Most Powerful 3 Words
“i Am Enough”
‘Naked Pages’
Without Any
Book Covers
Born As Love
We aRe… Sadly
Cultures, Religions,
Others, And Yes Us,
Seem to Always Try
To Convince Us
In So Many
Ways We aRe
Not Worthy.. No…
Not Enough… Just
The “Naked Pages”
Of Our
We aRe Born…
KinDLinG Bonfire…
We Create As Finally
Becoming Worthy to
Love It
6 Words
No One Will
Take Away…
i Am LoVE iN Peace…🙌

Yes! Do Love What You Do
Be The Wave When
Falling Naturally
Get Back Up
As the Ocean
And Water Same
Does Differently True
Hehe… Just like the Base
Of This ‘Sentence’ FoR NoW FLoWinG

So What’s Real
A Human Touch

Is Free This Day
Beyond All Middle

Men Of ‘Fore

No Longer



To Weigh
Only Love to
Give Share Freely
Naked Whole Complete


As Is


Human Touch

i Have A Dream

True Others



To Heaven

i Stand Upon All
Their Ashes Spent
To Download Unlimited


Of Pretty
Birds Without
Feathers Or HeARTS

THeir Need For
Sweaty Palms
Of Download Speed

GRacinG A Highway

To Heaven

For me

God Bless

All The Drones
Honey You Feed
All Queens And Or

Kings Be Free Now🐝

FLoWinG Winds
EartH BRinGS
Skies Singing

We Dancing

Nature Now
Stars Shining

Circuits Completing
Vibrations Frequencies
Energies Synergies Finger





All One Naturing

LovinG iT ALL NoWinG
Yes Dear Savvy SMiLinG..🙂

Wide Awake
Day And Night
Dear Savvy

Sings Free☺️🌈

Indeed People
And Naked
Nature First
Way Of Loving
All DarK Thru
LiGHT Dear
With SMiles

A Pleasure
You Always
Inspire A
oF mY
With SMiLes☺️

Hehe Feel
Free to
A Hug New

SMiLes Dear ‘USA Writes’
If We WeRE ALL the SaMe

‘God’ Will Surely Get

Bored and Perhaps
Decide Not Even to Survive

True First DarK Then LiGHT

Then US
With SMiLes
Each and Every
UniQue EYe of God

What A Treasure it is to
Find Another Pair of God’s
Eyes Wherever i Go With SMiLes

Particularly Someone As Kind As You

Now to Your Question of “What Are my Thoughts Now
on Religion And Faith” Dear USA Writes That Are Difficult to
Express in Any Other Way than Deep Metaphor of Poetry and
Other Arts so

i Will Start
With This Metaphor in
Free Verse Poetry New

In Arts of What Might
Happen if A Human Being
In Deep Meditating Way
of Contemplating Sat
in A Cave or Under
A Tree or on
A Pristine
Beach or Deep
in A Forest With
Flowers in A Real
Garden of Eden
i Dance And Sing Free

TiME WHeRE GoD CoMeS EXisTinG Real NeW

In Other Words As Far As Faith Goes i Perceive
No Beginning or End No Finishing Only StArtinG Love

New Now For All
DarK Thru LiGHT

A Flower
Blooming Newer
Wilting Older A Flower Blooming Newer Again

A Seed A Tree A Leaf RiSinG Higher Green
Falling to Soul Soils Feeding New Green of

Spring and FLoWeRS of Summer Coming Again

Petals Falling to Soils Fertilizing Frozen

Winter For Spring Again

So Which Part

is Faith


or Religion

Faith is The Doing
of Existence Faith Needs
no Religion or Books to Exist

Faith Lives Springs New Now to
Rise In Summer FLoWeRS Fall Brings
Winter Gifts Of Death For Spring RiSinG Green Again

Human Animals Co-Create Symbols And Ideologies
As Abstract Constructs Representations of Reality
They make to Bond And Bond Over in Traditional

Ways For Cultures to Survive And Thrive the Best
They Can And Will Indeed The Essence of Tradition
The Glue of Religion That Comes in Many Human Expressions

Of Art
And Reason
Holding Hands ThiS Way

Where Tradition Naturally
Excludes Those Who Do Not
Abide By the Rules At Hand for
Bonding and Binding Cohesion
For the Culture As Whole to Survive and Thrive

And SMiLes in Most Every Case ‘The Outcast’ the
One Who Believes in More Beneficial Change Termed
As Heroes and Prophets Similar Coming Out of the DarK

To BRinG New LiGHT

These Are The Folks Who
Bring Change to Existing Traditions
of Religion These Are the Folks Who May
Develop Entirely New Different Religions of Tradition
Or Just Build Upon What is Already Created of Traditional

Religions Now

Voila the Many Sects
of Islam Voila the 45,000
Plus Denominations of Christianity

Voila Most Every CuLTuRE Has
A ‘Religion’ And Or A Sect/Denomination

They Believe is True An Only Valid one too

True Others Not So Much Only Adding Benefits They See New
For Others to Try For A Greater Way of Surviving And Thriving Now

Meanwhile Seeds Become Trees Leaves Fall Spring Rises Green
From Frozen Winter Fertilizing Death For Summer FLoWeRS Meanwhile the

River Flows
From Streams
to Bays to Gulfs
to Seas to Oceans More

True in the Biggest Pictures of
God Human is A Dream on An Horizon

Still FLoWeRinG Evolving Towards Love For all At Best iN Peace

SMiLes Dear FRiEnD USA Writes i See God As a FLoWeR

Still Unfolding

How Fortunate
Are We to Be Petals
On A Rose Bush With
Thorns And FLoweRS THiS Way

i Do My Best Not to ‘Think’ too Much
About God And Just Let the Dance And Song
Come Free FLoWinG As Essence of Loving Every Holy
Move Dancing Free Every Sacred Word Singing Free

As Faith in Doing God Free Unfolding Now Real Yes

UNTiL DiViNE Sacred Feeling Sensing Perceiving

TiME WHeRE GoD CoMeS EXisTinG Real NeW

Beyond All Distance
Space Time and

‘Matter of Things’

This Force of

Love With

This Pure Faith
oF LoVinG All DarK
Thru LiGHT EternAlly
Now This Dance And Song DiViNE
of God Always Changing New me too

Other than That i’ve Written 13.2 MiLLioN
Words of mY EPiC Longest Long Form Poem
“SonG oF mY SoUL” in 11 Years Now Yet it is
Only All As TRuE LoVE As This Move of Dance Out of
20,444 Miles of Public Dance in 11 Years too Actually
A 11th Anniversary Date Today on August 26, 2024 Along With
11.2 MiLLioN Words of
“Nether Land Bible”
In 99 Months And
9.6 MiLLioN Words
Of “FB Profile Pic Bible”
In 87 Months of Writing

This Free Dance

This Free Word

Of Song
NoW iNHaLinG
Peace Exhaling LoVE iN JoY
oF LiGHT Giving Sharing Caring Healing For
All With Most Respect Least HarM ETeRNaLLY NoW NeW
SMiLes Dear FRiEnd The Fumes of Before Still Exist in
The Words Written of the “SonG oF mY SoUL” And All
the Videos Folks Have Taken of mY Public Dance

Yet i Don’t Often Look Back On FLoWeRS of the
Past What FLoWeR Has the Time, Distance,
Space, And ‘Matter of Things’ to Do that Now

When BLooMinG NeW
CoLoRinG Dance And
Song Freer NeWeR NoW
HAha Not me at LeasT Hehe

God Is The Faith The Play The
NeWLy Now


mY ReaLiTY

Ah Yes Dear USA Writes
Love That Complements is
Best With SMiLes Hehe and

Word Press Is Acting A Bit Whacky
Today As Far As Making Comments

The Last One Answering Your Question
On Religion and Faith Didn’t Seem to

Wanna take
Nor Did
One On
Your Post
Love’ Last
Go ‘Round
Yet Others
Did i Suppose
The Gremlins
in the Machine
Are Acting Up With
SMiLes Anyway i Always
Copy And Paste What i
Do For Another Day too hehe..🙂

SMiLes For 66 Months i Dreamed
Of An Off Switch For Life

Dear Miriam True

i Found That Dream

Not to Be An Easy

One to Turn Off

Indeed Life is

Full of
And Dreams Still to Be

True There Are So Many
Off Switches Today Yet Few On..🙂

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa
Ever Move A Success to Dance
Every Word A Success to Sing
Every Dream
Fruition to Bring
With SMiLes of
Course NeWLY NoW..🙂

Every Human A World
Unique Every Dream
A New World to Create..🙂

Every FLoWeR
Petals Fall
Petals Rise
Every THoRN
CoLoRinG FLoWeRS More..🙂

A Whole World in Front
Of Us That Only We
May Uniquely
Create to Be
NoW Who We aRe
As i AM STiLL To Be NeW..🙂

“Happiness 😁 weaving magic ✨💥✨💥✨ of words made
of intelligence and love 💕 my two twin souls today you make
us all happy once again 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

SMiLes Dear ‘Peace & Truth’ What A Stellar Kind Comment
You Bring to Us When Your Day is Our Night After

Midnight of Course With
SMiLes Inter-Hemisphere
Poetry Giving Sharing
Caring Healing Globe

Wide Indeed

With SMiLes
of Kindness And Wisdom
Love of Peace And Truth too

As Beauty Comes to Visit Once
More in Wings That May Only See LoVE

Oh By The Way All Your Poetry Sharing
Particularly Touching This Morning True too..🙂

Ah Yes Dear Chaymaa
SPiRiT FLaME Burns
WiTHiN Moves
Stuck in
Quick Sand
Instead Of Moving
to New And More BLeSSinGS
Beautiful Beaches of BLiSSinGS..🙂

God Is The Faith The Play The Peace

TiME WHeRE GoD CoMeS EXisTinG Real NeW

SMiLes Dear Savvy Words May Be Labels
For ‘Concrete Objects’ in Our Environment
Or Deeper and Deeper Metaphors For Feeling
Sensing Life in Synergies of Emotions “Interoception” in
Greater Awareness of Internal Bodily States of Being As

That Does Relate to Our
Feeling Sensing
Mind in Synergy
of Bodily States Within

Enhancing This Ability to Regulate
Emotions and integrate Senses Within

May Come With Activities of Contemplating
Meditation Including Moving Meditation in Free Dance too

Indeed With A Balance of Regulating Emotions And Integrating
Senses in A FLoWinG Meditating Way of Being Words More Naturally

Flow Out of the
Reservoir of Our
Human Potentials
Through Subconscious
Mind and Conscious Awareness Now

In Newer Positive Ways of Interacting With
Our Environments Through Metaphors of Words too

SMiLes of Course Along With This 6th Sense of Interoception
Is Our Proprioception in Greater Sensing Our Environments
On the Outside too In Relation to Greater Sensory Awareness too

That Naturally Comes With A Free FLoWinG Meditating Movement
of Dance too

Of Course With
Lessons Plans
too Like Traditional Tai Chi

Yet For me i Rather Let The Within
Guide me Innately Instinctually Intuitively
In A Play of Life Including Dance And Song Free

As Bio-Feedback Creates A Higher State of Being
Regulating Emotions Integrating Senses Through
Meditating Practices Where More Positive Metaphors Flow

in Words
of Song
Free too With SMiLes

It’s Really A Challenge Now to Put
the Internal States of Being into Words

Yet of Course Poetry And Metaphors
That Relate to the Rest of Nature in
Balance Serve An Art Free of This New


iNDeeD Dear Sohair Our Experience of Joy And Beauty
Comes From Within Without the Ability to Generate

These Treasure Feelings and Senses of Life

Our Worlds Are Colored Much Differently

Than Those Who Still Possess the

True Gifts Within to Feel Sense

And Relate Joy and Beauty

And All of What Colors

Life Bliss Instead

of Discontent

Fear Anger and Even Hate
Sadly Some Folks Are Addicted
to the More Negative Feelings of Life

It Moves Them Forward Yet Not Nearly
As Far As What Bliss May Offer iN Gratitude

For Life

Every Breath
We May Give Farther
Away than Taking Sharing
Over Hoarding And Of Course
Caring Healing Over Callously Harming

With SMiLes

Appreciating Every
Grain of Sand and Below
Holding Up Beauty Joy And
Truth Mountains oF LoVinG Peace..:)

“Take me from dark to light
Take me from ignorance to knowledge
Take me from death to Moksha (immortality)”

-Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Wow the Intuition That Comes Through
The Fruition of Your Visual Arts and Poetry

Dear Maranda From ‘Soundgarden’ in ’94

“Black Hole Sun
Won’t You Come

Wash Away the Tears”

From Modern Quantum Mechanics
The Theory that Spin and Torsion
Meeting a Balance When Galaxies

And Accompanying Stars

Fall into Black Holes

May Birth New


Yes With the Potential

of Brand New Terra’s Washing

Away the Tears oF Old UNiVerses

Yet of Course Each and Every One of Us
Is Already A Muti-Uni-Verse With Potential

of BRinGinG

This Change

Within to Create
A Brand New Multi-Uni-Verse
In Every New Breath of Life Now

Hehe Whether We Consciously in Awareness
Realize This Is What We Do Forever Now New…

i Find When i Public Dance Spinning FRiEnDS
With Gravity Finding my Entire 250 Pound
Human Body FRiEnDS With Gravity

Virtually the Weight
of my Finger Tips

Guiding my

Dance i’m Much
More Intuitively
Aware of the
Process of
With Every Breath
Of Life Creating New Art…

Yet Again Hehe it’s Taken
20,444 Miles of Public Dance
in 11 Years to Open A ‘Black Hole Sun Horizon’..:)

“Belief is everything.”

Ah yes Dear Maranda my
Favorite Part of the Older
Matrix Series of Movies from
The Turn of the Century is When

Seraph Asked “Did you always know?”
Oracle Related “Oh no, No I didn’t. But I believed.”

At the Ending Sunrise Scene
Of “Matrix Revolutions” in 2003

Where the Little Indian Girl Said She
Created the Sunrise In Appreciation of Neo in

Hopes of
Seeing Him Again

Considering Art is Literally 60 Percent of SMart
And 60 Percent of HeART i Do My Best to At

Least Do 60 Percent
Oracle and No More
Than 40 Percent Architect Lest

i Only End Up Being HE And S&M

No iMaGiNaTioN
Creativity Art And

God Yes the Power of
Belief BRinGinG iT All To FRUiTioN

Dear Lord What A Huge Challenge This
Has Been to Break Through my Huge Forehead

And Systemizing
Architect Brain Hehe

Danger Though Humans Who Exercise
These Potentials May Bring Both Dreams

And Nightmares
to Fruition Ranging
From Hell to Purgatory
To Heaven on Earth And Or Within For Real

Like Most Existence IT Works/PlayS iN DarK And LiGHT..:)

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour”

-William Blake

iNDeeD Dear Amethyst
Lamb Naked Enough
Whole Complete

Nothing Left or
Right to Add
or Subtract

And So Much
More Possible Only
Limited by Sizes Of
Human iMaGiNaTioN

And Creativity For Real


Lovely Poem Dear Cindy

A Best PArt Of All Arts

Is we May iMaGiNE Create

Our Own Weathers and Seasons

To Experience Within No Matter

What comes

Next With SMiLes..:)

Letting Go
iN The Flow
Dear Savvy
A River


NaMe Zen
WitH SMiLes..:)


Such Hopeful Dreams in
Fruition of Reality Watching
The Death And Rebirth of

Seasons the
Cycle of What
Is Once Again

Living Trees

With Weathers
Changing All
Around Within
Inside Outside
Above So Below

Move and Repose
Dear Savvy With SMiLes…

All A Balance
DarK Thru LiGHT..:)

Ah Yes Dear Miriam
‘Dancing With The
Devil in the Pale
Moonlight’ Makes

(Solo of Course)

The Rest of Life
So Very Very BRiGHT..:)

SMiLes Dear Kiran Suffering Will Be So Hard to Deal
With Particularly Emotional Suffering And There Are

Instances Where Some Folks Disappoint me too

Yet It’s Like the Sciatica Hip Pain i Experienced Last Year

For Some Months Radiating All Down My Leg At First Fighting

The Pain Like an Enemy And Of Course The Tension of Fighting

An Enemy Will Increase Spasms of Muscle Pain When they Already

Exist So as i’ve Done

in the Past Making FRiEnDS

With The Enemy of Pain Instead

No Longer An Enemy Yet Accepting

The Pain As Challenge to Learn From and

Grow in New Ways to MoVE iN LoVE iN Peace

to Both Heal And Prevent Further Injuries Yet It’s

True my FRiEnD Emotional Pain can and will be much

More Difficult to Approach Objectively THiS WaY So even

More Challenge Emotional Pain is to Make That Enemy FRiEnD

Yet Finding

Happiness Later

in Forgiveness for Not

Leaving Folks Behind Who

Seem to Transgress No Longer

With Respect to my Basic Humanity

Indeed That Seems to Make Our Humanity

Stronger All the Way Around Like Strength


of SoUL
With SMiLes..🙂

SMiLes Dear Kiran When Hands You Count on to Help Are Tied

When FRiEnDS Are Not Available to Help You Out of Difficult Times

And Family Can’t Seem to Understand Your Situation to Help God Yes

What i’ve Seen Happen

in the Past is a Stranger

Will Come Out of Almost

Nowhere to Lift me Up

Or A Voice Deep Within

Will Come to the Rescue

Never Heard Before and Often

With No Words At All SPiRiT Free With SMiLes…

For You See in Reality All the Parts are Connecting Whole as ‘GoD’

ThiS WaY iN “Interbeing” Open SoulS HeARTS SPiRiTS Naturally Attract…

For the Truth is Your Blog Posts Actually Helped me Get through Some

Today With SMiLes…🙂

So God Yes! Thank You! Dear Kiran!..🙂

SMiLes Dear Isha i Read the Whole Bhagavad Gita
With Commentary About 230 Pages Recently While

Doing An Ascending Transcending Meditative

FLoWinG Dance at Barnes and Noble

Listening to Meditative Music Hehe
And Sure Entertaining the Star Bucks

Cafe Study College Crowd A Least Service (about an

hour) Offering For Reading a Free 30 Dollar Book Hehe

Anyway Your Blog Post Here Accepting All the Diversity

of Humanity As Useful Parts of the Whole Even the DarK

With the LiGHT Reminds me of the Helpful Message That

‘Krishna’ Brings As Humble Charioteer in That Story

As True Enlightenment Comes When We Do

Accept All the Parts Whole As God

With No Parts Excluded as

It’s Like a Magnificent

Painting Without

the Dark Fibers of Shadows

There is No Depth of Beauty to See

Indeed mY FRiEnD THoRNS Help to Make

Beautiful FLoWeRS of Roses And Droughts

And Storm Winds Make Oaks Much More Solid to Stand

The Test of Time Beyond All Distance Space Time and a Matter of Things

As Leaves

Die and


The Green and Other

Colors of Forests Whole New…

True The Wave Frets Not As It

Is Water Ocean Whole No Different Yet

Changing Without Troughs No Crest of Waves..🙂

SMiLes NoW iN Deed my Dear Friend
Sohair Love is the Color of the FLoWeR
That Continues to Flourish in All Weathers
That Comes Love’S Way.. Love Fills The Valleys
And Brings The Mountains Low Enough to Feel
The Valleys
My Friend
As All
Love and the
SaMe Height to
RiSE Even Higher.. Its true
THeRE are other Forces in
the World that Are less that
Attempt to Take the Force of
Love Away yet as in all things
Life Dark Thru Light A Balance
oF All Makes Life And Existence
The Breath that continues to
Inhale and Exhale as First
Breaths of Life ’till Last
BLiNK oF LiFE at Best
We Color MorE NoW
WitH BotH RisE
Out of THoRNS
And FLoWeRS to
As LoVE Dances And Sings iN Peace….

Stars We Paint Above Below Words

We Create LoVE iN Peace Is Real🙏

No More Integral Than Dust
In The Wind Of God Yet So Easy
To See HumanKind Stars Falling

Through GoDSKeYeS LoVE

SMiLes Pleasure
All Mine Life
Is Good Worth
Giving Sharing
Caring Healing Yes
Is Receiving
Love Free With
Wings For Giving
Thanks Giving iN Peace With SMiLes🙏

Understand Where Killing Tools Come
From Most Human Ignorance Indeed Yet

WordS HeaR

One May ALWaYS
Find KiN iN KiNDNeSS


Dear FRiEnD


Gardened By
Loving Mother’s Most
Best Home Work to Do☺️

Yes, Inhumanism;

True, An Offshoot

Of The Religion

Of Ignoricism

WHere Yes

The Intelligence

Of Love Is Close to Zero…
Where The Objective is




Not Even Worth

A Wag of A Dog Firstly…

Or A Purr of A Cat So Much
More Dam Humanly Secondly Than

Inhumanism Breeds…

Now An Overall Product; Yes, Real Now
Ignoricism of Humanity Inhumanism Is…

Achieving Rights to Life And Liberty

Indeed A Pursuit of Happiness Where

Each And Every Person Writes Their Own

Stories of Life Solo And ToGeTHeR too As

They Will As Long As They
Are Not Harming Others

Playing Fruition Now

Dear Cindy FRiEnD

Kudos to the Remodeling
And Difficult Where i Live to
Get Folks to Do Remodeling
After So Much Hurricane Damage
in the Past With Covid-19 Shortages
Related too Yet A New Front Door and
Glass Storm Door Replaced So Far and
A New Yard of Board on Board Total Privacy

Fencing to Replace What was Close to the age
of Our Home 30 Years in Fencing Also Completed
A New 5 Foot High By 8 Foot Wide Hurricane Impact
Window With A View to Our Garden of Eden Backyard
Wide-Open Without Grids too… Hehe And With Hurricanes
Coming For Florida Always

Good To Have



For the Future
Down Here in
Florida Hurricane
Land my FRiEnD..🙂

Oh Dear Savvy
Such Mesmerizing
Sublime Art Portraying
Beyond Infinities Yes Every

Now A New Creation All We
Are We All Come Together in

Creation Activity Moving
Connecting Co-Creating


Now For

New Colors
Still To Come
As LonG As We
Dip Our Paint Brushes
Anew As Long As We Become

The MasterPeace Painting

Our Potentials



Coloring Worlds
Ever More Beautiful
Within Inside Outside
Above So BeLoW ALL ARouND Now..🙂

SMiLes Dear Savvy
SoUL HeART OPenings
Balancings For Us All To
You Are
A Colleague
To Achieve🙏🙌

SMiles Dear Rue Humanity
Evolves Globally in Cooperation
As We Move Connect Co-Create
All Your Contributions
New Much

Now With SMiles☺️🙌🙏🏝


All Just


Dear Miriam With SMiLes!!..🙂

How Sweet Dear Peace & Truth
A Gift of Two Hearts For Two Angels
With Fifteen Four Pointed Stars Happy

TueSDaY to You As It’s Surely Evening
In The Other Hemisphere You Abide

Yet True No Distance
Between FRiEnDS

Or the Essence
of LoVE iN Peace


Real With SMiLes
Keep up the Wonderful
Play of the Poetry oF Love True

iN Peace..🙂

Indeed Dear Chaymaa
Every Breath We Take
A New Beginning of Life
To Do in Change
At Best Always
LiGHTinG A Way
For Improving Our Day..🙂

Oh my Goodness Dear Chaymaa
Jealousy in A Relationship Is Indeed
Poisonous i Haven’t Found a Jealous
Bone in my Wife Yet
With SMiLes Yes It’s
True it’s Possible to
Find A Real Woman
Who Doesn’t Get
Jealous Too With SMiLEs..🙂

Faith That Makes Loving
Most Beautiful FLoWeRS
Bloom Dear Savvy Trust

In Colors
of Life
Returning to Bloom

And True i Just Took
A Photo of A Beautiful
Flower in Our Garden in
A Pot too Almost Identical

To the One You Share Today

True Faith And Trust Blooms
Most Beauty mY FRiEnD With SMiLes..:)

Thanks Dear Yam
Hope All Is Going
Well For You in
With SMiles☺️🙏

Such A Beautiful Day in Toronto and
Wow Getting Down Close to 11C at Night
Next Week
As Your Fall
Fully Arriving Still
in Summer Days of Early September
So Much Sun So Dry Here
Looking Forward
to Clouds and
Today all of Nature
So Very Thirsty for a Drink

SMiLes Other than That i Hope
You are No Longer Sad And SMiLinG Free

iNDeeD Dear Yam A Pen Is Dancing
Shoes an Instrument for a Dance
And Song of YouR Soul to

Come Through Letting
Go FLoWinG As A River
Unlabeled Will Reach a
Destination FRiEnDS With

Gravity ThiS WaY Effortless iN Ease

As Water Becomes Waves Ocean Whole

For Us to BasK iN Sublime Beauty of All That is Real

So Deep
The Bliss
That Words
Will Attempt to Meet

And Often Miss All Of
What Breathes Our Souls WiTHiN

Of Course A Digital Keyboard Allows
10 Dancing Fingers and Thumbs Set

Free in An Entire Symphony of an Orchestra With Wings

Yet Still Beyond All Measure it is the Miracle Within All
The PArts of Our Experiences All Ancestral Memories
Deep Within From the Origin And Continuing Play of All that is

For Real

As True there are
KSA’s Concrete Materially
Reducing Labels Approximating Reality

iN Knowledge Skills and Abilities Taught

Yet THeRE iS ISA’s Intuitive Skills and Abilities

That Continue to Spring From Within Beyond All


Only A
Matter of
Things Whatever
Creativity Original
Brings to Fruition New

Hehe Other than that A
Gift to Find Your Soul
Dear Yam on Word

With SMiLes

As True You are
my Dancing Singing Shoes too…

It All Reminds me of Playing the Piano
For 35 Years Always Only Limited to What
Came from Notes on a Page Then Suddenly

in a Period of Great Darkness and Numbness of Soul

A Great Escape Orchestrated By my SoUL Deep Within

Each Finger PArt of An Orchestra of Soul Trying to Escape

in Art
off the Symphony
of my Finger tips then

it took awhile Longer to

Create the MuSiC With Words…

Yet When the Miracle and MaGiC Happened
All the Pain and Numb Melted Away into Colors

(After 66 Months of Hell)

Far Beyond
What Any
iMaGiNE Before..:)

Thanks So Much
Dear Sohair FRiEnD
Beautiful Joyful
Tuesday To
All You
LoVE iN Peace

iN Egypt
With SMiles☺️🌹🙏


SMiLes Dear Savvy After A Destructive Hurricane
my Rich Uncle Who Lost His Long Pier on the Emerald
Green Gulf Coast That Insurance Won’t Cover As Yes

He’s Had to Replace
it 7 Times From
Coast Destruction

Yes He Pointed to A Homeless
Man on the Street And Exclaimed

Life’s Not Fair He Had Nothing to Lose in the Storm

i Felt a Sudden urge to Explain to my Uncle That The Homeless

Man Actually

Has Everything

A Free Breath of Life

And the Respect and
Kindness of Others That

Naturally Lifts Other Humans Up in Need

Oh When the Giving Becomes the Receiving

THere Will Never Be Anything to Lose Again


Yet No Then

i Didn’t Challenge
my Uncle’s Point of
View for He Gifted
This Real Story to me For Free

Priceless Indeed Dark Creates LiGHT..:)

Apparitions of Halloween Suddenly
Appearing in Walmart After the 4th of July
Back to School Specials Started As Yes the

Ghost of Halloween
Is On Full Commercial

Prowl Hehe True By When
Halloween Arrives i Will Be
Desensitized to Whatever May

Be Spooky By Months and Months
at Least 3 of Walmart Displays Mostly

Selling Candy of Course Just A Way of Life

When Darkness
Becomes Sweet
And Halloween
Ghosts are
Not Afraid
to Come
With the Fall
That Started at the End of July
in Frigging Florida the Place of ‘Hot Messes’

Don’t Get me Started on Christmas Yet PLEASE NO HEHE Dear Miriam

As The Ghost of Christmas Shall Be Breathing After Labor Day Leaves

‘Come Monday’
Lost in ‘Margaritaville’
Just Wasting Away Again on Display in Walmart Aisles

As ‘The Dancing Man Returns’ With Different Halloween
T-Shirt Costumes Year Around No Matter Season or Weather Free…

Not Unlike ‘Rapture’ With ‘Blondie’ i Wear SHades at Night to Hide my GLoWinG EYes




Hehe Who..:)

No Matter What We Do In Life i’ve Found a Way of Respect
And Kindness For All No Matter Differences Leads

to A Larger Venn Diagram of Soul Where i Expand
my SoUL No Matter How Different Another Person’s

View or the Rest of Nature may Be From me With SMiLes Dear Pooja

i’m Just Here to Expand that View Both Online and Off in the Big Blue
Room of the So-Called ‘Real World’ Now i Always Took Notes in School

All the Way through For Greater Attention Span and Focus for the Moment at Hand

Every Once in A While i Refer
Back to my Notes Yet Usually
i am too Busy Taking Notes From
Different Teacher’s All Around the Globe

And Yes the Rest of Nature too of Course

Tradition Excludes by the Very Nature of Tradition

And Of Course Human Beings Do the Same if They
Aren’t 100 Percent Open Minded, Perhaps 100 Percent
Extraverted And Introverted if Need Be With Close to Zero
Levels of Neuroticism Not Afraid to Either Agree or Disagree

And Yes Conscientious
Enough Not to Miss A Day
of Writing Online Since
11.25.2010 When i

Started An Entire
Endeavor of around
16 MiLLioN Words Now

of Laser Focused Notes

Yes it’s Fair Enough to Say
i’m 100 Percent Conscientious too
When it comes to What i’m Focused on For Now Hehe

(i Fully Enjoy The Blue Whale O.C.E.A.N. i LiVE iN NoW)

i Don’t Expect Anyone Else to be like me as that would
Surely Be a Lot for me to even wade through With SMiLes

Great Advice You
Give for the Business
of Followers for me at least i’d Rather
Stay Behind And Learn Something New…

With Also the Freedom to Express All my
Views Truthfully With No Restraint to Keep
Any particular Target Audience With Respect and Kindness

of Course
to Stay Fully Human..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy Oh
Yes to Walk KiSSinG
The Earth Each Step
A Dance Going No WHere

Yet the Art of Now

FLoWinG Yes

Same As Song

Destination Every

Move and Word Even

Every Letter New and Finger

Coming From A Digital Keyboard

Dancing Singing Giving Sharing
Caring Healing With Most Respect

And Least Harm

Free As Well



In Flow New With SMiLes…

i Suppose The Reason i Watched So Much
TV While On Call Practically 24/7

Administrating Programs
And People Yep Managing
And Supervising Others Is

At Least i Could Pretend

i Wasn’t on Call in Someone

Else’s World until ALARM!

The Pager Went off BUZZ

BUZZ BUZZ And There Was

Absolutely No Telling What Might

Be Wrong On The Other End of That Line

Hehe Now
i Control

All the Off
And On Buttons

Except for When my
Wife Says Hey Get Your
Butt off That Computer or
Dance In Public It’s Time to Go

True i Never Really Know What

Time it is


For Now At
Least Oh Yes
the Flow the Zen
The Samadhi the Satori
The Tao The Wu Wei All
Related SaMe Untitled Hugs Dear Miriam
And SMiles Know No Boundaries oF LoVE iN Peace…

And Today as a Recent Visit to the Pass And Tag Office
Of the Military Installation i Retired From Reminds Yes
40 Years Since Starting that Federal Job on 8.28.1984
Finally Getting my Full Retirement Last August
Including Back Pay They Owed Me All the Way
Back to 2009 Additionally Losing my Years
Served from 1984 to 1993 as i Had to Give
Them the Paper Work Saved Out of my
Personal Files to Get That All Straight
After Never Giving Up For an Entire
14 Months as they were supposed to
Start my Full Retirement Pay at 62
Not 63 Hehe Anyway The States of Affairs
Of Being Human And the Loss of Attention Span
And Focus Down to an Average of Less than a Gold
Fish Yes Less than 3 Seconds by Distraction according

to Modern Science is Concerning at Least when it comes
to Pay Owed and Even as High as Protecting Live’s of Political

Leaders Get Sharper or the ‘System’ May Win instead of Us for Real

As Chaos Without MaGiC comes to Rule

True Dear Kiran The Wise Hear
And The Ignorant Obviously

Do Not See Yet

Hearing With Eyes

Seeing With Ears

A Way to Go Where

Wisdom Stays And

Ignorance Fades
Away With SMiLes…

AnYWaY Basically Heaven Is ReaL NoW
Experienced Within Many Metaphors LoVE in Peace
Yes For The Essence of Bliss WiTHiN NeWLY NoW

Is Hell Does Most
Definitely Exist Within too Disconnecting From All Now too

Bottom Top Lines the Less Fear You Are the More
Liberating iN Love You Come to Be JusT Free

ETeRNaLLY NoW iN Peace

Be careful.. ‘life moves pretty fast’…
Keep A Dance at Essence And
Sing Along ‘The Rest’…

‘Texting’ for me Building
Sandcastles at the Beach
Occasionally i ReMeMBeR
Waves Listening For Them…

SMiLes Yes i always Complimented
Walmart Workers on the Free Cold
Water Fountains Dancing
There Telling me i
Brought Spring
To Winter
Took all the
Water Fountains
Away Changed into
Wine Now Dance
Water or
Wine Or Not…
SMiLes Dear Yeka…

Looking For Something
To Gift You With This
Morning this is
What i Found
Good AfterNoon

Well iF iT Was A Bee
It’s Good News Means
You are Sweet as Honey
And As Colorful as
Flowers if it was
A Hornet Happy
You Didn’t
i Believe
In Bee…

Don’t Be The Guy
Who BreakS HeARTS

Bee The DuDE ALL

‘Real’ WoMeN

Love Forevernow

i AM A MAN i NeVeR PRoTesT For i Am Human

LoVE ReaD THiS AGAiN JusT Do LoVE iN Peace

Spread FLoWeRS Dance Sing Everywhere You Go
Never Expecting Any Gift in Return Honey Comes Beyond Measure

“The known universe has one complete lover and that is the greatest poet. He consumes an eternal passion and is indifferent which chance happens and which possible contingency of fortune or misfortune and persuades daily and hourly his delicious pay. What balks or breaks others is fuel for his burning progress to contact and amorous joy. Other proportions of the reception of pleasure dwindle to nothing to his proportions. All expected from heaven or from the highest he is rapport with in the sight of the daybreak or a scene of the winter woods or the presence of children playing or with his arm round the neck of a man or woman. His love above all love has leisure and expanse. . . . he leaves room ahead of himself. He is no irresolute or suspicious lover . . . he is sure . . . he scorns intervals. His experience and the showers and thrills are not for nothing. Nothing can jar him . . . suffering and darkness cannot—death and fear cannot. To him complaint and jealousy and envy are corpses buried and rotten in the earth. . . . he saw them buried. The sea is not surer of the shore or the shore of the sea than he is of the fruition of his love and of all perfection and beauty.”

“There will soon be no more priests. Their work is done. They may wait awhile . . . perhaps a generation or two . . . dropping off by degrees. A superior breed shall take their place . . . the gangs of kosmos and prophets en masse shall take their place. A new order shall arise and they shall be the priests of man, and every man shall be his own priest. The churches built under their umbrage shall be the churches of men and women. Through the divinity of themselves shall the kosmos and the new breed of poets be interpreters of men and women and of all events and things. They shall find their inspiration in real objects today, symptoms of the past and future. . . . They shall not deign to defend immortality or God or the perfection of things or liberty or the exquisite beauty and reality of the soul. They shall arise in America and be responded to from the remainder of the earth.”

-Walt Whitman
Leaves Of Grass

Every Word Is A Song
Every Move Is A Dance
Every Breath Is LoVE iN Peace
Green Leaves
Falling Rising Spring…

What is Forever
Now Love For
Love Breathes
On After
Measure Breathing
Our Humanity Love
Ageless Always Now…

SMiles ‘They’ Said
i was The Best
List Maker
When i
i Lost The
List MaKinG
Mind Putting
Fresh Rubber
On My Tires Green
Breathing Colors Free…

EartH as
Face Of ‘God’
Shall We Even
Begin to See
No Longer
Defacing ‘God’…

Dancing Hurricanes
Calm Center Point
Existence Quiet
Black Holes
All in All
Us forever
More Now Center
Of All Energy All Calm
i Am Now
Spirit Winds
Spiraling Around
Calm Center Eye Soul…

‘Trump’ is indeed A Gift,
Opening Eyes to What
Makes Humanity Tick…

Yep Hook Line And Sinker SWaLLoWinG


SMiles Woman’s Greatest Power Is Love
SMiles Woman’s Greatest Power Is Giving
SMiLes THere Will Be No Real Flowers Now
For Best
This World
Is Colored by
Grace in Balance
Of LoVE Divine Feminine WHere
All Real WiLL And Strength Rises…
Smiles my FRiEnD Ava.. i Am raised
By All Women
And It only
Made me
For Real
Comes From
Soul Colors now
When Blooming
Love as Any Human
Being Loved By Woman…

Within Shining
Us Forward
Way Does
All Around
Our Jumping Joy…

SMiLes Dear Sohair
LiGHT Overcomes


The Morning


Birds Still Do Sing…

So Many
Wines to
Taste So
Many Colors
When Life Is

YeS Now

It All Massage
Every Last Drop Zoe…

And All This
Time i Thought

Came From
Ice Cream

Oh Lord
A Cold

Place Even
Colder Doc Than
Ice Cream Without

Colors Of FLoWeRS…

Gnat Scratch Fever
Totally Off Topic

Hall Life
For 6 Years

Nostalgia Ya
Never Even Imagined

A Pandemic Would

Snuff Out

In A Day

Of A
In Paradise…

Yet There Are
Always Other
Colors Of



Green to Taste…

Always A Pleasure
Dear Aloha FRiEnD

And Hurricane
Free in Hawaii Breeze



Again SMiles…

SMiles Dear Ava All
In All oF ALL I SPend
mY DayS iNSuRinG

Don’t Melt

iNDeeD UNiQue

Of Your Original
Creativity TReaSuRE
DanCinG SinGinG Your

SoUL To Life iN All New
Colors Home Within SPRinGS

Yet HeaR’S

The “Thing”
A Life of Cold
NumBeRS Hard
NumBeRS To Make
A LiVinG Will Melt A



i’ve Experienced
The Slow Melt As
A Machine Made
Human In Decades

Of Work
Then With

That Yes
IT into What i

Just A

BLocK Of
Ice Never
Lose Poetry
Of YouR SoUL

For Without
Art All That’s Left

Of SMarT iS S And M

Without Art All That’s

Left of HeART iS He

Without Art

All That’s

Left of

EartH iS



To mY SoUL

WHeRE Did Moving
Connecting Co-Creating

Go Yes For
All Practical
Intents And



Dies Within
When Art

Goes To Sleep
EYes of Your Child Inside…

Got Stuck At “The Laundry
Mat” Dry Cleaning my


Last Night

Yet Returning

This Morning With
Good News Even



To Sleep
Reborn Art Returns

“For where two or three are gathered together
in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

-Matthew And Associated King James Greek Writing Roman Ghost
Authors Using Other Famous Pen Names Like Luke Mark and Dear John

“So let it be song;
And let it be dance.
Let’s all breathe long;
And take a chance. (Now)
Because living like a ghost.
Is like waiting to toast. (Now)
When the banquet and wine.
Is breathing in precious time.

iNhaling Peace Exhaling Love”

-Rue TRue AKA Ruehla too So Yes

Truly The Name of JeSuS i BREaTHEE
And Words You Help me Seek And Find….

“Inhaling Peace Exhaling Love” Dear Poetess
Rue These Words CaMe From You Now They
Are Part of my Oral Tradition to Both Inhale Peace
And Exhale Love For What i Understand A “UniVeRsAL
Christ” As Metaphor to Mean For All As Peace Creates Love

UNiVeRSaL Prayer

Beyond All


With No
Fear Within

No Inertia

No Restraints

Freeing No Different

Really Than The Calm
Center EYe of A Hurricane
Or A Black Hole Sun Creates

Winds to Redistribute Ocean Warmth
To The Circle of Life More As Surely Arms
Of Our Milky Way Does the Same In Close

Enough to A Golden Spiral For All To Come to Loving Life Now

Sort of Like “Idalia” Meaning Behold the Sun Also Goddess Aphrodite Love

SMiLes You Are Surely A Stellar Pretty Indian Woman And Surely About
Young Enough to Be Katrina’s Daughter From That Year You Reverberate

Any Father Proud to Have A Daughter Like You A Zillion Times Over A Beautiful
Soul You Are And Surely A Soul Sister With me Beyond All Measure A FRiEnD…

A Faux Bishop The Head PR Guy of the Catholic Church ‘Friended’ me on FaceBook Attempting
to ‘Save my Soul’ He Asked me if i prayed i told Him Always He Asked me How my
Relationship With God is i told Him Every Breath i Inhale Peace Exhale Love And

Sadly He Could

Not Understand

Dear Rue’s


He Told me
i Was Struggling

And ‘The Devil’ Was
Trying to Stop me Then

He Fortune Told me that
All My Troubles Will End
By the End of August And God
Has Blessings Beyond my iMagination
For me That Much He Got Correct Rue

is Always

The Gift

of A FRiEnD

WHeRE We Will
Live God Most
ToGeTHeR NoW And Free

Inhaling Peace Exhaling Love

You my Dear FRiEnD Rue A Beautiful Soul…

And Somewhat Ironically Raised A Catholic in
India Greater Than Any BiShop By Side of This (Love) Ocean…

i Am LooKinG For the
Song “Eye of the Tiger”

Then i Return NoW And

See The SonG oF YouR

SPiRiT Deep in Soulful EYes




‘Until The Tiger Writes’…

Applause Dear Rue Your
Creativity Continues to Spiral Higher…

Hehe What’s Football True Soccer
Forms of Football Are So Much More
Civilized Annabel Than Gridiron Style

Tribal Gladiator Sports
In North America
That Replace
Tribal Wars
on Our

Medicine Shows
87 Percent of X-Football
Players Sadly Suffer From


Brain Disease
From Nonsensically
Banging Their Head
in Traumatic Brain Injury Playing

Contact Football For Years of Their Life…

Is it worth it No Not to me and True i Was A Spectator
Through 40 Years of Age When Folks Bond Over Common

of Living
Like Football
Tribal Sports Where Religion

Is Born in Terms of Contact
Footballism Gladiator Old New
Roman Style in North America True…

Speaking of Religion That Reminds me
Interacting With A Bishop on His Facebook
Page A Scammer Stole The Bishop’s Identity
From His Facebook Page And Attempted to Seed

Me Then to Steal Some

Money for a 1500 Dollar
Contribution to Cancer
And Covid-19 Patients
In Need in Germany

Of Course i Passed
all My English Tests
So it Was Easy to

See they Weren’t Like
The Real Bishop With A
Frigging PHD HAha.. Anyway

Just Serving As Another DarK
Muse For Writing They Are Ever

Sense i Became A Creator A Spectator
of Someone Else’s Football Game of Religion

Is Just Not Enough Spirit of Human Activity For me…

Football is Big Religion Where i Live And Truly it Seems
Some Gridiron Stars Are Worshipped More than the Story of Jesus…

And of Course
The Favorite
Team is The
Personal Group
Think Religion Now…

Butterflies Spring So Many
Colors of FLoWeRS Once
Lost in A Cocoon

Before That They
Only Caterpillars
Trapped on Land
Climbing Nature

SMiLes Dear
Sohair So

True Nice to
Sprout Butterfly
Wings And Flutter FlY iN Ease…

LeSSoN 434 More Than A
Statue Liberty A Unique Way
Of Life We Co-Create No Matter
Country Soul Ours to Keep Free

Hey Why
Sculpt A
Statue Hehe
When You
May Do
It in Flesh
And Blood
With SMiles Of Course
Happiest WeDNeSDaY to Your

With SMiles iN Hugs
Beyond Rainbow Colors…

Hehe Technology
Has Been Chasing
Me All


NoW iT Is
mY Slave No

Soul Sohair HAha!…

SMiLes Mr Gottfried If my Butt One Day
No Longer Will Move a Dance i Find Great

Solace in Fingers Still Flying Across the

Keys And Dancing

A Song Still Singing

Young So Old With SMiLes

True Creativity is the Fountain

of Youth Always Creating New With

SMiLes Fingers Delivering Many New Born


Of Letters

With SMiLes
And Yes Even


Untitled Hugs too…

Keep Making New Connections

Above So Below Within Inside Outside

And All Around It’s What the Milky Way

Does Keep Spiraling A New MultiVerse INDeed…

SMiLes Dear Cindy i’ll Keep it Short And Sweet Hehe Just Like
A New Born Baby And The Family After A Challenging Birth
Yes Family FRiEnDS And Helpers too the Title of Your Post

And Poem Says so Much

Not Unlike Mine Currently

“Untitled Hugs And SMiLes”

Does Love Need a Name

In Peaceful Smiles

of A Child

Sleeping Newborn

No And Neither Do Any

Of Us When Love is Real

SMiLinG With Hugs of Peace ‘Untitled’
Other than That Congratulations With SMiLes to All


Oh Dear Lord Dear Kiran SMiLes Life is So Much Easier

Coming From a Place of Truth More Than A Place

That MaNuFaCTuRES Lies to MaNiPuLaTE Others

For Selfish Goals to achieve ‘Things’ More Than

Putting People First For

The Warmth of

Human LoVE iN Peace

Thriving More Than Just Conniving

WHere i LiVE in the United States the Truth

Has Become a Commodity oF Lies More Than Ever

Before Where Lies are Sold to Ignorant ‘Minions’

As the Old Saying Goes The Circus Boss (Despicable

Leader) Can Count On THere is A Sucker

Born to Take the Weight

Line Hook And Sinker


Always Now A Crowd
Source For That And Indeed

Why THeiR Job of MaKinG Truth Lies

Is So Lucrative as Without the Minion Support

oF All the Small Fish In the Ocean Getting All Hooked Up Sinking

The Lies Will Have no Legs to Stand UPon as Truth And Truth Will Become

Yet So Goes

Human Nature Science
Shows It is Illusion that IT is

At Core Nature Rational iNdeed

We Live By The Depth of the Stories We Co-Create

We Tale And LiVE iN Shallow With Lies Or Much Deeper With Truth iNDeeD…

SMiLes Dear Isha Your Movie Reviews Speak Well to Your

Intelligence For Language More Specifically English of Course

And Your Ability to Speak (Dance/Sing) With Emotions too That Some

Folks Find Incredibly Hard to Do

Particularly in Person and

Off the Cuff of Course too

And This Movie “Wake Up Sid”

As Reviewed By “Wiki Cliff Notes” too Speaks

To The Challenges of Being Born With a Silver Spoon

Or Even Being More Good Looking and Stronger Than the Rest

As It is Often Those More Disadvantaged That Dig Deep into Personal

Will And Make it Much Farther Before Life Ends Than Their Peers Who

Are So Advantaged When Young never even Fathom of Course in This

Case The Young

Man Sid Is Motivated

Enough By Love to Change

Yet Sadly That Doesn’t Work at All

For Some Folks as the Very Privileged and

Rich Particularly With Two High Powered Professionals

Parents in the Home in Mechanical Cognition Areas of Work May

Not Lend Much Room For Emotional Intelligence to Grow For the

Child Who
Needs that
Kind of Intelligence
Most to Actually Survive
And Thrive In Life and Of Course

Your Blogging and Connecting With
Diverse Folks Around the World Is very
Beneficial to Develop These Greater Human Abilities True…

Gosh Our Modern World Brings So Much

More Complexity As Our Ages Go All Work

Family and Love Related Dear Isha

Indeed Longing for A Simpler

Focused Life Is Truly

Normal It Seems

And Perhaps

The Places Modernity

Pushes us to Are Truly Insane

of Course Mileage Varies Depending

On Make And Model of Being Human

Vehicles and

Vessels Making

It Through the
Travel of Life

In Pieces or
More All Together With SMiLes…

100 Percent Trust in Love All From Spouse Family And
Close FRiEnDS True i Experience This Faith With No
Doubt Among A Significant And Substantial Few Dear

Sohair Yet Surely Not All Do And Surely This Colors

my Abilities to Be Able to Make FRiEnDS With Whatever

Harm Comes my Way Either Physical or Emotional Indeed

As True This Pain May Create Deep Injury Yet to Respond in


Only Makes

The Potential

Abyss Even Deeper

And More Difficult to Escape

So Again i Make FRiEnDS With

The Physical and Emotional Injuries

Leaving me With No Enemies Only Mercy

Forgiveness and LoVE iN Peace Yet Again

my Foundation And Community oF LoVE iN Peace

is Great in the ‘Real World’ the More Anchored We

Are the More Grounded in LoVE iN Peace The Higher

The Winds of Storms New that Come We Shall Fly With Now

in Ease and Not Be Over Washed By Storm Surge of Injuries

As of Course a Hurricane
Soon Approaches

Florida Far Enough

Away From Us

Yet The Citizens

On the Coast Who Survive
And Continue To Thrive Don’t
Fight the Storm Surge in Place
They Seek Higher Grounds in

Respite of Potential Harm…

SMiLes Dear Savvy Oh
Yes to Walk KiSSinG
The Earth Each Step
A Dance Going No WHere

Yet the Art of Now

FLoWinG Yes

Same As Song

Destination Every

Move and Word Even

Every Letter New and Finger

Coming From A Digital Keyboard

Dancing Singing Giving Sharing
Caring Healing With Most Respect

And Least Harm

Free As Well



In Flow New With SMiLes…

SMiLes Dear Cindy Another Lovely Poem
For Seasonal Change i Surely Welcome
Thunderstorms Again Too as It’s Been
Another Spell of Desert Dry

Northern Florida Summer
Weather Sadly With Our
Fire Risks Growing From
Moderate to Major as Climate

Change Continues to Have ‘Her’ Do

Ah Yes Days Growing Shorter No Longer Seasonal
Affective Disorder for me Now Free From Cave Walls
of Work and School i May Partake of Sunshine Inspiring
And Healing Any Hour of the Day or Even Night Hehe in Super

Ways of
Reflecting Art

Ah Yes the Longer And Brighter The Days
More Creative i Make and the Less Sleep i Take

Long Stretch Here of 2 Hour to 1 Hour Naps Just More
Mornings in A Day and Night of the Life to Generate Even

More Creativity
Dreamy Naps

Where Even Waking
Becomes Sleeping
Fresh in TWiLiGHT
of Day Meets Night at Noon Hehe

Anyway Shorter Days Longer Nights
Colder Weather Tempting Hibernating

Longer Sleep
Coming Next
To Regenerate
Another Spring
And Summer Passion
in All Ways Creativity Naturally Births so Free
Our Breaths Our HeART Beats Resurrecting ThiS WAY…

We Come to
Be As DarK

As Far As the ‘Fall of Man’ Goes, And Well Earned ‘Pedigrees,’ i recommend Iain McGilchrist With His 10 Year Study,
And 1500 Page Book Titled, ‘The Matter With Things,’ For What’s Gone Wrong With Western Civilization;

Materially Reducing Our World, Through More Left Brain Hemisphere Processing of Reality, Through all the
Abstract Constructs in Terms of Symbols and Associated Ideologies We Create to Bond And Bind Over the

(Either Fear and Anger iN Discontent of Separation;
Or Hope and LoVE iN Peace For All iN Unity; And All
Spectrums Continuing

to Relate)

Best We Can
And Will Do to
At Least Survive
With ‘Insanely’ Large
Heterogenous Human
Populations Living Next Door to Each

Other as ‘Typically,’ Hehe, We No longer Sing
off the Same Choir Sheets of Music or Serve the
Same Made-Up God Of Either An Eye for an Eye or

the Other Cheek;

i Rather Do ‘Wu Wei’ Free Style in Flow
Of Effortless Ease Yet that’s Just me hehe…

It’s True, We Have Canine Teeth; It’s True, We
Have the Potential to Hunt, Kill, And Go to War Yet of Course

Nope; It’s Not Necessarily ‘Imperative’ as Human Beings Are Also Very Altruistic
Cooperative Social Animals; Ancestrally, Typically Living in Smallish Groups
With Homogenous Looking And Acting Human Beings; Yes, Typically at Best

Foraging The Day (A Mix of Gathering and Hunting) And Dancing the Night

Away in Communion of What Naturally Heals Anxiety and Reduces Pain; Yes, the

Warm and Fuzzy
Comfort of the
Social Bonding and
Healing Ways of Oxytocin,

And Associated Pro-Social
Emotional Neurochemicals
And Neurohormones; True,

Head to Toe To Each Other
Naturally Generated ThiS WaY…

Hehe, my Daddy Said in my Youth; Shortly,
After my First Cousin Got All Burnt Up in a
Helicopter in the Vietnam War, Hoping to be
a Traditional “World War II Hero,” Volunteering
His Effort, With no ‘Bone Spur Excuses,’ for Avoiding the Draft,

Falling to the Military Industrial Complex And Associated Cronies
Orchestrating One of Many Unwarranted Wars Still To come; Yes, my Daddy Said

i Should Join the Military for WHAT IT Takes to MAKE A Man; Unafraid to Pull the Trigger

And Kill Whatever Enemy is imagined Next; Oh Dear Devil Yeah, He Considered Those not
Willing to Kill in Unwarranted Wars, Cowards, With Chicken Foot Peace Signs, As They Were
Not Properly Serving

Those Who Chose
to Make them

‘Dogs of War;’

It’s True, Put Dogs Out
in the Wild and They Return
to Their Pack Nature of Ripping
The Throats Out of Wild-Life to Survive

With No More Kibbles and Bits; Take a Feral Cat,
An Expert Killer Out of the Woods, Providing Free
Subsistence And ‘He’ Will Surely Become A Lifelong Lap

Cat Enjoying
The Bliss of
Oxytocin Close

to Human Social
Animals as They Freely
Receive Nature’s Healing Benefit

ThiS way too in Unity

Of LifeLonger
Human/Cat Hugs;

Oh Dear Lord, Oh the Ignorance;
When my Only Child Was Going into
Heart Surgery as the Surgeon With Big Hands
Said Kiss Your Baby Goodbye, My Father, the Big
Military and Law Enforcement Rugged Dude Said,

“Make Sure You
Raise Him Like
A Man,” as True

My Father Never Left
Any Room to Give me
Any Advice at All Except
The War Advice And Raising


No Thanks, my Son Didn’t Survive,
And i Barely Survived the Toxic Patriarchy
That Working for the Military Provided for a Quarter
of A Century; Yet That Toxic Patriarchy Didn’t Come From a Man;

Many Others in the Work Place Suffered Similarly as me at the Rank of
A First Woman Captain of a Military Installation as She Really Wanted to

(She Even Changed The Rules to Promote me to keep me In Her Service,
Helping me to Retire at A Much Higher Civilian Rate of Pay; It’s True,

Light Comes Out of Darkest Days too; i’d Give Her a Kiss on the
Cheek if i Saw Her Again; True, More Improved Than Turning
the Other Cheek, hehe)

Make the
Rank of

Willing to Step on
Whomever IT took to

Make it Happen;

(It Didn’t)

NOPE, For What ‘They’ All Described As
Being A Man; i Declined, And BeCaME Human Instead…

It’s True, i am Literally Just about As Strong as an Orangutan

Per Empirical Evidence of Still Leg Pressing Up to 1540 Pounds,
12 Reps, Just Warming Up At the Military Gym, Limited that Way,

As the Bars on the Machine Will Hold No More 45 Pound Plates
And They Trashed The Hundred Pound Iron Plates as some of the

Folks Couldn’t lift them off the Machine to Put Smaller Weights on

Yet Even Silver Back Great Ape Gorillas Will Hold a Kitten Softly Enjoying
the Benefits

of the Love


Through and Through;

And True, Hehe All they Need
is a 1.25 INCH PENIS to Sire A ‘Harem’…

Sort Of Like Lions As What Dangles
Too Much Gets Torn off by Large Claws and Teeth…

Nah, Most of The Anxiety isn’t About Not Being a Man; Most

of the Anxiety

Is About

Losing Our Humanity For Real…

As That Surely Relates, Even More
to Young Women As Science Currently Shows;

Of Course, Factors Related are Mostly Losing the
Human Warm Connection

And All the Freebees
That Come With

All Natural

in Reduction
of Both Anxiety and Pain…

Dear Lord, Not unlike Jordan
Peterson, Joe Rogan, TRuMP,
Vance, Gaetz, and The Other Marjorie

Taylor Greene’s of the World; Both Freud
And Nietzsche And Even Jung; And
Even Alan Watts Were A

‘Hot Mess’ Navigating

Basic Frigging Existence…

Some Days Ya Just Gotta Get Out
And Dance And Sing NoW EitheR Solo
Or Together For No Reason Yet What A Child

Does With A Non-Sense Song and A Dance With No Lessons…

Yep, Basically Generating All the Healing Neurochemicals and Neurohormones

Within for FREE! God Yes For Real;


Oh what
Not to
How to Create Our Own Joy For Free…

Meanwhile, Folks Are Buying and Selling Free…


Note to ‘Eve’:

Pass the Popcorn
The CirCus is BacK iN TOwn..🙂

Key: Don’t Become Mastered By
‘The Apple,’ Make It Your Device to Master,

Spending The Rest of the Day And Night
Naked Enough Whole Complete in Rapture oF Joy For Real

True, there are Few to no Limits to the Darkness
That CuLTuRaL Practices Will Bring to Humanity; Yes,

War Practices Ranging From Pillaging to Harming, Raping,
Maiming, Killing, And Or ‘Fine Cuisine’ of Cannibalism For CuLTures

So Inclined; And All Types of DarK Torture That Would Make
Modern Horror Movies Chill to the Bone Beyond ‘Nightmares

On Elmstreet;’

Yes, And in this
Country, ‘TRump’
And ITS Ilk is Only
A Tip of the Iceberg

Of What’s Possible When
Humanity Sheds Its Warmer Soul

And Puts ‘Real Cold DEvil SKin’ On Again…

Ah, Yet Now to LiVE iN A Place of Peace

As Voltaire Once Said, “I’m not a believer,
but I prefer my barber to be a Christian,
even more when he’s using his razor on my neck.”


“Anyone who can make you believe
absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

In Other Words, All This Human STUFF Considered,
i Still REALLY Live in Paradise in ‘Trump Town USA,’

Where Yes my Hair Dresser is Christian;

(And i Used to Play Tennis With the Local Priest)

And At Least There are Some Pleasant
Verses to Recite attributed to Jesus When it comes

to Potential Altercations With the ‘Natives at Large;’

Yes, i Am Well Versed in the Native Language of ‘Good Cop Jesus;’

It Might Sound
Funny Yet

Hehe i am
Dead Serious
All Alive About it Now;

As i am Surely Well Aware
Of What the Depths of Real
Human Contrived Evil Nightmares
Will Do to Make HeLL ON EartH Real…

Of Course, There Are Plenty of Current Examples

All Around
This Human

Globe of Pain and Pleasure…

Yes, Ranging From Hell to Purgatory
to Real Heaven ON EartH; WHere i Even
Once Had An African American Facebook FRiEnD

Audacious Enough to Proclaim in a Facebook Status
That Reading The Old Man Voltaire inspired her to Pull Down

Her Under Things…

She Also Spoiled the
Ending of One of the
Star Wars Movies With


SUCH is the Human Condition,

Full of Flavors; Some Fresh Others Rotting…

Gonna Dance and Sing Free As Long As This LoVinG
Peace Lasts For


And the CuLTure’S IT BRingS…

Not Ready to Throw Christianity
Away As It Has Some Shiny Gems LEFT iN Potential…

And IT Could Be A Lot Damned Worse on Earth For Real…

i Live for Sure..:)


Golden Fall Tree
Leaves Blue
Skies Arms
Stretching Out
Hair Blowing Free

Wow! Now! New! Cycling 80 Percent
of The Country of India Dear Savvy

True More than just a Ride
i Would Surely Absorb

THE New People

First Coming to Feel
And Sense Such Newer
Additions to the Human Bunch

Still Traveling my way next as i Eventually

With SMiLes..:)

Ah Yes Dear Miriam Looking Forward
To Seeing More of the Colors oF A Rainbow

Yet Getting Left Behind
As Yes Stuff Happens in Life

Reminds me of How Excited
i Was Visiting Disney World
in Youth Years Where They
Had a Futuristic High Definition

Screen to See Future TV Wow

Hehe it Doesn’t take too Much to get
me excited and that was enough then

Yet in 2006 When We Bought Our First
Plasma HDTV Oh Dear Lord the Colors Started
Hurting my Eyes and All i Could Watch on that
Big Screen is Black And White What A Bummer that was

With the Advent of TV Way Before That i Lost Much Pleasure
With Reading Black and White Book Print As TV Was another

World that Required
No Real Work for me to Do…

Yes i was Really Hooked for
So Many Decades and Years
HDTV New For the World i Hung on to then…

Then the pain got Worse Eventually That Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Worst Pain Known to Humankind

Neither Tolerating Light or Sound as All went to Pain and Numb

No More HDTV for me Not Even Black And White Not Even Any Radio

Dear Lord it Was Like Losing Modernity and going back to the Early 1900’s

Yet What Replaced the Promise of Additional Rainbow Colors was a first real

Ability to Concentrate and write a weakest Part of my Intelligence Before Particularly
Anything Associated With Creativity

As Sure to Do Lists and Quick Notes

i Did Do Yet really didn’t go back to

Them Much as that Kind of Writing

Enough to Focus and Remember

Later When Necessary in School or Work
Writing Has Connected me with Innumerable
Human Souls All Around the Globe So Much Better
For the Colors Within that any HDTV i Will iMaGiNE Now

True no need
for 4K or 8K
16K or a Terrabyte
of TV Colors Next

As Now i Create my Own
Unlimited for what ever word comes Next…

And Yes of Course All 20,453 MiLes of Public Dance in 11 Years too

When One Door Closes 16 or so MiLLioN Online Words Follow Hehe..:)

God Exists☺️

Wherever A Peaceful
Loving Spirit Comes to
Be Among Us God Exists

And In ThiS Way The Story
Of ‘Gizmo’ Proves This To

Be True The 1 In 10,000
Gremlin Yes Always Kind
Always Peaceful Loving

Refusing Now To Be Evil
And Destructive Through

Of Existence

And Ironically For
All The Harm Others
Have Done Their Worst

To Bring To Gizmo With
Every Breath Of Darkness

That Comes Gizmo Only
Becomes Brighter Than

The Moon And Sun Within


SMiles Hope

You Are Okay

Dear FRiEnD With Hugs ☺️🤗

WHere Every Rose Flowers
Through THoRNS And Drought
Angels Dance Sing Freer to Be i Am

Every Child A Birth
Of A New UniVerse
As Above So Below
Dear Cindy And
A Difficult Birth
i Surely Witnessed
With The Code Blue
LiGHTS Flashing For
my Wife And Child
With No Ability To
Breathe Generating
Much Adrenaline
In Blood
Wide Awake
In Sleep Indeed
Happy For All Of Your ❤️🤗
Family’s Glorious Outcome🌹

Every SCaR A Vehicle
A Molded VesseL A Ship
ACross RoaRinG Oceans
FoR DarK ThrU StarLiGHT

Tranquility under
A Thousand Stars
Best VieWeD Now
From Perspectives
Of Scars as Fires
Overcome Couples
Surviving Hells of
Fire See A Greatest
Distance in Eyes of
Starry Love stay by
The Side of the one
Who will follow
You through
Hell And Always
Hold the Hands
Of Scars to the
Other Side
Of Tranquility…
Inspiring Poem
You Sing
Thank You..🙂

SMiles where would i be without
The Forest Bathing of my BackYard
Perhaps in a Very Expensive Home
Yet so far
Tranquility Free
Priceless when
We Become Nature one..🙂

Color of Life Color
of Calm Green
Color of Living
Trees of
Life Tranquility
Exhales so We Will inhale Life..🙂

Tranquility of Reading no Need to
Speak Getting Lost in A Story of
Someone else no need to think
i Love
Better No
Need to think
Or Read just Flow
A Spirit of Wind Exhale..
A Textromancy of Waves
Ocean Shores Expanding More..🙂

Smiles Tranquility
of Living Dreams
So Far away
from After
Dirt Nap
Present eternally
Now no Need For Omens
When All is Sky Blue Real..🙂

Before A
Eruption Comes
Again Twilight
on Mountain
Tops of
Fruition Delay
Bliss Remains..🙂

Breathe in
Dream Balance
of Tranquility
Law of the
Unwound to Be..🙂

SMiles.. yes if only more Hours in a Day
For You i’m sure my Friend oh to be free
oh to be art oh to fly dreams fruition oh
to dance and sing with never ending now Tranquility..🙂

Textromancy over
Reading Tea Leaves
Bringing Dreams
to Symbols
Spirit Deeper Wind
Tranquility Rising Seeing..

Searching for Tranquility
We Are A Tree Roots Trunks
Branches Limbs Leaves
We Rise
Fall and
Leaves of Grass
Whole Again We Breathe
We Are
Falling Tall..🙂

i’ve Sampled The Prompt
And Links Poetic Expressions
Bleed From me Yet Tranquility
Dreams Fruition a Naked Beach
For me the Gulf Warmth Surrounding
The Nature of me and Loved ones Same
Diatoms Glow in Shores of Dim Emerald
Green Dark Waters Waves Calm Shores
Of Love Spreading Out Everywhere As
Center Now We
Are Forevermore
Stars Above Moon
Shines Below
All is
All is Beautiful
Within all is Tranquil
For All to Love Alive As
Heaven Breathes Eternal
Now to Give and Share for
Free as Four Eyes Become
Two Eyes One Soul Falling Rising Two..
Us And God Become One Force of Love Now.. Wind
ACross Serenity Bleeds Flow All We See LiGHT iN DarK..🙂

Seed A Tree
A Light
From: Home to:
Breathe Tranquility

Acknowledging 🍁
Shadows We aRe
Seeing Sun LiGHT 🍃
Seeding STaR FLoWeRS We🌺🌟
THoRNS RiSinG🥀 Roses🌹
DaNCinG We SinG Breathing

Silent Muse Breathing
Not Finished Waving
HeART Tears Are Green
For They BRinG Loving
Comfort These
Are New Coming
From Green they
Remain CoLoRinG
Through Fall
Winter Green
Until Summer
Springs Fall
Fall Rise
Silent Muse (God) Breathing

Pleasure is
Giving my






Human Kind😊🙌🙏

SMiLes Dear
Samreen Naked
Enough Whole


To Give


Peace Exhaling
Love Root Vine

With SMiles

All Things Pass Human
Emotions Are Surely

No Different

For Change

This Way i
Entertain Them
All in My Home Give
Them Wings And Allow

All Feelings Sensing Emotions
To Come Out And Play Here This
Way Now The Plumbing of my Soul
Does Not Get Stopped Up And Lost




“i’M A LiVeR”

Only Line i Remember
From “Love Story” Other
Than “Were Do i Begin”
SMiLes Dear Miriam One
of the First Songs i Learned to

Play on the Piano By Sheet Music
in 1972 Hmm WaS A VEry Good Year
i’m Thinking For Chinese Rat New Year’s

too Right Behind the 1960 Version of the
Chinese Rat me too the Movie “Love Story”

Released in 1970 With Ali McGraw And Ryan O’Neal

Loving Without Expectation of Return Altruism Without
Reward When Giving Becomes Receiving Regardless

of Rewards External or Not In Return True in this
Case at Least Love Means Never Having To Say

‘i Am Sorry’

As The Giving
Is Naturally
Naked Enough
Whole Complete
Generally Speaking
Wearing Wings Makes Less ‘Wind’
Shear FRiEnDS With Gravity Balancing
Giving Again With No Receiving And No Returns


SMiles Taller Than Before..:)

Every Move of Dance
Every Word of Song
Ahead We Go When

Love For LiFE Perseveres


On Every Rose
LooKinG FoR HoMe
Dear FRiEnD Finding
HoMe Finally US FoR ReaL..:)

Leader of mY Life Breath of mine
ALWaYS NoW Dear Chaymaa Yes
Changing NeW Dancing Singing
LoVinG Change NeW..🙂

Hehe Dear Chaymaa

i Do My Best Not To ‘Think

i Can’ i Rather Believe i Will

And ‘Just Keep Doing

IT’ iN Victory Never


Always Dancing
Singing Beginning ‘A Do i Do’
A Play oF LiFE With Wings Loving Free..:)

TRuE Dance Sing
Let “The Autotelic
Bliss Of Flow” Take
Over Dear Miriam

Free No
Need To
“Think” Effortless
Human Potentials
In Complexity of

Etcetera in Ease

“The Butcher’s Blade”
Stays Sharp Cutting
Meat “Souls” iN “Feat” Of
Ocean Whole Waves
Don’t Wear Down As Much

Yes Be The “Bruce Lee Water”

With SMiles FRiEnDs
With Gravity All
Emotions Senses
Regulating Integrating


New Just Being A “Forrest
Gump Feather” Yes in A

And After
Your Life Is
Over You only

Lived Free

Wind “Sees” 💨

As Nautilus Free
Sea Creatures Leave
Foot Prints


Ways” Spiraling
In Shells For Others
To Find On Beaches

iN Fossil Records 300
MiLLioN Years Ago

Perhaps Above
Below Within
Outer Inner All Around
Place Forever Now Flows
New More As Yes “Anti-Poe

Ravens” Fly as Sea Gulls Now
New Do Forevermore Air to

BREaTHE Waves 🌊

WitH SMiLes Free NoW ☺️🌈🌊🕊

Key Romancing Life New
BFForever Crush You FinAlly
Slow Dance WitH NoW ETeRNaLLY

i Know i Promised
i Wouldn’t Return
Yet i Couldn’t Help
It Since The Garden
Of Eden And The

Traditional Naked
Meme Arrives
On Your Blog
Too Hehe Doubt
It Not i’ve Already
Made An Art of

My Ass On
Facebook And
my Blog Too

All PG Rated

iN Fact Poems
Have Been
my ‘Booty’
And Gifts
Have Been
Received AS Such
In Appreciation
Of The
Of my Rear
Anyway You
Can’t Say You
Haven’t Been
If You Visit
my Blog True
All of This

“Tail” A Lie 🐎
No Emoji’s
For Donkey’s
All That’s Left A Stallion

Relate Hehe 🙃

And It’s Worth Noting
With All the Talk of
The “J” Man Here

He Will Return The

Same Way i Kid You
Not it’s in The Catholic
Roman Empire Censored

Version of
The Gospel
Of Thomas
Verse 37


As Cool As
Luke 17:21
And The Way
i Do John 14:12
Naked Too Tim
Tebow Too Wimpy
To Do It Only
Old News
Of John 3:16
On His Forehead
And Bowing

To The
Old Story


Just Hmm HAHa 🦌

Thanks Your
Post Just Really
Fit In With my
Spring Through
Summer Garden
Of Eden Meme True
There Are FLoWeRS
To Freshen
“The Place”

Up Too Hehe🕊

Like A Summer’s EVE
my Wife of Course With SMiles💐

i didn’t See ‘A Religion of LoVE iN Peace’ in Actual ‘Effect’ on the
List; it’s What Humans Naturally Do; It’s Our Natural Religion
That Binds And Bonds Us in Terms of Elemental Basics, Like Oxytocin
in Synergy with all the Other Biological aspects of Our Natural Altruistic Being;

A Religion of Love is impossible to Avoid for those who Share it;

Perhaps, We Would have to Amend the Constitution to ‘Legally’ Share it;

But there are other
Overt Ways of
Doing This; by AcTuAlly Doing IT;
And Yes, i’ve Studied all these Religions
Around the World in How they Are Put into
Actual Action as a Global Participant Anthropology Observer.

What i’ve come to find is; it Must be an Individual Effort; As Group
Efforts by Very Nature of Group Effort; Exclude those From ‘a Real Nation
of Love’ that Must come From the ‘Meek’ Up; Others Have Tried; All in Vain Effort, Overall,
Now, Per How the Religions are Actually Practiced still; Specifically, ‘A Religion of LoVE iN Peace’…

Go Figure, Now Humans are Still only evolved to Live Peacefully, Loving Unified,
And Comfortably in Groups of 150 to 200, Mostly Naked, Foraging, Dancing Singing Folks.

Bonobos are A Great Example of Love in Action that Actually Works, if not invaded by ‘Strangers’…

In other Words, No Matter What Religion was chosen, it would not ultimately work, failing the same way
per Science of Human Numbers; Meanwhile, Here, In the U.S. We Are Free to LoVE iN Peace; Sadly,

Many People

Do Not
choose that Freedom….

FLoWeRS Blooming…:)

SMiLes Setting God Free
to Write and Pray Within

Re-Arranging Alphabets
As Wings May Come to Play

Breathing More Wind Sings
God Dances Within Free to

Bring A
SMiLe to
One, Two,
Three, And so
Many More Faces

Of A SaMe Dream
Dear Savvy With SMiLes

Blooming FLoWeRS..:)

Making Journeys Home Through
Lights of the Night Dear Xenia

WHere A Super Full Blue Moon

Last Week Guides All Animals

At Night With Us Moving to New

Moon Now

ALong With
Stars Bright Below
Above With SMiLes Dear
Xenia Best Wishes For All
of You Enjoying Celestial Beauty Coming..:)

Hehe Dear Pooja Before i Did Creativity one of my many
Hats Working for the Government Was Finding Work Arounds
For Information Technology When the ‘Athletes’ Got Stuck

i Never Stopped Using the ‘Classic Editor’ Yes Word Press
Did a Fine Job of Not Explaining How to Find it Yet IT Does still

Exist All it Takes Is a Link to Find it With Blog
Name Enclosed Unless It’s Not Available on

Lower Priced Plans than mine which i Kinda
Doubt if You Have
Any Desire to

Go Back i Might
Be Able to Help You With that…

I Also Abhor the New ‘Fancy’
Block Editor Commenting System

Oh Dear It’s Almost Impossible to Keep
A Stream of Consciousness Flow of Writing

Going If You Have to Frigging Shift to Single Space

That’s Why i’ve always Drafted my Blog Posts in the
Comments Section Each and Every Day and Now i Use

The Reader Hopefully
They Will continue
to Keep this Reader Format
As Easy as A, B, C… With SMiLes…

I Demand Free Hand The Day they completely
Take that Away i May Not Stay Yet Hehe Chances

Are i’ll
Find A
Work/Play Around
It’s What Eventually
Helped to Make me
Financially Independent
Even Finding my ‘Disney Wife’ Hehe…

Anyway It’s Like Microsoft ‘They’ Took a Great
Product Windows XP and Ruined it With Endless

Rabbit Holes
of MicroSoft 8

Not Only That Constant
Viruses that Make You
Have to Reinstall

to Keep it
Breathing Apple
Products for me
Since 2013 Nope i’ll
Never Go Back i’ve Never
Had a Virus Issue With Apple Yet

(And Never Used Virus Protection)

And it Works Seamlessly Across all
Devices i Use Yes A Snafu Here and there

Yet of Course
Nothing is


As Of Course
Humans Are Still
Behind the Curtain
of the Wizard of OZ…

Just Makes Life More
challenging and interesting to me..:)

Yet Obviously Word Press Isn’t
Run By


Common Sense…

Lots of Folks Have
Just Said the Hell With it and Left…

In ALL AREAS of Life Competency is
Getting Harder to




HAha with that said
Not much i do is User
FRiEnDLY Except FOR Me Hehe…

Still Can’t Find a Smart Phone
‘Smart’ Enough to Open Even
One of my Blog Posts Now on Word Press

After I’ve Drafted the Next Blog Post in
The Comment Section Somedays

Approaching 180 Thousand Words
Still Juggling the One Before That

The Blogspot Platform Opens Them Up
On my Smart Phone With NO
Comments Section as i Just
Copy and Paste Bi-Monthly
60 Thousand Word Novel
Sized Long Form Poems There

Yet the format Is Off…

‘Moore’s Law’
Might Catch
Up After I’m Long Gone HAha…

Anyway in my Lifetime i’ve Held
Innumerable Hands Helping Folks Do ‘IT’…

It Gets Mighty
Stale Now i just Flow…

Effortless in ‘Wu Wei
Ease’ Come What May New..:)

“Including Yourself on MY PEOPLE LIST”
Wonderful Metaphor Dear Isha to Love
The SKin You Are In As Sadly We may

Otherwise Find Ourselves
Wishing to be on Another
List That We Don’t
Feel Like We Belong

Champion of Your
Own My People List Truly
Allone Never Really Alone Again

Naked Enough Whole
Complete Indeed Dear
Isha With Cute Pajamas too

Spirit to Rise With SMiLes..:)

Thanks Dear
Savvy As Always
Thanks For Your
Inspiring Free


Waves Of Faith Self
Belief Trusting
oF LoVE iN
Peace Dear
Savvy With SMiles☺️🙏

Thanks Dear Pooja
Blogging For Over
11 Years The Rest
Of the Years Writing
Everyday On An
Online Forum
(Among Other
Places Too)
Still Doing That
Now too With SMiles☺️🙌

Always A Pleasure
Dear FRiEnD
With SMiLes
Of Healing ❤️‍🩹 Tears

A Snail’s Pace Yes Slow and
Easy As Pain And Even Numb
Will Slowly Dissipate Yes Dear

Maranda Hitch A Ride on a
Snail’s Pace of Peace Deep Within

THere is No Hurry
Change Will Always
Come At Best For the Better

One True Constant
As Snails Flow on With

No Worries of Hurry..:)

The Last Line is the Best Line Next!

“I know I will be out of this loop soon!”

“I know I will be out of this loop soon!”

“I know I will be out of this loop soon!”

True Let it Be Written and Make it Real Like In School
When the Children Get in Trouble and Write “i Will Do my

Home Work” Over and Over on the Chalkboard Yes Just Do It

“I know I will be out of this loop soon!”

“I know I will be out of this loop soon!”

“I know I will be out of this loop soon!”

SMiLes Dear Isha i Believe in You i Have
Faith in You to Make This Change For It’s

True Been
Here Done This too…

This is Your Chalkboard
And You Are the One in Control…

And Yes It’s Like Taking Notes in
School Soon to Make the Best
Grade Without Having to

Review Your Notes

As You ARE ALways
Busy Writing New
And Improved Notes
Of A Song of Your Soul Breathing Lighter…

Anyway Gotta Get Going Been Seeing a Psychiatrist
Now for 16 and a Half Years i Was Once Noted as a Most
Difficult Case Study of Anxiety and Depression in 2008

And Now Just Seeing Them Every Three Months to get
Another Couple of Eyes on my Staycation in Heaven

to Make Sure i Stay Here for Now When it comes

To their most Difficult Patients Now

Hehe They ask me What would

i Do to Escape Hell

in That Case

As Yes They Use me for
An Example for What’s Possible in Life

They Don’t Use my Name Just my Life for Real…

Still taking
notes Dear
FRiEnD With SMiLes

When You’ve Been to the
Very Bottom Floor You Always
Have Hope for Every Soul You Meet Now..:)

Golden Fall Tree
Leaves Blue
Skies Arms
Stretching Out
Hair Blowing Free


SMiLes Dear Savvy As Labor Day Weekend
Approaches in the United States Yes i Think

About the Chain That Cannot Be Broken in Any
Part for All the Struggles That Others have Endured

in the Work and Play of Life

In Cooperation to Bring Us

This Far With All the Gifts

Modern Life Does Bring and

Even the Challenges Brought Forward

That Not Unlike Storm Winds That Make
Oak Trees More Resilient to Future Stronger Storms

Unlocking So
Much Never Before
Felt and Sensed and Known

Human Potential in Fruition New

True There are the Ancestral Innate Instinctual Intuitive

Gifts that are Gifted Deep Within
For Us to Unlock in Many
Different Kinds

Of Intelligence

Far Beyond What
May Be Measured
on Any Standard
Intelligence Quotient Test

Of All That is We aRe ALL PArt of To Do Now..:)

Dear Lord Dear Cindy Glad it Was Only An August Fool’s Day Story
About the Heart Attack Caused by 60 Pound Hunter the Dog

Resting Atop Your Sleeping Beauty hehe

And A Great Public Service Announcement

For the Real Symptoms of a Heart
Attack both Male and Female

With the Good News that
Hunter The Dog and Duke
The Dog Are Both Healthy and

Well After their Recent Health Hardships
All the Grandchildren look Content too

All that’s Left to Do is take
A Nap Yet Now i’m Thinking
About me as i Probably Won’t
Even Get A Labor Day Vacation From Play..:)

Giving Sharing Caring Healing

For All With Most Respect Least

Harm Dear Kiran Yet True if We Don’t

Spend our Lives Learning the Art of Understanding

Of Others

We May Never

Get the Giving Sharing
Caring Healing Done with
Most Respect and Least Harm

Not Understanding Hehe even simple
Differences Like What Extraverts and
Introverts Do to Remain in Individual Comfort Zones

Hehe Most of the People i Know Are Introverts i Go Both Ways

As Fun as
Extravert to me Indeed…

And About my Only Fear is
Heights if Ya Get too High
Ya Might Fly away and never

come back

to Earth HAha…

Indeed Dear Savvy

The Intuition of Having

The Trust of Faith in How All of Existence

Works Reflecting The Faith in Trust Of All


iN me No Separation
In This Trust of Faith

Beyond All Measure

Yet Greatest Meaning Now

And Purpose New Living Breathing
iNHaLinG Peace EXHaLinG LoVE For Real..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha Yes Appreciating

All the Small Steps of Life That Eventually

Combine to Make Life Personally Truly EPiC

True As Long

As We Don’t Forget

to Both Appreciate the

Small Stuff and Not Sweat

Each Small Step too With SMiles…

For True It May Be The Big Falls That

Bring the Attention Span And Focus to Both Appreciate

The Small Steps as Well as Overcoming the Small Stuff too


“Friends Are The Fabric of Society”

Indeed Dear Mr Gottfried Basic

Yet Profound These Clothes of Society

We Wear And Howl At A Super Full Blue Moon

Still Looking for a ‘Pack’

Or A Tribe Or Yes hehe

Pirate FRiEnDS

If We Haven’t Found

Any Yet That Speak Our

Same Human Language of FRiEnDShiP…

It’s Easy to Do in ‘Real Life’ Just Do the Small

Talk of Dance And Song And Allow the Warmth

To Fill and Feel the Room Without Ceilings or WallS iNDeeD

Or Sure Dance
And Sing A Song

In Church With all the
Archangels Above So Below

As SPiRiTS Come Together As

One And God Fills And Feels the
Concert Halls Full


With Vibrations
Frequencies Synergies
of Human Together Beyond

All Measure Once Again God Breathes Among Us…

Ascending Transcending We Come Together as One

With A Dance And Song As Simple as A SMiLe Shared For Free

LoVE iN Peace…

Hehe Hey it’s A Challenge
To Do it as An Avatar Of
Words Yet With Enough

Practice Words

Naturally Become
Organic Poetry Free

With No Systemizing Mind Pre-Planned..:)

‘YoU’ LiVE iN SoMeWHeRE iN
BeTWeeN YoU LoVE iN Peace

Gospel of Thomas As Recovered From the Dead Sea Scrolls
And Translated into English in 1959 Close to The Fall

Equinox When i am ‘Conceived’

114) Simon Peter said to Him, “Let Mary leave us, for women are
not worthy of Life.”
Jesus said, “I myself shall lead her in order to make her
male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you
males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the
Kingdom of Heaven.”

115) If So Switch Male for Female too in
Animus Anima Balance From Head to Toe Indeed

(iMagining a Jesus attempting to Explain this to THE Pope Heher)

Gospel of Thomas As Recovered From the Dead Sea Scrolls

37) His disciples said to him, “When will you be visible to us,
and when shall we behold you?”
He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid.”

Don’t You Get It Yet

Before ‘The Apple’

iN Eden For Real STiLL

Becoming One With NaTuRE
(God) Solves All my Problems
Not A Stitch in Time of CuLTuRaL

Clothes Will i Ever Do Now

HeHe i Go ToTaLLY NaKeD

True… i Wear Multi-Colored-Tatooed T-Shirts To Play
too After All unlike France there is no place Here
Where Women And Or Men Are Allowed
Not To Wear Pants In Public Butt
Online All oF iT Goes And
Comes Free As A Bird
With Naked Wings
Honestly It Is So Much
Easier to Be One With Nature
And God That Way Haha unless
one is too shy So Yes Fig Leaves
HavE THeiR Place too Among Shy Humans too..
oh by the way How are All of Your Alien Adventures

Coming And Going These Days..😉

We aRe Water We aRe Rain We aRe
Clouds Ocean Waves At
Best We No Longer
We Float
On Land
As Water
Swims uS AGAiN
As Air We Come To
Be and Breathe Dancing Singing Free With
Ease Water Waves Ocean Whole Us
Thank You Prajakta Tranquil Waves
Water of Ocean Whole Poetry You
Wind And Waves As ALLOnELoVENoWUS iN Peace

SMiLes my Friend An Only
BLeSSinG About Death IS
We ALL Have An Opportunity
to Absorb ALL Love of the Ones
We Lose And Become That LiGHT
Higher Now to Spread
Even More LoVE NoW
We Will Not Afford
to Wait for someone
Else to Come and Do it again…
When my Mother Passed away
With No Food Or Drink 8 Days In Hospice
Care After Undiagnosed Death Bed Stage
Four Cancer on Valentine’s Day of 2017
i realized by the
Silence of Her
Last Breath
A Hurricane
Yes by God
A Cat
of Love
Gifted by
Her Still LiveS oN
iN me The Gift of
Greater Force To Carry WayWardS on…
May That Be The Sentiment You Gift Your Son
of Love
Breathing on
Seeing ‘Wind’..🙂

What Color What Time What Space
Matter Distance Do Thorns And
Flowers Come
That Fall
And Rise
A Rose of
Love Dancing
Singing More Than
A Dance And Song Before
Life Is Poetry Love is Dance
And Song Relating Fall And
Rise of
Come Now Alive NaTuRE ALL
Wind Sees Water Breathes
Ease of Tranquility Souls To Be
Smiles As Always Thanks For
Your Inspiring Words FRiEnD Lillian
Orchard Daughter ‘Orkidèdatter’ too..🙂

SMiLes Your
Words Always
BRinG A Dance
Of SonG to
me You
Are Not
Only An
You Are Rose
There are Some
Gifts Never
YeS GroWinG
ToTaL LoVENoW iN Peace🌹

Nature So AMaZinG
one Small Limb Of Tree
Reaching Far to Touch Sun


So True During my Work Years
We had a Lovely Stately Oak In
Our Back Giving me so much Peace
And Harmony.. Hurricane
Ivan tore it to shreds
As it had become Sick
And Weak in its Old
Age.. A small sprig
Sprouted from the
Stump and the Tree
Is my Free ‘Tai Chi’
Companion once
Again in my Backyard
Almost the Size and
Beauty of the previous
Oak that Fell Ill
Destroyed by Ivan
My Wife insisted
i cut that Sprig
Down Yet i
Refused as i
Overcame the
Of that in Both
School and Work
SMiLes Most Beautiful
It is to See LiGHT iN DarK..:)

“We are beautiful
As dancing dewdrops
Of consciousness
Hand in hand
Hearts as one
All connected
As flowing streams
In the river of time 🙏

SMiLes Savvy
i’m Speechless
All i Will Relate
Is Your Words
Relate How i See
Lovely Indeed
Pleasure to See🙏

So Very
Divine my

God Bless You
i’ve responded to
Literally Thousands
Of Poems in the
Last 11 Years
And Never
Have two
Free Verse
Soul Poems
In Flow Left
me Speechless
Do Feel You are
A Diamond in
An Ocean
Living Waters
Sun Below Above🙏

WiTH Gravity
Peace And
AGaiN SMiLes!
Savvy! Synchronicity!
You Inspired the Breath
of My Words to Your Poem
Unseen with the Last Breath
of Yours in Answer to me…
of the
in All Who
Seek And Find
Treasure Breathes..🙂

Mechanical Rational Mind And Social Empathic Artistic Mind
in Balance;
Always A Journey With More Paths of Challenge; Just Another
For Yang And Yin iN Balance to Spread Shores of Ocean Whole
Mind in Peace And Harmony…🙂

Loving Your Enemy Turning The Other Cheek Is About As
Liberal And Open Minded As Human Nature Continues to Be Now For


Treat Old FRiEnDS As New FRiEnDS Treat New FRiEnDS As Old FRiEnDS
Golden Rule Inhaling Peace Exhaling Love Now For Real

SMiLes Some Folks Learn to Write Poetry

In Hopes of Writing A Book And Selling It

Others Sell All the Material Things

They Have

And Let


Write A
Dance And
Song of Their
Soul Free Yet

Of Course We LiVE iN
A World of Buy And Sell

Yet Of Course ALong the

Way of Buying And Selling

We Lose Our SPiRiTS HeARTS

Of SoULS Perhaps Our Soul

Will Rebel And Bring Back



Naked Enough
As Is to Green Our
Year ‘Round Springs Alive
SMiLes Akshita Do Escape
Buy And Sell With SMiLes…

How Would one Start Perhaps
By Making Each Word A Song
And Step A Dance Yet That’s
only my Soul Room With A View Now..:)

Leaves Fall Now
Leaves Feed Trees

Leaves Feed Soils

Soils Feed New Trees

With Leaves That Fall

First Leaves

Must Fall


Room For More
Trees RiSinG Tall Fed By
Green Leaves Yet Birthed By Fall..:)

Oh Lord i Missed
One Of Your Daily
Routine Posts What

Happened to Yesterday

Only A Recurring Memory

of Rain Outside A Once
And Still Deadly Hurricane

Just So Much to
Do Just

So Very


For Nature
Still to Do Meanwhile
i Dance And Sing For Free
For No Reasons Yet The Wind
Still Blows my Feather Randomly

Free For


Don’t ‘Mind’ Flowing
Now Or Flooding It’s
Just the Chaos Magic
Nature Art of No KNoW NeWLY NoW..:)

The Vibrations The Frequencies
The Energies The Synergies of

Feelings The Senses

That Make

A Synergy

Through Every

Sub-Particle of

Our Consciousness

Yes This Subconscious

Reality Every Breaking

Wave Of This Ocean

Springing High

And Low


Drop of This

Water This Existence

All of Creation That

Makes Loving Breath
Possible Now Giving Sharing
Caring Freely With No Restraints

Once Again Inhaling Peace Exhaling

Paintings DarK Fibers Beyond Rainbows



All Continue
Moving Connecting
Co-Creating Now Just

To Make Others Feel Love

As You Dance Sing “Live Life Lovingly”

Dear Savvy Refreshing Indeed With SMiLes..:)

Congrats on Getting Your
“Making Peace with
the Dragon”
Published Cindy
Off to View the
Whole Poem Now…

Ah Yes Dear Cindy
As The Old Cherokee
Tale About Two Wolves
Goes too We All Have

A Shadow


To Feed Each
Day Where Feral
Cats Tamed May
Become Lap Cats Of

Love Yet Best Always
Keeping the Call of the
Wild Just in Case Shadow
Rises to Defeat Other Shadows True..:)

SMiLes Dear Akshita
Flicker Flame Torch
Bonfire Greater

Yes Reach
Your Highest
LiGHT Shining All😊🙌

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa True too
When Folks ATTempT To Knock
Us Down Give


They Are
Truly ASKinG
For A Step Up On
A Ladder Higher to Love

Although It May Be True
THeir Request May Be Blind

YeT HEaR We aRe to Help Them ‘See’

More SMiLes
Of Never Giving
Up Wings oF LoVE iN Peace Free..:)

“Religion is Just Superstition”

Science Can’t Prove Jesus Existed
Or Muhammad Was A Last Prophet
of God Or That Fortune Cookies Inherently

Bring Good Fortune With Their Future Wisdom Forecasts For Our Lives

Or That Astrology And Numerology Serves Any Meaning and Purpose Yet Woo

Yet It’s Also True Placebo Effects Are Real

And ‘Sugar Pills’ Related For Essence
of Positive Actions and Healing Are

Without As Many Limits…

Additionally, the ‘Voodoo
Nocebo Effect’ of Negative
Tied into Symbols And Ideologies too;

Yet It’s Also True Humans As Neuroscience
Shows Basically Co-Create THeir (Our) Realities
As We Go Based At Essence of What We Hallucinate

of Reality Before;

And What This Means
Is We aRe Open Source
Creatures With iMaGiNaTioNS
And Co-Creativities if We Develop
Human Potentials to Co-Create A WoNDeRFuLL
Great ADvenTurE of Life Full of Meaning and Purpose;

Hmm, i Wonder Who Enjoys Life More;

Someone Who Believes They Are Just

Part of An UnCaRinG UNiVeRSE

That Just Doesn’t Give

A CR8P About What
Happens to Us Now;

or Perhaps Those of Us

Who Understand We Truly Do

Resurrect From Gaseous Star Dust

of Super Nova Explosions Iron Flowing

in Our Blood Streams Still Atoms From More

Than One Star System As Well True Now New And

Yes Same At Core of Our Earthly Home So Abundant

in Potential to Breathe Either Hell, Purgatory, And or Heaven

of What Human Beings Co-Create New Now;

William Blake Sings it Well too:

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.”

SMiLes, We Humans Have the Potential
to See Heaven in A ‘Number 1’ WHeRE

‘1’ Is No Longer A Loneliest Number in the World;

True, As We Continue to Find Holy Sacred Loving Meaning

And Purpose in All Existence DarK Thru LiGHT DiViNE


Truly Feeling
And Sensing Gifts Within

DiViNE True When All Parts

Become ‘Number 1’

For Whatever Metaphor We May
Co-Create in Meaning and Purpose
oF Our DiViNE Sacred Holy Feelings SeNSinGS WiTHiN;

Nope, We Don’t Have to Ever Reach ‘NuMBeR 1’ And Go Stale as

THere Are As Many Heavens ‘Left’ For Art We continue to Co-Create


As A Number
1 Is As Great

As Thou Art Co-Creates;

Typically, in Religions Cross
CuLTuRaLLY, 1, Is Used As Metaphor For ‘God;’

It’s True, Science Can’t Prove ‘THE NuMBeR 1’ Exists
Without Humans Either…

Never The Less,
In Most Cases
We Have 10 Fingers
And 10 Toes, Two Arms,
Two Legs, Two Hemispheres

of Mind And Globe; Yes, A Wonderful Ability
to Move, Connect, And Co-Create Together New

Now Whatever Symbols And Ideologies We Co-Create
to Bond and Bind Over For LoVE iN Peace to Keep Us ToGeTHeR

Newly Now True Deeper Parts of Life are Best Studied And Related

More Holistically Than Materially Reduced

By Folks Like William
Blake Who Don’t Reduce

All of God to Only Number 1,

Or A Three Letter Word of Course Two;
Sure, in Some Cases Father, Son, And Holy

3 in 1 Two
3 in 1 Two
When Ya Understand
What That Means Do Pray Tale…

Every Human Story Waiting For
A New PAge of Breath to Be, Do, And ‘See’…

At Least to me Reality; All oF iT iS Greater Than Any Fiction Sold…

Just Naked Enough Whole Complete BLoWinG FLoWinG AS A SPiRiT Wind Dancing Singing Free…

And True, i Find Holy, Sacred, Divine, Feeling, Sensing, Meaning and Purpose in Every Single


And Letter

of the Alphabet

i Use; It’s True i’ve
Developed This Potential
For Heaven Within and Leave

No Parts Out DarK Thru LiGHT CoLoRinG New mY LiVinG Christmas Tree
LiGHTS KeePinG iT Up NoW Sacred, Holy, And DiViNE to Co-Create For Real WiTHiN;

True, So Far Beyond Scientific Measure iT Ain’t Worth Trying to


It’s What We Feel
Sense And Experience
of LiFE NeW Now; Yes Hell, Purgatory,

And Or Heaven Within That is Most Real;

Rest oF iT iS Basically DReSSinG For Word Salad And The Such of Human-Made Tools;

Yep, Particularly, A Scientific 5 Step Method ATTeMPTinG to CLotHE A REAL Human Soul…

Pyramid of Civil Discourse:

(6 Levels)

“1. Refuting the Central Point: explicitly refutes the central point.
2. Refutation: finds the mistake explains why it’s mistaken using quotes.
3. Counterargument: contradicts and then backs it up with reasoning and/or supporting evidence.
4. Responding to Tone: criticizes the tone of the writing without addressing the substance of the argument.
5. Ad Hominem: attacks the characteristics or authority of the writer without addressing the substance of the argument.
6. Name-calling: sounds something like, “You are an idiot.””

Note: Donald J. Trump Usually Falls at Levels 5 and 6 of This Pyramid. It’s Not a ‘Good Look’ For Civil Discourse;

Yet It’s True, He is A ‘Perfect’ Poster-Boy To Illustrate This Issue with Social Discourse on ‘the Net.’

Perhaps it Would Be Helpful to Have This As A ‘Sticky Note’ for the PPR Forum on the “Wrong Planet,”

Yet It’s Not Even Necessary Now as Long as This Peace Lasts hehe

Where We Explain it to Folks Like Mature And Civil Adults.

Pro Tip: Stay on Top oF “All the Pyramids.”

LeSSoN 435 LiVE 🌎 Far
Enough Away From Civilization
To Be Close Enough To Nature
Yes “Play Naked As Nature”
Yet Don’t Get Cold When
Fall Leaves
You Hehe
i Realize That’s Probably
Not Funny For Someone
Naturally Covered Like
A Hairy Bear 🐻 To Dance
And Sing To Someone
Not So Fur Endowed

YeT Ain’t Existence
All About Balance
As You Come
Closer to
Your Fourth

Winter To Move
South of The
Border Of
With SMiles
No Matter WHere
You Go i Remain

Cheerleader 📣
To Dance And

Sing Go Girl Go
And One Day

When You
All Your
Hehe i Will
Just Dance
And Sing

i Told
You So
Your Dreams
Will Come True
If You Just

With Believe

Maybe i’ll Give
You A Bear 🐻 Hug
Too If Fall Leaves

Till Never
Ending Spring Within

Reflecting Source
Mirror oF iT ALL
Dear Savvy As Above
So Below Within Inside
Outside and All Around

HOWLinG At A Super Full Blue

Moon Just Dancing Singing ALonG

As the Newer Moon comes

With Stars
Above Stars

Below Us With SMiLes..:)

“You’ve got to know when to hold ’em

Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run

You never count your money
When you’re sittin’ at the table
There’ll be time enough for countin’

When the dealin’s done”

SMiLes Dear Miriam

Life is A Gamble

We aRe The Faith

Who Sees Thru the DarK

What’s Left to Do Follow
The LiGHT of INTuiTioN at

The Beginning of the Tunnel Choo Choo

Choo Choo

Listen to the
Distant Echo

Is the Train
Coming or Going

FLoWinG We Stay

Getting on or Getting Off We Do..:)

Friday Florida Flower Story
my my How Time Flies
Without Even Wings
Yet Birds Do Fly
With Wings
Exists at all
For them Yet A FLiGHT oF NoW

Respite of a Quarter Inch of Rain
Colors Springing Once Again
All that Thunder This Week
And Rain Finally Comes

Through New
As Grey Clouds
Bring Life as
Too Much
Sunshine Wilts
What Is Colored More Than Green

Hehe or
Tan With SMiLes

i Never Asked You if you missed
the Rain in the Desert i wonder
if you Will Miss the Frozen

If You Return
to Endless
Rain from the
Monsoons of Your Memories

Life is so interesting these days as i will meet
someone face to face and feel them and
sense them forever now in one breath

Oh How Hard
Text will try

Oh How Text
Will Never give


only try
With Smiles

Just Trying to Bring Flowers to Life…

Root oF A Pyramid oF Peaceful Human Loving Wisdom
Comes the Creativity and Play Necessary to Rise
To Confidence And Self Esteem Opening HeArt
Felt Feelings to All Surrounding Yes Ocean
oF LoVE iN Peace Dancing Singing
These Sentiments iNTuiTioN

ARiSinG iMaGiNaTioN
SPRinGinG Awareness

oF All ThaT is More

Wisdom of the
Top of the


Dear Maranda

Yet It’s True Without
Creativity that Comes
From Re-Generative Play

The Pyramid Wilts to the
Root and No Longer FLoWeRS Free

Oh Dear ‘The Color Orange’ Recently

Stolen By The Root God Yes Let’s

Back and
Set Our
Play Free
For LoVE iN Peace
To Rise iNTuiTioN
Awareness to Live Dancing
Singing LoVE iN Peace Balance For All



Yeah Sadly
Dear Pooja
‘IT’ Can Make
Folks Who
Aren’t ‘IT’ Savvy

Go Back to
Nature i Remember

‘David Letterman’
Refusing to Use
Computers For
The Purity of
His Creativity

For me At Least
‘Hybridly Spockly’
Hehe Yes Only Half

‘Vulcan’ i Embrace “The Tool”
Yet Refuse For ‘IT’
(Including The Systemizing
Part Of my Mind)
To Master me Or For ‘AI’

To Replace me
With That Said
hehe Nice To See
You Now ‘Scotty’

my Avatar
Words’ Back
To Another
PArt oF EArtH

To Explore
🌏 🌎 🌍 🙌


LoVE iN Peace Colors of Both
Unfolding New
To Touch
Us More
Dark Thru LiGHT
Within Reaching
Out Even More With
Colors New Giving Sharing
Caring Healing Lighting Up Our

Living Trees FLoWeRS We Bloom Springing

Humanity Year Around ThiS WaY Even More With

SMiLes of
Dear Savvy..:)

Happy September! Dear Shawna
Baby Coming to You From the
Wee Morning Hours Teeter

Tottering on A Tight Rope
Of Flow RiSinG Higher

Doing my Best to
Keep the Balance
In the Sweet Spot
Tween Apathy and Anxiety

Doing my Best to Blog Publish
70 Thousand or So Words Celebrating
“SonG oF mY SoUL 11 YearS Old” Yep All
13.2 MiLLioN Words Finishing that EPiC Novel
Sized Celebration Post Over a Week Ago Getting
All the Multi-Media Together to Get It all Done Meanwhile

Oh Dear Lord Already Closing in on another 70 Thousand or
So Words Celebrating “Depth oF The Story 4 YearS Old 4.2
MiLLioN Words” Just Another Bi-Monthly Effort as i Really Can’t

Finish What i’m Currently Writing till i get the Other one Published
As i’m Drafting Both of those Blog Posts in the Comments Section of
The Last One Actually Published titled “A SCenT oF Continuing FreedomS NoW”

Oh No! Oh Yes Which Means by the Date i get the Last Finished Written one done
That Last Finished Blog Post Including the Draft of the Next two in the Comments

Section is Gonna
Hold About 180 Thousand

Words Dear Lord The Size of

The Old King James New Testament Hehe

In A 6 Weeks or So Effort Total With All the

Multi-Media Close to a Thousand Photos

And Somewhere around 100 YouTube

Videos to Theme it All With Music

Yep i Was Planning on

Catching Up

Tonight Yet the
Dance Must Continue on
With 20,453 Miles of Doing
It in Public for 11 Years too

Hehe hope you don’t mind

i Just Needed to Write Some
Notes to Remember Where

i Currently Am for a Book

MarK of Dance And Song

Now Oh September Oh Fall

Oh Shorter Days With

Cold Front Rain All Day

Long Colder Weather

Oh Dear Lord i Will
Really Use a bit of Hibernation

As All this Summer Dry Sunshine
Has Cranked Up my Creativity Taking

me to the Precipice of leaving a Sweet
Spot of Flow Yet of Course i Don’t Have to do

Any of this Yet It’s What Happens When You Really
Get to Go to Hell For 66 Months Just to Say Thanks
In Sort of a Covenant as Such When You Get Out WHere

In Gratitude
Forever in September ThiS WaY

As all i’m Really Doing is Keeping
My Christmas Tree Up and Coloring

It With Brand New LiGHTS i’ve

Never Seen Before

Indeed i Feel
ThiS Also

As the Essence of
God All That is Truly Always New

Always the Beginner We All Are at Core

Creating a New Life With Every Breath We Take

Away For Free
With SMiLes Dear
Shawna Baby and
LoVE iN Peace everspreading for You too…

Anyway ‘Labor Day’ Sounds Like a Suitable
Day to Get All Caught Up As Sunday is Singing
In Catholic Church after i Get the Rest of this
Saturday Homily All Done and then of Course

Always Thinking of You As the Always Good
Southern Baptist Pastor’s Wife as After Catholic
Church Comes the First Sunday Dinner on the Pastor’s
Farm Where We Debate Religion and Politics some days hehe

As i Do my
Best Not to
See Any Head’s Explode HAha…
And Yes Then off to the Mall to Dance
In The Earth Store, Spencer Gifts, Ross Dress
For Less Collecting Some Longitudinal Historical
Pics of Culture that Way for More EPiC Long Form Poem

Illustrations It’s so fascinating how Culture Has Changed
The Last 11 Years Yep got it all Illustrated as a Mall is a Close
To Perfect Place
To Capture it

Where it is
Tourist Oriented
And Multi-Culturally Oriented too

And then off to the Book Store to Read
Another ‘Free Book’ While Listening
To Meditative Music Entertaining
The Barnes And Noble College
Study Crowd in the Star Bucks
Café Area Least i
Will do For
Reading a
Free Book
Almost Every
Sunday for 11 Years too

Ah yes Then off to Whataburger
For A Burger Without Fries and
A Free Senior Coffee to Fuel me
Through More Writing on my Laptop

Then off to Walmart For More Dance
Then Winn Dixie And Then Home to
Write Tomorrow’s Part Oh God Then

To Relax on Labor Day to get it all Caught Up
Hehe As i Already Start Way Behind for the Next Effort to Start

60 Thousand Words Bi-Weekly is the Sweet Spot 70 Thousand Words
Is Pushing it a Bit in Summer Sunshine and Heat ‘Come Monday it’ll

Be Alright’
Yet i Ain’t
The ‘Type’

To “Waste Away
In ‘Margaritaville’”

Other than that the New
Gym Equipment Purchased
Last December at the Military
Gym has Given me Enough Challenge
To get 40 to 60 Percent Stronger in the Last 8 Months

Yeah so Yeah

Come Monday

They’ll Be Time
Enough to Rest When

Probably Never Now Hehe

Lately All i’ve Been Doing is
About 3 Naps a Day that way

i Get 3 Fresh Mornings of Creativity Each Day

Yep i’m Just about ready to go Full Bear and Hibernate…

Off of Course hehe..:)

Wonderful Reviews on Your Still Newly Published
Poetry Book Dear Pooja and What about September

With Seasonal Affective Disorder Through School
And Work Trapped During Decreasing Hours of
Daylight Inside Cave Walls During the Day a Bit

of Apprehension as Even Cloudy Fall Days
Might Bring Darker Moods to me Yet

Sadly No One Explained in School
or Work or Even the DSM Hehe
Acronym for Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,

For How Doctor’s Get Paid by Insurance
Companies in the United States that Yes it is

Possible to Generate Our Own Weathers and Seasons

Year Around Where Neither Change Will Bring Us Down in the

Future Real Yes Dance Song And Music Therapy Yes DSM Therapy

Hehe As When We Create ThiS WaY We Naturally Regulate Our Emotions

Integrate Our Senses
Stars We Become

Generating Our
Own Sunshine
Giving it Sharing it
Caring It Healing It

All Away Free With Most
Respect Least Harm Just
Never Ending LoVE iN Peace

Energy New Colors of Our Christmas
Tree Souls That We Need Never Take Down

Rise Even
More Like an
Energizer Bunny
of Easter Ever More

Other than that me and my Wife
Actually Got ‘Together’ on September
21st 1989 So it Also Always Reminds me
of Earth Wind and Fire’s Song “September”

And the Answer Is Yes i Do Remember the 21st of September
Also on Or About the Day the Doctor Said i Was ‘Conceived’ in 1959…


DSM Therapy
Planned for the
Rest of the Year
No Particular Month
or Day Just Always Now..:)

Sailing ⛵️ Across What Once
Was A Super Full
Blue Moon As Above So
Below Ocean Deep
Sailing A Dance
‘Cross Walmart
New Smooth Floors

Still With The Energy
Frequencies Yes Vibrations
Left To Dance And Sing A Song

In The Soon to
Come Again Great
White North Haven

iN Toronto

Flakes Free
To Float Again True
⛵️⛵️⛵️ ❄️ ⛵️⛵️⛵️

“Does God dance though?”

Brevity of Wit Indeed You Do
Possess Mr. Gottfried “Move and
Repose” God Is the Essence of Dance

A Stone Dances Slowly As God’s Partner

Sadly Humans May Forget to Dance And

Sit Stagnant

And Still in

Front of A

6 Inch Screen

Horizon So Narrow

Compared to WHere the
Sky Meets the Ocean Globe Wide

Stars Reflecting on the Surface

Still Dancing Shimmering

The Ocean Whole to

Return the SMiLes

of Existence Again the

DarK ThE LiGHT DaNCinG THiS SonG NoThing Special
JusT HOWLinG At A Waning Super Full Blue Moon..🙂

SMiLes Dear Sohair The Hardest of Disabilities May Be

Mental Illness and Totally Invisible on the Outside for

Those To See the Desperation Within Not Sure How this

Relates to Where You Live Yet in the United States Mental

Illness is A Tsunami Swallowing

Up the Youth In Particular

Yet It’s True It’s Often

The Mentally Ill Who Are

Too Disorganized in Ways of Mind

To Even Seek Help That can Most Assuredly

Being a Daunting Task as far as all the requirements for That

And Considering the Disability is often Invisible From The Outside

In it May
Be Difficult
To Determine
Who May Game
The System for Help

This Is the Human Condition
Full of Challenges and Mysteries Indeed..🙂

Ugh that moment when
Bump in the Night Becomes
TRump In Broad Daylight
Polls indicate
A Real Thief
In the Night
May not be
Like A Hurricane
Now To Blow
Away A
Thief’s Home
Or Perhaps A Fallen Tree…😉

Truly ENJoYinG

Life Melting Hands of CLock SouL
Need Not Ever Grow Old NoW iN LoVE iN Peace

Simple Answer No Longer SeRVinG
Money FLoWeRinG CoLoRiNG LoVE iN Peace

LeSSoN 294 Be The One Angel A Stranger
Meets Inspire Them To Be That One

Of Course i Dance It Sing It All Naked
Enough Whole Complete For Real Now
Know Your Bible Writer Heroes Naked
Is The Oldest Human Spirit Communication


i Am Not Here To Judge Signing
Sealing Opening Delivering ‘A Court
Report’ What You Do With Truth in Light

Is Up to ‘You’

It’s Your Turn Now
Write Your Bible Don’t
Fool Yourself We Always Do

Just Goes To
Show Our
Minds Paint
All Colors Ecstasy
Like The Day Our
Marriage Counselor
A ‘Sharon
Stone Basic
Instinct’ Hard
To Get
Out of
The Head
Yet it does
Come Out

SMiLeS A Worst Kind of Cry
Is Yelling at The Sky
Begging For a Drop
Of Water anything
At All to Feel
A Breath
A Place
Worse Than Death
SMiLes… Happiest People
oNe Will Ever Meet Do ReMeMBeR
This Place; Voila, Again, the FLaMe iS DarK..🙂

Eternal Now Beginner New

SMiLes Dear Sohair
Child is ‘the God’;
Yes, the ‘Love’
Not Covered
Away from
The Born of
God Within
Experience Wisdom
Age is the Child Who Returns
Again the Wisdom of Nature’s
Free for A Child
With Arms Out in Least Harm Trust
Love’s Faith Hope Real Breathing..🙂

Ugh Hope
i Don’t Have to
Put on My Southern
Baptist Softball Player
Uniform Back On to
Survive And
Clark Kent
Is Really
A Nervous Guy..😉

May Your Life Be Similarly
Blessed With A Long Shelf Life

Souls Who
Fly Are
Destination LiGHT
For Indeed All
Clouds Grey
DarK Are
New Colors
Of Rainbows
On Breath of
Free Wings 🌈 Seeing😁

i Must Admit It Was And Is All So
Much Better Now Than Before

‘Clark Kent’ Found A Phone Booth,
to Make A Change of


ReAlly What’s A Use
oF MaKinG A MoViE oF
mY LiFE When i’VE ALreadY

All The


Live YouR Life iN A Way
That Never Needs Copy Rights
For No One Will Ever Be Able to Play

Your Role Again…


Compass LeSSoN 383

Set YouR Compass
(ion)To LoVE iN
Peace You Will
Master Breath in Joy

Hehe Other Than
That A Super-Stretching
Hug In Security Underneath

THiS UMbrella

Of Kindness

i Offer

With Truly
Huge SMiles🤗

This Has Been my
Happiness Project
Everyday For Over
11 Years Create A Smile

For Someone

Else Taking

The Lonely

Away From
Someone Else
Replacing It With
SMiLes Of Inspiration


Gas tank
With LiGHT
Doing The


i Can
And Will

With my


North to LoVE iN Peace☺️

SMiLes Dear Annabel So Many Clothes
Yes Tools Culture Has For Us to Try on

To Be


For Who

To Be


For Who

As Birds
Sing Spring
in Winter Migrating to Be Free

True i Used to Be A Caged Bird

Too i Understand the Struggles CuLTuRE
BRinGS UPoN US All Now For me i Realize

Now That i am Free It Was All A Cake That Others

Decorated for

me to


Now i Bake
And Decorate
my Own Cake my FRiEnD
Yet i Surely Still Relate to
What’s It’s Like to Seek

The Frosting


Just Out of
Everlasting Grasp..🙂

Hehe Dear Annabel The Make-Up

Goes Deep And It Surely Is

Not Applied to

Faces Only

As Make-Up Will Be
Clothes Will Be Cars Will
Be Homes Will Be Towns
Cities Countries Every Word

We Write



Of Collected
Intelligence We
Share Mutually
Or Not to

Way to
Joy Mastering
The Make-Up of CuLTuRE
Or Falling in Its Wake Totally Asleep…

Indeed We Paint Our Lives BLacK Abyss
Grey Scale Purgatories Through Colors
of Heaven Now in Fact Science Shows
Yes NeuroScience Shows We Basically
Co-Create Our Realities As Hallucinations

Influenced by the


We Create


True Reality is
What We Make Up

Yet We Will Paint Whatever
Colors Make Us Feel Better Now

My Wife Never Wears Make-Up
It Just Doesn’t Improve Everyone’s Looks..🙂

SMiLes Dear Savvy Now

When Give Becomes

Receive Enough

Life Becomes


Sharing Free
For When Give
Is Enough Give
Lives Longer Now
For Giving Thanks Giving True..🙂

Ah Yes Dear Savvy

Understanding Takes

Patience And Relationships

That Last Always Must Be



And Forgiveness
Sadly So Many Folks
See Other Humans As
Just Objects Temporary Disposables
Once Their Shelf-Life is Used A Paid For Good



Go Away
In Basically
A Tin Garbage Can…

Yet It’s True AS Human

We Have The Potential to
Give Even When No One Else Will
Yet of Course For Those Who See Give As Receive..🙂

SMiLes Dear Sohair At Best Words Are Guideposts
For How We Feel And Sense The World and
Metaphors That Relate How We Do

Successfully Relate to All of the
World Around Us Regulating Emotions
Integrating Senses A Song of Poetry Will

Definitely Moderate Our Within However For me

Without a Dance To Spring the Song i May Be Left

More Out oF A River
of Flow WHeRE ALL
The MaGiC of SoUL Begins

Dance And Song Again With SMiLes..🙂

Giving is A Fountain
That Never Ends
As Long As
A Fountain
Is Nourishing
With LoVE ReaL
Dear Chaymaa WiTH SMiLes..🙂

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa i Let
Dance Bring Song Before

i Attempt to Understand
What my SoUL BRingS

to Life
Songs of SoUL..🙂

Without Forgiveness A Soul
Slowly Rots With Mal-Content,
Anger, And All Stuff Associated

With Hate
Springs LoVE Free Now

Fountain Never Ending New..🙂

SMiLes Dear Miriam
Creativity Always New
No Time No Distance
No Space or Even

Matter With
Things Creativity
Dances Sings Free

To BREaTHE AGAiN For Real..🙂

A Mind of Many Minds Humans
Body And Whole Mind Soul Possess
to Navigate
And Integrate
In Terms of Emotions
And Senses For Real Dear
Yam And True Lust Core to
Basic Survival Affection Core

to Love That Binds
And Bonds Across the
Life Span as Spouses
May Become Lifelong FRiEnDS
ThiS WaY With SMiLes Most All Our

Reasons For What We Do Fall in Second
Place As Of Course it is Our Great Drive
To Survive and Affection That Bonds Love

Life Long
That Raises
A Child of Love
By A Village From
A Beginning to Thrive
Again With SMiLes Sadly

Parts of Humanity Regarding
Our Nature And The Rest of Nature

Left Out As Increasingly Humans Become
The Machines They Create Instead of Nature

That Creates Still To Survive And Truly THRiVE LoVE iN Peace

For All
And Least
Harm With SMiLEs..🙂

SMiLes Dear Cindy You Look
As Young And Energetic in SPiRiT
Hanging On to Your LiVinG LoVinG Redwood

Tree As Any Woman i Surely Feel Now New and
Sense From The Distance of Your Photographic

Art And Your Poetry Newly Published of Course

About Being One With A LiVinG Tree

Roots Deep Branches Reaching

Upward Leaves Greening

SoUL Again SPiRiT RiSinG
As Falling Leaves iN HeART

Once Again Fertilize Soul

Soils For SPRinG With SMiLes

Oh Lord i’ve Been Planting Baby FRedWoods

All Night and Day Long Soon to Grow Even
Taller With SMiLes Hehe As All the Leaves Join

Hands Sooner

Than Soon
WitH SMiLes NeW NoW..🙂

SMiLes Dear Savvy
Even ‘Mindless’
Creative Doodling
Will Open Up New Pathways

to Creativity For Our Human Potentials

It’s True i Doodle in A Spiral With my

Feet iN A Free
Dance ThiS Way

Opening Up New
Pathways to Song Freer too With SMiLes..🙂

Love Is The Force
The Wings We
Give A Way
From Within
Much Too
Great To Be
To Homes
Cars And
Only Body
Parts my FRiEnD
Yamini How Great
Thou Art (GoD)
Of LoVE Real True
iN Peace When Really Real🕊

SMiLes, i Suppose one Could Stay in ‘A Cave’ Like ‘Muhammad’ Was Reported to Do
Silently Meditating Without Any Lessons Ascending the Neo-Cortex And Immersing

(i Don’t Name A Deeper Force Within Any 2nd-Hand Used-Angel Like ‘Gabriel’)

Oneself Deeper into the Right Hemisphere Processes of Mind Greater Related
to Social-Empathic-Artistic-Real-Spiritual-Emotional-More Nuanced And Complex

Ways Of Processing Reality and Even Come to Find A Poetic Spark Driven into Words

As A SonG oF SoUL Deeper From the Subconscious Mind So Alien to Left Brain Restricted

Processes of Monkey
Chatter Word Think Now
of Mind Mostly Immersed
in Worry Over Past and Future
Skipping the only Real Reality the
Present Gift of Now as True Humans

Do Focus Mostly on Fears Both Real And
Illusory As Let’s Face the Facts We aRe Evolved
To Escape From Predator and Capture Prey With

Enough Focus to Detail A Left Brain Hemisphere Process usually
Brings With Big Enough Right Hemisphere Views to Escape Predators

Further Out on the Horizon

True Now Our Materially

Reduced Worlds Particularly
Spoon-Fed From Birth in Screens
Now About the Size of Half-A-Foot

Are Truly Materially Reducing Humankind
Into the Machines We Create That Were Supposed

to Make Life Greater to Survive and Appreciate to Thrive;

Obviously, considering College Age Folks Are Assessed at
40 Percent Depressed Enough to Impact Life Functioning

And 60 Percent as Such For Severe Anxiety as Well, in the U.S.

Well We ReALLy Aren’t Evolving

At All Becoming the

Tools We Create

Too Afraid to Die
Too Depressed To Live

So What’s A Solution, Voila, ‘Embodiment’
Back to Our Instinctual Inherent Intuitive Ways
of Human Nature Socially Empathically Artistically
Beyond Reason and ‘Monkey Chatter Mind ‘of Endless Worry Words,

Regulating Emotions Integrating Senses Really Getting In Touch With This Real
Spiritual Aspect of Life That Drives Us to Move, Connect, And Co-Create With Other

Humans In Really
Stellar Productivity
in Greater Human Potentials
Realizing Them Now For Real too…

So ‘How Do You Embody;’ Nah, Silent Meditation
Isn’t For me Focusing on Just Breathing Will Bore Someone

Like me to Death And True Scaling Cliffs With my Bare Hands
to Enter into this Present State of Laser Focus in Detail and Bigger Views of life
Yes This Autotelic Flow This Samadhi Contemplating In Meditation of Climbing
Higher and Higher Tween the Sweet Spot of Anxiety and Apathy is Really Not A

Rational Way to Do it;

For me at Least i Find This
Autotelic Flow and A Poetic
Voice of Deep Within Rising More
As SonG oF mY SoUL From A Meditating
Contemplating FRiEnDS With Gravity Balancing
Flow of Public Dance Yep All 20,453 Miles in 11 Years
Now All Around my Metro Area That Indeed Provides the
Autotelic Flow to Inspire a ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ in A Longest EPiC

Long Form Poem too all 13.2 MiLLioN Words in 11 Years too That i Rarely Have to Pre-Plan
at All Just Comes From the Deeper Voice Within of my Human Potential Unleashing Releasing
Yes in Autotelic Flow Every Word Sacred Song Every Move of Dance Holy And DiViNE in Essence Eternally Now

oF Feeling Sensing Life New

And For Anyone Who Believes
This Experience is Woo Go Ask Famous

Atheist Sam Harris and He Will Explain the
Similar is Available at a Concert Where the Musicians
Are Experiencing A Higher Flow of Creativity and Relating

(Or A Frigging Southern Baptist Singing FOR REAL TOO)

It Back With the Instruments of Their Craft for the Audience to Enjoy too

True the Way i Did it High School was With the Pink Floyd ‘Animals’ Album at
Around 2 AM Hehe A Night Before i Would Be Asleep At School All Day Long

Yet the Experience
Was Sublime
And Creativity

Really No Different
than ‘Muhammad in A Cave’
or ‘Buddha Under A Tree’ or

‘Jesus’ if He Could Really Be Real
40 Days In A Desert too For me
66 Months a Shut-In as Enough
Pain will take All the Illusory Fears
And Lies of CuLTuRE Totally Away
As Buddha is Likely Only A Second
Hand too And Further Removed Story of the
Hero Archetype Who Escapes “Plato’s CaVE” iN DarK

And Comes into LiGHT of A NeW Existence Eternally Now
New of Deeper Human Potentials Realized to Share With the Village

Who Have Not Escaped the Cave Yet As ‘Neo’ Said in that Fictional Story

the “Matrix” too Getting Unplugged From the Machine of Culture FLoWinG

Again and Enjoying the Eternal Now In Unity With All of Nature New Yep as ‘They’ Dance

And Sing Cross CuLTuRaLLY
in Many Metaphors the

Essence of ‘Being One

With God’ Just Being

Incarnate of the Energy in Form

That Makes All of Existence Possible
That the Other Animals Likely Enjoy Much
More Than Humans In Basic Animal Homeostasis

After the Hunt For Life Bringing Subsistence Rests As

Every Calorie Saved Means a Greater Chance At Life FRiEnDS

With Gravity ThiS Way As A Lion’s Every Move of Meditation Naturally

Does As Grace When the Drought Comes And the Antelope Herds Thin

When The Lion May Starve And Fall to the Ground Feeding the Grass

That May Feed the Offspring

of the Antelopes

The Lion

Once Ate…

This Experience of Being
One With ‘God’ This Experience
of Having A Voice of Nature Wild And Free

ThiS Way Is Just What We May Come to ReMeMBeR

To Be And Do When We Set Ourselves Free Re-Born
ThiS Way to Once Again Breathe the Creativity of the Child We Still are

of Nature
Whole for

Real, Yawn Been
Putting ‘Theism’ in
the Nature of Realism
Ever Since the day i am Born on 6.6.60…

Some of Us BecoMe Reborn And BREaTHE Freer THiS Way
In A Relative Bliss of Life And Others Still Stare at an ‘Opaque

Window’ Having No Idea Life Will Be As Good As Heaven On Earth WiTHiN

No Longer
‘Sheep’ on
An ‘Animal
Farm’ of Human Beings Indeed…

This Experience is Real And Science Shows
it to Be So; If You Are Looking For The Kingdom
of Heaven Anywhere Yet Within Just Like ‘Luke 17:21′

Says Chances
Are You Will
Never Find Your
Own Dance/SonG
oF YouR SoUL oF UNiTY Real…

Hey It Took me 53 Years to Do It;

Yet That Ain’t Half Bad As Even the Comic
Book Hero “Hell Boy” Took 53 Years to Rise to More

Of His Human Potential

Out of Hell to Be A Real

Hero Archetype as Well

So Many Stories

So Many


Come Real Again
For the Human Condition OR NOT


AS FAR AS i Know FEEL And SENSE Life isn’t
Fair Until it is…

NoW All iN Change…🙂

“Hello you two magical woven fabric souls. ❣️❣️
yes both of our twin souls make me truly happy.
Blessing the Twin Souls 🙏🙏

Oh Dear Peace And Truth You Sing The Most
Kind And Stellar Poetic Musings in Appreciation

For What We Do And Hehe True Mostly What i Do
Creating A Place of Love For Real on my Blog to Give

Freely Named
“SonG oF mY SoUL”
All 13.2 MiLLioN Words
And Hehe 130,000 Photos
Or So i Mostly Take to Fully Illustrate
it my Sister A Record Breaking Bird Nerd
in my Local Area Takes the Star-Lit Pics of the Birds of Course

And True There Are Around 10,000 YouTube Songs to Go ALong

i Must Say CuLTuRE At Large Just Wasn’t Doing it for me, Overall,

So in Art i Create My Own SoUL HeART SPiRiT And World of LoVE ReaL

And As i See Many Christian Related Postings of Your Poems Indeed i For

One Believe This is the Good News of the Story of Jesus We aRe to Create

Our Worlds of LoVE Per the Kingdom And Or Queendom of LoVE WiTHIN

As Even Luke 17:21 Relates and Even the Gospel of Thomas Verse 37

Dances Sings Strip off All Our Old Clothes of CuLTuRE ReTuRN to

The Nature of God WiTHIN GLoWinG With LoVE Tread on

These CuLTuRaL Clothes Without Shame Indeed

Create Our Own Worlds oF LoVE NeW to
Give, Share, Care, Heal For All iN JoY oF LiGHT

With Least Harm Now Which of Course Requires A Lifetime
of Increasing Cognitive Empathy For Others and Compassion As

Lord Knows Feels Senses my Introverted Angelic Wife’s Notion of Heaven

Within is Much Different Than the Extravert of me As She is Way too

Afraid Still to Remove Her Clothes in Front of the World And Tread on

Them Without Shame As Being Naked is As Natural to me As Wearing Wings Free

Yes Wild
And Free
too as i was
Born Rather Fuzzy
And Still Have The Fur of A Bear
As my Middle Name Arthur Relates Bear King Strong
And my Name Frederick in German Means Peaceful
Ruler too Yet It’s True It’s Enough WorK iN mY LiFE
JusT to Rule A Unique And Rather Fredenstein Mind

SPiRiT SoUL And HeART of me Yep took 53 Whole Years
to Set Myself Naked Enough Whole Complete Free Yet From

WHere i have Been in Lowest Pain and Numb of Soul True
At the Very Bottom of the Pyramid of Existence That Still Holds

Up All this Love
At the Wisdom
Eye of Beauty
Wisdom Courage And Kindness For Real

i Realize That Some Folks LiVE iN The Other
Place Still And Have No Clue How To Come iN A Place

Like Heaven Within NeW That i For one Experience iN mY
FLaVoR ETeRNaLLY NoW LoVE iN Peace iNHaLinG Peace EXHaLinG LoVE

SMiLes Dear FRiEnD We LiVE iN A ’47 And A Half Minute World’ True i Saw the
Signs in McDonald’s When my Wife Was Hungry And We Ventured In There as She
Wanted A Frappe That She Said wasn’t Worth Buying or the Cardboard Tasting
McDonald’s Thin Burger Either for Over 3 Bucks Without Even Any Vegetation

Under the Bun
Hehe It’s True They
Have Signs Everywhere
in the Totally Empty Place
We Visited on Sunday Afternoon

That Say Time Limit to Eat 47 And A Half
Minutes is All You Get And This is what Happens

When We Become Materially Reduced And Put Frigging
Time Limits Hehe on How Long Folks Use the Wi-Fi For Free

At McDonald’s

HAha Well

We Have the Ability
to Vote We Won’t Ever
Go Back to a Materially
Reduced Place that has Signs
Everywhere With All the New
Benefits Begging Folks to Work

There With 47 And A Half Minute
Restrictions on the Customers Who Visit

It’s the Thought that Counts i Just Wanted
To Leave As Fast As i Could And Never Go Back

And This is Why i Constantly Go my Own Way Naked Enough Whole
Complete Dancing Singing Free Killing Time LiVinG ETeRNaLLY Now for

in my

World 47 And A Half
Minutes is No Part of
my Reality Not Even A CLock
Until my Angel Relates Get My
Naked Ass Off This Computer or
We Will Be Late to Church or Another

Important Date She Has on Her Calendar
in Her Angelic Collateral Duties of Secretary and Accountant too Hehe

God is As Real As A World of LoVE iN Peace We Co-Create Sadly Folks Worship

The Form of Jesus As Idol God And Never even Try to Make Heaven Real

As LoVE iN Peace on Earth

SMiLes Folks Even
Go on Bended Knee
To Worship a Statue of
Buddha too No Matter How
Hard He Attempted to Be Invisible
Only With A Lesson of Balance And Compassion Behind To Do

It’s True Dear FRiEnD Many Folks Worship ‘The Chicken’ And
Never Hatch New Eggs of LoVE iN John 14:12 Ways For Those

Who Truly Believe And Do LoVE iN Peace..🙂

Goodness Dear Savvy Indeed
You Describe An Aspect of
American Culture That
Starts Early
Chairs for Those
Who Are Different
To Have A Seat to Sit
Together to Even Eat

True my Wife Spit on By the
Folks From the Biggest Church
As She Was Poor and Required
Free Lunch Passes to Eat Exclusion Hurt

Her So Bad She Refused to Eat At School

As It’s True Starvation is Equivalent to Exclusion

For A Social Animal

Like A Human Being

When Real As We aRE Born to Be
And True They Spit on me too The
Same Folks From that Big Church for
Being A Boy Who Dared to Smile in A Town
Where if A Boy Dared to Smile They Would Be
Threatened With Bodily Harm Literally As they told

me Boys
Are Not
to Smile in this Town

Yet of Course That Was in the Early 70’s
to The Chagrin of Those Folks Who Have
Grown Older in Their 60’s Like me People

Who Are Different This Way Are Greater Accepted
By Younger Generations Now And Sadly This Makes the
Other People Older Sadly Even Angrier in Some Cases too

Love Wins Eventually Fear and Hate Grows Old And Goes Away…
Yet It’s Never To Late While Breathing to Let Love Be The Champion oF A Life for Real..🙂

Art A New Frontier
Leaving Reasons
Behind For Less
Than A Colorful World

Change A GReaTesT
Gift Every New Inhale
For Peace Exhaling LoVE ReaL

Even Greater
As All of Life

DarK Thru LiGHT Now New
Becomes A Prompt For Ever Bliss..🙂

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa
Frogs Hop On Lilly Pads
Making Ponds More Wild

Toad Audacious Nature Comes Alive Free

Eagles Soar Above With Wings That Know

No Lilly

Pad Restrictions

Yet How High is High
Enough A Frog A Toad And An
Eagle Don’t Even Have to Ask With SMiLes..:)

Some Synchronicity Here No Causal Connections
Yet Still Psychologically Meaningful Dear Miriam

As Earlier today a Neighbor was Discussing the
Horrifying Outcomes of Folks He Knew Who Won

Big in the Area Lotteries Of How Otherwise Working

Hard together Happy Marriages Turned into Divorces

And Something Came Up

Missing That Hungry

Feeling We

Continue to
feed as only
Beginners of This
Play of Life to Once
Again Hehe ‘Pass Go’
With Enough Work to ‘Collect 200 Bucks’

My God What A Monopoly of Life These Days

ParkAvenue And Boardwalk Places Are Way too

Expensive For Most Folks


Yet What
Is the Excellence
of Fulfilling All Human
Potentials Day and Night

For all of Life is A Game
And Play of Life That

Starts and
Within With


at Least for now…

Anyway i Love Those Little
Intuitive Moments of 100 Percent
Faith Without Seeing With Reason

That Move Us Toward Brand New Frontiers
Never Experienced Before Like that Rainbow
i Predicted With Cloudy Skies and A Hurricane
Approaching Walking Around the Block With Wife

And Sister and the Rainbow Colors of the Moondog

At Night i Also Predicted That Came True Close to the Other Day too…

No Major

Just Wander
And Wonderlust
Breathing to See
What’s Never Been Felt Before

Oh A Beauty of Always Doing Life ThiS WaY

at Least..:)

THere’s a Reason Yet More A Feeling
And A Sense Why Dog Spelled Backwards

Still Comes to Be God
As A Dog Will Both Protect
And Unconditionally Love Without

Regard to Any Human Labels Like
Gender and Class Yes Caste And
Young and Old Age The Same

Yet Particularly Protective
of Children True As Dog’s

Through Ten’s of Thousands

Of Years Are Bred to Be God ThiS WAY

And So Are Humans What Happened to Us
Yes Back in the Dead Zone Days When All is
Numb and Pain Even Every Human Connection

i was trying to Withstand the Pain in my Eyes
for a Glance at Some Kind of National Geographic
Show About Apes in Zoos Yet the Most Profound Moment

Came as When Humans
Approached the Cage

They All Came Together
For A Warm and Fuzzy
Oxytocin Filled Group

Hug Naturally Reducing
Any Anxiety and Pain

Ah Yes Now i’ve Become
A Service Animal ThiS WaY
You Know Those Pets Folks take

to Calm Their Nerves of Stress Bringing
Some Warm Comfort to ‘Combat Fatigue Shoppers’
ThiS Way Dear Isha Hehe Yes as We Note the Friendly

Stores With
Signs that


Animals Allowed

True i am Kind of
Furry ThiS WaY With SMiLes…

Much Better than the Cold
Reptile SKin i Wore Before

Yet True i am Not Afraid of Snakes
Key No Longer Fearing the DarK or

Cynical oF LiGHT

A Group Hug
For All through
Every Word of Song
And Move of Dance Warm..:)

Lake View Dining Room
Perched Above For

Peace Below
Spreading to

All the Dining Room
Tables as Lights Glow

An Evening Ease True Let
All the Nightmares Go Dear

For Peaceful
Dining Dreams of Life..:)

Hehe Dear Cindy
Writing is Both
Exciting And
Soothing Putting
A Blog Post Together

Is What Makes
me Wanna Nap


Ah Yes Another Nap Coming
Soon Yet for Now Still in the
Early Morning Hours of September 1st, 2024

Catholic Mass Readings From This Day With my
Own Version of Basically A ‘Homily of Dance And Song’

Eternally Now
True Why Wait
For A Collar and
A Temple When Ya
Can Just Do it Free Style
Like the Story of Jesus too For Real…

HAha Yes And Basically that Describes
The Core Metaphorical Message Explained

By The Readings Today as a Tradition of Laws
And Orders to Bond and Bind Folks With Shared
Symbols and Ideologies Is Necessary for Insanely
Large Heterogenous Groups of Humans to Even Survive..

And Then there are the Neo And Jesus and Buddha-Like Stories
of Folks at Least Who Ascend and Transcend the CuLTuRE at Hand

And Offer a Newer More Progressive Way of Setting Souls Together a Bit

iN An Eternally Free
Now Bliss of Heaven
Within And Of Course

For Those Who Make it Through
That Eye of a Needle it May Be Difficult
as Putting on the Pounds of A Camel to Try

to Help Them Get Through as True It Will Only
Be Them Making THeiR Way at Best With at Least

A little
bit of
From FRiEnDS

Sort of Like Getting an Olympic
Hopeful Separated From Their Addiction to the Past…

Some of us may Lend a Hand to Help them Jump a bit Higher

With New
Ways We’ve
Found to come
to Heaven and Staycation
For Real Far Beyond Only Distance
Space Time and Only A ‘Matter of Things’…

Bringing Other Folks Down Is Just Not Something
Ya Do In Heaven WiTHiN For ReaL ON EartH Nope

If Ya
Hear Any
Stories like
That You Most
Definitely Will All
Up to You All NeW to
Escape to tHE ALL For Real NoW

Reading 1, Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8
1 ‘And now, Israel, listen to the laws and customs which I am teaching you today, so that, by observing them, you may survive to enter and take possession of the country which Yahweh, God of your ancestors, is giving you.

2 You must add nothing to what I command you, and take nothing from it, but keep the commandments of Yahweh your God just as I lay them down for you.

6 Keep them, put them into practice, and other peoples will admire your wisdom and prudence. Once they know what all these laws are, they will exclaim, “No other people is as wise and prudent as this great nation!”

7 And indeed, what great nation has its gods as near as Yahweh our God is to us whenever we call to him?

8 And what great nation has laws and customs as upright as the entirety of this Law which I am laying down for you today?

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 15:2-3, 3-4, 4-5
2 Whoever lives blamelessly, who acts uprightly, who speaks the truth from the heart,

3 who keeps the tongue under control, who does not wrong a comrade, who casts no discredit on a neighbour,

4 who looks with scorn on the vile, but honours those who fear Yahweh, who stands by an oath at any cost,

5 who asks no interest on loans, who takes no bribe to harm the innocent. No one who so acts can ever be shaken.

Reading 2, James 1:17-18, 21-22, 27
17 all that is good, all that is perfect, is given us from above; it comes down from the Father of all light; with him there is no such thing as alteration, no shadow caused by change.

18 By his own choice he gave birth to us by the message of the truth so that we should be a sort of first-fruits of all his creation.

21 so do away with all impurities and remnants of evil. Humbly welcome the Word which has been planted in you and can save your souls.

22 But you must do what the Word tells you and not just listen to it and deceive yourselves.

27 Pure, unspoilt religion, in the eyes of God our Father, is this: coming to the help of orphans and widows in their hardships, and keeping oneself uncontaminated by the world.

Gospel, Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
1 The Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered round him,

2 and they noticed that some of his disciples were eating with unclean hands, that is, without washing them.

3 For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, keep the tradition of the elders and never eat without washing their arms as far as the elbow;

4 and on returning from the market place they never eat without first sprinkling themselves. There are also many other observances which have been handed down to them to keep, concerning the washing of cups and pots and bronze dishes.

5 So the Pharisees and scribes asked him, ‘Why do your disciples not respect the tradition of the elders but eat their food with unclean hands?’

6 He answered, ‘How rightly Isaiah prophesied about you hypocrites in the passage of scripture: This people honours me only with lip-service, while their hearts are far from me.

7 Their reverence of me is worthless; the lessons they teach are nothing but human commandments.

8 You put aside the commandment of God to observe human traditions.’

14 He called the people to him again and said, ‘Listen to me, all of you, and understand.

15 Nothing that goes into someone from outside can make that person unclean; it is the things that come out of someone that make that person unclean.

21 For it is from within, from the heart, that evil intentions emerge: fornication, theft, murder,

22 adultery, avarice, malice, deceit, indecency, envy, slander, pride, folly.

23 All these evil things come from within and make a person unclean.’


True Considering We aRe All One Breath
Away for Basically Worm Food Unless
We Hoard Our Dead Or Send Ourselves

Off As Ashes for additional Climate

Change Dear Lord Yes Mr Gottfried

Don’t Just Walk Make Every Move

A Sacred Dance Don’t Just
Talk Make Every Word

A Sacred Song

ReMeMBeRinG Each
Breath is Only A Gift
How We WRaP iT Up NeW
And Deliver the Present NoW

Is the Difference Tween Living or Living Dead
Yet of Course THere Is Also A Broad Spectrum
of Purgatory Heaven and Hell House For Real Now

Nope Ain’t Doing Floors Ceilings Walls
Dream Weave i Will Do Setting Life to

MaGiC and
NaturAlly to FRuiTioN NeXT

Nah No Delusion i Take
Pictures All ALoNG Heaven’s


OPeN Too
BOldy True WHeRE
Folks Don’t OFTen Go..:)

Dancing Holy Moves Without Lessons

Singing Sacred Songs Yet Non-Sensical

What Most Every Child Inherits From

Birth Not Much Different Than ‘Shiva’

The Dancer And ‘Krishna’

The Singer God Yes

ALWaYS The Beginner

Dear Savvy Master of

Change iN Flow of Non KNoWinG
All The Do Within Spiraling Free

i Am
We aRe

Free Again

The Beginner..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam

If i Didn’t Find the

Whole Human



i’d Cry So i Choose
SMiLes and Laughter

Above All the Below Stars

Shining Tears of JoY We BRinG

Laughing Hysterically Indeed Hehe…

From Bottom

To Top Again


SMiLe And Laugh For All ThaT iS SMiLInG

Yes Let’s All Chant Dance Sing and Laugh Again..:)

Ah Yes Dear Sohair in a World So Materially Reduced

With Humans Being Mass Produced as COGS to Fit in the

Buy and Sell of Society Things Come More and More First

And People in All the Ways They Naturally Function Solo And

Together Comes More in Last Place

Now Further Separated From

Emotionally Regulating

And Sensory Integrating Indeed

Actually Humanity is Human’s Most

Important Existential Intelligences And The

Greatest Poverty is Not Understanding Self and

Coming to Understand More and More The Differences

Among Everyone

Else too A Lifelong

Art Project That Has

Become Way too Materially

Reduced MaKinG Mechanical Tin Men
And Women Without the Lion of Both
Courage and HeART A ScareCrow With

A Brain Is Surely Not Enough For Wellbeing With SMiLes…

The Countries With Greatest

Economic Success Are Often

Farthest Left Behind on the Socio

Part of Human SoUL mY FRiEnD..:)

Move and Repose A Way of All Existence Yes
A Wave Tween Crest and Trough God Yes

A Human Tween Birth and Death

Yet THE Eternal Now

Breath We Take Yes If

We Listen Closely and See
The Eternal Now of Gratitude Appreciating

Once Again For This Breath Of LiFE NeW

As Birth And Death Teach So Well Winter

Creates Spring From Summer Fall FLoWeRS




A Child Crying Open

Arms Hugs And SMiLes of Relief…

Beautiful New Borns Indeed Dear Cindy

Not Sure What You Are Testing Positive

For Yet Whatever It is Yes Plenty

of Rest With New Born Poems

For Even More Healing With SMiLes..:)

After the Hottest Summer Ever

And Perhaps Driest August Ever

Oh September Day of 1st So Happy soon

To See Clouds of Grey Rain Ocean Down

On All the Flowers to

Color New Quenching

Thirst of Wild Life Free

i Feel Like a Nap Perhaps A

Greatest Freedom is Just Being Able to Take A Nap

Surely Beats the Old Forty Day Stays Without Sleep in Hell

Oh the SMiLes

Ocean Skies

Bring With

Free Rains
Dear Miriam

Lots of Loving Sleep…

A Siesta of Please Indeed..:)

Passion FLoWers LiFE
some red some blue
some crown royal
purple aLL musE LiFE..🙂


Perhaps She Will Build
A Bigger Field Now of
Dreams Coming Back
Outside A Mirror NeW in Real

Captain of Whimsy Now
Leaving Walmart Dancing
Wife Exclaims OMG those
Young Men Just Saluted
You Leader of the ‘Dead
Poet’s Society’ of Dance
Achieved Whimsy Sings…

Yes as usual IT really
Happens Now With
Forrest Gump Grins…

Feather Floating
Rhymes Reason
Wind Dances
Sings Now
Imagine a
Trump Honestly
Truth Victors Light
Wisdom’s Beauty

SMiles my Friend Currently
AWeD by God’s Answer Nature
The Answer that is Always Balance
The Species Sadly Human Beings
Who Are Yet
to See
the Face of
God in Balance
The Bride of God
Is Always Nature
Our Mother
my Friend
ATTempT to Selfishly
Make That Bride A BLacK
The Ignorance oF A Thousand
Guns and More Pointed At Human toes
Yet to learn to Dance With God’s GravitY iN Balance..🙂

SMiLes Thanks Dear Yamini Living

Long Deep Enough ACTuAlly Breathing Quotes Seeing⛅️

iN Desert We Look Till We Find Water iN Ocean We Swim Until
We Find Land As Air NoW We BReATHE LoVE SeeinG Water Ocean
Wave WHoLE We aRe🌊
You Dance With
Wings so
You Skip
The First
Two Steps of Play 💃

To Be Gull Wings
Over Only Leaving
HiSTorY BeHinD Breathing

Flowing Ocean
Waves Shores
Receding Expanding
Ever More Dancing Singing
Black Raven
Smiling Seeing All

Authentic Folks
Only Need to
Be Themselves
Unless They wanna
Buy Life Now And
Or Make Money…
When LoVE in Peace Is Real
When Love Really Breathes
LoVE As HuMaN And Or God
Neither Requires Worship
Or Fears Criticism
LoVE iN Peace
Bone Indeed🔑

Tree is Forest
Ocean is Wave
Those Seeing All🌊
Some Poets Will Take
This For
Seeing All
Just as is Enough
Eternally Breathing Now
Essence Existence Poetry
NeW Wind
BLoWinG God Yes
NaTuRE Dancing
Tree Leaves Singing
WinTeR Green
SuMMeR Springs
DeatH is LiFE DarK
LiGHTS🌞Morning Eves🌚

Soul my Prayer
For You to See

Moral oF A STory; No Matter
What May Come; Adapt Have Fun…

Memories of Hidden
Dunes With Amorous
Activities of Pure Loving

Sad to Feel In Part Climate Change
Takes That Away From So Many

Intertwining Soul Couples

Splendor Hidden Among Dunes
Hurricane Ivan Washed All That Love

Away Spreading Ocean Warmth Free

Meh.. Just A Photo of A Dune

Still RiSinG BRinGinG Back Memories
Of Never Innocence Lost in Real Wild

Loving Soul Youth Free

Sadly So Many Buying Life Never
Earning Life Naked Enough Whole
Complete Eternally Now Mystical

Religion Breathing God Within

A Bird Sings

SMiles Dear
To Remind



We Find


Dear FRiEnD

Verily A Pandemic
Of Kindness Healing


We All BReaTHE
Living Trees Roots
Vines Divine


KinD 🍃 🍁

For Real NoW🙌🏝☺️

Thanks For Sharing
That Beautiful Poem
Karlien These Words
Aleesha Inspired From me

September Fall
Leaves Bring
Green to Soils
Saplings Birth

Spring Trees

Treasure of
Life Dances Sings Beautiful
Inspiring Poem Alesha You Fall Bring…

‘Straight From the Heart’ With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes All Amazing Advice Dear Karlien

i Will Surely Share This Blog Post Link

As You Comprehensively Cover

So Much For A Path

To Enough



In Human Potentials

Here Interesting in the Spiral

of Emotions We May Dance And
Sing in Art To Regulate With all Our
Senses Integrating in Synergy of Human
Vibrations Frequencies Energy of Humanity All…

Negative Emotions

All Seem to Point

Us to More Positive

Change As We Ascend

The Spiral oF LiGHT CoLoRinG

More Vibrant Indigo thru Violet to

Means of Our Rainbows Giving Sharing
Caring Healing Without Fear or Restraint Now


The World

Of Others Who

May Be Pointed

Toward Change


From the Spiraling

SPeaKinG SoULS Transcending

That Change to All Colors of
Love More We Create For All

Great Work! Dear Young

FRiEnD Karlien



Activity RiSinG

For Your Most

Soul Whole SPiRiT HeART
Potentials STill NoW GRoWinG
Ever Green FeeLinG Colors More…:)

SMiLes Dear Hemalatha Deeper our

Well Wishes Grow for Others

Deeper Our Souls

Come to Fruition

Flowers Are

We Blooming More

Colors Deeper And Deeper

Our Well Wishing Colors Flowers

Of Other Humans Blooming Spreading

Dreams Coming Fruition We All Well Wish






Living Trees
Roots Vine Leaves

Touching THere is No Room
For Separation When Winds
Become Leaves And Soils
Hold New Life of Living

Trees Still


Fresh Souls
GRoWinG Taller Than Ever Before..:)

SMiles Dear Karlien
Always Look Forward
To Seeing Hearing


Beautiful Lines☺️🌟💫❤️

SMiles Dear Young
Angel FRiEnD

Warming True too

So Much SPiRiT You Are

Dear FRiEnD
September Now🦋☺️❤️

SMiLes Dear Summerhilllane

A Blue Flower Painted onto A

Mountain Top Or Perhaps A Rock

iN A Valley Below


You Remain

Free Do the Best

You Can And Will Do You

Do You As You Love Free Most Now

Water Shall Flow Ocean Waves More
Breathing Freer Shores Beholding Seeing Green..:)

LeSSoN 436😊 iMaGiNE
A World WHere Every
Young Man’s Special
Interest is Free Dance
And Poetry in Song Instead

Of Playing Violent Video
Games From Young Yep
Bet It Would Be A Better

World For Women Too


SMiles Dear HiMaLi
i Remember That
Jain Phrase Asking
Forgiveness For Any
And All Transgressions
Towards All Living Beings
And The Rest Of Nature True

It Is In The Understanding
Of Human Nature All The
Highs And Lows Lusts
Passions Fears Angers
And Hates That We

All Fall
Too That
Sets Us Together
Best As Without
In A Human
So Challenging

Love Will Die Without
Breath iNHaLinG Peace
ExhalinG LoVE iN All
The LiGHT And DarK
Of Our FRiEnDShip

i See
And Mine

Too In Clouds
Above With
Rays of Sun 🙏🕊


A Bird Sings

September Harvest At
Hand Palm Fruit Feeds
Squirrels Fermenting

Into Wine
On Grass

For Little
Furry Creatures

Too Nature
Ever Changing
my Favorite Movie

To Watch And Be Part
Of Whole Enough Complete


Now Here


Night And
Day TWiLiGHT Stays

Sadly So Many Buying Life Never Earning Life
Naked Enough Whole Complete Eternally Now

Mystical Religion Breathing God Within

Perhaps ‘She’ Will
Build A Bigger Field of
Dreams Coming Back
Outside A Mirror in Real

Soul my Prayer
For You to See

Yeah, It’s really Sad; The American Indians
Saw A Great Spirit As Great As Soul of
All Experience Yet
Then some Folks
With a Bunch
of Diseases
Forced A Paper
Word God in a Cover
of A Book on them;
And if the Diseases
Didn’t Kill them,
They Forced
Them to
The Book
And Slaughtered
Them if they didn’t comply…
Worst of All, They Clothed them
Away From God; Yeah, Sure, tell
me the Difference Between a God
iN A Word And a God of Nature and
i’ll Give you ‘the World’ And So much Morey
Yet what i
Do is
Sell You
A Word or
A Golden Calf
Sculpture of
A Three
on A Page…
Nature Breathes
This Life Every Breath
is Miracle Enough to Breathe God for Real..
So Naked And Free So Star-Filled With Light Real to See…
To Be Clear ‘You’ In ‘this Story’ is No One in Particular yet All….
There is at Least Some Poetry in the Old Testament that Greater
this God
With No
that is
Nature; Yet,
There is Other Poetry
Obviously, by Folks of
Whoever Wrote it that
is No Breath of Living Soul
At all; reflecting ‘What Trumps’
Have Always been Like through
History without Herstory of Divine Love For All…
Yet All oF it is Forms; Idols and Icons of Sculptures
of Letters, Words, Pages, And Book Covers Numbered Much
Later as Verses that came 1300 Hundred or So Years Before…

The Most Ironic
Part of All is
Folks Don’t
That Words Are
Only Statues of Reality We
Create too; The Problem is
When We Become the Tool and
Lose our Naked Wild and Free Humanity;
In Other Words, When We are no Longer indigenous
Of Nature; Indeed all of Our Ancestors Were As Indian
as the Other Wild and Free Animals Still Are Now For Real

by very
of the
that is God
For Real in our
Every Living Breath
When We Breathe this Truth in Light
Naked no longer Covered up by all of our
Tools that have become extensions of Who
We really are at core in Flow the River of
Existence Naked, Wild and Loving Free…

Ocean Waves Dance
Making Air Sounds
Of Wind Come to Life
Vocal Chords Sing Now
Waves of Air Passing by
We Make Orchestrating
Winds We Vocally
Sing Symphony
of Song We
Winds We Flavor Breath
EXPReSSinG Emotions now
Feelings Senses Energizing Our
Organic Beings Now From Head
To Toe Below Beyond Subatomic Level
Touching Others in Empathy
Mirror Neurons
Each Other
Happily as Children
Do Before Forming Words
Just Free Verse Dancing And
Singing Together Feelings Senses
so Free to Give and Share with Other
Senses Rule
Without any
Instruction at all
Yet a Chorus Naturally
Comes as one or more
Small Children Naturally Form
A Moving Dancing Singing Band
Of Feeling Sensing Delight of Just Being As We aRe
Anyway Piano Strings Are Vocal Chords extending
Music Dance And Song of Soul More Percussion
of HeART Beats Drumming Hammer Head Keys
Moving Our HeARTS
indeed with Every
Drum of Dance
And Song
of Note
Dance and Sing
As SoUL EMoTioN Breathers
Smiles Without a Song in my
Soul to Express the Dance of
my Fingers on this Keyboard
Not only would the Music
Stop yet the Words
Would No longer
Come to
Indeed ThiS Way
Yes Dance is Song
And Song Is Dance
Our Human Oldest And Truest
New Ways of Communicating
Reaching Deeper Colors of
Human Soul Within
Inside Outside
Above So
All Around
Dance And Song
i don’t think i could
stop my Music now if i tried
yet True it didn’t Play Before
And Sadly i had no Words.. Really
in my 40’s.. i couldn’t find Words to Even
Say At Work.. i waited and they wouldn’t come
And then an Epiphany of Sorts i Played my Piano
And they Came Again at Work to Play Hmm.. so Science
Shows Now it’s True As We Dance With Feet or Fingers
on a Keyboard it is Non-Verbal Language That Lights Up
Our Verbal Language Centers in Singing too so yes again
Dance is Song
And Song
is Dance
Wanna Dance
Sing Wanna
Sing Dance
For True
it is the
Emotions that
Are the Glue of all
our Laser Focus Short Term
Working Memory And Overall
Cognitive Executive Functioning
Music is Emotions Dancing Is Song
of Music And Singing is Emotions for Dance
First Dark
Then Light
Big Bang
Now We Come
to Dance And Sing
With Symbols that
Breathe Our Emotions
And Senses as Words Become Soul too
on this Written Page of Letter Sculptures

In FLoWinG Free Verse Poetry True…

Generally Speaking the More Mused
i am by The Dance And Song of Emotions
The More i write.. hehe true this is where this Flood
Comes from Dance And Song Holding Hands to Exhale
a bit
of a
it will surely
Blow Waves
of Emotions more
Song of my Dancing Soul to give
and share all the way free for now at least..:)

Iron Flowing From Super Nova Explosions in
Our Blood and Core of Mother Earth StarBurst
Crucible Fire Explosions Gaseous Star Dust
Resurrecting From Star Flower Seeds Human
Children Seeds Flowers of Stars We Come to Be
Star Light
Soul Force
Beings Shine
Eventually Stars
Hold Hands as Each
Human Being expands
A reach beyond iNFiNiTY
Multi-UniVerse of LoVE Within
to Give and Share For Free Consuming
The Rest of Existence As Stars Beings Will
as Love
comes to
Dance and
Sing A Dance
And Song of One
Star in Star All in All LoVE..🙂

LooK At It THiS WaY If Ya
Can And Will JusT ANoTHeR Animal
And Human in “National Geographic”

SMiles Dear Savvy
FRiEnD So Much
Of The LiGHT Of
me Now
In The DarK
i Suppose it’s
Like Big Bangs
Birthing New UNiVerses
Super Nova Explosions
Crucible Fire of Star Death
Creating Gaseous Dust
Iron FLoWinG In Our
Blood Streams
And At
Of Earth
Our only Home
We Evolve on Yet
Still Star Seeds And
FLoWeRS We Continue
To Bloom From Dying

A Stellar Path
Out Of DarK inTo
LiGHT Neither Fearing

Or Cynical
Star Children
We aRe With
Cosmic Wings
STill Flying Toward

Our LiGHT🌟🙏

“She said “A good day ain’t got no rain”
She said “A bad day’s when I lie in bed
And I think of things that might have been”

“Slip slidin’ away
Slip slidin’ away
You know the nearer your destination
The more you’re slip slidin’ away”

As Quoted From Paul Simon For
The Same Name in the Lyrics of
“Slip Slidin’ Away” True Your
Magic Words of Creativity
Bring This Song to me

Dear Miriam

i Remember Being 25 in
A Dance Hall Drinking the Night
Away Lamenting A Quarter of A Century
is Gone i Must Be Getting Old True At 21

Really Feeling Severe Depression Farther Away
From Sad into the Numb i Didn’t Know Any Better

i ‘Thought’ This is What It’s Like to Get Old Then As
It’s True i Didn’t Have the Energy to Run at College
In A Health Science Class i Asked The Counselor What

Might Be
Wrong And
She Asked How is
my Heart And All i Could
Think of Is Yes it is Still Ticking

And Then of Course at 47 i Lost the Memory
if i Ever Felt a Smile of Life At All Just All Pain
And Numb Nothing Left Every Second A Thousand
Years too Numb to Die too Numb to Live Only Wondering
Will i make

it the Next
Second Lifetimes
Long in 66 Months
of Forever DarK Then

i Think Now i Feel Now
Now i Sense Forevermorenow
A Smile Just Be Cause i Can And Will

Do What Was Literally
Impossible to Do for
66 Months As
A Seed That Dies
Must Wait to Become
A Tree With Green Leaves
A Flower With Blooms Again

And Now There is No Room For Laments
As Long As i Can And Will Carry A SMiLe Forevernow

How Blessed to Go to Hell For Real How Blissed to Tale

A Story
of Heaven
For ReaL ON EartH

too Yet it is Not A Palace
Lined With Trump Golden
Walls and Pearl Floors It’s Just

A SMiLe It’s Just A F iN SMiLe

Enough to Appreciate This Gift
of Breath Inhaling Peace Exhaling LoVE NeW NoW


A Miracle

Of A SMiLe That is Real
Funny How DarK Becomes LiGHT

That Just
Go Away

Other than that it made
me Happy to See You Finally
Got Your Vacation in August

i Hope You Too Staycation One Day As Well..:)

How Does the Monkey Climb So High Dear Chaymaa
On Tree Branches Yes Perhaps Only Falling At Death

How Does the Eagle Soar The Same Way During Life




Where Every Climb of
Life FLiGHT oF WinG iS

A Play oF LiFE NeW NoW
Like No Other Dream For Real..:)

Oh Lord Dear Chaymaa
So Many Decades
An ‘Audience of
A TV’ And Now

i Only Write Direct
Produce and Play

mY Own Story No
Longer Someone
Else’s Play At


Or Work WitH SMiLes…:)

SMiLes Dear
Savvy When
i Leave All ‘The
Thinking’ Behind
Dancing FRee aLL

That’s Left to Do
Is Sing Free Wings

Accommodating FLiGHT


Oh Dear Lord my Wife Has Been Dreaming of a New Refrigerator For
18 Long Years and a New Dishwasher For 30 Years Her DreamScape
Fridge Finally Coming to Fruition Hehe With Wi-Fi Access If You Opt

For the App And of Course
The Fridge Communicates
With You If You Leave the

Door Open True the Old
Almond Color that Sears
And Roebuck No Longer

Sells if that Place Still Exists at all
Replaced By All Stainless Steel of
The Modern Age Of Mechanical Cognition

Yes With Brains

Yet True She Loves the
Aesthetics of Presenting
Her Food Yes Now in Artful
Ways As Double Doors Open to
One Wide Fridge Space With the

Freezer Below With Easy Frozen Yogurt

Access of Course However Not Unlike the
the Dish Washer the Rest of the Kitchen and
Of Course the New Cadillac Super Smart Fridge

It is Within
The Queendom
Of Her Domain

I Remain Banished
From all Dreams
of Midnight Snacking
Yet She Does Allow me
to Pour Some Ice Cold
Water on the Outside
As Long as i Don’t Dare Open

the Door…

Little Gifts
Life’s Thirst Hehe at Least

With SMiLes Dear Miriam Yet
Who am i to Complain as She
Serves ME ALL i can and will Eat
And Drink


Least Hehe
To Retain
All Her
Queendom Domain..:)

Bird’s Song Migrating Year Around
Dear NavasolaNature Yet We May
Go One Dance And Song Further

With Wings Feather in the Wind

Generating Our Weathers and
Seasons Within to Carry

SMiLes Wherever

We Go Spreading

Bird Song Wings At
Essence Human Form…

Lovely Storks Delivering
Your Poetic Messages Now So Free..:)

“Care Bears doing the Care
Bear stare on the whole world”

Wonderful Message For
Your Ladies’ Bible
Study Group
With SMiles
Dear Shawna Baby
🤗❤️🎶 🐻

Yes It’s So Sad And
Even Beyond Grief
Dear Shawna Baby
No Food Drink Or


Will Relinquish
Hunger And Thirst
Of The Poverty Of

SouL iT Was A Free Dance
And Song Generating LiGHT
BRinGinG me Back To Life Indeed

i Give IT Share IT
Care IT HeaL iT
All A Way With
Most Respect
Least Harm


Yet THere is
No Mouth To
Mouth Resuscitation

With Poverty Of Soul
The Breath Must Come

From Within As Compassion
From Others Refuses To Leave

With SMiles

First Aside Souls Climbing 🕊️

Happy September Breezes
Yet No Hurricanes
Like Down
With SMiles
Happy FLoWeRS
To Yours Truly

THere WaS A Day
A Month Years All
66 Months i Couldn’t

A Breath
Of Living

You Air
Amethyst Lamb… 🌻


Shorelines New
Shorelines Old
Waves Tracing

Change the Only
Constant Balance Relates

Dear Xenia With SMiLes
of Gratitude For All You

In Life
With Paw Prints True…

SMiLes Laughter
Wit iN Whimsy


LiGHT iNto
All Corners

Shadows STiLL

iN Play Now

Awake to

Cool Colors Hint of Fall

Hehe Demand From

Summer Heat

Dear Xenia
With SMiLes
Yet Nature Rules
in All Weathers Seasons

Colors True
With SMiLes…

Living With Mountains Puts Humanity
Into Perspective Dear Xenia Hehe

Perhaps i View Differently
From the Mostly
Flat Lands Here

With only Gentle
Hills FAlling STill RiSinG

Yet Oaks Still Provide SHades

Without Shadows THere is No Sun ABove

With SMiLes..:)

May The Force Yes the Flow Be With
You Dear Pooja As You Find the Sweet
Spot Tween Anxiety And Apathy on Task

With Stellar
Focus And
Attention Span
FRiEnDS With Gravity
ThiS WaY Regulating Emotions
Integrating Senses Really Making
the Most Of Our Cognitive Executive
Functioning in Terms of Short Term
Working Memory and Long Term
Memory Retrieval As Well

True in ‘Star Wars’
‘Yoda’ Did not Go
into This Much
Detail Yet it

Was Obvious
He Was Really
On the Ball in Orbit
Endless Energy Around
His Inner Star Just FLoWinG Even More

Oh How i Love How Steven Spielberg Brought
The Tao the Flow the Wu Wei and Lao Tzu to the
Big Screen in ‘Star Wars’ in 1980 in the Embodiment

Of ‘Yoda’
That Also
Shows Size
Matters Not

For With Enough
Flow We May Even
Move Mountains of Words

as 60,000 Words May Become
1.6 MiLLioN Words in A Year of Free Verse Poetry

Yep my Output
Last year with
the Rest of the
20,453 Miles of Public
Dance in 11 Years Total too
Along with the 13.2 MiLLioN Words

of Free Verse Poetry Total too Currently Juggling
Now Two Bi-Monthly 70 Thousand or So Word

Blog Poems

Credit Lao Tzu

Yet in Essence Credit

the Flow the Tao the Samadhi
the Satori the Chi And Or Whatever Zen

Metaphor Comes Next for ‘Fear is For Others’

And Wings Are All Ours to Put on and really Fly

Free even on

Terrestrial Land

Letting IT All Go

Yep Like ‘Bruce Lee’
Noted ‘Be the Water’
Better Yet Be the Feather Be The Wind Yes Be the ‘Forrest Gump’ God Yes
Forget All the Fiction Yes Be FRiEnDS With Gravity Toe to Head and More…

Thanks For Touching on my most favorite Hobby Yes Be the Flow

And Once
Again May

The Flow the Force Be Also With You
Enduring Yes Prospering in Every Way


‘Star Trek’ is Cool too
Particularly ‘Spock’ hehe..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam That’s Why They CaLL iT
‘The Golden Age’ Where Ya Get to Master Your

Inner Weather
And Seasons

Yet of Course
What is Required
Is No Distractions

Almost Impossible
to Do Before A Golden Age with SMiles…

Not Rubbing it in Just Reminding Yours

Is Not too Far
Away to

And Master
With SMiLes

Until then Every Weather
And Season Has Its Place
As Do All Human Emotions
And Senses This too Will Pass

The Only
Oh to Be the
River FRiEnDS
With Gravity
FLoWinG Free
Once Again With SMiLes

A Child Dancing With A Butterfly…

Dreams Will Come to Fruition Lesson

of Wearing Caterpillar Legs Patience of Cocoon

to Spread Wings..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy Once One Earns Enough
And Money Is No Longer Part of Any Working

Solution Then All Of Life May Become

A Play For Loving Life in Peace

For Whatever Brings

Meaning And

Purpose And

Continuing Enough in Life

Such A Treasure to Have Enough

No Longer Restraints in Giving Free With SMiLes

Thanks Giving

For Giving

When The Giving
Becomes All the Receiving..:)

THE Eternal Teenager
Dear Shawna Baby
How my Relatives Still
Describe Katrina Too Yet It’s

More Like ‘Margaritaville’
At Home In Eden With
“Nova” Off The “Planet
Of The Apes” Nothing
Left To Spend Monopoly

On Eternal
Money Shots
Without Any Alcohol
Guns And Cold Dead Hands

It’s Labor Day Weekend Come
Monday Yet Always Great Friday

And Oh Dear Lord Too Dam
Hot This Summer to Visit the

Beach And
Dance In Reverse
In Deep Hot Sands

FoLLoWinG Waves to Paradise

Deep In The Forest of Eden Real⛵️

SMiLes Dear Isha
At Best the Elders
We Respect Will


The Elders We aRe
Great to Hear Your Story
of Respect For Your Grandfather


“An aware soul is always kind even if put inside the fire..”

Wise And Merciful Words Indeed Dear Sohair For When

The Feelings Die And The Senses Dim Compassion

Still Lives

Without Even

Any Feelings

Or Senses For Real

As Long As We Make

The Best oF LoVE iN Peace

First Gardened Root Branches

And Leaves of DiViNE RiSinG Equally



With SMiLes..:)

Holy Creative Spirit
Poetry Flows Naturally
Meditating Escaping Worry
Mind of Neocortex Where
Illusion of Reason
In Time, Distance,
And Space
Melting Away
Escaping That
Small .5 Percent
Of Our Thinking
Mind Lighting Up
More The Rest of
99.5 Percent Living
Life Closer
All Our
Loving Potential
In Dreamtime River
Soul Out of Time Distance
Space Heaven’s Flow Our Wave🌊

Waves in
Waves Out
Shores Recede
Magic Shores Expand
Wave Sails🌊

Love Flows Be Water
Wave Ocean WHoLE
Within iNDeeD🌊

SPiRiT Food Creativity
We Generate and
Give And Share
Free SMiLes
You Are Gifted
This Way keep Giving!..🙂

All Things Bright
And Beautiful
All Great
As Beauty’s Wisdom
And Courage Set Free!..🙂

Dancing And
Singing With
God Love
Presently Always..🙂

“Love and logic
It is Not magic
Love has no relation with logic
It has a relation with a project
A project with High profits
You give and give
AS long as you live
You will receive much
And will become So rich
Be sure of your uniquness
Be aware of your deepness
You are created for a purpose
Your position tells all the secrets
Your relation with others
Reflects all the lovely colors”


SMiLes Dear Sohair
No Way to Add to
Your Words HeaR
But Just Do
mY FRiEnD Thanks
For Giving Thanks
Giving Your Soul to Love..:)

Great! Thoughts,
Spirit Food,
And SMiLes
Is Indeed Enough!
MaKinG The World SMiLe!
Lovely Soul-Felt Free Verse
Poetry You Write Here too Dear
FRiEnD Ruehla
Hehe.. Have
A Nice Eve
Thanks For
‘The Nile’
of my Soul
to OverFlow
River Banks of Your Blog..🙂

OMG Endless More
‘Tabs’ to WoRShiP iN


So Are We🌊

SMiles When
The Spring is Green
Folks Tend To Cooperate


It’s All About
Abundance And

Enough Versus Greed

Surely Now

You’ve Seen
The Struggle
my FRiEnD In Nigeria😊

A Darkness So Deep

It Dares Not Seep Out

A Light Grown So Cold

It May Never See Again

True Without

This Love


Radiating to
See Lost We Become
in Fear and Hate Hiding
From All the World of Love

The Fire Within Still Waiting

To Light Up And Breathe

Yet Without the Days

Or Even Minutes

of Looking


And Becoming
FRiEnDS With Soul Within

Somewhere A Spirit is Only
A Ghost Out There Lost From
Who Lives to Breathe Within Free
As Love Gains Wings to Fly Free Again..

Smiles Aleesha It’s As Important to Explore
And Become Friends With The Shadow as

It is the


Now Within
Forgetting Clouds…

Great Job in Poetry of Shadow Here…

With Every Wilt With Every Thorn Flowers


As Rose

ColorS HeARTS AGAiN..:)

My Pleasure
Aleesha Where
i Am Welcomed

Kindly i

Often Return
With More SMiles

Hehe And even
Some Places

Where there
Are No Thank
You’s At All For

me At Least
Darker Places

Just Weight
Lifting For

To Stay Strong🙌☺️

Every Day A Place

Never Lived Every

Now A New Adventure

Yes Doc


Sounds Like
Fun i Will Do
This From NoW oN
With SMiLes of Course
Dancing Thru the Rain
Breathing Sunshine of


i Color

on my Own
Mastering All
The Weather
Reports Within Sunny Side Up
Even When Nights Crowd Out Day..:)

Smallest Flames

Light Up Entire


As Light

Is So Much

More Powerful Than
DarK Yet What Happens
When Not Even A Flame

Is Present

True the

Will to Survive
is the Shepherd of Fire..:)

Oh Goodness Savvy in A World
Where Science Assesses the

Average Human Attention Span
As Literally Less Than A Gold Fish

Yes Less Than 3 Seconds
Now Barely Seconds

Afforded to A
New Car Sales
Pitch on TV
Commercials Now

Engagement Yes the Focus on Task
At Hand Is So Very Important to
Meet Human Potentials More

And Of Course Staying
in Flow of What i Am

Doing Now Keeps

The pages

of My Soul

Breathing in Synch
On Task Yes JusT FLoWinG
River Water Wave Ocean Whole..:)

It’s Raining Again
Yet Sun
Still Shining New

Congratulations Karlien on 10,000 Views
With Another Comprehensive Informative
Post on How

To Set Ourselves

Free When i Dance

i Focus on the Feeling

of Balance And Let

My Body Speak

The Most

to Bring This Peace
Inhaling Peace Exhaling
Love So Much More in Balance

This Way Energy Expanding So Much
More With No Place For Fear Peace Inhaling

Love Exhaling This Way Yet For me it Starts With

A Step And Then Another i Let the Milestones Come As

They Do Same As Words And Song After A Dance Comes First

For Every Feat

Note A First

Step For

Every Milestone

A First Word And That

Word And Step is Now Dear FRiEnD
So Nice to See You on This Trail to Forever Now..:)

Beautiful Share Now From
The Special One in Your
Life Dear Jade How

Wonderful It Is For

Someone to

See The Night

Skies in Your

EYes As Stars

Fall And Rise Again

With A Never End For Life

SMiLes Enjoy The Starry Day..:)

Thanks Dear
Jade Life is
Such A Gift
With Starry SMiles🙌☺️

As The Hawaii Bird Flies And Sings

Inhaling Peace Exhaling Love

Paws of Cutest


Dog Resting
on Sands of
Sunset Beach
With Siamese Dreams
Resting DriftWood Ocean Breeze

Purrs Come and Go Shepherd Tale
Wags Love Lives On

in Paradise my

Aloha FRiEnD

The Good News is We Aren’t
Facing Another Hurricane Yet the
Plate Is Full of Challenges and it is

As Beautiful As It Has Ever Been in the Garden
of Eden Backyard Greens And Colors of Florida
Paradise Forest too Blessed And Blissed We aRe

Dear FRiEnD in Our Paradise Home And Although
We Have No Domesticated Furry FRiEnDS Inside
The Furry Critters Thrive With What We Feed As
Well As Birds and Bees And Truly Enough to

Fill and Feel
An Ark

Of Nature’s
Breath At Ease

SMiLes Dear FRiEnD

Life is Still Good i Only Wish
it to Be Greater than My Life For
All Others True That’s A Long Way Home Indeed
Yet Where i Live There is ALL Hope in the World to
Empty Hell Even if it Did Exist in Heaven Now Dear FRiEnD…
It’s not Easy Being An Empath These Days So i Dance And Sing

The Pain of Others Away…

For Whatever


Love Brings For Real..:)

SMiles Dear Karlien
As Evening Deepens
Summer Turns into Fall
In Florida You Are my
Most Distant
FRiEnD in
As Morning
Breaks And
Winter Comes to

Spring of Course
Since There is No
Real Distance Space
Or Time And No Real



Escapes All

Is Cool too With SMiles☺️

Thanks Dear FRiEnD
i Danced Watching
my Mother
Pass Away
For Eight Days
With No Food or
Drink As That is
The Hospice
Care She
Chose to Go
Away As Natural
As Possible The
Dance Kept my
HeART Open
Loving Strong
Same As When
my Father Passed
Away Too What A
Gift it is Still to Find
Life in Death As Dance
And Song FLoWinG

Souls iN
A Golden
Age of Love
Without Numbers
Now Still Breathing
Dancing Singing
my Mother’s

Love Free

Dear FRiEnD🙏🕊

SMiLes Dear Ruchi Love is A Butterfly
We Set Free Around the World to Pollinate

All Flowers Desiring to Grow More Colorful Now New

Yet Hehe i am aN EXTroverted Butterfly Fearless too

i Visit Wilting Flowers
The Same As Beautiful
Flowers Always Colorful in Blooms

It’s True Hehe i am A Butterfly Who Loves
A Challenge While i’ve Saved Up Enough Honey
in my Hive As A Bee For my Queen i Love to Travel Further

Even Days When i Come
Back With No Honey For

my Queen At All
Hehe She’s too Busy
Floating in Honey to
Even Notice Besides there
Are Unlimited Channels on
Satellite And So Many Murder Mysteries to Watch

i Don’t Like Murder Mysteries i Love to Pollinate Flowers
So Much More Even Wilting Ones too For It’s True i Used

to Be a Stink
Bug too Before
i Came to my Caterpillar
Legs and Escaped my Cocoon
To Sprout Wings Again True A
Stink Bug Carries A Smell of Negativity
From A World That Brings Bug Legs So Low
to Just a Shuffling Walk Yet Then Caterpillar
Legs Come So Many You Stumble Over too And

Then You Just

Get so Tired
So Full of Pain
And Numb All that’s
Left is a Cocoon And Let’s
Hope Not An Underground
Place For 17 Years Like a Locust
Who Only Rises For a Few Moments
to Reproduce And Dies True AS Human

An Open SoUL HeART
And SPiRiT May Breathe
in Art And Instead of

Reproducing Little
Locust Bugs Yes

A Poem May Last
As Long As Server
Robots Bring it to Life Hehe

Anyway Glad to Come into Your Flowery
Blog Home Today Dear Ruchi i’ve Already
Seen You in Your Blue Dress Obviously

You Are a Colorful Flower Still..:)

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa i Went to School
Close to the Top 19 Years And 3 Degrees
i Didn’t Win…SMiLes Dear Chaymaa i Went
to Work 33 Years Part of the Way Through

School too And Even

Retiring At Higher Grade Levels of Pay
For The Federal Government Early
Disabled After 25 Years of Work
At An NF-4 Level Equivalent
to A Major in the Marines

i Still Didn’t Win Yes
Next Destination Hell
For 66 Months as my Problem
Was i Went to School i Went to Work
i Truly Failed IT All As i No Longer Played
With The Eyes of my 4 Year-Old Child me

Before i Even Learned to Talk At Age 4 Then
For It’s True Before i Could Speak At 4 then at age 3
Without Words in Our Down Town Shot-Gun-Old-Home Living
on the River With my Grandmother Then After my Father Left
my Mother to Take Care of Us Solo Then LooKinG ACross the

River at Age
3 Before i Could
Speak at 4 Through
Intuition All Innate and
Instinctual Well Beyond Words
i Felt i Sensed Looking across the River

i Am the Tree the Leaf That Feeds the Forest
Soils for the Forest to Grow Even Deeper as me

So Who is me
All that is All that
Ever Was These EYes
This Temple of God Free FLoWinG River Free

Now All i Do is Play All i Do is Win mY FRiEnD
For Now my Currency is Living Life my Pay Rate
Is Loving Life And my Pay Grade is Inhaling Peace
ExhalinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT Giving Sharing


All for Free
With Least Harm

Indeed Now i am the
Leaf of the Tree of the
Forest Both RiSinG Green
And Falling to Soils to Sprout New Green
Souls of Summer FLoWeRS Petals Falling
to Winter Frozen Soils Always Greening

Within this

Way No Matter
What Season Now
or Weather i CoMe NeW
to Play i Come to Love it All

True i Never WorK NoW Not At All
All That’s Left to Do is Win LoVE NeW


Breath This LoVE LiFE
This Free Play For Real i Win..:)

RAiSinG Butterflies Dancing
Spinning Web Dreams
Birthing Lives Before

More Than
Surviving Now New

As Bees Bring Abundance
Of Honey Home Free What’s

Left After The Hive
Indeed Building

Love More
Beautiful Poem
Dear Cindy Have
A Wonderful Weekend
in Wyoming Oh Why Oh
Why Do Folks LiVE iN Wyoming Hehe

True HAha Yet i Guess That is From
A Political Perspective Of Course

Environment is Always Forgiving
of Human Short Comings One May


With SMiLes…

Truly HAha an
Example of Where i LiVE
NoW NeW too Bees And Butterflies
WiLL ALWaYS FinD SoMeWHeRe Lovely to Land..:)

Starlit Summer
Dreams Musing
December Memories

For Spring Again

SMiLes i Drop By dVerse
Now And Then Seeing What’s

New And Possibly MuSinG
For Free Verse Poetry Again

i Have No Idea Who You
Are Yet Your Poetry

Out of the List
An Only One to
Pollinate A Flower of me today

to Dance And Sing HeaR With SMiLes…

If That’s Your Real Name What A Poetic

Of Sun
And Rain

Indeed What Drives
Most Beautiful Poetry
Space Tween Clouds and Sun…:)

“Reach beyond knowing” So True
Dear Savvy When After Sleep

Births Words
of Poetry

Before When

The Dance Becomes
The Dancer The Song
Becomes the Singer Yes

The Wind Becomes the
Birds And Flight Becomes

Our Souls FRiEnDS With Gravity

You Know i Have Asperger’s Syndrome
on the Autism Spectrum Little Imagination
Original For Decades For Creativity For Decades

Yes 5.3 Decades Uncomfortable in my Own Skin
Out of Sorts Except Walking Beside Another

Human Yes my Wife anywhere

In Public to Feel More

Comfortable in

my Own Skin

Well That’s All Changed
Now Since 53 With 20,466
Miles of Public Dance and
13.2 MiLLioN Words of Free
Verse Poetry Yet if Anyone

Asks me How i Do it or
Where i Learned

it i will only

Say if i knew how

i would have No way

of Doing it as the Original

Creativity Would Be Dead With
Any Way Preplanning of Reasons

As Words Come into Existence As
Steps Do Free too When Dance And
Song Follows Gravity Free in Balance

FRiEnDS With Gravity Wings NeWLY NoW

Are Inherent


of Soul on Earth

Hehe, People have often
Asked me whatever it is
i’m on they want some
of it when i Dance All i Will

Have to Say in the Case of Free
Verse Poetry too i am The Dance And Song

i’ve ‘Lost The Other Part of my Mind’ Unless i Choose to Use it Now..

True it comes in Handy Whenever There Are Rules to Enforce Again..:)

Yes my Wife Remarked
The Colors of my Shirt
Reflected The Super
Abundance of
Fruits And
Vegetables At
Walmart hehe We
Have A Table in Our
Kitchen Full of Those
Colors too i Never Get
Dizzy Anymore Hehe i’m
Practically Qualified to

Off into
Outer Space 🪐
And Yes Within i
Do Dancing FRiEnDS
With Gravity Dear Hawaii

With SMiles
Fruit 🍉 Filled☺️🏝

SMiles Dear Cindy
All Places Great to
Live Coloring With
Seeds of LoVE iN Peace
With SMiles❤️☺️💐

SMiles Dear Yam Truly it
Is The Depth of Our Stories
That Create Us Being Human
SMiles i TReaSuRE ALL Human
Stories Yours
Always Muse
For A Deeper
SouL Story True😊🏝🙏

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa No Big Surprise
Losing my Mind to A Flow of Dance

Once Again
Mind and
Body SoUL
WHoLe Yes
Naked Enough Whole Complete
Ready For A New Original Song of Life to

With SMiLes..:)

Oh Dear Lord Dear Cindy
The Meaning to Fall is to
Rise into the Cooler Air

Not Literally

Fall True

Breathe Easier Indeed

Glad You Are Okay

Yet True i Wear Shades

At Night my Body Sees what
my Eyes Do Not Still Upright Dancing
20,466 Miles in Crowds of Thousands 11 Years High hehe

i’ve Fallen Twice Yet Three Times Was the Charm

to Never
Fall Again so far at Least

Practice Practice Practice
Seeing in the Dark Creating
Our Own Weathers And Seasons Within

At Will
to BREaTHE Free

i’m Sure the Doggie
Kisses Blunted the Pain of
Your Fall So Sorry Don’t Do it Again!

A Wish
Not an order hehe…

Not Unlike The Recent
Faux Heart Attack Waiting
to HeaR the Punch Line of Your Karma


With Doggie Kisses!..:)

“Bold to where no one can go!”

(Find A Shovel ‘ThiS’ Might get Deep)

SMiLes Mr Gottfried God Is the Beginner

That’s All i Really Don’t Need to Know Yet Feel

And Sense About God

Human Is the Ender
Not By Nature Yet
The Clothes the CuLTuRE
Yes The Religion That Refuses
Naked Enough Whole Complete Always

A Beginner
of the Never
Ending Story of Creation Next

Oh Dear Lord to Bring the Real ‘Naturist Jesus’
Back to WHere That Story Originally Came From According to Thomas

(37) His disciples said, “When will you be shown forth to us and when shall we behold you?” Jesus said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and take your garments and put them under your feet like little children and tread upon them, then [you] will see the child of the living. And you will not be afraid.”

A LiTMuS Test is that it is Basically the Standard Measure
of What Any Guru Cross Culturally Brings Back to Nature

Yes Naked Enough Whole Complete Free to Paint Our Worlds

Alive Again With Wings

For It is True We aRe ALL
Only Sons and or Daughters of God

One Place We Cannot Fully Enter into
Is the Multi-Uni-Verse View of ReaLiTY

Of Any Human Being Or Other PArt of (GoD) Nature

That Exists Now Yet It is Also True We All Are Integral

Whole PArts of Nature AKA God Creating This New Reality Now

Key to A Better
Life Make Every
PArt A Poetry Prompt
From LiGHT To DArK Freely Dancing Singing

Writing Acting Playing A Greater Way oF LiGHT

For all to give share care and heal with most respect least harm

Yet First We Must Shed CuLTuRaL Clothes Spoon-Fed to Us From

Birth and
Find the
Naked PArTS
oF LoVE iN Peace
We ALReaDY Share From Birth

Yawn It’s Just the Message of the
Good Cop Jesus Spoken Through
The Ages of Humanity Through Many

Other Gurus
And Peasants
of Nature in Indigenous

Essence of Form Love Breathes

iN Peace When Real For All…

Naked Enough Whole Complete

A Place WHeRE An Eye for an eye no longer rules…

Yet of Course Every Human has a unique view up to us

to Navigate
the Oceans
As Different
Ships Pass Bye and Hello…

Reminding me After Leaving the
Singing of the Catholic Church We Visit
Yesterday Morning arriving at a Southern
Baptist Pastor’s Farm for ‘First Sunday Dinner

on ‘The Greens’…

A Dude Was Christiansplaining

to me What You Have to Do to
Be the ‘One True Scotsman Christian’

my Reply back there are 45,000 Plus
Denominations of Christianity Around
The Globe and a Different View of Every
Church Pastor and Priest and Every Frigging

Human in Every Pew
All With Ideas of what

Their Only Truth to Be is…

i Could Feel His Temperature RiSinG
Toward the End of my Mini-Monologue Sermon
on the Mount of the Southern Baptist Pastor’s Farm Home

Yet He Proved the Truth of His Belief

He Turned The Other Cheek and

Basically Said Never Mind For

It’s True He Had some Disabilities

And i am Always the One Who is A FRiEnD

to Whoever Someone is No Matter What Clothes

of Nature

or Nurture They Wear

The Spoken Truth He Related
As He Will Be Back For More SMiles

To Be Understood as the Different We All Are

FaMiLY And FRiEnDS Are More iMPoRTaNT
Than Politics And Religion That DiViDES
Naked Enough Whole Complete LoVE iN Peace

iNto Less Than One Love For All NoW ReaL With SMiLes

Other than that hehe i continue to Put off Putting Together
And Publishing the Last Written EPiC Novel Sized Long Form Blog Poem

Celebration of “SonG oF mY SoUL 11 YearS Old” Around 70 Thousand Words
Long While Hopefully Concluding the Writing Part of the Next One Now
“Depth oF The Story 4 YearS Old 4.2 MiLLioN Words” as This Bi-Monthly
Writing Adventure Comes Close to 70 Thousand Words too Yes it Appears

This is the Zenith
of my Creativity
For the Year

Yet of Course
THere’s Always
Room to Grow
iN A Never Ending
Dance And Song of Soul…

i’ll Let God Surprise me Next Breathing


Like the rest
of the PArts of
Naked Enough Whole Complete

If God Gets Bored THere’s Room For

Another SuPRiZE Big Bang


A New

Every New Breath We
Create Free of God For Real Now

Yet No i Am Not Suggesting i am
The One True Scotsman or Irishman or


Or Any Man And
Or Woman Alone
True i am A Mix of them
All at Least according to
23 and me The Chromosome
Test that Also Mixes in Plenty
of French German Yes Nigerian
South Asian Even Some Viking too Hehe

We Could Pretend to Separate the ReaLiTY
Yet We aRe ALL One

True God

Removing All
The Clothes
Setting God
Naked Enough
Whole Complete Free to Fly

With Wings…

Okay You
Can put
the Shovel
BacK iN The Shed Now hehe…

If You Can’t Use the Mound of
Dirt They’ll Use it Over Here
in the United States to Build
Another General Dollar Store HAha…

First World Problems, etc…

All the GD Clothes All the GD Clothes…

Yes Boldly

Let them all go…

With SMiLes..:)

Promise of New Beauty
Seeds Sprinkling Life
Wherever They

Fall to Rise
Next True Dear
Savvy Our Souls
Always Seeds Finding

Ways Through All DarK
And LiGHT to Color Life New

With Blooms
Never Felt
And Sensed Before

Awe And Wonder Now
of the Beginner Always New


Thanks too!
Haven’t Had
Any Issues With
SAD For Over A
Decade Generating
my Own Sunshine
With Free Dance Song
And Music Always The
DSM Reliable Cure Plus
Of Course No Longer
Tethered Inside of
A Cave During
Winter Months
With School And
Work Dear Pooja

A Place in The
Sun With Only
A Labor of Sunshine


After Visiting Perhaps Even a Darker Place Dear Amethyst Lamb
Than this without even the Memory of a Feeling of a SMiLe Then

Any Day of the Now Forever Then 66 Months i Surely Didn’t Believe

i Would Ever Come Out of That DarKness of Pain and Numb As THere
Was No
Life as
Any Emotions Then
Not Even A Reference
Point Back Except Pictures

Of Old SMiLes No Longer With Life

Yet It’s True Creativity the Art of A Song
of a Soul Desperately Seeking More Than

Empty Shells on a Beach of Words Were Only

Seeds that
Found Their
Own Life Deep Within

No Therapist Helped me
Only What You Are Doing Now
With the Addition of Eventually
A Free Dance to Spread Newly

Birthed SMiLes

to the rest of the
frowns shuffling lone on Earth…

You Are Surely Not Alone in Your Darkness

All Around a Globe That Seeks More than
what currently is…

Keep Seeking

You Might Be
Surprised what
You find Next i Already
Feel and Sense You Doing it
Flicker DeSiRinG FlaMe Bonfire Wildfire alive…

“Saint Elmo’s Fire” Dancing Singing FroM A Distant ShoRE ALive…

FaMiLY And FRiEnDS Are More iMPoRTaNT Than Politics
And Religion That DiViDES Naked Enough Whole Complete
LoVE iN Peace iNto Less Than One Love For All NoW ReaL

Hmm With That Sung Again It Appears That “Depth of The Story 4 YearS Old 4.2 MiLLioN Words”
Is Yes Wrapping up All Close to 70 Thousand Words as “SonG oF mY SoUL 11 YearS Old”
Just Got Blog Published Hot off THE Electronic Press Just A Steaming with 70,480 Words

As Yes This Current Celebration Appears to Be Around that Number of Words too in a
Bi-Monthly Writing Effort as i Continue to Write The New Ones As I’m Collecting the
Multi-Media And Putting the Older Ones Altogether for Blog Publish Whenever that

Happens in Flow More Like TSuNaMi Lately Yet Flow Varies With Intensity of
Creativity Tween the Sweet Spot of Apathy and Anxiety Yes in Greater Human

ThiS WaY For Real Now

As the Tales of the Tapes
Naturally Do Relate As Well

Too Now As the Last Completed
MacroVerse “SonG oF mY SoUL
11 YearS Old” Yes Published Today Makes

For Over 13.2 MiLLioN Words As the
1020th MacroVerse of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem “Song oF mY SoUL”

Celebrating the Milestone and Featnote ThiS WaY

As “SonG oF mY SoUL 11 YearS Old” Also Doubles as the
349th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible” All 11,271,112 Words
Of Writing in 99 Months Now As Yes That’s Not All As “SonG oF mY
SoUL 11 YearS Old” Also Triples as the 244th MacroVerse of “FB Profile
Pic Bible” at a Total of 9,669,113 Words in 87 Months of that Writing Endeavor
Where the Words Are Also Included in Series of Around 18 Facebook Profile
Pics Where Mini-Poetic Stories for what i also Casually Name “Frednatas”

Complete With YouTube Theme Songs Is Included in Around 8 Thousand
Words in the Description Areas of Those 18 Facebook Profile Pics

Fully iLLusTRaTinG The Stories as i Go Hehe With Free Hard
Drive Storage From Facebook For Back-Up and Read as i Go

HAha As MicroSoft Word Won’t Work to Proof Read the Way
i Write For Dammed Sure Might Blow Up ‘AI’ iF iT Tries to Figure

Out if i Am
Really Human too Hehe

And No That’s Not Quite All
As of Course The Subject of
This Concluding MacroVerse
Titled “Depth of The Story 4 YearS Old
4.2 MiLLioN Words” Is Just a Casually

Described 8th New Testament in a Solo
Thread of 99 Pages on the “Wrong Planet”

Of EPiC Long Form Poem Writing in Free Verse Way too…

Collecting Close to 248 Thousand Views From Just the
Registered Members Participating There True This is
A Rather Solo Autistic Flavored Activity i Am Doing Now

Tomorrow Starts A New Untitled MacroVerse So Far

While i continue to Put The Current One Together

Collecting the Multi-Media for that Still to

Come for Electronic Blog Publish in the Future

What Else True There is the ongoing Public
Dancing too Now RiSinG to 20,466 MiLes

in 11 Years Now too So Much For Getting

Labor Day off Yet It’s All Play Anyway

iN Flow
of the
Within Now
This Is All Just Fumes
For What THE Essence CarrieS on…

Anyway Concluding the Writing Portion
of “Depth of The Story 4 YearS Old
4.2 MiLLioN Words” For This Celebration

At 4:07 AM on September 3, 2024..:)











BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

13.2 MiLLioN plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 144,000 + printed pages…
just ’cause
i CaN WiLL Do
BUiLD iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2016”

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)

“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)

“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)

“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)

“Nether Land Bible 2017”

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)

“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)

The Joy of Dance.. A Record of Over Two Thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record Growing
Still of Four Years Plus of Dancing tHeRe..
And note.. in some of the liNks.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the Photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)

“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked

“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)

“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)

“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)

“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)

“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)

“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)


“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”


Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.

“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”

iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)

“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”

A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)

“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”

Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)


“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)

“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE

“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”

WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)

“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”

The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2017”

7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW

“THiS iS Me NoW3”

As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)

FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words

LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words

iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words

A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)

Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in  hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017..  where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow

BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words

LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words

LoVENoWBReaTHES  31,648 Words

9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words

April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words

LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words

Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW

22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words

“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”

1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)

“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”

A Celebration of 6 MiLLioN Words Written
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)

“Dear John 14:12 NoW”

ONcE AGaiN NoW Celebrating All these Milestones then on 6.6.18..
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)

12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE…

“SonG oF mY SoUL FiVE YearS Old”

Celebrating the 5 Year Anniversary of 6 Million Word Plus “SonG oF mY SouL”
Longest Long Form Poem Personal Bible in the Span of that Five Years too..:)

“KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”

Celebrating 66 Months of This Entire Blogging Adventure Since 3.10.13..:)

“10,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”

Celebrating 10,000 Miles of Public Dance in 5 Years Span of Dates..:)

Sure.. i used to Toy With the Piano a Bit.. Recorded on a Cheap Dictation Device
Back in 2007.. When i was Struggling to Stay Alive With Life Killing Stress.. Later
Transferred to YouTube in 2013.. where my Life would then begin as Art will Do for Us..
When Spelled as L. O. V. E. Agape Style For All Transcending All Fear and Hate in Hope as Joy Dances and Sings From Head to Toe and overAll More as Love continues to come and go..:)

And Yes By God Yes.. it Took a Whole Lot of Leg Strength to Dance in Public for 10 Thousand Miles in the same Span of Dates i Wrote Over 6 Million Words for “SonG
oF My SoUL” Now Currently at 10,300 Miles of Doing That in over 62 Months And
True as the Video Below is Just an Illustration of Leg Pressing 930LBS.. 14 Reps then
Back from February of 2015.. As in 2016.. i moved to 1020 LBS and Still do anywhere
From 33 to 52 Reps Now Depending on any Minor Injuries that occur on the
Continuing Mountain of Public Dance but sure Over 2000 Selfies with
Ear to Ear Smiles of Dancing Joy is Documented in some of the links
Above too.. as Dance Brings Joy and You’d be Surprised or not at the
Dudes who are Disbelievers in either the Joy of Dance Smiles or the
Strength it Brings until i show the Photos and Videos on my Smart
Phone of the Beautiful Women Smiling with me as Yes.. i Do Get
around and although no one i’ve seen Has come ANYWHERE NoW
Close to Leg Pressing that much weight at the Military Gym i work out
at.. not even an inch to Budge it.. you’d also be Surprised or not how many
Folks with ‘Little Man’ Syndrome have attempted online  to complain that i don’t
Bring my Knees to my Chest for the Simple Fact that i will Keep my Knees working hehe..
And as of The First Week of February 2019 This Much more Difficult Leg Press Machine
Was Removed as i moved on over to the Incline Leg Press Machine and Now Easily Leg
Press 1340 LBS at 20 Reps where i Estimate the Machine i am Using Here is about
40 Percent More Difficult than the Incline Leg Press Machine i am Using now as
1400 LBS Surely wouldn’t Be any problem and 1500 LBS isn’t out of the Question..:)
i am Leg Pressing 1520 LBS now on an Incline Leg Press as Machine of 2.22.2019
but nah.. Now considering i was doing 1020 LBS on
A Parallel Leg Press Machine Close to the Beginning of
The February Month That Attests More to the Difficulty
of Leg Pressing Closer to Dead Weight Straight Forward
as Opposed to the Mechanical
Advantage that an Incline
Leg Press Machine
Naturally Brings
Over the Other
More Difficult
Leg Press Machine
So the ‘Hodge Brothers’
On YouTube are Absolutely
Correct on their Assessment of
This Physics 101 Common Sense
Lesson too as True it’s Not Always Easy to
Say F this and F That and get the Physics True..
but Never the Less the Parallel Leg Press Machine
is about 50 Percent More Difficult so for those who
Understand Physics there is really no Need to update
my YouTube Video other than noting the Different ACHIEVEMENT
as i only compete this way against my own Human Potential as hehe
at my
age now
who else
am i gonna
compete with
for most everything i Do.. hAha..;)

Leg Pressing 1340 LBS 12 Reps on Saint Patrick’s Day 2019
Just to Prove a Leprechaun will not only Dance 10,966 Miles
in Public for 66 Months and Write a 6.6 Million Word Free
Verse Epic Long Form Poem in 66 Months but sure
It takes as Bit of Leg Strength
to move a Modern Size
Leprechaun all those
Miles of Dance and
Oh Lord i realize i didn’t
Pull it all the way to my Chest
but i invite anyone around Here
at Least who is not taking Anabolic
Steroids to Budge it one inch one time
as yeah i did keep it moving for a 100 Seconds
at least hehe.. and true i did do 1520 LBS 8 Reps on
February 22nd.. 2019 that was the Second Anniversary
of my Mother’s Death but today i didn’t have Lunch Yet
After Church.. so i wasn’t taking any Chances on injuring
myself when i was not Properly fueled up to get the Heavier
weight done.. anyway.. Keeping it moving for a 100 seconds
isn’t exactly a Light Weight thing to do with smiles of Saint
Just for Fun..
i do it heavier
and i do it safer too..
safe enough for me anyway..
Katrina was a bit afraid as the
Weights Kept stacking up as she
Was the Producer of the Video today
With a still Shot of me and a Still Shot
of Her behind all the weight that is funny too..:)

Anyway All of this Proves too That Some Days…
Beauty And Leprechaun Beast Still Get Together too hehe..;)

Post Script:.. As ‘they’ Say Don’t Lock Your Knees When You Leg Press as You Stretch-Out
Like i Do for Not Everyone Is A ‘Hairy Gorilla’ like me.. who uses 1340 LBS to Stretch their  Legs… And Oh By The Way Update on December 27, 20202 Now Leg Pressing 1540
Pounds 12 Reps Just to Warm Up Filling Up Both Bars With No More Room to Add
45 Pound Plates Hehe as the Military Gym Disposed of All the 100 Pound Plates..:)

Ha! Did You Really Think i am Lifting All This Weight for Another Purpose But to relax! In A Modern Jungle!.. Y’aLL Worry About All the Form You Like i For one Will continue to JusT Do Essence.. no one Knows my Limits for What is Safe for me as Strange but me..;)

And yes By God i don’t Let the Sun Go Down on me when i Sing
too as A First Karaoke Fun Effort of that Back in September.. 2013..
And Sure.. i’ve very much improved as the Nice Elderly Ladies tell me
When i Sing at Church as i particularly Reserve that Effort at Church..;)

“96 Months oF Thanks Giving Wishes”

Celebrating 96 Months of 2922 Consecutive Days Online Writing Since Thanks Giving Day  of 2010..  at around 12 Million Words Starting Then on the “Wrong Planet Website” Moving over to Blogging After Writing Around 33 Months to that point then
Starting 3.10.13 on the Google Blogspot Platform too.. And Then Moving to
WordPress on 8.18.13.. Starting “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Fully Illustrated Poem attached totally with around
170K Photos and Over 10K YouTube Music Videos to Accompany
6.5 Million Words Soon Now to Arise to 6.6 Million Words by
End of 2018 where “Grand Cross Bible 2018” Will come then
As the 8th Major “King James” Size Modern Personal Poem
Bible.. i’ve Written as Subchapters of “SonG oF mY SouL”
on or About the Day of the 25th of December 2018 as
the Sun Starts to Make A Venture once again to
Light up Florida Sunshine Summers Even
More in Paradise WHere i for one
Do Live Free in a Garden
of Eden Back Yard too..
NoW ONly Watered
Chemical Free…
ReAlly LiVinG Free NoW..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2018”.. All of What Comprises the 8th Major Subchapter
Long Form Poem Bible Titled Effort in 843,879 Words of Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 6.6 MiLLioN Words in 64 Months
of Effort and 10,478 Miles of Public Dance in 64 Months as Well in this Entire Effort too
to this Publish Point Date of 12.28.2018 With Much Much more to come As ALWaYS NoW

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2018 A year in Review”

“#SouLDanCinG2019”.. New Year’s Resolution for 2019

“Covenant 66 iN HeaVeN Complete”.. Just a Promise ‘Tween me and God within
For What Would You Do if a Miracle Happened and You Got out of Shut-iN Hell
For 66 Months with 19 Medical Disorders including Wake to Sleep Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Like a Dentist Drill in Your Right Eye and
Ear Assessed in Literature as Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion
That No Drug Would Touch Yes Named the Suicide Disease too
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months along with 18 other Medical
Disorders some of which would likely put other Folks as Shut-in
in Their Homes too Yes as You Start that Hell in January of 2008
And Miraculously at the End of the Third Week of July 2013 You
Are Standing on a Beach With Your Wife and all the Pain and Numb
as in Hell Emotions are Memories and Memories are Emotions and there
is no Reference Point if you’ve Felt a Smile or a Laugh in Your Entire Life as
once again Emotions are Memories so that makes a Literal Catch 22 in forever
Hell on Earth within as there is No..Memory in Feelings if you’ve truly ever Experienced
A Soulful Moving Connecting Co-Creating Life with others.. in Feelings and Senses That
is the Delight of Heaven on Earth Within on this Beautiful Planet that sadly so many folks
Take for Granted in all the Potential We Have to Enjoy Life that is such a tiny sliver of
Potential for Heaven Anywhere in the Entire Universe We See with or without
Science Aided eyes today.. Well.. i for one fully understand the other place
for me and i for one Understand Fully NoW iN Feelings and Senses
What the place of the Kingdom of Heaven fully even is yes
The Experience of Fearless Unconditional Love Within
From Head to Toe and Beyond Within iNside ouTside
Above so Below and All Around Even More.. and True
iN-Heaven there is Dark too or there would be no
Light at all as is always the case as Yin and
Yang includes a part of the other as Truly
Whole Unified Never ReALLy Divided
As the Duality of Nature
Together in Light
And Dark in all the
Ways the Negative Joins
the Positive is necessary for a ‘Perfect’
Chaos to Balance Out Full in Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose as We Humans Do have the
Potential to Do Together if we will Just Love each
other ‘Nakedly’ Without the Chains of Cultural
Guise that makes us into the Tools we make
Away From the Gift of Humanity We already
Are in Eyes and Hands of Love that Reach
Out and Touch the Divinity of Love in
Each and Every Living Being that
And who Breathes and Flourishes
Brown to Green as Fall Leaves
Fertilize Spring Flowers And Without
Thorns THere is No True Beauty of Rose FLoWeRinG
From Death to Life From Dark to Light from Hell to Heaven
So anyway for 66 Months in Heaven on Earth i Celebrated
With a 6.66 MiLLioN Word or So Longest Long Form Poem
Bible And Over 10,500 Miles of Dance Works for Me NoW

“11,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”.. Yes.. A Celebration of Dancing 11,000
Miles in Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of
YouTuBE Songs in a 67 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 6.7 Million
Plus Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’
Poem by this Date as Linked Below in 67 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Years..
the Last 5 Years Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least.. with Yes interesting
Human Bonobo-Like
Activities like Wild
And Free Bootie Dances too..
Sure.. and an  updated 11,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spinning NoW in even Higher Gears at Super Walmart too.. hehe..:)

Grand Total Words for “FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2019” Here is 1,364,498 Words
As the Entire 24 Month Effort of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Rises to 2,666,159 Words
At His Point of Effort in 24 Months Where the Words are also included in the Description
Areas of my Profile Pics on my Personal Facebook Page at around an Average of 7,000 Words Per Profile Pic and of Course the Thumbnails are all included in this MacroVerse..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old”.. Celebrating 7 MiLLioN Words of the
Longest Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind.. Yep.. Written by Little Old
me in 70 Months as that Anniversary Date comes on 6.18.19.. anyway Celebrating this on
My 6.6.19.. 59th Birthday Week.. as this MacroVerse Includes an Entire Table of Contents
to this Date as Well for “Nether Land Bible 2018” as that 36 Month Effort Reaches 4.2 MiLLioN Words at this Point of Date too.. and yes of course enclosed in that is the
Table of Contents Inclusive too for “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as that 24 Month
Writing Exploration reaches at this point.. 2.66 MiLLioN Words also included
in all the Facebook Profile Pic Description areas.. Hundreds of Profile Pics now
that average around 7 Thousand Words Per each Profile Pic Description area..
True.. an excellent way to Peruse what i do on the Fly too as hehe.. MicroSoft
Word Is Not up to the Task of Grading this Bible Poem and that’s for sure..
And true for anyone who really wants to read anything of what i write there is little to no
Problems now accessing the Text in those Description Areas of the Photos as even Slower
Computers and Smaller foot prints of Broad Band Access will accomplish that mission now
to Provide an Avenue to read it too.. not doing anything too important now or new just providing Empirical Proof that Heaven is always within in this Generation now and
how i for one at least Find/Stay in Heaven now.. a few pointers might direct you to
SParK Your Heaven Within in this Generation at Hand EternAlly now too.. but hey at
least i will Dance Sing  i offered lots of help together to Heaven for other Folks too who will listen too as
Much Heaven
i for one care to Give
And Share now JusT FoR Free..:)

“CeLeBRaTiNG 6 YearS oF HEaVeN WiTHiN NoW”.. ReAlly  ReAlly Heaven Within..:)

Singing “Here i Am” in Catholic Church Just ‘Cause i Will..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL SiX YearS Old”.. Celebrating 72 Months.. Yes.. the Sixth Year
Anniversary oF A Longest Epic Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind
Yes.. Secured in this Entire Word Press Website too.. as this Baby Holds 7.2 MiLLioN
Words and over 100,000 Photos i took And over 10,000 YouTube Videos all to Fully
Illustrate it too.. Truly Just about a Never Ending Long Form Poem Bible Story..
And Yes that Anniversary was on 8.18.19… Now..  11,833 Miles of Public Dancing
A Free Style Ballet and Mixed Martial Arts Dance comes in on the
6th Anniversary Year of that Effort on 8.26.19.. As This Nautilus
Shell is one Hell and Heaven oF A ‘STately Word Mansion’ With
AlmosT uNlimited Doors to Other Chambers oF iMaGiNaTioN
And CReaTiViTY Truly Set Free Just to Be What We LoVE NoW
We Do Come to Be as We Move.. Connect.. Co-Create Our
Existence With Others Now So Free Just to Be ALiVE NoW..:)

“12,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”..  A Celebration Now of Dancing 12,000
Miles in Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of
YouTuBE Songs in a 73 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 7.3 Million
Plus Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’
Poem by this Date as Linked Below in 73 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Months..
the Last 66 Months Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least..
And an  updated 12,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spiraling NoW As Dance Skills at SuperWalmart continue to expand..:)

“Nether Land Bible 42 Months 5 MiLLioN Words”..  Land Mark Milestone Featnote Subtitled Long Form Epic Bible Poem Child of Longest Epic Long Form Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL”..  Currently-to-Date December of 2019 in 76 Months Effort of Writing 7.6
MiLLioN Words All in Free Verse Stream of Conscious Shapes and Writing
Flow in Autotelic State of Human Being Other Wise A Place Within
Metaphor of Holy And Sacred Creative Spirit.. Yes.. Heaven
Within as All of Existence Becomes This Way Full of
Meaning and Purpose that Makes Writing A Long
Form “SonG oF mY SoUL” Epic Bible Poem
Like this Practically An Effortless
Endeavor Like Public  Dancing
With Gravity Halfway Around
The Globe at the Equator in Distance
More About that Below This Featnote soon enough
as far as a 12,466 Mile Free Verse Public Dancing Effort
Achieved on the Date of 12.17.19 with the Distance Halfway
Around the Globe Achieved on 12.15.19 For this Entire Combined Flow Effort Now..:)

“Celebrating Public Dancing Halfway Around the World”..  Now As Described in the
Paragraph Above.. As of 12.25.19 Now at 12,506 Miles.. Yes.. Now More than
Half the Distance Around the Globe of what will be Measured at the Equator Now
in 76 Months of Total Dance as of 12.26.19.. As the Dance Started on 8.26.13..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2019”.. 9th of 9 Greater in Size than King James Size Epic Long Form Poem Bibles all Inclusive of the First of 9 that is Named “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 7.6 MiLLioN Words in 76 Months Effort Along with 12,533 Miles of Public Dance Now in That Duration of Months in Effort too.. as all those Subtitled Bibles are also detailed
in this MacroVerse as the Tale of any Metaphor of a “John 14:12” REAL
FAITH EFORT continues as Love’s Driving Force NoW ReaL

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2019.. A year (Decade) in Review”.. Yes This Just
About Covers All of it Now.. still more to come as always Starting Never
Ending Always Beginning Now as Never Ending Stories That Come in Never
Land Bible.. SonG oF mY SoUL.. And FB Profile Pic Bible.. Along with ongoing
7.6 MiLLioN Word Longest Long Form Bible Poem Yes “SonG oF mY SoUL” in 76
Months of Effort at this Point now with 12,547 Miles of Public Dance Ongoing too..:)

“Colors World Love 2020”.. New Year’s Resolution MacroVerse for 2020 With SMiLes
Giving Sharing Free..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 8 MiLLioN Words Bible Poem 80 Months” True A Longest Epic
Long Form Poem Bible At This Size in 80 Months… Along With 13,133 Miles of
Public Dance Doesn’t Come Everyday Anywhere of Course But
It Does Come Here And Close to 60 Year-Old Dudes (on 6.6.60)
Don’t ‘Normally’ Cover Themselves
With Poetry They Naked Write
Either Nor Write 6 New Testaments
as Part of that with 9 Sub-Chapter Epic
Titled Long Form Poem Bibles Either Longer  than
the Old King James Effort Each Subchapter Bible Effort
As All 6 Newer Epic Long Form Poem Testaments are Larger
Than That Old Effort As Well too.. Anyway “SonG oF mY SoUL”
8 MiLLioN Word Epic Longest Long Form Poem Bible Overall
Is 10xGreater than the Size of the Old King James Effort and 100XGreater
than the Size of the Quran and Yes Over 5XGreater than the Old Mahābhārata
1.8 MiLLioN Word Effort in Epic Long Form Poems That Of Course took Centuries
to Complete With Innumerable Ghost Authors too..
Of course This Doesn’t Have
A Target Audience as
Epic Long Form Poem
Bibles Are About ALL
Yes ‘Class’ LiTeRaLLY Forevermore now
God All Always Beginning Story MoRE NoW
i’m Just  Wind One With Holy Creative SPiRiT FLoW Through NoW

It’s Worth Noting As Far As An Historical Art of Epic Long Form Poem
Free Verse Bible And Or Newer Testament Writing.. Either By Oral Or Written Tradition Doing it Naked
Is Surely Keeping This Fearless Free Art Tradition Oldest One In Deed
Not Suggesting anyone else do it..
but for those who
do let’s
JusT DancESing Fear
Is No Part of THeir
God That Is Both Love And Flesh and Blood Real

“One Blood One-Body”

“May Days 6th NeW LeNTeN TesTaMeNT 2020” 13 MacroVerses Naturally coming Since
The MacroVerse Appropriately Pandemic Named Before the Pandemic Came
As Prophecies often come and go this way for Real too..
Yes.. “Rushing the Flu Away” as it is still Not
Clear what kind of Month Long January 2020
Virus my Wife and i  Experienced
But Anyway Typically this is what
Does Naturally come with
An 8 MiLLioN Word
Longest Epic Long
Form Bible Poem Titled “SonG oF mY
SoUL”  Still  coming in 80 Months along
NoW with 13,060 Miles of Public Dance
As This “May Days 6th New LeNTeN TesTaMenT 2020”
Is the 919th MacroVerse of that Entire Effort True iN LiGHT too..
And once Again typically Bible Writers And Other Sacred and Holy Text
Creative Spirit Writers Do It all Nude too as Fearless Freedom is Inherent in
the Flow of the Holy and Creative
Ecstatic Frission of the Autotelic
Continuing River FLoW iN  Laser Focus iN
ZonE Head to Toe Mind.. Body and Soul of Getting
And Keeping the Whole EPic Long Form Bible Poem Writing
Adventure Properly MuSeD And iNSPiReD EVeN More for what
We aRe Literally Dancing And Singing Here NoW in Science way too
Is Generating All Naturally the Neurochemicals and Neurohormones
And all the Peptide Connections All Together Over A Quadrillions Connections
As Many Or More Star Connections iN UNiVeRSE More As Science continues to
to See With Human Aided Eyes but Anyway New Testaments Never End as Far As Human
God Within Force Love Pure Potential Even More.. in other words i am always Starting A
New Testament of
God HumanPotential WiTHiN
LiGHTiNG uP mY “Christmas Tree
SPiRiT Flow Of my Soul To Dance And
Sing Even More.. True.. THere Are No Old
Books Here to Limit Human Potential More or Less..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2020 4 MiLLioN Words 3 Years”…Yes Indeed A Bit Epic as
The Title Is Almost Self-Explanatory with of Course Fully iLLusTRaTinG Pics
Straight From My Facebook Personal Page too.. Anyway there are actually
3 Volume Years as Linked complete in the Title Link Above comprising
2018, 2019, and 2020 as this Epic Long Form Poem First of its
Kind No Doubt.. hehe at Least this Size Has an Average
Of 7,000 Words in Each Facebook Profile Pic
Description Area As this New style Epic
Long Form Poem Bible is Fully
Illustrated Not only with
Facebook Pics to Help
Tale the Epic Long
Form Poem Bible Story
but Yes YouTube Video Songs
And Information to Accompany it All too..
And Of Course This is Only Half of Longest Epic Long
Form Bible Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” that to date at this
Point Carries 8.1 MiLLioN Words over the Course of 81
Months.. along with 13,260 Miles of Public Dance in the
Same Span of Dates As Well..  So Yeah Ongoing “FB
Profile Pic Bible Vol 2020 4 MiLLioN Words 3 Years”

“7 YearS HeAVeN WiTHiN NoW 2020”.. JusT ANoTHeR MiLeSToNE And FEaTNoTE
to Celebrate Eternally NoW WiTHiN.. Yes.. A Common Experience Across CuLTuRES
Referred to By Metaphors Like Nirvana.. Satori.. Bliss.. Prana.. Tao.. Even
Kundalini Rising and Chi.. Yes Just Other words in Metaphors for
Autotelic Flow Sweet Spot ‘tween Apathy and Anxiety
Continuing Ever Increasingly Complex
Dance And Song
on A Tight Rope Now
No one Religion or Human
Owns this KingQueenDoM oF
HeaVeN WiTHiN Eternally NoW
No Myth.. No Hyperbole.. This Place IS ReAL NoW

“SonG oF mY SoUL 7 YearS Old 8.4 MiLLioN Words”.. Yet ANoTHeR MiLeSToNE And
FEaTNoTE to Celebrate the EPiC Longest Long Form Bible Poem in 84 Months of Effort
Where Public Dance Arises to 13,600 Miles too in 84 Months Of Enduring So Many Store Miles oF Public Dance that Really Brings Lots of Autotelic FLoWinG HeaVeN Bliss!

“6 MiLLioN Word Nether Land Bible Man”.. A Rather Huge Celebration for
A Largest Subchapter EPiC LonG FoRM Bible Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Longest EPiC LonG FoRM PoeM Bible Still Ongoing too with
That 51 Month Effort As “SonG oF mY SoUL” Reaches
8.5 MiLLioN Words in 85 Months
on the Monthly Anniversary
of the Entire
Bible Writing/SiNGinG Adventure
Since 8.18.2013 on Word Press NoW
And Yes with 13,717 MiLeS of Public
Dance in 85 Months As Well Cause it Feels Good Like This
Autotelic Flow And Frission Kingdom of Heaven Within FOR REAL
Belonging to no one But GodNature All OF US ARRiVinG NoW BReaTHinG

“14,000 Miles oF Public Dancing 10 Years of Writing 12 MiLLioN Words Online”
Yes, The Title Says It All, The Words, The Photos, And The Videos As Well..:)

“7th NeW TesTaMeNT CoMeS LoVE ReTuRNS AGAiN NoW” 461,877 Words
Comprising 9 Subchapters As the 6 Previous New Testaments Ranged
In Size From around 180,000 Words the Size of that Old New Testament
Through Over 400,000 Words A Little Less Than 4 Months to Make
This New Testament
For Real
7th One iNDeeD..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2020” 828,586 Words in the 5th Grand Cross
Bible All Greater In Size than the Old King James Size Try
Written From Memorial Day Through Christmas
Each Year Since 2016 in 7 Months
Each Year… Additionally
5 Other Titled Subchapter Bibles
Greater In Size than the Old King James Effort
Including Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Inclusive
Of All Efforts NoW in 8.8 MiLLioN Words of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Completed in 88 Months Now Along with 14,303 Miles of Public Dance..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2020 A Year iN Review” Truly An EPiC Year NoW in Many Ways…

“SonG oF mY SoUL 9 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating Another Milestone And Feat Note
Of EPiC Longest Long Form Free Verse Bible Poem in 90 Months of Writing 9 MiLLioN
Words As A Never Ending Landing story Continues As Any Version 2.0 Modern Peter Pan
Might Write HeHe For NoW At Least As Just Something Fun to Do in Heaven Within Now
Of Course To Give And Share Free As Well Like 14,633 MiLes of Public Dance On the Date
Of Updating This of 3.21.21 in 90 Months of Entertaining The Metro Audience For Free too..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible 5 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 45 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2021, 4 YearS Old”
Celebrating Volume 2021 With 2130
Thumbnail Facebook Profile Pics
As A Photo Album Of the Calendar
Year Memorial Day Weekend 2020 Through 2021
Where All the Words Are Housed in the Facebook Profile
Pic Description Areas too at an Average of About 8,000 Words Per FB Profile Pic

“Nether Land Bible 7 MiLLioN Words 5 YearS Old” Subchapter Long Form
EPiC Poem Ongoing Past 5 YearS NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 9.4 MiLLioN Words And 94 Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem EPiC Writing True too With SMiLes..:)

“15,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” Milestones Continue For 94 Months In
July 2021, With One Slow Motion Video And Regular Speed of Dancing me..:)

“CeLeBRaTinG HeAVeN Within 8 Years ReaL NoW” Yes Exactly What It Sounds
Like When Ya Actually Exist in An Autotelic Flowing Meditating Experience
Of Life Loving It All DarK Thru LiGHT ETeRNaLLY NoW FoR
Real Yet of Course Don’t Just Take mY Word For IT
As It Really
Mean Much Until
Ya Actually Do HeaVeN
Within NoW For Really Real NoW

“SonG oF mY SoUL 8 YearS Old 9.6 MiLLioN Words” The Title Just About Says It
All Yes Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Written in 8 Years Now For Real
Actually my Entire Word Press Blog Just Another Bible Now…

“Depth of the Story” 8th New Testament” Close to A MiLLioN Words Now JusT
Another Subchapter of “EPiC Longest Long Form Poem Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL”
One Long Solo Thread Yes EPiC Long Form Poem 8th New Testament True
On The “Wrong Planet Website” Where “Depth of the Story” in Quotes
Makes A Number 1 Google Search Engine Result and Without
Quotes Even Lends a First Page
Result too
JusT BeCaUSE i Can And
Will In Wu Wei Ease of Tao
Autotelic Flow For Original
Creativity Wherever my River Goes NoW

“SonG oF mY SoUL 10 MiLLioN WordS Old” Record of Longest EPiC Long Form
Bible Poem Writing It All In 100 Months Ever Since 8.18.2013 through 12.18.2021

“Grand Cross Bible 2021” 800,067 Words in the 6th Grand Cross
Bible All Greater In Size than the Old King James Size Try
Written From Memorial Day Weekend  Through New
Year’s Eve Each Year Since 2016 in 7 Months…
5 Other Titled Subchapter Bibles
Greater In Size than the Old King James Effort
Including Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Inclusive
Of All Efforts NoW in 10.1 MiLLioN Words of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Completed in 101 Months Now Along with 16,066 Miles of Public Dance..:)

“16,000 MiLes oF Public Dancing” in 100 Months And Currently Miles
Increasing to 16,188 in 101 Months As The Miles Continue to FLoW oN
iN Autotelic Way Of Meditating Contemplating Moving Free ThiS WaY

“FB Profile Pic Bible 6 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 57 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW

“Netherland Bible 8 MiLLioN WordS Old” Subchapter Long Form EPiC
Bible Poem Ongoing Past 6 YearS NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 10.5 MiLLioN Words And 105 Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Writing True too With SMiLes..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2022 5 YearS Old” 2265 Profile Pics For the Calendar Year Ending
Memorial Day Weekend 2022 That come in Series of About 18 Illustrating Each Mini
Story of “FB Profile Pic Bible” of Around 8,000 Words Placed in the Description Areas
Of All of the Facebook Profile Picture Description Areas Yep All 2265 Profile Pics That
Make for About A Total of 18.1 MiLLioN Words Housed in Just One Calendar Year in
Facebook Profile Pics hehe For What Has Literally Come to Be A Longest EPiC Long
Form Poem Bible Housed Uniquely in 6.5 MiLLioN Words on Facebook Now As of
Close to the Summer Solstice Yes Ever Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 As
This Subchapter Ongoing of Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible “SonG oF mY
SoUL”  in the Last 106 Months Keeps GRoWinG too Now in 10.6 MiLLioN Words of Effort

True Now too Along with
“Nether Land Bible”
Just Another 6 Year
Effort Longest Long Form
Poem Subchapter Bible of
“SonG oF mY SouL” Now At
8.1 MiLLioN Words True too..:)

“JusT ANoTHeR BooK MarK NoW iN HeAVeN 9 Years” Other Metaphors Cross
CuLTuRaLLY Associated With This Reality on EartH Within Eternally New Now
Include Samadhi, Satori, Prana, Dao, Tao, Kundalini Rising Yoga, Chi, Creative
Holy SPiRiT, And Many More Cross CuLTuRaL Metaphors True and Even More
Likely to Come As the Experience is Basically A Meditating Autotelic
Flow of  Nirvana And Bliss Yes Contemplating Life iNHaLinG
Peace EXHaLinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT iN
Compassionate Giving, Sharing, Caring,
Healing Ways For All With
Least Harm Now New Yes

And True LiFE Long
Practices Seeking
Yes This
And Interpreting
More Right Braining
Hemisphere Way of Loving
Life in Social-Empathic-Artistic-
Emotionally Regulating Sensory
Integrating Spiritual Real Organic
Ways of Moving Connecting Co-Creating
May Surely Be A Practice of Free Dancing and
Singing Free Verse Poetry Yes in Autotelic Flow
Same as Our Distant Ancestors As Us Still Dance
And Sing Free This Way ToGeTHeR Are We Really

Evolving into A “Matter of Things” With all the Tools We
Clothe Our Life With True Are We Mastered By The Tools We
Create As They Become More of Us Than Our Naked Enough
Whole Complete Nature With the Rest of Nature Loving Life Presently Now

Well For me at Least
i Master The Tools And
Retain Nature i AM (GodAllLoveFree)

Loving Free of Course Mileage Varies
Depending on Model and Make of Human
Nature and Nurture For What One May Be
Willing to Do to Arrive And Staycation iN Heaven Within New Now

Yes What Works FoR Me May Not Work For You Never the Less

What Plays

For Me is
Real Love (GoD) New Now

“SonG oF mY SoUL 9 YearS Old 10.8 MiLLioN Words” The Title Just About Says It
All Yes Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Written in 9 Years Now For Real
Actually my Entire Word Press Blog Just Another Bible Now And Additionally
On The Wrong Planet “Depth of  The Story” RiSinG to 1.88 MiLLiON Words
in 2 Years On 8.19.2022 The Day After the Anniversary Date of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Reaching 10.8 MiLLioN Words in 9 Years on 8.18.2022 As “Depth of The Story”
Is One Solo Long Thread Long Form Poem in the 54th Page on the Wrong
Planet Website Where Each Page Now is Novel Size Free Verse Poetry
At Around 50,000 Words Per Page Scrolling Down From Top to Bottom
Gathering up 123,000 Views So Far From the ‘Wrong Planet’ Registered
Members Only not Counting the General Public As It Hits at the Top
Of A Google Search on the
Key Words “Depth of  The Story”
Just Something to Do in Another
‘Day in the Life of me’ Hehe With SMiLEs
And Of Course That’s Just a Casually Named
8th New Testament As Subchapter Long Form
Poem of “SonG oF my SoUL” As Yep There are
7 Titled Other Casually Named New Testaments
Listed in the Milestones And Feat Notes Section Here
Along With 11 Bigger Than King James Sized Tries for
Subchapter Titled Bibles in Long Form Poem Way True too
As “SonG oF mY SoUL” So Far is Around 13.5 Scale Larger than
the Old King James Try About 135 Scale Larger than the Quran
And Yes Even 6 Scale Larger Than The Other Previous Recorded
EPiC Long Form Poem Considered Officially A Longest Long Form
Poem at 1.8 MiLLioN Words Taking Centuries of Effort and Innumerable
Ghost Authors Like the Old King James Sized Effort at about 800,000 Words too
Yes The Mahābhārata From India Just A Bit Smaller Than the 2 Year Effort of
“Depth of The Story”
And So What
Who Needs A
Name For Building A Nautilus
Shell Reflecting the Milky Way Spiraling Like my Public Dance at
17,166 Miles in 9 Years too Surely Not A Creature Originating From the
Ocean Whole Like me too Just Another Leaf A Tree A Forest Continuing
to Fall And Rise Alive For Real Brown to Green Coloring As Summer
Flower Petals Fall Feeding Frozen Winter Soils For Spring Green..:)

“17,000 Miles oF Public Dancing 9 Years”
Milestone And FeatNote Completing That
And More By the 9th Year Anniversary Date of Public Dancing on August 26, 2022
All Around my Metro Area And From Biloxi Casino Beaches Through Tallahassee
Too Yep Cat-6 Hurricane Wings of Public Dance All Along the Gulf Coast to
Go Along With 10.9 MiLLioN Words of Free Verse Poetry in 9 Years
And 1 Month Now Too in Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Personal
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” CoMPRiSinG mY Whole Word Press Blog
And Several Other Archive Blogs too As “Depth of The Story” A
Casually Named 8th New Testament Also Arises to 2 MiLLioN
Words of Effort in 25 Months Starting on August 19th, 2020
In The Thick of the COVID-19 Pandemic And Coup Attempts
To Defeat Democracy And The Such As That too Yes Ripe Days
For EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bibles We Continue Now True
As Depth of the Story Resides as A Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Also on the ‘Wrong Planet’ Website too All in One 55 Page Solo Thread
Accumulating 125 Thousand Views Just From the Registered Members
There Toward the End of This September 2022 Year too And Also to Celebrate
33 Years Since me and my Wife Got ‘Together’ On September 21st, 1989
A Work of Art She Truly Is Still At the Beach At Age 52 to Go Along With
A Video She Took of me Celebrating 17,000 Miles oF Public Dancing too
Hehe Just For Record Books of Free With SMiLes As i Become Essence
of Dance And Song Free Just Inhaling Peace ExhalinG Love Even More
iN JoY oF LiGHT Giving Sharing Caring Healing For All With Least Harm
True No Animals Were Harmed
in the Production of the
Dance Video Now At LeasT Hehe..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 11 MiLLioN WordS Old” Actually Up to 11.1 MiLLioN WordS Old As
Of 11.18.2022 Never the Less the Longest EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bible Continues to GRoW Freely Along with 17,496 Miles of Public Dance in 111 Months As Well All
Around This Local Metro Area Free As Wings Will Be Feathers And Wind
FRiEnDS With Gravity

“FB Profile Pic Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 66 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each FB Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW

“FRED 14:12” iNDeeD A Play on Words From “John 14:12”
For Real Of Course Writing Every Consecutive Day Online
Since Coming Online on the ‘Wrong Planet’ Website to
Attempt to Escape the Never Ending Worst Pain Known
To Humankind The Suicide Disease Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia From Wake to Sleep For 66 Months Along with
18 Other Mostly Work Stress Related Disorders in A Synergy
Of Real Life Threat too With No Prognosis For Recovery Yes
Writing Every Consecutive Day Through Hell
And Heaven Within Now True too in EPiC
Long Form Poetry As Well Yet A Total
of 14 MiLLioN Words in 12 Years of Effort
Eventually Changing into 17,653 Miles of
Public Dance Now in 112 Months Along
With EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Also Created in the Same 112 Month Span of Dates Now At
11.2 MiLLioN Words So Far Out of the Total of 14 MiLLioN Words Whole..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2022” A Grand Total Of
747,693 Words Yes Larger Than the Old “New International
Version of A Bible” Yes Indeed in 7 Months From
Memorial Day Weekend Until The End of the Year
As Again This is the 7th Year of Doing This in These
7 Months Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2016
Through The End of That Year And Following

6 Years The Same
For 7 MontH-Old
‘Grand Cross Bibles’ Indeed

All Efforts Larger Than The “Old King James” Try
And “New International Version” of A Bible In This Try True New..:)

“Netherland Bible 9 MiLLioN WordS Old 81 Months” Subchapter Long Form EPiC
Bible Poem Ongoing Past 82 Months NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 11.5 MiLLioN Words And 115  Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Writing True too With SMiLes..:)

“18,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” Completing This Milestone
And FeatNote on “PI Day” 3.14.2023 After 9 Years
And 6 Months of Doing This Currently
At 18,153 MiLes of Public Dance
iN 9 Years And 7 Months NoW
ALonG With “SonG oF mY SoUL”
EPiC Longest Long Form Bible
Poem All 11.6 MiLLioN Words
NoW iN 116 Months As Well
Just for the JoY oF PLaY Giving Sharing
Caring HealinG iT ALL AWaY For
Free With Most Respect and
Least Harm Yet HeY iN THiS Case
i’M OnLY
Human For Real
Doing This All Naked Enough
Whole Complete iNHaLinG Peace
iN THiS ReaL
LoVE iN Peace
KinGQueeNDoM oF HEaVeN
WiTHiN Spreading These Wings
Becoming Wind Air Waves Water Ocean Whole For Real..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2023 6 YearS Old 7.7 MiLLioN Words” 2517 FB Profile Pic
Thumbnails Celebrating The Ongoing 6 Year Effort For the Calendar Year Ending
Memorial Day Weekend 2023 Series of Around 18 FB Profile Pics Fully
Illustrating 8,000 or So Word Small MacroVerses Where
Facebook Houses 20.1 MiLLioN Words in All Those
FB Profile Pic Description Areas for Calendar
Year 2023 Where 2022 Held 18.1 MiLLioN Words
And 2021 Held 16.8 MiLLioN Words About A 55 MiLLioN
Word Effort Housed in Facebook Description Areas in the
Last 3 Years of the Covid-19 Pandemic Days And Of Course
All the Rest of the FB Profile Pic Description areas Ever Since
Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 For the Entire “FB Profile Pic
Bible” Subchapter Ongoing Still of the EPiC Longest Long Form Poem
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 11.8 MiLLioN Words of Effort in 118 Months
Now Yes As Well As A Continuing Moving Meditation in FLoWinG Public Dance
Everywhere i Go in Public Now at 18,453 Miles in 9 Years and 9 Months Too..:)

“Nether Land Bible 7 YearS Old 9.3 MiLLioN Words” Yes An Epic Long Form Poem
Subchapter of Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” And This Effort
Began on Memorial Day Weekend of 2016 STiLL Ongoing in 85 Months
Of Writing Now With SMiLes of Course As the Public
Dance Continues to Add up Like “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Has for 118 Months Since
8.18.2023 at 18,518 Miles Now..:)

“A Decade WiTHiN Heaven For Real” Celebrating A Decade of Living
Away From the
Other Place For 66 Months…:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 12 MiLLioN Words A Decade of EPiC Long Form Poetry” Yes The
Title Covers The Topic Quite Well Yet Not All the Way Hehe As the Month of August
In 2023 Brought Several Other Footnotes and Milestones to Measure too
Including 8 MiLLioN Words of “FB Profile Pic Bible” in 74 Months as
“Nether Land Bible” Another Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Increased to 9.6 MiLLioN Words in 86 Months of Writing
Yet Not Only That As “Depth of The Story” A Casually
Described 8th New Testament Rose to 3 MiLLioN
Words Also Included on the “Wrong Planet”
Website With Over 180,000 Views Just
From the Registered Members There
On the 3 Year Anniversary Date of
August 19th, 20223 in the 76th Page Now
Of That Solo Thread Where Each Page Now From Top to Bottom
Comprises the Size of An EPiC Novel Sized Long Form Poem at Around
50,000 Words or So And i Guess You Might Ask if i’m Tired of Writing Yet so Yes
August 2023 Also Celebrated
18,744 Miles of Public Dance in A Decade
Of Doing That On the Anniversary Date of
August 26th, 2023 As By That Date “Netherland
Bible” Celebrated 87 Months of Writing and “FB
Profile Pic Bible Celebrated 75 Months of EPiC Longest
Long Form Writing in these Two Ongoing Subchapters of
EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” All 12 MiLLioN
Words of the Entire Effort Still Ongoing and GRoWinG Now too With SMiLes..:)

“19,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” in 123 Months of Effort
Meeting This Milestone and FeatNote on Halloween
Night 2023 And the Miles Continue to Pile On at
19,133 Miles Less than 6,000 Miles to Make
It Around the Distance of the Equator

Yet Really It’s Only About the Bliss
And Nirvana of A Moving
Meditation Free
Hehe Yes Miles And Miles
Of Heaven Continue to Come
Every Move Holy Generating Every
Sacred as Well Simply DiViNE With SMiLes..:)

‘Nether Land Bible 10 MiLLioN WordS Old” EPiC Long Form Poem Subchapter
at 10 MiLLioN Words of Writing Ever Since Memorial Day Weekend of
2016 Yes 90 Months Plus of Effort This Subchapter of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” Inclusive of What
Will Be 13 Subchapters All Part of the 12.4 MiLLioN
Word Endeavor of Writing 124 Months
Ever Since 8.18.2013 With The
Completion Of Coming “Grand
Cross Bible 2023” Next Yep
All 13 Subchapters Greater in
Size than the Old King James Effort
And In Total Yes “SonG oF mY SoUL”
15 Scale Greater in Size and 150 Scale
Greater in Size than the Old Quran too
Just Another “Day in A Life” of Writing Free Poetry in Flow

“Grand Cross Bible 2023” A Grand Total Of
920,172 Words Yes Larger Than the Old “King James
Version of A Bible” Yes Indeed in 7 Months From
Memorial Day Weekend Until The End of the Year
As Again This is the 8th Year of Doing This in These
7 Months Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2016
Through The End of That Year And Following

8 Years The Same
Now For 7 Month-Old
‘Grand Cross Bibles’ Indeed

And As Tradition Might Other Wise
Have It As Well All Accomplished
iN A Garden of Eden For Real

Only Difference No
Fig Leaves
Required Yet of Course
Yoga Power Poses in Angles
That Will Barely Meet
Community Standards
Yet Honestly Nothing Ya
Ain’t Seen NoW on Pristine Florida Beaches

“FB Profile Pic Bible 9 MiLLioN WordS Old” Yes The Title Sort of Measures it All
Where More Specifically This Subchapter of EPiC Longest Long Form Poem
“SonG oF mY SoUL” at 12.8 MiLLioN Words in 128 Months of Effort is
Included in Series of Around 18 Facebook Profile Pics Fully Illustrating
About 8 Thousand Word Mini Stories For 83 Months Now Ever Since
Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 And This MacroVerse Only Celebrates
The Milestone And FeatNote of 9 MiLLioN Words Whereas “FB Profile
Pic Bible Vol 2024 7 YearS Old” on This 2024 Memorial Day Weekend Anniversary
Date Yes Will Include Thumbnails of All 2245 Or So Facebook Profile Pics For the
Calendar Year Ending on Memorial Day Weekend An Annual Event Since 2018..:)

“20,000 Miles oF Public Dance” Finishing This Milestone And Featnote
of 20,000 Miles of Public Dancing on May 30, 2024 in 129 Months
Of Effort iN This FLoWinG Moving Meditation
That Continues to Improve
FRiEnDS With Gravity
Basically Transforming
248 Pounds of Human
iNto Weight of Finger Tips Mastering ‘The Balance”
That Includes All of Mind and Body SoUL Organically Real..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old” Actually Up to 13.1 MiLLioN WordS Old As
Of 07.18.2024 Never the Less the Longest EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bible Continues to GRoW Freely Along with 20,242 Miles of Public Dance in 131 Months As Well All
Around This Local Metro Area Free As Wings Will Be Feathers And Wind
FRiEnDS With Gravity

“Nether Land Bible 8 YearS Old 11 MiLLioN Words” Largest Subchapter
of EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Encompassing All 13.1 MiLLioN Words of The Entire
Long Form Poem Effort as “Nether Land Bible” Now
Increases to 8.1 MiLLioN Words Along with
20,323 Miles of Public Dance in 131 Months
Same Distance in Months Required to
“SonG oF mY SoUL”
So far Now at Least With SMiLes..:)

“11 Years iN Heaven Within” Basically Naked Enough Whole
Complete Nothing to Add or Subtract to in the Flow of
The Gift of Life Just For Giving Thanks Giving Yes
Giving Sharing Caring Healing For All With
Most Respect Least Harm iNHaLinG
Peace EXHaLinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT

As A Continuing Practice Yes

Art of Life And Of Course

To Celebrate All the BLiSSinGS
Yes BLeSSinGS oF LiFE Each And
Every Now ThiS WaY As LoVE iN
Becomes Real on EartH Now

No Myth The Real Life NeW iN JoY ALL

“SonG oF mY SoUL 11 YearS Old” Longest EPiC Long Form Poem at
13.2 MiLLioN Words Gaining Up to 13.3 MiLLioN Words in
133 Months on 9.18.2024
Anyway Really Only A Personal Modern Big Bible
View of the World Around me Including People and
The Rest of Nature Sure Culture Philosophy Politics
Religion and
Even Mystical
Spirituality too

(Almost the Entire Effort a Free Verse Anthology of Poetic
Responses Inspired by Folks All Around Our Globe)

Mind Body Soul HeART OPeN
SPiRiT STiLL RiSinG Dance And Song of SoUL Free
As Yah even at 64 Years Old Using Available Modern
Tools For Physical Well Being too
Still Improving in that
Avenue Per
Naked Enough Whole Complete

(Per Current Nature Photo Above Still Improving Too)

Body Mind and Soul Still Evolving Now By Now Now

It’s All We Get Now Color it More
Color it Less Yet Yes Never the Less
Our Lives are Ours to Color in Moving
Co-Creating Ways Together Free
Less of What Our
Human Potentials May Come to Be NewLY NoW


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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