DiViSioN bELLs oF uNiTy

All of Nature both seen and unseen
is sublime in terms of
God all thAT iS NoW
and Merriam
number 1
Adjective definition too..
A.. B.. and C aLL..
“a : lofty, grand, or exalted in thought, expression, or manner
b : of outstanding spiritual, intellectual, or moral worth
c : tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality
(as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence”
Nature Deficit Disorder seen and unseen
and GD
yes NoW..aLL..
God Disorder sAMe
too.. out of BaLanCinG
from Uni-DaughterSoneTc..
Force oF One when Division
Bells are no longer heard..
and yes.. got just
the sublime
for this
too by piNk Floyd
as surEly MaGiC
and Sublime music
and yes.. a day in the beautiful
Clear Creek Forest in Saint Rose
of Flowers County in the State of
Flowers Florida.. yes.. Santa Rosa County
here in Florida makes all of sublime coMe to
fruition in human eYes too as wE continue to
DancE and sinG A SonG oF GoD iN FeeLinG
and SeNSinG way beyond words too to celebrate
this wonderful and yes.. sublime gift oF liFE wiTh NatuRE/
GoD eYes too.. as our Indian ancestors LiVinG as NaTuRe
never ever separated from God as Nature then.. Wing of a Prayer
of liFe always now then now.. when i am iN Nature/GOD aWay from clothes
of Trump Towers.. i fly.. oh.. i fly so hiGh WiTh WinGS of God/NATURE so far aWay
from the
oF eARTh
bound misfit i used
to be tied to Mother’s
Apron Strings of Love that
while Flower took me away
from the dirt of life that
feeds A Tree
of liFE
in ways
of GRains iN sand NoW
that hOld uP Fearless smARt
Love STiLL noW iN Unconditional
Love that sees and feels and senses
thE liGht ‘Tween DARk BeyOnd seen and
unseen RainBow Sublime Colors of GoD FliGht..
or God speed or let’s jusT say when one beCoMes one
WiTh GoD iN moVinG coNnecTinG creaTiVe ForCe iN
GiVinG.. ShaRinG Ways of HeARt expresSinG SpiRiT NoW
oF FeeLinG SeNSinG heARt and SoUl BaLanCing as MiNd
And BoDy diVine maSculine WiLL and StrenGth wiTh diVine feMiNinE
Grace and Love as once aGaIN Gift oF HuMan BeinG poTenTiaL from
BiRth that can be exercised into Force of HiGheST hUman PotEnTiaL
iN eYes LiVE on this beautiful blue.. green.. brown.. steadily white snow capped
poles.. yes.. steadily melting over out of BaLAnCE iN Nature Deficit Disorder of holding
all this home of eARTh sAcred in GiVinG back to NaTuRE whOle more than TaKinG
in all the ways
that comes
in the
DancE and
SonG oF LiFe iN
shArinG ways too..
if the alarm cLocks are not
going off yet.. hOUston.. we have
A problem.. Tom FucKerY has come
to a town with a tallsmall symbol of a phallic
reality now that has become a man.. low below
the sublime Nature of GoD as NatuRE as Love
Can DancE SinG a SonG greater than taking taKing
away from
bEcomes a way
oF liFe for a country
held hoStage and NatUre
same by a Tower over liFE
and home of NatuRE
GoD sAMe
respect and never
raping again out of BaLAnCinG
ForcE NaTuRE’s/God’s Guiding liGht Free NoW..
And really it’s all so disgusting how could anyone be
any paRt oF God not to see it butt ‘they’ are STiLL pArT
oF liGht of God and Nature sAMe even daRkESt Trump beLow Love..
Yes.. Love Trumps Hate when isREal and not a stone Tower of DArk..:)
Do not siNk to Levels of Censorship as hate..
As Free SinGS a SonG beyond a Lunatic
fate of frowns beyond crazy aS liGht now
the dARk Side of The mOOn has
come to fright.. how ever
we receive a communion
of dARk WiLL DancE
and SinG
A Song
oF LiFe..
so yes.. i continue
to be disgusted by a total
disregard for honesty and integrity
and the restrictions of liberties and
Freedoms same.. but all i can say is i for
one am Glad i am no longer on any active
payroll for the Government as i do not work for this
‘man’.. i work for the all that is as Nature now aka GoD
who/that is Free that/wHo liVes iN and aS mE.. no more
Government Golden Handcuffs and mouth muzzles or any
at the helm heAR
and sorry for those who
are even more handcuffed now
from the DARk Force that has
noW enteRed and stays
iN thEir
of Work now.. to ugh
ugh.. yuckie.. FucKeRy FaiL..
yep.. iF wasn’t for fear of the
back lash of the 40% of Minion
True who would back the Trump
no matter gun shot wound to innocent
human or not.. in ‘his’ own words to that affect of course..
no doubt.. the impeachment papers would already be in the works..
but hey.. what ya gonna do when ya answer to Minions of Ignorance
over TrUth
and liGht..
do what
they say.. huh..
if you are not a billionaire
and still need a job.. oh.. the
Golden Handcuffs of isREaL SiN..
And politicians lunatic tRAins oF dARk..
side oF
Hmm with that sAid
in defense of MOTheR
NatuRe Seen and Unseen
as GoD one from the
rape of
small and
drafty creaky
like a haunted house
with Apricot colored sKin
and comb over tHERe iN HeLL..
yep.. once again.. Love Trumps Hate!..
with a little DaRk Side of the Moon
to Lunatic
Now..for a few Facebook all algorithm
FReED MacroVerse Memories to also
reLaTE aGaIn.. beginning now with
from three wHole pARt years ago..
and oh.. the relief to escApe the
priSons of culTure
to spring
up iN the dayliGht
and surE niGht niGht now
too.. to free oneself from the
repressions and oppressions
of cultuRE bEfore to haze away
all the fear and further eXplore the
diViNE feminine and masculine liGht
and DArk of DaY AnD niGht too..
as any bird as HUman NoW
aWay Free
from cAges of the past..
and yes.. a little to a lot of
silly can and will
set ya free2
too as
A liGht2
heARt FLYs and
A Hard ass falls more to dARk fAiL
thAn LiGht oF FliGht.. oH.. so free and hiGh..:)
Now.. a MacroVerse titled Alien Wisdom from two years
ago.. while i was still attempting to help the folks on the
Wrong Planet with a little bit of my Nature
lEarned new innate..
beyond text
books led
hard resistant
to change in halls of schools..
but the thing is.. a closed mind
sadly refuses to open to new
highway and path potenTiALs
of liVinG hUman LiFE i try i cry
i cry i try.. is all i can and WiLL do..
no longer pARt of thAT community online..
dusting my feat of feet and hands more off
OtHeR places to generate mY own liGht and liFe
the dARker
corners of Internet web liFe..;)
Ah.. yes.. WrecKinG bAll of Fearless Love from a year ago.. A MacroVerse
soon to double then as a first MacroVerse and 1st chapter of 5 MacroVerses
too.. in sequential 5 Chapter order compriSinG a new GodsUniVerseNovel2 of 51K
words back in February of 2016.. while simultaneouSly also writing a GodsUniVerseNovel3..
comPriSinG A Novel of 338,630 words at the end of April of 2016.. for an entire year
of poetic expression from the stArt of April 2015 through the end of March 2016..
precisely on the 31st.. fALLing behind a little.. catching up more in April and publishing
then at the end of the month in April.. 2016.. wiTh juST another Record of Record years
oF wRiTing in 2016.. as the next stop at the end of May on Memorial
Day.. 2016.. the 1st MacroVerse titled tSuNaMi 7th WaVe oF LoVE that
now doubles as the first MacroVerse of three bible revisions WiTh latest
Revision as “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. all 69 MacroVerses and 1.052 milLioN
Words for that big personal bible.. and more to come as every MacroVerse from
now on tacks some more on.. sure.. a rhetorical exercise in bible writing and symbolic
of holy and sacred purpose and meaning iN liFe as i co-create my life with and as
God LiVes WiThin me.. but hey.. that’s how ya get to HeAVen.. create more and
more liGht eTErnAlly now and watch the milesTones turn into even more
special snow fLakes oF Heaven noW streAMinG RiVers wAVes Ocean
even more wHole wiTh and as God DanceS and SinGs iN hUman
eYes i for now.. and yes.. like i love to say.. also.. not juST a 70th
MacroVerse i am writing here for a continuing “Nether Land
Bible 2017” butt also a continuing 741st MacroVerse
of Ocean Whole Longest Long Form Poem
as recorded on Google at plus
more than 3.3 Million
words with
also a 145th
Dance WeeK Celebration
with all the Kool College age
folks on Thursday Night with even
more photos coming to the end of this
post after the 26th of January 2017 ends
for my 74th Month Anniversary of writing a
total of 12 Million words as the Ocean Whole
Poem started toward the end of August of 2013..
BrinGinG that effort up to around 41 months now
from Word Press stARt of 740 MacroVerses so far
to date with this 741st MacroVerse yet to be named
after “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. yep.. here comes that
42 sacred and holy purpose and meaning number of life
as sure.. i am already into the 42nd month of writing the
Ocean WhOle Poem noW.. soon to approach around 4 Million
words too.. likely by the four year anniversary in a couple of months
of blogging altogether on March 10th of 2017.. and then after that comes
Saint Patrick’s day..3.17.17.. 7,000 miles of Dance Walking to celebrate soon
after that and 3 full years around the Pan Equinox Spring of 2017 too at good old
Seville Quarter with another 6 month documentation of doing that in all photo
way too.. as i collect.. copy.. and paste all the sweet smiling selfie photos with
all the nice women there and me too… and fit all that iN one MacroVerse2..
hey.. this is an auto-biography ongoing long form poem and bible now
across several million word and step milestone maRkers now too..
And pARt of that includes keeping track of the wHoLe as paRt
of the entire effort DanceS and SinGS oN Free foR All NoW2..;)
So.. yes.. as Beyonce DanceS
in the YouTube Music Video..
and yes.. SingS too.. per
711.. yes.. i kick iT2..
A SigNature pose wHerE
Strength and Grace
of Divine Masculine
WiLL and
Love hold
within and as me..
innate.. instinctual and intuitive
pose wHeRe words come next NoW
iN PoeTry to express in form an
essence of human life in balance
and the hiGhest innate.. instinctual
and intuitive pART of hUman Art
at core is the hUmor
the division
bell sings
now when
is no longer
sepaRate pARt
oF Fear.. Doubt..
Anger.. and Hate..
uniTy becomes one
in one human being
at lEast with no needs and
wants as me in this moment on
this Target Ball of Life.. thing is.. how
many people can relate to this freedom oF
aLL iNnate.. instinctual and iNtuitive human fLiGht
when sidewalks and walls in general of systemizing
science liFe oF Form are taKinG away the freedom of bEinG
one with gravity of Nature and God sAMe when DiVision
Bell brOught
OwN SinGs
New SoNG
oF UniTy NoW…
Not many it seems as
who would understand A PiNk
Floyd SonG and Video as deep
as ‘this’ when Division Bells are currently
ringing louder than ever in the United States now..
so.. we move from a leader nominated for the Noble
Peace Prize in just 11 days and now rewarded for wHo
the delegate ‘pre-visionary’ clause of the voting process
provides for those who gain what they wished for now
as the reality of a country that is now viewed
worldwide as the Tom FucKeRy of
honor and integrity now of
who and WHO will
never be
again.. WeLL.. the
country came back
from the lies and killing
Empire strikes back then
fields of the Bush Years and
those years of the Vietnam era too..
so.. sure.. we need more PiNk Floyd SonGs
noW as the artists are alWays the prophets of
the age at hand as human emotions/senses rule
the rationality of the human and the world at Feat…
Even science sHows the reaLiTy of this as our word mind
is only the rider and writer of the camel and elephant sAMe
that is the emotional and sensory and autonomic subconscious
greater being that we are as pARt of God as Nature whole.. so.. i do
my little pARt.. if for no other reaSon than to express my personal emotions
and senses sAMe.. words are art that can be used as well as all otHeR forms
of human created abstract constructs to change the HeARt of Grace and
WiLL of Strength among all humans who liVe and daNce and siNg on
thiS eARTh NoW.. in what one would hope for the audaCity
of thaT emoTion and seNse in the SpiRiT oF Love
thaT bRinGs spRinG of HeARt year ’round
eternAlly now.. so.. sure.. i.. as the
very nice customer
at Walmart
told.. me.. now
then.. i bRinG SpRing
iN thAt priSon of garage
over-filling stuff.. year
’round.. i will do my little
Art and DancE of flesh and blood
liFe WiTh a voCal SonG oF heights with
Saints iN SonG aT Church.. and the poEtry
SonG of a little Ocean WhoLE poem of 3.3 million
words plus StiLL RoWinG Ocean WHOle now aLong
with a 1.052 miLLioN Word sTiLL GroWing ‘Nether
Land Bible 2017′.. in this 70th MacroVerse.. sTiLL yeT
unnamed Bible MacroVerse.. “Division Bells oF uNiTy’..
now.. so named and if you thiNk i am DeMon possessed
heHE.. for being this free as
the Division Bells of
religion have
my moThERS
eYes and heARt
in fundamentalist side
walk.. road.. and wall ways of liFE..
i understand as the veils of ignorance per
original Greek Definition of the word apocalypse
in lifting those very heavy veils of ignorance do
stARt on the home front now.. thing is.. i refuse
to hate ‘you’ any less than i refuse to hate my mother
for falling for all that cRaP of right wing faux news now
and yes.. religious faux news as generated by all the rulers as
Constantine/other Trump Emperors of 325 AD+/- and all the blow
haired Evangelists/politicians after thAT and all the dusty tRail
desert ones before thaT2 as i once too was
a division bell priSoner of sidewalks..
asPhalt roads and walls
and words the sAMe..
i fly free now..
the writer
and the
and the
camel and the
elephant are a needle
eye of laser Focus LiGht Truth
Force of Chi Faith as Love WiLL GroW
poSitive synergy oF ALL rise eterNaLLy NoW..
sure.. i love you too and more than anything i wish
you could live in a place as nice as the Heaven at hand isREalnow..
i’m juST AnoTheR lucky one.. got unplugged and am now free.. aLL
i can wish and hope as i DancE and SinG aGAiN is thaT
for you.. but if i can’t bRinG and RinG it in my
mother or wife’s eYes now even when
they see it and feeL iT iN
me for the fear
it BringS
to them
oF dARk and
Cynicism oF LiGht noW..
sure.. it’s a real JOB of hELping
otHeRs reach liGht now.. and
suREly the JOB of JOB
for me
i mAKe the graDe.. NoW..
perHaps WiTh WiLL/LoVe/LiGht..
somEoNe else reGAiNs an inheRiTance
from a spArk of Torch fLaMe heAR..now..
so.. sAdly.. A most difficult of places for
for those who live in the closet asleep as closest
to my heArt oF Flesh now.. SpiRit DancES and sinGS wiDe aWaKe.. NoW..
louder and liGht blinds dArk.. so sadly.. towards doubt.. anger.. fear and hate….
been to hell
i can’t
shut-up about
heaVen as DanCinG
and SinGinG HeaVen iS
no division beLL.. heAR..:)
AnyWay.. wiTh ‘thaT’ sAid.. a Facebook Algorithm
all Free Video Slide Show PresenTation now
shared here of my uniTy witH NatUre and liFe
in general oN juSt anotHeR Tuesday of BLiss
And NirVana heRe iN DancE SonG FReED..:)
And juST anotHeR Seagull and
Shadow who lives the sAMe…
one with bEach.. liFe never
nOW A B88ch agAin.. NoW..
And yeah.. nOw.. i got 60K or so
words in the last three MacroVerses
thaT comPrise the third reVision of my
‘Nether Land Bible 2017’ efFort of the
current now to back up on three Facebook
pages for text only effort now.. yep.. just three
MacroVerses noW and the third one named as last
chapter before of bible sAMe.. close to 26K words..
requiring 3 Facebook Statuses to fit in tHeRe.. aLL iN
A day of the life aS someone wHo CaN WiLL hoPe to bRinG
any spArk
oF Heaven
at Hand now
and feat too..
to someone..
now.. anyone
else.. as hey..
can’t hurt
to try
i cry
i try some more.. ynot..
as the gifts come.. the gifts they go..
circling the globe from the ciRcus i DAncE
And SinG forevermore now heAR aS Servers serve NoW..;)
SMiLes..my FriEnd gigoid..
glad you felt good enough
to create this post and
be by later
to catch
up on
the historical
re-blogs as hey..
the sages of the ages
have just as much to
say noW in differences
of opinions and so sAid
faCt of Before more than
NoW iN
fActs one does
continue to wish..
so.. off to the pearls
of quotes i go with a
work-out coming
soon before
too.. For more after thaT..:)
“Life, like a dome of many-colored glass,
stains the white radiance of eternity.”
~~ Percy Bysshe Shelly ~~
True.. WhitE LiGht
compRises aLL
RainBow coLors..:)
“Truckin’, like the do-dah man
Once told me “Gotta play your hand.
Sometimes your cards ain’t worth a dime
If you don’t lay’em down.”
Sometimes the light’s all shinin’ on me;
Other times I can barely see.
Lately it occurs to me
What a long, strange trip it’s been.”
~~ Truckin’ by Garcia, Weir, Lesh, Hunter ~~
iDo.. noT
“A life without cause is a life without effect”
~~ Barbarella ~~
Words come after that…
as simiLar
You can be happy or you can be miserable –
the choice is yours.
~~ Subtle Bee ~~
Yes.. the Environment
plays A YUGE
Trump ways too..:)
“We turn not older with years,
but newer every day.”
~~ Emily Dickinson ~~
And Youth
wiTh positive Change..!
oF EmoTioNs
for adaPtaTioN
to continUing Stuggle/Stress..
Positive Ways!..:)
“Fear is the lock and laughter the key to your heart.”
~~ Steven Stills~~
PerHaps.. A greaTeST proof NoW
that most sacred texts fAil to deLiver
heARTFuLL aS sucH WiTh SpiRit
of MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
the beef
noW oF
beBoLd beYond
so-called hUman eYes teXt wisdom BeForE..
Wisdom aLL withOut huMor noW IS A hUman lie..
And sure..
lust too..
the homo
sapiens sapiens
innate.. instinctual.. intuitive
TruTh oF liGht seT aL..L FReED..
NoW iN laugHinG
ForCE WiTh LoVe
of course.. as horse
SenSE and FeeL too..:)
“For water continually dropping will wear hard rocks hollow.”
~~ Plutarch — Of the Training of Children~~
Be water as
Bruce Lee says and air
me out aS FliGht as
i do…
holLoW noW..;)
“If you cannot find it in yourself,
where will you go for it?”
~~ Confucius ~~
FeeL LiGht
from anoTHeR…
for now that’s what
mirror neurons do.. do..
And soMe otHeR sTUFF+
oF LiGht thaT Science
has not yET discoVered
wiTh A method and
instruMent noW…
See/feel/sense more
And do ‘this’ morE Now..:)
“Death is every man’s final critic.
To die well you must live bravely.”
~~ Edward Abbey ~~
Fear is die…
As liVinG lifEFuLL..:)
WeLL.. i am behind on four with
three to go.. looks like i’LL need
a 17 minute or so Animals..
more specifically
Dogs Song
Pink Floyd
of 1977 era to
accompany the folloWinG
words like Pigs or Aghogday
on a Wing.. ah.. reminds me of
high school days when i rarely
slept nights and edged my
way through days..
with lids
that strained
to liFt much higher
then.. laser focus listening
to the teacher as my greaTest
fear then was maKinG less than
a grade of A.. now.. i find tHeiR are
no labels at all for success only bliss and
nirvana within as surely a wolf or a dog’s
moon full hOwl met iN
Force wiTh
Nature now
comes nexT…
anyWay.. the best
thing about music like
this is the trip they were on
when they made the song
comes through in EmoTioNal
and SenSory Response through
deeper and slower waves of bRain relay..
anyWay.. off to the quotes of pearls i go and surELy
this SonG can be played over from any pARt and the
FloW of bRaiN ReiGns on as ReinS more of timeless streAMs
Ocean more
oKay.. enough
FloWinG heRe i guess
for even more to coMe hehe..;)
“Authority has every reason to fear the skeptic,
for authority can rarely survive in the face of doubt.”
— Robert Lindner
authoritY aS
Force NoW
WitHin.. INsidE
outsiDe.. aBove..
so belOw.. all aRound
directed by i of I WiTh
SpiRiT! oF EmoTions!..
DanCinG and SinGinG!
as heARt iN MiNd and
BoDy BaLanCinG soUL
morE as directed By WiLL over
fearless smART UnConDiTioNaL
LoVe thaT FeeLs and seNses more
and more NoW SeNSinG FeeLinG
never now
LiFe isREaL..:)
The good want power, but to weep barren tears.
The powerful goodness want : worse need for them.
The wise want love; and those who love want wisdom.
— P.B. Shelley, “Prometheus Unbound”
Once aGaiN
Force as Faith
as all or half
on and off..:)
— How many assholes does it take to change a light bulb?
None, assholes never see the light anyway.
— Smart Bee
SurELy so
aS TrUth is WiSdom
And liGht is Love..:)
“A shelf of classics for our young adults:
Tolkien, Hesse, Casteneda, Kerouac, Salinger,
Tom Robbins, and “The Last Whole Earth Catalog”.
— Edward Abbey
If never heard
on Facebook..
Twitter do
aS Such
by most..:)
“How can they say my life isn’t a success?
Have I not for more than sixty years got enough
to eat and escaped being eaten?”
— Cindy Adams
an ultiMate
success for now
however.. without living
life not much success about that..
and FeLT..;)
“The wise man can pick up a grain of sand and envision a whole universe.
But the stupid man will just lie down on some seaweed and roll around
until he’s completely draped in it. Then he’ll stand up and go, “Hey, I’m Vine Man.”
— Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey
i ratHeR
do boTh..
alWays NoW..
gRaiNs oF ViNe
rEaChinG sAnds..;)
“Whenever anybody says he’s struggling to become a human being
I have to laugh because the apes beat him to it by about a million years.
Struggle to become a parrot or something.”
— Jack Handey, “Deep Thoughts”
Seems the
Bonobo these
days is mosTly
moRe hUman
modern culTures..:)
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.
— Confucius
oF symbols
“A man’s gotta know his limitations.”
— Dirty Harry [Clint Eastwood] in “Magnum Force”
And FeeL and SenSE
More than
KnoWn bEfoRE..:)
“The road to a friend’s house is never long.”
— Danish proverb
end oF
OF MiNe..;)
“Trouble rather the tiger in his lair than the sage amongst his books.
For to you Kingdoms and their armies are things mighty and enduring,
but to him they are but toys of the moment, to be overturned by the flicking of a finger.”
— Chinese proverb
Fiction to reaLiTy
metAphor oF
and BoDY
ForCe unleAshed
relEased aS FREE..:)
“My Teacher said that that
that that
that man used is incorrect.”
— Smart Bee
Hmmm.. wonder why people write such
long lines when A mouth refuses to do that
aS Such
aS StReAMs
FLoW Rivers
Waves Ocean wHole..;)
OKay.. off to 3 of 4 now..;)
“.. hubub,
hubub, HUBUB,
hubub, hubub, hubub,
HUBUB, hubub, hubub, hubub.”
— Zippy the Pinhead
Hub Hub
Hub Hub Hub
Hub Hub Hub Hub
Ub Ub
Ub Ub Ub
Ub Ub Ub Ub
without ubu
and the other MiNions..;)
“A little experience often
upsets a lot of theory.”
— Cadman
Yep.. for instance
one is strongest
at 30
or so
as the
evidence for
me proves incorrect
with an additional anecdotal
example of the cost of couch
per science
and tedtalk
and stuff like
that that
too much
in one place..;)
“If the King’s English
was good enough for Jesus,
it’s good enough for me!”
— Ma Ferguson, Governor of Texas (circa 1920)
Jesus F. iN Christ
iF oNly ‘tHey’
Jesus’ back
iN A DAy..
“Life is always like high school.
Which is interesting, because high
school is nothing like life.”
— Jon Carroll, SF Chronicle, November 17, 1995.
Hmm.. standard
school IQ tEaches
how to become
paRt of a machine
that works now buTT
rarELy A wHoLe
“It is not a fish until it is on the bank.”
— Irish Proverb
True.. juSt
oF A
as water swims fish..;)
Where the Sidewalk Ends
“There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.
Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.
Yes we’ll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we’ll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.”
~~ Shel Silverstein
Places NoW
wHeRe TRumP
M i N i O N S
rarely roll off
borders of
priSon iNsiDe..:)
“Beware the lightning
that lurketh in the undischarged capacitor,
lest it cause thee to bounce upon thy
buttocks in a most untechnician-like manner.”
— The First Commandment for Technicians
“Is the printer plugged into the wall power socket?
Is the plug wire from the wall plugged into the back of the printer?”
— The First Two Questions for the Printer Help Desk Technician
“Did you try to reboot the computer?”
— The First Level Help Desk Question
Hmm.. and people
wonder why they
can’t hardly
off the
chair once
Computer Screens..:)
“Work thou not on energized equipment,
for if thou dost, thy fellow workers will
surely buy beers for thy widow and
console her in other ways.”
— The Seventh
for Technicians
not likely
if there is
still video
at home..
oR A Basement aS Such..;)
Hmm.. now..
foR foUr..
oF FouR..;)
“Worriers spend a lot of their time chasing smoke.”
– Claude McDonald
And i do
“The no-mind not-thinks no-thoughts about no-things.”
— Buddha
Writer and Rider of Camel
and Elephant sAMe
and DiFFeREnt
of subconscious
miNd and BoDy
aT LiGht…
After that..
MiNd words
are as reaSon miNd/BoDy..
And foRm of so much MoRe..:)
Scots, wha hae wi’ Wallace bled,
Scots, wham Bruce has aften led,
Welcome to your gory bed,
Or to victory!
Now ‘s the day and now ‘s the hour;
See the front o’ battle lour.
— Robert Burns (1759-1796) — Bannockburn
Great scotsman true
toilet tissue..
in the last
of both
and itching..;)
“When you slithered out of your hole that day, and you spewed your venom all over this defenseless 12-year-old girl, you made this court’s top 10 hit list. In a way, the best sentence this court could give would be no sentence at all, because if you left this courtroom I don’t think you would be alive 10 minutes. You are nothing but a weed, a weed among wheat…And when we have a weed, it’s my job to eradicate the weed, because if you don’t you will choke the wheat. Therefore, I’m going to take you off the streets for just as long as I possibly can. It means you aren’t even eligible for parole until you’re 92. That leaves only one more count, aggravated robbery. ..You stole this little girl’s bra as a souvenir, probably to brag about it to your friends later on. Well, I’m going to give you a souvenir of Trumbull County justice. And that is, you will receive a maximum sentence of 10 to 25 on the aggravated robbery for the stealing of that bra. And I hope that if you last 25 years in prison that you remember that souvenir.
Get this scum out of here!”
— A sentence passed by Judge W. Wyatt McKay of Trumbull County, Ohio
Hmm.. only souvenirs
i have are dancing
18 plus
year old women..
hmm.. alWays
too oF
sigNificant oTheRs..
as Mine doesn’t ever worry..
uP NoW..;)
“I love to go down to the schoolyard and watch all the
little children jump up and down and run around
yelling and screaming…
They don’t know
I’m only
using blanks.”
— Emo Phillips
Sad how ‘no one’ really
worries about
disEase and
quiet hands
and feet
iN aLL
of Desk..
even without a gun
or blanks at all now..
a slow burn in HeLL..;)
“Hanging is too good
for a man who makes puns;
he should be drawn and quoted.”
— Fred Allen (Sarcasm is the sour cream of wit.)
it’s aLL
KA (spiRit
oF eSSence
esCaPinG aS fORm..;)
“A poet who reads their work in
public may have other nasty habits”
— Lazarus Long (Robert Heinlein)
HeHe.. that’s why i Dance
in public wiTh no words aT aLL..
i’LL worK iT tHeir iMAgiNAtiON foR iT aLL thAT iS..;)
Ode on a Grecian Urn
by John Keats
“Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness,
Thou foster-child of Silence and slow Time,
Sylvan historian, who canst thus express
A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme:
What leaf-fringed legend haunts about thy shape
Of deities or mortals, or of both,
In Tempe or the dales of Arcady?
What men or gods are these? what maidens loth?
What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?
What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on;
Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear’d,
Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone:
Fair youth, beneath the trees, thou canst not leave
Thy song, nor ever can those trees be bare;
Bold lover, never, never canst thou kiss,
Though winning near the goal–yet, do not grieve;
She cannot fade, though thou hast not thy bliss,
For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair!
Ah, happy, happy boughs! that cannot shed
Your leaves, nor ever bid the Spring adieu;
And, happy melodist, unwearied,
For ever piping songs for ever new;
More happy love! more happy, happy love!
For ever warm and still to be enjoy’d,
For ever panting, and for ever young;
All breathing human passion far above,
That leaves a heart high-sorrowful and cloy’d,
A burning forehead, and a parching tongue.
Who are these coming to the sacrifice?
To what green altar, O mysterious priest,
Lead’st thou that heifer lowing at the skies,
And all her silken flanks with garlands drest?
What little town by river or sea shore,
Or mountain-built with peaceful citadel,
Is emptied of this folk, this pious morn?
And, little town, thy streets for evermore
Will silent be; and not a soul to tell
Why thou art desolate, can e’er return.
O Attic shape! Fair attitude! with brede
Of marble men and maidens overwrought,
With forest branches and the trodden weed;
Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought
As doth eternity: Cold pastoral!
When old age shall this generation waste,
Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe
Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say’st,
‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’–that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
(and beYond this too..;)
Good night
as George
Burns sigNed
off to his wife too..for fOur..:)
WeLL.. i suppose this will be five in a
row and after all tHeRe IS A little
space left on that
Pink Floyd
Dogs’ Song..
anyWay.. this is
surely a uplifting
view my friEnd and no
doubt i will continue to
complement iT NoW
a evilive
eYe of starats
liGht per say.. hehE..
so surELy.. Bravo mY FriEnd
gigoid as liGht shines through
yoUr hands and computer piano today..:)
“What I am is what I am.
Are you what you are, or what?”
~~ Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians ~~
Hmm.. i thiNk i’LL change
the tHeMe
noW.. too..;)
And by a way
LeSson LeArned
by me.. use the YouTube
Auto-generated SonGS by
the big hits less the copy-right
strikes erase them in the future
unless available by the original
artists although some folks
obviously ain’t
in art
for the
of money no
different than
a nude spread
of Trump’s Wife.. hehe..
oops.. that reMiNds me..
my sister said check her out..
back from that and in my estimation
her best asset is her face as now the
rest of it stands out as a liTiTle fake..
what can i say..
i love Nature
all miley cyrus real aS Such..
and it was really cruel what that
SNL writer did to ‘her’ son Barron
really cruel as surely that boy
is taking in so much
of his
in extra stimulus
way.. been there done
it.. diagnosis or not it’s so hard..
but hey.. once you put it out their
for pay
it’s all
out thEir for say..
and perHaps she went
to hell first to get to THeRE
too to be as free as that for pay or not..
strike one up for human freedoms.. what better
way of life.. selling yourself as art or being a prostitute to work for pay..
anyWay.. becoming first lady is surely a way to promote her nude erotic art..
Love ya BAbe..;)
Moral oF A STory
tHeRe is aLWAys
more than one
sLiver oF
siLver liNiNg..;)
“Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.”
~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~
No doubt NoW
A Source oF
“The map is not the territory.”
~~ Alfred Korzbyski ~~
Oh Lord.. back
to square
roads too and
walls and ceilings
from beFore as afTer..
and floors without grain
of God as Nature sands
to connect to as free anyMoRe LiVinG FuLL..;)
“Be careless in your dress if you will, but keep a tidy soul.”
~~ Mark Twain ~~
Free.. now..
A first erotic
nude first lady
go girl agAIN.. you go..
nothing hidden all out in the
open except for ‘those hands’
the neTheR
land noW as
otHeR pARt..
buTT i admit
i haven’t looked
that deep yet for thaT…
Two key words.. ‘Melania
Nude’.. a passport to
art for pay/play..
And of course i am
alive serious that i support
her art 100 percent and prove it..heHe..
everything the Trumps do make what i do
so tAMe..
juSt thiNk oF aLL
the come
i’LL have
iF any of my Southern
Baptist/Catholic Folk friend Trump
Voters complain about my arT FReED..
like i sAid…
is alWays
more than
one sLiVer
oF A SiLver liNiNg
iN darKesT of places
shining slivers of silver liGhtEd Melanias
Go Freedom of Expression and Speech that’s A
Freedom we can afford to fiGht for with all of life’s nude art..
yes.. at
the very
top of
oF A Grand Dad Old USA NOW!..
with a Trophy Wife who proves she
can work her way up to the piNnacle of political success2..
she did
it her way..
hooray! for Melania!
go girl.. you go.. aGaIN!..
but sTiLL my preference.. babe..
is all natural.. even with no make
up on and women coveRed to tHeir
me on
the very most..
as that is my
favorite pARt
of you too.. Melania Babe..;)
“Something we were withholding made us weak
Until we found it was ourselves.”
~~ Robert Frost ~~
It’s true.. like the Gospel
of Thomas by the so-called
Gnostic reported words of an
illiterate Aramaic Yeshua sAid in
vs 37 of that sacred text that is as
true no matter
who wrote
it then
or now..
translated from
the Greek of then/N
me2.. strip your clothes
off.. yes.. all the clothes
of culTure.. under a tree..
in the desert.. in a cave or
yeS even on a beach and tread
on them without shame.. then you
will find the living one fractal of Nature
pArT/as/oF/iS/God whole
that is
you and
it’s not just
about me GaDAM iT..;)
Nah.. i really didn’t need
the first lady to come
back with
one in
of God
ALL naked IN/as me2..
Temple of God aS Such2..;)
ask a
child how to live..
Before you clothe
them in a diaper and
make them hold in
all the
and pissed off TrumpShiT..
Go Melania.. Go.. you go girl..;)
In memory too of the time in middle
school when walking back the usual
trail around the woods home i had to pee
so dam bad but was too afraid to break
the rules
a tree..
oh.. culTure..
you suck you
suck big city
from village
free and Nature/
God that/who ain’t afraid of
F iN Human fertilizer either..
anyWay.. i peed my pants on the
front porch of my home.. truly freeing that
i sAid
fuck all the clothes
and just let it FucKinG go..
but only for a moment as i went
back to cultural priSon and stayed
tHeRE wandering in STRAIGHT ARROW it for 40
more years from age 13 to 53.. hell yes.. for all practical
most modern
humans are modern
Moses too.. baNisHed from
the freedom of peeing FReED..
and yeah.. yeah.. science.. i know sanitation
rules like this have/do save(d) more lives than
all medicine combined.. like i sAid.. a big silver
LiFE sLiVer lining in the DaRk of holding piss in too..;)
“Immortality lies not in the things you leave behind,
but in the people your life has touched.”
~~ Sagacious Bee ~~
One of the best
things about
in general.. iS
that/they touch(es) more
NOW than Trump Towers..
and yes.. techNicAlly.. TRump
Towers are art2 and tOuch folks too..;)
“All I know of love is that Love is all there is.”
~~ Emily Dickinson ~~
Pay no FuLL attention
to ‘those’ books
in the
of Lust too..
aS SurELy without
one the other doesn’t come as easy..
and yes.. science proves this in the science
of lust
and love..
Oxytocin.. eTc..
social cooperation
and the origin of most
creativity and productivity
yes.. A hoLy GrAIL oF LuST and LoVe..
as both genders
oF DiVine
And FEmiNiNe too..;)
And haha! old ‘uNcle’ Aleister
Crowley named iT sex magicK
when it’s about the all natural
birds and
bees and
aLL deeper
sHit NoW iN
the bRaiN and
vagal nerve and
trillions of peptide
connections in cells
of body.. neurochemistry..
including neurohormones
as the miNd and BoDy isReaL
BaLanCinG soUL of SpiRit of/AS
HeARt exPreSsinG liGhter poSiTiVE
FeeLinGs and EmoTiOns oF BeiNG MoVinG..
CoNNecTing and CreaTinG iN as LIfE iS/aS SurELy
and hey
that was
that man’s
point as a psychonaut
from the get go unTil he fAiLeD
to the savages of addiction to life
stealing drugs from the freedom he thOught/sOught..
as a
of liFe
above.. so
below and
all around
to unCover
mysteries STiLL heLd
in PriSons of Fundamentalist
Religions/Cultures in Victorian sTiLL way..
by A way.. once aGain.. Victoria/Melania’s
is/are wide
out in
the open
NoW for both
play FReED..
Thanks God for Google
who/that scribes more of a bible iN HUman eYes/ears
so free and wild iN uncovered ways too.. ah.. so free..;)
Truth/light is for those who understand
Aleister’s writing deeper that man through
all his hyperbole has left a bigger mark
on culture than most folks see in art
the way
it still
through pop-culture
even more so now than ever..
sadly.. at core spRead too.. propagation
of life stealing drug addiction too as he
made that
way of life
out of
balance too..
per folks like
Jim Morrison and the like..
bottom line/words.. WiLL and Choice/Lust/Love..
and be careful of who one idolizes as ‘perfect’..
no less/more
Jesus.. Buddha..
Lao.. Mythological
Krishna.. eTc.. aL.. most
they weren’t
the final authority
except for one as so-called
sacred texts seem to sHow..
and sure.. we see the continuing
death and destruction of that too..
Aleister said
there was
only one
over Love..
and surely
iN faCT and
continuing Acts
that puts his freedom
well over the covered priSons
of Muhammad.. eTc..aL.. stiLL.. life stealing
drugs or not.. better than swords for sELL..
so yeah..
“the beast”.. A
great hyperbolic
way to touch some
lives with at least naked
freedom.. iF noThing else..;)
And the sad thing is.. most folks
are too glued to science and
religion same/DifFeREnt
to study
move this
far out
of the
cultural/religious/science box…
Fear of daRk.. Cynical oF LiGht..
both pre-occupations sTEaL the liFE..
but at lEast science is finAlly catching up to
the so-called woo/occult/mysteries reLaYed IN thE poeTry of BeForE..
in so many
DaughterSoN/eTc.. aL
wayS NoW oF LiFE..
Nah.. my friEnd..
tHeRE are no
ends and or
iS NaTure/
GoD that we
are juST A Tiny
flea uPon the
Dog we
from for Free as/iN/is God..;)
“You thought, as a boy, that a mage is one who can do anything.
So I thought, once. So did we all.
And the truth is that as a man’s real power grows and his knowledge widens,
ever the way he can follow grows narrower:
until at last he chooses nothing,
but does only and wholly what he ‘must’ do.”
~~ Ursula K. LeGuin, “A Wizard of Earthsea” ~~
WiLL over Love
smArt and Fearless too..
for me
at lEAst
NoW iN
ways aS WeLL oF LiFe..:)
“If you do not understand my silence,
then you will not understand my words.”
~~ Subtle Bee ~~
That’s why i DancE..
tHe eXpreSsinG oF aLL
First tHeRE
IS DancE
to motiVAte
thE LiGht STiLL
that coMes from dArk..
anyWay that’s the way
all of God that is explains
it to me in short oF eXistence NoW..
as is
aT LeASt
and MoSt
i FeeL and
SeNSE and kNow..
my FriEnd and yes.. i’LL do EveN BaLanCinG
more.. ’cause i Can and TrUEWiLLiTaSliGht..
with even
aT aLL..
as DAncE
LIGht oF SonG..
TruTh or NoT i DancE Be
DaRk or liGht.. i DancE.. Am..:)
And here is what was/IS A beginning
response to gigoid’s concern that
i might be missing some of his original
views in as whole of construction in
the pearls he borrows and brings as art..
and yes.. reason too..
So i say.. in return..
SMiLes my friend..
Nah.. i didn’t miss
Any of your points..
A different view is
Not evidence of
Missing an
Original View
WiNks my
As surELy
At core my
Greatest fAILing
in life WAS
Art compRises
60 perCent
Art IS A
River my
And as i’ve sAid
before.. it’s also worth
noting sTiLL that HeART
and eARTh are also
words and reaLITies
thaT are both literAlly
and metaphoricAlly comPriSed
oF at leASt 60 percent art if you
narrow it just to the literal count of
3 out of 5 literal letters of words to
make that crystal clear for folks who don’t
do math like they breathe the air as art around them too..
and that’s the problem with the world ..in general as folks
have shrunk the art out of those three words of smART
and heART and eARTh the sAMe and DiFFeRent
EsSenCE isReaL..
as pART oF GoD
75 percent tHeir..
as eARTh and
HeART and
that lives
iN and
as wE
as fractal
pARt NoW
of the whOle
GoD DaM thing..
yep NoW the wHole
eNchildA per say
of SonG
PoETry too..
thing iS even science
proves this whOle thing
allone out as isReaL NoW
too.. we are all connected
even in
but if we lose
art we lose our living
life as the living one within
as God as and is we and i and
us and ours lose out on the greaTEr
liGhter NaturE thaT cAN and WiLL bE uS am i..
iF wE
iT FiNd
it aLIVe once
aGaIn.. it’s what is
increaSinGly miSsinG
from the world.. essence
oF aRt freed oF Form including words alone
and other hUman Abstracts that come to be
of Trump
over the
ArT of Love..
A reAL deal of
eARTh iN smART oF heART..
add it.. divide it.. multiply iT.. subtrACT iT iN anyWaY iT sTiLL
nOw coMes out to aT LeASt 60 perCent ArT of FeeL.. NoW
isReaL ouT..NoW..:)
Additionally during the course of all this
writing Facebook Friend and poet Blogger
Rafiah from Pakistan shares a status that says..
Roamed in the city in this rain after so long that too wearing high heels.
After smashing water puddles and walking through them in this sandle
I feel like a queen. Lol I can do anything. #momentofselfappreciation
And i say in return
*admiring colors of the dress..:)
Rafiah says
Yayyyy thanks..:)
And i also say in remark
that the very tall wooden
heels of her sandals
are impressive
as follows..
And the Heels
Of those Sandals could
Be Dangerous
In A Bond Movie ..$’P..;)
AnyWay.. i honor friendships
in all the ways they come in
my personal bible and long form
longest form Ocean whole poem
as long
as this
goes.. in freeSt
Verse way noW..
sharing Now also
a Facebook MacroVerse
Memory from three years ago..
starTinG my more G-Rated
Art of Body then
in underwear
sort of like
the G-Rated
street version
of King David too..
worKing in some shadows
of clothes too.. as art will do
when yes.. totally FReED
with more
to come
on that
of course
as art grows
more and more
in all the ways that comes..
yes.. “Temple of GOD in the TWiLIGHT”
even more to come aGAIn hEre.. worth noting
i was only 222Lbs back then and have added 11
sense then..
as let the feminine all
out first in grace and love
and the masculine so much more
follows even greater in strength and will..
and yes.. most females can do the reverse too
as Innate
and Flows..
Free morE too as God
IN and as we all wHole all that is Now..:)
“Ghost WINGS WIND”.. MacroVerse from two years ago
as a memory and a reminder of the darKness
from liGht that hELped BRinG me
more to
And also a MacroVerse Facebook Memory provided
as “Zen to me THANK you”..
from two years ago
that gives
more to
the LiVinG
GoD as wHoLe
who that lives WitHin
as Fractal pART oF A whOle HUman
Temple of God NoW aS weLL aLL paRts
HoLY and sAcred of GoD as whOle and
suRely that includes all the natural functions
and forms of the flesh and blood of the human
essence even more so than the abstract constructs
of words and other metaphors of symbols we create
as tools
to describe
to share
more now
for social
and a greater way
to survive and thrive in liFE..
as that is what the social altruist
animal and super hero Human does best
togeTher as UniTy
away from
oF FaiL
aS SepaRate..
wiTh surELy room
for the individual to eXcel
from the propensity of group
thiNk and conservative control too..
as alWays A BaLanCinG ForCe oF aLL AKA GOD..:)
Hmm.. and with ALL that said it’s after all is sAid
and dOnE now to dance more than SonG
on HoLY and Sacred Thursday
as created and
me as wE SurELy
can MoVe.. CoNnecT
and Co-Create oUr reaLITies
alone allone WiTh GoD FReED
out Free
like thiS..
suReLy WiTh
feArlESs and SmARt
UnConDitiONal Love
oF FaiTh ForCE
and power
and all natural
Part oF GoD whOle too..
yes YOU are God too paRT of wHoLe NoW
daRK through sHadES of Grey to RaiNBoW
colors beYond the liGht of White.. NOW aS WeLL
GroWinG streAMs RiVers wAves OceaN whoLe noW..
back later in this MacroVerse and the neXt WiTh cool Dance
photos with all the Kool College age Folks celebrating my 145th
dance week with them tonight on Thursday Night.. at old Seville Quarter for FReED2..;)
AnyWay gave
yA A chance
to sTEaL
and BoDy
aT least as
BaLanCinG soUL aLL FReED1..:)
SpeaKinG of MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG soULs.. yes.. now
HUman Bio-Diversity and Neuro-Diversity too.. a little
pep talk i came across some time ago as far as cLocks
go that popped up as a reminder in the YouTube Algorithm
Suggested videos after that Fractal of God thingie played..
so yeah.. here is some inspirational
spirited talk in support
of those who
are different
per NeuroDiversiTy
and a little more FeeLinG
and SenSinG of the Environment within (God)
inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all around
per the Vibrations of existence and UniVerse and
GoD sAMe and of course different too as thAT
SonG of God continues to DancE and SinG
from dARk to sHadES of Grey to beYoNd
Rainbow colors of white too.. just
some metaphors ya KNow and
FeeL/SeNSE or not but never
the less tHeRE
are the more
and bodied
folks aMonG uS
that/who can and wiLL/Do relate
WiTh aLL of This deeper stuff of
HUMan eXistence eXperience FeeLinG SenSinG
more of poTenTiaL liFE now.. hmm.. yes.. now.. keepers
of the flAMe2.. as ‘the Video’ says and iLove to DancE and SinG too..
hmm.. what neXt.. WeLL.. tHEre are East Indian Traditions associated
with Kundalini RiSinG wiTh Meditation practices and specific verbal SonG
of Mantras to go along with focusing on so-called chakras of the body but for
me.. sure.. i Love the chanted song unintelligible to me in semantic way but STiLL
inNaTE iNstincTual and IntuiTive registeRinG NoW of EmoTionAL and SenSory
Hertz of Frequency plaYiNg from lower slower stronger will/survival hertz
to hiGher faster more refined loving graceful HerTz so far above
base survival for existence as i hum close to
the 1st Chakra SuNG Frequency as provided
in the fOllOWiNG Kundalini Meditation
YouTuBe Video in raiSinG CHI
of positive focus before
i leg press
LBS.. 33 reps
or so on a very difficult parallel
leg press free weight machine with
arms raised like a ballerina in the air
when grace meets powerful force of Strength too..
in a hum of survival at the hertz of a LioNs grOwl..
key is.. not putting ourselves aBove the oThER animals
that are our close cousins too.. sure.. clothes set us apARt
but as far as mammals go.. we bleed the same color and
leave similar fossil bones for recovery later.. wELL..
WE HUMANS lost in the neo-cortical rule
of past and future miNd and BoDy
BaLanCinG soUL or not can leave
a little more than
a Nautilus sheLL
in remembrance
of Our HoLy SpiRit KA
FloW of HeARt and SoUL
eXpreSsinG that in symbols
and metaphors oF art trUe and
liGht spReaDinG our HoLy Spirit
of connection WiTh more folks to come
even after we leave this beautiful opportunity
to give and share Heaven at Hand here whiLe AliVe as FeLT/SenSed
NoW in MoVinG.. CoNnecTing.. CreATinG ways WiTh otheRS and by A
way all multi-Trillion peptide connections of cells all through
the huMan body are spirALing WiTh almost inFiNite chakras of sub-atomic
FloW bEyond science view too.. PowErinG A ForcE of co-creation US/GOd
now.. but hey.. if you are an empath like me.. you are concerned
not only for your life and your three feet of space and immediate
family heAR.. that goes to eternAllY forevernow for more to come for
those who work to share and give a little more of tHeir HoLy SpiRit FloW
NOW.. anyWay.. for my Kundalini riSinG Chi/Dao Satori HoLY Spirit aWaKeNinG
EnLiGhteNing coNtinUinG eXperience.. no sitting still meditation or strict
guidelines of preformed written words in any other language necessary for
me.. as Music as liGht positive way IS A great way2 and my body flowS iN all iNnate..
iNStinCtuaL and iNtuitiVe way.. yeS iN ZoNE i go and FLoW soMe more.. sure.. me and God make
up the dance steps as we go.. and surELy.. you likELy can too.. if like the Ice Princess
from froZeN..
you just
lET all
the cultural
illusions of worries
that you Can/WiLL go.. yes2
now2.. not an easy thing to do2
when one is slave of the cultural/eTc aL/
religious matrix isReAL2 noW2 but hopefully2
yA WiLL Find HeaVeN oN this Earth Plane
forevernow aT LeASt once as trUst me tHeRe
ain’t nuThing better i KnoW/FeeL/SenSe more
delightful than the saMe Kingdom oF Heaven NOW
promised in theM Gnostic Jesus aS Such naked
teXts of liFE too.. Shed yoUr Matrix clothes and
fLy hiGher as any caped crusader naked out of a Dr.
WhO phone booth WiLL too.. or don’t make thAt choice..
thAT is uP to you.. i jusT Give and Share mY Heaven for
FReED as that is what Heaven iS at core.. wiLd and Free
WiTh FearLess smARt UncoNdiTional MoVinG.. CoNnecTing
CreaTinG LoVE heART of SpiRit expreSsinG HeARt Free FlowinG..
mInd and BoDy BaLanCinG soUL juST FaBuLouS aGAIN.. HeHe.. yeS..iN zONE..
to laugh2
as tHeRe NoW
is no fear iN
A BelLy LliFE thAT isrEaL2..:)
Okay.. now to get this 70th MacroVerse titLed “DiViSioN bELLs oF UniTy”
all published of the NewESt MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”
per 1,052,137 words so far as 69th Verse as last MacroVerse..
and juST to add.. addiTioNAlly.. a 741st MacroVerse
to a 3.3 Million Word pLus Ocean wHOle poem
same as this 70th MacroVerse of here too..
doubling as a MacroVerse
in both labeled
now.. to be clearer..
and off to the 145th
Dance Week NiGht i go..
wiTh more cool dance
around 3am
on Star Date
1.27.2017 that juSt
so happens to be the
742nd MacroVerse of Ocean
wHole poem neXt in the morning aLonG aS A
71st MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. too..
chaRTinG iNto my 42nd month too.. Since this Word
Press experience of Ocean WHole Poem StARted too
on 8.27.2013 and the 42nd Month of Public Dance
StaRts out too.. and ending the 48 Month of writing
at the end of the Month in Holy SpiRit Flow overall
at the end of February 2013.. too.. when my first blog
post per my perspective of life came
in a casual PM to my First Facebook
Friend2 iN juSt anoTheR Day iN the liFe of me..
heHe.. beForE public publish day on 3.10.2013..
too.. as the FLoW continues to go mostly effortless
with little to no preplanning STiLL DocuMenTinG HoLY
and SacrEd MilEsTones every which way and loose Full
of Meaning and purpose as CreaTinG them sAMe iN A FloW of ZoNe
too.. as hey.. that’s how this Holy Creative SpiRit workS iT.. no religious labELs
required from specific books.. sure.. many labELs houSinG as vehicles and vessels nOw
the essence of the HiGher HoLY/SacRed CreaTive SpiRiT as more of the subconsciousness
FloW NoW iN HuMan PoTenTial eVen beYOnD words rises to the creAM for the crop NoW
oF our perSonal eXistence/eXperience noW.. as sow and reap for NoW more fuLLy
AliVe AwAke
oF HUman BeinG
DanceS and SingS oN..
A WonderRuL aDvenTure and
eXperience oF LoVing LiFE as TrUth and liGht.. FReED NoW..:)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)
GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)
After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
Book oF Ten Sixteen..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)
2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen
Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)
Grand Cross Bible 2016
61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review
A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)
CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017
991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)
VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017
The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)
CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn
Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)
Nether Land Bible 2017
NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN NoW aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.