WiNteR SoUlSticE CLoseS iN 2016
‘WiNteR SoUlSticE CLoseS iN 2016’
as the title for the 731st Macro-Verse
of Longest Long Form Poem continueS now
to surpass 3.3 MilLioN words since the 42nd
month of witness for God of Nature per 9/16
this year since the beginning of all my blogs
iN the month of 3/13.. with Ocean WhoLe Poem aLL noW
iN Free Verse PoeTry style with plenty of concrete shapes
that almost miraculously appear as Human Sacred Geometry
and Nature pARts too.. sure.. all archetypal as such stored
iN our DNA when the metaphor of Quantum Human MiNd and BoDy
iS unLeashED and ReLeAsed as tRuTH and liGht often hits the ART
world first and later verified by empirical tools of science once those
tools become sMArT enough as scribe of God to MeAsuRE morE of GoD Now..
Problem is though when humans become the tools that assist them when cars become
wives and husbands and homes become God alone.. Houston.. we have a problem we
are no longer shooting for the
moon.. we are shooting
ourselves in
the feat
of tools
we make
here on eARth
and don’t even realize
that our comfy cozy flesh
and blood naked all born body
can shine briGhter iN sAnd and
SuN DancE and SonG.. yes.. alnaturale
aS Such wHeRE butts shine over F iN Washington
Dollar BiLLs and LinCoLN Cents and Cheap Thrills
come with juST basic subsistence oF Food.. DriNK And SheLter
and perHaps somE BroAd BaND access freely available with
STiLL cheap foreign made smARt PhONes and oTher Star
Trek phaser liKe tools armed for Art rather than Bullets
iN a Gander Super Store for guns as such.. ugh..
miles and miles of gLocks and stuff like
thAT forgetting
those oTheR
legs and
sTuFF all flesh
and BLOod SKIn noW
as such that DancES
and SinGS all thAT fun
StuFF wiTH GoD FReED..
iN Sand and Sun FuN suRE
like when liFE IS A Beach instead
of a ready revolver B()tch aS Such..
yeah pain and numb of i aS Such..2..
Anyway.. i kNow and FeeL and SeNSe
somEwhat oF a perfect place in practice
to share this WiTh An occasional dARk youTube
Muse named Stephan who is a man who overall sTiLL
spews a hate for women as sadly as he relates his
mama didn’t give him the touchy feely love a child needs
so now like the Bad Cop Jesus he suggests a philosophy
of non-aggression which is cool except for the fact that he
is always hating up on women suggesting in implication way
that perhaps they don’t deserve the right to vote..eTc.. ’cause they
aren’t as smart as he the history fact major is.. without the smART oF
EmoTioNal intelligence and Physical intelligence along with ExisTEnTiaL
InTelligence to fill in the missing pARts of the Philosophy major player
he’d likeLY liKe to be someone like me who spreads tHeir wings a little
further than text books and personal anecdotal experience with
his mommy too.. and that is truly sad as my mommy loved
me dearest and now all the women seem to love
me well enough as the photos and continuing
GroWth of my Physical intelliGence iN
DancE and EmotIOnal inTeLLiGence
iN poeTry makes me for one a get
around all around town
sure.. a little
tongue in cheek
for theatrical drama
inteLLiGence too.. as
i leArn from all the masters
far far far from a galaxy limited
to text books only.. hehe.. anyWay..
Thanks Steph.. probably… won’t be
back for a while.. as per that Bad Cop
Jesus thingy while you go for non-aggression
which is cool you go for severing your ties with
parents ya don’t get along with not realizing that
the same F iN Gene Pool lives as you in both environmental
and innate way probably explaining why you spew the vicious
cycle of hate as nows go by.. anyWay.. i’ll take a kind and loving
empathic woman over a little boy who didn’t get love from his
mama any day of the week.. and truly that means it ain’t all
your fault friend as you were bred that way by your
own words of course too.. i thought it was kinda sad
you couldn’t figure out why Santa was such
an imPorTant pARt of a Child’s groWinG
iMaGinatioN but apParently and
equAlly as sad that pARt
seems to be
stilted and
or wilted..
you too..
as that is what
the cycle of abuse
does.. and why who hurt
you makes who you hurt next
a reality too.. stop the cycle iF
you can my friEnd as thaT change stARts
wiTh you and it is clear as all the comments
with rarely ever a response from you that you are
just taking advantage of folks with the same mommy
problems or perhaps they were not strong enough per
alpha male style to attract a woman as John B. Calhoun’s
Beautiful one’s experiments with rats shows this is what happens
to males who lose their natural competitive breeding habits and
become the tools of their culture like video game sitS in basements
and stuff like that coming here to hate up on anyone they can
as they likely cannot defend themselves as talking heads
often cannot.. as sure baby.. physical and emotional
and existential intelligences have been the
most important intelligences through
the trUly groWinG heART iN
Cooperation of the
hUman race..
you never
talk about
here and something
i suggest that you attempt
to lEarn more about.. juSt
to become a Real FRED N..
overman/superdude like good
old me.. show me some muscle
baby and some art and some God
iN yoUr eYes of cOld dollar bills and
cents or whatever they are using in Canada
these days and you might impress me as a philosopher
but until then you are a book.. one that has already been
written and one that is easily shared by hate and discontent
of angry old men and boys the same.. no matter creed.. shade
of skin.. nationality.. the lists goes on mY FriEnd but hUman
classical evolution stays generAlly the same at core oF innate
instinct and intuitive intelligence inborn as such.. thing is..
use it or lose it applies too babe.. and if you don’t use
it you end up becoming juST another talking
head of book.. making bucks off of
the dis and mal content of little
boys who are boys or
men who have
in the
Face of Humanity my friEnd..
to be clear you are just going to
be another muse for a looongg poem.. whether
you read iT or not.. or haha whether or not
one of your really book smart readers leaves
a comment ‘like’ why don’t you kill yourself and
quit writing retarded like they did last time i used
your place for a muse then.. it was hilarious as ad
hom attacks lose every argument my friEnd and i’ve
researched you enough here to back it up with your own words per say..and play..;)
So once again thanks for the cool resource Stephan dude.. all polished
as such.. ‘ya got a view or two from me..
and that
a little
at least about you much haha a..2.;)
as the title for the 731st Macro-Verse
of Longest Long Form Poem continueS now
to surpass 3.3 MilLioN words since the 42nd
month of witness for God of Nature per 9/16
this year since the beginning of all my blogs
iN the month of 3/13.. with Ocean WhoLe Poem aLL noW
iN Free Verse PoeTry style with plenty of concrete shapes
that almost miraculously appear as Human Sacred Geometry
and Nature pARts too.. sure.. all archetypal as such stored
iN our DNA when the metaphor of Quantum Human MiNd and BoDy
iS unLeashED and ReLeAsed as tRuTH and liGht often hits the ART
world first and later verified by empirical tools of science once those
tools become sMArT enough as scribe of God to MeAsuRE morE of GoD Now..
Problem is though when humans become the tools that assist them when cars become
wives and husbands and homes become God alone.. Houston.. we have a problem we
are no longer shooting for the
moon.. we are shooting
ourselves in
the feat
of tools
we make
here on eARth
and don’t even realize
that our comfy cozy flesh
and blood naked all born body
can shine briGhter iN sAnd and
SuN DancE and SonG.. yes.. alnaturale
aS Such wHeRE butts shine over F iN Washington
Dollar BiLLs and LinCoLN Cents and Cheap Thrills
come with juST basic subsistence oF Food.. DriNK And SheLter
and perHaps somE BroAd BaND access freely available with
STiLL cheap foreign made smARt PhONes and oTher Star
Trek phaser liKe tools armed for Art rather than Bullets
iN a Gander Super Store for guns as such.. ugh..
miles and miles of gLocks and stuff like
thAT forgetting
those oTheR
legs and
sTuFF all flesh
and BLOod SKIn noW
as such that DancES
and SinGS all thAT fun
StuFF wiTH GoD FReED..
iN Sand and Sun FuN suRE
like when liFE IS A Beach instead
of a ready revolver B()tch aS Such..
yeah pain and numb of i aS Such..2..
Anyway.. i kNow and FeeL and SeNSe
somEwhat oF a perfect place in practice
to share this WiTh An occasional dARk youTube
Muse named Stephan who is a man who overall sTiLL
spews a hate for women as sadly as he relates his
mama didn’t give him the touchy feely love a child needs
so now like the Bad Cop Jesus he suggests a philosophy
of non-aggression which is cool except for the fact that he
is always hating up on women suggesting in implication way
that perhaps they don’t deserve the right to vote..eTc.. ’cause they
aren’t as smart as he the history fact major is.. without the smART oF
EmoTioNal intelligence and Physical intelligence along with ExisTEnTiaL
InTelligence to fill in the missing pARts of the Philosophy major player
he’d likeLY liKe to be someone like me who spreads tHeir wings a little
further than text books and personal anecdotal experience with
his mommy too.. and that is truly sad as my mommy loved
me dearest and now all the women seem to love
me well enough as the photos and continuing
GroWth of my Physical intelliGence iN
DancE and EmotIOnal inTeLLiGence
iN poeTry makes me for one a get
around all around town
sure.. a little
tongue in cheek
for theatrical drama
inteLLiGence too.. as
i leArn from all the masters
far far far from a galaxy limited
to text books only.. hehe.. anyWay..
Thanks Steph.. probably… won’t be
back for a while.. as per that Bad Cop
Jesus thingy while you go for non-aggression
which is cool you go for severing your ties with
parents ya don’t get along with not realizing that
the same F iN Gene Pool lives as you in both environmental
and innate way probably explaining why you spew the vicious
cycle of hate as nows go by.. anyWay.. i’ll take a kind and loving
empathic woman over a little boy who didn’t get love from his
mama any day of the week.. and truly that means it ain’t all
your fault friend as you were bred that way by your
own words of course too.. i thought it was kinda sad
you couldn’t figure out why Santa was such
an imPorTant pARt of a Child’s groWinG
iMaGinatioN but apParently and
equAlly as sad that pARt
seems to be
stilted and
or wilted..
you too..
as that is what
the cycle of abuse
does.. and why who hurt
you makes who you hurt next
a reality too.. stop the cycle iF
you can my friEnd as thaT change stARts
wiTh you and it is clear as all the comments
with rarely ever a response from you that you are
just taking advantage of folks with the same mommy
problems or perhaps they were not strong enough per
alpha male style to attract a woman as John B. Calhoun’s
Beautiful one’s experiments with rats shows this is what happens
to males who lose their natural competitive breeding habits and
become the tools of their culture like video game sitS in basements
and stuff like that coming here to hate up on anyone they can
as they likely cannot defend themselves as talking heads
often cannot.. as sure baby.. physical and emotional
and existential intelligences have been the
most important intelligences through
the trUly groWinG heART iN
Cooperation of the
hUman race..
you never
talk about
here and something
i suggest that you attempt
to lEarn more about.. juSt
to become a Real FRED N..
overman/superdude like good
old me.. show me some muscle
baby and some art and some God
iN yoUr eYes of cOld dollar bills and
cents or whatever they are using in Canada
these days and you might impress me as a philosopher
but until then you are a book.. one that has already been
written and one that is easily shared by hate and discontent
of angry old men and boys the same.. no matter creed.. shade
of skin.. nationality.. the lists goes on mY FriEnd but hUman
classical evolution stays generAlly the same at core oF innate
instinct and intuitive intelligence inborn as such.. thing is..
use it or lose it applies too babe.. and if you don’t use
it you end up becoming juST another talking
head of book.. making bucks off of
the dis and mal content of little
boys who are boys or
men who have
in the
Face of Humanity my friEnd..
to be clear you are just going to
be another muse for a looongg poem.. whether
you read iT or not.. or haha whether or not
one of your really book smart readers leaves
a comment ‘like’ why don’t you kill yourself and
quit writing retarded like they did last time i used
your place for a muse then.. it was hilarious as ad
hom attacks lose every argument my friEnd and i’ve
researched you enough here to back it up with your own words per say..and play..;)
So once again thanks for the cool resource Stephan dude.. all polished
as such.. ‘ya got a view or two from me..
and that
a little
at least about you much haha a..2.;)
Oh yeah… Stephen and FriEnds.. And consider
this.. A free gift
from me..
as sure..
Cop version
is was a
real blee
it could
save yOur
soUl or NoT
that WiLL iS yoUrs..
works best wiTh Love
iF you FiNd it.. noW2..
ps.. i’m fiscAlly
as money
camels.. needles.. trumps..
thE whole shEbang.. Yah kNow..
Big Bang.. suRE.. theOr(ies) goeS oN..
Bottom liNe.. mY friEnd.. i’M iSREaL NoW2..;)
this.. A free gift
from me..
as sure..
Cop version
is was a
real blee
it could
save yOur
soUl or NoT
that WiLL iS yoUrs..
works best wiTh Love
iF you FiNd it.. noW2..
ps.. i’m fiscAlly
as money
camels.. needles.. trumps..
thE whole shEbang.. Yah kNow..
Big Bang.. suRE.. theOr(ies) goeS oN..
Bottom liNe.. mY friEnd.. i’M iSREaL NoW2..;)
sMiLes gigoid.. enjoying
an actual typical close
to Winter
Day with temperatures
of high near 40 instead
of what has been 70 to 80
in historically hottest 2016
Global year of heat.. hmm..
i can handle the heat and the cold
but sadly not at all can and that presents
a problem along with low lying areas and
high lying politicians same.. greaTesT pressing
problem along with Escalator coming noW iN ChiEf..
iF only
it were
a movie
it would be
a ridiculous laugh
but this shit is as
real as fleeced sheep
who vote naked lone
in their own sheep stuff
to put it lightly as fluff and SS can come
war world three species extinction double
priced smart phones and folks who would
love to grab cats that turn their noses up at litter box
stink stank Grinch
as grimm
tales come true..
anyway back to
dive for pearls and
oThEr stuff too.. hehe..;)
an actual typical close
to Winter
Day with temperatures
of high near 40 instead
of what has been 70 to 80
in historically hottest 2016
Global year of heat.. hmm..
i can handle the heat and the cold
but sadly not at all can and that presents
a problem along with low lying areas and
high lying politicians same.. greaTesT pressing
problem along with Escalator coming noW iN ChiEf..
iF only
it were
a movie
it would be
a ridiculous laugh
but this shit is as
real as fleeced sheep
who vote naked lone
in their own sheep stuff
to put it lightly as fluff and SS can come
war world three species extinction double
priced smart phones and folks who would
love to grab cats that turn their noses up at litter box
stink stank Grinch
as grimm
tales come true..
anyway back to
dive for pearls and
oThEr stuff too.. hehe..;)
“There will come a time when you think everything is finished.
That will be the beginning.”
That will be the beginning.”
~~ Louis L’Amour ~~
Yep.. tHeiR is alWays
A poTenTiaL of Intelligent
And Loving liFE on oThEr plaNets.. too..
@leASt as..
i’m alWays
amused to see
movies like Star
Wars based on war
like they would have
ever got off tHeir own
planet without
apex predators tHerE/Theirs
would definitely have to be
anotHEr hiGher evolved
Loving species than
what we prove
by product
STUFF hUmans
all virus aS Sucks..;)
A poTenTiaL of Intelligent
And Loving liFE on oThEr plaNets.. too..
@leASt as..
i’m alWays
amused to see
movies like Star
Wars based on war
like they would have
ever got off tHeir own
planet without
apex predators tHerE/Theirs
would definitely have to be
anotHEr hiGher evolved
Loving species than
what we prove
by product
STUFF hUmans
all virus aS Sucks..;)
“Fear teaches us in the most graphic terms just what it is we value.”
~~ Limon ~~
Valuing iT aLL
iSreal @leASt iN paRt..;)
iSreal @leASt iN paRt..;)
BrowSing through the Gander Store
yesterday.. the super store for gLocks and
every other gun imaginable i could imagine
myself as
a tiny
in a bar
lot needing one
of those weapons
as an equalizer of
course.. lots of
law enforcement
looking dude privilege
i have based on the genetic
potential gifted by a Father
surviving law enforcement for
46 years with his dad literally
as dining partner with Einstein
in the social circles
of the socialist
party in
the 20th
century as
such then.. iN
New York.. N Y..
my father spotting
the girl voted to have
the best figure in high school..
hour glass figure destined for
big headed children.. yes.. like my
father too.. fulfilling that potential
was the hardest pARt.. seeing that
poTenTial and finding out why i did not
achieve it much earlier was both the hardest
and most fun pARt.. as latent poTenTial can
last for decades in Epigenetic way.. and spring
to life as humans in cocoons can do too.. in other
words fear is an issue that is both innate and environmentally
produced.. easier lost in hopes that what it takes to be Bond cool
who never
sweat a brow
that i saw at least
and rarely ever lost
his cool cigarette poised
in fingers of never ending steady..
let’s put it this way.. i’M Good friEnds
WiTh my
sELf noW..;)
yesterday.. the super store for gLocks and
every other gun imaginable i could imagine
myself as
a tiny
in a bar
lot needing one
of those weapons
as an equalizer of
course.. lots of
law enforcement
looking dude privilege
i have based on the genetic
potential gifted by a Father
surviving law enforcement for
46 years with his dad literally
as dining partner with Einstein
in the social circles
of the socialist
party in
the 20th
century as
such then.. iN
New York.. N Y..
my father spotting
the girl voted to have
the best figure in high school..
hour glass figure destined for
big headed children.. yes.. like my
father too.. fulfilling that potential
was the hardest pARt.. seeing that
poTenTial and finding out why i did not
achieve it much earlier was both the hardest
and most fun pARt.. as latent poTenTial can
last for decades in Epigenetic way.. and spring
to life as humans in cocoons can do too.. in other
words fear is an issue that is both innate and environmentally
produced.. easier lost in hopes that what it takes to be Bond cool
who never
sweat a brow
that i saw at least
and rarely ever lost
his cool cigarette poised
in fingers of never ending steady..
let’s put it this way.. i’M Good friEnds
WiTh my
sELf noW..;)
“He took his vorpal sword in hand
Long time the manxom foe he sought
Till rested he by the tumtum tree
And stood awhile in thought”
Long time the manxom foe he sought
Till rested he by the tumtum tree
And stood awhile in thought”
~~ “Jabberwocky”, by Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson) ~~
Alice and Wonderland
and human language
in general.. even in most
Traditional Queen Victoria
Style form
is sTiLL
iNk Blot
test as leASt
and most for
colors in the lines
from experience ‘fore..:)
and human language
in general.. even in most
Traditional Queen Victoria
Style form
is sTiLL
iNk Blot
test as leASt
and most for
colors in the lines
from experience ‘fore..:)
“Patience, and shuffle the cards.”
~~ Miguel de Cervantes ~~
~~ Don Quixote, Part ii, Book iii, Chap. xxiii ~~
And iF it’s
Tarot.. the iNK
BloT even means more
as the more complex
the picture
to paint more
colors between
Lines and iMages sAMe..:)
Tarot.. the iNK
BloT even means more
as the more complex
the picture
to paint more
colors between
Lines and iMages sAMe..:)
And interestingly as science
sHows a certain percentage
of folks on the Autism Spectrum
and the Schizophrenia Spectrum
cannot do this
as tested
illusions wHeRe
the mind does
not fill
the blanks..
of past and future..
and that my friEnd is
most often a deficit of
EmoTioNal INtelligence
too.. wHere basic cognitive
executive functioning does
not work well without the
memory glue of EmotioNs well
experienced as well as expressed..:)
sHows a certain percentage
of folks on the Autism Spectrum
and the Schizophrenia Spectrum
cannot do this
as tested
illusions wHeRe
the mind does
not fill
the blanks..
of past and future..
and that my friEnd is
most often a deficit of
EmoTioNal INtelligence
too.. wHere basic cognitive
executive functioning does
not work well without the
memory glue of EmotioNs well
experienced as well as expressed..:)
And interestingly enough they suffer
more for this in percentages of suicides
than folks with severe
with Standard
IQ and EMoTions
STiLL in
plAy of
Humanity’s Food
and Drink of LiFE..:)
more for this in percentages of suicides
than folks with severe
with Standard
IQ and EMoTions
STiLL in
plAy of
Humanity’s Food
and Drink of LiFE..:)
“Man is not the creature of circumstances.
Circumstances are the creatures of men.”
Circumstances are the creatures of men.”
~~ Benjamin Disraeli (Earl Beaconsfield)~~
Yes.. humans make their own environments
and their children are born into those environments
and those environment become more complex as
added to more by the next children of children
born until next thing
yA kNow
how to even
live as innate
instinct and
teach each
other in yes.. relatively
small naked groups like
Bonobos do.. without becoming
pre-made tools from ancestors
directing and producing yA pLay oF LiFe now..:)
and their children are born into those environments
and those environment become more complex as
added to more by the next children of children
born until next thing
yA kNow
how to even
live as innate
instinct and
teach each
other in yes.. relatively
small naked groups like
Bonobos do.. without becoming
pre-made tools from ancestors
directing and producing yA pLay oF LiFe now..:)
“It is only when we forget all our learning that we being to know.”
~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~
Thanks for
the assist
wRite oN baby..;)
the assist
wRite oN baby..;)
“It is the ability to choose which makes us human.”
~~ Madeleine L’Engle (Walking on Water) ~~
And the loss
of all natural
innate.. instinctual
and intuitive WiLL
thaT makes
for sale fools..;)
of all natural
innate.. instinctual
and intuitive WiLL
thaT makes
for sale fools..;)
“So what else is new?”
~~ Walter Cronkite ~~
Everything under the
Sun except for
buildings.. cogs
in machines F88KinG
priSon stAnding iNfinity
double alWays noW sLaVe..;)
Sun except for
buildings.. cogs
in machines F88KinG
priSon stAnding iNfinity
double alWays noW sLaVe..;)
Now to neXt..;)
“If a little knowledge is dangerous,
where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?”
where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?”
~~ Thomas Henry Huxley ~~
It’s again worth
noting that
with levels
of standard IQ..
not too impressed with
standard IQ or crystalized
intelligence as fluid intelligence
can take one so much higher
with emotional.. physical
and existential
and almost
unlimited otHeR
poTenTial hUman
intelligences rarely
tapped by a spoon fed
culture based on making tools..
and sure.. i suffered at the hand of
what i am speaKing of noW in
empirical measure too.. lost..:)
noting that
with levels
of standard IQ..
not too impressed with
standard IQ or crystalized
intelligence as fluid intelligence
can take one so much higher
with emotional.. physical
and existential
and almost
unlimited otHeR
poTenTial hUman
intelligences rarely
tapped by a spoon fed
culture based on making tools..
and sure.. i suffered at the hand of
what i am speaKing of noW in
empirical measure too.. lost..:)
SMiLes my FriEnd
Rage was an enemy
i once had great difficulty
with too.. and a greatest
problem with cultural
whole is it both
puts folkS iN
work environments
as well as little to no
education on the art
of listening to one’s
body enough
in places
enough space
to regulate emotions
and integrate senses as
stress is cumulative and when
severe and chronic almost always
leads to stuff like chronic anxiety.. PTSD..
Rage and destructive potential of all kinds..
anyway.. best to write it out and express it of course
and it helps for people to kNow/FeeL it’s not something that
is in think alone.. lots of complex physiology.. neuro-hormones
and neuro-chemicals in interplay of the rage to the love of life..
again.. varies by mileage and style and make of vehicle and vessel
as essence plays by many rules of cultural/innate complexity now for sure..:)
Rage was an enemy
i once had great difficulty
with too.. and a greatest
problem with cultural
whole is it both
puts folkS iN
work environments
as well as little to no
education on the art
of listening to one’s
body enough
in places
enough space
to regulate emotions
and integrate senses as
stress is cumulative and when
severe and chronic almost always
leads to stuff like chronic anxiety.. PTSD..
Rage and destructive potential of all kinds..
anyway.. best to write it out and express it of course
and it helps for people to kNow/FeeL it’s not something that
is in think alone.. lots of complex physiology.. neuro-hormones
and neuro-chemicals in interplay of the rage to the love of life..
again.. varies by mileage and style and make of vehicle and vessel
as essence plays by many rules of cultural/innate complexity now for sure..:)
“A thing derided is a thing dead;
a laughing man is stronger than a suffering man.”
a laughing man is stronger than a suffering man.”
~~ Gustave Flaubert~~
i don’t take
liFe seriouS
aT aLL
i wanna
live no matter what..
lesSoN lEarned iN reaSon
Land.. Art IS A greATest Laugh as Art..:)
liFe seriouS
aT aLL
i wanna
live no matter what..
lesSoN lEarned iN reaSon
Land.. Art IS A greATest Laugh as Art..:)
Penguin Trivia #46:
“Animals who are not penguins can only wish they were.”
~~ Chicago Reader 10/15/82 ~~
You kNow it’s interesting
how many folks call
who’s when
all animals
including humans are that..;)
how many folks call
who’s when
all animals
including humans are that..;)
-Dr Suess..
juST kidding..
the Grinch..;)
juST kidding..
the Grinch..;)
“The road to truth is long, and lined the entire way with annoying bastards.”
~~ Alexander Jablokov, “The Place of No Shadows” ~~
i’m rarely annoyed
as those folks
me giggle..
inSide aT
lEast as
i wouldn’t
tHeir FiLLingS..;)
as those folks
me giggle..
inSide aT
lEast as
i wouldn’t
tHeir FiLLingS..;)
” … for these truths hold good for everything that is,
and not for some special genus apart from others.
And all men use them, because they are true of being qua being …
For a principle which everyone must have
to understand anything that is, is not a hypothesis …
Evidently then, such a principle is the most certain of all;
which principle this is, let us proceed to say.
and not for some special genus apart from others.
And all men use them, because they are true of being qua being …
For a principle which everyone must have
to understand anything that is, is not a hypothesis …
Evidently then, such a principle is the most certain of all;
which principle this is, let us proceed to say.
It is, that the same attribute
cannot at the same time
belong and not belong to the subject
in the same respect.”
cannot at the same time
belong and not belong to the subject
in the same respect.”
~~ Aristotle ~~
self evident
common sense..
amazing we need
philosophers to ‘splain that..
as books
as not so
self evident..
but don’t forget
all the 50 sHades
of grey areas too…
that the book explained better..;)
self evident
common sense..
amazing we need
philosophers to ‘splain that..
as books
as not so
self evident..
but don’t forget
all the 50 sHades
of grey areas too…
that the book explained better..;)
“Insufficient data for a meaningful answer at this time.”
~~ Isaac Asimov ~~
Yep.. lots
of mind
out ThEre
per use or lose
deeper paRts
oF Humanity
born.. aLL
aS Such..;)
of mind
out ThEre
per use or lose
deeper paRts
oF Humanity
born.. aLL
aS Such..;)
“If they mention penguins, be afraid. Be very afraid!”
~~ Cheeky Bee ~~
Afraid very Be. Afraid be, penguins mention they If..;)
In other words.. if you don’t have a meaningful
answer.. jusT repeat the statement backwards
and see
if the
as an answer..
Hey!.. it’s better than giving uP..;)
“I prefer to remain anomalous.”
~~ gigoid, the dubious ~~
and hope
you wake uP liGht..
with sweet intent..;)
answer.. jusT repeat the statement backwards
and see
if the
as an answer..
Hey!.. it’s better than giving uP..;)
“I prefer to remain anomalous.”
~~ gigoid, the dubious ~~
and hope
you wake uP liGht..
with sweet intent..;)
F iN leFt juStiFicAtiOn..;)
Oh God.. yes.. i Love
thiS thEme SonG2..
as PS oF
few lines too2..
thiS thEme SonG2..
as PS oF
few lines too2..
Facebook Friend and Poet Blogger Ned/gigoid shares a Facebook Status/Quote on the topic of God..
“God is an invention of Man. So the nature of God is only a shallow mystery.The deep mystery is the nature of Man.”
— Nanrei Kobori, — late Abbot of the Temple of the Shining Dragon, Kyoto, Japan
Ned’s FB Friend Bruce says..
The proofs of God are vast and many.
The nature of man is a deep mystery indeed
The nature of man is a deep mystery indeed
Ned asks..
Proofs? Name one.
Bruce answers..
Irreducible complexity;
i pop in and say..
If God Is Alpha and Omega God
Is noW
All and
less Now
iS and Imaginary
God and God..iS..:)
Is noW
All and
less Now
iS and Imaginary
God and God..iS..:)
Can’t lose
Can’t lose
Hmm.. back to this general
topic in a few but first a visit over
to Pakistan with Facebook Friend
and Fellow Blogger poet Rafiah..:)
topic in a few but first a visit over
to Pakistan with Facebook Friend
and Fellow Blogger poet Rafiah..:)
Rafiah shares a Facebook status of general
discontent and exclamation pointed say.. as such.. here..
discontent and exclamation pointed say.. as such.. here..
So I just took another class of Adam Allans MIT 8.04 and i am totally and devastatingly lost and I hate this world and my self and my teachers and my parents and my family and my neighbors and my friends and ………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why?! Why Lord?! whyyyyyyy???!!!!!! #canthelpbeingawhiney #onceawhineyalwaysawhiney #thelifesucks
And i return with..
i love
And after that a machine gun
flow of supportive content comments
comes from all her friends ‘over there’..
flow of supportive content comments
comes from all her friends ‘over there’..
And i return again and say..
See.. i talE you people love you anyWay..
the thing is.. everyone comes to the rescue of a damsel in distress..
But a White or Brown or whaTever kNiGht has no wHeRe to rest his head.. i saw that in a book too..
the thing is.. everyone comes to the rescue of a damsel in distress..
But a White or Brown or whaTever kNiGht has no wHeRe to rest his head.. i saw that in a book too..
and using the literary device of a
line break for emphasis.. i end
my comment like a mini-haiku
iN the next
as such..
line break for emphasis.. i end
my comment like a mini-haiku
iN the next
as such..
Rafiah returns the
next day and it seems
perHaps a spArk
of Happiness
has come
as she
next day and it seems
perHaps a spArk
of Happiness
has come
as she
Smile Wide Emoticon
Smile Wide Emoticon
And i return with
Wink Emoticon
Wink Emoticon
And that makes me even more happy too.. and
now back to the original flow of thought..:)
now back to the original flow of thought..:)
Here’s the thing.. it’s not easy
usuAlly.. WeLL quite literarily
and metaphorically as those are
often two sides of the brain mix that
don’t mix well.. and i for one have mixed
them all up and continue to do so.. heHe..
so what that makes me.. haha.. in terms of understanding
what i am personally saying as a somewhat super duper mix of
both iS.. iT ain’t easy being the smARtest and now as gym results
show in 1020LBS of leg press prowess strength in very difficult STiLL
parallel leg press.. 33 times to be the strongest person in the room too..
as sure.. i kNow whaT iT FeeLs like to be left in the dark of social and emotional
and physical and somewhat existential intelligence too.. and only be book smart
aS Such.. that sucks potentiAlly more than making straight F’s and not Fred in school..
and having plenty oF Friends instead of smarts and stuff like that.. well anyWay.. people
tend to go a little discontent when their expectations of life are not met in limitation
way.. and when someone comes along who seems like they have it all easy
and such.. the green eyed monster can rear its ugly head.. and to
be clear Rafiah makes it clear she loves me loads and
always has.. this is more an issue with
the so-called males who
cross my path..
they tend
to stand
by their
girlfriends and
wives when i am
around a little closer..
grasping hands.. perhaps
for several reasons as occasionally
a woman will grasp her purse tighter
when she crosses a dude who looks a little
bit like a professional wrestler or linebacker
or Cop or who knows mafia thug or whatever
preconceived notion comes neXt.. wiTH
very expensive sunglasses at niGht..
as folks can see a thief in the night
as me in so many ways.. iT
fascinates me
and makes
great muse
and news for
longest long form
poem ever in the history
of humankind as this floW iN
ZoNe iS simply bliss alWAys noW
iN the ArT of Creativity wHeRE all
is Heaven noW and fingers dance
across keYboard of SinG as
Words tap across the
screens as Jesus
F. iN Christ
iF i didn’t
dance free verse
and do the same thing
in public i might have a long
beard and live under a tree or
in a cave or in the desert or better
yet on the beach now sipping Crystal
Fresh Water Breathing in See Breeze
oNe iN bEinG Waves oF Emerald Green
Ocean as the Seagull oF i Waves with Sea
Oats and all Spiraling around the Sun.. the Galaxy
the Universe oNe WiTh God forevermore noW.. see
heRe’s the thing.. i can go tHeir anywHeRE noW i AM
tHeRE as i am beach i am Galaxy i am UnivErse and more
i am
as what
some folks
refer to now
as pARt of God
whOle A to Z baby..
Alpha to Omega and so much
more.. and if i can provide just a little
spArk oF tHat for yoU to surf wiTh me..
like terrestrial Butterfly lioN SinG and RoAR
as Dance too.. i GiVe.. i ShaRE a little moRE oF
GoD wHole for a BeTter noW foR aLL pARt as WhOle
NoW Fee
Waves on Water
Air Fire eARTh LiVE.. noW..
Hmm.. if that makes any sense/feeL and if you’ve
read any real deep esoteric sacred textS Now they
most all come out similar to this.. as poEtry reLating Heaven
to those who do not experience heaVen has been something
the trUe sAGes of the aGes have been attempting to do ‘cross
veils of ignorance
for simply
noW not
Now experiencing
liFE as we aGErs
of the sAGErs do sTiLL
noW.. heHe… yeh.. i’m not
juST a baby boomer born on
6660.. i’M also a continual Baby sAGer
born reneWed through an art of liFE alWays
noW.. not unlike a cat on a hunt of LiFE or a Sparrow
or a Raven or a Seagull who Spirals Sun with Wings of zero fear..
FReED.. yes WHO not THAT as all WHO is sacred and holy God beyond above
below gRAins oF Sand and Galaxies and UniVerse BeyOnd.. meanwhile
some folks are stuck in a 3500 year old book worried deep deep deep
what folks
are doing
oF God’s
Free or not
now.. in all oF
God’s bio and
in all orientations
of God eYes sentient
and all of creation that comes
iN all ways now.. i reAlly Love the
Andrew Lloyd Webber Musical.. Jesus
Christ Super Star as i was always the Black
Dude Judas dude in the end who says i only wanna
know Man.. Jesus.. Yeshua or whomever we create
as this human archetype through houSings of vehicles
and vessels of myths and hyperbole to sell a story of
TrUTh and liGht iN eXistential InteLLigence of whaT iS
purpose and meaning in life iN what iS what we co-create
WiTh God all as mini-mes to potEnTiaLLy eVen make
aLL oF lifE wE experience noW forevermore now all
purpose and meaning as liFE as a continuing
practice forevermore now.. it’s wHere i’M
at baby.. it’s the buzz of the sAGers
of the AgErs saGers sAMe now
wE are heRe sUre.. we are
a little bit odd and
queer as
everyone makes it through
the eYes oF A Needle to see..
to seNse to FeeL thiS much of God
oVeR aLL knOWinG aS thiNk of Words
oF Books iN Written and Cultural all tool way2..
usuAlly.. WeLL quite literarily
and metaphorically as those are
often two sides of the brain mix that
don’t mix well.. and i for one have mixed
them all up and continue to do so.. heHe..
so what that makes me.. haha.. in terms of understanding
what i am personally saying as a somewhat super duper mix of
both iS.. iT ain’t easy being the smARtest and now as gym results
show in 1020LBS of leg press prowess strength in very difficult STiLL
parallel leg press.. 33 times to be the strongest person in the room too..
as sure.. i kNow whaT iT FeeLs like to be left in the dark of social and emotional
and physical and somewhat existential intelligence too.. and only be book smart
aS Such.. that sucks potentiAlly more than making straight F’s and not Fred in school..
and having plenty oF Friends instead of smarts and stuff like that.. well anyWay.. people
tend to go a little discontent when their expectations of life are not met in limitation
way.. and when someone comes along who seems like they have it all easy
and such.. the green eyed monster can rear its ugly head.. and to
be clear Rafiah makes it clear she loves me loads and
always has.. this is more an issue with
the so-called males who
cross my path..
they tend
to stand
by their
girlfriends and
wives when i am
around a little closer..
grasping hands.. perhaps
for several reasons as occasionally
a woman will grasp her purse tighter
when she crosses a dude who looks a little
bit like a professional wrestler or linebacker
or Cop or who knows mafia thug or whatever
preconceived notion comes neXt.. wiTH
very expensive sunglasses at niGht..
as folks can see a thief in the night
as me in so many ways.. iT
fascinates me
and makes
great muse
and news for
longest long form
poem ever in the history
of humankind as this floW iN
ZoNe iS simply bliss alWAys noW
iN the ArT of Creativity wHeRE all
is Heaven noW and fingers dance
across keYboard of SinG as
Words tap across the
screens as Jesus
F. iN Christ
iF i didn’t
dance free verse
and do the same thing
in public i might have a long
beard and live under a tree or
in a cave or in the desert or better
yet on the beach now sipping Crystal
Fresh Water Breathing in See Breeze
oNe iN bEinG Waves oF Emerald Green
Ocean as the Seagull oF i Waves with Sea
Oats and all Spiraling around the Sun.. the Galaxy
the Universe oNe WiTh God forevermore noW.. see
heRe’s the thing.. i can go tHeir anywHeRE noW i AM
tHeRE as i am beach i am Galaxy i am UnivErse and more
i am
as what
some folks
refer to now
as pARt of God
whOle A to Z baby..
Alpha to Omega and so much
more.. and if i can provide just a little
spArk oF tHat for yoU to surf wiTh me..
like terrestrial Butterfly lioN SinG and RoAR
as Dance too.. i GiVe.. i ShaRE a little moRE oF
GoD wHole for a BeTter noW foR aLL pARt as WhOle
NoW Fee
Waves on Water
Air Fire eARTh LiVE.. noW..
Hmm.. if that makes any sense/feeL and if you’ve
read any real deep esoteric sacred textS Now they
most all come out similar to this.. as poEtry reLating Heaven
to those who do not experience heaVen has been something
the trUe sAGes of the aGes have been attempting to do ‘cross
veils of ignorance
for simply
noW not
Now experiencing
liFE as we aGErs
of the sAGErs do sTiLL
noW.. heHe… yeh.. i’m not
juST a baby boomer born on
6660.. i’M also a continual Baby sAGer
born reneWed through an art of liFE alWays
noW.. not unlike a cat on a hunt of LiFE or a Sparrow
or a Raven or a Seagull who Spirals Sun with Wings of zero fear..
FReED.. yes WHO not THAT as all WHO is sacred and holy God beyond above
below gRAins oF Sand and Galaxies and UniVerse BeyOnd.. meanwhile
some folks are stuck in a 3500 year old book worried deep deep deep
what folks
are doing
oF God’s
Free or not
now.. in all oF
God’s bio and
in all orientations
of God eYes sentient
and all of creation that comes
iN all ways now.. i reAlly Love the
Andrew Lloyd Webber Musical.. Jesus
Christ Super Star as i was always the Black
Dude Judas dude in the end who says i only wanna
know Man.. Jesus.. Yeshua or whomever we create
as this human archetype through houSings of vehicles
and vessels of myths and hyperbole to sell a story of
TrUTh and liGht iN eXistential InteLLigence of whaT iS
purpose and meaning in life iN what iS what we co-create
WiTh God all as mini-mes to potEnTiaLLy eVen make
aLL oF lifE wE experience noW forevermore now all
purpose and meaning as liFE as a continuing
practice forevermore now.. it’s wHere i’M
at baby.. it’s the buzz of the sAGers
of the AgErs saGers sAMe now
wE are heRe sUre.. we are
a little bit odd and
queer as
everyone makes it through
the eYes oF A Needle to see..
to seNse to FeeL thiS much of God
oVeR aLL knOWinG aS thiNk of Words
oF Books iN Written and Cultural all tool way2..
here’s the thing.. seriously as iF yA haven’t figured
out.. i’Ve stepped uP to be juST anoThER thiEF iN
the niGht volunteeRinG in conVeNant WiTh God
to reveal all oF whAT i FeeL and SeNSE oF
GoD in pathetic smaLL word attempt
albeit too large to swallow
in soMe eYes of
read to
Heaven iS Now..
yeah that thing that
the so-called Jesus promised
in the continuing generation of
now as the architect in the oracle
of the ending Matrix Trilogy Movie
sAid those who wanna set
themselves free can
and will as
oF A
detached aloof
intelligent designer
wHEre free WiLL reigns
for the PleASure of thE wHOle
iN multi-art and science FloW alWays
noW and to Be clEar o course the whOle
liVes iN each individual eYe and smALLest
irreducible infiNite pARt liKe Ned’s
FriEnd Bruce so eloquently
remArked way uP
tHeir as tHeRe
is so much
beauty like
Carl Sagan says
in how things are put toGeTher
and how Nature aka God allows
such intricate and complex molecular
Co-Creating Machines of the dArkESt
niGhtmares and Xanadu
DrEAms too..
noW aLiVe
as Bill Nye’s eYe
says we are a speck
of so much more than wE
heRe and Neil deGrasse Tyson
goes on to Sing iN Hallelujah Praise
we all are made of Star Stuff now as
Carl Sagan says again we are the
Cosmos unto itself.. sure.. i’LL
add to the beautiful
for that
with A ‘Symphony
of Science’ as that
is such a beautiful description
iN iSREaL Definition of God that
the scribe of God.. Science presents
iN so many wonderful and eloquent
voices now.. oh God.. aLL onLY
iF wE could
all get
our shit
on one pAges
and be courAGEous
and kiNd to each otHeR
and save more of the LiVinG
eARth.. but you see even if
i was really Jesus reincarnated
amongst all the trillions of sperm
of God that continue to fertilize incarnate
eggs of God.. into amazing creatures like me..
the veils of ignorance rule.. as i am isreal and while
i do and have experienced real life all natural miracles
i cannot make a human out of a hat like a rabbit trick
nor can i be that rabbit either.. i cannot change
the natural order of the UniVerse oF God
rule to bRinG the dead to life who leave
for room for OTheR wonderful
pARts of God to cOme
hEre too.. i cannot
walk on water
but you can
dAM sure ask the
folks who watch me
dance i am water i am
air as i DancE and SinG
A GoD SonG iSREaL oN Planet
eARTh.. and i AM no greater than
a gRain oF sAnd that holds uP now
these mountains and valleys and
hills and sacred geometrical word
shapes and archetypal symbols
oF huMan coMe to oRganic LiFe
oF aLL that liVEs
as God
me..this is
my pasSiON.. tHis
is my ecsTasy WiTh
God and A greATest
thinG iS all those who have/
sTiLL prepare me a way to this Happy
noW iN ExpressinG thE Joy oF aLL of thiS..
Now.. whether or not anyone crosses this path
butt yet i give.. and share too simply ’cause i can
noW and WiLL as iT iS so FucKinG TrUe iN all of What
i noW eXperience iN liFE.. A only love that is trUly iSREAL
IS A LovE you FeeL and seNse and do hERe noW iN heARt
iN SpiRit exPreSsinG thaT heARt.. iN soUl iN miNd and BoDy
BaLancinG way.. i could go oN and i WiLL ’cause i for one Can/WiLL moVe
Mountains of Love wiTh jusT one GRain of Sand HolDinG me uP naMed LoVE..:)
PS.. i love how Rush released a ’77 version
of Xanadu when i was jusT 17 years old
on December 21st.. 2012 at 52.. precisely
7 months beFore
i would
aS and
iN Xanadu
isREal then
noW too.. noW
you see.. then
when i stARted
all thiS adventure
iN Hell.. tHE year was
2008 aS iN Numerology
iS a 1 year of stARt per
2 plus 8 is 10 reduced
to 1.. 2017 iS anoTher
ART of sTARt of 2 plus
1 plus 7 of sacred numbers
adding 10 reduced to 1agAin
foR stARt.. and the thing is i can
make that as HoLY and sACred as
aLL elSE in purpose and meaning
for i for 1 co-create WiTh God 2 noW1..
liKe it or lUmp iT.. iT goEs doWn honey dew sWeet for me..;)
And in the broader art of Numerology my challenge numbers
in liFE are 0 for to do whatever the FucK i want in liFE at StaRt
of Art of That iN Free WiLL not alWAys as Grace of GifT to ALL
with three subsequent liFE challenge numbers oF 1 and
1 and 1 to simply affirm whatever the FucK
i wanna do neXt.. anyWay.. self-fulfilling
prophecy destiny or whatever
no longer
lost aT lEast as mE..
And sure per note to
Facebook Friend
Rafiah.. i Am
having way
to much
to rest
my head in one place.. heHE.. noW
and WiTh all that Fred sAid anoTher
Macro-Verse finaLLy for this entire
Micro-Verse as Micro-Micro Verse
of the 731st MacroVerse of Ocean
wHole Poem GroWinG heRE noW2..
And sure.. enough introduction to it..
straight to the quotable somewhat
short text to finish thiS foR noW
with fully illustrated liNk
of course too
of LoVe2..:)
out.. i’Ve stepped uP to be juST anoThER thiEF iN
the niGht volunteeRinG in conVeNant WiTh God
to reveal all oF whAT i FeeL and SeNSE oF
GoD in pathetic smaLL word attempt
albeit too large to swallow
in soMe eYes of
read to
Heaven iS Now..
yeah that thing that
the so-called Jesus promised
in the continuing generation of
now as the architect in the oracle
of the ending Matrix Trilogy Movie
sAid those who wanna set
themselves free can
and will as
oF A
detached aloof
intelligent designer
wHEre free WiLL reigns
for the PleASure of thE wHOle
iN multi-art and science FloW alWays
noW and to Be clEar o course the whOle
liVes iN each individual eYe and smALLest
irreducible infiNite pARt liKe Ned’s
FriEnd Bruce so eloquently
remArked way uP
tHeir as tHeRe
is so much
beauty like
Carl Sagan says
in how things are put toGeTher
and how Nature aka God allows
such intricate and complex molecular
Co-Creating Machines of the dArkESt
niGhtmares and Xanadu
DrEAms too..
noW aLiVe
as Bill Nye’s eYe
says we are a speck
of so much more than wE
heRe and Neil deGrasse Tyson
goes on to Sing iN Hallelujah Praise
we all are made of Star Stuff now as
Carl Sagan says again we are the
Cosmos unto itself.. sure.. i’LL
add to the beautiful
for that
with A ‘Symphony
of Science’ as that
is such a beautiful description
iN iSREaL Definition of God that
the scribe of God.. Science presents
iN so many wonderful and eloquent
voices now.. oh God.. aLL onLY
iF wE could
all get
our shit
on one pAges
and be courAGEous
and kiNd to each otHeR
and save more of the LiVinG
eARth.. but you see even if
i was really Jesus reincarnated
amongst all the trillions of sperm
of God that continue to fertilize incarnate
eggs of God.. into amazing creatures like me..
the veils of ignorance rule.. as i am isreal and while
i do and have experienced real life all natural miracles
i cannot make a human out of a hat like a rabbit trick
nor can i be that rabbit either.. i cannot change
the natural order of the UniVerse oF God
rule to bRinG the dead to life who leave
for room for OTheR wonderful
pARts of God to cOme
hEre too.. i cannot
walk on water
but you can
dAM sure ask the
folks who watch me
dance i am water i am
air as i DancE and SinG
A GoD SonG iSREaL oN Planet
eARTh.. and i AM no greater than
a gRain oF sAnd that holds uP now
these mountains and valleys and
hills and sacred geometrical word
shapes and archetypal symbols
oF huMan coMe to oRganic LiFe
oF aLL that liVEs
as God
me..this is
my pasSiON.. tHis
is my ecsTasy WiTh
God and A greATest
thinG iS all those who have/
sTiLL prepare me a way to this Happy
noW iN ExpressinG thE Joy oF aLL of thiS..
Now.. whether or not anyone crosses this path
butt yet i give.. and share too simply ’cause i can
noW and WiLL as iT iS so FucKinG TrUe iN all of What
i noW eXperience iN liFE.. A only love that is trUly iSREAL
IS A LovE you FeeL and seNse and do hERe noW iN heARt
iN SpiRit exPreSsinG thaT heARt.. iN soUl iN miNd and BoDy
BaLancinG way.. i could go oN and i WiLL ’cause i for one Can/WiLL moVe
Mountains of Love wiTh jusT one GRain of Sand HolDinG me uP naMed LoVE..:)
PS.. i love how Rush released a ’77 version
of Xanadu when i was jusT 17 years old
on December 21st.. 2012 at 52.. precisely
7 months beFore
i would
aS and
iN Xanadu
isREal then
noW too.. noW
you see.. then
when i stARted
all thiS adventure
iN Hell.. tHE year was
2008 aS iN Numerology
iS a 1 year of stARt per
2 plus 8 is 10 reduced
to 1.. 2017 iS anoTher
ART of sTARt of 2 plus
1 plus 7 of sacred numbers
adding 10 reduced to 1agAin
foR stARt.. and the thing is i can
make that as HoLY and sACred as
aLL elSE in purpose and meaning
for i for 1 co-create WiTh God 2 noW1..
liKe it or lUmp iT.. iT goEs doWn honey dew sWeet for me..;)
And in the broader art of Numerology my challenge numbers
in liFE are 0 for to do whatever the FucK i want in liFE at StaRt
of Art of That iN Free WiLL not alWAys as Grace of GifT to ALL
with three subsequent liFE challenge numbers oF 1 and
1 and 1 to simply affirm whatever the FucK
i wanna do neXt.. anyWay.. self-fulfilling
prophecy destiny or whatever
no longer
lost aT lEast as mE..
And sure per note to
Facebook Friend
Rafiah.. i Am
having way
to much
to rest
my head in one place.. heHE.. noW
and WiTh all that Fred sAid anoTher
Macro-Verse finaLLy for this entire
Micro-Verse as Micro-Micro Verse
of the 731st MacroVerse of Ocean
wHole Poem GroWinG heRE noW2..
And sure.. enough introduction to it..
straight to the quotable somewhat
short text to finish thiS foR noW
with fully illustrated liNk
of course too
of LoVe2..:)
“Turning our backs on God is like turning our backs on Zeus or Bahá or Waheguru or Vishnu or Ahura Mazda or Mut or Gaia or Aphrodite or Njirana or Huitzilopochtli or Nanabozho or Guan Yu or Brighid or Danu or Waaq or Xu or Ranginui or Ku or Odin or Kahless or Donar or one of a hundred others.”
unless one is a classical panTHEIST
AND OR OTHER associated theistic religions
and considers Mother Nature True as the definition of GOD.
And nah.. turning one’s back on Mother Nature True.. not a wise idea.
GODzilla has been trying to ‘tell’ us that for decades and so has Blue Oyster CULT.
“History shows again and again how NATURE POINTS OUT THE FOLLY OF MAN”
AND yes..
that does include many CULT RELIGIONS..
INCLUDING fundamentalist leaning ones
with their imaginary GOD(S)
AND Eastern Cultures.. in general..
which are increasingly creating ‘machines’
instead of humans per
AVENUES FOR deficits in physical intelligence
that drives both emotional regulation
and sensory integration
THROUGH the cerebellum of the brain
and associated physiological systems
according to modern science..
and Eastern philosophies
of healing
movement ‘medicine’
for thousands of years..
until recently SHOWN
BY modern science
NOT HOListic woo…
And anyway..
i’m more of a Honda fan
than a Mazda FAN
as the H is a symbol
for the dichotomies
seen throughout nature
and the mind of man
moving from the symbol of 11
to the interconnected whole
as balance in nature as H
and or the alpha numerical
value of H
per standing tall infinity 8
in infinite flow of unity..
per the left hemisphere
and the right hemisphere
of the brain working
in Yin and
hopefully one day
the left and right
hemispheres of the earth
will also work in balance
per the neurons of the earth
that are by continuing metaphor animals..
including human animals..
both inanimate and animate as such..
as the swirling golden spiraling electrons
continue to orbit around the nucleus
and even smaller units of golden spiral patterns
do the same per golden mean of 1.618
from below in Quantum Physics
to above in our MACRO Milky Way home…
If GODzilla could talk..
maybe he AND or she or WHATEVER..
would say something of THAT NATURE..
AND Perhaps..
i too.. am GODzilla
in ONE’s view..
in a MICRO way
and macro WAY.. of course 2.
Oops.. I mean H not 2..
So in other words..
truth can be found
in metaphors of all types..
ranging from Zeus to the
patriarchal masculine
basic survival archetype/innate instinct
IN ALL most all healthy HUMAN BRAINS
AND subconscious and conscious MINDS..
as modern science now also validates
the work of Freud..
and other social animals as well..
found in the warrior tribal GOD
of Abrahamic religions..
and all of this is part of human beings
innate need for existential intelligence
by way of all forms of human abstract language
both verbal and nonverbal
‘WE’ are all connected is the bottom line..
and there are many different human languages
and symbols for Universal and limited truths of
Mother Nature True aka GOD..
thanks to ‘our’ relatively new and still evolving way of neo-cortical
for remembering the past and making decisions on that experiential information
to forecast the future for so-called rational decisions to enhance the chance of successful overall survival.
To exclude any of them as woo.. is the height of woo per innate human nature
Governed by Mother Nature Woo..
i mean true or perhaps woo too..
as fiction is governed by human logic
per making sense..
but nature and true REALITY
only humans are small ENOUGH
AND ‘smart’ like this
to limit nature in this way..
per their ways of ‘imaginary science’.. at least on earth as far as ‘we’ know…
“Ignorance is the soil in which belief in miracles grows.”
~~ Robert Green Ingersoll ~~
A Body
Zen and Will
FeeL/SenSe better
than thiNk alone as Trance
Allone Can and WiLL noW
Happier than words alone..
WiNks.. oTheR than thaT
and SinG
WiTh no
LesSons oTher
than Magic Now
as miracles oF liFE
are simply isreal now..
IT’s.. common sense my
FriEnd as when i couldn’t
remember the feeling of a smile
or laugh or even if i had ever laughed
before as without emotions that ARE
memories at core as science shows now
all is Numb all is Dark all is non-feeling nothingness real..
and in that place one learns that miracles are truly as simple
as A
mY Friend..
And WiNKs thAT reMinds
me two weeks ago.. Tuesday..
somewhat gruff looking couch
potato aS Such looking paRt time
hunter with camouflage and wife
and child in tow catches a glimpse
of me dancing trancing in the Wal-mART
Hallmark happy wish aisle.. from
a distance as the Katrina passes
by and catches him saying to
his wife.. dam i see that
dude dancing every
where how
the hell
he have
time to do that
(Jesus F iN Christ thaT Dude
IS A laziest dude in L.A. now
Lower Alabama Big Lebowski
dramatic theatrical effect added iN)..
shit with kind of A smIrk.. Katrina
said.. and i say this is the pARt..
the trUly MaGiC pARt i like as some
of these folks have no idea Katrina is
related to me aT all.. so i see him in the distance
make my forward dedicated approach after floating
aimlessly every which way and alWays loose with
a few martial arts strikes In floW iN ZonE aLong
armed way of long.. and say directly to
his face.. IT’S BECAUSE I’M RICH,,
he grows a sudden long face
like he’s seen the ghost
of ChristMas near..
and then i confess
ha! the wife caught you
with your ‘compliment’.. haha..
and then i go on to tale him the entire
Fred sTory.. in hyper-speed like lightning
and thunder Fred SPeaK Way.. yeP.. almost
entirELy iMpossible to get a word in edge when
lightening moves.. and to make a much longer story
shorter i say in conclusion after taling him about the
drought of 66 months with zero point memory of what
a smile or laugh feels like or dos in real life then.. my friEnd..
a SMiLe IS A miracle of duSt from Crucible of Star Death BurST
DuST you and me and your wife and child right here in this Walmart
Aisle are a SMiLe and God sAMe now.. a trUe miracle oF liGht dUst iN
thiS flesh and blood now.. and he says.. one thing’s for sure you make
lots of folks
you go..
and i say..
see my friEnd
i told you i AM rich
and this is how i do rich..:)
Other than that since the miracle
of getting well after i E-sCaped the
death of reaSon.. i’Ve coMe to
eXperience every now oF
liFE As A blissFul
reaLITy thAT
iS aS
isreal my friEnd
as a sMile now/then
thAT never ends iNSide..
when oTher folks at lEAst
sMiLE thaT juST adds to aN eXisting Joy..
Miracle oF mY liFE for surE anD one i trULy
wish all could experience as World Peace would
naturAlly come with a bunch of F iN Happy GiVing
eARTh cAMpers..
as they miGht esCape
too like the otHeRs
from a far
far distance
i do
sure.. there are
places for folks like
me far far away from
tHeir placeS iN miracles
iSReaL noW my FriEnd..
HeaVen iS juST Waiting
for those who comE noW..
i built it and i’M here and that’s
allone can count on in Fields of Dreams isREaLs..;)
A Body
Zen and Will
FeeL/SenSe better
than thiNk alone as Trance
Allone Can and WiLL noW
Happier than words alone..
WiNks.. oTheR than thaT
and SinG
WiTh no
LesSons oTher
than Magic Now
as miracles oF liFE
are simply isreal now..
IT’s.. common sense my
FriEnd as when i couldn’t
remember the feeling of a smile
or laugh or even if i had ever laughed
before as without emotions that ARE
memories at core as science shows now
all is Numb all is Dark all is non-feeling nothingness real..
and in that place one learns that miracles are truly as simple
as A
mY Friend..
And WiNKs thAT reMinds
me two weeks ago.. Tuesday..
somewhat gruff looking couch
potato aS Such looking paRt time
hunter with camouflage and wife
and child in tow catches a glimpse
of me dancing trancing in the Wal-mART
Hallmark happy wish aisle.. from
a distance as the Katrina passes
by and catches him saying to
his wife.. dam i see that
dude dancing every
where how
the hell
he have
time to do that
(Jesus F iN Christ thaT Dude
IS A laziest dude in L.A. now
Lower Alabama Big Lebowski
dramatic theatrical effect added iN)..
shit with kind of A smIrk.. Katrina
said.. and i say this is the pARt..
the trUly MaGiC pARt i like as some
of these folks have no idea Katrina is
related to me aT all.. so i see him in the distance
make my forward dedicated approach after floating
aimlessly every which way and alWays loose with
a few martial arts strikes In floW iN ZonE aLong
armed way of long.. and say directly to
his face.. IT’S BECAUSE I’M RICH,,
he grows a sudden long face
like he’s seen the ghost
of ChristMas near..
and then i confess
ha! the wife caught you
with your ‘compliment’.. haha..
and then i go on to tale him the entire
Fred sTory.. in hyper-speed like lightning
and thunder Fred SPeaK Way.. yeP.. almost
entirELy iMpossible to get a word in edge when
lightening moves.. and to make a much longer story
shorter i say in conclusion after taling him about the
drought of 66 months with zero point memory of what
a smile or laugh feels like or dos in real life then.. my friEnd..
a SMiLe IS A miracle of duSt from Crucible of Star Death BurST
DuST you and me and your wife and child right here in this Walmart
Aisle are a SMiLe and God sAMe now.. a trUe miracle oF liGht dUst iN
thiS flesh and blood now.. and he says.. one thing’s for sure you make
lots of folks
you go..
and i say..
see my friEnd
i told you i AM rich
and this is how i do rich..:)
Other than that since the miracle
of getting well after i E-sCaped the
death of reaSon.. i’Ve coMe to
eXperience every now oF
liFE As A blissFul
reaLITy thAT
iS aS
isreal my friEnd
as a sMile now/then
thAT never ends iNSide..
when oTher folks at lEAst
sMiLE thaT juST adds to aN eXisting Joy..
Miracle oF mY liFE for surE anD one i trULy
wish all could experience as World Peace would
naturAlly come with a bunch of F iN Happy GiVing
eARTh cAMpers..
as they miGht esCape
too like the otHeRs
from a far
far distance
i do
sure.. there are
places for folks like
me far far away from
tHeir placeS iN miracles
iSReaL noW my FriEnd..
HeaVen iS juST Waiting
for those who comE noW..
i built it and i’M here and that’s
allone can count on in Fields of Dreams isREaLs..;)
“Learning maketh young men temperate,
is the comfort of old age,
standing for wealth with poverty,
and serving as an ornament to riches.”
is the comfort of old age,
standing for wealth with poverty,
and serving as an ornament to riches.”
~~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.) ~~
LEarning without
words iS oNly
riches to
me and
that my Friend
rarely exists as towers trump..;)
words iS oNly
riches to
me and
that my Friend
rarely exists as towers trump..;)
“The Blue Jay
No brigadier throughout the year
So civic as the jay.
A neighbor and a warrior too,
With shrill felicity
So civic as the jay.
A neighbor and a warrior too,
With shrill felicity
Pursuing winds that censure us
A February day,
The brother of the universe
Was never blown away.
A February day,
The brother of the universe
Was never blown away.
The snow and he are intimate;
I ‘ve often seen them play
When heaven looked upon us all
With such severity,
I ‘ve often seen them play
When heaven looked upon us all
With such severity,
I felt apology were due
To an insulted sky,
Whose pompous frown was nutriment
To their temerity.
To an insulted sky,
Whose pompous frown was nutriment
To their temerity.
The pillow of this daring head
Is pungent evergreens;
His larder — terse and militant —
Unknown, refreshing things;
Is pungent evergreens;
His larder — terse and militant —
Unknown, refreshing things;
His character a tonic,
His future a dispute;
Unfair an immortality
That leaves this neighbor out.”
His future a dispute;
Unfair an immortality
That leaves this neighbor out.”
~~ Emily Dickinson ~~
DeliGht oF mosT aLL
wiLd liFe weaRing
no millstOnes
aS SiNk
whERE Now
iS aLL tHeir iS
forever noW counts
all most when pleasure
rules over pain all Natural
And Content after Hunt of day
and night and ‘tween of thaT..:)
wiLd liFe weaRing
no millstOnes
aS SiNk
whERE Now
iS aLL tHeir iS
forever noW counts
all most when pleasure
rules over pain all Natural
And Content after Hunt of day
and night and ‘tween of thaT..:)
“Indeed, what is there that does not appear marvelous
when it comes to our knowledge for the first time?”
when it comes to our knowledge for the first time?”
~~ Pliny the Elder — Natural History, Book vii, Sect. 6 ~~
Please don’t forget
A dance beYond
‘tween oF
A SinG aS noW..;)
A dance beYond
‘tween oF
A SinG aS noW..;)
“Before you can build a house,
you must first believe
that the bricks are in fact bricks.”
you must first believe
that the bricks are in fact bricks.”
~~ Arthur Schopenhauer ~~
i made
mY house
out oF clay
wHo continuAlly
molds diffeRenTly noW..:)
mY house
out oF clay
wHo continuAlly
molds diffeRenTly noW..:)
“In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat:
but in the evolution of real knowledge,
it marks the first step in progress toward victory.”
but in the evolution of real knowledge,
it marks the first step in progress toward victory.”
“” Alfred North Whitehead “”
Yes by all
means make
misTakes holy
and sacred for
paths more
aS liGht
oTher than thAT
make rest oF aLL
thAT iS HoLY and SacRed
WiTh PurpoSe and MeaNinG sAMe..
diFFeREnt too..:)
means make
misTakes holy
and sacred for
paths more
aS liGht
oTher than thAT
make rest oF aLL
thAT iS HoLY and SacRed
WiTh PurpoSe and MeaNinG sAMe..
diFFeREnt too..:)
“It is common sense to take a method and try it.
If it fails, admit it frankly and try another.
But above all, try something.”
If it fails, admit it frankly and try another.
But above all, try something.”
~~ Franklin D. Roosevelt ~~
YeS aGaiN..
iF necessary..
riGhT iT backWards..
iF necessary..
riGhT iT backWards..
“Arouse the mind without
resting it on anything.”
resting it on anything.”
~~ Diamond Sutra ~~
Keep MoVing..
And CreaTinG
iN aLL
DancE LiFE Now..:)
Keep MoVing..
And CreaTinG
iN aLL
DancE LiFE Now..:)
“I take a simple view of life: keep your eyes open and get on with it.”
~~ Laurence Olivier ~~
Do iT..
even without
Nike Shoes..:)
Do iT..
even without
Nike Shoes..:)
“I don’t have a weird sense of humor.
Your reality is just weird.”
Your reality is just weird.”
~~ gigoid ~~
As2 a wise
hUman2 juSt
hUman2 juSt
Longest niGht of the yeAR.. yes.. celebrating
the Solstice of Winter at precisely
4:44 am on the 21st of December
‘coming soon’.. and the reAlly
Good News is after
The Sun
to lift no higher
on the Horizon for three
days.. the Birth oF liGht
does come oN December
25th as the Sun.. Visibly arises
and makes it’s way back to SpRinG
EquinoX Summer greater Flowers
SumMeR Solstice as such
and then back
to fAll
as the cycle
continueS oN..:)
the Solstice of Winter at precisely
4:44 am on the 21st of December
‘coming soon’.. and the reAlly
Good News is after
The Sun
to lift no higher
on the Horizon for three
days.. the Birth oF liGht
does come oN December
25th as the Sun.. Visibly arises
and makes it’s way back to SpRinG
EquinoX Summer greater Flowers
SumMeR Solstice as such
and then back
to fAll
as the cycle
continueS oN..:)
Nah.. that’s not a photo-shopped picture of a Sea Gull
carrying a flag across the Veteran’s Plaza in memorial
of all those too who have died in wars to secure
the right to Life.. Liberty.. and the Pursuit
of Happiness in a Declaration of
Independence that i for one
continue to celebrate and
not only speak to
butt dance the dance
of freedom that sings more
than words alone.. yes fly a flag
on terrestrial land in float of all one
can be iN miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
soUL NoW alWAys NoW juSt doing a Happy
DAncE oF LiFe and SonG iN all the ways that
can and will come with the higher Force Chi Kundalini
Rising Satori Dao/Tao Great Spirit Satori Heaven iN the
Kingdom of now 100% positive energy flow in a higher
isReAL power of human faith hope belief as ISREAL
as flags can and WiLL fly as PURE
TOO.. as this is how i for
one fly my flag of
freedom alWays
noW even on the
shorTest day
of sun of
star hiGh
liGht as
i for
sun of son
As Star Burst Crucible
Fire Sentient Star duST plUs
hUman BeinG noW understanding
to do my little pARt of Art and reaSon for God as all that
is that has and is and wHo bRinGS me to this bliSs of LiFe noW..
anyway in 100K or so photos i do not photo shop anything further
than cropping a photo to fit.. i do it raw baby raw baby God ROARS..
and as
noW DO iT..:)
carrying a flag across the Veteran’s Plaza in memorial
of all those too who have died in wars to secure
the right to Life.. Liberty.. and the Pursuit
of Happiness in a Declaration of
Independence that i for one
continue to celebrate and
not only speak to
butt dance the dance
of freedom that sings more
than words alone.. yes fly a flag
on terrestrial land in float of all one
can be iN miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG
soUL NoW alWAys NoW juSt doing a Happy
DAncE oF LiFe and SonG iN all the ways that
can and will come with the higher Force Chi Kundalini
Rising Satori Dao/Tao Great Spirit Satori Heaven iN the
Kingdom of now 100% positive energy flow in a higher
isReAL power of human faith hope belief as ISREAL
as flags can and WiLL fly as PURE
TOO.. as this is how i for
one fly my flag of
freedom alWays
noW even on the
shorTest day
of sun of
star hiGh
liGht as
i for
sun of son
As Star Burst Crucible
Fire Sentient Star duST plUs
hUman BeinG noW understanding
to do my little pARt of Art and reaSon for God as all that
is that has and is and wHo bRinGS me to this bliSs of LiFe noW..
anyway in 100K or so photos i do not photo shop anything further
than cropping a photo to fit.. i do it raw baby raw baby God ROARS..
and as
noW DO iT..:)
Macro-Verse Memory from 3 years ago.. source
of the Seagull Flag carrying ‘cross the
Plaza Memorial for Freedom and
sure i stepped out of the
lock box for male
freedom a bit
in my whitey
tighties to
a quest
less that i enjoy
from head to toe
and more now as surely
more would and did and does
come after that as i told those ‘WP’.. naysayers
and disbelievers after i recovered in July of
2013 the sky was the limit and they scoffed
at me when dancing just a few miles at that
point in public at the end of August 2013
and spending close to 33 months by
that point from wake to sleep
on the Wrong PlanET and
other autism
online websites
among others too..
yes.. writing from wake to
sleep for 33 months with almost
no break.. words words and words
and around 6 million or so by that point
in words words and more words to escape
the worst pain noted in literature by the name
of Trigeminal Neuralgia type two.. in a 66 months
over haul of hell by the end of July 2013.. wHere
the first 33 months of that i was not only a shut-in
in many ways worse off disabled than your average
nursing home patient as i could not use my eyes
and ears effectively for reading or listening to
music for the first 33 months sitting on
my patio and in dark bedroom staring
off into space like a prisoner
of war of my own mind
playing words games
in my head to
some kind
of sanity like
evil backwards spells
live and Jesus F iN Christ
i might as well could have been
the lived devil back then where
all desserts had changed over
to stressed and a stAr iN
mY eYe had changed
into metaphorical
rAts and not
the creature
literally that
we all share
a Rodent ancestor
with some 75 million
years ago.. anyWay iN
all of that introspection sitting
in hell and finally writing one word..
a mountain of pain that would come
with light turned down on computer screen
with still almost intolerable pain like dentist
drill in eye and ear.. sure.. i was formuLating soMe
of what i eventuAlly would say when A devil finAlly
grew a pen of is that works again now then.. yeah..
after all of that including 18 other documented
medical disorders.. including Sjogren’s
Syndrome.. wHeRE my eYes quit
making tears.. Dysautonomia..
where my heart beat and
blood pressure
no longer
by brain
of autonomous
nervous system..
faint faint faint and
dizzy ever now of life.. then..
Fibromyalgia.. Severe Degenerative
Arthritis in Spine and Spinal Stenosis
along with Coat Hanger Pain around
Shoulder.. Spine and Neck associated
with Dysautonomia too.. Anhedonia..
Severe Anxiety.. Severe Depression..
Alexithymia.. Total Loss of Emotions..
Insomnia for 40 FucKinG days
during the lent period
of 2008.. world
record for
no sleep
11 days
for 264 hours..
i got my 1 hour
each night with a
powerful alpha blocker
slowing my heart rate
down from Dysautonomia
to sleep that card board shallow
sleep.. the first 35 out of 40 days
with zero sleep the last 5 of 40..
with sure PTSD.. Panic Attacks..
Mood Lability.. ADHD.. a side of
Asperger’s Syndrome on the Autism
Spectrum and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
but shoot what is Carpal Tunnel Sydrome
with a few more minor issues that actually
exceed 19 medically documented disorders
as the Bi-Polar couldn’t be diagnosed when
i was in hell until i arrived in Heaven and my personality
changed from INTJ to ENFP over a couple of weeks
and i scored an 11 then on the Autism Quotient scan
test down from an almost pegged high of 44 to 45
out of a potential high risk of 50 on that Autism
Quiz.. and my Emotional Intelligence as
tested went from 50 to 55 to 95 out of
100.. yes.. all over a few weeks wHere
i went from shut-in to dancing
with the stars in metaphor..
everywhere in public by
the end of August
of 2013.. and
sure now..
arriving at 6619
miles as the end of
2016 closeS iN at
40 months with juST
47 more miles to go..
to meet 6666 mileS in
40 months at an average
of 166.66 miles a month over
the course of an entire 40 months
12 million wordS in 6 years as of
Thanks Giving 2016.. and Jesus F iN
Christ.. around 20,000 photos iN a practice
of FULL nude art too.. and iN this Macro-Verse
AS I try to join some world differences togeTher too..
from three years ago.. i am now behind in 40 days
of Macro-Verse back-up in text only way to Facebook..
11 posts that make close to 166,000 words in 40 days now
too.. as the Synchronicity of the numbers come to a point
no different really than the overall miracle of the point we
come to human history and overall life history in the
uNiverse all that is so miraculous overall that
it’s worth it to me.. to witness all of this
for God all that is as juST another
Son of Sun oF God all that is
noW jusT now.. hmm..
no way the Facebook Algorithm
is gonna think i am juST another
Good Old boy from Milton Florida
if i copy and paste the 22 Facebook
Statuses all in one day of close to 166,000
words behind in 40 days to day.. so perhaps
i’ll knock out a few of thaT each day as this
12th MacroVerse i am working oN today
as 731st MacroVerse of Not only Longest
Long Form poem ever but a 2nd New
Testament written in size of over
180K words iN juST three months
since the first of October
2016.. as milestones
iN Witness oF God
all continue to
Grow for
a thief
in the night
and perHaps the
only one ever who could
ever tale the entirety of the
story book of my little grain of
sand as pArT oF God all that is now..
you see/feel/sense my life is proof that God exists
noW in the sense that i prove i live in Heaven now
in empirical evidence of the Kingdom i stay at
alWays and Forevermorenow.. iN this place i live
in Miracles are an everyday all natural phenomenon
no different really than the sentient star dust plus
we all are at core as Crucible Cross of Star
Burst Fire becomes uS now as real as
real is isreal now.. i dare anyone to
prove the God i see and feel and
sense is not real.. as you
can FucKinG reach
out and touch
me and
to prove me
wrong as i am
flesh and blood and
so is pARt of God as
ME ME ME for now iSReal NoW2..
you see Jesus.. Buddha.. Muhammad
and others didn’t have a way to directly
relate this.. they had to rely on second hand
sources from oral tradition or even scribing it
first mouth to second pen as such.. and hey
i ain’t the first one by far who has done
the John 14:12 fulfillment.. remember
the Beatles and John Lennon’s
statement from the 60’s as
such.. well it’s true
in a
way John Lennon
was crucified by speaKing
his truth of John 14:12 in ironic
way consideRinG his sTar name
is John too.. it never the less
tales the truth that hey..
take away the myths
and such in Housings
of Vehicles and Vessels
carrying trUth and liGht
in a much bigger patch of
land with the tools of mass communication
the Beatles did more to break folks out of the
FucKinG same Jerusalem Matrix Box than the
real dude Jesus could have possibly done in his
lifetime then.. and sure ..the Beatles have done
much more than i have too.. as i’m
just a legend in the eyes
of folks viewing a
thief in the night
the locals
in a metro
area of 200 to 300K
or so folks.. see thing is..
i ain’t coming to get crucified
this go around for me at least
i’m here for fun and to torch a liGht
more in New Jerusalem USA isREal
now wHEre they may not kNow tHeir SeR
VanT iS God iN TheRe sAMe as master iN me..
as i serve all love all.. and i’m gonna FucKinG
do it with no more scars as i’m a clever little
God fox too.. sMilInG all the way to the BAnks
of WiLL and Love StreAMs of Rivers wAves Ocean one me..
sure.. me getting into my whitey tighties in front of the world
wide open like a thief in the night.. it’s what Sacred Fools who
actuAlly survive liFe sMiLinG in tHeir last breath do do.. fools
for love in broad daylight with no one even ever noticing
just how many times Jesus has already come back
with a smile
on his or her..
etc.. GRave fAce..
as like Batman’s Mentor
sAid too.. LeGenT bEats FAMe
and ForTune hands up down
sure improvise sOme..
by mE as alWAys 2.. as
juST anotHeR thief in the
shorTEst and lonGesT Day
oF liFE alWays now
DancES and
SingS on
a Tarot
Zero Bard noW2..
CELltic FiLi TRoll
ELf.. FAiry.. juST
one of God’s
HAiry GeMini Sons
With a few MerCury
MessAGes iN ReTroGrAde2..;)
of the Seagull Flag carrying ‘cross the
Plaza Memorial for Freedom and
sure i stepped out of the
lock box for male
freedom a bit
in my whitey
tighties to
a quest
less that i enjoy
from head to toe
and more now as surely
more would and did and does
come after that as i told those ‘WP’.. naysayers
and disbelievers after i recovered in July of
2013 the sky was the limit and they scoffed
at me when dancing just a few miles at that
point in public at the end of August 2013
and spending close to 33 months by
that point from wake to sleep
on the Wrong PlanET and
other autism
online websites
among others too..
yes.. writing from wake to
sleep for 33 months with almost
no break.. words words and words
and around 6 million or so by that point
in words words and more words to escape
the worst pain noted in literature by the name
of Trigeminal Neuralgia type two.. in a 66 months
over haul of hell by the end of July 2013.. wHere
the first 33 months of that i was not only a shut-in
in many ways worse off disabled than your average
nursing home patient as i could not use my eyes
and ears effectively for reading or listening to
music for the first 33 months sitting on
my patio and in dark bedroom staring
off into space like a prisoner
of war of my own mind
playing words games
in my head to
some kind
of sanity like
evil backwards spells
live and Jesus F iN Christ
i might as well could have been
the lived devil back then where
all desserts had changed over
to stressed and a stAr iN
mY eYe had changed
into metaphorical
rAts and not
the creature
literally that
we all share
a Rodent ancestor
with some 75 million
years ago.. anyWay iN
all of that introspection sitting
in hell and finally writing one word..
a mountain of pain that would come
with light turned down on computer screen
with still almost intolerable pain like dentist
drill in eye and ear.. sure.. i was formuLating soMe
of what i eventuAlly would say when A devil finAlly
grew a pen of is that works again now then.. yeah..
after all of that including 18 other documented
medical disorders.. including Sjogren’s
Syndrome.. wHeRE my eYes quit
making tears.. Dysautonomia..
where my heart beat and
blood pressure
no longer
by brain
of autonomous
nervous system..
faint faint faint and
dizzy ever now of life.. then..
Fibromyalgia.. Severe Degenerative
Arthritis in Spine and Spinal Stenosis
along with Coat Hanger Pain around
Shoulder.. Spine and Neck associated
with Dysautonomia too.. Anhedonia..
Severe Anxiety.. Severe Depression..
Alexithymia.. Total Loss of Emotions..
Insomnia for 40 FucKinG days
during the lent period
of 2008.. world
record for
no sleep
11 days
for 264 hours..
i got my 1 hour
each night with a
powerful alpha blocker
slowing my heart rate
down from Dysautonomia
to sleep that card board shallow
sleep.. the first 35 out of 40 days
with zero sleep the last 5 of 40..
with sure PTSD.. Panic Attacks..
Mood Lability.. ADHD.. a side of
Asperger’s Syndrome on the Autism
Spectrum and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
but shoot what is Carpal Tunnel Sydrome
with a few more minor issues that actually
exceed 19 medically documented disorders
as the Bi-Polar couldn’t be diagnosed when
i was in hell until i arrived in Heaven and my personality
changed from INTJ to ENFP over a couple of weeks
and i scored an 11 then on the Autism Quotient scan
test down from an almost pegged high of 44 to 45
out of a potential high risk of 50 on that Autism
Quiz.. and my Emotional Intelligence as
tested went from 50 to 55 to 95 out of
100.. yes.. all over a few weeks wHere
i went from shut-in to dancing
with the stars in metaphor..
everywhere in public by
the end of August
of 2013.. and
sure now..
arriving at 6619
miles as the end of
2016 closeS iN at
40 months with juST
47 more miles to go..
to meet 6666 mileS in
40 months at an average
of 166.66 miles a month over
the course of an entire 40 months
12 million wordS in 6 years as of
Thanks Giving 2016.. and Jesus F iN
Christ.. around 20,000 photos iN a practice
of FULL nude art too.. and iN this Macro-Verse
AS I try to join some world differences togeTher too..
from three years ago.. i am now behind in 40 days
of Macro-Verse back-up in text only way to Facebook..
11 posts that make close to 166,000 words in 40 days now
too.. as the Synchronicity of the numbers come to a point
no different really than the overall miracle of the point we
come to human history and overall life history in the
uNiverse all that is so miraculous overall that
it’s worth it to me.. to witness all of this
for God all that is as juST another
Son of Sun oF God all that is
noW jusT now.. hmm..
no way the Facebook Algorithm
is gonna think i am juST another
Good Old boy from Milton Florida
if i copy and paste the 22 Facebook
Statuses all in one day of close to 166,000
words behind in 40 days to day.. so perhaps
i’ll knock out a few of thaT each day as this
12th MacroVerse i am working oN today
as 731st MacroVerse of Not only Longest
Long Form poem ever but a 2nd New
Testament written in size of over
180K words iN juST three months
since the first of October
2016.. as milestones
iN Witness oF God
all continue to
Grow for
a thief
in the night
and perHaps the
only one ever who could
ever tale the entirety of the
story book of my little grain of
sand as pArT oF God all that is now..
you see/feel/sense my life is proof that God exists
noW in the sense that i prove i live in Heaven now
in empirical evidence of the Kingdom i stay at
alWays and Forevermorenow.. iN this place i live
in Miracles are an everyday all natural phenomenon
no different really than the sentient star dust plus
we all are at core as Crucible Cross of Star
Burst Fire becomes uS now as real as
real is isreal now.. i dare anyone to
prove the God i see and feel and
sense is not real.. as you
can FucKinG reach
out and touch
me and
to prove me
wrong as i am
flesh and blood and
so is pARt of God as
ME ME ME for now iSReal NoW2..
you see Jesus.. Buddha.. Muhammad
and others didn’t have a way to directly
relate this.. they had to rely on second hand
sources from oral tradition or even scribing it
first mouth to second pen as such.. and hey
i ain’t the first one by far who has done
the John 14:12 fulfillment.. remember
the Beatles and John Lennon’s
statement from the 60’s as
such.. well it’s true
in a
way John Lennon
was crucified by speaKing
his truth of John 14:12 in ironic
way consideRinG his sTar name
is John too.. it never the less
tales the truth that hey..
take away the myths
and such in Housings
of Vehicles and Vessels
carrying trUth and liGht
in a much bigger patch of
land with the tools of mass communication
the Beatles did more to break folks out of the
FucKinG same Jerusalem Matrix Box than the
real dude Jesus could have possibly done in his
lifetime then.. and sure ..the Beatles have done
much more than i have too.. as i’m
just a legend in the eyes
of folks viewing a
thief in the night
the locals
in a metro
area of 200 to 300K
or so folks.. see thing is..
i ain’t coming to get crucified
this go around for me at least
i’m here for fun and to torch a liGht
more in New Jerusalem USA isREal
now wHEre they may not kNow tHeir SeR
VanT iS God iN TheRe sAMe as master iN me..
as i serve all love all.. and i’m gonna FucKinG
do it with no more scars as i’m a clever little
God fox too.. sMilInG all the way to the BAnks
of WiLL and Love StreAMs of Rivers wAves Ocean one me..
sure.. me getting into my whitey tighties in front of the world
wide open like a thief in the night.. it’s what Sacred Fools who
actuAlly survive liFe sMiLinG in tHeir last breath do do.. fools
for love in broad daylight with no one even ever noticing
just how many times Jesus has already come back
with a smile
on his or her..
etc.. GRave fAce..
as like Batman’s Mentor
sAid too.. LeGenT bEats FAMe
and ForTune hands up down
sure improvise sOme..
by mE as alWAys 2.. as
juST anotHeR thief in the
shorTEst and lonGesT Day
oF liFE alWays now
DancES and
SingS on
a Tarot
Zero Bard noW2..
CELltic FiLi TRoll
ELf.. FAiry.. juST
one of God’s
HAiry GeMini Sons
With a few MerCury
MessAGes iN ReTroGrAde2..;)
WeLL.. the usuAlly trusty Algorithm Assistant
per the Facebook Video Slide Show presenter
robot.. was a little late to record the weekend
activities of public dance and church and
such as that.. but anyWay it’s never
too late to share fun.. hehe.. whether
or not anyone is paying attention
or not.. but sure they surELy
do when a new age DudE
Dances in Public
iN New Jerusalem2..
as last niGht i’M doing
my dance in front of the
check out line of the most
liberal open minded department
store run place in Milton per Target
with the French sounding happy version
of this Department store TarJay naMe..
hehe.. it’s surely like a BullEye’s all
seeing wiSdOM eYe playground
for me.. and keep iN miNd please
i’m juST A GrAin oF sAnd eXerciSinG
mY LuciFred liGht as hUman potenTial
And tHeiR iS no doubt iN my mInd/BoDy that if yoU
used 100 perCent Luke hot Hope.. Faith BeliEve.. Love
And CaN and WiLL oF 100 percent positive energy as the Force
as HiGher Power of God within you that sure you can and will
do much greater works of isREal HUman miracles on eARTh..
shooT it’s already done by many more than me already kNow
as TrUth and liGht now.. haven’t you read Ripley’s Believe
iT or not.. give an animal oF GoD some dARk diVerSity
And as hiStory and herStory sHows and eTCstory too..
they’ll make the best shit cake out of shit pie in
a banana split.. second of liFE liGht noW if thAT
iS whAT’s reQuiRed to liVE liFE aS liGhT noW..
Meanwhile.. a quarter of the World Worships
one man on a cross.. FucKinG neVer juST
lisTeNing TrUly to JoHn 14:12 and getting
the JOB of GoD dONe LiViinG WiThiN..
noW and sure.. i for one can’t make you
drink the water here.. any more
than what’s left of the real
dude Jesus after
40 years of
illiterate Aramaic
Oral Tradition around
a round table of desert wanderers
then.. smARty Pant LiTerate Greeks
picKing tHeir favoRite pARts from many
many passed on oral tradition so-called
then Christian Sects ranging from 1 to 12
Gods and almost anything goes of course
around the human Gossip Trump Table from
now then.. as the Nicene Council under the
rule of Roman Emperor Constantine and his
Catholic Leader Cronies decided in the congress
of the Nicene council then what would work best in
accordance with the region’s Mithra religion to expand
the entire Roman Empire by making a humble yogi-like
zealot teacher dude into a Soldier Sun God.. really no different
than the huge monolithic monument Constantine erected and
dedicated to himself as Sun God to be worshipped by all of his
subjects by rule of Roman Empire too.. and then there were hundreds
of years of what biblical scholars suggest are 300 to 400 thousand
scribe copying mistakes ranging from what always happens
in hand written copy mistakes with no F iN Xerox machines
then to reproduce anything automated of course.. and
some mistakes intentional as whatever any person
thought as fELlt and senSed the Holy Spirit
within them told them to say from deep
within tHeir own HUman voice then..
noT reAlly much different than the
Dude Saul who never actually
KNew Jesus in real life who changed
his name to Paul and got most all his
info about someone eventually named
Jesus from within.. not much different than
what Muhammad did really in a cave when he
eventually someone grandiosely suggested that
in the entire Universe now seen so much further
than a patch of Middle eastern Desert land.. then..
yes.. Billions of Stars with untold creatures of God liVing
tHeir perHaps with so much greater God inTeLLiGence
iN existential wisdom and Love than us now.. on this
very beautiful smaLL planet wHeRE culture now has
become the virus of the human race continuing
to slow burn kill as close to half the named
species noted go extinct now.. per an Apex
Predator sooner than later who will also
go extinct if Love in Holding hands
doesn’t come to realize that
we live iN the Kingdom
of Heaven iN what
can be a Garden
oF Eden StiLL
noW.. heRe.. anyWay
unfortunately Muhammad
took fame of name over truth
and humble liGht where there is
no John 14:12 in the Koran now..
and trUth is.. ain’t no body much
except for the Beatles and such
iN the so-called Christian
world in the actual
NOW is an overall
Babel Church
who has
faith.. hope..
belief and fearless
smARt LoVE iN Unconditional
Luke HoT 100 percent positive
Force way even entertaining the
possibility of maKinG that prophecy
coMe iSREaL noW.. thing is.. in a ‘normal’
day over here in New Jerusalem i understand
the crux oF ‘tHeir’ so-called Christian Book Religion
iN New Testament way better than ‘they’ iN the fACt
thAT i don’t juST talk the talk i dance the walk iN SonG2..;)
Yes.. friEnds.. this IS A lengthy new testament23..4..8..eTc. and nah.. i didn’t
stARt at age 30 with all of this in a 42 month period of testimony noW
NoW.. iT’s a lot bigger WORlD/UniVersepLuS Now we live iN.. than we did then..
it took me 53 years to sTArt and LiVinG iN HeLL first.. 66 months thiS
noW go aRound for me.. to even stARt mY witness for God
all that is of the entire UniVerse plUs now.. and i ain’t
so proud to say i ain’t the first OR the last
OR the ONLY one of any pARt oF GoD noW..
i AM juST A gRain of SAnd iN A
Wilderness with a very
proLIFEic Voice cRYinG
out iN a SonG of JoY
iN A LioN’s roar wiTh
yes.. teeth too.. on aN
ipHone6s smARt pHone
too.. hehe haha yes.. i FucKinG RoaR2..;)
So anyway.. back to my original point way
way up tHeir i am dancing my free fred dance
at the end of the check-out line at Tarjay and
a nice young man is checking out Katrina
in yes cashier way.. some distance
from me.. and the folks behind
her with no knowledge of
Katrina’s relationship
to me.. note what
is that dude doing and
the nice college age male
cashier says.. he IS A dance
legend he dances every Thursday
night at Seville Quarter in Pensacola
and the customers behind Katrina have
some what of a WTF look on their face as
i look more like a linebacker than a ballet-dude
now hehe.. and Katrina turns around to their big
surprise too and say.. yep that’s my Husband Fred..
i’m too shy to dance and he started dancing after my
Sister got cancer and before we got married he danced
then too.. nah.. there wasn’t any cackle of disbelief and
nay saying and smirk after thaT convo went down.. hehe..
anyWay in case you think i am bloWing smoke up your
butt when i witness juST the fACTs ma-am as the little
journey of the DancE and SonG prophet of this
is GoinG down isREal baby.. believe it or not
iN the year 2016.. sure.. i’M ‘one’ of the
one’s folks have been forecasting
to come on eARth too..
yes.. all natural
aS Such iN
GoiNG down and
uP iN Milltown New Jerusalem
land now.. ’bout the same latitude
as the Old Jerusalem in ISreal then..
flat lands pretty much.. but here iT iS
Paradise Beach with abundance of Women
iN Bikinis too.. i take great pleasure iN looKing
at the Women of Earth that are so beautiful here..
but i only touch so much.. as there ain’t gonna be
any iSREaL King David miStakes this go around iF
yA gET the total DriFt of both Metaphor and Free LonGest
Long Form Poem here iN Witness foR GoD oNcE morE isReaL noW2..;)
per the Facebook Video Slide Show presenter
robot.. was a little late to record the weekend
activities of public dance and church and
such as that.. but anyWay it’s never
too late to share fun.. hehe.. whether
or not anyone is paying attention
or not.. but sure they surELy
do when a new age DudE
Dances in Public
iN New Jerusalem2..
as last niGht i’M doing
my dance in front of the
check out line of the most
liberal open minded department
store run place in Milton per Target
with the French sounding happy version
of this Department store TarJay naMe..
hehe.. it’s surely like a BullEye’s all
seeing wiSdOM eYe playground
for me.. and keep iN miNd please
i’m juST A GrAin oF sAnd eXerciSinG
mY LuciFred liGht as hUman potenTial
And tHeiR iS no doubt iN my mInd/BoDy that if yoU
used 100 perCent Luke hot Hope.. Faith BeliEve.. Love
And CaN and WiLL oF 100 percent positive energy as the Force
as HiGher Power of God within you that sure you can and will
do much greater works of isREal HUman miracles on eARTh..
shooT it’s already done by many more than me already kNow
as TrUth and liGht now.. haven’t you read Ripley’s Believe
iT or not.. give an animal oF GoD some dARk diVerSity
And as hiStory and herStory sHows and eTCstory too..
they’ll make the best shit cake out of shit pie in
a banana split.. second of liFE liGht noW if thAT
iS whAT’s reQuiRed to liVE liFE aS liGhT noW..
Meanwhile.. a quarter of the World Worships
one man on a cross.. FucKinG neVer juST
lisTeNing TrUly to JoHn 14:12 and getting
the JOB of GoD dONe LiViinG WiThiN..
noW and sure.. i for one can’t make you
drink the water here.. any more
than what’s left of the real
dude Jesus after
40 years of
illiterate Aramaic
Oral Tradition around
a round table of desert wanderers
then.. smARty Pant LiTerate Greeks
picKing tHeir favoRite pARts from many
many passed on oral tradition so-called
then Christian Sects ranging from 1 to 12
Gods and almost anything goes of course
around the human Gossip Trump Table from
now then.. as the Nicene Council under the
rule of Roman Emperor Constantine and his
Catholic Leader Cronies decided in the congress
of the Nicene council then what would work best in
accordance with the region’s Mithra religion to expand
the entire Roman Empire by making a humble yogi-like
zealot teacher dude into a Soldier Sun God.. really no different
than the huge monolithic monument Constantine erected and
dedicated to himself as Sun God to be worshipped by all of his
subjects by rule of Roman Empire too.. and then there were hundreds
of years of what biblical scholars suggest are 300 to 400 thousand
scribe copying mistakes ranging from what always happens
in hand written copy mistakes with no F iN Xerox machines
then to reproduce anything automated of course.. and
some mistakes intentional as whatever any person
thought as fELlt and senSed the Holy Spirit
within them told them to say from deep
within tHeir own HUman voice then..
noT reAlly much different than the
Dude Saul who never actually
KNew Jesus in real life who changed
his name to Paul and got most all his
info about someone eventually named
Jesus from within.. not much different than
what Muhammad did really in a cave when he
eventually someone grandiosely suggested that
in the entire Universe now seen so much further
than a patch of Middle eastern Desert land.. then..
yes.. Billions of Stars with untold creatures of God liVing
tHeir perHaps with so much greater God inTeLLiGence
iN existential wisdom and Love than us now.. on this
very beautiful smaLL planet wHeRE culture now has
become the virus of the human race continuing
to slow burn kill as close to half the named
species noted go extinct now.. per an Apex
Predator sooner than later who will also
go extinct if Love in Holding hands
doesn’t come to realize that
we live iN the Kingdom
of Heaven iN what
can be a Garden
oF Eden StiLL
noW.. heRe.. anyWay
unfortunately Muhammad
took fame of name over truth
and humble liGht where there is
no John 14:12 in the Koran now..
and trUth is.. ain’t no body much
except for the Beatles and such
iN the so-called Christian
world in the actual
NOW is an overall
Babel Church
who has
faith.. hope..
belief and fearless
smARt LoVE iN Unconditional
Luke HoT 100 percent positive
Force way even entertaining the
possibility of maKinG that prophecy
coMe iSREaL noW.. thing is.. in a ‘normal’
day over here in New Jerusalem i understand
the crux oF ‘tHeir’ so-called Christian Book Religion
iN New Testament way better than ‘they’ iN the fACt
thAT i don’t juST talk the talk i dance the walk iN SonG2..;)
Yes.. friEnds.. this IS A lengthy new testament23..4..8..eTc. and nah.. i didn’t
stARt at age 30 with all of this in a 42 month period of testimony noW
NoW.. iT’s a lot bigger WORlD/UniVersepLuS Now we live iN.. than we did then..
it took me 53 years to sTArt and LiVinG iN HeLL first.. 66 months thiS
noW go aRound for me.. to even stARt mY witness for God
all that is of the entire UniVerse plUs now.. and i ain’t
so proud to say i ain’t the first OR the last
OR the ONLY one of any pARt oF GoD noW..
i AM juST A gRain of SAnd iN A
Wilderness with a very
proLIFEic Voice cRYinG
out iN a SonG of JoY
iN A LioN’s roar wiTh
yes.. teeth too.. on aN
ipHone6s smARt pHone
too.. hehe haha yes.. i FucKinG RoaR2..;)
So anyway.. back to my original point way
way up tHeir i am dancing my free fred dance
at the end of the check-out line at Tarjay and
a nice young man is checking out Katrina
in yes cashier way.. some distance
from me.. and the folks behind
her with no knowledge of
Katrina’s relationship
to me.. note what
is that dude doing and
the nice college age male
cashier says.. he IS A dance
legend he dances every Thursday
night at Seville Quarter in Pensacola
and the customers behind Katrina have
some what of a WTF look on their face as
i look more like a linebacker than a ballet-dude
now hehe.. and Katrina turns around to their big
surprise too and say.. yep that’s my Husband Fred..
i’m too shy to dance and he started dancing after my
Sister got cancer and before we got married he danced
then too.. nah.. there wasn’t any cackle of disbelief and
nay saying and smirk after thaT convo went down.. hehe..
anyWay in case you think i am bloWing smoke up your
butt when i witness juST the fACTs ma-am as the little
journey of the DancE and SonG prophet of this
is GoinG down isREal baby.. believe it or not
iN the year 2016.. sure.. i’M ‘one’ of the
one’s folks have been forecasting
to come on eARth too..
yes.. all natural
aS Such iN
GoiNG down and
uP iN Milltown New Jerusalem
land now.. ’bout the same latitude
as the Old Jerusalem in ISreal then..
flat lands pretty much.. but here iT iS
Paradise Beach with abundance of Women
iN Bikinis too.. i take great pleasure iN looKing
at the Women of Earth that are so beautiful here..
but i only touch so much.. as there ain’t gonna be
any iSREaL King David miStakes this go around iF
yA gET the total DriFt of both Metaphor and Free LonGest
Long Form Poem here iN Witness foR GoD oNcE morE isReaL noW2..;)
As i stand here again from one year ago with
a T-Shirt Facebook Memory too that says
it’s the bard thingie yA kNow.. yA don’t gET
too serious if yA ever expect
people to be open
to the deeper stuff
yA say.. ’cause reAlly
it’s noT alWays an easy task
now to be humble as the Force
within of God that powers me iS
so much now.. but it’s truly a cALm
eYe within of peace and bliss that powers
the Hurricane winds oF eYe and i.. that juST
enjoys the Bliss of Being heRE noW and tales
a story with twists of Lore that is actuAlly trUe
too as all stories muST have to get passed down
more.. i can’t reAlly beat the essence of the wisdom
of Yoda.. when it coMes to tWo pARts and one is
we are luminous beings and all of creation sAMe..
yes.. we are made oF liGht and an additional
metaphor for humans greaTest fAiLing of
liGht are the words i don’t believe i can
do it as only WiLL Do does work..
Doing is Believing.. i’LL
leave the rest
iN all
forms too..
liGht is essence
Force iS eYe is i is God
as ME and yOu and uS and
wE and oUrs as wE DancE and
Sing liGht FoR NoW.. iSReaL2..:)
a T-Shirt Facebook Memory too that says
it’s the bard thingie yA kNow.. yA don’t gET
too serious if yA ever expect
people to be open
to the deeper stuff
yA say.. ’cause reAlly
it’s noT alWays an easy task
now to be humble as the Force
within of God that powers me iS
so much now.. but it’s truly a cALm
eYe within of peace and bliss that powers
the Hurricane winds oF eYe and i.. that juST
enjoys the Bliss of Being heRE noW and tales
a story with twists of Lore that is actuAlly trUe
too as all stories muST have to get passed down
more.. i can’t reAlly beat the essence of the wisdom
of Yoda.. when it coMes to tWo pARts and one is
we are luminous beings and all of creation sAMe..
yes.. we are made oF liGht and an additional
metaphor for humans greaTest fAiLing of
liGht are the words i don’t believe i can
do it as only WiLL Do does work..
Doing is Believing.. i’LL
leave the rest
iN all
forms too..
liGht is essence
Force iS eYe is i is God
as ME and yOu and uS and
wE and oUrs as wE DancE and
Sing liGht FoR NoW.. iSReaL2..:)
YeaH.. it’s true i do reAlly
Love my GreAtest
muse and
when she puts
her Yoda hat on..
trust me.. size matters
not iN FeeL or SenSE of LioN
heARted SpiRit and soUl.. my
Aunt Jettie Yoda in crippled walker
at age 94 taught me thAT so WeLL too
beFore she sAid her NeXt greAT aDvenTure
WiLL staRt too then.. as lASt beauty of human breath now..:)
Love my GreAtest
muse and
when she puts
her Yoda hat on..
trust me.. size matters
not iN FeeL or SenSE of LioN
heARted SpiRit and soUl.. my
Aunt Jettie Yoda in crippled walker
at age 94 taught me thAT so WeLL too
beFore she sAid her NeXt greAT aDvenTure
WiLL staRt too then.. as lASt beauty of human breath now..:)
Hmm.. iN mY last rather long MicroVerse oF 731st titLed
‘WiNteR SoUlSticE CLoseS iN 2016’ MacroVerse that i AM
currently worKing on leading into a 732nd “2nd New Testament oF
TwELvE iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen” as continuing Longest Long Form Poem
in the HiStory HeRstory and eTcstory all free verse style with ongoing Holy
Spirit aka sTreaM of Consciousness FloW iN ZoNe StYle of relating form
of Language
for essence
oF all that is
thAT wHO liVes
WiThiN yes the
whOle God thingie
in inFiniTE poTEnTial
Metaphors of letters and
words and oThER symbols too..
anyWay.. in that last Micro-Verse i intimAted
that many folks have already fulfilled the John 14:12
script that says those folks with enough faith hope and belief
of the Higher Power within as HiGher PowER of GoD all that is
within thAt IS A greater Force oF HopE FaiTh.. LoVe and WiLL NoW
to juST do works that have never been recorded and or done beFore
iN Humankind way of course noW too with many added transhumanist
factors of technology as toolS hELping too.. and to be clear all of culture
is aN extension of humankind and God sAMe.. soMe dArk.. soME liGht
‘tween Grey sHades and coLors beYond RainBow poTEnTial too..
that some who’s experience and some who’s simply have
not attained yet in human potenTial of SeeinG FeeLinG
SenSinG and sure kNoWing wiTh ReaSoN
and ARt of science more as ART becOMes
moRE of heART aS WeLL too.. suRE..
SpiRit expresSing thAT emoTioNal
and SeNsory heARt iN A continuing
more baLanCinG miNd and
BoDy soUL.. anyWay
while i mentioned
John Lennon
and the other
Beatles remarkable
breakthroughs in changing
culture more to free through the
aRt of Music in a Global way.. hey..
perHaps even the 3:16 guy of past..
Tim Tebow.. could consider thAT too..
as i WiLL not be the one to make thAT
Judgement for him as a Football Hero
in the last Decade and so as such..
but he did finish as Quarter
back of a football
game in
with an F iN
Broken Leg then..
that takes great Hope..
Faith.. and Belief in WiLL
and surely love of the sport
of Football as a hero to his team
and high school fans to make it
through a gAMe like that.. so what
iF let’s juST say he or someone else
was brave enough not only to display
a scripture of John 3:16 in the worship
of a single man but to go much further
than man made God and Just go for
whomever actuAlly wrote John
14:12 in respect of
the hiGHest
in the NoW
isREAL Kingdom
of God that can bE
both Heaven and the
Garden of Eden sAMe
heAR now for those who
escape the matrix of cultural
illusions in fear way and extended
empty promises with no works too..
so.. what would’ve been the reaction iF
he put John 14:12 beneath His eyes for
the Football world to see.. a real ballsy
effort that surely would bE iN respect and
fulfillment of the prophecy of John 14:12 now..
so here’s the thing i went A step further than Tim
not only did i jusT do iT in totaLiTy of all the works
i have done and sure in the Athletic world of pumping
iron.. leg pressing 1020 LBS 33 times with arms raised
in air like a ballet dancer on a very difficult parallel leg press
machine is something but how much inSpiration/liGht now does thAT
thaT bRinG to everyone i meet… very little other than the core strength
to dance 6666 miles in public martial artS and ballet-like dance in 40 months..
now.. so sure it all works toGethER to make what seems as the impossible be
FoRe become TrUth and liGht now.. as yes it’s worth noting that the trance like dance
i go into also increases the neurchemicals of serotonin.. dopamine.. endorphinS and
yes.. neurohormones too.. and poTenTiAlly even all natural DMT too.. but nah.. insurance
don’t cover a test like that for Supermen and Superwomen etc.. now heRE.. heHe.. anyWay
all of that and the sensual pARt of Holy and Sacred Thursday Day and niGht DanCe activities
raises my all natural Jesus F iN Juice if ya wanna caLL what can bRing the Holy Spirit hiGher
as a Creative Power and Force iNsiDe… does iT work.. weLL.. perhaps over 3.3 million words
of longest long form poem ever in the same period of time with the dance too.. Can and WiLL
and surely does rate the full efficacy of how well all of what i do as synergy of human
poTenTial and hiGher ForcE of God withiN.. yA see.. in mY Covenant wiTh God..
i had lots of help.. but scribes.. editors.. photographers.. actors.. producers..
writers and such.. nah.. not much help at aLL i AM pretty much much more
a Force of Hurricane oNe SiX/SiXteen alert with a very calm and sTiLL
CenTer insiDe alWays noW.. so anY3 or so.. way to put it
bluntly.. iF Tim had put that John 14:12 underneath
his eyes then.. he would have
been ridicuLeD iN
AN audaCity
to have
Faith and Hope
and Belief to Witness
for God like that in 100%
Luke HoT LoVE for all thaT is..
Fearless Baby and sMARt and
even unconditional it could be but
you see.. n0one would wanna pay any0ne
some money to live off of.. if they thought
they were bat shit crazy to have as much
Faith.. Hope.. and Belief like thaT.. weLL..
you see that is why God sent me
to Hell all natural as
such for 66 months
like the Hunch Back
of Notre Dame erased
from social existence
with the rest of humanity too..
to give me some nows forevermore
now in hell then.. to understand juST
how much Heaven i was gifted in a Garden
of Eden beFore then.. and sure.. to stand iN
front of the world Naked as what’s left to be
embarrassed about after that.. to gain the strength
and courAge oF a LiOn and the Love greater than a
doVe of Peace and Joy and Love aS Well as Ocean wHole
gRoWs soMe more juST foR fuN wiTh No liMits or expectaTions
as waves exceed shores BefoRE now iSReal as iSreal noW as any
alert can go out.. i AM heRe.. i AM A chiLd of God wiTh Wings so
hiGh perHaps no one has ever been heRE before and perHaps Now
they have but what my faith and hope and belief says.. yes.. sTiLL..
oThErs too… WiLL come to do more than mE.. if tHey juST 100 percent
have faith and hope and belief and WILL of fearLess and sMart Unconditional
Love in the me that is the me of the me that is you.. surEly iT CAN and WiLL Be dONe..:)
‘WiNteR SoUlSticE CLoseS iN 2016’ MacroVerse that i AM
currently worKing on leading into a 732nd “2nd New Testament oF
TwELvE iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen” as continuing Longest Long Form Poem
in the HiStory HeRstory and eTcstory all free verse style with ongoing Holy
Spirit aka sTreaM of Consciousness FloW iN ZoNe StYle of relating form
of Language
for essence
oF all that is
thAT wHO liVes
WiThiN yes the
whOle God thingie
in inFiniTE poTEnTial
Metaphors of letters and
words and oThER symbols too..
anyWay.. in that last Micro-Verse i intimAted
that many folks have already fulfilled the John 14:12
script that says those folks with enough faith hope and belief
of the Higher Power within as HiGher PowER of GoD all that is
within thAt IS A greater Force oF HopE FaiTh.. LoVe and WiLL NoW
to juST do works that have never been recorded and or done beFore
iN Humankind way of course noW too with many added transhumanist
factors of technology as toolS hELping too.. and to be clear all of culture
is aN extension of humankind and God sAMe.. soMe dArk.. soME liGht
‘tween Grey sHades and coLors beYond RainBow poTEnTial too..
that some who’s experience and some who’s simply have
not attained yet in human potenTial of SeeinG FeeLinG
SenSinG and sure kNoWing wiTh ReaSoN
and ARt of science more as ART becOMes
moRE of heART aS WeLL too.. suRE..
SpiRit expresSing thAT emoTioNal
and SeNsory heARt iN A continuing
more baLanCinG miNd and
BoDy soUL.. anyWay
while i mentioned
John Lennon
and the other
Beatles remarkable
breakthroughs in changing
culture more to free through the
aRt of Music in a Global way.. hey..
perHaps even the 3:16 guy of past..
Tim Tebow.. could consider thAT too..
as i WiLL not be the one to make thAT
Judgement for him as a Football Hero
in the last Decade and so as such..
but he did finish as Quarter
back of a football
game in
with an F iN
Broken Leg then..
that takes great Hope..
Faith.. and Belief in WiLL
and surely love of the sport
of Football as a hero to his team
and high school fans to make it
through a gAMe like that.. so what
iF let’s juST say he or someone else
was brave enough not only to display
a scripture of John 3:16 in the worship
of a single man but to go much further
than man made God and Just go for
whomever actuAlly wrote John
14:12 in respect of
the hiGHest
in the NoW
isREAL Kingdom
of God that can bE
both Heaven and the
Garden of Eden sAMe
heAR now for those who
escape the matrix of cultural
illusions in fear way and extended
empty promises with no works too..
so.. what would’ve been the reaction iF
he put John 14:12 beneath His eyes for
the Football world to see.. a real ballsy
effort that surely would bE iN respect and
fulfillment of the prophecy of John 14:12 now..
so here’s the thing i went A step further than Tim
not only did i jusT do iT in totaLiTy of all the works
i have done and sure in the Athletic world of pumping
iron.. leg pressing 1020 LBS 33 times with arms raised
in air like a ballet dancer on a very difficult parallel leg press
machine is something but how much inSpiration/liGht now does thAT
thaT bRinG to everyone i meet… very little other than the core strength
to dance 6666 miles in public martial artS and ballet-like dance in 40 months..
now.. so sure it all works toGethER to make what seems as the impossible be
FoRe become TrUth and liGht now.. as yes it’s worth noting that the trance like dance
i go into also increases the neurchemicals of serotonin.. dopamine.. endorphinS and
yes.. neurohormones too.. and poTenTiAlly even all natural DMT too.. but nah.. insurance
don’t cover a test like that for Supermen and Superwomen etc.. now heRE.. heHe.. anyWay
all of that and the sensual pARt of Holy and Sacred Thursday Day and niGht DanCe activities
raises my all natural Jesus F iN Juice if ya wanna caLL what can bRing the Holy Spirit hiGher
as a Creative Power and Force iNsiDe… does iT work.. weLL.. perhaps over 3.3 million words
of longest long form poem ever in the same period of time with the dance too.. Can and WiLL
and surely does rate the full efficacy of how well all of what i do as synergy of human
poTenTial and hiGher ForcE of God withiN.. yA see.. in mY Covenant wiTh God..
i had lots of help.. but scribes.. editors.. photographers.. actors.. producers..
writers and such.. nah.. not much help at aLL i AM pretty much much more
a Force of Hurricane oNe SiX/SiXteen alert with a very calm and sTiLL
CenTer insiDe alWays noW.. so anY3 or so.. way to put it
bluntly.. iF Tim had put that John 14:12 underneath
his eyes then.. he would have
been ridicuLeD iN
AN audaCity
to have
Faith and Hope
and Belief to Witness
for God like that in 100%
Luke HoT LoVE for all thaT is..
Fearless Baby and sMARt and
even unconditional it could be but
you see.. n0one would wanna pay any0ne
some money to live off of.. if they thought
they were bat shit crazy to have as much
Faith.. Hope.. and Belief like thaT.. weLL..
you see that is why God sent me
to Hell all natural as
such for 66 months
like the Hunch Back
of Notre Dame erased
from social existence
with the rest of humanity too..
to give me some nows forevermore
now in hell then.. to understand juST
how much Heaven i was gifted in a Garden
of Eden beFore then.. and sure.. to stand iN
front of the world Naked as what’s left to be
embarrassed about after that.. to gain the strength
and courAge oF a LiOn and the Love greater than a
doVe of Peace and Joy and Love aS Well as Ocean wHole
gRoWs soMe more juST foR fuN wiTh No liMits or expectaTions
as waves exceed shores BefoRE now iSReal as iSreal noW as any
alert can go out.. i AM heRe.. i AM A chiLd of God wiTh Wings so
hiGh perHaps no one has ever been heRE before and perHaps Now
they have but what my faith and hope and belief says.. yes.. sTiLL..
oThErs too… WiLL come to do more than mE.. if tHey juST 100 percent
have faith and hope and belief and WILL of fearLess and sMart Unconditional
Love in the me that is the me of the me that is you.. surEly iT CAN and WiLL Be dONe..:)
-John 14:12
As the Karmic eYe coMes out
once more to welcome the
shortest day of the
year now
the day the
sun appears to
sTart moVinG agaIn
toward spRing Equinox
to summer Solstice to Fall
Equinox again as we all traverse
anoThEr trip aRound the Sun to anoTher
shorTest iN days neXt yeAr.. God bless closed
minded folks who once were terrified and had little
Faith the Sun would come full again.. toward the warmth
of liFe to spRinG greater subsistence iN abundance foR All but for
the nomads.. those.. who come out of the cave walKinG iN liGht more than
who are
too scared
to come out
and face God oF aLL
Nature Naked and FReED..
trULy.. the so-called Liberal Open
Minded folks have alWays been the
chosen ones in what seems so unfair noW
at Nows not enjoYinG Heaven NoW.. as the Dude
Jesus promised or whomever wrote the script..
iT’s sTiLL iN this generation now for those
unafraid to stand naked in Front
oF God wiThin treading on
the cultural illusory
fears and empty
promises of
yesternows same
to control and subjugate
the sheep while the goats go free..
i am an old goat.. sure.. a Pan Young
aT heARt.. SpiRit and SoUL and i FeeL
for those sTiLL impriSoned iN an eYe oF
A needle iN the body of a camel weighted dOwn
wiTh all the lies and empty promises of fear of fear oFF fear..
anyWay that’s my Karmic eYe say oF the day action Free for
Positive FearLess smARt LovE equals consequence sAMe as the
UniVersal Rules of Karma.. dARk ‘tween sHades of grey and beYond
RainBow colors of folks who free them selves from the matrix of bEfore..:)
AnyWay it’s worth noting sTiLL.. the Gospel of Thomas
Vs..37 for folks who think i made all of this up by myself..
as of course this part wasn’t allowed by the Nicene council
in 325 AD.. edited out of course ’cause it gives the
power to the people.. all the children of God per
reported by the man himself of the hour then..
the humble teacher counselor and yes zealot
too.. the reported Jesus then who was surely
a free spirit with the words here.. wHeRe last
is first.. and meek inherit the Earth and
to reiterate what’s left in the New T..
including the Gospel of Thomas and
John 14:12.. tHeRe will be those
who do greater works
than ‘me’ who
in the
of the hiGher Power
And Force All Free AllGODiNnate..
iNstinctual and iNtuitive jusT waiting
to be sought and found now and practiced
as a way of liFE iN liGht DanCinG and SinGinG
liFe free as the promise of the Heaven noW iN thiS
Generation coMes iSReaL Now heAr.. that’s reAlly
Good News and it’s worth noting that in the original
Greek translation of the New T it never said ‘the’ Son
oF God it actuAlly said ‘A’ Son of God not much different
than the Old T wHere it says Ye are all Gods as pARt of GoD
wHole of course.. sAMe as the American Indians who fELt and
SenSed and Knew one Great SpiRiT oF God and sAMe as many
oTher religions who didn’t make a man into a Soldier Sun God
to expand a Roman Empire and this plus a restriction of no more
new prophets in another religion sTiLL Divides the world today now
iN ways of fear.. hate.. and conquer each oTher by wars.. we need
a little more Love and Holding hands among all of we iNdigenous
People’s and a few less chiefs at the top of the totem pole.. sTiLL
hmm.. we have that forTune to live that way in the U.S.. and those
who wanna stay not so free are free to do so too.. as the Needle
eYe has an open invitation and sAdly as hiStory continues to sHow..
not everyone will forge tHeir way through.. all free and naked from
Matrix clothes of cultural/religious falsehoods and all illusory fears..
it is what it is .. and i for one make the best of GoD Free within NOW..
And sure.. as new prophets.. new witnesses and new proof goeS..oN..
i jusT do iT iN
isReaL noW2..
Prove mE Wrong..
De-Friend me.. iGnore
mE.. WhatEver is iT is iS..
but juST remember.. God reAlly does liVe Within
mE.. this ain’t juST A BooK iT’s going down for iSReaL noW2..;)
once more to welcome the
shortest day of the
year now
the day the
sun appears to
sTart moVinG agaIn
toward spRing Equinox
to summer Solstice to Fall
Equinox again as we all traverse
anoThEr trip aRound the Sun to anoTher
shorTest iN days neXt yeAr.. God bless closed
minded folks who once were terrified and had little
Faith the Sun would come full again.. toward the warmth
of liFe to spRinG greater subsistence iN abundance foR All but for
the nomads.. those.. who come out of the cave walKinG iN liGht more than
who are
too scared
to come out
and face God oF aLL
Nature Naked and FReED..
trULy.. the so-called Liberal Open
Minded folks have alWays been the
chosen ones in what seems so unfair noW
at Nows not enjoYinG Heaven NoW.. as the Dude
Jesus promised or whomever wrote the script..
iT’s sTiLL iN this generation now for those
unafraid to stand naked in Front
oF God wiThin treading on
the cultural illusory
fears and empty
promises of
yesternows same
to control and subjugate
the sheep while the goats go free..
i am an old goat.. sure.. a Pan Young
aT heARt.. SpiRit and SoUL and i FeeL
for those sTiLL impriSoned iN an eYe oF
A needle iN the body of a camel weighted dOwn
wiTh all the lies and empty promises of fear of fear oFF fear..
anyWay that’s my Karmic eYe say oF the day action Free for
Positive FearLess smARt LovE equals consequence sAMe as the
UniVersal Rules of Karma.. dARk ‘tween sHades of grey and beYond
RainBow colors of folks who free them selves from the matrix of bEfore..:)
AnyWay it’s worth noting sTiLL.. the Gospel of Thomas
Vs..37 for folks who think i made all of this up by myself..
as of course this part wasn’t allowed by the Nicene council
in 325 AD.. edited out of course ’cause it gives the
power to the people.. all the children of God per
reported by the man himself of the hour then..
the humble teacher counselor and yes zealot
too.. the reported Jesus then who was surely
a free spirit with the words here.. wHeRe last
is first.. and meek inherit the Earth and
to reiterate what’s left in the New T..
including the Gospel of Thomas and
John 14:12.. tHeRe will be those
who do greater works
than ‘me’ who
in the
of the hiGher Power
And Force All Free AllGODiNnate..
iNstinctual and iNtuitive jusT waiting
to be sought and found now and practiced
as a way of liFE iN liGht DanCinG and SinGinG
liFe free as the promise of the Heaven noW iN thiS
Generation coMes iSReaL Now heAr.. that’s reAlly
Good News and it’s worth noting that in the original
Greek translation of the New T it never said ‘the’ Son
oF God it actuAlly said ‘A’ Son of God not much different
than the Old T wHere it says Ye are all Gods as pARt of GoD
wHole of course.. sAMe as the American Indians who fELt and
SenSed and Knew one Great SpiRiT oF God and sAMe as many
oTher religions who didn’t make a man into a Soldier Sun God
to expand a Roman Empire and this plus a restriction of no more
new prophets in another religion sTiLL Divides the world today now
iN ways of fear.. hate.. and conquer each oTher by wars.. we need
a little more Love and Holding hands among all of we iNdigenous
People’s and a few less chiefs at the top of the totem pole.. sTiLL
hmm.. we have that forTune to live that way in the U.S.. and those
who wanna stay not so free are free to do so too.. as the Needle
eYe has an open invitation and sAdly as hiStory continues to sHow..
not everyone will forge tHeir way through.. all free and naked from
Matrix clothes of cultural/religious falsehoods and all illusory fears..
it is what it is .. and i for one make the best of GoD Free within NOW..
And sure.. as new prophets.. new witnesses and new proof goeS..oN..
i jusT do iT iN
isReaL noW2..
Prove mE Wrong..
De-Friend me.. iGnore
mE.. WhatEver is iT is iS..
but juST remember.. God reAlly does liVe Within
mE.. this ain’t juST A BooK iT’s going down for iSReaL noW2..;)
37) His disciples said to him, “When will you be visible to us,
and when shall we behold you?”
He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid.”
and when shall we behold you?”
He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid.”
Top of the shorTest day noW Now
of the year.. my FriEnd gigoid.. to yA..
hmm.. now that i no longer work and can
Stand the liGht of Day with eYes and
ears heaLed to enjoy all of
Nature Free.. a loss of a
few hours of sunlight
and a decade of
degrees or so
now and
then is not
a big deal with
wheels re-Tired
wiTh tread once aGain..
iT took actUally a total
of not jusT 66 months but
actually more like 90 months
as all my Fresh Hell staRted iN
the January of 2006 when i first
could not stand colors on a screen..
strangest thing.. i could watch black
and white TV but colors hurt me.. oh so bad..
no doctor has yet to explain why that happened yet..
anyWay.. moral of that story.. perHaps you’LL evenTuaLLy
get your tire tread thicker and more painless back too.. no one
thought.. not even a doctor.. it could happen for me.. never the less
it did as
as actual
by at
least one
of those professionals who experienced
the same beyond normal expectations
and limitations for her in later age too..
anyWay.. the human body is an amazing
enough machine to make challenge and
adaptation in epigenetic and neuroplastic
change a real deal for either positive or negative
change now too.. with enough rest and work for that..
in whatever works or does not work in the neXt noW Now..:)
of the year.. my FriEnd gigoid.. to yA..
hmm.. now that i no longer work and can
Stand the liGht of Day with eYes and
ears heaLed to enjoy all of
Nature Free.. a loss of a
few hours of sunlight
and a decade of
degrees or so
now and
then is not
a big deal with
wheels re-Tired
wiTh tread once aGain..
iT took actUally a total
of not jusT 66 months but
actually more like 90 months
as all my Fresh Hell staRted iN
the January of 2006 when i first
could not stand colors on a screen..
strangest thing.. i could watch black
and white TV but colors hurt me.. oh so bad..
no doctor has yet to explain why that happened yet..
anyWay.. moral of that story.. perHaps you’LL evenTuaLLy
get your tire tread thicker and more painless back too.. no one
thought.. not even a doctor.. it could happen for me.. never the less
it did as
as actual
by at
least one
of those professionals who experienced
the same beyond normal expectations
and limitations for her in later age too..
anyWay.. the human body is an amazing
enough machine to make challenge and
adaptation in epigenetic and neuroplastic
change a real deal for either positive or negative
change now too.. with enough rest and work for that..
in whatever works or does not work in the neXt noW Now..:)
“Poetry is the eloquence of truth.”
~~ Joseph Campbell ~~
i’Ve coMe to see.. feel.. and sense
poEtry as anything that can make
me see feel
mY FriEnd..
i like to call
iT Art and
SinG too
all metaphors
for thaT my friEnd..:)
poEtry as anything that can make
me see feel
mY FriEnd..
i like to call
iT Art and
SinG too
all metaphors
for thaT my friEnd..:)
“Though leaves are many, the root is one;
Through all the lying days of my youth,
I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun.
Now I may wither into the truth.”
Through all the lying days of my youth,
I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun.
Now I may wither into the truth.”
~~ W B Yeats ~~
A Place in the Sun..
Funny how when one
iS in the otHeR
place.. noW
at least aNow
for me.. words
are jusT sHells
with no jELLy
oF Fill my
it’s amazing
as when i lost the
oxytocin feeling of
warm and fuzzy.. and
oh my God that was way
way back.. as long as the
early 2000’s or so.. i had no
idea what it meant then as i had
never attached the words to the feeling
while i still had those oxytocin warm and fuzzies
before in liFe.. i suppose for so long the only thing
that gave me that was a pet of a cat and that is always
why i have been terrified of losing cats as for so long
even a cat who belonged to someone else down the road
named Elwood was the string left attached to my heart.. devastating
when we had to put him down back in the late 90’s about 16 years
old.. and his twin brother Jake replaced him for about a year until
he died after that.. and then there was Arthur but it took him
years to become a warm and fuzzy cat that gave
those feelings too.. until he got back into
the house and started laying around
in warmth away from killing
fields of cold yards then..
these seas of emotions
were so hard for me to
navigate back then..
but now i finAlly
master them
in words
saMe.. perHaps
i call heaven so many
things because hell was so
many more things of before my friEnd..
anyWay.. i appreciate having these feelings
now.. understanding how to water them..
feed and grow them and continue
to keep them alive
like i do this
wRite now..
surely a Tree
fuLL of Leaves now..:)
Funny how when one
iS in the otHeR
place.. noW
at least aNow
for me.. words
are jusT sHells
with no jELLy
oF Fill my
it’s amazing
as when i lost the
oxytocin feeling of
warm and fuzzy.. and
oh my God that was way
way back.. as long as the
early 2000’s or so.. i had no
idea what it meant then as i had
never attached the words to the feeling
while i still had those oxytocin warm and fuzzies
before in liFe.. i suppose for so long the only thing
that gave me that was a pet of a cat and that is always
why i have been terrified of losing cats as for so long
even a cat who belonged to someone else down the road
named Elwood was the string left attached to my heart.. devastating
when we had to put him down back in the late 90’s about 16 years
old.. and his twin brother Jake replaced him for about a year until
he died after that.. and then there was Arthur but it took him
years to become a warm and fuzzy cat that gave
those feelings too.. until he got back into
the house and started laying around
in warmth away from killing
fields of cold yards then..
these seas of emotions
were so hard for me to
navigate back then..
but now i finAlly
master them
in words
saMe.. perHaps
i call heaven so many
things because hell was so
many more things of before my friEnd..
anyWay.. i appreciate having these feelings
now.. understanding how to water them..
feed and grow them and continue
to keep them alive
like i do this
wRite now..
surely a Tree
fuLL of Leaves now..:)
“It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants.
The question is: what are we busy about?”
The question is: what are we busy about?”
~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~
“Irrationally held truths may be
more harmful than reasoned errors.”
more harmful than reasoned errors.”
~~ Aldous Huxley ~~
The best thing
about not
iS FucKinG
about not
iS FucKinG
“A likely impossibility is always preferable
to an unconvincing possibility”
to an unconvincing possibility”
~~ Aristotle ~~
iF i FeeL iT iF i
seNse iT iSReal..
iF not
seNse iT iSReal..
iF not
“Oh, come ON! A one-man religion?”
“There is no other kind.”
“There is no other kind.”
Every eYe
a different
iN MulTi-Verse
View how many
gRains of SAnd..
how many STars
of sKy.. how many
Galaxies oF UniVerse
how many religions
i… NoW
oF EYes..:)
a different
iN MulTi-Verse
View how many
gRains of SAnd..
how many STars
of sKy.. how many
Galaxies oF UniVerse
how many religions
i… NoW
oF EYes..:)
“Nothing valuable can be
lost by taking time.”
lost by taking time.”
~~ Abraham Lincoln ~~
Now is
All heAR..;)
All heAR..;)
“All perception of truth
is the detection of an analogy.”
is the detection of an analogy.”
~~ Henry David Thoreau ~~
And Jesus F iN Christ..
yep.. the FeeLinG
and SenSinG
oF A wHOle..:)
yep.. the FeeLinG
and SenSinG
oF A wHOle..:)
“Because I have loved life,
I shall have no sorrow to die.”
I shall have no sorrow to die.”
~~ Amelia Burr ~~
A last
to first
to first
K 11
11 with
bridge becomes
H and 1 As infinity
stanDinG TaLL noW
as two HemiSpheREs
oF BrAin hOld hands
and tWo HeMispheres..
noRth and SouTh Latitude
oF hUman BeinGs and aLL
oF creATiOn on planET eARTh
gET all connected iN A hive oF onliNe
too.. anYway.. any prophecy or Song or
oThER metaphor of DancE iN Synchronicity
way of symbol and meaning can come to mean
that too.. for those wHo see essence a little deeper
than juST
of letters
and words
and symbols
sAMe.. hehe.
oKay.. the challenge
iS out.. call mE K for Mr. KiTe
and H for Henry the Horse now or
the HeNdersons too.. matters noT
as LonG as i can FeeL and SeNSe
MaGiC iN my life noW.. MaKinG
Summersaults reaL iN Grace
of Dance noW oN
what’s neXt
what’s NeXt.. WeLL
sURe.. juST bliss
of DancE
SonG noW
’cause yA see while
these may juSt look
liKe sHeLLs oF Words..
the essence oF aLL ThAT iS
liVes iN me wHeTheR oNe seNseS
and FeeLs all that is or not sPaRkinG
from these words now.. and that’s how
life goeS oN.. some folks come to more
FuLLy SenSe and FeeL iT noW oNe Forevermore
noW in HeaVeN BeinG noW and oTherS tend to hmm..
worry more over someone else Free and HaVinG F iN Fun..
anyWay.. A sAddest joKe oF aLL iS oN those who don’t wanna juSt
hmm.. now..
oh.. the glory..
oh.. the bliss..
oh.. the heaven..
oh.. no.. the misery..
discontent.. malcontent
and down right suffeRinG
IN dArk.. been to both places noW
and this dAM place iS HeaVen noW iSREaL..
challenge yoUrsELf.. theRE iS reAlly nothing i can
do for you iF you WiLL to stay in books of yesteryear sHells oF dARk..
sure though..
i cry.. i try..
whAT moRe
can anyone
WiLL to do buT reach ouT..
from over at Heaven’s gATe..
A circus flyer with heavenly FiLLinG..:)
And WiTh all thAT and thIs
sAiD.. put the Pen down Fred..
get some sleep.. and get ready
for Holy and Sacred Thursday now..
R and R Activities aS Such aHead too..
iNcluding my 140th Dance Week niGht.. yes..
WiTh all the cool college age folks from
Good Old SeViLLe Quarter wHeRe Praise
the Lord at lEASt open miNds and BoDys
out of STucK as STicKs iN the Mud
DancE and SinG tHEre.. hmm..
thiS world is full of dArk noW
to ‘tween oF sHades of grey
to so many multi-colored
rainBow ways of LiVinG
liFe Epic as fun more
can be.. over now..
God is
A Grand new
noW inSide oF mE Now..
NoW.. how much more can
i repay thIs gift oF liFe than
MaKinG God Grin noW as wide as
InFinTy of Happiness now iSReaL.. Now..
so let it be written.. so let it be DaNcEd noW
aFter iT is SuNG noW as close to 40 months NoW
sHows works like a lucky charm for me Now.. too.. now
My own SciencE and ArT of heaVen isREaL noW2..Now1..
thinG iS.. my paTh WiLL not work for everyone nor yoUr
path for me either.. So. WiLL juST continue to toleRate
and even accept those differences as
God liveS iN so many
ways as hUman
and oTher
all Creation bes..
noW juST Now..noW..
with more fun dance
photos arriving in the
wee 3 am hour or so
oN December 23rd iN
tHis 731st MacroVerse
heRe and sUre.. WiLL rePeat
some of that in the Christmas
CoMinG 732nd.. 2nd New Testament
of Mine all Free too.. on December 26th..:)
11 with
bridge becomes
H and 1 As infinity
stanDinG TaLL noW
as two HemiSpheREs
oF BrAin hOld hands
and tWo HeMispheres..
noRth and SouTh Latitude
oF hUman BeinGs and aLL
oF creATiOn on planET eARTh
gET all connected iN A hive oF onliNe
too.. anYway.. any prophecy or Song or
oThER metaphor of DancE iN Synchronicity
way of symbol and meaning can come to mean
that too.. for those wHo see essence a little deeper
than juST
of letters
and words
and symbols
sAMe.. hehe.
oKay.. the challenge
iS out.. call mE K for Mr. KiTe
and H for Henry the Horse now or
the HeNdersons too.. matters noT
as LonG as i can FeeL and SeNSe
MaGiC iN my life noW.. MaKinG
Summersaults reaL iN Grace
of Dance noW oN
what’s neXt
what’s NeXt.. WeLL
sURe.. juST bliss
of DancE
SonG noW
’cause yA see while
these may juSt look
liKe sHeLLs oF Words..
the essence oF aLL ThAT iS
liVes iN me wHeTheR oNe seNseS
and FeeLs all that is or not sPaRkinG
from these words now.. and that’s how
life goeS oN.. some folks come to more
FuLLy SenSe and FeeL iT noW oNe Forevermore
noW in HeaVeN BeinG noW and oTherS tend to hmm..
worry more over someone else Free and HaVinG F iN Fun..
anyWay.. A sAddest joKe oF aLL iS oN those who don’t wanna juSt
hmm.. now..
oh.. the glory..
oh.. the bliss..
oh.. the heaven..
oh.. no.. the misery..
discontent.. malcontent
and down right suffeRinG
IN dArk.. been to both places noW
and this dAM place iS HeaVen noW iSREaL..
challenge yoUrsELf.. theRE iS reAlly nothing i can
do for you iF you WiLL to stay in books of yesteryear sHells oF dARk..
sure though..
i cry.. i try..
whAT moRe
can anyone
WiLL to do buT reach ouT..
from over at Heaven’s gATe..
A circus flyer with heavenly FiLLinG..:)
And WiTh all thAT and thIs
sAiD.. put the Pen down Fred..
get some sleep.. and get ready
for Holy and Sacred Thursday now..
R and R Activities aS Such aHead too..
iNcluding my 140th Dance Week niGht.. yes..
WiTh all the cool college age folks from
Good Old SeViLLe Quarter wHeRe Praise
the Lord at lEASt open miNds and BoDys
out of STucK as STicKs iN the Mud
DancE and SinG tHEre.. hmm..
thiS world is full of dArk noW
to ‘tween oF sHades of grey
to so many multi-colored
rainBow ways of LiVinG
liFe Epic as fun more
can be.. over now..
God is
A Grand new
noW inSide oF mE Now..
NoW.. how much more can
i repay thIs gift oF liFe than
MaKinG God Grin noW as wide as
InFinTy of Happiness now iSReaL.. Now..
so let it be written.. so let it be DaNcEd noW
aFter iT is SuNG noW as close to 40 months NoW
sHows works like a lucky charm for me Now.. too.. now
My own SciencE and ArT of heaVen isREaL noW2..Now1..
thinG iS.. my paTh WiLL not work for everyone nor yoUr
path for me either.. So. WiLL juST continue to toleRate
and even accept those differences as
God liveS iN so many
ways as hUman
and oTher
all Creation bes..
noW juST Now..noW..
with more fun dance
photos arriving in the
wee 3 am hour or so
oN December 23rd iN
tHis 731st MacroVerse
heRe and sUre.. WiLL rePeat
some of that in the Christmas
CoMinG 732nd.. 2nd New Testament
of Mine all Free too.. on December 26th..:)
Per last Macro-Verse.. ‘this’
should set the Divine Feminine
and Masculine Balance back to par.. per se..;)
Dedicated now too.. 2all
the folks on
the ‘Wrong
who were sure life
wouldn’t be worth living
after the age of 50.. and sure..
to the family members who didn’t wanna
be associated with a Dude who wasn’t afraid
of his feminine side
i’M kindA A FuLL
PacKAge aS Such aT 56..
And nah.. YaH.. the Body iS HoLy
And SacRed as any otHeR pARt oF the
HeARt.. the SpiRit and The SouL
And thE miNd.. eTc..
for those who
maintain tHeir
Temple of God
FloW iN Zone..
anyWay.. more photos
coMiNg later as promised
above ..and yes.. this is gonna stay
G-Rated too..
And by the way as i alWay do mY best
to give credit wHeRe iT iS due.. i didn’t make
this Gif oF Xmas Gift.. the Google Algorithm provided
iT as A Gift to whomever might appreciate
what a Body looks like
6666 miles
Dance at
the End
of 2016
all around my Public
Metro Area.. now.. yeah
baby.. as Austin Powers
And GOldmembers miGht
Free Child oF GoD heAR..;)
should set the Divine Feminine
and Masculine Balance back to par.. per se..;)
Dedicated now too.. 2all
the folks on
the ‘Wrong
who were sure life
wouldn’t be worth living
after the age of 50.. and sure..
to the family members who didn’t wanna
be associated with a Dude who wasn’t afraid
of his feminine side
i’M kindA A FuLL
PacKAge aS Such aT 56..
And nah.. YaH.. the Body iS HoLy
And SacRed as any otHeR pARt oF the
HeARt.. the SpiRit and The SouL
And thE miNd.. eTc..
for those who
maintain tHeir
Temple of God
FloW iN Zone..
anyWay.. more photos
coMiNg later as promised
above ..and yes.. this is gonna stay
G-Rated too..
And by the way as i alWay do mY best
to give credit wHeRe iT iS due.. i didn’t make
this Gif oF Xmas Gift.. the Google Algorithm provided
iT as A Gift to whomever might appreciate
what a Body looks like
6666 miles
Dance at
the End
of 2016
all around my Public
Metro Area.. now.. yeah
baby.. as Austin Powers
And GOldmembers miGht
Free Child oF GoD heAR..;)

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels
Introductory post to Free Novels
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
3.3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)
And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..
Love iS
GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)
GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..
After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)
6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)
After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)
Book oF Ten Sixteen..
9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)
New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen
Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)
12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016
Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
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