RoSe BeYonD SuBliMe
Hi.. navasolanature..
so nice to see you this afternoon..
and thanks for wading all the way
down through this really really
deep post of photos.. videos..
links.. and so much
text now.. but hehe..
in way of Pan at
the Apollo Theater2..
you got here
before the
bottom paRt
geTs close to
that long too..
albeit not nearly
as many photos and
other stuff here.. Hope to
see you soon on the dVerse
trail of poetry too.. but no matter
what i’ll be by your place shortly
to see what you are offering tHeir
too in ways of Love for the beauty
of nature well2 in photography way..
i reAlly wish i could see more
photos that tale a story
in poEtry way.. and
the nows are
in speed
and power of
technology to make
that a great reaLiTy too
my friEnd.. and i AM very
blessed with the slave of
technology that i rein
in reign for i.. to have
as much speed
for art that
iT bRinGs nOW
real.. and sure tHeRE IS A
Direct correlation and causation
in how much this WiLL continue to
GroW human potential in Epigenetic
impact of affect and effect in just one
lifetime of Environmental adaptation
to struggle of advancing now new..
but the key i find to genius
my friEnd is Branching
out and never
staying back
too long except
for gratitudes and blessings
before the grave of what was beFore
leads to the neXT Great! Adventure oF LiFe..
aLL in Nature and Technology that is extension
of God’s Nature one too.. oh the balance..
oh the incredible potential is
as clear as one key stroke
leads to the next..
and another
click on the
tRail of Heaven now..
Ah.. a Rodent Squirrel
in Heaven2.. IS A what
i WiLL do for noW iN
Bless you
and have
a day full of Nature’s
Beauty my friend of fair air..:)
so nice to see you this afternoon..
and thanks for wading all the way
down through this really really
deep post of photos.. videos..
links.. and so much
text now.. but hehe..
in way of Pan at
the Apollo Theater2..
you got here
before the
bottom paRt
geTs close to
that long too..
albeit not nearly
as many photos and
other stuff here.. Hope to
see you soon on the dVerse
trail of poetry too.. but no matter
what i’ll be by your place shortly
to see what you are offering tHeir
too in ways of Love for the beauty
of nature well2 in photography way..
i reAlly wish i could see more
photos that tale a story
in poEtry way.. and
the nows are
in speed
and power of
technology to make
that a great reaLiTy too
my friEnd.. and i AM very
blessed with the slave of
technology that i rein
in reign for i.. to have
as much speed
for art that
iT bRinGs nOW
real.. and sure tHeRE IS A
Direct correlation and causation
in how much this WiLL continue to
GroW human potential in Epigenetic
impact of affect and effect in just one
lifetime of Environmental adaptation
to struggle of advancing now new..
but the key i find to genius
my friEnd is Branching
out and never
staying back
too long except
for gratitudes and blessings
before the grave of what was beFore
leads to the neXT Great! Adventure oF LiFe..
aLL in Nature and Technology that is extension
of God’s Nature one too.. oh the balance..
oh the incredible potential is
as clear as one key stroke
leads to the next..
and another
click on the
tRail of Heaven now..
Ah.. a Rodent Squirrel
in Heaven2.. IS A what
i WiLL do for noW iN
Bless you
and have
a day full of Nature’s
Beauty my friend of fair air..:)
iT aLL..
iN All
Independence Day2..:)
iT aLL..
iN All
Independence Day2..:)
Roses are true
Violets are read..
i AM a Tree and
Ocean BlUe noW
wHolE FReED..
and with that sAid..
sure.. Roses are true
as the Golden Spiral oF God
as pattern 1.618 mean of Nature
is encoded real and visible beautiful
for the hUman eYes to see.. and yes..
Violets as all other forms.. including hUman
words can be read sAMe as deeper symbols
of God’s patterns Fearless Love in same of never
ending circles of LiFe noW ReaL wHere HeaVen
SinGs as SpiRit ExPreSsinG EmoTioNal HeARt..
and a miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG Rose SoUl
oF GOlden spiRaL GoD one.. iN us aLways
noW.. so wIth thAt saiD2.. preLudE
heRe and bookmark2.. as i move
on to the dVerse Monday
prompt tommorrow
morning.. to
with intensive
words of LoVinG
Fearless ExpreSsioNs..
to the Quadrille 44 prompt
word theme on Roses TrUe2..
but of course iN mY FloW oF
words that only count
themselves as
holy and
wiLL.. wHen
Quantum metaphoRED
as unleashed and released
as mInd and BoDy HoLy
SpiRit.. heARt and
SoUL BaLanCinG
way once
and so
much more..
but anyway.. a couple
more places to visit before
bedtime comes for Bonzo2
Ape or Clown three as WeLL2..
for one.. so i’LL keep a Rose
sweet heaR iN wAiTinG
unTil the Red
of Sun
in early morning..:)
Violets are read..
i AM a Tree and
Ocean BlUe noW
wHolE FReED..
and with that sAid..
sure.. Roses are true
as the Golden Spiral oF God
as pattern 1.618 mean of Nature
is encoded real and visible beautiful
for the hUman eYes to see.. and yes..
Violets as all other forms.. including hUman
words can be read sAMe as deeper symbols
of God’s patterns Fearless Love in same of never
ending circles of LiFe noW ReaL wHere HeaVen
SinGs as SpiRit ExPreSsinG EmoTioNal HeARt..
and a miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG Rose SoUl
oF GOlden spiRaL GoD one.. iN us aLways
noW.. so wIth thAt saiD2.. preLudE
heRe and bookmark2.. as i move
on to the dVerse Monday
prompt tommorrow
morning.. to
with intensive
words of LoVinG
Fearless ExpreSsioNs..
to the Quadrille 44 prompt
word theme on Roses TrUe2..
but of course iN mY FloW oF
words that only count
themselves as
holy and
wiLL.. wHen
Quantum metaphoRED
as unleashed and released
as mInd and BoDy HoLy
SpiRit.. heARt and
SoUL BaLanCinG
way once
and so
much more..
but anyway.. a couple
more places to visit before
bedtime comes for Bonzo2
Ape or Clown three as WeLL2..
for one.. so i’LL keep a Rose
sweet heaR iN wAiTinG
unTil the Red
of Sun
in early morning..:)
WeLL.. lots of dE-tours
beLow.. so iN A morNinG
two days later i come back
heRe to dVerse Rose prompt
Quadrille in my free style
of com·mu·ni·ca-ting.. iN
social reciprocal
P o E t i C…
fasHioN noW..
and i WiLL say
heRe.. iT iS trUly
no wonder to mE that
mystery schools use a Rosy
Cross for symbol of God whole
As God IS A Rose that continues
to unfOld.. with thorns oF cross
oF course.. aLonG a way.. that is Now
all that is jUst now and now can be.. as iS..
AM.. So perhaps folks will continue to metaphor
God as such in an almost infinite number of
other ways to the say the sAMe iN miCro to
maCro wHole of allthatiS now.. and sure
that WiLL bE the way it goes.. as we
humans are sTiLL only micro of
macro wHole sAMe.. we have
limits.. no matter how
sMArT iN Art
and science
i ever gET
i have limits too..
i cannot connect to many
more people than any other human
can in comfort of 150 to 200 sets
of eYes.. as this is the way i for
one AM evolved to be too.. but what
i can do.. is leave a fossil record
of my soUL that lives now2 bEfore
i die.. and becoMe just
another invisible
no one no where
but wHere the
record stands
and the Love
rEmains in the
heARts of those i touch
in flesh and blood and as long
as a record oF mY soUl touches
otHeRs too in what ever ways may
literAlly come.. aS WeLL.. iT iS
the Love we give that we take with
us in fearless way.. on death’s
bed of last breathE now..
and it is the Love that
continues to gRow
when a Nautilus
Shell of human
is lEft behind
sure.. i’M
not the first
or the last of anything
i AM just another record
of micro pArt mini-me real
of God of Rosy FloWeR wHole THaT
continues to unfOld as i..
in the rEcord continuing
oF what is oF F Y i..
with sure.. some
thorns of i2..
as the dArk
and liGht
miX iN allthatis
to make the hUes
and sHadeS real
iN the bLack and
WhiTe colors oF
wE iN LiGht
of what
A colorfUl Rose
wiTh thorns wE aLL
caN bE iF wE juSt
FloWer iN ZonE WitH
AM.. noW.. anyWay
6/29/2016 11:16 am..
and i’LL be back later
to BRinG more Rosy thOughts
to the table WitH whaTeVa’..
tHorns maY
coMe WitH
beLow.. so iN A morNinG
two days later i come back
heRe to dVerse Rose prompt
Quadrille in my free style
of com·mu·ni·ca-ting.. iN
social reciprocal
P o E t i C…
fasHioN noW..
and i WiLL say
heRe.. iT iS trUly
no wonder to mE that
mystery schools use a Rosy
Cross for symbol of God whole
As God IS A Rose that continues
to unfOld.. with thorns oF cross
oF course.. aLonG a way.. that is Now
all that is jUst now and now can be.. as iS..
AM.. So perhaps folks will continue to metaphor
God as such in an almost infinite number of
other ways to the say the sAMe iN miCro to
maCro wHole of allthatiS now.. and sure
that WiLL bE the way it goes.. as we
humans are sTiLL only micro of
macro wHole sAMe.. we have
limits.. no matter how
sMArT iN Art
and science
i ever gET
i have limits too..
i cannot connect to many
more people than any other human
can in comfort of 150 to 200 sets
of eYes.. as this is the way i for
one AM evolved to be too.. but what
i can do.. is leave a fossil record
of my soUL that lives now2 bEfore
i die.. and becoMe just
another invisible
no one no where
but wHere the
record stands
and the Love
rEmains in the
heARts of those i touch
in flesh and blood and as long
as a record oF mY soUl touches
otHeRs too in what ever ways may
literAlly come.. aS WeLL.. iT iS
the Love we give that we take with
us in fearless way.. on death’s
bed of last breathE now..
and it is the Love that
continues to gRow
when a Nautilus
Shell of human
is lEft behind
sure.. i’M
not the first
or the last of anything
i AM just another record
of micro pArt mini-me real
of God of Rosy FloWeR wHole THaT
continues to unfOld as i..
in the rEcord continuing
oF what is oF F Y i..
with sure.. some
thorns of i2..
as the dArk
and liGht
miX iN allthatis
to make the hUes
and sHadeS real
iN the bLack and
WhiTe colors oF
wE iN LiGht
of what
A colorfUl Rose
wiTh thorns wE aLL
caN bE iF wE juSt
FloWer iN ZonE WitH
AM.. noW.. anyWay
6/29/2016 11:16 am..
and i’LL be back later
to BRinG more Rosy thOughts
to the table WitH whaTeVa’..
tHorns maY
coMe WitH
WeLL back to the topic
of the dVerse weeklong prompt
on 44 word Quadrille poems
with a theme of Roses for
inspiration.. just the
word Rose in a prompt
was enough inspiration
to generate so much with
out even reading any of
the poetic expressions
from the dVerse Crowd
of International poets..
and the overall messAge
beLow wHere all the deTouRs
oF this 681st Macro-Verse
takes.. are pArt oF the WhOle
of the deTAle thaT iS pArT
oF aLL i do.. to continue
to ascend hiGher as co-creator
WiTh GoD oNE.. iT IS A practice
of Love and Fearless TrULY
BeYond anything thAT
i thOught was
possible iN
thiS UniVerse
oF liFE noW
when trapped
bEfore or better
put raped by the
divisions of cultural
barriers that cAMe beFore
that did almost lead mE and
did lead mE into total dArkness
of an abyss beForE i found mY
way back as LiVing LiGht
iN trutH of no
or dualities
in a way of
GoD oNE noW..
as huManiFESt
in i..Now..noW..
so this above
so below iT aLL
comes out iN the
Frosting oF A greaTest
gift on the cake of Nature
thaT is GoD aLL oNE noW..uS2..:)
of the dVerse weeklong prompt
on 44 word Quadrille poems
with a theme of Roses for
inspiration.. just the
word Rose in a prompt
was enough inspiration
to generate so much with
out even reading any of
the poetic expressions
from the dVerse Crowd
of International poets..
and the overall messAge
beLow wHere all the deTouRs
oF this 681st Macro-Verse
takes.. are pArt oF the WhOle
of the deTAle thaT iS pArT
oF aLL i do.. to continue
to ascend hiGher as co-creator
WiTh GoD oNE.. iT IS A practice
of Love and Fearless TrULY
BeYond anything thAT
i thOught was
possible iN
thiS UniVerse
oF liFE noW
when trapped
bEfore or better
put raped by the
divisions of cultural
barriers that cAMe beFore
that did almost lead mE and
did lead mE into total dArkness
of an abyss beForE i found mY
way back as LiVing LiGht
iN trutH of no
or dualities
in a way of
GoD oNE noW..
as huManiFESt
in i..Now..noW..
so this above
so below iT aLL
comes out iN the
Frosting oF A greaTest
gift on the cake of Nature
thaT is GoD aLL oNE noW..uS2..:)
“Hundreds of people can talk for one who can think,
but thousands can think for one who can see.
To see clearly is poetry, prophecy, and religion – all in one.”
but thousands can think for one who can see.
To see clearly is poetry, prophecy, and religion – all in one.”
~~ John Ruskin ~~
Own the form
instead of bEinG
tHe essence.. what A
way of liFe.. what an illusion
NOT to be the essence oF NoW..
aliVe.. inseparable from all else that iS
and to reAlly FeeL and words without
seNses and FeeLinG.. are empty
sHells of form
wITH liTtle
to no SoUl
WiTh WinGs
that fly hiGher
than iNk and pAGe..
Language can connect us
allone too aS aLL or disconnect uS
iN paths so far apArt.. LanguagE noW
IS A ARt.. and rarely science aLone..
And that’s A sAvinG GRace oF
NaTUre’s oldest tool..
to cooperate..
to make
real miracles
come truE NoW…
it comes noW iN many
flavors but iF it workS noW
for greater liGht no matter
form of poetry.. prophecy
or religion/politics.. iT
bottom noW onE
line.. per whatever
does for whomever
does or did.. oh..
thE Win..
so sWeLL NoW..:)
instead of bEinG
tHe essence.. what A
way of liFe.. what an illusion
NOT to be the essence oF NoW..
aliVe.. inseparable from all else that iS
and to reAlly FeeL and words without
seNses and FeeLinG.. are empty
sHells of form
wITH liTtle
to no SoUl
WiTh WinGs
that fly hiGher
than iNk and pAGe..
Language can connect us
allone too aS aLL or disconnect uS
iN paths so far apArt.. LanguagE noW
IS A ARt.. and rarely science aLone..
And that’s A sAvinG GRace oF
NaTUre’s oldest tool..
to cooperate..
to make
real miracles
come truE NoW…
it comes noW iN many
flavors but iF it workS noW
for greater liGht no matter
form of poetry.. prophecy
or religion/politics.. iT
bottom noW onE
line.. per whatever
does for whomever
does or did.. oh..
thE Win..
so sWeLL NoW..:)
Facebook Friend
and nice niece Candie
shares a saying that says..
next time a stranger comes up
to you and strikes up a conversation
whisper softly can you see me..
Dance in Public..
and even if they
don’t act like they
see you..
they do..
too.. hehe..
and 1 in 1,000
will strike up A
conversation too..
it’s like clock work
or a golden spiral
‘they’ alWays tick tock
around you like a galaxy..:)
And now i say.. it’s kinda like
Facebook.. instead of 166.66 miles
of steps in public.. i dance hmm.. conservatively
speaking 100K words a month.. and out of those
words i get about.. hmm… let’s say about 100 words
back.. so.. umm.. that’s also a 1 in 1,000 feed back
aka Reciprocal Social communication Ratio..
but trust me.. when no one in the entire
world rarely communicates with you
in 66 months.. this is an outstanding
Social Reciprocal Social communication
ratio that makes me wanna jump with
joy like Snoopy who F iN lEarns
how to entertain his lONEsoMe
with a Snoopy day
of ease..
i thiNk theRe
IS A T-Shirt for that
today that says.. NOPE..
IF i AM not mistaken it
Will be the third grey shirt
i have oN ouT in public
to dance
for three
days straight..
yes.. sometimes
shades of grey is
THE housewife has
just informed me THAT
new shirt has not yet
been washed so i will
go with Nirvana and black
ON grey.. as truly when an
individual lEarns to entertain
themselves enough they do
live in Nirvana regardless if
they get feedback on tHeir
Heaven or not..but WAIT!
KATRINA just remembers
tHere are shirts hanging
in the garage and as
what usually happens
when one is
God.. thE
Katrina comes
through even when
she doesn’t at first
remember she comes
through ’cause she has
CRS.. but anyway she told
me about three times to say
she is great2.. so yes.. i did not
forget as i F iN remember every
oh my God deTALE of life.. it ain’t
easy being a grey elephant.. but
the truth is THAT Snoopy shirt is
blue.. kinda grey blue.. as the
color of my Green eYes will
do2 when they too change
the story of my liFe..
in flow.. iN ZonE..
as i continue
to freeLY entertain
myself in public and
like snoopy says.. NOPE..
NOT TODAY.. i do as thY
wilt.. and yeah.. don’t yA
kNow Snoopy IS A mystery
school.. occult
dog too..
a wise
guru beAgle..
i Am too.. WitH WinKs..
wITh very little admitted to
folloWing.. and that’s the way
i liKe bEinG A so-called LeGent2..
’cause if i was engaged in reciprocal
social communication.. as i would Love
to do all day long like i used to do for almost
2 decades like that bartender on that show
Cheers did too.. at the Military Bowling
Center i Bar managed2.. tHere would be
little to no nows to do any LegenT stuff2..
so as alWays.. like the Raven..
GoD aLL provides juSt tHe
miX of heaven..
jUst wRite
for mE..
as thE
three bears
mE aLL iN oNE..:)
Moral of the story.. why did
Michelangelo paint the sistine
Chapel and sculpt the statue
of King David for all to see..
he was just looking
for a friend to
talk to and
himself along
the way in heaven
now both ways in dArk
of lonely and ONENESS2..
something to think about the
next time you see a so-called
eccentric person doing tHeir ‘thing’..
iT IS A survival thingy that any social
animal WiLL do jUst to survive and
of course as aLways God rewards
the last greatly for continuing to
tow the plow without relief..
to be WitH GoD oNE no
matter what
anyone else
says.. does.. or
doesn’t say or do..
so sure.. i AM in Good
company.. hiStory proves
it out and i don’t have to wait
to see what happens neXt..
JuSt Do iT in Victory
noW not later iS
my motto
of GoD aLL
liFE now2iNHeaVeNreaLaLL..:)
Oh yes.. and the other analogy/metaphor i
Will use is “Autism and the Nautilus”
and i even have a header liNk
now as an attention getter
to add in this Facebook
status 2.. to morph
it into a share..
as Snoopy
jumps for Joy..
juSt ’cause
he can and
WiLL one more
now before the neXt
noW comes and he
rarely looks back as
tHeir IS AlWays a new
adventure.. iF even jUst
in Snoopy’s iMagiNatiOn
alone as allone now goeS on..
Co-creating with GoD oNe.
and oh my God YES! it can
even be more fun than
but it depends
on how GREAT!
you are at
both.. as
any trUly
brutally honest..
LegenT WiLL say
and JuST DO NoW..;)
Hmm… and that photo of that
Seagull on the Beach reminds me
of my Facebook Friend Rafiah from
Pakistan.. who saw me communicating
with my friend Lala Rukh also known
as White Pearl.. on Lala’s blog site..
And i guess Rafiah could see the
kinda unconditional Love without
any expectations from the other
person.. and when Rafiah
sent me a friend request..
and i posted on her
timeline she told
me i had a
beautiful heart
and that was two
years ago… Lala Rukh
was my good friend who
after she got the dowry notice
and was sold away to her chagrin
never really truly came back to be a
creative writer anymore.. much.. any
way.. i really didn’t have
many other friends..
anywhere.. online..
then.. so i really
the fAct that
Rafiah was brave
enough to reach out
to me to be my friend..
and what made me really
happy too.. was she was using
my seagull photo as her profile
photo.. and it made me feel like
every dam word and every dam
photo that i had every shared was
worth all that WiLLinG effort and more..
as i did something beautiful
enough that someone
else thOught in tHeir
heARt was worth
so yeah..
Art is worth
it as sooner or later
someone will say hi..
and i for one WiLL alWays
hi back..:)
and nice niece Candie
shares a saying that says..
next time a stranger comes up
to you and strikes up a conversation
whisper softly can you see me..
Dance in Public..
and even if they
don’t act like they
see you..
they do..
too.. hehe..
and 1 in 1,000
will strike up A
conversation too..
it’s like clock work
or a golden spiral
‘they’ alWays tick tock
around you like a galaxy..:)
And now i say.. it’s kinda like
Facebook.. instead of 166.66 miles
of steps in public.. i dance hmm.. conservatively
speaking 100K words a month.. and out of those
words i get about.. hmm… let’s say about 100 words
back.. so.. umm.. that’s also a 1 in 1,000 feed back
aka Reciprocal Social communication Ratio..
but trust me.. when no one in the entire
world rarely communicates with you
in 66 months.. this is an outstanding
Social Reciprocal Social communication
ratio that makes me wanna jump with
joy like Snoopy who F iN lEarns
how to entertain his lONEsoMe
with a Snoopy day
of ease..
i thiNk theRe
IS A T-Shirt for that
today that says.. NOPE..
IF i AM not mistaken it
Will be the third grey shirt
i have oN ouT in public
to dance
for three
days straight..
yes.. sometimes
shades of grey is
THE housewife has
just informed me THAT
new shirt has not yet
been washed so i will
go with Nirvana and black
ON grey.. as truly when an
individual lEarns to entertain
themselves enough they do
live in Nirvana regardless if
they get feedback on tHeir
Heaven or not..but WAIT!
KATRINA just remembers
tHere are shirts hanging
in the garage and as
what usually happens
when one is
God.. thE
Katrina comes
through even when
she doesn’t at first
remember she comes
through ’cause she has
CRS.. but anyway she told
me about three times to say
she is great2.. so yes.. i did not
forget as i F iN remember every
oh my God deTALE of life.. it ain’t
easy being a grey elephant.. but
the truth is THAT Snoopy shirt is
blue.. kinda grey blue.. as the
color of my Green eYes will
do2 when they too change
the story of my liFe..
in flow.. iN ZonE..
as i continue
to freeLY entertain
myself in public and
like snoopy says.. NOPE..
NOT TODAY.. i do as thY
wilt.. and yeah.. don’t yA
kNow Snoopy IS A mystery
school.. occult
dog too..
a wise
guru beAgle..
i Am too.. WitH WinKs..
wITh very little admitted to
folloWing.. and that’s the way
i liKe bEinG A so-called LeGent2..
’cause if i was engaged in reciprocal
social communication.. as i would Love
to do all day long like i used to do for almost
2 decades like that bartender on that show
Cheers did too.. at the Military Bowling
Center i Bar managed2.. tHere would be
little to no nows to do any LegenT stuff2..
so as alWays.. like the Raven..
GoD aLL provides juSt tHe
miX of heaven..
jUst wRite
for mE..
as thE
three bears
mE aLL iN oNE..:)
Moral of the story.. why did
Michelangelo paint the sistine
Chapel and sculpt the statue
of King David for all to see..
he was just looking
for a friend to
talk to and
himself along
the way in heaven
now both ways in dArk
of lonely and ONENESS2..
something to think about the
next time you see a so-called
eccentric person doing tHeir ‘thing’..
iT IS A survival thingy that any social
animal WiLL do jUst to survive and
of course as aLways God rewards
the last greatly for continuing to
tow the plow without relief..
to be WitH GoD oNE no
matter what
anyone else
says.. does.. or
doesn’t say or do..
so sure.. i AM in Good
company.. hiStory proves
it out and i don’t have to wait
to see what happens neXt..
JuSt Do iT in Victory
noW not later iS
my motto
of GoD aLL
liFE now2iNHeaVeNreaLaLL..:)
Oh yes.. and the other analogy/metaphor i
Will use is “Autism and the Nautilus”
and i even have a header liNk
now as an attention getter
to add in this Facebook
status 2.. to morph
it into a share..
as Snoopy
jumps for Joy..
juSt ’cause
he can and
WiLL one more
now before the neXt
noW comes and he
rarely looks back as
tHeir IS AlWays a new
adventure.. iF even jUst
in Snoopy’s iMagiNatiOn
alone as allone now goeS on..
Co-creating with GoD oNe.
and oh my God YES! it can
even be more fun than
but it depends
on how GREAT!
you are at
both.. as
any trUly
brutally honest..
LegenT WiLL say
and JuST DO NoW..;)
Hmm… and that photo of that
Seagull on the Beach reminds me
of my Facebook Friend Rafiah from
Pakistan.. who saw me communicating
with my friend Lala Rukh also known
as White Pearl.. on Lala’s blog site..
And i guess Rafiah could see the
kinda unconditional Love without
any expectations from the other
person.. and when Rafiah
sent me a friend request..
and i posted on her
timeline she told
me i had a
beautiful heart
and that was two
years ago… Lala Rukh
was my good friend who
after she got the dowry notice
and was sold away to her chagrin
never really truly came back to be a
creative writer anymore.. much.. any
way.. i really didn’t have
many other friends..
anywhere.. online..
then.. so i really
the fAct that
Rafiah was brave
enough to reach out
to me to be my friend..
and what made me really
happy too.. was she was using
my seagull photo as her profile
photo.. and it made me feel like
every dam word and every dam
photo that i had every shared was
worth all that WiLLinG effort and more..
as i did something beautiful
enough that someone
else thOught in tHeir
heARt was worth
so yeah..
Art is worth
it as sooner or later
someone will say hi..
and i for one WiLL alWays
hi back..:)
Well.. here i stARt off with 3 years and 5 Facebook
Algorithm provided poetic Macro Verse Memories
in Rampage Poetry Spree Creativity.. and
truly behind most every real creator and
or destroyer.. which is the
dARk and liGht too..
of reAliTy oF
GoD wHole too..
as We all kNow the
Sun WiLL eVentUAlly
burn out and WeLL BeforE
that all hUmans WiLL revert
back to Star DusT and Star
DUst and We WiLL Go On
forevermore noW as
we are all energy
and Force oF GoD one
at core noW more ever
for one noW oNE..
and seriously iF
i wasn’t here
beFore how
the FucK do yA
thInK little old new
me soUl could do
aLL A this.. it’s juSt
common sense that wE noW
live forever iN dArk and liGht
and aLL the shades and coloRed
hues of BLack And WhiTE sAME..
EITHER in words and or intuitive..
innate.. instinctual FeeLinGs and
seNseS oN.. yeah.. this kNOWledge
without any time.. space.. or distance..
floWed ouT of mE sAme when i was
18 in a philosophy class as the spark
was tHeir to flAMe it.. and the
idiocy of modern human
cultural ways put me
back in the dArk..
of mechanical
cognition cog
of society’s illusory
wHole of problem solving
away from Creating way of
human Art bEinG.. oh.. so crazy
what we think is sane can so be
now.. without many oF uS ever
realizing iT and remembering
the oneness of forever now..
the inheritance of bEing
one and pARt of One
God sAme.. allA ’round
everYwhere noW one
aLL.. anyWay.. tRust mE
i kNow more.. much more than
i can put into the human language..
as truly iT is limited vs the language of
God inherent iN us.. thaT sure iS stored
in our DNA too.. as God is both aRt and
Science in Tapestry oF aLL thaT iS.. a sky
fall above so below.. and All A’round heaven
real now.. so far beYond what most folks thINk
in the English Language is human poTenTial kNow..
the liGht BrinGers are heRe.. and wE have much more
to DancE
and SinG..
and yes.. back now
to my original point..
the first and last of the
greaTest human destroyers
and creators.. usually have
a struggle story of disconnect
from other social animals to tale..
some go the path of status.. power
and vengeance.. others go the path..
of art.. creativity and victory in giving
more than taKinG noW.. iT iS what iT
iS and those of uS who are fortunate
enough to be watered by at least one
person in the formative years in Garden
of Love.. most often go the route of
creator in what is fearless Love..
aWay in Victory.. from the
real loser first as last..
in power.. status..
and destruction
of other pARts of
God in Positive to
more negative way
of action-consequence
ways of bEinG.. in Vengeance
wake.. of dArk in Sleep.. away
from LiGht of whaT iS possible for
most aLL wE to Be noW.. but anYway
With light is hope.. with dark is fear.. noW
Hope and Love Arts up liFE with heARt..:)
Algorithm provided poetic Macro Verse Memories
in Rampage Poetry Spree Creativity.. and
truly behind most every real creator and
or destroyer.. which is the
dARk and liGht too..
of reAliTy oF
GoD wHole too..
as We all kNow the
Sun WiLL eVentUAlly
burn out and WeLL BeforE
that all hUmans WiLL revert
back to Star DusT and Star
DUst and We WiLL Go On
forevermore noW as
we are all energy
and Force oF GoD one
at core noW more ever
for one noW oNE..
and seriously iF
i wasn’t here
beFore how
the FucK do yA
thInK little old new
me soUl could do
aLL A this.. it’s juSt
common sense that wE noW
live forever iN dArk and liGht
and aLL the shades and coloRed
hues of BLack And WhiTE sAME..
EITHER in words and or intuitive..
innate.. instinctual FeeLinGs and
seNseS oN.. yeah.. this kNOWledge
without any time.. space.. or distance..
floWed ouT of mE sAme when i was
18 in a philosophy class as the spark
was tHeir to flAMe it.. and the
idiocy of modern human
cultural ways put me
back in the dArk..
of mechanical
cognition cog
of society’s illusory
wHole of problem solving
away from Creating way of
human Art bEinG.. oh.. so crazy
what we think is sane can so be
now.. without many oF uS ever
realizing iT and remembering
the oneness of forever now..
the inheritance of bEing
one and pARt of One
God sAme.. allA ’round
everYwhere noW one
aLL.. anyWay.. tRust mE
i kNow more.. much more than
i can put into the human language..
as truly iT is limited vs the language of
God inherent iN us.. thaT sure iS stored
in our DNA too.. as God is both aRt and
Science in Tapestry oF aLL thaT iS.. a sky
fall above so below.. and All A’round heaven
real now.. so far beYond what most folks thINk
in the English Language is human poTenTial kNow..
the liGht BrinGers are heRe.. and wE have much more
to DancE
and SinG..
and yes.. back now
to my original point..
the first and last of the
greaTest human destroyers
and creators.. usually have
a struggle story of disconnect
from other social animals to tale..
some go the path of status.. power
and vengeance.. others go the path..
of art.. creativity and victory in giving
more than taKinG noW.. iT iS what iT
iS and those of uS who are fortunate
enough to be watered by at least one
person in the formative years in Garden
of Love.. most often go the route of
creator in what is fearless Love..
aWay in Victory.. from the
real loser first as last..
in power.. status..
and destruction
of other pARts of
God in Positive to
more negative way
of action-consequence
ways of bEinG.. in Vengeance
wake.. of dArk in Sleep.. away
from LiGht of whaT iS possible for
most aLL wE to Be noW.. but anYway
With light is hope.. with dark is fear.. noW
Hope and Love Arts up liFE with heARt..:)
“Language is a Universe of expression. It starts
with the stars, 4 digits. a prehensile thumb. and
people sketching angles in sand reflecting connections of stars.
with the stars, 4 digits. a prehensile thumb. and
people sketching angles in sand reflecting connections of stars.
As with the expression of emotion and differing cultural ‘artifacts’,
across cultures, the end result is not always the same, but
the start is the same beginning.
across cultures, the end result is not always the same, but
the start is the same beginning.
People describe it differently and label it differently.
That is All.
That is All.
No one paints the same picture except for One.
Suggesting that God does not exist, IS A
‘silly’ rhetorical argument.
‘silly’ rhetorical argument.
If there was a whole that could communicate.
it would laugh back at ya.
it would laugh back at ya.
Keeping in mind, I Am a classical pantheist…
This is not a personal comment
directed at anyone here;
it is poetry of how I view
directed at anyone here;
it is poetry of how I view
Some more
FuN UniVerse
word play here..:)
FuN UniVerse
word play here..:)
Yeah and here’s
one of my
one of my
And sure
this says iT
aLL too..
HeLL.. juSt
those four
titLed words
are a microVerse
of UniVerSal PoeTry
unto itself in colorEd WAy..:)
this says iT
aLL too..
HeLL.. juSt
those four
titLed words
are a microVerse
of UniVerSal PoeTry
unto itself in colorEd WAy..:)
Yep somEnows
yA jUst haVe2
spEll iT aLL out2..;)
yA jUst haVe2
spEll iT aLL out2..;)
Photo of a Lion
Looking at
the moon…
that says..
Looking at
the moon…
that says..
“i Am too positive to be doubtful..
too optimistic to be fearful..
And to determined to
be defeated”..
too optimistic to be fearful..
And to determined to
be defeated”..
And i say in
response to
this Facebook
response to
this Facebook
Who needs words
when yoU are A LioN
liKe a
Child sAMe..
yeah.. the English
Language is OK..noW..
iF yA tWeak iT STronG..:)
when yoU are A LioN
liKe a
Child sAMe..
yeah.. the English
Language is OK..noW..
iF yA tWeak iT STronG..:)
I’LL share this SonG noW by Rihanna.. Written by
Sia as i can imaGinE and dreAm for real thaT
God wrote iT jUst for mE and yes God did
as God aLL OnE includes Rihanna and
Sia as one whole SonG no different
and different sAme as the SonG
i SinG and even you whetHeR
or noT you realize yoU
are one and never
separate from
wHOle God1..
but when one
rises from the ashes
of a Wall away from God
but sTiLL one with God carrying
footprints of i in finger’s sonG.. ah..
yes.. a sledgehammer i WiLL BrinG
otHeRs too.. back to what they miss
that IS A.. sparRow who arrives back
wITH the Love of GoD oNE all sAMe
and difFerent noW aLive riSinG Fire
from ashes Phoenix once.. aGain..
on that July 22nd day 3 years ago
wHere this SonG wiLL come aGAin
in ways of BeyOnd of Star Trek too..
on the 50th Anniversary of That ARt2..
anyWay.. iF only for a moment noW.. oh..
unTiL that day aGaIn.. as YouTubE noW
ain’t gona let this copy/paste SonG stay long..;)
Sia as i can imaGinE and dreAm for real thaT
God wrote iT jUst for mE and yes God did
as God aLL OnE includes Rihanna and
Sia as one whole SonG no different
and different sAme as the SonG
i SinG and even you whetHeR
or noT you realize yoU
are one and never
separate from
wHOle God1..
but when one
rises from the ashes
of a Wall away from God
but sTiLL one with God carrying
footprints of i in finger’s sonG.. ah..
yes.. a sledgehammer i WiLL BrinG
otHeRs too.. back to what they miss
that IS A.. sparRow who arrives back
wITH the Love of GoD oNE all sAMe
and difFerent noW aLive riSinG Fire
from ashes Phoenix once.. aGain..
on that July 22nd day 3 years ago
wHere this SonG wiLL come aGAin
in ways of BeyOnd of Star Trek too..
on the 50th Anniversary of That ARt2..
anyWay.. iF only for a moment noW.. oh..
unTiL that day aGaIn.. as YouTubE noW
ain’t gona let this copy/paste SonG stay long..;)
AS promised earlier..
iT aLL..
iN All
Independence Day2..:)”
iT aLL..
iN All
Independence Day2..:)”
As i share aGain..
a Marquee
of ‘Beyond’..
and say..
a Marquee
of ‘Beyond’..
and say..
Funny little Synchronicities..
Views from Beyond iS alReady
heRe as promised on my KATiE MiA/Aghogday
Blog that says Views from the Autism Spectrum
and Beyond.. tRust mE i.. alWays keep mY promises..
doubt iT
as i miX
thE geneRaTioNs
oF Yoda and Spock
toGeTheR oNe i2..;)
Views from Beyond iS alReady
heRe as promised on my KATiE MiA/Aghogday
Blog that says Views from the Autism Spectrum
and Beyond.. tRust mE i.. alWays keep mY promises..
doubt iT
as i miX
thE geneRaTioNs
oF Yoda and Spock
toGeTheR oNe i2..;)
And now i say..
aLL iN an hOur or tWo
oF A daY In the Life oF Y i..
Snoopy would bE PRoUd oF mE
iN fAct
Snoopy iS..
as SnoopY
jUSt DoEs iT2..
without a word..
as Dance.. PubliC DanCE..
WiLL SooN ComE2 once AGaiN2..
in A Aisle of A Department store too..:)
aLL iN an hOur or tWo
oF A daY In the Life oF Y i..
Snoopy would bE PRoUd oF mE
iN fAct
Snoopy iS..
as SnoopY
jUSt DoEs iT2..
without a word..
as Dance.. PubliC DanCE..
WiLL SooN ComE2 once AGaiN2..
in A Aisle of A Department store too..:)
PS.. putting all the pieces of Humpty
Dumpty Egg Head.. Walrus..
and or Yellow Submarines
BacK toGeTHeR aGaiN2..
IS A not alWayS easY
bUt dOable
iS jUst
iT.. noW..;)
Dumpty Egg Head.. Walrus..
and or Yellow Submarines
BacK toGeTHeR aGaiN2..
IS A not alWayS easY
bUt dOable
iS jUst
iT.. noW..;)
LiKe God
or not..
Art never ends..;)
or not..
Art never ends..;)
“BEyoNd a
oF Y i’..
and that mY
FriEnd(s) WiLL
be the title of the
681st Macro Verse
of the Longest Long Form
Poem ever sTiLL MoVinG noW
at Warp speed.. sorta.. toWard 4 miLliOn
wordS now..:)
oF Y i’..
and that mY
FriEnd(s) WiLL
be the title of the
681st Macro Verse
of the Longest Long Form
Poem ever sTiLL MoVinG noW
at Warp speed.. sorta.. toWard 4 miLliOn
wordS now..:)
sMiLes.. my friend navalsolnature.. i enjoy all
the photos of Nature you provide here and very
interesting information here and well concern for
the continued stewardship of greener ways of life..
after the BREXIT controversy for sure..
And it’s funny per literal take..
how.. although i am not
up to date on all
the ins and outs
of this controversy
there.. over here it is
the conservatives who
actually conserve the environment
less.. as they seem to value material
items and money moreover the living
stuff.. including taking care of the less
advantaged pARt oF Nature who can
be human too.. but truly things are
much better than when i was
younger in the states here..
as i remember jogging
in the early 80’s behind
all the smoke of fume
machines that were
automobiles then.. and
the area plants were pumping
stinky pollution in the skies and
rivers to the point that even after
improvement some areas sTILL more
or less are a toxic waste dump attempting
to finAlly come back to liFE more than bEfore
when no one ‘up top’.. seemed to care at
ALL about the environment as money
and stuff was number one.. anyway
glad to see your efforts here
to keep your land my land
and our land same as we
for generations to come
Green Green Green and more Green..:)
the photos of Nature you provide here and very
interesting information here and well concern for
the continued stewardship of greener ways of life..
after the BREXIT controversy for sure..
And it’s funny per literal take..
how.. although i am not
up to date on all
the ins and outs
of this controversy
there.. over here it is
the conservatives who
actually conserve the environment
less.. as they seem to value material
items and money moreover the living
stuff.. including taking care of the less
advantaged pARt oF Nature who can
be human too.. but truly things are
much better than when i was
younger in the states here..
as i remember jogging
in the early 80’s behind
all the smoke of fume
machines that were
automobiles then.. and
the area plants were pumping
stinky pollution in the skies and
rivers to the point that even after
improvement some areas sTILL more
or less are a toxic waste dump attempting
to finAlly come back to liFE more than bEfore
when no one ‘up top’.. seemed to care at
ALL about the environment as money
and stuff was number one.. anyway
glad to see your efforts here
to keep your land my land
and our land same as we
for generations to come
Green Green Green and more Green..:)
“The truth is more
important than the facts.”
important than the facts.”
~~ Frank Lloyd Wright ~~
“Faith does not offer the least
support for proof of truth.”
support for proof of truth.”
~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~
Ah.. truth.. a moving target that
wears many shoes in dArk and liGht
and the ‘tween all of that… Of course..
truth for my wife is she is shy and
too much stimulation will
drive her nuts..
for me
now.. but yes.. i’Ve
been her side too..
but oh.. A joy ride iS noW
wHere i go.. hiGher and
hiGheR bEyond the moon..
the sky.. and ground to wHeRE
i’VE never gone before.. above..
so below.. inside.. outside all
around.. to go wHere i have
not gone bEfore continues to
bE my mantra of Real in my little
world of TrUth and liGht that mostly
suits me.. fAct of the matter is some
folks are more scaredy cats than others..
i’ve already disintegrated into nothingness
once before and after that.. so relatively
speaKinG i alREady KnoW
that the only guarantee
we Have and Love
is what we do
wITh NoW.. Now
noW.. and no time
but NOW.. it’s quite
liberating this truth of mine..
needs zero facts but yes it’s
all about faith.. the faith when
one understands how nature works
and put’S iT into action with no more
need for facts or words to lead
one own.. FeeLinG And SenSinG
iS mY TrUth and liGht and the
words are juST dreSsinG On
a Cake oF Y i.. but that
my friend is an entirely
different continent
of TrUth and
liGht than
the scaredY
me who lived beFore..
tHeRE are no limits or expectations
that i care to meet anymore.. and with
that Freedom.. comes more TrUth
and liGht that iS real that i
can touch and see
than ever
even fathomable
before iN my lifetime real..
THeRe are entire worlds of experience
that are different from my past.. so no limits
or expectations.. WiLL Certainly BrinG more..
as is is.. thE
way iT
but again
meanwhile.. yes.. i understand
perfectly clear why folks sTiLL
suck on pacifiers as this liFe
business ain’t for ‘sissies’.. or
people without heARt.. SpiRit
and SoUl.. that makes the hard
and soft of life.. a sunny side up
scrambled egg that never breakS noW..:)
wears many shoes in dArk and liGht
and the ‘tween all of that… Of course..
truth for my wife is she is shy and
too much stimulation will
drive her nuts..
for me
now.. but yes.. i’Ve
been her side too..
but oh.. A joy ride iS noW
wHere i go.. hiGher and
hiGheR bEyond the moon..
the sky.. and ground to wHeRE
i’VE never gone before.. above..
so below.. inside.. outside all
around.. to go wHere i have
not gone bEfore continues to
bE my mantra of Real in my little
world of TrUth and liGht that mostly
suits me.. fAct of the matter is some
folks are more scaredy cats than others..
i’ve already disintegrated into nothingness
once before and after that.. so relatively
speaKinG i alREady KnoW
that the only guarantee
we Have and Love
is what we do
wITh NoW.. Now
noW.. and no time
but NOW.. it’s quite
liberating this truth of mine..
needs zero facts but yes it’s
all about faith.. the faith when
one understands how nature works
and put’S iT into action with no more
need for facts or words to lead
one own.. FeeLinG And SenSinG
iS mY TrUth and liGht and the
words are juST dreSsinG On
a Cake oF Y i.. but that
my friend is an entirely
different continent
of TrUth and
liGht than
the scaredY
me who lived beFore..
tHeRE are no limits or expectations
that i care to meet anymore.. and with
that Freedom.. comes more TrUth
and liGht that iS real that i
can touch and see
than ever
even fathomable
before iN my lifetime real..
THeRe are entire worlds of experience
that are different from my past.. so no limits
or expectations.. WiLL Certainly BrinG more..
as is is.. thE
way iT
but again
meanwhile.. yes.. i understand
perfectly clear why folks sTiLL
suck on pacifiers as this liFe
business ain’t for ‘sissies’.. or
people without heARt.. SpiRit
and SoUl.. that makes the hard
and soft of life.. a sunny side up
scrambled egg that never breakS noW..:)
Oh.. Lord.. Katrina
trRies To drY mE outT
iN thE Dryer cYcle.. eitHeR
thaT oR iT’s jUSt anoTheR
DanCinG Shiva.. foR NoW..:)
trRies To drY mE outT
iN thE Dryer cYcle.. eitHeR
thaT oR iT’s jUSt anoTheR
DanCinG Shiva.. foR NoW..:)
So.. it’s literAlly
trUe.. everYwHeRe..
i go tHeRe IS A Free
Shoe Carnival fOr-aLL to see..
And haha.. so.. i’m in the middle
eXtra wide aisles of TarGeT doing
mY aLL FReED miX oF Ballet and
marital arts juSt for KicKs and a grand ma
according to Katrina tales her grandson on her
cellphone.. i got him.. i got him.. and i’m gonna
text you his photo right away.. yeah.. all iN a Day
of A liFE iN A DancE
oF mE..HeheHe..;)
trUe.. everYwHeRe..
i go tHeRe IS A Free
Shoe Carnival fOr-aLL to see..
And haha.. so.. i’m in the middle
eXtra wide aisles of TarGeT doing
mY aLL FReED miX oF Ballet and
marital arts juSt for KicKs and a grand ma
according to Katrina tales her grandson on her
cellphone.. i got him.. i got him.. and i’m gonna
text you his photo right away.. yeah.. all iN a Day
of A liFE iN A DancE
oF mE..HeheHe..;)
Facebook Friend and fellow
poet Blogger.. Candice.. shares a
photo of a saying that
poet Blogger.. Candice.. shares a
photo of a saying that
“I Don’t want to look pretty..
I want to look otherworldly
and vaguely threatening”..
I want to look otherworldly
and vaguely threatening”..
And i say..
sMiLes.. true.. in the
real world.. no one messes
with the crazy eye..
and for the most
pArt.. in my
experience a
certain look in the
eye online can
achieve the
same way
of yA wouldn’t
wanna see mE noW
fully rELeased..
i keep mUself on
a short chain sane..;)
real world.. no one messes
with the crazy eye..
and for the most
pArt.. in my
experience a
certain look in the
eye online can
achieve the
same way
of yA wouldn’t
wanna see mE noW
fully rELeased..
i keep mUself on
a short chain sane..;)
And further i say.. tHeRe nOW..
and heRe aS weLL too iN Fredism..
and heRe aS weLL too iN Fredism..
Ah.. the mask of the warrior..
Eastern Philosophy teaches
this in martial arts way for a defense
that has less opportunity of the need for
offense.. fearless speaks volumes.. and now
truly fearless only comes when one is comfortable
in their own body and secure in their basic ability
to use that body as defense against predator as
invisible like balance in force.. or capture against
prey in the same way.. anyway.. a mask it is and not
necessarily representative of the fearless Unconditional
Loving SpiRiT that lives within.. and yes.. i lEarned early
about this mask.. at the city park.. and at middle school..
as it was a cultural way of patriarchy as well.. for a long
lived religious oriented middle eastern desert way of low
subsistence non-fertile lands.. where the winning tribe
of the fertile lands could make the difference between
life and death.. and so one still sees the height of
patriarchy wherever the need of the warrior
human being needs be.. to secure
and war for subsistence of
the tribe one is raised
in.. anyway..
we no longer
live in a desert.. we live
as comparison in a land still
of abundant resources and a social
net of giving where we do not have
nearly the starvation in need of
third world countries where
Patriarchy still reigns the
strongest.. for reasons
that are real for survival
still.. it’s hard to be politically
correct in what humans can be
as altruistic.. sharing beings.. when
there is not enough to eat.. and that
is where one still finds the practice of
filicide and infanticide for the same reasons
of survival of what it takes to live on.. in other
words.. walk in the other shoes before one judges
the other.. nah.. i didn’t like it very much in school..
when the middle school bullies and city park ones
same said boys don’t smile in a threatening tone..
took me years and years and decades to understand
why as there were no males in my family to share this
patriarchal tradition with me.. thank God.. as i lEarned
the heARt of hope and love early and evermore still..
through the divine feminine love of a mother over
what can be the fear and hate of patriarchy still..
as his way of living is like an emergency way
of bEinG human for survival but it is
also a way of life out of balance
where there is no Art in heart..
and all that’s left is he with
no real diving feminine
being for Fearless
love.. and that
is among the saddest
left-overs of patriarchy in
fundamentalist ways of culture
in my little home town of new Jerusalem
where the Old testament rules are still honored
over the Jesus rule of gentile.. jew.. servant or free..
woman or man no more.. and where even in the original
Gnostic Gospel of Thomas.. Jesus says he will make Mary
Magdalene into male so she will be deserving of the same
spiritual attainment in an era where women were seen not
much different than cattle for breeding young.. and
on top of that the original mystical ways
of Judaism.. Elohim.. the original name
for God meant a balance of male and
female.. and that is what the
symbol of the star of
David truly means
as male phallic
triangle pointed symbol
upward and divine feminine
fertility triangle pointed downward
for union of one and same as marriage
of one male and female in one person
whole in spiritual way.. and this philosophy
and mystical way of greater enlightenment
and balance bEinG one with God STilL
remains in the Gospel of Thomas now…
Well.. there is another profile photo i could
have used to better illustrate that where
i live is not much different than modern
Muslim Cultures who denounce any
Homosexual or other sexual
orientation.. including
Transgender ways of
being as worthy of death
in some cases.. but here in
New Jerusalem.. the place in
New Israel U.S. oF A.. that once
held the record book title of most
churches per square mile.. the veil of
ignorance in real original Greek meaning
of the word Apocalypse still sadly covers the
innate trUth and liGht of God that lives in wE
all innate.. instinctual.. and intuitive.. the power of
the balance of the divine feminine and masculine
attributes of human one in being as one human being
one with God now.. as we are made as mini-me’s in structure
with the rest of the Universe whole in Golden spiral ways of
as above so below.. from the fetus to the curled cat to
the galaxy.. to yes the rose.. nautilus and all of
Nature form A to Z beyond only the
symbols of human written language
alone in the symbols as numbers
6 and 9 same as Golden
Spiral of Life symbol
too.. as above.. so below..
inside outside.. all around..
so we are driving by this place
Called ‘Faith Baptist Church’ tonight..
and Katrina snaps a photo of a marquee
of lie that says “God doesn’t recognize
Transgender” and supports that
statement with a verse 1:27 from
the oldest part of the antiquated
historical Old Testament
that says basically
that God created
human in God’s image
and made male and female..
well.. yeah sure.. and God also
made her·maph·ro·dites too
but who knows perhaps in
infanticide ways they were
destroyed at birth by their
parents.. but if so.. i doubt
there ever was a record of it
and it was kept hush hush.. same
as homosexuality in the closet back
then and Muslim countries same where
a homosexual can come to self-loathe
themselves so much in the contradiction
of what the church says they are that in
paRt can lead to a rampage killing of the
greatest number of deaths in U.S. history..
There is good reason to accept everyone into
the tribe of human being.. as Jesus says… It keeps
the blood shed to minimum as an outcast can be
a most dangerous weapon of all to the tribe at
hand if they truly get out of hand in fear
and hate as well.. in Vengeance ways
instead of continuing Victory in the
Hope and fearless Love as
originally taught by the
good cop Jesus from
the record mostly
as it stands..
but yeah.. there
is still the part in the
gnostic gospel of Thomas
as well that says i come with
a sword and not for peace.. and
you have to hate your parents to follow
me.. so sure.. the BAD Cop Jesus lives
even in the Gospels not yet twisted by the
Roman empire as myth to spread the Roman
Empire greater in coordination with the Mithra
Myth of that area/era to make Jesus into a Soldier Sun
God.. particularly around 325 AD.. with the help
of Emperor Constantine of the Roman Empire
and his Catholic Cohorts then.. eventually
too.. where Constantine could erect
A Monolithic Statue of himself
represented as a Sun God
to be worshipped too..
greater than the
other children of
God too.. as first
instead of last or
a special appointed position
on a throne by an anthropomorphic
God with a white beard or whatever
with the artistic representation of
a bearded female named Jesus..
all effete looking as such in
Androgynous way but
in keeping with
the original
of Elohim too..
anyway.. back to
the mask.. when you
weigh 230 LBS.. leg press
a half a ton 33 times.. and wear
a hidden mask like the one below
behind shades.. you get to do ballet
in a public place like this.. that still
thinks that Gender roles in one way
are life and death.. bottom line is
the new patriarchs finger
Cell phones.. and i
kick iron without
touching it in
literally 100’s of thousands
of kicks as a practice of martial
arts.. it is fair to say.. like the Monkey
or the Hawk who rarely fall out of skies
and trees that i virtually never miss for the
same reason of wax on.. wax off.. i practice..
IN HEALING FORCE.. folks like men who
repress or oppress these emotions.. now..
particularly behind pudgy fingers
of a ‘smart’ phone.. die early
from metabolic disease..
and that IS A fact..
Move.. Connect.. and
Create in the action of
fearless love.. or basically
suffer the consequence of
Emotional retardation.. and never
ever developing a full humanity of
heARt.. SpiRit of heaRt ExpresSinG
powerful liFe giving EmoTioNs of Fearless
Love and all the pro-social nuanced emoTions
that are almost unlimited that can go with that in
a mind and body balanced sOuL or suffer the consequence
of being lost from the human potential that God as Nature
gives us from birth when fully watered by caring parents
and a village of balance in abundance from birth to
death.. the vital element is the watering and
the abundance of subsistence that can
be a fertile ground to grow altruistic..
fearless loving human beings who
have a balance of the divine
and masculine pARts
of God divined to
us all natural now..
or suffer the consequences
in misery and suffering.. ya see..
i don’t have to prove i am correct about
this as there is NO ESCAPING THE GOD OF
a choice that must not only be made but one
grown from birth from a culture that is
in the kNow and FeeL of A Good
Cop Jesus real.. but sure..
it’s all confusing as
remnants from
3500 year old..
warring tribal religions.. come
over to a new world of abundance
now named the U.S. oF A.. eventuAlly
the TrUth and liGht ReaL ruleS.. as Freedom
continues to be contagious and while i wiLL
not put that image of this hate and fear filled
Marquee on Facebook.. i will put it on my blog
as just more evidence of the bad cop Jesus that
still rules over heRe wHere A good cop Jesus
lives as me.. and otHeRs.. in New Jerusalem iN the
New ISraEL oF U.S. of A.. that truly means
all of God’s people Free..
It’s happening..
slowly but surely
Fearless Love Grows
and Wins the War over
ignorant skirmishes like this
that litter the roads of my home..
here in God’s PoTenTial Paradise REAL..
oh yeah.. and by a way..
the shirt says NIRVANA..
THE PLACE i for one LIVe Free
iN God Cop Jesus Heaven REALnOW..:)
Eastern Philosophy teaches
this in martial arts way for a defense
that has less opportunity of the need for
offense.. fearless speaks volumes.. and now
truly fearless only comes when one is comfortable
in their own body and secure in their basic ability
to use that body as defense against predator as
invisible like balance in force.. or capture against
prey in the same way.. anyway.. a mask it is and not
necessarily representative of the fearless Unconditional
Loving SpiRiT that lives within.. and yes.. i lEarned early
about this mask.. at the city park.. and at middle school..
as it was a cultural way of patriarchy as well.. for a long
lived religious oriented middle eastern desert way of low
subsistence non-fertile lands.. where the winning tribe
of the fertile lands could make the difference between
life and death.. and so one still sees the height of
patriarchy wherever the need of the warrior
human being needs be.. to secure
and war for subsistence of
the tribe one is raised
in.. anyway..
we no longer
live in a desert.. we live
as comparison in a land still
of abundant resources and a social
net of giving where we do not have
nearly the starvation in need of
third world countries where
Patriarchy still reigns the
strongest.. for reasons
that are real for survival
still.. it’s hard to be politically
correct in what humans can be
as altruistic.. sharing beings.. when
there is not enough to eat.. and that
is where one still finds the practice of
filicide and infanticide for the same reasons
of survival of what it takes to live on.. in other
words.. walk in the other shoes before one judges
the other.. nah.. i didn’t like it very much in school..
when the middle school bullies and city park ones
same said boys don’t smile in a threatening tone..
took me years and years and decades to understand
why as there were no males in my family to share this
patriarchal tradition with me.. thank God.. as i lEarned
the heARt of hope and love early and evermore still..
through the divine feminine love of a mother over
what can be the fear and hate of patriarchy still..
as his way of living is like an emergency way
of bEinG human for survival but it is
also a way of life out of balance
where there is no Art in heart..
and all that’s left is he with
no real diving feminine
being for Fearless
love.. and that
is among the saddest
left-overs of patriarchy in
fundamentalist ways of culture
in my little home town of new Jerusalem
where the Old testament rules are still honored
over the Jesus rule of gentile.. jew.. servant or free..
woman or man no more.. and where even in the original
Gnostic Gospel of Thomas.. Jesus says he will make Mary
Magdalene into male so she will be deserving of the same
spiritual attainment in an era where women were seen not
much different than cattle for breeding young.. and
on top of that the original mystical ways
of Judaism.. Elohim.. the original name
for God meant a balance of male and
female.. and that is what the
symbol of the star of
David truly means
as male phallic
triangle pointed symbol
upward and divine feminine
fertility triangle pointed downward
for union of one and same as marriage
of one male and female in one person
whole in spiritual way.. and this philosophy
and mystical way of greater enlightenment
and balance bEinG one with God STilL
remains in the Gospel of Thomas now…
Well.. there is another profile photo i could
have used to better illustrate that where
i live is not much different than modern
Muslim Cultures who denounce any
Homosexual or other sexual
orientation.. including
Transgender ways of
being as worthy of death
in some cases.. but here in
New Jerusalem.. the place in
New Israel U.S. oF A.. that once
held the record book title of most
churches per square mile.. the veil of
ignorance in real original Greek meaning
of the word Apocalypse still sadly covers the
innate trUth and liGht of God that lives in wE
all innate.. instinctual.. and intuitive.. the power of
the balance of the divine feminine and masculine
attributes of human one in being as one human being
one with God now.. as we are made as mini-me’s in structure
with the rest of the Universe whole in Golden spiral ways of
as above so below.. from the fetus to the curled cat to
the galaxy.. to yes the rose.. nautilus and all of
Nature form A to Z beyond only the
symbols of human written language
alone in the symbols as numbers
6 and 9 same as Golden
Spiral of Life symbol
too.. as above.. so below..
inside outside.. all around..
so we are driving by this place
Called ‘Faith Baptist Church’ tonight..
and Katrina snaps a photo of a marquee
of lie that says “God doesn’t recognize
Transgender” and supports that
statement with a verse 1:27 from
the oldest part of the antiquated
historical Old Testament
that says basically
that God created
human in God’s image
and made male and female..
well.. yeah sure.. and God also
made her·maph·ro·dites too
but who knows perhaps in
infanticide ways they were
destroyed at birth by their
parents.. but if so.. i doubt
there ever was a record of it
and it was kept hush hush.. same
as homosexuality in the closet back
then and Muslim countries same where
a homosexual can come to self-loathe
themselves so much in the contradiction
of what the church says they are that in
paRt can lead to a rampage killing of the
greatest number of deaths in U.S. history..
There is good reason to accept everyone into
the tribe of human being.. as Jesus says… It keeps
the blood shed to minimum as an outcast can be
a most dangerous weapon of all to the tribe at
hand if they truly get out of hand in fear
and hate as well.. in Vengeance ways
instead of continuing Victory in the
Hope and fearless Love as
originally taught by the
good cop Jesus from
the record mostly
as it stands..
but yeah.. there
is still the part in the
gnostic gospel of Thomas
as well that says i come with
a sword and not for peace.. and
you have to hate your parents to follow
me.. so sure.. the BAD Cop Jesus lives
even in the Gospels not yet twisted by the
Roman empire as myth to spread the Roman
Empire greater in coordination with the Mithra
Myth of that area/era to make Jesus into a Soldier Sun
God.. particularly around 325 AD.. with the help
of Emperor Constantine of the Roman Empire
and his Catholic Cohorts then.. eventually
too.. where Constantine could erect
A Monolithic Statue of himself
represented as a Sun God
to be worshipped too..
greater than the
other children of
God too.. as first
instead of last or
a special appointed position
on a throne by an anthropomorphic
God with a white beard or whatever
with the artistic representation of
a bearded female named Jesus..
all effete looking as such in
Androgynous way but
in keeping with
the original
of Elohim too..
anyway.. back to
the mask.. when you
weigh 230 LBS.. leg press
a half a ton 33 times.. and wear
a hidden mask like the one below
behind shades.. you get to do ballet
in a public place like this.. that still
thinks that Gender roles in one way
are life and death.. bottom line is
the new patriarchs finger
Cell phones.. and i
kick iron without
touching it in
literally 100’s of thousands
of kicks as a practice of martial
arts.. it is fair to say.. like the Monkey
or the Hawk who rarely fall out of skies
and trees that i virtually never miss for the
same reason of wax on.. wax off.. i practice..
IN HEALING FORCE.. folks like men who
repress or oppress these emotions.. now..
particularly behind pudgy fingers
of a ‘smart’ phone.. die early
from metabolic disease..
and that IS A fact..
Move.. Connect.. and
Create in the action of
fearless love.. or basically
suffer the consequence of
Emotional retardation.. and never
ever developing a full humanity of
heARt.. SpiRit of heaRt ExpresSinG
powerful liFe giving EmoTioNs of Fearless
Love and all the pro-social nuanced emoTions
that are almost unlimited that can go with that in
a mind and body balanced sOuL or suffer the consequence
of being lost from the human potential that God as Nature
gives us from birth when fully watered by caring parents
and a village of balance in abundance from birth to
death.. the vital element is the watering and
the abundance of subsistence that can
be a fertile ground to grow altruistic..
fearless loving human beings who
have a balance of the divine
and masculine pARts
of God divined to
us all natural now..
or suffer the consequences
in misery and suffering.. ya see..
i don’t have to prove i am correct about
this as there is NO ESCAPING THE GOD OF
a choice that must not only be made but one
grown from birth from a culture that is
in the kNow and FeeL of A Good
Cop Jesus real.. but sure..
it’s all confusing as
remnants from
3500 year old..
warring tribal religions.. come
over to a new world of abundance
now named the U.S. oF A.. eventuAlly
the TrUth and liGht ReaL ruleS.. as Freedom
continues to be contagious and while i wiLL
not put that image of this hate and fear filled
Marquee on Facebook.. i will put it on my blog
as just more evidence of the bad cop Jesus that
still rules over heRe wHere A good cop Jesus
lives as me.. and otHeRs.. in New Jerusalem iN the
New ISraEL oF U.S. of A.. that truly means
all of God’s people Free..
It’s happening..
slowly but surely
Fearless Love Grows
and Wins the War over
ignorant skirmishes like this
that litter the roads of my home..
here in God’s PoTenTial Paradise REAL..
oh yeah.. and by a way..
the shirt says NIRVANA..
THE PLACE i for one LIVe Free
iN God Cop Jesus Heaven REALnOW..:)
Well.. yeah.. here comes a whole ‘nuther string
of Facebook memories beginning with this one
from three years ago in quotable text.. and yeah..
i know i probably share my own stuff more than
most anyone else on Facebook.. but it’s true i’m kinda
literally a big deal in terms of actual quantity of words written
and steps danced.. both in poetic artistic ways of being..
and considering how controversial my art could be
observed particularly in my very conservative
place of origin.. i never really thought
many folks would want to
associate with me as so-called
Facebook friends.. as speaking an
unadulterated human truth not tainted
by modern religions and cultures of dark..
isn’t exactly a way to win friends of group think..
but anyway.. i figured long ago.. this was an excellent
free storage disk in ways of Facebook for back-up of
writing the longest long form poem ever.. success
on that so sure it’s still all worth it..
as i’m doing this for the very
long term record.. not any
short term likes.. shares..
followers or whatever is the
flavor of the cultural moment.. when
you do something no one else has ever done before..
let’s just say sooner or later it stands on its own merit..
history proves this time and time again now.. even when
the record is as hidden away as Emily’s poems in a drawer
of years ago.. etc.. etc.. etc.. live.. lEarn.. and MAKE THE
DEAL REAL.. AND in my case totally for free..
as i’ve earned enough green backs in that
other prison way of life of culture iN 3
decades plus.. of my nose to thAT
grind stone.. to last me the
rest of my life of doing WTF
i care too.. FTW as Snoopy
might sTill say in a breeze
of ease.. figuring the system out
and making the most of it.. like using
Facebook for free hard drive space in this
online cloud with no sun or moon that can be
pARt of heaven noW2.. for those who find it..
seek it and Just do it now.. making it yes.. THE REAL DEAL NOW..:)
of Facebook memories beginning with this one
from three years ago in quotable text.. and yeah..
i know i probably share my own stuff more than
most anyone else on Facebook.. but it’s true i’m kinda
literally a big deal in terms of actual quantity of words written
and steps danced.. both in poetic artistic ways of being..
and considering how controversial my art could be
observed particularly in my very conservative
place of origin.. i never really thought
many folks would want to
associate with me as so-called
Facebook friends.. as speaking an
unadulterated human truth not tainted
by modern religions and cultures of dark..
isn’t exactly a way to win friends of group think..
but anyway.. i figured long ago.. this was an excellent
free storage disk in ways of Facebook for back-up of
writing the longest long form poem ever.. success
on that so sure it’s still all worth it..
as i’m doing this for the very
long term record.. not any
short term likes.. shares..
followers or whatever is the
flavor of the cultural moment.. when
you do something no one else has ever done before..
let’s just say sooner or later it stands on its own merit..
history proves this time and time again now.. even when
the record is as hidden away as Emily’s poems in a drawer
of years ago.. etc.. etc.. etc.. live.. lEarn.. and MAKE THE
DEAL REAL.. AND in my case totally for free..
as i’ve earned enough green backs in that
other prison way of life of culture iN 3
decades plus.. of my nose to thAT
grind stone.. to last me the
rest of my life of doing WTF
i care too.. FTW as Snoopy
might sTill say in a breeze
of ease.. figuring the system out
and making the most of it.. like using
Facebook for free hard drive space in this
online cloud with no sun or moon that can be
pARt of heaven noW2.. for those who find it..
seek it and Just do it now.. making it yes.. THE REAL DEAL NOW..:)
As A poetic memory from three years ago continues On iN Internet print..
“That is what I mean by rhetorical question.
It doesn’t take language to see it.
All it takes is perception.
All it takes is perception.
Humans likely do not experience anything of
what some other animals do,
what some other animals do,
as they are ‘blinded’ byproducts
of collective intelligence.
of collective intelligence.
I have a good memory
and can still perceive
part of that experience
and can still perceive
part of that experience
before I gained
the ability to speak
as a non-verbal child.
the ability to speak
as a non-verbal child.
That deficit in language
was a gift beyond
my ‘wildest’ imagination…
was a gift beyond
my ‘wildest’ imagination…
It is the beauty of poetry
that lets one see
a larger part of it,
that lets one see
a larger part of it,
if one is able to listen,
and hear the messages…
and hear the messages…
By the way, I use a clip from the movie ‘Contact’, inspired by Carl Sagan, to express this feeling of whole, in my blog over and over. It is my all time favorite ‘thought’, that expresses what I am saying, in a simple 10 minute video.
It is easier to visit that place than to live there…
That stuff that ‘Jesus’ and others (the combined effort of the folks that wrote the stories) was talking about that was not ‘adulterated’; commercialized out to patriarchs; is a Universal truth… NO ONE can change… it is just a matter of ‘tapping’ into it… that is the challenge….
There are no two paths that are the same…
and there are no two paths that are separate…
and there are no two paths that are separate…
It is ‘questions’ like that…
that can take one there…
that can take one there…
In a “Twitter-Verse”,
the Camel is bigger
than ever before…
the Camel is bigger
than ever before…
and eye of needle is closing in…to closed…
The only escape now is language,
most ironically…”
And by the way.. with this 2nd memory
from three years ago.. when i got the REAL
PASSION for writing poEtry.. before i started
DanCinG liFe as WELL.. i won’t just tale ya..
heaven is now.. AND DAM SURE WILL NOT
LIE TO YOU THAT iT is only after this liFe..
i’lLL show ya how i found it.. and
how i keep it reaL Now.. and no..
of course i will not necessarily be
able to lead you to the water of heaven now..
and sure.. i cannot make you drink a single drop
of water in the heaven i live in now.. but sUre..
i cry.. i try.. i just do iT.. REAL.. ALwAYS NOW..:)
from three years ago.. when i got the REAL
PASSION for writing poEtry.. before i started
DanCinG liFe as WELL.. i won’t just tale ya..
heaven is now.. AND DAM SURE WILL NOT
LIE TO YOU THAT iT is only after this liFe..
i’lLL show ya how i found it.. and
how i keep it reaL Now.. and no..
of course i will not necessarily be
able to lead you to the water of heaven now..
and sure.. i cannot make you drink a single drop
of water in the heaven i live in now.. but sUre..
i cry.. i try.. i just do iT.. REAL.. ALwAYS NOW..:)
“Katie Mia
4:50 PM
4:50 PM
Speaking through
(figuratively speaking, me)
(figuratively speaking, me)
To be clear…
I am using ‘Katie Mia’ as ‘a symbol’
for the Christ
that IS ALL
for the Christ
that IS ALL
for the historical Jesus Christ
sacrificed on a cross;
for the historical Jesus Christ
sacrificed on a cross;
‘Aghogday’ or ‘Aghori’
for what people describe as
‘the beast’
or the ‘Anti-Christ’
in Christian
and Hindu
‘the beast’
or the ‘Anti-Christ’
in Christian
and Hindu
The essence of all three
‘live’ in everyone…
whether one likes it or not…
‘live’ in everyone…
whether one likes it or not…
I am fortunate and unfortunate…
to experience ‘polar opposites’
of these human
to experience ‘polar opposites’
of these human
in one lifetime
in ‘spirit’…
in ‘spirit’…
How do I know…
35 hours of sleep,
one each,
35 days…
35 days…
no sleep in the last 5 of 40…
a little over 5 years ago…
a little over 5 years ago…
and one
who comes to this
the future…
which will happen…
as there are over 5 million
words that link back to it…
words that link back to it…
This is full disclosure…
Now, back to the message…
(‘All three’ still ‘figuratively’
‘speaking’ through me…)
‘speaking’ through me…)
One views a thirteen year old boy
practicing a song for weeks…
practicing a song for weeks…
in preparation of
a talent show…
a talent show…
in middle school…
The Piano Music
“Jesus Christ
“Jesus Christ
The music
inspires one’s passion
like no
other has
inspires one’s passion
like no
other has
One is drawn
to the
to the
The passion filled boy
plays the song for others
inspired beyond what can
be imagined…
plays the song for others
inspired beyond what can
be imagined…
the boy cannot walk straight.
in laughter…
in laughter…
The boy thinks…
“Don’t they understand
how much this song means
to me…”
“Don’t they understand
how much this song means
to me…”
“Who do you think
you are…
why should they
you are…
why should they
‘Only if you knew IT’
‘Only if you knew IT’
‘Only if you knew’…
‘Only if you knew IT’
‘Only if you knew’…
‘Can’t YOU SEE that…’
“‘HE’ is right here in ‘FRONT’
‘SHE’ lives in ‘YOU’…
See, I didn’t forget you…
the ‘Big J’…
the ‘Big J’…
is said…
and done…
‘You’ see,
is one…
is one…
Very Long…
‘I’ love you in ‘Spirit’
I couldn’t have done
without ‘you’
Thanks for coming
Yes.. of course Whitman and the Gnostic Jesus were correct..
the Soul and God same resides in the Temple of God that is our flesh and blood..
and it does its best.. when wE aRE BaLanCinG iN miNd and boDy Yin/Yang way..
so yes.. if ya celebrate ya body.. Eclectic Electrically.. you miGht just
get the motivation to balance ya miNd and boDy aS onE
works for me.. anyWay.. and that’s
the waY i liKe iT2..:)
the Soul and God same resides in the Temple of God that is our flesh and blood..
and it does its best.. when wE aRE BaLanCinG iN miNd and boDy Yin/Yang way..
so yes.. if ya celebrate ya body.. Eclectic Electrically.. you miGht just
get the motivation to balance ya miNd and boDy aS onE
works for me.. anyWay.. and that’s
the waY i liKe iT2..:)
Oh Lord.. more on a wrecking ball
of hate here in a few.. as copied and pasted currently..
this morning on a couple of Facebook Friends pages.. ugh
yeah.. the wrecking ball of culture/religion is still in full
StRinG.. particularly as the terrorists attacks..
namely the one in Turkey.. sadly still wreck
on in fear and hate.. of ignorance in
religious and cultural human ways..
oh God2.. long overdue.. to save F iN Lives..
including species of Nature WHOLE..:)
of hate here in a few.. as copied and pasted currently..
this morning on a couple of Facebook Friends pages.. ugh
yeah.. the wrecking ball of culture/religion is still in full
StRinG.. particularly as the terrorists attacks..
namely the one in Turkey.. sadly still wreck
on in fear and hate.. of ignorance in
religious and cultural human ways..
oh God2.. long overdue.. to save F iN Lives..
including species of Nature WHOLE..:)
Yup.. more ‘children of the
corn’ photos here.. from a
year ago.. too.. as yes2..
like the original movie.. IS A
dArk parody of sorts in assessment
of the hell pit falls of modern religion2..;)
corn’ photos here.. from a
year ago.. too.. as yes2..
like the original movie.. IS A
dArk parody of sorts in assessment
of the hell pit falls of modern religion2..;)
And last.. but certainly
not lEast.. the wiNd
that’s got my back..
in putting me all back
togETheR.. after humpty
dumpty mE feLL off the
Wall of culture.. liKe A
loose brick.. back then
in 2008.. where none
of the King’s men..
horses.. doctors..
eTc.. could put me back
T o G E T h e R AgaiN2..
noW in year ago memory
too.. child of the okRA..
wiFe Katrina/Isis iN
terms of basicAlly A
sAMe real Egyptian
myth of Goddess..
yes.. the wiNd beHind
mE.. toDay in new Jerusalem
now.. M I L T O N.. in the state
of Flowers Florida noW2..
iN the new ISraEL of the
Good old new world of the
Americas of Good Old U.S. of A2..
and if you want to call me the underworld
dude.. as Osiris.. go aHead.. sure.. Now i’LL be
an old bird-head..;)
not lEast.. the wiNd
that’s got my back..
in putting me all back
togETheR.. after humpty
dumpty mE feLL off the
Wall of culture.. liKe A
loose brick.. back then
in 2008.. where none
of the King’s men..
horses.. doctors..
eTc.. could put me back
T o G E T h e R AgaiN2..
noW in year ago memory
too.. child of the okRA..
wiFe Katrina/Isis iN
terms of basicAlly A
sAMe real Egyptian
myth of Goddess..
yes.. the wiNd beHind
mE.. toDay in new Jerusalem
now.. M I L T O N.. in the state
of Flowers Florida noW2..
iN the new ISraEL of the
Good old new world of the
Americas of Good Old U.S. of A2..
and if you want to call me the underworld
dude.. as Osiris.. go aHead.. sure.. Now i’LL be
an old bird-head..;)
Extra cool Seville Quarter
Frolicking Dancing Friend
Cortney shares a video
of a bird’s eye view of
an Eagle flying over
New World American
terrain.. and she
notes with sad
and unsure emoticons
she is still trying to figure
out what an ‘American Eagle’
is so i say in ‘helping
her out’ on this
That IS cool..
And nah..
Have nature..
Not nations..
If humans could
Be more like the animal they ARE..;)
And in addition now i say..
Yes.. while humans certainly have a
tribal instinct.. of relatively small groups
of humans against other small groups
of humans to achieve basic subsistence
needs of nature.. fitting into their current
same evolved way to connect
peacefully to around 150 to 200
sets of eyes.. hips.. torsos and
other naked stuff dancing
all ecstatically around
the campfire at
night.. kinda like
what me and
Cortney and all
my other Dancing
Friends do at good
old Seville Quarter
on Thursday nights..
albeit we wear clothes
as there are way too many
strange unknown folks to
go all naturale as our
so-called primitive
savage ancestors
did all in happy
peace in balance
with Nature whole..
yes.. human nations are
insane at core.. as we just
are not evolved to live like this..
so that IS A source of all human
conflict.. so hope i just solved the
world problems but of course i didn’t
i only identified the problem.. but Nature
Will have her way with humans sooner or
later to get them back in balance with the
rest of Nature one as God’s creation LiVinG
on earth noW onE.. #NatureBoss bottom
line here..:)
Frolicking Dancing Friend
Cortney shares a video
of a bird’s eye view of
an Eagle flying over
New World American
terrain.. and she
notes with sad
and unsure emoticons
she is still trying to figure
out what an ‘American Eagle’
is so i say in ‘helping
her out’ on this
That IS cool..
And nah..
Have nature..
Not nations..
If humans could
Be more like the animal they ARE..;)
And in addition now i say..
Yes.. while humans certainly have a
tribal instinct.. of relatively small groups
of humans against other small groups
of humans to achieve basic subsistence
needs of nature.. fitting into their current
same evolved way to connect
peacefully to around 150 to 200
sets of eyes.. hips.. torsos and
other naked stuff dancing
all ecstatically around
the campfire at
night.. kinda like
what me and
Cortney and all
my other Dancing
Friends do at good
old Seville Quarter
on Thursday nights..
albeit we wear clothes
as there are way too many
strange unknown folks to
go all naturale as our
so-called primitive
savage ancestors
did all in happy
peace in balance
with Nature whole..
yes.. human nations are
insane at core.. as we just
are not evolved to live like this..
so that IS A source of all human
conflict.. so hope i just solved the
world problems but of course i didn’t
i only identified the problem.. but Nature
Will have her way with humans sooner or
later to get them back in balance with the
rest of Nature one as God’s creation LiVinG
on earth noW onE.. #NatureBoss bottom
line here..:)
Okay now i travel over to Ashe.. my old
friend who i worked with before i fell
out of the hell of work in 2008..
into an even deeper pit of hell..
and no.. she’s.. much much
younger than me..
by decades of
Ashe shares
a Grandma
Sunday after
church story where
her Methodist Grandma
asks if Baptists get dipped
in water for Baptism like
a flea dip for dogs..
And i ‘somewhat’..
quickly interject..
Not to change the subject
but the Faith Baptist Marquee
on Dogwood street that says ‘God
doesn’t recognize Transgender’..
Is Missing the FACT that some
folks are born with both organs..
Some folks Are missing a chromosome..
Etc.. Not realizing that religion still creates
ignorance and yeah.. wInks.. I’m talking to
the choir but additionally the closest thing
to Christianity before Constantine and his
Catholic cohorts got ahold of it in 325 AD
in the Nicene council is the Gnostic Gospels
uncovered in ’59 where the dude and no ONLY
begotten son of God was reported saying in metaphor
for the male and female as marriage of one human for
yin and yang male and female divine balance.. That yes..
‘they’ would make the apostle Mary Magdalene who was
Jesus’ most favorite apostle into male so she would be
‘worthy’ as we all know.. Women didn’t even get a right
to speak in church or vote in politics until relatively
recently since the REAL fall of humanity when
they started agriculture in storing grain ways
10 to 12 thousand years ago as this ends
the Grandpa Fred story2..
God a good mind to give
that Faith Baptist Preacher
A REAL lesson on God but
i tend to blow So-called Christians..Jews..
And Muslim’s heads off without owning or
carrying a gun when i do that so the singing
to your choir ends now..;)
friend who i worked with before i fell
out of the hell of work in 2008..
into an even deeper pit of hell..
and no.. she’s.. much much
younger than me..
by decades of
Ashe shares
a Grandma
Sunday after
church story where
her Methodist Grandma
asks if Baptists get dipped
in water for Baptism like
a flea dip for dogs..
And i ‘somewhat’..
quickly interject..
Not to change the subject
but the Faith Baptist Marquee
on Dogwood street that says ‘God
doesn’t recognize Transgender’..
Is Missing the FACT that some
folks are born with both organs..
Some folks Are missing a chromosome..
Etc.. Not realizing that religion still creates
ignorance and yeah.. wInks.. I’m talking to
the choir but additionally the closest thing
to Christianity before Constantine and his
Catholic cohorts got ahold of it in 325 AD
in the Nicene council is the Gnostic Gospels
uncovered in ’59 where the dude and no ONLY
begotten son of God was reported saying in metaphor
for the male and female as marriage of one human for
yin and yang male and female divine balance.. That yes..
‘they’ would make the apostle Mary Magdalene who was
Jesus’ most favorite apostle into male so she would be
‘worthy’ as we all know.. Women didn’t even get a right
to speak in church or vote in politics until relatively
recently since the REAL fall of humanity when
they started agriculture in storing grain ways
10 to 12 thousand years ago as this ends
the Grandpa Fred story2..
God a good mind to give
that Faith Baptist Preacher
A REAL lesson on God but
i tend to blow So-called Christians..Jews..
And Muslim’s heads off without owning or
carrying a gun when i do that so the singing
to your choir ends now..;)
And i say here in
addition.. in so
heiRed way..
addition.. in so
heiRed way..
AnyWay.. i already did this
God lesson online with a Muslim
Friend.. i can just copy and
paste the link and voila here it is
God lesson online with a Muslim
Friend.. i can just copy and
paste the link and voila here it is
gigoid.. my friend of liGht..
which means i can’t
add a dam thing.. and
trust me.. NoW.. noW..
that doesn’t often happen..
(except for your
personal thoughts)
with direct link
in comments
and blog..
TODAY.. noW.. SMiLES..:)
gigoid.. my friend of liGht..
which means i can’t
add a dam thing.. and
trust me.. NoW.. noW..
that doesn’t often happen..
(except for your
personal thoughts)
with direct link
in comments
and blog..
TODAY.. noW.. SMiLES..:)
Retroactive Prophecy by gigoid..
“The fact that we are human beings is infinitely more important
than all the peculiarities
that distinguish human beings from one another.”
than all the peculiarities
that distinguish human beings from one another.”
~~ Simone de Beauvoir, “The Second Sex” ~~
“Anarchism is the only philosophy which brings to man the consciousness of himself; which maintains that God, the State, and society are non-existent, that their promises are null and void, since they can be fulfilled only through man’s subordination. Anarchism is therefore the teacher of the unity of life; not merely in nature, but in man.”
— Emma Goldman “Anarchism: What It Really Stands For”
Think about it, ffolkes. Humans, as they exist, are natural anarchists; we don’t do well with too much order. It’s too artificial, because the universe isn’t built that way…. Chaos and order coexist, side by side, connected, and we are merely a 3D representation of that quality…. THAT is something about which it would be well to have faith, for it is as much a part of you as water….
Early Observations
Until I knew there was more,
I wanted to know God.
They said he was a nice guy,
and would let me live forever.
I wanted to know God.
They said he was a nice guy,
and would let me live forever.
All I had to do, they said,
was live my life for Him,
always living by scripture
cleaving only to his Way.
was live my life for Him,
always living by scripture
cleaving only to his Way.
But, everyone I saw in church,
acted different at home.
Living wild, cussin’ and fussin’,
nobody lived like they said.
acted different at home.
Living wild, cussin’ and fussin’,
nobody lived like they said.
Still, I tried to be like Jesus,
he was sort of cool.
He never hurt nobody
and walked on the right path.
he was sort of cool.
He never hurt nobody
and walked on the right path.
‘Course they killed him for that,
they couldn’t stand his example.
Turned him into a martyr,
hid his real words among their own.
they couldn’t stand his example.
Turned him into a martyr,
hid his real words among their own.
Then I found the Buddha,
and met Lao Tzu at the gate.
They saw things real different,
showed me how to see straight.
and met Lao Tzu at the gate.
They saw things real different,
showed me how to see straight.
Right thought, and right action
replace blind obedience and faith.
Reality becomes manageable,
fear retreats, the universe expands.
replace blind obedience and faith.
Reality becomes manageable,
fear retreats, the universe expands.
Brother John said it pretty well,
“Imagine there’s no heaven,
it’s easy if you try.”
Sounds like he knew why.
“Imagine there’s no heaven,
it’s easy if you try.”
Sounds like he knew why.
Day to day, life is grand,
we walk in eternal beauty.
Open your eyes and hearts,
find yourself already immortal.
we walk in eternal beauty.
Open your eyes and hearts,
find yourself already immortal.
~~ gigoid ~~
“We cannot put off living until we are ready.
The most salient characteristic of life is its coerciveness;
it is always urgent, here and now,
without any possible postponement.
Life is fired at us point blank.”
The most salient characteristic of life is its coerciveness;
it is always urgent, here and now,
without any possible postponement.
Life is fired at us point blank.”
~~ Ortega y Gasset ~~
“All is mystery;
but he is a slave
who will not struggle
to penetrate the dark veil.”
but he is a slave
who will not struggle
to penetrate the dark veil.”
~~ Benjamin Disraeli ~~
“It is the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It is the dream afraid of waking
that never takes a chance.
It is the one who won’t be taken
who cannot seem to give.
And the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live.”
that never learns to dance.
It is the dream afraid of waking
that never takes a chance.
It is the one who won’t be taken
who cannot seem to give.
And the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live.”
~~ Bette Midler, The Rose ~~
“I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over.
Out on the edge, you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center.”
Out on the edge, you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center.”
~~ Kurt Vonnegut ~~
“The higher we soar, the smaller we seem to those who cannot fly”
~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~
“There is nothing more notable in Socrates
than that he found time, when he was an old man,
to learn music and dancing, and thought it time well spent.”
than that he found time, when he was an old man,
to learn music and dancing, and thought it time well spent.”
~~ Michel de Montaigne ~~
“To see the world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.”
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.”
~~ William Blake, “Auguries of Innocence” ~~
And those words end the ones of gigoid for NoW
and the wise of those bEfore in retroactive
prophecy that still come beFore iN now..
and of course this tradition continues
online now.. wHere anyone
can be employed
free by
as wise
old or
new sAge..:)
and the wise of those bEfore in retroactive
prophecy that still come beFore iN now..
and of course this tradition continues
online now.. wHere anyone
can be employed
free by
as wise
old or
new sAge..:)
Facebook Friend Rafiah
changes her cover to a
hand held pink balloon
imprinted with words
of “The Crushing
Weight of Reality”
over a city
now full of
and night
i say..
changes her cover to a
hand held pink balloon
imprinted with words
of “The Crushing
Weight of Reality”
over a city
now full of
and night
i say..
mY friEnd..
no weiGht
to reaLITy
when gravity
bEcomes friEnd
neveR aGainsT
thAT Force God..
A balloon of air..
inside.. outside..
above.. so below
and all around now..
of course.. yes.. easier
sAid than dONE.. no Matter
how poetic words WiLL Come..
Moving.. Connecting.. and Creating..
over symbols
oF idols iN
i AM..
Rose of tree
unfOlding A
cross of LiFe
FriEnd Rafiah..:)
mY friEnd..
no weiGht
to reaLITy
when gravity
bEcomes friEnd
neveR aGainsT
thAT Force God..
A balloon of air..
inside.. outside..
above.. so below
and all around now..
of course.. yes.. easier
sAid than dONE.. no Matter
how poetic words WiLL Come..
Moving.. Connecting.. and Creating..
over symbols
oF idols iN
i AM..
Rose of tree
unfOlding A
cross of LiFe
FriEnd Rafiah..:)
Rafiah FriEnd..:)
Life of cross
A unfOlding
tree of Rose
AM i..
iN idols oF
symbols over
Creating and Connecting.. Moving..
Come WiLL words poetic how
Matter no.. dONE than sAid
easier.. yes.. course of
now around all and..
below so.. above
outside.. inside..
air of balloon A..
God Force tHAT..
aGainsT neveR
friEnd bEcomes
gravity when
reaLITy to
weiGht no
friEnd mY..
Life of cross
A unfOlding
tree of Rose
AM i..
iN idols oF
symbols over
Creating and Connecting.. Moving..
Come WiLL words poetic how
Matter no.. dONE than sAid
easier.. yes.. course of
now around all and..
below so.. above
outside.. inside..
air of balloon A..
God Force tHAT..
aGainsT neveR
friEnd bEcomes
gravity when
reaLITy to
weiGht no
friEnd mY..
SMiLes… my friEnd..
the only social animals
who do not seek attention
from other
are.. yes..
One can only love
another to the extent
they love tHeir self..
tHeRe is no love
Love of
self.. now..
oh.. theRe is
those timid souls..
anxious to attach
to another soul that
loves THAT SELF i.e…
When filled up with Love
of Self tHeir is nothing to lose
by Loving otHeRs.. now of course
there are those who love themselves
without the capacity oF empathy for others
but A question is.. do they really Love themselves..
and the answer likely is
no.. nah..
stARts and
ends at home
base of self and
expands out to all oF
Nature for greaTest Lovers
who start
with onE noW
and never end..
allone.. a tree of
life one with spirals
GOlden that go on and
on.. and keep on LoVinG…
Selfish Love that never shines
a lamp of liGht.. kNows no Love
my FriEnd..
Candice.. now..
the only social animals
who do not seek attention
from other
are.. yes..
One can only love
another to the extent
they love tHeir self..
tHeRe is no love
Love of
self.. now..
oh.. theRe is
those timid souls..
anxious to attach
to another soul that
loves THAT SELF i.e…
When filled up with Love
of Self tHeir is nothing to lose
by Loving otHeRs.. now of course
there are those who love themselves
without the capacity oF empathy for others
but A question is.. do they really Love themselves..
and the answer likely is
no.. nah..
stARts and
ends at home
base of self and
expands out to all oF
Nature for greaTest Lovers
who start
with onE noW
and never end..
allone.. a tree of
life one with spirals
GOlden that go on and
on.. and keep on LoVinG…
Selfish Love that never shines
a lamp of liGht.. kNows no Love
my FriEnd..
Candice.. now..
Signed by an
X-timid soul..
who is finAlly
balanced with
a very healthy
level of self love
and the same for aLL otHeRs2..;)
X-timid soul..
who is finAlly
balanced with
a very healthy
level of self love
and the same for aLL otHeRs2..;)
And sure.. i am not afraid to admit
that i too.. once was jealous of folks
who loved themselves as much as they
loved others.. that liGht surely can hurt
the lamps
of dark now..
my FriEnD..
in been
done iT..
iN dark
And lots
of haters originate
from a place like that
of self loathing and
loathing everyone
else as
show too..
at the eXtreme
of that too.. oh..
so.. sAdly enough…
but the liGht shines on
for those who have the
liGht that shines iN first..
and lamp
last.. as
Bright and
ShiNinG noW..:)
that i too.. once was jealous of folks
who loved themselves as much as they
loved others.. that liGht surely can hurt
the lamps
of dark now..
my FriEnD..
in been
done iT..
iN dark
And lots
of haters originate
from a place like that
of self loathing and
loathing everyone
else as
show too..
at the eXtreme
of that too.. oh..
so.. sAdly enough…
but the liGht shines on
for those who have the
liGht that shines iN first..
and lamp
last.. as
Bright and
ShiNinG noW..:)
Yes.. my friend.. lots
of folks are shocked in
real life to find that folks
like Lady Gaga off the stage
are rather introverted and reserved
too.. in person..
my cousin has
been playing in public
in bands in front of up to
thousands for decades and
he too is as almost shy as my
sister who has
Asperger’s syndrome
when it comes to the
vanilla Walmart trip..
But of course i am Bi-polar
and can go from one extreme
to the other depending on the stresses
of life.. in addition to that Asperger’s
thingy where interestingly the two
conditions.. one that can be
wild and crazy super
the other
keeps me in check
or should i say i keep
my self in check and yes
i do with great effort exercised
not to go one way or the other too far..
Anyway.. we have this Christian religion
that professes in fundamentalist ways among
the 2.2 Billion folks who believe that way among
those to the extreme that they are born unworthy
in someway.. so the timid soul is grown in pews of
guilt.. where anything less than Virgin can be unworthy too
like sex soils a female body part and not a male one simply
cause one is in and one is out.. in a book that says it is this way
where actually in primitive cultures the more semen that is added
in the act.. with more prospective sires is seen as self esteem that
the coming child to use a pun too i guess.. will be greater wise for
the contributing
effort of more
prospective fathers..
but when everyone is
getting that much attention
there is not as much need as
yes.. the group is the selfie and
the selfie is the group sAMe..
to hold life sacred no matter
what seems to be a best way
to go for me.. i like my
alone time and
like my time
in the crowds
of others.. as long
as i get a portion
of both.. i AM A oKay..
true.. i’ve seen both sides
L i TeRally and figuratively..
And a best way to control most
anyone is to make them feel the
lesser.. and sure that is what organized
religion is the best at doing.. overall.. sAdly2…
of folks are shocked in
real life to find that folks
like Lady Gaga off the stage
are rather introverted and reserved
too.. in person..
my cousin has
been playing in public
in bands in front of up to
thousands for decades and
he too is as almost shy as my
sister who has
Asperger’s syndrome
when it comes to the
vanilla Walmart trip..
But of course i am Bi-polar
and can go from one extreme
to the other depending on the stresses
of life.. in addition to that Asperger’s
thingy where interestingly the two
conditions.. one that can be
wild and crazy super
the other
keeps me in check
or should i say i keep
my self in check and yes
i do with great effort exercised
not to go one way or the other too far..
Anyway.. we have this Christian religion
that professes in fundamentalist ways among
the 2.2 Billion folks who believe that way among
those to the extreme that they are born unworthy
in someway.. so the timid soul is grown in pews of
guilt.. where anything less than Virgin can be unworthy too
like sex soils a female body part and not a male one simply
cause one is in and one is out.. in a book that says it is this way
where actually in primitive cultures the more semen that is added
in the act.. with more prospective sires is seen as self esteem that
the coming child to use a pun too i guess.. will be greater wise for
the contributing
effort of more
prospective fathers..
but when everyone is
getting that much attention
there is not as much need as
yes.. the group is the selfie and
the selfie is the group sAMe..
to hold life sacred no matter
what seems to be a best way
to go for me.. i like my
alone time and
like my time
in the crowds
of others.. as long
as i get a portion
of both.. i AM A oKay..
true.. i’ve seen both sides
L i TeRally and figuratively..
And a best way to control most
anyone is to make them feel the
lesser.. and sure that is what organized
religion is the best at doing.. overall.. sAdly2…
And nah.. what a person sees of
me on the Internet is not necessarily
me depending on which color of
chameleon i’m wearing
the now they
see me.. now..
Let’s.. just say
it makes life
interesting for
me and a
i AM the
of I actor..
this is my play
alWays and i
give and share it..
but as any REAL ZEN
master WiLLs.. i regulate
emoTioNs.. and integRate
senses like a well tuned Ferrari..
and sure i can say that from the
other side of a Moped with
means more
than sitting for me..
the wheels are no
oh the ease
of aging gracefully
my friEnd.. and that
is what i hope for you
too.. my young friEnD..
with an autistic fLair now
for so much more to come..
Let’s ‘face’ it.. we couldn’t do all this
if we had too much social interaction..
it all
out.. i guess..
and that’s why i
rarely comment here..
as i will suck the energy
out of a concert hAll if given
the opportunity to exhaust the crowd..
but sure..
it’s just
a genetic
thing.. mostly..
as a miX oF Y i..;)
me on the Internet is not necessarily
me depending on which color of
chameleon i’m wearing
the now they
see me.. now..
Let’s.. just say
it makes life
interesting for
me and a
i AM the
of I actor..
this is my play
alWays and i
give and share it..
but as any REAL ZEN
master WiLLs.. i regulate
emoTioNs.. and integRate
senses like a well tuned Ferrari..
and sure i can say that from the
other side of a Moped with
means more
than sitting for me..
the wheels are no
oh the ease
of aging gracefully
my friEnd.. and that
is what i hope for you
too.. my young friEnD..
with an autistic fLair now
for so much more to come..
Let’s ‘face’ it.. we couldn’t do all this
if we had too much social interaction..
it all
out.. i guess..
and that’s why i
rarely comment here..
as i will suck the energy
out of a concert hAll if given
the opportunity to exhaust the crowd..
but sure..
it’s just
a genetic
thing.. mostly..
as a miX oF Y i..;)
For me primal urge says iT all
for the steps of DancE and the
words of SonG iN PoEtry.. for me2..
and truth be tOld
when i’m in the
bar and more
than four girls
surround me
when i dance..
the attention does
make me uncomfortable..
and when i say i would suck
the energy out of a concert hall
or Spring Festival like i have in
the past in dancing my own style
on the sidelines.. i’m not talking about
being on a stage.. as i need very little
attention from others to get by.. but
yes i do need people.. and i am human..
nice talking to you Candice and keep on writing
as i kNow
and FeeL you WiLL..
DancE and SonG in voice..
feet.. and words.. makes me happy
no matter if i am around thouSands
of people or the Nature in my back
yard that only plays with me silent
in winds of echoing sAnds..
bliss.. as leaves..
trees and
flowers streAM..
samE as aLL the colors
i paint with.. my friEnd..
noW as air and water sAMe2..:)
for the steps of DancE and the
words of SonG iN PoEtry.. for me2..
and truth be tOld
when i’m in the
bar and more
than four girls
surround me
when i dance..
the attention does
make me uncomfortable..
and when i say i would suck
the energy out of a concert hall
or Spring Festival like i have in
the past in dancing my own style
on the sidelines.. i’m not talking about
being on a stage.. as i need very little
attention from others to get by.. but
yes i do need people.. and i am human..
nice talking to you Candice and keep on writing
as i kNow
and FeeL you WiLL..
DancE and SonG in voice..
feet.. and words.. makes me happy
no matter if i am around thouSands
of people or the Nature in my back
yard that only plays with me silent
in winds of echoing sAnds..
bliss.. as leaves..
trees and
flowers streAM..
samE as aLL the colors
i paint with.. my friEnd..
noW as air and water sAMe2..:)
As standing technology..
if given the opportunity to
choose a Star Trek Phaser
or.. an iPhone6.. in the 60’s
when i first saw the phaser
as opposed to ’16 and the
iPhone 6s.. i’LL go for
Apple for art..
and nah..
don’t even
beam me uP
as heaven is hEar..
@lEast for me REAL..
don’t need no starships
for the journey free beyond
within real with Nature FREE..:)
if given the opportunity to
choose a Star Trek Phaser
or.. an iPhone6.. in the 60’s
when i first saw the phaser
as opposed to ’16 and the
iPhone 6s.. i’LL go for
Apple for art..
and nah..
don’t even
beam me uP
as heaven is hEar..
@lEast for me REAL..
don’t need no starships
for the journey free beyond
within real with Nature FREE..:)
Yep.. tHeRe iT is aGaiN..
‘the evil eye’.. that in
Turkish terms means
the eye who looks out
to make sure we are all
reminded that no child oF God
iN creation iS greater than the other
than any lesser of a gRain of Sand..
And my watch for the day online in
text ways has run out for the day..
as sleep calls for another
refreshing watch
day for
‘the evil eye’.. that in
Turkish terms means
the eye who looks out
to make sure we are all
reminded that no child oF God
iN creation iS greater than the other
than any lesser of a gRain of Sand..
And my watch for the day online in
text ways has run out for the day..
as sleep calls for another
refreshing watch
day for
Facebook Friend
Himali responds..
Himali responds..
Helloooooo! Beautiful message..
With God, all of us stand
equal as his children..:)
With God, all of us stand
equal as his children..:)
iN return i say..
Hi.. Helloooo! To you too.. Himali..
As i start to snooze but am awakened by
Yellow Boy and see your nice words of appreciation..
So now i wiLL sleep well and good morning to
you in the Arab Emirates..:)
As i start to snooze but am awakened by
Yellow Boy and see your nice words of appreciation..
So now i wiLL sleep well and good morning to
you in the Arab Emirates..:)
Himali says..
Good night..
have a blessed slumber..:)
have a blessed slumber..:)
And finally i say..
Thanks and that was kinda weird as your first
comment was greyed out where i couldn’t like it
but of course i do.. May your day be extra Happy..:)
comment was greyed out where i couldn’t like it
but of course i do.. May your day be extra Happy..:)
And here i say..
Yes.. the Facebook
Algorithm automatically
at times grays out comments..
it ‘thinks’ is spam.. and apparently
it didn’t like the emotion enhanced
way Himali.. spelled helloooo..
true Algorithms don’t
understand human
EmotioNs Well
and truly
no robot will
ever genuinely have
them.. and it is questionable
whether some humans will gain
all human emotions too..
the battle
life’s and
death’s of
human Emotion
goes on as war
of liFe from
sea to sea
and shore to shore
of greater poTenTial
oF Love and more on that too…
Algorithm automatically
at times grays out comments..
it ‘thinks’ is spam.. and apparently
it didn’t like the emotion enhanced
way Himali.. spelled helloooo..
true Algorithms don’t
understand human
EmotioNs Well
and truly
no robot will
ever genuinely have
them.. and it is questionable
whether some humans will gain
all human emotions too..
the battle
life’s and
death’s of
human Emotion
goes on as war
of liFe from
sea to sea
and shore to shore
of greater poTenTial
oF Love and more on that too…
Yes… speaking of ‘the message’..
here is where i got the idea in the
Earth Store last Sunday
regarding this message
originating in Turkey..
Sadly ironic it is..
World Events…
tHeRe IS A Evil eye..
and then therE is just plain
Evil more than sadly enough..
But tHeRe iS Love and that iS
all we ever truly own and take with
us.. the Love we give.. so those who
hate and fear.. are truly in ligHt now as
dArk thE ultimAte losers of the UniVerse
and those who walk as liGht and loVe are
here to help bRinG them out of thaT dArk..
where the Son of Man is just a metaphor of
essence wHere God as Nature in man and
woman becomes a Loving Force of Hope..
Love in Kind of Unity.. that kNOws and
FeeLs no separate EmoTioNs noW
as SpiRit of HeArt.. from aLL
otHeRs iN a BaLanCinG
MoVinG ConNecTinG
CreaTinG way oF
SoUL wHoLe
with the rest
of creation..
and the metaphors
for this wHOle State
oF human being wITh
the rest of NatURe one
and sAMe as metaphor
as GOD.. sTiLL range
from the Adam of the
Kabbalah.. the reborn
of Christianity.. to the
Atman of the HIndu..
and to role models
like Jesus.. Buddha
and all those in real liFE
who become noW onE Fearless..
Hopeful LoVinG Force oF God
whOle wE as children of God REAL..
and that pARt mY FriEnds as oNe wiTh
Nature is the natural experience of most
animals except for human animals.. as our
written language.. collective intelligence.. and
diversified cultures of differences have created the
barriers that bRinG uS the illusion that wE are separate
from the whOLe tHAt iS God ONE wE.. anyWay.. liFe goes
on dArk and liGht and yes.. the hues of colors and shades
of Grey ‘tween bLack and WHiTe.. and bEyond a Rainbow
of hUman potential for hopeful fearless Love in KiNd NoW..
and this Energy as Force of BeinG HuMan is contagious..
the more of who win this Fearless LoVinG way of
BEinG.. the more wE spRead it to oTheRs and
iT GroWs the way continuing toward a
much more peaceful world as REAL..
and sure tHere WiLL alWays bE
a mix oF dArk and liGht but
may you fiNd yourSelf iN
the place of Fearless
Love in Heaven instead
of that other place of Fear
and Hate in what can be either
or in this Earthly Dimension one
or the oTHeR noW.. the paths
diverge and come toGeTHeR
and LiFe does go on.. and on..
iN liGht or dARk ToGETheR noW..:)
here is where i got the idea in the
Earth Store last Sunday
regarding this message
originating in Turkey..
Sadly ironic it is..
World Events…
tHeRe IS A Evil eye..
and then therE is just plain
Evil more than sadly enough..
But tHeRe iS Love and that iS
all we ever truly own and take with
us.. the Love we give.. so those who
hate and fear.. are truly in ligHt now as
dArk thE ultimAte losers of the UniVerse
and those who walk as liGht and loVe are
here to help bRinG them out of thaT dArk..
where the Son of Man is just a metaphor of
essence wHere God as Nature in man and
woman becomes a Loving Force of Hope..
Love in Kind of Unity.. that kNOws and
FeeLs no separate EmoTioNs noW
as SpiRit of HeArt.. from aLL
otHeRs iN a BaLanCinG
MoVinG ConNecTinG
CreaTinG way oF
SoUL wHoLe
with the rest
of creation..
and the metaphors
for this wHOle State
oF human being wITh
the rest of NatURe one
and sAMe as metaphor
as GOD.. sTiLL range
from the Adam of the
Kabbalah.. the reborn
of Christianity.. to the
Atman of the HIndu..
and to role models
like Jesus.. Buddha
and all those in real liFE
who become noW onE Fearless..
Hopeful LoVinG Force oF God
whOle wE as children of God REAL..
and that pARt mY FriEnds as oNe wiTh
Nature is the natural experience of most
animals except for human animals.. as our
written language.. collective intelligence.. and
diversified cultures of differences have created the
barriers that bRinG uS the illusion that wE are separate
from the whOLe tHAt iS God ONE wE.. anyWay.. liFe goes
on dArk and liGht and yes.. the hues of colors and shades
of Grey ‘tween bLack and WHiTe.. and bEyond a Rainbow
of hUman potential for hopeful fearless Love in KiNd NoW..
and this Energy as Force of BeinG HuMan is contagious..
the more of who win this Fearless LoVinG way of
BEinG.. the more wE spRead it to oTheRs and
iT GroWs the way continuing toward a
much more peaceful world as REAL..
and sure tHere WiLL alWays bE
a mix oF dArk and liGht but
may you fiNd yourSelf iN
the place of Fearless
Love in Heaven instead
of that other place of Fear
and Hate in what can be either
or in this Earthly Dimension one
or the oTHeR noW.. the paths
diverge and come toGeTHeR
and LiFe does go on.. and on..
iN liGht or dARk ToGETheR noW..:)
And what i just said bEfoRE..
UniVersAlly expressed in
the Video heRe bY
Rihanna as she
rises from an
Abyss to oneness
With the Universe God
one and sAMe.. not everyone
WiLL catch it but not everyone
has bOldLY gOne wHere most have
not dared to Go Free WiTh GoD aLL..
the iNner UnivErsal Journey that
tRuLY BRinGs iT aLL noW onE..
anyWay.. i’LL use this
new version of
Rihanna and
Sia’s SonG
twice in the
coming oF A ‘Beyond ‘
681st MacroVerse.. later..
and sAdly those NoW who
continue to separate in duality..
the oneness of God.. Will name
this video evil by the end of the
day in conspiracy theories wHere
they are too afraid.. sadly.. to let
all cultural dualities go.. and come
to the realization that all iS GOD
and wE aLL are one WiTh God..
sAdly most have just forgotten
through the barriers of
division that is
modern human
culture.. and trUly
iT iS possible to remember
and be one wiTh God aGaiN
as aLL oTHeRs too.. ONE.. but
the Matrix iS ReaL. and to E-scape
it TrULy takes the bravery of a real
liFE NeO.. noW.. the invitation remains
open for those who are brave enough
to come toGeTHeR noW aS oNe Force
of liGht
aS Fearless Love
iN CouRage oF kINd..:)
UniVersAlly expressed in
the Video heRe bY
Rihanna as she
rises from an
Abyss to oneness
With the Universe God
one and sAMe.. not everyone
WiLL catch it but not everyone
has bOldLY gOne wHere most have
not dared to Go Free WiTh GoD aLL..
the iNner UnivErsal Journey that
tRuLY BRinGs iT aLL noW onE..
anyWay.. i’LL use this
new version of
Rihanna and
Sia’s SonG
twice in the
coming oF A ‘Beyond ‘
681st MacroVerse.. later..
and sAdly those NoW who
continue to separate in duality..
the oneness of God.. Will name
this video evil by the end of the
day in conspiracy theories wHere
they are too afraid.. sadly.. to let
all cultural dualities go.. and come
to the realization that all iS GOD
and wE aLL are one WiTh God..
sAdly most have just forgotten
through the barriers of
division that is
modern human
culture.. and trUly
iT iS possible to remember
and be one wiTh God aGaiN
as aLL oTHeRs too.. ONE.. but
the Matrix iS ReaL. and to E-scape
it TrULy takes the bravery of a real
liFE NeO.. noW.. the invitation remains
open for those who are brave enough
to come toGeTHeR noW aS oNe Force
of liGht
aS Fearless Love
iN CouRage oF kINd..:)
“Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.”
~~ Mark Twain ~~
~~ Inscription beneath his bust in the Hall of Fame ~~
i’LL take the first quote..
run with it and say..
ain’t that the truth..
petrified opinion
is what bonds
human as a group..
we are social animals..
that is the reaLITy of culture
and we get used to it.. and it
becomes home.. and often
comfortably numb.. or
even horribly
to all
who fALL
to the group
think oF aLL..
the catch 22 is thAT
IS A pArt of Nature and
we are Nature in Social
Animal form and essence too..
except for those of who are cats
and can go our own way.. aWay
from what hurts.. from hurts
so bad.. and sure one can
do that in the good old
United States
of America..
but in some
places the action
of different leads to
even the potential
of death.. yes.. we
are the lucky ones who
can escape an insanity
for harm in many cases that
is Nature whole as DArk
or liGht that comes with
noW as is.. nah.. while religions
may be used as extra inspiration
for aggression.. violence.. wars
and even potentially world war III..
it is the haves and have nots as all
ways that make this reaLITy real as
Nature WE.. if there were no religion
the something other than religion would
take the place for inspiration to kill to have..
until we learn to once again.. give and share
more than we take.. but.. we are not evolved still
to do that with more than around 150 to 200 sets
of eyes that are homogenous as us.. so the insanity
goes on.. and An only escape truly possible iS iN the
moment of now.. wHere iMAgiNAtiOn.. iN MoVinG.. conNecTinG
and CreaTinG ways makes Neo possible in a world of cogs who
remain in the machine as is.. as extension of Nature as us.. out
of balance.. where culture is the virus and we are the experiment
in both scientist and guinea pig ways.. trULy it takes genius WiLL
of heARt.. as SpiRit iN HeArt.. regulating that EmoTiON
real.. and integration of senses at hand that are wE..
in MiNd and BoDy Balance SoUL oNE WhOlE..
to make the great escape
in the insanity of
a matrix
of humanity
out of balance
now.. bottom line though..
iT is possible for those who leARn
and practice
no matter
WTF anyone
else thInks WE
are doing as group think..
wE win alone allone with Nature REAL..
yes.. action consequence NATURE REAL..
THeRe is no E-scape without a art oF heARt..
and the talking heads speak to this well in
metaphor too.. in the SonG you
quote too.. as Nature
remains WitH
ArT iN
as poTenTial
E-scape back FReED..
wHeRe wAter and AiR
Free FloW uS iN ZonE noW..:)
run with it and say..
ain’t that the truth..
petrified opinion
is what bonds
human as a group..
we are social animals..
that is the reaLITy of culture
and we get used to it.. and it
becomes home.. and often
comfortably numb.. or
even horribly
to all
who fALL
to the group
think oF aLL..
the catch 22 is thAT
IS A pArt of Nature and
we are Nature in Social
Animal form and essence too..
except for those of who are cats
and can go our own way.. aWay
from what hurts.. from hurts
so bad.. and sure one can
do that in the good old
United States
of America..
but in some
places the action
of different leads to
even the potential
of death.. yes.. we
are the lucky ones who
can escape an insanity
for harm in many cases that
is Nature whole as DArk
or liGht that comes with
noW as is.. nah.. while religions
may be used as extra inspiration
for aggression.. violence.. wars
and even potentially world war III..
it is the haves and have nots as all
ways that make this reaLITy real as
Nature WE.. if there were no religion
the something other than religion would
take the place for inspiration to kill to have..
until we learn to once again.. give and share
more than we take.. but.. we are not evolved still
to do that with more than around 150 to 200 sets
of eyes that are homogenous as us.. so the insanity
goes on.. and An only escape truly possible iS iN the
moment of now.. wHere iMAgiNAtiOn.. iN MoVinG.. conNecTinG
and CreaTinG ways makes Neo possible in a world of cogs who
remain in the machine as is.. as extension of Nature as us.. out
of balance.. where culture is the virus and we are the experiment
in both scientist and guinea pig ways.. trULy it takes genius WiLL
of heARt.. as SpiRit iN HeArt.. regulating that EmoTiON
real.. and integration of senses at hand that are wE..
in MiNd and BoDy Balance SoUL oNE WhOlE..
to make the great escape
in the insanity of
a matrix
of humanity
out of balance
now.. bottom line though..
iT is possible for those who leARn
and practice
no matter
WTF anyone
else thInks WE
are doing as group think..
wE win alone allone with Nature REAL..
yes.. action consequence NATURE REAL..
THeRe is no E-scape without a art oF heARt..
and the talking heads speak to this well in
metaphor too.. in the SonG you
quote too.. as Nature
remains WitH
ArT iN
as poTenTial
E-scape back FReED..
wHeRe wAter and AiR
Free FloW uS iN ZonE noW..:)
Anyway.. enough writing for the
day.. now for sacred and Holy
Thursday R and R activities
for me Now to E-Scape
this digital keyboard
of IS A
mesSagE noW..
DancE and SinG
liFE sAMe as iT
ever was iS..
and air
FiRes the
Earth Flow of wE..
and i’LL do thAt greaTEst
toniGht at Good Old Seville
Quarter too.. WitH folks who
are lEAst College age young
enough to remember what iT iS to
mE2 on
a 116th week
of A Thursday niGht
of DoinG JUST that..
LiFE IS AlWays an action
and consequence of liGht
for those who lEarn it ReaL
as a practice oF liGht over DaRk
iN WhatEver F iN TruTh juSt F iN Works.
to Do iT
i’M tiRed
of the sAMe old
phrases so noW
to Dance NeW but
yes.. as aLWays
i’LL be back lATer..
day.. now for sacred and Holy
Thursday R and R activities
for me Now to E-Scape
this digital keyboard
of IS A
mesSagE noW..
DancE and SinG
liFE sAMe as iT
ever was iS..
and air
FiRes the
Earth Flow of wE..
and i’LL do thAt greaTEst
toniGht at Good Old Seville
Quarter too.. WitH folks who
are lEAst College age young
enough to remember what iT iS to
mE2 on
a 116th week
of A Thursday niGht
of DoinG JUST that..
LiFE IS AlWays an action
and consequence of liGht
for those who lEarn it ReaL
as a practice oF liGht over DaRk
iN WhatEver F iN TruTh juSt F iN Works.
to Do iT
i’M tiRed
of the sAMe old
phrases so noW
to Dance NeW but
yes.. as aLWays
i’LL be back lATer..
aT aRound 3 AM oN the wee hOur
of Friday 7012016.. with fun dance
photos.. iN thiS BEyond MacroVerse then..
thaT WiLL bE published WeLL bEforE Then2..:)
of Friday 7012016.. with fun dance
photos.. iN thiS BEyond MacroVerse then..
thaT WiLL bE published WeLL bEforE Then2..:)
And as alWays Facebook
Memories in MacroVerse
forms of Essence..
and sure..
A Rose
Sublime continues..:)
Memories in MacroVerse
forms of Essence..
and sure..
A Rose
Sublime continues..:)
And thE EviL
eYe aLL MiXeD..
iN Rose ‘BeYonD SuBliMe’..:)
And thE EviL
eYe aLL MiXeD..
iN Rose ‘BeYonD SuBliMe’..:)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels
Introductory post to Free Novels
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
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