Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor
i wore my new psychedilic swirling colored shirt..
with the word trippin.. spelled.. just like that
and with an S.. i told Katrina.. i would
either be Superman or Strippin.. hehe..
anyway.. duo of trio of Charlie’s Angels..
up for the dance of tonight..
with Maggie and Chelsea..
left to right.. and another
dude who wanted to be
in the photo with us..
like he knew us forever..
and sure.. friendly people
frequent dance halls.. as
that is what friendly people do..
they DancE and SinG.. as alWays
liveNed uP folks do.. we got spiRit..
we do..
how ’bout yoU..
When i was in high school..
i truly had spiRit for the teAM..
a powerful voice but one that had
not gRoWn poetic yet.. and no.. i had
no moves of Grace to get the JOB dONe
then.. but it’s safe to say.. that sure.. i AM
now.. whether you
can hear and or see me or not..:)
with the word trippin.. spelled.. just like that
and with an S.. i told Katrina.. i would
either be Superman or Strippin.. hehe..
anyway.. duo of trio of Charlie’s Angels..
up for the dance of tonight..
with Maggie and Chelsea..
left to right.. and another
dude who wanted to be
in the photo with us..
like he knew us forever..
and sure.. friendly people
frequent dance halls.. as
that is what friendly people do..
they DancE and SinG.. as alWays
liveNed uP folks do.. we got spiRit..
we do..
how ’bout yoU..
When i was in high school..
i truly had spiRit for the teAM..
a powerful voice but one that had
not gRoWn poetic yet.. and no.. i had
no moves of Grace to get the JOB dONe
then.. but it’s safe to say.. that sure.. i AM
now.. whether you
can hear and or see me or not..:)
Starting off this 700th Macro Verse of longest long form poem
ever Ocean Whole Poem as SonG oF mY soUL.. with
a Facebook Algorithm provided Macro-Verse memory
From 3 years ago.. named KroarK.. sTiLL
bRinGinG mySelF out of the ashes oF
a Dark Night of the Soul that lasted
66 months total.. and sure.. a
little rough around the edges
as anyone might be
after living in a
literal Earth Hell
for that long..
shut-in mostly
in a four-walled Bedroom
and even smaller in a computer
screen with mostly text.. a few inches
away without prescription lenses.. with
screen turned all the way down.. as any
focus or light made the dentist drill like pain
in my right eye that much more intolerable
than it already was with those environmental
measures taken to feel the pain in another
Ring of a Real Dante’s Hell then in
those dead zone days and
months.. yes.. all 66
that were all seconds
where can i make another
second became i will make
another second.. and now there
is no feeling of time at all.. as truly
all there ever is is now.. once one
escapes the illusions of culture and
the pain that can come from the social
stresses of doing what is expected
and fitting the mold.. the cog
in the machine of culture
one is dutifully assigned
to.. mostly from birth
to death..
in a meal of
culture served up
on a full plate from
birth as well.. as soon
as one is birthed under
bright and florescent
lights of away from
sun-lit existence..
anyway.. the documentation
finally of more than words.. photos..
the beauty of Nature returns for me..
without words.. and i share them.. just
’cause i can and will then same as now..
and yes.. this journey GroWinG steadily
larger then for Ocean Whole Poem in
Macro-Verse way requires a few expenditures
to get a message across.. including the Dance
of 6,000 miles all public that will ensue as of this
month too.. a purchase of Nike Shox shoes.. the
first of 12 pair.. for around a RE-tire change of shoes
every three months.. as every three months averages
500 miles across the terrain of all public across the way..
so sure.. over twelve hundred dollars in shoes.. over 500
tattooed shirts that change another message of
metaphorical meaning everyday.. for around
hmm.. four thousand dollars or so.. yeah i
write it out.. ’cause that dollar symbol
is kinda evil to me.. hehe.. yeah.. look
whose counting.. All Apple equipment..
’cause Micro-Soft ain’t gonna be
reliable enough to keep me
in a constant flow of art..
every mechanical cognition
duty including crappy update
waits.. crappy blue screen deaths
and bloated software just to get to
where i need to go.. will not be enough
to get an over 3 Million word Ocean Whole
Poem done in 3 years.. and adding.. 60 to
70,000 photos.. along the way and another
30,000 or so in the FlickR liNk aS WeLL..
so sure.. along the way of iMac big screen
at 27 inches.. a couple of Tablets.. a Notebook
and iPod.. and a couple to three iPhones too..
along the way.. if ya count the iPhone 5s that
replaced the iPhone5.. as it flew out of my
hand dancing and broke on the hard
floor in screen way then.. yeah..
about four thousand dollars there..
and if all the labor.. i put in over a
total of close to 6 years doing this
now arriving at the 70th month
specifically.. sure.. approaching
close to Two Hundred Thousand
Dollars of total effort in stuff
and even minimum
wage labor
rates all put in
for a Labor of Love iN
Fearless ways that cannot
be measured truly in terms of
Dollar Bills as there is a very empty
God WHO lives in Dollar Bills.. as an
external.. illusory source of happiness still..
all in day of a life of me.. a now that goeS oN
in Free Verse way.. giving is the joy.. oF liGht
liFE noW.. taking is a despair and dARkness
now too.. so sure.. i focus on giving.. as that
is the iSREAL way to Heaven constantly NOW..
a gift of grace is to give.. the greaTeSt GiFt oF aLL..
and to suggest that humans would not give if they
had their basic subsistence needs met and sure they
were healthy and happy in a BaLanCinG acT oF
hUman BEinG.. noW.. is perHaps never to have
kNowN what hUman BeinG iS eVen isREal
at core now bEinG.. a creature of God
who at the hiGheST liGht iS a MoVinG..
ConNecTinG and CreaTinG ChiLd
of God.. uSinG iMAginAtiOn.. to
make briGht liGht dreAMs
come to fruiTioN.. noW..
in heARt.. SpiRiT eXpreSsinG
thAT heARt iN miNd and
BoDy BaLanCinG way..
as A soUl thAT iS WhOle..
and MiCrocosm of GOD
as MiCro miNi-mAcro
mE.. yeah baby..
as Austin
or the
12 MilLioN
WoRd man miGht.. wiLL
say.. DO.. thiS sHiT iSReAL..
and it’s going down NoW iSREAL..
and how deliciously synchronous
on Labor Day Weekend that this
is the Weekend.. the earliest pARts
of a 42 moNth witness for the Meaning
oF LiFE would be Celebrated noW oNE..
yeah.. and this was the weekend of three
years ago that i purchased the first of
three Nike GPS Sports Watches that
would stARt to soon meaSure
what is arriving at 6,000 miles
of Public Dance this month..
yep.. just another Five Hundred
Dollars here and there.. to make
iT iSREAL thaT much more as
hey.. there are so many folks
who need evidence
to see that
Miracles liGhT..
sure.. ye of little FaiTh
and more than that ye of
little juST doinG iT and
getting A F iN Epic Labor of Love doNe..
as i roar on.. as any lIoN of God WiLL KroarK do Now2..:)
ever Ocean Whole Poem as SonG oF mY soUL.. with
a Facebook Algorithm provided Macro-Verse memory
From 3 years ago.. named KroarK.. sTiLL
bRinGinG mySelF out of the ashes oF
a Dark Night of the Soul that lasted
66 months total.. and sure.. a
little rough around the edges
as anyone might be
after living in a
literal Earth Hell
for that long..
shut-in mostly
in a four-walled Bedroom
and even smaller in a computer
screen with mostly text.. a few inches
away without prescription lenses.. with
screen turned all the way down.. as any
focus or light made the dentist drill like pain
in my right eye that much more intolerable
than it already was with those environmental
measures taken to feel the pain in another
Ring of a Real Dante’s Hell then in
those dead zone days and
months.. yes.. all 66
that were all seconds
where can i make another
second became i will make
another second.. and now there
is no feeling of time at all.. as truly
all there ever is is now.. once one
escapes the illusions of culture and
the pain that can come from the social
stresses of doing what is expected
and fitting the mold.. the cog
in the machine of culture
one is dutifully assigned
to.. mostly from birth
to death..
in a meal of
culture served up
on a full plate from
birth as well.. as soon
as one is birthed under
bright and florescent
lights of away from
sun-lit existence..
anyway.. the documentation
finally of more than words.. photos..
the beauty of Nature returns for me..
without words.. and i share them.. just
’cause i can and will then same as now..
and yes.. this journey GroWinG steadily
larger then for Ocean Whole Poem in
Macro-Verse way requires a few expenditures
to get a message across.. including the Dance
of 6,000 miles all public that will ensue as of this
month too.. a purchase of Nike Shox shoes.. the
first of 12 pair.. for around a RE-tire change of shoes
every three months.. as every three months averages
500 miles across the terrain of all public across the way..
so sure.. over twelve hundred dollars in shoes.. over 500
tattooed shirts that change another message of
metaphorical meaning everyday.. for around
hmm.. four thousand dollars or so.. yeah i
write it out.. ’cause that dollar symbol
is kinda evil to me.. hehe.. yeah.. look
whose counting.. All Apple equipment..
’cause Micro-Soft ain’t gonna be
reliable enough to keep me
in a constant flow of art..
every mechanical cognition
duty including crappy update
waits.. crappy blue screen deaths
and bloated software just to get to
where i need to go.. will not be enough
to get an over 3 Million word Ocean Whole
Poem done in 3 years.. and adding.. 60 to
70,000 photos.. along the way and another
30,000 or so in the FlickR liNk aS WeLL..
so sure.. along the way of iMac big screen
at 27 inches.. a couple of Tablets.. a Notebook
and iPod.. and a couple to three iPhones too..
along the way.. if ya count the iPhone 5s that
replaced the iPhone5.. as it flew out of my
hand dancing and broke on the hard
floor in screen way then.. yeah..
about four thousand dollars there..
and if all the labor.. i put in over a
total of close to 6 years doing this
now arriving at the 70th month
specifically.. sure.. approaching
close to Two Hundred Thousand
Dollars of total effort in stuff
and even minimum
wage labor
rates all put in
for a Labor of Love iN
Fearless ways that cannot
be measured truly in terms of
Dollar Bills as there is a very empty
God WHO lives in Dollar Bills.. as an
external.. illusory source of happiness still..
all in day of a life of me.. a now that goeS oN
in Free Verse way.. giving is the joy.. oF liGht
liFE noW.. taking is a despair and dARkness
now too.. so sure.. i focus on giving.. as that
is the iSREAL way to Heaven constantly NOW..
a gift of grace is to give.. the greaTeSt GiFt oF aLL..
and to suggest that humans would not give if they
had their basic subsistence needs met and sure they
were healthy and happy in a BaLanCinG acT oF
hUman BEinG.. noW.. is perHaps never to have
kNowN what hUman BeinG iS eVen isREal
at core now bEinG.. a creature of God
who at the hiGheST liGht iS a MoVinG..
ConNecTinG and CreaTinG ChiLd
of God.. uSinG iMAginAtiOn.. to
make briGht liGht dreAMs
come to fruiTioN.. noW..
in heARt.. SpiRiT eXpreSsinG
thAT heARt iN miNd and
BoDy BaLanCinG way..
as A soUl thAT iS WhOle..
and MiCrocosm of GOD
as MiCro miNi-mAcro
mE.. yeah baby..
as Austin
or the
12 MilLioN
WoRd man miGht.. wiLL
say.. DO.. thiS sHiT iSReAL..
and it’s going down NoW iSREAL..
and how deliciously synchronous
on Labor Day Weekend that this
is the Weekend.. the earliest pARts
of a 42 moNth witness for the Meaning
oF LiFE would be Celebrated noW oNE..
yeah.. and this was the weekend of three
years ago that i purchased the first of
three Nike GPS Sports Watches that
would stARt to soon meaSure
what is arriving at 6,000 miles
of Public Dance this month..
yep.. just another Five Hundred
Dollars here and there.. to make
iT iSREAL thaT much more as
hey.. there are so many folks
who need evidence
to see that
Miracles liGhT..
sure.. ye of little FaiTh
and more than that ye of
little juST doinG iT and
getting A F iN Epic Labor of Love doNe..
as i roar on.. as any lIoN of God WiLL KroarK do Now2..:)
And as promised yesterday.. Matchbox Catches
Fire from a year ago… Facebook Macro-Verse
memory too.. and that reminds me too..
sTiLL haven’t posted the full text
version on Facebook..
on my personal
page and Nature
and Blog pages yet
too.. of the Macro-Verse
before the last Macro-Verse..
as sure.. if you are gonna do something
this big.. friends.. you not only liGht the
Match Box for an incredible Fire.. you
back it uP in many ways.. in case
anyone ever has the balls
to say it did not
go down
nah.. put all your
eggs in one basket
and you feel the archetype
of that realiTy all too well too..
diVERSiFy is my Fucking middle
name along with Arthur of just another
fun pun name for what i FucKinG EpiC AM i..
that means
strong or could
mean in metaphor
way author and art too
as Synchronicity helped
to build this city with Rock and
so what theme song
shall i use.. Katy Perry’s
Roar SonG or we built
this city as a Jefferson
Airplane or Starship WiLL
do.. hmm.. i’M FeeLinG liKe
wE built this city as after all tHeRe
IS A alWayS an ePiC City in aLL Synchronicity2..;)
Fire from a year ago… Facebook Macro-Verse
memory too.. and that reminds me too..
sTiLL haven’t posted the full text
version on Facebook..
on my personal
page and Nature
and Blog pages yet
too.. of the Macro-Verse
before the last Macro-Verse..
as sure.. if you are gonna do something
this big.. friends.. you not only liGht the
Match Box for an incredible Fire.. you
back it uP in many ways.. in case
anyone ever has the balls
to say it did not
go down
nah.. put all your
eggs in one basket
and you feel the archetype
of that realiTy all too well too..
diVERSiFy is my Fucking middle
name along with Arthur of just another
fun pun name for what i FucKinG EpiC AM i..
that means
strong or could
mean in metaphor
way author and art too
as Synchronicity helped
to build this city with Rock and
so what theme song
shall i use.. Katy Perry’s
Roar SonG or we built
this city as a Jefferson
Airplane or Starship WiLL
do.. hmm.. i’M FeeLinG liKe
wE built this city as after all tHeRe
IS A alWayS an ePiC City in aLL Synchronicity2..;)
Well.. my friEnd.. you kNow what they say about
all the Lost sheep and all of that.. you have served
as somewhat of a great dArk muse for me.. noW..
so as a free lance and i do mean FREE EMPLOYEE
oF God.. in other words.. i don’t spRead fear and hate
for you tube pennies.. if you really wanna look for the
iSREAL Illuminati.. you might look in places where thieves
in the night would come..
hmmm.. i really do use
you for a poetic muse
for the technically longest
witness for God in 42 months
of doing that in over 3.3 Million
words now.. that just so happens to
be the longest long form poem in human
history.. around twice as large as the previous
effort of 1.8 million words that took centuries
in Sanskrit writings of India and a multi-tide
of free verse poets then.. anyWay.. i really
didn’t think you would ever read anything
i wrote here.. but it seems like you
are working that alpha male
thingy.. better now with
a new hair cut..
and a view with
the camera lenses
that makes you look more
like the alpha male than the omega
male.. and sure.. if you wanna really
get so-called real men to listen to you..
and not those boys that live in their Mom’s
Basement.. and sure my mom didn’t have a basement
but i didn’t buy my first home until age 33.. so sure i can
relate to that as many young men who haven’t escaped
the parents apron strings yet.. these days.. as social
roles have become hard to find as you well do know..
judging from the praise you give for buying
your first car after the age of 30 as well..
well.. the other news is YouTube has
caught on to the ruse of
fear and hate based
videos that folks
come to
first when
a SonG by Kanye.. etc..
about the more extreme
sensual freedoms of expression
is not available in Vevo way yet..
sure.. everyone looking for ‘fade’ and
and some may end up here.. to listen to
your fear.. hate.. and general discontent..
coming from a book that even pastors who
have been to actual Divinity schools firmly know
that three to four hundred thousand scribe copied
minor to major mistakes iS in that so-called good book
today.. and nah.. just perhaps two letters by Paul to
the Ephesians are actually by a real author in the
New Testament too.. and some of the other ones
being forgeries of course too.. ya know the
Roman Catholic Church controlled that
stuff for years too.. do you really
trust the kind folks that
run that church..
hmm.. well.. my friEnd..
i for one wasn’t born yesterday..
i for one live now.. and i for one am
a turn of a friendly card carrying ISREAL
we are easy to spot.. we do love fearlessly and unconditionally
always now.. sure we use satire.. and other literary and eTc.. artistic
devices to get the deeper meanings of God aCross to those who
have been led astray by the psychopathic leaning individuals who
only want power and status in life.. and stuff like the next best
car.. and bigger 10 Million dollar Osteen homes that take
the trUth and liGht and use it for the almighty
God that can be the dollar bill.. the car
as lover.. and the god as home
the same.. God is bigger
my friEnd.. much bigger and
there is no human who can
Judge the God oF ALL eYes
for anyone greater than
the lesser of
a gRain
of Sand
that is God too..
so sure.. just another
poetic muse.. but you seem
a little lost still trying still to be
a trUe and liGht iLLuminati member
of the God allthatis teAM now.. so sure..
i have the pity of Archangel Human Archetype
of Uriel.. the Healing of Rafael.. and am protector Mike
of the TrUth and liGht with DancE and WorDS instead
of violence and swords now.. mY Friend.. and there is
another Archangel that is Gabriel as Messenger of HUman
Archetype too.. but no my friend.. i AM not just a messenger
i am
if you can read between
the trUth and liGht of that
wiTh seeing and hearing eYes
my friEnd.. anyWay this is like
the 6th Invitation i’ve provided you
as way out of all this dArk.. fear.. hate
and discontent you continue to spread here
piggy backing on Pop Artist Songs when they
first come out and are not found in Vevo way yet..
with all these truly paranoid things you are seeing as
dArk that surely are as liGht as a naked woman’s hips
and breasts seen as the bread and water of hUman liFE
mY friEnd
other than
what the evil your
fear and hate sees..
Some folks see Hope and Love
my friend.. others see.. fear and hate..
trUly theRe IS A better way.. and when
YouTube takes away the money part of
what you are doing here.. as another one
of your commenters just said they are
doing now.. perhaps there will not be
as much temptation from the real
Satan in Hell and evil now my
friend.. and that is fear now
and hate propagated
for the green
bill of
hell as well..
connect to God
allthatis or connect
to stuff.. your choice
as alWays mY friEnd now
and more about that here..
all for free.. AS God provides
his Ravens always a bite to eat
and drink for free.. have a great
day.. please.. if You WiLL iN trUth and liGht noW…
all the Lost sheep and all of that.. you have served
as somewhat of a great dArk muse for me.. noW..
so as a free lance and i do mean FREE EMPLOYEE
oF God.. in other words.. i don’t spRead fear and hate
for you tube pennies.. if you really wanna look for the
iSREAL Illuminati.. you might look in places where thieves
in the night would come..
hmmm.. i really do use
you for a poetic muse
for the technically longest
witness for God in 42 months
of doing that in over 3.3 Million
words now.. that just so happens to
be the longest long form poem in human
history.. around twice as large as the previous
effort of 1.8 million words that took centuries
in Sanskrit writings of India and a multi-tide
of free verse poets then.. anyWay.. i really
didn’t think you would ever read anything
i wrote here.. but it seems like you
are working that alpha male
thingy.. better now with
a new hair cut..
and a view with
the camera lenses
that makes you look more
like the alpha male than the omega
male.. and sure.. if you wanna really
get so-called real men to listen to you..
and not those boys that live in their Mom’s
Basement.. and sure my mom didn’t have a basement
but i didn’t buy my first home until age 33.. so sure i can
relate to that as many young men who haven’t escaped
the parents apron strings yet.. these days.. as social
roles have become hard to find as you well do know..
judging from the praise you give for buying
your first car after the age of 30 as well..
well.. the other news is YouTube has
caught on to the ruse of
fear and hate based
videos that folks
come to
first when
a SonG by Kanye.. etc..
about the more extreme
sensual freedoms of expression
is not available in Vevo way yet..
sure.. everyone looking for ‘fade’ and
and some may end up here.. to listen to
your fear.. hate.. and general discontent..
coming from a book that even pastors who
have been to actual Divinity schools firmly know
that three to four hundred thousand scribe copied
minor to major mistakes iS in that so-called good book
today.. and nah.. just perhaps two letters by Paul to
the Ephesians are actually by a real author in the
New Testament too.. and some of the other ones
being forgeries of course too.. ya know the
Roman Catholic Church controlled that
stuff for years too.. do you really
trust the kind folks that
run that church..
hmm.. well.. my friEnd..
i for one wasn’t born yesterday..
i for one live now.. and i for one am
a turn of a friendly card carrying ISREAL
we are easy to spot.. we do love fearlessly and unconditionally
always now.. sure we use satire.. and other literary and eTc.. artistic
devices to get the deeper meanings of God aCross to those who
have been led astray by the psychopathic leaning individuals who
only want power and status in life.. and stuff like the next best
car.. and bigger 10 Million dollar Osteen homes that take
the trUth and liGht and use it for the almighty
God that can be the dollar bill.. the car
as lover.. and the god as home
the same.. God is bigger
my friEnd.. much bigger and
there is no human who can
Judge the God oF ALL eYes
for anyone greater than
the lesser of
a gRain
of Sand
that is God too..
so sure.. just another
poetic muse.. but you seem
a little lost still trying still to be
a trUe and liGht iLLuminati member
of the God allthatis teAM now.. so sure..
i have the pity of Archangel Human Archetype
of Uriel.. the Healing of Rafael.. and am protector Mike
of the TrUth and liGht with DancE and WorDS instead
of violence and swords now.. mY Friend.. and there is
another Archangel that is Gabriel as Messenger of HUman
Archetype too.. but no my friend.. i AM not just a messenger
i am
if you can read between
the trUth and liGht of that
wiTh seeing and hearing eYes
my friEnd.. anyWay this is like
the 6th Invitation i’ve provided you
as way out of all this dArk.. fear.. hate
and discontent you continue to spread here
piggy backing on Pop Artist Songs when they
first come out and are not found in Vevo way yet..
with all these truly paranoid things you are seeing as
dArk that surely are as liGht as a naked woman’s hips
and breasts seen as the bread and water of hUman liFE
mY friEnd
other than
what the evil your
fear and hate sees..
Some folks see Hope and Love
my friend.. others see.. fear and hate..
trUly theRe IS A better way.. and when
YouTube takes away the money part of
what you are doing here.. as another one
of your commenters just said they are
doing now.. perhaps there will not be
as much temptation from the real
Satan in Hell and evil now my
friend.. and that is fear now
and hate propagated
for the green
bill of
hell as well..
connect to God
allthatis or connect
to stuff.. your choice
as alWays mY friEnd now
and more about that here..
all for free.. AS God provides
his Ravens always a bite to eat
and drink for free.. have a great
day.. please.. if You WiLL iN trUth and liGht noW…
Sure a little gift.. just for you.. anD anyone else jUSt for the Free of Doing liFE noW..
Love.. mY FriEnd..
sure.. i’LL be back later..
heHe.. i alWays come back
and haven’t broke that promise yet..;)
Love.. mY FriEnd..
sure.. i’LL be back later..
heHe.. i alWays come back
and haven’t broke that promise yet..;)
Oh by the way.. when a Lamp appears
in left Justification.. way.. in what i write
alWays heRe and tHeRE.. iT’s probably A
sign that it is meant juSt for
you and everyone
else too
trUst mE
Horatio.. you
ain’t seen nothing
yet of God until you
escape your little bLack book..
noW tHeRe is some liGht2 in thAT
BLack book.. as that is the way
YiN and YanG and KarmA
iN thE
and Hues
of GoD.. MyFRiEnD..;)
in left Justification.. way.. in what i write
alWays heRe and tHeRE.. iT’s probably A
sign that it is meant juSt for
you and everyone
else too
trUst mE
Horatio.. you
ain’t seen nothing
yet of God until you
escape your little bLack book..
noW tHeRe is some liGht2 in thAT
BLack book.. as that is the way
YiN and YanG and KarmA
iN thE
and Hues
of GoD.. MyFRiEnD..;)
Oh yeah.. PS2..
WATCH for thE
Trees of LIFe iN
Left Justification
way too.. and you
can juSt call mE..
God’s Left Hand man2..;)
WATCH for thE
Trees of LIFe iN
Left Justification
way too.. and you
can juSt call mE..
God’s Left Hand man2..;)
The state of human being..
IS A State with no boundaries
of what can be Universe of FeeLinG
liT ways noW.. or the darkest space gONe
that Now
never ends2..
the best thing oF aLL
iS aLL of UniVerse eventuAlly
changes.. from gRain of sand to
largest Galaxy sAme.. to insame now
oF uS in DArk too.. mY friEnd named Zee..
and tHeRe are addictions.. neither substance
or behavioral that will replace the human heARt..
FeeLinGs SeNses aLL of what moves uS to greater
liGht.. and all the rest that is dArker than liGht to come..
liGht to come
liGht to come..
sure.. i pray
for you for liGht
to stay.. but trUly
oNly thAT stays IS A
liGht from Within.. and
that mY friEnd IS A liGht
that no outside Force WiLL GiVe
but the Force oF aLL within.. creates.. given
enough looking and finding and practicing iSREAL..:)
IS A State with no boundaries
of what can be Universe of FeeLinG
liT ways noW.. or the darkest space gONe
that Now
never ends2..
the best thing oF aLL
iS aLL of UniVerse eventuAlly
changes.. from gRain of sand to
largest Galaxy sAme.. to insame now
oF uS in DArk too.. mY friEnd named Zee..
and tHeRe are addictions.. neither substance
or behavioral that will replace the human heARt..
FeeLinGs SeNses aLL of what moves uS to greater
liGht.. and all the rest that is dArker than liGht to come..
liGht to come
liGht to come..
sure.. i pray
for you for liGht
to stay.. but trUly
oNly thAT stays IS A
liGht from Within.. and
that mY friEnd IS A liGht
that no outside Force WiLL GiVe
but the Force oF aLL within.. creates.. given
enough looking and finding and practicing iSREAL..:)
And.. yeah.. i remember when every water drop was dArkest
hell of depression.. so cold inside.. and now all there is.. IS A
Sparkling Rainbow oF liGht with or without colors now @ALL..
Within.. mY FriEnd.. the greAteST changes.. are alWAys wiThiN..:)
hell of depression.. so cold inside.. and now all there is.. IS A
Sparkling Rainbow oF liGht with or without colors now @ALL..
Within.. mY FriEnd.. the greAteST changes.. are alWAys wiThiN..:)
WeLL.. Hello the featheredsleep..
ain’t life grand and deep and shallow
and narrow with waves that ravage now
and streams that soothe.. Ain’t iT an Ocean
with horizons wide and sparRow that comes
with little yield and field to change when
something obstructs an
Ocean View
of turbulence
unsettling view oF
LiFe so BrighT
and Lovely
liGht for more..
even iN dArkness wHole..
ain’t life grand and deep and shallow
and narrow with waves that ravage now
and streams that soothe.. Ain’t iT an Ocean
with horizons wide and sparRow that comes
with little yield and field to change when
something obstructs an
Ocean View
of turbulence
unsettling view oF
LiFe so BrighT
and Lovely
liGht for more..
even iN dArkness wHole..
YoU knoW aNd feeL iT’s magic..
the synchronicities oF liFe when
one lets go .. oF aLL the shame and
all the regret.. and all of everything and
everything else is lefT and RiGht oF liGht..
and the next thing ya.. no.. ya got a Lamp now
in left hand justification view way.. perhaps now
it’s like the practice of taling yourself that getting
uP.. aT 6 AM is the way to be.. and every morning at
1 second ’till Six.. yoUr eYes are opening wide alive.. or
that special occasion when you notice a glow on your face
that truly actuAlly you made by believing a special occasion is
today.. weLL mY FriEnd.. as cynical of anything but fActs of liFE
i was beFore.. but sure.. facing a death in life as death as life.. made
me go for broke
i don’t give a FucK what
anyone else thInks of me
anymore.. often accused of
being more woman than man..
i blocked something creative inside..
and surely when i said what the FucK and
posted a Frigging Facebook profile photo of
me in my grandpa grey man panties per se.. truly
something inside said juSt do that then.. and since
then.. i’Ve been FReED to do everything.. sometimes
my friEnd.. you do juSt have to be the Fool.. in the number
Zero Trump.. card.. at the edge of a cliff with a little yellow
tiger nipping at your calves.. and that reminds me.. as i hadn’t
brushed my hair this morning.. had two different sandals on..
and had them on in reverse.. had just eaten taco salad and
hadn’t even brushed the teeth yet.. took me a while to get
to the door.. but an elegantly dressed insurance lady was
there who was our insurance lady.. associated with
investments and not really selling us anything..
i came outside in my Big Lebowski.. Jeff
Bridges costume of wrinkled shorts/
undershirt.. in vagabond.. james
way.. as at ease as any
Yogi.. come
down from uP
the mountain now
free.. and said.. sorry..
my wife and i are nudists
and it takes us awhile to get
to the door.. and said nah.. just
kidding.. (in a way i waS and hmm..
in a way i wasn’t.. hehe2 then.. haha..
too).. and i said.. floating.. on the grass
as dancing 6000 miles in 3 years will allow
one to do.. sorry.. for my appearance.. i am
still kinda drunk with dance from last night’s
125th week escapade of doing that with a bunch
of folks 35 plus years my Junior.. truth be told too..
i was as sober as they come in a trip of fearless trust
in all of what is is.. and that my friend is what i kNow as
the Love that never goes away or can be bOught or sOld..
and from where i come..
if i can do this.. i
cannot see
why others
can’t potentially
do this too.. A tree
with roots that says i just
don’t give a FucK what anyone
else thinks or feels about me anymore
now.. and since then.. i feel more like a
man.. and more folks in the flesh world
show me respect and love than ever
before and sure.. i write about it too..
just to give the Dancing Feet a Rest..
in short.. life is too short not to dance
it naked without fear.. and life is way
too long to watch it go by.. without saying FucK iT..
what else is there to lose but life free in tRust NoW2..
and sure.. easier said and done by a middle-aged law
enforcement looking dude with $700 dollar sun
glasses than the reality.. tHeRe are predators
who prey on the freedom of others..
perceived as weaker in many ways..
but perHaps tHeRe is some
mix that will
i sure hope so..
bottom line aLL..:)
the synchronicities oF liFe when
one lets go .. oF aLL the shame and
all the regret.. and all of everything and
everything else is lefT and RiGht oF liGht..
and the next thing ya.. no.. ya got a Lamp now
in left hand justification view way.. perhaps now
it’s like the practice of taling yourself that getting
uP.. aT 6 AM is the way to be.. and every morning at
1 second ’till Six.. yoUr eYes are opening wide alive.. or
that special occasion when you notice a glow on your face
that truly actuAlly you made by believing a special occasion is
today.. weLL mY FriEnd.. as cynical of anything but fActs of liFE
i was beFore.. but sure.. facing a death in life as death as life.. made
me go for broke
i don’t give a FucK what
anyone else thInks of me
anymore.. often accused of
being more woman than man..
i blocked something creative inside..
and surely when i said what the FucK and
posted a Frigging Facebook profile photo of
me in my grandpa grey man panties per se.. truly
something inside said juSt do that then.. and since
then.. i’Ve been FReED to do everything.. sometimes
my friEnd.. you do juSt have to be the Fool.. in the number
Zero Trump.. card.. at the edge of a cliff with a little yellow
tiger nipping at your calves.. and that reminds me.. as i hadn’t
brushed my hair this morning.. had two different sandals on..
and had them on in reverse.. had just eaten taco salad and
hadn’t even brushed the teeth yet.. took me a while to get
to the door.. but an elegantly dressed insurance lady was
there who was our insurance lady.. associated with
investments and not really selling us anything..
i came outside in my Big Lebowski.. Jeff
Bridges costume of wrinkled shorts/
undershirt.. in vagabond.. james
way.. as at ease as any
Yogi.. come
down from uP
the mountain now
free.. and said.. sorry..
my wife and i are nudists
and it takes us awhile to get
to the door.. and said nah.. just
kidding.. (in a way i waS and hmm..
in a way i wasn’t.. hehe2 then.. haha..
too).. and i said.. floating.. on the grass
as dancing 6000 miles in 3 years will allow
one to do.. sorry.. for my appearance.. i am
still kinda drunk with dance from last night’s
125th week escapade of doing that with a bunch
of folks 35 plus years my Junior.. truth be told too..
i was as sober as they come in a trip of fearless trust
in all of what is is.. and that my friend is what i kNow as
the Love that never goes away or can be bOught or sOld..
and from where i come..
if i can do this.. i
cannot see
why others
can’t potentially
do this too.. A tree
with roots that says i just
don’t give a FucK what anyone
else thinks or feels about me anymore
now.. and since then.. i feel more like a
man.. and more folks in the flesh world
show me respect and love than ever
before and sure.. i write about it too..
just to give the Dancing Feet a Rest..
in short.. life is too short not to dance
it naked without fear.. and life is way
too long to watch it go by.. without saying FucK iT..
what else is there to lose but life free in tRust NoW2..
and sure.. easier said and done by a middle-aged law
enforcement looking dude with $700 dollar sun
glasses than the reality.. tHeRe are predators
who prey on the freedom of others..
perceived as weaker in many ways..
but perHaps tHeRe is some
mix that will
i sure hope so..
bottom line aLL..:)

Facebook FriEnd.. Candice..
also kNown as noted
and Albinophoenix
in blog way..
the Candice
name in published
books way..
also kNown as noted
and Albinophoenix
in blog way..
the Candice
name in published
books way..
asks in regard
to the photo of the
blonde haired gentleman
that i shared on Facebook too..
to the photo of the
blonde haired gentleman
that i shared on Facebook too..
Sir Gerwain?
And i go on to
explain who the photo is of..
explain who the photo is of..
The Fool From Aleister Crowley’s
Thoth Tarot Cards..
my favorite.. as
the cat kinda
looks like
Yellow Boy..;)
Thoth Tarot Cards..
my favorite.. as
the cat kinda
looks like
Yellow Boy..;)
And then i say..
Wiki’ed Gawain..
hadn’t heard of him
before.. but he actually
would be sort of an
opposite archetype..
as he followed
the rules
instead of
the heARt of Spirit..:)
hadn’t heard of him
before.. but he actually
would be sort of an
opposite archetype..
as he followed
the rules
instead of
the heARt of Spirit..:)
And then i add.. confusingly.. as such..
Oh Lord.. i spelled it different..
i couldn’t find a a photo of that
character from a Video game
named Thunderblade..
if that was what
you are referring
too.. anyway..
love myths
and fantasy
stuff.. really
expanded my creativity
by not just sticking to the fActs..;)
i couldn’t find a a photo of that
character from a Video game
named Thunderblade..
if that was what
you are referring
too.. anyway..
love myths
and fantasy
stuff.. really
expanded my creativity
by not just sticking to the fActs..;)
Nice to see you back friEnd
gigoid.. and true.. Pain
but as long
as one adapts
life goeS oN.. in some
semblance of essence of all that is..
hmm.. i aM lagging a little behind here
myself.. and perhaps i’ll take a 42 month
break after writing 3.3 million words or so..
as pain killed
all bEfoRE and
sure pain and functional
disability can come in any
pARt of liFe so hUman poTenTial
Squandered is life squandered
away in
aT lEAst
the way
i Look at liFe
as a grey poupon
liver of greaTest pain
and pleasure too.. on the
sunny side of that egg of being
for now.. what else.. yes.. your
pearls of wisdoms to choose
from of course..
liked the
beginning one..
gigoid.. and true.. Pain
but as long
as one adapts
life goeS oN.. in some
semblance of essence of all that is..
hmm.. i aM lagging a little behind here
myself.. and perhaps i’ll take a 42 month
break after writing 3.3 million words or so..
as pain killed
all bEfoRE and
sure pain and functional
disability can come in any
pARt of liFe so hUman poTenTial
Squandered is life squandered
away in
aT lEAst
the way
i Look at liFe
as a grey poupon
liver of greaTest pain
and pleasure too.. on the
sunny side of that egg of being
for now.. what else.. yes.. your
pearls of wisdoms to choose
from of course..
liked the
beginning one..
“It is not worth an intelligent man’s time to be in the majority.
By definition, there are already enough people to do that.”
By definition, there are already enough people to do that.”
~~ G. H. Hardy ~~
as being born intelligent
by that very word as definition..
means the mix besides thaT iF iT iS
the majority as those who will naturAlly now
fit in togeTher with most all stuff of life over the
life span.. of course.. most humans are comfortable
with homogenous.. even in earlier Scandinavian way
where a child can be left on a side walk by their selves
in a Stroller.. and nefarious actions are almost unheard
of.. as sure.. naturAlly in this way the village raises the
child in
trust and
comfort too..:)
by that very word as definition..
means the mix besides thaT iF iT iS
the majority as those who will naturAlly now
fit in togeTher with most all stuff of life over the
life span.. of course.. most humans are comfortable
with homogenous.. even in earlier Scandinavian way
where a child can be left on a side walk by their selves
in a Stroller.. and nefarious actions are almost unheard
of.. as sure.. naturAlly in this way the village raises the
child in
trust and
comfort too..:)
What else..
“Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Beauty.”
~~ Ancient Hippie proverb ~~
Yes.. and Hippies are not
the only ones who say and
do/be this.. in proverb way…
hehe.. of course.. noW/then
noW and when i first recovered
and could use my eYes and eArs
aGAin.. this reminds me of a Seafood
Festival.. where i was randomly shooting
photos of limbs of trees above and so below
me.. for the intense pleasure of capturing the beauty
oF aLL thAT iS by iPhone5.. smArt phone camera then…
and a woman asked someone beside her.. what is that guy
doing.. sure.. with the pretense of he’s craaaazzzy
don’t you know and feel as nooooo one just
takes pictures of limbs on a tree..
HEr problem waS
i saw and fELt
God as then/now
that tree.. and iT
was likely juSt only
sHade and not that
iNtense liGht for her iN TrUth..
yes.. beFore that i missed God
for 66 months.. and this was
just a gift card of sorts to share..
noW.. FReED..;)
the only ones who say and
do/be this.. in proverb way…
hehe.. of course.. noW/then
noW and when i first recovered
and could use my eYes and eArs
aGAin.. this reminds me of a Seafood
Festival.. where i was randomly shooting
photos of limbs of trees above and so below
me.. for the intense pleasure of capturing the beauty
oF aLL thAT iS by iPhone5.. smArt phone camera then…
and a woman asked someone beside her.. what is that guy
doing.. sure.. with the pretense of he’s craaaazzzy
don’t you know and feel as nooooo one just
takes pictures of limbs on a tree..
HEr problem waS
i saw and fELt
God as then/now
that tree.. and iT
was likely juSt only
sHade and not that
iNtense liGht for her iN TrUth..
yes.. beFore that i missed God
for 66 months.. and this was
just a gift card of sorts to share..
noW.. FReED..;)
“Few people have the imagination for reality.”
~~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~~
“Belief is the death of intelligence.”
~~ Robert Anton Wilson ~~
Aint that the truth noW..
my FriEnd.. i did my best
to put a nail in the heARt
of my intelligence and break
through to the other side of luCid
waKing dreAms come to Fruition..
as miNd and Body bALance SoUl
through imaGination and beLieF..
same as EmoTioNs noW and
seNses run free aNew..
and neVer
agAin.. Now
yes.. the first
one is true.. now
the.. second one
iS spoken by a man
with a coldEr heARt..
no different than the priests/
religions/churches/politics wHo/
tHAt killed/kill God oF Nature sAMe..
but only in their iMagiNations sTiLL..
my FriEnd.. i did my best
to put a nail in the heARt
of my intelligence and break
through to the other side of luCid
waKing dreAms come to Fruition..
as miNd and Body bALance SoUl
through imaGination and beLieF..
same as EmoTioNs noW and
seNses run free aNew..
and neVer
agAin.. Now
yes.. the first
one is true.. now
the.. second one
iS spoken by a man
with a coldEr heARt..
no different than the priests/
religions/churches/politics wHo/
tHAt killed/kill God oF Nature sAMe..
but only in their iMagiNations sTiLL..
HUmans look to understand and
change for sAMe and diffeRent.. otHeRs
look one way and mostly one way only..:);
change for sAMe and diffeRent.. otHeRs
look one way and mostly one way only..:);
gigoid responds..
I always enjoy whatever response my posts stimulate in you,
my friend, even if I am not currently able to answer them all,
or even read them all these days…. But, I am still here, & still your friend….
my friend, even if I am not currently able to answer them all,
or even read them all these days…. But, I am still here, & still your friend….
And i say..
My FriEnd..
There is
No need of
Take in the
Word FriEnd
Gives is
My FriEnd..
There is
No need of
Take in the
Word FriEnd
Gives is
My Love is aLiVe and it’S onLine.. haHa.. My soUl is like
a wheel that’s tUrning and it’s sWirling in
lines of words.. my drift if you
catch iT.. iS miracles
are real
are iSREAL
too.. with aLL A
Miracle oF LoVe and
no.. not juSt puppy LoVe
A Love that sPrinGs aLiVe
even hiGher than the Sun comes
back on December 21st and stAlls
in hemisphere death way for three days
and continues to return iN alive again way
on December 25th.. reborn as liGht until the
SpRinG Equinox of Pan Flowers come born Easter Fresh
Eggs and Teats of Mammals will say too in first birth
and reoccurring births too.. until the Summer Solstice
through Sirius Dog Days of August and now cloSing FaLL
Equinox BaLanCinG uS for death of Winter and rebirth
oF SuN as WiNter is Born.. ya see.. iF you look much
deeper one will see that Miracles are dead and alive
all around uS noW sTiLL.. and worth celebrating
always noW aS a Love of Allthatis sacred and
Holy of Theist of all one can see and
feel and sensualize too.. inside..
outside.. above.. so below
and all around the
beat goeS oN
and we
co-create the
SonG and DancE
oF God sAMe and
different in DiVerRsiTy
of God all thAT iS.. as
wE as uS.. wHo go farther
and farther than father and
mother BeFore.. giving thanks
now giving alWays noW foR this
GiFt oF Love.. CoMinG bacK Now
alWays foR nOW.. my love iSreaL
is alive.. yeah.. ooh.. Baby.. mY
LoVe is alive noW.. sure.. yeah.. let
me take you tHeRe
like Led Zeppelin
says sTiLL2..
aLiVe oNline..:)
a wheel that’s tUrning and it’s sWirling in
lines of words.. my drift if you
catch iT.. iS miracles
are real
are iSREAL
too.. with aLL A
Miracle oF LoVe and
no.. not juSt puppy LoVe
A Love that sPrinGs aLiVe
even hiGher than the Sun comes
back on December 21st and stAlls
in hemisphere death way for three days
and continues to return iN alive again way
on December 25th.. reborn as liGht until the
SpRinG Equinox of Pan Flowers come born Easter Fresh
Eggs and Teats of Mammals will say too in first birth
and reoccurring births too.. until the Summer Solstice
through Sirius Dog Days of August and now cloSing FaLL
Equinox BaLanCinG uS for death of Winter and rebirth
oF SuN as WiNter is Born.. ya see.. iF you look much
deeper one will see that Miracles are dead and alive
all around uS noW sTiLL.. and worth celebrating
always noW aS a Love of Allthatis sacred and
Holy of Theist of all one can see and
feel and sensualize too.. inside..
outside.. above.. so below
and all around the
beat goeS oN
and we
co-create the
SonG and DancE
oF God sAMe and
different in DiVerRsiTy
of God all thAT iS.. as
wE as uS.. wHo go farther
and farther than father and
mother BeFore.. giving thanks
now giving alWays noW foR this
GiFt oF Love.. CoMinG bacK Now
alWays foR nOW.. my love iSreaL
is alive.. yeah.. ooh.. Baby.. mY
LoVe is alive noW.. sure.. yeah.. let
me take you tHeRe
like Led Zeppelin
says sTiLL2..
aLiVe oNline..:)
Ah.. the 70’s Songs of mysticK..
Songs of hope.. Songs of Sad..
and Songs of what seemed like
more slow dances than ever before
or would be after those days of Romance
eYes.. in school dances.. where face to face
of Loving eYes are now replaced by bootie dances
where eYes need never meet.. wHeRe breast never
meets fur of man’s chest.. things have changed.. and
i must say.. i’M glad i lived in heArtland.. where Families
ruled with Love.. and couches talked more than
electronic screens beyond a world NoW..
of talk and touch..
a twilight zone show..
so many folks live in now..
and are not even aware of what
went down before.. more imagination..
more emotions.. more creativity.. more
magic when humans reached out and
touched each other in the flesh more
than text of LoL.. a smiLiE Con..
or and a carnival of never
ending cold
and shares
and followers2..
without any blood
to feel living organs
of Love.. playing a Song that
says we are Still human.. we FeeL..
A Dream Weaver Lamp STiLL aLiVe as i..:)
Songs of hope.. Songs of Sad..
and Songs of what seemed like
more slow dances than ever before
or would be after those days of Romance
eYes.. in school dances.. where face to face
of Loving eYes are now replaced by bootie dances
where eYes need never meet.. wHeRe breast never
meets fur of man’s chest.. things have changed.. and
i must say.. i’M glad i lived in heArtland.. where Families
ruled with Love.. and couches talked more than
electronic screens beyond a world NoW..
of talk and touch..
a twilight zone show..
so many folks live in now..
and are not even aware of what
went down before.. more imagination..
more emotions.. more creativity.. more
magic when humans reached out and
touched each other in the flesh more
than text of LoL.. a smiLiE Con..
or and a carnival of never
ending cold
and shares
and followers2..
without any blood
to feel living organs
of Love.. playing a Song that
says we are Still human.. we FeeL..
A Dream Weaver Lamp STiLL aLiVe as i..:)
Bottom line is this though.. God remembers and
acts as Nature’s eYes.. we humans have abused this
Earth’s Nature rather than being stewards who never take
more than they give in BaLanCinG waY noW.. the Karma has
come around as the snake of human swallows its tales whole..
THeRe IS A pleAsuRE and HOldinG arms and hands in
a Village of flesh and blood that a smart phone
cannot possibly replace as even science
shows now.. as hUman Nature
and Nature at core sTiLL
rules our happiness..
either art and free
as LoVe fearlessly
or fear and doubt..
and hate and cold
hard screens without the
smells.. the human touch..
of flesh.. the tastes of human
skin as sweet as cheeks as lips
WiLL taste.. as kisses trUe and liGht..
bottom line.. all this means less human
children.. population reduction.. NaTuRe
fights back as any Godzilla wHole WiLL2..
wE become God oF Nature’s answer
by no longer doing humanity
of what once was before..
in both love and
of the
rest of Nature
then and now.. as the
Piper is beinG pAiD the
PiPeR’s due oF BaLanCinG waY2..:)
acts as Nature’s eYes.. we humans have abused this
Earth’s Nature rather than being stewards who never take
more than they give in BaLanCinG waY noW.. the Karma has
come around as the snake of human swallows its tales whole..
THeRe IS A pleAsuRE and HOldinG arms and hands in
a Village of flesh and blood that a smart phone
cannot possibly replace as even science
shows now.. as hUman Nature
and Nature at core sTiLL
rules our happiness..
either art and free
as LoVe fearlessly
or fear and doubt..
and hate and cold
hard screens without the
smells.. the human touch..
of flesh.. the tastes of human
skin as sweet as cheeks as lips
WiLL taste.. as kisses trUe and liGht..
bottom line.. all this means less human
children.. population reduction.. NaTuRe
fights back as any Godzilla wHole WiLL2..
wE become God oF Nature’s answer
by no longer doing humanity
of what once was before..
in both love and
of the
rest of Nature
then and now.. as the
Piper is beinG pAiD the
PiPeR’s due oF BaLanCinG waY2..:)
Alive and kicking she comes back..
and i kinda made you into a moon
maiden of sorts of lost the
other day.. as hey..
muse comes
and goes
and comes
again.. and
this reminds me
how hilarious it is
when the young women folks
put their hand on my shoulder
at the dance club.. not realizing
how soak sweaty i am in fully
male way.. in smiley selfies..
spider fingers
just touching
my shoulder with
the tips of their fingers..
to quickly get rid of the
wetter of me from head to toe..
this has really been a hot summer for
that.. looking forward to the fall and
palm shoulder
more than
finger places..
anyway.. i was just
about to fall asleep before
i saw that girl from frozen wake me up..
hi lo
and i kinda made you into a moon
maiden of sorts of lost the
other day.. as hey..
muse comes
and goes
and comes
again.. and
this reminds me
how hilarious it is
when the young women folks
put their hand on my shoulder
at the dance club.. not realizing
how soak sweaty i am in fully
male way.. in smiley selfies..
spider fingers
just touching
my shoulder with
the tips of their fingers..
to quickly get rid of the
wetter of me from head to toe..
this has really been a hot summer for
that.. looking forward to the fall and
palm shoulder
more than
finger places..
anyway.. i was just
about to fall asleep before
i saw that girl from frozen wake me up..
hi lo
All i kNow.. and
FeeL mostly of this..
hehe.. is anything
associated with sixes
and nines is super sixy
and niney to me.. and
three quarters of that
Train Station from
as magic
9 and
3 for
93..2.. it’s all
M A G i C K..
as every number
is sacred.. particularly
Holy 96.. as truly no way to
get into trouble by doing 96 noW2..
bOnes and Tramposexalines..
it’s all in the
as a window
to secret woRlds
nite nite.. Shawna
baby.. i’M in one of those
moods.. yeah.. good thing
there ain’t 41 more poems
to do this with now.. i
beddy bYes now42..;)
FeeL mostly of this..
hehe.. is anything
associated with sixes
and nines is super sixy
and niney to me.. and
three quarters of that
Train Station from
as magic
9 and
3 for
93..2.. it’s all
M A G i C K..
as every number
is sacred.. particularly
Holy 96.. as truly no way to
get into trouble by doing 96 noW2..
bOnes and Tramposexalines..
it’s all in the
as a window
to secret woRlds
nite nite.. Shawna
baby.. i’M in one of those
moods.. yeah.. good thing
there ain’t 41 more poems
to do this with now.. i
beddy bYes now42..;)
sMiLes.. my FriEnd Lala Rukh.. i was truly exhausted
and just about to go to bed.. when i got your call..
in Word Press notification way.. and so strange
it is.. as sure it’s been a little over three years
since i met you.. but i was looking today..
at one of my Facebook memories..
of one of my Macro Verses of
what i name as an Ocean
whole Poem started
with you on
Word Press
three years
ago.. that you
suggested i start
in new way then..
that has now exceeded
3.3 million words.. since
the first.. of my blogging
all together 42 months ago..
too.. anyWay.. i saw your face
on a like on that Macro-Verse there..
in what i call 700 total of those for the
current one i am working on now.. wHere
this will be jusT another Micro-Verse of that
Macro-verse of Ocean whole poem there and
yeah.. i was even thinking about you and just for
fun looked to see if i could find a Lala Rukh like you
on Facebook.. just to know you are okay friend.. as it is
the Love that gives that is truly alWays the Love that makes
our soUl.. and as you say the uniVerse Created for this gift now
of Love.. makes us reflections of God when we Give Love Free..
your writings helped inspire me to Love like this my FriEnd through
the Love you gave freely to so many folks that i witnessed too and that
my friEnd
is something
i WiLL never be
able to repay you for
as it IS A forwarding now to
otHers sAMe as you did then..
you seem well.. and that makes me
happy.. and all i wish for you FriEnd..
iS Love is Love that you alWays give now2..:)
and just about to go to bed.. when i got your call..
in Word Press notification way.. and so strange
it is.. as sure it’s been a little over three years
since i met you.. but i was looking today..
at one of my Facebook memories..
of one of my Macro Verses of
what i name as an Ocean
whole Poem started
with you on
Word Press
three years
ago.. that you
suggested i start
in new way then..
that has now exceeded
3.3 million words.. since
the first.. of my blogging
all together 42 months ago..
too.. anyWay.. i saw your face
on a like on that Macro-Verse there..
in what i call 700 total of those for the
current one i am working on now.. wHere
this will be jusT another Micro-Verse of that
Macro-verse of Ocean whole poem there and
yeah.. i was even thinking about you and just for
fun looked to see if i could find a Lala Rukh like you
on Facebook.. just to know you are okay friend.. as it is
the Love that gives that is truly alWays the Love that makes
our soUl.. and as you say the uniVerse Created for this gift now
of Love.. makes us reflections of God when we Give Love Free..
your writings helped inspire me to Love like this my FriEnd through
the Love you gave freely to so many folks that i witnessed too and that
my friEnd
is something
i WiLL never be
able to repay you for
as it IS A forwarding now to
otHers sAMe as you did then..
you seem well.. and that makes me
happy.. and all i wish for you FriEnd..
iS Love is Love that you alWays give now2..:)
Lala returns with..
I am truly, truly honored.
Keep spreading love and smiles like that forever.
Honestly, you are the most positive person I’ve known so far.
Love xx
Keep spreading love and smiles like that forever.
Honestly, you are the most positive person I’ve known so far.
Love xx
i return..
SMiLes my
friEnd.. Lala..
Is My
But never
Never Land
Of Never
Of the Medicine
Love you..:)
friEnd.. Lala..
Is My
But never
Never Land
Of Never
Of the Medicine
Love you..:)
Lala additionally says
in response to another
comment of mine..
per the
Song by
Katy Perry
i shared for
your inspiration..
in response to another
comment of mine..
per the
Song by
Katy Perry
i shared for
your inspiration..
Love this Ketty Perry song.
So motivational plus the music is amazing.
So motivational plus the music is amazing.
i respond..
Her new Song
Rise.. Is
New theme
Song too..:)
Rise.. Is
New theme
Song too..:)
And additionally
Lala responds
to another comment..
Lala responds
to another comment..
Your words, beautiful
as always ! Love xx
as always ! Love xx
And finally i say..
Facebook Friend Rafiah shares a Dr. Who
Parody that is OMG.. her current favorite
TV show and source of online
social talk on FB..
Parody that is OMG.. her current favorite
TV show and source of online
social talk on FB..
And i say..
Rock Horror Picture Show Parody too..:)
And ugh..
Dr. Who is
not on in the
U.S.. on PBS
Tonight.. But I’m
Understanding this
Better as Archetype for
The Real Human Experience
For The Dark night of the Soul..
When one is sure they are now
going to die and they transform
and are born again in life.. And
This comes From the most extreme
struggles in Life.. Cross cultures there
are many examples of this including the
Who who transforms many
Series here…
And Neo
Use a phone
Booth too as
From Dr. Who..
Small world.. Mate.. and the Rocky Horror
Picture Show has artful elements of this.. Similarly2.. And
Yes.. This artful human archetype in literature has deep roots..
even in
And the Sun
that dies for 3 days
on December 21st in
stalled ‘movement’ and
comes back to life on
December 25th.. reaching for Spring
and reneWED liFe on Earth around Easter2..
Rafiah Baby..
Science now
lives iN Art.. alWays
including religion2..
as the rabbit hole
grows deeper and
continues to make common sense..
for those with eyes and ears to see it..:)
Dr. Who is
not on in the
U.S.. on PBS
Tonight.. But I’m
Understanding this
Better as Archetype for
The Real Human Experience
For The Dark night of the Soul..
When one is sure they are now
going to die and they transform
and are born again in life.. And
This comes From the most extreme
struggles in Life.. Cross cultures there
are many examples of this including the
Who who transforms many
Series here…
And Neo
Use a phone
Booth too as
From Dr. Who..
Small world.. Mate.. and the Rocky Horror
Picture Show has artful elements of this.. Similarly2.. And
Yes.. This artful human archetype in literature has deep roots..
even in
And the Sun
that dies for 3 days
on December 21st in
stalled ‘movement’ and
comes back to life on
December 25th.. reaching for Spring
and reneWED liFe on Earth around Easter2..
Rafiah Baby..
Science now
lives iN Art.. alWays
including religion2..
as the rabbit hole
grows deeper and
continues to make common sense..
for those with eyes and ears to see it..:)
And now i say.. the Hans Selye.. General Adaptation
Syndrome.. otherwise known as animal exhaustion
from never ending physical and or emotional
stress is also similar across cultures.. of course..
and particularly in modern days of non-ending
real and illusory fears in every day life..
and the more intelligent a person is
in terms of remembering.. feeling
emotions and senses the more
likely they are going to experience
one day.. life like a cat caught in
a never ending lightening storm in
a cage in the middle of a F iN
never ending wind of
a life threatening
Tornado of
Jesus F.. in Christ..
even potentially worse
than crucifixion pain for
66 months from wake to sleep
like me with type two Trigeminal Neuralgia..
the Dark night of the soul is a real deal and
for those who have gone to the darkest places
of General Adaptation Syndrome.. they have
most definitely seen this place up close and
personal in devastating human disordered
way.. and when my legs started getting
cold in the Summer.. and a breeze
chilled me in 100 degree Temperatures
of July.. it was my body taling me to escape
never ending stress.. but i had lost contact
with mind and body balance.. years before..
and now i was lost then in a head of
stress and empty of dreAMs
of imagination.. and creativity
renewing in RE-cReATioN way
naturally in personally guided
within activities to achieve
continued animal
homeostasis in
miNd and BoDy
BaLanCe and hears
the deal.. there is weakness
always in fear.. there are stress chemicals
within produced.. over the long term that
act like battery acid on the brain and body
kinda like drinking a very slow burn of drano..
Stress kills.. yes.. even science shows stress
in these ways of acid like stress hormones..
will break down all parts of the human
vital bodily systems.. from nervous..
to respiratory.. to endocrine.. to
cardio-vascular.. yes.. the
list goes on and on..
and no.. ‘they’ have
no idea what causes
or what stops the
Trigeminal Neuralgia..
worse than crucifixion pain
that in my case was like a dentist
drill in my right eye and ear.. beyond
FucKinG what most people understand
as possible for human pain.. unless the
Dentist forgets to numb your FucKinG
mouth first before he starts to drill
deep.. deep down to the roots
of the pain receptors of your
teeth.. worst thing of all
is like me..
even with
a huge team of
doctors.. this worst
of most all human functional
disabilities is totally invisible except
for the grimace one may make on face..
when any light at all is shined in their face..
and some folks are perhaps luckier as most
folks don’t experience this in their eye and ear..
so sure.. my task of JOB.. was met by pull up
your boot straps my chap.. even by the ass whole
neurologist who told me basically get out of hear..
you are just anxious.. not even thinking that what
i have could be the worst pain known to mankind then..
before a pain specialist two years later diagnosed it
by process of elimination.. sticking some lidocaine
way up my sinuses.. that made the pain go away
for a FucKinG split second where some folks
got relief for frigging hours or more
from this procedure then.. and
now still.. anyway.. that
wasn’t all that came
from two years
of flight or fight stress..
there was Sjogren’s Syndrome
that a full two years before this
started attacking the blood vessels
in my feet.. where about the time i watched
the movie happy feet in ’06 or so.. having no
idea i would one day be the human version of
that blue eyed penguin then.. my feet hurt so
bad even touching something with them..
was incredible nerve pain.. and i
was so hard headed.. i didn’t
even go to the Doctor then..
but it took a rheumatologist
to finally figure out what that
was years later.. when my
eyes quit making tears per
Sjogren’s autoimmune system
disorder too.. and yes.. all autoimmune
system disorders can be associated with
chronic high levels of human social/emotional/
physical stress over extended periods of time..
along with Fibromyalgia.. and Dysautonomia
that it took a Rheumatologist to diagnose as
well.. Severe Degenerative Arthritis and
Stenosis of Spine where these are
structural issues but the extreme
pain internal management of
pain is disrupted by long
term chronic stress as i have
the same issues with almost
zero pain now.. per MRI’s
and other measuring
ways of
infirmities as
such that the body
finds a way to compensate
for in both pain management and
collateral strengths when mind and
body animal homeostasis also named
as balance is the natural way of life to
survive and thrive alive.. like most animals
do in every day life.. without all the FucKinG
inSane illusory and real fears that modern so-
called Advanced technological societies bring
in first world fucking problems… where in third
worlds in terrestrial way.. folks can at least fucking
smile with so much less to stress them out in
FucKinG culture and TV made.. etc.. illusory
fears.. sure and even religious too.. some
folks are thinking the end of the world
is always around the corner..
FucKinG American Indians
were so much FucKinG
smArter in the most important
intelligence of Emotional.. Physical
and Existential Intelligences over what
we currently define Standard IQ as a measure
of how well you will perform in school to be good
little non-human robots.. as cogs in a machine to
keep the creature comforts coming.. overall that
are shooting ourselves in the human animal
foot for balance in life in the same Twilight
Zone show of human in a never ending
nightmare of hell on earth for many
folks as the World Health Organization
suggests the greatest cause of human
disability world-wide is depression and
depression is just another symptom of
general adaptation syndrome of the burnt
out human in emotional and physical way..
we are FucKinG hUmans.. we are not machines
and the Terminator metaphor is an excellent metaphor
for we as human beings made more into machines than
flesh and blood hooked up to a terminal of a flat box
screen for hours on end.. and on my KATiE MiA
Aghogday Blog.. perhaps the most important
blog post is the one on Autism Spectrum
Burn-Out.. a very simple post but a vital
one to understand.. even if a person
is not a Canary in a coal mine of
who i was then.. with super
empath-like feelings and
spidey senses.. that made
me an almost perfect human
candidate.. to go to the dark place
of the soul and come transformed back
out to help teach the world to get back in
balance.. rise.. and once again thrive as
human being animal.. in what truly can be
a metaphor of a peaceful harmonious place
of heaven on this terrestrial plane like the
five year old.. before screens of screams
came along to take the five year old
away from nature to a place
of lifelong nature deficit
disorder as is common
now and a Global
Spreading iSREAL
Disease that continues
to lead to much misery and
suffering.. folks.. this is real deal..
this ain’t no potential path to a metaphor
of hell.. this is the highway to hell.. the
iSreal highway to hell now.. straight
to the slow burn that
never ends
the pit and
rise again
from Tardis
phone booth of life
in transformations light
to a free and wild child of
God once again.. literature and
all of art has been ahead of science
on these real human hardships at
root of problem of many centuries
where folks scoffed at terms like Neurasthenia
and Nervous Break Downs as all psychological
without the real physical breakdown of the human
mind and body.. live and learn.. do preventative
medicine measures for lifestyle balance..
or suffer the consequences of
action in iSREAL Karmic
misery in life..
fortunately.. there
are ways out.. but to do
that one may have to give up
the dollar bill as God and replace
aN iSREAL God of Nature for that
to truly be a success in God’s Balance
of Nature in uS.. in thriving alive survive..
now on this terrestrial plane of Heaven iSREAL..:)
Syndrome.. otherwise known as animal exhaustion
from never ending physical and or emotional
stress is also similar across cultures.. of course..
and particularly in modern days of non-ending
real and illusory fears in every day life..
and the more intelligent a person is
in terms of remembering.. feeling
emotions and senses the more
likely they are going to experience
one day.. life like a cat caught in
a never ending lightening storm in
a cage in the middle of a F iN
never ending wind of
a life threatening
Tornado of
Jesus F.. in Christ..
even potentially worse
than crucifixion pain for
66 months from wake to sleep
like me with type two Trigeminal Neuralgia..
the Dark night of the soul is a real deal and
for those who have gone to the darkest places
of General Adaptation Syndrome.. they have
most definitely seen this place up close and
personal in devastating human disordered
way.. and when my legs started getting
cold in the Summer.. and a breeze
chilled me in 100 degree Temperatures
of July.. it was my body taling me to escape
never ending stress.. but i had lost contact
with mind and body balance.. years before..
and now i was lost then in a head of
stress and empty of dreAMs
of imagination.. and creativity
renewing in RE-cReATioN way
naturally in personally guided
within activities to achieve
continued animal
homeostasis in
miNd and BoDy
BaLanCe and hears
the deal.. there is weakness
always in fear.. there are stress chemicals
within produced.. over the long term that
act like battery acid on the brain and body
kinda like drinking a very slow burn of drano..
Stress kills.. yes.. even science shows stress
in these ways of acid like stress hormones..
will break down all parts of the human
vital bodily systems.. from nervous..
to respiratory.. to endocrine.. to
cardio-vascular.. yes.. the
list goes on and on..
and no.. ‘they’ have
no idea what causes
or what stops the
Trigeminal Neuralgia..
worse than crucifixion pain
that in my case was like a dentist
drill in my right eye and ear.. beyond
FucKinG what most people understand
as possible for human pain.. unless the
Dentist forgets to numb your FucKinG
mouth first before he starts to drill
deep.. deep down to the roots
of the pain receptors of your
teeth.. worst thing of all
is like me..
even with
a huge team of
doctors.. this worst
of most all human functional
disabilities is totally invisible except
for the grimace one may make on face..
when any light at all is shined in their face..
and some folks are perhaps luckier as most
folks don’t experience this in their eye and ear..
so sure.. my task of JOB.. was met by pull up
your boot straps my chap.. even by the ass whole
neurologist who told me basically get out of hear..
you are just anxious.. not even thinking that what
i have could be the worst pain known to mankind then..
before a pain specialist two years later diagnosed it
by process of elimination.. sticking some lidocaine
way up my sinuses.. that made the pain go away
for a FucKinG split second where some folks
got relief for frigging hours or more
from this procedure then.. and
now still.. anyway.. that
wasn’t all that came
from two years
of flight or fight stress..
there was Sjogren’s Syndrome
that a full two years before this
started attacking the blood vessels
in my feet.. where about the time i watched
the movie happy feet in ’06 or so.. having no
idea i would one day be the human version of
that blue eyed penguin then.. my feet hurt so
bad even touching something with them..
was incredible nerve pain.. and i
was so hard headed.. i didn’t
even go to the Doctor then..
but it took a rheumatologist
to finally figure out what that
was years later.. when my
eyes quit making tears per
Sjogren’s autoimmune system
disorder too.. and yes.. all autoimmune
system disorders can be associated with
chronic high levels of human social/emotional/
physical stress over extended periods of time..
along with Fibromyalgia.. and Dysautonomia
that it took a Rheumatologist to diagnose as
well.. Severe Degenerative Arthritis and
Stenosis of Spine where these are
structural issues but the extreme
pain internal management of
pain is disrupted by long
term chronic stress as i have
the same issues with almost
zero pain now.. per MRI’s
and other measuring
ways of
infirmities as
such that the body
finds a way to compensate
for in both pain management and
collateral strengths when mind and
body animal homeostasis also named
as balance is the natural way of life to
survive and thrive alive.. like most animals
do in every day life.. without all the FucKinG
inSane illusory and real fears that modern so-
called Advanced technological societies bring
in first world fucking problems… where in third
worlds in terrestrial way.. folks can at least fucking
smile with so much less to stress them out in
FucKinG culture and TV made.. etc.. illusory
fears.. sure and even religious too.. some
folks are thinking the end of the world
is always around the corner..
FucKinG American Indians
were so much FucKinG
smArter in the most important
intelligence of Emotional.. Physical
and Existential Intelligences over what
we currently define Standard IQ as a measure
of how well you will perform in school to be good
little non-human robots.. as cogs in a machine to
keep the creature comforts coming.. overall that
are shooting ourselves in the human animal
foot for balance in life in the same Twilight
Zone show of human in a never ending
nightmare of hell on earth for many
folks as the World Health Organization
suggests the greatest cause of human
disability world-wide is depression and
depression is just another symptom of
general adaptation syndrome of the burnt
out human in emotional and physical way..
we are FucKinG hUmans.. we are not machines
and the Terminator metaphor is an excellent metaphor
for we as human beings made more into machines than
flesh and blood hooked up to a terminal of a flat box
screen for hours on end.. and on my KATiE MiA
Aghogday Blog.. perhaps the most important
blog post is the one on Autism Spectrum
Burn-Out.. a very simple post but a vital
one to understand.. even if a person
is not a Canary in a coal mine of
who i was then.. with super
empath-like feelings and
spidey senses.. that made
me an almost perfect human
candidate.. to go to the dark place
of the soul and come transformed back
out to help teach the world to get back in
balance.. rise.. and once again thrive as
human being animal.. in what truly can be
a metaphor of a peaceful harmonious place
of heaven on this terrestrial plane like the
five year old.. before screens of screams
came along to take the five year old
away from nature to a place
of lifelong nature deficit
disorder as is common
now and a Global
Spreading iSREAL
Disease that continues
to lead to much misery and
suffering.. folks.. this is real deal..
this ain’t no potential path to a metaphor
of hell.. this is the highway to hell.. the
iSreal highway to hell now.. straight
to the slow burn that
never ends
the pit and
rise again
from Tardis
phone booth of life
in transformations light
to a free and wild child of
God once again.. literature and
all of art has been ahead of science
on these real human hardships at
root of problem of many centuries
where folks scoffed at terms like Neurasthenia
and Nervous Break Downs as all psychological
without the real physical breakdown of the human
mind and body.. live and learn.. do preventative
medicine measures for lifestyle balance..
or suffer the consequences of
action in iSREAL Karmic
misery in life..
fortunately.. there
are ways out.. but to do
that one may have to give up
the dollar bill as God and replace
aN iSREAL God of Nature for that
to truly be a success in God’s Balance
of Nature in uS.. in thriving alive survive..
now on this terrestrial plane of Heaven iSREAL..:)
Rafiah responds..
Religion, philosophy, science, arts and other disciples of
knowledge make the life of mankind worthwhile in so many ways..:)
knowledge make the life of mankind worthwhile in so many ways..:)
And i say in return aGain..
Yes.. mY DEar friEnd.. Rafiah.. put
iT aLL toGetHer and
you geT Dr. wHo2
iN yoUr bacKyard2..
Fearless LoVe..;)
iT aLL toGetHer and
you geT Dr. wHo2
iN yoUr bacKyard2..
Fearless LoVe..;)
So.. what would the call of God Be..
Wild and Free with human same
as with any other domesticated animal..
Jack London taught this
lesson long ago..
so did the reported
Gnostic Jesus.. at least..
in Verse 37 of the Gnostic
Gospel of Thomas where he
says to find the living God within
one must shed tHeRe clothes of culture
and tread on them without shame.. done
it.. how about you.. shame is fear of rejection
from other human beings.. regret should only
be in harming other human beings at core of
what it means to be humans with relative free
will.. to do as their God given Natures in True
WiLL intimates within to do.. without consuming
others with harm.. other than the food and drink..
that is necessary of life.. and sure it’s true that
in many ways sex is consuming others.. ask
a spider about that and sure the Penis
is at core a weapon for the domination
of reproductive success.. as a spear
to go inside and leave something
behind to make life.. however
humans and other primates
like Bonobos have something
greater named empathy and
compassion for each other that
shines in eyes.. and iT says i’ll share
your pleasure i feel your pain and i do
not want to harm you in anyway.. so sure
any religion that does not condemn human
slavery in all the forms that comes from no
matter war or rape that comes from non-conSenSuaL
Dowry institutionalized religion.. is no religion oF God
aT all.. it is only a religion of human that wants to
control other humans through fear to advance tHeRe
own selfish and social causes like expanding territories
for truly subsistence and reproductive resources
required.. just to continue to survive now in life..
yes.. religions are made for borders of control
and illusory fears to make those borders
of control expand for more material
success to gain subsistence
then still and now..
and sure that
is part of
God given
Nature in
Dark of fear
too.. but where tHeRe
is abundance of resources
where share and give is the
rule there are no needs for illusory
fears that we still see in desert lands
of barren still today far and wide.. around
global reality still.. but truly the only way humans
will survive and thrive in balance.. is if all the illusory
fears that are human made beyond.. the only two
innate fears of falling and loud noises from birth
that when per example if someone with
a large enough in decibel growl
like i can make now into
a roar to let that
go in a dark
lot to spark
the genetic memories
in others of the sound of
the jaws with teeth that could
spell tHeRe IS A predator that can
eat you from close or thunder and
coming lightening that can strike you
dead if you do not seek shelter soon..
illusory fears kill what Maslow names
as the ascent to higher pyramid rise
of human now.. bottom line.. there is
no heaven now with illusory fears..
and those illusory fears
most definitely as
even Jesus
reports are the
real highway to hell
now and never finding
heaven in the only place
that is in this generation always
now juST noW.. the RX is simple..
Fearless Love.. cultures and religions
are still the camel.. and the Call of the
Wild and Free is Gods’ Voice still pleading..
come through an eye of a needle of Fearless
Love now.. sure there is plenty of water and bread… but
only you can drink/eat it with trUe and relative Free WiLL..:)
Wild and Free with human same
as with any other domesticated animal..
Jack London taught this
lesson long ago..
so did the reported
Gnostic Jesus.. at least..
in Verse 37 of the Gnostic
Gospel of Thomas where he
says to find the living God within
one must shed tHeRe clothes of culture
and tread on them without shame.. done
it.. how about you.. shame is fear of rejection
from other human beings.. regret should only
be in harming other human beings at core of
what it means to be humans with relative free
will.. to do as their God given Natures in True
WiLL intimates within to do.. without consuming
others with harm.. other than the food and drink..
that is necessary of life.. and sure it’s true that
in many ways sex is consuming others.. ask
a spider about that and sure the Penis
is at core a weapon for the domination
of reproductive success.. as a spear
to go inside and leave something
behind to make life.. however
humans and other primates
like Bonobos have something
greater named empathy and
compassion for each other that
shines in eyes.. and iT says i’ll share
your pleasure i feel your pain and i do
not want to harm you in anyway.. so sure
any religion that does not condemn human
slavery in all the forms that comes from no
matter war or rape that comes from non-conSenSuaL
Dowry institutionalized religion.. is no religion oF God
aT all.. it is only a religion of human that wants to
control other humans through fear to advance tHeRe
own selfish and social causes like expanding territories
for truly subsistence and reproductive resources
required.. just to continue to survive now in life..
yes.. religions are made for borders of control
and illusory fears to make those borders
of control expand for more material
success to gain subsistence
then still and now..
and sure that
is part of
God given
Nature in
Dark of fear
too.. but where tHeRe
is abundance of resources
where share and give is the
rule there are no needs for illusory
fears that we still see in desert lands
of barren still today far and wide.. around
global reality still.. but truly the only way humans
will survive and thrive in balance.. is if all the illusory
fears that are human made beyond.. the only two
innate fears of falling and loud noises from birth
that when per example if someone with
a large enough in decibel growl
like i can make now into
a roar to let that
go in a dark
lot to spark
the genetic memories
in others of the sound of
the jaws with teeth that could
spell tHeRe IS A predator that can
eat you from close or thunder and
coming lightening that can strike you
dead if you do not seek shelter soon..
illusory fears kill what Maslow names
as the ascent to higher pyramid rise
of human now.. bottom line.. there is
no heaven now with illusory fears..
and those illusory fears
most definitely as
even Jesus
reports are the
real highway to hell
now and never finding
heaven in the only place
that is in this generation always
now juST noW.. the RX is simple..
Fearless Love.. cultures and religions
are still the camel.. and the Call of the
Wild and Free is Gods’ Voice still pleading..
come through an eye of a needle of Fearless
Love now.. sure there is plenty of water and bread… but
only you can drink/eat it with trUe and relative Free WiLL..:)
As Bang Bang Bang.. big Bang way still in “700 MacroVerse
dreAM” that is the new name of this 700th verse of Ocean
Whole Poem and pre-blog way too in 74 Verses there
that just so happens will start 777 after 911 hits.. yes..
total for public God blog witness.. 42 months then..
three small but powerful Macro Verse memories
from two years ago.. very much inspired by one
of my first heARt and sPiRit and soUL forever
friends online whether i ever hear back
from a couple of them ever again..
they were the muse.. the fuel
that started the match of
all of this..
a very logical girl..
a very heart lost girl..
and a very soulful girl.. Lala.. too
three muses of iSREAL from stART..
with many thouSands more that came
from all walks of life now.. as the paths
of journeys whole and the Rabbit hole
goes deeper and deeper sTiLL isREaL..
a Wonder Land in never ever ending
story of never land OZ now.. hidden
from plain view in a rather simple
looking blog face still now..
but oh so deep as
3.3 Million plus words
and around 100 thousand
photos and thousands of videos
and music can go.. go go go.. sTiLL..
hahahahahe.. and sure i’ve made
it so a never ending story goeS oN
iSREaLtime now on Facebook
too.. where over 100K words
in every month comes now..
and so many visual illustrations
come2 almost 24 FucKinG hours
a day.. hehe.. like a Storm alert
of PoeTry goeS oN iN somewhat
perfect practice of Storm noW.. oN..;)
dreAM” that is the new name of this 700th verse of Ocean
Whole Poem and pre-blog way too in 74 Verses there
that just so happens will start 777 after 911 hits.. yes..
total for public God blog witness.. 42 months then..
three small but powerful Macro Verse memories
from two years ago.. very much inspired by one
of my first heARt and sPiRit and soUL forever
friends online whether i ever hear back
from a couple of them ever again..
they were the muse.. the fuel
that started the match of
all of this..
a very logical girl..
a very heart lost girl..
and a very soulful girl.. Lala.. too
three muses of iSREAL from stART..
with many thouSands more that came
from all walks of life now.. as the paths
of journeys whole and the Rabbit hole
goes deeper and deeper sTiLL isREaL..
a Wonder Land in never ever ending
story of never land OZ now.. hidden
from plain view in a rather simple
looking blog face still now..
but oh so deep as
3.3 Million plus words
and around 100 thousand
photos and thousands of videos
and music can go.. go go go.. sTiLL..
hahahahahe.. and sure i’ve made
it so a never ending story goeS oN
iSREaLtime now on Facebook
too.. where over 100K words
in every month comes now..
and so many visual illustrations
come2 almost 24 FucKinG hours
a day.. hehe.. like a Storm alert
of PoeTry goeS oN iN somewhat
perfect practice of Storm noW.. oN..;)
Short story here of video
expanded in words.. Nature
has balance until humans FucKeD
the balance uP by running over it with
a tractor of culture now.. the chicken has
always been here.. it’s only humans stupid
enough to ask about the egg that is now..
life is
living now..
lose it by living
in either the past
or future of this
most beautiful
blue.. green..
brown.. and
white snow
capped diamond
of liFe.. can you see
the liGht yeT.. Jesus F.
iN Christ.. it’s everyWheReNOw..:)
expanded in words.. Nature
has balance until humans FucKeD
the balance uP by running over it with
a tractor of culture now.. the chicken has
always been here.. it’s only humans stupid
enough to ask about the egg that is now..
life is
living now..
lose it by living
in either the past
or future of this
most beautiful
blue.. green..
brown.. and
white snow
capped diamond
of liFe.. can you see
the liGht yeT.. Jesus F.
iN Christ.. it’s everyWheReNOw..:)
Perfect storm of Love..
the practice oF it continues
to repeat as hiStory says so too..
in all the dARk and liGht and hUes
and sHades of colors and bLack and
whitE too.. bEyond
the human rainbow
oF iMaGinAtioN and
creativity sAMe.. and
sure.. the prophetess Katy
Perry and her cohorts get
it Deep as the same
of past
and PreSent
tale the sAME Jesus
F iN Christ human archetypes
as God within continues to break
free and rise to the top of the pyramid
in self actualization of human all seeing
eYes of what they see for noW iSREaL..
and if you do not understand that this
Love will make you flOat with Gravity
now.. perHaps you haven’t danced
with mE yET.. as thiS sHit iSrEaL..:)
the practice oF it continues
to repeat as hiStory says so too..
in all the dARk and liGht and hUes
and sHades of colors and bLack and
whitE too.. bEyond
the human rainbow
oF iMaGinAtioN and
creativity sAMe.. and
sure.. the prophetess Katy
Perry and her cohorts get
it Deep as the same
of past
and PreSent
tale the sAME Jesus
F iN Christ human archetypes
as God within continues to break
free and rise to the top of the pyramid
in self actualization of human all seeing
eYes of what they see for noW iSREaL..
and if you do not understand that this
Love will make you flOat with Gravity
now.. perHaps you haven’t danced
with mE yET.. as thiS sHit iSrEaL..:)
So sure.. in terms of Neo.. Buddha.. Jesus..
sure.. in someways Muhammad too..
myths of Krishna..
Lao Tzu.. and
many millions
of others more who
are soldiers of God
as a horse with no name..
we all seek to help the human
race progress in total harmony
and peace.. i mean.. Jesus F.
In Christ.. even coke
Fearless Love..
MoVinG.. CoNecTinG
CreATinG an iSREAL
Heaven noW thaT is
no wHere but now..
as now is
all tHeRe
is as
even science
shows now..
and yes..
with iMaGiNation
as DreAms of inventions
like Dragon Wings of Leonardo
become helicopters iSREAL now Fruition
too.. tHeRE are no limits or expectations noW
that cannot be exceeded iN hUman poTenTial
as LonG as wE hOld hands iN Balance WiTh
GoD aLL of NatURE too.. but as always
the first step is eliminating all illusory
fears as all illusory fears are one
path only and that my
i choose Fearless Love.. we got
spirit.. how ’bout you.. GO.. GO GO
sure.. in someways Muhammad too..
myths of Krishna..
Lao Tzu.. and
many millions
of others more who
are soldiers of God
as a horse with no name..
we all seek to help the human
race progress in total harmony
and peace.. i mean.. Jesus F.
In Christ.. even coke
Fearless Love..
MoVinG.. CoNecTinG
CreATinG an iSREAL
Heaven noW thaT is
no wHere but now..
as now is
all tHeRe
is as
even science
shows now..
and yes..
with iMaGiNation
as DreAms of inventions
like Dragon Wings of Leonardo
become helicopters iSREAL now Fruition
too.. tHeRE are no limits or expectations noW
that cannot be exceeded iN hUman poTenTial
as LonG as wE hOld hands iN Balance WiTh
GoD aLL of NatURE too.. but as always
the first step is eliminating all illusory
fears as all illusory fears are one
path only and that my
i choose Fearless Love.. we got
spirit.. how ’bout you.. GO.. GO GO
OKAy.. quick commercial
break of smAll talk heRe..
break of smAll talk heRe..
AS the EN name test thingy
provides a very nice video
summary of fun profile pics
over the course of years.. i
continue on here by saying2..
provides a very nice video
summary of fun profile pics
over the course of years.. i
continue on here by saying2..
WeLL.. the EN name test thingy..
now is not nearly as cool as the
Facebook Algorithm Robot Video
Slide Show Production Assistant..
as the EN name test thingy people..
i mean.. Computer Robot Algorithm..
doesn’t let you
store the
Video.. for
later use..
surely.. they
will improve though..
as technology continues
to expand in transhumanist way..;)
now is not nearly as cool as the
Facebook Algorithm Robot Video
Slide Show Production Assistant..
as the EN name test thingy people..
i mean.. Computer Robot Algorithm..
doesn’t let you
store the
Video.. for
later use..
surely.. they
will improve though..
as technology continues
to expand in transhumanist way..;)
back to
the regularly
scheduLed proGram
oF DeeP sHiT noW PHD’s
piled higher deeper sTiLL..
a hit
aS SOMeThiNG..;)
back to
the regularly
scheduLed proGram
oF DeeP sHiT noW PHD’s
piled higher deeper sTiLL..
a hit
aS SOMeThiNG..;)
sMiles.. thanks Marilyn.. most every time
someone compares what i do here to someone
else in the poetry world.. i get my trusty Wiki tool..
out to see who they are and what they do in the poetry
world.. poetry.. ha.. i am diagnosed on the Autism
Spectrum.. with Asperger’s syndrome
in middle age..
and my style
of thinking and
speaking was often
metaphorRed as computer..
mY Friend.. wHere my social
butterfly friends flew circles around
the analytical miNd oF Y i.. and truly
from a young man with three college degrees
and little ability to creatively express my self
in social success ways.. from writing to even
speaking.. my greatest desire in life was
to create original art.. and in college
ha.. burdened with ADHD too..
until the light of
made the
focus of reading
10 to 15 times faster
than the average human
possible with the super focus
of light required for me to expand
my word view then.. hehe.. the piano
lifetime hobby helped too.. to bring speeds of
130 words a minute or about as fast as the
mechanical limits of a keyboard
can go and yes here i go
in sometimes painful
detail of analytical
details.. that
can make
for many folks
who do not go as
fast as i can go now..
anyway.. truth be told..
i never saw the value in poetry
earlier in life.. totally retarded in
poetic knowledge.. i was then.. except
for a strange breakthrough in middle school
one time where emotions and language suddenly
glued to win a Christmas Story in two homerooms then.
a short stint.. in a philosophy class early on in college but
later after.. my brain was already further drown in analytical
years of making A’s to restrict my brain that way.. anyway
later in college i checked out a book on creativity in
hopes of learning it in book way analysis then..
and i checked that dam book out more
than 20 times.. but my brain was
so worn out by analytical
activity.. that i had
no emotions
and senses
left in what
could have been
miNd and BoDy BalaNce
to even read that book then..
when i shed school and culture
for enough years.. in the heavy
regulations of law like culture
of 25 years of Government
work too.. there was
that spark
deep within..
just waiting
to come back..
at age 53.. true..
but first i had to
escape the heavy drown
of the analytical mind.. my friend..
i free associate it all now.. and the more
i go in different paths the more i do and
the more i change.. and sure.. after reading
about Blake that is a nicest compliment.. too my
friend.. i didn’t like being a cardboard box.. i am
so FucKinG proud to be crazy now.. most everyone
in the DanCinG world think i do drugs or something to
dance as free verse as i do too.. oh.. the wild and free my
friEnd there is no label for this but free.. but free mY FriEnd..;)
someone compares what i do here to someone
else in the poetry world.. i get my trusty Wiki tool..
out to see who they are and what they do in the poetry
world.. poetry.. ha.. i am diagnosed on the Autism
Spectrum.. with Asperger’s syndrome
in middle age..
and my style
of thinking and
speaking was often
metaphorRed as computer..
mY Friend.. wHere my social
butterfly friends flew circles around
the analytical miNd oF Y i.. and truly
from a young man with three college degrees
and little ability to creatively express my self
in social success ways.. from writing to even
speaking.. my greatest desire in life was
to create original art.. and in college
ha.. burdened with ADHD too..
until the light of
made the
focus of reading
10 to 15 times faster
than the average human
possible with the super focus
of light required for me to expand
my word view then.. hehe.. the piano
lifetime hobby helped too.. to bring speeds of
130 words a minute or about as fast as the
mechanical limits of a keyboard
can go and yes here i go
in sometimes painful
detail of analytical
details.. that
can make
for many folks
who do not go as
fast as i can go now..
anyway.. truth be told..
i never saw the value in poetry
earlier in life.. totally retarded in
poetic knowledge.. i was then.. except
for a strange breakthrough in middle school
one time where emotions and language suddenly
glued to win a Christmas Story in two homerooms then.
a short stint.. in a philosophy class early on in college but
later after.. my brain was already further drown in analytical
years of making A’s to restrict my brain that way.. anyway
later in college i checked out a book on creativity in
hopes of learning it in book way analysis then..
and i checked that dam book out more
than 20 times.. but my brain was
so worn out by analytical
activity.. that i had
no emotions
and senses
left in what
could have been
miNd and BoDy BalaNce
to even read that book then..
when i shed school and culture
for enough years.. in the heavy
regulations of law like culture
of 25 years of Government
work too.. there was
that spark
deep within..
just waiting
to come back..
at age 53.. true..
but first i had to
escape the heavy drown
of the analytical mind.. my friend..
i free associate it all now.. and the more
i go in different paths the more i do and
the more i change.. and sure.. after reading
about Blake that is a nicest compliment.. too my
friend.. i didn’t like being a cardboard box.. i am
so FucKinG proud to be crazy now.. most everyone
in the DanCinG world think i do drugs or something to
dance as free verse as i do too.. oh.. the wild and free my
friEnd there is no label for this but free.. but free mY FriEnd..;)
SMiLes.. my Friend
as you share yoUr
Love in all the artful
ways that comes.. its
true no one will ever forget
you.. i just have lots of time
on my hands to tale you these things..
and photography..
the capture
of the now.. the
moment wHeRe
we capture beauty
as practice all of more
life as existence becomes
deeper beauty.. as trUly mY
friEnd.. wE are only as alive as
the moment is full of deep admiration
and thanks for all the beauty of life that is
possible now.. expanding heaven now is
through the art of life..
in all ways that
and creAtinG coMes
now.. i love visual images
as truly after even 12 million
words since November Thanks
Giving Day since 2010.. online now
created as such.. i was never a word
person.. until i lost effective use of eYes
and ears.. from my pain disorder of type
two Trigeminal Neuralgia that started in 2008
with other autoimmune issue foot pain in 2006
that has evaporated with DancE and SonG noW iN
many ways.. including art of photography.. noW mY
FriEnd.. a picture tales an iNfinite number of words of
beauty.. dArkness and liGht the sAme.. and even fLaws
mY friEnd can bRing hidden meaning Rise to the top
of the parachute of dArkness for ascension of huMan
heARt.. SpiRit oF expreSsinG EmoTiOns raw and
trUe.. and BaLanCinG miNd and BoDy soUL
isReAL noW for aLL who lose
illusionary fears..
and sure
the mesSages
of liGht and dARk..
and aLL hUes and sHades
oF colors bLack and wHitE..
can be found in the reflections of
even jUst one photo my friEnd or
even the
one that
can bE aLL
oF liFe aLL too..
i have a powerful computer
and Broad Band Internet access..
show me a thousand pictures and
i will make 12 million more words to
tale you anoTher lalaby sTory of Life noW
mY FriEnd.. Lala Rukh.. WiNks or perHaps i already did..
as life iS alWays worth SavinG and LIVinG foR noW no
reflections pain..
iN shadows of the Divine..
shall i say i love you.. sure..
i will paint that picture for you..
and all otHers with words and photos sAMe
and.. if you could dance with me as many otHeRs do…
could feel
it more too..
as love is white
and briGht wHeRe
even shadows now no
longer hide.. riSinG as LiGht..:)
as you share yoUr
Love in all the artful
ways that comes.. its
true no one will ever forget
you.. i just have lots of time
on my hands to tale you these things..
and photography..
the capture
of the now.. the
moment wHeRe
we capture beauty
as practice all of more
life as existence becomes
deeper beauty.. as trUly mY
friEnd.. wE are only as alive as
the moment is full of deep admiration
and thanks for all the beauty of life that is
possible now.. expanding heaven now is
through the art of life..
in all ways that
and creAtinG coMes
now.. i love visual images
as truly after even 12 million
words since November Thanks
Giving Day since 2010.. online now
created as such.. i was never a word
person.. until i lost effective use of eYes
and ears.. from my pain disorder of type
two Trigeminal Neuralgia that started in 2008
with other autoimmune issue foot pain in 2006
that has evaporated with DancE and SonG noW iN
many ways.. including art of photography.. noW mY
FriEnd.. a picture tales an iNfinite number of words of
beauty.. dArkness and liGht the sAme.. and even fLaws
mY friEnd can bRing hidden meaning Rise to the top
of the parachute of dArkness for ascension of huMan
heARt.. SpiRit oF expreSsinG EmoTiOns raw and
trUe.. and BaLanCinG miNd and BoDy soUL
isReAL noW for aLL who lose
illusionary fears..
and sure
the mesSages
of liGht and dARk..
and aLL hUes and sHades
oF colors bLack and wHitE..
can be found in the reflections of
even jUst one photo my friEnd or
even the
one that
can bE aLL
oF liFe aLL too..
i have a powerful computer
and Broad Band Internet access..
show me a thousand pictures and
i will make 12 million more words to
tale you anoTher lalaby sTory of Life noW
mY FriEnd.. Lala Rukh.. WiNks or perHaps i already did..
as life iS alWays worth SavinG and LIVinG foR noW no
reflections pain..
iN shadows of the Divine..
shall i say i love you.. sure..
i will paint that picture for you..
and all otHers with words and photos sAMe
and.. if you could dance with me as many otHeRs do…
could feel
it more too..
as love is white
and briGht wHeRe
even shadows now no
longer hide.. riSinG as LiGht..:)
SMILes my friend.. gigoid..
i Now have 100% faith
and hope and belief
in Love oF noW..
tHeRe is
any waiting
or time in Heaven
now.. iSREAL iT iS
but only of course for
my style now.. can anyone
prove me wrong with empirical
analysis.. sure.. if they can meaSure
a sMiLe of INfiniTy NoW juSt now.. heaven
is not a book.. not a page.. nor a word or
number too.. Heaven iS FeeLinG iS A
SeNSatiOn oF Real Eternity noW..
How to put Eternity into a word..
T h R E E…
mY friEnd..
i kNow.. no thing
but iSREaL NoW2..
IT doesn’t take a rocket
scientist NOW to understand
this.. just a dog that now sMiLes
And humans NOW who are too stupid
to realize thaT DOG is reAlly sMiLinG
noW iN
Now.. onLY
folks who live
iN Heaven truLY
understand this mY FriEnd AFAIK..
and for anYone who calls dog less
than God.. they live in at least a broad
spectrum of HeLL noW.. hmm.. Heaven
is rather narrow in terms of no time NOW..:)
i Now have 100% faith
and hope and belief
in Love oF noW..
tHeRe is
any waiting
or time in Heaven
now.. iSREAL iT iS
but only of course for
my style now.. can anyone
prove me wrong with empirical
analysis.. sure.. if they can meaSure
a sMiLe of INfiniTy NoW juSt now.. heaven
is not a book.. not a page.. nor a word or
number too.. Heaven iS FeeLinG iS A
SeNSatiOn oF Real Eternity noW..
How to put Eternity into a word..
T h R E E…
mY friEnd..
i kNow.. no thing
but iSREaL NoW2..
IT doesn’t take a rocket
scientist NOW to understand
this.. just a dog that now sMiLes
And humans NOW who are too stupid
to realize thaT DOG is reAlly sMiLinG
noW iN
Now.. onLY
folks who live
iN Heaven truLY
understand this mY FriEnd AFAIK..
and for anYone who calls dog less
than God.. they live in at least a broad
spectrum of HeLL noW.. hmm.. Heaven
is rather narrow in terms of no time NOW..:)
WeLL.. according to Microsoft
Word.. i’ve written over 10K words
in a 26 hour period of one day..
now it’s a go for a Marathon now
of public store dance for 26 miles
iN two days.. for a half a marathon
or so each day.. and sure 5 or 6+
thousand more words somewhere
between now and when i publish
this next 700th Macro-Verse oF
Ocean Whole Poem then..
on Monday the 5th of
September 2016..
how do i do it..
Fearless Love..
With 100% Faith.. Hope
and BeliEf in alWays thE
experience of FeeLinG Now
And SenSinG Heaven noW..Now..
iN MoVinG.. Connecting.. CreaTinG
ways.. the Sistine Chapel.. Leonardo
sketches.. the theory of relatively
and Einstein iMagiNary Flow as
100% laser focus in cognitive
executive functioning now..
with 6000 miles.. or so of
dance for me to go along
with 3.3 million words in
3 years of Witnessing
for God of Nature
allone noW iN
42.. months
777 total
pre and after
Ocean whole view poem
on 9112016.. more to come then..
as longest long form poem ever..
hmm.. so wHo am i but me noW
juST mE… F iN FReED Now noW2..:)
Word.. i’ve written over 10K words
in a 26 hour period of one day..
now it’s a go for a Marathon now
of public store dance for 26 miles
iN two days.. for a half a marathon
or so each day.. and sure 5 or 6+
thousand more words somewhere
between now and when i publish
this next 700th Macro-Verse oF
Ocean Whole Poem then..
on Monday the 5th of
September 2016..
how do i do it..
Fearless Love..
With 100% Faith.. Hope
and BeliEf in alWays thE
experience of FeeLinG Now
And SenSinG Heaven noW..Now..
iN MoVinG.. Connecting.. CreaTinG
ways.. the Sistine Chapel.. Leonardo
sketches.. the theory of relatively
and Einstein iMagiNary Flow as
100% laser focus in cognitive
executive functioning now..
with 6000 miles.. or so of
dance for me to go along
with 3.3 million words in
3 years of Witnessing
for God of Nature
allone noW iN
42.. months
777 total
pre and after
Ocean whole view poem
on 9112016.. more to come then..
as longest long form poem ever..
hmm.. so wHo am i but me noW
juST mE… F iN FReED Now noW2..:)
Ah.. the Nostalgia.. of the Facebook
Algorithm.. video slide show-maker..
a full pre-store dance nature display
free.. with a pre-lude to a Sith
inspiRinG store dance..
in all of Katrina’s
Favorite stores..;)
Algorithm.. video slide show-maker..
a full pre-store dance nature display
free.. with a pre-lude to a Sith
inspiRinG store dance..
in all of Katrina’s
Favorite stores..;)
Yeah.. i guess ‘you’ are correct..
better to vote for the devil you
know vs.. the one you don’t kNow..
And speaKinG of thAT someone has taken
down the liFe size card-board cut-out of the
Hillary at the Toy Store in the Mall..
can you believe that..
the only choice left
to vote for is this
hmm.. at least
the other guy could
make an original pose..
after all this is the funny age..
Don’t Ya kNow and feeL for aLLs aGEs2..;)
better to vote for the devil you
know vs.. the one you don’t kNow..
And speaKinG of thAT someone has taken
down the liFe size card-board cut-out of the
Hillary at the Toy Store in the Mall..
can you believe that..
the only choice left
to vote for is this
hmm.. at least
the other guy could
make an original pose..
after all this is the funny age..
Don’t Ya kNow and feeL for aLLs aGEs2..;)
So.. i’m dancing in Starbucks.. ya kNow.. with
fancy foot work and really slow leg turns..
Katrina says.. they are all watching your
legs and feet.. and next thing ya kNow..
the nice Starbucks Lady tales
’em who owns me..
hehe.. with
my all caffeine
free totally over priced
Star multi-bucks drink..
marked as Katrina’s Fred
hmm.. that we get free as we
use our credit card interest
free just to get free Starbucks points..
haha.. trust me.. if you were as cheap
a date as me.. you would get rich no
matter what.. in terms of legs and feats.. too..;)
fancy foot work and really slow leg turns..
Katrina says.. they are all watching your
legs and feet.. and next thing ya kNow..
the nice Starbucks Lady tales
’em who owns me..
hehe.. with
my all caffeine
free totally over priced
Star multi-bucks drink..
marked as Katrina’s Fred
hmm.. that we get free as we
use our credit card interest
free just to get free Starbucks points..
haha.. trust me.. if you were as cheap
a date as me.. you would get rich no
matter what.. in terms of legs and feats.. too..;)
Only one Facebook Algorithm Memory from two years ago..
per look at you and remember me.. provided by the
hmm.. mostly trusty robot of Facebook.. but
not always and as any free service..
one cannot really complain
too much in how that
free service changes
freely as well.. to keep
it free.. and for some reason
my muse of profile pics are no
longer embedding on Word Press..
and if there are faces in the profile pics
the embed function is no longer working
properly.. so i’m getting the error message
in the comments section on my blog for the
photos that say.. this post pic not available
anymore.. but as i recently said.. for one
who massively creates.. don’t put all
your eggs in line basket iN
free platform of sharing..
as sure.. they are not
always reliable.. and
those photos are shared
on my blog in the main post
on a website i pay for.. in terms
of Word Press dollars at 299 of them
per year.. to ensure i can download
a zillion photos.. and too much is
never enough hehe.. anyway this
has happened to me before.. too..
the speed and massive volume
of information i put out as well
as word play style has been
confused in the past..
by both the Google
Search Engine
Algorithm and
the Google Blogger
Algorithm Policeman
and the Facebook Hall
Automatic Monitor as a bot
Fred instead of A real iFred..
and that is the price of human
potential.. being confused as something
beyond human in transhumanist way these
days as hey.. i’m moving forward not backwards
and technology is certainly an assistant in that way..
and as far as the paths and journey i go as a social
animal in a nature reality that says you must belong
and conform to the social group to survive.. this
‘normal’ nature requirement is somewhat
replaced by they online world.. in at
least text and photo and video
human interface for social
support that can be found
in nooks and crannies all around
the global place now.. so a person can
still fill and feel a part of a somewhat
cyber space society now.. as created
along the way.. for those who see
somewhat eye to eye and face
to face with ya.. so in other
words.. one must understand
human nature as God of Nature
given Nature.. to accommodate the
challenges of life.. adapt and move
on for greatest Neuroplastic and Epigenetic
human potential.. or nah.. they don’t have to
do it.. per relative free will.. they can do what
everyone else does and everyone else tales
them to do for the traditions of culture no matter
how illusory and truly insane they become even
away from basic human nature in animal homeostasis
way.. we create our realties as actors in plays that other
folks have created long in the past or continuing now..
some of us follow the scripts closely and never vary
hardly at all.. but others of us figure more of the
play and actors and production of it.. and go our
own way.. not forgetting our human nature
but using it to our greatest advantage
along with technology in the
positive aspects of that now..
so i am as i the director
of my own play.. and
producer same.. the
capital I of i is the
actor that i direct
to be and do whatever
i wanna do and be now..
and the exclamation point!
is the SpiRit oF i as expressed
by I.. all the nows i create now..
as my own dam acted.. produced
and directed play of liFE noW.. and
the narrative you read is the reaLiTy
thAT iS.. and sure in the modern day of
Heaven is now.. we can make this place
iSREAL or not.. aGain the eye of the needle
and the camel of the other place.. i is the needle now..:)
per look at you and remember me.. provided by the
hmm.. mostly trusty robot of Facebook.. but
not always and as any free service..
one cannot really complain
too much in how that
free service changes
freely as well.. to keep
it free.. and for some reason
my muse of profile pics are no
longer embedding on Word Press..
and if there are faces in the profile pics
the embed function is no longer working
properly.. so i’m getting the error message
in the comments section on my blog for the
photos that say.. this post pic not available
anymore.. but as i recently said.. for one
who massively creates.. don’t put all
your eggs in line basket iN
free platform of sharing..
as sure.. they are not
always reliable.. and
those photos are shared
on my blog in the main post
on a website i pay for.. in terms
of Word Press dollars at 299 of them
per year.. to ensure i can download
a zillion photos.. and too much is
never enough hehe.. anyway this
has happened to me before.. too..
the speed and massive volume
of information i put out as well
as word play style has been
confused in the past..
by both the Google
Search Engine
Algorithm and
the Google Blogger
Algorithm Policeman
and the Facebook Hall
Automatic Monitor as a bot
Fred instead of A real iFred..
and that is the price of human
potential.. being confused as something
beyond human in transhumanist way these
days as hey.. i’m moving forward not backwards
and technology is certainly an assistant in that way..
and as far as the paths and journey i go as a social
animal in a nature reality that says you must belong
and conform to the social group to survive.. this
‘normal’ nature requirement is somewhat
replaced by they online world.. in at
least text and photo and video
human interface for social
support that can be found
in nooks and crannies all around
the global place now.. so a person can
still fill and feel a part of a somewhat
cyber space society now.. as created
along the way.. for those who see
somewhat eye to eye and face
to face with ya.. so in other
words.. one must understand
human nature as God of Nature
given Nature.. to accommodate the
challenges of life.. adapt and move
on for greatest Neuroplastic and Epigenetic
human potential.. or nah.. they don’t have to
do it.. per relative free will.. they can do what
everyone else does and everyone else tales
them to do for the traditions of culture no matter
how illusory and truly insane they become even
away from basic human nature in animal homeostasis
way.. we create our realties as actors in plays that other
folks have created long in the past or continuing now..
some of us follow the scripts closely and never vary
hardly at all.. but others of us figure more of the
play and actors and production of it.. and go our
own way.. not forgetting our human nature
but using it to our greatest advantage
along with technology in the
positive aspects of that now..
so i am as i the director
of my own play.. and
producer same.. the
capital I of i is the
actor that i direct
to be and do whatever
i wanna do and be now..
and the exclamation point!
is the SpiRit oF i as expressed
by I.. all the nows i create now..
as my own dam acted.. produced
and directed play of liFE noW.. and
the narrative you read is the reaLiTy
thAT iS.. and sure in the modern day of
Heaven is now.. we can make this place
iSREAL or not.. aGain the eye of the needle
and the camel of the other place.. i is the needle now..:)
So.. today.. we have the other polar opposite Jesus.. at Catholic
Church.. in Luke 14:25-33.. you know.. the one that says “If anyone
comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children,
brothers, and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my
Church.. in Luke 14:25-33.. you know.. the one that says “If anyone
comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children,
brothers, and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my
And yes.. full stop.. this is where the Bad Cop Jesus.. and
me at least.. totally separate paths like a fork in the road..
me at least.. totally separate paths like a fork in the road..
Sure.. turn the other cheek is a mighty noble suggestion
for not harming others after one is harmed by others..
but sure.. a little much.. as this great gift of life
is worth defending.. and to suggest that
life is to be hated.. is truly insane..
bottom line.. and sure..
this is quite honestly
what cult leaders
do to indoctrinate
folks.. make them
hate their loved ones
before the brain washing
starts.. and it was quite amusing
to see the priest today in church
side step the FOUR LETTER WORD
in a world that is diverse.. where there
are solid reasons why folks have different
opinions about life.. and that is where understanding
comes into play.. sure dissension and standing up for
your beliefs even if that means being hated by those who
used to love you.. before you stand up for folks not in their
‘social circles’.. like the slaves as black folks before.. the
right for a woman to vote.. and now homosexual
folks and transgender folks too.. who are finally
getting their rights to be human as God
makes them different.. yes.. the God
of Nature of course.. and science
even proves the innate
factors of this now
too.. now..
hmm.. oh yeah..
and there is that other
Bad Cop Jesus.. part that
says i did not come to bring
Peace.. i come with a sword..
anyway.. it’s a well known fact..
from most all the current biblical scholars
that most all the books in the new testament
except for two now.. are written by someone else
yes.. other than the so-called labeled apostles there..
including Luke as well.. too… Whoever the real Jesus
Dude was.. where nothing was written down about his
life until around 4 decades after his life.. was over..
after many different sects and some ideas
about 12 Gods and other Christianity
sects that said one God.. the
Educated Greeks decided
what to include of what
was orally transmitted
or not.. and scholarly studies
show from then on.. scribes that
copied the writings by hand.. made
three to four hundred thousand minor
to major mistakes along the way.. sometimes
adding in stuff they liked or taking stuff out.. Jesus
F. iN Christ.. even in a 30 minute round table of passing
a phrase around a table.. it will change by the time it gets
to the speaker again.. human memory is fallible.. A well known
scientific fact that what we think is what happened is most
always different if there is a video that can show what
really happened in life.. so who is to blame for
something as divisive as these statements..
truth is.. we will never kNow.. could be
this or could have changed in the first
40 years of oral tradition.. and after..
but surely.. with understanding
in Cognitive empathy way we
can agree to disagree without
FucKinG hating our loved ones..
and never speaking to them again..
as that is literally what that means..
or who knows.. even using a sword
against them.. instead of going the
St. Francis of Assisi ways of make
me a channel of your peace.. whose
peace.. the peace of hating your loved ones
if they don’t agree with what you believe.. nah..
that’s just plain ignorant and an ancient way of
viewing the world.. and no.. there is no way to defend
this.. there is great stuff in the New Testament.. particularly
the part of Luke Chapter 17.. that says the Kingdom of God noW
is within.. but there is a better way than hating loved ones over
disagreements that are gonna happen ’cause humans are diverse
in innate propensity for progressive thinking and accepting differences
of others same.. and today when i was visiting some Fundamentalist
Baptist folks on a farm.. the issue of Transgender bathrooms
that in our county are mandatory in some elementary schools
now.. came up and was blamed on Obama.. and i went
on to say.. hey.. you might not believe it now by looking
at me.. but i was viewed as a girl when i was in middle
school.. cause i was thin.. had long eyelashes.. green
changing to blue eyes.. a pretty boy yes.. and verbally
abused like hell about it too.. and if you think that
was my fault that God made me look like that
no it wasn’t.. God made me that way.. when
young.. and sure.. i am all the literal ‘rave’
still with some women.. still at age 56 now..
and stronger than any man at the military
gym in at least one exercise there..
even too.. but no.. it wasn’t always
that way.. but let me tell you…
this is a science and
physician manner
not a matter
of just someone’s
opinion.. and the highest
rates of suicide are among folks
with gender identify disorder.. and then
the person i talked too.. said yes.. maybe
the parents don’t want their children to commit
suicide.. sure that makes sense.. i’m thinking duh
with a smile.. and sure we got the abortion speech
today at Church as Mother Teresa was being canonized..
but what about.. the fact it’s illegal in Mexico.. and there now
are still as many unsafe abortions.. resulting in permanent
disability.. and even infanticide and
such as that.. for even more
human misery and
suffering.. why
the FucK
don’t you
support effective
birth control if you
want to reduce abortions..
as unwanted pregnancies never
have to happen in the first FucKinG
place with effective and safe birth control
as educated.. as science shows abstinence
just doesn’t work ’cause we are human and
humans.. are one of the highest reproducing
innate and instinctual as such creatures oF aLL..
common.. sense.. lifting the veil of ignorance..
as the original meaning of the Greek word
Apocalypse is really defined as such too..
and here’s the thing.. it doesn’t
do any good at all to hate
ignorant folks..
will bring about
change if done face
to face and in school..
in a tactful peaceful manner..
the Golden Rule rules and i have
to say.. i mostly agree with the teachings
of the old Kung Fu TV show.. as they
do not contradict themselves like
the Good Cop Bad Cop Jesus in
the New Testament does.. folks
will over look the biggest boards
in the eYes of hate.. as sure
cognitive dissonance hurts..
and the human brain will
naturally see and
feel what it
wants to
but hell no..
no one is gonna
make me ever hate
anyone.. i am a free child
of God and a member of no
cult that hates.. hates.. hates.. hates..
i do not agree with a lot of what my family
believes in and i do not expect them to believe
in all of what i do.. even if they could.. as some
folks are just not cut out for some of the freest spirited
things i do and say.. thanks God for a Country with separation
of church and state.. as humans are never cookie cutter pieces
of God.. they change.. they grow.. and yes.. they stay stagnate too..
anyway.. i am not afraid to criticize what is evil at core.. and yes..
hating your loved ones.. over differences in beliefs is evil at
core.. greAtesT change
alWays comes
from Love..
and sure
art too..
as pARt of HEArt
away from fear and hate..
oh.. yeah.. and the other thing..
the priest said love wasn’t a feeling..
sure that is what Mother Teresa Lost..
the feeling of connectedness with God and
all others too.. and there are solid scientific reasons
this happens too.. like doing too much and never getting
any rest.. as Mother Teresa was as zealous as they come
in a good way too.. we are human.. we are not robots and
the TruE WiLL over Fearless Love one can feel makes
the most love oF all.. all over the world now.. feelings
of empathy and compassion that are part and
parcel of love can be watered and grown
stronger as a muscle of heArt Love..
yes.. DancE and SonG.. and
even poetry and other
forms of MoVinG..
conNecTing and
CreaTing increases
the Muscle of Love..
as heARt.. SpiRit and
MINd and BoDy soUL.. Now
B A L A N C i N G iN LiGht
noW science even shows this
as evidentiary trUe now too..
wE CAN groW iN Love.. and as Saint
John was reported to say.. back then..
too.. wE CAN do greater works now than
are reported from Jesus and Love more..
as of course as the original Greek text of
the New Testament clearly relates.. Jesus was
just a man.. a son and child of God.. suggesting
he was humble.. and in the Kingdom of God.. the
last would be first.. and the meek would inherit
the Kingdom oF God on Earth in the current..
generation as promise with no wait after
death.. that parts rings trUe and LIGht
to me.. whomever made those
statements that is
my own personal
discernment i make
and everyone is allowed
to make in free church and state
separation countries.. now finally
in the U.S.. the right to LiFe.. LiBerty
And the Pursuit of Happiness.. was/iS 240
years coming Now fully for homosexual
and transgender folks.. finally noW the
original.. Declaration of Independence
is being fulfilled for all American Citizens..
there is nothing perfect about any word
or book of God.. history shows this over
and over again.. but those quotes from
the old Kung Fu TV show.. sure do ring
TrUth and liGht to me as a practice of
Fearless Love as trUe gentlemen strong
as well might do and say.. but to bow.. no..
nah.. Lions don’t do that.. and no.. neither will
i.. i’LL nod my head iN respect of everyone.. sure.. Y not..
and i’ll even call them yes sir and ma’am2.. Y noT.. iT FeeLs liKe
Fearless Love..
to me..@lEast..:)
for not harming others after one is harmed by others..
but sure.. a little much.. as this great gift of life
is worth defending.. and to suggest that
life is to be hated.. is truly insane..
bottom line.. and sure..
this is quite honestly
what cult leaders
do to indoctrinate
folks.. make them
hate their loved ones
before the brain washing
starts.. and it was quite amusing
to see the priest today in church
side step the FOUR LETTER WORD
in a world that is diverse.. where there
are solid reasons why folks have different
opinions about life.. and that is where understanding
comes into play.. sure dissension and standing up for
your beliefs even if that means being hated by those who
used to love you.. before you stand up for folks not in their
‘social circles’.. like the slaves as black folks before.. the
right for a woman to vote.. and now homosexual
folks and transgender folks too.. who are finally
getting their rights to be human as God
makes them different.. yes.. the God
of Nature of course.. and science
even proves the innate
factors of this now
too.. now..
hmm.. oh yeah..
and there is that other
Bad Cop Jesus.. part that
says i did not come to bring
Peace.. i come with a sword..
anyway.. it’s a well known fact..
from most all the current biblical scholars
that most all the books in the new testament
except for two now.. are written by someone else
yes.. other than the so-called labeled apostles there..
including Luke as well.. too… Whoever the real Jesus
Dude was.. where nothing was written down about his
life until around 4 decades after his life.. was over..
after many different sects and some ideas
about 12 Gods and other Christianity
sects that said one God.. the
Educated Greeks decided
what to include of what
was orally transmitted
or not.. and scholarly studies
show from then on.. scribes that
copied the writings by hand.. made
three to four hundred thousand minor
to major mistakes along the way.. sometimes
adding in stuff they liked or taking stuff out.. Jesus
F. iN Christ.. even in a 30 minute round table of passing
a phrase around a table.. it will change by the time it gets
to the speaker again.. human memory is fallible.. A well known
scientific fact that what we think is what happened is most
always different if there is a video that can show what
really happened in life.. so who is to blame for
something as divisive as these statements..
truth is.. we will never kNow.. could be
this or could have changed in the first
40 years of oral tradition.. and after..
but surely.. with understanding
in Cognitive empathy way we
can agree to disagree without
FucKinG hating our loved ones..
and never speaking to them again..
as that is literally what that means..
or who knows.. even using a sword
against them.. instead of going the
St. Francis of Assisi ways of make
me a channel of your peace.. whose
peace.. the peace of hating your loved ones
if they don’t agree with what you believe.. nah..
that’s just plain ignorant and an ancient way of
viewing the world.. and no.. there is no way to defend
this.. there is great stuff in the New Testament.. particularly
the part of Luke Chapter 17.. that says the Kingdom of God noW
is within.. but there is a better way than hating loved ones over
disagreements that are gonna happen ’cause humans are diverse
in innate propensity for progressive thinking and accepting differences
of others same.. and today when i was visiting some Fundamentalist
Baptist folks on a farm.. the issue of Transgender bathrooms
that in our county are mandatory in some elementary schools
now.. came up and was blamed on Obama.. and i went
on to say.. hey.. you might not believe it now by looking
at me.. but i was viewed as a girl when i was in middle
school.. cause i was thin.. had long eyelashes.. green
changing to blue eyes.. a pretty boy yes.. and verbally
abused like hell about it too.. and if you think that
was my fault that God made me look like that
no it wasn’t.. God made me that way.. when
young.. and sure.. i am all the literal ‘rave’
still with some women.. still at age 56 now..
and stronger than any man at the military
gym in at least one exercise there..
even too.. but no.. it wasn’t always
that way.. but let me tell you…
this is a science and
physician manner
not a matter
of just someone’s
opinion.. and the highest
rates of suicide are among folks
with gender identify disorder.. and then
the person i talked too.. said yes.. maybe
the parents don’t want their children to commit
suicide.. sure that makes sense.. i’m thinking duh
with a smile.. and sure we got the abortion speech
today at Church as Mother Teresa was being canonized..
but what about.. the fact it’s illegal in Mexico.. and there now
are still as many unsafe abortions.. resulting in permanent
disability.. and even infanticide and
such as that.. for even more
human misery and
suffering.. why
the FucK
don’t you
support effective
birth control if you
want to reduce abortions..
as unwanted pregnancies never
have to happen in the first FucKinG
place with effective and safe birth control
as educated.. as science shows abstinence
just doesn’t work ’cause we are human and
humans.. are one of the highest reproducing
innate and instinctual as such creatures oF aLL..
common.. sense.. lifting the veil of ignorance..
as the original meaning of the Greek word
Apocalypse is really defined as such too..
and here’s the thing.. it doesn’t
do any good at all to hate
ignorant folks..
will bring about
change if done face
to face and in school..
in a tactful peaceful manner..
the Golden Rule rules and i have
to say.. i mostly agree with the teachings
of the old Kung Fu TV show.. as they
do not contradict themselves like
the Good Cop Bad Cop Jesus in
the New Testament does.. folks
will over look the biggest boards
in the eYes of hate.. as sure
cognitive dissonance hurts..
and the human brain will
naturally see and
feel what it
wants to
but hell no..
no one is gonna
make me ever hate
anyone.. i am a free child
of God and a member of no
cult that hates.. hates.. hates.. hates..
i do not agree with a lot of what my family
believes in and i do not expect them to believe
in all of what i do.. even if they could.. as some
folks are just not cut out for some of the freest spirited
things i do and say.. thanks God for a Country with separation
of church and state.. as humans are never cookie cutter pieces
of God.. they change.. they grow.. and yes.. they stay stagnate too..
anyway.. i am not afraid to criticize what is evil at core.. and yes..
hating your loved ones.. over differences in beliefs is evil at
core.. greAtesT change
alWays comes
from Love..
and sure
art too..
as pARt of HEArt
away from fear and hate..
oh.. yeah.. and the other thing..
the priest said love wasn’t a feeling..
sure that is what Mother Teresa Lost..
the feeling of connectedness with God and
all others too.. and there are solid scientific reasons
this happens too.. like doing too much and never getting
any rest.. as Mother Teresa was as zealous as they come
in a good way too.. we are human.. we are not robots and
the TruE WiLL over Fearless Love one can feel makes
the most love oF all.. all over the world now.. feelings
of empathy and compassion that are part and
parcel of love can be watered and grown
stronger as a muscle of heArt Love..
yes.. DancE and SonG.. and
even poetry and other
forms of MoVinG..
conNecTing and
CreaTing increases
the Muscle of Love..
as heARt.. SpiRit and
MINd and BoDy soUL.. Now
B A L A N C i N G iN LiGht
noW science even shows this
as evidentiary trUe now too..
wE CAN groW iN Love.. and as Saint
John was reported to say.. back then..
too.. wE CAN do greater works now than
are reported from Jesus and Love more..
as of course as the original Greek text of
the New Testament clearly relates.. Jesus was
just a man.. a son and child of God.. suggesting
he was humble.. and in the Kingdom of God.. the
last would be first.. and the meek would inherit
the Kingdom oF God on Earth in the current..
generation as promise with no wait after
death.. that parts rings trUe and LIGht
to me.. whomever made those
statements that is
my own personal
discernment i make
and everyone is allowed
to make in free church and state
separation countries.. now finally
in the U.S.. the right to LiFe.. LiBerty
And the Pursuit of Happiness.. was/iS 240
years coming Now fully for homosexual
and transgender folks.. finally noW the
original.. Declaration of Independence
is being fulfilled for all American Citizens..
there is nothing perfect about any word
or book of God.. history shows this over
and over again.. but those quotes from
the old Kung Fu TV show.. sure do ring
TrUth and liGht to me as a practice of
Fearless Love as trUe gentlemen strong
as well might do and say.. but to bow.. no..
nah.. Lions don’t do that.. and no.. neither will
i.. i’LL nod my head iN respect of everyone.. sure.. Y not..
and i’ll even call them yes sir and ma’am2.. Y noT.. iT FeeLs liKe
Fearless Love..
to me..@lEast..:)
Hmm.. weLL.. the Algorithm Video Assistant
Producer from Facebook.. left today.. now..
and went back yesterday.. to do a rehash
of Saturday in longer reminiscing form..
and sure that’s okay too..
as yes.. the Robot..
giveth and taketh
away and giveth different
same too.. hmm.. so just
wHo iS this Robot anyWay2..;)
Producer from Facebook.. left today.. now..
and went back yesterday.. to do a rehash
of Saturday in longer reminiscing form..
and sure that’s okay too..
as yes.. the Robot..
giveth and taketh
away and giveth different
same too.. hmm.. so just
wHo iS this Robot anyWay2..;)
Yeah.. so when the Monsignor
says love is not something you
feel.. it just goes to show.. that my
X-Catholic Priest Grandaddy did the
right.. yes.. the right.. thing.. getting married..
having children and experiencing this thing NoW..
cAlled Unconditional Love.. that sure IS A feeling..
a feeling greater than any other feeling ever in
fearless way.. and perhaps something..
some priests.. and ‘normal’ men..
never feel until they have
a child of their
own.. or
lose one too..
or perhaps even
worse.. they could live
in hell now.. either on the
street or in the pulpit and
and never experience the feelings
and the sensing of heaven now.. heaven
is in the kiss of a child’s eYes.. and if you
can’t FeeL it live in hell.. you live in hell..
BeLLs you live
iN HeLL and i’Ve
been tHeRe too.. for
66 months long.. wHere
i couldn’t even remember what
a sMiLe of Love fElt like oN mY
RoBoT FucKinG zombie dead face…
then.. look back at some of the photos
of Popes.. the look is clear.. dead clear…
and the saddest paRt of all is it is like
being behind an opaque window
that some
may never
even near.. NoW..
Love SingS uNconditional
FeeLinG and SenSinG Love..
and sure.. iF you give iT and can’t
FeeL iT.. give yoUr self now a healthy
’round of applause.. as sure.. even
folkS iN HeLL can give Love and
yes.. the Monsignor does a fine
job of that no matter if he FeeLs iT or
not.. giving Love without feeling iT is quite
a miracle too.. that we humans can do.. now..
and oh yeah.. when My Grandaddy decided
to pave a path for me to exist.. by getting ex-
communicated by the Catholic Church.. the rest
of his family excommunicated him too with hate..
when the price of love is hate.. the religion is insane..
line.. and
that’s changing
as wE speak..
LOUD.. and
Dogma sucks..
but not Dogs as God..;)
says love is not something you
feel.. it just goes to show.. that my
X-Catholic Priest Grandaddy did the
right.. yes.. the right.. thing.. getting married..
having children and experiencing this thing NoW..
cAlled Unconditional Love.. that sure IS A feeling..
a feeling greater than any other feeling ever in
fearless way.. and perhaps something..
some priests.. and ‘normal’ men..
never feel until they have
a child of their
own.. or
lose one too..
or perhaps even
worse.. they could live
in hell now.. either on the
street or in the pulpit and
and never experience the feelings
and the sensing of heaven now.. heaven
is in the kiss of a child’s eYes.. and if you
can’t FeeL it live in hell.. you live in hell..
BeLLs you live
iN HeLL and i’Ve
been tHeRe too.. for
66 months long.. wHere
i couldn’t even remember what
a sMiLe of Love fElt like oN mY
RoBoT FucKinG zombie dead face…
then.. look back at some of the photos
of Popes.. the look is clear.. dead clear…
and the saddest paRt of all is it is like
being behind an opaque window
that some
may never
even near.. NoW..
Love SingS uNconditional
FeeLinG and SenSinG Love..
and sure.. iF you give iT and can’t
FeeL iT.. give yoUr self now a healthy
’round of applause.. as sure.. even
folkS iN HeLL can give Love and
yes.. the Monsignor does a fine
job of that no matter if he FeeLs iT or
not.. giving Love without feeling iT is quite
a miracle too.. that we humans can do.. now..
and oh yeah.. when My Grandaddy decided
to pave a path for me to exist.. by getting ex-
communicated by the Catholic Church.. the rest
of his family excommunicated him too with hate..
when the price of love is hate.. the religion is insane..
line.. and
that’s changing
as wE speak..
LOUD.. and
Dogma sucks..
but not Dogs as God..;)
So.. as the
second.. Katrina
and Sister and Child
Profile Pic Comes
again now..
Love.. Loves..:)
second.. Katrina
and Sister and Child
Profile Pic Comes
again now..
Love.. Loves..:)
And yeah.. i dreAMed of a place
called hell last.. night.. true..
i literally dreamed of a place called
hell last night.. just guns.. fear..
and hate.. just swords.. fear and
hate.. and for some..
that story
goES oN
iN heLL noW….
where sinner Now
is saint and saint is sinner…
Funny little Synchronicities..
and how God works toGetHer
as canvas of All thaT is
noW.. wHere the
is only
beAT aWay
from TrUth
and liGht as LiFe..
as Fearless LovE.. wITh
sUre.. WiLL over aLL that iS too..:)
called hell last.. night.. true..
i literally dreamed of a place called
hell last night.. just guns.. fear..
and hate.. just swords.. fear and
hate.. and for some..
that story
goES oN
iN heLL noW….
where sinner Now
is saint and saint is sinner…
Funny little Synchronicities..
and how God works toGetHer
as canvas of All thaT is
noW.. wHere the
is only
beAT aWay
from TrUth
and liGht as LiFe..
as Fearless LovE.. wITh
sUre.. WiLL over aLL that iS too..:)
BLack.. T-Shirt
that says.. with
an exclamation point..
i Should Have Come With A Warning..
Oh WeLL.. aS iN ElecTriCity.. LiGhTeNinG..
AC/DC.. KarMiC eYe wayS.. too..
Hells Bells..
and A store
closed too..;)
that says.. with
an exclamation point..
i Should Have Come With A Warning..
Oh WeLL.. aS iN ElecTriCity.. LiGhTeNinG..
AC/DC.. KarMiC eYe wayS.. too..
Hells Bells..
and A store
closed too..;)
Cato said, “I had rather men should ask why my statue is not set up, than why it is.”
~~ Plutarch — Political Precepts ~~
Yes.. why wait when
one can do it themselves online.. hehe..;)
one can do it themselves online.. hehe..;)
“I’m sitting on my SPEED QUEEN.. To me, it’s ENJOYABLE..
~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~
What ever
works works..;)
works works..;)
“No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness.”
~~ Aristotle ~~
Any thing other
than madness is normal
and normal is insane..
than madness is normal
and normal is insane..
“In the carriages of the past you can’t go anywhere.”
~~ Maxim Gorky ~~
This is true..
in general..
that’s why i
write more than
i read @lEASt.. now..;)
in general..
that’s why i
write more than
i read @lEASt.. now..;)
“We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them.”
~~ Titus Livius ~~
~~ Titus Livius ~~
why i still
read.. and
ignore ignorance..:)
why i still
read.. and
ignore ignorance..:)
“Nothing is worth more than this day.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~~
Day is okay..
Have a nice
day gigoid.. with pain free.. now..
just the power of suggestion.. hehe..;)
day gigoid.. with pain free.. now..
just the power of suggestion.. hehe..;)
A Holiday
But Life..
Nothing @All..
A Labor oF Love..:)
A Holiday
But Life..
Nothing @All..
A Labor oF Love..:)
sMiLes.. and Hello Himali.. Memories..
Teachers.. and i remember a similar
post from you last year at this time on
Teacher’s day.. i mentioned you were a
Teacher then to me too and that i appreciated you..
So since i have already honored you.. i will move on
to the next teacher.. hmm…
some of the greatest teachers
to me are those who i kNew/fELt with
much smaller standard IQ’s than most
of my acquaintances who had a gift of
Loving everyone without regard to innate
or environmental/material differences.. real
Saints were they who had a smile for everyone
regardless of who.. what.. where.. or how they
do life.. so sure.. they are gifted greatest by God
for this smile that never ends from birth to death..
in many cases too.. and sure some of these folks
are Downs children.. the worst teacher i can think
of now is Richard Dawkins as he said as advice to
a woman considering abortion that it would be a disservice
to humanity not to abort a Downs child.. as this child would not
produce enough material things for society.. hmm.. not understanding
the value of one smile.. this ignorant man of course.. who i also learn from
that Standard IQ is weak without much real meaning in the Love of Life that
feels the most and talks the least at times too.. my friend.. blessed with this
so-called cultural derived and propagated Standard IQ.. i was too.. but cursed away
from love off on and on in life.. for falling into this trap as labyrinth of culture more.. more..
and more.. so smiles.. i learn to love the most from those who will never stand lecturing
from a class room podium at all.. just the sincere smiles of a child.. of God who has not
been ravaged in school/work my friend.. a child of God who will smile from Birth to death
for the only reason
of feeling a smile
of Love continuing
with others my friend..
and sure.. the other teacher
is the voice within.. the voice
that speaks through my pen now
these days.. my friend.. the God
who lives within.. the God who Sings
in Einstein Equations.. and the young
woman who had a standard IQ of less than
or about 70.. who was the only one who kept
in touch with my wife and i.. after i fell ill at work
after all my years there.. where sure.. i was as nice
to everyone as i am online.. and soon as i got sick and
could not help anyone anymore.. i was forgotten and erased
from the earth.. as far as folks reaching out to me.. but this one
woman from work who was not ‘smart enough’ to finish loving us.. then..
And sure.. that is my teacher.. the one who taught me to always call back..
And yes.. she is much
greater than Jesus as
Jesus said in Luke 17 that
to follow me you must hate
your mother and father.. your
brothers and sisters and your
children too.. our friend was
not holy enough to do that
my friend.. our
God incarnate
in flesh and blood
and only human too..
but sure i forgive Jesus
for his failings and praise
my friend for fulfilling the prophecy
by Saint John or whomever said the
words in his chapter that there will be
those who do much greater works than
Jesus.. sure Tina and her friends have already
come back again.. to do just that.. not many folks
noticed them.. but i did.. and God tOld me to write about them..NOW..
in how God speaks with no Standard IQ at all2.. as God is not trapped
in human work/schools.. not then.. not now.. not ever when Free Verse..:)
Teachers.. and i remember a similar
post from you last year at this time on
Teacher’s day.. i mentioned you were a
Teacher then to me too and that i appreciated you..
So since i have already honored you.. i will move on
to the next teacher.. hmm…
some of the greatest teachers
to me are those who i kNew/fELt with
much smaller standard IQ’s than most
of my acquaintances who had a gift of
Loving everyone without regard to innate
or environmental/material differences.. real
Saints were they who had a smile for everyone
regardless of who.. what.. where.. or how they
do life.. so sure.. they are gifted greatest by God
for this smile that never ends from birth to death..
in many cases too.. and sure some of these folks
are Downs children.. the worst teacher i can think
of now is Richard Dawkins as he said as advice to
a woman considering abortion that it would be a disservice
to humanity not to abort a Downs child.. as this child would not
produce enough material things for society.. hmm.. not understanding
the value of one smile.. this ignorant man of course.. who i also learn from
that Standard IQ is weak without much real meaning in the Love of Life that
feels the most and talks the least at times too.. my friend.. blessed with this
so-called cultural derived and propagated Standard IQ.. i was too.. but cursed away
from love off on and on in life.. for falling into this trap as labyrinth of culture more.. more..
and more.. so smiles.. i learn to love the most from those who will never stand lecturing
from a class room podium at all.. just the sincere smiles of a child.. of God who has not
been ravaged in school/work my friend.. a child of God who will smile from Birth to death
for the only reason
of feeling a smile
of Love continuing
with others my friend..
and sure.. the other teacher
is the voice within.. the voice
that speaks through my pen now
these days.. my friend.. the God
who lives within.. the God who Sings
in Einstein Equations.. and the young
woman who had a standard IQ of less than
or about 70.. who was the only one who kept
in touch with my wife and i.. after i fell ill at work
after all my years there.. where sure.. i was as nice
to everyone as i am online.. and soon as i got sick and
could not help anyone anymore.. i was forgotten and erased
from the earth.. as far as folks reaching out to me.. but this one
woman from work who was not ‘smart enough’ to finish loving us.. then..
And sure.. that is my teacher.. the one who taught me to always call back..
And yes.. she is much
greater than Jesus as
Jesus said in Luke 17 that
to follow me you must hate
your mother and father.. your
brothers and sisters and your
children too.. our friend was
not holy enough to do that
my friend.. our
God incarnate
in flesh and blood
and only human too..
but sure i forgive Jesus
for his failings and praise
my friend for fulfilling the prophecy
by Saint John or whomever said the
words in his chapter that there will be
those who do much greater works than
Jesus.. sure Tina and her friends have already
come back again.. to do just that.. not many folks
noticed them.. but i did.. and God tOld me to write about them..NOW..
in how God speaks with no Standard IQ at all2.. as God is not trapped
in human work/schools.. not then.. not now.. not ever when Free Verse..:)
Other than that my friend.. when you said your dream
is to be a writer.. YOU ARE A WRITER NOW.. otherwise
how could you inspire all these words by a reader.. what
you do here has no price of dollars.. what you do here my friend
is Love.. i highly encourage you to do it.. even if it is only you and
God one
here as
the writer
within is the
always NOW..
greaTest writer oF aLL..
and this God is a multi-
Universe in every pen and iS i..
too precious not to share with all..
and when two humans
connect in reciprocal
whether that
be verbal
or totally
like Dance..
another multi-Universe
of God is born when two
or more come toGetHer like this..
and a blog.. is a global phone of many
now coming togetHeR potentially aS onE
in real time reciprocal social communication.. now..
the value of these connections my friend are greater
than any book ever written.. including any sacred text..
So let us write the Book of Himali and the Book of Fred
with everyone and share with never an expectation of
other now
than giving..
S H A r I N G..
iF we care to.. of
course with WiLL..
and sure.. have the
capacity to do it with
the other responsibilities
of life.. but you my friend
have the gift of brevity.. in
only a few short lines of Love..
all of that is love.. put it out there if you can and will..
and never worry if Love is smart enough or good enough
without any
words but perfect..
as practice mY FriEnd..:)
is to be a writer.. YOU ARE A WRITER NOW.. otherwise
how could you inspire all these words by a reader.. what
you do here has no price of dollars.. what you do here my friend
is Love.. i highly encourage you to do it.. even if it is only you and
God one
here as
the writer
within is the
always NOW..
greaTest writer oF aLL..
and this God is a multi-
Universe in every pen and iS i..
too precious not to share with all..
and when two humans
connect in reciprocal
whether that
be verbal
or totally
like Dance..
another multi-Universe
of God is born when two
or more come toGetHer like this..
and a blog.. is a global phone of many
now coming togetHeR potentially aS onE
in real time reciprocal social communication.. now..
the value of these connections my friend are greater
than any book ever written.. including any sacred text..
So let us write the Book of Himali and the Book of Fred
with everyone and share with never an expectation of
other now
than giving..
S H A r I N G..
iF we care to.. of
course with WiLL..
and sure.. have the
capacity to do it with
the other responsibilities
of life.. but you my friend
have the gift of brevity.. in
only a few short lines of Love..
all of that is love.. put it out there if you can and will..
and never worry if Love is smart enough or good enough
without any
words but perfect..
as practice mY FriEnd..:)
SMiLes my friEnd.. Lala..
noW as my wife could tale
ya.. and most of the folks
who see my joy up close
and personal in real life..
i live in a dimension
of Freedom
of Joy
that not
many folks
can fathom..
and i know and
feel this as i lived
in that other dimension
before.. not just the illness
and pain.. but the shallow
of heARt.. spiRit and
miNd and
BaLanCinG SoUl..
and sure.. there IS A
difference in remembering
someone and reaching out
when the other person is silent
or ill in all the ways that comes..
and surely i realize online that i am now..
as politically incorrect as they come.. i sleep
now with everyone as metaphor.. but i follow
no cultural or religious rules by the book.. if one
wants to have likes and shares and follows one
must now follow the political rules my friend.. and
i have enough support in real life.. not to have worry
about that at all and the greatest support is the God
who lives fully live within me.. anyWay.. now the folks
who are my friends.. almost by default are the greatest
Lovers of all online.. as they can over-look my freedoms..
expressed at the highest human levels that most folks can
not fathom now as expressed online in F iN Epic way.. and sure..
the other person who reached out to you here when you were silent
and as well to my friend Himali when she was silent.. is Zee.. in August..
as sure i catch every detail every where i go.. hehe.. without my head exploding
too.. WiNks.. anyWay.. Zee reached out to me.. you did.. and Rafiah did.. and Himali
did too.. and does too.. no matter the distance.. the space and the time my friend..
Love remembers
and reaches out…
and sure.. not all folks
are gifted this way now or
even close to it.. but in the
longest of runs in God terms
those who love the most by reaching
out are the greAtest gifted ones oF aLL..
and i for one alWays honor them and
cherish them as i Write and Dance on..
sure.. love my friend.. friend is Love..
you never owe me any words
my friend.. as the gift
is all in
S H aRinG..
bottom line..
to me.. @least..
a long bottom line.. and
Smiles.. the nicest people
in the world are Desi women..
perhaps.. i came here to help them all..
in some
small way..
as after all
is said and done now
there are many dark
and sad brown eyes..
still and that makes
my green
blue.. StiLL..:)
noW as my wife could tale
ya.. and most of the folks
who see my joy up close
and personal in real life..
i live in a dimension
of Freedom
of Joy
that not
many folks
can fathom..
and i know and
feel this as i lived
in that other dimension
before.. not just the illness
and pain.. but the shallow
of heARt.. spiRit and
miNd and
BaLanCinG SoUl..
and sure.. there IS A
difference in remembering
someone and reaching out
when the other person is silent
or ill in all the ways that comes..
and surely i realize online that i am now..
as politically incorrect as they come.. i sleep
now with everyone as metaphor.. but i follow
no cultural or religious rules by the book.. if one
wants to have likes and shares and follows one
must now follow the political rules my friend.. and
i have enough support in real life.. not to have worry
about that at all and the greatest support is the God
who lives fully live within me.. anyWay.. now the folks
who are my friends.. almost by default are the greatest
Lovers of all online.. as they can over-look my freedoms..
expressed at the highest human levels that most folks can
not fathom now as expressed online in F iN Epic way.. and sure..
the other person who reached out to you here when you were silent
and as well to my friend Himali when she was silent.. is Zee.. in August..
as sure i catch every detail every where i go.. hehe.. without my head exploding
too.. WiNks.. anyWay.. Zee reached out to me.. you did.. and Rafiah did.. and Himali
did too.. and does too.. no matter the distance.. the space and the time my friend..
Love remembers
and reaches out…
and sure.. not all folks
are gifted this way now or
even close to it.. but in the
longest of runs in God terms
those who love the most by reaching
out are the greAtest gifted ones oF aLL..
and i for one alWays honor them and
cherish them as i Write and Dance on..
sure.. love my friend.. friend is Love..
you never owe me any words
my friend.. as the gift
is all in
S H aRinG..
bottom line..
to me.. @least..
a long bottom line.. and
Smiles.. the nicest people
in the world are Desi women..
perhaps.. i came here to help them all..
in some
small way..
as after all
is said and done now
there are many dark
and sad brown eyes..
still and that makes
my green
blue.. StiLL..:)
As i just mentioned to another person.. Zee..
you know.. Lala Rukh.. who has come
back from almost a year of silence
online.. and similar
words to
Himali now..
who has also
come back to blogging
from months of silence..
the thing you have in common
with both of them.. is you are the
only other one who reached out to
them in their absence just since
August to see how
they were
doing and
that my friend
makes you special
in the most important
way.. you not only love..
you reach out to the silent
ones as well..
and truly
back in the
‘old days’.. there
would be those who would
fall away from Society but then
as my Great Aunt who was 94
at the time said.. in the old days..
people would travel far to check on
them to make sure they are still okay..
those were the human days my friend..
you still live in the human days.. and that my friend.. even online..
too.. is the greatest gift that God gives us.. to live the human days…
aT the last breathe.. at the last rise of chest for heart beat what
you and others..
will likely
remember then..
is the Love you give..
and that my friend is all
one will take with them at that
point.. stay blessed in giving friend..
As Giving and Sharing is the higher power
of God that lives as spark.. fire.. and Hurricane
of WindS iN Fearless love that are fELt as Lightening
to connect..
the hUman
oF LifE noW..:)
you know.. Lala Rukh.. who has come
back from almost a year of silence
online.. and similar
words to
Himali now..
who has also
come back to blogging
from months of silence..
the thing you have in common
with both of them.. is you are the
only other one who reached out to
them in their absence just since
August to see how
they were
doing and
that my friend
makes you special
in the most important
way.. you not only love..
you reach out to the silent
ones as well..
and truly
back in the
‘old days’.. there
would be those who would
fall away from Society but then
as my Great Aunt who was 94
at the time said.. in the old days..
people would travel far to check on
them to make sure they are still okay..
those were the human days my friend..
you still live in the human days.. and that my friend.. even online..
too.. is the greatest gift that God gives us.. to live the human days…
aT the last breathe.. at the last rise of chest for heart beat what
you and others..
will likely
remember then..
is the Love you give..
and that my friend is all
one will take with them at that
point.. stay blessed in giving friend..
As Giving and Sharing is the higher power
of God that lives as spark.. fire.. and Hurricane
of WindS iN Fearless love that are fELt as Lightening
to connect..
the hUman
oF LifE noW..:)
WeLL.. for fAiir and balanced coverage..
as iSreal news miGht like to do2..
the last song named
‘My Sweet Lord’
Harrison of the
Beatles as oft confused
by folks who do not listen
carefully enough to the end of
the Song.. is about the Supreme Lord
of Krishna.. and not unlike the other major
religions.. the sacred text attributed to Krishna
does not have much to any room for laughs and lust..
hmm.. and sure.. the Jesus dude is very very zealous if
hating your parents.. children.. and brothers and sisters
alike to adequately become his student is any reflection of
that.. it’s serious do do.. do that it is.. hmm..
Love your enemy and
hate your children..
oh.. the
bi-polar of
the dArk and liGht
of liFe.. but truly.. bottom
lines are.. hells bells and shit
happens.. what you do with hell
and shit has a great deal more to say
’bout yA than what you have received as gifts..
the greaTEst Grace is to make hells bells and shit
into good do do.. and not bad voodoo.. anything associated
with harming otHeRs is bad voodoo.. and bringing happiness and
pleasure in meaSure BaLanCinG is generAlly and basicAlly speaKing
good do do.. and sure that meaSureS in balance of laughs and luSt
sAMe.. and this more Big Lebowski Movie cool easy peaceful going
Jesus Dude in the Giver Music Video here by Duke Dumont to give
fuller credit where credit is due too.. provides the fAct that
getting material stuff.. ain’t gonna stop the seagull
shit from flying down from darker sKeYes of God
too.. might aS WeLL do the best ya can
with what ya got.. and enjoy now.
a little stroll of liFe that includes
a balance of lust and laughs
and belly to belly love
too.. and if you
are into
sure that
beats frOwny
face any day today
of now i kNow for sure2..
Give a little love if ya can..
and sUre.. Give iT aLL ya can
WORkING.. stuff is the stuff that sooner or
later goes away.. Love lives forever within when it lives now..
and that my friEnds.. IS A end for noW.. to continue later AS
‘Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor”.. as the labELs NOW continue
to change but the essence of all that is as Love REMAINS noW..
And sure.. in trying to determine the next name of the 701st Verse
Of Longest Long Form Poem ever close to twice as long as that
previous record holder from India that contained notes about
the Krishna dude too.. if you were finishing up 42 months
of witnessing for God of Nature per the Supreme
Being oF all that is what would you call
yoUr 701st verse of over 3.3
plus million words
of Ocean
whole poem..
would you make
it dire and serious..
or go all casual like when
we eat at the Sunday Dinner
place of Ryan’s on Sunday afternoon..
i’ll go casual and come up with just anotHeR
phrase of fun to eat or take out to go.. sure..
‘Fred’s All You Can Eat Buffet of Love’ the
701st Verse of Ocean Whole Poem Long2..
to be published soon online on 9082016..2
to celebrate the whole dam thing.. that
will continue on in that comments
section too.. through
9112016.. with
an after party
of thOughts
to come
after that
on 9122016..
as hey.. i’ll make
a feast and a holiday
for every now and day..
juSt cause i can and WiLL iSREAL..
juST ‘tween me and God2.. ALLNOW1..:)
as iSreal news miGht like to do2..
the last song named
‘My Sweet Lord’
Harrison of the
Beatles as oft confused
by folks who do not listen
carefully enough to the end of
the Song.. is about the Supreme Lord
of Krishna.. and not unlike the other major
religions.. the sacred text attributed to Krishna
does not have much to any room for laughs and lust..
hmm.. and sure.. the Jesus dude is very very zealous if
hating your parents.. children.. and brothers and sisters
alike to adequately become his student is any reflection of
that.. it’s serious do do.. do that it is.. hmm..
Love your enemy and
hate your children..
oh.. the
bi-polar of
the dArk and liGht
of liFe.. but truly.. bottom
lines are.. hells bells and shit
happens.. what you do with hell
and shit has a great deal more to say
’bout yA than what you have received as gifts..
the greaTEst Grace is to make hells bells and shit
into good do do.. and not bad voodoo.. anything associated
with harming otHeRs is bad voodoo.. and bringing happiness and
pleasure in meaSure BaLanCinG is generAlly and basicAlly speaKing
good do do.. and sure that meaSureS in balance of laughs and luSt
sAMe.. and this more Big Lebowski Movie cool easy peaceful going
Jesus Dude in the Giver Music Video here by Duke Dumont to give
fuller credit where credit is due too.. provides the fAct that
getting material stuff.. ain’t gonna stop the seagull
shit from flying down from darker sKeYes of God
too.. might aS WeLL do the best ya can
with what ya got.. and enjoy now.
a little stroll of liFe that includes
a balance of lust and laughs
and belly to belly love
too.. and if you
are into
sure that
beats frOwny
face any day today
of now i kNow for sure2..
Give a little love if ya can..
and sUre.. Give iT aLL ya can
WORkING.. stuff is the stuff that sooner or
later goes away.. Love lives forever within when it lives now..
and that my friEnds.. IS A end for noW.. to continue later AS
‘Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor”.. as the labELs NOW continue
to change but the essence of all that is as Love REMAINS noW..
And sure.. in trying to determine the next name of the 701st Verse
Of Longest Long Form Poem ever close to twice as long as that
previous record holder from India that contained notes about
the Krishna dude too.. if you were finishing up 42 months
of witnessing for God of Nature per the Supreme
Being oF all that is what would you call
yoUr 701st verse of over 3.3
plus million words
of Ocean
whole poem..
would you make
it dire and serious..
or go all casual like when
we eat at the Sunday Dinner
place of Ryan’s on Sunday afternoon..
i’ll go casual and come up with just anotHeR
phrase of fun to eat or take out to go.. sure..
‘Fred’s All You Can Eat Buffet of Love’ the
701st Verse of Ocean Whole Poem Long2..
to be published soon online on 9082016..2
to celebrate the whole dam thing.. that
will continue on in that comments
section too.. through
9112016.. with
an after party
of thOughts
to come
after that
on 9122016..
as hey.. i’ll make
a feast and a holiday
for every now and day..
juSt cause i can and WiLL iSREAL..
juST ‘tween me and God2.. ALLNOW1..:)
Well.. i suppose i should honor at least a couple
more real flesh and blood friends here.. hehe..
a Memory Facebook photo from a year ago..
before i end this 700th Macro-Verse blog
post.. with a dance friend Cortney..
i really do not kNow that well..
and of course the
Wife Katrina..
but hey..
all folks in life
who inspire are worth
honoring.. and there now
ain’t too many folks who
are brave enough in real life
to truly to get to know me.. anyWay.. hehe..
and that’s oKAy.. the price of strange has benefits too..
that greatLY exceed any negative aspects oF liFe to mE..:)
more real flesh and blood friends here.. hehe..
a Memory Facebook photo from a year ago..
before i end this 700th Macro-Verse blog
post.. with a dance friend Cortney..
i really do not kNow that well..
and of course the
Wife Katrina..
but hey..
all folks in life
who inspire are worth
honoring.. and there now
ain’t too many folks who
are brave enough in real life
to truly to get to know me.. anyWay.. hehe..
and that’s oKAy.. the price of strange has benefits too..
that greatLY exceed any negative aspects oF liFe to mE..:)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels
Introductory post to Free Novels
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
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3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
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FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
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