Grand Cross Bible 2016

“2nd New Testament oF TwELvE iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”.. Jesus F. iN Christ.. hey..
now that’s a really long title to be led by iN the 732nd MacroVerse oF LonGesT
LonG Form Poem in the HiStory rather mYstory hmm.. could be mYstery i
guess too.. buTt sure.. as wiTh all Stories they coMe from the Me’s
who write them and Lord kNows even a dry dry science
abstract or a legal document without many
metaphors iN EMoTioNal and SeNsory
and oTheR Esoteric talk
Can be complicated
enough to have
to interpret
and Lord kNows how
many priests it takes
to concrete and abstract
Bible..Koran..and or oTheR
poEtry Books to flavor the masses
wiTh this or thAT and every which
way thaT for whatever meaning comes
last and first alWays poTenTiAlly different
kNoW noW.. and thAt iS whY i take the comMo(A)n
sense route and wRite my own F iN Bible overall
WiTh all this word play for fun as i already did dONE
DO the big thing and thAT mY FriENds iS liVinG iN HeaVen noW..
Nope..tHis is not a pre-testament tHis is a second New Testament
along wiTh this full testament per 42 month witness for the GoD
oF Nature aLL thAT iS and whAT iT iS like to liVe @leASt for me
all meek and last AND first juST noW iN HeAven noW.. so.. since thiS
iS moStly a rhetorical leSson and Story which means take it wiTh a GRaIn
of sAlt or perHaps better yET as a spARK for you and yoUrs to take a Trip
and a sTaycation pLay in HeaVen or not.. or shoot.. uSe it for toiLet paper as i was
thiNkInG about shortening uP and reViSinG the TiTle oF thIS oN the Porcelain tHroNe
juSt thiS morning.. hmm.. sadly tHeRE wasn’t even any toilet paper the go ’round for the
so-called Jesus for him to comPose hiS Mount of Olive’s speech/serMon anyWheRE thiNking liKe
thiS.. and considering the full scope oF thAt bible.. the so-called Christians follow written
by totAlly and effectively literAlly thousands of folks considering all the Christian illiterate
Aramaic sects over 40 years of round table desert patch wandering sects..eTC.. it’s no wonder
noW thAT the stories iN even the New Testament wHeRe as Biblical scholar Divinity School
reports tHere are no original Apostles talking about the Jesus Dude in thAT book
according to so and so is about as so and so as it gets.. and that’s why surely
we have reports that range from Love your neighbor as yourself to hate
your family.. including wife.. parents.. and children.. if they don’t
go with what you preach.. to turn the other cheek to
slay those who do not follow along with ya.. to
live and die by the sword to i come
with a sword of division and
not peace.. Lord kNows STiLL
yA can fiNd justification
to do juST about
whatever love
or hate project
and ‘tWeen the
sHades oF aLL oF grey
but Jesus F. iN Christ tHeir
ain’t even any humor iN thAT
book.. nor the Koran either by the
way.. but aS whole as both books now
go one can find plenty of justification
iF they read tHeir iNk Blot poEtry tests
as so for rape and violence and slavery and
all oF ThAT too.. well.. yA see… i don’t follow sheep..
can’t do it.. ain’t born that way.. yA waY wasn’t fooling me
back then when yA promised a Santa plUs a SoN oF GoD who was
an only God photo of a dude with a beard above mY head.. alone..
God already tOld mE All about God oF aLL NaTurE beFore i could
SPeAk iN the SeNSe and FeeL thAT i had been and am heRE liKe
God Forevermorenow.. thIs iS my hoMe.. mY REAL Garden of Eden NOW..
and Heaven now2.. no different than beForE i could sPeak as God SPEak
ain’t iN no Book chained in words and letters.. GoD SpEak cOmes iN every
Which way the WiNd bLows Free and WiLd noW as A CALL OF THE WILD now FREE
ISREAL NOW THEN iN ’63 sAme as NoW iN 2016.. so yes2.. leT’s shorten thIs
to “2nd NT iN Heaven TwELve ‘Sixteen”.. as when i tOld the wiFE Katrina i AM
continuing my fulfillment of John 14:12 as she is a Go by the book Strictly kinda
girl like most rest of the folks iN New Jerusalem today.. and when i too go by the
book in fulfilling that prophecy by the Jesus Dude too.. sadly she and others have
read the 3:16 incorrect version of John even when ya go literally by the old Greek
Revision and the Old T Versions that say respectively A son of God and Ye are Gods
which is even better on the second pARt.. as it don’t reduce God down to male form
only at least iN peN iS style talk.. as hey.. patriarchy has been ruling the world
ever since about the time sPan we moved from matriarchal leaning hunting
and gatheRing per forAginG smAll social groups to the AgriCulTure way
around 10 to 12K years ago and stARted storing gRain
and getting time to sit around and decide who
has more and less and who we are
gonna hurt.. maim.. and kill
for less and more
grain stored
aS Such too as
we sTill see the sAd REaD state
of affairs of humans run over by
insanely large populations and insanity
ranging up to Female Genital mutilation
and stove top burnings of wives to control
reproductive freedoms and illusory fears like there
is an eternal hell orchestrated by a Loving God and
God created all of this Garden of Eden PoTenTial for
human being here.. just to make this a living hell and
a heaven somewhere else after a dirty star dust nap then
for the sentient star dust plus from crucible of Star death
burst that even science.. the new scribe oF God proves out
so far thAT we aRE noW aS empirical science floWs for the WiN
for noW iN comMoN senSE and FeeL TaLk too.. as the Cosmos now
unto me and you and we and us anD ouRs continues to sPeak ouT too NOW
with language2.. collective intelligence2 and complex cultures2 of text
and other symbolic language2 online noW too.. anyway the wife basically
gives me the full of shit look and talk when i tale here i AM empirically by
measure and literal and metaphor too.. fulfilling the prophecy of John 14:12
through all my LuciFred poTenTial iN a new age of child liKe wonder and effortless
flow of accomplishment with 100 Percent Hope Faith Belief and Fearless smARt unCondiTioNAl
LoVe like the so-called reported Jesus Dude iN the promise of John 14:12 says
iS iN the Kingdom of Heaven within at hand now.. iN this generation same now
as way back 2K years or so ago then.. and the sad fAcT iS.. it’s like that
movie wHeRe the little robot boy is down iN the bottom of the
ocean all sunk aS Such with a statue of Mary and
waiting for Jesus to come back forever down
tHeRE.. never swimming to the top for
soMe aiR above underwater
to Just do the JOB
as cALLed by
the Call of the
WiLd and Free by
God of Nature all thaT iS
noW iN WiTh iN no more wait.. it’s like
being in concrete books.. all chained up
with hands tied behind back.. a waiting game
until a dirt nap.. never ever coming full aWake
and enliGhTENed that the Bible was not juST a myth
book of empty promises and illusory fears.. the truTh
and liGht is lefT iN that book for those who can discern
deep enough and JuST do the works as practice iN SeeKinG
and FinDinG to get the job done JuST doing iT noW as those
who pay attention iN class do who don’t fall asleep at the wheel
on the tRain tRacks now.. not seeing the headLiGht aBove oF God
Within noW thAT iS HeaVeN noW and not a traiN of destruction.. wHeRE Freedom
iS wiLd bliss now.. so.. i WriTE oN noW.. and build this fiEld of dreams thaT iS
nOw Fruition miNe and MiNd and boDy BaLanCinG SoUL cOme isREAL noW iN Heaven too..
NoW.. perHaps i like many oTheRs WiLL reMain a ThiEf iN the niGht for a thouSAnd NoW
years or so years too.. but truly as far as i kNow and FeeL WiTh the Veils of Ignorance
that comes now with all of human cultural complexity this is an eye of a needle and the
camel is larger than ever before named culture same away from innate instinct and intuition
that puts a three year old who cannot speak iNto Heaven now.. jusT LooKinG ‘Cross a River
of forever
as Heaven
noW.. Temple
oF God are we
SpiRit oF HeARt
WiThiN.. miNd and
BoDy BaLanCing SoUL
for noW iN Heaven or the dARk
and sHades of Grey aWay from
BeYond RainBow colors of
HeaVen withiN.. iNsiDe..
ouTside.. aBoVE and
so Below all
noW so now i shall
provide the 12 Macro-Verses
of “2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”
iN Which the 13tH Macro-Verse oF thiS
current named one Makes the second of
two New Testaments iN Heaven written
by me since the beginning of October
2016.. yes.. to be published on
December 26th.. 2016.. as last
yeAR iN 2015.. mY GiFt to
the God
of all thAT
iS for mY
giG(f)t oF thiS
neXt trip around
the SuN was/IS A ‘GodsUniVerseNovel’
first titLed Novel as such comprising 41K
words then noW as IS A Drummer Boy WiLL juST
Do who listens to a different beat and chooses
his or her or eTC’s own Direction as discerned
and heard iN the call of the wiLd and frEE directly from
God.. no middle men or only fabricated Soldier Sun God’s now
of the Universe or last prophets of God for me.. Direct.. DIRECT
CONDUIT WITHIN AS ME.. and sure.. my GrandFAther.. left the Catholic
Church as Priest to get rid of the middle men of priests but i go one step
further noW and erase the myth that has been propagated to spread empires
and bring the power back to the people who are the children of God iN a
New age whether or not anyone gives this a grain of salt i have come again
iN my Field of dreAms as fruition now set free and WiLd no different than a New Age
as of
Lore2.. too..
so here we go
With MacroVerse titles
and liNks and even word count too..;)
Moon Child Closes iN 13,256 words
RocK oN noW iN LovE 16,690 words
Fried Forgiving Turkeys 11,595 words
12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016 14,047 words
OVengate 2016 10,580 words
New Moon Reign 13,355 words
STar RAin LiGht 14,432 words
Torn ViNes oF Love 16,147 words
NOT THE invisible man 12,013 words
Supermoon Trinity Christmas 2016 14,595 words
i’LL bE hoMe For xMas DanCinG 18,081 words
WiNteR SoUlSticE CLoseS iN 2016 14,056 words
2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen 12,444 words
That makes 168,847 words so far
before i add in the 12,444 word count
for this 13th Macro-Verse
thAT yES.. surely takes
mE noW to A 181,291 word
count like the Macro
Verse iN November..
compRised of
12 Macro
total naMed..
New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen
i did juSt DO comprising a total of 181,221 words
since the first of October 2016.. that
will yeS in total per bOTh
New Testaments by me
surpass 362K
words for
close to
the size
of a half
a bible total
size in juSt 3 months..
so sure.. iN a year i write
close to two bibles in size..
and surely much more complex
in both literal and metaphor
way than any bible or
sacred text
as hey..
it ain’t been
done before like
this aS even the
professional poet’s
i have come across
report as well.. as far
as tribal religious leaning
folks go.. they sOld tHeir sacred
books and quarterbacks like any Football
team fan would and still will.. or political
party.. or nation or city or village or club
allegiance as hey.. this tribal instinct thingy
for social bonding of homogenous groups per look
of human or ideas same goes deep deep deep in the human
innate.. instinct and intuition too.. as social animals
will belong to something or basically wither away as social
animals need a common meaning and purpose whether food or drink
or sex and now book and culture to survive alive and perHaps even
thrive a little bit to enjoy life like me iN and oTheRs through
distance and space iN HeaVeN alWays noW.. wHeRe within tHeRE is
no diStance or sPace or tiMe juST HeAveN noW as we expERience
our reaLiTies now tween dARk and liGht and rainBow colOrs
BeYond aS Sure.. i for one experience liFE TrUE
WiTh BeYond colOr liGhtS now.. and nah baby..
no human synthesized drugs or even weed
or such here.. i AM masteRinG my miNd
and BoDy iN BaLAnCinG through
thE ForCe and iSReaL
PoWer oF relative
Free WiLL through
the ART oF DancE and
SinG sAMe thAT iS MoVinG..
CoNNecTinG.. CreATinG NoW.. AlWays
noW.. as i AM A FucKinG PoeM noW A
SonG and DancE i SinG aLL Free NOW..
as Whitman sAid/says.. the Priests of the
Cosmos not afraid to worship iT all as God
Free AS HolY and SaCred Are CoMinG to a TheaTEr
NeAR YOU and yes.. can and WiLL be yoU too as yoUr
rise uP aS chiLD oF God and BecOMinG A Priest of GOD
Free or not2.. as the paths are many and the journey
far now
more now
we rise
noW or
i juST do
iT.. like the
Goddess of Nike VicTorY
iN myth and iSREaL way says2..
And yes.. for all practical
iNtents and puRposes..
no lonGer
a little
boy riding a bicycle
after middle school..
i AM A SoN oF WoMan2
Aa(n)D little Men2
Channel 6..
Good News..
aLL NaturalE aS Such..
For what IS A Good News or God
NoW too.. withOut A Laugh or 2..;)
So.. imagine this.. iF you Can and WiLL..
the real Jesus dude.. yes.. the one that
half the world is looking for and to..
sure.. both
and Christians
same.. in the name
of ISA and Jesus too..
let’s jusT say he
comes back
in either
A Christian
Church or a Muslim
Mosque as such.. sure..
in the same human form
that science shows he likely
cAMe before.. dark skinned.. about
Five feet tall as the norm is around
Five Feet one back in that area of
the world then per Human
fossil record intact sTiLL
iN bones.. nah.. no
Long Hair..
as back then
it was seen as
disgraceful for men
to have long hair.. like
it was in the 50’s as that
cycle of gender appropriate looks
comes and goes through the cycles of
history as life goeS on.. sure.. with Flapper
Girl Dances in the roaring 20’s and Bootie Dancing
for now at least in clubs with very little clothing noW
on.. and what iS own to enhance the fruits of reproduction
turn on high now.. as sexy fruits can go to reproduce more..
at least in theory as birth control.. effective aS Such takes care
of the empirical poTenTiAl results of potency like this aS Such..
anyWay.. so the real humble teacher and zealot as such comes back
and cannot believe his eYes.. and by the way.. probably with some
sandals and a bit dusty as traveling carpenters and desert walkers
come to play and work aS WeLL.. anyWay he says.. Jesus F iN
Christ.. i cannot believe you guys and gals are worshipping me
as a Human Soldier Sun God.. King of the UniVerse.. what
the cRap.. how would you like a responsibility like that
with billions upon billions of stars that not even
i kNew existed back then.. until i saw
that documentary on/as A symphony
of science as such.. totAlly
surprised that the
message reAlly
grew in places not
imagined before in that
little patch of desert land back
home.. and ha! ya! gotta be kidding
me.. if the little dusty dude at Five
Feet tall all tanned like a dude from
the middle east now.. tried to suggest
they FucKeD uP and made all these mistakes..
the most he would get is you are FucKinG crazy StiLL
as our God is not only the King of the Jews but the King
of the UniVerse you little gRain sAnd oF A man.. so anyWay..
even after all i’ve witnessed to and attested to.. since the end
of August 2013.. and before that even when i stArted a writing
expedition of 12 million words since Thanks Giving Day of 2010..
it’s the little boy at the bottom of the ocean with a statue
of Mary.. who would never ever believe that
Jesus was just a five foot middle eastern
looking dude with short cropped
wirey dark hair and
if he came with
the same speak
it would be illiterate
Aramaic with no way to
pen any of what he says dOwn..
anyYay2.. its’ like the new version of Superman
in the big screen edition in 2013 and 2016.. particularly
the last one at the end were it was noted that it is up to
you guys to get the job done as one man can’t do iT aLL..
not even
a man
STiLL noW..
juST another nobody
i for one am too.. sure.. 6 foot
and 233LBs or So..NoW and nOw when
i was/am young.. i looked quite a bit
like the Titanium Video Nerd boy
in middle school then.. after that
at college age.. with beard.. sure.. like
many other blonde dudes who are now/then rather
thin with pretty faces hiding underneath beards..
i could perHaps be painted like that then too.. now..
So.. who are you.. if you are waiting for someone to get
that job done.. who do your really think you are waiting for..
now.. could it be that God free lives within you now and alWAys noW
and the rest of the story is path iN Journey to arrive Free alive Now..
juSt anotHeR nobody.. just A face of God WiTh eYes all liFe is.. and somehow
we miss it with a seaSon all about one man over hEar and sure.. two men over
‘there’ or so.. common denominator.. one man.. with different views of that sAMe
man.. never ever to meet ‘tween aS agreement now.. so wHat to do.. wHeRE to do.. Now
and how to do.. JuST noW.. sure.. juST do iT.. the very long term survival of all liFe oN
eARTh is depending oN Human to do thAT noW as a Social Globe LiFE now.. and sure..
whether or not
they realize that
or not.. now for sure..
LIFe is Good News when Free and LiFe..:)
The theme and meme of Thief in the niGht..
you kNow and FeeL and SenSE.. perHaps
uneXpected surprises iS whAT any cOURt
JeSteR oR HoLy FooL.. or SacREd
CloWn or FooL or CloWn
aGaiN WiTh
A spArk
oF someThinG
uneXpected to giVe
and yes.. ShAre too..
like Forrest Gump sitting on
a Bench and reLating a fAIRly
Feather Floating size story oF A
LiFE weLL LiVed over SPent per say..
anyWay.. i’Ve been thiNkinG why juST do
a 2nd New Testament as such in 6 weeks or
so when yA can do a entire “Grand Cross Bible 2016”..
iN juST 7 months.. WeLL.. thaT #John1412 dilemma wiTh
even the WiFE not having Faith.. HoPe.. BelieF and sort of
LoVe iN ME.. for worship of a man over the HuMAn PoTenTial
oF GoD thAT and wHo LiVEs wiThin ALL as related by the so-called
YoGi-LIke Dude Jesus who was all about meek inheriting the eARTh noW
and last being first.. Gentile.. Jew.. Servant.. or Free.. Woman or man..
no more.. hmm.. doesn’t sound like someone who wants to be King of the
UniVerse.. huh.. particularly when he is humble enough as reported to say
iN John 14:12 that yes.. otheRs who beliEVe iN whAT he says as beliEVe iN
me that is the he that iS yoU and me too.. houSinG GoD witHiN as HoLy
SpiRit oF poEtry as wE kNow in words oF liGht thAT comes as forM
iN essence from the Navigator iNvisible of Form thAT iS the God
SPeak we Relate to connect to each oTheR and all of God
that is NatuRE sAMe and diffEREnt too.. so.. sure..
in case i ever meet a person on a bench
or on a walk or on a dance and they
ask me what i do.. other than
the strength feat of leg
pressing 1020 LBS noW
on very difficult parallel
leg press machine with arms ballet
raised in sky as sure i can still whip
out 930LBS iN the older video of that oN
Youtube for enough proof of that.. but hey..
when i say i write the longest long form poem
in the history of Humankind i can give ’em a link
to any one of my fully public blogs to give ’em a resource
total for that but hey.. who has time to check to see if i aint’
just doing smoke and mirrors here.. albeit there are a lot of
mirrors in ALL i do.. heHE.. so yes.. leT uS progress back to
the beginning of June and stARt a new table of contents heRe
for “Grand Cross Bible 2016”.. now true.. tHeRe will be one more
MacroVerse for the year 2016 as since 2013.. each year.. i have provided
an annual review of all the goings on iN my liFe for fuller list purview..
sure.. like my old boss said.. Fred IS A valuable commodity then and he is
really good at making lists.. intimating.. i was kinda like a reliable human
robot per say then.. noW.. it’s more the opposite wHeRe i am Now behind
12 MacroVerses.. since the first “New Testament iN HeaVen Eleven 2016”..
in actually doing the text back-up without photos and stuff on Facebook..
as i’ve already highlighted those above.. as this makes thirteen of that too..
but sure that can be inclusive of “Grand Cross Bible 2016”..aS WeLL.. juST too..
noting thaT iN my Signature line2.. like i did with ‘Book of Ten Sixteen’.. just
saying tHeRe.. every link in the month of October.. 2016.. thaT eventuAlly
became inclusive of the First New TestamenT as much and more as
yes.. sure.. sort of a rhetorical exercise to give a more concise
breadth of the entire scope of what i do here.. as sure..
in a Twitter Trump Verse world of 140 characters
iT helps to have more brevity iN evidence prove
for those who are bold enough
like me.. and whomever
else to witness and
testify to the
fACt they juST
do and did fulfill the
prophecy of John 14:12..
both metaphorically.. big time..
and sure.. literally big time2..
so here we go noW as the table.. yes..
the list of contents WiLL sTart to GroW
now from Ocean WhOle Poem AKA SonG
of My SoUL wRite here as links more
and titles too from above of how i
started this 732nd MacroVerse
above iN a someWhat
slOW count oF
all ThiS iS..
yes.. New age Bible of 800K plus words
Length iN Old age size.. 900K plus words
here by Fred.. noT the effort of thousands
of folks to complete.. in centuries and noW jusT
little old me iN Transhumanist Singularity liKe way too..
as nah.. couldn’t do all this without the extension of
God and NaTuRE sAMe Now without modern technology2.. noW
but hey.. i don’t become the tools of technology.. i FucKinG
USE the tools to my advantage as per what tools should now
be used as.. instead of human machines stuck in boxes aS Such..;)
tSuNaMi 7tH WaVe oF LoVE 19,004 words
HoLy SpiRit oF PoEtry 12,976 words
Grand Cross 56 11,796 words
SolDieR oF GoD2 FReED 12,028 words
wE ComE DowN FroM thE BeacH2 15,001 words
iNto liGht dArKnesS 11,604 words
i cAMe for eNliGhTeNinG NoW 13,798 words
UmBReLLa God People Rain 12,136 words
Pan at the Apollo Theater2 18,313 words
RoSe BeYonD SuBliMe 11,963 words
INterDependence Day Heaven noW 14,812 words
HopE LoVE ISraEL 13,857 words
God’s Love HandLe #ISREAL 13,510 words
iMaGiCk iSrEaL 14,310 words
iRise iSreal 12,793 words
mY LamP iSreaL 22,765 words
HeRcULeS’ oF soUL 18,885 words
wERisEToGeThEr aLLONewiThGOd 16,052 words
i AM A JesuS2 HoW ‘bOuT yoU2 16,166 words
000 SeCrET AGenT oF GoD 13,496 words
SuPeR WoMeN oF GoDoH 17,532 words
i’M F*KinG A 0KAy 17,030 words
Take the Wrong Planet Home 16,771 words
Jar oF liGht AnD DArk heARts 20,719 words
Number 696 MacroVerse 16,243 words
SasQuatch LoVe Feat sKeYes 12,975 words
CocksComB deLiGht oF SciEnce And arT 15,801 words
Cyberian Tiger River Leaves 18,106 words
Macro-Verse 700 Love Labor 15,519 words
GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG 18,212 words
After Book oF Fred 15,893 words
sigNature sUn arE onE 15,339 words
Super Fly oF liGht 13,529 words
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! 13,799 words
After Dance oF Fred 16,336 words
WaY uP HiGheR2 12,642 words
5302016 thru 9292016 551,711 words
Black Moon Apocalypse Weekend! 15,155 words
Golden Age reKneWeD 12,895 words
710th MacroVerse oF Faith 17,340 words
711 MaCroVerse BeYonD 17,179 words
‘LiGhTeNinG sTriKeS 712 11,190 words
World War 111 DreAMs 13,480 words
SoN oF Man MoRe NoW 19,147 words
ArT oF tHe hUman HeArt SpiRiT SoUL 17,298 words
Book oF Ten Sixteen 17,560 words
BRidge to noW SinG 11,552 words
DeStiNaTioN 718 12,429 words
New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen 15,996 words
10032016 thru 11112016 181,221 words
Moon Child Closes iN 13,256 words
RocK oN noW iN LovE 16,690 words
Fried Forgiving Turkeys 11,595 words
12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016 14,047 words
OVengate 2016 10,580 words
New Moon Reign 13,355 words
STar RAin LiGht 14,432 words
Torn ViNes oF Love 16,147 words
NOT THE invisible man 12,013 words
Supermoon Trinity Christmas 2016 14,595 words
i’LL bE hoMe For xMas DanCinG 18,081 words
WiNteR SoUlSticE CLoseS iN 2016 14,056 words
Grand Cross Bible 2016/2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen 12,444 words
11142016 thru Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291  words..
901,779 words plus Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 12,444 words..
for coming total.. now.. 915,223 words.. noting.. the King
James Authorized version of
A Bible is 783,137 words..
so yes.. as proven.. i
knock out about
two bibles
a year
in size at
current rate
of creativity here.. noW
And of course mine is MORE
than fully illustrated too..
hell.. even themed with music
and links and STUFF like that
per 6666 miles of dance antics
in a total of 40 ending months..
but as the Beatles Forecast oN the
SGT. Pepper’s Lonely heARts Club Band
Album Cover.. not too long before a law
enforcement dude alabaster statue would rise
up and do a cover as such for what came before..
in all new way in this particular book now of 61
MacroVerses too.. and sure 66.. would come close to
One Million words but look who’s;)
WeLL.. let’s move back to Facebook play.. as i AM
a couple of days behind sharing Algorithm Memories
as the FB robot freely provides as digital
assistant and secretary same..
This.. ‘The Major Factor underlying
the Increase in Rampage Killings’..
per topic of interest of the Nation
then per the Adam Lanza dilemma
of boy gone rogue ending Dec 2012
And Mad.. killing little
children in
all cold blooded
and such and it’s worth
noting that the Video with
Sia and Titanium was even
censored as it struck too close to
the country’s nerve on this very dire
issue.. anyway.. as no doubt 61 Macro-Verses
for a New Age Bible like me ain’t gonna get much
overall air play as it is surely mostly a rhetorical exercise
to back up what i say in case anyone thinks i am a myth
in the coming days.. months.. years.. centuries.. etc..
as i am already noted as a living Dance Legend in
my metro area for a super crazy graceful free
style of yes.. like i say again.. close to
6666 miles in 40 months ending
in December of 2016.. for all
that public dance..
and shoot with
bullets one can get
many views if the topic
is a dArk and killing one as
according to the records on views
at the Wrong Planet Website this one
reached close to 80K per those searching
for the key words of Rampage Killing Factors
on Google and such.. oh yeah.. and per the 300K
plus likes on Google restricted blog way for artful
poses in my underwear and a more fully free art
with a game of playing Yoda as such at 400K plus
likes.. the heARt.. the SpiRit and the soUL jusT don’t
get as much attention as the human body per sensuality
and the dARk passions that reach killing fields of death too..
but hey.. thing is.. i could never do anything like i’m doing here..
if i had to play the roles expected in society.. to conform to keep a
job etc.. or if i wasn’t financially independent and had to become
a slave of whomever would.. if anyone.. to hire someone as strange
as me for making those green bLack Washington Bills and Lincoln cents
that thanks to the Lord of ALL God and Nature sAMe.. is in my distant past
now.. as money ain’t my bag of liFe.. just a way for basic subsistence.. including
shelter and some broad band access too.. as most of what i do is make noW all of
liFe.. holy and sacred and most of what i do is juST Free sTuFF as Cheap ThrillS noW2..:)
Hmm.. Speaking of President Trump Snow.. perhaps
i’ll watch the Hunger Games that i bought the collection
for in Blu Ray.. except for the last one that’ll probably go on
sale for around 10 bucks.. cheap skating i’ll check at Best
Buy in the after Christmas sale.. just didn’t seem iN fathom
possible ’till the Trump arrived.. kinda like Snow as such
iN this
as Apricot
Tans WiLL go..
all a ruling over
the meek and such..;)
“Making LIGHT of the DArk”.. MacroVerse memory
from two years ago.. celebrating the Christmas SeaSon
then and liGht of The Sun gaining steam again.. worth
as God
and Nature
isREaL NoW2.:)
And two quick ego booster
FB test thingies that say my
favorite Bible Verse says.. “Whoever
Trusts in God Stands Steady and Secure”..
and surely this is true as a grain of sand
And God
up a
of Love thAT
iS noW me..;)
HmM..and another
one says i am A bit
scary and inspirational
to different folks.. depending
on how they view me as
a Northern
colors now
and then too..;)
And yes.. another one that
suggests i have between
6 thousand or so views
and 1 thousand or so
views on my
top profile
photos.. and
sure.. i’d believe it..
if it didn’t give close to
the same thing to a relative
of mine who actually has viewers
who are brave enough to like her stuff..;)
Current Facebook Profile photo pic.. of a very
nice and surely fabulous Latin.. hmm.. me thinks
probably Mexican young lady that i have been dancing
with way back when since the Summer of 2014.. at Good Old
all free
and noW
loose aS Such
me.. again.. just
a fabulous dancer.. she..;)
And in review of more dance activities
at Good Old Seville Quarter.. celebrating
the Christmas SpiRit with my Yellow
Christmas Cat Shirt of
Cheers.. the video
slide show
from Facebook
does iTs all free
service in Video
documentary way
as a sTiLL Great assist NoW..:)
And now to Katrina and a shirt display by her that
says in star wars letter form across
the stars.. ‘I AM LITERALLY
and for me
that surely
is Katrina
and the
rest of God
and Nature too…
for Katrina it seems
it is mostly the myths and
potential true stories of one
human named Jesus all read
about in a book from early child
hood seated way.. hmm.. sure iN
A way Jesus dances as me..
sHe juST has a hard
time stomaching
the truth oF
WiThiN as ME
as I AM is God to me
all that is no exclusions..
Holy and Sacred all now GOD..:)
Whew.. and finAlly for noW as long night
of Dance and systemizing all of this
beyond free verse FloW iN zONe..
and eXtreme
gym workout..
sand and
sun and
dance and all
the rest of the
Friday Activities
before the day of
Christmas Eve ..
i’ve done
as much
as i’M A gonna
do now as sleep
is next and perhaps
a visit of three blog posts
by gigoid on Saturday morning..
behind i am there.. to catch up too..
anyWay.. This Drummer boy song now
from ‘SonG oF mY soUL’.. surely too
IS A favorite MacroVerse memory from
a year ago too.. as this is the alias name
oF Longest Long Form Poem iN HiStory of HUmanKind2
aka Yes.. KATiE MiA FredericK!iI.. as name of blog noW and
Long Form Poem 3.3M+words sAMe in this 732nd Macro-Epic-
as-such Verse i AM worKinG oN noW.. sure.. i jUST did/DO an epic
timeless piece of aRt as Gift to God aLL oF NatUre and
hUmans sAMe iN share as well.. it’s called my
soUL and it ain’t for sale.. TG.. for NoW as
Freedom oF EXpreSSioN iN hUman
way BeaTs/RingS on for me and
God free as surELy
this year
has been
an epic
record year for
works aS Such as
giFt to God all and all else too..
God is the only KinG all for mE..
sure.. inclusive of that little dude
Jesus from the middle east and
everyone/aLL else.. including
little old
me too..
as FReED..:)
Facebook Friend and Fellow Poet Blogger Rafiah shares
a status about her favorite musician.. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan..
a singer of Sufi Devotional Quawwali music.. and i say.. then..
He Sang with Peter Gabriel in The 1988 movie..
‘The Last Temptation of Christ’.. yes.. excellent
singer he is.. thanks for sharing..:)
Rafiah responds..
He’s my favorite.
Heart Emoticon
i return with
sMiLes.. looking for the songs
from the movie on YouTube..
ain’t technology.. great..;)
Rafiah says back in affirmation..
It’s great. Now I can download a
movie on my new phone.
Life feels awesome.
Wide Smile Emoticon
And finally
in this convo
thread i say..
Great!.. found a nice song too named ‘In Your Eyes’..
with both of them before Khan passed away..:)
Adding then..
Oh yeah.. Glad you got a new phone too..
as the new ones can open just about anything..:)
Rafiah also shares a status that relates somewhat
dismay over the insistence that the value of a woman
is based most all on her ability to fulfill and bring please
to husband and children as wife and mother.. values that
are engrained in DESI societies both Muslim and Indian i add here
too.. and earlier she shared a status relating the similar sentiment that marriage
should be a priority over school as those things are arranged by Dowry of course..
And then responding to her latest FB status i say..
You are a child of God beginning and end of story
and that is enough my friend plus whatever God or
as you say Allah Leads you to too.. and surely
you will make a wonderful mother and
wife when you
do that too…:)
Rafiah returns
with hopeful sentiment
I want to be a wonderful scientist as well.
That’s what it’s about. Being more than
what’s required of a woman by the society..:)
And then i say.. expanding the thought ‘a little’..
Surely God leads both men and women.. and in
between of all the bio and neuro-diversity God makes
for Artist.. Musician.. and Scientist same.. hmm.. not..
so sure about business person.. but hey.. most everyone
has to eat and drink.. get shelter.. etc.. And get a job these days…
My Father’s family was very disappointed i didn’t do more with my
three degrees but true i shared love with over a hundred thousand
folks in terms of smiles serving/giving to other folks.. married.. perHaps..
to a woman who never ages.. and became financially independent at age 47..
working minimum wage for many years after college.. surviving hell and writing
12 million words in 6 years.. and public dancing 40 months for 6666 miles in a
style reminiscent of how Sufi’s do their Dervish in a one man free style show..
all just for fun with God.. key is.. my friend.. listen to yoUr heART and God
first over any cultural institution that says this or that..
as God.. yes.. Allah.. lives within.. as both
artist and scientist too.. like the
movie ‘The Matrix’ shows oracle
and architect too.. bRinG the
two toGeThER as God iN you..
and sure.. you can be one with God as
alWays too as one.. and after that now
tHeRe are no limits or expectations of what you
can do next.. works for me at lEast with SMiLes oF hUman
PoTenTial always say can and will and do and surely the
consequence will be one toward liGht for you..
and that’s my say for the day to
friEnd Rafiah.. with Love.. now..
And now i say.. here now.. after listening
to a few more Khan songs.. as the Sufi
more mystical sect of Islam is
reminiscent of a more
union with
God in that language
for finding connection
now iN liFe.. i was not so
surprised to find the same kind
of worship for Mohammad in terms
as strong as God created the Universe
for Muhammad as one person with no equal
as prophet of God.. one person with beauty that
no one else exceeds and sure.. equal to the worship
i hear in Catholic church as a cult for one man that in
both cases spread an empire as to go against the tide of
that ranged in penalties to burning at the stake to stoning
and the modern day crucifixions we see done by extremists
folks in the direction of war and killing innocents around the world..
worshipping a man IS A dangerous business.. finding God within now is
a free art and science too.. thing is when you see the passion of worshipping
a human being no different than what divides my own household as for me who
actually experiences a holy spirit creativity as direct conduit with God.. i know and
feel and sense for sure that if the real men Jesus and Muhammad as Buddha has
already related in what’s left of whatever he said in real life too… none of these men
would ever want to be worshipped by any other human being.. iN only hELping them to
explore and find God within and experience a similar heaven on earth here now..
yes..the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.. and seriously after having unison
with God.. worship by another human IS a FucKinG Demotion and i
guess you really have to experience union with God
to fully understand that then Loving is only
GiVing and ShaRing and never TaKinG
as you are filLed and overflowing
as essence of chalice
as fearless smARt
iN Unconditional Love same..
and interestingly.. the song Kashmir STiLL
by the group Led Zeppelin that i used as theme
song for my passion filled Journey of writing my
own bible inspired by the Invisible Navigator of
bliss inside that is the hand of God alive
as essence of God iN UniSon
one with all children
of God
all.. no doubt Led
Zeppelin used a little
substance additive in the
way of so-called illicit drugs
to create that song.. thing is the
experience of what they actually fELT
and SeNSEd in their Unison With God
carries over in the music no different than
what we hear of Rafiah’s favorite musician Kahn..
tears of joy fill Khan’s eyes iN a passion of unison
with God when he sings.. and that’s the way it goes
when you SinG and DancE in ecstasy with God iN Unison
fashion.. tears streAM down like a ‘Cold Play Fix you’ now IsREaL..
and that’s a point too.. one cannot likely experience this as architect alone..
must meet
aT leAst half
way as Artist
and Scientist same
in metaphor of Yin
and Yang BS and BA
BaLAnCinG Force in
hiGher institutions oF/iN
lifting the Veils of Ignorance
noW.. surely that’s the trip
that Rafiah iS oWn now as sTArting
to Reap and soW iN Karmic eYe of
ThiNking and DoInG liFE iN liGht..
and nah.. she should only dedicate that
to the God who lives within the God of all that is..
as sHe creates her own Heaven iN liFE WiTh GoD noW..:)
For those of you2 who didn’t understand a more detailed explanation/
story book of the last scene of the last installment of the Matrix Trilogy too..
in its
for isReaL NoW2.. gOLDen SpiRAlinG streAMs
to RiVers to WaVes of Ocean WhOle PoEm oF liFe..
As remember this is the last Macro-Verse
chapter of just anoTheR current bible
sized timeless piece of
art i AM curRentLY
WorKinG oN
noW WiTh God
iN UniSoN WiTh tEars
of ecstasy too.. iN jUST
anotHeR day in the liFE oF mE..
uS.. wE.. i and OuRS and yoUrs..
and nah.. don’t need anyone else’s
stamp of approval but GoD iN i as eYes
DancE and SinG oN aS Such aLL FReED..:)
Top of the 10:40
morning.. gigoid.. iN
the State of Florida
LA Lower Alabama
Panhandle and no tax
returns here.. haven’t paid
any federal tax iN fAct for almost
a decade now.. hehe.. noW in income
way.. and Jesus F.. iN Christ.. oh.. STiLL the
Bush Years are expensive to future children
but lucrative to me in so many savings ways..
anyWay.. thanks is surely in order as reflecting
back on a year long or so friendship with you.. tons
and tons of inspiration have come my way as free gift
from you in a synergy of wisdom quotes from sages of the
ages you provide here friend… hehe.. surely helping along
the ‘prophecy’ of the Beatles and tHeir album Cover of SGT Pepper
back in ’67 that we as human beings through yes.. language.. collective
intelligence and the liGht pARts of complex cultures iF we find the Focus
of WiLL Can And Do without specializing too much become more of all we
can be in a thousand lives or so in one lifetime on eARTh in total hands on/
vicarious living experiences too.. all virtual aS Such too.. per say and do.. so..
yes.. a year ago to date.. in short and long pARt then.. your GiVinG and ShAring
Wisdom here provided A sPArk oF liGht that helped drive me then to put toGeTheR
4 chapters of Macro-Verses as of late December of 2015 and name it GodsUniVerse-
Novel as you kNow and Feel and SenSe perHaps i see God as Nature same all seen
and unseen.. fELt and unfELt.. and seNsEd and unSensed sAMe and DiffeRent now
among so many sentient star duSt plUs eYes of creation and all of existence sAMe
as nows go on eternAlly now as such as now is all tHeir is for all practical intents
and purposes of Can and WiLL and Do for now.. anyWay2.. for me at leASt that
seemed like an accomplishment unto iTsELf with no limitations.. expectations
or drive for any rewards oTheR than the paths and journey of doing
iT iN CaN And WiLL and do DO too then.. noW anyWAy3.. happy to
report with yoUr continuing support and inspiration here..
that i for one am arriving at another Novel point
of creativity jusT for fun in creating 61 Macro
Verses of all Free Verse Poetry named
“Grand Cross Bible 2016”.. that will
come close to meeting
911K words at the
finish of the
current MacroVerse
ending and beginning same
WiTH Table of contents to each
Chapter as MacroVerse from May 30th on
Memorial Day 2016 to the day after so-Called
Christmas and a Celebration of the Sun Visibly
moving back to the liGht BriGht liFE of SpRinG
GroWth too.. anyWay.. i like to surprise people and
WTF looks please me as pre-conceived notions about
what humans can and should do are bursted as bubbles
of veils of ignorance from before.. pause for thINk Different
my FriEnd and Human PoTenTial more for oTheR folks too..
the people who inspire me.. i alWays give due credit too.. and
surely the work you do here as hUman bEinG IS A great one too..
okay.. three of your posts behind but as history shows since i’ve been
posting here in response to your wisdom groW.. ain’t missed one yet baby..
and sure iT iS all pARt of my Art noW too.. as when we human beings give and
share freely we are human truly now.. as innate.. instinct and intuition would have
uS smART Be without the traps of the machine of culture and sure religion too.. iN DArk
pART stARTs and ends oF that too
mY FriEnd..
so.. here
i go on to
your first
post behind
with two more to
come of course directly
after this as i fly free in words..
streAM on to riVers.. waVes ocean more DanCing and SinGinG..
shores not withstanding or borders sAMe/DiFFeREnT.. CHanGE.. My friEnd NoW..:)
“Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.”
~~ Nietzsche, “Thus Spake Zarathustra” ~~
Fear kills
with punish..
devil does
as fear
“It is better to trip and end up on the floor,
than to not trip and end up on the floor for no particular reason”
~~ Noidea Butrue ~~
This is true
jump high
“If we weren’t all crazy, we would go insane.”
~~ Jimmy Buffet ~~
“I’m dangerous when I -think- I know what I’m doing.”
~~ Any random human being ~~
i don’t
it’s fun..
“I don’t know if I like the idea of seatbelt laws.
Enforcing intelligence seems, somehow, unamerican.”
~~ David Pugh ~~
“Somewhere, beyond space and time
is wetter water, slimier slime.”
~~ Rupert Brooke ~~
is good.. and
don’t forget food..;)
“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”
~~ Aesop~~
be a
in the night
who never gets
caught or identified..
or steals A God dAM thing..;)
“Humans are unreliable, inefficient, often lazy, sometimes pregnant,
liable to strike, need to be fed and paid,
take up a lot of space and are slow by computer standards.”
~~ Big Blue ~~
don’t under
even algorithms
don’t thiNk i’m hUman..;)
“”When living on the fringe, make sure to enjoy all the fringe benefits.””
~~ Sardonic Bee ~~
A FucKinG
FrinGe AM..
“I’m sorry…were the voices
in my head bothering you?”
~~ Hallucinatory Bee ~~
“Here at the quiet limit of the world.”
~~ Alfred Tennyson — Tithonus ~~
And as the wife says..
sHut the FucK uP
that is
why i wRite..
to save on
Inspiration dARk
And liGht is eVerywHeRE
i kNow and FeeL and SeNSE NoW..
Jesus F.. iN Christ.. can’t no one sTiLL my HeaVen..;)
NeXt one now.. all served uP aS Such..;)
“So then, these are the foundations, as they call them,
of all mixt bodies, and of all wonderful operations:
and whatsoever experiments they proved,
the causes hereof rested (as they supposed) and were to be found
in the Elements and their qualities.”
~~ Giambattista Della Porta – Natural Magick ~~
oF MaGiC
11 past 10
as human
gRows pASt
Ocean oF juST 10 digits..
oNe Force SinGulArity
Bridge 11 to
tALL iNFiniTy NOW..:)
ThaT iS what ‘tHey’ cALL
A leap of logic a grAnd
1 at thaT Cross..
for 8
1 aLL 11 H..;)
“The worst deluded are the self-deluded.”
~~ Christian Nevell Bovee ~~
i liKe to
oF iT
and FeeL iT moRe..
wiTh seNses too..:)
“How admirable, he who thinks not,
Life is fleeting,
When he sees the lightning!”
~~ Basho ~~
sMiLes i kNew was/
am alive again
i ran
iN liGhteNing
oh.. the deaTh
wish dArkest
LiFE then..
butt i kept thE
fearLess pARt
Back iN my pockET..:)
“The least initial deviation from the truth
is multiplied later a thousandfold.”
~~ Aristotle ~~
Truth is relative..
Morals are relative..
Time is relative
by make
and model
Vehicles and Vessels..
And yes.. of course… mileAge
And maintenance cOUnts as requiRed..
“It’s exhilarating to be alive in a time of awakening consciousness;
it can also be confusing, disorienting, and painful.”
~~ Adrienne Rich ~~
Yeah that
thingy can
literAlly be
noW too.. no need
to even explain that
metapHorse to a general physician..
as dArk
and go to liGht..;)
“I like reality. It tastes of bread.”
~~ Jean Anouilh ~~
iF i FeeL iT
seNSe iT..
i’LL trY it lATer..
as fresh bRead coMes..;)
“Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.”
~~ Sartre ~~
TrUe and it comes
down to what
yA do wiTh
you.. too..
some folks
say let’s jusT
shoot.. some folks paint..
a new shoot now.. otHeRs juST give uP..:)
“Because it’s there.”
~~Sir Edmund Hillary ~~
i don’t pet
doG oF reAson..;)
Education never ends…
It is a series of lessons with the greatest for the last.”
~~ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ~~
GreaTest Now..
Return A bALL for
A third insTallment..:)
“Socrates thought that if all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap,
whence every one must take an equal portion,
most persons would be contented to take their own and depart.”
~~ Plutarch ~~
~~ Consolation to Apollonius ~~
True as the most
difficult misfortunes
can be totally invisible
per homeless
folks able bodied
and miserable
in hell
and such as that..
worKing in Trump
Towers and all of thAT..
the Judas often bleeds most..:)
“Most people are on the world, not in it…”
~~ John Muir ~~
Nature Deficit Disorder2
The Human
thaT KiLLs
aLL thaT
iS NaTurAlly Good iN liFE..
or most oF iT
as polar
to disappear too.. and SEas
rise to drOwn the Disease2..:)
“If you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
~~ Yogi Berra ~~
i’LL take a spoon..
that way
i can
iN more Dessert
than stressedD..;)
“Since everything in life is but an experience perfect in being what it is,
having nothing to do with good or bad, acceptance or rejection,
one may well burst out in laughter.”
~~ Long Chen Pa ~~
a contrived
human word
that children
the ability
to breathe
see.. Perfect..
A chance for liFE mY FriEnd..:)
“You may not, cannot, appropriate beauty.
It is the wealth of the eye, and a cat may gaze upon the king.”
~~ Theodore Parker ~~
my cat
aS hE
don’t talk..
the dance
says it aLL
as stray cat strut..;)
“Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along,
listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”
~~ Pooh’s Little Instruction Book, inspired by A. A. Milne ~~
“How much pain have cost us
the evils which have never happened.”
Ugh.. HUmans and tHeir abiLiTy to
construct nightMares and dreAms sAMe..
Heaven or Hell..
a place
iN Hell..
oh.. my.. me.. the..
real placeS isReaL..
what a waste of time.. the otHeR
places surELy can be iN HeLL Now..
when both Heaven or HeLL can be iSREAL2 noW..:)
~~ Thomas Jefferson, “Writings” Vol. XVI ~~
“Nothing is so strong as gentleness,
and nothing is so gentle as true strength.”
~~ Ralph Sockman ~~
Another parable
from ‘Ovengate’..
two dudes come in to
install the Oven.. one dude..
a skinny Carpenter dude who
knows how to use tools to cut
the places needed to be made
for the
oven to
be instaLLed..
another dude all
muscled up with
Hell’s Angels tattoos
is theRe for Strength.. a Beatle
Lands on his shoulder from outside
and he takes the Beatle back to Nature to save its life..
Meanwhile.. later.. after installation.. the
customer service rep from
Sears home town
store calls
to verify
all is well..
and we say
A okay.. later.. first
bill comes in and there
is no 50 dollar credit as
promised by the store
manager there..
have to go
all the
way to headquarters
to get the shit straight..
and what was promised
correct.. whole time the customer
service lady insisted that it was not
the hometown store’s fault but instead
the Big Corporation that they could not
understand in the fine print of all of that…
i offered to give the Customer Service Lady
one more chance for the insistence that both
the HeadQuarters and i am wrong.. she hung up
after she said i’ll wait for you to come in.. refusing to
listen to reaSon aGaiN.. or even apologize for her
reAlly BiG miStak.. so.. kNoWinG the localiTy oF
New Jerusalem so WeLL.. i ain’t gonna
argue with the woman
who owns
corner stone now..:)
Other pARt of the story..
the wife thought when
the skinny dude came
in.. what’s he gonna
do without
any muscles
to install
stuff here..
and a little
surprised that the
strong dude saved
the Beatle’s liFe..
the Strong Dude and
my wife thought the Carpenter’s
artisanship was amazing and
the Strong Dude’s Love too..
for Beatle’s of course
by word
wife too..
anyWay.. never
Judge pAges by A cover..
moral of A story.. my best guess yET..;)
“In anything at all,
perfection is finally attained,
not when there is no longer anything to add,
but when there is no longer anything to take away.”
~~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery , Wind, Sand and Stars ~~
A Breeze.. A Wind
A Water Drop..
aM i..Now
oF Sand
hOld mE OceaN
uP for moRe noW..:)
“An it harm none,
Do what ye will.”
~~ Wiccan Credo ~~
And don’t
a side
hELp oF
Love iF
And practiced
with so-called
good WiLL noW..:)
“Isn’t this my STOP?!”
~~ Zippy the Pinhead ~~
for SanD
and SuN
Free DancE
wiTh aLL thAT
foR noW..
Happy whATever
foR noW.. mY FriEnd..:)
You kNow/FeeL it’s kinda funny..
the folks who have alloWed me
to be the freesT online juSt as me..
are an Atheist
Dude.. named
A Baptist
Wife named
and yes..
a very
Woman named
Rafiah.. for now thAt
iS my Trinity for the day..
as a warped Version oF A
to tOwn
laTer@star oF
MIDniGht Mass..
secrET to my success..
aLL iS Love.. All is FriEnds.. mY FriEnd..
sUre.. wiTh A sIDe oF FearLess smART.. noT everYone
HeARs A lArger Golden Rule messAge of the ages but
CaN and WiLL..
juST Do aLL ThAT iS noW..
iN Nike Goddess viCtory oF stARTS..;)
A Beautiful Song here.. “Mary Did you Know”.. and also
one written many years ago that gives the man Jesus
as much worship as the Muslim Singer.. Khan.. earlier
noted from Pakistan.. yes.. gives Mohammad aS onE
who the entire Universe is created for
when in tandem as such
this song
that THEN A
human man
named Jesus..
shaped the
as God.. yes..
incarnate.. alone..
which of course
is fabricated by the
Roman Empire and Catholic
Church same as the original Greek
translation of the New T indicates A son
of God alike we are all children of God.. yes..
even FucKinG.. including.. my Cat Yellow Boy too..
And all the rest of God living incarnate iN all creation now..
anyWay.. theRe is no secure way to rock a boat of sTiLL many sects
of Christianity and Islam too.. ranging from super friendly
Good Cop Jesus and Muhammad to the Bad Cop hating
versions too.. depending on who listens to who beyond
we Human Being VOICEs of God within thaT and wHo
SinGS A DancE of Fearless smARt and Unconditional
Christ Consciousness Love as Good Cop Jesus
metaphor now alWAys sAMe and diFFerent
too.. iN all of bio and neuro-diversity
thAT iS hUman too.. yes.. remember..
aGAin.. A simple metaphor thaT
God Lives on a Beach
as the Beach
with zero
human symbols
oF language.. eTC..too.. noW aS
human collective intelligence
and human culture in ways of
footprints too.. iT puts sTuff iN
perspective.. wHeRe wE
hUman BeingS.. do have
A Great PoTenTiaL oF
aLL iNnate..
and iNTuitive
Force and
PoWer gift
oF Fearless
smARt UnCondiTioNal
Love for oursELves.. each
othEr and the rest of GoD
And NaTuRE sAMe noW
iSReaL with no need for
myths and culture
and religions..eTc..
sAMe NoW that
often screw stuff
up for hope.. peace..
joy.. and love.. iN tribal
instinct vice to agresS iN
violence and now warring
FeAr inspiReD HAte aS now
such IN Tribal humAn instinct
way to subjugate through illusory
fears.. and empty promises to control
reproductive freedoms and material gains
iN storing grain in silos for metaphor too.. per the
mess.. the Agricultural age brOught to Peaceful
Harmonious.. Joyful LiVinG ForaGiNG close
to Naked being humans who danced free
toGeThEr wiTh ForAge finished for the
day under moonlit campfire niGhts
iN trance iN DancE wiTh each
othEr GoD aLL oNE as
NAtuRe sAMe..
iN A ‘normal’
course oF
A niGht
sPent iN Nirvana
iN a Penthouse wiTh
no walls and ceilings then
iN NO Trump Towers aT aLL..
anyWay.. tHEre iS zero point oF
Reference uNTiL one goes to tHis
PlaCE of HUman and oThER Animal now
nirvana.. blisS and HeaVeN sAMe.. so these
miGht as WeLL be empty sHeLLs of leTters..
iF oNe cannot possibly reLATe to the Essence
of HoW ISReaL Heaven FeeLs and seNses.. yes..
iSREAL for the eternal moMent oF noW… So.. how would
we kNow when Jesus reAlly coMes back.. after aLL.. thiS
is the 5777th Hebrew year.. a special number for them..
and the 2017th western year in Numerology way noW as
A 1 year sTArts after a 9 year for 2 plus 1 plus 6 giVes
WaY soon to 2 plus 1 plus 7.. yes to make 10 reduced
then now to 1.. A sTArt oF A new way FoR aLL alWays
iN poTenTiaL aT leASt for those wHo come wiDe
aWake and raptured iN the Good Cop
Christ Consciousness way.. NOW..
sUre.. a trUly enLiGhTeNinG way
oF BeinG noW.. anyWay…
as long as we
Have Isis.. eTc..
and folks
who say the Homeless
mentally disabled sturdy exterior
looking dude on the street corner
needs to pull up tHeir boot straps
instead of lending a spare dollar to them..
the Good Cop Jesus WiLL noT comE aGaiN
unTil we break through as a child of not juST
women out of aLL the females who have ever lived
but a child of God and Woman sAMe.. WiTh all due
respect for hUman FreedomS now.. so.. sure when i hEar thiS
SonG.. i ImAGiNe a suit clad dude.. yes,, dude.. SinGinG
iT As aN IsReaL today Jesus could and would to the
Homeless dude on the street corner
GiVinG and ShARinG whaT hE cOUld
to BRinG juSt anoThER chiLd
oF LiGht as A New Age Jesus
too back to liFE more
fully iN
what it means
to liVe liFE iN liGht noW..:)
And now.. for a few Macro-Verse
Memories.. and consideRing i do
like numbers… so.. yes God YES!.. why not celebrate
even more by posting this “Grand Cross Bible 2016”
on a day wHeRE both Christmas and Hanukkah
fALL on December the 25th wHeRE liGht begins
to MoVe aS sUn aGaiN in appeaRanCe aT lEast..
wHeRe i actuAlly stArted my First “New Testament
iN HeaVen Eleven 2016” on the Hebrew New
Year in the stARt oF October.. 5777.. aLong
with Book oF TeN SiXteen too.. so sure..
why not publish an entire Bible online
neW on this special day too.. approaching
911K words juST foR FuN too.. ‘causE noW
i can and WiLL and do do..all thAT iS.. juST noW too..
but to be crystal clear.. AFAIK.. i didn’t create the entire
F iN UniVerse as 12 MiLlioN words iN 6 years and
6666 miLes of public DancE iN 40 months WiTh
a total of 140 Dance Week niGhts with all the Cool
College Age Folks from Old SeViLLE Quarter now
with literally over a thousand sweet young ladies
sMiLinG ear to ear WiTh me in photos that could
make even KinG David and Mohammad somEwhat
Happy as oh my GOD those Roman folks
neutered Jesus making the flesh evil
and the rest of the material
world too.. as thAT
pARt of early
Aramaic illiterate
Christian round table
desert oral tradition
dusty wanderers brOught
too.. as sure.. without a
bath the body can get a little
itchy hEre and ThERe too.. we
have toilet paper now.. and the human
condition is THriVinG iN.. ToiLet paper
eXtraverted ways oF thrOne LiVinG noW
too.. suRE.. for iNtroverts too.. bEhind closed
doors and in closets too.. iF thAT iS noW wHat
FliPs the Lid of your skirts and gym shorts uP too..
anyWay.. bottom line is wiTh all of thAT and A 3.3 Million
word Plus Longest Long Form Poem ever sTiLL wRiTinG
aWay as i for one sPeak now.. and Oh God.. one other Verse
too that in total is 338,630 words iN GodsUniVerseNovel3 that
came this year of 2016 too.. and Jesus F. iN Christ.. GodsUni-
VerseNovel2 at 51K words iN 2016.. and beFoRe thAT as wE first
StArted our Traverse around the Sun of this yeAR on December 26th
iN 2015.. GodsUniVerseNoVel.. as already talked to iN this current Fredtalk
now.. then at 41K words too.. so sure.. with all those books counted.. including
an overall umbrella of 12 MiLLiOn Words iN 6 years total book time.. that makes..
let’s see..hmm..
this is getting
kinda convoluted..
so let’s make a simple
list as the liNks are included
in the signature liNes of all new
Macro-Verses now corresponding
to the titles i will provide now for all
the books i wrote iN HoLy SpiRit oF
oNe trip around the SuN iN eARTh and
US way per 2016.. so heAr i go WiRh A list..
GodsUniVerseNovel 41K words
GodsUniVerseNovel2 51K words
GodsUniVerseNovel3 338K words
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI 3.3M plus words
Book of Ten Sixteen 141K words
New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen 181K words
12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016 12M plus words
2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen (est.) 180K words
Grand Cross Bible 2016 (est.) 912K words
(hmm.. that’s
a whole lotta
K’s and M’s.. huh..;)
9 Books total as meaSuRed..
iN one year.. 2016.. ’round
eARTh Trip ticket
Around the
i didn’t
juSt shoot for the moon
in words.. i circled the Sun
inStead but sTiLL you see i am
sTiLL noT suggesting i am greater
than oNe gRain of sand or less as
a human being man now.. juSt anotHer
Child of God with a big grin and a whole
lotta loving as Led Zeppelin Zippers miGht
sHow too.. iF unLeashed and reLeased aS
Such aS aLL oF thiS and more more more..
as thATgRain of SAnd hOlds uP aLL
thiS LoVe noW too..HeRe.. hmmm..
Yes Again.. as Jim Carrey sAid/says..
iN the Walrus SonG by the Beatles
too.. i juSt did several timeless
pieces of ageless art.. iN 2016..
Star yeAR aS LoRd oF aLL
oN EARth yes.. godallthatiS..
now 2 heRe noW1..
hmm.. sure..
i dated
me this miLk
and Honey dew
noW ain’t
go sOur any
Now soon.. heHe..
as the KA oF thiS
iS LiVinG soUl
me goeS oN2..
as New age Santas
WiLL and Can too…;)
ConsideRing i cAMe
from a point of origin
as Autistic.. not sPeaKinG
until age 4.. and after journeying
past tHeRe more about that in the
meat of this personal Fredtalk Bible
too.. as nah.. no misSinG yEars for
mE iN thiS BiBle noW of MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
from head to toe flesh
me.. all exposed
by the way noW..Now..
And iF i miGht YeS yes..
say.. aNoTher timeless
piece oF ArT that last
Free Verse Nude art
was and is and WiLL
STiLL comE to bE
for a long long
now to
to NOW..
yes.. i also
cAMe from a
real fire born
journey beyond HeLL
fire iN pain and numb
for 66 months to liGht
all thIS uP from KALI
dArk NiGht of the soUL
then too.. so sure.. it stands
to reAson and FeeLinG that
yes.. when my mama kissed
me as a baby she never kNew
i would be capable of doing all tHis
NoW.. but little did she kNow then i had
the Faith of JOB and the WiLL oF A L Jesus
2.. aLL wrapped up iN one Buddha Baby too..
and sure a little passionate like Muhammad
too.. but a soft touch and never a forceful
one on
i love
to loveD
all free too..
and yes.. of course
they were sorta all legal
too.. hmm.. tHEre was that
15 year old first love of mine
when i was 18.. but sure we
respected the law about
16 and stuff pretty
much like
as hey.. this
human condition
iS fuLL of pasSioN
iN all Fruits of Love..
oh.. the innocence of Youth
reclaimed too with no guilt and
sin at age 56 aS weLL.. as surELy
when we set ourselves Free Love Wins
for the lonGeST oF HaUls noW aLiVe..:)
Okay.. foR noW i’m all Fredtalked out..
heAR are those two Macro-Verse
FB Memories from a year and
two years ago.. and AFred
and Katrina Christmas
Card photo
from a
year ago
that says
iN New
Stop Believing..;)
A Farewell to 2014 With dVERSE and Wrong Planet
The Essence of What tRuly IS
Got one more thing
to say.. and i’LL
use somE
moRe oF
to reLaY..
And suRe.. reLaTe2..;)
And yes.. anoTher thiNg as alWays too foR NoW2..;)
Merry ChristMas..
from uS to yoU..:)
So.. my Mother asks.. now that
you have written a Bible size plus
Book and more of course..
what WiLL yoU
Do neXt..
joiN the
Circus or
Zoo.. and i say
like Christian the LiON..
gonna Go all BoRn Free and
WiLd yA see.. heHe.. ain’t
no fears here.. except for
the Zoo and the Matrix
oF course but the main
take aWay iS belief iN
words iS empty
sHeLLs for
when the
FeeLinG and
SenSory eXperience
of Luke Hot Faith.. Hope..
beLIEf and yes.. feaRLess
and smArt Love too
iN unConDiTioNal
way ain’t a whole
pArt of the
new oven
Pizza Pie
aS Such now..
hmm.. anywaY.. as
Santa says.. don’t worry
about believing in me as one
man.. make yourself Santa as
ME as YoU yes.. yoURsELf too
and make all yoUr Lucid guided
WaKinG DreAMs aS Creativity cOmes
to Fruition noW iN ConNecTinG MoVinG
ways and sure i could have juST threatened
Hell if you don’t believe i AM someone special..
but you see yOu can do more than mE no doubt
with that
Luke Hot
Stuff fully
realized as
essence of HopE..
FaiTh.. BeLiEf and LoVE
noW aS iSReAL PoWer oF ForCe noW..
anyWay.. don’t take my word for any of ThiS
alone.. SeeK iT.. FinD iT.. trY iT and praCtice
iT yA sELf WiTh WiLL oVer fearLess smArt
UnConDiTioNal Love noW as Phoenix born
from aSHeS coMes BacK to DancE a SonG isREaL..
anyWay2 or 3. .1..Merry Reborn and all oF thaT aS
may sELf actualization
be a way
for you
to GroW
hiGhEr and
HiGher iN liGht
and TrUth for yOU
aLL Natural WiTh GoD FREeDNOW..:)
Hmm.. as the Spirited ChristMas Eve.. and
jusT now MidNiGht Mass oF 2016..
finishes until morning Mass
at 10 am tomorrow..
iN other words
Bedtime for Bonzo
iS alSo noW or Bozo..
but no Botox here.. all at
ease free of disEase this
dAy by the miraculous HeaLinG/ForCe/
PoWer of the HoLy SpiRit compRiSinG
100 percent Luke Red Hot Fire Faith from
yes.. head to toe and more.. including as paRt
oF thAT the sAMe with HoPe and DO NOT stop
beLIEvinG alWays BeLieVinG moRE noW WiTh Fearless
UnconditionaL Love.. sUre smArT aS Such too.. aNyway the
shorter story iS.. WiFE Katrina says after Church in rather
irritated tone.. Jesus F. IN ChRist.. yes.. F.. for Fred why
were you SinGinG so LoUd those joYouS spiRiTEd
SO So Happy Celebratory MiDniGht Mass SonGS..
yes.. aGaiN Jesus F. iN Christ you were vibrating
the entire pew.. i could have asked her if it
fELt good.. i guess.. heHe.. but yes..
FilLeD by the HoLy SpiRit i AM..
i mean seriouSly.. how ya thiNk
i wrote a 912 or 913 or 911K
or so personal Free Verse
poetiCaLLy Expressed
Bible iN 7 months since
Memorial Day iF i wasn’t
FuLL of something.. oh my God..:)
Yes.. FLEECE NAVIDAD.. i celebrate the end of this
732nd MacroVerse.. titled ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016′..
wHeRe the pages come first and the MacroVerses
come first… all 61.. including this one.. and the title
comes last.. including the table of contents in the
last Chapter titLeD thiS now.. as hey..
when the Holy
and CreatiViTy
MoVes yA per the first
Macro-Verse Chapter of ALL
thAT iS hEre.. yA.. juST Do it..
MoVe iT.. conNecT iT aLL Free
yeS.. in CReATiViTy oF Holy SpiRiT
even more as this 911K plUs Bible does
continue to floW iN ZoNE heAR wiTh a Little
Wham and Last Christmas thAT iS sTiLL thiS
ChriStmas.. i gave yA mY heARt thaT iS STiLL
tHiS BaLanCinG miNd and BoDy SouL oNliNe..
pLuS EmoTiONal SenSoRy SpiRit oF heARt iN
FeeL and GiVe and SHaRE.. AlWayS noW heRe..
hmm.. had a little Prince Tribute for mY GodsUniVerseNoVel3..
as he passed away around the date of publish oF ThAT iN SpRinG
oF 2016.. although.. no SonGs oF hiS were added iN by YoUTubE ways..
as they are all copyright maxed to keep iT aLL iN Dollar Bucks.. George Michael
was/is a very influential artist of MusicianshiP anD SinGinG too.. particularly iN
the 80’S.. iN mY DiScSO Days.. beFore an audience provided leGenT sTatus then..
sure.. kinda Stiff.. i was.. no raiSing arms any higher than at side aS suCh then2..
anYway.. George’s STuFF iS aLL ouT tHeir so he gets an honorable mention..
aLL applicable aS SuCh iN SoNG way too.. noW oF STiLL GiViN’ yA mY heARt..
mY SpiRit and yeS thaT Peaceful JoYoUs SoUL2.. aLL uploaded oN YouTube
for completELy Free.. and nah.. i don’t get to open uP mY Christ
Mas Presents or have the second installment oF ChRiSTmas
Dinner until after the ChrisTmas and Hanukkah publish
day is finished bEfoRE midniGht oF course..
anyWay.. surELy.. Katrina’s side oF the
Family ain’t too smARt to get
togeThER oN Christmas
aS even though
Her Mama
had plenty
of issues.. she
managed to raise 6 children
well enough to populate hEr
SpeciFic hUman DnA aCross
the way too.. as sure.. per title
oF tHiS 732nd ‘Grand Cross Bible
2016..iT iS thE DaRkness iN A HeLL noW
NoW oN eARTh iN 66 months that can spArk
A GreATeST liGht iN DancE and SonG too..2
And suRe whaT greater creativity iS tHeRe than
A child or fully experienCinG and expresSinG
hUman EmoTioNs and seNses iN CreaTiVe
aRT.. yes.. so… fulfilling that money forgets
what iT iS iN yoU thAT iS mE.. and uS
and wE.. allone aLL ThAtiS aS anD
wiThiN.. iNSiDe ouTsiDe.. above..
so beLow and aLLA’roUnd noW..
anyWay.. consideRinG thaT
Katrina’s MoThEr
spAWNed aLL
‘thaT’ photography
CreATivity too iN
iSREaL Flesh and Blood..
heRe’s to MoTHERs as
the job of HuManiTy WiLL never
gET dONe wiThout MoTheRs2..
inCluDinG mY Very Very Special MoThER2..;)
And SpeaKinG oF MoThERS..
Profile Pic Photo Memory
of my Aunt Christine
and me at
The NurSinG
home back
in 2014…
she passing
away this week
as fully honored last
Macro-Verse of ‘Grand
Cross Bible 2016’.. yEs..
per 60th MacroVerSe liNk
HeRE aS WeLL.. provided iN
the tRuSty TAble oF contents aS Such..:)
And FinAlly.. ‘MASTER chief Aghogday.’. MaCroVerse Memory
from two years ago… illustrated nicely.. the first of three Indian
Summers on Christmas day in a row too.. also exploring
Human Archetypes and Myths throughout hUman
HiStory.. and HeRStoRy and eTcStory.. as the
myths change and the Human Archetypes
per slow classical evolution.. stay
relativELy thE sAMe which
means iF the
Religion as
written today is
eVer edited liKe this..
and changes.. the hero
archetype of Jesus that has
also been portrayed iN OThER
countless ageless pieces of ART
WiLL cOME aGAiN iN Glory to JuDGe
the LIVinG and the dead and the KinGdoM
of heaVeN WiLL have no livinG end for NoW
juST liKe
nOw for those
who seek and find
iT and practice liFE as
aN Art of HeaVeN noW..
noT alWays easy to relate thiS
to so-called MiNioNs.. looKinG through
aN opaque WiNDoW/MiRroR to FaILinG
to FiNd and PracTicE A HiGheR poTenTial
oF GoD NoW.. sure.. yA can burn books BuT
yA can’t burn whAT liVes WiThIn and expect
to hAvE any sEMblance oF JoY iN LiFE noW..:)
And.. finAlly2.. me toting a Beebe Gun Rifle
over my shoulder with the Triple
DoG dARe yA boys from
the Classic
TV Movie..
‘Christmas Story2’..
As sure ..a Thief iN
the niGht has a continuinG..
RoLLe WiTh pLenTy oF PrOps to Play…;)
BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..
After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
Book oF Ten Sixteen..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW;)

About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.