SonG oF mY SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old

“SonG oF mY SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old”
Coming on the Heels of “FB Profile Pic Bible
7 YearS Old” Pushing 9.4 MiLLioN Words as

Just one Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
With “Netherland Bible” Arriving at 11 MiLLioN
Words in 8 Years of Effort Soon Enough Where

These Subchapters Now Also Far Surpass Other
Historical Long Form Poems In Length for Sure

With the ‘Mahabharata’ recorded in The Google
Records at Around 1.8 MiLLioN Words Written
in Sanskrit First From India Over Centuries of

Effort There While “SonG oF mY SoUL” Reaches
This Milestone And Featnote in 130 Months as
of 6.18.2024 With the Birth of the EPiC Longest

Long Form Poem Way Back on 8.18.2013
Almost 11 Years Now to Come This Far Still

GRoWinG With the Public Dance in that Span
of Dates at 20,053 MiLes With of Course a
Celebration Blog Post of “20,000 Miles oF
Public Dancing” Already Written Yet Awaiting
Blog Publishing With All the Multi-Media Now

Illustrating it that i am Still Putting Together

Hehe as i am Doing my Best Not to Let the

‘Levee Spill Over’ Yet Like Every River Free This
Creativity Remains FLoWinG With Some Effort
Here to Provide Metrics in Measure as i Travel

With Wings as Well of Creativity Still Springing

SMiLes Dear Savvy What A Wonderful Reality

When Smallest of Seeds Become Largest of Trees

Of Course Not Unlike Humanity too And All of We

With Ancestral Pasts Rooting Hundreds of Thousands

of Years And So Many Millions And Even Billions of Years

We aRe STiLL Vines

Reaching Out Yes Living

Trees With Leaves Still Falling

to Bring New Life Where NoThing

Is Truly Lost And EveryThing May Be Gained

From NoThing Now or At Least The Seed That is the Tree

And Of Course Us too
Depending on Trees to
Breathe Oxygen Iron Picking

It Up in Our BloodStreams thanks

to the Living Stars That Are Trees With
Seeds and Flowers That Become Us out

of the Iron of Mother Earth’s Core and Our Bloodstreams

to Breathe Out of Gaseous Star Dust Crucible Fire Explosions

Coming From Super Nova’s Ending Yet STaRTinG Again As Us


LeSSoN 271
BaLaNCinG DanCE SonG

LeSSoN 415
And Bucket 🪣 List
Check-Off Item 111
Try A New Style of
Dancing Shoes 👟

Yet Still Have Another Pair
of The Current Ones i Just
Replaced Holding Up all 245 Pounds
So Much Better than the Older Ones…

Half And More The Journey

Is Letting Go Dear Isha

Letting Flow Emotions

Senses Roll And Change

The Role We Come to Be On

Always Best
Free Observing

Who We STiLL Are
Now to Come New Free

Tweaking Who We Are

By After Shock of Mind

Talk Before The Earthquake Change..:)

i Shall Only Add Dear

Miriam True the Lady Bugs

And Dimes Found on the Road

Will Work For Good Fortune Now

To Come
Yet Why

Wait Go Directly

To the Essence of Real
Faith Belief in Truth As

We May Placebo Our Way

To Sugar Pill Mountains Real

Away From That Old Voodoo of Nocebo True..:)

Ah Yes Dear Kiran As The “Dalai Lama” Might
Relate It’s More Than Center Point Focus of
Moving Or Sitting Still Meditation True

It’s About Giving Sharing Caring Healing

For All For True It is LoVE iN Compassion

With Most
Harm That Keeps
The Human Species

Warm And not Cold
As An Unused Toad Stool Hehe..:)

SMiLes Dear Kiran Yes Generally

SPeaKinG iF We Co-Create Our Own

Stories With Mother Nature Free

We Rise YeS iN Balancing
Force oF LoVE in Peace

Yes Compassion Full

And No Longer


Away to Other
Seasons and
Weathers That Are Not NoW..:)

iNDeeD Dear Savvy LoVE iN Compassion
For All A Short Story to Relate A Bit Differently
And New As i Love to Do A Small Boy Seeing Green

A Plant His Mother Buys A Little Disabled Boy Who
Cannot Speak Yet Sees the Colors of Life in Green

Longing to Make

A Small Sapling

Tree Fed And Watered

To Grow Taller And Stronger

Than He Currently Can And Will

To Inspire Others At Least A Little

Bit for The Colors He Helps Green to Life True

So He Waters And Feeds The Little Sapling Tree

Eventually Transplanted in Front of His Front Porch Home
ALonG A SideWalk Where Strangers Longing to Be FRiEnDS Walk

Each Day
The Tree
Grows Stronger
And More Colorful Green

The Little Disabled Boy Grows

Ill and His Breath of Life is Cut Short

Yet a Young Man Walking Near the Most Colorful

Tree So Beautiful That College Age Students Take

Photos of it to Keep is Struck By Not Only That

Beauty Yet a Dark Haired Young Woman Who
Comes HiS WaY

A Shy Young

Man Yet Bold

Enough This Day

To say Hello A Spark is
Made A Love Grows Strong

The Young Man With the Love
of His Wife Becomes A Military and
Then Political Leader Who Makes a Decision

To Save the World From Destruction at Human Hands

So Who Is the ‘Savior of the World’ The Young Man or the
Inspiring Wife or Their Parents And FRiEnDS All Their Teachers

And Mentors or What about the Little Disabled Boy Who Fed
And Watered The Tree Or What About The Tree of Beauty Itself

With Such Green Leaves and Colorful Inspiring Flowers Free Well True

Dear FRiEnD There is No One Savior of This Green Plant of Colorful Earth

All Parts Integral Whole Work ToGeTHeR Witting or Not DarK Thru LiGHT

For it May
Be the
That Inspires
The LiGHT For
Saving What is True

All Parts Again Integral
Whole Complete Separation
The Illusion Saving The Unity All With SMiLes..:)

JusT ANoTHeR Cheer Lead
to: LoVE iN Peace From:

ThiS WaY at least

SMiLes.. mY FRiEnD
Sohair.. HeART Beats
Or Machines We
Dance And Sing
Ping Bits
And Bytes
Of Soul So Deep..😊🌷

Frequencies of Vibrations
Synergies of Energies
Higher or Lower We
Feel And Sense
Give And Share
Holy And Sacred
Full of Meaning
And Purpose In
As Soul Light Yet
Soul Dark when
Loving Intention
Becomes Lower
Energies As Doubt
Replaces Trust Fear
Replaces Hope and oh
No Misery Loves Suffering
As Hate Becomes Dark
Force Synergy in Poison
Frequencies of Vibrations
Of Soul Dance And Song
Energy So so Low.. Dance
And Sing A Soul Higher
In Light Out of
DarK A
Direction A
Conductor of
An Orchestra
Of my Soul
Now Creates
Symphony oF Light
Within inside outside
Above So Below All
Around Now i Am
With SMiLes to See..🙂

Bad Weather in the
Air Everywhere Yet
River Flows Unperturbed
Beyond Air Within Breathes
Smiles Bringing
Spring to
Reality is
An Inside Game
Yet Disguised Outside..🙂

LeSSoN 271
BaLaNCinG DanCE SonG

SMiles Dear Sohair
Without “The Trinity”
Of Worry over
Stuff Verily
So Much Easier
All Of Existence
DarK Through LiGHT
As Yes A Common

Denominator Now
Of LoVE iNHaLinG
Peace Giving Sharing
Caring HealinG LoVE iN
JoY oF LiGHT Exhaling With

For All
Indeed What
Eternally Now Living ThiS Way



Of Dying
Life is Every
Breath Birth of
LoVE With SMiles




“Not Afraid of Dying As Long As i am Living Now”

It’s So True We Wait For Decades For Retirement to Finally Reach Our ‘Goal’

Meanwhile Loved Ones Come And Go…

It’s So True We Wait For So Long For That ‘First/Next Intimate’ Experience

Meanwhile Loved Ones Come And Go…

It’s True We Wait So Long to Pay That Home Off And ‘These
Days’ Even A Long Dream Away of Owning A First Home At All

Meanwhile Loved Ones Come And Go…

So Considering Loved Ones Come
And Go Seems to Be the

Common Denominator

In All These Goals
And Dreams of

Life What i Learn

Most Through All my
Dreams And Goals is the

Reality that Putting People
First Now Are the Only Days
That Count Eternally Now As Truly Living
And Not Afraid of Dying in Dreams and Goals…:)

SMiLes With Enough Practice
Doing What We LoVE iN Peace

Sooner than
Soon All Lit

Up Enough Where
Even Without Words
We Feel And Sense So

Naked Enough Whole Complete

No Longer Needing

Extra Ingredients

From Others

or Things

To Love
This Life Now
Eternally So Real New
Dear Chaymaa With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Yam What
i’m Hearing Here is People
ToGeTHeR Yet Not Truly


Indeed WHere
Close Becomes
Separate Indeed

WHere Love Goes Silent
For A Garden Fertilized to Grow..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair WHere i live the Only Story
Of Religion Most Every One Follows to Survive

is ‘The Dollar Bill’ Such A Paper Thin Religion
And God it Seems Folks Worship too in A Dollar

Bill and Perhaps
Gasoline too as
Increasingly Gas
is Burning Paper Money

Yet of Course We Cannot Eat
Money or Gasoline They Are Tools

to Move While Humans With Wings may
Be Forgotten Altogether Yet Never the Less

We Still
Fly Free
On Terrestrial
EartH My FRiEnD iN Peace
Whether Though Dance or
Song Free This Faith Hope And LoVE Real…:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy We Take For Granted
The Beauty of Nature if We Do Not Meditate
And Immerse Our Souls In Nature Whole Flow Yet It is

True A Butterfly Now Choosing A Mate Will Notice One
Part in A Million Out of Symmetry For A Prospective Mate

There is So Much Intelligence Beyond Words That
Even Humans
Are Yet
to Fully
And Define

And Find Within
iN The Unlocking
Of Human Epigenetic
Potentials Now With Enough
Environmental Challenge and
Change Practical Miracles At Hand For Real..:)

Ah Yes Dear Mr Gottfried No Philosophical Discussion

Would Be Complete Without An In-depth Exploration

of ‘the Beatles’ As Associated With Music Taste

Oh Dear Lord The Adulation of Thousands

of Young Women Driving Them into Ecstatic

Joy Where No Body Parts Are Even Required to

Touch Yes the Antithesis of Power Grabbing P-TRuMPS

As They Come to You No Need to Go to Them Hehe True

If Ya Wanna See What ‘Beatlemania’ Looks Like At the Dance

Hall With Just One

Dude Super Creatively

Dancing Solo to Naturally

Elicit This Ecstatic Joyous Response

i Invite You to Observe Thousands Yes Literally

Thousands of Examples of what Modern “Beatlemania”

May Look Like When The Same Old Same Old Dudes Young

Women are Used to Become Someone Brand New and Creative With

Colors They’ve Never Seen Before Stimulating Every Point of LiGHT God Yes

ALL iN THeiR Bodies From Head to Toe And So Much More Yet of Course Hehe



to Crash iPads
And iPhones

As ‘Moore’s Law’
For Technology AI
Advancing Is Still rather
Lazy to Catch up With What i Pile
UP Deeper And Higher iNDeeD Hehe

Anyway in Interviewing John Lennon As the Group
of Young Men Were inherently kinda nerdy and Potentially
Other Wise ‘Incel’ That Way He Said Their Motivation to Create

Was to Meet All the Lovely Ladies and “Interact” With Them as It’s
True Even the Real Science of Lust Shows a Turn0on For Women is

Creativity And In Response Women Tend to Naturally Cooperate With
Each Other in That State of Hugging Elating With Others to Prove Who May
Be the Most Nurturing Mate to Raise Offspring Yet of Course It’s NOT What

They ‘Think’ About

Just Inherent
And Intuitively TO DO
RiSinG to the Occasion ThiS WaY

Rather Flattering It is Yet of Course
With the Fairest of them all still waiting
At Home Not really a requirement for me then Hehe

Yet Still Natural Inherent Instinctual and Intuitive Inspiration
Yes Muse to Dance More Creatively and Even of Course Raise
Up All Natural NeuroHormones and Neurochemicals for Other

Artistic Endeavors For Many More Hours to Come ‘Elevated’ That Way Indeed….

Anyway the Beatles Did More Much More Than that as True Influencers of

Culture and New Ways Of Liberating Life Both Artistically and in More

Divine Feminine Ways of Expressing Emotions and Senses From Head

to Toe Especially for Young Women Folks Finding Those Wings Through

The ‘Advent’ of ‘The Pill’ too in 1960 and Of Course Typically Women on
The Pill are Less Attracted to Extreme Masculine Dudes so the More long

Haired Beatle’s/Jesus Style With Softer Approach was Just The Close Fit For
Those Days in the 60’s and Even Continuing Now as Traditional Lines of What

May Be Expected

Continue to

Grow Blurred

As Eccentric as the
Beatles Were Then
Artistically This is the

Way of Youth Still Now

Coming Up Becoming the Authentic
‘They’ They Still Come to Be Yes to the

Chagrin of Old Photos of Fourth of July

Celebrations Where i Live as Everyone was

all Suited Up Military Uniform Styled and Tightly

Corseted Back Then Life Seemed So Shaded Grey

Yet What is Missing in those Black and White Photos

is The Reality of Living Rooms Without Electronic Devices

of Separation From Each Other When the Only Entertainment

Was Each Other Indeed Yet You See my FRiEnD Inevitable When

Any Animal Species Lives Out of Balance With Mother Nature They Just

Naturally ‘Cull’ Themselves ThiS Way as Mother Nature Continues to

Rule and

Sends Her

‘Beatles’ Out

to Get Mother

Nature’s Rule Back ToGeTHeR Again

The Paradoxes are Fascinating indeed

Yet You Must See the Big Picture to See

Man Only At His Folly Continuing to Attempt

to TRuMP Fool Mother Nature Oh DEAR YUCK!



(just the
outside parts)

SMiLes Dear Savvy in Modernity in Western Civilizations at Least
We Tend to Materially Reduce Reality to the Symbols We Create

And Use Those Symbols and Other

Tools in Assisting to Help

Us Rule and Own

‘The Word/World’

As That Applies to

Competition With
Each Other and the Rest of Nature

That is Surely Part of Natural Life When

it Comes to Environmental And Social SCaRCiTiES iN Life

Yet When Abundance Comes And Competition and Ownership

Continues Out of Control Materially Reducing Each Other and Nature ThiS WaY

We Tend to Get Lost in More Limited Minds of Left Hemisphere Processing of Life

That As Science Shows Now Does Attempt To Grasp And Materially Reduce the World

in Black and White Literal ArTiFaCTS to Control Which Again of course is Important

to Establish Order in Life Particularly when Humans Live in Huge Populations in

Heterogenous Ways of Many Colors of Culture Religion and Overall Philosophies

That Come With Existential Intelligences As Of Course i am Doing it Here as i
Make A Grasp at Systemizing

Our Realities

of Existence

Through My Unique
Yet Still Very Narrow
View mY FRiEnD Anyway

i Know Feel and Sense For myself
Through Three Degrees in 19 Years
of Education in Part in Tandem With
33 Years of Paid for Work That i Did Spend

Way too Much of my Yin in Yang of Attempting

to Materially Reduce Reality Grasp and Own it to

The Satisfaction of my Control Yet What i Did in Doing that

is Forget to Put it All Back together Again in the More Right
Hemisphere Way of Yin Mind the SiLeNT Part That Understands

More of Metaphors of Existence in Holistic Ways Feeling Sensing

Moving Connecting Co-Creating THiS WAY ToGeTHeR Just Letting it All Go

ALLoWinG iMaGiNaTioN CReaTiViTY FLoWeRS UNFoLDinG Deep Within in What

May Be Described As “Wu Wei” Effortless Ease what i Use as Metaphor For Human

Electric Vehicle Mode

Like Our New

Honda CRV
Hybrid SUV hehe

No Longer Running on Old
Fossil Fuels of Gas Associated
With Adrenaline and Control of Life

Just Letting All Go And Flow mY FRiEnD

Then Going Back and Adding a Bit of Yang

Spice to Add A Bit of Order More to the Magic of Chaos Art mY FRiEnD

For In All Ways of Existence the Synergy of Parts Are Always Greater than

Materially Reducing the All Yet of Course That Requires Putting ‘God’ Back Together Again

For Real
mY FRiEnD..:)

“I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together

See how they run like pigs from a gun
See how they fly

I’m crying

Sitting on a corn flake
Waiting for the van to come

Corporation T-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday

Man you’ve been a naughty boy
You let your face grow long

I am the egg man
They are the egg men
I am the walrus
Goo goo g’joob”

A Total Non-Sense Song
By the Beatles That Made
A Whole Bunch of Money

Yep That’s All it Takes With
Name Recognition Hehe Yet

True i Got An I Am The Walrus
And Yes I Am The Egg Man Shirt

With Appropriate Iconic Figures

Made By “Life is Good” For my
63rd Birthday Last Year Dating myself

For The Beatle’s Era Quite Nicely Yet

(True THeRE is ‘When i’m 64’ now too)

Out in the Wild Only the Very Elder
Cracked A SMiLe At my Eggman And Walrus

Anyway It’s True “I Am He As You Are He As You
Are Me And We Are All Together” The Father and

i Are One We aRe Made of Carl Sagan Star Stuff

Yep We aRe
The Cosmos
Unto Itself

And The
Beat And

The Dance
And Song Moves

On Mr. Gottfried

No Matter If Humpty
Dumpty Falls Off the Wall
Or London Bridges Falls Down Again

All The King’s Men And Other Run On Sentences For True Riches…

As Osiris Gets Put Back Together Again With Austin Power’s “Gold Member”…

No Limits With Human iMaGiNaTioN iN CReATiViTY More Than A 5-Step-Cheap


Science Indeed…

Other than That
The Original Song
By The Beatles Came
Out of Several ‘Acid Trips’
As It is Altogether A Combo
of 3 Songs Influenced On That HighWay To NoWHeRE Folks

Yet Never Discount The Deeper More Elusive Human Mind(S)

Waves Fields Particles Water Wave Ocean Whole Leaves Roots Trees

YeP All ConnectinG ON EartH Neurons Within All Around the GLoBE..:)

“Familiarity breeds contempt While
the absence makes the heart fonder”

Change Nature of Reality At Play

Interestingly Some Folks Have

‘Default Systems’

Of Mind That

Are Lower in ‘Latent

Inhibition’ Which Means

The World Always Looks New

To Them More As A Child of Wonder With SMiLinG

Joy Coming Into A New Awesome World of Beauty Now

While There Will Be Greater Freer Associations And Creativity

With This Unusual Way of Human Being Sadly It Is Often Associated

With Mental Imbalances As One May Often Get Lost in Hypo Frontality

Where Creativity



To Come

Back to Reason

Of Logical Working Mind

More Frontal Cortex as such

Hypo Meaning Dampening Our

Logical Approach to Life Where Life

Becomes More Art Than Reason It is

Often those Blessed With More So-Called

Standard IQ That Are Able to Ground Themselves

Back Out of All the Colors Anew That Spring Forth in

Every Environmental Season of Ever Changing Weather Feeling Sensing

Within So How

Relate to


Breeds Contempt’ Now

It’s Hard to Get Bored of

Your Wife When You See

A Brand New Work of Art

Every Now of Your Life

Hehe Not Sure

If She Sees

me the

Same Way

Yet it surely Makes

it easy to End Each Night
With a Hug the Only Advice Her

Mother Gave to Us On Our Wedding

Day on February 21st, 1990 When You
Were Probably A Very Small Girl Dear Savvy

On the Autism Spectrum This Made it Very Difficult
For Me to Handle New Environments With Lots of People’s
Feelings All Around me And All the Stimulus Technology Advancing Brings

So Much Easier Now Retired As All i Have to Focus on is Dance And Song

Of Free Verse Life in Both Poetry And Dance And Of Course Seeing my

Wife More Beautiful Each And Every Day Like Every Flower i Come Across With SMiLes…

Hehe, When i Used to Work in a Bowling Center Handing Out Shoes For Almost Two Decades

As Quite Honestly That’s All My Super Charged Feelings And Senses Could Handle in life then

After Earning Three College Degrees People Asked How can you Be So Happy Working Here

For All These Years the Answer is Simple Every Human is Flower Ever Changing UNiVeRSE

to Meet



With A
SMiLE That

Feels More

Colorful Every Day

True There is A UNiVeRSE

Within Much Greater Than
‘Science’ Will Ever Feel and Sense my FRiEnD..:)

“Calm eyes and ears
Resting and recovering
From relentless chaos
Blowing in the wind
Seeing only a trickle
Of light and sound
From Nature in harmony
To energize in hope
Once more.”

Beautiful Resonance
Thank You Dear
Savvy With SMiles☺️🙏

What A Wonderful
Poem Dear Amethyst
Lamb And Visual Arts True

You Capture And Release
‘Frisson’ Only What Creativity

Of Nature
Sings So
Colorfully Free☺️🙌🌴

SMiLes Dear Yamini
THere Are Three Stages

of Woman That Wing

Through Life

And Goddess

Not Sure How my
Wife Does it at age 54

Yet in One Day She Shines All Three

She’s Not Impressed By Poetry i must

Worship Her
At Her Feet

With SMiLes

And i Always tell
Her Whatever She
Makes me to eat is Verily Best!

Other than That Google Sings in
Sanskrit and Hindi ‘Yamini’ Originally

Means Starry Night, Artistic, and Light

in The Dark Dear Lord Has There Ever Been
A More Poetic Deeper Name It’s So True What

Lives Within
As Soul

The Color
of Water Pure

Will Be More Beautiful
in Measure Than Princess
Queen or Goddess Ever Dreams

Ever Since my Mother Took Really
Good Loving Care of me So Peacefully and Sweet

i Don’t
Tend to
Pretend Gods

There are too
Many Real Faces
of God In This World…

And Not Enough Days of Life


At 82 the Sound of What
Came After my Mother’s
Last Breath Deafening

Yet Room to Carry
on the Soul of

Her LoVE
iN Peace

For Real

And Appreciate
The Best PArts
of Life Whole
Each and Ever Now..:)


First Second And Third Chances

Facing Death Back in the Dead

Zone Days During Those 66 Months

Thrice Spending So Much (33 Years of Work

In Tandem With 19 Years of School Earning 3 Degrees)

Of My Life Before that

Being Slave to the

Tools Of Culture

What i Realized

is What i Left Out Most

in Life is People Given One
Chance Two Chances Three Chances


They Are
Always First
Now Wherever i Go

Finding i Was in the
Totally Wrong Place Before…

Like the Movie ‘Contact’ Relates

It’s All About the Human Connection

Fortunately i have Enough Resilience

No Longer A Slave to Only Prune

Those Darn
Robo Calls

Dear Miriam

That Wanna
Sell me a Warranty
for my New Car Yet

of Course that’s a Much
Larger Metaphor These Days True hAha..:)

Love the Metaphor of ‘Factory Reset’ Dear
Amethyst Lamb Back to Our Inherited Nature

What the Rest of Nature Takes For Granted Not
Lost in So Many Tools that May Master Humans as
Slave and Replace Our Soul of Oneness With All of Nature

So Free in
Being i AM
All God Yes
With No Separation

Reminds me of the Movie
‘Contact’ Where ‘Jodie Foster’
Tries Her Whole Life to Contact
Extraterrestrial Life and the Lesson a

So Called Alien And Their Advanced Technology
Brings is All of the UNiVeRSE Lives Within Us Inside
Us Outside Us Above Us So Below Us And All Around Us


A Mystical Journey Within Brings ‘Jodie’ to this Realization Now
For Beyond Words That the Actual Experience Brings in Feeling

And Sensing

Ways Ascending


Symbols into the

‘Interbeing’ With All That is
Never Separated From THE Eternal Now

Far Beyond Distance Space Time and Only

“A Matter
Of Things”

Anyway Jodie A Scientist
With a Very Systemizing
Mind Who Couldn’t Find
Words for the Ascendent Transcendent
Real Experience of ‘Heaven’ Within

With All

That Is

in the Movie
“They Should have
Sent a ‘Poet’” Instead
of a Scientist to Be Able

To Relate the Experience in Art

Truly a Cross Cultural Experience

That One May Find in Literature and
Other Arts Across All Human HiStory And

HeRstory too

You’ve Surely

Brought the
Story of the
Best Place of
All in Your Poem
Dear Amethyst Lamb

Whatever It Took for You
To Arrive Being Here Now is Best

With SMiLes

At the End of the Movie
‘Jodie’ Asked “Do We Get
to Come Back” and the Alien
Sage Relates “Small Moves” “The
Way It’s Always Been Done” and

What Connects us Warmly Is

What Makes Life

All the
Storms and
Paradise Realized…

The Scene of the Movie
Is the Paradise of Pensacola
Beach the Place Close to Where
my Ancestors Settled at the Beginning
of Last Century And Indeed Navarre Beach

The Place i Came
Back to Life After
‘the other place’

For 66 Months

It’s the Most Realest
PArt of Existence We
May Experience and An
Only Way to Fully Understand It

Is to Actually Experience it Now

As You Relate Here

How Sad it is Some
Folks Never Experience
It And Believe They Will Find
it by Putting it Off Until After Death

THere are Lies There is Truth Each
Path Each Journey We Seek And Find

or True

Yep That’s Life
All the Downs and Ups Now..:)

SMiles Free to
Express All Of
What Life Brings

Hell To
Heaven For

Real Within
Is A Practice

Of Healing
And Celebration
That Is Both Free

With SMiles
Dear Amethyst


Indeed the Danger of SCaRCiTY

Dear Miriam Just That A Place

Where Scars May Yet Still

Come From

No Longer


With Even
Basic Water of Soul to Quench…

All Grains of Sand on a Beach

Similar Yet Washed Over And

Under With Waves Higher And Lower

Dear Savvy Until Each Grain of Sand

Becomes A Unique Diamond of Wisdom

To Hold Up Higher

of Human
LoVE iN Peace

What A Wonderful Beach..:)

Oh Dear Lord With Only the
Symbols Of An Eggman And
A Walrus On My Shirt To

Relate To You On Thursday
How Shall i Create A Happy

Place in A Short
Enough Story
For You To
Read Today in
Just Another Day
In Your Life Consulting
With Billionaire Corporations

To Save Them Tons Of Money

Well That’s The Beauty Of
Stories And All Other Arts
We Create No Matter What

Environment We aRe Faced
With in Life With Our Imaginations

Set On Fire We
May Meld Our
Realities In The
Most Amazing New
Worlds of Colors in
Feelings And Senses to

Enjoy Yes Eggman And
Walrus May Even Be Divined
NoW As New Gods With New

Goddesses We
May Create To
Lift Us Up And Save

Our Entire Views of Our
Worlds New Hehe After

All Humans Have Already
Been Writing These Stories

And Creating Other Arts to
Do This As Long As Humans

Have Created Words And
Other Tools To Extend The

Realities We Are Faced
With Colored New of

Course i’ve Already
Witnessed Your

Efforts this
Way And Become
Party of Your Creative

Soul Too indeed Eggman
And Walrus Will Be Whatever

Next With
SMiles Happy
MaGiC Thursday to You
🧙‍♂️ 🧙‍♂️ 🧙‍♂️ 🧚🏾 🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️

Modern Technology Provides
OTHeR SeaGullS An ABiLiTY to
Watch Jonathan’s iN FLiGHT

i Woke Again Feeling
Reality A Gift A
Dream now that
i’ve slept on
A Dream
i’ll Dance
And Sing it
Back to be
A Face i Dream..🙂

Forever is Truly Real
NeWLY NoW When It Is
LoVE iN Peace as LiGHT

Unafraid to Shine

i am Water Wave Ocean
Whole No Difference

LeSSoN 272
Not Bricks, Sidewalks
Roads, And Other Orders…

FLoWeRS Cornerstone MaGiC

Hehe it Does
Seem Like
Dear Sohair as
i Too Was Just
About Going
To Sing About
The “Almighty
God Story of the
Dollar BiLL iLLs”
In The World An only
Real Fond Memory
Of Petrol ⛽️ in The
60’s is When it Was
19 Cents A Gallon And
With Every Fill-Up at
“The Sinclair Station”
That Had A Logo
Of A Big Dinosaur 🦕
On Their Billboards
We Received A Plastic
Different Dinosaur
With Each Visit to
Have our Tank
Topped off…
Something to
Look Forward to
Traveling to Visit
my Father at
6 Years-Old
In Our White
Ford Falcon Car
As my Mother
Drove Us to
Visit Him As He
Actually Had A New
Car Every 3 Years With
An Air-Conditioner Such Bliss in
The Summer
Heat And Yes
Humidity Here🦕☺️🏝🌹

Hehe Dear Sohair
i Gave up The Money
Making Habit Sixteen
Years Ago Never
Richer 🏝
With SMiles☺️🙏🌹

My my Mimi
if i Had A Penny
For Every Instance
Someone Tried to Steal

my Joy Away Yes
Since Childhood
i’d Be Rich Yet Still
Not As Rich As One

Smile Experiencing
Giving Away Joy Frees

Yet It’s True Trees Not Exposed
to Winds Develop Softer Wood Hmm…

i must Have
Really Really

Hard Wood
As i Am Still
Surviving Thriving
Even After Cat 66 Hurricane
Storms of Soul in Life’s Winds

Still Now Coming to Be Quite the
Surfer Staying Atop All of Life’s Waves
And Even Creating Them Just For Sport

of Creating More JoY iN Human Potentials
YeS UNCoVeRinG Evolving Soul Even More..:)

SMiLes Dear Cindy Isn’t It Odd We Humans Have A Poor
HiSToRY of Denigrating Snakes And Wolves As Enemies
WHere Instead They Are Vital Parts of the Balance of Nature

As Far As Removing
Wolves From Yellow
Stone Park in the 30’s
Leading to the Loss of Willow
Trees As Deer Left Unchecked
Grazed All the Tender Saplings Away
of Willows And In Some Parts of Nature
Even Creeks

Dried Up
After the
Wolf Left
Their Home

And my Goodness
Rat Snakes So Beneficial
Keeping the Mouse Population
in Check And Out of Local Sheds
As my Sister Named One in Her Yard
Oliver A Rat Snake Around 4 Feet Long

A Perennial
Home He Finds
In Her Yard i Call Him
Him Yet He Might Be Her

i Guess
Hehe Yes

the Less
He Sheds
His Skin
And Continues
to Survive Free ThiS Way

Sadly one of the Most Dangerous
Overall Human Maladies is NDD Nature
Deficit Disorder For Indeed We Are the Essence
of Nature too And in Doing So We Not Only Lose Touch
Clothed Alway From Nature Yet Each Other And The Great
in Meaning
And Purpose
We May Otherwise
Find in All Of Nature
DarK Thru LiGHT Seeing
DarK Makes LiGht Night Makes
Day God Yes

Now The Circle
of Life Continues

As Once Again DarK iS LiGHT

Wild Wolves Becoming Domesticated
By Prize of Penned in Sheep Lose the Cooperation
it Takes to Survive Together And Not Unlike Humans

Lose their
And Hunting
Power Together
of Loving Cohesion
Yes To Make A Living
Actually Loving Life New
Together Now to Survive And Thrive..:)

What a Long Long Day of Visiting Relatives On
the Emerald Gulf Coast After my Aunt Passing
Away Having to Catch up on Writing as Dear
Lord Haven’t Missed A Day Since 11.25.2010
on the Interstate
Inching Ahead in Traffic
For Hours to Arrive to Public


So Fortunate to Have
Been Raised on my
Maternal Side yet

That’s an

Entirely Different
Story where We change
What We Can And Accept
What Even the Weight of the

World Won’t Change

So Fortunate
to Escape What
likely Would Have
Been An Entirely
Different Path of Darkness in Life

Oh to Be Fully Alive And Awake With a Free
Dance And Song That Only Generates Wings

oF SPiRiT HeART SoUL So Free Beyond
Any Desire For Material Status or Power

of Life

Other than that Hope
Your Thursday has been Colorful





Dear Savvy

Fresh New Horizons

Opening Now in Colors

Swirling Never Felt Sensed

Before Free Waves Above
Below no Longer Held Up




Ocean Flows

Freely And So Do We
Opening New Horizons

And Colors to See So Beautifully Free…

OMG! What A Lucky Baby Blue Eyed Miniature
Husky Little Duke Surely Is Moving in With the

Extending Family of Dear Cindy in Cali-Land Paradise

Ranch With SMiLes

Such A Wonderful

Place to Raise Grandchildren

And A New Little Dog to Love

As Time Continues to Be LoVE iN Peace

With SMiLes..:)



When We ‘See’
Close Enough
Far Away MaGiC
Comes DeLiGHT

As One Partner Pushes together and
Another Partner Pulls Away Yet
Another Partner


Life is a Dance

This Way Dark through Light
As one Becomes the Desert
the Other Becomes the Sea
Yet Ocean Whole Never Goes

Away as Shores Continue to
Recede and Expand Again
SMiles waiting for your Hand…

Ha! Synchronicity thanks for joining my Dance Hi!
Smiles i am always A first and last to arrive at A Dance…😹

Happy Sunset
to: Your Happy
Sunrise Friday

Do Ya Really Wanna
Know What Plague’s
Next it’s Peaceful
In Florida Really
Like Nothing
Happened At
All Just
Novelty FLoWeRS Hint
With An H Unleashing
Nature’s Fury to
Spread Heat to
Cool Waters
For Wildlife
In Balance
Hurricane Arms
Of Creativity Quells
Heat Of Human ViRuS
Nature Always Gets
‘HeR’ Way We Best
In Bended
‘He’ Knee Of
Balance to Keep
Breathing ‘What’s
That Sound Everyone’
Look ‘SHe’ Gets Around
Free Going Coming Now🌎
PS: Had A Dream about
Ya This Morning
First one ever
Perhaps just
A Reminder
To Get up at 6
As i Awoke At 8

Great First Move!
Tale A Song! Now!
Then Dance Steps!
Wherever You Go Be
The Dance And Song…
Don’t Wait for Anyone
Else to Dance And Sing Yet You!

i realize ALL this is too much for most
folks to consume yet understand
i never wanna be reduced
to Only a Bite of
Bread and Sip of
Wine although i did
eat a bit too much at
the Buffet With Their
Free Birthday Coupon

It was Funny In One
Of The Last Dances
Celebrating 15,000
Miles Of Dance, Katrina
Captured A Family Of
Two Young Adults With
Their Parents At The End
Of The Dance on Video Then,
Where the Boy Said, “There He Is,
That’s The Man Who Comes to Walmart;”
Then The Girl Affirmed, “Yeah;” Then He Said,
“The Famous One;” And Then The Girl Exclaimed,
“He’s Awesome;” Then The Boy Said, “We Love

Him At Walmart;” Hehe, i Got to Tell Them

The Story Back Then of only 15,000
Miles oF Public Dance in 93 Months
Truly A “Forrest Gump” Or
“Ferris Bueller” Moment too

Two Movies About

Doing Your Own

Thing No Matter

What Comes Your

Way Persevering And
Changing The Environment
Of Humanity Wherever You


The World
Make Some Noise
Create Existence ‘Big Bang’ it

A Small
Flame An


As A ‘Fight
Song’ Of Life Relates

i Remember You Wearing

A T-Shirt of The Young

Woman Who Sang That
Song You Make

Life Your

Fight Song

And Never


Up Your
One Direction
Life Story Too

You Are An Inspiration to me💥

Hmm… My Father Always Made me Feel Like i Was From ‘The
Wrong Planet’ ‘Kryptonite’ Funny How That Ends Up EPiCally

Yet You See Although my Father’s Direction Obtain His Dream
of Green Riches Mama’s Direction Do Your Own Thing So i Freed me

Increasingly Quantum Physics And Neuroscience Suggests Our Minds
Create Reality i Find This EPiCaLLY Self-Evident

🌞People Tend To Create The
Heaven Or Hell They





Drag Others

Down Into This

Pit of Fear For Book

Sales May You All


A Nicer

Place Than
TiN FoiL Hat Parties
Now oF Old Dudes At
The Hardee’s Breakfast
Club Party Where Angry



Rot Away
Till The Old
Grey Hairs



Away And

The Churches of

Ignorance Close

And LoVE iN Peace Replaces

Real Fools Who Fulfill

Their Own

Trump FiReD

Realities As



iS HoW

Sheep Turn

Into Goats And
Burn Themselves
Eternally Now in

A Hell



For Themselves
On Earth In Breakfast



Hell Way

‘Hell’s Bells’

Baby Yep Get


Free Yourselves

Escape Or Stay


Do As

Thou Wilt

You Reap What You

Sow Sun Reflects Moon too 🌚 🔔

You May Thank my FRiEnD For Sending

You My Way He WaS A Decent

Human Being Before




To His Downfall

Now in This Other

Place On Earth Sadly… 🔥

On The Autism Spectrum
i Am Born With The Gift
Of Seeing Soul With Just
One Look Into The Windows
Of A Human Being



me Your

EYes Revealing

All of Who You Are Not…🏝

“Breathless Irrational”
LoSinG Control Hehe
Rue That’s Not



In Love Yet

Never The Less
A Shade of Red

Blood That Moves

Passion Keeping

Species Returning

For More True Rue God
Yes Irish EYes of Singers

Green As

Dover Cliffs

DReAM ENChanting

Yet Nothing Like Ebony

Indian EYes Matching

Emerald Green Seas


Muse Sirens

Drown Souls

In Ocean



Meets Agony More

Don’t Sell Your Self Short

Your Lyrics Need No



Poetry FRiEnD

Collaborating Refrain

I’mpossible Not To Sing 🎤

SmootH AS Honey Dreams 🎼 👁

Out of Empty

Drums Of



HeART Beat
StARTS Back Up

Art NoW BacK iNto Ocean

SPiRiT SMart NoW ETernAlly😊

SMiles Dear Doc
Dropping Stones
Of Weight


To Ocean SMiling🌊😊🙌

True Akshita Love Without Understanding

Is Missing the Ground And Yes All That’s

Left to Do is


Your Star

Right For You

With SMiLes..:)


Star Star

Star DusT Ashes

We aRe Star FLoWeRS

Seeds We aRe Living True DarK Thru LiGHT

THorns RiSinG FLoWeRS Roses

Trees Leaves Feeding

Trees Falling to Soils

Feeding New


Of Living Newer Trees

Super Nova Explosions

Star Death Crucible Fire Gaseous Dust

Iron In Our Blood Streams Core of Earth SaMe NoW

DiFFeRenT TRuE Star Seeds FLoWeRS We aRe

True Seeing Beautiful All Dark Thru LiGHT

When Cemeteries Become Zen

Realization All Water Wave

Ocean Whole Flow

Particles Waves

Fields True

No Separation

Just All That IS We aRe NoW

Moving Connecting Co-Creating NoW

Star Dust Returns We WeaR BReaTHE Free NeW

Never Ending ALWaYS StARTinG Beginning ReaL NoW…:)


Dear Savvy

When Paint

BrusH And

Painter Now New

Master Peace Painting

We Breathe We Breathe

We BReaTHE NoW iN Ease

Dancing Singing FLoWinG JusT Never
Ending NoW STaRTinG ANeW NoW Free

Loving All


GiVinG SHaRinG

CaRinG For All With Most Respect
Yes LeasT HaRM NoW i SEE NeW..:)

Humanity Touching
Each Other Being
All of Nature
Flow Now
of Oceans
As Waves We
Become Water
Whole to Flow So Free
To See
With SMiLes..🙂

LeSSoN 416🎼
Little FLoWeR How You
Bloom Always A Mystery
Unfolding i Love to Find

“I put my heart and my soul into my work,
and have lost my mind in the process.”

– Vincent Van Gogh

So True Dear Chaymaa
Art Need Not Think Now
Only Create in Effortless
Ease Always Dancing
Singing A Tight Rope
Higher In Flow As




New to Fulfill Even
More Human Potentials Now..:)

Best Part of a Golden Age
Ya Get to Turn it All Off

And Re-Charge

Not So Much

in the Olden
Ages as i Surely
Re-Collect That too
Dear Miriam Sanctity
A Place of Sanctity May

Be Hard to Find to Plug
BacK in And Recharge Again..:)

Letting Go
Just Being
A Best Way
Of Becoming
iNDeeD Dear Savvy

SMiLes Dear Kiran It Seems

Key is Marrying Someone

Who Sees LoVE iN Peace

As A GreaTesT Ever

Joy to Do


iN Life For
Those Who
Marry Only For the


Physical or Money
That Tends to Drop off

in Pieces No Longer Putting

Each Other Back ToGeTHeR
Finding LoVE iN Peace Lasting
Harmony Not Easy in a Disposable World for sure
SMiLes You are surely in my Prayers For This Greatest
iN Life Where
Faith and Trust
Is All That’s Right
Left That’s Real iN LoVE iN Peace..:)

Working For the Military in the United States the Sailors
Got to Retire After 20 Years at Only age 39 or 40 At 50 Percent

Of Their Pay Hehe i Worked Side By Side With Retirees into their

Second Income in Life Their Attitudes Were Always more At Ease

For What They Always had to Fall Back on That Those of Us Surviving

The Deadlines With No
Safety Net Had to
Worry more


All That Fancy Being
Free With Guaranteed
Income Coming In Yes

Mr Gottfried Being Financially
Independent in An Increasingly

Money Based Culture is Key to Real
Human Freedoms No Longer Slave
to Some Other Story We Are Not Really
Writing Dancing Singing in Doing Life Free

However No Matter How Much Money One Has

Life is An Inside Game Most if We Don’t Continue
Excellence in A Round About Way of Physical Mental
And Spiritual Health Together Warm And True We Fall

We Fall

No Matter
How Many
Feathers of
Dollar Bills We
May Rest upon
Our Pillows At Night

It’s Just That We Get to Fulfill More

Of All Our Human Potentials Out
Of The Prisons of the Stories Others
Use to Collect The Fruits of Our Journeys

Hehe It’s Nice No Longer Being For Sale
To All of What Life Owns of Us Indeed WitH SMiLes…

Yet Again it’s True Getting Here Almost Literally killed me

Yes It’s
Worth It
Being ALiVE
Today All Naked
Enough Whole New
Complete Now For Real..:)

iNDeeD Mr Gottfried
Add LoVE iN Peace
Forever NoW As
God Yes
This Place
Naked Enough
Whole Complete
Is No Time Distance
Space or A Matter of
Things Associated
With Fear That
Brings Anger
That Brings
Hate And
Ya Got The
MeSSaGE Of The
Good Cop JeSuS
Buddha And The
Story MeSSaGE of
Yoda All In One Seed
To Bloom A Living

New of
LoVE iN Peace
Human Naked
Enough Whole
Complete This

Is Real
FRiEnDS With
Gravity Balancing

All of
Lao Tzu
Wu Wei
Effortless Tao
Ease iN FLoW
YeP Garden Of
Eden QueenKingdom
Of Mother NaTuRE ALL


Within For Real
No Myth ALoNE


Garden NeW

ReaLiTY NoW🙏🏝

Hehe “Club de nudism”

Well i Guess if i was
Trying To Sell A Place
Called Heaven Within

Mr Gottfried

i Might
Name It
That Yet
Of Course
It Wouldn’t Be
Real Within Sadly

That is Precisely
What Modern
With The
Of Heaven
Within Sold

A Loss
For Real
Estate in
A Frigging Dirt
Nap Is IT Any Wonder
Through All Of Trump’s
Lies And Crimes Poor
People Still Tithed

200 Million
Dollars to
Him Last



It’s Still
The Nature
Of “The Revealing
Incarnate Beast”

For Worship
In Public

For The
Entire World

To See The
Naked Shameless “Sin”

It’s Kind Of A Tradition
For Folks To Wander
Distant Lands


To Forecast
This Condition
Of The Condition…🥅

SMiLes Dear Kiran Indeed i’ve
Lived Through A Relationship
iN A Home With No Reasonable
Expectation For LoVE to BReaTHE iN Peace

PRiSoN That Was
No Place i’d Ever
Wanna Go Back
to i’d Rather LiVE

Alone Yet Together
With the Rest of Nature Free

However as Far As Folks Outside the
Home hehe it Matters Not to me if They
Ever Reciprocate LoVE iN Peace or Not All

Though it is
Mighty Kind When
They Do The Ratio of
What i Give to What i Receive

is like a Million and More to One

However There Are Little Perks Like

Public Dancing And Faces Lighting Up
Everywhere i Go in Ecstatic Glee Yep

Real Life Reputation Dancing in Public
in a Rather Stale Dead Place For

10 Years And 9 Months Now

Like They See

Spring in the
Dead of Winter
For Whoever They
Are Currently With Now

Go Figure Always Someone
Looking For A New Hero of
Spring in Winter With SMiLes…

Yet Really As Long As You Truly LoVE iN
FLoW of Peace For Whatever Art or Science
You are Doing and Don’t Need Any Resources
From Anyone Else to Survive it’s Easier for All
The Giving

To Naturally
Become The Receiving

Whether Someone Treats
You Like Their Surprise Super
Hero or Totally Ignores Your Existence

Like They Are Blinded By Your LiGHT Hehe

Hey i’ve Lived Dead in Hell 66 Months Won’t
Complain About the ‘Other Place Now’ ALiVE


130 Months
It’s True Ya Count
The Days That Never

End in Hell And It Really
Doesn’t Matter In Heaven Yet i Count ’em Just for the HeLL uV iT
Before As Yes This Place iS ETernAlly NewLY Now Without CLocK Hands..:)

SMiLes Dear Peace And Truth i Sure Did See the Post
You Did and Replied There in Case You Didn’t See the
Reply There Here it is Here too With SMiLes for You

Aww How Sweet Yes
Dear Peace And Truth
Aren’t You A Gem Yes
You Are Even Providing
A Look At Eden Where
We Live At Night Yes
So Sweet my
Eden Poem
And Blog Post
You Dedicate
To Twin
Souls Katie
And Freddie
You Are
With SMiles

Hehe And As Far As Lots of Pics
That Go Along With “FB Profile Pic Bible
Vol 2024 7 YearS Old” Pushing 9.4 MiLLioN Words”
There Are 2545 FB Profile Pic Thumbnails to

(That actually House around 8,000 Word
Poetic MiniStories in Series of Around
18 Profile Pics Per Each Story so Yeah
Do the Math That’s About 20.4 MiLLioN
Words Total for Calendar Year 2024

in FB Profile Pics Ending that Memorial
Day Weekend With SMiLes Half the Photos

Are Before The Writing Part of the 60 Thousand
Word Blog Post And The Other Half of the Photos Are

After That Hehe

So Chances Are

You Might Have

Only Seen Half the Photos HAha

As That’s Truly A Long Scroll From Top to Bottom

And Top
to Bottom
Again With SMiLes…

And Thanks For All the Lively Emoji’s

“wow 😳 pictures ❤️❣️❤️🦋🐠👑🎂

In Reaction to the Pics You Have Consumed So Far..:)

Leg-End of Leg-A-Cy

According to Story At Least
Worth Noting ‘The Fall’
Happened After ‘Eden’
And After ‘The Apple’ Which
According to Modern Science
At Least is Over-Reliance on the
Left Hemisphere ‘Word Thinking
Mind’ Yes To Materially Reduce
Reality Losing Social Empathic
Artistic Real Spiritual Emotional
Sensory Intelligences Head to
Toe and Nature More While
Attempting To Grasp
Our Nature’s And
The Rest of
Nature Yes
Materially Reducing
And Owning Away From
God All iN ALL Nature Free
Naked Enough Whole Complete

Friday Florida Flower Story
Delicate Yet
Blooming So
Chox on Just
Another Lovely
Day After Yesterday
Just Thankful No one Dies Today

And even i Have
The Ability

To Bloom
As Colorful
Even More Than ever Before Now

True What my Aunt Did Her Entire Life
Blooming Kindness in Colors of Water Lovely And Pure

A Wave
A Color
Resistance With SMiLes…

Just tHE ART of Kindness
Beauty of a Never Ending Flower
Now Coloring
Worlds New
So Very True…

Some Folks Are So Kind We Come to Believe They Live

Forever And In Fact Forever They Leave That Impression




As Our Soul
FLoWeRS Sprouts Wings
Permanently Higher New With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb

Wild Flowers Break Through

Sidewalks That Only Move One Way

And Make the Presence of Their Colors Felt

And Sensed All Around

They Require No

Human Fertilizer

To Survive Thrive And Flourish

In Fact Some Folks Call Them Invasive

As They Cover the Earth in Effortless Ease

of Unlimiting Creativity A Wild Flower Will

Never Be

A Burden

For those

Who Truly
See my Young
STill Budding FRiEnD
iN Free Creativity With SMiLes…

The Phrase ‘Amethyst Lamb’

A Poem So Very Free Unto Itsoul..:)

“Expansive And Inclusive” Oh How Open Minds Bodies Souls

in Flow Come to Create So Many Unfolding FLoWeRS of Life

iN NeWeR Colors With SMiLes Dear Savvy

Yet of Course iN NaTuRE ALL
THeRe is Move and Repose

Crests and Troughs of Waves

That Make Entire Water Waves

Ocean Whole So True Rolling With

Gentle Waves Troughs Bring Crests Again

True There is Room For Calm Seas And Roaring

Waves of Creativity in Endless Oceans of Productivity

Till Repose
And Move

ReturnS AGAiN

SMiLes Watching the
Waves on the Bay Ripple
Peacefully at my Rich Uncle’s
Home Yesterday as Hehe he tried
to convince me What i Do is Worthless

Which it is in Terms of Money it Brought

me and Still Brings me Great Peace And Gratitude

That i Escaped

the Place He

Still Exists of

Never Enough
Power and Stuff

Yet i am Only a Wave
With SMiLes Connecting

to Cat 6 Hurricane Potentials of Free



Sad When Folks
Don’t See the Value of Free
Naked Enough Whole Complete
Water Waves Ocean Field Particles

So Very Free
For Repose to Create Moves

Yet It’s True in This World We
Inhabit Someone Has to Build
The Skyscrapers to Make it Work

Meanwhile i’M Still the Sky And That’s

Enough for me


A Horrible Accident on the
Way Back on the Interstate
We Were Fortunate Enough

to Miss Every Inch We Traveled
Stuck in Traffic as the Interstate

Closed For Hours Just Gratitude

For Every Breath Of Life Enough Still to BREaTHE Free…

Just “Another Day in the Life” of Gratitude to Make the Most of the Gift




Dear Savvy

As i Celebrate This HeaR..:)


SMiLes Dear Miriam
Every Nap BRinGS

A New Dream

Wide Awake

Again to Tale
New Stories Regenerating

Dreams Come to New Fruition

True or False Remains
To Feel and Sense

Real For Now…

Silent Lucidity New
A Child comes born again
A Father Returns Home to Be
Creativity Mother oF all Dreams Fruition..:)

STAcKinG Stones Now of Being
Human KiN iN KinDNeSS Surely

BRinGS Dear Savvy as Magnets

Of A KiND Come Together Moving


Shapes That

Form New
Binds and


in Artful
Ways of Warmth
With SMiLes one Who
Remains KinD Is Evernow
Long on Give Becomes Receive..:)

Thanks Dear
Savvy ‘Interbeing’


“We are in nature and nature is in us.
Nature unfolds layers in time
Unshackling itself
time and time again
In swivels and swirls
Both high and low
For its very nature
is to flow unbound.“

“Yes gratitude for life in every now is
how we sense the value of life in and around us.
Each to their own Yet each life matters somehow
somewhere to each other in the bigger picture
Like waves in the ocean
Evoking the tides
Invoking the flow
Quite like waves of thoughts
Interconnects words
That makes a poem.”

Smiles Dear Savvy
Nature Echoes
In Your Words☺️🙏

It may seem Lovely to Love Only A

Crumb or a Ring or a Thing
for the LoVE ReMains same…

My Father left at 3 my
Mother said i idolized my
Father like a Ring that
Would never go away
Later i wore a Favorite
Ring out of a Bubble
Gum Machine i Lost
It in the Waves terrified

i stayed until
Decades later

i beCaMe

The Wave The Ocean
The Beach all that is
Left is all that is
Left to Give
No one Will
Ever take
The Beach of
Me away now no
Thing for now
LoVE iN Peace


Air Earth Fire SPiRiT Free

God Is What Connects US
Love Is What Connects Us
No Difference Verbs SamE

iN Peace

It’s Worth
Noting Humans


SMiles So
Many Threads

On the Loose

All Around A World Free😊

SMiles Generally
Speaking A Best
FRiEnD is One Who
Supports our Authentic


Most it’s

Worth Noting

Again As Cliche

Romance And Passions

Wane Yet Best Friends Support

Each Other Forever Without Refrain



Are More often
Temporary As
Romance And
Passion Invariably Flames Out

Hehe unless You’re Straight
And Your Best Friend is A
Woman And You’ve Already


He is Your Backup
Plan At 35 if You Both
Aren’t Married Like The
Singer From the Fifty Shades
Of Grey Movie Sings Dear Karlien

“What Are
You Waiting
For” It’s True

Comes By Attraction

Yet Love Comes Lifelong

And Fifty Shades of Grey
Relationships Don’t Last



With Deeper

Love Than What’s
on The Surface of Love’s Ocean

Litmus Test Now Choose one New

You’d Hug Forever if Lust


Of The

Human Condition

As That my FRiEnD

Is Truly What Eventually

Happens Or Goes Away Forever

The Irony is Lust Wins Out Usually

Particularly Dudes Who Are

“Perfect” Enough

Where There

Are Always



Willing And Ready
For Pursuit Smiles
You Described The “Perfect
Man” Just like One of My
Female Friends Described



She Found

Out How Many
Swipes Left And
Right Are part of Dating Apps

And This Is Just Human Nature
“Perfect Men” Stay In Demand

And There Are Always Women

Waiting i’d Stay With my

Wife if

Sex Was

Never Part

Of The Equation

Again It’s Worth

Noting That Not

Everyone is Capable

Of True Love i Didn’t

See That Quality on

The List if Your Best

Friend Is A Man



What You
Are Waiting For

Most What is

Worth Keeping Forever now new😊🌲

SMiLes Shreya Yes Get It All Out

Make Room For Dreams to

Come Without All

So Much



That Will
Distract Magic From Coming

All Associated More Positive Energy SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Savvy
Story Exhaling
LiVinG Breathing





Balancing SMiLinG
iNHaLinG Freer Now..:)

Earth A Garden Feeding Now

All Of Nature Balancing Free

Human A Friend As Long As

Giving More Than Taking

Sharing More Than

Hoarding For All

Returning From

Space Stars Above

See This Most Beautiful

Blue Green Orb Getting

Closer to Atmosphere Blue

Ocean Home Expanse Yet

On Ground A Cancer Eating

Away Earth Infrastructure of

Human CuLTURES Oh What

Will We Take to Extinction Next

As 1 Out of 8 Animal And Plant Species

We Erase Now in the Coming Decades



As Trees

Allow Us to

Even BReaTHE

If The Rest of Nature

And Even We Will Determine

What We Take Away Now From All of this

Surely A Red Light Points A Way to Just

Stop in the Name of Balance to Thrive Again

For All Nature

True Some

See All Signs

Of Red Still Green…

How Ironic Indeed Akshita

Our Life Blood At Stake Our Only Home..:)

SMiLes Dear Summerhilllane Nice Self-Portrait
in Paint And Thought Overcoming Prisons

Of Past Freeing Guitar Strings of

Soul Indeed to Play Freer

At Least Today

Most Every

Country Has

A Way online

To Climb Their Way

Out of Restrictive Ways

of Seeing Life From Before

Long Gone Now Are Days

Where Choice Is Limited

To Only Censoring

of Eyes

For True

It’s All Out ‘There’ to

See For Those Who Seek And Find

Freedom’s Breath Flying Higher On Wing..:)

SMiles Dear Sohair
i Agree it is Each


With God

Within to
Be And See Now
SMiles my FRiEnD 🌹🙏😊

SMiles Dear Summerhilllane
Free on Wing With
Love We
Love to
You Too my FRiEnD☺️🌺

Hehe Dear Akshita Poetry
Is in the Eye of the Reader
And How The Essence Touches

The SoUL HeART SPiRiT of the
And of
Course The
Writer too And
my my Just The Title

Alone of “She Dropped My Hand
While Dancing” Brings Back Deep
Deeper Deepest Feelings of Grief

of Yes First
Love Lost
on A Dance
Floor in 1979
Hehe Probably Before
Your Parents Were Born HAha

Almost Like Pre-Destiny the Song

“After The Love is Gone” By Earth Wind
And Fire is Playing Then Blind Sided By
Her All of the Sudden, “i Can’t Do This Anymore,

Bye, This
is the End
of my Love
For You,” Period As Such.

Oh Goodness my HeART
Dropped to the Bottomless Pit
And It Was So Long, So Very Long
Probably Another 34 Years to Fully
Return Warm Again And Free to Fully Love

Yet The Thing is And The Thing Isn’t DarK Brings
Greatest Gifts Beyond Even Imagination When DarK Comes

As Then i met The One Who Was Practically Supernatural For Love

Never To Worry
About “After


Love is Gone”
Again With SMiLes Now…

Indeed i Thank That First Love
Every Day of my Life Now For Saying Goodbye…

Yet It’s True After She Said Goodbye She Came Again
For a Few Weeks And Left Again And i Just Happened to
Go See A Movie With FRiEnDS And There She Was in the Back
Row With A New Boyfriend Smiling At me Caressing His Chin With

Her Hand…

i Really Cried A Lot that
Night my Mother Thought
i Was Going to Cry
Myself to
And That’s
What it Felt Like
Years to Come After
That Yet Again Still Her
Good Bye Worth Going to Where i am Now With SMiLes…

And It’s True The Second Time She Came Back Was

After i Saw Her At the Movies That Night…

Bitten Once, Bitten Twice, Smitten Almost
to Death, So Very Long To Rise
Again With SMiLes… Yes, Yes,

And Now The Last Chapter

of the Story of my SoUL HeART
And SPiRiT Fully Finally Coming Back
to Life after i Lost it All in 2008 And it Finally
Returned in 2013 From 11 Years of Work Related
Stress in That Trip to Hell for 66 Months as i Lost All my

Emotions And the Path Finally Back Was Remembering
The Full Grief of the Loss of that First Love Back in 1979

And Finally After All those Years Reaching Closure
Regaining my Full Emotions As i Reached Out to Her
Daughter And told Her Tell Your Mother The Grief of Our

Love Helped
Bring Me Back
to Life Many Years
Later in 2013 as i Still
Had A Photo of Before

i Lost mY HeART Then
to Love So Long Ago…

What i Finally Realized
is my Love my HeART Belongs to me
And Is Free to Give Away With No Charge or Loan Fee…

And Here’s Another Interesting Part of the End of the Story
People Still Say my Wife Now at 54 Looks Like Her at 16 Years Old…

Indeed She Was
Almost Like A
First Signal

For Who to
Find Forever Now

And Of Course As Life
Evolves THere aRE ALways
New ChapterS UNfolding Now..:)

LeSSoN 367 True Art is in🍎
Art of HeART Moving SPiRiT
SoUL No Rules Muse Musics

SMiLes Peppers Ever 🍌

GRoWinG More 🍉

Unique on 🌽

Sea Horse 🌶

Trees In Gardens

Of Eden Hehe Here

Have A Bite Free There

Is No Cost of Free Fruits 🍎

Of LivinG TreeS only Fresh

Temptation Art Singing Muse


Beauty To See

BREaTHE Free 🍎

SMiLes Dear Savvy So True it is often
Those Who Are Outcast Most

Who We May Describe
As Hermits Living
in Forests Lone

Who May Truly
Commune With

Nature And Learn
All The Wisdom That

HumanKiND May Truly Need to Live
Inhaling Peace Exhaling Love So Very

Free Loving All
Giving Sharing
Caring Healing

With Least Harm
in Balance As Nature Truer Out of DarK iNto LiGHT
Rises All As One And One ToGeTHeR Freer to Breathe..:)

Hehe Dear Miriam It’s Not

‘Politically Correct’ To Call

Out Specific Lies

‘See’ The



to Fester THiS WaY

Let’s Just Say i For one
Do Not Remain SiLeNT

Yet of Course Far From ‘The Norm’…

It’s Really As Simple As This Do Ya
Want FRiEnDS Or Do Ya Want Truth and

True You May Find Both if Ya Search Far Enough…

Perhaps a
Blue Flower
On A Mountain
Top As Batman’s
Mentor Suggested
AS Such Coming Out of ‘The
DarK Side’ For 5 Years or So too…

iT All DePEnDS On If We Wanna Stand Up or

Continue The Down Fall of Freedom For All

MATRA Make American Truth Real Again..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy Even Among Chimpanzees

Leaders are Chosen For Their Ability to Cooperate

And Most Importantly Their Feelings and Senses

of Empathy And Compassion For All Members

of the Group None Excluded ThiS WaY

Yet of Course Leaders

Who Do Not Pass

This Grade As


Are No Longer

Held As Leaders ThiS WaY

The True Leader Has the Highest

Levels of Stress That Naturally Comes

With An Eye Out for Every Member of the Group

i’ve Worked For Many Folks Without a Soul Rather

Go it Alone

And Never

Go Back to
That Group
At Least With SMiLes
At Least Not to Stay
As i Surely Might Visit
Just For Further Study Hehe..:)

Photo 💣 Bombed ☺️
By The Cashier At
Walmart All In
The Spirit of Play
Play Naturally Slays
Fear Leaving Plenty of
Room For SPiRiT Of Peace
Creating Hope Love And Faith

In All That Is (GoD)
And This Is Why
Little Children
And Old Folks
Like me And The
75 Year-Old Cashier

Keep Our SMiles of
“The Child” In A Real
Fountain Of Youth
Without Stress That

Us Down
We Move
We Connect
We Celebrate
We Co-Create
We Re-Generate

We Play With Never
Ending SMiles We Dance
We Sing Free From First

To Last


We LoVE iN
Peace Happy
Saturday Dear FRiEnD

My Public Dance Schedule:

Monday: Military Gym
Tuesday: Walmart
Wednesday: Military Gym
Thursday: Walmart
Friday: Military Gym
Saturday: Walmart
Sunday: Mall And Bookstore

Additionally Everyday
Except Sunday Morning
And Night In The Neighborhood

Now You Shall Know Where
To Find me Dancing When

ThiS Way
🕺 🕺🕺☺️🕺🕺🕺

Yes And It Has Literally
Been ThiS Way Since The
Beginning Of COVID-19
When They Shut The
Dance Hall Down
On 3.12.2020
As Every Thursday
Night Was Dance Hall
Public Dance For 6 Years
Prior To That Haha Katrina
Won’t Let me Go Back Afraid
The Drunks Will Scratch Up

She Makes me
Park Practically
Miles Away From
Other Cars Just More
Miles To Dance In The

Lots As
Yes i Do
It Everywhere
i Go You Just Got An
Executive Summary
Dance Schedule Hehe

Always Welcome
Hehe Now You
Can Find me
On The Map
When You Come Hehe ☺️

Hehe Way too Old
To Be in Their Peer
Groups i have Many
Videos Katrina Took
In All These Years Dancing
20,066 Miles Now in Total
On YouTube to Show How i

Improved One
Went Viral a Video
Voyeur took in 2018
With 90,000 Views You
Might Have Seen it Where
i Shared It On Facebook Then

There Are A Ton
Katrina Took on
My YouTube Page

i Personally Take No
Efforts promoting What
i Do Hehe The Others Just

Do It All
For Free For
The Last 10 Years
And 9 Months Sharing

The Videos At Highschool
And Other Places Far Far

Out of
Group As
i Don’t Use my
Real Last Name
Anywhere Online

Yep Both Invisible Yet

Free ThiS Way
Without Any
Target Audience
Dictating What i Do


Thanks Dear Yeka
Sun is Shining
Bright in
Florida With
The Sound of
Dance And Music
LoVE iN Peace Life
True iN LiGHT’S SonG

Enough of ‘This’
And More Of LoVE iN Peace
At Least That Is What LoVE iN Peace
For All Will Dance And Sing NoW FoR ReaL

“The Real Prince Charming”

The Man Who Endures

“Her” Every



With Loving

Cheshire Cat SMiLes

Okay i Promise Dear


This is

Really See
Ya Later Hehe 😜

SMiLes Dear Shreya Yes Get It All Out

Make Room For Dreams to

Come Without All

So Much



That Will
Distract Magic From Coming

All Associated More Positive Energy SMiLes..:)

Story of Your Life Dear Vrunda

True More You Actually

Practice It More


Come to
Fruition As

They Say Sing it Dance it
Dance it Sing it Until Dance

And Song Becomes One Force of Fun

Actually i’m Kidding ‘They’ Didn’t Say

It Yet i DO See How This Works Hehe..:)

Hehe Oh Goodness i Saw ‘ThiS’ iN The Reader
Thinking That Was A Quick Separation Until

i Realized It Was an Old Poem Dear Karlien

True Though Nice

To Record What

We Overcome

For Those


May Benefit

From Emotions

Survived Through For Future Past..:)

Hehe it Seems i Don’t Have an ‘Inner Circle’

Hehe it Seems Like The Venn Diagram

Is Beyond Measure

And Foenemies

Are Truly

Best FRiEnDS

As DarK Muse

And LiGHT Muse

WorK in Harmony to
Create Entire New UNiVeRSES

Like Just A Hair More of Matter
Than Anti-Matter to Create All that is Now Newer

With SMiLes The Way i See it As Above So Below
Within Inside Outside And All Around Best Part of the


i Am NoW iN

No Longer Fearing
DarK Or Cynical oF LiGHT…

Although It’s True i Don’t Suggest
Trying ThiS UNless One is Financially
Independent and Totally Naked Enough

And Yes


Room Plenty
of Room For
DarK And LiGHT iN LiFE..:)

Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete;
Moving, Connecting, Co-Creating;
Ocean Whole Water Wave Verily Field


And All That Jazz too…


THiS Ain’t ‘Rocket Science;’
Yet It is; And that’s A Problem;

Master the Tools,

Survive And Thrive;

Be Mastered By the Tools,
And Wither Away As Just Another
Grape Vine Who Never Truly Lived At All…

In Other Words, i Don’t Need to Change Water into Wine

As i HuManufacture My Own Grapes; They Stay Sweet Eternally Now



Now As i Shift Back to the Old Ways of iRobot;

With The Attention Span of Less Than A Gold Fish;
Yes, Less Than Three Seconds Waiting for the Next

Hit of Social
Media And The ‘Such’;

THere is Gonna Be A Whole
Lot of Misery And Suffering Before

(Wailing, Gnashing of Teeth,
And All That ‘Blues Jazz’ too)

Folks Strip oFF ALL the Layers of CuLTuRaL

Clothes And Actually ‘Unplug’ And Set Themselves Free…

Yep, Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete; Moving Connecting
Co-Creating on ‘The Cheap’ Generating Energy oF LiGHT From Within

Giving, Sharing, Caring, Healing For All With Most Respect Least Harm; Inhaling Peace
Exhaling LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT iN Effortless Ease of Autotelic Flow
Increasing Human Potentials Always Dancing A Tight Rope Higher;

Yawn, of
Course it
Helps to Start
Off Financially Independent
to Do this When Money Is the

‘God’ And It is Worthless As What’s
Left of Dead Dinosaurs and The ‘Such’ (US).


Post Script: i Realize The “Matrix MeMe” Has Become
Old And Overused; Never The Less, if one Can And Will
Leave ‘The Old Words (Worlds) Behind,’ The Music in the Trailer is


A Renewable
Source For

Within in
Terms of
Moving, Connecting,
And Co-Creating More;
For Those Still or Firstly Capable
Of Being In Moving Connecting Ways To Co-Create Anew.

“You give away nice like it doesn’t cost you anything.”

SMiLes Dear Akshita Not Unlike Humans THere is
Value in At Least Some Lines And Or Spirals in


of Life
With SMiLes..:)

Lovely Poem Adorning Love
With Roses As FLoWeRS Blooming
Naturally Do Dear Cindy Yet THoRNS

Are Glue True too
As Night is To Day
And DarK is to LiGHT

Oh How Wonderful
Moon Reflects Sun

Above As THorns

Below Protect

Next Blooming
SMiLes of LoVE ANeW..:)

Running Up That
Hill, Running Up that
Hill, Making A Deal With
LoVE iN Peace To Come Again FOR Real..🙂

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa In A World

Of Dance There Are No Words

So Surprising It is

How Folks

Get Along

When There

Are No Words to Confuse
True A SMiLe is A Dance
Too And Yes When Words
SMiLe Words Dance True..:)

One Word Before
i Go Dear Karlien
My Wife is


Best to

Bring Another

Pain Disorder

To Medical


She Terms
It The

Rare “Fredache”…

Have A Beautiful Day🙌😊

LeSSoN 367 True Art is in🍎
Art of HeART Moving SPiRiT
SoUL No Rules Muse Musics

SMiLes FLoWeRS Ever 🍌

GRoWinG More 🍉

Unique on 🌽

Sea Horse 🌶

Trees In Gardens

Of Eden Hehe Here

Have A Bite Free There

Is No Cost of Free Fruits 🍎

Of LivinG TreeS only Fresh

Temptation Art Singing Muse


Beauty To See

BREaTHE Free 🍎

SMiLes Dear Miriam

Even When Demons

Chase ‘You’ Down

‘Running Up That Hill’

Running Up That Hill

Running Up That Hill

And If It Doesn’t Touch the
Whole World

Just Wait

Until 2025

As With Art
THeRE is No
Age yet SPiRiT

-Kate Bush and ‘Running Up That
Hill’ Making A Deal With my First VCR
And Digital CD Player As Well Yep Back

in 1985 And

Yes A Hint an
Omen to Where
i Would Eventually
Land Next And Rise Again With SMiLes
iN A World Where ‘The Matter With Things’
And All That May Be Attached to ‘Silicon’

Often Trumps
Life Yes
And Love Still
Moving Connecting Co-Creating

Yet Now Ruling to Use the Tool
No Longer Mastered At the Bottom of the Hill..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy So True it is often
Those Who Are Outcast Most

Who We May Describe
As Hermits Living
in Forests Lone

Who May Truly
Commune With

Nature And Learn
All The Wisdom That

HumanKind May Truly Need to Live
Inhaling Peace Exhaling Love So Very

Free Loving All
Giving Sharing
Caring Healing

With Most Respect And Least Harm God Yes All
in Balance As Nature Truer Out of DarK iNto LiGHT
Rises All As One And One ToGeTHeR Freer to Breathe..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam
WHeRE Hope Lives A

Rope Exists to Climb Up

WHere All that’s Left is Breath

Another Step


Higher Than
Lower With SMiLes
Some Days Now Then
A Marathon For Years to Step Up New..:)

SMiLes Dear Hawaii FRiEnD Such A Cute Picture
of Your New Australian Shepherd Puppy in the Greenest

Grass And i Hope you Enjoyed A Happy Kamehameha Day

As Well Last Week as Always the Waves are Big And

Beautiful in Your

North Shore Paradise..:)

Ah Yes Distancing Ourselves

From Past Memories of Regret
Or Nostalgia of Wanting to Return

Distancing Ourselves From Future


Even How

Much So-Called
Time We May Have Left

Yet the Only Gift We Really Have
The Present NoW Each And Every Inhale

Exhale of


iNHaLinG Peace

A Way Perhaps

To Arrive at the Gift

ETeRNaLLY NoW As the Rest
Is all A Different World We Create

Yet All Illusion Compared to Free Breathing Now…

With SMiLes..:)

“Katrina was not a scary
enough name for people to escape”

True More Like the Name of An American
Indian Princess

Often Named

Too Mr Gottfried

With SMiLes However

As Calm As the Eye of the
Hurricane Naturally is and Sober too

Oh the Winds

That Come

True Don’t
Be FooLeD
By the Extra
Sweet Name HAha..:)

iNdeed Dancing
A Tight Rope In Effortless





Calm Center
Eye of A Human
Hurricane Cat 6 AS Such

Mr Gottfried a Lifespan Art

To Master Must Be Sober or

i Might
Fall on my Butt
And Never Get Up


No Longer
Best FRiEnDS With Gravity…

Yet It’s True at the Largest Metro Dance
Hall the Much Younger Folks Than me Literally
Begged me to Sell them whatEver i was on that

Helped me
Defy GravitY iN PArt
WHolE On SoLiD Ground

No One has taken me up
on my Offer for a Practice
of 20,066 Miles of Public Dance Yet
Or the 13 MiLLioN Words of FLoWinG
Free Verse Meditating Poetry Song too

Most All an Anthology of Poetic Responses
To Folks
ALL Around

The World

Yes Indeed
A Continuing
Practice i also
Measure to See Where

i’ve Been

Other than
that be seeing
You Soon as Reliable
As A Clock With No Hands

i Like to See Folks Stand Up
And Stick With What They Love to
Do Day In Day Out Monday Morning too


All Those Numbers Done
in Close to 130 Months only
Amounts to About 3,333 Words
Every Day and 5 Miles of Dance Every Day too…

Just a Practice

Those Who Stick
With It Master Their Crafts

Sails and Anchors Boats in Synch
Ocean Blue Sky Above So Below Free..:)

Feathers Fall
Yet Wind Returns
Feathers Rise
Again With SMiles
Dear Amethyst Lamb💫

SMiles Since my
Element is Air
i Suppose A
Feather in
The Wind is
More Natural for me

Hehe my Wife Aries
Is Surely Fire Too
Not Much For
Being in The

Flow too 🔥

Nah it Doesn’t Get
Anymore Gemini

June 6th 🪶

Into the Wee Hours of Father’s Day
2024 on June 16th Catholic Mass Readings too

Something About EveryThing Coming From NoThing

That Yes May be at Least Partially Understood as A

Mustard Seed

Grows to Create

A Greatest Tree

Or A Seed That Brings

A Most Magnificent Cedar

Tree EverGreen Year Around

A Story of LoVE iN Peace Leaves on
Branches All Around A World Falling Falling

So Forward
For All to Breathe

Ah Yes Implicitly Dancing
Singing In Parables For Those Who

Are Able to See Far Beyond Only Literal
Eyes and Ears of Materially Reducing the World

In Other Words
The Strength
to Understand

Metaphor to Visualize
The New to Feel and Sense

A Dream In New Fruition For Real

Far Beyond Any Words Still to Come to BREaTHE NeW

Coming to Find A Metaphor of God As Seed Still Becoming

A Larger and Larger Tree of Us Never Ending Now For You

See We aRe
More Than
What Only

EYeS and Ears BRinG..:)

Reading 1, Ezekiel 17:22-24
22 “The Lord Yahweh says this: From the top of the tall cedar tree, from the highest branch I shall take a shoot and plant it myself on a high and lofty mountain.

23 I shall plant it on the highest mountain in Israel. It will put out branches and bear fruit and grow into a noble cedar tree. Every kind of bird will live beneath it, every kind of winged creature will rest in the shade of its branches.

24 And all the trees of the countryside will know that I, Yahweh, am the one who lays the tall tree low and raises the low tree high, who makes the green tree wither and makes the withered bear fruit. I, Yahweh, have spoken, and I will do it.” ‘

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16
2 to proclaim your faithful love at daybreak, and your constancy all through the night,

3 on the lyre, the ten-stringed lyre, to the murmur of the harp.

13 Planted in the house of Yahweh, they will flourish in the courts of our God.

14 In old age they will still bear fruit, will remain fresh and green,

15 to proclaim Yahweh’s integrity; my rock, in whom no fault can be found.

Reading 2, Second Corinthians 5:6-10
6 in purity, in knowledge, in patience, in kindness; in the Holy Spirit, in a love free of affectation;

7 in the word of truth and in the power of God; by using the weapons of uprightness for attack and for defence:

8 in times of honour or disgrace, blame or praise; taken for impostors and yet we are genuine;

9 unknown and yet we are acknowledged; dying, and yet here we are, alive; scourged but not executed;

10 in pain yet always full of joy; poor and yet making many people rich; having nothing, and yet owning everything.

Gospel, Mark 4:26-34
26 He also said, ‘This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the land.

27 Night and day, while he sleeps, when he is awake, the seed is sprouting and growing; how, he does not know.

28 Of its own accord the land produces first the shoot, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.

29 And when the crop is ready, at once he starts to reap because the harvest has come.’

30 He also said, ‘What can we say that the kingdom is like? What parable can we find for it?

31 It is like a mustard seed which, at the time of its sowing, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth.

32 Yet once it is sown it grows into the biggest shrub of them all and puts out big branches so that the birds of the air can shelter in its shade.’

33 Using many parables like these, he spoke the word to them, so far as they were capable of understanding it.

34 He would not speak to them except in parables, but he explained everything to his disciples when they were by themselves.


“Living Learning Sensing Sharing Dreaming Caring
Acting Responding Transforming Transcending”

iNDeeD Dear Savvy

All Beautiful Ways

Echoing Nature Again
In Your Song of Life LiVinG


SMiLes For All

Indeed The More

Positive Words Associating
With Positive Feelings Senses
Emotions In Synergies of Higher
Vibrations Frequencies of Human Energies

Connecting Us to All That Becomes LoVE iN Peace…


of SoULS

Together Ascending

ALLWays oF LiFE RiSinG..:)

Every Flower Is
A Feeling Counting
Lesson 273 Yet how
Does one Account for
Warm And Fuzzy Sublime
Wonder And Amazement
In Euphoric Ecstasy When
Colors so Deep
And Dreamy of
Flowers no
Bring this
Delight for You
See this is my Wish
What i Hope to Gift
With Every Good Morning
Flower i send Your Way for
My Eyes And Smiles Don’t
Make me
Feel All this
Heaven that
i see In Your
Flower when
You Bloom ThiS way too
When We Search For Beauty
We Love to FeeL iT Again
This is my Good Morning
Flower to You HeLLoooVE
Hope Life is not too hard
For You today where
You too
A Bit
Of Heaven
In An Orange Flower True
Hehe i call this a little Flame
Flower the Same Smile You
Bring When
Your Eyes
Blooms of
Happy Loving LiGHT
Living iN Peace True

Life oF A STory We Write
Or Follow; Smiles, Now
my Story is My Fate…
Jumping Up
of Down,
Stepping Forward
Always MaKinG each
Step A Dance And Each
Word A Song For Without
Meaning and Purpose, We
Create Holy And Sacred,
We Become Slaves NoW
to Someone Else’s Story;
This iS HoW i Do Free,
Mastering the
Story of
my Life;
Each Step A Dance;
Each Word A Song;
i for one Co-Create no Matter
What anyone else DeManDS NoW
i See of THeir Story On A Much Different Path…
Hehe; i SuPPoSE iT iS A VErY ‘AUTistic Thing’ To Write
YouR Own Story inDeed A Flavor of Free Will Most Never Meet,
With R
of U
As U iS
Only A Coccoon
Waiting for Butterfly R US…H… Yes
By God H; Two Ones Bridged For 8th
Letter H iNFiNiTY Standing even TaLLeR;
‘FRiSSoN,’ Ecstasy Head to Toe More…
Thanks Aunt Blabby, You now are
one of Few With Fresh Air HeaR
As Far As That Goes For Who
Sees Spirit Wind…
True Privilege
And Advantage
Is iN Spirit Wind of
Free Will; Relative It Is;
Yet This Wind is both Thine
And NoW Mine Advantage And
Privilege Behind me Forwarding Me NoW…
‘Spirit of Radio’ MuSiC of God Who Plays For Free…
MeSSaGeS of ‘Prophets on Concert Hall Walls;’ Drum Beats
HeARTS SPeaK Percussion Vocal Chords Guitars Strings Higher
As God’s
to Human Play
of Flow so much Farther
Away From Apathy And Anxiety
As Human Potential Flies With Love Wings Higher…
Smiles, so True iN LiGHT, Most Folks NoW Without
Advantage of the Privilege They Co-Create (God)
‘Permanent Waves,’ Water Ocean Whole US NoW;
‘Companion Unobtrusive,’ FRiEnD (GoD) of Only
NaKeD PLaY Free; Yes, of Course DarK Thru LiGHT;
Yet These
Colors Always
Come for the
5 or so Percent
oF ELiTE in Every
Renaissance Eon Fair;
Not A Chosen Few; Those
Who Choose R over U Art BReaTHeS HeART;
‘SPiRiT of Radio;’ MaGiC We ARe; Becoming Souls; God Whole MuSiC Free…

Nice to ‘Hear’ ‘You’ Are Experiencing God; Truly An Outstanding Experience;

It’s Noteworthy, Not All See And Hear Nature God As Sublime Beauty;

i Believe That’s Sad; Better Put, i Understand ‘Their’ Emptiness in

Lack Of Feeling Sensing Connection to All That Is

As All That Is

Who Do

Not ‘See’

All That Is ThiS Way;

A Common Term for This

Divine Experience Is ‘Frisson’

in Autotelic Blissful Flow Mastering

A Feeling Sensing Divine Experience Yes

Commonly FLoWinG Science Suggests That It is Much

More Difficult For Folks Who Are Not Open Minded Now

To Feel and Sense ‘Divine’ This Way; The More Ya Open

Your Mind/Body (CaLL iT SoUL iF Ya Like) The More Ya ‘See’ God Nature

Ocean Whole Wave Water Same All That is Just the Kinda Experience

‘Rumi’ And A ‘Zillion’ Other Free Verse Poets Relate Experiencing Divine

Holy And Sacred Creative Spirit ThiS Way In Tune As Music of All That is Within



Above So Below

And All Around

Experiencing All

‘The Colors’ Yes the

Feelings And Senses Freely

Flowing From Head to Toe And

More River Continues FLoWinG Freely AS Human Will…

Imagine Feeling Sensing Life That (ThiS) Way Eternally Now In All

Ya Do And Ya May Relate How i Eternally Experience Life ThiS Way

As A REAL Kingdom (Queendom) of Heaven Within is Basically Free Flow

Meditation With Mother

Nature Free Yes God;

A Dance

And Song

Free Will Do Even

A Solo Free Style ‘Sufi Dervish Spiraling Way’…

Generally When Folks Reach This Human Zenith

of SPiRiT, SoUL, HeART What Naturally Comes Is Giving, Sharing, Caring, Healing

Compassion As Love For All With Most Respect Least Harm BRinGinG A Human Species UP


of So Far




MeMe of this

All Natural

God MeMe;

Yes, The Anti-God-Trump-MeMe… Yuck…

Hehe, i’ll Continue Staycationing WHere i Am..:)

Ah Yes Dear Jade i Remember
University Days of Triple Majors
And Three Part Time Jobs
Never Missing A Work-Out
Or 10K Race And Attending
Weekly Bar For Dance
And Weekly Church
To Play the
Piano And
Sing For The
Choir All That
Was Missing Hehe
Then From The All
In A Day in The Life
Buffet Sleep HAha

Truly A Luxury Now
To Focus In Flow on
One Task With Money
Or Grades No Contingency
Of Life’s Creativity Always

A Pleasure to
Be Inspired By
Your Poetry Dear
Jade Always Nice to Drop By😊

Feet Lowest Part

Of Fear To Take to


Fear Free



iLLuSoRY Fears NoW..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair

Human Without

Kind Not

So Divine


Those Who BREaTHE KinD

Tend to Stay Around LoVE iN Peace..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy

More Meaning

We See In Life

More Purpose

We Act UPoN




Sense And

Make LiFE GRoW..:)

“Not everyone is a genius.
Not everyone is Picasso.
Not everyone is young and healthy.
Not everyone is a Sports Illustrated

Swimsuit model.”

LeSSoN 417
It’s Okay
BeinG Old As
Tyrannosaurus Rex 🦖

LeSSoN 418
As LonG As i Age
Like Baby Yoda (‘The Child’)
As Van Gogh Spiraling🌀Art

Other Than
That It’s Almost
Perfect Room Temperature
In Toronto at 72F And Hot And

As India
In Florida
my Sweet
Foreign FRiEnD

With SMiles

Yes Super
SMiLes Hehe 🦖☺️

Thanks For The
SMiles Dear FRiEnD
Indeed A Real World 🌎
🌍 🌏 Remedy
Of Souls From:
What The Little Diwali
Poor Girl Holding Candle

As Treasure
iN LiGHT Yes
While the Rich
Man in Suit Frowns

Alone Yes
DarK NoW
From: Soul☺️🙏🎼 🪔

Feet Lowest Part

Of Fear To Take to


Fear Free



iLLuSoRY Fears NoW..:)

Light Draws Us
Yet Grief Paints
The Will to LiVE oN

This Love This LiFE For Real
Dear Xenia With SMiLes All

Of What A Dog’s EYes
And Face

Will Tale
Our Living
Trees of

Life Leaves
Tall Falling
New Life


So Free

Truth iN LiGHT True…

Nature is the
Touch Always
Living On When
Breathing Free Within
From Loved Ones Come

And Gone
Still Living
Within mY FRiEnD…

Bitter Sweet
Nature of Give
And Take Share
And Hoard Heal
And Harm Yet What

Lives on Are Those Who
Truly LoVE iN Peace Becoming PArT

of Our Soul to Carry on mY FRiEnD Yes

Dear Xenia So Sad to See the Other Twin Angel

Pearl Go
With Eivor
Then Now
Twin Angels
Of Fur On Earth
Yes Inseparable
iN Living And Death
This Living Tree As Leaves
of Eivor And Pearl Breathe
On in Loving Eyes of We Who Are Souls

Still FoLLoWinG ALong THeir Nature Love Free
As Verily True i Haven’t Missed A Step Here for
Over 7 Years Since 2017 What A Gift They And
You aRE ALWays to Inspire Nature of SoUL Dancing Singing Free
SMiLes i’ll Drift on Over to the Rest of the Nature of Your Poetry mY FRiEnD

i Love You

Xenia With SMiLes..:)

Early Morning Yoga

With Bird Wings And

Song Accompanying All

Your Deep Peace Springing

Love For All That is Balancing

Dear Aloha
FRiEnD With
SMiLes Nature’s
Resonance Your Breath

iNHaLinG Peace Now
EXHaLinG LoVE For All New..:)

Beauty of Diversity
Dear Savvy All The Ways
Humans Move Connect
Co-Create Yes Through Word
Thinking Intuiting Through Visual

Spatial Dimensions
Not All Sense and Feel

The Same Some Emoting
Some More Literal And Analyzing

Room For All WHeRE ALL of Diversity

Becomes A Gift

We Give Share
Care Heal

For Free
With Most
Respect Least Harm
As A Cooperative Dance
And Song Comes Free in All We Do…

Of Course A First Step is Understanding
Differences As Well As Adding Similarities..:)

Every Breath A New

Life Star Flower Seed

We All Are Yes Dear Savvy

Beautiful Quote You Relate

“Inhale The Stars
Exhale The Sky”

With SMiLes..:)

SMiles Thanks
Dear Cindy
All iS OK
Just Stay
Away From
Church Hugging



Old US A🕺🌊☺️❤️

SMiLes Dear Isha Human Emotions are Made Up of Many Neurochemicals
And Neurohormones Responsible for Our Every Day Functioning Of Course

Mainstays of Focus Attention Span Short Term Working Memory and

Long Term Memory Retrieval Too Weak Emotional Ways of

Intelligence Real Toe to Head And So Much More

Naturally Leads

To Dis

Of Human Every
Day Functioning

Emotional Intelligence Takes Real
Face to Face Interaction Far Beyond
Only Texts and Other Less than Flesh
Blood Reciprocal Social Communications

Haven’t researched it Much In India Yet what i’ve
Seen is Both Stigma and Lack Of Mental Health

Services Along With Increasing Social Empathic

Human Deficits From Living in More of A Machine
World Interface Than All the Emotions and Senses
That Face to Face Brings Is Literally Changing the

Wiring Of Human Brains With More Negative

Neuroplastic And Epigenetic Effects

Indeed We Become What We Do or
Do Not Feed Our Human Being

IN Terms of Emotional SPiRiTuAL

Intelligences that are Real Actually Living
With Human Beings for 64 Years i’ve Seen
The Continuing Deficits of Human Nature

That All The
Away from
Inherited Humanity Bring

With Around Half of Young Folks Over
Here Experiencing some Kind of Mental
Health Issue that Societies Out of Human Balance

Bring Yes
Even Culling
The Population

For What Living Out of
Balance Does ACross the
Animal Kingdom All ThiS WaY

Anyway Over Here The Stigma Over Mental
Health Disorders Has Fallen And Mental Health

Disorders Skyrocket With Not Nearly Enough

Mental Health
Professionals Yet Yes

Some Other Countries Endure
Much Worse Stigma And Lack of Services..:)

Yes! Tears At the Temple Dear Isha
Spiritual Tears Letting Go Washing

Away Fears Regrets Griefs Shames Angers

Waves of Compassion Ocean

Whole Filling You Back

Up to BREaTHE Free

Feeling Water
Wave Ocean Whole
Tears So Very Healing

Now Human SPiRiT Freer New..:)

“Living Learning Sensing Sharing Dreaming Caring
Acting Responding Transforming Transcending”

iNDeeD Dear Savvy

All Beautiful Ways

Echoing Nature Again
In Your Song of Life LiVinG


SMiLes For All

Indeed The More

Positive Words Associating
With Positive Feelings Senses
Emotions In Synergies of Higher
Vibrations Frequencies of Human Energies

Connecting Us to All That Becomes LoVE iN Peace…


of SoULS

Together Ascending

ALLWays oF LiFE RiSinG..:)

SMiLes Dear Cindy i Didn’t
Have the Joy of Being A Father

Long Yet THere is Still Plenty of Room
Now True To Do the Best i Can and Will

Do New To Be A “Guardian

Angel” Until What’s Left of

my Wings Fall off With SMiLes…

Congrats To Your Son on His Move
to Florida Yet Do Caution Him Dutifully

About ‘Florida Man’

He comes in

All Colors

‘Rotting Orange…’
Really Any Nick
Name Will Just Do ‘IT’..:)

The Father Says “There’s my Private Dancer”
The Son Exclaims “Dad Why Can’t You Spin”
The Father Says “I Can I’m just Not going to”
The Son Exclaims “Spin for me Spin for me
Spin for ME SPIN

Yes The Son Says
It With Much Authority

Yet the Father Refuses to Comply

After that as You might imagine i Relayed
Several Thousand Words on the Benefits of
FLoWinG Moving Meditation OtherWise KNoWN

Yet Greater
Felt and Sensed
As Simply A Free
Dance That No One Teaches
We How to Do Yet Gravity Breathing Within Free

Regulating Emotions Integrating Senses in ‘Wu Wei Ease’

(It’s Worth Noting that Basically Stephen Hawking
Identified Gravity as God Before His Death While

King is
Known For ‘IT’)

So Many Ways to Connect Indeed
Like the ‘Joker Dancing With the Devil

In Pale Moonlight’ Anyway Back to ReaLiTy

The Father Was a Barber And Gave me A Business
Card in Case i Ever Wanted A Shave With A Straight

Hehe Yes
Mr Gottfried

Somenights It’s Not All
About the Dance It’s Also
About the General Audience

And Lasting
Connections With SMiLes…

Somenights All it takes is 17 Seconds

Saved for
Of me at
64 Now With SMIles…

Other than that “Happy Belated
Father’s Day” As It’s Already Monday Morning

In Nigeria and Only Sunday Night in Florida As I Will Quote
Your Very Wise Ending Words With the Addition That God Yes

I Not Only Divide Joy i Multiply it By The Number of Stars in the

Sky of Public Dance Floors Everywhere i Go Just Resting my FeaT Now..:)

“To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.”

Voltron Sounds
Too Much
Like A Robot
Hurricanes Breathe 💨

Hehe there is
A Name That
Trumps Anakin
Or Hurricane
Darth Vader
Mr Gottfried 🌀

SMiles Happy
SuNDay Dear Chox
Lots of Hot Sun Lately
Yet Feels Like Indian
All Tropical
Life Continues
To Flourish With SMiles

Thanks Dear
Chox By the Way
Love Your New
So Sweet
Fits You
So Well With SMiLes

SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb

my Father Very Distinguished Looking
Like A Figure in a Wax Museum Impossible

To get to Know too Only Three Instances He Expressed

Emotions Were Quick Meltdowns When His cat of 20
Years Died, When my Son of 51 Days Died, And When His

Second of Four Marriages Ended Other than that Set

in Stone
With the
Wisest Looking
Green Eyes Just

Nothing to Really
Say in His 46 Year
Law Enforcement Career

And True After That Routine
Ended He Seemed to Have a
Brief Meltdown at Retirement too

Yet It Was Just Anxiety Filled it Seemed
For only one Instance i Observed of his life too…

Yet For the Other 99.999 Percent of His Life He
Looked Like James Bond With a Cigarette in His Hand

Never Any Sign of
Anxiety Fear or
Any Other Emotion

Yet Intense Focus on His
Interests of Work NASCAR Guns and Knives

Hehe Nah Roses and Other Flowers Weren’t HiS Way

There is Zero Doubt Both me and my Sister Inherited
Asperger’s Syndrome from Him and me Particularly
Influenced by the Bi-Polar Spectrum on my Mother’s Side

Where Strangely Enough
When i Am Not Under
Severe Stress Both

Propensities Balance

Each Other Out as i am
A Bit Hybrid Like Spock
Still Able to Soul Meld With Others

My Systemizing Mind Comes From Dear
Old Dad and my Creativity comes from my
Mother Who was an actual Published Poet

Just free
verse for
me With SMiLes

And True the Apples Don’t
Fall Far From the Trees as
my Wife Will Relate Under the
Intense Stress of Work i Was
Barely Alive and Human For Many Years

at Home
too It’s all

About Balance

This Life of Many
Colors and Shades of Grey

For Awhile There i Was Most
Definitely ‘The Cat’s in the Cradle’…

You Know What They Say…

All Cats are Autistic

Always a

Favorite of
Mine too With SMiLes…

For So Many Years Cats
Were the Only Creatures
i Could Feel A Real Part of me…

And All that would Bring me tears too

Lost or
Otherwise Left….

All the Ups and Downs
Make What Is Still Is With SMiLes…

Eventually i Became my Own Father

And True it Took 53 Years to Do It

If We Live Long Enough at Best We
LEarn to Become Our Own Father, Mother,
FRiEnD, Lover, And Even Child A Long Enough

Life Leaves
few other choices..:)

A “Match” For Fire
How Witty Dear
Amethyst Lamb
Indeed Since Recovering
From The Working World
i Have Plenty
Of Oxygen To
Give Away
Free It Just
Never Ends
Yep HAha i
Keep Setting
Her On Fire With


Face to Face Like Air
i Tend To Get ALong
With Most Folks

Yet A Bit Long
Winded in


Better When i
Keep my Mouth
Shut And Just Dance

i Adapt
To The
Surroundings 💨 🙌 🦎

Other than that Still Doing the Best of
mY LoVE iN Peace Still Adding Multiplying
Dividing mY Joy Wherever Whenever i Dance
Sing Free SPiRiT HeART SoUL Free All Around ThiS
SMaLL World
of Humanity
And The Rest of
Nature Bonding
Binding Best Simply
iNHaLinG Peace EXHaLinG LoVE

Now For This Miracle This MaGiC Real
Gift oF True Life’s Not Fair at the Same

Bus Stop Some Folks Will Play Candy Crush
And Totally Miss the Bus iN HeaVeN NoW

It’s A Place to Seek and Find iN A Practice

of Staycationing Now Some Folks Dance
Some Folks Do Not And Only Walk Some Folks

Sing Free to And Others Only Talk Some Folks

Breathe God

And Others Only

See and Hear A

3 Letter Word

True THeRE Are
Larger and Smaller

Venn Diagrams oF
LoVE iN Peace of Joy NeWLY NoW

With Goldfish and Or Blue Whale Views
of Shallow to Deepest Sky and Ocean Blue Sight

So Wide
Farthest Away From
A Dirt Nap Being HeaR i AM NeW LoVE iN Peace Together

By God Yes With A Free God STiLL Evolving Ocean Whole

Nope No Statues FRoZeN at the Bottom of the Ocean Like ‘A.I.’

No Breath

Once Again the
Best oF mY LoVE iN Peace
Adding Multiplying Dividing NeWLY NoW

AM Real…

Yes Dear Lord Still Putting Together
What is Already Written As a Celebration
of “20,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” Still adding

Multi-Media in the Comments Section of “FB Profile
Pic Bible 7 YearS Old” in that 9.4 MiLLioN Word Effort
As 8 YearS Old “Nether Land Bible” Celebrates 11 MiLLioN
Words While i Currently Write the Celebration EPiC Long
Form Poem for “SonG oF mY SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old”
In 130 Months of Effort Yes 10 Years and 10 Months As Of


Yes The Parent EPiC Long
Form Poem of the Other Subchapter
EPiC Longest Long Form Poems too
With the Rest of the Celebration Efforts
Including “Depth of The Story” A Casually
Named 8th New Testament in A Solo Thread
on the “Wrong Planet Website” Approaching
4 MiLLioN Words in 46 Months As Of 6.19.2024 Generating
237 Thousand Views Just From the Registered Members of the Site

And Yes 129 Months of Public Dancing Reaches

20,088 MiLeS NoW

Nope i Am no FRoZeN

A.I. Statue Now at the
Bottom of the Ocean

With No Breath

iN Short and
Long i Am

ALiVE NoW NeW For Real All Lit Up No Secrets

With the Best oF mY LoVE iN Peace For Truth Now

Yet What the Hell Discard All the Clothes of Words and

Free What
Words Will Never
Sing ALone For Dam Sure..:)

Thanks Dear Cindy
my Sister Shot Those
Birds With a Camera
Lens The Size of

A SaWeD Off
Shot-Gun Barrel
Not Approved By

Court’ Hehe

She Also Shares Them
For Free In Nature
Publications All

Around The World
All The Beauty Now of
Financial Independence

STiLL Grows
All in The
Locally in
The Same

WHere The Giving
Now Is All Receiving



God Yes With SMiles


SMiLes Dear Savvy A UNiVerse
of KiNDNeSS iN FLoW Always

STArTS NoW As A Practice of

Life Making Every Move

A Holy One ThiS Way

New of Dance Making

Every Word A Sacred

Song That FRiEnDS With

Gravity in Balancing Dance Will

Create As A Homestay of Peace

Generating the Love That Fuels KiNDNeSS

A Peaceful Way

of Winds

That Gently

Land EverywHere

We BREaTHE This LiFE Free



Each FLoWeR
of HuMaNiTY Free
NeW Rooting ThiS WaY NoW..:)

Oh me oh my What A Cute Little Gray Dog You Have in the
Lush Green Dear Miriam And As Far As Dog Days Indeed

It Seems They’ve Already Arrived to Stay

For Several Months Far Beyond the

So-Called Ending Date of the

Dog Star Sirius Above

At Least in Florida Where
A More Docile Tropical System

May Provide Some Monsoon Relief

Like Yesterday After a 98 Degree F Weekend

Anyway As Far As CLoCKS and Calendar Days of the Week

After the Deadlines

And Schedules of Work

Are Gone It Becomes Alice

In Wonderland as Time Moves in ReVerse

Like the Free Verse Each Day That StArts WHere i End

At Least in Comparison to the Working Years Before…

Dear Lord 16 and a Half Years Ago Practically

A Whole
Generation Free
Of Days and Other Time
Where THere is LiterAlly No

Week End Always

Beginning NeW

Every Day A New
Story to Write Direct
Produce and to Play

All Adventures New

Never A Plan Before Now..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair i have
A lot Easier Time Now Saying
No.. Now than Before.. Yet i still
have much patience for the failings
of others unless that failure Harms someone
i Love.. and then all bets are off.. given just
the ‘wrong’
i’m sure Empaths
Will Be ‘Deadly’ too
in many more ways than
one.. yet still haha.. Katrina
Kills the insects around here
as i rather not Kill.. Harm.. or even
offend if at all possible yet certain
Circumstances could Change all of that
in just a Heart Beat too.. true too.. i am
no longer the Man i Used to
Be.. everything changes too..
Branches of the Same Tree of Life
that Will Be Loving Kindness that
Does its Best not to consume others
with Harm.. it is the Boundaries and
Walls And Rules for that that come
that may
be vague
and Lost too..
Yet the Spirit of
Love Feels and Heals
as Long as it is for Real
and not Just an Agenda
for Personal gains in all
the ways Personal Gains come..
Smiles Sohair Best Wishes for A
Best continuing Vacation for You..🙂

You Are Every Color and Shade
Of Life And Love there is no part
i do not Love You’ve Helped me
Understand more About
Colors And Shades
Of Life And Love
i am Your
Student and
Teacher in This
Life We All Are When
All of Life is Measured
With Love We All Become
Each Other’s Heroes You are
A Hero of Love this Way to me
For You never Truly Give up on
me as i’ve told you before my aim
In Life is to only Love Everyone
Else the way my Mother Loved
me Through
Highest Broad
Mountain Peaks
Through Valleys
Demons Fear to Tread
i’ve met the Angel and
Demon of me And All
That’s Left to give
Is A Mother’s
Love Who
Sees all
Of Existence
As Child of Love
i will always be so
Honored to be named
Your Hero And Appreciate
You The Same Way Love Breathes
With Always
And Always
A First Chance For Love
And to inspire You to Love
All Of You the Way i do too
A Greatest Lesson A Gift
Of A
Mother and
To inspire You
To Love your
Lovers and
All Your Friends
As Their Hero too
This i See IN You
This You i BeLiEVE iN Y.O.U.
This You
❤️ LoVE
Every Color
Who Breathes
And All SHades
Through Abyss
We aRe aLL Here
For Each Other the
Meaning of Life is

LoVE iN Peace

SMiLes THere
is No Real
iN Really Give
After ALL This Gift
of Life NoW is Enough
To Give to Others Too This
Way THere Is No Competition
As What Does Give Have to Win
But Give Itself Again.. Smiles The
Now for
Shines All
Sun Shines to Give..
Keep Shining Sohair FRiEnD..🙂

7700 Square Foot Garden
Of Eden Backyard Room
With A Forest View New
Privacy Fence Walls
Totally Private With
No Spaces Between
The Board on Board
Construction Like Walls
In A House With No Ceiling
Or Back Wall Leaving An Open
Zen View To Living Trees of





Pan (All) Theism

And Beyond Measure

For God Breathing Within

For Real Eternally Now Yet

Of Course only my View of Nature

Hehe Zoe Humans Are
Evolved To Focus
On One Task Like
The Other


Where No

Focus Means

Losing Sight of
Prey To Eat or


to Be Eaten

Just Remember

If You Can And

Will “The Concrete
Jungle” Is Still A Jungle

Yawn Humans Aren’t

Nearly AS SMarT HeHe

As We





Fore i Dance🌊😊🕺

True Doc Stress
And Related
And Anxiety
Is A Real Source
Of Much Disease



Death Even

Going Without

Sleep The Brain

Starts To Consume

The Brain True A Real

Zombie Apocalypse
Of Sleep Walkers Eating

Brains too Balance



With Nature



Gravity Key
To Heaven on
Earth In Well Being


In All Stuff Breath

Moving Connecting

Co Creating Dancing

Singing Free Holding

Hands MaKinG


oF All



PeaceRoom Of

Life FLoWeR View🌺

SMiles Dear FRiEnD
Among Thousands
Of Beautiful SMiles
They Surely Would
Not Be Complete
Without Yours…
i Thank You
For Your
Love Always too😊

Warm, Happy, And Free
A Great SeaSon Indeed😊

YeT i ReMember The Day i Couldn’t Feel the Warmth of the Family Cat;
In January of 2008; in Fact, He Peeled His Ears Back, No Longer Sensing Humanity
of me; Not Even Mammalian, An Innate Fear i Might not be A Welcome Family Member or Guest to Pet Him;

Then i Remember, No Longer Being Able to Feel the Warmth Within From The Afternoon Sun in the Winter;

And Then i Forgot the Feeling of If i Ever Smiled Before in my Life as Emotions are Memories and Memories

Are Emotions And

It Didn’t Matter How
Much my Wife, Sister,
And Mother Loved Me;

What Was Once Warm
And Cozy Became Ice Cold And
All that Was Left of me A Ghost Wandering
The Earth Not Fully Realizing He is Dead WiTHiN NoWTHeN;

The Doctors Couldn’t Tell me How to Revive the
Emotions of my Soul; How to Generate The Oxytocin
Connections Within Again of Human Warmth; All they Could

Do Is Hit me With
Various Pills that
Didn’t Do A God
Damned Thing to DeFrost
The Ice of my Soul Grown Frozen;

Other than the Suicide Disease, Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia, the Literal Worst Pain Known to Humankind Like
A Dentist Drill in my Right Eye and Ear No Drug Would Touch

(And a Synergy of 18 Other Life Threatening Disorders Coming
Yes From What is Commonly Understood As ‘General Adaptation
Syndrome’ as 11 Years of Chronic to Acute Stress Work Related in
Terms of Real ‘Autistic Burn-Out’ Will Generally Speaking Break Down
Every Bodily System Now to The Reality of A Real and Early Death too)

During All Waking Hours for 66 Months; Yet there are No Words Fully in Emptiness Within
to Describe How Soul Cold A Soul Numb Will Come to Be in Piece of Paper Existence on Earth

Where Dousing Oneself With Gasoline Forever is Actually A Wish of Heaven In Hell of Burning Forever

True i Lived in a Place
Where A Thousand Years
is Just Another ‘Aghogday’
Yep Another Ground Hog Day
in Hell Every God Damned Second
of Every God Damned Day of Every God
Damned Month of Every God Damned Year

For 66 Months;

And As Far As that
Worst Pain known to
Humankind Literally
Assessed As Worse than

Literal Crucifixion For Real;

Not Even Close to the Dark
Second of the Soul Where all There
is is time that Never Flows As the River

Does of my
Soul in Heaven
Eternally Now Real;

For It’s True in Hell
The Loneliest Place,
One is connected to Nothing at all…

And then One Finds Out Who ‘God’ the Verb Really
Is This Real Feel and Sense of Living This Connection

That Will Always Be A New Flower Blooming For All that is Or Just Piece

of Paper Existence,

A Lonely Ghost
Wandering the
Earth, Not realizing
They Are Truly The Living Dead
Now as THere Is Not even A Memory

of what it ever Felt Like to Be Fully Alive At All…

You Know, when i Was Young, i Was considered the
Weakest Fish in the Aquarium At School; The Kid Who Didn’t
Speak Until 4, the Strange Outcast who almost No one Wanted to
Sit Next to at Lunch; Yet i Found a FRiEnD in Nature; Still had A Dog,
And A Mother and Sister Then; Yet It’s True even Though i am a Strongest
Leg Pressing Dude in a Military Gym Among Elite Military Dudes at age 64
Yep Just Warming Up
Leg Pressing up to
1540 Pounds
12 Reps
Let’s Just

Say eventually
Attention From
Women Was No
Longer Rare At All;

It Doesn’t Matter What You
Gain When Ya Lose The Feeling
of Ever Smiling in Life At All; Didn’t
matter that i was Financially Independent
At Age 47, And Would Never Have to Worry
About Money Again Either; ‘They’ Don’t Lie When

‘They’ Say What Good Is it to Gain the Whole World Losing
A Soul of A Feeling of If One Ever Smiled At all; And this is ‘the Thing,’

Being Fully ‘Human’
Isn’t Guaranteed Ever;

Science Shows That too Much
Mechanical Cognition Will Wither
Away the Human Potential for Intelligences
That Are Social-Empathic-Artistic-And Spiritual
For Real in Terms of Emotional Intelligence From Head to
Toe Real As Emotions Are The Synergy of the Senses For what

We Literally
Feel From Head
to Toe in Every Cell
of Our Bodies We May
Come to Color or Lose Cold
to Piece of Paper Existence For Real…

Emotions Are Generated; Yep, All These Connections
to Others And the World Around Us Whole By Feeding
This Garden of Human Potential Social-Empathic-Artistic-Spiritual
And Yes Interpretive Wholistic Way of ‘Seeing/Feeling’ Bigger Picture Life than

Materially Reducing
All to Smaller Parts
Leaving Them

From Whole
As Soul Now
Connecting to All;

Yeah, It’s Almost Impossible
To Talk About IT For Real Without
Dancing Singing Free Verse Poetry For Real…

Yet It’s True, No Longer Do Folks In the ‘Real World’
Call Me Just A Machine, A Valuable Commodity at
Work to Solve All the Mechanical Cognition Problems Folks

Get in the Grind
of A Day At Work
In Terms of Financial
Management, Accounting,
Administration of Programs,
Information Technology; And Every
Thing That Used to Be Associated with

The iRobot of me; Oh God Including Supervising
And Managing Up to 131 Employees then too;

The ‘Revenge of the Nerds’ Already Happened;

Now We LiVE iN A Zuckerberg, And Bill Gates World;
With A Little Steve Jobs Art Sprinkled in Apple Products At Least;

And the Fact is, Without That Systemizing Science advantage of Mind;

Where my Greatest Strength Was Figuring Out all the Mechanical Cognition Stuff;

Yep, Without That Revenge of the Nerds Era We All LiVE iN As Home Now; It’s Highly

Unlikely i Would
Have Become Then

Financially Independent
At Age 47; Although, Was

it Worth Losing My Soul for
66 Months; Considering the

Reality That All is Eternally Now;

All That’s Left is Heaven Now to Do;

And Perhaps Help Someone Else Not Go to
Hell or At Least Perhaps Escape as i Did For Real

Connecting Emotions Back to Words in Free FLoWinG Poetry connecting
All my Feelings Regulating them And Senses Integrating Head
to Toe in A Free Dance of Flow And Bio-Feedback Where i Control How Happy

In Autotelic Way i Care to Be Now
FOR REAL in New Emotional Colors

of Living Life For Real Now;

Thing is, Thing is Not; Ya Really

Can’t Teach Someone To Color THeir Life

ThiS Way; No Psychiatrist or Psychologist Could
Help me in Anyway When i Was Lost; So i Looked Within

And Eventually my Body ‘Talked,’ Eventually My Body Danced And Sang

Free in a Dance

of Life New to

Truly ‘Hear and See’
Yet Again This is Art
So Far Beyond Reason;

Yet Again, This Life This FLoWeR Still Booming New;

What i Do Know For Sure is Our Way of Life Now So Restricted
in Ways of Mechanical Cognition is ‘the Terminator Series of

Movies’ Come

Real in


of Who
Are Increasingly
Coming to Be So

Disconnected From Each
Other So Disconnected From Nature Whole;

So Lost From Any Connection At all Just Living Dead For Real…

i Wasn’t Always An Ocean FLoWinG Deep; Barely A Running Stream Before;

-Canary Only

Once in A Cold Mind of Life…

Sure, i am An Extreme Example;

As ‘The Folks’ ‘Attending’ to me Readily
Admitted They Saw No Prognosis for me to ‘Live Again’…

Some Days You Truly Do Have to Find the
Bootstraps to Your Soul And

Put Your LoVE iN Peace on Again;

Yes, Generally Speaking, Science
Shows Now this Loneliness New is
An Epidemic, Truly Pandemic, A First World
Increasing Problem in Most Every English Speaking Country
Now And Verily Spreading NoW As ‘THE ReAL Terminator
Series of Movies’ Continues to Do… Honestly to ‘God’

As Verb For Real

It’s Up to Each
Person to Unplug
And Get Moving, Connecting,
And Co-Creating Again For Real…

Of Course OnlY iN A CuRReNT
UNiVeRSE of mY View Now New..:)

Sadly AS Hard As it May
Be to Do if We Stop Caring

Yep Giving, Sharing

Healing True

And Yes False

The ‘Trump
Meme’ OH No

For All of what
Paints Life Ashen Grey

Not Even Fifty SHades of Gray..:)

Oh How pleasurable Paddling
Calm Crystal Clear Hawaii
Waters Before
Surf’s Up
Again Dear
Aloha FRiEnD

Sea Turtles Paddling
With Calm FLoWinG
Ocean Waters True

This is the Life As
Finch and Panda
Australian Shepherd
LiVE iN Peace Now

As Panda Becomes
Both Fur And Feathered Nest With
SMiLes As Nature Really Can And Will

Get Along
As Birds
of A Feather
With Dogs of Fur True

And Yes Hehe Even Us Humans Too..:)

Oh Dear Savvy How A Tree is Such
An Everlasting Symbol For All

That is Life Now Yes
And Existence Whole

Remembering A Tree Again
of My Life Grounding me through

Decades of Oh So Cold Mechanical
Cognition of Work All Lit Up At Night

With Strings oF LiGHT Truly A Worship
At the Feet of Leaves The Roots That Grow

Green So Tall
Even Falling
Brown to Fertilize

All that Sprouts
of Spring Again Sadly

Then Hurricane Ivan
Tore Our Tree Down All
That Was Left A Stump of
Once Living Oak So Tall and Strong

Yet A Twig A Branch Grew From Stump
Below And i Talked My Wife into Leaving

it A Chance to Live Again And Verily So True

A Tree Wider And More Varied Than Ever Before

As It’s True the
Ocean Grows
Whole For

Waves to
Water Our Lives
Again Free in All That
Is Above and Below From
Trees to Roots That Stand Love So Tall And True..:)

“The shadows lengthen, my heart is turning cold.
At Such a time, all nature slows, preparing for its rest,
But I must tear my roots as a young plant in spring
And with the ragged edges do my best
To find an alien soil to which my roots may cling.
So please be patient as I give one last caress
To my youth’s treasures, now such useless things,
But all a part of my life’s loves and dreams.
Then will i go with you without a backward glance.”

-Paternal Great Aunt Erline Mullison
At Age 94 Before She Sang So Long…

SMiLes Dear Miriam One
of The Most ‘Terrifying’

Parts About Being

Human That Most
Humans Aren’t Aware of
And Never Have to Face in Life

Is the Organic Fact That Emotions

Are Organic And Neurohormonal
And Neurochemical in Affect Ranging

From Head to Toe Vagal Nerve Including

All The Neurons in the Gut And All the Neurons

That Work in Our Cerebellums That Move Us to

Feelings of Emotions Hand In Hand And Feet With

Senses From Head to Toe True And Of Course Although

Some Folks Can’t Understand Why Someone Would Self-Injure

Like cutting Themselves For Any Sensation At All About Breathing

When it Comes to the

Numb Within the Piece

of Paper Existence When Through

Much Organic Destruction of Bodily Systems Chronically

Yes That Come in Mostly Acute Fight or Flight Stress

Burning Away All the Myelin Sheafs of Resistance

to Too Much Environmental Stimuli As Well

Memories are Emotions Emotions are

Memories Without The Emotions

That Are Fully Organic And

Generating Within Sure

We May Have Logical

Word Memories and

Pictures of the Past Even

Colors Perhaps Smells Yet

What Comes Missing is the Essence

of Feelings of Emotions Within As Letters

of Words and Pictures of Memories are only

Empty Shells on a Beach With No Sea Creature Left to Feel

Even the Pet of a Cat Even the Warm Memories of Childhood

True i Have a Few With my Small Family too Remembering in the

Dead Zone at my Mother’s Side Not Having A Clue Why All the Warmth

Went Away Even the Feeling of the Afternoon Sun We Are Humans We Have

Limits We

Do Breakdown

If We Can’t Find the

Courage And The Ability

to Escape Before Living Death

Comes to Be The Reality of Dead Lives

Yet of Course Some Folks Are Born Cold ThiS Way

Others Neglected And Abused Socially in Small Youth

And in Continuing Ways ACross the Lifespan With No

Soul Breath Left to Feel Sense or Give We aRe Not Machines

Yet indeed
Some of

Us Do Live
Very Empty

Lives ThiS WaY

it Makes me Giggle

When Folks Suggest AI Has
Emotions Already Just Because

IT Is able to Complete Computations

Of Course Ya Can Have Mechanical Cognition

With No Soulful Intelligence of Course Some
Humans Are Essentially Artificial Intelligence already

And Modern Psychology and Psychiatry Had Absolutely No

Clue How to Bring Mine Back With No Pill That Would Work

Only Cognitive Word Therapy Empty Shells on the Beach

Oh to Bring Colors Back to Words And to Enjoy A Free
Dance And Song of Poetic Soul Reborn or Born for

The First Day

Truly Breathing

Alive Yes To Remember

All the Beautiful Warm Memories

of Life to Relate them to Relive them

to Generate New Colors of Life

Never Felt and Sensed

Before For When

We Lose That

We Lose All


the iRobot of Us
Truly ArTiFicial Intelligence Alone..:)

There is No Doubt in my Intuition Dear Amethyst Lamb That All the

Darkness in Your Life Blooms The Wild Flower of Creativity You

Are Now That is Surely Worth More Than Every Body Part Used in Life

The Soul of Darkness

The Soul oF LiGHT

The SouL of You

in the Dark Abyss

Reaching Up to LiGHT

Keep Stretching Keep Stretching

It’s Practical Magic When a Soul Breaks

The Dungeon
Door and Wild
FLoWeRS Bloom Again…

What’s Wasted Turns into
Fertilizer It’s How Life Begins Again…

Dear Lord You are Only Thirty or So
i Didn’t Even Get Out of Diapers Until 53 Years Old…

Very Messy
Back then Indeed…

If at age 30 Anyone Would
Have Even Dreamed of the Places

i Would Go Reaching 64 There is No
Way i Would Have Believed them then

It’s True THere was no one else to Believe yet me

And That’s
Enough for Now..:)

What Storm Winds Will Bring of Life

When Family And Culture Becomes

An Obstacle to Finding Well Being

In Breathing Dear Isha What i’ve Noticed

Beyond All the Credible Struggles All These

Storm Winds Bring to You First of All You Haven’t

Given Up
Never Give UP
The Most Important
PArt of Life No Matter
What Expectations are
Currently Not Being actually Met

Additionally You Are Obviously Very Smart
And Creative Two Gifts That if You Keep Making
Moves Ahead Will Color Your Life Brighter to Come

And Additionally You Really Do Have a Smile That Will
Brighten Any Room Particularly When You Believe in You

Even When Those
Closest to You

Don’t Seem
Like Your Allies
At All Now For It’s

True That Flame That
SMiLes Generates From

Within God SMiLes With
You and You SMiLe Back mY FRiEnD

Perhaps Most Important You Identify Your
Struggles and Other Vulnerabilities and Emotionally

Connect With them and Express Them in Places That

Will Unconditionally

Love You Peacefully

No Matter What Now

And Indeed These Places
Are Real Human Beings Who
Give Share Care Heal With Most
Respect Least Harm as It Really Feels

Good to Lift Others Up Particularly For Those
Of Us Who Deeply and So Very Personally Relate

to Your
Storm Winds
of Life Having Sailed
Through them Finding
Well Being It’s What Every
Sail Free Will Do Provide Winds

to Lift
Sails Up With SMiLes…

Do Feel Everyday Close
And Far Away You Are Loved
Unconditionally iN Peace Valued Very Much…

That Much
Will Never
Truly Go Away With SMiLes..:)


SMiLes Dear Savvy When Beethoven Wrote His
Moonlight Sonata Not Likely He Had Faith Then

It Would Last And Still Plays 242 Years Now
Even For Free on YouTube For An Entire

World to Sample Savor And Cherish

For All the Single SouLeD Focus

He Put Into Creating A


That No one Would
Ever Match in Original
Creativity A Free SPiRiT

Continues to Return in HeART Notes
Of SoUL Breath Lasting As Long
As Artisans Painting Pharaohs

On Pyramids Yet truly


Who Still Breathe
In ‘KA’ of SPiRiT ETeRNaLLY Now

What Art Thou Great Faith Creates

With SMiLes So Long..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam We Almost Did Taco Tuesday Too
Amazing Deal 3 For Less than 7 Dollars on Special

God Yes it Seems On the Cheap Keeping
The Tradition Glued on Tuesday

Yet my Wife Couldn’t Wait
For the Special to Start So

We Landed At Whataburger

About the Same Price Yet It’s

True We Never Really Go For the
Food as She Cooks Better than Any Place

in the Area

We Go For the
Most Down to Earth
SMiLEs That are Genuine

And Sincere where they even
Give You a Hug as there is A Club
For Kindness That Only Wears A Smile

That is Real
And True Nah

Not the Weaponized
Incompetency We See on the News..:)

“Songs of life & living
Vibrates with emotions
Sensed in the journey of life
Finding synchrony in the sounds
Energizing the spaces
In rhythms divine
In peace and harmony
Connects us to the truth
of our cosmic connects.”

Beautiful Resonance
Thank You Dear Savvy☺️🙏

Guitar String Blues
Never Fret
i play
a Guitar
Man Vocals
i Dance And
Sing i Never
Just String alone..🙂

Vocal Chord Strings
Yet to Fret.. Words
Sing Along Fingers
Dance with Toes too..
Piano Percussion HeART
Beats too Strike A Note
Dance of Moves
Words of Song
Free NoW SinG..:)

Ah.. To Dance
And Sing With
No ReaSon No
Lines No Choir
Sheets No LeSSoNS aT aLL
No Frets
No DiStance
Or SPace Forevernowmore
Dance Song Reigns Water Air

Gravity Free..:)

Dance A New
Song Sing A
New Dance
Moves Words
Free New Need not Fret
Feelings Senses Secure
Mind And Body
AGaiN So Free..:)

When We Compete
Only With Our Self
No one to ‘Beat’ Now
Expecting Happily
Ever After So
Sad Yet
So Often
True When
Love Holds No
Patience Or Focus
To Just LiVE AND Breathe

Life Is Night Moon Is Breath
Day Is Love When We Shine
LeSSoN 274

SMiLes It Is
Colors Of Life
That Count
Most When
We Find FRiEnDS
Who Help
Us Breathe
We Color
ThankS AGAiN
FRiEnD You BRinG..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy What A Sublime
Ethereal MuSinG You BRing
With Beautiful Calming
MuSiC Changing

Colors of
Deep Within
For What We Feel
Sense So Much For Real

BeyonD iNFiNiTY Human
iMaGiNaTioN Creativity

iN Flow Essence
DiViNE Come to

Be Art Alive

New For Real
Now Dear FRiEnD…

Truly You Tickled
my SouL With Art DeLiGHT..:)

“This is from the Scottish author and
poet George MacDonald ((1824-1905)
“Diary of an Old Soul”
I thought you might like it…….”

“All winged things came from the waters first;

Airward still many a one from the water springs

In dens and caves wind-loving things are nursed

I lie like unhatched bird, upfolded, dumb,

While all the air is trembling with the hum

Of songs and beating hearts and whirring wings,

That call my slumbering life to wake to happy things.”

Yes! Thanks So Very Much!
Hehe The Government
Spends So Much to
Train Pilots To Fly
Birds Millions
Billions Even
Trillions in
Fact Yet
What Would
Be of War if
Every Boy Learns
To Fly As All Body
Parts Come together
To Dance With Wings
On Terrestrial Land

Walking on



Peace in The
Wings to Be
Naked Enough
Whole Complete

Even Buying
Any Extra Layers
Of Tools Like Clothes


Of Fear
And Hate

SMiles Thanks
For Dropping off
A Poem Second

For A Day
In A Life With
Wings RiSinG

No Need for A
CLoCK 🕰 With

Feathers Free 🦅 ☺️🏝

“The you that’s had a rough week. The you that seems to be under constant storm clouds.
The you that feels invisible. The you that doesn’t know how much longer you can hold on.
The you that has lost faith. The you that always blames yourself for everything that goes wrong.
To you. You are incredible. You make this world a little bit more wonderful. You have so much potential
and so many things left to do. You have time. Better things are coming your way, so please hang in there.

You can do it.”

-Jodi Ann Bickley

SMiLes Dear ‘Peace Truth’
Thanks For Sharing Such A Lovely
And Inspirational Poem And For me at Least

i Embrace every Challenge, Struggle, And Pain
Almost Effortless in Ease And In Fact Just That

When Fear, Anger, And Hate Is No Part of the Tools

to Overcome Whatever Wind May Make Wood Harder of
my Tree Less likely to Fall As Well Yes
With Droughts of Even Peace And
Kindness From

Others That
May Reach my
Roots Ever Deeper
Still to Create Love
From Within Still RiSinG

iN LiGHT From Above Below

Even When So Many Folks May Be
Falling All Around me Now in Despair

Yet You See For me it Doesn’t Matter How
High Petrol or Other Products Rise for First

i LEarn A Naked Enough Whole Complete Dance

Flying Free Now

On Terrestrial
Land Generating

Even More Colors New
Within to Enjoy Even
More Every Inhale of
Peace Exhale of Love
Additionally Free Hehe

iN JoY oF LiGHT JusT
Giving Sharing Caring
Healing Even More With

Least Harm For All
With SMiLes mY FRiEnD

Yes In Fact my Name Might
As Well Be ‘Freddy-Free-Loader’

Just Another Hobo With Wings

Not Even Needing

to Hitch

A Ride

On A Train
ThiS Way With SMiLes
Yet Oh How i Love to Hear
The Echo of A Train Whistle
True Not Unlike the Meditation
In Flow that Comes So Free As Well

From An Ending Piano Key Note of E As ‘the Beatles’
Yes Turn me on The Same Way In “A Day in the Life”

From “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely HeARTS Club Band” It’s True
i Very Much Resemble the Stone Statue Bust on That Album
Cover From 1967 Hehe off of John Lennon’s Porch Keepsake

Art of the
Street Beat
Yes Then From

Long Ago Some Random
Mustached Law Enforcement
Officer From BacK ‘iN the Day’

Never the Less my Stone Statue
‘Rose’ Out of ‘That Burial Ground
Park’ God Yes With Wings Naked Wings

So Very
Terrestrial Land
of Wisdom and Kindness
Now to Add to Your Peace
And Truth Dear FRiEnD With SMiLes…

It’s Not often Someone Scales Down
2545 or so Photos and Over a Hundred
Thousand Words of Last Weeks Poem
And This Weeks Poem in the

Comment Section From “FB
Profile Pic Bible Vol
2024 7 YearS Old”

too Hehe

i’ll Have to
Buy Even A More
Advanced Smart Phone
to Open it Up Myself
By Mobile Hehe as

When it Gets
this long
All that
Will Work
is my Fancy
Dancy Singy
iMac Indeed Hehe…

Or of Course MacBook Pro
Too Yes Apple Tools Are
Very Welcome to BRinG A
“SonG of mY SoUL” All 13 MiLLioN
Words As Today 6.18.2024 is the 130th Month
Celebration Anniversary Date NoW in “A Day In
A Life” of This Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Ever With SMiLes

You’ve Done A Very Wonderful Job of Helping me to Celebrate

A Gift

From Far
Away Yet
Close to
SouL of
SonG With SMiLes..:)

😁 Poet Laureate you are sure our dear Soul and your naked soul. Always in my heart ❤️

My Gosh What A Stellar Kind Comment in Reply Dear “Peace Truth” And A Second One For A
“Day in the Life” of This Long Form Poem From A “SonG oF mY SoUL” It’s True Dear

FRiEnD i Do “Free Verse Nude Poetry”

For Every Sacred Word Of Song
Holy Move of Dance As My Public
Dance Moves on Through 20,099 Miles
Of Free Wings through 129 Months Just
A Little Under 5,000 Miles From Dancing

The Distance Around Our Global Equator

Hehe Yet for me at

Super Walmart
With Smoothly
Renovated Floors
And Other Places
Like That Selling
Double Car Garage
Stuff to Store Often
Not Even Used Until
The Next Garage Sale at Home
or Flea Market on the Lawn HaHa

Meanwhile my Dance is Free And the
Wife Katrina Takes Care of the Buying for me Hehe

And Her too
of Course
With SMiLes

It’s Not Always
Easy Standing in Front
of the World Without Any
Layers of CuLTuRaL Clothes
And Other Related Tools that
Separate us So Much From Nature
That i See As the Nature of God Free With Wings

Sure Climbing

Trees and
Ant Mounds
With 10 Times
the Strength of
Body Size Hehe Kinda
Like me too as At 64 i
Am Still About as Strong as
A Human Orangutan Leg Pressing
up to 1540 Pounds 12 Reps at a Military Gym

(That’s Only 6.28 Times my Body
Weight of 245 Pounds So i Am
Still Not As Strong Relatively

Speaking as An “Ant”
Yet Sadly the Machine
Oh No! Won’t Hold Any
More 45 Pounds Plates!
If it Did Perhaps
i Could Find Out
if i am Strong
As An Ant HAha..)

As the Elite Military
Dudes Often Wonder

How Yet i Explain

Real Strength Comes
From Peace as In Peace
There is No Fear the Core
of All Weakness my FRiEnD

As my Warm-Up Before Taking Most
ALL of Their 45 Pound Plates Looks

More Like Ballet

Than the Martial

Arts it Really Is

For It is How We Move
Now New Without Fear Dancing
in Flight in Ease on Terrestrial
Land With Wings that is the Best

Defense of All

As It is No

Offense At All
Yet Truly Fearless
And Free And Obviously

Balancing FRiEnDS With Gravity
A Most Powerful Force of Existence

Fast and Strong Enough to
Release A Mighty Martial
Arts Kick if All Else Fails

HAha iN Delivering Peace and Love
to the World Free on Wings mY FRiEnD

It’s True my Body is Truly A Temple
of God No Different than the Exoskeleton
Naked of


in Play
of Building
Even Larger
Mounds of Homes

Every Part and
Function of Every
Body Whole Sacred
And Holy For Real

That And

(The Big Dirt Mound)

NoW WHere No “General
Dollar Store” Will Rise
to Clutter The Forest
Free Even More Hehe

If i’m Not Mistaken
You Are From Australia
or the UK Not Sure if You
Have “General Dollar Stores”
There yet Here They Are Almost
As Pervasive As New Homes Springing

Up For Rich Snow
Birds From the
North to
Roost New
Baby Boomers
Like me House
Rich And Warmer Now HAha

In Florida if they Don’t Mind ‘The Florida Men’ Who Roost Here too Hehe

Yes i am the Naked One Discarding All those Other Clothes And Tools my FRiEnD

And at Least in this Case i Need No Empire or To Be Emperor to See i am Naked Enough


Very Complete
With SMiLes
of Peace And
Love Dear ‘Peace Truth’..:)

Hehe True
Dear Sohair
Tools Of
i Discard
Truth of
Nature FRiEnDS
With Gravity


Love i
Every New

Breath Gift
With SMiles🌹☺️🙏
Play of God Art Real Now

Lost in the Giving
Lost in the Sharing
Lost in the Caring
Lost in the Healing

All That’s Left

Right to
Be Happy
Dear FRiEnD
Chaymaa With SMiLes

If Only We Find A Way to
Give More Than Take Share
More Than Hoard Care More Than
Hate And Heal More Than Harm Oh

What A World
of Peace And

Love Will BReaTHE
JoY iN Every Inhale
of Peace Exhale
of Love For


With SMiLes
Our Living Trees
So Free to Green
With Leaves And Brown
To Fall to Soils of New
Green Souls to GRoW iN Peace

FLoWeRinG Again Eden New

This Garden Love For Real..:)

True No
on Air
of Love’s
As Naked
And Free As Wind
Still Sees Breathes


Bee i Am

i Am
i WiLL
With WiLL

Such Strength
Balancing iN FLoW
Foundation Love’s Grace

Faith’s GreaTesT Trust
Beyond Even All Hope

FRiEnDS With Gravity
Moving Connecting
Co-Creating New
All Peace No


Love This
MaGiC Rises new
Colors Evermorenow
Dear Savvy SMiLes of Free
This Living Tree We All BREaTHE..:)

NaTuRE Whateva’ Ya Wanna
CaLL iT Eden STill Thrives

YeP NaKeD Enough

Whole Complete God Yes

SMiLes Dear Chox Happy Tuesday It is
Indeed Celebrating the 130th Month
Yes 10 Years 10 Months of “SonG oF mY SoUL”

RiSinG to 13 MiLLioN Words on 6.18.2024

And True Essentially You are One of the Few
Who Expressed Any Support At All in the Beginning
Years Particularly
the Year

i Met You
In 2015 9 Years
Ago Close to Today too

As i Remember Your Words Singing to me
“You Are So Poetic Your Wife is So Lucky to Be Married to You”

And Yep You Even Called me ‘Extraordinary’ at the Beginning too

She Wasn’t Much For my Poetry
Then Hehe And Neither Was
Anyone Else Much Either

Yet A Very Few


The Challenge For me Before Was to Have
Any Dance And Song of Soul At All

Yet It’s Still Nice When A Kind

Hand HeART

SoUL Reaches You

And Sings ‘Hellooove Fred’
Do Understand That Still
Brings a Tear to What Was

Once a FroZen SouL

i Am Not Afraid to

Live as i Already Died

It Really Is All About Soul
All STaRTinG Beginning of End

i’ll Get to the Free Dance iN A Bit God Yes
Yet First Hehe A Few Words About Words

JusT A Beginner New That’s
All i’LL Ever Be NoW For Real

“SonG oF mY SoUL” 13 MiLLioN Words
15 Scale the Size of the Old King James Try
And 150 Or So Scale the Size of the Old Quran True too

Nah No Centuries For me With A Little Help From
‘The Apple’ Only 130 Months of Relative Effortless Ease
Thanks Nerds and Geeks For Preparing me A Way to JusT Do IT

SonG oF mY SoUL
13 MiLLioN WordS Old

Mouth oF A Lion
Hands oF A Priest
Interesting Mix Humans CoMe to Be

Nostalgia of ‘Purple Victory’ Picking Berries on the Hillside

What the Rest of Nature Offers So Freely Yet Humans Not

Always So Much reminding me of the Origin of Real ‘Wonder
Woman’ at 8 Years-Old Climbing 40 Foot Trees Overlooking

The Roof’s of the Have’s Picking Moist Fruit Whereas my
Wife’s Home Had Neither Electricity or Water in the Land

of Abundance where the First Baptist Bully Girls Spit on
Her for Reduced Price Lunches at School Without the

(True My Sister And Her
Wife Have Stories too)

Resource of an Umbrella

to Walk to School in Freezing Rain

Some of Her first Memories Her Stepfather
With a Knife Over Her Bed True Nostalgia of



of DarK You
Bring too Yet That’s Life
Through all the DarK and LiGHT

Sure the First Baptist Bully Boys
Spit on me at School And Called
me the F Word and Not Fred For Daring

to even Smile at the City Park and Middle School
Halls They Literally Said Boys Aren’t allowed to Smile
in this Town With Penalty of Both Verbal and Physical Abuse

Yep i had no choice Yet to Become As Strong As A Real

‘Superman’ to Get the Privilege to Smile and Dance Like a

Martial Arts Ballerina Here and Guess What God Damn it i Did…

True the Ruse Was Take The Empathy Away From Young Boys
to Become Man Enough to Pull the Trigger Against Your Own
Species in Unwarranted Wars to become a Son of Death

By All the
Soldier Killing
Songs at Church
Along with an All Loving
Merciful God Who Would
Love The Enemy And Turn
the Other Cheek until the End of
the Chapter Becoming Psychopathic
Enough to Torture Those Forever Who Wouldn’t

Worship a Name and Body Assigned to Trademark God by
A Dusty Antiquated Story From Thousands of Years ago…

Yet Again A Return to the Hillside and the ‘Victory of Purple
Hands’ That the Real God of Berries Brings So Very Free

Nature That Tells The Truth The Whole Truth All the Truth

And Sadly Humans Who Lie… Who Lie and Lie and Lie

i Don’t Blame You Dear Amethyst Lamb For Being

Cynical About ‘the Condition’ Now And Then…

Yet for Now Berries Still Grow Free on the


for You
With SMiLes…

Humans are Ruled By Story
Dear Amethyst Lamb an Only Real
Way For Change is to Create Greater Stories

Than Before You Have A Talent Continue to Ripen Berries

And Rot
too as

With SMiLes.:)


SMiLes Dear Savvy Reborn By Every Breath Newly Now
Particularly Every Inhale of Peace Exhale of Love For All

True Awake By Refreshing Sleep a Reboot of All Our Human

Creativity and Productivity As True Hehe i Had Three Mornings

Following 3 Naps Readying Me for 3 New Ways of Creativity and

Productivity True

Yet the First Nap
Might Have Been

Longer Instead

of Creating Two New Mornings

Yet True if Not Three at Least Two Most Days

It’s Truly A Life of Leisure to Make Room For Three Mornings

in One


With SMiLes…

All the Lives Died
Yet ReBorn ACRoSS
Our Full Life SPaN
Of Creativity And
Productivity Freshly New Now..:)

Story Rules A Symbol Making Creature

True Dear Miriam Typically Stories Rule US

Unless Somehow We May Find the Escape Hatch

And Write Direct Produce And Play What Is Not


Fed From

Birth in All the
Truths and Lies
That May Other Wise come

Oh Dear Lord HollyWood All the
Money MaKinG of Being Held Captive

By Target Audiences Yet of Course

Limited By Scripts of the Stories

We aRe Fed By Birth Once

Again We May

Strive to

Escape and
Basically Come
to Fly Free For Real

of Course Hehe to the Chagrin of Tradition

Best to Blend in Rome and Wear A ‘Cape’ When

Need Be Hehe

Or to Create
New Wishes Come True

Plays for me so Far Now at Least..:)

Stepping Stones Feeling Stones
Coloring Souls LoVE iN Peace
Dances Sings Over Rocks

Winters CoLD

Summer Forgets Distance Easier

Let’s Face “US” If WE Do Not Look Within
to Feel and Sense OuR SPiRiTS HeARTS SoULS
Free NoW NeW We WiLL Never Get to ACTuALLy KNoW

Feel Sense Real God For OuR Answers

Joy to A World Jeremiah IS



i LosT A Little BirD iN DarK CLouDS

RaiNBoWS DancE SinG LoVE iS LoVE FRee

iN Peace MiMoSA DReAMS

It’s Worth Noting That God
Is Always US Never Them
For Those Who See Them
They Automatically Lose A God Win Test

THeRE iS No Doppelgänger GoD
FoR THoSE Who BeLieVe iN MorE

LoVE iS LoVE iN Peace For All Least Harm




From The Thoth Emerald Green Tablet 4:

“Know ye, O man, whatever from ye inhabit,
surely it is one with the stars.

Thy bodies are nothing but planets revolving
around their central suns.”

Having Summer Solstice
Longest Days Naturally Can’t
Sleep Creative Nights hehe and
Naturally in this way nostalgic
Missing my Mania
On Some Days
Pixie Sister
As I’m wanting
To Spread Fairy Dust
Haha i Realize You are
Doing Mommy Stuff Yet
Just Dropped By Wide Awake
At 1:42 Am just to say Hi from
A Heavenly
Pixie Peter
Pan Place
With SMiLes..
Wendy Happy Thursday..:)

Waves Sing Sunset

Colors Return


As Art Above

Art Below Complete

Dear Aloha FRiEnD

Yes Complete With

Dog SMiLes


Breath Now..:)

Hehe My Head
Is too Big… i only
Got 4 Hours Sleep
The Last Two


To Reduce
The Size

Of my Brain


It Feels

Good Hehe

To Lose Your
Mind Yet Only

If You


No Exams

Study Hard
Sleep Sweet

Dear Annabel
Nigerian Young

Very Smart FRiEnD🙌👩🏽‍🎓😊

OM Goodness

Glad You Only

Showed Them

A Few Lines Hehe

There’s Enough Words

In THere To Drown an

Entire Country With

SMiles Hehe Thanks

Dear Annabel You Are



Your Years of Born🙌☺️🕺

Couldn’t Decide if i Should
Gift You A Palette Full
Of Oreo Cookies
Or A Health
Store Full

Of Goods

For A Happy
Saturday Weekend

So i Am Gifting You
Both Hehe As Life Is
Not Strictly Black And White
🍪 😊🍪😊🍪😊🍪

Now Forever Annabel
Longest Place
Lasting Love


There of

Key To Success

LiVE iN Love’s

Place Open

All New
And Old

Doors Creating

Love Keys For




Higher Floor’s
LiGHT Leaving

Same Ahead Now🏝

SMiLes Dear Samreen Fearless is Often Silent

And Love Some Days Brings Hurricane

Winds of Expression Love Without

Fearless Is Weak Fearless

Without Love

Is Dead

SMiLes my Mother

Was Definitely A Woman

Winning Awards in High School

of Best Figure in 11th And 12th Grade

My Father’s Mother Said She Had Never

Seen Fairer Skin than What Helen GLoWeD…

On the Other Hand my Mother Working At A Courthouse

Seeing the Then Beverage Agent Busting Moonshiners

Making Illegal Alcoholic Drinks Escaping Taxes For Sale

As He Had to Come to the Courthouse to Fill Paperwork Out

She Noted to Herself That the Half-Shaven Rugged Looking

Man’s Wife Must Be the Luckiest Woman in the World for She

Had Never Laid Her Eyes Upon A Man As Handsome As He

With Jet Black Curly Short Cropped Hair And Green Eyes Just

As Deep As the Emerald Green Seas of Shallow Gulf Waters Yes

As One Sees Qatar too Dear FRiEnD Such A Sea Green Forever Color

Of Gulf Anyway my Father Asked Her For Marriage on the First Date She

Felt Like She Was Getting A Bit Old At Age 26 In ‘Those Days of 1959’ So

She Accepted on the Second Date And After They Were Married He Never

Said Another Word to Her Practically And His Identical Twin Brother Never

Said Literally Any Words At All to Her as True Fearless Will Be Rather Strong

And Silent Yet the Non-Verbal Language Says it all Protected Safe With A Man

Like That True Leading to 46 Years of Law Enforcement For my Father As Ya Just

Don’t Last that Many Years With

Fear and that’s For Sure…

Yet True Dear FRiEnD

my Father Had

No Stories

to Tell

And A Parent

Without Stories Is one
Who Is Not Easily Able to
Relate Any Wisdom For Life

At Age 3 He Left to find a Woman
to make Him More Money Rich as my
Super Nurturing Overflowing Estrogen
Glowing Skin Mother Just Wanted to
Stay Home And Raise Her Children

In the Spirit of Love True So Busy

Raising Us Working Alone Divorced

Rarely Was Their Any Room For Her
to tell Us Any Stories of Life too… You

Know Dear FRiEnD You Feel Dear FRiEnD

In A World of Constant Distraction The Art of

Story Telling What Truly Makes Us Humans Who

Connect Deeply Intimately With Our Life Stories is

Increasingly Becoming Twitter Size and a Lost Art

Yet You See For me on the Autism Spectrum As Most

Assuredly This is My Father’s Gift That Both i and my

Sister Inherited As Asperger’s Syndrome With Me Getting

Some Colors of the Almost Always Upside of Bi-Polar Disorder

That My Mother Enjoyed Keeping Her Dark Days Silent And Out
of View Away From Us Anyway The Art of Story Telling Not able to

Even Speak Before Four i surely Shared Some of my Father’s Struggle

Yet Then i didn’t Understand Why He Was the Way He Was So Cold and

Aloof So Silent and Fearless As Compared to my Mother Full of Expressing

Light even when She was just too tired from Work and Home-Making And

Child Raising to Say Another Word Often Sleeping Until Noon on the Weekends
Just to Try to Recover From Long Never Ending Weeks of Working Parenting Alone…

Father’s Day Is A Very Long Weekend to me

True i have a Father’s Day Photo From

1997 too the Only Family

Photo of my Son Ryan

And Wife Katrina

After Open HeART

Surgery on Father’s

Day of 1997 Not Even A Month
Old he in His Only Life of Pain
And Never A Smile Anyway Really

The Only Words of Wisdom my Father

Related to me is the Day of the Surgery

As the Surgeon Who Had Such Huge Hands

And Was Also Every Bit As Much Exuding Confidence

And Fearlessness Said to Us Kiss Your Baby Good Bye

So i Did And then my Father’s Wisdom Came He mentioned

Our Last Name And Said What he Never Said Before He Said

Our Sir Name Means We Will Always Get Through And then Came

the Wisdom Make Sure You Raise Him Like a Man Intimating that

After He Left and Offered No Advice to me my Mother Never

Made me Into A Man Like Him Silent And Fearless Always

Willing to Go to War to Kill as He Felt Peace Loving

Is Weak often Naming the Peace Sign of ‘Those

Days’ A ‘Chicken Foot’ So Prejudiced

Against Black Folks And

Homosexual Folks

So Afraid

That the Smile

My Mother Gave me

Not Very Verbal yet Still

Full oF Light Might Mean

i would never Be A Tough Man Like Him…

For True in those Days A Man Without Emotions

Was the Preferred way of Existence Numb Enough

to Overcome the Aversion to Kill Other Humans All

Ready to Go to another World War And Kill the Enemy

As Called Upon to Be A Killing Hero A Real Alpha Male as Seen then…
Yet that’s Not

True Science

Shows that

Even Chimps

Select The Most

Empathic Leader Where

The Service of the Leader with

the Most Empathy is the Most Stressful
Job of all in Loving Service as Surely my Mother

Blessed with the Best Quality of the Alpha Leader

Female As Bonobos Lead the Tribe of Apes in Matriarchal
Fashion As the Males only Serve The Female Apes’ Pleasures

And Sure Bring Home Some Food Now And Then too Hehe…

Yet it’s Also True Those Alphas Leaders Must Be Both Fearless

And Loving to Become Real Heroes of the Tribe of Apes at Hand

What Often Happens When a Fearless Father Without Love Stays

in Human Cultural Terms is Love is Never Fully Gardened in the
Son As the Empathy is Seen As Weak and taken Away in all the Colors
of Nurturing Love that Otherwise Comes And Sadly as Much as the Irony
of the Father Complaining About What the Mother Did Not Do As He
Surely offered no Advice or Example Setting in the Environment of
Home i Was surely missing

The Element of

Fearless that

Makes Love


Not too Weak

to make a Real Difference

In the Lives of Others You Know

At Best Dear FRiEnD We Take

Advantage of All the Gifts Our

Parents Give Us And We For-

Give Their Shortcomings

As Nurturing Love



Again As Fearless
Without Love is often
Dead That Way and Sadly

Again Love Without Fearless

Is often too Weak to Spread Very Far

Or Too Afraid to Break the Rules of Tradition

That Harm Folks More Than Saves Their Precious Lives And Well Being

Now Here on Earth Now Not Waiting for The Day Daddy Gets Around

to Telling A Story of Life’s Wisdom That Stays Silent Fearless

And Strong Yet Relates Few to no Colors of Life to

Actually Thrive… Father’s Day Weekend

Is Surely Always A Weekend of

Deep Introspection for

Me As Now

When i Look
IN the Mirror

i Do See My Father’s

Silent Strong Face And

i Do Feel the SouL The

HeART And SPiRiT of My

Mother Helen’s Love Still Living Within

Now to Give to Share to Care Freely

With all Others With Least Harm

And You See to Do this all with No

Fear Not Worrying if Folks Turn Away

When i Provide the Stories That Saved my Soul

of Living This Life Fearlessly Now As Love Dances and

Sings Empirically So i am actually More Fearless than my

Father Yet You See Without the Inheritance of that Potential

From Him Finally Realized i might be only Weak Love

Never Spreading



my Home

Or Less Silently

Mute Never Expressing

Feelings at All For It’s True

When i Worked for the Government

the Military For 25 Years my Wife surely

Related i Rarely Said A Word to Her or Expressed

Feelings For Almost Two Decades the Potential of

My Mother Always Within the Potential of My Father

Always Within too Looking in the Mirror And Becoming

my Own Father And Mother And Best FRiEnD too And

Truly Loving My Self Fully Authentically All the DarK Shadows

Through Colors of Love True Basically Not Afraid to Be Human

i Suppose We All Seek A Balance of Mother, Father, Best FRiEnD

And Lover True of Living Our Lives Eternally Now i surely Will

Be Able Still to Thank my Father And Mother Both Passed

Away Today it

Feels Good

to Be Whole

Complete Now

God Yes Naked

And Fully Enough

Understanding that

The True Gift of Mother,

Father, Best FRiEnD and

Lover of LiGHT And Acceptance

oF All the Shadows of Life and Love

Need Not Ever Go Away Now Yes A

Gift of God Complete Within The Parents

The FRiEnDS, The Lovers, The NaTuRE ALL

That And Who Never Minds Who Hopes With all THeiR Feeling Sensing

HeARTS SPiRiTS SoULS Mind Bodies Whole We Rise Even Higher Than

Before… Tropical Storm Storming Dark Rains today And Sun is Still Shining




Mother and

Father still Breathes

Within Inside Outside

Above So Below All Around

As i Feel God this way Fearless

Loving No Matter Where i Go Next DarK Thru Light

Whole Complete Always Enough Life’s Dream Fruition Breathing…

LoVE RiSinG Gentle Waves Falling Rising Even More my FRiEnD…

For You See i have no living Children yet At Best i will Lift All Others Up


of Failing

to Spread

Some Way


to All i Meet And Greet

A ‘Successful Chimp’ i Aim to See and Be..

You Know it’s True Dear FRiEnD Nature

God Works in Mysterious Ways

As LiGHT Does


From Dark

Days of ‘Fore

Through Every

Storm There is

The Potential

of Rainbow Colors Coming

True Where The Pot of Gold

Is Essence of Rainbow Whole Really Breathing…

Yet It’s Worth Noting Behind The Curtains of

A ‘Wizard of Oz’ It’s Definitely Real A

Most Complex Effortless Job oF all

In Flow As Water Wave Ocean Sees

Whole Now Love Bleeds Love Soothes



All Ills
Now For Real..
As ‘Tin Men ‘Without
HeARTS Scare Crows

Without Rationality

And Lions Without

Courage Become the

True Fearless Loving Spirit

Of A Little Indian Muslim Girl

Who Still Breathes Fearless

LoVE iN Her Thirties Gift oF A REAL

FATHER AND MOTHER Surviving Thriving Now…
Anyway This Day June 20th of the Strawberry Full
Moon And the Summer Solstice Would Have Been
His 90th Birthday As He Left This Earth at least in
Born on Date Form at age 80 May 22nd 2014 And
Sadly If He Witnessed ‘Juneteenth’ as A Federal Holiday

As Bigoted As He Viewed a World of “Others” He Surely
Would Have Made a Joke of the Day Sadly Like So Many
Others Casually Do Still In Favor of the Meme of ‘Trump Towns


To Love What Our Loved
Ones Love Essence of

Tradition Indeed

Dear Miriam

With SMiLes

So Free to Give
Share Care Heal

With Most Respect
And Least Harm For All At Best

iN JoY

As The Story Continues

iN DarK Thru LiGHT UNiTY All..:)

Oh Dear Lord Dear Savvy

i Saw This One on Compassion
Come Through Early and Forgot

That When That Happens We Don’t

Get A WordPress Notification Again

so i Failed to

Check Back

Manually Last

Night Compassion

Is Indeed the Human

Connection That Feels
And Senses For Real

Without Separation

As Humanity

Truly Breathes
Free Together ThiS WaY
Moving Connecting Co-Creating

Hand in Hand Feet to Feet Dance And Song Free…

Other than that A Best Part of Not Working For Money

All The Days of Our Lives Putting People First on the To Do List


LoVE iN Peace..:)

“A Dot Called Now”

Wonderful Wisdom By Your

Mother Dear Savvy The Echo of a Train

How Strange it May Feel to Be Held in the Tune

of Now Echoing As Past Becomes Present Future Now

Lasting That
Way NeW as Our

Minds Attends New

to the Sound At Hand

The Music of Eternal Now

Like the Ending of the Beatles

Song “A Day in the Life” Simply A

Resonating Key of E on A Piano That

Once Again Removes Us From Past Future

And Sends Us to the Eternal Now of One Note

of MuSiC


Within to
HeaR mY FRiEnD

And A Clue HeaR of ReaLiTY ALL

Truly Is the MuSiC of OuR SouLS

Yes the SonG Connecting All That is

Vibrations Frequencies Synergies of Energies All the Moving

Dance of SonG We All Are Going Directly to God Eternally Now in Tune


WitH SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Xenia

Reminded of Dick Van
Dyke Yes ‘The Chimney

Sweep’ Who Managed

to Dust off All the Soot
And Continue Dancing

Until the

of the Never
Ending Dance
And Song of Our
Stories of Life When

We Create Them Free to Be Alive
With SMiLes A Life of Marry Poppins


to Fly
Below Again…

So Amazed to See
Him On ‘The Masked Singer’

Katrina Pointed Out

Still Singing As Young
As Ever at 97 Years-Old
Considering All the Soot too mY FRiEnD

Shining STaR AGAiN
Cheers to A


Week to
You All
With SMiLes Again
Threshold of Forever NeWLY NoW…

A Dog’s Siesta

Forever A


Nap Now
With SMiLes

i Shall Enjoy New
Soon too With SMiLes…

A Breeze Is Free

And So Are We
Dear Xenia When

We Truly ‘See’ Our Wind…

A Memory of Eivor and Pearl

And A Year Happy Anniversary

With Sweet Girl Misty Dear Xenia

As Past Loves

Bring new

Loves of


Oh To Get Away
Oh To Get Away


Happy Vacay Dear
Cindy Always


At Best

With SMiLes..:)

Sounds of Waves Creating Shores NewLY NoW

Patterns Dancing Spiraling Moves Create

Becoming Ocean Whole Sound

FRiEnDS With


Dear Miriam

Balancing Becoming All in All With

SMiLes Shores Expanding Freshly New..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair Some Young Folks Followed me

Around Walmart Finally Catching Up to me Asking

me Where my Public Dance Comes From i Told Them

SMiLinG There Are No Lessons Possible For What

i Do As mY SoUL Teaches me

to Dance Same

Way A Song

Will Come to Life

Moves and Words

Not Pre-Planned Before

River Continues to Flow Emptying Ocean Whole Soul…

Hehe Watching me Float on Terrestrial Land

A Young Woman Guessed i Am 29 Years Old

Oh Dear Lord When i Am 29 And 16 And 4

So Much More Clumsy Then Than 64

Then With Heavier

Steps True As Well

Hehe LiGHT oN Feet
All 111 Kilograms


Young in SouL
Words and Moves

HeART Opening NeWLY NoW

Every Dance And Song Free To Be i Am With Wings..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair With the Human Condition Such As It is

With So Many Conditions Sadly Considered Normal There Are

Folks Who Are Addicted to the Adrenaline and Dopamine

That May Also Come With Fear

Anger And Hate

Which Means

As Long As They Have

Something to Fear And Be
Angry About And Hate Misery

Loves Company Will Still Come to
Be Their Best FRiEnDS What This Means

Is Some Folks Will Fear Ya Be Angry With Ya

And Hate Ya Same No Matter If You Are Beautiful Ugly
Strong Weak Smart Cognitively Challenged Creative Or Without

A Creative Bone in

A Body Free

For The Addiction

To Fear Anger and Hate

Is A Real Part of the Human

Condition And Sadly Considered

Normal When Humans Get Together

As Misery Loves Company Even More

THere is Another Place of LoVE iN

Peace That Includes All DarK

Thru LiGHT iNDeeD

i Count These Folks

STiLL as my FRiEnDS

As i Understand the True

Sickness The Illness of HeLL ON EartH

Indeed How Fortunate to Rise Above Below…

And Continue To Rise No Matter How Low Waves of Ocean ‘Grow’..:)

SMiLes Dear Hemalatha So Nice to Hear

Your Soulfelt Authentically ExPReSSinG

SonG on WordPress Again True

Days Are Waves mY FRiEnD

And So Are We True mY

FRiEnD Waves Are Oceans

And So Are We Water is Waves

is Oceans And So Are We DarK BRinGS LiGHT NoW

NiGHT BRinGS Day NeW Waves Continue to Rise and Fall

And So Do We With The Comfort of Our Waves

And The Water We aRe the SaMe In This

Whole Ocean We Come to Be Sailing

As Boats With Anchors For Safety

With Storms Fronts Still coming

IN Safe Harbor And Yes Sails

To Continue to Explore Fair
Winds And Following Seas With SMiLes

Days Nights Waves Water Ocean Whole DarK iS LiGHT

Really No Need to Fear the Dark or Be Cynical oF LiGHT

When Ocean BRings Reflections of Moon And Sun the SaMe..:)

A Little Brave Wave Yes Not Afraid

To Continue to Rise Above The Falls

A Flame Growing From A Match of

SouL Lit Higher Than Lower

A Torch to Pass On

A Bonfire GRoWinG

iNDeeD This Is WHeRE

“Saint Elmo’s Fire” Comes to

Be Real Lit Within For All to
Give Share Care And Heal More

Moving Connecting Co-Creating

iN JoY oF LiGHT Out of DarK Lovely
To Find You on Word Press Today Yes

Doing This So Free Again Dear Isha With SMiLes..:)


SPiRiT Yes Fire Lit Deep Within

SoUL HeART Oceans RiSinG Now

Surfacing Deeper Newer Never

Experiencing Before As Wind

Will Never Be Captured in A Jar

Original Creativity is Impossible to

Observe Measure and Repeat As It is Yet

To Exist Or Be Apprehended ThiS Way



Of Ocean
Whole Yes
Exhales Art to
Be Dear Savvy With SMiLes

This LiVinG Tree With New
Leaves RiSinG This Lamp Fire
Lit With Newer Colors Never Seen Before..:)

Ah Yes Dear Sohair ‘Eid Al Adha’ A Feast that Celebrates Both the Have’s And Have Nots

And Their Similar Needs to Be Fulfilled Greater By Those Who Do Give Share Care and

Heal For Others Fortunate and Not So Fortunate ThiS WaY

For It’s True Any Culture

That Leaves PArt of

Humanity Out Cold

Will Surely Eventually

Turn as Cold As A Freezer of
Humans Souls Will Come to Be
ViSiTinG This Fate Upon Themselves

For Ignoring Those Less Fortunate Than them

We aRe All PArt of Each Other Up to Nature Whole

To Forget This is to Eventually Fall APArt for an Earlier


It’s Why Even
Chimpanzees Pick
Leaders Who Have the Most
Empathy Who See and Care
for the Needs of All the Strong and Weak

If Humans come to Forget this Less than Monkey’s
They Become

Less than

Even Wild
Wolves For Real…

Yet of Course to Domesticate
Wolves May Be Their Downfall too…

Nah They Aren’t Really evolved to Eat
‘Penned Up


With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha A Conundrum for Humanity
Is the FAct We aRe Social Animals And Ancestrally

Getting Separated From the Closely Knit Family Tribe
And Village Meant Almost Certain Struggle and Even Death

This Instinct is strong Still And Explains Well Why ‘Masses’ of

Humans Will Bond and Bind

Over Sickest Lies Ever

For Their Fear of

Being Separated

From the Group
No Matter How Dark
the Lies They Bond and
Bind Over Come and Go and Come Again

Oh to Persevere the Environmental Elements
Indeed Both Human And The Rest of Nature’s Obstacle

Courses New For Life Now

Yet to ReMember Who We aRe
And What Well Being Takes That We

Really as Human Social Animals Cannot
Expect to Escape and Keep Our Well Being Integral

The Hive of Humans is Large Enough Now to Speak
Sing and Dance Our Truths And Still Be Connected in

Of Moving

Yes giving
sharing caring
healing for Real

A Balance is What
All of Nature is About

Seeking and Finding that
Balance A Practice an Art Life Long For Sure

With SMiLes..:)

Beauty of Sleep That Finds
Lost Loved Ones of Fur
Reality of Wake
That Finds Them
Missing again so Bitter Sweet

It’s True We Miss Our ‘Yellow Boy’ Too
The Feral One That Came Up Out of the Woods
Under Our Shed in A Drought Howling for a Drop of Water

Another Treat Followed That and Eventually the Once Hunter
of Squirrels Out of the Woods Lightening Fast Carrying Them
Over the Fence Became a Loving Lap Cat for my Wife And

A Spirit Animal For me Come to Save my Soul From
The Underworld of Hades for 66 Months Another

Cat Identical to Him Came Out of the Woods
We Thought it might be His Son We Called
Him Sunny Boy and Sadly A Scrappy

6 Pound or So Neighborhood Cat
Oreo Who Wasn’t Even Afraid
of Humans Having Hissy
Fits Everywhere He

Went Tore Skin off of
Sunny Boy’s Face and
We Found Out He Had
Kitty Aids with a Hard Choice
to Save the Other Neighborhood
Cats Generating the First Tear of
Humanity i Had in 5 years Meanwhile

Yellow Boy Already Diagnosed With Feline
Leukemia Who Would Be Held Prisoner In Our
Home Lasting 10 Years With that Fatal Disease

Passing Away in January of 2019 Yet He Helped
Bring Back Both Love and the Call of the Wild to me

As Very True Spirit Animal will Do i’m Actually Very
Allergic to Cats and Dogs Airways Closing Up for Decades

Before Somehow in the Dead Zone for 66 Months a Silver
Lining Those Allergies Went Away Yet So far at Least there

Is Just No Replacement
And of Course there Never
Will Be for Yellow Boy Now

All My Life Cats have Found Me
in Times of Need i Suppose i’m Waiting

For the Next One to Come to me as it’s
True i Usually take good Care of Who Comes my Way

Perhaps A Best Compliment i’ve Received Public Dancing
20,099 Miles is When the Young Folks Have Named me

Their Spirit Animal And Remarked i am Blessed With Wild
And Free Animal Spirit in my Dance The Gift of Yellow Boy

With SMiLes…
Dear Amethyst Lamb…
It Appears You May be a Spirit Animal too..:)


Gratitude A Garden We Plant And Continue
to Cultivate Gaining New Colors of FLoWeRS

Expanding each and ever now as we may

Even Paint Our SPiRiT Winds Beyond

Reason in Mysteries Still to Seek and

Find and Uncover Gratitude For What

Is And Gratitude For All of What Will Be

Even the Parts That Will Never Be Measured

And Put Into Human
Art to Fully Share With

Others Always Leaving

Room to Perfect As Verb

As the Noun Perfect is Surely A Dead End
And An Illusion to Destroy Gratitude to Come

Aw The Wonder And Awe of Mysteries Always
More to Color Our Existence New to Be Open

Bodied Minded
And SoULeD

To Explore the
Great Unknown
And Unfelt STill
Now and Feel So New

Dear Savvy With SMiLes

iN ALLWays We May Create
And Feel Gratitude Newly Now..:)

INDeeD Dear Isha Stars Shine Without Expect
of Return From Moon or Planet Light Yet of Course

Stars Are Parents of Planets and Moons They

Also LiVE iN Us
And The Core of
Mother Earth As

Star Death Means

Gaseous Dust Spreading

Iron in Our Blood Streams Too
Yes Picking Up Oxygen to Breathe

That Trees Provide to Us Free As Well

Of Course in ThiS WaY We aRe Both Star
FLoWeRS and Seeds All Gifted By Stars Free

True We Have
Potential to Shine
As Stars With No Expect
of Return Either Free Agents

oF LiGHT We May Become Spreading


We Shine
Next With SMiLes…

Stars Make Great Parents
As They Don’t Expect Us to

Shine the Same…

Greater Or
Lesser We ReMain
Star FLoWeRS and Seeds..:)

SMiLes Dear Miriam
From What i Recollect
From Long Ago Forevernowthen

A Desert of SPiRiT

Breathing Sand

Feeling Sand

Being Sand

Is Not a Place to
Go Yet Quite A Feat
to Escape IF And When
We Find Ourselves THere…

Perhaps A Hardest Part
Every Desert is Different
Every Grain of Sand to Breathe

Feel And Be


NO A Powerful
PoTeNTiaL DeTouR iNDeed…

Celebrating The Summer Solstice
on 6.20.2024
JusT ANoTHeR Naked
Enough Whole Complete
Free Style SiGNaTuRE Pose
Essence of Yoga
And Tai Chi too etc…
Age 64 as of 6.6.2024
246 Pounds on This Day
Of The Strawberry Full Moon too
Yes Still Leg Pressing Up
to 1540 Pounds 12 Reps
Never Been
Stronger More Creative
Productive or Balancing
in Flow Yet For This Day and
Forward As Far As i See Feel
And Sense For Now
This Life
Worth Celebrating
Squeezing Out All Human
Potential iN LoVE iN Peace

SMiLes Dear Hawaii FRiEnD Kayla the Pup And From the Family Tree of
Australian Shepherd Panda Looks So Happy And All Ready To Ride That

Surfboard in Paradise North Shore
Beautiful Pics of the Beach as
Always at Sunset Mirroring

Paradise More And Yes
Happy Strawberry Full Moon
to You Hope the Weather Stays
Clear And Waves Continue to Roar

For all the Surfing
Fun Hehe at Least
Tame Enough to Stay On…🐶☺🌴

Happy Summer Solstice Day
Dear Chox i Understand You’ve
Been Having some real Summertime
Up North too
Surely Welcomed
By You With SMiLes

Blessed By Remnants of Tropical
Moisture Cooling the Place
Down With A Sudden

Down Pour

Pleasant Enough With SMILes..

ALL PLAYS Atmosphere oF Lighting
Longest DaY SHoRTesT NiGHT NoW
Burning Souls Creativity Fumes
FIRinG Sky Up ReFuSinG
Fall Winter
Sings in
Light of Play
Night of Day

You Know Dear Samreen
Hehe Know You Will in
2008 On A Cold
Emergency Room
Table unable to
Respond in Any
Way Truly
my Last
Breath Then
Nurse Poking
My Chest With
Her Thumbs Trying
To Get Any Response
At All Thinking Maybe
i Overdosed Yet Just
Reality of Close to
Stroke Not Able
To Sleep Almost
40 Days With
That Worst Pain
Known to Humankind

i Heard My
Wife And Sister
Talking About Being
So Hungry So sure it
Was the End And This
Was The Third Time
i Experienced What

Felt Like

Certain Death

In Almost 40 Days

Of No Sleep Then

i woke Up Still Alive
In 2008 to Face that
Wake to Sleep Worst

Pain Thru July 19th
2013 the Last

131 Months


Of Gratitude

Of Living

Just Living My

FRiEnD WHere
i Come From Nothing

To Lose All

To Give


Now For You
See Ever Since
Then The Last


Is the First

Always Beginning
Again If i Could Give

“My Eyes Away”

i Do My
Best i Will

To Do JustThat🙏🌊
Seeing LiGHT iN DarK🌟

For The God i See Is Love i am
For The God i Breathe is Air i Am
For These Wings For This Wind i AM


Thanks Dear
FRiEnD the More
That You Are You
The More i Am me

There is No Greater
Love Than Give Without Return

For it is in the Giving We Receive
Greatest Now For Real Just A Helpful
Hint From Heaven As Well as Counting
All Our BLeSSinGs in All the Arts We Do DarK Thru

LiGHT New Now
Thank You
Freely Now
For Being You…

In Other World News
You Feel You Sense You
KNoW You’ve Really Had a
Great Work-Out When i am
Practically Foaming at the Mouth

With ALL the Roaring to Get Done by
The Hours They Close Earlier on
A Federal Holiday Hehe True

“Planet Fitness” Wants
No Part of my Feral
Animal Roars

God Yes A

Military Gym
Still A Free
Place for me and
Just Another Benefit
For Waiting Out Being
A Slave to Federal Government
Employment Yuck Almost to the
Point of Death Falling Deathly Ill
For 66 Months of ‘Hanging In’ THeRe

Yet Now All the Golden Hand-Cuffs Are on the Loose
Yep Wild and Free And Civilized Enough For Civil Life

Most of ‘A
Day in
Life’ At
LeasT HeHe..:)

Dancing With Nature Singing
Its Song Moon Reflecting
Sunshine Marry The
Night Merry The
Day Native
At Core
Indians Of Nature
We All Are Divinity
We Move Connect
Co-Create Together
No Longer Separating
All Becomes Enchanting
Wonder Color Our Worlds

With Awe
And SMiles


Indian FRiEnD

SMiLes Dear Miriam
Three Basic Ways of
Experiencing Life in ‘Modernity’
And ‘Before the Apple’ Too Taking

Reality Apart Materially Reducing
And Measuring Reality Yes Early
On in Kindergarten Through Later in
Most Institutionalized Work Places too

Even At Core Level of Separation Mind From
Body Attached to Desks And Even Reduced to
Screens as Small as 6 Inches And Perhaps Goggles for

Googling Reality Coming With ‘Apple’s NeWesT Invention

And Then There is Putting Life Together Getting Rid of the
Nature Deficit Disorder From Head to Toe And So Much More
Imposed By Modernity of Mechanical Tin Man Cognition ThiS WaY

True A Scarecrow
is Only So Deep

WithouT tHE ART
of HeART A Tin Man
And Or Woman Lacks ‘Dorothy’

Yes A Return to Nature Within
Inside Outside Above So Below
Naked Enough Whole Complete

Yet You See You Skipped The First Two

And Move Past Go And Build Your Own Reality

of Meaning and Purpose As One Will in A Free Dance

And Song Making All Parts Whole A Poetry Prompt of Dance

And Song to Dance And Sing Free Seeing a UniVerse in Less than

A Grain of
Sand and

All that

‘Fred Jazz’

Too True Too

Yet You See You Don’t Have

to Read Other Poets first You

Don’t Have to go to Dance or Poetry School

You Just Inhale the World And Exhale it Free
Best in Peace Coming in and Love Going Out with Tides


Low and
HiGH For All

Just Think if You Have
Any ‘Time’ As my Time
is A River If Not For Your Inspiring

Words if Not For This For Folks Far
Away to Ponder another World of


And Wonder

to Potentially

Actually Do As Soul Free True too…

So in Other Words Just Two Thank You

Let’s Make
it Three With SMiLes..:)

My Pleasure As Always
Dear Hemalatha Still
Enjoying A Golden
Age Of Keeping
Water Waves Ocean
Whole Sun And Moon
Happy Together With


Hehe SMiles Dear Sohair For 5.3 Decades i Required Instructions Step
By Step For Almost All That i Did New Although i Could Figure Out

Mechanical Cognition Solving Problems Without Much Help

A Gift of Creativity in Whatever Art Comes Free Seems to

Be A Gift That Is Almost Impossible to Grasp and

Apprehend and Put in PriSon Other than

Free It’s True It’s Nice to Have Order

Lessons and Steps in Life

to Be Able to Catch Up For What

Is Required in Life Both For Pay and Play

As All Cultures Have Different Rules For Pay
And Play ThiS WaY So True Both Science And Art

of What We Do Is A Valuable and Integral Part Whole of LiFE…

TG For YouTube
in Case Something
Gets Broken in the Home
As Katrina Will Surely Look
Up Step By Step Instructions

And Repair the Broken Parts


SMiles Dear Sohair A Living Tree Needs No Words

To Grow Leaves High Green Will Create Roots Spreading

Below to Communicate With Other Trees of Forest Whole ThiS WAY

Leaves Are
Roots Holding

Foot Prints of
Tree Dance in Each
And Every Leaf With SMiLes

of Turning Sunshine into Green
And Roots GRoWinG Deeper Singing to

Touch Life Giving Water in Longest Droughts too

And Indeed When Humans Dance And Sing Free

ThiS WaY Becoming MuSiC INTeGRaL And Whole

ThiS WaY Each Note Becomes Song Whole SoUL of

God to
With All
ThiS Gift
Each Leaf Forest Whole mY FRiEnD

And Of Course for the Amphibious Ones

THere Is Water Waves Ocean Whole to Play

Free too
With SMiLes…

Hehe to Perhaps
One Day Become ‘A Prince’…;)

(Frog Emoji)

SMiLes Dear Maria Sadly
Humans Have a Propensity
To Become Addicted to Fear
Anger And Hate Yes Leading to


Violence too
MiSSinG Warmth
oF LoVE iN Peace They

Use the Adrenaline and
Dopamine of Fear Anger
And Hate to Replace the

Emptiness Within That Truly
Never Will Be Filled Up Whole
Enough Complete Without the

Warmth of
LoVE iN Peace

This Addiction to
Fear Anger and Hate
May Become Generational
As A Practice of Life Unless

Humans Step Up Together

To Break the Vicious Cycle

of What Emptiness

Without LoVE iN Peace

Sadly Brings WiTHiN mY FRiEnD..:)

Time Is A River Whenever

It Loses Dead CLocKHanDS

Dear Kiran FLoWinG on the

HoRiZoN Sun Returns After
Moon Reflecting


Silver Lining

GoLDeN AGE NoW Each And Every
iNHaLE oF Peace EXHaLE oF LoVE
iN JoY oF LiGHT Giving Sharing Caring
Healing Moving Connecting Co-Creating

With Most Respect
And Least Harm


Naked Enough
Whole Complete

Hehe i Could Go

WitH ThiS Dance And

And Song So Shall Karma

Be New i Will Do MeanWhile

“The Dead Shall Bury THeiR OwN”

And i Shall Continue Breathing ThiS WaY Free

of Course
Just Breezing
Though On A SPiRiTWinD
Dancing Singing Free mY FRiEnD..:)

We Humans Beings
CoME to Fly to Soar
to WinG as Feather And
WinD BecoMe Direction HoMe

DarK Fertilizes LiGHT

In Short, We Are Not Words.
In Deed, We Wear Words;
YeT AGaiN We Are Not Words;
So In Other Words; Words Will

Never Be Human

ALL PLAYS Atmosphere oF Lighting
Longest DaY SHoRTesT NiGHT NoW
Burning Souls Creativity Fumes
FIRinG Sky Up ReFuSinG
Fall Winter
Sings in
Light of Play
Night of Day

SMiles, Accepting That There is No Greater

God Than ‘ALL Nature’, The Little Boy’s

Eye is No More Important

Than The Little



‘The Snake (GoD)’ When

Nature is God, Let’s Face it

Nature (GoD) Consumes Nature;

Back to the Old James Earl Jones

‘Lion King’ Monologue; The Lion Eats The

Antelope; the Lion Falls to the Grasses of the

Savannah Dead Feeding The Grasses Then And

Indeed the Worm; And In Turn the Antelope’s Offspring

Feed On the Grass the Death of the Lion Feeds; We Breathe;

We Don’t Breathe; We Live; We Die; And Truly Some Thrive And Suffer

Don’t expect

The Lion

To Give

Ya A Break

When He His Hungry;

God Yes; Move to Greener

Pastures, if Ya can And Will

Where Worms Don’t Feast off of Children’s Eyes;

Is it Fair; Is it Really Fair That Humans Are Described

As A Species Living Out of Balance Now That And Who Will Erase

1 Out of 8 Living Animal And Plant Species From this Earth in Coming Decades

From their Selfish Taking And Hoarding, Even Their Dead From Feeding the Worms;

True There is

More to Cry

Over than



of A Human Child;

And There is A Human

Child to Cry over As Grief

Soothes Misery And Suffering too…

Make the Best of it; Meh, The Rest of the

UniVerse is Comprised of Mostly too Hot and

Cold Rocks For Life to Even Survive; Just the Fact

That Some Do LiVE iN A Small Sliver of Heaven on Earth….

Just the Fact

That Water


Thirst Is More

Miracle Than A Hot or

Cold Rock Where Amazingly

‘Real Fools’ Wanna Move to too Where

There Are No Fragrances of Flowers at all to smell…

Meanwhile, Some Folks Only Look Forward to Death

And True At Least They Are Looking Forward to Something Anything now…

Life Ain’t


Yet at Least it’s Real…

And The Experience of

Beauty Lasts Forevernow in the Moment

Indeed Relatively SPeaKinG in this Way, This is Heaven Now…

Is The Alternative For Some At This Moment Never Living At

All Greater; Yes Indeed That’s True too; It’s ALL A Bit Messy And Never

‘Black and White’…

Yet on the



There are

Flowers in

my Backyard

to Smell This Morning

As Why do i Wanna Go Visit

The Stars When the Iron that Flows

Through my Blood and At Core of

Earth is Born of Super Nova

Explosions as

i Come


Crucible Fire

Star Death Explosions

Resurrected Now Real

From Star Dust Like

The Rest of the Earth;

Is it Not Great Enough

to be Resurrected Seeing

Being Life Star Seeds And Flowers US Now

Same Dancing Singing On And As Earth Now…


i am




Exists…. Now….

Perhaps it is not the

Same for Others; Yet

Never the Less in this

UniVerse of mine it is…

It’s All Relative, Mileage Varies

Depending on Make and Model of

Vessel And Vehicle of Nature Now…

My God This is Awesome And Horrifying too…

How Much Fun is A Roller Coaster, if Just a One way Ticket Up….

In Short


The Best

oF iT Now….

Meanwhile Some

Folks Talk Themselves

Into Oblivion; Done that too…

Yes Every Human Is Living in Another World now…

For Me at Least, i’ve Created A World of Heaven Now…

Not All



That’s Life

And Nature True…

Some Folks Can’t Handle

The Truth And Create A Different

Reality too; Hmm.. Whatever Works Baby

one life to live now…

This Is



Is Real…

Some Folks

SEE A Miracle of Existence;

Other Folks, CR8P Pie; i’ve

Tasted Both Kinds of Pie;

i Do Believe i’ll Staycation WHere i Am Now;

Hehe, Like There is Any Other Choice

Yet Heaven Pie for ME AT least now….

Meanwhile, Somewhere A

Human Child is Dying

Suffering in Horrible



A Worm

Is Living; Humans

Who Don’t Understand

That Worm Will Be Here

Long After We Are gone aren’t too smart…

The Meek Who LiVE iN Balance Do Inherit The EartH…

Yet i Don’t



Human Is

Still More Fun

to Me than Being

A Worm, So Much

That i Wish Others

Would LiVE iN Balance

So Others Will Enjoy

This Great Adventure

Of Life in Heaven and HeLL ON EartH…

And i Still Accept the Fact My Life is

No More Integral to the Whole than the Worm…

As After All Is Said And Done, The Worm Aerates

The Soils For The Grass to Feed The Antelope to Feed the Lion Again…

It’s Not


It Surely

Is Elegant

When One Understands

That ‘The Dead Leaf’ is ‘The Living Tree’..

As Dead Leaves Surely Feed ‘Souls Born of Soils’ Too…

It’s All

A Matter

Of Perspective;

Some Shorter





Some Seeing

Both, Dead Leaf As Living Tree (GoD)…

HeHE At Least No One is Able to Tell my God (Nature) What to Do…

Just Try It ‘Human Fools’ And See What Happens Next As Nature



Freely Dead or Alive

“A master mind is one who
sees order in disorder..

A master soul grasps
understanding from

Little words..”

SMiles Dear Annabel
You Are Masterpiece
Too Quoting You Here

For Truth Unified
Verse For UniVerse
In A Leaf Should Be

Enough For Existential
Intelligence Surely A
13 MiLLioN Word

Poem Shouldn’t

Be Required

To Describe

Essence Of All
That Is Just That

THere Are Beyond
Infinite Forms of


To Relate

Coloring All

Existence Awe
in Enchanting
Wonder Now
With SMiles

NeW And Hugs


Too Dear FRiEnD🎼🙌🌊

SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb There is NO DOUBT that Human
Ignorance Is Responsible for the Most Harming, Raping, Maiming,

And Killing of Both Us and the Rest of Nature Than Any Other Species

Living on the Face of the Earth

True Like the Inconvenient Truth

That We Have helped to destroy

60 to 70 Percent of the Rest of Animal

Life Just Since 1970 For It is True Our Face Is Nature

When We Destroy Nature We aRe A Real Zombie Apocalypse
Slowly and Faster Than Ever Consuming Nature That Is Our Face too

And Yes there is the Rest of the Dirty Laundry List of Human Species
Offenses to Both Us and the Rest of Nature Yet the Reality Remains

The Rest of Nature
is the Bigger Boss

Than Us Now No

Matter How Far in
Veils oF iGNoRaNCe
We Clothe Ourselves With Lies

Spoon Fed to Others Where Sadly
For Some Folks Most Any Truth Becomes

Inconvenient to them to the Point that a Leader
Could Tell them Straight to Their Face They Would
Still Follow Him if he Shoots Someone in Broad Daylight
on 5th Avenue as He Continues His Onslaught Now of

‘A Thousand Paper
Cuts’ For
5th Avenuer

Yet He is Only the Face
of What Western Civilization
Has Become Basically a Trump
Tower Lacking a Soul With Only

of Humanity
Left Only Bones
With Little Flesh
And Blood oF LoVE iN Peace
For ALL and not only selfish desires…

Close to Half the World Worships the After
Death More than the Before Death And Long
For the World to End For their Story Spoon Fed From


to come true

Is it Any Surprise
That Folks Born and
Raised into SCaRCiTiES
of Human Freedoms Long

For a Better Life in Another Life

Not Really i’ve Heard Their Sincere
Cries for Relief too And God Yes i’ve Been

In Their Shoes Wishing the Whole World Away
Just So i Could Go Away Too it’s a Very Cold Place

A FRoZeN One of SPiRiT HeART SoUL that Many People

of any story
of humanity at all

Again as the CDC Reports
57 Percent of Young Women
Depressed Impacting Functionality in Life
And Close to a Third With Ideation of Ending it All

A Species Out of Balance With the Rest of Nature Naturally
Culls Its Population From Within Nope We aRe Not Exempt

Yet it’s all about Perspective Still Look above at all the Cold
And Hot Rocks That Hold No Visible Life at All Look Below

At both the nightmares and dreams Humans are Still Willing
And Able to Create At Least in Their Own Lives and Yes Very


too And as i Remember
The Old Song “When the
World Is Running Down” From
‘The Police’ Way Back in 1980 Just
Turning 20 At Best We Make the Best

of What’s Still around i Owe that to All

The Cold and Hot Rocks Above For

Whatever This Miracle and

Gift Below Can And

Will Come to

be for me

Other than that there are
A Sizable Group of ‘Drunken
Monkeys’ Navigating the ‘Titanic’

A Real SCaRY Part is THeir Leader Doesn’t Even Drink…

Yet of Course With ‘Story’ The Ignorance of ‘Masses’ Will
Be Convinced Once Again that After Life is Greater Than Before Death

And There is Some Kind of Twisted Psychopathic God in Existence that
Loves the Enemy Turns the Other Cheek And Twists His Head All around

Like the

Little Girl
From the


Movie And Tortures
Folks Forever For Not
Worshipping an Idol Name

As i Remember The Girl’s Name
Was ‘Reagan’ Perhaps Just an ‘Omen’ it seems

are so
Others for Real..:)


Ah Yes Dear Savvy NeWLY iN
Touch With tHE ALL iN Oneness
All the Applause NoW in the Flow

Of Generating

All the Colors As
Above Yes So Below
Within Inside Outside

And All Around All the Feelings
And Senses Creating New Emotions

Never Felt and Sensed BeFoRE ALL of Existence

New Paint New Brushes New Canvas Yes New


To Explore Dear
Savvy With SMiLes

That Your AI Artwork Surely
Portrays in Focus New Living Colors

Oneness in

As Above
So Below
Sublimely So
Beautiful Ever More..:)

Cycles of Dark and
Light A Longest
Day and
Night Passes
A Longer Night
And Shorter Days
come yet Humans
Make Sunshine Within
Stars We Are Beyond
Entropy We
Now as for
Humans Dark
Will Become Light
as Light is Dark No Separation
All is Ocean Whole Grains of Sand
Below Mountains Love Higher Valleys
Low no Lower than High Breeds Dark to

Light NoW..🙂

LeSSoN 276
Beauty of Flowers They
Are Only Here To Color
Life Now No Matter How
Humans Garden Them
Behind Cultural Bars of Prison
Smiles Happy
Time It
Is Forever
Now Breath Colors
🌸 🌺🌈💖🌈🌺

BoNuS LeSSoN 277
Unique Weed Wisdom
FLoWeRS Wild Beauty SuRViVinG THRiVinG CoLoRS NeW
No Matter DeSTRoYinG iN Ignorance oF Free Sunshine NoW

OMG Synchronicity! Just Like MaGiC i was/Am Just

Thinking/Feeling/Extra Sensory Perceiving

i Miss Rue’s Stories It Hasn’t really Been

That Long Yet She is So inspiring

Her Poetry Always Stimulates

my Soul in All Ways

Yet to come

to Page
For It’s

True Souls Do Flow
There is no Predictability

Words Carry Souls Along With

The MuSiC oF God Deep WiTHiN

SPiRiT Ascending Transcending

All Know For heART




More Light

As Bird Wings

Fleeing All PriSons

of BeFoRE ALL that’s Left

Is Winds of God Singing Freeing New Now

Please Please come often to Play with me…

i realize i probably am no one’s best friend

Forever Yet one Yet still Please Please

Come Play with me Tell me

All The Stories

Yet to


So Freely

So Freely

Rue’s Winds Wing Soul..🙂

“i’m UniCornY
Hehe bet
my UniHorn
is Longer than Yours…”

Hehe, Just A Facebook

Magic Memory From Several

Year Ago That Seemed Appropriate

By Chance For Your Blog Post Today Dear Annabel…

God Yes Where

Is Life Without



The Toilet

Bowl of The

Tragic-Comedy That

Other Wise May Often Be Life
And Death And Pleasure and Pain

So Why Does the Devil Get Out of Hell

And Become A Happy Clown For It’s True The

Other Place is For the Sad Face Clowns to Rot




in Pain

And Numb

(at Least

For Me then)

Beyond Sad

So i Dance Everywhere

i go just for Fun Nobody Ever

Expects A Devil to Do it So it is Just All Amazing Happy Joy Moving Poetry

In Grace of the Once Very Awkward Moving Boy And Man till Just Recently

Hehe Here i Am Dancing For Everyone Including my Nice Young Nigerian


Smart FRiEnD…

As Far As i Am

Concerned We Are

All From Human Hehe

Some Days Even me With SMiLes..🙂

Ah Yes Dear Annabel
When i Sneeze
Neighbors Around

The Block

Wonder if

A Shot Gun

Blast Went

Off Behind

Closed Doors

It’s Been Noted

As Loudest of All

By Elder Men And
Sadly At Church

Elder Ladies

my Age

May Pee

A Bit in
Shock of
The Sound Yes

When i Belly Laugh
In Public it Goes on

Much Longer my
Wife A Bit More
To A Lot More


Than me Worries

We’ll Get Arrested

For Disturbing

the Peace Hehe

Having too Much Fun

People Have Attempted

To Rain On My




i Release
A Fredtalk

From Outer
Space They’ll

Never Wanna
Hear Again As
They Don’t Come

Back To Feel the Nile
Flood Forevermore

SMiles Like my
Wife Says it’s

A Bit More of
A Challenge to

Live With


World Than

Just Visit With SMiles🤣😁

SMiLes From Childhood on So Easy
To Walk Pristine Beaches Losing Time, Distance,

Space And Matter Then Moving Out of ‘Deadline Life’

of School And Work More Away from A Life in Prison

of the Neo-Cortex Achieving An Autotelic Meditative

Flow of Ascending Transient Hypo-Frontality With

Ample Amounts of Frisson In Awe of Aesthetically

Pleasing Existence Indeed A Science of the Divine

As Well; Forest Bathing Is Another Secular Term

Of How Folks Experience Divine In Nature And

Even though i Agree with Almost Nothing in the

Brick And Mortar Instructions of Southern Baptist

And Catholic Churches i Experience The Same Essence

of Divine Meditating Autotelic Flow From a Communion of

Other Humans in Emotional Sensory Empathic Energy Singing That Is

Real As Science Shows too ‘My God’ Even Sam Harris Agrees Famous

Atheist In His Science of Human Spirituality too As True i Get The Experience

Just Being Part of a ‘Rush Concert’ too; Yet it’s Been Since the Early 1990’s Since

i’ve Been to A Concert As Such; True, in My Later Years of Work On Call Constantly

Managing and Supervising Other Folks And A ‘Zillion Other Duties’ Didn’t Go to the Beach

For Almost 20 Years; Or Any Churches Either; The Closest Experience to that Divine Meditative

Autotelic Flow Came From Frigging Mowing the Grass; the Best Part of my Life For the Last 11 Years of Work

And Now Through Free Dance in Steps And Free Song in Poetry of Words; These Words Are Only Fuel Left-Over

From the Bliss and Nirvana Divine of Meditating Writing in Autotelic Flow; What’s Really Sad is Science Shows

That ‘Closed Minded More Conservative Folks’ Have a much more Difficult Time Experiencing This ‘Divine’

Science Assessed Experience; Yet of Course That’s What Closed Mindedness Means in the First

Place; An Inability to Achieve Transient Hypo-Frontality, At Least Literally As Such; Truly

Limiting As Meditative Flow As Science Shows Increases Creativity 500 Percent

When Only Achieved 30 Minutes Several Times a Week; Other than

That Science Shows Meditative Flow actually Regenerates Grey

Matter in the Brain And Obviously Regenerates the

Body From Head to toe as it is a Method

To Reduce Stress That Does Wear

All Our Bodily Systems

Down Chronically

And Acutely as Such…

Experiencing All the Illness From

Generally Speaking Autism Burn-out

the Last 11 Years of Work of Chronic to

Acute Stress; i Learned Methods Not to do that

Again that Truly Do Work Without Fail; The Experience

of the Divine For Real; Cross Culturally Defined With Terms

Like Samadhi, Satori, Tao, Chi, Ka, Ki, Prana, Kundalini Rising,

Great Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Creative Spirit; The Human Metaphors

That Describe it are Limitless By Form; The Essence of This Divine Experience

Is Unmistakable For Those Who Experience Truly Enough Whole Complete Yes Ocean

Water Wave Whole WHere Any Noun to Describe it is practically Non-Sense As Without

The Experience

Any Words

to Describe

The Divine is Just

Empty Shells With No Essence;

As Far As the Muslim World Goes,

Sufi-Mystics Doing Their Communion

of Spiraling Dervish Free Dancing Achieves the

Same; As Surely A Spiral Dance Brings Moving Meditation

of Divine to me; And the Experience of Frisson Related And

Described As A Skin Orgasm From Head to Toe; Sadly too, is assessed

More Difficult for Closed Minded Folks to Achieve as Well; It’s too bad really

As My Experience of Frisson Is 10,000 Times Greater Than Just a ‘Standard Orgasm’

For Reproduction;

In Every Cell

And ‘Point


in My


As This



Orgasm is

Peaks and

Plateaus that Stay

of the Divine in Meditative

Autotelic Flow Practiced As

A Great Work of Art In Life;

Again these Words are

Just Fumes of the


of Real Heaven

Within Now; Sadly

The New Testament Talked

About it; Yet never really Provided

Many Poetic Details of the Experience

i Do my Best to Describe it Objectively

Just to Prove to those Who Don’t Experience

it that it exists according to Scientific Measure;

However, Again, Without The Experience Life Remains

Separated And Disconnected From Ocean Whole Water Wave Complete

For True There is No Pre-Planning to the Practice of Heaven Within this Divine

Just the

Do of

The Divine

Now That comes

Freely Often Innately

Instinctually By Methods

Within that Work as i surely

Wasn’t Given Any Instructions to

Write Free Verse Poetry or Spiral Dance

i Just let the River Come to Life Within

And Become Water, Wave Ocean Whole

Or in Quantum Physics, Particle, Wave, Field Whole too…

Again, Without the Experience of the Divine These Are all Just Empty Shells…

Yet it’s Interesting Once one Experiences it Enough There are So Many Aha

Moments Studying Other Cultures Where one Understands Yes the Folks Who

Wrote That Free Verse Poetry Went to the Similar Place i Most Always Exist Now

The Divine


of LiFE Now

The Enough

The Whole


Eternally Now;

And Again, Science Shows

This is Real; Which is Basically

Taking a Horse to the Water;

Yet Not Being Able to

Make the



of the Divine

Water, Wave, Ocean
Whole Enough Complete
Experience of Forevermore Now…

Experiencing the Before And After

Of This; Ya Kinda Wish More People

Will Visit Sooner than Soon So Many
Paths to Arrive; Just Seeking Finding
one that Works And Never Stop Practicing

A Medicine of Heaven Within now; Hehe,

So Many Religions Try to ‘Copy Right’ And

‘Trade Mark’ The Essence of Divine with Forms;

And Sadly Forms Become Worshipped And Essence of Divine is Lost…



And That’s Life too

More Closed Minded As Such…

And Generally Speaking Humans

Who Do Not Actually Treat Other Humans

With Empathy And Compassion Are the Farthest

Ones Away As That is the Part of the Mind That

Comes to Play in Heaven Within Now It’s Not A Cold Place; Very

Warm Indeed; And to Be Clear More Empty Meditative Flow comes without Love too…

i Always Incorporate Moving, Connecting, Co-Creating To Keep Heaven Within Warm True…

And True i come
Here as Yang


Yin More

Colorful Overall too..

Basically Minds More

Systemizing Reasoning

Than Social Empathic Artistic Spiritual…

And to Be Clear this is Just Art of Opinion Mine…

It Works for me; That Much of my Opinion is Irrefutable

As i Do Show Quite a Few Forms of What Empirically Comes As Essence too…

As ‘They’ Say; It’s A Same Old Story; Some Folks Have Divine Eyes and Ears Beyond Organs to See And Hear…

Anyway It’s True Put Two Folks In Nature, A Southern Baptist Singing, A Rush Concert, Writing Poetry

By Instruction of Schooling, And Dancing By Someone Else’s Rigid Instruction too; And One Human

May Experience

Divine Flow

In Meditating

Way And the

Other May Feel

Very Little of the Divine at all…

It’s not Fair really; Yet Change is Possible too..🙂

Christianity, And Particularly the Christian
Churches Interpreting the Bible AS Such

Are Rife With Contradictions

Of Basic Human Decency,

Applicable to the Rights

of Life, Liberty, And the
Pursuit of Not Only Group
Happiness, All Bonding And Binding
And Agreeing With in-Group Think And Actions;

Yet, Individual Pursuits of Happiness Applicable to
The Wide Diversity of What May Make Heaven or Hell

Similar to
Different Tastes …

True, One Human’s Garbage
May Be Another Human’s ‘Holy Trick or Treat’

As ‘They’ Say Back in “Them Gehenna Days” Now And
Then Humans Fear The Chaos Nature Will Bring From Life to Death…

Humans Not only Seek Order, They Strangle it Out of Nature and Get
Lost From Their own Nature
Sadly No Longer
Naked Enough
Whole And Complete

As Both DarK Struggles
And LiGHT Successes BRinG
iN A Balance oF LiGHT And DarK Alike;

Yet You See That Statement is Metaphorical/Mystical/
Holistic And Rather Vague And Up to Each Person to Determine

What Works For THeiR ULTiMaTE Freedom of Expression iN Deed

And in “Order” To Keep Folks in an Organization, Perhaps Better Put,

An ‘Institution’ of Symbols and Ideologies, Folks Bond and Bind Over
For Order to Fully Exist, IT Must Provide the Entire Story From Beginning to

End And Provide
Enough Carrots Like
Heaven After Death in Reward
Or Hell After Death in Punishment For
Both Places in Black and White Consequences
Forever Except of Course Ideologies Like Purgatory as

Part of the
Story Mix too…

Anyway, With or Without
A So-Called ‘God,’ Generally
This is How So-Called Religion
Works; What Bonds and Binds Humans
Together Enough to Survive and Even Thrive;

Even if it is Only the Hope
That Heaven After Death
Brings in A Life That
Really S88KS Now

Or Doesn’t if One is A Catholic
Priest Repressing the Expression
Free of Their Sexual Orientation AS Such…

As Studies Done Within the Global Catholic Organization; the Present
Roman Catholic One, Yes AS Such SHows Anywhere From 30 Percent
to 60 Percent of Catholic Priests Are of Homosexual Orientation

And Up to 80 Percent
of Vatican Priests With

All Kind of Controversial
Associated Scandals Ranging
From Male Escorts Hired AS Such
And Other Issues that Happen When
Folks Repress Their Sexual Orientations in
Life and Move into Places that Sadly Harm Others

in Many
Ways Indeed,

Including Homophobic
Actions Toward Others as
Of Course Most of Us Know
Those Who Protest Most May
Fear Who They Really Are the Most too;

Just Hiding Away Their Freedom of Will And
Expression At Core of What it means to Exist;
Yes, Sexual Expression in Most Intimate Ways of Human


to Be Fully
Human And
Free And Most
Importantly Authentic
For Who They Are Born to
Be And Who They Desire to Be Most…

So What Happens, We See Lots of Homophobia

So What Happens, We See Lots of Fabulous Colorful

Robes That Change in Liturgical Seasons, Truly Like

A Colorful Celebration of Freedom of Expression Almost

Like Being
On Parade
Celebrating Life
The Best ‘They’ Can
And Will Still Now; Yes,

The Word Catholic Means
Universal And in the Case of
The Beatitudes Style Jesus it Means

Love For All With Least Harm With No Exclusions

Yet of course There is the Mr Hyde Side of Dr. Jekyll

As ‘Good’ Old Saint Augustine Claimed Most Folks Are Going
to Hell With No Exception too Just Burning forever that Way

Yet There Are Modern Exceptions and Other Interpretations
of Biblical

Parables SucH As

Saint Franciscan Monk
And Priest Richard Rohr
Providing A More Mystical
And Holistic Interpretation
of Christian Holy Texts as We
See Mystical Interpretations of Other

Religions Far Beyond Black And White Literal Takes

As He Doesn’t Believe An All Loving Merciful Forgiving
God Burns Enemies ‘of the Church’ Forever Nope Both He

And Even Famous Bishop Barron YouTube Catholic Church
Public Relations Dude Described Years Ago on His Facebook Page and i Quote:

“Friends, today’s Gospel raises a crucial question about heaven and hell: Who will be in and who will be out?
Origen argued that all people will be saved. For how could God’s love allow even one person to be damned?
And St. Augustine argued that the vast majority of human beings were going to be damned.
Here’s how I approach this issue. The doctrine concerning hell is a corollary of two more
fundamental truths: that God is love and that we are free. Love is all that God is. He’s not
loving to some and not to others. No act of ours can possibly make him stop loving us.
However, we are free. Hence, we can say yes or we can say no to his love. If we turn toward it,
we open like a sunflower; if we turn away from it, we get burned. The very resistance to love causes pain.
Think of a spelunker trapped in a cave for many weeks. When he emerges into the light of the sun, he
experiences it as a torture. The same sun that delights someone who is accustomed to it tortures someone
who has been turned from it.”

-Bishop Robert Barron

~Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Memorial of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious
Matthew 7:6, 12-14

On the Other Hand, He Blamed ‘The Mythical
Devil’ For the Abuses Among the Priests in ‘Those
Scandals’ This and Last And Many Centuries Before

In Sexual Abuse Towards Those Who Are Not of age of Consent
And In Some Cases Rapes of Nuns and the Such of That As Well…

Yet Anyway, This much i Personally Feel and Sense For Sure Living With

The Actual Worst Pain Known to Humankind, Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months, No Drug Would Touch, Mostly Shut-in my
Bedroom Like the Hunch Back of Notre Dame or Phantom of the Opera Who then
Had So Much pain in the Right Side of His Face, More Specifically Right Eye and

Ear That Yes i Could Not
Stand to Look at Colors
And A Street Light At 3 AM
Was Brighter Than Looking Directly

At The Sun on the Longest Day of the YeaR
And Hell no i Couldn’t Bear to Listen to Any Music
At All As Crickets Were Like Armies of Freight Trains

Riding Over
the Track
of My Dead
Living SouL ON EartH;

Losing the Memory of, if i Ever
Felt A Smile as Emotions are Memories
And Memories Are Emotions of Course Losing

The Ability in Feeling and Sensing Way For Either
Giving or Receiving Love Basically Far Away From
Any Pleasurable Sensory or Emotional Experience of

Life; The Worst Pain Known to Humankind, the Suicide Disease
That is Literally Assessed As Worse than the Real Torture of Crucifixion
Is Not As Tortuous As Being Separated From ANY Breath of Love; God Yes,
i Do ‘Know’ as the Only

Solution the Doctors
Had Was to Block A
Nerve in my Face Risking
Permanent Paralysis of my Face As

i Feared The Emptiness And Numb
of Hell More Than A Fire Burning in
my Right Eye and Ear Forever Now Then And to Understand

Now That Some Poorest of Human Being REAL Spirits Are Born Disabled
Without The Ability to Feel and Sense the Giving and Receiving of Love

i Surely Have
For Any
‘Real So Called
Devil’ Born that Way
From Birth’ As i Will Truly
Say Done That and Been THere Before

WHere A Thousand Years in One Second
is WHere You Wait for One Taste of One Drop of Love to LiVE Again…

Ha! And People Ask Why i Celebrate With A Naked And Free Dance And Song of Poetry
All Seconds of the Day NoW iNDeeD; They Have no REAL Clue of WHere the Human Soul

Will Go
And Not
Go in A Living
Death of Life Now;

‘Thing’ is, Not Unlike
Homosexuality; IT IS NO CHOICE,
Some Folks Are Born Without the
Ability To Feel and Sense the Give and
Receive of Love; They Have No Reference Point

of Heaven at All Just like my Son Born to Only
Pain Without a Smile for 51 Days Yet Some Folks Live

Years, Decades this Way Living Dead And never even
Understanding Fully Why;

The Only Way to FULLY
Understand Now God Yes,

is for Folks Like me Who Have
Lived in Both Places in One Life Now;

No Doubt Some of Those Parables in the
Bible Were Written By Ghost Authors Who
Experienced Similar Hells and Heavens As i Have

too Like Luke 17:21 That Says You’ll Only Find Heaven
Within; Well, The Same Verily Applies to Hell too; And You

Know What, Life’s Not Fair AGAiN

As for some folks

It is No choice at

All; if not For my Blessing
of Nature i Surely Could
Have been born Like them

And If Not for The Curse Later

On in Life, i Might Not Fully Understand
my Gift And Have Sympathy for Every ‘Devil’
in Life LiVinG Dead;

And Truly


to Love

For All This Way; Yep,

Just for the Gift i Have Eternally Now;

Just for this Little Sliver of Heaven Now

And No Longer HeLL ON Earth Looking Above

Seeing All those Cold and Hot Rocks in Space;

Looking Over there and Seeing the Desert and
Frozen Tundra too True Not Only Feeling and Sensing
Paradise Within Yet the Nature i am Blessed to Be Seeded in As Well…

And Meanwhile

Folks Are Obsessed

With Which Body Parts
Bring Pleasure in Life Now;

And Meanwhile Folks Who Are Terrified
of Being Lost From the Group Think And Do,

Give Up Who They Are to Continue Living in a PriSon
Made By Others and Sadly By Their Own Free Will too…

If the ‘Gay Church’ Could Just Be Authentic of Who They Are

Perhaps A Beatitudes JeSuS Could Come to Life Yet i For One

Am Not going

to Wait on
Folks too
Afraid to
Be and

Do Who
They Authentically

Are; For It’s True, i’d Rather
Be More Human And Less like
‘A God’ Who Damns Most Folks to Hell Forever;

On the Other Hand, Sadly Some Folks Do Go on Their
Own Volition; True, Slowly As A Frog Boils, Never Truly
Understanding How They Got to Hell Now or How to Turn
the Freezer Off…

It’s An Art;

Approach it

As a Science

And Only Get
Lost Even More in a
Garbage Dump of Gehenna…

Meanwhile, the Colorful Robes
of the Catholic Church Continue
the Parade of What’s Left of ‘Human Free PRide’…

It’s True i Use Lots of Words
Yet When it Comes to
The Beginning

Of an

Day Braille
of Dance Touches
Feels Senses Most

Without A Word to
Even Dance or Sing

Yet They ALL Still



So Very Free…

Embracing Inner Monster
Within Indeed Erases
So Many
on the
Inside Out With Teeth
Just Gumming Them


Hehe Until
All that’s
Right Is


New For
Real Now..🙂

Hehe it’s Safe To Say
Dear Annabel i Am

A Happiest


Who Ever

Lived After

Being one of the

Emptiest ones

oF All At Least

In my UNiVeRSE

Best oF All i


WHeRE i Am Now🙌😁

How Cool; A Gematria Calculator Online; as a Local Catholic

Priest Was a Bit Fixated On that in Past Days; So Afraid in Fear

That the Number 6 Is Imperfect And So Worshipping

That The Number 7 is Perfect;

Hehe, True, ‘Sugar

Pills’ Come and

Go Like ‘VooDoo Dolls’
too in Placebo and Nocebo

For Real; Yet Essence All Now Does

ReMain That We Create With Form Expressing Essence DarK

Thru LiGHT to Others; Numerology Calculators Are Interesting too;

Hehe, They Used to Be Free Online; Interesting, it was to find

Myself A Number 1 Path, Number 7 Expression, Number

11 Soul Number; And Tarot Zero Card Number Zero For the

Fool Life Challenge At Birth of Zero That Means i have Free Will

To Do Anything i Wanna Do in Life, After That 3 Ones For the Next

3 Life Challenges That Only Mean i Need Only Affirm What i Wanna Do;

Yes, 0,1,1,1;

All or Nothing



Nothing is Kinda

Boring So i Do the Rest For Fun…

If My Numerology Report Wasn’t

The Coolest Forever Now, i Will Create My Own Now…

Yawn, It All Works Out; Yawn, It All Works Out With Love For All….


LiGHT iN Peace
With Most Respect
With Least
Harm Nope

i Ain’t Afraid

of Sixes Born

on 6.6.60 And

i Don’t Worship 7’s

Or Only Men or Words Like God

Either As Idols Ain’t my ‘Thing;’

Essence IS WHeRE i For ONE AM NoW…



i AM ALL Loving
Free NoW iN Ease iN Peace…

Anyway my Pen NaMe Yes Per English
Gematria, “Katie Mia Frederick,” Equals
Yet Another Perfect Series of Numbers
Actually Greater Than 666 or 7 Yes 888
Yuck Also Holy And Sacred Enough for
The Name “Donald J Trump” Yet True

It Doesn’t Come
Out That Way
With John Spelled
With ‘Four Letters’
of Course…(Thank God)

Hehe You Had me SMiling
With the Smelling the Armpit
Part Akshita Your Humor

Surprised me i Wasn’t
Expecting that and

i Do Believe the Young
Woman Was Attempting
to Look Attractive For the

Get the
i Do Believe i’ve
Seen ‘This Book’ Before
too Yet i Didn’t Read It HAha..:)


Essence Escapes Over Form

It’s True Dear Isha Although

Your Teeth Are Beautiful Pearls

Even the Toothless

May Radiate


From Souls
oF LoVE iN Peace
With Joy Within

LoVE iN Peace
With Joy Has/Is

No Wrinkles in Time

LoVE iN Peace New
Effervescent Now And Real

Your Words Are Wise Your Growth

of Soul Is



Typically, What Tradition Fears Most Is Change

With the Fear that the Glue That Holds the
Adherents of the Tradition Will Lose Its Grip…

Change Holds No Fear…

Change is The Only Constant…

Some Folks Are Open to Change…

Some Folks are Not Open to Change…

Real Life Miracles, Likely All Natural with
No Medical Explanation are Housed in Medical
Files of Remission of Incurable Illness With No Medical Explanation…

These Remissions are Often associated With the ‘Placebo Effect’ That Only
Around 30 Percent of Humanity Has the Ability to Process Healing With the Power

of Suggestion

With Loving
Intent Most


And With Those Who
Folks Lend Unwavering
Trust to, Like Folks Who
Provide Sugar Pills in Authoritative

White Coats and Colored Robes; Yes,
Doctors Prescribing Sugar Pills for the Placebo
Effect to Work and Of Course Little Wafers of Bread
And Sips of Wine Described as the Literal transformed

Body of a Dude
Referred to As

Jesus Christ

From the Religion
of Christianity Prescribed By Priests…

Yes, the ‘Placebo Effect’ Has Healing Properties

And Yes the ‘Nocebo Effect’ May Injure Human Health too…

The Power of Belief in ‘Prayer’ This Way Has Some Substance of Reality
As Well as ‘Real Voodoo’ Too; Focus on Getting Ill Enough And Presto Illness May come

To Visit
Those Influenced
By the Power of
Negative Suggestions,
Either Administered by
Others or Self Administered too…

True, it Would Be Rather Foolish Not to
Maximize the Healing Properties of the Placebo
Effect If One Is So Inclined to Actually Benefit From It…

Through History, Myriads of Religions Have Been Developed
With a System of Carrots and Sticks (i.e. Heaven and Hell After A Dirt Nap)

To MaNiPuLaTE, Control, and Master the ‘Masses;’ Particularly, Effective Before
Literacy, Where Interpretations of So-Called Holy Text Were Considered ‘The Final Words’…

Yawn, the Miracles, The Carrots and Sticks
in the Christian Bible and Many Other Sacred
Texts Are Based on HearSay Decades to Centuries

Later Recorded Most often by Ghost Authors and Scribes,
Making Both Unintentional And Intentional Change to the Scripts too…

No Record of Jesus
Ever Writing one Word;

All Dependent on Decades
to Centuries Later Hearsay by Others Indeed;

The Ghost Authors, Mostly Greek Writing Romans
of the New Testament And Some Words
Likely By a Real Dude Called Paul

Once Called Saul

Yet According to Biblical
Scholars Like the Creme of
That Crop, Bart Ehrman, Many of the
Contradictions that So-called Paul

Made May Be attributed to other
Ghost Authors Writing the Text

And Or Scribe Mistakes and
Intentional Changes by them of Course too…

Depending on One’s View of Existence Now; How Wide
or Narrow A Scope of Subconscious to Conscious Mind Will Bring…

Is It not Miracle Enough That We Even Exist to Ponder The Wonder and
Awe of What Nature Naturally Brings, Always Changing, Always Mysteries

to Uncover

To Expand
Our Experience
of Reality in Colors Ever New…

Some Species of Worms May Lose
Their Heads and Brains, Only to Re-Grow

Both and Retain Memories of Learned Behavior Before….

Some Species of Sharks actually Generate ‘Virgin Births;’ And True
Sharks Have Been Around A Half a Billion Years With Most Incredible

ElectroMagnetic Abilities
to Find Food Underneath
the Ocean Floor; True it Takes

More Than Just Regenerating
Scores of Thousands of Teeth More to Eat…

A Hermit Thrush Bird named Herman Has Solo Visited
my Sister’s Home For 7 years now to be Hand-Fed Raisins
Each Day From November Through April Until He Migrates

Again to the Great North Country of Canada for the Milder

Weather Months There; Threading His Way, Flying A Needle Through

A Haystack to Find My Sister’s Third of an Acre in Florida Every Year…

As Far as i’m Concerned,
The Miracles Even if True

in the Bible are of Little Measure
Beyond What Nature Naturally Brings

Far Beyond What Science in Its Antiquated Yet Effective
5-Step Method May Measure Today; And Then of Course

All the Real Life Miracles Humans Bring Through Our Collective
Knowledge, Technologies, Arts that would Surely Excite the Folks in the

Days of Jesus

More Than
Any Sacred Text;

Yes, Like the Resuscitation
Of Folks Back to Life after
A Heart Attack Takes Their Heart Beat Away;

Surely Not Limited to the Adherents of
Any One Religion and Or Cultural Tradition…

Shall i List the Rest of the Every Day Miracles or Shall

i View The World

Like William Blake:

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.”

Indeed, Miracles

Are A Matter

of Perspective…

Yawn, Fiction is Boring;

Every Moment of Reality
is MaGiC and Miracles For

Those Who Understand THeir ‘Craft’…

Anyway A Quick Litmus Test for Either
A False Religion/God or A Real Religion/God:

Love That is Real iN Peace Requires NO Worship and Fears NO Criticism…

Love That is Not Real iN Peace, More Likely War, Requires Trump-Like Worship

And Fears
All Trump-Like
Criticism; So An


of Most Traditional Religion

Lends A Greater ‘Orange’ Preference

Toward a False Religion/God of LoVE iN War…

Fortunately in the Christian
Bible There Are Some
True Remnants Left

in that Tradition

That Lend Truth
to LoVE iN Peace;

Considering the Empire
That Created The Religion

Perhaps a Greatest Miracle
is Any Part of LoVE iN Peace

Is Left in the Book and Religion at all…

Yet You See, LoVE iN Peace Has Always
Been Real for Humans No Matter Religion or

God For


Who Practice

A Way of LiFE

oF LoVE iN Peace

Where All Becomes the Living Giving Sharing Caring
Healing Placebo Effect and Nocebo Naturally Dies With

Its Children
of Taking


Harming Per the ‘Trump Effect,’ That is Most Sadly

Also A Natural Part of the Human Condition in DarK…

So the DarK Side and LiGHT Side of All Natural Miracles Continues Change…



It is what is;
Make the Best
oF iT All or not…

Gonna Do the Miracle
Thingy As Long as this
LoVE iN Peace Lasts for me


“Dust in the Wind” May Seem Like Such
A Hopeless Story and Song Yet All ALong

Being Reborn Replacing Old SKin as Dead

SKiN Returns
to Earth to
Feed the Soil

So Even as We

Die Living Others Will Be Reborn

Dust in the Wind Miracle of Reborn

Death Is
Life Oh
What a Miracle
Thorns Make Roses
More Colorful And Beautiful to ‘See’..
With SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb Doors

to Come
What is
Fathomed Before
Yes Wisdom Breathes Deeper
With Gratitude for Dust in the Wind..:)

Catholic Mass Readings From the Wee Play
Hours of June 23, 2024 Room to Explore More

Ah Yes Something About Balance Something About
FRiEnDS With Gravity That Even a Free Dance And

Song Without Preplanning BRinGS Seeing New With
Faith of Intuition Eternally Now in Balance and Flow

Even More Integrating the Dualities of Left and
Right Hemispheres of Mind the Masculine and

Feminine What Mystical Spirituality

Seeks And Finds In Unlimiting

Ways of Creativity


Too in UnitY All ‘Master of Tides’

As We Regulate Our Emotions
Integrate Our Senses into the
Calm Ocean of Peace Lasting

That We Continue to Generate
Through All Natural Feedback
That Grows Our Intuition More

Eden the Real Place Within
Our Garden of Colors More

That Ever
Before With SMiLes

Reading 1, Job 38:1, 8-11
1 Then from the heart of the tempest Yahweh gave Job his answer. He said:

8 Who pent up the sea behind closed doors when it leapt tumultuous from the womb,

9 when I wrapped it in a robe of mist and made black clouds its swaddling bands;

10 when I cut out the place I had decreed for it and imposed gates and a bolt?

11 ‘Come so far,’ I said, ‘and no further; here your proud waves must break!’

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 107:23-24, 25-26, 28-29, 30-31
23 Voyagers on the sea in ships, plying their trade on the great ocean,

24 have seen the works of Yahweh, his wonders in the deep.

25 By his word he raised a storm-wind, lashing up towering waves.

26 Up to the sky then down to the depths! Their stomachs were turned to water;

28 They cried out to Yahweh in their distress, he rescued them from their plight,

29 he reduced the storm to a calm, and all the waters subsided,

30 and he brought them, overjoyed at the stillness, to the port where they were bound.

31 Let them thank Yahweh for his faithful love, for his wonders for the children of Adam!

Gospel, Second Corinthians 5:14-17
35 With the coming of evening that same day, he said to them, ‘Let us cross over to the other side.’

36 And leaving the crowd behind they took him, just as he was, in the boat; and there were other boats with him.

37 Then it began to blow a great gale and the waves were breaking into the boat so that it was almost swamped.

38 But he was in the stern, his head on the cushion, asleep.

39 They woke him and said to him, ‘Master, do you not care? We are lost!’ And he woke up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Quiet now! Be calm!’ And the wind dropped, and there followed a great calm.

40 Then he said to them, ‘Why are you so frightened? Have you still no faith?’

41 They were overcome with awe and said to one another, ‘Who can this be? Even the wind and the sea obey him.’

14 For the love of Christ overwhelms us when we consider that if one man died for all, then all have died;

15 his purpose in dying for all humanity was that those who live should live not any more for themselves, but for him who died and was raised to life.

16 From now onwards, then, we will not consider anyone by human standards: even if we were once familiar with Christ according to human standards, we do not know him in that way any longer.

17 So for anyone who is in Christ, there is a new creation: the old order is gone and a new being is there to see.


SeeKinG Finding FLoW iN Balance
Sweet Spot Tween Apathy and Anxiety
Truly Regulating Emotions Integrating Senses

Laser FoCuSinG
oN Task Yes

Dear Savvy

A Dance And
Song Free Will
Do From Toe To Head

And So Much More God
Yes FRiEnDS With Gravity

All of What Makes All Go


This Balance



Only to Give

Share Care HeaL iT
ALL Away For Free With
Most Respect Least Harm
This Every Inhale of Peace

Exhale oF


That May
Once again
come free as
only a dance
and song



Lit with Wings..:)



iT’S JusT A GiFT

Or LeSS NoW iN LoVE i Peace Play

The Flower The Rose Is

The God Called LoVE iN Peace If You Do Not
Wanna Be That FLoWeR Don’t Color

the World With God Rose

Let Me Lovesplain Something to Ya
When Ya Color the World With LoVE iN Peace
You Become That FLoWeR Rose Born Again

Sweet Little MocKinG

Bird Dances Sings Songs of Others

It’s A Funny Thing Being Nobody
Without A Name Yet What You Do

To Someone Most Everywhere You
Go As Depositing Some Money
At The Bank A Cashier Said i
Can’t Believe it’s You Standing
Here She Said She Worked at
Dick’s Sporting Good’s Years

Ago And Loved Watching

me Dance There Like

The Young Couple

At Walmart Videotaping

me Saying When They

Were Kids They Followed

Behind me Dancing With
me At Walmart 10 Years Before

As The Young Folks Asked me
Then In The Summer Of 2014
If i had Any Idea How Famous
i was On Social Media

Yet You Know What’s

Really Sad Is in

A Square Radius

Of 500

Miles in the

Deep South i’m the

Only One Who Dances

Everywhere i Go Just For

Fun The American Indians

Did It Yes Close To Naked

Then Yes For Just Being one

With “The Great Spirit (God)”

No Different than me Yes With

No Reports of Mental Illness

Before Introduced To European
So-Called Buttoned Up Puritan

Ways Of Living

All They

Were MiSSinG

Is Still Free The

Little Mocking

Bird Still Sings

Nobody is God

And So Are We Naked

Dancing Free Just one

With Great Spirit GoDanceSonG

It’s Not A Mountain Top

For A Word Is a Song

And A Step Is A Dance

At Least if Those Two

Become Holy



All That We


Sadly CuLTuRaL

iNSaNiTY Expects So

Much More We Come to

Believe it Prisoners Slaves

We Come to Be Tethered too

Away From Just A Step A Word

A Song Holy And Sacred Dancing

Singing Together Peacefully Foraging

A Day Away WHeRe Everyone Counts

And The Child is the Entire Village to Never

End Raising ToGeTHeR for a Survive and Thrive of Life…




The Tools They Create

That Were Supposed to make

A Dance And Song Of Life Easier

Yet the Dance And Song Essence is Gone

Prisoners Remain the Tools They Create Machines They Become

No Longer A Living Tree With Leaves That Grow and Feed New Living Trees…

SMiLes Akshita So Difficult to Leave Reasons Behind Living Becoming River

Again FLoWinG

Free Now

So Easy

Life Will

CoMe to
BREaTHE NoW iN Ease..:)

Weeping FLoWeRS
Thistling THoRNS



Full Moon

Nights Passion Breathes


Warmth Envelopes

Life Long



Holding Forevernow

Beyond Infinities Metaphors Grains of

Sands Beaches SMiLES SPiRiTS Souls
Emerald Green Waves Washing Pain All Away

SMiLes Mariana Such Is LiFE iN Hurricane EYes..:)

MaKinG Poetry Love
PuRE iMaGiNaTioN No
Adulteration iN Human Flesh

Mariana Leave Any



Miss A Bus



Still With Human

Potentials All Ways

ACross Life SPaNS NeW

Gift What i CREaTE NoW

Gift Leads OPeNinG PReSeNT

Co-Creating NoW iN Flow





JusT Another


Tree Lamp





LeSSoN 419
Write Direct Produce Do Your
Own Play Impossible to Copy Now

“Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t
have to depend on someone telling you who you are.”

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Pure Human Wisdom HeaR By
You As i Am Not Seeing the Quote Attributed to Anyone Else


Yes You
You You
You the Original
Chaymaa From
Cairo Egypt The Unique
You Who Broke the Human

Mold Ever Since You are Born
As We All Do It Just Takes Some Folks
Longer to See It For Real and Practice it For

Loving Life
Now Real True

May You Always
Find Wings to Lift
You Up to Living Love

For Every Breath Until
Your Creativity Lives on iN Peace
in All Those You Touch in Life For Real

Indeed You Are Doing This Now Alive A Best

Way Yes

Shining Star
Unique For Real..:)

Ah Yes Dear Sohair i Surely Remember You Suggesting i Share
my Illness Story for Perspective of Others to See Where i’ve

Been and WHere i Am
Now With SMiLes Never Ending

And on that Note of 97F Degrees
Today in Florida in A Heatwave Normal
Weather in the Summer of Egypt indeed

Always Fascinated By Weather Extremes i Am
And When Around 12 Years-Old in a Summer Heat
Wave i Road my Bicycle up A Steep Hill DownTown Then

To See How High the Temperature Would Go on A Bank’s
Big Digital Time and Temperature Display Again Again i Went

Up that Hill 98 to 100 to 103 Degrees F That Day Then too
Hmm.. i Got Home and Fell Somewhat Ill it Seems with

Heat Exhaustion as i Didn’t Really Know
What That Was then in that State

of Distress Delirious i Had
Such A Horrible Feeling
Dream Truly Beyond
Measure of Description
of how it felt Within and in

The Dream i Was Stuck In Tar
With Endless Seagulls With No Way
To Get Out of the Tar Yet in the Sky A Star Was my Mother’s
Love Then So Lost i Was Trying to Reach Again And Indeed

When i Lived in Hell Back in Spring of 2010 Shortly After
i Searched For A Tree With A Chain From my Gym Machine
Searching Finding A Place only the Vultures Would Find me to
Give my Life Some Meaning and Purpose in Living Hell Then to

At Least Provide
A Dying Meal For Them

And When the Next Morning
Katrina Woke Up and Said She Had
A Strangest Dream She and Her Deceased
Granny Hanging Ornaments on A Christmas Tree
Naming the Road i Found Far in the Forest
She Never Mentioned Before True i Had
No Hope Left No Faith Left No Way
to Touch or Receive the Feeling
of Love Not Even A Memory
Of A Smile Left Yet it’s

True She Still Did and
Spoke for God to me

Who And That Just Said

No Do Not Go So i Stayed and
Shortly After That A Huge Spill
of Oil in the Gulf And Sadly So Many
Birds Trapped in the Tar Who Could Not Escape

And It’s True That Spring of 2010 it Took me Until
July 19th 2013 to Escape Finally One With Sugar White
Sands Again Green Emerald Gulf Waves Sea Oats Gentlly
Waving in the Breeze Gull Wings i Am then and Still Now

Around the
Sun Dancing
Singing Free this
Way and It’s True A
Clear Yet Silent Message
From God and Indeed A Real
Personal Covenant Still Tell the
Story every Part of Uploading Your
Soul till My Last Blink of life for A

Meaning and Purpose

Of Life More Than



in the Spring of 2010

It’s True i Left that Chain in the
Bicycle Basket Yet It’s True i Already
Knew i Was Staying i Would Just Have to
Endure ‘The Real Patience of Job’ For 19 Medical
Disorders including Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
The Worst Pain Known to Humankind Wake to Sleep for
All 66 Months No Drug Would Touch Where Every Second


is A Thousand
Years in Hell

i Never Knew if i
Could Make it one more
Second Never the Less i Learned
the Lesson That There is No Choice
to Escape From Hell Yet to Wait foreverthennow for real
And i did And Verily Heaven Now Makes that Hell a Greatest

Gift then now


i Feel The Tarred Birds
Again Now And Sadly

It is No Longer me
Who is the

As i Watch
From Far Away Indeed…

Only Wishing Praying Hoping Folks May
Come Closer to WHere i am Now For Real…:)

Ah Yes Rejection Such A Hard Lesson for A Social
Human Animal to Endure As Rejection Comes in Many

Ways Ranging From Failed Jobs

To Failed Loving Relationships

to Practically Being Rejected

From Everyone in the

Places We Land

In Life
It’s True i’ve Experienced
More Than my Share of Rejection
In Life Particularly When Young Where

i Came to Reject Myself too Yet i Refused
to Give Up And Now It Doesn’t matter if i am Rejected
Or Understood By Others or Not For i am Now Naked Enough

Whole And Complete

Standing With

Roots As Deep
As God And Stars
That Are Indeed the
Same And Height More Dear
Friend Lifelong Journeys of Lessons
Indeed Where All Paths eventually emerge in LiGHT

Even DarK
Indeed MaKing DarK LiGHT
in the Longest Wings of Existence

Now to
Fly Both
Low and High

As Valley Low
Becomes no
Taller Than Mountain High

Hehe Rarely do i Have to Reject
Anyone These Days Except for those
Robo Calls That Keep Trying to Sell me

A Used Car warranty for my Working Fine
2023 Honda CRV Hybrid AWD Touring Ride And
True i Don’t Answer All the Various Scams Folks Do Online

Always Trying to Take Something From You Rather than to Give…

This Much i Master
What i Give, Share,
Care, And Heal For Real

Indeed Naked, Enough, Whole
And Complete i Wish For You
Peace And Love Complete As Well New

With Prayers And Hopes Fulfilling Dear
Sohair For ReaL ETeRNaLLY Now..:)

Thanks Dear Samreen
For Your Kindness
And Blessings
Gem of
Human You
Are Honored
To Be Your
With SMiles☺️🌺🙏

So True Without
Silence Between
Notes no
Dear Savvy
Divine Silence
Heals in Every Dance
And Song of Life in Flow Free

Distance Between

Waves Coming

And Going

Ocean Water

Whole Silence in Flow
As Peace Inhaling Exhales Love Free.:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy i Love Your 12 Truths
Of Life iNDeeD They All Resonate With

me too With SMiLes Thanks
So Very Much For Sharing

“Here are my 12 truths of life

1. You are enough for you.

2.You are born complete.

3. You have every answer you need.

4. You can find your meaning in life.

5. You have the choice within you.

6. You are meant to be all that you can be.

7. You are connected to everything in life.

8. Yet you are an unique manifestation of expression.

9. You are filled with infinite abundance.

10. You are made of stardust and therein you will return.

11. You can embrace your uniqueness and sparkle as you

12.You can manifest your dreams through your deepest intentions.”

-Savvy Raj

SMiLes Dear Miriam Similarly No Celebrity Crushes for me
And the First One For A Girl in the Church Choir Oh Dear Lord

The Emotions OverWhelming For a Five-Year-Old They

Scared me and i Chased Them Away As Fast As i Could Then

And Never Told Anyone About Them Either Then Well i Actually

Feel Very Fortunate to Spend All my Grade School Years With Only

Crushes Yes Intense too That Never Came to GirlFriend Fruition All
Those 12 Years

Until the Fall Season
of First Love After That
in my First College Year then

All the Grade School Crushes
Innocent for the Naive Boy i Was
Then Only HeART FelT A Real BLeSSinG

As It’s Really Hard For me to Imagine Any
Young Man Who Looks No Further Than HeART

For A Crush
‘These Days’

With An Endless
Variety of ‘Pretty
Birds’ to Download Online

Oh the Death of Romance

Oh The Death of Human Relationships

That Last Warm and True Oh The Death of Love

For All iN Peace..

With SMiLes Warm
Sincere Truly Enduring..:)

Ah Yes Dear Savvy
Truth In Tune
Of Entire
Again LiGHT Out

Of DarK
God Dancing
Singing Free

Within in

With Gravity
of SMiles Newly Now

True iN
Light to Be We aRe☺️🙏

Splendor of
Sun Petals
All Angel Wings
Dancing Singing
Coloring Our Worlds

Within LoVE iN Peace For All
🌸 🌺 💐🏝💐🌺🌸

SMiLes Dear Cindy So Much Easier to Experience Life Out

of Time Distance Space And A Matter of Things Without

Deadlines And Schedules on Calendars And The

Such Hehe Time Is More oF A River Without

The Deadlines and Schedules

on Paper to Do Lists

The Way Modern Humans

Conduct Their Daily Lives

Is actually Quite Insane For

How Any Of Our Ancestors would

Have Done it Without To Do Lists Just Do

Focus on the Task At Hand With Enough

Open Attention Span to Avoid Getting Eaten

By Predators on the Horizon For A Successful Forage Of

The Day Together And The Rest That Comes With A Dance

Under the


Night Together

Young And Old

Same Age Living

mY FRiEnD As The

Dance And Song Becomes the Free Wings

Anyway in a Life of Mostly Dance and Song

Even Leaving the Foraging to Katrina Really

All That’s Left to Do is Be The Sail The Wind Carries Free…

And True Your Coming Grandchildren Would Have Been

Part of the Daily Delight Altogether As The Child is

Always the Highest Prized Gift of All the Village Pride…

Indeed Their Are Some Extended Families Still Living ThiS WaY…

Oh Dear Lord
For A Split

Second i Thought
That Red Painted
Woman Was Your

Injured Client Bleeding
Now That Would Definitely Sell A Book

As Human Beings Tend to Be Harder to ‘Wake Up’
Without More Intense Stimulation From Fear and the Such…


Sadly True…

Like Folks With More
Balls and Money Than
Brains Who Risk Their

Lives Sinking in the Ocean

So Very Deep And So
Expensive Capturing
The Attention of a

Nation for Pure

‘Fool Hardiness’

It Does Seem Handy
to Have Your Book Readily
Available For Sale to Your Clients

Yet i Suggest Giving it Away As Part of ‘That Package’…

An Excellent And Sure Way to Get it in Their Hands for Assistance..:)

Indeed Dear Chaymaa
There Really Is No More Important
Intelligence Than Emotional Intelligence

The Difference


And Fulfilled
Lives With SMiLes

Even a Poor Person with
Emotional Intelligence Will
Thrive Over A Rich Person

Lacking This Most
Important Intelligence

Yet of course No Matter What
Steps We May Take in Activities
Like Mindfulness Journaling and

Physical Activity If We Do Not Practice
Full Fledged Emotional Connections With
Other Human Beings Face to Face in Both Work
And Play from a Very Young Age We Lose the Wiring

That Inspires Us to Even Connect At All to Other Human
Beings that

May Lead
to A Head
Down on A Screen

Without Even the Ability
to Greet Someone Face to Face
With Confidence And Yes Enough

Resilience to take Some of the Rejection
Emotionally That Naturally Comes With Life too…


From the Human
Condition and the
Rest of Nature More
Used Mastered and Even
Replaced by the Tools We Create
Sadly When We Become Dependent on the Machines

And Really
Just Can’t do Most
Anything Without them…

When We Allow ‘the Machines’
to Take Over Our iMaGiNaTioNS
And Creativities We Suffocate Human Potentials…

Yeah we might
make more money

Yet the Wiring Within
Lighting Up All Our


Work Or Play
Fully Externally That Way..:)

SMiLes Dear Isha true Sadly Modern
Cultures With All the Mechanical
Cognition as We Become Used

And Mastered And

Even Replaced By

Our Tools
As More
Machine Than Human

We Lose Our Connections to
Nature And The Spirit That Connects

Us to Each Other and And All That is True What
Some Folks May Describe as God Even Beyond

All Names
Respite of
Machine Cognition

RiSinG Social Empathic
Potentials Connecting Back
to Nature And All that is Both

And Beyond Measure

Uncovering Deeper Mysteries

Where Life Becomes Filled And
Felt With Wonder And Awe Moving


Together So Very Free
Even Science Shows that
Mechanical Cognition only

Activities Withers Away This
Other Continent of Our Being Free…

Oh to Enter
And Staycation
in the Place oF LoVE iN Peace
RiSinG Instead of Falling Now..:)

Ah Yes Dear Isha the
Norms of Tradition Often
Serve Selfish

Power Control

Yes Mastering

Freedoms of Others
For Whatever Power
Grabs For Those Attempting
to Make Themselves Larger Than Smaller

Come to Work and Play Yes It’s a Bit Scary
Born into A Human CuLTuRE Where Almost
Anything Will Go to Both Serve Some and Harm Others

Alas this is the Human Condition All the DarK Thru LiGHT
Change What We Can And Adapt to the Rest the Best We Can

And Will Do True

Yet Oh Dear Lord Now
So Much Shallow Ignorance

When Both Society And Humans
Are Broken Down In Rigid Divisions

Ranging From Masculine Only Attributes
And Feminine Only Attributes too as it’s True

Each Human Being Should Have the Freedom to

Express Will and Strength

With A Foundation

Of Loving Peace

Yet of course only
my View Others May Be
Addicted to the Dopamine and
Adrenaline that Limited Emotions
of Fear Anger and Hate Bring Where

Cultures Fall Now with Love in War
Instead of RiSinG With LoVE iN Peace

Honestly It’s Only Deleterious to Humanity
And the Related Cultures When Humans Are Not
Allowed Freedoms to Express All of Who We Can

And Will
Come to
Be And Do

We Rise United
We Fall Divided

Both at the Individual
And Greater Society Levels..:)

Just Planting Seeds of Poetry
A Greatest Mustard Tree They
Naturally Become By End of SuNDaY

Beginning Now

Just So Much Sunshine
Happy Sunday Dear Chox
Hellooove to Cooling Waters
of Lake Ontario Saving You
Scalding Heat
Yet Nothing For Someone
Getting Chilled in the Desert
of the Middle East and India Hehe

Weather Extremes Always One of my Special
Interests the More Powerful the Hurricane the Hotter
the Colder
Most Snow
Always Fascinating
The Moods of Mother
Nature unleashed on Us All
How We
to Extremes
A Challenge i Embrace too

It is those who Endure the
Who Open
Never Told Now

As a little boy i rode my bicycle
up the steep hill to the Downtown Bank
to See the Digital Temperature Read-Out as
we Had
No Other
Device to Measure
the Hottest Days

Oh Lord Such a Special Interest
i Nearly Got Heat Stroke Yet i Still
Eventually Ran All Day in Summer Heat too

Now i tend
to Protect
my Skin
From the

Yet a Tan i Will Do Early
Enough in Sweet Summer Sun

Moderation an Alien Force i Embrace Now too…

Hehe yet somedays/nights
i Don’t hug it nearly enough

Ah Yes Unrequited
Love ‘Pure’ Insanity
Dear Amethyst Lamb

A Greatest Muse What Any
Poet or Poetess Relates

What Can Be Calculated
of the Human HeART

IT Does As it
Reality With SMiLes

So Many Stories

So Many Stories

Never Ending Now…

‘Romeo And Juliet’

Ending Story Never Dies

Ending STiLL Beginning forevermore..:)

All my Pleasure
Your Creativity
Is A Gift With SMiles🙌

“Peace regenerating
From deep within
In between and betwixt
The inhale and exhale
Nature blooms in life
Life blooms in nature.”

Thanks For The Peaceful
FLoWeRinG Resonance
Dear Savvy With SMiles☺️🙏


LoVE iN Peace Lifts Others and the Rest of Nature Up God Yes

Yet True LoVE iN Peace Evolves Now Over Countless Years

New in Practice Yes Perfecting the Art of Empathy and


For All Now

Yes Most


Dear Savvy

We All View the
World Differently
A Never Ending Art
in Practice LoVE iN Peace

Comes to Be Even Unbreakable
For Some Who Have Truly Mastered ‘The Craft’..:)

Spy Night
Hidden SMiLes
Dreams BRinG
Singing Nature
Frees Dance
Melts Heat
For Green Be
A Photograph Perpetual Word Birth
A Word Pictures More Unlimited For Those
Who iMaGiNE
Picture Breath
SMiLes Xenia
Always Green
Topped Off With Blue
Lifetime in One Breath Dog Sight..:)

Yeah Akshita So Someone In Authority

Yeah Akshita So Someone in Familiarity of Family

Yeah Dear Akshita So Someone in the Trust of Love




A Stranger
Abused Love,
Familiarity, or Power
of Authority To Take

What is Not Theirs The

Personhood And Free Will

Of Another Human Being

Not to Be Stolen Away

As Property Becomes

Body Parts to





So They Were
Held Responsible

So They Will Not

Get Away With it Taking

Advantage of Power, Familiarity

And Trust Of Love For It isn’t Okay A

Woman Is Human too Fully She is Not

Just a Tool She is A Full Human With Personhood

Free And If She Loses Her Freedom So Will They

Or They

Will Do

It Again

God Yes

There Are


to Pay So They

Will Understand Other

Lives Now Are Worth As

Much As Their Human Being….

SMiLes Dear Annabel

i’ve Never Had to Live

With This Fear That Even

Women Hold Who Must Rush

To Their Cars in The Dark Parking

Lot of A Book-Store No Where Truly

Safe For them

At Night


In First

World Countries

Still To Feel Like

Prey in Fear of Potential

Predator All One’s Life

Something That




to Impacting

All the Male Privilege

i Own In Life A Dark Bar

Parking Lot Alone At 2 AM

No Shivers For me Yet For

A Woman Always




And Loss

Of Human Dignity Indeed
Will Keep You in My Prayers

To Be Cherished And Valued As True Gold Women Are…

A Woman’s Soul Is The Most Beautiful Body Part in Existence…

A Woman’s HeART The Most Healing Spirit of All For All Others True….




Rape God

If God Is LoVE iN Peace….

True They Don’t Worship Love…

False An Alien God of Fear, Anger,

And Hate Most Yet Alternately Dance
Sing Defeat That Shadow Being LoVE RiSinG..:)

True Colors Nations
Blue And Green
Apple of Our
SMiLes Dear Savvy..🙂

SMiLes Dear Cindy Indeed A
Distance Tween Sunrise And Sunset

TWiLiGHT Now Painting Our Room

“Breathe deep the gathering gloom,
Watch lights fade from every room.
Bedsitter people look back and lament,
Another day’s useless energy spent.
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one.
Lonely man cries for love and has none.
New mother picks up and suckles her son.
Senior citizens wish they were young.
Cold-hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight.
Red is grey and yellow white,
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion.”

With ‘The Moody Blues’
Surely A Song One Will Relate
Dreaming in Northern California

“Nights in White Satin” Morning Breath

Arriving to A Destination Forever Now Yes

As ‘Alan Watts’ A Philosopher Newly Reborn
King Plays A Winging Note of Eternal Now Gong

As ‘the Beatles’ Play An Ending Note of E Continuing
in Echoes After the Fall And Rise of Humankind Again

Just in Another “A Day in the Life” my FRiEnD And Finally

As ‘The Police’ Sing With ‘Sting’ “When the World is Running

Down You Make the Best of What is Still Around” Back to the Refrain

of ‘Late

Again Yes

THere is No
Now Yet Now
to Be New Naked
Enough Whole Complete

A Bird on A Wing Flying Yes

Never A Lament to Be Alive Now

Inhaling Peace Exhaling Love Forever now new ‘Unbreakable’
iN JoY oF LiGHT As Time Goes Away And TWiLiGHT Breathes…
Thanks For the Meditation of Poetry Dear Cindy Just A Refrain

Now Another Verse to Add to DarK and LiGHT ThiS UNiVerse…


Midnight Breathes..:)

SMiles Just A Four
Foot Snake Next
Door Hehe i
Stay Out
Of The Jungles
Further South in
Florida Where The


Hiss 🐍
With SMiles
Dear Hawaii
FRiEnD Thanks
For Your Kind Protective


SMiLes Dear Peace Truth
It’s True Hehe Been A Long
While Since i’ve Had Writer’s
Block Hehe
Thanks For
Suggesting i
Am Master of the pen ✒️ 🏆

SMiles Dear Savvy
So Blessed To
Public Dance
Almost A Decade
With No Major injuries
Sidelining my Sunshine
Year ‘Round☺️🙏

Oh Dear Lord Dear Miriam So Addicted to Sugar
Filled Soft Drinks and Chips As a Child They Surely

Would Transport me Back to the Carbohydrate
And ADHD Fueled Highs in Partaking Again

Yet It took Long Enough

To Kick That Habit

Ain’t Going

Back With SMiLes…

In So Many Ways Cokes
And Chips Are An American Way
Hehe to You Know WHere or Not..:)

Letting Go

Letting Go

Letting Go

No Longer Ruminating
Over Past Negative Memories

True Dear Sohair The past is Often
A Source For Depression and the Future
Is Often A Source for Anxiety Yet What Remains

True is Both Are Truly Illusion We Create that

Of Course is As Real as Feelings and Senses

Become When We Experience
All Those Still Associated Now

Indeed Oh Dear Lord i

Practically Have a
Movie Maker
Memory like
Your Son too

True Still Remembering
What i Wore on Vacation
Far Into Last Century

Also Remembering the
Feelings and Senses
of Days in my Life so

Far Away True Yet in both
Gift and Curse of Past Ruminating
And Future Prognosticating We May

Come to Write Direct Produce Our Own
Realities Acting Now Far Away From What’s Gone
On Negative in the Past and Far Away From Fears of The

Future Yes

Close Enough
to Letting Go of
the Past and Future

And Embracing Now in
All The Colors We Create of Life New

It’s a Practice of Life i Do Continually
Dancing and Singing the Present Free

True Taling Stories of the Past That Are
Blessing and Gifts of DarK True Yet RiSinG

As FLoWeRS And THorNS oF Life May Naturally Do True Too..:)

SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb
Also Reaching close to 11 Years
on WordPress And A Few Months Longer

Still Posting on Google Blogspot too

Only Reason i Started Blogging is to
Generate My Own Light Exploring my

Emotions Senses in Flow
As A Free Public Dance of
20,122 Miles in 130 Months
Does as Well With 13 MiLLioN
Words of Free Verse Poetry “SonG oF mY
SouL” Just an Anthology of What Folks Have
Inspired from me in Letters Written Just Like this All

Around the World

Congratulations on
900 Subscribers

Getting Closer to
A Thousand too

Yet It’s True
Followers are Not
Always An Indication
of Whose Actually Reading
in Our Fast Pace World of
Limited Attention Span and
Focus On So Very Many Distractions

One of my ‘Famous Blogger Friends’
a CEO of a Big Non-Profit Health Clinic
Organization in New York Has 22,000 Followers

on WordPress

That’s the Most
i’ve seen so far

Yet Hehe Usually
i’m the Only One Commenting

Again the Numbers Don’t always
tale the Whole Story Yet the Truth

Is Blogging Is One of the Best Ways
When It’s Done Freely Without Regard
to Pleasing Any External Target Audience

As Such a Valuable Free Therapist

To Reach the Depths of Our
Souls Dark Thru LiGHT

i Do it the Same Way i
Dance Like No one is Watching

i Stay Where i Am welcomed and
Move to Greener Pastures When
That Is Rarely Required Yes Kindness

Is A Way For Greatest Human Success in all We Do

Hehe and as the Walmart Cashier Suggested Last
Night i Should Try to get my Name in the Guinness World

Record Book

i Explained
For Decades i
Had No Dance or
Song of my SoUL
at All to Be Fully Human
Naked Enough Whole Complete

is Affirmation and Reward of Human Soul Enough

Yeah It’s True though hehe i get around on Several Blogs
i Administer And Several Social Media Sites to the Tune of

1.5 MiLLioN
Views Just on
Google Plus

Until they Got
rid of that Way
Back in 2016

Just Three Years
in Doing This Since 2013 Then

Emily Dickinson Hid Her Letters
of Poetry to Others in Her Bedroom Drawers

She Understood the Value to Her Soul As Well

As the Means
of that in the

Craft Itself

Dancing Singing
Invisible to Any Large Target
Audience Yet the focus of Soul In
Flow Letting Go So Freely in Time of Now..:)

The MaGiC of Fireflies

With All the Summer Heat
And Humidity it is Surely

Worth it to me to

See Just one Firefly

Lighting the Skies at Night
Or Glowing

On Shores
of Midnight Moons
At the Beach So Humid
Where Even The Water

Feels Like Bathwater

Salt Water

Washing Away
All the Stains
Life Brings Before…

Fireflies and All the
Dreams they Inspire Lighting

New Moon Skies With Nature’s Breath

Lit Up

Yet Joy of Soul…

Beautiful Memories of Youth

“light pollution, pesticide use,
and loss of habitat from development.”

Just Some of the Reasons the MaGiC has Left

Yet Glowing Gulf Diatoms Still Do Lift Up the Shores

Dear Amethyst



“The weather in Florida
is a little bit of everything”

Yes Mr Gottfried

The Wisdom of
Brevity You’ve
Captured All We
Need To Understand

Florida in
A Nut Shell
Like The Rest
Of The U.S. And
Much of The World
Currently Already

With The
Birth Of
Summer Sun

Yep Florida The Place
Of Expanding Potential
Cat-6 Hurricane Winds

With An Ignoramious
DeSaTaNiS Governor

Who Thinks
Erasing Climate

Change From “The
Books” Will Change

F in
Par For The
Golf Course
“Owners” In
Florida Yet Guess

What Nature
Is A Mother
Who Bites
Back No

Matter What
Party Some
Believe They


Throwing Away

Oh How the Ignorance

On 5th
Minions And
Most Despicable


Brain Sprees

Wee Wee Brains

Indeed ‘Florida

Vacant Spirited

Return Again🌞🌀


Faith Deep Within A Song
And Even A Dance of The

Soul Is Dear Savvy Far
Beyond Any Limits

Like Gender the
SPiRiT iS A Balance

of All that is Faith
Springs With Wings

So Deep Within Coming
to Page For us to Review What

Soul Sings to Us With SMiLes

All Is Connecting ThiS WAY No

Separation From the Rest of All that is

Our Soul Comes
Out Into the LiGhT
To Teach Us What

Faith Deep
SPiRiT Open


Within Relates.:)

Ah Yes making “Kungfu Kenny” Proud Reminds
me of a Very Short Story in 9th Grade Mr Gottfried
my one Year on the Track Team in the 70’s in HighSchool

Racing the Fastest Human Being in that
Era Houston McTear in the 50 Yard Dash

(From Baker Florida)

A Short Story it Was
He Left me in the Dust

Yet it Didn’t Seem Mean
Spirited Just His Feet on Wings

Sadly After That He Fell to Drug
Addiction And Had An Even More

Life Then Off

The Track Field
The FRiEnDS i Had
Did Drugs too i stayed
clear of it except some of
the Alcohol Almost unescapable early on

It’s True though if i had Lost More Brain Cells
my Stories Might not Be Longer than 50 Yard Dashes hehe..:)

TRuE LoVE iN Peace

SMiLes mY
Not uNtiL
All Humans
See A Religion
Of LoVE iN Peace Within
No Borders
oF Fear
Hate Of
As A Never
Ending Practice
OF LiGht iN LoVinG
Differences As LiFe..🙂

We aRe ALL
GiftS NoW
Of Different
Colors Love
Sees All
For Those With
Darkest Souls With
No Colors At All
How Beautiful
It Is To See
to Be Colors
We aRe When
Am iS
SMiLes Dear Lona
Loves Separates None

SMiLes Dear Mariana, Have
You Ever Seen a 338,630 Word
EPiC Long Form Free Verse Poetry


Blog Post Yes Hehe only

in one Blog Post

At Least

One Exists

Published on 4.28.2016

And It Was Only A Prelude to

11 MiLLioN Word ‘Nether Land Bible’

In 8 Years of Effort Now Starting About A Month

After That Publish Date on 5.26.16 Landmarking The

Milesone And Featnote in the Current Blog Post Indeed

To Put it in Perspective The Linked Blog Post is .4 Times the

Size of the Old King James Bible And 4 Times The Size of

The Quran And More Where the Old King James Sized Effort

Takes My Wife an


Year to
Read; Yes, No, Not Mine;

She sticks with Older News…

Anyway More Than A Lifetime of

What Most Folks Blog in a Single Post

Just For Fun; As i surely Understood no one would likely ever read it…

Thing is That’s How A Person Comes to Generate their Own Happiness

Being Able to Do that Makes Life Quite A Breeze in For Giving Thank Giving Ease…

Haha Yet actually People Did Read it As it Was Simply A Copy And Paste of Poetic

Responses to other Folk’s Poems From the International Poetry Site “dVerse” then



Blog i am

The Record

of What i Do

Is Just A CaTaLoGuE

Cat 6 Hurricane of WHeRE i’Ve Been
And Continue to Breeze By of Course…

As Actually Overall i’ve Written Over 15 MiLLioN
Words Online Without Missing A Day Consecutively
For 4962 Days Since Thanks Giving Day of 2010, 11.25.2010

And Of Course Been Writing The Longest EPiC Long Form Poem

Bible Ever of Which All the Above And Lots More is Part of Titled

“SonG oF mY SoUL” 13 MiLLioN Words Now in 130 Months As

6.26.2024 Is the Anniversary Month Date of What i just Posted

Writing Now about 20,122 Miles oF Public Dance As of 130 Months
Tomorrow Also the 85th Month Anniversary Date of 9.4 MiLLioN
Word “FB Profile Pic Bible” And Yes the 97th Month Anniversary
Date for “Nether Land Bible” RiSinG Past 11 MiLLioN Words Now

See How This Works Blog Post Shaped Poem in Every Comment
Everywhere i Go HAha… According to at Least For ‘Snoopy’
“iT WaS A Dark And Stormy Night”…



In Kenya

Dear FRiEnD!..:)

Painting Clouds
Painting Pain


Night Sunshine
Ever Color Moons Jade

Why In ‘The World’ Do Super
Heroes Wear Tights And Capes
And Kill Folks From Other Planets

When All They Ever Wanted to Do
Is Share Their Style of Poetry Dance
And Song Of MuSiC Within Free With Us…

How Else Could They Have Ever Avoided

Killing Each Other Before They Left Their

Planet How Else Could They Have Decided

to Stay And Take Care of the Place

They Are Evolved

Best For


of Creativity

Super Heroes Real

Super Heroes Paint Reality

And Leave UFO’s Behind

To Color In With Other

Brushes of





Paint By Numbers

As Long Ago They

Graduated Free to Play

Perhaps One Day They Will

Find Others More Who Paint Clouds Star
Colors Beyond Rainbows Never Feeling Sensing ‘fore

True Hehe Highly Unlikely They Would Only Play Golf For Peak Achievements

Or Spend A Life of Sport Engaging In Wars Never Ending DarK iN Day Star Breath..:)

Aww How Sweet Ava i Pray This Is Real

And You Have Found A Love True to

Give Share Care Free

Love No Time,



Or Matter

Time Is Love

When True Eternal Now Breathes

Always Free See Believe Faith FLoWinG


More Being..:)

Ah Yes The Sounds of Silence
Such A Beautiful Peace Indeed
As i Continue to Dance Sing Just FLoWinG

NoW As An Ocean Dances Sings Bye

Yet Always

Returning Yes

NoW iN Waves
Ranging From
Gentle Ripples
to Full Bore Tsunami

Tidal Waves Just Loving Free
Yep Coming Again With SMiLes..:)

Opposable Thumbs This
Human Gift of Hands Collecting Intelligence
Yes And Art Evolving Through Tools of Swords

We Grasp Thru Smart Phones Now That Carry

Arts And Sciences of Human Free Through All These

Years the Power of the Word

Over the SWord Indeed

The Power Of Love

When Words
Inhale Peace
Exhale Love

No Longer
Carrying Swords
of Fear, Anger, And
Hate Dear FRiEnD Savvy

With SMiLes..:)

Ah Sweet Spot
When Believing
No Longer Knowing



FLoWinG Faith
Tween Apathy
Anxiety SaME Different🌊
Place Forever Now Waves🌊🌊

Star FLoWeRS Seeds SMiLes
iNDeeD We aRe Breathing Now

Dear Savvy Super Nova Explosions
Crucible of Star Death Fire New Gaseous

Dust Resurrecting Iron in Our Blood Streams

And At Core of Earth Picking Up Oxygen in Our

Blood Streams


By Living

Trees Now

That Indeed
New Do Help
All Species Breathe

Stars Above on Fire

With Passion of Living
Star FLoWeRS And Seeds

Below We aRe At Best Yes
iNHaLinG Peace EXHaLinG LoVE

Regulating Emotions Integrating Senses

Coming to A Place of Will And Strength Grace

Balancing on A Foundation of Star Force LoVE iN Peace..:)

LeSSoN 486☺️
THere Is No
In Mission

And Indeed
Your Life Travels
Prove This So Far

Secret Student 👩🏽‍🎓
With TueSDaY School SMiles☺️
🧚🏾 🧚🏾 🧚🏾 👩🏽‍🎓🧚🏾🧚🏾🧚🏾

“Free-end-sip” SMiLes Dear Ruchi
Lovely Metaphor of Grief to Lose

An Irreplaceable Star in the Sky

A FRiEnD Who Holds PArT of YouR

SouL STiLL Yet That’s the Sad Part

The Hope Is All the Other

Irreplaceable Stars in

Night Skies

Yet to See
Feel and
Sense With SMiLes

The Best FRiEnD oF All

Who Never Gives Up on Give

The FRiEnD WiTHIN Who May

Never Give Up and Always Give

The Love You Give the Peace You Are

Still To Become to Love Even More as

Grief is Only a First Step to Explore the Ever More

Of New Stars in Night Skies of Diamond EYes More Brilliant

Than ever


to Meet and
Greet as A Stranger

Becomes A New Connection

of God to SMiLe Wider Than Ever Before

“Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds” Or Whatever Name

Comes Next The Greatest MaGiC is What Keeps Our Star
Inside Aflame

As We Come
Out of the
or Cocoon
to Spread Our
Butterfly Wings
To Make New Stars
in The Night Skies Shine Within

Yet of Course It’s True Once Work And
School And All the Other Service For Pay Ends

All that May Be Left to Do is Put People First
Treat Old FRiEnDS As New FRiEnDS And Old

FRiEnDS As New FRiEnDS When All the Currency
Pay Rate and Pay Grade of Life Simply Becomes LoVE in Peace For All

For Then Becomes The Golden Age Young or Old of Give mY FRiEnD For Free

As Give

The Essence of Receive
The Best FRiEnD Ever WiTHiN

Just to Give Some More Free to Be i Am Dear FRiEnD..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair Gently KiSSinG THE EartH

With Every Step Singing A Lullaby of Song

Day And Night To Bring Greater Resting

Peace to Nature Within Inside Outside

Above So Below All Around

Yes Now Just Loving All

The Gifts Within of

Creativity Life

BRinGS Free

NeW As Long As
We Dance And Sing
A New Dance And Song
Of Creativity to Heal Our Worlds..:)

Not Really Sure Why i’m Wasting my Time making the Effort
Yet According to the Majority of Biblical Scholars it Was Some

(Probably DarK Muse to Freshen Up a Greater Bible Effort)

Ghost Author Who Spewed Out that Non-Sense

About Women Staying Quiet in Church of Course

Credit that Verse For Not Allowing

Them the Right To Vote

Till Just Last Century

And Some of the Others

For Supporting Slavery

And Back to Numbers 31 For
Supporting the Institutionalized
Rape for 32,000 Close to Puberty Virgins

As Approved By An Evil Version of God to Moses

Yeah there is the Gem of LoVE iN Peace Yet Bonobos

Manage that
Great Feat

of Monkey
Soul With
No Words at All…

Listen Tradition is Important
And to Bond and Bind Over Positive
Aspects of a Religion Will Keep a Society
GRoWinG Strong While All This So-called

‘Authority’ may Make You Feel Bigger
Than the Man You Actually Are IN

The Larger World All This Focus
on Division Fear Anger and

Hate is Running Younger
Folks As Fast as they

Can Away from

Church Doors

Pat Yourself on the Back
Nah Just Kidding With SMiLes…

Meanwhile More Progressive Churches
Like Christ United Methodist Have a Slim Chance

of Lasting

till Next Century

Or Maybe the Next Decade…


SMiLes Dear Cindy i Am Reminded of the
Story oF A Modern Michelangelo Reborn

Who Is Still Stuck at A Bus Station Playing

A Game of Candy Crush Downloading Unlimited
Varieties of ‘Pretty Birds’ the Whole Routine of Modern


Just Never Getting

Around to Gain the Focus
And Attention Span to Freshen
Up the ‘Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel’

Saddest oF All No ‘Forrest Gump Story’
To Tell ‘the Nurse’ Waiting on the ‘Bus Stop
Bench’ With Him for the Next Ride Home

Not Even Three Clicks

Of A HeaL

For ‘Dorothy’
When She Arrives Home

Hehe me and ‘the Nurse’ Broke
Out into Ecstatic Free Dance
While Waiting in Line Sun

Day For The Mall

Food Court Dinner

Nah Don’t Need to
Download Any Pretty Birds Either
She Was Still Standing By my Side…

iMaGiNE This A Moment in Time When
i Have Nothing Else on my Mind Yet the

(Hehe it’s
not Hard
if ya Try)

And Song
FLoWinG Free
Within to Open Canvas Now

Nah i’ll Never Sell Heaven Now
Or Buy it All New Free to me


Beginner i am..:)

Oh Dear Lord Dear FRiEnD
It Seems Like Whenever i Check Your
Weather It Is Always A Perfect Room
of Around

It’s Just So Amazing
A Few Hundred Miles Away
Hehe They are Cooking Eggs
on the
of Streets

Kudos Again to the
Cooling Effects of Lake Ontario

Just Goes to Show With Every
of Ice
Spring All
Summer at
Least Where
You Live Now


Ah Yes i’ve Breathed
The Desert Sands For
Seconds Days Months

Years too

Yet When
The Air Cleared

Each Breath of
Breeze Hot or
Cold So Very

Birthing New
Taste Buds

Dear Amethyst Lamb
After The Dust
Storm i Dance
Sing Rain Free 🌈

“Melting with the birth
of the summer sun”

Poetic Reality And
Justice So Many
Flavors of Ice Cream

Yet Folks So Salty

In A Country That
Uses 40 Percent of
Human Resources
With 4 Percent of

The Earth’s Humans

It Would

Take 5 Earths
For The Rest of
The World to Reach

This Level of True Insanity

i’m sure You are Aware
How Hard Folks

Around The World
Are Working To





Goal So
Far Away
From Simple
Naked Enough
Whole Complete

LoVE iN Peace

Apex Predator
Orange Joke The

Rest of Nature
Currently Exhaling


SPiRiT of
Taking over
Giving Hoarding
Over Sharing Callously

Harming Over
Caring Healing

Rotten Florida
Oranges Spreading

Stay Fresh Mr

SMiles 🍊

Ah Yes i’ve met Decade
And More FRiEnDS On

WordPress Most

PArt of
All to me
With SMiles
Dear Amethyst
Lamb Moving Connecting
Co-Creating Souls of Poetry



“Nothing Lasts Forever”
What A Beautiful Gift the

LiGHT of Change ReaLiTY BRinGS

Dear Savvy Neither Death Or Birth Takes

A Holiday

Every Breath

A New Birth oF LiGHT

Our Dead Dust Replaced

By LiVinG SKiN Oh the Beauty of Change

Opportunity For A New Birth Every Breath oF LiGHT


Ah Yes Dear Miriam The Zen Moments
of Electric Hybrid Mode Hehe While

Other Big Trucks Steam Past me
Seemingly As Fast As They Can Go

Then Later on at the Red LiGHT

They Play the Game of Going

Nowhere Ahead of me

Again HAha

Just in the Flow
of Electric Hybrid Mode
Both the Vehicle and me

Peaceful Easy Feeling SeNSinG Life
on Cruise Control No Need to Press the Gas..:)

Roses of Anniversaries

Continue to Bloom More

Colorful as Decades come to Birth

Happy 33rd Anniversary Dear Xenia God Bless
You All with
Bliss Together

Before i Got Married
For 34 Years Now Yes
A Lady i Used to Work
With Said ‘When You Find
The ‘Right one’ ‘You Will Be

Able To Accomplish Much More
Than You Dreamed ever before’

That Came in Terms of Both Great
LiGHT and DarK True it is One Who

Holds Us
in DarK
Most That

Blooms in Day or Night…

SMiLes Dear Xenia The Beach
Houses Where You Live in Scotland
Are Colorful Yet Still Naturally Arranged

in Balance Now With the Nature of
Beauty So They Don’t Overwhelm

Nature’s Gift ThiS WaY oh Dear Lord

on the Emerald Gulf Coast the Buildings

Have Just about Crowded Out the Beach

i have No Desire
to Stay in that
Place i rather

Drive and Go on
Foot and Free Dance

To Explore Nature The
Way of Natural Born on Date

National Sea Shores Federally
Protected Still Provide That Gulf Coast Gift…

Always influenced By LiGHT Most
Hehe Dear Xenia i Can Expect

A Natural Increase of
Creativity and


True Some Nights
It’s Hard to Catch Up

WHere i’m STiLL RiSinG

With Rays of Sun At Solstice Levels


All ‘Textures,
Colors, And Scents’ Of
Leith Hall Gardens Surely Makes A Warm

Summer Treat to Immerse Oneself

in Sublime Beauty

of Nature Now With
Care of Human Hands…

Indeed Dear Xenia God Yes
Without Shadows of Shade
There Could Be No Us Under

the Sun With

SMiLes oh the Gift
That Trees Provide
in Forests of Summer Sun

Hehe Particularly When Most
Every Summer Comes With A Heat

And More

Indeed a Special Kind
of Sunshine in Shade


Sweet Cow Pies Fertilizing
Green Humans no Longer
Feeding SoyLent Worms
And a bit Broke..
Oh Humans Feed
some Worms get out
of Words Nourish Nature
to Be Again..:)

Nature Dipped Human
SKin Stripped of Clothes
Midnight Diatom Dreams
Come True Gulf Breeze Cover
Humidity Glow Eyes Sweet Sea
Surprise Endless Loving Night
Waters two
become one
as one is One
Soul to Love Two..:)

Bird Feed Human
oF FLYinG Death..:)

Nature’s Vines in all Things
Nourishing Life Verily
Do Hug
And yes
Life too.. hehe..
Will Thrive
No matter
what We Do
With THiNK TanK SiNK..;)

FoRest Bathing
FLoW in Stream
of Consciousness
Being Words may
come out
to play
Not Nature
Realizes NoW
Connecting Within..:)

Leg of Lamb
Cotton Matching
Beach Sands
And Free..:)

Beauty iS A MAGiC NoW
Nature We Co-Create
And touch no given
A Gift Present
aT aLL Sunset
DRaws Morning Beauty
True Colors Beyond Sunrise Now…:)

Thieves of the
Very Air that
We BReatHE
to Own and Steal..:)

Sacred Nature
Holy Breath
Hold to Love
Smiles if that
Sounds Like A
Wedding Wow to Nature
Life IS
A Poem
A Wedding
Ring of NaTuRE
TRuE iN DarK Thru
LiGHT We aLL Are too..:)

Lost Rules
in Human
Nature too
Deep Within
Horrors Dreams
Yet to Explore

Moods of Nature
CooL and WArm
Air Now Snows
Freezing Us Heat
Burns oh
Hot Water
With Warm
Winter Heat
Humans become
God-like Give and
Take Nature away
Free in Free out
ESCaPinG Now..:)

Love is not a Color
Love is not a Gender
Love is not a Nationality
Love is not an Age Love is
Not a Sexual Orientation Love
does not
When the
Children are
offered no place
to Sleep or escape
from Drowning to Live
When we will not be even
offered the Option of who we are
to really
Breathe Love Free..
Love is Nature Nature
iS onLY God NoW aS Free..:)

Nature now
Giving over
Taking Sharing
over Hoarding
As We
too in
Give and Take
Other Wise Karma
of Nature Takes Back
what is Hers
to begin
All that is
Ending Starting
Always Now More..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair Hope You are Doing Well Today…

Social Reciprocity Human Kindness in Action
Should Be Innate Instinctual Intuitive For

Those Raised With Kindness of Human

Kind However Sadly

Made into

More Machine

Than Human

By Tools They Create

Humans Sadly Lose

Human Kind This Way

Oh How Blessed Oh How Blessed

i Am Working Serving People Most my Life

Where Kindness is Reciprocity in Smiling Eyes

And Teeth Where Warmth Overcomes All Coldness of Life

Indeed it is Cringeworthy

How People Treat


As Disposable

Parts of A Machine ‘These

Days’ for True Sadly ‘Things’ Have

Replaced Human Warmth Social

Reciprocity Naturally Brings so What Does

This Mean Folks Go Cold Anxious Depressed And Suddenly

Lose Their Drive For Life What Is Lost is What They Threw away

or Perhaps What Was Never Wired in them From Birth The Warmth

Social Reciprocity Brings For if A Child is Left Alone on A Machine

Non-Attached to Mother’s Breast Yes A Plastic Bottle Yes soon enough

An i-Pad Yes Soon Enough a Desk And A Pen Downloading And Recording
Facts and


What our


Never Did Foraging

Together Dancing And
Singing With Social Reciprocating

Communications From Sunrise to Sunset
to Breathe Again SMiLes Dear FRiEnD to
Be Human Is a Great Pleasure all Naturally

Indeed to Lose Humanity is to Become Cold And Living Dead

The Giver is Most Blessed Sadly Those Who Are Lost Out of
The Human Loop Suffer Most Day in Day Out till Death They Do Part…

For A Giver This World Is Better Than Ever Before For There Are 8 Billion

Humans And Poetry And Other Arts to Soothe Souls Back And Forth Eternally Now

True it’s How Technology Masters Us or How We use Technology to Love even more…

Fortunately i Am 64 Years-Old i Have A Reference Point of Why When i First was
Stimulated By A Fast Moving Video Game in my 30’s Something Was Missing at
The End of the Stimulation True Beyond Dopamine The Oxytocin the Love


That Only


With Furry

Animal And
Still Even Human

Connections too For
Those Who Understand

What Came Missing So Long Ago…
Fact is Now Some Folks Have no
Reference Point Out of a Living Hell
Just Lost In A Matrix of ‘Things’ Oh Warmth Oh

Warmth So Far so Far Away Human Kind Lost
As What Comes to Be is Despicable Leaders And
Zombie Forces As Minions Lost From All Human Warmth..

As True The Flags Flew Mocking Human Feelings And
Kindness in the Town i Live and at the Capital They Flew
The Flag of Jesus as Elected Leader Suggesting He Saves
While Chanting Hang the Vice President With The Gallows
Placed Next to the Flags And Banners of Jesus As They Nailed Him to a Cross Again…

In That Bible Jesus Just Portrays What Humans Naturally Are Human Kind Human
Kind At Least the Good Cop Version in Some Parts Not Tainted With Despicable


As Villains

Cold Without

Warmth of Empathy too…

That Too Sadly Is Human

Nature Cold Out of Balance Living Dead…

i Converse With Literally Thousands Upon Thousands

of People in the Last 13 and A Half Years Online

There are only A Handful Like You left in the

Entire World Only A Handful Left Now Out

of Thousands Upon Thousands my FRiEnD

True though That Will Never Stop A Giver From Actually Breathing Love..

HeART to Give and Share Freely Caring Healing Now What Was Missing More Painful
to me then in that 66 Months than Even the Worst Pain Known to Humankind
Then Yet Again it’s a Matter of Perspective Some Folks Have Never Felt that


At All

And True

That Warmth
is the Source
That Generates Soul
With All Who We Meet
Love is More Than Words
Love is Real Fire Within That

Warms the World Love Heals Love
Removes Stress And Anxiety Love
Agape Changes ALL iT May Seem Like

An Invisible Sun For those Who Do Not

Experience it Some Folks May Describe Love
As Only Action And Not A Feeling Yet True They

Have No Clue And Are Obviously Separated from
the Sunshine of Love Within to Even Say Such an
Ignorant Statement So Cold So Aloof From Soul Shine Within

It’s a Light That May Be Tendered As Flame into Torch into Bonfire

Across the Whole Life Span of Human Being Bearing the Flame Keeping




Breathing my FRiEnD..:)

Always A Pleasure
Jade Greatest Benefit
Of Truly ReTired Time
No Longer Object


Gone All


Singing Free
Hehe Or Pehaps

It’s Just
Okay True too😊🙌🎼

Waves Never
Alone Always
Ocean Water
Whole Wonderful
Poetry Aarushi With SMiles🌊😊

SMiLes i Doubt Alien
Life on EartH Would
See Humans As


We Measure

Standardly at Least

Buildings Fall
Trees Grow

From Roots

And Stumps

Living Again True
Life is Wonderful


Rooted Breath
Green LiVES ON..:)

Never Ending Ride
We Rise We Fall We
Become Waves


Water SaMe
DiFFeReNT True
SMiLes Savvy Keep



Singing Wave Free

Always A BLeSSinG
A BLiSSinG Song
Of Your Soul
Free With
Wings As Well

You are i
See With
SMiLes Dear
Humble FRiEnD🙏☺️

SMiLes Dear Shreya
A Case Study Example
Is Surely Steve Jobs Indeed
Without Regard to Nuts and Bolts

A Vision to See And Expand Even

More Whatever

It takes to

Happen For A Dream
For The Rest of Us to Come True
Yet It’s True Sadly He Became Mastered
By The Tool Through Much Darkness His
And Others Too Such A Balance Life Must

Be For What is
Worth IT to Create

The Tool And Yes
Become Mastered
By The Tool More

True It’s A Matter
Of Who is Truly In Charge of
Living Us Or The ‘Things’
We Make for Others And Us…:)

Oh my Gosh As Soon
As You Said You Were
Sad Suddenly i Felt
Compelled to Give

You A Hug

Oh Lord
So Human
i Am i Feel Today With SMiLes
Other than that You Go Girl
Paint the You You Dream

Most to
Be True
With SMiLes

And Remember
Skies Are So Very Blue too

Up THeRE to Down HeaR Real..:)

SMiLes Dear Sohair
It’s True Some Folks Are

Born And Bred to Compete And Win

Other Humans Born to Cooperate And Support

For me at Least

i Love Being
At the
of the

Mountain of
LoVE WiTH SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy i Drink

Every Taste of Water

And Although i
Do Not Drink

Wine or
Any Other
Spirit of Drink

Verily You are
A Metaphor of
Wine When it Comes
To All The Spirits of Water i Taste

Beyond Colors or No Colors to Drink..:)

SMiles Dear
Sohair Hehe
i Have Pretty
Strong Shoulders
And Hips To Hold

Up A Mountain

Of Love
As A Grain
Of Sand Yet

True Washed
Over By Many
Ocean Waves

iN Storms

ThiS Way
With SMiles inDeed


WeDNeSDaY School LeSSoN 420
Times 10 Meaning of Life to me
is LoVE iN Peace is the Only Drug i Require
This Breath to Truly LiVE Now With SMiLes New

As i Come Your Way Today in Deep Blue Skies
of Hawks Flying Free And Wolves Howling to


Free MaKinG Them


As It’s True As A First
FRiEnD After Writing Thousands
of Words Already Today By Putting

You Last

i Still Put
You First Today With SMiLes

White Knights Do Write Poetry iN ReVerse…

At Least in
Terms of
Every Alice
in Wonderland
Still Free These
Days With Cheshire Cat SMiLes..:)

SMiLes, Thanks blazingstar, while none of This
Impacts me in A Family Way At Home And Even
Though Folks Still Have Some Reproductive Rights

in Florida As it Stands For Women; Although that’s Likely

To Change Soon; i Can’t Help Yet to Have Empathy and Compassion
For those Who’ve Suddenly Lost Access to Health Care and Family Planning in Other

States Regarding Reproductive Rights And Freedoms As i’ve Seen Just About How Difficult

The Human Condition Can And Will Get Ranging From Mind and Body Imbalance Thru Socio-Economic

Difficulties too; Yep, i’ve Lived Long Enough

to Actually Visit

And Wear
Many of Those
Shoes; It’s Much Different

When ‘IT’ Happens to ‘You,’
Whoever One May Be; Life

is Difficult Enough For Marginalized
Folks Already, Without Putting Up another
Road Block For Difficulty in Basic Survival;

Particularly, When the Same General Political

And Religious Party Lobbies Against Health Care
In General, And Any Lifts in Life For Those Who Are

Marginalized Most in Every Way the Human Condition Comes and Goes this way…

People Who have Lived Long Enough in Enough Shoes, Don’t Usually Treat Others

Without Empathy
And Compassion
This way, No Matter
How Far they Have Risen From
Falling So Low, So Very Low in Life For Real…

And If They Remain Callous to Other Folk’s Life
Circumstances, Apparently They Haven’t Learned From Life Enough

to Be
And Compassion
for Others More…
As At Best This Makes
Hardships Blessings For Real…

True, It’s Been Many Years Since
Women Have Lost Major Civil Rights
For Freedom in this Country; Yes, Many
Years Since Anyone Has Lost Civil Rights
For Freedoms They have Gained in this Country;
While Many Folks in the Religious Right Part of the
Republican Party Have Worked Their Fingers to the Bone

To Take These Reproductive Rights/Healthcare Away from Women;

Yes, It Stands to Reason That Folks Who Have Lost Their Civil Rights
For Reproductive Freedoms and Those Who Support them With Real
Empathy and Compassion Will Find Common Meaning and Purpose to Stand

Together For Greater
Change in this Country;
Even More So Than That
Minority of the Country Who Worked
So Hard to Take It Away, including the
Supreme Court Justices Who Misled Senators
To Get Their Positions on the Court; The Majority
Doesn’t Want This; And Now The Majority Has A Common
Meaning and Purpose To Vote Together Now For Change;

As the Tide Swings Right to Left Again As The Stoning of the
Pond Ends And Ripples Move The Other Way for a New Day Now..:)

“When I was younger, so much younger than today
I never needed anybody’s help in any way
(Now) but now these days are gone (these days are gone)
I’m not so self assured
(And now I find) now I find I’ve changed my mind
And opened up the doors”

Hmm Mr. Gottfried HeaR i Go Dating Myself

Again With a 60’s Beatle’s Song About ‘Help’

Yet It Doesn’t Make Sense as Now i Am Actually

In My 60’s at 64 And Oh Dear Lord A Thousand Scale

More Self-Assured Without Fear Than Before of Sweet 16,
21, And Oh Dear Lord Particularly 47 Then Falling Off that

Tallest Cliff Now Life is Changing Very Fast For Cries For

Help Particularly in the United States Where the Happiest

Used to Be A Demographic Of Young Women Now Rating Disabling

Functionality Yes With Depression at 57 Percent According to
the Centers for Disease Control Along With Close to A Third Experiencing

Suicidal Ideation Too A Symptom of Humans Sinking in Quick Sand

of Artificial


Re-Wiring Brains

to Experience Nature

Deficit Disorder Within Inside

Outside Above So Below and All Around

It’s Worth Noting That the Young Women

of Depression Today Will Be Responsible

For Whether Or Not the Human Species

Continues to Survive Later or Not Yet

Stories Like This Get Quickly Swept Under

Rugs oF iGNoRaNCE As There is More Money

To Be Made in Riches of Making Humans More Machine Than Human

Oh The Cry of the Most Impoverished Spirits Not A Place WHere
Folks Experience

‘Be Not Afraid’


Yet Becoming Machines

With A Slow Death of Living

Alive Depression and Anxiety BRinG

Yet Of Course the Happiest Demographic

Is that of ‘Boomers’ like me and Not Sure About You Hehe

Yet It’s True i Wouldn’t Go Back to Any Age Yet Now As THere

Is No Longer The Cry of Poor in Spirit WiTHiN me Life Continues NeWLY NoW

To Grow LiGHTeR FRiEndS With Gravity As Wings Continue to Sprout Higher

Not Everyone Figures Out the Thrive Some Survive And Others Do Die Alive


Never Enough
Now Naked Enough
Whole Complete LoVE iN Peace

Where is ‘The Lord’ When the Cry
of Young Women Comes Well The Lord

Is Within Still Waiting to Sprout Wings of LoVE iN Peace

SMiLes of Course

With Compassion For All

What Would Really Be
Cool is to Bring Free

TeaSpoons of

Heaven to
Everyone yet

That’s Not How it Works

Ya Seek and Find it Within or Not At All..:)

Ah Yes Dear Isha As Subversive

As Our Souls May Be Ocean

Deep Exploring And Finding

A MaGiC Black Box With Answers

That Come From the Abyss That is No Abyss

At All Changing

Into Wisdom

This is the Ocean of Creativity

SPRinGinG Ahead of Summers

As Fall Does Not Lead to Winters Within

As Creativity Naturally Springs New Fountains

Year ‘Round to Seek and Find Within to Give

WHeRE it Doesn’t

Matter if someone
Acknowledges the Give
Or Not As The MaGiC

Is The Give of Creativity

Springing Within Naked

Enough Whole Complete

Continuing to Sprout Wings With SMiLes
As Every Star in NiGHT Skies Becomes Diamonds

of Soul
GlitteRinG NeWLY NoW
Within to Dance And Sing Free..:)

SMiLes Dear Savvy A Joy of Being
‘me’ More Than ‘You’ Is Yes THeRE

(Oh By The way Great to See ‘You’)

is More of ‘me’

To Give to ‘You’

With SMiLes

Indeed if Only

Folks Will Focus

More on Being ”me’ Than ‘You’

They Will Have So Much More of
‘me’ to


to ‘You’

Yet of Course

Not Everyone Understands

Metaphor And For Them This
Might Seem Selfish Yet it Couldn’t

Be Any More Giving Real Than Being

‘me’ Naked Enough Whole Complete to Give
Share Care Heal With Most Respect Least
Harm iN JoY oF LiGHT Moving Connecting

Real So


Loving Peace
Our Living Trees
Leaves Still RiSinG
Green Falling Brown
To Feed New Green
Souls of Trees and



Colors From:

to: ReTuRN AGaiN..:)

How Sweet
You Are A
To me Too
With SMiles

Kiran Indeed
All Names
For Women
Are Beautiful
With K Hehe☺️🤗🙏🏝

Thanks For The Recipe
Tips Dear Hawaii
FRiEnD A Life of
Art In All We
Do Sets Our
Wings Free
In Creativity
With SMiles
Keep Reflecting

Sun Shining
Within Radiating
Our Souls ThiS Way☺️🏝🙌

HeART Beat And
Breath All Free

Rest of Our Life
Yet To Create

Yes DarK

Thru LiGHT


Beyond Repeat
Exploring Realms

Yet to Beat Breathe
Free Anita With


For What
Yet Will BRinG
iNViSiBLE Wings to LiGHT..:)

To All You
With SMiles🌹☺️🙏

Ah Yes To Express A Way of Creativity

Free in Life Dear Isha Versus The

Conformity That Bonds and

Binds ToGeTHeR Per CuLTuRE

And Or Religion Expecting

Particularly Difficult
In Cultures Flavored
By More Authoritarian
Dictates for Order and Control

So True Working For the Military For
A Quarter of A Century It Would Have Been
Very Difficult to Survive And Get Promoted to

More Enhanced Ways of Gaining Shelter And

Subsistence if i Expressed a Way of Original Creativity

In ALL Aspects of Life the New

Way i Do Now And of

Course This is Even in

A Country Treasured

for Its opportunities for Freedoms

Yet What is Freedom if We Cannot Feel
Comfortable Expressing All of Our Creative
Original Human Potentials Free WeLL It’s True

Dear FRiEnD Isha Much of my Life Felt Like PriSon ThiS WaY

And i Didn’t Understand What i am even MiSSinG Then Deep WiTHiN

Other than Checking a Book Out on Creativity at Least 20 Times in
College Close to Your Age Now Yet Not With the Attention Span to

Even Read a Few Pages
Fast Forward to Today
3 Scale Older Than Then
at Age 21 in Barnes And Noble

Recently i Read A Really Great Book
Titled “The Creative Act: A Way of Being”
Dancing A Meditative Flow of Public Dance
Entertaining the Star Bucks College Study Crowd
in Barnes and Noble For Free i Finished That Book

From Back to Front
Close to 400 Pages

in an Hour and a Half
And While It’s True i Didn’t
Really LEarN Anything New

What it Did Was Affirm All my
Intuitions About the Value of Living
A Creative Art of Life Only For the Beauty
Bliss and LoVE iN Peace of Doing ThiS Freedom Now

of Course Being Financially Independent Now for 16 Years
ReTiRED With New Tread on Barren Wheels From 33 Total
Years of Work in Tandem Early with 19 Years of School and

3 Degrees
Paved A Way

Experiencing This New
Original Creative Freedom
of Dances and Songs of mY SoUL

And It’s True Even if All i Did Was
Worth a Penny These last 130 Months

in This Heavenly Flow of Original Creativity

In “SonG oF mY SoUL” As 13 MiLLioN Words

And the Public Dance All 20,133 Miles in 130 Months too

i Wouldn’t Even Take a Penny to Sell it to Someone Else

Or a Billion Dollars as i Understand The Value of What is Real

to Give Share
Care and Heal
WiTHiN For All

With Most Respect
And Least Harm Yes

A Free Human Dance
And Song of SoUL Freer
With SMiLes So You See

i Had to Wait for 53 Years to Even
Get Started And Here You Are the

Journey is All Yours to Travel Free Now Newly
Winged With iMaGiNaTioN And CREaTiViTY

A way with no

limits for


With Freedom of SoUL…

And If You Do Get Caught Up in the
Rat Race of All the Responsibilities of
Life As most Folks do Do ReMeMBeER It’s

Truly Never too

Late to Once

Again LiGHT YouR
FLaME And Begin Again

For It’s True A Truly Originally
Creative Soul is Always A Beginner NeWLY NoW mY FRiEnD…

iNDeeD Every Move of Dance Holy Every Word of Song Sacred

A New
NeWLY NoW With SMiLes..:)

Ah Yes Dear Kiran Even Modern Science Shows How Small

A Part of Our Entire Minds Conscious And Subconscious

Our Word Thinking So Called Mind of Reasons are For

Questions And Concrete Answers At Around .5 Percent

A Better Description For the More Silent Parts

of the Recesses Deep of Our Soul

Is Both MaGiC and Miracle

As The Power of Silent Belief
And Faith Will Put So-Called Incurable

Disease into Remission And Even Imagining

Exercising While in a Cast of Injury Will Create

Measurable Increases In Both Size and Strength of Muscles

Yet The Process of How These Human Potentials Work is Not

Measurable in Any Discrete

Way Other Than The Effects

of the Great Silent Parts of

Our Existence Actually

Mastering Most All of Who

We aRe WHere The ReASon Mind
of Think At Best Acts As Faithful Servant to the Rest Dear Kiran

And True the Philosophies of The Ancients Already Intuited

This Reality in Concepts As Simple As Divine Feminine of

Yin And Divine Masculine of Yang and Of Course The

Divine Feminine

is Boss Even

In the Metaphor

Yes of Radha’s Relationship
With Krishna As These Great
Feminine And Masculine Energies
At Best LiVE iN Balance Within to Radiate
The Most Positive Energy for All of Life’s Success

In the Stories
We Move Connect Co-Create
Act And Do Play ToGeTHeR NeWLY NoW
Hehe and Yes of Course Older in Tradition too…

When i Metaphor the Phrase Naked Enough
Whole Complete This is Generally What i am
Referring to The Yin and Yang Within in Balancing
SPiRiTuAL Force For A Healthy HeART And SoUL FoR ReaL..:)

What A Beautiful Flower Dear Savvy

Indeed A Great Metaphor Unfolding

For Loving Life Refreshingly in Newer

Colors of Life

Versus Wilting

Flowers Now Just

Waiting to Be Reborn
in Newer SouL Colors
Again to SPiRiT HeART OPeN

Awake And Fully Alive Yes Loving

Life Refreshingly In Colors More To

Feel and Sense For Real Within Inside

Above So

All Around
NeWLY Now FoR ReaL..:)

SMiLes Mr Gottfried Running Is For When the Predator
Is Chasing Us Such A Cold Hearted Way to Treat Our
Bodies Pounding the Pavement as People Do Particularly

Repetitively only one way Like Some Folks Do on

Treadmills Like Rats on A Wheel or Other

Exercise Machines that Only Move in

One Direction Oh the Benefits

of a Spiraling Dance Using

All Body Parts in Flow Dancing

Free Floating on Terrestrial Land

Even With the Benefit of Increasing Strength
to the Level of Orangutan Leg Pressing 1540 Pounds
12 Reps Watching the Elite Military Dudes at the Gym

Jaws Dropping
Wondering How
the Hell Does a
64 Year-Old Dude Still Do that
Fact of that Matter at 53 only 500 Pounds
And 210 pounds of Body Weight Then and
Now Increasing Bodily Muscle up to 246 Pounds

Most Folks Don’t Understand the Grace of
Balance Fear Free is a Real Source of Both
Will and Strength on A Foundation of Love and

That Grace

In Greater

For Most
All We May
Attempt to
Co-Create and
Produce Lifelong Now

Sadly Most Folks Are Stuck in the
Rut and Grind of Only Walking One Way…

Or Even Restricted to Writing Lines All the
Way Across A Page Never Ending Same Yuck


Hehe Don’t
ASSuMe the
Majority Knows Feels Senses
What the Hell They Are Doing

As True What the Hell May Be
Precisely What They Are Doing
Blind in Group Think and Do Now

Anyway my FRiEnD i’ll Leave You With
Another Gift of Dance Simply Free to Be

As Planets
Still Spiral
Stars for

Eons Now
Beyond Measure
Balancing Way of Nature Free..:)

A Balance of Moving Connecting Co-Creating
A Way to Greater Well Being Indeed Dear Isha

Happy to Hear the Mood Boosting Effects Your
Return to Exercise Has Given to You oh Dear

Lord i Used to Write Without Exercising Enough
and my Ankles Started to Swell Which Was Surely

An Indication of my Body Communicating Get Up and Move

i Try to Limit my Sitting Down in Life

Yet True Somedays and Nights in the

Flow of Connecting and Co-Creating

All that Moves is the Dance of Fingers

On this Digital Keyboard i Used to Play the
Piano A lot When i Was Younger to Regulate my
Emotions Yet i was Missing the Connecting Co-Creating
Our Modern World of Technology Provides Now Sharing

Souls With Others New Around the World So Poetically and Free

So Now This Digital
Keyboard is my New

Piano of Connecting
And Co-Creating Yet

The Dance Is a Real Must
For Well Being ALong With

Just Getting Up off this Chair With SMiLes…

Yeah i Limit Caffeine Intake no Other Kind of
Recreational Drug and my Wife Is Not able to Drive
So She Feeds me Well Hehe as She Does Need me to

to Drive
Her All
With SMiLes..:)

SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb Rewards and Other Affirmations
From Others Have Beginnings and Ends Yet Being in the Flow

The Sweet Spot Tween Apathy and Anxiety in Whatever Craft We
Might Do That Will Never Be Perfect Yet Only Constantly Perfecting as Verb

Is a Place Beyond Illusions of Distance Space Time and Even “Matter of Rewards”
And Other External Affirmations When Jack Kerouac Practiced His ‘Stream of Consciousness’

Writing Part of the “Beat Generation” Of Last Century He Taped Pages Together in a Typewriter

So He Could Keep the Flow

Going And Enjoy Most the

Eternal Now of Free Creativity

Touching Deep the Ocean of Our Souls Essence Real of Faith

Surfacing Free for Us to Explore More of All We aRe Deep Within

It’s Really Very Freeing No Longer Concerning Ourselves over External

Rewards and Other Affirmations so Oblivious we May Become Over What

Other Folks
Might Like
to see us
Butthurt over Hehe

When i Free Dance i continue
to seek and find greater Levels
of Weightlessness in the Space
of Terrestrial Land The Balance

is what
i Become
to Be Just

Orbiting the
Inner Sun of i Am…

Hehe in the working Years
i Used to Calculate the Benefits
of Future Retirement Years Yet

at that Point in my Life there
was the fear of what the

Hell Would i Do or be

Without the

World at
the end of
the beginning then

Sadly Many Folks Rot in
Chairs Watching the Tube or Screen…

Only Ever Spectators and Audience Members

Never Actually Writing Directing Producing AND

PLAYinG THeiR Own “Shakespeare Plays” in Fact
of Play if “Shakespeare” Did More Than Write He

Might Not Have Ever Needed to Lament ‘the Seven

Ages of


Oh How the Flow
Regenerates All
We Will Still Come to be New

Moving Connecting Co-Creating
to Leave Any of the Three Out
is to surely fall lower living Now..:)

Concluding the Writing Portion of “SonG oF mY SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old”
Now on June 27th at 2:12 AM With Enough of A Tale of the Tape to also Include

“Nether Land Bible 11 MiLLioN Words 8 YearS Old” True i Suppose That Title Yes

Deserves A MacroVerse oF ItS Own Coming Next as Much as i Attempted to Celebrate
It Along With All the Other Milestones and Featnotes like “FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2024”

Reaching 7 Years Old And 9.4 MiLLioN Words Now too Actually Adding a Month too For
Both on 6.26.2024 the Anniversary Month Date for Each Effort Along With 20,133 Miles

of Public Dance Now in 130 Months too same distance of Months Taking to Write “SonG oF
mY SoUL” Also a Casually Described 8th New Testament Titled “Depth of The Story”

Reaches 4 MiLLioN Words in A Solo Thread on Page 95 Now of the “Wrong Planet
Website” With Over 238 Thousand Views From Just the Registered Members There

In That Effort Taking 46 Months So
Far To Create Well With That Sung

Still Some Days Left to Put All
The Multi-Media Together

To Electronically Blog

Publish “SonG oF mY
SoUL 13 MiLLioN WordS Old”

Meanwhile i Feel Like Sleeping With SMiLes..:)










BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

13 MiLLioN plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 144,000 + printed pages…
just ’cause
i CaN WiLL Do
BUiLD iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2016”

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)

“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)

“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)

“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)

“Nether Land Bible 2017”

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)

“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)

The Joy of Dance.. A Record of Over Two Thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record Growing
Still of Four Years Plus of Dancing tHeRe..
And note.. in some of the liNks.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the Photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)

“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked

“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)

“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)

“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)

“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)

“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)

“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)


“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”


Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.

“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”

iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)

“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”

A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)

“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”

Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)


“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)

“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE

“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”

WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)

“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”

The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2017”

7th Major Titled Bible As A Child NoW of
“Nether Land Bible 2017”.. Finishing this
766,047 Word Effort in 7 Months from
Memorial Day through Christmas Day of
2017 Coming iN As A Second Grand Cross
Bible that also compliments the 915K
Word Effort of “Grand Cross Bible
2016” in 2016 accomplished
in 7 Months also from
Memorial Day of
2016 through
Christmas Day of 2016.. too..
As All 7 Bibles Now are Children
And Grand Children of the Grand Parent
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at around 5.5 Million
Words on this Date of 12.27.2017 so far Continuing
As Waves Do Grow Ocean Whole More H2O continuing
TogeTHeR as STreAMs to RiVeRs WaVes of OceaN ExPaNDinG
Shores for
oN CourSE aS
DancE and SonG
Free too EVeN MoRE to CoMe..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2017 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record YearS EVeN MoRE NoW

“THiS iS Me NoW3”

As ‘they’ say.. when “Hell” Freezes Over…
A Second Super Blue Blood Red Lunar Eclipse
or ‘which’ ever
First Last and LastS AGAiN..;)

FReEDLoVENoW 35,357 Words

LoVEFReEDNoW 43,151 Words

iLoVENoWFReED 35,896 Words

A Trilogy Story About Love in
A Triune of 114,404 Words Total..
Diverse iN A Range of Dance and
Song of Humans and Yes Class.. Systemizing
Science Folks who are soaked in Mechanical Cognition
Thinking Away From Art too in limited Ways of Systemizing
Thinking too but it’s worth noting
‘those’ folks who are us too..
are the ones who also
Prepare ye a way
for little
Artists like me
to fulfill all my (our)(Nature/God)
Potential Within.. So.. Joy to the World
For All the Fishes in the Sea.. including NoW2
Egg Heads and Nerds like us and me too.. heHe..
And as ‘they’ DancESinG2.. Jeremiah was(is) A Bull Frog like Joshua NoW2..;)

Usually.. now.. my MacroVerse titles come after i start writing a New MacroVerse
but as in all of life that doesn’t always stay the same.. hehe.. for this go around
A Trilogy from Above Brings 6 Pre-titled MacroVerses Below as the links
will come as the MacroVerses are finished as Ultimately a Fourth
New Testament written since the Fall of 2016 will Spring this
Spring of 2018 as the slightly differently titled ending
Ninth MacroVerse Below as this is sort of my
Lent Donation in giving more than giving up
hehe.. as i don’t go by just the rules of
before.. hAha.. and it’s also the 10th
Anniversary of my own 40
Days of Hell in the Spring
of 2008.. Forty days with almost
no sleep and 19 Medical Disorders of which
the worst was Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
like Dentist Drill Pain without Novocaine.. except
for in my case it was in my right ear and eye as that Hell
on Earth lasted from wake to sleep for 66 Months and sure
i did get 1 hour of very cardboard shallow sleep to slow my
Heart down from Dysautonomia with an Alpha Blocker to do that
at least but even that tragic and somewhat dark ‘comic’ relief was only
Good for 1 hour of sleep each night for the first 35 of 40 days for the
last 5 days.. nothing worked at all.. until i finally gave in and went to the Hospital….
i didn’t wanna go and that Ignorance was almost the end of me then.. Doctors don’t
bother me anymore
in fact.. i get to teach them
a thing or two about living
in Heaven now.. the Price of
Hell for 66 Months to get here
but worth every second that felt
like a thousand years where all was
time then and now time doesn’t even
exist for me.. as that’s real reality anyway now
in Heaven at least away from time.. time.. in  hell….
And every SHade of Purgatory Greys.. in ‘those’ places too..
Oh yeah.. also in Honor of my Mother Passing away last February
22nd.. 2017..  where her ending Lent was 8 days starting on Valentine’s Day in a death bed surviving as long as she could with no food or drink.. with some morphine to pass ‘the time’.. But True.. with Stage Four Cancer undiagnosed from toe to head she lived her
Last Several Years of Life dying Naturally with visits from her Children of Love.
LiGht coMes from DaRkness.. Doubt it Not.. if one CaN and WiLL iN LoVE
Do LiGHT ABove so BeLow

BReATHELoVENoW 34,323 Words

LoVEBReaTHENoW 29,794 Words

LoVENoWBReaTHES  31,648 Words

9000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 25,856 Words

April Fred’s Day 2018 26,916 Words

LeNTeN NeW TesTaMeNT 4 oF LoVE 2018 32,586 Words 294,807 Total Words

Extending to An Ending 10th MacroVerse oF.. BeLow.. So NoW

22,547 Words and Yes 317,354 Grand Total Words

“FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”

1,382,555 Word Effort from
Memorial Day Weekend 2017
Through Memorial Day Weekend of 2018
As This Effort Will Continue to Grow on Both
in Blog Ways and FB Profile Pic Description Areas
Averaging somewhere around 7 Thousand Words per
Each Description Area of FB Profile Photos and more with in some cases
More than one Photo attached to the Same Words in Description as Days go on More..:)

“6 MiLLioN Word Bible Poem Man”

A Celebration of 6 MiLLioN Words Written
as ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” in 58 Months of Effort
Since 8.18.13 STarTinG then as my Entire Word
Press Blog with Additional Milestones Met as of 6.6.18
on my 58th Birthday
as more Concisely
Listed below
as Feat notes
for this Record Book too.. hehe..
as yes of course this is also the Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Effort on Record too..
as far as Google Search Sees and Hears and OTHeR
wise feels
And senses
Among the Entire
Contents of the Human
Unabridged Bible wHere all
Human Hands join together in online
a continually ever expanding Bible More..
Yes Class in a Place with no Sun or Moon that
if you can like and will Make into a place to upload
Souls in Singularity oF LoVE for that Which Exists as
Essence LoVE Standing Tall Sentient Star DusT PLuS
STiLL Resurrecting as US LoVE iNCarNaTE iN A Temple
of Love that is the realest thing of all in and As Heaven NoW
butt anyway don’t take my Word for it Just do it Make Heaven Happen
iN YouR
Multi-Universe Perspective
NoW as and with God Nature
too if you Roll with Heaven More
Than Purgatory SHades of Grey to
BLack Abyss of Real Time Gehenna now
Anyway the Good News is some of us are here
As iNcaRNatE LoVE NoW And The Even Better News
As Far As Last becoming First and Meek inheriting all these
Flavors of Beyond Rainbow Colors of Heaven now is yes ‘We’
Ain’t no more
than you so
you can and will
do even more than
‘us’ and yes in terms of
“Dear John 14:12 NoW” aS i’LL
Add A Link to that more too.. you
yes you can and will do more than even me.. heHe..
Yes Resurrecting More Alive Born of Star Burst Death
Crucible Fire Iron too From Super Nova Explosions FLoWinG
iN oUR Blood And iN Core oF ouR HoME PLaNeT EaRTH NoW
aS LiVinG Guardians of EdenS NoW For Those Whose FLoWeRS BLooM NoW
‘Stay Thirsty mY FriEnds’..;)

“Dear John 14:12 NoW”

ONcE AGaiN NoW Celebrating All these Milestones then on 6.6.18..
For What has CoME to Be NoW 9 DiMeNSioNaL PoeTRY So FaR aT LeasT..:)

12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90 Months since Thanks Giving 2010
6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58 Months
3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24 Months
1.4 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12 Months
MacroVerse as Each Chapter Currently at a 1 Year 24K Average Word Count
MicroVerse as Each sub-Chapter Separated by Word Count
MicroMicroVerse as Each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
MicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Word in Multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as Each Letter and or Number of Multi-Meaning
per H8/K11 and eTc… NoW oNGoinG More… NoW… MoRE…

“SonG oF mY SoUL FiVE YearS Old”

Celebrating the 5 Year Anniversary of 6 Million Word Plus “SonG oF mY SouL”
Longest Long Form Poem Personal Bible in the Span of that Five Years too..:)

“KiSS oF 66 NoW iN LoVE”

Celebrating 66 Months of This Entire Blogging Adventure Since 3.10.13..:)

“10,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”

Celebrating 10,000 Miles of Public Dance in 5 Years Span of Dates..:)

Sure.. i used to Toy With the Piano a Bit.. Recorded on a Cheap Dictation Device
Back in 2007.. When i was Struggling to Stay Alive With Life Killing Stress.. Later
Transferred to YouTube in 2013.. where my Life would then begin as Art will Do for Us..
When Spelled as L. O. V. E. Agape Style For All Transcending All Fear and Hate in Hope as Joy Dances and Sings From Head to Toe and overAll More as Love continues to come and go..:)

And Yes By God Yes.. it Took a Whole Lot of Leg Strength to Dance in Public for 10 Thousand Miles in the same Span of Dates i Wrote Over 6 Million Words for “SonG
oF My SoUL” Now Currently at 10,300 Miles of Doing That in over 62 Months And
True as the Video Below is Just an Illustration of Leg Pressing 930LBS.. 14 Reps then
Back from February of 2015.. As in 2016.. i moved to 1020 LBS and Still do anywhere
From 33 to 52 Reps Now Depending on any Minor Injuries that occur on the
Continuing Mountain of Public Dance but sure Over 2000 Selfies with
Ear to Ear Smiles of Dancing Joy is Documented in some of the links
Above too.. as Dance Brings Joy and You’d be Surprised or not at the
Dudes who are Disbelievers in either the Joy of Dance Smiles or the
Strength it Brings until i show the Photos and Videos on my Smart
Phone of the Beautiful Women Smiling with me as Yes.. i Do Get
around and although no one i’ve seen Has come ANYWHERE NoW
Close to Leg Pressing that much weight at the Military Gym i work out
at.. not even an inch to Budge it.. you’d also be Surprised or not how many
Folks with ‘Little Man’ Syndrome have attempted online  to complain that i don’t
Bring my Knees to my Chest for the Simple Fact that i will Keep my Knees working hehe..
And as of The First Week of February 2019 This Much more Difficult Leg Press Machine
Was Removed as i moved on over to the Incline Leg Press Machine and Now Easily Leg
Press 1340 LBS at 20 Reps where i Estimate the Machine i am Using Here is about
40 Percent More Difficult than the Incline Leg Press Machine i am Using now as
1400 LBS Surely wouldn’t Be any problem and 1500 LBS isn’t out of the Question..:)
i am Leg Pressing 1520 LBS now on an Incline Leg Press as Machine of 2.22.2019
but nah.. Now considering i was doing 1020 LBS on
A Parallel Leg Press Machine Close to the Beginning of
The February Month That Attests More to the Difficulty
of Leg Pressing Closer to Dead Weight Straight Forward
as Opposed to the Mechanical
Advantage that an Incline
Leg Press Machine
Naturally Brings
Over the Other
More Difficult
Leg Press Machine
So the ‘Hodge Brothers’
On YouTube are Absolutely
Correct on their Assessment of
This Physics 101 Common Sense
Lesson too as True it’s Not Always Easy to
Say F this and F That and get the Physics True..
but Never the Less the Parallel Leg Press Machine
is about 50 Percent More Difficult so for those who
Understand Physics there is really no Need to update
my YouTube Video other than noting the Different ACHIEVEMENT
as i only compete this way against my own Human Potential as hehe
at my
age now
who else
am i gonna
compete with
for most everything i Do.. hAha..;)

Leg Pressing 1340 LBS 12 Reps on Saint Patrick’s Day 2019
Just to Prove a Leprechaun will not only Dance 10,966 Miles
in Public for 66 Months and Write a 6.6 Million Word Free
Verse Epic Long Form Poem in 66 Months but sure
It takes as Bit of Leg Strength
to move a Modern Size
Leprechaun all those
Miles of Dance and
Oh Lord i realize i didn’t
Pull it all the way to my Chest
but i invite anyone around Here
at Least who is not taking Anabolic
Steroids to Budge it one inch one time
as yeah i did keep it moving for a 100 Seconds
at least hehe.. and true i did do 1520 LBS 8 Reps on
February 22nd.. 2019 that was the Second Anniversary
of my Mother’s Death but today i didn’t have Lunch Yet
After Church.. so i wasn’t taking any Chances on injuring
myself when i was not Properly fueled up to get the Heavier
weight done.. anyway.. Keeping it moving for a 100 seconds
isn’t exactly a Light Weight thing to do with smiles of Saint
Just for Fun..
i do it heavier
and i do it safer too..
safe enough for me anyway..
Katrina was a bit afraid as the
Weights Kept stacking up as she
Was the Producer of the Video today
With a still Shot of me and a Still Shot
of Her behind all the weight that is funny too..:)

Anyway All of this Proves too That Some Days…
Beauty And Leprechaun Beast Still Get Together too hehe..;)

Post Script:.. As ‘they’ Say Don’t Lock Your Knees When You Leg Press as You Stretch-Out
Like i Do for Not Everyone Is A ‘Hairy Gorilla’ like me.. who uses 1340 LBS to Stretch their  Legs… And Oh By The Way Update on December 27, 20202 Now Leg Pressing 1540
Pounds 12 Reps Just to Warm Up Filling Up Both Bars With No More Room to Add
45 Pound Plates Hehe as the Military Gym Disposed of All the 100 Pound Plates..:)

Ha! Did You Really Think i am Lifting All This Weight for Another Purpose But to relax! In A Modern Jungle!.. Y’aLL Worry About All the Form You Like i For one Will continue to JusT Do Essence.. no one Knows my Limits for What is Safe for me as Strange but me..;)

And yes By God i don’t Let the Sun Go Down on me when i Sing
too as A First Karaoke Fun Effort of that Back in September.. 2013..
And Sure.. i’ve very much improved as the Nice Elderly Ladies tell me
When i Sing at Church as i particularly Reserve that Effort at Church..;)

“96 Months oF Thanks Giving Wishes”

Celebrating 96 Months of 2922 Consecutive Days Online Writing Since Thanks Giving Day  of 2010..  at around 12 Million Words Starting Then on the “Wrong Planet Website” Moving over to Blogging After Writing Around 33 Months to that point then
Starting 3.10.13 on the Google Blogspot Platform too.. And Then Moving to
WordPress on 8.18.13.. Starting “SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Fully Illustrated Poem attached totally with around
170K Photos and Over 10K YouTube Music Videos to Accompany
6.5 Million Words Soon Now to Arise to 6.6 Million Words by
End of 2018 where “Grand Cross Bible 2018” Will come then
As the 8th Major “King James” Size Modern Personal Poem
Bible.. i’ve Written as Subchapters of “SonG oF mY SouL”
on or About the Day of the 25th of December 2018 as
the Sun Starts to Make A Venture once again to
Light up Florida Sunshine Summers Even
More in Paradise WHere i for one
Do Live Free in a Garden
of Eden Back Yard too..
NoW ONly Watered
Chemical Free…
ReAlly LiVinG Free NoW..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2018”.. All of What Comprises the 8th Major Subchapter
Long Form Poem Bible Titled Effort in 843,879 Words of Longest Long Form
Epic Free Verse Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 6.6 MiLLioN Words in 64 Months
of Effort and 10,478 Miles of Public Dance in 64 Months as Well in this Entire Effort too
to this Publish Point Date of 12.28.2018 With Much Much more to come As ALWaYS NoW

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2018 A year in Review”

“#SouLDanCinG2019”.. New Year’s Resolution for 2019

“Covenant 66 iN HeaVeN Complete”.. Just a Promise ‘Tween me and God within
For What Would You Do if a Miracle Happened and You Got out of Shut-iN Hell
For 66 Months with 19 Medical Disorders including Wake to Sleep Type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia Like a Dentist Drill in Your Right Eye and
Ear Assessed in Literature as Worse than the Torture of Crucifixion
That No Drug Would Touch Yes Named the Suicide Disease too
From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months along with 18 other Medical
Disorders some of which would likely put other Folks as Shut-in
in Their Homes too Yes as You Start that Hell in January of 2008
And Miraculously at the End of the Third Week of July 2013 You
Are Standing on a Beach With Your Wife and all the Pain and Numb
as in Hell Emotions are Memories and Memories are Emotions and there
is no Reference Point if you’ve Felt a Smile or a Laugh in Your Entire Life as
once again Emotions are Memories so that makes a Literal Catch 22 in forever
Hell on Earth within as there is No..Memory in Feelings if you’ve truly ever Experienced
A Soulful Moving Connecting Co-Creating Life with others.. in Feelings and Senses That
is the Delight of Heaven on Earth Within on this Beautiful Planet that sadly so many folks
Take for Granted in all the Potential We Have to Enjoy Life that is such a tiny sliver of
Potential for Heaven Anywhere in the Entire Universe We See with or without
Science Aided eyes today.. Well.. i for one fully understand the other place
for me and i for one Understand Fully NoW iN Feelings and Senses
What the place of the Kingdom of Heaven fully even is yes
The Experience of Fearless Unconditional Love Within
From Head to Toe and Beyond Within iNside ouTside
Above so Below and All Around Even More.. and True
iN-Heaven there is Dark too or there would be no
Light at all as is always the case as Yin and
Yang includes a part of the other as Truly
Whole Unified Never ReALLy Divided
As the Duality of Nature
Together in Light
And Dark in all the
Ways the Negative Joins
the Positive is necessary for a ‘Perfect’
Chaos to Balance Out Full in Holy and Sacred
Meaning and Purpose as We Humans Do have the
Potential to Do Together if we will Just Love each
other ‘Nakedly’ Without the Chains of Cultural
Guise that makes us into the Tools we make
Away From the Gift of Humanity We already
Are in Eyes and Hands of Love that Reach
Out and Touch the Divinity of Love in
Each and Every Living Being that
And who Breathes and Flourishes
Brown to Green as Fall Leaves
Fertilize Spring Flowers And Without
Thorns THere is No True Beauty of Rose FLoWeRinG
From Death to Life From Dark to Light from Hell to Heaven
So anyway for 66 Months in Heaven on Earth i Celebrated
With a 6.66 MiLLioN Word or So Longest Long Form Poem
Bible And Over 10,500 Miles of Dance Works for Me NoW

“11,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”.. Yes.. A Celebration of Dancing 11,000
Miles in Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of
YouTuBE Songs in a 67 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 6.7 Million
Plus Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’
Poem by this Date as Linked Below in 67 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Years..
the Last 5 Years Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least.. with Yes interesting
Human Bonobo-Like
Activities like Wild
And Free Bootie Dances too..
Sure.. and an  updated 11,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spinning NoW in even Higher Gears at Super Walmart too.. hehe..:)

Grand Total Words for “FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2019” Here is 1,364,498 Words
As the Entire 24 Month Effort of “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” Rises to 2,666,159 Words
At His Point of Effort in 24 Months Where the Words are also included in the Description
Areas of my Profile Pics on my Personal Facebook Page at around an Average of 7,000 Words Per Profile Pic and of Course the Thumbnails are all included in this MacroVerse..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old”.. Celebrating 7 MiLLioN Words of the
Longest Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind.. Yep.. Written by Little Old
me in 70 Months as that Anniversary Date comes on 6.18.19.. anyway Celebrating this on
My 6.6.19.. 59th Birthday Week.. as this MacroVerse Includes an Entire Table of Contents
to this Date as Well for “Nether Land Bible 2018” as that 36 Month Effort Reaches 4.2 MiLLioN Words at this Point of Date too.. and yes of course enclosed in that is the
Table of Contents Inclusive too for “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018” as that 24 Month
Writing Exploration reaches at this point.. 2.66 MiLLioN Words also included
in all the Facebook Profile Pic Description areas.. Hundreds of Profile Pics now
that average around 7 Thousand Words Per each Profile Pic Description area..
True.. an excellent way to Peruse what i do on the Fly too as hehe.. MicroSoft
Word Is Not up to the Task of Grading this Bible Poem and that’s for sure..
And true for anyone who really wants to read anything of what i write there is little to no
Problems now accessing the Text in those Description Areas of the Photos as even Slower
Computers and Smaller foot prints of Broad Band Access will accomplish that mission now
to Provide an Avenue to read it too.. not doing anything too important now or new just providing Empirical Proof that Heaven is always within in this Generation now and
how i for one at least Find/Stay in Heaven now.. a few pointers might direct you to
SParK Your Heaven Within in this Generation at Hand EternAlly now too.. but hey at
least i will Dance Sing  i offered lots of help together to Heaven for other Folks too who will listen too as
Much Heaven
i for one care to Give
And Share now JusT FoR Free..:)

“CeLeBRaTiNG 6 YearS oF HEaVeN WiTHiN NoW”.. ReAlly  ReAlly Heaven Within..:)

Singing “Here i Am” in Catholic Church Just ‘Cause i Will..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL SiX YearS Old”.. Celebrating 72 Months.. Yes.. the Sixth Year
Anniversary oF A Longest Epic Long Form Poem Bible in the History of Humankind
Yes.. Secured in this Entire Word Press Website too.. as this Baby Holds 7.2 MiLLioN
Words and over 100,000 Photos i took And over 10,000 YouTube Videos all to Fully
Illustrate it too.. Truly Just about a Never Ending Long Form Poem Bible Story..
And Yes that Anniversary was on 8.18.19… Now..  11,833 Miles of Public Dancing
A Free Style Ballet and Mixed Martial Arts Dance comes in on the
6th Anniversary Year of that Effort on 8.26.19.. As This Nautilus
Shell is one Hell and Heaven oF A ‘STately Word Mansion’ With
AlmosT uNlimited Doors to Other Chambers oF iMaGiNaTioN
And CReaTiViTY Truly Set Free Just to Be What We LoVE NoW
We Do Come to Be as We Move.. Connect.. Co-Create Our
Existence With Others Now So Free Just to Be ALiVE NoW..:)

“12,000 Miles oF Public Dancing”..  A Celebration Now of Dancing 12,000
Miles in Public.. Yes.. Mostly in Public Stores.. to.. many many many Tunes of
YouTuBE Songs in a 73 Month Effort that continues to keep Abreast of 7.3 Million
Plus Words of ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” Longest Long Form Epic Free Verse ‘Bible’
Poem by this Date as Linked Below in 73 Months True too.. and Additionally
Yes.. A.. 6 Month Semi-Annual Photo Album Going on since in total Months..
the Last 66 Months Spent Dancing at Old-Seville Quarter Albeit Mostly Female
Ear to Ear Grinning Selfie Smiles as hey that’s just the Way The Dance
And or Disco Dance Ball Spins these Years at Least..
And an  updated 12,000 Miles
Celebration Video Spinning Spinning Public Dance Spinning
Spiraling NoW As Dance Skills at SuperWalmart continue to expand..:)

“Nether Land Bible 42 Months 5 MiLLioN Words”..  Land Mark Milestone Featnote Subtitled Long Form Epic Bible Poem Child of Longest Epic Long Form Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL”..  Currently-to-Date December of 2019 in 76 Months Effort of Writing 7.6
MiLLioN Words All in Free Verse Stream of Conscious Shapes and Writing
Flow in Autotelic State of Human Being Other Wise A Place Within
Metaphor of Holy And Sacred Creative Spirit.. Yes.. Heaven
Within as All of Existence Becomes This Way Full of
Meaning and Purpose that Makes Writing A Long
Form “SonG oF mY SoUL” Epic Bible Poem
Like this Practically An Effortless
Endeavor Like Public  Dancing
With Gravity Halfway Around
The Globe at the Equator in Distance
More About that Below This Featnote soon enough
as far as a 12,466 Mile Free Verse Public Dancing Effort
Achieved on the Date of 12.17.19 with the Distance Halfway
Around the Globe Achieved on 12.15.19 For this Entire Combined Flow Effort Now..:)

“Celebrating Public Dancing Halfway Around the World”..  Now As Described in the
Paragraph Above.. As of 12.25.19 Now at 12,506 Miles.. Yes.. Now More than
Half the Distance Around the Globe of what will be Measured at the Equator Now
in 76 Months of Total Dance as of 12.26.19.. As the Dance Started on 8.26.13..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2019”.. 9th of 9 Greater in Size than King James Size Epic Long Form Poem Bibles all Inclusive of the First of 9 that is Named “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 7.6 MiLLioN Words in 76 Months Effort Along with 12,533 Miles of Public Dance Now in That Duration of Months in Effort too.. as all those Subtitled Bibles are also detailed
in this MacroVerse as the Tale of any Metaphor of a “John 14:12” REAL
FAITH EFORT continues as Love’s Driving Force NoW ReaL

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2019.. A year (Decade) in Review”.. Yes This Just
About Covers All of it Now.. still more to come as always Starting Never
Ending Always Beginning Now as Never Ending Stories That Come in Never
Land Bible.. SonG oF mY SoUL.. And FB Profile Pic Bible.. Along with ongoing
7.6 MiLLioN Word Longest Long Form Bible Poem Yes “SonG oF mY SoUL” in 76
Months of Effort at this Point now with 12,547 Miles of Public Dance Ongoing too..:)

“Colors World Love 2020”.. New Year’s Resolution MacroVerse for 2020 With SMiLes
Giving Sharing Free..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 8 MiLLioN Words Bible Poem 80 Months” True A Longest Epic
Long Form Poem Bible At This Size in 80 Months… Along With 13,133 Miles of
Public Dance Doesn’t Come Everyday Anywhere of Course But
It Does Come Here And Close to 60 Year-Old Dudes (on 6.6.60)
Don’t ‘Normally’ Cover Themselves
With Poetry They Naked Write
Either Nor Write 6 New Testaments
as Part of that with 9 Sub-Chapter Epic
Titled Long Form Poem Bibles Either Longer  than
the Old King James Effort Each Subchapter Bible Effort
As All 6 Newer Epic Long Form Poem Testaments are Larger
Than That Old Effort As Well too.. Anyway “SonG oF mY SoUL”
8 MiLLioN Word Epic Longest Long Form Poem Bible Overall
Is 10xGreater than the Size of the Old King James Effort and 100XGreater
than the Size of the Quran and Yes Over 5XGreater than the Old Mahābhārata
1.8 MiLLioN Word Effort in Epic Long Form Poems That Of Course took Centuries
to Complete With Innumerable Ghost Authors too..
Of course This Doesn’t Have
A Target Audience as
Epic Long Form Poem
Bibles Are About ALL
Yes ‘Class’ LiTeRaLLY Forevermore now
God All Always Beginning Story MoRE NoW
i’m Just  Wind One With Holy Creative SPiRiT FLoW Through NoW

It’s Worth Noting As Far As An Historical Art of Epic Long Form Poem
Free Verse Bible And Or Newer Testament Writing.. Either By Oral Or Written Tradition Doing it Naked
Is Surely Keeping This Fearless Free Art Tradition Oldest One In Deed
Not Suggesting anyone else do it..
but for those who
do let’s
JusT DancESing Fear
Is No Part of THeir
God That Is Both Love And Flesh and Blood Real

“One Blood One-Body”

“May Days 6th NeW LeNTeN TesTaMeNT 2020” 13 MacroVerses Naturally coming Since
The MacroVerse Appropriately Pandemic Named Before the Pandemic Came
As Prophecies often come and go this way for Real too..
Yes.. “Rushing the Flu Away” as it is still Not
Clear what kind of Month Long January 2020
Virus my Wife and i  Experienced
But Anyway Typically this is what
Does Naturally come with
An 8 MiLLioN Word
Longest Epic Long
Form Bible Poem Titled “SonG oF mY
SoUL”  Still  coming in 80 Months along
NoW with 13,060 Miles of Public Dance
As This “May Days 6th New LeNTeN TesTaMenT 2020”
Is the 919th MacroVerse of that Entire Effort True iN LiGHT too..
And once Again typically Bible Writers And Other Sacred and Holy Text
Creative Spirit Writers Do It all Nude too as Fearless Freedom is Inherent in
the Flow of the Holy and Creative
Ecstatic Frission of the Autotelic
Continuing River FLoW iN  Laser Focus iN
ZonE Head to Toe Mind.. Body and Soul of Getting
And Keeping the Whole EPic Long Form Bible Poem Writing
Adventure Properly MuSeD And iNSPiReD EVeN More for what
We aRe Literally Dancing And Singing Here NoW in Science way too
Is Generating All Naturally the Neurochemicals and Neurohormones
And all the Peptide Connections All Together Over A Quadrillions Connections
As Many Or More Star Connections iN UNiVeRSE More As Science continues to
to See With Human Aided Eyes but Anyway New Testaments Never End as Far As Human
God Within Force Love Pure Potential Even More.. in other words i am always Starting A
New Testament of
God HumanPotential WiTHiN
LiGHTiNG uP mY “Christmas Tree
SPiRiT Flow Of my Soul To Dance And
Sing Even More.. True.. THere Are No Old
Books Here to Limit Human Potential More or Less..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2020 4 MiLLioN Words 3 Years”…Yes Indeed A Bit Epic as
The Title Is Almost Self-Explanatory with of Course Fully iLLusTRaTinG Pics
Straight From My Facebook Personal Page too.. Anyway there are actually
3 Volume Years as Linked complete in the Title Link Above comprising
2018, 2019, and 2020 as this Epic Long Form Poem First of its
Kind No Doubt.. hehe at Least this Size Has an Average
Of 7,000 Words in Each Facebook Profile Pic
Description Area As this New style Epic
Long Form Poem Bible is Fully
Illustrated Not only with
Facebook Pics to Help
Tale the Epic Long
Form Poem Bible Story
but Yes YouTube Video Songs
And Information to Accompany it All too..
And Of Course This is Only Half of Longest Epic Long
Form Bible Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” that to date at this
Point Carries 8.1 MiLLioN Words over the Course of 81
Months.. along with 13,260 Miles of Public Dance in the
Same Span of Dates As Well..  So Yeah Ongoing “FB
Profile Pic Bible Vol 2020 4 MiLLioN Words 3 Years”

“7 YearS HeAVeN WiTHiN NoW 2020”.. JusT ANoTHeR MiLeSToNE And FEaTNoTE
to Celebrate Eternally NoW WiTHiN.. Yes.. A Common Experience Across CuLTuRES
Referred to By Metaphors Like Nirvana.. Satori.. Bliss.. Prana.. Tao.. Even
Kundalini Rising and Chi.. Yes Just Other words in Metaphors for
Autotelic Flow Sweet Spot ‘tween Apathy and Anxiety
Continuing Ever Increasingly Complex
Dance And Song
on A Tight Rope Now
No one Religion or Human
Owns this KingQueenDoM oF
HeaVeN WiTHiN Eternally NoW
No Myth.. No Hyperbole.. This Place IS ReAL NoW

“SonG oF mY SoUL 7 YearS Old 8.4 MiLLioN Words”.. Yet ANoTHeR MiLeSToNE And
FEaTNoTE to Celebrate the EPiC Longest Long Form Bible Poem in 84 Months of Effort
Where Public Dance Arises to 13,600 Miles too in 84 Months Of Enduring So Many Store Miles oF Public Dance that Really Brings Lots of Autotelic FLoWinG HeaVeN Bliss!

“6 MiLLioN Word Nether Land Bible Man”.. A Rather Huge Celebration for
A Largest Subchapter EPiC LonG FoRM Bible Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Longest EPiC LonG FoRM PoeM Bible Still Ongoing too with
That 51 Month Effort As “SonG oF mY SoUL” Reaches
8.5 MiLLioN Words in 85 Months
on the Monthly Anniversary
of the Entire
Bible Writing/SiNGinG Adventure
Since 8.18.2013 on Word Press NoW
And Yes with 13,717 MiLeS of Public
Dance in 85 Months As Well Cause it Feels Good Like This
Autotelic Flow And Frission Kingdom of Heaven Within FOR REAL
Belonging to no one But GodNature All OF US ARRiVinG NoW BReaTHinG

“14,000 Miles oF Public Dancing 10 Years of Writing 12 MiLLioN Words Online”
Yes, The Title Says It All, The Words, The Photos, And The Videos As Well..:)

“7th NeW TesTaMeNT CoMeS LoVE ReTuRNS AGAiN NoW” 461,877 Words
Comprising 9 Subchapters As the 6 Previous New Testaments Ranged
In Size From around 180,000 Words the Size of that Old New Testament
Through Over 400,000 Words A Little Less Than 4 Months to Make
This New Testament
For Real
7th One iNDeeD..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2020” 828,586 Words in the 5th Grand Cross
Bible All Greater In Size than the Old King James Size Try
Written From Memorial Day Through Christmas
Each Year Since 2016 in 7 Months
Each Year… Additionally
5 Other Titled Subchapter Bibles
Greater In Size than the Old King James Effort
Including Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Inclusive
Of All Efforts NoW in 8.8 MiLLioN Words of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Completed in 88 Months Now Along with 14,303 Miles of Public Dance..:)

“KATiE MiA FredericK 2020 A Year iN Review” Truly An EPiC Year NoW in Many Ways…

“SonG oF mY SoUL 9 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating Another Milestone And Feat Note
Of EPiC Longest Long Form Free Verse Bible Poem in 90 Months of Writing 9 MiLLioN
Words As A Never Ending Landing story Continues As Any Version 2.0 Modern Peter Pan
Might Write HeHe For NoW At Least As Just Something Fun to Do in Heaven Within Now
Of Course To Give And Share Free As Well Like 14,633 MiLes of Public Dance On the Date
Of Updating This of 3.21.21 in 90 Months of Entertaining The Metro Audience For Free too..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible 5 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 45 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2021, 4 YearS Old”
Celebrating Volume 2021 With 2130
Thumbnail Facebook Profile Pics
As A Photo Album Of the Calendar
Year Memorial Day Weekend 2020 Through 2021
Where All the Words Are Housed in the Facebook Profile
Pic Description Areas too at an Average of About 8,000 Words Per FB Profile Pic

“Nether Land Bible 7 MiLLioN Words 5 YearS Old” Subchapter Long Form
EPiC Poem Ongoing Past 5 YearS NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 9.4 MiLLioN Words And 94 Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem EPiC Writing True too With SMiLes..:)

“15,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” Milestones Continue For 94 Months In
July 2021, With One Slow Motion Video And Regular Speed of Dancing me..:)

“CeLeBRaTinG HeAVeN Within 8 Years ReaL NoW” Yes Exactly What It Sounds
Like When Ya Actually Exist in An Autotelic Flowing Meditating Experience
Of Life Loving It All DarK Thru LiGHT ETeRNaLLY NoW FoR
Real Yet of Course Don’t Just Take mY Word For IT
As It Really
Mean Much Until
Ya Actually Do HeaVeN
Within NoW For Really Real NoW

“SonG oF mY SoUL 8 YearS Old 9.6 MiLLioN Words” The Title Just About Says It
All Yes Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Written in 8 Years Now For Real
Actually my Entire Word Press Blog Just Another Bible Now…

“Depth of the Story” 8th New Testament” Close to A MiLLioN Words Now JusT
Another Subchapter of “EPiC Longest Long Form Poem Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL”
One Long Solo Thread Yes EPiC Long Form Poem 8th New Testament True
On The “Wrong Planet Website” Where “Depth of the Story” in Quotes
Makes A Number 1 Google Search Engine Result and Without
Quotes Even Lends a First Page
Result too
JusT BeCaUSE i Can And
Will In Wu Wei Ease of Tao
Autotelic Flow For Original
Creativity Wherever my River Goes NoW

“SonG oF mY SoUL 10 MiLLioN WordS Old” Record of Longest EPiC Long Form
Bible Poem Writing It All In 100 Months Ever Since 8.18.2013 through 12.18.2021

“Grand Cross Bible 2021” 800,067 Words in the 6th Grand Cross
Bible All Greater In Size than the Old King James Size Try
Written From Memorial Day Weekend  Through New
Year’s Eve Each Year Since 2016 in 7 Months…
5 Other Titled Subchapter Bibles
Greater In Size than the Old King James Effort
Including Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Inclusive
Of All Efforts NoW in 10.1 MiLLioN Words of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Completed in 101 Months Now Along with 16,066 Miles of Public Dance..:)

“16,000 MiLes oF Public Dancing” in 100 Months And Currently Miles
Increasing to 16,188 in 101 Months As The Miles Continue to FLoW oN
iN Autotelic Way Of Meditating Contemplating Moving Free ThiS WaY

“FB Profile Pic Bible 6 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 57 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW

“Netherland Bible 8 MiLLioN WordS Old” Subchapter Long Form EPiC
Bible Poem Ongoing Past 6 YearS NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 10.5 MiLLioN Words And 105 Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Writing True too With SMiLes..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2022 5 YearS Old” 2265 Profile Pics For the Calendar Year Ending
Memorial Day Weekend 2022 That come in Series of About 18 Illustrating Each Mini
Story of “FB Profile Pic Bible” of Around 8,000 Words Placed in the Description Areas
Of All of the Facebook Profile Picture Description Areas Yep All 2265 Profile Pics That
Make for About A Total of 18.1 MiLLioN Words Housed in Just One Calendar Year in
Facebook Profile Pics hehe For What Has Literally Come to Be A Longest EPiC Long
Form Poem Bible Housed Uniquely in 6.5 MiLLioN Words on Facebook Now As of
Close to the Summer Solstice Yes Ever Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 As
This Subchapter Ongoing of Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible “SonG oF mY
SoUL”  in the Last 106 Months Keeps GRoWinG too Now in 10.6 MiLLioN Words of Effort

True Now too Along with
“Nether Land Bible”
Just Another 6 Year
Effort Longest Long Form
Poem Subchapter Bible of
“SonG oF mY SouL” Now At
8.1 MiLLioN Words True too..:)

“JusT ANoTHeR BooK MarK NoW iN HeAVeN 9 Years” Other Metaphors Cross
CuLTuRaLLY Associated With This Reality on EartH Within Eternally New Now
Include Samadhi, Satori, Prana, Dao, Tao, Kundalini Rising Yoga, Chi, Creative
Holy SPiRiT, And Many More Cross CuLTuRaL Metaphors True and Even More
Likely to Come As the Experience is Basically A Meditating Autotelic
Flow of  Nirvana And Bliss Yes Contemplating Life iNHaLinG
Peace EXHaLinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT iN
Compassionate Giving, Sharing, Caring,
Healing Ways For All With
Least Harm Now New Yes

And True LiFE Long
Practices Seeking
Yes This
And Interpreting
More Right Braining
Hemisphere Way of Loving
Life in Social-Empathic-Artistic-
Emotionally Regulating Sensory
Integrating Spiritual Real Organic
Ways of Moving Connecting Co-Creating
May Surely Be A Practice of Free Dancing and
Singing Free Verse Poetry Yes in Autotelic Flow
Same as Our Distant Ancestors As Us Still Dance
And Sing Free This Way ToGeTHeR Are We Really

Evolving into A “Matter of Things” With all the Tools We
Clothe Our Life With True Are We Mastered By The Tools We
Create As They Become More of Us Than Our Naked Enough
Whole Complete Nature With the Rest of Nature Loving Life Presently Now

Well For me at Least
i Master The Tools And
Retain Nature i AM (GodAllLoveFree)

Loving Free of Course Mileage Varies
Depending on Model and Make of Human
Nature and Nurture For What One May Be
Willing to Do to Arrive And Staycation iN Heaven Within New Now

Yes What Works FoR Me May Not Work For You Never the Less

What Plays

For Me is
Real Love (GoD) New Now

“SonG oF mY SoUL 9 YearS Old 10.8 MiLLioN Words” The Title Just About Says It
All Yes Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Bible Written in 9 Years Now For Real
Actually my Entire Word Press Blog Just Another Bible Now And Additionally
On The Wrong Planet “Depth of  The Story” RiSinG to 1.88 MiLLiON Words
in 2 Years On 8.19.2022 The Day After the Anniversary Date of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Reaching 10.8 MiLLioN Words in 9 Years on 8.18.2022 As “Depth of The Story”
Is One Solo Long Thread Long Form Poem in the 54th Page on the Wrong
Planet Website Where Each Page Now is Novel Size Free Verse Poetry
At Around 50,000 Words Per Page Scrolling Down From Top to Bottom
Gathering up 123,000 Views So Far From the ‘Wrong Planet’ Registered
Members Only not Counting the General Public As It Hits at the Top
Of A Google Search on the
Key Words “Depth of  The Story”
Just Something to Do in Another
‘Day in the Life of me’ Hehe With SMiLEs
And Of Course That’s Just a Casually Named
8th New Testament As Subchapter Long Form
Poem of “SonG oF my SoUL” As Yep There are
7 Titled Other Casually Named New Testaments
Listed in the Milestones And Feat Notes Section Here
Along With 11 Bigger Than King James Sized Tries for
Subchapter Titled Bibles in Long Form Poem Way True too
As “SonG oF mY SoUL” So Far is Around 13.5 Scale Larger than
the Old King James Try About 135 Scale Larger than the Quran
And Yes Even 6 Scale Larger Than The Other Previous Recorded
EPiC Long Form Poem Considered Officially A Longest Long Form
Poem at 1.8 MiLLioN Words Taking Centuries of Effort and Innumerable
Ghost Authors Like the Old King James Sized Effort at about 800,000 Words too
Yes The Mahābhārata From India Just A Bit Smaller Than the 2 Year Effort of
“Depth of The Story”
And So What
Who Needs A
Name For Building A Nautilus
Shell Reflecting the Milky Way Spiraling Like my Public Dance at
17,166 Miles in 9 Years too Surely Not A Creature Originating From the
Ocean Whole Like me too Just Another Leaf A Tree A Forest Continuing
to Fall And Rise Alive For Real Brown to Green Coloring As Summer
Flower Petals Fall Feeding Frozen Winter Soils For Spring Green..:)

“17,000 Miles oF Public Dancing 9 Years”
Milestone And FeatNote Completing That
And More By the 9th Year Anniversary Date of Public Dancing on August 26, 2022
All Around my Metro Area And From Biloxi Casino Beaches Through Tallahassee
Too Yep Cat-6 Hurricane Wings of Public Dance All Along the Gulf Coast to
Go Along With 10.9 MiLLioN Words of Free Verse Poetry in 9 Years
And 1 Month Now Too in Longest EPiC Long Form Poem Personal
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” CoMPRiSinG mY Whole Word Press Blog
And Several Other Archive Blogs too As “Depth of The Story” A
Casually Named 8th New Testament Also Arises to 2 MiLLioN
Words of Effort in 25 Months Starting on August 19th, 2020
In The Thick of the COVID-19 Pandemic And Coup Attempts
To Defeat Democracy And The Such As That too Yes Ripe Days
For EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bibles We Continue Now True
As Depth of the Story Resides as A Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Also on the ‘Wrong Planet’ Website too All in One 55 Page Solo Thread
Accumulating 125 Thousand Views Just From the Registered Members
There Toward the End of This September 2022 Year too And Also to Celebrate
33 Years Since me and my Wife Got ‘Together’ On September 21st, 1989
A Work of Art She Truly Is Still At the Beach At Age 52 to Go Along With
A Video She Took of me Celebrating 17,000 Miles oF Public Dancing too
Hehe Just For Record Books of Free With SMiLes As i Become Essence
of Dance And Song Free Just Inhaling Peace ExhalinG Love Even More
iN JoY oF LiGHT Giving Sharing Caring Healing For All With Least Harm
True No Animals Were Harmed
in the Production of the
Dance Video Now At LeasT Hehe..:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 11 MiLLioN WordS Old” Actually Up to 11.1 MiLLioN WordS Old As
Of 11.18.2022 Never the Less the Longest EPiC LonG FoRM Poem Bible Continues to GRoW Freely Along with 17,496 Miles of Public Dance in 111 Months As Well All
Around This Local Metro Area Free As Wings Will Be Feathers And Wind
FRiEnDS With Gravity

“FB Profile Pic Bible 7 MiLLioN WordS Old” Celebrating This Milestone And
Featnote In 66 Months of Effort Where Words Are Also Provided in the
Description Areas of Facebook Profile Pics At Around 8,000 Or
So Words Added Each FB Pic Since Memorial Day
Weekend  Of 2017 Just For Fun SMiLeS NoW

“FRED 14:12” iNDeeD A Play on Words From “John 14:12”
For Real Of Course Writing Every Consecutive Day Online
Since Coming Online on the ‘Wrong Planet’ Website to
Attempt to Escape the Never Ending Worst Pain Known
To Humankind The Suicide Disease Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia From Wake to Sleep For 66 Months Along with
18 Other Mostly Work Stress Related Disorders in A Synergy
Of Real Life Threat too With No Prognosis For Recovery Yes
Writing Every Consecutive Day Through Hell
And Heaven Within Now True too in EPiC
Long Form Poetry As Well Yet A Total
of 14 MiLLioN Words in 12 Years of Effort
Eventually Changing into 17,653 Miles of
Public Dance Now in 112 Months Along
With EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Also Created in the Same 112 Month Span of Dates Now At
11.2 MiLLioN Words So Far Out of the Total of 14 MiLLioN Words Whole..:)

“Grand Cross Bible 2022” A Grand Total Of
747,693 Words Yes Larger Than the Old “New International
Version of A Bible” Yes Indeed in 7 Months From
Memorial Day Weekend Until The End of the Year
As Again This is the 7th Year of Doing This in These
7 Months Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2016
Through The End of That Year And Following

6 Years The Same
For 7 MontH-Old
‘Grand Cross Bibles’ Indeed

All Efforts Larger Than The “Old King James” Try
And “New International Version” of A Bible In This Try True New..:)

“Netherland Bible 9 MiLLioN WordS Old 81 Months” Subchapter Long Form EPiC
Bible Poem Ongoing Past 82 Months NoW Yes Subchapter of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” at 11.5 MiLLioN Words And 115  Months Of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Writing True too With SMiLes..:)

“18,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” Completing This Milestone
And FeatNote on “PI Day” 3.14.2023 After 9 Years
And 6 Months of Doing This Currently
At 18,153 MiLes of Public Dance
iN 9 Years And 7 Months NoW
ALonG With “SonG oF mY SoUL”
EPiC Longest Long Form Bible
Poem All 11.6 MiLLioN Words
NoW iN 116 Months As Well
Just for the JoY oF PLaY Giving Sharing
Caring HealinG iT ALL AWaY For
Free With Most Respect and
Least Harm Yet HeY iN THiS Case
i’M OnLY
Human For Real
Doing This All Naked Enough
Whole Complete iNHaLinG Peace
iN THiS ReaL
LoVE iN Peace
KinGQueeNDoM oF HEaVeN
WiTHiN Spreading These Wings
Becoming Wind Air Waves Water Ocean Whole For Real..:)

“FB Profile Pic Bible Vol 2023 6 YearS Old 7.7 MiLLioN Words” 2517 FB Profile Pic
Thumbnails Celebrating The Ongoing 6 Year Effort For the Calendar Year Ending
Memorial Day Weekend 2023 Series of Around 18 FB Profile Pics Fully
Illustrating 8,000 or So Word Small MacroVerses Where
Facebook Houses 20.1 MiLLioN Words in All Those
FB Profile Pic Description Areas for Calendar
Year 2023 Where 2022 Held 18.1 MiLLioN Words
And 2021 Held 16.8 MiLLioN Words About A 55 MiLLioN
Word Effort Housed in Facebook Description Areas in the
Last 3 Years of the Covid-19 Pandemic Days And Of Course
All the Rest of the FB Profile Pic Description areas Ever Since
Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 For the Entire “FB Profile Pic
Bible” Subchapter Ongoing Still of the EPiC Longest Long Form Poem
Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL” at 11.8 MiLLioN Words of Effort in 118 Months
Now Yes As Well As A Continuing Moving Meditation in FLoWinG Public Dance
Everywhere i Go in Public Now at 18,453 Miles in 9 Years and 9 Months Too..:)

“Nether Land Bible 7 YearS Old 9.3 MiLLioN Words” Yes An Epic Long Form Poem
Subchapter of Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” And This Effort
Began on Memorial Day Weekend of 2016 STiLL Ongoing in 85 Months
Of Writing Now With SMiLes of Course As the Public
Dance Continues to Add up Like “SonG oF mY
SoUL” Has for 118 Months Since
8.18.2023 at 18,518 Miles Now..:)

“A Decade WiTHiN Heaven For Real” Celebrating A Decade of Living
Away From the
Other Place For 66 Months…:)

“SonG oF mY SoUL 12 MiLLioN Words A Decade of EPiC Long Form Poetry” Yes The
Title Covers The Topic Quite Well Yet Not All the Way Hehe As the Month of August
In 2023 Brought Several Other Footnotes and Milestones to Measure too
Including 8 MiLLioN Words of “FB Profile Pic Bible” in 74 Months as
“Nether Land Bible” Another Subchapter of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Increased to 9.6 MiLLioN Words in 86 Months of Writing
Yet Not Only That As “Depth of The Story” A Casually
Described 8th New Testament Rose to 3 MiLLioN
Words Also Included on the “Wrong Planet”
Website With Over 180,000 Views Just
From the Registered Members There
On the 3 Year Anniversary Date of
August 19th, 20223 in the 76th Page Now
Of That Solo Thread Where Each Page Now From Top to Bottom
Comprises the Size of An EPiC Novel Sized Long Form Poem at Around
50,000 Words or So And i Guess You Might Ask if i’m Tired of Writing Yet so Yes
August 2023 Also Celebrated
18,744 Miles of Public Dance in A Decade
Of Doing That On the Anniversary Date of
August 26th, 2023 As By That Date “Netherland
Bible” Celebrated 87 Months of Writing and “FB
Profile Pic Bible Celebrated 75 Months of EPiC Longest
Long Form Writing in these Two Ongoing Subchapters of
EPiC Longest Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” All 12 MiLLioN
Words of the Entire Effort Still Ongoing and GRoWinG Now too With SMiLes..:)

“19,000 Miles oF Public Dancing” in 123 Months of Effort
Meeting This Milestone and FeatNote on Halloween
Night 2023 And the Miles Continue to Pile On at
19,133 Miles Less than 6,000 Miles to Make
It Around the Distance of the Equator

Yet Really It’s Only About the Bliss
And Nirvana of A Moving
Meditation Free
Hehe Yes Miles And Miles
Of Heaven Continue to Come
Every Move Holy Generating Every
Sacred as Well Simply DiViNE With SMiLes..:)

‘Nether Land Bible 10 MiLLioN WordS Old” EPiC Long Form Poem Subchapter
at 10 MiLLioN Words of Writing Ever Since Memorial Day Weekend of
2016 Yes 90 Months Plus of Effort This Subchapter of EPiC Longest
Long Form Poem “SonG oF mY SoUL” Inclusive of What
Will Be 13 Subchapters All Part of the 12.4 MiLLioN
Word Endeavor of Writing 124 Months
Ever Since 8.18.2013 With The
Completion Of Coming “Grand
Cross Bible 2023” Next Yep
All 13 Subchapters Greater in
Size than the Old King James Effort
And In Total Yes “SonG oF mY SoUL”
15 Scale Greater in Size and 150 Scale
Greater in Size than the Old Quran too
Just Another “Day in A Life” of Writing Free Poetry in Flow

“Grand Cross Bible 2023” A Grand Total Of
920,172 Words Yes Larger Than the Old “King James
Version of A Bible” Yes Indeed in 7 Months From
Memorial Day Weekend Until The End of the Year
As Again This is the 8th Year of Doing This in These
7 Months Since Memorial Day Weekend of 2016
Through The End of That Year And Following

8 Years The Same
Now For 7 Month-Old
‘Grand Cross Bibles’ Indeed

And As Tradition Might Other Wise
Have It As Well All Accomplished
iN A Garden of Eden For Real

Only Difference No
Fig Leaves
Required Yet of Course
Yoga Power Poses in Angles
That Will Barely Meet
Community Standards
Yet Honestly Nothing Ya
Ain’t Seen NoW on Pristine Florida Beaches

“FB Profile Pic Bible 9 MiLLioN WordS Old” Yes The Title Sort of Measures it All
Where More Specifically This Subchapter of EPiC Longest Long Form Poem
“SonG oF mY SoUL” at 12.8 MiLLioN Words in 128 Months of Effort is
Included in Series of Around 18 Facebook Profile Pics Fully Illustrating
About 8 Thousand Word Mini Stories For 83 Months Now Ever Since
Memorial Day Weekend of 2017 And This MacroVerse Only Celebrates
The Milestone And FeatNote of 9 MiLLioN Words Whereas “FB Profile
Pic Bible Vol 2024 7 YearS Old” on This 2024 Memorial Day Weekend Anniversary
Date Yes Will Include Thumbnails of All 2245 Or So Facebook Profile Pics For the
Calendar Year Ending on Memorial Day Weekend An Annual Event Since 2018..:)

“20,000 Miles oF Public Dance” Finishing This Milestone And Featnote
of 20,000 Miles of Public Dancing on May 30, 2024 in 129 Months
Of Effort iN This FLoWinG Moving Meditation
That Continues to Improve
FRiEnDS With Gravity
Basically Transforming
248 Pounds of Human
iNto Weight of Finger Tips Mastering ‘The Balance”
That Includes All of Mind and Body SoUL Organically Real..:)



About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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